
  1. 二一教育资源



第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Tracks Through Time: Four Stunning UK Train Journeys
The United Kingdom is rightly celebrated as the birthplace of the railway. And there’s no better way to see it than sitting by the window in a train.
Glasgow to Mallaig
Considered by some to be the most scenic railway line in the world, this line takes passengers from the bustling city of Glasgow through Scotland’s wild western highlands to the remote port of Mallaig. Immerse yourself in unforgettable scenery on this journey, and don’t forget to look out for Ben Nevis!
The Caledonian Sleeper
Passengers can enjoy falling asleep to the rhythm of the train on leaving London, then waking up to the serene beauty of the Highlands at dawn right outside your window. Take a trip back in time with all the modern amenities you could want with this iconic train journey!
The Cambrian Line
Wales, with its dramatic landscapes, historic sites and inspiring vistas, offers some magical train journeys to be found in the UK. And perhaps the jewel in the Welsh crown is the Cambrian Line, which weaves its way through Mid Wales to the coast. The route begins in Shrewsbury in England and is famed for its scenery.
The Settle-Carlisle Line
No article on iconic United Kingdom train journeys would be complete without this incredible train line. Opened in 1876, the 73-mile long route takes the traveller from Settle Junction in North Yorkshire to Carlisle in Cumbria. Threatened with closure in the 1980s, the line was saved thanks to the efforts of rail lovers, and passenger numbers have gone from strength to strength.
1. Which place should you go to if you want to visit a harbor
A. Glasgow. B. Mallaig.
C. Western highlands. D. Ben Nevis.
2. What can you do by taking the Cambrian Line
A. Pick up some precious jewels.
B. Weave magic to enjoy the route.
C. Have a sound and comfortable sleep.
D. Appreciate fantastic views in Wales.
3. Which line was once in danger of being shut
A. Glasgow to Mallaig. B. The Caledonian Sleeper.
C. The Cambrian Line. D. The Settle Carlisle Line.
I have a tea problem, drinking far too much since my teens. The addiction is bad, though cheap as addictions go. My excuse is that there are so many problems to which a cup of tea is the answer. Who doesn’t think it’s a lifesaver right now, as the dark falls and the cold follows
Luckily, I needn’t be ashamed of my dependence on tea any longer — in fact, I should be proud. Because a new study by Professor Francisca Antman, an economist at the University of Colorado Boulder, shows widespread adoption of tea-drinking in late 18th-century England wasn’t just central to the development of our national culture, it actually saved lives.
In 1784, the Commutation Act dramatically cut the tea tax from 119% to 12.5%. Soon even peasants were drinking two cups of tea a day, with tea imports increasing six times between 1761 and 1834. What does a cup of tea need apart from tea leaves Boiled water —which meant much healthier water in an era when people didn’t know dirty water spread disease. Plus, at the time tea was cheaper than beer, the other source of disease-free drink.
Death rates fell from 28 to 23 per 1,000 people over that same period. The role of tea imports was confirmed by drops in deaths from diseases carried by water. Improvements were greatest in areas of lower water quality. And there was economic development, allowing the gathering together of people in the factory towns of the Industrial Revolution.
This all happened by accident, in a period in which public health protection didn’t much exist. It is surprising how a social custom could have such a big impact on the course of history. Anyway, I’m off to put the k ettle on.
4. Which of the following best describes the author’s attitude toward dr nking tea
A. Critical. B. Skeptical. C. Positive. D. Conservative.
5. Why did the death rates drop
A. The government canceled the tea tax. B. The tea was the cheapest drink.
C The boiled tea water was cleaner. D. The British preferred to drink tea.
6. Which of the places might benefit most from drinking tea in history
A. Tea growing areas. B. Dirty communities.
C. Mountain areas. D. Towns rich in water.
7. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. An Unexpected Lifesaver B. A Modern Trend in Tea Drinking
C. The Origins of Tea Addiction D. The Impacts of Tea Export
People may typically think of memory as the recollection of the past. Memory enables people to learn from past experiences and apply that knowledge in present circumstances. It is a vital part of our identity. So is culture, the way of life specific to a group of people.
Cultural memory is the constructed understanding of the past that is passed from one generation to the next through text, oral traditions, monument s and other symbols. Cultural memory is often amassed in objects, such as museums or historical monuments. To understand culture, humans access masses of cultural symbols, such as books. Artifacts (历史文物) of the past provide insights into where we came from. Libraries and the Internet keep a seemingly boundless amount of data on what it means to be part of a culture. Cultural memory is the longest-lasting form of memory.
Like all forms of memory, cultural memory has important functions. For example, it makes the experiences a nation owns clear. It provides us with an understanding of the past and the values of the group to which we belong. Besides, it creates a form of shared identity and a means for communicating this identity to new members. The most powerful forms of cultural memory may involve memories of past disastrous experiences undergone by groups of victims. For example, in Russia, their role in Word War Ⅱ- in which tens of millions of Russians were killed —is still an important part of modern Russian identity. Because all groups have cultural memory, it can bring about a spirit of resistance or survival among threatened groups.
The main function of cultural memory is not to recall the past, whether it be good or bad. Rather, it is to use knowledge of past experiences to avoid making the same mistakes again and again. Cultural memory enables people to adapt to their culture; it enables cultures to adapt to new circumstances by keeping traces of what worked in the past.
8. What is the function of the first paragraph
A. Reporting a discovery of cultural memory.
B. Leading to the concept of cultural memory.
C. Introducing the importance of memory in identity.
D. Making a connection between memory and culture.
9. Which can replace the underlined word “amassed” in paragraph 2
A. Accumulated B. Overlooked. C. Evaluated. D. Created.
10. Russia is mentioned in paragraph 3 to indicate ______.
A. the features of cultural memory
B. the formation of cultural memory
C. the role of big events in Russian identity
D. the impact of cultural memory on identity
11. What is cultural memory mainly expected to do
A. Pass previous wisdom down. B. Keep traces of history.
C. Get people to know about the past. D. Remind people of their identity.
Contrary to the commonly-held view, the brain does not have the ability to rewire itself to make up for the loss of sight, or a stroke, for example, say scientists from the University of Cambridge and Johns Hopkins University.
Writing in eLife, Professors Tamar Makin (Cambridge)and John Krakauer (Johns Hopkins) argue that the belief that the brain, in response to injury or deficit, can reorganise itself and repurpose particular regions for new functions, is fundamentally incorrect-despite being commonly cited in scientific textbooks. Instead, they argue that what is occurring is merely the brain being trained to use already existing but possible abilities.
