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(2023·广东) 请通读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
Little Dora always wanted a sister. So when Mum told her she would have one in six months, she felt very 1. . But Dora had to be away for some time. She had promised to stay with her grandparents till autumn came.
"How can I make 2. go faster I can't wait to see the 3. ." Dora said to herself while she was sitting in her grandparents' yard one day. She had a good 4. when she saw the apple tree in the yard. She decided to 5. a picture of the tree each day. As Grandpa said, by the time she saw red apples on the tree, she would have a sister!
Dora's first picture was a tree full of green leaves. Day by day, the weather got cooler. The leaves slowly 6. their colour and tiny apples appeared among them.
7. , Dora drew her last picture of the tree. It had a lot of red apples. Now it was time to return home. When she entered the house, Mum and Dad were 8. her on the sofa. Each of them was 9. a baby in their arms.
"Now you have a sister and a brother!" Dad said. "Wow, I'm the 10. sister in the world!" Dora said happily. "Look! Their faces are as round as red apples. They are so cute."
1.A.rich B.afraid C.nervous D.cheerful
2.A.air B.time C.light D.water
3.A.yard B.tree C.baby D.apple
4.A.job B.idea C.life D.trip
5.A.buy B.take C.draw D.borrow
6.A.shared B.found C.passed D.changed
7.A.Finally B.Really C.Usually D.Suddenly
8.A.waiting for B.laughing at C.looking after D.learning from
9.A.hiding B.training C.walking D.holding
10.A.funniest B.smallest C.luckiest D.prettiest
When you turn on the tap in your house, water comes out. This water has 11. a long way. This water comes from rain in the sky. The 12. that water arrives to the tap in your house is called the"water supply".
Most of the water on the earth is in the 13. . This water has a lot of salt in it. We cannot drink this water. Salt water makes us ill. But when the sun shines, it 14. a part of the ocean. This water rises up to make clouds in the sky. The more water rises up, the heavier and larger the clouds become. The clouds will get so heavy and large that they will change colour from white to 15. . The water will fall down into rivers and lakes 16. rain and travel back to the sea. This is called the"water cycle". We use half of the rain water 17. falls over the earth.
There are parts of the world where there is 18. fresh water. In the Arab countries, salt water can be made safe to drink. This is done by freezing or boiling it. The salt is left 19. and the clean water is then taken off. This process is very 20. , but in some areas this is the only way to get clean drinking water.
11.A. pulled B. walked C. rushed D. travelled
12.A. way B. path C. method D. condition
13.A. stream B. ocean C. river D. lake
14.A. takes in B. gives off C. heats up D. cools down
15.A. purple B. grey C. blue D. pink
16.A. through B. with C. as D. by
17.A. it B. that C. this D. what
18.A. few B. much C. enough D. little
19.A. behind B. alone C. off D. out
20.A. rapid B. cheap C. simple D. expensive
(2023·无锡) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
I knew Marty's magic was fake (假的), but I just couldn't prove it. One day I caught a lucky break. At lunch, Marty was going on about how he could make things 21. . He had a ring in one hand and a pencil in the other.
That's when I 22. it: a thin piece of fishing line around the end of the pencil and attached (连接) to Marty's shirt! Sure enough, he made it by sliding (滑动) the ring over the pencil and hanging it from the line. No one else 23. the line, and soon the whole dining hall was cheering. When the crowds were gone, I walked over. It was time to 24. the Magic Marty show.
"I know how you did it," I said, looking him right in the eye. " 25. ," Marty replied. "But the first law of magic is that…"
"It was the fishing line. "
Marty became 26. . He looked a bit worried. Without all his confidence, he seemed more normal (平常). I suddenly felt bad.
"So, are you going to tell other people " he asked. I thought about it for a moment. If I did, I would 27. be able to prove that Marty's magic was fake. But would that really make me feel happy What about Marty He might 28. his new friends. How would that make him feel
"Nah," I said. "It will be a 29. between you and me. "
Marty let out a relieved sigh, and I turned to walk away.
"Wait!" Marty jumped in front of me. "You've got a pretty good eye for magic. If you' re 30. , I have an idea. "
That's how the Magic Marty and Mysterious Matt Lunch Show began.
21.A.disappear B.grow C.float D.change
22.A.saw B.heard C.felt D.smelt
23.A.confirmed B.noticed C.explained D.supported
24.A.watch B.praise C.create D.end
25.A.Indeed B.Maybe C.However D.Anyway
26.A.polite B.crazy C.silent D.curious
27.A.finally B.properly C.easily D.mainly
28.A.make B.leave C.greet D.lose
29.A.trick B.secret C.present D.reward
30.A.surprised B.impressed C.satisfied D.interested
When I was in middle school, I was bullied (欺负)a lot. There was one boy, let's call him C, who was the main person 31. . Every day, for many years, he would say mean things to me and 32. me with his words. It was 33. time in my life, and I felt like there was no way of running away from it.
Years passed, and I left 34. . I had no idea what happened to C, and I didn't 35. . I just wanted to move on with my life and forget about what happened.
One day, when I was twenty-six years old, I was walking to the supermarket. Suddenly, I saw C. I couldn't believe it. He 36. at me, trying to find out who I was. Then, he asked me if I was who he thought I was. I told him that I was 37. who he thought I was.
To my surprise, C 38. . It was the most honest and heartfelt apology I had ever heard. He didn't have to say anything. He could have just behaved in a way that he didn't 39. me and walked away. But he stopped me and apologized. I could hear the 40. in his voice for what he had done to me in the past. At that moment, I 41. him right away. All the hatred (憎恨)and 42. I had carried for years was gone in a 43. . I was a completely 44. and life-changing moment for me. That experience gave me a 45. in the goodness of people and made the rest of my day truly amazing.
31.A.responsible B.magical C.impossible D.valuable
32.A.comfort B.satisfy C.praise D.scare
33.A.happy B.pleasant C.difficult D.moving
34.A.home B.school C.work D.supermarket
35.A.help B.relax C.care D.calm
36.A.looked B.shouted C.laughed D.knocked
37.A.nearly B.almost C.exactly D.simply
38.A.apologized B.cried C.forgot D.communicated
39.A.influence B.notice C.bully D.hate
40.A.loneliness B.joy C.meaning D.shame
41.A.left B.excused C.remembered D.punished
42.A.luck B.regret C.happiness D.anger
43.A.year B.month C.second D.hour
44.A.unclear B.unfriendly C.uncertain D.unexpected
45.A.lesson B.hope C.gift D.love
In sixth grade,I joined the band program to learn to play the clarinet (单簧管).The first year had gone 46. .But as most students progressed,I seemed to 47. behind.One day,when my teacher told us to perform in class,I was filled with 48. .When I began to play,my rhythms (节奏) were good,but my tone (调) was another 49. . "Didn't you practice your lesson?" the teacher shouted at me.I felt so 50. and my world fell down at once.
From then on,I 51. playing the clarinet and I was getting worse.With the new performance coming near,I grew 52. upset.In a moment of panic (惊慌),I asked for sick leave.It was such a(n) 53. way out and I was totally in relief.
I continued 54. my lessons until my mum asked me about it. "I want to give up." said with tears in my eyes. "Why are you 55. ,if you really want to give up?" asked mum.She had a(n) 56. and I realized that I really wanted to stay in band and,by not facing my fears,I had created a black hole that would be difficult to 57. out of,I knew it's time to find my way out.
The next day I 58. with my other band teacher and told her about my problems.She asked me gently to play for her.I tried, 59. only an unpleasant sound came out he handed me a new reed (簧片).I put it in place and tried again.To my 60. ,I could play so well.
Hiding from those fears only digs a hole,making a person trapped (陷入困境) inside.After facing up to a fear,one may find life easier and more enjoyable.
46.A.slowly B.quickly C.quietly D.smoothly
47.A.walk B.fall C.step D.move
48.A.fear B.regret C.joy D.courage
49.A.novel B.piece C.story D.part
50.A.relaxed B.embarrassed C.worried D.nervous
51.A.loved B.kept C.hated D.started
52.A.finally B.hopefully C.suddenly D.increasingly
53.A.hard B.easy C.silly D.painful
54.A.avoiding B.taking C.choosing D.attending
55.A.shouting B.crying C.changing D.asking
56.A.point B.idea C.sight D.mind
57.A.push B.pull C.draw D.climb
58.A.argued B.played C.met D.worked
59.A.and B.but C.or D.so
60.A.sadness B.amusement C.surprise D.disappointment
(2023·南通) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Jatto's mother was doing housework while Jatto was reading a book aloud in English.
Jatto didn't always like 61. to his mother. She spoke only Esan, one of the languages in Nigeria. Wasn't it a waste of time to read to someone who couldn't understand His mother didn't even realize when he made 62. . Still, she insisted he read aloud every day.
"Let's bottle nuts when you finish reading," she said in Esan.
Jatto shook his head. He had so much homework to do. "I'll never finish reading."
Jatto said "never" in English because there was no word for never in Esan.
"What's ‘never' " she asked.
Jatto cleared his throat to 63. the English word. "It means I won't stop reading today, tomorrow, or 64. ." He drew circles in the air. "Nor the day after the day after tomorrow, the day after the day after, the day after…"
"Oh, OK! That's forever," his mother said.
Jatto stared at the nuts. Each one looked delicious.
Now would be a 65. time to eat some. But he couldn't ask. He remembered the 66. he'd drawn in the air.
Jatto's mother whistled. Tam-tam, their cow, came up to them. Jatto could 67. cow-milk air as his mother milked her. Tam-tam's milk was the best he'd ever tasted.
Jatto needed to take his mind off the 68. . "Mama, why do you make me read to you even though you don't understand "
"I want you to practice speaking English often," she said.
"I can practice English in my head," he said, not 69. .
His mother smiled. "We share our stories aloud with others, not in our heads where 70. can hear them."
Jatto nodded. He'd learned about that in school.
She decided to tell him a story and handed him some nuts and milk. "You can eat 71. I talk."
He ate as she started. Soon, Jatto was singing the story with his mother.
"You never tell me stories," he said when they stopped 72. .
She sighed. "I used to, but when you started school, I wanted you to focus on English."
"I make a lot of mistakes when I read to you," Jatto said.
His mother 73. . "I guessed so. But I like hearing the sound of your voice while I work."
Jatto knew what she meant. He had enjoyed listening to her story as he bottled the nuts. It made the work seem 74. . "I have an idea," he said. "Next time, I will read a story to you in English, then I will tell you the same story in Esan. We can even make up songs together."
"Great! And I will tell you stories in Esan and you can say them back to me in English. Let's ‘never' stop 75. stories."
Jatto smiled. His mother's understanding of never was even better than his own.
61.A. talking B. reading C. replying D. listening
62.A. mistakes B. jokes C. efforts D. noises
63.A. speak B. pronounce C. organize D. explain
64.A. the day before B. the last day
C. the day after D. in the future
65.A. good B. free C. busy D. bad
66.A. nuts B. bottles C. circles D. cows
67.A. see B. smell C. feel D. hear
68.A. milk B. cow C. story D. food
69.A. alone B. aloud C. kindly D. directly
70.A. nobody B. somebody C. anybody D. everybody
71.A. before B. while C. after D. until
72.A. saying B. eating C. singing D. chatting
73.A. shouted B. cried C. praised D. laughed
74.A. easier B. slower C. heavier D. shorter
75.A. practicing B. telling C. sharing D. writing
Last year in early summer, I was walking up the hill to my house when I saw two birds, each about 60 centimetres tall, standing on the path. They didn't seem to 76. me until I was right in front of them and then they at once moved quickly into the bushes.
I was quite excited by the idea of two birds making a nest (巢) in my front yard, although I didn't really expect them to 77. wild birds don't usually nest so close.
A few weeks later, the birds 78. again. I found them crouching beside a tree off to the side of the path. As I moved nearer to them, I 79. that they would run away like they did last time. But instead they stuck out their heads and made a threatening (威胁的) croaking (呱呱叫) sound. It seemed to warn me not to go any 80. .
I didn't know why they were croaking at me until a short time later I made an amazing 81. : they had two small baby birds.
As I moved quietly towards the birds, 82. not to make any sudden movements, they started their croaking again. They straightened their necks forward so they seemed 83. and more threatening. The mother carefully crouched down over the chicks, and 84. her babies well in her feathers.
I was watching them with 85. when I suddenly tripped and fell to the ground. The birds took this as a threat and the father raced towards me, 86. his wings to protect the mother and the chicks while making himself appear larger.
I was 87. to have surprised them and left quickly. I was amazed by their fearless actions. Their parental natural ability kicked in and made them so courageous. It is hard not to respect nature.
76.A. notice B. welcome C. follow D. believe
77.A. when B. until C. because D. while
78.A. fought B. flew C. screamed D. appeared
79.A. explained B. imagined C. confirmed D. remembered
80.A. nearer B. faster C. earlier D. deeper
81.A. discovery B. contribution C. achievement D. agreement
82.A. patient B. curious C. careful D. polite
83.A. wider B. longer C. weaker D. smaller
84.A. pulled B. shook C. touched D. hid
85.A. trust B. courage C. confidence D. respect
86.A. shutting B. spreading C. controlling D. breaking
87.A. angry B. happy C. sorry D. proud
(2023·镇江) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
I remember the year when I was seven years old. I 88. a pretty hair clip from a girl in my dance class. My 89. found the shiny clip was not bought by them. So they sat me down on the floor of our study and explained 90. what I had done was wrong. What a bad end I would come to if I became a thief—people would not trust me any more.
More than thirty years on, the lesson has reminded me a lot. I've never taken 91. that was not mine away. Once, I left a store wearing a pair of sunglasses I'd tried on and then I 92. gave it back. But that gave me the feeling of shame for months.
Though my childhood memories are not 93. , such moments when my parents told me good values are always in my mind. They provided a standard of good 94. : to put myself in others' shoes and to control my greed (贪欲).
The social environment in the coming age 95. each generation's value, but families have the deeper effect on children. The right values from our parents can finally lead us to 96. .
I believe in truth because my parents raise me to do so, even though sometimes my opinions are different from theirs. I believe in 97. because my parents set me good examples. They cure the sick and visit the lonely. I believe in working hard because my parents devote themselves to the society. Good values from my family have shaped me. And I will pass them on to my kids.
88.A. borrowed B. discovered C. stole D. pulled
89.A. friends B. classmates C. teachers D. parents
90.A. why B. where C. how D. when
91.A. everything B. nothing C. something D. anything
92.A. quickly B. simply C. happily D. easily
93.A. wonderful B. clear C. funny D. different
94.A. abilities B. qualities C. scores D. services
95.A. confirms B. decides C. influences D. proves
96.A. look up B. grow up C. turn up D. hurry up
97.A. kindness B. fitness C. carefulness D. happiness
(2023·广州中考) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16~25各题所给的A,B,C和D项中选出最佳选项。
Almost everyone has a dream job, and for Susan, it is being a whale (鯨) trainer at her city's aquarium (水族馆). Last year, Susan finally had a (n) 98. , but it was more than just signing up. People who wanted this job had to take part in a competition. They need to show how 99. they could go down into the seven-metre-deep pool that housed the whales and how long they could stay there. The one who could reach the deepest and stay the longest underwater would get the job.
Susan signed up to try out, and everything went 100. at first. But then, as she went down to about five metres under the icy water, her legs stopped 101. . The cold water caused a huge pain in her legs. She was unable to swim back to the surface. She was in great fear and couldn't think. This only caused her to 102. farther into the pool. Just as Susan 103. hope, she suddenly felt herself being pushed to the surface.
It was Mila, a whale in the pool. She noticed Susan's 104. , held her leg in her mouth and pushed Susan up to the surface. Susan was 105. , thanks to Mila's quick action. The aquarium spokesperson said Susan was really 106. , because Mila had realized Susan needed help before any of the working group did, which saved valuable time.
"Whales are 107. animals-they live and play together. In the wild, they show great interest in humans and often swim close to boats and divers."
98.A.chance B.job C.dream D.idea
99.A.soon B.far C.often D.hard
100.A.close B.deep C.late D.well
101.A.trying B.hurting C.working D.resting
102.A.drop B.swim C.jump D.search
103.A.gave away B.gave in C.gave out D.gave up
104.A.look B.trouble C.move D.place
105.A.changed B.lost C.chosen D.saved
106.A.lucky B.brave C.afraid D.sad
107.A.funny B.lonely C.social D.strong
(2023·哈尔滨) 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。
Little Jim lived in a poor village with his mother. One summer day. Jim's mother 108. him to the field to find some dried wood for the fire.
Jim worked very hard. By the time the sun was high, he was very hot and wished for a 109. place to rest and have some food. As he walked along, he found some shade (阴凉处) with fine, wild 110. beside it.
"How good these will be with my bread!" thought Jim. He 111. all of the strawberries. As he was lifting the first strawberry to his mouth, he remembered his sick mother, alone in her dark and cold room in the village.
With this in mind, he put the strawberry back. "Shall I save them for her " he asked 112. .
He thought how delicious the strawberries would be for her, but how he wanted to eat them!
"I will eat half and take 113. half to her," he said. He divided them into two heaps (堆), but each heap looked so small. He put them together again.
"I will only eat one," he thought.
As he again lifted it to his mouth, he saw that he had taken the finest, and he put it back.
When the sun was beginning to set, Jim 114. for home. Though he was very tired, he didn't eat any of the strawberries. He felt so satisfied with himself 115. he saved all the strawberries for his sick mother.
As soon as he got home, he heard his mother's weak voice calling him. "Is that you, Jim 116. do you come back so late I am thirsty, and am looking for some water."
Jim ran to her 117. and said. "Mum, these strawberries are all for you." Seeing the smile on his mother's face, he felt happy from the bottom of his heart.
108.A. took B. brought C. sent
109.A. cool B. hot C. warm
110.A. strawberries B. bananas C. pears
111.A. made up B. got up C. picked up
112.A. herself B. himself C. myself
113.A. other B. another C. the other
114.A. set out B. took out C. ate out
115.A. that B. because C. until
116.A. When B. What C. Why
117.A. happily B. angrily C. hardly
My Big Solo
The day of my big solo (独唱) had finally arrived. It was a big event: the Spring Fling Choir (合唱团) Concert. My 118. was on the cover of the program. "Cindy…Soloist." I couldn't believe it. It wasn't Judy's name, but my name.
Judy and I had been classmates since primary school. She was always better than I.
I was filled with a lot of worry because of the choir concert tryouts (选拔赛). We waited to be called one at a time into the choir room. When Ms Jenkins asked me to enter the room, my heart 119. fast and my whole body was shaking. When I came back, Judy smiled at me. Ms Jenkins called her name and Judy 120. followed her. She was still calm and smiling when she came out.
When Ms Jenkins told us who were chosen to join the choir group, I wasn't 121. when Judy's name was on her list and mine wasn't, but I was disappointed.
Sudden clapping came. Ms Jenkins looked at me, "Cindy, you will have to start practicing with me. The solos need more 122. ." Solo I got the solo I looked 123. Judy smiling and giving me the thumbs-up (竖起大拇指) sign.
Now the day had come. I was front and center. The spotlight circled me in its bright light, but I felt quite nervous right there. I couldn't breathe (呼吸). I couldn't think. I couldn't sing. "You can do it, Cindy," Judy said in a low voice. "I know 124. can."
I took a deep breath and sang out. All that came out was a bad squeak (刺耳的声音). But in that same moment, from behind me, came the sweet voice of the right note (音符). Judy gave me a soft touch. My voice lifted and 125. hers. When the next note came, it was all me.
The rest of the solo went well. And when the concert was over, a great cheer went up from the crowd. Judy was the first to hug me.
"Thanks, Judy."
Judy smiled and gave me another 126. . "What are friends for "
Friends Did she say friends
"You're right." This time I hugged her, beginning to love the feeling of 127. her friend. We stuck together like glue.
118.A. play B. photo C. note D. name
119.A. broke B. beat C. hurt D. hung
120.A. strangely B. carefully C. calmly D. seriously
121.A. excited B. surprised C. moved D. pleased
122.A. preparation B. performance C. development D. description
123.A. in B. out C. into D. at
124.A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself
125.A. changed B. matched C. influenced D. controlled
126.A. praise B. choice C. hug D. gift
127.A. being B. losing C. missing D. leaving
(2023·盘锦) 根据短文内容,从各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳选项。
On a hot and wet summer day, Nura and her dad found a place to cool off at the city museum. Suddenly the lights went out, leaving the room completely 128. .
"Dad. what's going on " Nura called out loudly.
"Don't worry. The lights might come back on soon. " Dad said 129. to comfort (安慰) Nura. In a moment, a worker waved the flashlight at them and said, "Excuse me, sir. There is a power cut (停电) across the city. We have to 130. the museum. I will walk you to the gate. "
Nura and her dad stopped at their favorite shop for ice cream. The shop owner refused when Nura's dad tried to 131. . "Forget about it," he said, "It will all be soup soon, anyway!"
After Nura and her dad arrived home, they found the neighbors 132. their apartments. Everyone shared ice water, talking and laughing about the hot weather.
"I can't 133. the heat in my room. " Mrs. Fong said, fanning herself with a newspaper.
A woman who lived downstairs was standing in the doorway. "If the power doesn't come on soon, I'll have to 134. all the food," she said.
"The meat in the 135. will go bad without power," said Nura's dad. "Let's take out the grill (烤架) to cook it. "
"I'll see what I have," the woman in the doorway said. "I'll make sure to bring enough for everyone. "
As they had their 136. , night fell over the city. The air was thick and hot, but Nura didn't mind anymore. She had enjoyed 137. ice cream, and she had shared a meal with her neighbors. She smiled to herself and continued to watch the stars.
128.A. cold B. crowded C. dark D. empty
129.A. peacefully B. weakly C. fairly D. strangely
130.A. open B. close C. tidy D. visit
131.A. spend B. cost C. pay D. afford
132.A. along B. inside C. above D. outside
133.A. stand B. suggest C. raise D. create
134.A. take off B. throw away C. look through D. cut up
135.A. market B. bowl C. glass D. fridge
136.A. breakfast B. drink C. lunch D. dinner
137.A. smooth B. fresh C. free D. cheap
(2023·大连) 阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
How long is sanshe in the idiom tuibi sanshe(退避三舍)
In ancient times, she was a unit of distance(距离). One she is as 138. as 30 li. One li is 500 meters and 30 li is 15,000 meters. So sanshe is 45 kilometers.
There is a story behind this idiom. During the Spring and Autumn Period(770 BC—476 BC), Prince Chong'er of the Jin State ran away from his home state. He 139. to travel to other states.
Once, he went to the state of Chu. King, Chengwang of Chu saw him as an important guest and 140. him a feast(盛宴). He asked Chong'er, "If you rule state of Jin one day, how would you thank me " "It seems your state has everything you want. I have nothing that you like," Chong'er said. However, the king 141. asked for something. Finally, Chong'er said, "I would ask my soldiers to retreat(撤退)sanshe if we ever fight. "
Later, Chong'er 142. to his home state of Jin and became its ruler called Wengong. Both of the two 143. wanted to become stronger and get more land. They went to war with each other.
Jin Wengong didn't 144. his promise. He asked his soldiers to retreat sanshe in Chengpu. The Chu soldiers thought that the Jin soldiers were afraid to fight, so they followed them. To their surprise, the Jin soldiers surrounded(包围) them. 145. , Jin won the war. This was the famous Battle of Chengpu. After this war, people used tuibi sanshe to mean retreating to avoid a conflict(冲突).
138.A. much B. large C. far D. fast
139.A. offered B. wanted C. failed D. promised
140.A. served B. passed C. showed D. paid
141.A. always B. already C. just D. still
142.A. moved B. returned C. walked D. got
143.A. persons B. countries C. friends D. states
144.A. break B. make C. keep D. accept
145.A. In fact B. At first C. In the end D. Above all
(2023·呼和浩特) 完形填空
A father and his son went to a kite-flying festival. The son was happy when he saw the sky 146. colorful kites. He wanted to fly a kite, too. The father then bought a kite for his son.
The son started to fly the kite. Soon, his kite was high up in the sky. After a while, the son said, "Father, it seems that the string(线)is 147. the kite from flying higher. If we cut it, it will be 148. and fly even higher. Can we cut it " The father agreed. The kite started to go higher. This made the little boy 149. .
But then, slowly, the kite started to come down. It soon 150. to the ground. The son was surprised to see this. He said to his father, "I thought that after cutting the string, the kite would fly higher. 151. did it fall down "
The father explained, "The string was not stopping the kite from going higher, 152. was helping it stay in the sky. You helped the kite go up in the right 153. using the string. But when you cut the string, it could 154. support the kite. "
We may sometimes feel like there are certain things 155. are holding us back and stopping us from growing. But in fact, these might be the things supporting us the most.
146.A. useful for B. full of C. proud of D. famous for
147.A. pushing B. keeping C. protecting D. moving
148.A. heavy B. smart C. free D. short
149.A. sad B. angry C. calm D. excited
150.A. dropped B. drove C. climbed D. rode
151.A. When B. What C. Where D. Why
152.A. and B. because C. if D. but
153.A. road B. street C. direction D. order
154.A. no longer B. any longer C. any more D. no more
155.A. what B. who C. that D. where
(2023·呼和浩特) 完形填空
A village primary school in Yunnan Province has amazed everyone who knows it. The school with more than 1,000 teachers and students has achieved 156. self-sufficiency(自给自足)by offering farming for students.
Jingwai Mingde Primary School is made up of five local village primary schools. Since 2008, it has been paying attention to students' 157. in an all-round way through labor(劳动)education. The school has been 158. with about 150 mu of farmland and has fed itself for 15 years. On the farmland, students can 159. farmwork.
Most of the time, farmers are responsible for the land, but the teachers 160. students in doing farmwork twice a week. After entering Grade 3, each class is given a piece of land to plant vegetables or 161. animals. The vegetables and animals will be used for their 162. meals. During the planting, students feel the hardship of farmwork and will 163. the food more in the future.
According to headmaster Lei Yingfei, through labor education, students have 164. basic life skills, developed a sense of teamwork, as well as improved their performance of cultural courses. "Children who have not kissed the land will not have a complete childhood. The farm labor will build 165. social ability that lasts a lifetime," he said.
156.A. food B. meat C. vegetables D. animals
157.A. energy B. stress C. development D. safety
158.A. compared B. mixed C. agreed D. provided
159.A. show an interest in B. find out
C. take part in D. put up
160.A. aid B. control C. pressure D. influence
161.A. sell B. keep C. protect D. cook
162.A. regular B. important C. special D. daily
163.A. take B. value C. waste D. grow
164.A. created B. offered C. learned D. reduced
165.A. strange B. humorous C. common D. excellent
(2023·丹东) 完形填空
I was walking my dog near my home in San Francisco last week when I saw a white dog. Itwas wearing a blue collar (颈圈), but I didn't see its 166. anywhere. I waited for a while, but nobody came. Then I asked the dog 167. it wanted to come home with me or not. I was onlyjoking, but it ran to me and stood by my side, ready to leave. I knew that this was a 168. dog.
On the dog's collar, there was a tag (标牌) 169. a phone number. I called the number. Its owners, Tina and Dan, were surprised to hear from me. They said the dog's name was Banjo andthat they lived in Chicago, over 2,000 miles away. Banjo had been lost for over a year. And theyhad no idea how Banjo 170. it all the way across the country. They also had no idea how toget it 171. because they had a baby at home and couldn't make the long trip to SanFrancisco.
I asked for 172. online. Lots of people wanted to help Banjo to get home. Then Banjostarted its trip home. It 173. 20 drivers four days to send Banjo home. Banjo was 174. tomeet the new baby and to be back home. 175. owners were excited to have it back, too.
Banjo's story shows what people can achieve when they all work together.
166.A. partner B. driver C. owner D. member
167.A. when B. whether C. why D. how
168.A. relaxed B. crazy C. hurt D. lost
169.A. with B. of C. for D. to
170.A. found B. made C. got D. brought
171.A. back B. out C. in D. on
172.A. wealth B. trade C. truth D. help
173.A. spent B. wasted C. took D. passed
174.A. glad B. worried C. bored D. angry
175.A. Their B. It C. Our D. Your
(2023·聊城) 完形填空
How did you spend your summer and winter holidays Did you travel Or did you just stay at home and watch TV As for 14-year-old Wang Ziyue, he had a 176. way to spend his holidays. The boy spent his holidays running a mobile library.
