
  1. 二一教育资源



假如你是李平,你校英语校报正在开展“Good Ways to Spend Your Free Time.”的征文活动。请结合以下所列活动方式和你的亲身经历,选择2~3 项展开描述,并简单说明理由,用英语写一篇短文投稿。
参考信息: Good Ways to Spend Your Free Time
have a picnic do housework read books do sports watch movies take photos
要求:1.80~120 词,开头已给出,不计入总词数;
As we know, we have more free time after school now. But what are the
good ways to spend it I'd like to offer some good advice to make our free time
more meaningful.
First of all, as family members, we have responsibility to share the housework with our families because this not only makes us more independent, but also shows our love for parents ". Besides, I also spend my free time doing sports for health is the first wealth. Doing sports helps us stay healthy, and we can make some new friends through sports competitions as well. For me, I often play ping-pong after school and on weekends. In addition, reading books in our spare time is a good idea, which will take us to a new and unknown world .
To sum up, making good use of our free time can enrich our life and develop our abilities. Let's do a variety of activities together to embrace a better future
正如我们所知,现在放学后我们有更多的自由时间。 但有哪些好的打发空闲时光的方式呢 我想提供一些好的建议,让我们的空闲时间更有意义。
1. Why not go to the park to have a picnic with your family During the picnic, you can not only enjoy delicious food, but also have a conversation with your family.为什么不和你的家人一起去公园野餐呢 在野餐期间,你不仅可以享受美味的食物,还可以和你的家人聊天。
2. It's suggested that you watch movies at home or in the cinema. At home, you can prepare some snacks in advance In the cinema, you can enjoy the huge screen.建议你可以在家里或在电影院看电影。在家里,你可以提前准备一些零食。在电影院,你可以欣赏到巨大的屏幕。
3. It's a good idea to take photos in every season, which will record the beauty of you as well as the natural scenery.在每个季节都拍照是个好主意,这将记录你以及自然风景的美丽。
4. I strongly recommend you to be a volunteer in your community, enriching your life and offering you a sense of purpose and fulfillment.我强烈建议你成为社区的志愿者,丰富你的生活,给你一种使命感和成就感。
5. You'd better use your free time to learn a new skill or hobby, which can surely improve your mental well-being and boost your confidence.你最好利用你的空闲时间去学习一项新技能或爱好,这肯定能改善你的心理健康,增强你的信心。
6. As family members, we have responsibility to share the housework with our families because this not only makes us more independent, but also shows our love for parents.作为家庭成员,我们有责任与家人分担家务,因为这不仅使我们更加独立,也表明了我们对父母的爱。
阅读是一种非常重要的学习方式,通过阅读我们可以获取知识、拓宽视野、提高思考能力。近日,你校广播站发起了“享受阅读,享受生活”这一主题征稿活动,请你结合以下提示,写一篇英语短文投稿,谈谈自己读过的印象最深刻的一本书。内容包括:What is the most impressive book you have read
What's the story between the book and you
What did you gain from it
要求:1.词数不少于 80词;2.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。
Reading has become an essential part in our daily life. And as for me, I have
read many books, among which Little Women has left a profound impact on me
As I entered ninth grade, too many studying tasks put tons of pressure on me. Gradually, school life made me so tired that I even lost my goal. At that time, my
Chinese teacher introduced Little Women to us. The heroine in the book who has
a strong will and love for life deeply touched me . And what impressed me most was the sentence “I am not afraid of storms, for I am studying how to sail my ship.".
I'm glad that this book accompanies me through the toughest time and gives me the courage to achieve my goal. In the future, I will continue exploring the vast sea of reading to enrich my life .