In their article, Makin and Krakauer look at ten pioneering studies that aim to show the brain’s ability to reorganise. They argue, however, that while the studies do indeed show the brain’s ability to adapt to change, it is not creating new functions in previously unrelated areas—instead it’s using possible capacities that have been present since birth.
Examining other studies, Makin and Krakauer found no convincing evidence that the visual cortex (大脑皮层) of individuals that were born blind or the uninjured cortex of stroke survivors ever developed a novel functional ability that did not otherwise exist.
Understanding the true nature and limits of brain plasticity (可塑性) is crucial both for setting realistic expectations for patients and for guiding clinical practitioners (从业人员) in their reconstructive approaches, they argue. Makin added: “This learning process is a proof of the brain’s remarkable—but limited—capacity for plasticity. There are no shortcuts or fast tracks in this journey. The idea of quickly unlocking hidden brain potentials or tapping into vast unused reserves is more wishful thinking than reality. It’s a slow, gradual journey, demanding persistent effort and practice. Recognising this helps us appreciate the hard work behind every story of recovery and adapt our strategies accordingly.”
“So many times, the brain’s ability to rewire has been described as ‘miraculous’—but we’re scientists, we don’t believe in magic. These amazing behaviours that we see are rooted in hard work, repetition and training, not the magical reassignment of the brain’s resources.” They said.
12. What is a common misunderstanding of the brain’s function
A. The brain can be trained. B. The brain can compensate-blindness.
C. The brain can rewire itself. D. The brain can react to sudden diseases.
13. Why are the related studies mentioned in the text
A. To tell the limits of brain plasticity. B. To analyze the structure of the brain.
C. To find productive research methods. D. To explore the new functions of the brain.
14. What is Paragraph 5 mainly about
A. The realistic expectations for patients.
B. Supporting evidence for the research results.
C. Further explanations of the medical strategies.
D The medical significance of the new finding.
15. What will Makin and Krakauer suggest people do
A. Make the impossible possible. B. Reassign the brain’s resources flexibly.
C. Try to develop the brain’s possible ability. D. Use the magic to accomplish difficult tasks.
As our lives become more closely connected with the digital age, it’s more important than ever to keep the spark of human connections, a key part of which is making small talk. ___16___ Here’s how to master the art of small talk.
The cornerstone of effective small talk lies in developing genuine interest. Genuine interest is about actively seeking to understand the other person, valuing their perspectives and appreciating the uniqueness they bring to the conversation. ___17___
Small talk extends beyond spoken words; it includes the art of observation. As you engage in conversation, pay attention to the speaker’s body language, facial expressions and tone of voice. ___18___ Being familiar with them not only helps you navigate the conversation with sensitivity but also enables you to establish a deeper connection by respecting the slight differences of the other person’s communication style.
Actually listening and connecting with someone is essential for a conversation. By providing your undivided attention, you convey respect and interest in what the other person has to say. ___19___ Ask follow-up questions to show that you value their insights. This depth of engagement lays the foundation for a more meaningful connection.
At the heart of successful small talk lies the authenticity (真实性) of your engagement. Authenticity fosters a sense of trust and connection, making the conversation more meaningful and memorable. Avoid the temptation to project an image or use scripted responses. ___20___ In the world of small talk, authenticity is the key that unlocks the door to deeper connections and more fulfilling interactions.
A. Instead, let your true self shine through.
B. Some accessible topics are great for small talk.
C. Active listening involves fully engaging with the speaker.
D. Focus on understanding their viewpoints beyond simply hearing words.
E. The signals provide valuable insights into their emotions and intentions.
F. Small talk may be a gateway to building rich and meaningful relationships.
G. By expressing authentic curiosity, you make the other person feel seen and heard.
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I was browsing social media on my phone, when a story caught my eye. It was about a 9-year-old dog, Charlie, considered as the ____21____ in Britain. He had been in a ____22____ center in Somerset for over 500 days.
I ____23____ on the link, and straight away, these huge, sad eyes ____24____ back at me. My husband and I fell in love with him ____25____. We took our time with the application, and a few days later, we ____26____ an email asking us to visit him.
When we arrived, we didn’t know what to expect. He hadn’t been ____27____ with a new owner for so long, and we thought there might be ____28____. But the dog that bounded in was full of joy and ____29____. He came straight over to us, wagging his tail. He even _____30_____ on Sam’s lap as if they’d been best friends forever. We were _____31_____ when they said we could take him home.
The moment he got to our house, he immediately made himself at home. Charlie is so warm-hearted. He has no mental condition you might _____32_____ after spending a long time in a rescue center.
If you give a dog love, they’ll give you countless wonderful things _____33_____. Now we get out every day on walks. We spoil him and enjoy his _____34_____ so much.
It’s significant for people to _____35_____ animals, especially older ones. Charlie was once the loneliest dog in Britain, but he’s not alone anymore.
21. A. oldest B. loneliest C. cutest D. sharpest.
22. A. leisure B. training C. rescue D. warning
23. A. clicked B. studied C. searched D. focused
24. A. stared B. glared C. aimed D. laughed
25. A. randomly B. deliberately C. gradually D. immediately
26. A. accepted B. received C. sent D. checked
27. A. satisfied B. cured C. placed D. respected
28. A. issues B. concerns C. pains D. measures
29. A. force B. strength C. spirit D. energy
30. A. climbed B. pushed C. jumped D. stood
31. A. embarrassed B. delighted C. relieved D. surprised
32. A. expect B. understand C. realize D. recognize
33. A. by accident B. in return C. at liberty D. on purpose
34. A. nature B. joy C. company D. walk
35. A. promote B. feed C. approach D. adopt
Kunqu also known as Kunju, is one of the oldest ____36____ (exist) forms of Chinese opera. It developed ____37____ (original) from the local music of Kunshan, part of the Wu cultural area, and later came ____38____ (show) its importance in Chinese theater from the 16th to the 18th centuries.
Due to the extensive performance activities, Kunqu, ranking among the most influential operas now, ____39____ (introduce) to Beijing in the last years of Wanli. During the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Kunqu spread to Sichuan, Guizhou and Guangdong, ____40____ developed into a national drama. Having entered various places, Kunqu eventually formed a rich and colorful opera system in ____41____ (combine) with local dialects and folk music. ____42____ further development, the opera became more well-known and ____43____ representative art form of the whole nation.