Wang got the 177. of building a library in August 2018. At that time, he was spending his 178. holiday at his grandma' s home in a town in Taizhou, Zhejiang. He found that 179. of the children in the town watched TV all day on their holiday as they hardly had any books at home. Wang wanted to help them. During the winter holiday in 2019, he 180. more than 500 books and brought them back to the town. At his grandma' s home, Wang built a small library to 181. his books with others. His library helped to make some children fall in love with 182. . But Wang didn' t stop there. He made a cart (手推车) into a mobile library. On market days, he 183. his cart to the market so that more children were able to read the books. For four years Wang has helped hundreds of children, and his library now has about 1,200 books. Many people 184. praise Wang for what he has done. They say the library is small, 185. it is a big help to children in the town.
176.A. common B. special C. secret
177.A. advice B. agreement C. idea
178.A. summer B. National Day C. winter
179.A. many B. few C. none
180.A. lost B. chose C. wrote
181.A. mix B. compare C. share
182.A. speaking B. listening C. reading
183.A. sold B. took C. returned
184.A. highly B. luckily C. nervously
185.A. so B. or C. but
(2023·徐州) 完形填空
Peter: Mum, I' m so proud that you are a 186. . How many students are there in your class
Mum: Forty-five.
Peter: Then it' s hard to have many one-to-one talks with each person. How do you know what' s going on in their minds in class
Mum: My 187. I look at their body language.
Peter: Their body language But 188.
Mum: It' s easy to see when students show interest in a lesson. Most 189. and make eye contact. They lean forward and look at me. People like to lean towards whatever they are interested in. When I tell a joke, they 190. . When I talk about something 191. , they are at a loss. If a student keeps looking at his watch, it shows he is 192. and just counting the minutes for the class to end. 193. two friends lean their heads together, they are probably writing notes to each other. Of course, not everyone who looks up is 194. in class. Some students look up but there is no eye contact. Their eyes seldom move, and they 195. wear the same expression. It seems that they are asleep with their eyes open!
Peter: From time to time I daydream in class. 196. you teachers see it
Mum: Sure! With their chins(下巴)on their hands, daydreamers look out of the window or up at the ceiling. They are certainly interested in something, 197. who knows what When they are attracted by other things, they spend all their time looking anywhere but at me. Then I 198. them to pay attention in class. As a teacher, my 199. is helping every student to learn. Their 200. language helps me know when to adjust(调整)class activities, and when to talk to students separately, so they can all get the most out of school.
Peter: Mum, you are so great!
186.A. policewoman B. driver C. doctor D. teacher
187.A. question B. answer C. report D. advice
188.A. where B. when C. how D. why
189.A. look down B. look up C. look back D. look through
190.A. cry B. nod C. laugh D. whisper
191.A. difficult B. easy C. important D. funny
192.A. excited B. worried C. bored D. amazed
193.A. Since B. Although C. Because D. If
194.A. keeping in touch B. paying attention
C. taking a message D. getting along
195.A. always B. sometime C. seldom D. never
196.A. Can B. Must C. Should D. May
197.A. and B. but C. so D. or
198.A. encourage B. allow C. wish D. remind
199.A. talent B. spirit C. duty D. plan
200.A. body B. spoke C. writte D. foreign
(2023·青岛) 完形填空
My husband' s grandmother,aged 75, has been living with us in Beijing for a month now. Full of energy, she 201. to cook meals for us every day. The food she prepares is very delicious. That' s not all. Granny helps us with chores in our house. When we go out for a walk, I try hard to keep up with her.
202. , what surprises me most is how excitedly she accepts the latest progress in high technology life. Mind you, she had received only primary school education.
When she joined us, we bought her a Beijing transportation card 203. she could use city buses and subways. One day, she came back 204. an e-card fixed on her smartphone. " It' s far more convenient. I saw others walk into the subway station just by scanning (扫描) their 205. . I asked one for help to set it up on my phone," she said with a big smile.
Later, we taught her how to watch videos, buy clothes and vegetables on smartphones, and even play mahjong (麻将) online. It quickly became her 206. smartphone app (应用软件). Though she was unable to understand well at first, our 207. help a few times and some encouragement helped her overcome the troubles. Most importantly, such communication has made 208. family relationship deeper. As for me, I' m very 209. to play mahjong online with Grandma. The other day, she knocked on my door and said, " Come, we need a fourth player to play mahjong together. "
We realize an elderly-friendly society means the old people can get great satisfaction and 210. . When grandparents turn to their grandchildren for help with smartphones, a little more patience from the young can go a long way in encouraging the old to move further in high technology life.
201.A. hope B. plan C. attend D. volunteers
202.A. However B. Though C. Beside D. Instead
203.A. but B. so C. or D. while
204.A. by B. with C. on D. to
205.A. computer B. card C. phone D. faces
206.A. favorite B. perfect C. secret D. proper
207.A. medical B. patient C. polite D. friendly
208.A. their B. her C. your D. our
209.A. sorry B. creative C. glad D. sad
210.A. luck B. health C. wealth D. happiness
(2023·宿迁) 完形填空
One day, Daniel got lost when he and his mom went shopping in the store. He had thought he was right beside Mom, 211. when he looked up, Mom was gone.
" Mom! Mom!" Daniel called. Many people hurried by, yet nobody 212. for Daniel. The store seemed very large, and Daniel felt himself very 213. .
Then Daniel remembered something. Mom had told him what he should do if he got lost. She had said that he should find someone who was 214. at the store for help. Daniel looked around and saw a saleswoman hanging sweaters, so he ran to her for 215. . " I' m lost I can' t find my mom. " he said.
216. she could answer, a customer hurried over, holding a black sweater. " How much is this " she asked.
Now Daniel was 217. . Would the saleswoman help him
" Just a moment, please, " the saleswoman said to the customer. " We have a lost boy here. ' ' She turned to Daniel, " Don' t worry. " she said, " I will 218. Mr. Henson, our store security guard(保安). He will help find your mom. "
The customer smiled at Daniel. " I will bet your mom is looking for you. too. " she said. Daniel hadn' t thought of that! Mom would be looking for him, and now she would know 219. to find him. He felt better.
While they were waiting for Mr. Henson, the saleswoman gave Daniel a green lollipop(棒棒糖). Although green was Daniel' s 220. , he did not feel like eating at the moment.
Soon here came Mr. Henson. He put his hand on Daniel' s shoulder. " What' s your name, little boy " he asked. Daniel told him. Then Mr. Henson asked. " What' s your mom' s name " " Mom, " but he 221. that Mr. Henson meant Mon' s other name, the one adults called her. " Her name is Amy Wilkerson. " he said.
" Good job!" Mr. Henson said. The saleswoman smiled.
Mr. Henson said he would make an announcement that could be 222. all through the store. He pushed buttons on a special telephone, then said, " Will Ms. Amy Wilkerson please come to ladies' 223. on the second floor Your son is waiting for you here. "
Mr. Henson' s voice was strong, and the store' s music 224. stopped playing when he made the announcement. Mom must have heard him. And she really had. Soon Daniel saw her running toward him.
Mom held Daniel close. " I was worried. " she said. " Me too. " Daniel said. " But I 225. what you taught me. " He told Mom about Mr. Henson and the saleswoman.
Then he gave Mom the lollipop, because green was her favorite, too.
211.A. or B. so C. but D. and
212.A. waited B. stopped C. paid D. hunted
213.A. small B. old C. big D. low
214.A. sitting B. chatting C. working D. standing
215.A. help B. money C. agreement D. telephone
216.A. Until B. After C. If D. Before
217.A. pleased B. worried C. excited D. amazed
218.A. e-mail B. order C. catch D. call
219.A. whether B. when C. where D. what
220.A. style B. favorite C. size D. sign
221.A. realized B. required C. accepted D. agreed
222.A. searched B. posted C. heard D. answered
223.A. sweater B. handbag C. shoe D. dresses
224.A. never B. even C. quite D. ever
225.A. forgot B. avoided C. regretted D. remembered
(2023·抚顺) 完形填空
On a sunny afternoon, I sat on a seat in the park. I could see two 226. racing on their skateboards (滑板). The one in front was laughing and calling to the other to go faster. The one 227. seemed angry and hurt. He was trying to follow his elder brother.
It made me think of myself as a boy. I often 228. myself with my elder brother, Paul. He was better than me at everything. I tried hard to 229. him. But I never could. I felt angry with myself and promised to beat him one day.
I waited and waited 230. the special evening came, the evening of my first victory over Paul. We had our final exam results and 231. were excellent. At dinner I wanted to show them to my parents 232. . I waited for Paul to speak first. Instead of saying a word, he just ate a little and then went to his room.
I didn't understand. What was happening Then it hit me. Paul had failed his exams! I was finally 233. than Paul! But I didn't feel happy or proud. I only felt sorry for my poor brother. Victory was not 234. . It had a bad taste.
I found Paul crying in his room silently. I put my arms around him and said, " Don't worry, Paul. I still 235. you. You're the best. " Paul held my hand, " No, you're the best, the best brother in the world! "
I looked again at the two brothers, smiled and said to myself, " Having a good brother is better than winning a race. That's true. "
226.A. parent B. brother C. friend D. uncles
227.A. behind B. beside C. before D. opposite
228.A. covered B. introduced C. compared D. provided
229.A. find B. help C. save D. beat
230.A. or B. until C. so D. whether
231.A. his B. their C. mine D. hers
232.A. strangely B. slowly C. proudly D. sadly
233.A. taller B. better C. faster D. quieter
234.A. sweet B. hard C. crazy D. far
235.A. walk into B. talk with C. write to D. believe in
(2023·锦州) 完形填空
When Juliet was a child, she often went to the city park and played with her friends. On a sunny morning, when Juliet came to the park with her mom, she looked around and felt very 236. .
" What's the matter, dear What's wrong 237. you " asked her mom.
Juliet replied, " Mom, how beautiful and 238. it used to be!But now there's so much trash on the ground. " Juliet's mom looked around. There were pieces of paper, boxes, glass bottles and a lot of other trash 239. .
" What can we do asked Juliet sadly. " I'm sure you will think of something. " said her mom.
As soon as Juliet and her mom went home, Juliet painted a picture of the park and wrote a sign in big 240. at the top of the picture. The sign read " PLEASE KEEP OUR PARK CLEAN" . Later, she 241. plenty of bags and went back to the park with her mom. Juliet put up her picture on a big trash can (垃圾桶). " Will you help me 242. trash, mom " Juliet said as she handed her mom a bag. " I surely will. " replied her mom with a big smile.
The children at the park ran over to 243. what was going on. Juliet handed them each a them each a them each a bag. Let's clean this place up, " said Juliet. Then they began to pick up the trash, talking and laughing. Soon all the bags were 244.
" We need to come back 245. day. There's still some trash on the ground, but the park looks much better, " said Juliet. Her mom said " So it does. I'm proud of you. I knew you would think of a way to help. "
236.A. interested B. excited C. unhappy D. relaxed
237.A. to B. with C. on D. for
238.A. noisy B. clean C. dirty D. happy
239.A. everywhere B. anywhere C. somewhere D. nowhere
240.A. letter B. boxes C. bag D. bottles
241.A. left B. returned C. built D. took
242.A. set up B. pick up C. put up D. take up
243.A. think B. laugh C. see D. say
244.A. full B. big C. empty D. broken
245.A. the other B. other C. another D. others
(2023·泰州) 完形填空
Hu Ming, a Guizhou University teacher, whose 85- year- old mother has Alzheimer' s disease (阿尔茨海默病), has to take his mother to class with him. And he has done this for years.
Maybe you will say he can have some other people take care of his 246. . Indeed, he has sisters. But they 247. do it because his mother only recognizes him. And she 248. him wherever he goes. He also tried a nurse but failed. " My mother' s illness was 249. . She drank dishwater, and she mistook washing powder(洗衣粉) for salt or sugar. " explained 58-year-old Hu. " I couldn' t imagine she stayed at home without me and that always made me 250. , so I began to take her with me to class. " " With my mother sitting 251. in class, I was able to pay more attention to teaching, " Hu added. But still,there are many different voices. Then Hu told a 252. .
A son took his mother,old and 253. , to a restaurant for dinner. While eating, the mother dropped the food 254. , on her shirt and trousers,the table,the chair and the floor. Other people watched her in disgust(厌恶) while the son was 255. .
When the mother 256. eating, the son quietly took her to the washroom, cleaned the food on the clothes,smoothed her hair and fitted her glasses. When they came out, all the people were 257. them. Without saying anything or watching anybody, the son walked 258. to pay the bill and started walking peacefully out with his mother.
At that time, an old woman called out to the son and asked him, " Don't you think you left something behind you? "
The son thought for a few seconds, " No, madam, I didn' t. " he replied.
The old woman said, " Yes, you did! You gave a lesson to every son and 259. to every mother. "
" To care for those who once 260. for us is our duty. I am a son, and what' s wrong with being the hope for my mother? " Hu said.
246.A.student B.sister C.mother D.teacher
247.A.mustn' t B.can' t C.shouldn' t D.needn' t
248.A.catches B.carries C.follows D.watches
249.A.pleasant B.hopeful C.serious D.common
250.A.worried B.surprised C.interested D.excited
251.A.noisily B.quietly C.sadly D.politely
252.A.joke B.lie C.story D.truth
253.A.humorous B.impolite C.kind D.weak
254.A.everywhere B.somewhere C.anywhere D.nowhere
255.A.nervous B.calm C.angry D.amazed
256.A.started B.remembered C.finished D.continued
257.A.welcoming B.watching C.greeting D.teaching
258.A.shamefully B.difficultly C.suddenly D.directly
259.A.money B.hope C.room D.advice
260.A.cared B.looked C.waited D.paid
(2023·齐齐哈尔中考) 阅读短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。
It seems that on every street comer in the world, there is a fast-food restaurant. People everywhere are 261. , so they do not want to wait for their food. Around the world, $240 billion a year 262. on fast food. Yet, 263. fast food has become quite popular, there are many myths(荒诞的说法) 264. it
The first myth is that fast food is a recent 265. . This is not true. More than 2, 000 years 266. , the people of Rome lined up in the street to buy quick meals at small stands. One type of their most popular fast food 267. a lot like a modern hamburger. All through history, people have always eaten fast food.
The second myth is that all fast food is 268. . While many modern fast-food restaurants are American some very traditional Chinese food is nearly fast food. This 269. mantou, noodles and Chinese dumplings. 270. , one of the most popular fast food chains(连锁店) in the US is a Chinese food chain, Panda Express. 271. has more than 1, 600 restaurants in America.
Finally, many people think that fast food is always bad for them. This is true of a lot of fast food. However, nearly every fast-food restaurant has some healthy food on its 272. , and some fast-food restaurants 273. make healthy food. The problem is not fast food, 274. the choices we make. We can choose 275. healthy food, even at fast food restaurants.
261.A.tired B.busy C.lazy
262.A.is spent B.is paid C.is put
263.A.so that B.even though C.as soon as
264.A.for B.from C.about
265.A.invention B.tradition C.prediction
266.A.ago B.later C.before
267.A.sounded B.smelt C.looked
268.A.British B.Chinese C.American
269.A.means B.includes C.has
270.A.In fact B.At first C.So far
271.A.One B.This C.It
272.A.table B.menu C.plate
273.A.only B.never C.also
274.A.and B.because C.but
275.A.to cook B.to refuse C.to eat
(2023·本溪、辽阳、葫芦岛)根据短文内容, 从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。
I worked in a small office. I shared a small 276. with another three persons. In that small fridge, there was a water filter pitcher(滤水壶).One person said the water in it tasted "dirty". It went on 277. a few days. And she was very 278. that I could still drink the water without any trouble. That made me think there was something wrong with my taste buds(味蕾) . 279. I was wrong. My taste buds were OK. And the water really tasted fine.
280. , she found the problem. It wasn't the water. It was her cup. She just 281. to clean her cup, so after a while, the water looked dirty. She cleaned her cup, then drank the water with no problem.
I start to 282. the world we live in. When we meet problems, we 283. blame (指责) other people and other things without thinking twice. The world isn't perfect, I know. But I think we should ask 284. some questions: What is the problem Did I make a 285. How can I correct it Can I be better
I want to tell you that you should always clean your own cup. Because when you do, the water will taste much better. I promise you this.
276.A.cup B.desk C.fridge D.computer
277.A.at B.of C.to D.for
278.A.afraid B.patient C.surprised D.happy
279.A.And B.But C.Or. D.So
280.A.To be hones B.For example C.At last D.After all
281.A.forgo B.wanted C.remembered D.hoped
282.A.call in B.think about C.look after D.part with
283.A.happily B.politely C.hardly D.quickly
284.A.yourselves B.yourself C.ourselves D.myself
285.A.rule B.mistake C.wish D.noise
(2023·郴州中考) 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A,B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
When I was young, I lived in a small village in Melaka, Malaysia with my parents and two brothers. 286. we were poor, we lived happily. The Lin family, living in the bicycle shop opposite our house, had an even 287. life.
Mr. Lin, the bicycle repairman, had six children. He couldn't buy new clothes and get enough food for them. His children were always dressed in old clothes and looked very 288. . My father was kind-hearted. He ran a grocery store (食品杂货店). He 289. took whatever food we could spare to Mr. Lin.
To make more money, Mr. Lin started selling second-hand 290. in his shop. He worked very hard. As time 291. , the number of customers in his shop increased and a lot of bicycles were sold out. The business in his shop got better and better.
It was at this time that my father fell ill for no clear reason. My mother took him to see doctors many times, but he didn't get better. Even worse, the business in the grocery store was in danger of failing. And one of us children had to stop schooling because we could not 292. the fees (费用).
Mr. Lin knew about our difficulties and came to help. He introduced my father to a famous doctor. And not long, the doctor healed (治愈) my father. Mr. Lin also raised money to support 293. education.
Thanks to Mr. Lin, things got better. Whenever I met up with Mr. Lin, I would thank him 294. his help. Mr. Lin said with a big smile, "I'm just repaying (回报) the 295. that your father has shown me."
286.A.Because B.Although C.Unless
287.A.harder B.easier C.quieter
288.A.lonely B.heavy C.thin
289.A.often B.seldom C.never
290.A.books B.bicycles C.clothes
291.A.went by B.went off C.went back
292.A.accept B.achieve C.afford
293.A.your B.their C.our
294.A.for B.with C.to
295.A.sadness B.kindness C.happiness
(2023·泰安中考) 阅读下面短文从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Studying in a foreign country can be exciting. It can also be difficult, especially when the country is very different 296. your own.
For 18-year-old Kusedyo, a Chinese language learner, to learn the language, hard work is not just enough, a certain level of "craziness" is also 297. . "To learn and understand Chinese, you have to be a bit crazy. You have to understand the tones(音调)and the 298. , and change your thinking," he said.
For many students, the learning process is not easy. Prosper Marindiko, 299. Chinese language learner, believes that motivation(动机)is very important to learn a second language as an adult. " 300. it gets so frustrating(令人沮丧的)trying to learn a language because you think you have understood this word, then when you meet a Chinese out there and try to say the word, they don't understand you at all," he said.
"The reason why I am learning Chinese is because at work we communicate a lot with the Chinese, and usually we have some wrong understandings 301. language barrier(障碍)," said Marindiko.
Nowadays, for some foreigners, China has become a more popular study place than some 302. English-speaking countries. At the same time, knowing Chinese 303. doors to many job chances.
Although learning Chinese is a difficult task, technology and the Internet are making it 304. difficult, even for those with no chances to meet native speakers of the language. In the future, the Chinese-speaking 305. will become larger and larger.
296.A.against B.from C.with
297.A.needed B.served C.created
298.A.ability B.course C.culture
299.A.other B.the other C.another
300.A.Sometimes B.Finally C.Unless
301.A.as if B.such as C.because of
302.A.strange B.traditional C.humorous
303.A.locks B.closes C.opens
304.A.fewer B.less C.more
305.A.population B.website C.company
(2023·长沙) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
My friend Andrew used to drink a lot and always isolated (孤立) himself. He was 306. and heartbroken. He felt that his life was a hopeless mess. He even told me that he was on the point of 307. hope. I couldn't solve his problems. But during the Christmas season two years ago, I gave him a gift that I didn't even know I had.
That Christmas Andrew had no place to go, so I 308. him home to my parents' house in London. My parents were 309. to have him stay with us. They graciously (殷勤地) cleaned up our guest room for him and even bought him some Christmas gifts. I'll never 310. the night when we arrived at my home. My parents were already asleep, but my mom had prepared dinner and some cookies for us and left us a 311. . My parents were known for their generosity (慷慨), so I wasn't surprised by this warm 312. . But when Andrew read my mom's note and saw all that she had prepared, he broke down and couldn't help 313. . At that moment, I began to realize what a loving family meant.
From then on, Andrew and I both received gifts that we would 314. forever. I gave him the gift of a warm, loving and safe place to spend Christmas, which helped him renew his interest in life. More 315. , he gave me the gift of a new perspective (观点) on life. If I hadn't shared my home with him, I wouldn't have realized how blessed (有福的) I am.
306.A.sunny B.outgoing C.lonely
307.A.writing down B.giving up C.listening to
308.A.stopped B.invited C.refused
309.A.unwilling B.angry C.happy
310.A.forget B.remember C.mention
311.A.note B.book C.menu
312.A.handshake B.welcome C.conversation
313.A.fighting B.fearing C.crying
314.A.value B.worry C.doubt
315.A.pitifully B.importantly C.painfully
(2023·河南) 先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。
Chloe invited me to her birthday party but something different happened to me. After dinner, "It's scary(恐怖的) movie time!" Chloe said 316. .
"You are kidding, right Watching scary things right before bed, I can't 317. the whole night." I said.
"Come on. My big brother has 318. seen this movie and he says it's not scary at all." said Chloe.
"Your birthday party will 319. because of my endless scream(尖叫)." I refused.
"It's my birthday wish. At least try to 320. it, even for a couple of minutes." said Chloe.
"Well, I guess a couple of minutes could be OK." I said.
We sat in the sofa with bowls of popcorn(爆米花) and 321. the movie. For the first couple of minutes, I thought Chloe's brother actually told the 322. . But as soon as the monsters(怪兽) started 323. at everybody in the movie, both of us jumped up and screamed!
I was so scared that I made my whole 324. of popcorn go flying. "Is it OK if I hang out in your room 325. the movie is over Maybe you can just tell me what happened later."
Chloe was fine with my 326. . So everything worked out great—until it didn't. Chloe 327. have fun being scared during the movie, but not so much fun later.
"Can 328. please turn the light on " Chloe said at bedtime, "I keep thinking there are 329. monsters under my bed. There's no way I'm going to close my eyes tonight.
I was very 330. that I just watched a couple of minutes of the movie. Not only because it was not so much fun in the end, but also because I was brave to refuse what I really didn't like.
316.A.proudly B.seriously C.nervously D.excitedly
317.A.leave B.sleep C.study D.stay
318.A.still B.even C.just D.almost
319.A.break off B.break in C.break down D.break out
320.A.read B.review C.watch D.check
321.A.started B.changed C.showed D.shared
322.A.joke B.truth C.result D.story
323.A.pointing B.shouting C.laughing D.looking
324.A.basket B.bottle C.spoon D.bowl
325.A.since B.while C.until D.as
326.A.advice B.order C.fear D.praise
327.A.must B.should C.might D.need
328.A.she B.we C.he D.they
329.A.magical B.beautiful C.funny D.terrible
330.A.glad B.worried C.angry D.regretful
(2023·安徽) 完形填空
At the 2023 Shenzhen Marathon(马拉松), 45-year-old Luo Shujian crossed the finishing line with his 13-year-old son Xiaobai, who was in a special push-chair. They 331. the half-marathon race in an hour and 59 minutes.
The son was born with cerebral palsy (大脑性瘫痪). He had to stay indoors, but his father decided to give him a 332. and happy life by taking up marathons with him. However, the decision was challenging (挑战性的) because Luo had no 333. experience. He had to 334. at 4 a. m. to practice running before work. Whenever he got chances, he would take his son with him to races, 335. half-marathons.
Now Xiaobai likes to watch the world from his push-chair with his father during races. Though he cannot express feelings in 336. , he shows them through expressions and body language. He claps his hands and smiles to show his 337. . The other runners are friendly and 338. them on as they pass.
Their marathon races have 339. them to Chengdu to see pandas, to Beijing to climb the Great Wall, and to Lanzhou to take photos along the Yellow River.
Luo plans to keep 340. with his son to allow Xiaobai to live the best life he can.
331.A.held B.finished C.cancelled D.watched
332.A.full B.silent C.short D.boring
333.A.reading B.sporting C.writing D.acting
334.A.hang out B.break away C.give in D.get up
335.A.really B.luckily C.especially D.strangely
336.A.order B.wonder C.words D.numbers
337.A.doubt B.pity C.honesty D.happiness
338.A.put B.cheer C.train D.invite
339.A.taken B.handed C.avoided D.translated
340.A.drawing B.ringing C.waiting D.running
1 / 1答案解析2023全国中考英语完形填空[1]
(2023·广东) 请通读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
Little Dora always wanted a sister. So when Mum told her she would have one in six months, she felt very 1. . But Dora had to be away for some time. She had promised to stay with her grandparents till autumn came.
"How can I make 2. go faster I can't wait to see the 3. ." Dora said to herself while she was sitting in her grandparents' yard one day. She had a good 4. when she saw the apple tree in the yard. She decided to 5. a picture of the tree each day. As Grandpa said, by the time she saw red apples on the tree, she would have a sister!
Dora's first picture was a tree full of green leaves. Day by day, the weather got cooler. The leaves slowly 6. their colour and tiny apples appeared among them.
7. , Dora drew her last picture of the tree. It had a lot of red apples. Now it was time to return home. When she entered the house, Mum and Dad were 8. her on the sofa. Each of them was 9. a baby in their arms.
"Now you have a sister and a brother!" Dad said. "Wow, I'm the 10. sister in the world!" Dora said happily. "Look! Their faces are as round as red apples. They are so cute."
1.A.rich B.afraid C.nervous D.cheerful
2.A.air B.time C.light D.water
3.A.yard B.tree C.baby D.apple
4.A.job B.idea C.life D.trip
5.A.buy B.take C.draw D.borrow
6.A.shared B.found C.passed D.changed
7.A.Finally B.Really C.Usually D.Suddenly
8.A.waiting for B.laughing at C.looking after D.learning from
9.A.hiding B.training C.walking D.holding
10.A.funniest B.smallest C.luckiest D.prettiest
1.句意:所以当妈妈告诉她六个月后会有一个妹妹时,她感到非常高兴。A.富裕的;B.害怕的;C.紧张的;D.高兴的。根据上文 Little Dora always wanted a sister. ( 小朵拉一直想要一个妹妹。 )可知,此处指朵拉是很高兴的。故选D。
2.句意:我怎样才能让时间过得更快?A.空气;B.时间;C.光线;D.水。根据下文 I can't wait to see (我等不及要看)可知,等不及,因此是想让时间过得快点。故选B。
3.句意:我等不及要看宝宝了。A.院子;B.树;C.宝宝;D.苹果。根据 Mum told her she would have one in six months 和 I can't wait to see the 可知,朵拉等不及想看到小宝宝。故选C。
4.句意:当她看到院子里的苹果树时,她有了一个好主意。A.工作;B.主意;C.生活,生命;D.旅行。根据下文 She decided to 5 a picture of the tree each day.(她决定每天为这棵树画一幅画。)可知,画苹果树是朵拉想出的好主意。故选B。
5.句意:她决定每天为这棵树画一幅画。A.买;B.拿;C.画画;D.借入。根据 Dora's first picture was a tree full of green leaves. ( 多拉的第一幅画是一棵长满绿叶的树。 )可知,朵拉决定画树的画。故选 C。
6.句意:树叶慢慢地改变了颜色,小苹果出现在它们中间。A.分享;B.发现;C.通过;D.改变。根据 their colour and tiny apples appeared among them 可知,树叶慢慢地改变了颜色。故选D。
7.句意: 最后,多拉画了她最后一幅画。A.最后;B.真地;C.通常;D.突然地。根据下文 Dora drew her last picture of the tree 可知,是指最后,多拉画完最后一幅画。故选A。
8.句意:当她进屋时,妈妈和爸爸正在沙发上等她。A.等待;B.嘲笑;C.照顾;D.向……学习。根据上文 Now it was time to return home. ( 现在是回家的时候了。 )可知,妈妈和爸爸正在沙发上等她。故选A。
9.句意:他们每个人怀里都抱着一个婴儿。A.躲藏;B.训练;C.步行;D.握着,抱着。根据空后的 a baby in their arms 可知,每个人怀里都抱着一个婴儿。故选D。
10.句意: "哇,我是世界上最幸运的姐姐!"朵拉高兴地说。 A.最滑稽的;B.最小的;C.最幸运的;D.最漂亮的。根据下文 Dora said happily 可知,朵拉很开心,是因为觉得有弟弟妹妹是很幸运的。故选C。
When you turn on the tap in your house, water comes out. This water has 11. a long way. This water comes from rain in the sky. The 12. that water arrives to the tap in your house is called the"water supply".