1. Jane Eyre is a book that I find inspiring because it shows me the importance of self-respect and independence.《简·爱》是我觉得鼓舞人心的书,因为它向我展示了自尊和独立的重要性。
2. The reason why I love the book Journey to the West is that it is a classic Chinesenovel and contains many interesting stories.我喜欢《西游记》这本书的原因是它是一本经典的中国小说,包含许多有趣的故事。
3. Robinson Crusoe is one of my favorites. Robinson's perseverance in the story inspired me to keep going no matter how tough things get.《鲁宾逊漂流记》是我最喜欢的书之一。鲁宾逊的毅力启发了我:无论遇到多大
4. Romance of the Three Kingdoms is my favorite, which teaches me that success comes from teamwork and cooperation.我喜欢《三国演义》,这本书让我懂得了成功源于团结与合作。
5. I enjoy reading The Song of the Hulun River, and Hulan in the book made me understand that even in difficult times, we should we should cherish life.我喜欢读《呼兰河传》,
6. The most memorable book for me is Oliver Twist, and I learned form the book that no matter how many difficulties we face, we should always maintain kindness.对我来说最难忘的书是《雾都孤儿》,我从这本书中学
The meaning of sharing Your sharing experience Your feelings about sharing
要求:1.短文应包括导图中的全部信息,条理清晰,行文 连贯,可适当发挥;
文中不能出现真实的人名和地名;3.词数 80-120,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。
Good morning, everyone. Today the topic of my speech is “Sharing". Sharing is a way of behavior as well as a good quality of people. Sharing not only doubles our happiness but also halves our troubles ,making it an essential aspect of our lives.
I still remember when I was in primary school, I hurt my right hand, and it made everything difficult, such as taking notes and having lunch, which drove me crazy. Fortunately, my desk mate was a kind and friendly person. After I shared my sadness and inconvenience, he started to help me in both class and daily life, such as helping me take notes, guiding me to complete the school work. Hence, sharing my problem with him has lightened my hardship and brought happiness in my hard times .
Through my experience, I hope all of you can get the benefit of sharing and be willing to share both your happiness and worries with your friends.
Thanks for your listening.
1. My sister and I felt proud when we finished a challenging project, and we share the happiness with our parents.我和姐姐完成了一项具有挑战性的小组项目,我们感到非常
2. When I excelled in my math test, I couldn't wait to share the good news with my family. Their smiles and words of encouragement meant so much to me.当我在数学考试中取得优异成绩时,我迫不及待地想和家人分享这个好消息。他们的微笑和鼓励对我来说意义非凡。
3. I opened up to my friends when I was struggling with homework, and they helped me solve the problem.当我在作业上遇到困难时,我向我的朋友敞开心扉,他们帮助我解决了问题。
4. When I felt nervous before a class presentation, my classmates cheered me on and praised my effort. Their encouragement gave me confidence to do my best.当我在班上做报告之前感到紧张时,我的同学们为我加油并称赞我的努力。他们的鼓励给了我做到最好的信心。
5. After a disappointing soccer game, my family comforted me and reminded me that it's okay to make mistakes. Their love and understanding helped me bounce back.在一场令人失望的足球比赛之后,我的家人安慰了我,并提醒我犯错误是可以接受的。他们的爱和理解帮助我重新振作起来。
6. When I faced a personal challenge, my friends offered their unwavering support and stood by me through it all.当我面临个人挑战时,我的朋友们给予我坚定的支持,并始终陪伴在我身边。
作为一名青少年,我们可以做许多力所能及的小事让世界变得更加美好。请结合下列提示和自身情况,以“Small Actions Are a Big Help”为题写一篇短文。
Your plans Small actions
Take good care of the Earth Turn off the light when leaving, protect
animals, plant more trees...
Be kind to others to the elders... Take part in volunteer work, offer seats
... ...
2.短文中不能出现真实的人名和地名;3. 词数 80-120,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。
Small Actions Are a Big Help
To make the world a better place, it is necessary for us teenagers to do some
small actions. Here are my suggestions.
On the one hand, we must take good care of the Earth. As we live on the Earth, we take responsibility to protect it ' . Besides, we rely on different kinds of energy every day. Therefore, we should turn off the light when leaving. Additionally, planting
more trees can effectively improve the air quality.
On the other hand, we are supposed to be kind to others. It's a good way for us to take part in volunteer work so that we can spread the warmth and kindness to others.What's more, when we are on the bus or subway, we'd better offer our seats to the elders.
It is known that a small step leads to a big progress. Let's take action now and work together to build a better world.