In the Qing Dynasty Kangxi loved Kunqu, ____44____ (lead) to its increasing popularity, but it was during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty _____45_____ Kunqu entered its heyday (全盛时期) and began to influence the “pear garden” greatly.
第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你在某英语学习网站上看到一个话题为“My Plan for a Meaningful Summer Vacation”的帖子,请写一篇英语短文跟帖,内容包括:
第二节(满分 25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
People always say that with exercise, putting on your shoes is the hardest part. But for Emma, this was a lie. The real pain always started when all the students were gathered on the track, ready to run. It wasn’t the fatigue she minded, it was the looks others gave her. Emma was bigger than others of her age. Back in primary school, she remembers her classmates asking her why her thighs (大腿) were so big and her chest so wide. On the outside, she looked big, but on the inside, she felt as small as a pea. And PE class was when she felt at her smallest.
Not all her classmates made her feel uncomfortable, though. It was mainly a group of girls and boys—the loud, outspoken, popular kids. Although they could run faster than Emma, they preferred to jog a bit behind her, bursting out in laughter every now and then, commenting on how Emma jogged.
Just one more year, Emma kept telling herself. One more year and I’ll have graduated and won’t have to take this stupid PE class anymore. She just wanted to survive it.
But everything changed when a new girl called Kit joined the class. She had short, jet-black hair, bright eyes, and a long scar across the left side of her face. Her entrance into the classroom that day was met by dozens of curious eyes.
Although their teacher, Ms Hardy, didn’t ask Kit for a personal introduction, upon putting her bag down on her desk, Kit rose, saying, “Hi, everyone, nice to meet you, I’m Kit. I love boxing, animation and fashion. You might be wondering about my scar. I got it when I was young when I fell off my bike. Luckily, I didn’t get hurt more seriously. It’s now like a cool trademark of all the adventures I had as a kid.”
After Kit’s introduction, Emma simply sat there, her heart pounding and mouth wide open. How could someone be so confident Even the popular kids were sitting there in shock.
At lunchtime, Emma was sitting at her usual table with a few other classmates when Kit walked over to them.
On Friday, it was time for the fearful PE class, but this time, Kit was with her.
第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Tracks Through Time: Four Stunning UK Train Journeys
The United Kingdom is rightly celebrated as the birthplace of the railway. And there’s no better way to see it than sitting by the window in a train.
Glasgow to Mallaig
Considered by some to be the most scenic railway line in the world, this line takes passengers from the bustling city of Glasgow through Scotland’s wild western highlands to the remote port of Mallaig. Immerse yourself in unforgettable scenery on this journey, and don’t forget to look out for Ben Nevis!
The Caledonian Sleeper
Passengers can enjoy falling asleep to the rhythm of the train on leaving London, then waking up to the serene beauty of the Highlands at dawn right outside your window. Take a trip back in time with all the modern amenities you could want with this iconic train journey!
The Cambrian Line
Wales, with its dramatic landscapes, historic sites and inspiring vistas, offers some magical train journeys to be found in the UK. And perhaps the jewel in the Welsh crown is the Cambrian Line, which weaves its way through Mid Wales to the coast. The route begins in Shrewsbury in England and is famed for its scenery.
The Settle-Carlisle Line
No article on iconic United Kingdom train journeys would be complete without this incredible train line. Opened in 1876, the 73-mile long route takes the traveller from Settle Junction in North Yorkshire to Carlisle in Cumbria. Threatened with closure in the 1980s, the line was saved thanks to the efforts of rail lovers, and passenger numbers have gone from strength to strength.
1. Which place should you go to if you want to visit a harbor
A. Glasgow. B. Mallaig.
C. Western highlands. D. Ben Nevis.
2. What can you do by taking the Cambrian Line
A. Pick up some precious jewels.
B. Weave magic to enjoy the route.
C. Have a sound and comfortable sleep.
D Appreciate fantastic views in Wales.
3. Which line was once in danger of being shut
A. Glasgow to Mallaig. B. The Caledonian Sleeper.
C. The Cambrian Line. D. The Settle Carlisle Line.
【答案】1. B 2. D 3. D
细节理解题。根据Glasgow to Mallaig部分的“Considered by some to be the most scenic railway line in the world, this line takes passengers from the bustling city of Glasgow through Scotland’s wild western highlands to the remote port of Mallaig.(这条铁路线被一些人认为是世界上风景最优美的铁路线,它将乘客从熙熙攘攘的格拉斯哥市带到苏格兰荒凉的西部高地,最后到达偏远的马莱格港。)”可知,如果你想参观一个港口,你可以选择Mallaig。故选B。
细节理解题。根据The Cambrian Line部分的“Wales, with its dramatic landscapes, historic sites and inspiring vistas, offers some magical train journeys to be found in the UK.(威尔士以其引人注目的风景、历史遗迹和鼓舞人心的远景,为英国提供了一些神奇的火车之旅。)”可知,选择the Cambrian Line这条路线可以欣赏威尔士的美景。故选D。
细节理解题。根据The Settle-Carlisle Line部分的“Threatened with closure in the 1980s, the line was saved thanks to the efforts of rail lovers, and passenger numbers have gone from strength to strength.(在20世纪80年代面临关闭的威胁,由于铁路爱好者的努力,这条线路得以挽救,乘客数量也越来越多。)”可知,The Settle Carlisle Line这条路线曾经有被关闭的危险。故选D。
I have a tea problem, drinking far too much since my teens. The addiction is bad, though cheap as addictions go. My excuse is that there are so many problems to which a cup of tea is the answer. Who doesn’t think it’s a lifesaver right now, as the dark falls and the cold follows
Luckily, I needn’t be ashamed of my dependence on tea any longer — in fact, I should be proud. Because a new study by Professor Francisca Antman, an economist at the University of Colorado Boulder, shows widespread adoption of tea-drinking in late 18th-century England wasn’t just central to the development of our national culture, it actually saved lives.
In 1784, the Commutation Act dramatically cut the tea tax from 119% to 12.5%. Soon even peasants were drinking two cups of tea a day, with tea imports increasing six times between 1761 and 1834. What does a cup of tea need apart from tea leaves Boiled water —which meant much healthier water in an era when people didn’t know dirty water spread disease. Plus, at the time tea was cheaper than beer, the other source of disease-free drink.