Most of the water on the earth is in the 13. . This water has a lot of salt in it. We cannot drink this water. Salt water makes us ill. But when the sun shines, it 14. a part of the ocean. This water rises up to make clouds in the sky. The more water rises up, the heavier and larger the clouds become. The clouds will get so heavy and large that they will change colour from white to 15. . The water will fall down into rivers and lakes 16. rain and travel back to the sea. This is called the"water cycle". We use half of the rain water 17. falls over the earth.
There are parts of the world where there is 18. fresh water. In the Arab countries, salt water can be made safe to drink. This is done by freezing or boiling it. The salt is left 19. and the clean water is then taken off. This process is very 20. , but in some areas this is the only way to get clean drinking water.
11.A. pulled B. walked C. rushed D. travelled
12.A. way B. path C. method D. condition
13.A. stream B. ocean C. river D. lake
14.A. takes in B. gives off C. heats up D. cools down
15.A. purple B. grey C. blue D. pink
16.A. through B. with C. as D. by
17.A. it B. that C. this D. what
18.A. few B. much C. enough D. little
19.A. behind B. alone C. off D. out
20.A. rapid B. cheap C. simple D. expensive
11.句意:这些水经过了很长一段距离。pulled拉;walked步行;rushed冲;travelled旅行。根据This water comes from rain in the sky.The...that water arrives to the tap in your house is called the 'water supply. 这些水来自天上的雨。到达你家水龙头的......被称为"供水"。可知此处是指水是走了很长距离才到了水龙头里,故选D。
12.句意:水到达你家水龙头的方式被称为"供水"。way方式;path小径,method方法;condition状况。根据water arrives to the tap in your house is called the water supply. 到达你家水龙头的水被称为供水。可知此处是指水到达家里水龙头是一种供水方式,故选A。
13.句意:地球上的大部分水都在海洋里。stream小溪,ocean海洋;river河流;lake湖。根据This water has a lot of salt in it. 这水里有很多盐。可知此处是指大部分水都在海洋里,海洋里的水是有盐的,故选B。
14.句意:但当太阳照耀时,它会加热一部分海洋。takes in吸收;gives off散发;heats up加热;cools down冷却。根据But when the sun shine. 但当太阳照耀时。以及This water rises up to make clouds in the sky. 这些水上升形成了天空中的云。可知此处是指温度升高,会加热一部分海水,升在天空形成云,故选C。
15.句意:云将变得如此沉重和巨大,它们将改变颜色从白色到灰色。purple紫色;grey灰色;blue蓝色;pink粉色。根据The water will fall down into rivers and lakes. 水将像雨一样落下到河流和湖泊。可知此处是指云变成灰色之后,就要下雨,然后流入河流和湖泊,故选B。
16.句意:水将像雨一样落下到河流和湖泊,并返回大海。through通过;with带有;as像;by通过。根据The water will fall down into rivers and lakes...rain. 水将.......雨一样落下到河流和湖泊。可知此处是指像雨水一样落下来,故选C。
17.句意:我们用掉了地球上一半的雨水。it它;that那个;this这个;what什么。分析句子结构可知,此处是定语从句,先行词rain water,雨水,指物,在从句中作主语,用that引导定语从句,故选B。
18.句意:世界上有些地方几乎没有淡水。few几个,修饰可数名词;much许多,修饰不可数名词;enough足够的;little一点儿,修饰不可数名词。根据but in some areas this is the only way to get clean drinking water. 但在一些地区,这是获得清洁饮用水的唯一途径。可知此处是指这些地方几乎没有淡水,修饰不可数名词water,应用little,故选D。
19.句意:盐被留下,然后干净的水被带走。behind在后面;alone独自;off离开;out出去。根据This is done by freezing or boiling it.The salt is left...and the clean water is then taken off. 这是通过冷冻或煮沸来完成的。剩下的盐…...然后把干净的水拿掉。可知此处是指把盐留下,带走干净的水,故选A。
(2023·无锡) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
I knew Marty's magic was fake (假的), but I just couldn't prove it. One day I caught a lucky break. At lunch, Marty was going on about how he could make things 21. . He had a ring in one hand and a pencil in the other.
That's when I 22. it: a thin piece of fishing line around the end of the pencil and attached (连接) to Marty's shirt! Sure enough, he made it by sliding (滑动) the ring over the pencil and hanging it from the line. No one else 23. the line, and soon the whole dining hall was cheering. When the crowds were gone, I walked over. It was time to 24. the Magic Marty show.
"I know how you did it," I said, looking him right in the eye. " 25. ," Marty replied. "But the first law of magic is that…"
"It was the fishing line. "
Marty became 26. . He looked a bit worried. Without all his confidence, he seemed more normal (平常). I suddenly felt bad.
"So, are you going to tell other people " he asked. I thought about it for a moment. If I did, I would 27. be able to prove that Marty's magic was fake. But would that really make me feel happy What about Marty He might 28. his new friends. How would that make him feel
"Nah," I said. "It will be a 29. between you and me. "
Marty let out a relieved sigh, and I turned to walk away.
"Wait!" Marty jumped in front of me. "You've got a pretty good eye for magic. If you' re 30. , I have an idea. "
That's how the Magic Marty and Mysterious Matt Lunch Show began.
21.A.disappear B.grow C.float D.change
22.A.saw B.heard C.felt D.smelt
23.A.confirmed B.noticed C.explained D.supported
24.A.watch B.praise C.create D.end
25.A.Indeed B.Maybe C.However D.Anyway
26.A.polite B.crazy C.silent D.curious
27.A.finally B.properly C.easily D.mainly
28.A.make B.leave C.greet D.lose
29.A.trick B.secret C.present D.reward
30.A.surprised B.impressed C.satisfied D.interested
21.句意:午饭的时候,Marty一直在说他能让东西浮起来。A.disappear,动词,消失;B.grow,动词,成长;C.float,动词,漂浮、漂流;D.change,动词,改变;根据" a thin piece of fishing line around the end of the pencil and attached (连接) to Marty's shirt! Sure enough, he made it by sliding (滑动) the ring over the pencil and hanging it from the line."可知Marty的魔术是让东西浮起来,float,动词,漂浮、漂流,故选C。
22.句意:就在那时我看到了:一根细细的钓鱼线绕在铅笔的末端,系在马蒂的衬衫上!A.saw,动词,看见;B.heard,动词,听见;C.felt,动词,感觉;D.smelt,动词,闻到;根据" a thin piece of fishing line around the end of the pencil and attached (连接) to Marty's shirt! "是作者看到的,因此"That's when I……"要表达就在那时我看到了,故选A。
23.句意:没有其他人注意到这根线。A.confirmed,动词,确证、证明;B.noticed,动词,注意到;C.explained,动词,解释;D.supported,动词,支持;根据". No one else……the line"可知此处要表达没有其他人注意到这根线,notice,动词,注意,用在此处符合句意,故选B。
24.句意:是时候结束魔术师Marty的表演了。A.watch,动词,观看;B.praise,动词,表扬、称赞;C.create,动词,创造;D.end,动词,结束;根据"I knew Marty's magic was fake (假的), but I just couldn't prove it. "我知道Marty的魔术是假的,但是没办法证明,以及下文我发现了Marty魔术的秘密,可知"It was time to……the Magic Marty show."要表达是时候结束魔术师Marty的表演了,故选D。
25.句意:"或许吧",Marty回答。A.Indeed,副词,确实;B.Maybe,副词,或许;C.However,副词,然而;D.Anyway,副词,无论如何;根据""But the first law of magic is that…""It was the fishing line. "Marty became…… . He looked a bit worried. "可知一开始Marty不确定作者是否真知道自己魔术的秘密,因此在作者刚表明自己知道魔术的秘密时,Marty会用"或许吧"回答作者,故选B。
26.句意:Marty变得安静。A.polite,形容词,礼貌的;B.crazy,形容词,疯狂的;C.silent,形容词,安静的;D.curious,形容词,好奇的;根据" He looked a bit worried. Without all his confidence, he seemed more normal"他看起来有点担心,没有了所有的自信,他看起来更平常了,可以推断出Marty在得知作者知道了自己魔术的秘密后变得安静,故选C。
27.句意:如果我这样做,我最终将能证明Marty的魔术是假的。A.finally,副词,最终、最后;B.properly,副词,适宜地;C.easily,副词,容易地、简单地;D.mainly,副词,主要地;根据" If I did, I would……be able to prove that Marty's magic was fake."可知此处要表达如果我这样做,我最终将能证明Marty的魔术是假的,故选A。
28.句意:他或许会失去他的新朋友。A.make,动词,使、让;B.leave,动词,离开;C.greet,动词,问候;D.lose,动词,丢失;根据" He might……his new friends. "可知此处要表达他或许会失去他的新朋友,lose,动词,失去,lose his new friends,失去他的新朋友,故选D。
29.句意:它将会是你和我之间的一个秘密。A.trick,名词,票;B.secret,名词,秘密;C.present,名词,礼物;D.reward,名词,奖励、报酬;根据"Marty let out a relieved sigh, and I turned to walk away. "Marty释放出一种信任的信号,然后我转身走开了,可知"It will be a……between you and me."要表达它会是你和我之间的一个秘密,secret,名词,秘密,用在此处符合句意,故选B。
30.句意:如果你感兴趣,我有一个想法。A.surprised,形容词,惊讶的;B.impressed,形容词,印象深刻的;C.satisfied,形容词,满意的;D.interested,形容词,感兴趣的;根据"That's how the Magic Marty and Mysterious Matt Lunch Show began."魔法师Marty和神秘马蒂午餐秀表演就是这样开始的,可知" If you' re……, I have an idea. "要表达如果你感兴趣,我有一个想法,interested,形容词,感兴趣的,用在此处符合句意,故选D。
When I was in middle school, I was bullied (欺负)a lot. There was one boy, let's call him C, who was the main person 31. . Every day, for many years, he would say mean things to me and 32. me with his words. It was 33. time in my life, and I felt like there was no way of running away from it.
Years passed, and I left 34. . I had no idea what happened to C, and I didn't 35. . I just wanted to move on with my life and forget about what happened.
One day, when I was twenty-six years old, I was walking to the supermarket. Suddenly, I saw C. I couldn't believe it. He 36. at me, trying to find out who I was. Then, he asked me if I was who he thought I was. I told him that I was 37. who he thought I was.
To my surprise, C 38. . It was the most honest and heartfelt apology I had ever heard. He didn't have to say anything. He could have just behaved in a way that he didn't 39. me and walked away. But he stopped me and apologized. I could hear the 40. in his voice for what he had done to me in the past. At that moment, I 41. him right away. All the hatred (憎恨)and 42. I had carried for years was gone in a 43. . I was a completely 44. and life-changing moment for me. That experience gave me a 45. in the goodness of people and made the rest of my day truly amazing.
31.A.responsible B.magical C.impossible D.valuable
32.A.comfort B.satisfy C.praise D.scare
33.A.happy B.pleasant C.difficult D.moving
34.A.home B.school C.work D.supermarket
35.A.help B.relax C.care D.calm
36.A.looked B.shouted C.laughed D.knocked
37.A.nearly B.almost C.exactly D.simply
38.A.apologized B.cried C.forgot D.communicated
39.A.influence B.notice C.bully D.hate
40.A.loneliness B.joy C.meaning D.shame
41.A.left B.excused C.remembered D.punished
42.A.luck B.regret C.happiness D.anger
43.A.year B.month C.second D.hour
44.A.unclear B.unfriendly C.uncertain D.unexpected
45.A.lesson B.hope C.gift D.love
31.句意:有一个男孩,让我们称他为C,他是主要责任人。responsible负责任的;magical有魔力的;impossible不可能的;valuable有价值的。根据I was bullied (欺负)a lot.和 who was the main person 可知C是主要欺负我的人,故答案为A。
32.句意:多年来,他每天都会对我说刻薄的话,并用他的话来吓唬我。comfort舒适;satisfy满意;praise赞扬;scare恐吓。根据 I was bullied (欺负)a lot. 和he would say mean things to me 他对我说刻薄的话可知,这个男孩用语言伤害我。故答案为D。
33.句意:那是我生命中的一段艰难的岁月。happy高兴的;pleasant愉快的;difficult艰难的;moving令人感动的。根据Every day, for many years,he would say mean things to me and scare me with his words可知,那段岁月很艰难。故答案为C。
34.句意:多年过去,我离开了学校。home家;school学校;work工作;supermarket超市;根据When I was in middle school,I was bullied (欺负) a lot.可知,以前在学校,后来长大了离开了学校。故答案为B。
35.句意:我不知道C发生了什么,当然我也不关心。help帮助;relax使放松;care关心;calm平静;根据I just wanted to move on with my life and forget about what happened.可知忘记发生的事,所以我不关心他。故答案为C。
36.句意:他朝我看,想试图找出我是谁。looked看 ; shouted叫喊;laughed笑;knocked敲。 根据常识可知,想找出我是谁,最直接的方式就是看。故答案为A。
37.句意:我告诉他,我就是他认为的我。nearly几乎;almost几乎;exactly完全地;simply简单地;根据 he asked me if I was who he thought I was. 和I told him that I was 7 who he thought I was.可知这里表示我完全就是他认为的样子,故答案为C。
38.句意:令我惊讶的是,他道歉了。apologized道歉;cried哭;forgot忘记;communicated交流; 根据It was the most honest and heart felt apology I had ever heard可知,他道歉了。故答案为A。
40.句意:我能从他的声音中听到,他对过去对我所做的一切感到羞愧。loneliness孤独;joy欢乐;meaning意义;shame羞愧;根据下文All the hatred (憎恨)and 12 I had carried for years was gone in a可知他用诚意让我原谅了他,可知这里是他对传记的所作所为感到羞愧。故答案为D。
41.句意:我原谅了他。left留下;excused原谅;remembered记住;punished惩罚;根据下文All the hatred(憎恨)was gone可知我选择原谅他。故答案为B。
42.句意:背负多年的怨恨和愤怒在这一秒全部消失了。luck运气;regret后悔;happiness开心;anger愤怒;生气;根据 hatred (憎恨)和and 可知这里是和hatrd并列的负面情绪的词,结合上文可知这里是表示愤怒消失了。故答案为D。
43.句意:背负多年的怨恨和愤怒在这一秒全部消失了。year年;month月;second秒;hour小时。根据At that moment, I 11 him right away.可知是瞬间就消失了,in a second瞬间。故答案为C。
44.句意:我完全没料到,生活瞬间发生了变化。unclear不清楚的;unfriendly不友好的;uncertain不确定的;unexpected意料之外的。根据 He could have just behaved in a way that he didn't 9 me and walked away可知C的道歉是作者没有预料到的。故答案为D。
45.句意:那次经历让我明白了人是善良的,并让我一天的剩余时间真的很神奇。lesson教训,课;hope希望;gift礼物;love爱;根据in the goodness of people and made the rest of my day truly amazing可知是作者的感悟,因此是学到了一课,故答案为A。
In sixth grade,I joined the band program to learn to play the clarinet (单簧管).The first year had gone 46. .But as most students progressed,I seemed to 47. behind.One day,when my teacher told us to perform in class,I was filled with 48. .When I began to play,my rhythms (节奏) were good,but my tone (调) was another 49. . "Didn't you practice your lesson?" the teacher shouted at me.I felt so 50. and my world fell down at once.
From then on,I 51. playing the clarinet and I was getting worse.With the new performance coming near,I grew 52. upset.In a moment of panic (惊慌),I asked for sick leave.It was such a(n) 53. way out and I was totally in relief.
I continued 54. my lessons until my mum asked me about it. "I want to give up." said with tears in my eyes. "Why are you 55. ,if you really want to give up?" asked mum.She had a(n) 56. and I realized that I really wanted to stay in band and,by not facing my fears,I had created a black hole that would be difficult to 57. out of,I knew it's time to find my way out.
The next day I 58. with my other band teacher and told her about my problems.She asked me gently to play for her.I tried, 59. only an unpleasant sound came out he handed me a new reed (簧片).I put it in place and tried again.To my 60. ,I could play so well.
Hiding from those fears only digs a hole,making a person trapped (陷入困境) inside.After facing up to a fear,one may find life easier and more enjoyable.
46.A.slowly B.quickly C.quietly D.smoothly
47.A.walk B.fall C.step D.move
48.A.fear B.regret C.joy D.courage
49.A.novel B.piece C.story D.part
50.A.relaxed B.embarrassed C.worried D.nervous
51.A.loved B.kept C.hated D.started
52.A.finally B.hopefully C.suddenly D.increasingly
53.A.hard B.easy C.silly D.painful
54.A.avoiding B.taking C.choosing D.attending
55.A.shouting B.crying C.changing D.asking
56.A.point B.idea C.sight D.mind
57.A.push B.pull C.draw D.climb
58.A.argued B.played C.met D.worked
59.A.and B.but C.or D.so
60.A.sadness B.amusement C.surprise D.disappointment
46.句意:第一年过得很顺利。A.slowly缓慢地;B.quickly快速地;C.quietly安静地;D.smoothly顺利地。结合后文语境"But as most students progressed,I seemed to...behind"可知第一年过得很顺利,故选D。
47.句意:但随着大多数学生的进步,我似乎落后了。A.walk行走,步行;B.fall掉落;C.step踩;D.move移动,搬动。根据"fall behind,落后,固定搭配"可知此处应用fall,故选B。
48.句意:有一天,当我的老师叫我在课堂上表演时,我充满了恐惧。A.fear恐惧;B.regret遗憾;C.joy喜悦;D.courage勇气。根据后文语境"my world fell down at once我的世界瞬间崩塌了"可知,说明充满恐惧和害怕。故选A。
49.句意:当我开始演奏时,我的节奏很好,但我的音调是另一回事。A.novel小说;B.piece块;C.story故事; D.part部分。根据语境"my rhythms(节奏) were good, but my tone (调) was anothr..."以及常识可知,节奏和音调不是同一回事,用story。故选C。
50.句意:我感觉很尴尬并且觉得我的世界瞬间崩塌了。A.relaxed放松的;B.embarrassed尴尬的;C.worried担忧的;D.nervous紧张的。根据前文语境""Didn't you practice your lesson?" the teacher shouted at me."可知因为被老师骂了,感觉很尴尬,糟糕,故选B。
51.句意:从那时起,我讨厌吹单簧管,而且我的情况越来越糟。A.loved热爱;B.kept持续;C.hated讨厌;D.started开始。根据后文语境"l was getting worse"可知,我变得更糟糕,说明我讨厌吹单簧管。故选C。
52.句意:随着新演出的到来,我越来越沮丧。A.finally最终;B.hopefully有希望地;C.suddenly突然地;D.increasingly越来越多地,不断增加地。根据语境"In a moment of panic(惊慌), I asked for sick leave.我很惊慌,请了病假"可知,应是越来越沮丧。故选D。
53.句意:这是一条如此简单的出路,我完全松了一口气。A.hard艰难的;B.easy简单的;C.silly愚蠢的;D.painful痛苦的。根据语境"I was totally in relief"可知此处应是说请假是一条很简单的出路,故选B。
54.句意:我一直不上课,直到妈妈问我这件事。A.avoiding避免;B.taking拿;C.choosing选择;D.attending参加。根据后文语境"I want to give up."可知我一直逃避上课,故选A。
55.句意:"如果你真的想放弃,你为什么哭?"妈妈问。A.shouting喊叫;B.crying哭泣;C.changing改变;D.asking询问。结合前文语境"...said with tears in my eyes."可知应是询问为什么哭泣,故选B。
56.句意:她说得有道理,我意识到我真的很想留在乐队里,通过不面对我的恐惧,我创造了一个很难爬出来的黑洞,我知道是时候找到出路了。A.point点,分;B.idea主意,想法;C.sight视野;D.mind头脑,心智。结合后文语境"I realized that I really wanted to stay in band"可知是妈妈说到点上了,也就是说的有道理,故选A。
57.句意:她说得有道理,我意识到我真的很想留在乐队里,通过不面对我的恐惧,我创造了一个很难爬出来的黑洞,我知道是时候找到出路了。A.push推;B.pull拉;C.draw画画;D.climb爬。结合前面语境"I had created a black hole"可知应是一个很难爬出的黑洞,故选D。
58.句意:第二天,我和我的另一位乐队老师见面,告诉她我的问题。A.argued争论;B.played演奏,玩耍;C.met遇见;D.worked工作。结合后文语境"with my other band teacher and told her a
bout my problems"可知应是遇见了另一位老师,故选C。
59.句意:我试了一下,但只听到一个不愉快的声音,他递给我一根新簧片。A.and和;B.but但是;C.or或者;D.so因此。根据语境"...only an unpleasant sound came out"可知此处表示转折,试过,但是效果不好,故选B。
60.句意:令我惊讶的是,我能打得这么好。A.sadness悲伤;B.amusement娱乐;C.surprise惊喜,惊讶;D.disappointment失望。结合语境"I could play so well."可知应是出乎意料的好,很惊讶,故选C。
(2023·南通) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Jatto's mother was doing housework while Jatto was reading a book aloud in English.
Jatto didn't always like 61. to his mother. She spoke only Esan, one of the languages in Nigeria. Wasn't it a waste of time to read to someone who couldn't understand His mother didn't even realize when he made 62. . Still, she insisted he read aloud every day.
"Let's bottle nuts when you finish reading," she said in Esan.
Jatto shook his head. He had so much homework to do. "I'll never finish reading."
Jatto said "never" in English because there was no word for never in Esan.
"What's ‘never' " she asked.
Jatto cleared his throat to 63. the English word. "It means I won't stop reading today, tomorrow, or 64. ." He drew circles in the air. "Nor the day after the day after tomorrow, the day after the day after, the day after…"
"Oh, OK! That's forever," his mother said.
Jatto stared at the nuts. Each one looked delicious.
Now would be a 65. time to eat some. But he couldn't ask. He remembered the 66. he'd drawn in the air.
Jatto's mother whistled. Tam-tam, their cow, came up to them. Jatto could 67. cow-milk air as his mother milked her. Tam-tam's milk was the best he'd ever tasted.
Jatto needed to take his mind off the 68. . "Mama, why do you make me read to you even though you don't understand "
"I want you to practice speaking English often," she said.
"I can practice English in my head," he said, not 69. .
His mother smiled. "We share our stories aloud with others, not in our heads where 70. can hear them."
Jatto nodded. He'd learned about that in school.
She decided to tell him a story and handed him some nuts and milk. "You can eat 71. I talk."
He ate as she started. Soon, Jatto was singing the story with his mother.
"You never tell me stories," he said when they stopped 72. .
She sighed. "I used to, but when you started school, I wanted you to focus on English."
"I make a lot of mistakes when I read to you," Jatto said.
His mother 73. . "I guessed so. But I like hearing the sound of your voice while I work."
Jatto knew what she meant. He had enjoyed listening to her story as he bottled the nuts. It made the work seem 74. . "I have an idea," he said. "Next time, I will read a story to you in English, then I will tell you the same story in Esan. We can even make up songs together."
"Great! And I will tell you stories in Esan and you can say them back to me in English. Let's ‘never' stop 75. stories."
Jatto smiled. His mother's understanding of never was even better than his own.
61.A. talking B. reading C. replying D. listening
62.A. mistakes B. jokes C. efforts D. noises
63.A. speak B. pronounce C. organize D. explain
64.A. the day before B. the last day
C. the day after D. in the future
65.A. good B. free C. busy D. bad
66.A. nuts B. bottles C. circles D. cows
67.A. see B. smell C. feel D. hear
68.A. milk B. cow C. story D. food
69.A. alone B. aloud C. kindly D. directly
70.A. nobody B. somebody C. anybody D. everybody
71.A. before B. while C. after D. until
72.A. saying B. eating C. singing D. chatting
73.A. shouted B. cried C. praised D. laughed
74.A. easier B. slower C. heavier D. shorter
75.A. practicing B. telling C. sharing D. writing
61.句意:杰托不总是喜欢和他妈妈谈话。A.谈话,B.阅读,C.回答,D.听。根据下文She spoke only Esan, one of the languages in Nigeria. 她只会说伊桑语,这是尼日利亚的一种语言,可知杰托不总是喜欢和他妈妈谈话。故答案为:A。
62.句意:他母亲甚至没有意识到他什么时候犯了错误。A.错误,B.玩笑,C.努力/效果,D.噪音。根据上文Wasn't it a waste of time to read to someone who couldn't understand 给听不懂的人朗读不是浪费时间吗?可知他母亲甚至没有意识到他什么时候犯了错误。故答案为:A。
63.句意:杰托清了清嗓子,解释了那个英语单词。A.说,B.发音,C.组织,D.解释。根据下文"It means I won't stop reading today, tomorrow这意味着我今天、明天都不会停止阅读……,可知是进行了解释。故答案为:D。
64.句意:这意味着我今天、明天或后天都不会停止阅读。A.前天,B.最后一天,C.后天,D.在将来。根据today, tomorrow,可知接下来应是后天。故答案为:C。
65.句意:现在是吃点东西的好时机。A.好的,B.空闲的,C.忙碌的,D.坏的。根据上文 Jatto stared at the nuts. Each one looked delicious. 杰托盯着坚果看。每一个看起来都很美味,可知现在是吃点东西的好时机。故答案为:A。
66.句意:他想起了自己在空中画的圆圈。A.坚果,B.瓶子,C.圆圈,D.牛。根据上文He drew circles in the air. 他在空中画圆圈,可知此时他想起了自己在空中画的圆圈。故答案为:C。
67.句意:杰托在母亲挤奶时能闻到牛奶的味道。A.看见,B.闻,C.感觉,D.听见。根据cow-milk air 牛奶的味道,可知是闻到味道。故答案为:B。
68.句意:杰托需要把注意力从牛奶上移开。A.牛奶,B.牛,C.故事,D.食物。根据上文Tam-tam's milk was the best he'd ever tasted. 谭的牛奶是他品尝过的最好的,可知是需要把注意力从牛奶上移开。故答案为:A。
69.句意:他小声地说。A.孤单的,B.大声地,C.善意地,D.直接地。根据上文"I want you to practice speaking English often," she said."我希望你经常练习说英语,"她说;以及"I can practice English in my head," he said他说:"我可以在脑子里练习英语。",可知应是小声地反驳,not aloud。故答案为:B。
70.句意:我们大声地与他人分享我们的故事,而不是在没有人能听到的地方。A.没有人,B.某人,C.任何人,D.每个人。根据上文"I can practice English in my head," he said他说:"我可以在脑子里练习英语。",可知在脑子里练习是没人能听见的。故答案为:A。
71.句意:我说话的时候,你可以吃。A.在……之前,B.当,C.在……之后,D.直到。根据下文 He ate as she started. 妈妈开始的时候,他边吃,可知应是当妈妈说话的时候,他可以吃。故答案为:B。
72.句意:当他们停止唱时,他说:"你从来不会给我讲故事。"。A.说,B.吃,C.唱歌,D.聊天。根据上文Soon, Jatto was singing the story with his mother.很快,杰托就和妈妈一起唱起了这个故事,可知停止唱。故答案为:B。
73.句意:他的妈妈笑了。"我想是的。但我喜欢在工作时听到你的声音。"。A.喊叫,B.哭泣,C.称赞,D.笑。根据But I like hearing the sound of your voice while I work. 但我喜欢在工作时听到你的声音,可知应是笑了。故答案为:D。
74.句意:这让工作看起来更容易。A.更容易的,B.更慢的,C.更重的,D.更短的。根据上文He had enjoyed listening to her story as he bottled the nuts.当他把坚果装进瓶子时,他很喜欢听她的故事,可知听故事让工作看起来更容易。故答案为:A。
75.句意:让我们"永远"不要停止分享故事。A.练习,B.告诉/讲(故事),C.分享,D.写。根据上文 And I will tell you stories in Esan and you can say them back to me in English. 我会用伊桑语给你讲故事,你可以用英语对我说,可知是不要停止分享故事。故答案为:B。
Last year in early summer, I was walking up the hill to my house when I saw two birds, each about 60 centimetres tall, standing on the path. They didn't seem to 76. me until I was right in front of them and then they at once moved quickly into the bushes.