1. Planting more trees can help reduce the emission of CO2 and improve air quality.种植更多的树木可以帮助减少二氧化碳的排放并改善空气质量。
2.It’s better for us to put rubbish into rubbish bins so that we can keep our city clean.我们最好把垃圾丢进垃圾桶里,这样我们就能保持城市干净。
3. To reduce pollution, we should take cloth bags instead of paper bags or plastic bags when shopping.为了减少污染,我们在购物时应该使用布袋而不是纸袋或塑料袋。
4. We are supposed to keep good living habits in daily life, such as taking a short shower to save water and turning off the lights to save energy.我们应该在日常生活中保持良好的生活习惯,比如洗澡时尽量短时间,节约用水,关灯节约能源。
1. I am willing to help my classmates as long as they meet difficulties in study.只要我的同学在学习中遇到困难,我愿意提供帮助。
2. When we are on the bus or subway, we'd better offer our seats to the elders, which is a traditional virtue of our Chinese nation.当我们在公交车或地铁上时,我们最好向老人让座,这是我们中华民族的传统美德。
3. I often participate in community activities to help those who are in need and bring warmth to them.我经常参加社区活动,帮助那些有需要的人,并给他们带来温暖。
4. I'm a helpful volunteer. At school, I'm ready to help teachers and classmates. At home, I help parents with housework to make them relaxed.我是一个乐于助人的志愿者。在学校,我随时准备帮助老师和同学。在家,我帮助父母做家务让他们轻松。
假如你是李华,今天你收到了一封来自笔友 Peter 的邮件。以下是邮件的内容,请你阅读后回复。要求:80词左右,内容可适当发挥。
Dear Li Hua,
Long time no see! How are you doing these days You said you would join the basketball club.Congratulations! Actually, I am also crazy about basketball but I am not allowed to practice as much as I want. That's why I quarreled often with my mom. What should I do I need some advice from you. How do you balance your study and hobby And how did you make your parents support you about your hobby Please write back to me soon.
①审主题:结合邮件内容可知,写作主题为“结合自己的经历帮 Peter 摆脱烦恼”;
与父母积极沟通,向他们展示自己的热爱(communicate with sb.)如何让父母
支持自己的 表明爱好的益处:帮助自己放松、培养技能、增强自信心
爱好 (relax oneself, improve one's confidence) 制定学习计划(make a study plan)
如何平衡学习与爱好 在练习爱好前确保自己先完成学习任务(make sure)
以尊重和冷静的方式表达你的想法和感受(in a respectful and calm manner)
给Peter的建议 尝试找到一个对每个人都适用的折中方案(find a compromise)
Dear Peter,
I'm sorry to hear that you may not be able to pursue your passion for basketball. I can imagine how frustrating it must be for you . Here are some suggestions that may help.
I have been playing the guitar for about 10 years, so I understand the importance of communicating with our parents.. To gain my parents' support for my hobby, I patiently communicated with them and showed my passion for playing the guitar. I also explained how it helped me relax after a tiring day. To balance my study and hobby, I made a plan with the help of my parents and put my homework on the first place, which could ensure that I completed my homework before spending time playing the guitar.
In conclusion, I encourage you to have an open and honest conversation with your parents. You can express your thoughts and feelings in a respectful and calm manner, and try to find a compromise that works for everyone. Good luck to you. Yours, Li Hua
1. This could ensure that I completed my homework before
spending time playing the guitar.这可以确保我在弹吉他之前完成我的家庭作业。
2. It would be beneficial for you to create a schedule that
allows for both learning and pursuing hobbies.制定一个既能学习又能追求兴趣爱好的时间表对你会有好处。
3. To make the most of our time, we can combine learning with our hobbies. This can involve reading books or watching videos related to our hobbies.为了充分利用
1. I encourage you to have an open and honest conversation with your parents.我鼓励你与你的父母开诚布公地谈一谈。
2. You can express your thoughts and feelings in a respectful and calm manner, and try to find a compromise that works for everyone.你可以用尊重且冷静的方式表达你的想法和感受,并试图找到一个对每个人都有效的折中方案。
3. Providing explanations for your decisions can help your parents understand your perspective better.解释你的决定背后的原因有助于你父母更好地理解你的观点。
4. It is useful to be honest and open with your parents order to build trust and understanding between you.与父母坦诚相待,以建立彼此间的信任和理解是有用的。
5. If we can patiently listen to our parents’ opinions and suggestions, they will also be more willing to listen to our thoughts.如果我们能够耐心倾听父母的想法和建议,他们也会更愿意听取我们的想法。
6.We are supposed to communicate with our parents in a calm manner, avoiding emotional expressions.我们应该以平和态度与父母进行沟通,避免情绪化的表达方式。