Death rates fell from 28 to 23 per 1,000 people over that same period. The role of tea imports was confirmed by drops in deaths from diseases carried by water. Improvements were greatest in areas of lower water quality. And there was economic development, allowing the gathering together of people in the factory towns of the Industrial Revolution.
This all happened by accident, in a period in which public health protection didn’t much exist. It is surprising how a social custom could have such a big impact on the course of history. Anyway, I’m off to put the k ettle on.
4. Which of the following best describes the author’s attitude toward dr nking tea
A. Critical. B. Skeptical. C. Positive. D. Conservative.
5 Why did the death rates drop
A. The government canceled the tea tax. B. The tea was the cheapest drink.
C. The boiled tea water was cleaner. D. The British preferred to drink tea.
6. Which of the places might benefit most from drinking tea in history
A. Tea growing areas. B. Dirty communities.
C. Mountain areas. D. Towns rich in water.
7. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. An Unexpected Lifesaver B. A Modern Trend in Tea Drinking
C. The Origins of Tea Addiction D. The Impacts of Tea Export
【答案】4. C 5. C 6. B 7. A
推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Luckily, I needn’t be ashamed of my dependence on tea any longer — in fact, I should be proud.(幸运的是,我不必再为我对茶的依赖感到羞耻——事实上,我应该感到自豪。)”以及“... widespread adoption of tea-drinking in late 18th-century England wasn’t just central to the development of our national culture, it actually saved lives.(在18世纪晚期,饮茶在英国的广泛普及不仅对我们国家文化的发展至关重要,而且还挽救了生命。)”可知,作者对喝茶持积极的态度。故选C。
细节理解题。根据文章第三段“What does a cup of tea need apart from tea leaves Boiled water —which meant much healthier water in an era when people didn’t know dirty water spread disease.(一杯茶除了茶叶还需要什么?白开水——在那个人们不知道脏水会传播疾病的年代,这意味着更健康的水。)”可知,烧开的茶水更干净,有助于降低水传播疾病的风险,从而降低了死亡率。故选C。
推理判断题。根据文章第四段“The role of tea imports was confirmed by drops in deaths from diseases carried by water. Improvements were greatest in areas of lower water quality.(茶叶进口的作用被由水传播的疾病导致的死亡率下降所证实。水质较差的地区改善最大。)”可推知,历史上比较脏的地区从喝茶中获益最多。故选B。
主旨大意题。根据文章第二段“Because a new study by Professor Francisca Antman, an economist at the University of Colorado Boulder, shows widespread adoption of tea-drinking in late 18th-century England wasn’t just central to the development of our national culture, it actually saved lives.( 因为科罗拉多大学博尔德分校的经济学家弗朗西斯卡·安特曼教授的一项新研究表明,在18世纪晚期,英国广泛采用饮茶不仅对我们国家文化的发展至关重要,而且实际上挽救了生命。)”可知,在18世纪晚期的英格兰,喝茶有效降低了死亡率,起到了拯救生命的作用;结合最后一段“This all happened by accident, in a period in which public health protection didn’t much exist.(这一切都是偶然发生的,在一个公共卫生保护不太存在的时期。)”可知,喝茶可以拯救生命是一个没有被人们预料到的效果。由此可知,A项:An Unexpected Lifesaver(一个意想不到的救命之物)是最合适的标题。故选A。
People may typically think of memory as the recollection of the past. Memory enables people to learn from past experiences and apply that knowledge in present circumstances. It is a vital part of our identity. So is culture, the way of life specific to a group of people.
Cultural memory is the constructed understanding of the past that is passed from one generation to the next through text, oral traditions, monument s and other symbols. Cultural memory is often amassed in objects, such as museums or historical monuments. To understand culture, humans access masses of cultural symbols, such as books. Artifacts (历史文物) of the past provide insights into where we came from. Libraries and the Internet keep a seemingly boundless amount of data on what it means to be part of a culture. Cultural memory is the longest-lasting form of memory.
Like all forms of memory, cultural memory has important functions. For example, it makes the experiences a nation owns clear. It provides us with an understanding of the past and the values of the group to which we belong. Besides, it creates a form of shared identity and a means for communicating this identity to new members. The most powerful forms of cultural memory may involve memories of past disastrous experiences undergone by groups of victims. For example, in Russia, their role in Word War Ⅱ- in which tens of millions of Russians were killed —is still an important part of modern Russian identity. Because all groups have cultural memory, it can bring about a spirit of resistance or survival among threatened groups.
The main function of cultural memory is not to recall the past, whether it be good or bad. Rather, it is to use knowledge of past experiences to avoid making the same mistakes again and again. Cultural memory enables people to adapt to their culture; it enables cultures to adapt to new circumstances by keeping traces of what worked in the past.