I was quite excited by the idea of two birds making a nest (巢) in my front yard, although I didn't really expect them to 77. wild birds don't usually nest so close.
A few weeks later, the birds 78. again. I found them crouching beside a tree off to the side of the path. As I moved nearer to them, I 79. that they would run away like they did last time. But instead they stuck out their heads and made a threatening (威胁的) croaking (呱呱叫) sound. It seemed to warn me not to go any 80. .
I didn't know why they were croaking at me until a short time later I made an amazing 81. : they had two small baby birds.
As I moved quietly towards the birds, 82. not to make any sudden movements, they started their croaking again. They straightened their necks forward so they seemed 83. and more threatening. The mother carefully crouched down over the chicks, and 84. her babies well in her feathers.
I was watching them with 85. when I suddenly tripped and fell to the ground. The birds took this as a threat and the father raced towards me, 86. his wings to protect the mother and the chicks while making himself appear larger.
I was 87. to have surprised them and left quickly. I was amazed by their fearless actions. Their parental natural ability kicked in and made them so courageous. It is hard not to respect nature.
76.A. notice B. welcome C. follow D. believe
77.A. when B. until C. because D. while
78.A. fought B. flew C. screamed D. appeared
79.A. explained B. imagined C. confirmed D. remembered
80.A. nearer B. faster C. earlier D. deeper
81.A. discovery B. contribution C. achievement D. agreement
82.A. patient B. curious C. careful D. polite
83.A. wider B. longer C. weaker D. smaller
84.A. pulled B. shook C. touched D. hid
85.A. trust B. courage C. confidence D. respect
86.A. shutting B. spreading C. controlling D. breaking
87.A. angry B. happy C. sorry D. proud
76.句意:它们似乎直到我就在它们面前才注意到我,然后它们立刻迅速进入灌木丛。notice注意;welcome欢迎;follow跟随;believe相信。根据me until I was right in front of them可知,直到到了它们面前,它们才注意到我。故选A。
78.句意:几周后,这些鸟又出现了。fought打架,打斗;flew飞;screamed尖叫;appeared出现。根据A few weeks later, the birds...again可知,鸟又出现了。故选D。
79.句意:当我走近他们时,我想象着它们会像上次一样逃跑。explained解释;imagined想象;confirmed确认;remembered记得。根据that they would run away like they did last time可知,是想象着它们会逃跑。故选B。
80.句意:它似乎在警告我不要再靠近了。nearer更近;faster更快;earlier更早;deeper更深。根据But instead they stuck out their heads and made a threatening croaking sound. It seemed to warn me not to go any可知,它们发出了威胁性的沙哑声,不让再靠近。故选A。
81.句意:我不知道它们为什么对我大喊大叫,直到不久后我有了一个惊人的发现:它们有两只鸟宝宝。discovery发现;contribution贡献;achievement成就;agreement协定。根据they had two small baby birds可知,是发现有两只鸟宝宝。故选A。
82.句意:当我悄悄地向那些鸟走去,小心不要做出任何突然的动作时,它们又开始鸣叫了。patient有耐心的;curious好奇的;careful小心的;polite有礼貌的。根据not to make any sudden movements可知,是小心地不做出突然的动作。故选C。
83.句意:它们把脖子向前伸直,看起来更长,更具威胁性。wider更宽的;longer更长的;weaker更弱的;smaller更小的。根据They straightened their necks forward可知,脖子向前伸,显得脖子更长。故选B。
84.句意:鸟妈妈小心翼翼地蹲在小鸟身上,把小鸟藏在羽毛里。pulled拉;shook摇;touched触摸;hid藏。根据her babies well in her feathers可知,是把宝宝藏在羽毛里。故选D。
86.句意:展开翅膀保护鸟妈妈和小鸟,同时让自己看起来更大。shutting关闭;spreading展开;controlling控制;breaking损坏。根据his wings to protect the mother and the chicks while making himself appear larger可知,是展开自己的翅膀。故选B。
87.句意:我很抱歉让它们大吃一惊。angry生气的;happy高兴的;sorry抱歉的;proud自豪的。根据have surprised them and left quickly,可知惊动了小鸟,感到很抱歉。故选C。
(2023·镇江) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
I remember the year when I was seven years old. I 88. a pretty hair clip from a girl in my dance class. My 89. found the shiny clip was not bought by them. So they sat me down on the floor of our study and explained 90. what I had done was wrong. What a bad end I would come to if I became a thief—people would not trust me any more.
More than thirty years on, the lesson has reminded me a lot. I've never taken 91. that was not mine away. Once, I left a store wearing a pair of sunglasses I'd tried on and then I 92. gave it back. But that gave me the feeling of shame for months.
Though my childhood memories are not 93. , such moments when my parents told me good values are always in my mind. They provided a standard of good 94. : to put myself in others' shoes and to control my greed (贪欲).
The social environment in the coming age 95. each generation's value, but families have the deeper effect on children. The right values from our parents can finally lead us to 96. .
I believe in truth because my parents raise me to do so, even though sometimes my opinions are different from theirs. I believe in 97. because my parents set me good examples. They cure the sick and visit the lonely. I believe in working hard because my parents devote themselves to the society. Good values from my family have shaped me. And I will pass them on to my kids.
88.A. borrowed B. discovered C. stole D. pulled
89.A. friends B. classmates C. teachers D. parents
90.A. why B. where C. how D. when
91.A. everything B. nothing C. something D. anything
92.A. quickly B. simply C. happily D. easily
93.A. wonderful B. clear C. funny D. different
94.A. abilities B. qualities C. scores D. services
95.A. confirms B. decides C. influences D. proves
96.A. look up B. grow up C. turn up D. hurry up
97.A. kindness B. fitness C. carefulness D. happiness
88.句意:我从一个舞蹈班的女孩那里偷了个漂亮的发夹。A借,B发现,C偷,D拉,根据found the shiny clip was not bought by them,可知是偷来的。故选C。
89.句意:但是我的父母发现那个亮闪闪的发夹不是他们买的。A朋友,B同学,C老师,D父母,根据they sat me down on the floor of our study,可知是父母把孩子叫过来,故选D。
90.句意:所以他们让我坐在书房的地板上,解释为什么我所做的事情是错误的。A为什么,B哪里,C如何,D何时,根据found the shiny clip was not bought by them. 可知告诉孩子为什么这么做是错的,故选A。
92.句意:有一次,我戴着一副试穿过的太阳镜离开商店,然后我又把它迅速还给了商店。A快速地,B简单地,C快乐地,C容易地,根据But that gave me the feeling of shame for months但这让我感到羞愧了好几个月,可知好几个月和快速的之间形成对比,故选A。
93.句意:虽然我对童年的记忆不是很清晰,但我的父母给我讲的正能量时刻都在我脑海中。A美好的,B清晰的,C有趣的,D不同的,根据childhood memories,可知对童年的记忆不是很清晰,故选B。
94.句意:他们为我树立了良好的品质标准:换位思考和控制贪婪。A能力,B品质,C分数,D服务,根据put myself in others'shoes and to control my greed,可知这是一种品质,故选B。
95.句意:未来社会环境的影响将更深远地影响下一代,而家庭对孩子们的影响则更为深远。A确认,B决定,C影响,D证明,根据families have the deeper effect on children,可知是社会环境的影响将更深远地影响下一代,故选C。
96.句意:我们从父母那里传承的正确的价值观最终可以引领我们成长。A查找,B成长,C出现,D加快速度,根据families have the deeper effect on children,可知正确的价值观最终可以引领孩子们成长,故选B。
97.句意:我相信善良,因为我父母给了我很好的榜样。A善良,B健康,C谨慎,D快乐,根据They cure the sick and visit the lonely. I believe in working hard because my parents devote themselves to the society他们治疗病人,看望孤独的人。我相信努力工作是因为我的父母献身于社会,可知父母很善良,故选A。
(2023·广州中考) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16~25各题所给的A,B,C和D项中选出最佳选项。
Almost everyone has a dream job, and for Susan, it is being a whale (鯨) trainer at her city's aquarium (水族馆). Last year, Susan finally had a (n) 98. , but it was more than just signing up. People who wanted this job had to take part in a competition. They need to show how 99. they could go down into the seven-metre-deep pool that housed the whales and how long they could stay there. The one who could reach the deepest and stay the longest underwater would get the job.
Susan signed up to try out, and everything went 100. at first. But then, as she went down to about five metres under the icy water, her legs stopped 101. . The cold water caused a huge pain in her legs. She was unable to swim back to the surface. She was in great fear and couldn't think. This only caused her to 102. farther into the pool. Just as Susan 103. hope, she suddenly felt herself being pushed to the surface.
It was Mila, a whale in the pool. She noticed Susan's 104. , held her leg in her mouth and pushed Susan up to the surface. Susan was 105. , thanks to Mila's quick action. The aquarium spokesperson said Susan was really 106. , because Mila had realized Susan needed help before any of the working group did, which saved valuable time.
"Whales are 107. animals-they live and play together. In the wild, they show great interest in humans and often swim close to boats and divers."
98.A.chance B.job C.dream D.idea
99.A.soon B.far C.often D.hard
100.A.close B.deep C.late D.well
101.A.trying B.hurting C.working D.resting
102.A.drop B.swim C.jump D.search
103.A.gave away B.gave in C.gave out D.gave up
104.A.look B.trouble C.move D.place
105.A.changed B.lost C.chosen D.saved
106.A.lucky B.brave C.afraid D.sad
107.A.funny B.lonely C.social D.strong
98.句意:去年Susan终于有一个机会,但它不仅仅只是报名。chance机会;job工作; dream梦想; idea主意。根据but it was more than just signing up. (但这不仅仅是报名。)可知是等来了机会,但是不仅仅是报名那么简单。故选A。
99.句意:他们需要展示他们如何能进入鲸鱼所在的7米深的水池,以及他们能在那里呆多久。soon很快; far远; often经常;hard困难。根据they could go down into the seven-metre-deep pool that housed the whales and how Iong they could stay there. (他们需要展示他们如何能进入鲸鱼所在的7米深的水池,以及他们能在那里呆多久。)可知是how far表示"多远"。故选B。
100.句意: Susan报名了,去参加选拔。一切事情一开始都进展的很顺利。close密切地; deep深的; late迟到的; well好的。根据But then, (但是, )可知后文转折,表示不好的事情,说明前面是好的。everything went well!"一切进展顺利"。故选D。
101.句意:但接下来,当她在冰冷的水下深入到大约5 m时,她的腿停止了工作。trying尝试; hurting受伤; working工作;resting休息。根据The cold water caused a huge pain in her legs. (冷水使她的腿剧烈疼痛。)可知冷水造成她的腿没有知觉,不能动了。故选C。
102.句意:这导致她掉到泳池更深的地方去了。drop丢掉; swim游泳; jump跳跃;search搜找。根据She was unable to swim back to the surface.She was in great fear and couldn't think. (她无法游回水面。她非常害怕,无法思考。)可知她在水下,腿没有知觉,大脑不能思考,故会沉下去。故选A。
103.句意:正当Susan放弃了希望时她突然感到她自己被推向水面。gave away赠送; gave in投降; gave out分发,gave up放弃。根据she suddenly felt herself being pushed to the surface. (她突然感到自己被推到了水面上。)可知当Susan放弃希望时,被推向水面。故选D
104.句意:是Mila,泳池里的一头鲸,它注意到Susan的麻烦。把她的腿含在嘴里,并且把Susan推向了水面。look看;trouble麻烦;move移动; place地方。根据She was unable to swim back to the surface.She was in great fear and couldn't think. (她无法游回水面。她非常害怕,无法思考。)可知Susan腿不能动,是遇到了麻烦。故选B。
105.句意: Susan被拯救了,多亏了Mila的快速行动。changed改变; lost丢失;chosen选择;saved拯救。根据thanks to Mila's quick action. (多亏了Mila的快速行动)可知多亏了鲸鱼,把Susan救了。故选D。
106.句意:水族馆的发言人说Susan真的很幸运,因为Mila比任何工作小组的人都更早意识到Susan需要帮助,这节省了宝贵的时间。lucky幸运的; brave勇敢的;afraid害怕的;sad伤心的。根据which saved valuable time. (这节省了宝贵的时间。)可知Susan被鲸鱼救了是幸运的。故选A。
107.句意:鲸是社交性动物,它们在一起居住和玩耍。funny有趣的; lonely孤单的; social社交的; strong强壮的。根据In the wild,
they show great interest in humans and often swim close to boats and divers. (在野外,它们对人类表现出极大的兴趣,经常游到船只和潜水员附近。)可知是社交性动物。故选C。
五、完形填空 (本题共10分, 每小题1分)
(2023·哈尔滨) 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。
Little Jim lived in a poor village with his mother. One summer day. Jim's mother 108. him to the field to find some dried wood for the fire.
Jim worked very hard. By the time the sun was high, he was very hot and wished for a 109. place to rest and have some food. As he walked along, he found some shade (阴凉处) with fine, wild 110. beside it.
"How good these will be with my bread!" thought Jim. He 111. all of the strawberries. As he was lifting the first strawberry to his mouth, he remembered his sick mother, alone in her dark and cold room in the village.
With this in mind, he put the strawberry back. "Shall I save them for her " he asked 112. .
He thought how delicious the strawberries would be for her, but how he wanted to eat them!
"I will eat half and take 113. half to her," he said. He divided them into two heaps (堆), but each heap looked so small. He put them together again.
"I will only eat one," he thought.
As he again lifted it to his mouth, he saw that he had taken the finest, and he put it back.
When the sun was beginning to set, Jim 114. for home. Though he was very tired, he didn't eat any of the strawberries. He felt so satisfied with himself 115. he saved all the strawberries for his sick mother.
As soon as he got home, he heard his mother's weak voice calling him. "Is that you, Jim 116. do you come back so late I am thirsty, and am looking for some water."
Jim ran to her 117. and said. "Mum, these strawberries are all for you." Seeing the smile on his mother's face, he felt happy from the bottom of his heart.
108.A. took B. brought C. sent
109.A. cool B. hot C. warm
110.A. strawberries B. bananas C. pears
111.A. made up B. got up C. picked up
112.A. herself B. himself C. myself
113.A. other B. another C. the other
114.A. set out B. took out C. ate out
115.A. that B. because C. until
116.A. When B. What C. Why
117.A. happily B. angrily C. hardly
108.句意:吉姆的妈妈让他去田里找些干木头生火。A.took带走;B.brought带来;C.sent打发,安排去。根据to find some dried wood for the fire(去找些干柴生火)可知,吉姆的妈妈让他去田里找些干木头生火。故选C。
109.句意:太阳出来的时候,他觉得很热,想找个凉快的地方休息一下,吃点东西。A.cool凉爽的;B.hot热的;C.warm温暖的。根据By the time the sun was high, he was very hot(太阳升起的时候,他已经很热了)可知,他想找个凉快的地方休息一下,吃点东西。故选A。
110.句意:他走着走着,发现旁边有一片树荫,上面种着漂亮的野草莓。A.strawberries草莓;B.bananas香蕉;C.pears梨。根据He picked up all of the strawberries.(他把所有的草莓都摘了。)可知,树荫上面是漂亮的野草莓。故选A。
111.句意:他把所有的草莓都摘了。A.made up编造;B.got up起床;C.picked up捡起。根据As he was lifting the first strawberry to his mouth,he remembered his sick mother,alone in her dark and cold room in the village.(当他把第一个草莓放到嘴里时,他想起了生病的母亲,她独自在村里黑暗寒冷的房间里。)可知,他把所有的草莓都摘了。故选C。
112.句意:"我把它们留给她好吗?"他问自己。A.herself她自己;B.himself他自己;C.myself我自己。根据Shall I save them for her?(我把它们留给她好吗?)可知,此处是指他自言自语。故选B。
113.句意:他说:"我吃一半,把另一半给她。"A.other其他的,泛指;B.another另一,再一;C.the other其他的,特指。根据I will eat half(我吃一半)可知,他把另一半留给妈妈。one...the other...一……,另一……,这是固定搭配。故选C。
114.句意:太阳开始落山时,吉姆动身回家。A.set out动身,出发;B.took out取出;C.ate out出去吃。根据for home(回家)可知,吉姆动身回家。故选A。
115.句意:他对自己感到非常满意,因为他把所有的草莓都留给了生病的母亲。A.that没有具体意义;B.because因为;C.until直到。根据saved all the strawberries for his sick mother(把所有的草莓都留给他生病的母亲)可知,这是他对自己感到非常满意的原因。故选B。
116.句意:是你吗,吉姆?你为什么回来这么晚?A.When什么时间;B.What什么;C.Why为什么。根据come back so late(回来这么晚)可知,此处是指你为什么回来这么晚?故选C。
117.句意:吉姆高兴地跑过去对她说。"妈妈,这些草莓都是给你的。"A.happily高兴地;B.angrily生气地;C.hardly几乎不。根据 "Mum, these strawberries are all for you." ("妈妈,这些草莓都是给你的。")可知,吉姆高兴地跑过去对她说。故选A。
My Big Solo
The day of my big solo (独唱) had finally arrived. It was a big event: the Spring Fling Choir (合唱团) Concert. My 118. was on the cover of the program. "Cindy…Soloist." I couldn't believe it. It wasn't Judy's name, but my name.
Judy and I had been classmates since primary school. She was always better than I.
I was filled with a lot of worry because of the choir concert tryouts (选拔赛). We waited to be called one at a time into the choir room. When Ms Jenkins asked me to enter the room, my heart 119. fast and my whole body was shaking. When I came back, Judy smiled at me. Ms Jenkins called her name and Judy 120. followed her. She was still calm and smiling when she came out.
When Ms Jenkins told us who were chosen to join the choir group, I wasn't 121. when Judy's name was on her list and mine wasn't, but I was disappointed.
Sudden clapping came. Ms Jenkins looked at me, "Cindy, you will have to start practicing with me. The solos need more 122. ." Solo I got the solo I looked 123. Judy smiling and giving me the thumbs-up (竖起大拇指) sign.
Now the day had come. I was front and center. The spotlight circled me in its bright light, but I felt quite nervous right there. I couldn't breathe (呼吸). I couldn't think. I couldn't sing. "You can do it, Cindy," Judy said in a low voice. "I know 124. can."
I took a deep breath and sang out. All that came out was a bad squeak (刺耳的声音). But in that same moment, from behind me, came the sweet voice of the right note (音符). Judy gave me a soft touch. My voice lifted and 125. hers. When the next note came, it was all me.
The rest of the solo went well. And when the concert was over, a great cheer went up from the crowd. Judy was the first to hug me.
"Thanks, Judy."
Judy smiled and gave me another 126. . "What are friends for "
Friends Did she say friends
"You're right." This time I hugged her, beginning to love the feeling of 127. her friend. We stuck together like glue.
118.A. play B. photo C. note D. name
119.A. broke B. beat
C. hurt D. hung
120.A. strangely B. carefully
C. calmly D. seriously
121.A. excited B. surprised C. moved D. pleased
122.A. preparation B. performance C. development D. description
123.A. in B. out
C. into D. at
124.A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself
125.A. changed B. matched C. influenced D. controlled
126.A. praise B. choice C. hug D. gift
127.A. being B. losing C. missing D. leaving
【点评】考查完形填空,注意词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意上下文的逻辑,并且考虑句型 语法 搭配 语境等因素,最后通读一遍检查验证。
118.句意:我的名字在节目表上。play剧本;photo照片;note便条;name名字。根据Cindy ...Soloist, It wasn't Judy's name, but my name,可知节目单上有作者的名字。故选D。
120.句意:Jenkins小姐叫了她的名字,Judy平静地跟着她。strangely奇怪地;carefully仔细地;calmly平静地;seriously严肃地。根据She was still calm and smiling when she came out,可知Judy很平静。故选C。
121.句意:当知道Judy的名字在名单上,而我的不在的时候,我一点也不失望。excited兴奋的;surprised惊讶的;moved感动的;pleased满意的。根据when Judy's name was on her list and mine wasn't, but I was disappointed以及上文Judy and I had been classmates since primary school. She was always better than I.可知作者认为Judy很优秀,这完全是意料之中的事,不会感到惊讶。故选B。
122.句意:这些独唱需要额外的准备。preparation准备;performance表演;development发展;description描述。根据Cindy, you will have to start practicing with me,可知表演还需要一些准备。故选A。
123.句意:我看着朱迪微笑着向我竖起大拇指。in在……里;out在……外;into进入;at在。根据 udy smiling and giving me the thumbs-up (竖起大拇指) sign. 可知用固定短语。look at。看,故选D。
126.句意:Judy微笑着又给了我一个拥抱。praise表扬;choice选择;hug拥抱;gift礼物。根据上文Judy was the first to hug me,可知Judy又一次拥抱了作者。故选C。
127.句意:这次我拥抱了她,开始喜欢上做她朋友的感觉。being成为;losing失去;missing错过;leaving离开。根据This time I hugged her, beginning to love the feeling of...her friend,可知作者喜欢上做Judy朋友的感觉,此处应用being,故选A。
(2023·盘锦) 根据短文内容,从各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳选项。
On a hot and wet summer day, Nura and her dad found a place to cool off at the city museum. Suddenly the lights went out, leaving the room completely 128. .
"Dad. what's going on " Nura called out loudly.
"Don't worry. The lights might come back on soon. " Dad said 129. to comfort (安慰) Nura. In a moment, a worker waved the flashlight at them and said, "Excuse me, sir. There is a power cut (停电) across the city. We have to 130. the museum. I will walk you to the gate. "
Nura and her dad stopped at their favorite shop for ice cream. The shop owner refused when Nura's dad tried to 131. . "Forget about it," he said, "It will all be soup soon, anyway!"
After Nura and her dad arrived home, they found the neighbors 132. their apartments. Everyone shared ice water, talking and laughing about the hot weather.
"I can't 133. the heat in my room. " Mrs. Fong said, fanning herself with a newspaper.
A woman who lived downstairs was standing in the doorway. "If the power doesn't come on soon, I'll have to 134. all the food," she said.
"The meat in the 135. will go bad without power," said Nura's dad. "Let's take out the grill (烤架) to cook it. "
"I'll see what I have," the woman in the doorway said. "I'll make sure to bring enough for everyone. "
As they had their 136. , night fell over the city. The air was thick and hot, but Nura didn't mind anymore. She had enjoyed 137. ice cream, and she had shared a meal with her neighbors. She smiled to herself and continued to watch the stars.
128.A. cold B. crowded C. dark D. empty
129.A. peacefully B. weakly C. fairly D. strangely
130.A. open B. close C. tidy D. visit
131.A. spend B. cost C. pay D. afford
132.A. along B. inside C. above D. outside
133.A. stand B. suggest C. raise D. create
134.A. take off B. throw away
C. look through D. cut up
135.A. market B. bowl C. glass D. fridge
136.A. breakfast B. drink C. lunch D. dinner
137.A. smooth B. fresh C. free D. cheap
128.句意:突然,灯熄灭了,房间一片漆黑。A.冷的,B.拥挤的,C.黑暗的,D.空的。根据 Suddenly the lights went out突然,灯熄灭了,可知一片漆黑。故答案为:C。
129.句意:爸爸平静地安慰努拉。A.平静地,B.虚弱地,C.公平地,D.奇怪地。根据to comfort(安慰) Nura. 安慰努拉,可知应是平静地说。故答案为:A。
130.句意:我们不得不关闭博物馆。A.开,B.关,C.整理,D.参观。根据上文There is a power cut(停电) across the city. 整个城市都停电了,可知整个城市都停电了。故答案为:B。
131.句意:当努拉的父亲试图付款时,店主拒绝了。A.花费,主语为人,固定搭配为spend money on/doing sth;B.花费,主语为物;C.支付,主语为人,固定搭配为pay for;D.支付得起。根据下文"Forget about it," he said, "It will all be soup soon, anyway!""算了吧,"他说,"反正很快就会变成汤了!",可知当努拉的父亲试图付款时,店主拒绝了,用动词pay。故答案为:C。
133.句意:"我受不了房间里的热。"方太太一边说,一边用报纸给自己扇风。A.忍受,B.建议,C.升起/养育,D.创造。根据 fanning herself with a newspaper.一边用报纸给自己扇风 ,可知是忍受不了。故答案为:A。
136.句意:当他们吃晚饭时,夜幕降临了整个城市。A.早餐,B.饮料,C.午餐,D.晚餐。根据night fell over the city. 夜幕降临了整个城市,可知是晚餐。故答案为:D。
(2023·大连) 阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
How long is sanshe in the idiom tuibi sanshe(退避三舍)
In ancient times, she was a unit of distance(距离). One she is as 138. as 30 li. One li is 500 meters and 30 li is 15,000 meters. So sanshe is 45 kilometers.
There is a story behind this idiom. During the Spring and Autumn Period(770 BC—476 BC), Prince Chong'er of the Jin State ran away from his home state. He 139. to travel to other states.
Once, he went to the state of Chu. King, Chengwang of Chu saw him as an important guest and 140. him a feast(盛宴). He asked Chong'er, "If you rule state of Jin one day, how would you thank me " "It seems your state has everything you want. I have nothing that you like," Chong'er said. However, the king 141. asked for something. Finally, Chong'er said, "I would ask my soldiers to retreat(撤退)sanshe if we ever fight. "
Later, Chong'er 142. to his home state of Jin and became its ruler called Wengong. Both of the two 143. wanted to become stronger and get more land. They went to war with each other.
Jin Wengong didn't 144. his promise. He asked his soldiers to retreat sanshe in Chengpu. The Chu soldiers thought that the Jin soldiers were afraid to fight, so they followed them. To their surprise, the Jin soldiers surrounded(包围) them. 145. , Jin won the war. This was the famous Battle of Chengpu. After this war, people used tuibi sanshe to mean retreating to avoid a conflict(冲突).
138.A. much B. large C. far D. fast
139.A. offered B. wanted C. failed D. promised
140.A. served B. passed C. showed D. paid
141.A. always B. already C. just D. still
142.A. moved B. returned C. walked D. got
143.A. persons B. countries C. friends D. states
144.A. break B. make C. keep D. accept
145.A. In fact B. At first
C. In the end D. Above all
138.句意:一舍远至三十里。A.much多的;B.large大的;C.far远的;D.fast快的。根据上文In ancient times, she was a unit of distance(距离).可知,要填的词和距离有关,as far as为固定短语,意为"远至",故选C。
139.句意:他想去其他国家旅行。A.offered主动提出;B.wanted想要;C.failed失败;D.promised承诺,保证。根据上文Prince Chong'er of the Jin State ran away from his home state.可知,此处指重耳想去其他国家旅行,故选B。
140.句意:有一次,他去了楚国,楚王成王把他当作重要的客人,宴请他。A.served提供;B.passed经过;C.showed展示;D.paid支付。根据King, Chengwang of Chu saw him as an important guest可知,国王为他提供盛宴,故选A。
141.句意:然而,国王还是问了一些事情。A.always总是;B.already已经;C.just只是;D.still仍然。根据"It seems your state has everything you want. I have nothing that you like," Chong'er said. 可知,楚王还是问了一些事情,故选D。
142.句意:后来,重耳回到了自己的家乡晋国,成为了晋国的统治者文公。A.moved移动;B.returned返回;C.walked散步;D.got得到。根据became its ruler called Wengong.可知,重耳回到了自己的家乡晋国,故选B。
143.句意:两个国家都变得更强大,获得更多的土地。A.persons人;B.countries国家;C.friends朋友;D.states国家(尤用于讨论政治事务时)。根据上文his home state of Jin可知,此处是信息词state的词汇复现,故选D。
144.句意:晋文公没有食言。A.break打破;B.make制作;C.keep保持;D.accept接受。根据下文He asked his soldiers to retreat sanshe in Chengpu.可知,晋文公没有食言,break one's promise为固定短语,意为"违背诺言",故选A。
145.句意:最后,晋国赢得了这场战争。A.In fact事实上;B.At first首先;C.In the end最后;D.Above all最重要的是。根据上文They went to war with each other.和下文Jin won the war.可知,最终,晋国赢了战争,故选C。
九、完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1分, 满分20分)
(2023·呼和浩特) 完形填空
A father and his son went to a kite-flying festival. The son was happy when he saw the sky 146. colorful kites. He wanted to fly a kite, too. The father then bought a kite for his son.
The son started to fly the kite. Soon, his kite was high up in the sky. After a while, the son said, "Father, it seems that the string(线)is 147. the kite from flying higher. If we cut it, it will be 148. and fly even higher. Can we cut it " The father agreed. The kite started to go higher. This made the little boy 149. .
But then, slowly, the ki2023全国中考英语完形填空[2]
Martin is my youngest son. He likes staying alone and he seldom laughs. As the boy's mother, I was 1. about him. I took him to see the 2. in many hospitals, but it didn't work well.
Nothing could make him happy except the recycling truck(垃圾回收车)passing by my house. Every afternoon, he raced to the front of the house, waiting 3. the truck.
When we were late and 4. the truck, Martin would be very disappointed. One day, I stopped the truck and introduced 5. .
"Nice to meet you, too. I'm Vince. " The driver greeted me in a happy 6. .
"Your coming is the most exciting moment for my son. " I smiled.
After knowing our story, he said, " 7. you please give me your phone number Maybe I can send you a message 8. I arrive. "
Then began our friendship with Vince.
Recently, I said to him, "It's my little boy's birthday tomorrow. Can you do 9. special for him "
The next day, as I was standing by the driveway with Martin, we saw the 10. truck running down the street with a loud beep(嘟嘟声). Like a superman in a movie, Vince stopped and walked towards us with a box in his hand.
"Today is your birthday, Martin, and here's a gift. "
He handed the box to my son. Inside, there was a green model truck like his. My son, surprised, looked up 11. and thanked him.
After chatting for several 12. , he was about to leave for work. I tried to give him some 13. for his help. He kept shaking his head and 14. my money, saying, "Today you, tomorrow me. "
I was deeply moved(感动)by these 15. words. And I have been ready to help others whenever I can. You will never know when you're going to be the one that needs help.
1.A.angry B.glad C.worried D.excited
2.A.teachers B.farmers C.workers D.doctors
3.A.on B.for C.in D.to
4.A.caught B.missed C.changed D.noticed
5.A.herself B.himself C.myself D.yourself
6.A.voice B.shout C.noise D.sound
7.A.Must B.May C.Could D.Should
8.A.after B.before C.and D.or
9.A.everything B.anything C.nothing D.something
10.A.red B.green C.yellow D.pink
11.A.heavily B.happily C.sadly D.seriously
12.A.minutes B.hours C.days D.years
13.A.food B.money C.trucks D.gifts
14.A.received B.accepted C.refused D.prevented
15.A.simple B.similar C.long D.difficult
(2023·宜昌) 完形填空
A dragon boat race will be held in our city tomorrow. No matter what the result is, we are excited about the 16. .
I was lucky enough to be 17. for the team of our university last year. Each of us had different levels of fitness (体质) at the beginning. When I could only lift 5 kilos for the 18. time, others could lift 30 already. We cheered ourselves up and always trained together 19. we were all in the same boat. We took 20. in our progress. Sometimes, we 21. each other with just eye contact (接触).
One day, after five hours of training, I was so 22. that I couldn't go on. 23. , I saw the teammates beside and in front still trying their best to row (划). I realized that if I stopped, it would be 24. for our boat to go forward. So I had to keep going 25. we reached the end. Pulling together is the most treasured thing we have when we are in the dragon boat.
Tin loves the 26. of our team. As our coach, he 27. believes that everyone has their own talent. All their ability can be brought out as long as it is 28. in the right place. Actually, we could not afford to 29. anyone of our team, or we won't win. When we are rowing, we are a big 30. .
Now we are ready for the coming dragon boat race.
16.A.game B.place C.rule D.time
17.A.beaten B.chosen C.hidden D.broken
18.A.fourth B.third C.second D.first
19.A.although B.because C.unless D.whether
20.A.pride B.doubt C.pity D.worry
21.A.warned B.kicked C.understood D.treated
22.A.clever B.relaxed C.silly D.tired
23.A.Recently B.Certainly C.However D.Maybe
24.A.faster B.safer C.harder D.better
25.A.till B.if C.since D.while
26.A.name B.spirit C.symbol D.flag
27.A.strongly B.hardly C.nearly D.suddenly
28.A.shut B.hit C.put D.cut
29.A.visit B.lose C.accept D.check
30.A.village B.school C.market D.family
Harry. Who owned a boat, lived near the sea with his family. They made a living by 31. . One day, he asked a painter to paint his boat.
While the painter was painting, he found there was a hole at the bottom of the boat, and he decided to 32. it. When he finished his work as Harry asked him, he got his money and left.
Several days later, Harry came to the painter and gave him some money which was much more than the payment for painting. The painter didn't know 33. and said, "You've already paid me for painting the boat! "
"It is not for the painting, 34. for having repaired the hole! " Harry said.
"It's just a small service. Certainly you 35. pay me so much for something unimportant. " said the painter.
"My friend, you don't understand what I mean. Let me tell you what happened. My 36. took the boat and went on a fishing trip yesterday. When I noticed they had taken the boat, I was extremely (极其) 37. . I remembered the boat had a hole that hadn't been repaired yet. I forgot to tell them about it. You can't imagine how happy I was when I saw them walking 38. safe and sound. Then I checked the boat and found you had repaired the hole. It was 39. saved my children's lives! " Harry said with excitement.
Just repair the "hole " you find. Small acts of kindness can make a 40. difference.
31.A.cooking B.teaching C.fishing
32.A.repair B.paint C.protect
33.A.what B.why C.when
34.A.but B.and C.so
35.A.needn't B.mustn't C.can't
36.A.friends B.neighbors C.children
37.A.excited B.happy C.worried
38.A.into B.out of C.along
39.A.you B.he C.we
40.A.small B.big C.bad
(2023·广西)阅读下面语篇,从各小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Lisa works in the dining hall of a primary school. Her job is to serve breakfast and lunch to teachers and 41. . Because Lisa has a hearing problem, the students weren't able to 42. with her effectively (有效地). They just pointed to the 43. they wanted. This year, however, things have changed a lot. It all started with Betty, a new teacher at the school.
Betty has learned sign language (手语) 44. three years. One day, she started a conversation in sign language with Lisa in the dining hall. The students there stopped eating and 45. the sign language conversation with interest.
The next day, Betty asked 46. students, "Would you like to learn how to 47. your hands to ‘talk' to Lisa " Everyone in the class said yes. She then began teaching the students some 48. ways to say hello and how to order food.
The head teacher of the school heard about this. 49. he decided that the whole school should learn some sign language. Now, all the people at the school are learning sign language 50. . And Lisa is feeling so loved at work!
41.A.students B.parents C.cooks
42.A.work B.check C.communicate
43.A.chalk B.food C.money
44.A.after B.of C.for
45.A.watched B.guided C.finished
46.A.my B.your C.her
47.A.pull B.use C.wash
48.A.easy B.noisy C.sweet
49.A.Or B.And C.But
50.A.early B.angrily C.actively
(2023·江西) 完形填空
Saving Baby Elephants
Mishak rubs (擦) his eyes when he prepares warm milk. Like other people looking after babies, he is 51. . It is 5:30 a. m. , and he hasn't had much sleep. Mishak sits next to the baby elephant, smiles and makes sure she finishes the breakfast.
Mishak is a 52. from an elephant rescue (救援) center. 53. , many elephants meet problems, so they need rescuing here. For one thing, hunters 54. elephants for their ivory. For another, people build homes and plant fields where 55. used to live. Hungry elephants walk into the villages and fields to look for food. They often cause serious damage(破坏), so farmers kill 56. . As a result, adult elephants often leave their babies behind.
When a baby elephant 57. its mother, it's also in great danger. This is because it needs its mother's milk for about four years. 58. this milk, the baby has little chance to live. Research shows that elephants, like people, have 59. . If the mother elephant dies, the baby elephant often becomes sad and ill.
The center's job is to raise these baby elephants and send them back to the 60. step by step. First, keepers take turns looking after the baby elephants 61. they don't want an elephant to depend on one of the keepers too much. Then keepers take the elephants into the forest. This is a(n) 62. part of the process because the elephants learn how to eat in the wild and communicate with others. When an elephant is four and no longer needs 63. , keepers move it to the wild. This makes elephants become 64. . It often takes them eight to ten years to get used to the wild.
At bedtime, Mishak has to lie down and 65. with his baby elephant. Mishak says that when he leaves the babies, they cry. Does he need an alarm to wake up "Oh, no," he says. "The elephants are our alarms. "
51.A.nervous B.down C.tired D.shy
52.A.teacher B.keeper C.doctor D.policeman
53.A.Unluckily B.Finally C.Excitedly D.Suddenly
54.A.buy B.kill C.keep D.collect
55.A.hunters B.elephants C.adults D.keepers
56.A.us B.it C.her D.them
57.A.loses B.helps C.saves D.follows
58.A.By B.For C.As D.Without
59.A.foods B.homes C.friends D.feelings
60.A.center B.zoo C.wild D.city
61.A.unless B.but C.or D.because
62.A.easy B.fast C.important D.strange
63.A.milk B.fruits C.grass D.leaves
64.A.brave B.popular C.friendly D.patient
65.A.work B.play C.study D.sleep
If you love reading books, you must know about the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. The book is quite interesting and popular among kids. Even if I am an adult now, the book is 66. one of my favorites. After re-reading the book recently, I have 67. an important lesson from Tom Sawyer.
In our daily lives, we are often given some boring or tiring 68. What's in your mind when your mother 69. you to do some chores Have you ever wanted to complain(抱怨) I think most people have.
Tom Sawyer, however, had a different thought when he was given a boring task. One day, Aunt Polly told Tom to 70. the fence( 篱笆). Tom was doing his job, when his friend Ben Rogers happened to pass by. Instead of complaining, Tom told Ben that he felt" 71. " about the task. "Only one in a thousand一maybe even two thousand一boys can do this!" Tom said.
Tom's words made Ben interested in the task. He even gave Tom his apple so that he could have a 72. to paint the fence. If Tom had thought about 73. but complaining, he would have had a bad day painting the fence.
This story teaches me a valuable lesson: Complaining is 74. . The next time you are given a boring or tiring task, don't complain. Unlike what happens in the story of Tom Sawyer, it is
unlikely that someone will come and do the work for you. So, don't complain,— 75. you'll feel better and perhaps even do a better job!
66.A.just B.still C.even D.hardly
67.A.learned B.taught C.given D.attended
68.A.stories B.words C.tasks D.lessons
69.A.trusts B.allows C.helps D.asks
70.A.paint B.repair C.examine D.cross
71.A.bored B.excited C.unexpected D.disappointed
72.A.method B.hobby C.dream D.chance
73.A.everything B.anything C.nothing D.something
74.A.useless B.endless C.powerful D.wonderful
75.A.if B.or C.but D.and
(2023·武汉) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Katie said goodbye to her parents at the front door of their candy shop as they drove off for a vacation, and Katie 76. she'd be able to run it with Aunt Maria's help. Aunt Maria didn't have any experience on business, but she is always called " 77. ".
As Maria blew into the store, she said, "All right, Katie my love, let's get this party started."
Katie took her aunt over to where the family made their own candy, such as fresh fudge (软糖). Aunt Maria 78. a piece of chocolate fudge. "Hmm," she said. "It's good, but not 79. . We can add something to make that basic taste exciting."
Before Katie could 80. what Maria meant, the woman had gone to the kitchen. Katie heard her walking around, opening drawers and the fridge. Then she came back with her hands full of things. She 81. them on the work surface with a happy tune(小调).
"Brussels sprouts(甘蓝) " Katie gave her aunt a 82. look. She couldn't be serious! But she was. The woman's hands were busy 83. the green vegetables and then adding those small pieces into the fudge. Katie's eyes grew wide as she watched her aunt mix them together.
Katie 84. as the bell over the front door rang, announcing some 85. . Three boys came in. "I'll have strawberry fudge, please," said the first boy.
"Oh, how 86. ," laughed Maria. "I must suggest you try something new! Try this!" She offered the boys the Brussels sprout fudge. "It's free! 87. !"
Surprised, but too polite to 88. , the boys left with the fudge.
"There go our customers. They will tell everyone how strange our candy is, and nobody will want to shop here!" Katie said to herself. She didn't know what to do. Her parents were going to be 89. .
The sound of the bell woke her up from her 90. . The boys were back! But this time there was a crowd of kids coming into the store with them.
"Give me two pieces of Brussels sprout fudge, please."
76.A.promised B.remembered C.pretended D.checked
77.A.friendly B.creative C.honest D.lucky
78.A.noticed B.bought C.made D.tried
79.A.soft B.sweet C.smooth D.special
80.A.believe B.change C.question D.explain
81.A.stuck B.left C.spread D.swept
82.A.strange B.fresh C.black D.hungry
83.A.washing B.weighing C.cutting D.cooking
84.A.moved on B.looked up C.broke down D.came over
85.A.clerks B.policemen C.customers D.businessmen
86.A.expensive B.cheap C.funny D.boring
87.A.Stay B.Enjoy C.Go D.Help
88.A.accept B.argue C.eat D.order
89.A.mad B.calm C.relaxed D.silent
90.A.mistakes B.memories C.plans D.thoughts
It was a warm Sunday afternoon in May, 2021. Beside the Lech River many people were playing and picnicking, and they felt 91. and relaxed. Some people were cooling their feet in the 92. water from the snow-covered mountains nearby. From behind the bar (吧台) at the restaurant, Paul Blachut, a 93. , had a good view of the river.
A mother and two daughters were playing on the riverbank when, suddenly, they 94. into the fast-running water. A passer-by shouted 95. , "Help! Three people are being carried away by the water!" Looking up from his work, Paul noticed the three women flapping (摆动) their arms in the water, trying to 96. anything they could.
Paul rushed to the riverbank and jumped into the river. He didn't 97. the cold. All he could think about was saving the women. As he got closer to them, he found the mother had the most 98. because her long dress made her so heavy. He pushed her to the bank first. Then he managed to save the two daughters with other people's help.
Later, people expressed their admiration for Pau, 99. he was modest(谦虚的) about his role. "It only took me two or three minutes," he said, adding that he was happy to have received high praise from his boss for his 100. . Indeed, it was a job very well done.
91.A.tired B.strange C.comfortable
92.A.calm B.cold C.salty
93.A.boss B.waiter C.tourist
94.A.fell B.ran C.looked
95.A.politely B.bravely C.loudly
96.A.catch B.shake C.cover
97.A.get over B.care about C.keep out
98.A.pleasure B.time C.trouble
99.A.but B.or C.so
100.A.advice B.courage C.advantage
(2023·河北) 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Some people have no interest in sports. They think that sports make them 101. and smell bad. They say, "Why waste time playing sports " To these people, I politely say, "You have not discovered the 102. of sports!"
Let me share with you a basketball game I played two weeks ago. Our parents and friends were there to 103. us. A lot of people were watching. We all wanted to 104. the game in front of so many people.
The game was 105. over and we were one point behind. Our coach called us together and said, "Okay, this is it! Either we score now or the game is over. Let's work hard to score. Even if we don't score, 106. we know that we have tried our best. So, boys, don't think too much. It doesn't matter if we lose. Just do it."
Well, in the last 107. of the game, we truly scored and two teams tied (打成平局)! We went into overtime (加时) and we lost in the end. But after the game, the coach hugged all of us. He told us that he was 108. because he had never seen a team try harder than us.
To be honest, I 109. a lot of pleasure in playing sports. It makes me happy and comfortable. That's why I play sports whenever I get the chance. So my 110. is to choose a sport and keep doing it. Your body will thank you and your mind will be ready to work well.
101.A.lazy B.tired C.ugly D.stupid
102.A.price B.time C.fun D.level
103.A.call B.praise C.help D.cheer
104.A.win B.watch C.join D.report
105.A.suddenly B.nearly C.finally D.recently
106.A.at first B.at once C.at times D.at least
107.A.month B.week C.hour D.minute
108.A.brave B.active C.proud D.honest
109.A.feel B.face C.guess D.give
110.A.advice B.order C.action D.interest
(2023·岳阳) 通读全文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个正确答案。
You feel tired and have a fever, you have a sore throat and cough. Don't be afraid—you have probably gotten H1N1 flu (甲流). Every year, some people experience these sick feelings, especially old people and 111. children. HIN1 flu is similar to the common cold, but it is much more serious. It can cause a 112. temperature above 39 ℃, and the symptom (症状) of fever may last (持续) 3~4 days, or even 5~7 days. H1N1 flu is a disease (疾病) that 113. quickly and widely around the world now. When someone sneezes (打喷嚏) or coughs near you, virus (病毒) travels through the air and enters your body, then makes you become ill. If you have H1N1 flu, you will go to the hospital as soon as possible. Take some medicine and you will become well.
How do you keep away from H1N1 flu Experts give some good 114. .
▲ Avoid going to the places full of people during flu seasons. If you have to, you had better 115. a mask (口罩).
▲ 116. to wash your hands carefully before meals and after 117. things outdoors.
▲ Eat a balanced diet (均衡饮食) that includes different kinds of 118. vegetables and fruits. They will give people vitamins (维他命) which body needs.
▲ Do more sports, like running, swimming and 119. . Exercise an hour a day, and live a happy life.
▲ Try to have 120. 8 hours' sleep every night.
All in all, it's important to have a healthy living habit. The healthier you body is, the fewer risks of getting HINI flu you will have.
111.A.young B.brave C.disabled
112.A.low B.high C.normal
113.A.is putting B.is carrying C.is spreading
114.A.suggestion B.idea C.advice
115.A.wear B.dress C.offer
116.A.Forget B.Remember C.Disagree
117.A.hearing B.touching C.seeing
118.A.fresh B.dirty C.creative
119.A.asking for help
B.playing computer games
C.climbing mountains
120.A.a few B.at least C.a little
(2023·荆州) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
In 2007, Jim and his friend Dylan moved into their new apartment on 22nd Street in Manhattan. The previous tenant(之前的租户) told them something 121. . "Every year over Christmas, many letters to Santa come here," he said. "No one knows the reason."
For the first two years, only a few letters came from kids 122. Santa for gifts. But in the weeks before Christmas in 2010, Jim and Dylan were 123. crazy. Every morning, they opened their mailbox and 124. was full of letters to Santa. They replied to as many as they could, writing notes and even buying gifts. But they could only do so much.
One evening, Jim and Dylan had a Christmas party in their apartment. Their guests 125. the hundreds of letters in the room and asked about them. Jim told them the 126. . Many guests offered to help without thinking twice.
127. was born Miracle on 22nd Street, a volunteer organization. Then Jim, Dylan and their friends replied to children's letters to Santa with gifts. One child wrote that his back hurt because his parents couldn't afford a 128. and he had to sleep on the floor. 129. agreement from the boy's parents, they bought him one.
Every year, Jim, Dylan and Miracle on 22nd Street help hundreds of families. They no longer wonder 130. the letters come to the apartment. It has become part of Christmas for them to try to help families in need.
121.A.normal B.silent C.strange D.clear
122.A.telling B.asking C.paying D.throwing
123.A.driven B.shown C.woken D.known
124.A.they B.he C.we D.it
125.A.stole B.wrote C.noticed D.carried
126.A.report B.story C.rule D.excuse
127.A.So B.Until C.Nor D.Either
128.A.quilt B.table C.car D.bed
129.A.To B.About C.Of D.With
130.A.what B.why C.when D.who
(2023·连云港) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Avery and I are good friends, but once something unpleasant happened when we both tried for roles in Alice in Wonderland.
Avery really 131. to be Alice and I was sure she could get the role. However, it 132. that I was picked to be Alice and Avery only got the part of the March Hare. "Do you want to practice together with me "I asked. "Sorry, I' m busy this week,"said Avery, 133. looking at me. "And I will be always busy. "
That night at dinner, my parents noticed I was not that 134. about getting the lead role. They wondered what happened. "Well, Avery was not picked to be Alice, but I was. She was unhappy. Maybe she will throw away our 135. . "
My father said,"Don' t worry about it. I think this is a 136. for you to be an extra-good friend. "
"Dad' s right,"said my mother. "Sometimes 137. our friends do well, we may have feelings of envy and don' t know how to act. Try giving 138. a lttle time, space and understanding, and she will change her mind soon. "
Over the next week, I tried my best to give Avery some 139. . Then one day, on the way to our practice, I 140. her. "I just want to say, you' re such a great actor when acting as the March Hare. "I smiled. She seemed happy and 141. how she underslood the role. When I asked her to help me with my role, she agreed and smiled, too. She 142. said sorry to me for acting that way at first. Later, we became 143. to each other.
I've learned that people often have a 144. time dealing with envy and disappointment (失望). If you have similar 145. ,you could try taking my parents'advice. Give your friend a litle time, space and understanding. This might be the perfect time to be an extra-good friend.
131.A.promised B.hoped C.forgot D.chose
132.A.turned out B.found out C.carried out D.tried out
133.A.till B.from C.like D.without
134.A.excited B.careful C.nervous D.worried
135.A.energy B.treasure C.friendship D.courage
136.A.game B.chance C.story D.dream
137.A.before B.whether C.unless D.when
138.A.them B.him C.her D.it
139.A.advice B.space C.fun D.trouble
140.A.met B.left C.answered D.thanked
141.A.faced B.missed C.explained D.supported
142.A.even B.never C.almost D.seldom
143.A.stricter B.quieter C.luckier D.closer
144.A.smart B.great C.careless D.difficult
145.A.activities B.mistakes C.experiences D.interests
(2023·金华) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
My elder sister got a disease, locked in her own world. She could not look at people in the eye. She would repeat the words in a very low voice. It turned my parents' world upside down. 146. , they worked very hard to make sure that everything seemed pleasant and peaceful for me. I knew 147. about it until the age of ten.
It was then that I started to notice my sister was different. I 148. to accept her as my sister in public. Then, an incident (小事) 149. how I viewed my sister. It changed me as well.
One day, my sister had to put up a 150. , whether in a group, or by herself. As you can imagine, my sister was the only one left without a group. "I'll 151. ," she told my parents. Hearing this, I was completely 152. . How could my sister sing in front of the school I must stop this happening, 153. she would make me lose face, one way or another. "No!" I cried out. My parents shot me a look. I knew I had to watch her performance. I prayed (祈祷) 154. that something would happen to stop her.
No one knows she is your 155. . It is fine, you do not need to tell anyone. I remember telling myself the exact words as I sat in the hall, 156. the performance to start. Finally, my sister started to sing. She opened her mouth, and I was shocked again—her voice was so 157. in its power. I felt really sorry—she could sing so beautifully! How could I have doubted her abilities I had been so 158. .
Regret and 159. filled my heart. Actually, my sister knew all things I had done to her, but she 160. minded. I decided to love her unconditionally. It was as if a veil (面纱) had been lifted from my eyes, and my heart was full.
146.A.So B.Then C.However D.Finally
147.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing
148.A.decided B.refused C.expected D.promised
149.A.suggested B.showed C.explained D.changed
150.A.performance B.game C.picture D.sign
151.A.dance B.sing C.play D.draw
152.A.proud B.pleased C.shocked D.disappointed
153.A.or B.and C.though D.if
154.A.silently B.openly C.excitedly D.happily
155.A.classmate B.neighbor C.cousin D.sister
156.A.going over B.talking about C.waiting for D.dreaming of
157.A.special B.beautiful C.low D.strange
158.A.wrong B.serious C.busy D.careful
159.A.shame B.worry C.surprise D.fear
160.A.sometimes B.always C.ever D.never
(2023·苏州) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
When I was eleven years old, my life changed forever when I got a serious disease. My life was 161. with operations and treatments. I felt stressed because I was really uncertain 162. everything that was happening.
One day, I was receiving my thirteenth operation in the hospital. Being away from my friends and school was causing me almost as much 163. as the operation itself.
During that hospital stay, I received a card from a volunteer. That simple 164. meant much to me and gave me hope again during my time of need. I'll never 165. the way I felt after that small act of kindness. I started creating an organization called Cards for Hospitalized (住院的) Kids.
The charity began with a simple dream of giving 166. , joy and magic to those kids. It later 167. a national organization that sent cards to over 5000 sick kids at more than 50 hospitals across the country.
It is hard to believe that an act as simple as a card can do so much good, 168. it does. Seeing a picture of a child 169. one of our cards with a huge smile makes us keep this wonderful charity alive.
170. might provide medicine for these sick kids, but we provide that little bit of hope and magic that'll go a long way.
161.A.lighted B.matched C.filled D.painted
162.A.about B.with C.over D.towards
163.A.fun B.pain C.value D.danger
164.A.act B.job C.game D.lesson
165.A.mind B.lead C.forget D.risk
166.A.hope B.fear C.shock D.pressure
167.A.looked up B.gave up C.broke into D.turned into
168.A.nor B.but C.for D.or
169.A.selling B.printing C.holding D.cleaning
170.A.Teachers B.Friends C.Patients D.Doctors
(2023·天津) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Tom had a bad toothache. His mother wanted to take him to the dentist's (牙科诊所), but he 171. . He was afraid of the 172. when the dentist had to extract (拔出) his tooth. Tom's mother told him that if he did not visit the dentist, the pain would get 173. . At last, Tom had to agree.
There were not many people at the dentist's. 174. , it was Tom's turn. He walked nervously into the room and sat down. The dentist looked 175. and said hello to him with a smile. He asked Tom to 176. his mouth. And then he told Tom that he had to extract the bad tooth. The dentist gave Tom an injection (注射) and 177. him that he would not feel any pain.
Tom really did not feel any pain. Then the dentist advised Tom to brush his teeth twice a day and taught him the 178. way of brushing his teeth. He also told Tom not to eat too many sweet things 179. his teeth would be healthy.
After that, Tom 180. how important it was to protect his teeth.
171.A.relaxed B.refused C.nodded D.joked
172.A.pain B.trust C.success D.training
173.A.nicer B.smaller C.warmer D.worse
174.A.Sometimes B.Recently C.Soon D.Especially
175.A.dangerous B.friendly C.noisy D.careless
176.A.fill B.shut C.open D.cover
177.A.allowed B.asked C.warned D.promised
178.A.right B.brave C.weak D.rich
179.A.but B.so that C.or D.whether
180.A.regretted B.hoped C.realised D.guessed
My grandfather often said "I won't" to show his dislike of dishonesty(不诚实). When he was young, he worked 181. a furniture(家具)maker. One day, a neighbor invited him to make some furniture. When arriving, he noticed the wood provided was a little 182. , so he said, "I won't start right away." He chose to let the wood dry for a month. He knew working with wet wood could cause 183. later on.
Around the same time, another furniture maker was also asked for a 184. job by a different family. Unlike my grandfather, he 185. working right away. As a result, the neighbor started doubting my grandfather, thinking he was trying to make more money by 186. the work. However, my grandfather waited 187. . He wanted the best quality for the furniture he was making.
A month later, the other furniture maker received his 188. and went back home. My grandfather began to 189. strong and beautiful furniture when the wood was completely dry. A few months passed and the furniture made by that maker began to break. The neighbor then regretted 190. my grandfather and said sorry to him. People came to understand his 191. and skill, spreading his fame far and wide.
Influenced by my grandfather, my father also follows the 192. of "I won't". He always provides the freshest food, which makes his restaurant very 193. in town. Once a trader wanted to sell some cheap but smelly seafood to my father, he said "No!" and stopped the 194. .
Now, my brother and I keep in mind 195. our grandfather and father taught us. Through ups and downs in life, we've come to deeply understand our family value behind this saying—to be truthful and honest.
181.A.as B.by C.like D.with
182.A.hard B.light C.soft D.wet
183.A.fire B.illness C.pollution D.problems
184.A.magic B.normal C.similar D.special
185.A.began B.canceled C.kept D.stopped
186.A.checking out B.giving up C.putting off D.turning down
187.A.excitedly B.patiently C.sadly D.worriedly
188.A.food B.furniture C.money D.wood
189.A.clean B.make C.move D.repair
190.A.answering B.believing C.comforting D.doubting
191.A.fairness B.honesty C.love D.politeness
192.A.joy B.plan C.shape D.value
193.A.beautiful B.convenient C.peaceful D.popular
194.A.business B.competition C.interview D.survey
195.A.how B.what C.when D.why
(2023·眉山) 完形填空
Rain was loudly hitting my window when I woke up. Holidays are my only 196. to sleep in, but I couldn't because of the sound of the rain. My brain was 197. and full of ideas, so I decided to get up and finish my project.
I went to a coffee shop and started taking notes on 198. was happening around me. When I looked at the parking lot, an elderly couple in a car caught my attention. 199. parking, the woman got out and went to help her husband out of the car. Then they 200. the shop hand in hand.