8. What is the function of the first paragraph
A. Reporting a discovery of cultural memory.
B. Leading to the concept of cultural memory.
C. Introducing the importance of memory in identity.
D. Making a connection between memory and culture.
9. Which can replace the underlined word “amassed” in paragraph 2
A. Accumulated B. Overlooked. C. Evaluated. D. Created.
10. Russia is mentioned in paragraph 3 to indicate ______.
A. the features of cultural memory
B. the formation of cultural memory
C. the role of big events in Russian identity
D. the impact of cultural memory on identity
11. What is cultural memory mainly expected to do
A. Pass previous wisdom down. B. Keep traces of history.
C. Get people to know about the past. D. Remind people of their identity.
【答案】8. B 9. A 10. D 11. A
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“People may typically think of memory as the recollection of the past. Memory enables people to learn from past experiences and apply that knowledge in present circumstances. It is a vital part of our identity. So is culture, the way of life specific to a group of people.( 人们通常认为记忆是对过去的回忆。记忆使人们能够从过去的经验中学习,并将这些知识应用到当前的环境中。这是我们身份的重要组成部分。文化也是如此,是一群人特有的生活方式。)”和文章第二段“Cultural memory is the constructed understanding of the past that is passed from one generation to the next through text, oral traditions, monument s and other symbols.(文化记忆是对过去的理解,通过文字、口头传统、纪念碑和其他符号代代相传。)”可知,第一段的作用是为了引出文化记忆的概念。故选B。
词句猜测题。根据下文“To understand culture, humans access masses of cultural symbols, such as books. Artifacts (历史文物) of the past provide insights into where we came from.(为了理解文化,人类接触了大量的文化符号,比如书籍。过去的文物让我们了解我们从何而来。)”可知,文化记忆通常积聚在物品中,如博物馆或历史纪念物。由此可知,amassed意为“积累,积聚”。故选A。
推理判断题。根据文章第三段“The most powerful forms of cultural memory may involve memories of past disastrous experiences undergone by groups of victims. For example, in Russia, their role in Word War Ⅱ- in which tens of millions of Russians were killed —is still an important part of modern Russian identity. Because all groups have cultural memory, it can bring about a spirit of resistance or survival among threatened groups.(文化记忆最强大的形式可能涉及受害者群体经历的过去灾难性事件的记忆。例如,在俄罗斯,他们在第二次世界大战中的角色——在那场战争中,数千万俄罗斯人丧生——仍然是现代俄罗斯认同感的重要组成部分。因为所有群体都有文化记忆,它可以激发受威胁群体的抵抗或生存精神。)”可知,第3段提到俄罗斯是为了说明文化记忆对身份认同的影响。故选D。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Rather, it is to use knowledge of past experiences to avoid making the same mistakes again and again.(相反,它是利用过去经验的知识来避免一次又一次地犯同样的错误。)”可推知,文化记忆的主要作用是将前人的智慧传承下去。故选A。
Contrary to the commonly-held view, the brain does not have the ability to rewire itself to make up for the loss of sight, or a stroke, for example, say scientists from the University of Cambridge and Johns Hopkins University.
Writing in eLife, Professors Tamar Makin (Cambridge)and John Krakauer (Johns Hopkins) argue that the belief that the brain, in response to injury or deficit, can reorganise itself and repurpose particular regions for new functions, is fundamentally incorrect-despite being commonly cited in scientific textbooks. Instead, they argue that what is occurring is merely the brain being trained to use already existing but possible abilities.
In their article, Makin and Krakauer look at ten pioneering studies that aim to show the brain’s ability to reorganise. They argue, however, that while the studies do indeed show the brain’s ability to adapt to change, it is not creating new functions in previously unrelated areas—instead it’s using possible capacities that have been present since birth.
Examining other studies, Makin and Krakauer found no convincing evidence that the visual cortex (大脑皮层) of individuals that were born blind or the uninjured cortex of stroke survivors ever developed a novel functional ability that did not otherwise exist.
Understanding the true nature and limits of brain plasticity (可塑性) is crucial, both for setting realistic expectations for patients and for guiding clinical practitioners (从业人员) in their reconstructive approaches, they argue. Makin added: “This learning process is a proof of the brain’s remarkable—but limited—capacity for plasticity. There are no shortcuts or fast tracks in this journey. The idea of quickly unlocking hidden brain potentials or tapping into vast unused reserves is more wishful thinking than reality. It’s a slow, gradual journey, demanding persistent effort and practice. Recognising this helps us appreciate the hard work behind every story of recovery and adapt our strategies accordingly.”
“So many times, the brain’s ability to rewire has been described as ‘miraculous’—but we’re scientists, we don’t believe in magic. These amazing behaviours that we see are rooted in hard work, repetition and training, not the magical reassignment of the brain’s resources.” They said.
12. What is a common misunderstanding of the brain’s function
A. The brain can be trained. B. The brain can compensate-blindness.
C. The brain can rewire itself. D. The brain can react to sudden diseases.
13. Why are the related studies mentioned in the text
A. To tell the limits of brain plasticity. B. To analyze the structure of the brain.
C. To find productive research methods. D. To explore the new functions of the brain.
14. What is Paragraph 5 mainly about
A. The realistic expectations for patients.
B. Supporting evidence for the research results.
C. Further explanations of the medical strategies.
D. The medical significance of the new finding.
15. What will Makin and Krakauer suggest people do
A. Make the impossible possible. B. Reassign the brain’s resources flexibly.
C. Try to develop the brain’s possible ability. D. Use the magic to accomplish difficult tasks.
【答案】12. C 13. A 14. D 15. C
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了Tamar Makin和John Krakauer教授关于大脑功能的新发现,他们反驳了大脑资源能重新分配的大众观点,提出大脑的潜在功能是现存的和有限的,需要对其进行训练功能才可开发。
细节理解题。根据第一段“Contrary to the commonly-held view, the brain does not have the ability to rewire itself to make up for the loss of sight, or a stroke, for example, say scientists from the University of Cambridge and Johns Hopkins University.(剑桥大学(和约翰霍普金斯大学的科学家表示,与人们普遍持有的观点相反,大脑没有能力自我修复,以弥补视力丧失或中风等损失)”可知,关于大脑功能一个普遍的误解是大脑可以重塑。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第三段“They argue, however, that while the studies do indeed show the brain’s ability to adapt to change, it is not creating new functions in previously unrelated areas—instead it’s using possible capacities that have been present since birth.(然而,他们认为,虽然这些研究确实显示了大脑适应变化的能力,但它并没有在以前不相关的领域创造新的功能——相反,它使用了自出生以来就存在的可能的能力)”和第四段“Examining other studies, Makin and Krakauer found no convincing evidence that the visual cortex(大脑皮层)of individuals that were born blind or the uninjured cortex of stroke survivors ever developed a novel functional ability that did not otherwise exist.(通过对其他研究的分析,Makin和Krakauer发现,没有令人信服的证据表明,天生失明的人的视觉皮层或中风幸存者的未受伤的皮层曾经发展出一种原本不存在的新功能)”可知,大脑的可塑性是有限的;以及第五段第一句“Understanding the true nature and limits of brain plasticity (可塑性) is crucial, both for setting realistic expectations for patients and for guiding clinical practitioners (从业人员) in their reconstructive approaches, they argue.(他们认为,了解大脑可塑性的真实本质和局限性是至关重要的,这既可以为患者设定切合实际的期望,也可以指导临床医生采取重建方法)”可推知,文中提到的研究旨在说明大脑的可塑性是有限的。故选A。
主旨大意题。根据第五段“Understanding the true nature and limits of brain plasticity (可塑性) is crucial, both for setting realistic expectations for patients and for guiding clinical practitioners (从业人员) in their reconstructive approaches, they argue. Makin added: “This learning process is a proof of the brain’s remarkable—but limited—capacity for plasticity. There are no shortcuts or fast tracks in this journey. The idea of quickly unlocking hidden brain potentials or tapping into vast unused reserves is more wishful thinking than reality. It’s a slow, gradual journey, demanding persistent effort and practice. Recognising this helps us appreciate the hard work behind every story of recovery and adapt our strategies accordingly.”(他们认为,了解大脑可塑性的真实本质和局限性是至关重要的,这既可以为患者设定切合实际的期望,也可以指导临床医生采取重建方法。Makin补充说:“这一学习过程证明了大脑具有非凡但有限的可塑性。在这段旅程中没有捷径或快车道。快速释放隐藏的大脑潜力或开发大量未使用的储备的想法更像是一厢情愿的想法,而不是现实。这是一个缓慢而渐进的过程,需要坚持不懈的努力和练习。认识到这一点有助于我们认识到每个复苏故事背后的辛勤工作,并相应地调整我们的策略。”)” 可知,本段主要谈论新发现在医疗行业中的现实意义。故选D。
细节理解题。根据最后一段 ““So many times, the brain’s ability to rewire has been described as ‘miraculous’—but we’re scientists, we don’t believe in magic. These amazing behaviours that we see are rooted in hard work, repetition and training, not the magical reassignment of the brain’s resources.” They said.(“很多时候,大脑重新布线的能力被描述为‘奇迹’——但我们是科学家,我们不相信魔法。我们看到的这些惊人的行为根植于努力工作、重复和训练,而不是大脑资源的神奇重新分配。”他们说)”可知,Tamar Makin和John Krakauer不相信魔力,认为要用努力去开发大脑潜在的功能。故选C。
As our lives become more closely connected with the digital age, it’s more important than ever to keep the spark of human connections, a key part of which is making small talk. ___16___ Here’s how to master the art of small talk.