201. they came inside, a race car appeared in the parking lot. With its four windows open, I saw several teenagers. The young man who was driving it had turned 202. the music so high that I could hear it even in the coffee shop.
However, they were not bad guys. They were just 203. the music.
A lot of memories came into my mind. I could not stop 204. the people who have been by my side since I was young.
In the real world, everyone is different, but whether friends or enemies, we are all still part of the 205. group — humans. When we disagree with others, why not take a step back, look carefully and try to understand them before judging them
196.A.treasure B.accident C.chance D.suggestion
197.A.frozen B.empty C.awake D.worried
198.A.what B.where C.how D.when
199.A.Without B.Before C.During D.After
200.A.found B.entered C.went D.searched
201.A.Even though B.Ever since C.As long as D.As soon as
202.A.up B.on C.off D.down
203.A.making B.singing C.facing D.enjoying
204.A.cheering up B.looking after
C.thinking about D.hearing from
205.A.strange B.same C.serious D.strong
(2023·随州) 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。
Once, in a small village, lived a family with eight children. Two of the children loved 206. very much, but the family was so poor that it was impossible to send 207. of them to study at the art college at the same time. After many discussions, the two boys finally 208. a plan. They would toss (抛) a coin. The loser would go 209. into the mines (煤矿) and, with his earnings (赚的钱), 210. his brother studying at the college. Then, when the brother who won the toss finished his studies, after four years, he would support the other brother studying at the 211. .
James won the toss and Jack went down into the mines. James worked with all his heart and his paintings were much 212. than those of most of his teachers, and by the time he 213. , he was beginning to make a lot of money for his paintings.
214. James returned, the family held a big dinner for his great success. Soon after the meal began, James 215. up from his seat to drink a toast (敬酒) to his dear 216. . He said, "Jack, now you can go to the art college and your 217. will come true. I will take care of you."
But Jack said 218. , "Brother, the four years in the mines has done too much to my hands, so it's too 219. . Now I can't even hold a glass."
To show his great love and respect James drew his brother's 220. with fingers towards the sky. He called his drawing The Praying Hands, which became very famous years later.
206.A.painting B.swimming C.singing D.dancing
207.A.any B.all C.both D.neither
208.A.looked out B.worked out C.took out D.went out
209.A.off B.away C.up D.down
210.A.support B.agree C.follow D.let
211.A.home B.mine C.college D.factory
212.A.better B.worse C.cheaper D.older
213.A.arrived B.graduated C.walked D.waited
214.A.Before B.When C.Though D.Unless
215.A.put B.turned C.looked D.stood
216.A.brother B.sister C.father D.mother
217.A.way B.saying C.dream D.practice
218.A.happily B.surprisedly C.angrily D.softly
219.A.early B.late C.good D.helpful
220.A.legs B.feet C.arms D.hands
(2023·武威) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。
Emily loved reading. She used to be very shy. She 221. talking to others. So she turned to 222. . In 2019, her dad got sick. It was very serious. Books became an even bigger comfort for 223. .
Emily's dad got better. And she came up with a plan to 224. others.
Emily started a book drive in her hometown. She 225. books. She took them to 226. being cared for in hospitals. 227. , she has collected more than 10,000 books.
Emily and her father are very close. When her father learned of her plans for the book drive, he wasn't surprised. "She was always interested in books," he says. " 228. she always wanted to do things for the neighborhood." Emily runs the book drive herself, but she gets some help from her 229. . "We do the driving," her dad says.
Emily still runs the book drive. The memory of meeting the children she helps sticks with her. "It was the 230. day of my life," she says. "I realized I wanted to do this type of work forever."
221.A.was afraid of B.was interested in
C.was good at D.was sorry for
222.A.music B.sports C.books D.stamps
223.A.me B.her C.him D.it
224.A.teach B.save C.move D.help
225.A.wrote B.collected C.read D.bought
226.A.kids B.men C.women D.newborns
227.A.In short B.Hardly ever C.So far D.On time
228.A.So B.Or C.But D.And
229.A.parents B.friends C.teachers D.neighbors
230.A.saddest B.best C.shortest D.strangest
(2023·烟台) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A,B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Recently an old friend phoned me to ask about the success I had in my life and how I achieved it. He has 231. goals as me: get in shape, get into music more seriously, and be good at Japanese.
I haven't completely reached my long-term goals yet in any of these 3 things. He thinks that I've made some progress on my journey to 232. these goals and I can give him some advice.
We had a nice talk for an hour on the phone and he seemed pretty encouraged. A week went by and he sent me photos of him learning 233. and music. He also trained with the help of a personal fitness coach. He developed the habit of posting (发布) 234. online all of the progress he was making. He was doing great. Every weekend he would post his new progress and I really enjoyed reading it!
Of course, I'll have to let him know that making progress isn't 235. . He'll meet some difficulties on the road. However, I'm letting him 236. the new achievements now and will help him out when that time comes.
I'm thankful for him giving me the chance to serve him and give him 237. , and I'm thankful to see that he's spending the time and money to 238. his life. He has even told me how thankful he is with all the recent 239. in his life.
Even if you haven't reached your goals, it's good to 240. how far you've gone. Be proud of yourself and know how much you can help others achieve the same.
231.A.strange B.magic C.similar D.boring
232.A.achieving B.finding C.losing D.sharing
233.A.Chinese B.English C.French D.Japanese
234.A.suddenly B.regularly C.clearly D.silently
235.A.important B.different C.easy D.necessary
236.A.enjoy B.take C.waste D.understand
237.A.pressure B.advice C.money D.friendship
238.A.keep B.stand C.save D.improve
239.A.changes B.gifts C.friends D.books
240.A.promise B.choose C.realize D.control
My mom is pretty cool. She is always trying to come up with ways to give the environment a helping hand. One day, she brought a green 241. to work. At lunch, she shared the cake 242. friends. Everyone liked it. They were all surprised how she made it.
The story goes back a few weeks. Our city 243. a new recycling program—families were supposed to separate food rubbish from the other kitchen waste.
My 244. loves fruit. My father especially loves watermelons. He 245. a lot of them in the summer. The skin (果皮) always ends up in the rubbish. That's almost half the weight of a watermelon!
After a lot of thinking, my mom found a 246. way to use all the melon skins. She brought out the blender (搅拌器) and cut the melon skins into small pieces. 247. she blended them, she got a whole cup of green watermelon juice. Then, she mixed the juice with flour (面粉). From there, she 248. made her delicious GREEN cake.
What a great product of the melon eating! And it was nature friendly too. From now on, my mom doesn't need to 249. the heavy waste from eating melons. And everyone always wants more of her 250. cake.
241.A.cake B.hamburger C.sandwich D.watermelon
242.A.about B.with C.into D.at
243.A.refused B.missed C.stopped D.started
244.A.neighbor B.family C.coach D.doctor
245.A.makes B.drinks C.eats D.throws
246.A.better B.worse C.shorter D.harder
247.A.Though B.Whether C.Before D.After
248.A.carefully B.politely C.hardly D.sadly
249.A.look up B.worry about C.give out D.put up
250.A.terrible B.common C.special D.white
(2023·嘉兴) 阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
On her way to school, Amber Williams found a penny(一分钱) on the ground. "See a penny, pick it up. All day long, you'll be 251. ." Remembering the song, she quickly picked it up.
"I've never seen you smile so big, Amber." She 252. and saw Bella, the most popular girl in her class. They'd hardly spoken before, although they lived on the same 253. . "Was it because of the penny " she thought.
Over the next few hours, Amber had the best time ever. She got the 254. answer in the math class. She found a five-dollar bill in her backpack. The most 255. moment came as she got a full mark in the history test. Mr. Smith praised her in class and everyone was 256. for her.
"That's it. I'll go nowhere without this penny," she decided.
Things kept going 257. until school was over. Amber found the penny gone. She checked her backpack and then all her pockets. 258. was not there. Sitting at her desk, she felt like she was going to 259. .
A hand suddenly appeared in front of her face. "Are you OK Do you need some 260. "
Amber recognized that voice. It was Bella. Though a bit shy, she told Bella about 261. the penny changed her life of bad luck. When she finished her 262. , Bella laughed.
"I don't think the penny did so much. I talked to you as you always seemed cool. 263. you are always a good student. I'm sure you studied 264. the test last night, didn't you "
It took Amber a minute to 265. Bella. "I think you're right," she held her new friend's hand and smiled. "I'm making my own luck from now on."
251.A.busy B.funny C.sorry D.lucky
252.A.ran away B.fell down C.walked out D.looked around
253.A.bus B.beach C.street D.bridge
254.A.silly B.short C.strange D.right
255.A.exciting B.tiring C.interesting D.boring
256.A.dancing B.looking C.cheering D.waiting
257.A.smoothly B.seriously C.terribly D.conveniently
258.A.I B.It C.He D.She
259.A.cry B.fly C.sing D.leave
260.A.work B.help C.practice D.information
261.A.how B.why C.when D.where
262.A.task B.story C.trip D.lesson
263.A.So B.Or C.And D.But
264.A.in B.for C.after D.without
265.A.doubt B.excuse C.respect D.understand
(2023·温州) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
One day, Miriam got a letter along with a watermelon seed from Uncle Esai. The letter said:
This is a magic seed for you. Plant it, and it will grant 266. three wishes. Remember to be patient: the world has its own rhythm.
Uncle Esai
Miriam thought, "A magic seed Maybe it's Uncle Esai's 267. , but why not have a try " She planted the seed in the yard, and made her 268. wish, "I want the watermelon to grow as big as a mountain!"
The next morning, Miriam was very 269. to see a huge watermelon in the yard. She couldn't believe it. "I must 270. it at once!" She hurried to cut the watermelon, but it was too hard. She became angry. "This is a silly watermelon! I don't want it!"
Immediately the fruit became a seed again. Miriam 271. her second wish had been granted. "Humph! This is not fun!" she cried.
A few days later, Miriam found Uncle Esai's 272. and read it again. She stopped when she saw the words "be patient". How could she forget it She rushed out of the door and 273. ran to the yard to find the seed. This time, she promised she would make the best use of the third wish.
She thought for a while. "I hope my 274. could spend more time together." But her parents needed to work. How could the seed help Although it seemed impossible, she still decided to 275. the seed with patience.
Miriam got some information about 276. to plant a watermelon, and then followed the steps carefully. When the seed turned into a normal-sized watermelon, she 277. it with her friends and neighbours. Everybody liked its taste.
Miriam's family got the seeds 278. the watermelon and planted more afterwards. They were so delicious that the neighbours offered to buy some. The watermelons brought extra money 279. Miriam's parents didn't have to be away for work as much. They had more family time.
Miriam finally knew what Uncle Esai meant—be patient, and life will be as 280. as a watermelon!
266.A.me B.you C.him D.her
267.A.rule B.joke C.choice D.example
268.A.first B.second C.third D.fourth
269.A.bored B.afraid C.relaxed D.surprised
270.A.eat B.wash C.climb D.draw
271.A.heard B.explained C.realised D.imagined
272.A.book B.postcard C.letter D.newspaper
273.A.calmly B.carefully C.politely D.quickly
274.A.class B.family C.teachers D.neighbours
275.A.put away B.talk to C.look after D.search for
276.A.how B.why C.when D.where
277.A.watered B.protected C.watched D.shared
278.A.for B.from C.behind D.beside
279.A.so B.if C.but D.unless
280.A.new B.big C.sweet D.quiet
(2023·扬州) 阅读下面短文,从文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
Jack sat alone on the bus ride home from school. All his friends were 281. their class projects excitedly, but Jack remained silent. How could they understand his feelings when their parents would help them His parents worked all the time.
When the bus stopped, he raced home, 282. his schoolbag on the floor, and walked straight to his bedroom.
"Jack " Grandpa's 283. called out. "Was that you "
Jack stopped 284. he closed his bedroom door. "Yes, Grandpa, it's me."
Grandpa Higgins came from the kitchen carrying a sandwich. "You don't sound okay," he said as he took a 285. .
Should Jack tell Grandpa the truth What could it hurt He quickly 286. they should do a class project for the weekend and together they would build something with an adult. The students needed to make a 287. to explain how their projects had gone.
Grandpa listened quietly. " 288. are you so unhappy "
Jack felt his 289. and anger rising inside him. "Because I don't have anyone to help me." He sounded so sad and so angry.
Grandpa raised his eyebrows 290. . "What am I " he asked gently.
Jack froze. "You'd build a project with me, Grandpa "
"Sure, I would," Grandpa said. "Just let me finish this sandwich."
Jack's heart seemed so 291. that he thought it would float away. He rushed to the schoolbag and 292. his assignment paper. Then, they studied the assignment and made a list of ideas. Finally, they 293. to build a cardboard robot from old biscuit and noodle boxes. They used glue, staples, and tape. Grandpa helped a lot and he 294. found a box of eyeball stickers.
When they finished, Jack looked at their misshapen (奇形怪状的) robot. He couldn't stop smiling. "I think it's the best 295. I have ever built. Now I have to write my report," Jack said, hugging Grandpa. "Thank you, Grandpa. I had a lot of fun."
281.A.discussing B.building C.reporting D.improving
282.A.dropped B.hung C.stuck D.hid
283.A.pronunciation B.voice C.noise D.sound
284.A.if B.until C.before D.though
285.A.break B.bite C.ride D.drink
286.A.recommended B.considered C.confirmed D.explained
287.A.change B.report C.robot D.choice
288.A.How B.Where C.Why D.What
289.A.sadness B.envy C.joy D.excitement
290.A.in luck B.in fear C.in anger D.in surprise
291.A.heavy B.big C.light D.empty
292.A.took out B.put away C.handed in D.cut off
293.A.promised B.forgot C.refused D.decided
294.A.just B.even C.still D.ever
295.A.room B.table C.schoolbag D.robot
(2023·杭州) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。
In February 2007, about two hundred paragliders were in Australia to prepare for the World Championship. They included Ewa Wisnierska, a German paragliding champion (冠军). One morning, as the 296. were getting ready to take off, they noticed that a terrible storm was coming. However, they decided to 297. . After all, these were the best paragliders in the world.
Unluckily, as the competitors took off, the weather quickly became 298. . Ewa tried to get away from the storm, but two huge 299. came together and caught her.
The clouds pulled Ewa up inside the storm like a leaf in the 300. . She flew higher and higher, with lightning (闪电) and hailstones (冰雹) all around her. "I was 301. ," she told reporters afterwards. "The last thing I 302. , it was dark. I could hear lightning all around me." She 303. to about 10,000 meters high and then lost all her senses. At that height, the temperature was about -40℃.
After forty minutes Ewa woke up. She was still inside the storm. It was dark and hailstones were 304. past. They were as big as tennis balls. Finally, Ewa came out of the storm cloud and 305. towards a small farm and landed 306. . She fell to the ground, too 307. to call for help. When her team 308. her, she was 60 km away from the place where she took off. She was covered in ice-but alive!
Ewa was sent to a (an) 309. for treatment at once, but a few days later, she competed in the World Championship. "Flying is too fantastic to stop 310. an accident," she said.
296.A.runners B.competitors C.pilots D.winners
297.A.get up B.turn on C.look up D.carry on
298.A.colder B.cooler C.worse D.wetter
299.A.storms B.clouds C.birds D.hands
300.A.wind B.rain C.tree D.world
301.A.shaking B.pulling C.dreaming D.smiling
302.A.decide B.repeat C.consider D.remember
303.A.guided B.drove C.returned D.rose
304.A.flying B.walking C.crying D.pushing
305.A.climbed B.jumped C.headed D.swam
306.A.comfortably B.safely C.sadly D.secretly
307.A.proud B.nervous C.weak D.brave
308.A.served B.caught C.visited D.reached
309.A.hospital B.school C.hotel D.office
310.A.next to B.according to C.because of D.instead of
(2023·衡阳) 通读短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。
In a small village, a boy named Mark lived with his father, a wise old man. One day, Mark told his father 311. that he made little progress in learning the guitar. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't improve. Mark asked his father for some help.
"Follow me. I will lead you to the 312. hills around the village tomorrow. " said his father. The next day, they set out. The road was long and difficult, but Mark still 313. his father. As they got higher, the father said that he wanted to go to the top of the highest hill where he had never been to Mark was surprised 314. decided to help his father.
With great difficulty, Mark helped his father climb the hill. Sometimes he 315. carried his father on his back. At the top, he put his father on the ground and laughed with 316. .
"When you were a little boy, sometimes you 317. home with tears in your eyes. " said his father. "The elder children laughed at you. Do you remember why "
Mark nodded. He remembered that as a child, he and all his 318. called this hill Mount Impossible, because small children couldn't reach its top.
"And today," said his father, "you not only climbed here, but also helped 319. to get here. " "I became bigger and stronger than before. " said Mark.
"Instead of climbing Mount Impossible every day, you played on the smaller hills and became 320. at climbing. " said his father. "It became possible for you to climb Mount Impossible while you weren't even thinking about it. "
311.A.sadly B.quietly C.happily
312.A.high B.low C.small
313.A.caught B.followed C.refused
314.A.or B.and C.but
315.A.even B.never C.seldom
316.A.sadness B.joy C.embarrassment
317.A.gave back B.shouted back C.came back
318.A.friends B.students C.teachers
319.A.him B.me C.you
320.A.worse B.faster C.better
(2023·重庆市) 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。
Siene is a firefighter in the USA. It isn't easy to become a firefighter there. Many people try, but a lot of them 321. Also, in the past firefighting was always a job for men. Now there are women firefighters.
When Siene was five years old, it was her dream to become a 322. . Forty years later, she was the 323. woman to pass a six-week course at the WFPA(女子消防预备学院). The WFP A trains women in the skills they need to be firefighters. In fact. Siene now trains firefighters there 324.
Starting the course doesn't mean you'll become a firefighter. The conrse is very 325. , so not everyone finishes the training. They are trained like being in the army—Can you hold a heavy piece of wood for four minutes How many exercises can you do Can you lift a 12-meter ladder(梯子)
You also need other 326. . Can you lead a team Are you a skilful driver Can you use technology There are so many more that are a part of firefighting these days. Of course, no one can do them all, but more skills 327. help.
However, you must wait for a chance to work as a firefighter even 328. passing your course. It seems that lots of women aren't ready to do that. In one year, 50 women got trained, 329. only three of them are now firefighters. Learning the skills is not enough to become a firefighter. Like Siene, you also need to 330. your dream.
321.A.succeed B.pass C.fail D.fight
322.A.policewoman B.firefighter C.scientist D.doctor
323.A.oldest B.tallest C.kindest D.busiest
324.A.myself B.yourself C.himself D.herself
325.A.interesting B.easy C.important D.difficult
326.A.ideas B.methods C.skills D.rules
327.A.recently B.certainly C.hardly D.nearly
328.A.after B.during C.before D.in
329.A.but B.or C.because D.though
330.A.give up B.stick to C.talk about D.worry about
(2023·重庆市) 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。
Old Mother Wind told the Tree, "I've just come across the grass, and there I saw the Best Thing in the World. "
Bobby Mouse was sitting under the Tree and 331. those words. He thought, "the Best Thing in the World—now what can that be It must be lots of nuts! I'll go and find it. " Bobby mouse ran down towards the 332. .
He was running so fast that he didn't see Peter Rabbit 333. Peter Rabbit jumped out and asked, "Where are you going in such a hurry "
"Down in the grass to find the Best Thing in the World," Bobby Mouse replied and ran 334. .
"The Best Thing in the World," said Peter Rabbit. "That must be lots of carrots. I'll go and find it. " So Peter Rabbit 335. him.
Before long, they met Johnny Chuck.
"Where are you going in such a hurry " asked Johnny Chuck.
"To find the Best Thing in the World," they shouted. "The Best Thing in the World," said Johnny Chuck. " 336. is better than my own little home and the warm sunshine and the beautiful blue sky. " So he stayed at home and played among the flowers 337. Old Mother Wind happily.
Bobby Mouse and Peter Rabbit ran far and fast all day long and still they didn't find the Best Thing in the World. When the 338. was over, they started back to their homes. They didn't hurry now, for they were very tired and 339. .
They 340. Old Mother Wind halfway home.
"Did you find the Best Thing in the World " asked Old Mother Wind.
"No!" They sounded unhappy.
"Johnny Chuck has it," she said. "It is being happy with the things you have. It's called contentment. And so do you. You have tried. "
331.A.wrote B.spoke C.forgot D.heard
332.A.grass B.tree C.wood D.wind
333.A.although B.because C.until D.if
334.A.nearer B.faster C.more quietly D.more slowly
335.A.joined B.cheered C.asked D.visited
336.A.Everything B.Something C.Nothing D.Anything
337.A.from B.with C.against D.between
338.A.day B.night C.week D.month
339.A.full B.hungry C.happy D.excited
340.A.drove B.hurt C.lost D.met
I was bored, I sat on the sofa eating popcorn and looking for something 341. on TV, I stopped to watch a show; a boy about my age was hypnotizing (催眠) a man and having him do all the funny things 342. I came up with plan. "I bet I could do that," I thought.
I jumped up and raced to the dining room to get some string and a spoon. I tied the string to the spoon, OK! I was 343. I couldn't wait.
I walked into the 344. , where my mom was preparing dinner. I asked Mom if she wanted to be hypnotized. Of course, my mom 345. .
As I started to swing the 346. slowly in front of my mom's face, I said. "You are getting sleepy, you are getting very sleepy. "
After 347. it a few times, I told her that when I counted to three, she would become Elvis, a pop singer. I counted, and at that very moment, Mom started to 348. . I could hardly believe that I was able to hypnotize Mom on my 349. try, I was excited. This was soooo cool! After a while, I decided that it was time to 350. Mom. I could hardly wait to see Mom's reaction (反应) when I told her 351. we did it!
"When I clap my hands three times, you'll be back to your usual self," I said confidently, I clapped loudly as I counted the numbers, 352. Mom continued singing as if nothing had happened, What was wrong I started to feel 353. . I didn't know what to do. It looked so easy on TV. I started to 354. Just then, my mom realized I didn't know 355. had only been pretending (假装) to be hypnotized. She stopped and hugged me.
To this day. Mom and I still laugh about the day I hypnotized her.
341.A.interesting B.educational C.important D.traditional
342.A.Luckily B.Recently C.Suddenly D.Certainly
343.A.active B.free C.popular D.ready
344.A.bedroom B.kitchen C.study D.yard
345.A.agreed B.cooked C.left D.complained
346.A.coin B.pencil C.spoon D.ring
347.A.dropping B.swinging C.fixing D.washing
348.A.draw B.sing C.dance D.write
349.A.first B.second C.third D.last
350.A.look after B.play with C.listen to D.wake up
351.A.when B.where C.wh D.how
352.A.end B.or C.but D.so
353.A.angry B.pleased C.calm D.worried
354.A.cry B.jump C.smile D.run
355.A.he B.I C.she D.you
(2023·达州) 完形填空
What is a teacher A teacher is someone who teaches. They 356. things and you remember them. But I didn't understand the true meaning of the teacher 357. I met my music teacher.
When I first 358. my music class at school, I had almost no knowledge of how to play the violin. I couldn't get the basic notes right. It was an impossible dream for me 359. in front of the public. However, my music teacher, Mr. Smith, inspired me to stick to my dream.
He helped me to find the right violin books for me and he always spent time 360. me. When I wasn't able to remember notes, he told me a trick: FACE. F means "fa"; A means "la"; C means "do"; E means "mi". In this way, I can remember the notes much 361. .
He also tried to make his music class fun. We always played games. They could help develop our 362. of music. We talked about the background of music pieces from all over the world and learned about the development of music in China. Sometimes when we were too tired to practice, Mr. Smith talked about relaxing things 363. only teaching music knowledge.
Thanks to Mr. Smith, I truly fell in love with the violin. After six 364. time, I was able to perform the violin smoothly in front of the public. I am proud of it. I am 365. Mr. Smith, because he helped me make my dream come true.
356.A.sing B.say C.talk D.speak
357.A.after B.though C.until D.when
358.A.arrived in B.arrived at C.got D.reached at
359.A.singing B.to sing C.performing D.to perform
360.A.teach B.teaching C.on teaching D.taught
361.A.more slowly B.quicker C.slower D.more quickly
362.A.sense B.scene C.sea D.service
363.A.instead of B.instead C.rather than D.but
364.A.months B.month's C.month D.months'
365.A.absent from B.thankful to C.thirsty for D.friendly to
1 / 1答案解析2023全国中考英语完形填空[2]
Martin is my youngest son. He likes staying alone and he seldom laughs. As the boy's mother, I was 1. about him. I took him to see the 2. in many hospitals, but it didn't work well.
Nothing could make him happy except the recycling truck(垃圾回收车)passing by my house. Every afternoon, he raced to the front of the house, waiting 3. the truck.
When we were late and 4. the truck, Martin would be very disappointed. One day, I stopped the truck and introduced 5. .
"Nice to meet you, too. I'm Vince. " The driver greeted me in a happy 6. .
"Your coming is the most exciting moment for my son. " I smiled.
After knowing our story, he said, " 7. you please give me your phone number Maybe I can send you a message 8. I arrive. "
Then began our friendship with Vince.
Recently, I said to him, "It's my little boy's birthday tomorrow. Can you do 9. special for him "
The next day, as I was standing by the driveway with Martin, we saw the 10. truck running down the street with a loud beep(嘟嘟声). Like a superman in a movie, Vince stopped and walked towards us with a box in his hand.
"Today is your birthday, Martin, and here's a gift. "
He handed the box to my son. Inside, there was a green model truck like his. My son, surprised, looked up 11. and thanked him.
After chatting for several 12. , he was about to leave for work. I tried to give him some 13. for his help. He kept shaking his head and 14. my money, saying, "Today you, tomorrow me. "
I was deeply moved(感动)by these 15. words. And I have been ready to help others whenever I can. You will never know when you're going to be the one that needs help.
1.A.angry B.glad C.worried D.excited
2.A.teachers B.farmers C.workers D.doctors
3.A.on B.for C.in D.to
4.A.caught B.missed C.changed D.noticed
5.A.herself B.himself C.myself D.yourself
6.A.voice B.shout C.noise D.sound
7.A.Must B.May C.Could D.Should
8.A.after B.before C.and D.or
9.A.everything B.anything C.nothing D.something
10.A.red B.green C.yellow D.pink
11.A.heavily B.happily C.sadly D.seriously
12.A.minutes B.hours C.days D.years
13.A.food B.money C.trucks D.gifts
14.A.received B.accepted C.refused D.prevented
15.A.simple B.similar C.long D.difficult
【解析】【分析】文章大意: 本文是一篇记叙文,写了一个卡车司机帮助一个小男孩的故事,体现了助人精神代代相传的美好。
【点评】考查完形填空。 首先通读全文,了解文章大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,然后明确词意,结合所学语法,运用排除法逐一选出答案,最后再通读全文核对答案。
1.句意:作为男孩的母亲,我很担心他。angry生气的;glad乐意的;worried担忧的;excited兴奋的。根据He likes staying alone and he seldom laughs.(他喜欢一个人呆着,很少笑。)可知,作为母亲,我很担心他,故选C。
2.句意:我带他去了很多医院看医生,但效果并不好。teachers老师们;farmers农民们;workers工人们;doctors医生们。根据in many hospitals和 but it didn't work well. 可知,应该看了医生们,故选D。
3.句意:每天下午,他都跑到房子前面等卡车。on在······上面;for为了;in在······里面;to向,到。根据固定搭配wait for...,等待......,可知,等车要用for。故选B。
4.句意:当我们迟到错过卡车时,马丁会非常失望。caught抓住;missed错过,思念;changed改变;noticed注意。根据前文When we were late(我们迟到)可知,带来的后果只能是错过卡车,故选B。
5.句意:我拦停下卡车,自我介绍道。herself她自己;himself他自己;myself我自己;yourself你自己。分析"Nice to meet you, too. I'm Vince."(见到你也很高兴。我是文斯。)可知,我是先自我介绍,故选C。
6.句意:司机高兴地迎接我。voice嗓音,说话声;shout喊叫声;noise噪音;sound声音,自然界的一切声音。根据in a happy(用一种愉悦的)可知,只能填说话声,故选A。
7.句意:你能给我你的电话号码吗?Must必须;May可能;Could能,表委婉请求;Should应该。根据you please give me your phone number(你能给我你的电话号码吗?)可知,此处指委婉请求,用could开头的疑问句,故选C。
9.句意:你能为他做点特别的事情吗?everything一切;anything否定句中"一些事",肯定句中"任何事";nothing没有什么事;something一些事,用于肯定句,也可用于表示委婉请求的疑问句中。根据"Today is your birthday, Martin, and here's a gift."(今天是你的生日,这是礼物。)可知,作者请求卡车司机帮忙,表示委婉请求,不表示疑问,故选D。
10.句意:伴随着长长的嘟嘟声,一辆绿色卡车在路上飞奔过来。red红色的;green绿色的;yellow黄色的;pink粉色的。根据后文there was a green model truck like his(有一辆和他一样的绿色卡车模型)可知,模型车也是绿色的,故选B。
11.句意:我儿子惊讶地而又开心地抬起头来感谢他。heavily猛烈地;happily开心地;sadly悲伤地;seriously严肃地。根据He handed the box to my son. Inside, there was a green model truck like his.他把盒子递给我儿子,里面有一辆和他一样的绿色卡车模型。 可知,收到想要的礼物,肯定会非常开心,故选B。
12.句意:聊了几分钟后,他正要去上班。minutes几分钟;hours几小时;days天;years几年。司机正在工作,根据下文 he was about to leave for work. 可知,只能聊几分钟,故选A。
13.句意:我设法给他一些钱来感谢他的帮助。food食物;money钱;trucks卡车;gifts礼物。根据下文He kept shaking his head and 14 my money, 他不停地摇头,拒绝了我的钱可知,我尝试他一些钱,故选B。
14.句意:他不停地摇头,拒绝了我的钱。received收到;accepted接受;refused拒绝;prevented阻止。根据He kept shaking his head.可知,他是在拒绝我的钱。故选C。
15.句意:我被他简单的几个字深深打动了。simple简单的;similar相似的;long长长的;difficult困难的。根据"Today you, tomorrow me."(今天的你,明天的我。)可知, 他简单的几个字深深打动 。故选A。
(2023·宜昌) 完形填空
A dragon boat race will be held in our city tomorrow. No matter what the result is, we are excited about the 16. .