The cornerstone of effective small talk lies in developing genuine interest. Genuine interest is about actively seeking to understand the other person, valuing their perspectives and appreciating the uniqueness they bring to the conversation. ___17___
Small talk extends beyond spoken words; it includes the art of observation. As you engage in conversation, pay attention to the speaker’s body language, facial expressions and tone of voice. ___18___ Being familiar with them not only helps you navigate the conversation with sensitivity but also enables you to establish a deeper connection by respecting the slight differences of the other person’s communication style.
Actually listening and connecting with someone is essential for a conversation. By providing your undivided attention, you convey respect and interest in what the other person has to say. ___19___ Ask follow-up questions to show that you value their insights. This depth of engagement lays the foundation for a more meaningful connection.
At the heart of successful small talk lies the authenticity (真实性) of your engagement. Authenticity fosters a sense of trust and connection, making the conversation more meaningful and memorable. Avoid the temptation to project an image or use scripted responses. ___20___ In the world of small talk, authenticity is the key that unlocks the door to deeper connections and more fulfilling interactions.
A. Instead, let your true self shine through.
B. Some accessible topics are great for small talk.
C. Active listening involves fully engaging with the speaker.
D. Focus on understanding their viewpoints beyond simply hearing words.
E. The signals provide valuable insights into their emotions and intentions.
F. Small talk may be a gateway to building rich and meaningful relationships.
G. By expressing authentic curiosity, you make the other person feel seen and heard.
【答案】16. F 17. G 18. E 19. D 20. A
上文“As our lives become more closely connected with the digital age, it’s more important than ever to keep the spark of human connections, a key part of which is making small talk.(随着我们的生活与数字时代联系越来越紧密,保持人际关系的火花比以往任何时候都更重要,其中一个关键部分就是闲聊。)”说明了闲聊能维系人际关系。选项F“闲聊可能是建立丰富而有意义的关系的途径。”进一步说明了闲聊的重要作用,承上启下,引出下文“Here’s how to master the art of small talk.(下面是掌握闲聊艺术的方法。)”说明以下是与他人进行闲聊的方法。故选F项。
上文“The cornerstone of effective small talk lies in developing genuine interest. Genuine interest is about actively seeking to understand the other person, valuing their perspectives and appreciating the uniqueness they bring to the conversation.(有效闲聊的基石在于培养真正的兴趣。真正的兴趣是积极地寻求理解对方,重视他们的观点,欣赏他们给谈话带来的独特性。)”说明有效的闲聊在于培养真正的兴趣,解释了真正的兴趣的含义,选项G“通过表达真实的好奇心,你让对方感到被关注和被倾听。”承接上文,是培养真正的兴趣的具体做法。G项中“authentic curiosity”与空前的“Genuine interest”相呼应。故选G项。
上文“Small talk extends beyond spoken words; it includes the art of observation. As you engage in conversation, pay attention to the speaker’s body language, facial expressions and tone of voice.(闲聊超越了口头语言;它包括观察的艺术。当你参与谈话时,注意说话人的肢体语言、面部表情和语调。)”说明了闲聊中观察谈话中的非语言信号,以及下文“Being familiar with them not only helps you navigate the conversation with sensitivity but also enables you to establish a deeper connection by respecting the slight differences of the other person’s communication style.(熟悉他们不仅有助于你敏感地驾驭对话,还可以通过尊重对方沟通风格的细微差异来建立更深层次的联系。)”说明了熟悉这些非语言信号的作用和益处,选项E“这些信号为了解他们的情绪和意图提供了有价值的见解。”起到承上启下的作用,选项E中“The signals”与空前的“the speaker’s body language, facial expressions and tone of voice”和空后的“them”相对应。故选E项。
上文“By providing your undivided attention, you convey respect and interest in what the other person has to say.(通过全神贯注,你表达了对对方所说的话的尊重和兴趣。)”说明全神贯注地倾听,对谈话很重要。以及下文“Ask follow-up questions to show that you value their insights.(问一些后续问题来表明你重视他们的见解。)”说明在谈话中,交流必不可少。选项D“专注于理解他们的观点,而不仅仅是听他们说话。”与前后文的内容存在先后顺序,先认真倾听,再专注于理解别人的观点,最后再询问一些问题进行深度交流。故选D项。
上文“At the heart of successful small talk lies the authenticity (真实性) of your engagement. Authenticity fosters a sense of trust and connection, making the conversation more meaningful and memorable. Avoid the temptation to project an image or use scripted responses.(成功的闲聊的核心在于你参与的真实性。真诚能培养一种信任感和联系感,使谈话更有意义,更令人难忘。避免投射形象或使用脚本回答的诱惑。)”说明闲聊时真实地参与进来,要真诚,而不是使用人设和套路。选项A“相反,让真实的自己闪耀出来。”与上文构成转折关系,在闲聊中,不能使用人设和套路,要真诚真实。故选A项。
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I was browsing social media on my phone, when a story caught my eye. It was about a 9-year-old dog, Charlie, considered as the ____21____ in Britain. He had been in a ____22____ center in Somerset for over 500 days.
I ____23____ on the link, and straight away, these huge, sad eyes ____24____ back at me. My husband and I fell in love with him ____25____. We took our time with the application, and a few days later, we ____26____ an email asking us to visit him.
When we arrived, we didn’t know what to expect. He hadn’t been ____27____ with a new owner for so long, and we thought there might be ____28____. But the dog that bounded in was full of joy and ____29____. He came straight over to us, wagging his tail. He even _____30_____ on Sam’s lap as if they’d been best friends forever. We were _____31_____ when they said we could take him home.
The moment he got to our house, he immediately made himself at home. Charlie is so warm-hearted. He has no mental condition you might _____32_____ after spending a long time in a rescue center.
If you give a dog love, they’ll give you countless wonderful things _____33_____. Now we get out every day on walks. We spoil him and enjoy his _____34_____ so much.
It’s significant for people to _____35_____ animals, especially older ones. Charlie was once the loneliest dog in Britain, but he’s not alone anymore.
21. A. oldest B. loneliest C. cutest D. sharpest.
22. A. leisure B. training C. rescue D. warning
23. A. clicked B. studied C. searched D. focused
24. A. stared B. glared C. aimed D. laughed
25. A. randomly B. deliberately C. gradually D. immediately
26. A. accepted B. received C. sent D. checked
27. A. satisfied B. cured C. placed D. respected
28. A. issues B. concerns C. pains D. measures
29. A. force B. strength C. spirit D. energy
30. A. climbed B. pushed C. jumped D. stood
31. A. embarrassed B. delighted C. relieved D. surprised
32. A. expect B. understand C. realize D. recognize
33. A. by accident B. in return C. at liberty D. on purpose
34. A. nature B. joy C. company D. walk
35. A. promote B. feed C. approach D. adopt
【答案】21. B 22. C 23. A 24. A 25. D 26. B 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. C 31. B 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. D
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是关于一只名叫查理的9岁狗的故事,它被认为是英国最孤独的狗。A. oldest最老的;B. loneliest最孤独的;C. cutest最可爱的;D. sharpest最锋利的。根据下文“Charlie was once the loneliest dog in Britain”可知,此处是信息词loneliest的词汇复现。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他在萨默塞特郡的一家救援中心待了500多天。A. leisure 休闲;B. training训练;C. rescue营救;D. warning警告。根据下文“after spending a long time in a rescue center.”可知,此处是信息词rescue的词汇复现。故选C。
A. clicked点击;B. studied学习;C. searched搜索;D. focused集中(注意力、精力等于)。根据上文“I was browsing social media on my phone,”可知,作者在浏览社交谋体,因此此处表示点击链接。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. stared盯着;B. glared怒目而视;C. aimed瞄准,旨在;D. laughed笑。根据“these huge, sad eyes”可知,那双巨大而悲伤的眼睛盯着作者。故选A。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我丈夫和我立刻就爱上了他。A. randomly随机地;B. deliberately故意地;C. gradually逐渐地;D. immediately立刻,马上。根据下文“We took our time with the application”可知,作者和丈夫立刻就爱上了这只狗。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们花了些时间申请,几天后,我们收到一封电子邮件,要求我们去看望他。A. accepted接受;B. received接收;C. sent发送;D. checked检查。根据“We took our time with the application, and a few days later”可知,在申请几天之后,作者和丈夫收到一封电子邮件。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他已经很久没有被安排给新主人了,我们担心可能会有些问题。A. satisfied使满意;B. cured治愈;C. placed放置,安置;D. respected尊重。根据“He had been in a ____2____ center in Somerset for over 500 days.”可知,Charlie已经很久没有被安置给新主人了。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. issues问题,重要议题;B. concerns关心,忧虑;C. pains痛苦;D. measures措施。根据“He hadn’t been ____7____ with a new owner for so long”可知,因为Charlie很久没有被安排给新主人,作者担心会有问题。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是那只跳进来的狗却充满了快乐和精力。A. force力量;B. strength优势,强度;C. spirit精神;D. energy能源,能量。根据下文的“He came straight over to us, wagging his tail.”可知,小狗充满精力。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他甚至跳上山姆的腿,好像他们是永远的好朋友。A. climbed爬;B. pushed推;C. jumped跳;D. stood站起来。根据“on Sam’s lap”可知,此处表示跳到Sam的腿上。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当他们说我们可以带他回家时,我们很高兴。A. embarrassed尴尬的;B. delighted高兴的;C. relieved感到宽慰的;D. surprised惊讶的。根据“they said we could take him home”可知,被告知可以把狗带回家时,作者和丈夫很高兴。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在救援中心呆了很长一段时间后,他没有你可能会想到的精神问题。A. expect期待,预计;B. understand理解;C. realize意识到;D. recognize识别。根据“He has no mental condition”可知,此处表示狗没有你预计的精神问题。故选A。
考查介词短语辨析。句意:如果你给狗狗爱,它们会给你无数美好的东西作为回报。A. by accident偶然;B. in return作为回报;C. at liberty随意,自由地;D. on purpose故意地。根据“If you give a dog love, they’ll give you countless wonderful things”可知,此处指小狗会给你一些美好的东西作为回报。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们宠爱他,喜欢他陪伴。A. nature自然;B. joy快乐;C. company公司,陪伴;D. walk步行。根据下文“Charlie was once the loneliest dog in Britain, but he’s not alone anymore.”可知,Charlie不再孤独了,因为有作者一家的陪伴,同时Charlie也在陪伴作者一家。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:对人们来说,收养动物,尤其是年老的动物是很重要的。A. promote促进;B. feed喂养;C. approach靠近;D. adopt收养,领养。根据“We took our time with the application, and a few days later, we ____6____ an email asking us to visit him.”可知,此处指收养动物。故选D。
Kunqu, also known as Kunju, is one of the oldest ____36____ (exist) forms of Chinese opera. It developed ____37____ (original) from the local music of Kunshan, part of the Wu cultural area, and later came ____38____ (show) its importance in Chinese theater from the 16th to the 18th centuries.
Due to the extensive performance activities Kunqu, ranking among the most influential operas now, ____39____ (introduce) to Beijing in the last years of Wanli. During the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Kunqu spread to Sichuan, Guizhou and Guangdong, ____40____ developed into a national drama. Having entered various places, Kunqu eventually formed a rich and colorful opera system in ____41____ (combine) with local dialects and folk music. ____42____ further development, the opera became more well-known and ____43____ representative art form of the whole nation.