I was lucky enough to be 17. for the team of our university last year. Each of us had different levels of fitness (体质) at the beginning. When I could only lift 5 kilos for the 18. time, others could lift 30 already. We cheered ourselves up and always trained together 19. we were all in the same boat. We took 20. in our progress. Sometimes, we 21. each other with just eye contact (接触).
One day, after five hours of training, I was so 22. that I couldn't go on. 23. , I saw the teammates beside and in front still trying their best to row (划). I realized that if I stopped, it would be 24. for our boat to go forward. So I had to keep going 25. we reached the end. Pulling together is the most treasured thing we have when we are in the dragon boat.
Tin loves the 26. of our team. As our coach, he 27. believes that everyone has their own talent. All their ability can be brought out as long as it is 28. in the right place. Actually, we could not afford to 29. anyone of our team, or we won't win. When we are rowing, we are a big 30. .
Now we are ready for the coming dragon boat race.
16.A.game B.place C.rule D.time
17.A.beaten B.chosen C.hidden D.broken
18.A.fourth B.third C.second D.first
19.A.although B.because C.unless D.whether
20.A.pride B.doubt C.pity D.worry
21.A.warned B.kicked C.understood D.treated
22.A.clever B.relaxed C.silly D.tired
23.A.Recently B.Certainly C.However D.Maybe
24.A.faster B.safer C.harder D.better
25.A.till B.if C.since D.while
26.A.name B.spirit C.symbol D.flag
27.A.strongly B.hardly C.nearly D.suddenly
28.A.shut B.hit C.put D.cut
29.A.visit B.lose C.accept D.check
30.A.village B.school C.market D.family
16.句意:不论结果如何,我们都对比赛很兴奋。game比赛;游戏; place地方; rule规则; time时间。根据"A dragon boat race will be held in our city tomorrow."(明天我们市将举行龙舟比赛。)可知此处指对上文的比赛激动。故选A。
17.句意:去年我很幸运地被选为我们学校的队员。beaten打败; chosen选择; hidden隐藏; broken打破。根据" I was lucky enough to befor the team of our university last year. " (为我们大学去年的球队)可知此处指被选为队员。故选B。
18.句意:当我第一次只能举起5公斤的东西,其他人已经可以举起30公斤了。fourth第四; third第三; second第二; first第一。根据"Each of us had different levels offitness (体质) at the beginning." (我们每个人在开始的时候都有不同的健康水平。)可知此处介绍最初人们的体质不同,所以能拿举起来东西重量不同,说明最初,应该是第一次的时候。故选D。
19.句意:我们为自己打气,总是一起训练,因为我们都在同一艘船上。although尽管; because因为; unless除非;whether是否。空后"we were all in the same boat." (我们都在同一艘船上。)是原因,用because连接。故选B。
20.句意:我们为我们的进步感到骄傲。pride骄傲; doubt怀疑; pity可惜;worry担忧。动词短语take pride in,表示"以……为傲",固定结构。故选A。
21.句意:有时候,我们只需要眼神交流就能理解对方。warned警告; kicked踢; understood理解; treated对待。根据"each other with just eye contact" (只需要眼神交流)可知队员有默契,眼神交流就会理解对方。故选C。
22.句意:一天,5个小时的训练之后,我太累了,不能继续了。clever聪明的; relaxed放松的; silly愚蠢的; tired疲惫的。根据"that I couldn't go on." (不能继续了)可知训练过后太累了,所以不能继续。故选D。
23.句意:然而,我看到我附近和前面的队员仍然尽最大努力在划。recently最近; certainly当然; however然而; maybe可能。根据语句I saw the teammates beside and in front still trying their best to row (划). I realized that if I stopped, it would be…可知,空前后有转折关系,用however连接。故选C。
24.句意:我意识到,如果我停了,对船来说会更难前行。faster更快;safer更安全; harder更难; better更好。根据"I realized that if I stopped, " (我意识到,如果我停了)可知一个人停下,船会更难前进了,故选C。
25.句意:所以我不得不继续直到我们到达终点。till直到; if如果; since因为;自从; while当….时。根据语句So I had to keep going …we reached the end. 可知继续划船直到终点才停下。故选A。
26.句意: Tin喜欢我们队的精神。name名字; spirit精神; symbol象征;flag旗帜。根据" Pulling together is the mosttreasured thing we have when we are in thedragon boat."(齐心协力是我们在龙舟上最珍贵的东西。)可知团队里每个人都一起努力,这是团队的精神。故选B。
27.句意:作为队长,他强烈地相信每个人都有自己的才能。strongly强烈地; hardly几乎不; nearly接近; suddenly突然。根据"As our coach, " (作为队长)可知作为队长,应该对自己队员有信心。故选A。
28.句意:只要放在合适的地方,他们所有的能力都可以发挥出来。shut关闭; hit撞击; put放置; cut切。根据"All theirability can be brought out as long as." (他们所有的能力都可以发挥出来)可知此处指能力放到正确位置。故选C。
29.句意:事实上,我们不能失去任何队员,否则我们就赢不了。visit参观;lose输掉;失去; accept接受;check检查。根据"or we won't win." (否则我们就赢不了)可知失去队员,可能就赢不了。故选B。
30.句意:当我们划船时,我们是一个大家庭。village村庄; school学校;market市场; family家庭。根据"Actually, wecould not afford to...anyone of our team, orwe won't win." (事实上,我们不能失去任何队员,否则我们就赢不了。)可知队员在一起是一个大家庭,不能丢下任何一个。故选D。
Harry. Who owned a boat, lived near the sea with his family. They made a living by 31. . One day, he asked a painter to paint his boat.
While the painter was painting, he found there was a hole at the bottom of the boat, and he decided to 32. it. When he finished his work as Harry asked him, he got his money and left.
Several days later, Harry came to the painter and gave him some money which was much more than the payment for painting. The painter didn't know 33. and said, "You've already paid me for painting the boat! "
"It is not for the painting, 34. for having repaired the hole! " Harry said.
"It's just a small service. Certainly you 35. pay me so much for something unimportant. " said the painter.
"My friend, you don't understand what I mean. Let me tell you what happened. My 36. took the boat and went on a fishing trip yesterday. When I noticed they had taken the boat, I was extremely (极其) 37. . I remembered the boat had a hole that hadn't been repaired yet. I forgot to tell them about it. You can't imagine how happy I was when I saw them walking 38. safe and sound. Then I checked the boat and found you had repaired the hole. It was 39. saved my children's lives! " Harry said with excitement.
Just repair the "hole " you find. Small acts of kindness can make a 40. difference.
31.A.cooking B.teaching C.fishing
32.A.repair B.paint C.protect
33.A.what B.why C.when
34.A.but B.and C.so
35.A.needn't B.mustn't C.can't
36.A.friends B.neighbors C.children
37.A.excited B.happy C.worried
38.A.into B.out of C.along
39.A.you B.he C.we
40.A.small B.big C.bad
31.句意:他们以捕鱼为生。A烹饪; B教书; C钓鱼。根据Harry, who owned a boat, fired near the sea with his family. (哈里有一条船,他和家人在海边生活。)可知他们以捕鱼为生。故选C。
32.句意:然后他决定修补它。A修;B粉刷;C保护。根据While the painter was painting, he found there was a hole at the bottom of the boat (当油漆工粉刷时,他发现船底有一个洞)可知他决定修补这个洞。故选A。
33.句意:这个油漆工不知道为什么说道。A什么; B为什么; C什么时候。根据You've already paid me for painting the boat!(你已经给过我粉刷船的钱了!)可知油漆工不知道为什么哈里又给他钱。故选B。
34.句意:这不是粉刷的钱,而是修补洞的钱。A但是; B和; C所以。结合语句It is not for the painting, …for having repaired the hole! 可知,not…but…表示"不是……而是……"。故选A。
35.句意:当然为这么不起眼的小事你没必要给我那么多。A没必要; B禁止; C不可能。根据It's just a small service.(这只是一个小服务。)可知他认为哈里没必要付那么多钱。故选A。
36.句意:昨天我的孩子们乘船去捕鱼。A朋友;B邻居;C孩子。根据It was you saved my children's lives! (是你救了我孩子们的命!)可知此处是指孩子们乘船。故选C。
37.句意:当我注意到他们乘船时,我相当担心。A兴奋的; B开心的; C担心的。根据语句I remembered the boat had a hole that hadn't been repaired yet.可知当看到孩子们乘船时他很担心。故选C。
38.句意:你很难想象当我看到他们安全地走出来时我的多么开心。A进去; B出来; C沿着。根据语句You can't imagine how happy I was when I saw them walking…safe and sound.可知孩子们安全地走出船时,哈里很开心。故选B。
39.句意:是你救了我孩子们的命! A你; B他; C我们。根据上文语句Then I checked the boat and found you had repaired the hole. 可知此处是指"你"救了孩子们的命。故选A。
40.句意:小小的善举可以带来巨大的影响。A小的;B大的;C坏的。根据语句Small acts of kindness can make a…difference. 可知此处用"大"和前面的"小"作对比。故选B。
(2023·广西)阅读下面语篇,从各小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Lisa works in the dining hall of a primary school. Her job is to serve breakfast and lunch to teachers and 41. . Because Lisa has a hearing problem, the students weren't able to 42. with her effectively (有效地). They just pointed to the 43. they wanted. This year, however, things have changed a lot. It all started with Betty, a new teacher at the school.
Betty has learned sign language (手语) 44. three years. One day, she started a conversation in sign language with Lisa in the dining hall. The students there stopped eating and 45. the sign language conversation with interest.
The next day, Betty asked 46. students, "Would you like to learn how to 47. your hands to ‘talk' to Lisa " Everyone in the class said yes. She then began teaching the students some 48. ways to say hello and how to order food.
The head teacher of the school heard about this. 49. he decided that the whole school should learn some sign language. Now, all the people at the school are learning sign language 50. . And Lisa is feeling so loved at work!
41.A.students B.parents C.cooks
42.A.work B.check C.communicate
43.A.chalk B.food C.money
44.A.after B.of C.for
45.A.watched B.guided C.finished
46.A.my B.your C.her
47.A.pull B.use C.wash
48.A.easy B.noisy C.sweet
49.A.Or B.And C.But
50.A.early B.angrily C.actively
【点评】此题考查词汇短语句式等在语境中的运用,首先通读全文,掌握大意,然后根据语境、语法、上下文、 逻辑推理斟酌字句选出正确答案,最后通读全文,确保通顺、完整。
41.句意:她的工作是为老师们和学生们提供早餐和午餐。students学生;parents家长;cooks厨师。根据"Lisa works in the dining hall of a primay.丽莎在一所小学的食堂工作。可知她为老师和学生服务的,故选A。
42.句意:因为Lisa有听力问题,学生们无法有效地与她交流。work工作;check检查;communicate交流。根据Because Lisa has a hearing problem, 可知, 学生们无法有效地与她交流。故选C。
43.句意:他们只是指着他们想要的食物。chalk粉笔;food食物;money钱。根据Her job is to serve breakfast and lunch to teachers and 1 .可知,指着他们想要的食物。故选B。
44.句意:Betty已经学手语三年了。after在......之后;of.....的;for长达……。根据"three years"可知,此处用for+时间段,故选C。
45.句意:那里的学生停止了吃饭,饶有兴趣地观看手语对话。watched观看;guided引导;finished完成。根据上文she started a conversation in sign language with Lisa in the dining hall. 她在餐厅里开始用手语和丽莎交谈。和The students there stopped eating可知他们观看用手语对话,故选A。
48.句意:然后,她开始教学生们一些简单的打招呼和点餐的方法。easy简单的;noisy嘈杂的;sweet甜的。根据 ways to say hello and how to order food. 可知,是教一些简单的方法,故选A。
49.句意:他决定全校都应该学点手语。Or或者;And和;But但是。根据 The head teacher of the school heard about this. 和下文 he decided that the whole school should learn some sign language. 可知校长听说了这件事后决定让全校都学点手语,前后之间是顺承关系,用连词and,故选B。
50.句意:现在,学校里所有的人都在积极地学习手语。early早期的;angrily生气地;actively积极地。根据"all the people at the school are lea loved at work!"可知,应是大家都在积极学习手语,故选C。
(2023·江西) 完形填空
Saving Baby Elephants
Mishak rubs (擦) his eyes when he prepares warm milk. Like other people looking after babies, he is 51. . It is 5:30 a. m. , and he hasn't had much sleep. Mishak sits next to the baby elephant, smiles and makes sure she finishes the breakfast.
Mishak is a 52. from an elephant rescue (救援) center. 53. , many elephants meet problems, so they need rescuing here. For one thing, hunters 54. elephants for their ivory. For another, people build homes and plant fields where 55. used to live. Hungry elephants walk into the villages and fields to look for food. They often cause serious damage(破坏), so farmers kill 56. . As a result, adult elephants often leave their babies behind.
When a baby elephant 57. its mother, it's also in great danger. This is because it needs its mother's milk for about four years. 58. this milk, the baby has little chance to live. Research shows that elephants, like people, have 59. . If the mother elephant dies, the baby elephant often becomes sad and ill.
The center's job is to raise these baby elephants and send them back to the 60. step by step. First, keepers take turns looking after the baby elephants 61. they don't want an elephant to depend on one of the keepers too much. Then keepers take the elephants into the forest. This is a(n) 62. part of the process because the elephants learn how to eat in the wild and communicate with others. When an elephant is four and no longer needs 63. , keepers move it to the wild. This makes elephants become 64. . It often takes them eight to ten years to get used to the wild.
At bedtime, Mishak has to lie down and 65. with his baby elephant. Mishak says that when he leaves the babies, they cry. Does he need an alarm to wake up "Oh, no," he says. "The elephants are our alarms. "
51.A.nervous B.down C.tired D.shy
52.A.teacher B.keeper C.doctor D.policeman
53.A.Unluckily B.Finally C.Excitedly D.Suddenly
54.A.buy B.kill C.keep D.collect
55.A.hunters B.elephants C.adults D.keepers
56.A.us B.it C.her D.them
57.A.loses B.helps C.saves D.follows
58.A.By B.For C.As D.Without
59.A.foods B.homes C.friends D.feelings
60.A.center B.zoo C.wild D.city
61.A.unless B.but C.or D.because
62.A.easy B.fast C.important D.strange
63.A.milk B.fruits C.grass D.leaves
64.A.brave B.popular C.friendly D.patient
65.A.work B.play C.study D.sleep
51.句意:和其他照顾婴儿的人一样,他很累。nervous紧张的;down低落的;tired劳累的;shy害羞的。根据"he hasn't had much sleep"他没怎么睡。可知,他是累的。故选C。
52.句意:米沙克是大象救助中心的饲养员。teacher老师;keeper饲养员;doctor医生;policeman警察。根据"from an elephant rescue(救援) center"以及后文"First, keepers take turns looking after the baby elephants"首先,饲养员轮流照看小象。可知,他是大象饲养员。故选B。
53.句意:不幸的是,许多大象遇到了问题,所以它们需要在这里得到救援。Unluckily不幸地;Finally最后;Excitedly兴奋地;Suddenly突然地。根据"many elephants meet problems"可知,这是一件不幸的事情。故选A。
54.句意:首先,猎人为了象牙而猎杀大象。buy买;kill杀害;keep养;collect收集。根据"for their ivory"可知,猎人为了象牙会猎杀大象。故选B。
55.句意:另一方面,人们在大象曾经生活的地方建造房屋和种植田地。hunters猎人;elephants大象;adults成年人;keepers饲养员。根据"Hungry elephants walk into the villages and fields to look for food."饥饿的大象走进村庄和田野寻找食物。可知,人们占领了大象生活的地方。故选B。
56.句意:它们经常造成严重的破坏,所以农民会杀死它们。us我们;it它;her她;them它们。根据They often cause serious damage(破坏), 可知所以农民会杀死它们,空处指代"elephants",用them。故选D。
57.句意:当小象失去母亲时,它也处于极大的危险之中。loses失去;helps帮助;saves拯救;follows跟随。根据"it's also in great danger"可知,失去妈妈后,小象会有危险。故选A。
58.句意:没有奶,小象几乎没有生存的机会。By通过;For为了;As作为;Without没有。根据"the baby has little chance to live"可知,无法喝到奶的小象几乎不能生存。故选D。
59.句意:研究表明,大象和人一样有感情。foods食物;homes家园;friends朋友;feelings感情。根据"If the mother elephant dies, the baby elephant often becomes sad and ill."如果母象死了,小象就会变得悲伤和生病。可知,大象是有感情的。故选D。
60.句意:该中心的工作是饲养这些小象,并逐步将它们送回自然环境。center中心;zoo动物园;wild自然环境;city城市。根据"Then keepers take the elephants into the forest."然后饲养员把大象带进森林。可知,是逐步将大象送回自然环境。故选C。
62.句意:这是这个过程的重要组成部分,因为大象学会了如何在野外进食和与其他动物交流。easy容易的;fast快的;important重要的;strange奇怪的。根据"because the elephants learn how to eat in the wild and communicate with others"可知,把大象送到森林里是重要的一步。故选C。
63.句意:当大象四岁不再需要喝奶时,饲养员会把它移到野外。milk牛奶;fruits水果;grass草;leaves树叶。根据"keepers move it to the wild"可知,大象不用喝奶后,就可以被送到野外。故选A。
64.句意:这使大象变得勇敢。brave勇敢的;popular流行的;friendly友好的;patient耐心的。根据"keepers move it to the wild"可知,把大象送到野外会让它们勇敢起来。故选A。
65.句意:睡觉的时候,米沙克必须躺下和他的小象一起睡觉。work工作;play玩耍;study学习;sleep睡觉。根据"At bedtime"可知,是和小象一起睡觉。故选D。
If you love reading books, you must know about the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. The book is quite interesting and popular among kids. Even if I am an adult now, the book is 66. one of my favorites. After re-reading the book recently, I have 67. an important lesson from Tom Sawyer.
In our daily lives, we are often given some boring or tiring 68. What's in your mind when your mother 69. you to do some chores Have you ever wanted to complain(抱怨) I think most people have.
Tom Sawyer, however, had a different thought when he was given a boring task. One day, Aunt Polly told Tom to 70. the fence( 篱笆). Tom was doing his job, when his friend Ben Rogers happened to pass by. Instead of complaining, Tom told Ben that he felt" 71. " about the task. "Only one in a thousand一maybe even two thousand一boys can do this!" Tom said.
Tom's words made Ben interested in the task. He even gave Tom his apple so that he could have a 72. to paint the fence. If Tom had thought about 73. but complaining, he would have had a bad day painting the fence.
This story teaches me a valuable lesson: Complaining is 74. . The next time you are given a boring or tiring task, don't complain. Unlike what happens in the story of Tom Sawyer, it is
unlikely that someone will come and do the work for you. So, don't complain,— 75. you'll feel better and perhaps even do a better job!
66.A.just B.still C.even D.hardly
67.A.learned B.taught C.given D.attended
68.A.stories B.words C.tasks D.lessons
69.A.trusts B.allows C.helps D.asks
70.A.paint B.repair C.examine D.cross
71.A.bored B.excited C.unexpected D.disappointed
72.A.method B.hobby C.dream D.chance
73.A.everything B.anything C.nothing D.something
74.A.useless B.endless C.powerful D.wonderful
75.A.if B.or C.but D.and
66.句意: 即使我现在是一个成年人,这本书也是我的最爱之一。A just仅仅;B still仍然;C even甚至;D hardly几乎不。根据Even if I am an adult now可知此句表示让步,表示自己年纪不小了,但是仍然喜欢这本书。故选B。
67.句意: 在最近重读了这本书之后,我从汤姆 · 索亚那里学到了重要的一堂课。A learned学习; B taught教; C given给; D attended参加。固定搭配learn an important lesson,学到了重要的一堂课。故选A。
68.句意:在我们的日常生活中,我们常常被给予一些无聊或疲惫工作。A stories故事;B words话语; C tasks工作;D lessons课程。根据What's in your mind when your mother4 you to do some chores 可知此句说的是像家务活这样的杂活。故选C。
69.句意:当你妈妈让你做家务时,你在想什么?A trusts相信;B allows允许;C helps帮助;D asks问。根据Have you ever wanted to complain(抱怨) 可知不是自己想去做杂活,而是妈妈要求自己去干的。故选D。
70.句意:一天,波莉阿姨告诉汤姆去粉刷篱笆。A paint粉刷;B repair修理;C examine检查;D cross横跨。根据He even gave Tom his apple so that he could have a 7 to paint the fence. 可知汤姆要粉刷篱笆。故选A。
71.句意:汤姆没有抱怨,而是告诉本他对这项任务感到"兴奋"。A bored无聊的;B excited兴奋的; C unexpected出人意料的;D disappointed失望的。根据 "Only one in a thousand一maybe even two thousand一boys can do this!" Tom said. 可知"只有千分之一——甚至两千个——男孩能做到这一点!"汤姆对本·罗杰斯说,因此让人很兴奋 。故选B。
72.句意:他甚至把苹果给了汤姆,这样他就可以有机会来粉刷栅栏。A method方法;B hobby爱好;C dream梦;D chance机会。根据 "Only one in a thousand一maybe even two thousand一boys can do this!" Tom said. 可知"只有千分之一——甚至两千个——男孩能做到这一点!"汤姆对本·罗杰斯说,因此这个机会很难得,于是他把苹果给了汤姆来获得这个机会 。故选D。
73.句意:如果汤姆除了抱怨什么都不想,他会在粉刷篱笆的日子里过得很糟糕。A everything一切事; B anything任何事;C nothing无事;D something某事。固定搭配nothing but,除了……之外没什么。故选C。
74.句意:这个故事给我上了宝贵的一课:抱怨是无用的。A useless无用的;B endless无止境的;C powerful有力的;D wonderful精彩的。根据The next time you are given a boring or tiring task, don't complain. 可知下次你接到无聊或累人的任务时,不要抱怨。因为抱怨是无用的。故选A。
75.句意:所以,不要抱怨,这样的话你会感觉好多了,甚至可能会做得更好!A if如果;B or否则;C but但是;D and并且。固定句型:祈使句,and/or+一般将来时的句子,表示顺承时用and,表示转折时用or,此处表示顺承。故选D。
(2023·武汉) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Katie said goodbye to her parents at the front door of their candy shop as they drove off for a vacation, and Katie 76. she'd be able to run it with Aunt Maria's help. Aunt Maria didn't have any experience on business, but she is always called " 77. ".
As Maria blew into the store, she said, "All right, Katie my love, let's get this party started."
Katie took her aunt over to where the family made their own candy, such as fresh fudge (软糖). Aunt Maria 78. a piece of chocolate fudge. "Hmm," she said. "It's good, but not 79. . We can add something to make that basic taste exciting."
Before Katie could 80. what Maria meant, the woman had gone to the kitchen. Katie heard her walking around, opening drawers and the fridge. Then she came back with her hands full of things. She 81. them on the work surface with a happy tune(小调).
"Brussels sprouts(甘蓝) " Katie gave her aunt a 82. look. She couldn't be serious! But she was. The woman's hands were busy 83. the green vegetables and then adding those small pieces into the fudge. Katie's eyes grew wide as she watched her aunt mix them together.
Katie 84. as the bell over the front door rang, announcing some 85. . Three boys came in. "I'll have strawberry fudge, please," said the first boy.
"Oh, how 86. ," laughed Maria. "I must suggest you try something new! Try this!" She offered the boys the Brussels sprout fudge. "It's free! 87. !"
Surprised, but too polite to 88. , the boys left with the fudge.
"There go our customers. They will tell everyone how strange our candy is, and nobody will want to shop here!" Katie said to herself. She didn't know what to do. Her parents were going to be 89. .
The sound of the bell woke her up from her 90. . The boys were back! But this time there was a crowd of kids coming into the store with them.
"Give me two pieces of Brussels sprout fudge, please."
76.A.promised B.remembered C.pretended D.checked
77.A.friendly B.creative C.honest D.lucky
78.A.noticed B.bought C.made D.tried
79.A.soft B.sweet C.smooth D.special
80.A.believe B.change C.question D.explain
81.A.stuck B.left C.spread D.swept
82.A.strange B.fresh C.black D.hungry
83.A.washing B.weighing C.cutting D.cooking
84.A.moved on B.looked up C.broke down D.came over
85.A.clerks B.policemen C.customers D.businessmen
86.A.expensive B.cheap C.funny D.boring
87.A.Stay B.Enjoy C.Go D.Help
88.A.accept B.argue C.eat D.order
89.A.mad B.calm C.relaxed D.silent
90.A.mistakes B.memories C.plans D.thoughts
76.句意:当父母开车去度假时,凯蒂在他们糖果店的前门向他们道别,凯蒂承诺在玛丽亚阿姨的帮助下她可以经营糖果店。promised承诺;remembered记得;pretended假装;checked检查。根据"she'd be able to run it with Aunt Maria's help."(在玛丽亚阿姨的帮助下她可以经营糖果店)可知她承诺会好好经营糖果店。故选A。
77.句意:玛丽亚阿姨没有任何商业经验,但她总是被称为"有创造力"。friendly友好的;creative有创造力的;honest诚实的;lucky幸运的。根据下文的描述We can add something to make that basic taste exciting.(我们可以添加一些东西,使基本的味道更令人兴奋。)可知,她制作了一些奇怪的糖果,所以她被认为"有创造力"。故选B。
78.句意:玛丽亚阿姨尝了一块巧克力软糖。noticed注意到;bought买;made制造;tried尝试。根据"a piece of chocolate fudge"(一块巧克力软糖)可知是尝了一块软糖。故选D。
79.句意:它很好,但并不特别。soft软的;sweet甜的;smooth顺滑的;special特别的。根据"They will tell everyone how strange our candy is"(他们会告诉每个人我们的糖果有多奇怪)可知店里的糖果不特别。故选D。
80.句意:凯蒂还没来得及问玛丽亚是什么意思,那个女人就已经去厨房了。believe相信;change改变;question质疑;explain解释。根据"what Maria meant"(玛丽亚是什么意思)可知是问玛利亚阿姨她说的话是什么意思。故选C。
81.句意:她用欢快的曲调把它们铺在工作面上。stuck卡住;left离开;spread传播,铺;swept清扫。根据"them on the work surface"(它们铺在工作面上)可知是把拿来的东西放在工作面上,用动词spread。故选C。
82.句意:凯蒂奇怪地看了她姑姑一眼。strange奇怪的;fresh新鲜的;black黑的;hungry饥饿的。根据"She couldn't be serious"(她不可能是认真的!)可知凯蒂奇怪地看了她姑姑一眼。故选A。
83.句意:这位女士的手正忙着切绿色蔬菜,然后把这些小块加入软糖中。washing洗;weighing称重;cutting切;cooking做饭。根据"adding those small pieces into the fudge"(把这些小块加到软糖里)可知是切这些蔬菜。故选C。
84.句意:凯蒂抬头一看,前门上的门铃响了,宣布有顾客。moved on继续前进;looked up向上看;broke down分解;came over过来。根据" as the bell over the front door rang"(前门上的门铃响了)可知铃响时,她抬起头看。故选B。
85.句意:凯蒂抬头一看,前门上的门铃响了,宣布有顾客。clerks职员;policemen警察;customers顾客;businessman商人。根据"There go our customers"(我们的顾客走了。)可知是有顾客。故选C。
86.句意:真无聊。expensive昂贵的;cheap便宜的;funny有趣的;boring无聊的。根据"I must suggest you try something new"(我必须建议你尝试一些新的东西)可知玛丽亚阿姨认为年轻人要的软糖很无趣,所以建议他尝试一些新东西。故选D。
87.句意:它是免费的。请享用吧!stay停留;enjoy享受;go去;help帮助。根据"It's free"(它是免费的。)可知是请他享用甘蓝软糖。故选B。
88.句意:男孩们很惊讶,但太礼貌了,而不想争辩,带着软糖离开了。accept接受;argue争论;eat吃;order命令。根据"but too polite to"(但太礼貌了)可知他很有礼貌,所以不想争辩。故选B。
89.句意:她的父母都会生气的。mad生气的;calm平静的;relaxed放松的;silent沉默的。根据"nobody will want to shop here"(没有人会想在这里购物)可知没有人来糖果店里买糖果,她父母会生气的。故选A。
90.句意:铃声把她从思考中唤醒。mistakes错误;memories记忆;plans计划;thoughts想法。根据"Katie said to herself."(凯蒂自言自语道。)可知铃声把她从思考中唤醒。故选D。
It was a warm Sunday afternoon in May, 2021. Beside the Lech River many people were playing and picnicking, and they felt 91. and relaxed. Some people were cooling their feet in the 92. water from the snow-covered mountains nearby. From behind the bar (吧台) at the restaurant, Paul Blachut, a 93. , had a good view of the river.