In the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi loved Kunqu, ____44____ (lead) to its increasing popularity, but it was during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty _____45_____ Kunqu entered its heyday (全盛时期) and began to influence the “pear garden” greatly.
【答案】36. existing
37. originally
38. to show
39. was introduced
40. and 41. combination
42. With 43. a
44. leading
45. that
考查非谓语动词。句意:同上。分析句子结构,come to do为固定短语,含义为“开始……”,符合句意,故填to show。
考查被动语态。句意:由于广泛的表演活动,昆曲在万历末年传入北京,是目前影响最大的戏曲之一。分析句子结构,空白处在句子中作谓语,因与主语之间为被动关系,使用被动语态,因句子表示的是过去发生的动作,谓语动词使用一般过去时的被动语态,故填was introduced。
考查连词。句意:明末清初,昆曲传播到四川、贵州、广东,并发展成为一种民族戏剧。根据上文“spread to Sichuan, Guizhou and Guangdong(传播到四川、贵州、广东)”以及下文“developed into a national drama(发展成为一种民族戏剧)”可知上下文之间为并列关系,空白处应填表示并列关系的连词,故填and。
考查介词。句意:随着时代的发展,戏曲越来越为人们所熟知,成为全国具有代表性的艺术形式。根据空白处下文“further development(进一步发展)”可知,此处在句子中做伴随状语,空白处应填表示“随着”含义的介词作伴随状语,故填With。
考查强调句。句意:同上。分析句子结构,这是一个强调句,根据强调句的相关知识,强调句的结构为:It is/was+被强调的部分+that/who+其他部分,因本句强调的是介词短语,故填that。
第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你在某英语学习网站上看到一个话题为“My Plan for a Meaningful Summer Vacation”的帖子,请写一篇英语短文跟帖,内容包括:
【答案】My Plan(s) for a Meaningful Summer Vacation
As a high school senior, I think this summer vacation is special. I’ve planned it focusing on personal growth and exploration.
I have decided to work part-time at a bookstore. This experience will not only help me develop a sense of responsibility but allow me to save up for a language course. Being surrounded by books is an added bonus as I’m a book lover. Additionally, I’m determined to learn Arabic. Understanding another language opens doors to different cultures and perspectives, which I find incredibly valuable.
I’m sure this combination of work and learning will make for a both productive and meaningful summer.
【导语】本篇书面表达是一篇应用文。要求考生以“My Plan(s) for a Meaningful Summer Vacation”为题写一篇英语短文跟帖。
集中于:focus on→concentrate on
决定做某事:decide to do sth.→make up one’s mind to do sth.
此外:additionally→what’s more
原句:I have decided to work part-time at a bookstore. This experience will not only help me develop a sense of responsibility but allow me to save up for a language course.
拓展句:I have decided to work part-time at a bookstore, which will not only help me develop a sense of responsibility but allow me to save up for a language course.
Being surrounded by books is an added bonus as I’m a book lover. (运用了as引导原因状语从句)
Understanding another language opens doors to different cultures and perspectives, which I find incredibly valuable. (运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
第二节(满分 25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
People always say that with exercise, putting on your shoes is the hardest part. But for Emma, this was a lie. The real pain always started when all the students were gathered on the track, ready to run. It wasn’t the fatigue she minded, it was the looks others gave her. Emma was bigger than others of her age. Back in primary school, she remembers her classmates asking her why her thighs (大腿) were so big and her chest so wide. On the outside, she looked big, but on the inside, she felt as small as a pea. And PE class was when she felt at her smallest.
Not all her classmates made her feel uncomfortable, though. It was mainly a group of girls and boys—the loud, outspoken, popular kids. Although they could run faster than Emma, they preferred to jog a bit behind her, bursting out in laughter every now and then, commenting on how Emma jogged.
Just one more year, Emma kept telling herself. One more year and I’ll have graduated and won’t have to take this stupid PE class anymore. She just wanted to survive it.
But everything changed when a new girl called Kit joined the class. She had short, jet-black hair, bright eyes, and a long scar across the left side of her face. Her entrance into the classroom that day was met by dozens of curious eyes.
Although their teacher, Ms Hardy, didn’t ask Kit for a personal introduction, upon putting her bag down on her desk, Kit rose, saying, “Hi, everyone, nice to meet you, I’m Kit. I love boxing, animation and fashion. You might be wondering about my scar. I got it when I was young when I fell off my bike. Luckily, I didn’t get hurt more seriously. It’s now like a cool trademark of all the adventures I had as a kid.”
After Kit’s introduction, Emma simply sat there, her heart pounding and mouth wide open. How could someone be so confident Even the popular kids were sitting there in shock.
At lunchtime, Emma was sitting at her usual table with a few other classmates when Kit walked over to them.
On Friday, it was time for the fearful PE class, but this time, Kit was with her.
【答案】At lunchtime, Emma was sitting at her usual table with a few other classmates when Kit walked over to them. She enthusiastically asked to join them and sat beside Emma. Glances and whispers from others around them centered on Kit’s scar, and even Emma couldn’t avoid its puts. Yet, Kit didn’t seem bothered, engaging in lively chats as if nothing exile happening. Emma was intrigued by Kit’s indifference to the attention hers scar drew. Sensing her unease, Kit openly addressed the issue, sharing her experiences of accepting her scar and the significance of resilience against external judgments. Her words found an echo in Emma’s heart, inspiring her to embrace her true self.
On Friday, it was time for the fearful PE class, but this time, Kit was with her. “Ready to jog ” called the teacher. Briefly halted by sidelong stares from the popular kids, Emma found her resolve with Kit’s encouraging words. Together they ran, with Kit’s smile a beacon a support. Laughter erupted while Kit’s “Ignore them!” rang out, empowering Emma. As the wind raced alongside them, Emma ran, outrunning the jeers and the part of herself overly concerned with the opinions of others. At the finish, Emma, although physically tired, had gained new found strength, discovering that true confidence comes from within, not from others’ words. In the sun’s embrace, the two girls walked together talking and laughing.
避免:avoid/refrain from
参与:engage in/get involved in
Yet, Kit didn’t seem bothered, engaging in lively chats as if nothing exile happening.(运用了现在分词作状语,as if引导状语从句)
At the finish, Emma, although physically tired, had gained new found strength, discovering that true confidence comes from within, not from others’ words.(运用了省略句,现在分词作状语)