A mother and two daughters were playing on the riverbank when, suddenly, they 94. into the fast-running water. A passer-by shouted 95. , "Help! Three people are being carried away by the water!" Looking up from his work, Paul noticed the three women flapping (摆动) their arms in the water, trying to 96. anything they could.
Paul rushed to the riverbank and jumped into the river. He didn't 97. the cold. All he could think about was saving the women. As he got closer to them, he found the mother had the most 98. because her long dress made her so heavy. He pushed her to the bank first. Then he managed to save the two daughters with other people's help.
Later, people expressed their admiration for Pau, 99. he was modest(谦虚的) about his role. "It only took me two or three minutes," he said, adding that he was happy to have received high praise from his boss for his 100. . Indeed, it was a job very well done.
91.A.tired B.strange C.comfortable
92.A.calm B.cold C.salty
93.A.boss B.waiter C.tourist
94.A.fell B.ran C.looked
95.A.politely B.bravely C.loudly
96.A.catch B.shake C.cover
97.A.get over B.care about C.keep out
98.A.pleasure B.time C.trouble
99.A.but B.or C.so
100.A.advice B.courage C.advantage
【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文介绍了服务员Paul Blachut跳进寒冷的河水里救出了三个人的故事。
【点评】考查完形填空。首先通读全文,掌握大意,然后根据语境、语法、上下文、 逻辑推理斟酌字句选出正确答案,最后通读全文,确保通顺、完整。
91.句意:在莱赫河边,许多人在玩耍和野餐,他们感到舒适和放松。tired累的;strange奇怪的;comfortable舒服的。根据上文many people were playing and picnicking可知,他们感到舒适和放松。 故选C。
92.句意:一些人在附近积雪覆盖的山上的冷水里给脚降温。calm平静的;cold冷的;salty咸的。根据"Some people were cooling their feet"(有些人在给脚降温)可知在冷水里给脚降温。故选B。
93.句意:服务员Paul Blachut从餐厅吧台后面可以很好地看到河的景色。boss老板;waiter服务员;tourist旅客。根据"adding that he was happy to have received high prai se from his boss"(他补充说,他很高兴得到了老板对他的高度赞扬)可知Paul Blachut是一名服务员。故选B。
94.句意:一位母亲和两个女儿正在河边玩耍,突然,她们掉进了湍急的河水中。fell跌倒,落下;ran跑;looked看。根据"Three people are being carried away by thewater!"(有三个人被水冲走了!)可知是掉进水里。fall into"落入,陷入",固定短语。故选A。
95.句意:一个路人大声喊道:"救命!有三个人被水冲走了!"politely有礼貌地;bravely勇敢地;loudly大声地。根据"Help!Three people are being carried away by the water!"(救命!有三个人被水冲走了!)可知有人掉进水里,应是要大声呼喊"救命"。故选C。
96.句意:Paul从工作中抬起头来,注意到那三个女人在水里摆动着她们的手臂,试图抓住她们能抓到的任何东西。catch抓住;shake摇晃;cover覆盖。根据"Paul noticed the three women flapping(摆动) their arms in the water"(Paul注意到那三个女人在水里摆着她们的手臂)可知水里的人想要抓住一切能抓的东西。故选A。
97.句意:他不在乎寒冷。get over克服;care about关心,在乎;keep out阻止。根据"Paul rushed to the riverbank and jumped into the river."(Paul冲到河边,跳进河里。)可知根据动作描写,Paul没有在意冷水。故选B。
98.句意:当他走近他们时,他发现那位母亲遇到了最大的麻烦,因为她的长裙使她显得很重。pleasure娱乐;time时间;trouble麻烦。根据"because her long dress made her so heavy"(因为她的长裙使她显得很重)可知衣服湿了变得很重,这是女士遇到的麻烦。故选C。
(2023·河北) 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Some people have no interest in sports. They think that sports make them 101. and smell bad. They say, "Why waste time playing sports " To these people, I politely say, "You have not discovered the 102. of sports!"
Let me share with you a basketball game I played two weeks ago. Our parents and friends were there to 103. us. A lot of people were watching. We all wanted to 104. the game in front of so many people.
The game was 105. over and we were one point behind. Our coach called us together and said, "Okay, this is it! Either we score now or the game is over. Let's work hard to score. Even if we don't score, 106. we know that we have tried our best. So, boys, don't think too much. It doesn't matter if we lose. Just do it."
Well, in the last 107. of the game, we truly scored and two teams tied (打成平局)! We went into overtime (加时) and we lost in the end. But after the game, the coach hugged all of us. He told us that he was 108. because he had never seen a team try harder than us.
To be honest, I 109. a lot of pleasure in playing sports. It makes me happy and comfortable. That's why I play sports whenever I get the chance. So my 110. is to choose a sport and keep doing it. Your body will thank you and your mind will be ready to work well.
101.A.lazy B.tired C.ugly D.stupid
102.A.price B.time C.fun D.level
103.A.call B.praise C.help D.cheer
104.A.win B.watch C.join D.report
105.A.suddenly B.nearly C.finally D.recently
106.A.at first B.at once C.at times D.at least
107.A.month B.week C.hour D.minute
108.A.brave B.active C.proud D.honest
109.A.feel B.face C.guess D.give
110.A.advice B.order C.action D.interest
101.句意:他们认为运动会让他们感到疲惫,而且气味难闻。A.lazy懒的;B.tired累的;C.ugly丑陋的;D.stupid愚蠢的。根据语境"Some people have no interest in sports. They think that sports make them...and smell bad"可知,对运动不感兴趣的人会觉得运动使他们感到疲惫,而且气味难闻。故选B。
102.句意:你们还没有发现运动的乐趣!A.price价格;B.time时间;C.fun乐趣;D.level水平。根据语境"You have not discovered the...of sports!"可知,对于对运动不感兴趣的人,应是他们还没有发现运动的乐趣。故选C。
103.句意:我们的父母和朋友在那里为我们加油。A.call打电话;B.praise赞场;C.help帮助;D.cheer加油。根据"Our parents and friends were there to...us"以及"A lot of people were watching"可猜测,父母和朋友都在那里加油。故选D。
104.句意:我们都想在这么多人面前赢得比赛。A.win赢得;B.watch观看;C.join参加;D.report报告。根据"...the game in front of so many people"可知,是想要赢得比赛,故选A。
105.句意:比赛快结束了,我们落后一分。A.suddenly突然;B.nearly几乎;C.finally最终;D.recently最近。根据"The game was...over and we were one point behind."可知,是在比赛快结束时,还落后一分,故选B。
106.句意:即使我们没有得分,至少我们知道我们已经尽力了。A.at first起初;B.at once立刻;C.at times有时;D.at least至少。根据前后句"Even if we don't score,...we know that we have tried our best."可知,使我们没有得分,至少已经尽力了。故选D。
107.句意:嗯,在比赛的最后一分钟,我们真的进球了,两队打平了!A.month月;B.week周;C.hour小时; D.minute分钟。根据语境"the last minute最后一分钟"可知,最后一分钟打平,故选D。
108.句意:他告诉我们,他很自豪,因为他从未见过一支球队比我们更努力。A.brave勇敢的;B.active积极的;C.proud骄傲的,自豪的;D.honest诚实的。根据语境" he had never seen a team try
harder than us"可知,是队员们的努力让教练感到骄傲与自豪,故选C。
109.句意:老实说,我在运动中感到很快乐。A.feel感觉;B.face面对;C.guess猜;D.give给。根据语境"a lot of pleasure in playing sports"可知,作者在运动中感受到很多快乐。故选A。
110.句意:所以我的建议是选择一项运动并坚持下去。A.advice建议;B.order命令;C.action行动;D.interest兴趣。根据"...is to choose a sport and keep doing it"可知,此处意指建议,选择一箱运动并坚持下去。故选A。
(2023·岳阳) 通读全文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个正确答案。
You feel tired and have a fever, you have a sore throat and cough. Don't be afraid—you have probably gotten H1N1 flu (甲流). Every year, some people experience these sick feelings, especially old people and 111. children. HIN1 flu is similar to the common cold, but it is much more serious. It can cause a 112. temperature above 39 ℃, and the symptom (症状) of fever may last (持续) 3~4 days, or even 5~7 days. H1N1 flu is a disease (疾病) that 113. quickly and widely around the world now. When someone sneezes (打喷嚏) or coughs near you, virus (病毒) travels through the air and enters your body, then makes you become ill. If you have H1N1 flu, you will go to the hospital as soon as possible. Take some medicine and you will become well.
How do you keep away from H1N1 flu Experts give some good 114. .
▲ Avoid going to the places full of people during flu seasons. If you have to, you had better 115. a mask (口罩).
▲ 116. to wash your hands carefully before meals and after 117. things outdoors.
▲ Eat a balanced diet (均衡饮食) that includes different kinds of 118. vegetables and fruits. They will give people vitamins (维他命) which body needs.
▲ Do more sports, like running, swimming and 119. . Exercise an hour a day, and live a happy life.
▲ Try to have 120. 8 hours' sleep every night.
All in all, it's important to have a healthy living habit. The healthier you body is, the fewer risks of getting HINI flu you will have.
111.A.young B.brave C.disabled
112.A.low B.high C.normal
113.A.is putting B.is carrying C.is spreading
114.A.suggestion B.idea C.advice
115.A.wear B.dress C.offer
116.A.Forget B.Remember C.Disagree
117.A.hearing B.touching C.seeing
118.A.fresh B.dirty C.creative
119.A.asking for help
B.playing computer games
C.climbing mountains
120.A.a few B.at least C.a little
112.句意:可引起39℃以上的高温,发热症状可持续3~4天,甚至5~7天。A.low低的;B.high高的;C.normal正常的。根据语境"above 39 ℃"可知是高温,故选B。
113.句意:H1N1流感是一种疾病(疾病) 这种情况现在正在世界各地迅速而广泛地传播。A.is putting正在放;B.is carrying正在携带;C.is spreading正在传播。根据和常识可知疾病是传播的,故选C。
116.句意:记得在饭前和户外接触东西后要仔细洗手。A.Forget忘记;B.Remember记得;C.Disagree不同意。根据语境"to wash your hands carefully"和卫生常识可知要记得洗手,故选B。
117.句意:记得在饭前和户外接触东西后要仔细洗手。A.hearing听见;B.touching触摸;C.seeing看见。根据语境"wash your hands carefully before meals and after...things outdoors."可知接触户外物品后要仔细洗手。故选B。
119.句意:多做一些运动,比如跑步、游泳和爬山。每天锻炼一小时,过上幸福的生活。A.asking for help寻求帮助;B.playing computer games玩电脑游戏;C.climbing mountains爬山。根据前文"Do more sports, like running, swimming"可知这里表示的是多运动,只有"爬山"属于运动,故选C。
120.句意:尽量每晚至少睡8小时。A.a few一些;B.at least至少;C.a little一点。根据语境"Try to have...8 hours'sleep every night."以及常识可知此处是建议至少有8小时的睡眠。故选B。
(2023·荆州) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
In 2007, Jim and his friend Dylan moved into their new apartment on 22nd Street in Manhattan. The previous tenant(之前的租户) told them something 121. . "Every year over Christmas, many letters to Santa come here," he said. "No one knows the reason."
For the first two years, only a few letters came from kids 122. Santa for gifts. But in the weeks before Christmas in 2010, Jim and Dylan were 123. crazy. Every morning, they opened their mailbox and 124. was full of letters to Santa. They replied to as many as they could, writing notes and even buying gifts. But they could only do so much.
One evening, Jim and Dylan had a Christmas party in their apartment. Their guests 125. the hundreds of letters in the room and asked about them. Jim told them the 126. . Many guests offered to help without thinking twice.
127. was born Miracle on 22nd Street, a volunteer organization. Then Jim, Dylan and their friends replied to children's letters to Santa with gifts. One child wrote that his back hurt because his parents couldn't afford a 128. and he had to sleep on the floor. 129. agreement from the boy's parents, they bought him one.
Every year, Jim, Dylan and Miracle on 22nd Street help hundreds of families. They no longer wonder 130. the letters come to the apartment. It has become part of Christmas for them to try to help families in need.
121.A.normal B.silent C.strange D.clear
122.A.telling B.asking C.paying D.throwing
123.A.driven B.shown C.woken D.known
124.A.they B.he C.we D.it
125.A.stole B.wrote C.noticed D.carried
126.A.report B.story C.rule D.excuse
127.A.So B.Until C.Nor D.Either
128.A.quilt B.table C.car D.bed
129.A.To B.About C.Of D.With
130.A.what B.why C.when D.who
【点评】考查完形填空,注意词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意上下文的逻辑,并且考虑句型,语法搭配 ,语境等因素,最后通读一遍检查验证。
121.句意:前一位房客告诉他们一些奇怪的事情。A正常的,B沉默的,C奇怪的,D清晰的,根据Every year over Christmas, many letters to Santa come here,No one knows the reason每年圣诞节期间,都会有许多寄给圣诞老人的信来到这里,没有人知道原因,可知很奇怪,故选C。
122.句意:在最初的两年里,只有几封信是孩子们向圣诞老人要礼物的。A告诉,B问,C支付,D扔,根据Santa for gifts,可知是向圣诞老人要礼物,ask sth for sb,向某人要某物,故选B。
124.句意:每天早上,他们打开邮箱,里面都是给圣诞老人的信。A他们,B他,C我们,D它,根据was full of letters,可知是邮箱里塞满了信,it指代mailbox,是第三人称单数,故选D。
125.句意:客人们注意到房间里有几百封信,纷纷询问。A偷,B写,C注意到,D搬运,根据the hundreds of letters in the room,可知是看到的结果,故是注意到,故选C。
127.句意:于是,22街的奇迹组织诞生了,这是一个志愿者组织。A所以,B直到,C也不,D要么,根据Many guests offered to help without thinking twice许多客人不假思索地主动提出帮忙,可知结果是22街的奇迹组织诞生了,故用so,故选A。
128.句意:一个孩子写道,他的背疼是因为他的父母买不起床,他不得不睡在地板上。A被子,B桌子,C小汽车,D床,根据had to sleep on the floor,可知地板上没床,故选D。
129.句意:经过男孩父母的同意,他们给他买了一个。A到,B大约,C的,D有,根据they bought him one,可知是有了父母的同意,故选D。
130.句意:他们不再好奇为什么信件会寄到公寓。A什么,B为什么,C何时,D谁,根据No one knows the reason,可知不知道为什么,故选B。
(2023·连云港) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Avery and I are good friends, but once something unpleasant happened when we both tried for roles in Alice in Wonderland.
Avery really 131. to be Alice and I was sure she could get the role. However, it 132. that I was picked to be Alice and Avery only got the part of the March Hare. "Do you want to practice together with me "I asked. "Sorry, I' m busy this week,"said Avery, 133. looking at me. "And I will be always busy. "
That night at dinner, my parents noticed I was not that 134. about getting the lead role. They wondered what happened. "Well, Avery was not picked to be Alice, but I was. She was unhappy. Maybe she will throw away our 135. . "
My father said,"Don' t worry about it. I think this is a 136. for you to be an extra-good friend. "
"Dad' s right,"said my mother. "Sometimes 137. our friends do well, we may have feelings of envy and don' t know how to act. Try giving 138. a lttle time, space and understanding, and she will change her mind soon. "
Over the next week, I tried my best to give Avery some 139. . Then one day, on the way to our practice, I 140. her. "I just want to say, you' re such a great actor when acting as the March Hare. "I smiled. She seemed happy and 141. how she underslood the role. When I asked her to help me with my role, she agreed and smiled, too. She 142. said sorry to me for acting that way at first. Later, we became 143. to each other.
I've learned that people often have a 144. time dealing with envy and disappointment (失望). If you have similar 145. ,you could try taking my parents'advice. Give your friend a litle time, space and understanding. This might be the perfect time to be an extra-good friend.
131.A.promised B.hoped C.forgot D.chose
132.A.turned out B.found out C.carried out D.tried out
133.A.till B.from C.like D.without
134.A.excited B.careful C.nervous D.worried
135.A.energy B.treasure C.friendship D.courage
136.A.game B.chance C.story D.dream
137.A.before B.whether C.unless D.when
138.A.them B.him C.her D.it
139.A.advice B.space C.fun D.trouble
140.A.met B.left C.answered D.thanked
141.A.faced B.missed C.explained D.supported
142.A.even B.never C.almost D.seldom
143.A.stricter B.quieter C.luckier D.closer
144.A.smart B.great C.careless D.difficult
145.A.activities B.mistakes C.experiences D.interests
【点评】考查完形填空,注意词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意上下文的逻辑,并且考虑句型,语法搭配 ,语境等因素,最后通读一遍检查验证。
131.句意:艾弗里真的很想扮演爱丽丝,我确信她能得到这个角色。promised承诺;hoped希望;forgot忘记;chose选择。根据Avery really...to be Alice and I was sure she could get the role可知,艾弗里希望可以扮演爱丽丝,故选B。
132.句意:然而,结果是我被选为爱丽丝,而艾弗里只得到了三月兔的角色。turned out结果是;found out弄清;carried out实施;tried out试验。根据Avery really...to be Alice and I was sure she could get the role可知,作者的好朋友希望可以扮演爱丽丝,但是结果却是作者扮演爱丽丝,故选A。
133.句意:"对不起,我这周很忙。"艾弗里说,没有看我一眼。till直到;from从;like像;without没有。根据Sorry, I'm busy this week结合艾弗里没有扮演爱丽丝可知,她应该很不开心,所以没有看作者,故选D。
134.句意:那天晚上吃饭的时候,我父母注意到我对得到主角并没有那么兴奋。excited激动的;careful细心的;nervous紧张的;worried担忧的。根据about getting the lead role可知,正常来说得到主角的扮演应该很激动,故选A。
135.句意:也许她会抛弃我们的友谊。energy能量;treasure宝藏;friendship友谊;courage勇气。根据Well, Avery was not picked to be Alice, but I was. She was unhappy可知,作者认为艾弗里没有得到自己想要的角色,而作者得到了,所以作者怕对方会抛弃她们的友谊,故选C。
136.句意:我认为这是你成为一个特别好的朋友的机会。game游戏;chance机会;story故事;dream梦想。根据"think this is a...for you to be an extra-good friend结合下文可知此处是作者的爸爸在开导作者,认为这是一个让作者成为一个特别好的朋友的机会。故选B。
137.句意:有时候,当我们的朋友做得很好时,我们可能会嫉妒,不知道该怎么做。before在……之前;whether是否;unless除非;when当……时候。根据our friends do well, we may have feelings of envy and don't know how to act可知,前后句是时间关系,表示当我们的朋友做得很好时,我们可能会嫉妒,不知道该怎么做,应用when引导时间状语从句,故选D。
139.句意:接下来的一周,我尽力给艾弗里一些空间。advice建议;space空间;fun乐趣;trouble麻烦。根据下文Give your friend a little time, space and understanding可知是指空间,故选B。
140.句意:后来有一天,在去练习的路上,我遇到了她。met遇见;left离开;answered回答;thanked感谢。根据Then one day, on the way to our practice, I...her可知,作者在路上遇见了她,故选A。
141.句意:她看起来很开心,并解释了她是如何理解这个角色的。faced面对;missed错过;explained解释;supported支持。根据She seemed happy and...how she understood the role,可知艾弗里解释自己是如何理解角色的,故选C。
142.句意:她甚至为一开始的行为向我道歉。even甚至;never从不;almost几乎;seldom很少。根据When I asked her to help me with my role, she agreed and smiled, too. She...said sorry to me for acting that way at first.,可知当作者请她帮助作者理解角色时,她也同意了,甚至她为一开始的行为向作者道歉。故选A。
144.句意:我了解到人们通常很难处理嫉妒和失望。smart聪明的;great很好的;careless粗心的;difficult困难的。根据dealing with envy and disappointmen,可知处理嫉妒和失望是很困难的,故选D。
145.句意:如果你有类似的经历,你可以试着听从我父母的建议。activities活动;mistakes错误;experiences经历;interests兴趣。根If you have similar...you could try taking my parents' advice,可知是指和作者类似的经历,故选C。
(2023·金华) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
My elder sister got a disease, locked in her own world. She could not look at people in the eye. She would repeat the words in a very low voice. It turned my parents' world upside down. 146. , they worked very hard to make sure that everything seemed pleasant and peaceful for me. I knew 147. about it until the age of ten.
It was then that I started to notice my sister was different. I 148. to accept her as my sister in public. Then, an incident (小事) 149. how I viewed my sister. It changed me as well.
One day, my sister had to put up a 150. , whether in a group, or by herself. As you can imagine, my sister was the only one left without a group. "I'll 151. ," she told my parents. Hearing this, I was completely 152. . How could my sister sing in front of the school I must stop this happening, 153. she would make me lose face, one way or another. "No!" I cried out. My parents shot me a look. I knew I had to watch her performance. I prayed (祈祷) 154. that something would happen to stop her.
No one knows she is your 155. . It is fine, you do not need to tell anyone. I remember telling myself the exact words as I sat in the hall, 156. the performance to start. Finally, my sister started to sing. She opened her mouth, and I was shocked again—her voice was so 157. in its power. I felt really sorry—she could sing so beautifully! How could I have doubted her abilities I had been so 158. .
Regret and 159. filled my heart. Actually, my sister knew all things I had done to her, but she 160. minded. I decided to love her unconditionally. It was as if a veil (面纱) had been lifted from my eyes, and my heart was full.
146.A.So B.Then C.However D.Finally
147.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing
148.A.decided B.refused C.expected D.promised
149.A.suggested B.showed C.explained D.changed
150.A.performance B.game C.picture D.sign
151.A.dance B.sing C.play D.draw
152.A.proud B.pleased C.shocked D.disappointed
153.A.or B.and C.though D.if
154.A.silently B.openly C.excitedly D.happily
155.A.classmate B.neighbor C.cousin D.sister
156.A.going over B.talking about C.waiting for D.dreaming of
157.A.special B.beautiful C.low D.strange
158.A.wrong B.serious C.busy D.careful
159.A.shame B.worry C.surprise D.fear
160.A.sometimes B.always C.ever D.never
【点评】考查故事类阅读。首先要通读全文,了解文章大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,然后明确词意,结合排除法逐一选出答案, 最后再通读全文核对答案。
146.句意:然而,他们非常努力地工作,以确保一切对我来说都是愉快和平静的。So,所以;Then,然后;However,然而;Finally,终于。根据上文My elder sister got a disease, locked in her own world. She could not look at people in the eye. She would repeat the words in a very low voice. It turned my parents' world upside down.和they worked very hard to make sure that everything seemed pleasant and peaceful for me.可知这和前句是转折关系,however符合句意。故答案为C。
147.句意:我直到十岁才知道这件事。something,某事;anything,任何事;everything,所有事;nothing,没有什么。 根据about it until the age of ten.可知直到十岁时,才知道了这件事,用nothing,与后面的until一起构成"直到……才"。故答案为D。
148.句意:我拒绝在公共场合接受她做我的姐姐。decided,决定;refused,拒绝,expected,期待 ;promised,承诺。根据accept her as my sister in public以及No one knows she is your 10 . It is fine, you do not need to tell anyone. 可知作者拒绝承认姐姐。故答案为B。
149.句意:然后,一件事改变了我对姐姐的看法。suggested,建议;showed,出示,展示; explained,解释;changed,改变。根据It changed me as well可知这里表示改变了对姐姐的看法。故答案为D。
150.句意:有一天,我姐姐不得不表演,无论是集体表演还是自己表演。performance,表现;game,游戏;picture,图片,照片;sign,标记。根据下文I knew I had to watch her performance可知这里表示姐姐要表演。故答案为A。
151.句意:我会唱歌。dance,跳舞;sing,唱歌;play,玩;draw,画画。 根据下文How could my sister sing in front of theschool可知这里时表示姐姐要唱歌。故答案为B。
152.句意:听到这里,我完全惊呆了。proud,自豪的;pleased,高兴的;shocked,震惊的;disappointed,失望的。 根据How could my sister sing in front of the school可知听到姐姐要唱歌作者很震惊。故答案为C。
153.句意:我必须阻止这种事情的发生,否则她会以某种方式让我丢脸。or,否则,不然;and,和;though,虽然,尽管;if,如果。根据she would make me lose face可知我要阻止她,不然她会让我丢脸。故答案为A。
154.句意:我默默地祈祷,希望有什么事情能阻止她。silently,沉默地;openly,开放地; excitedly,兴奋地;happily,开心地,幸福地。 根据句意和动词prayed,可知这里表示默默地祈祷。故答案为A。
155.句意:没人知道她是你姐姐。classmate,同学;neighbor,邻居; cousin,堂/表兄弟/姐妹;sister,姐姐/妹妹。 根据上文My elder sister got a disease可知她是我的姐姐。故答案为D。
156.句意:我记得当我坐在大厅里等待演出开始时,我对自己说了确切的话。going over,复习;talking about,谈论;waiting for,等待; dreaming of,梦想。根据the performance to start可知这里时等表演开始。故答案为C。
157.句意:她的声音如此美妙。special,特别的;beautiful,美丽的;low,低的;strange,奇怪的。根据下文she could sing sobeautifully可知姐姐的嗓音非常美妙。故答案为B。
158.句意:我错了。wrong,错误的;serious,严肃的,认真的;busy,忙的;careful,认真的。根据How could I have doubted her abilities可知作者怀疑姐姐的能力,自己做错了。故答案为 A。
159.句意:遗憾和羞愧充斥着我的心。shame,羞愧; worry,担心; surprise,惊讶;fear,害怕。根据Regret and可知这里是和regret并列的名词,根据上文作者怀疑姐姐的能力可知作者对于自己的行为感到后悔和羞愧。故答案为A。
160.句意:事实上,我姐姐知道我对她做的一切,但她从不介意。sometimes,有时候;always,总是; ever,曾经;never,从不。根据my sister knew all things I had done to her, 和下文的转折but she...minded可知这里表示姐姐从不介意我对她做的事情。故答案为D。
(2023·苏州) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
When I was eleven years old, my life changed forever when I got a serious disease. My life was 161. with operations and treatments. I felt stressed because I was really uncertain 162. everything that was happening.
One day, I was receiving my thirteenth operation in the hospital. Being a


