
  1. 二一教育资源



2023-2024 学年八年级上学期开学考试(天津卷)
1.全卷满分 120 分。考试时间为 100 分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上, 答
2.请认真核对监考教师在答题卡上所粘贴条形码的姓名、考试证号是否与本人相符合,再将 自己的姓名、 考试证号用 0. 5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡及本试卷上。
3.答选择题必须用2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答
案。答非选择题必须用 0. 5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。 第 I 卷(选择题 共 80 分)
一、听力理解(本大题共 20 小题, 每小题 1 分, 共 20 分)
A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的 A 、B 、C 三幅图画。找出与你所听句子
1 .
A . B . C .
2 .
A .
B .
C .
3 .
A .
4 .
B .
C .
A .
B .
C .
B)下面你将听到十组对话, 每组对话后都有一个问题。根据对话内容, 从每组所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项
5 .Which language can Bob speak well
A .French. B .English. C .Chinese.
6 .How much beef did the woman buy at the market
A .Half a kilo. B .One kilo. C .Two kilos.
7 .What will they give their teachers on Teachers’ Day
A .Some nice presents. B .Some flowers. C .Some books.
8 .What does the man want to buy for his daughter
A .A skirt. B .Some nice food. C .A storybook.
9 .What did the girl do last weekend
A .Had a picnic. B .Watched a play. C .Listened to music.
10 .What colour are the boy’s gloves
A .Black. B .Yellow. C .Purple.
11 .What does Jane have to do now
A .Do her homework. B .Clean the house. C .See a film.
12 .What will people use to take photos in twenty years
A .Cameras. B .Mobile phones. C .Computers.
13 .What will the girl do on Saturday afternoon
A .Have a piano lesson. B .Wash her clothes. C .Watch TV.
14 .What building is over there
A .A police station. B .A school. C .A post office.
C)听下面长对话或独白。每段长对话或独白后都有几个问题,从题中所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出 最佳选项。
15 .What is Tony good at
A .Football. B .Maths. C .Science.
16 .What does Tony’s mother do
A .She’s a nurse. B .She’s a teacher. C .She’s a star.
17 .What does Daming want to be
A .A teacher. B .A doctor. C .A football player.
18 .What is the girl going to do on the morning of 1st May
A .Take a walk. B .Go swimming. C .Read a book.
19 .Who is the speaker going out with on the afternoon
A .Her family and friends. B .Her brothers and sisters. C .Her mother and father.
20 .Where are they going to collect litter on the second of May
A .In the country. B .In the park. C .At home.
二、单项填空(本大题共 15 小题;每小题 1 分, 共 15 分)
从下列每小题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
21 .—Do you know girl next to Daming
—Yes, she is Alice. She plays guitar in the school band.
A .a;/ B .the;/ C .a; the D .the; the
22 .—Look! Is this your eraser
—No, it’s not . It’s Lingling’s.
A .mine B .hers C .his D .yours
23 .—Where were you born, Mike
—I was born in a small village only three hundred people.
A .in B .by C .with D .over
24 .—Excuse me! Is there a near here
—Yes. Go along the street, and it’s on your left.
A .monitor B .musician C .museum D .machine
25 .Lily’s house is the restaurant.
A .along B .through C .across D .opposite
26 .—Can I use your pen, Mr. Smith
—Of course, you .
A .can B .must C .may D .need
27 .—When you there
—Three days ago.
A .do; go B .are; going C .did; go D .will; go
28 .The summer holiday is coming, but we don’t know the date.
A .silly B .ready C .noisy D .exact
29 .We many animals in the zoo last weekend.
A .saw B .see C .sees D .are seeing
30 .There are lots of people in the street. Please your things.
A .be careful with B .point at C .wait for D .get on
31 .Mary wants to buy the silk dress. She it to my birthday party next week.
A .wear B .wore C .will wear D .is wearing
32 .In China, we often to say goodbye.
A .notice B .return C .wave D.jump
33 .— Excuse me! Could you tell me to get to the National Stadium
— Sure. You can take the No.1 bus.
A .what B .how C .where D .why
34 .I think the best way English is to speak as much as possible.
A .learning B .learns C .to learn D .to learning
35 .—We'll have a school trip to Fuzhou City Museum next week.
— .And I'm sure you'll learn a lot.
A .Have fun B .Cheer up C .Best wishes D .Never mind
三、完形填空(本大题共 10 小题;每小题 1 分, 共 10 分)
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A 、B 、C 和 D 选项中选出最佳选项。
Dogs are popular pets. They are smart and 36 . People often say dogs are “man’s best friends” . But for some people a dog is more than a friend. A dog can save your 37 .
Last month, seven-month-old Lisa Green and her mother were in 38 garden. Mrs. Green heard the telephone ring 39 went back to the house. She didn’t 40 a snake moving near Lisa, but the family’s dog, Joe did.
When the snake moved toward Lisa, Joe 41 the snake. The snake didn’t bite Lisa but it bit Joe. When Mrs. Green saw Joe, she took him straight to the vet’s. The vet gave him some medicine (药) and today Joe is 42 . Thanks to Joe, Lisa is fine too.
Peter has a similar (类似的) story. One night there was a fire in his home. Peter 43 get out of the house. His dog, Susie, helped him away from the fire. Then she ran to a nearby house. She barked loudly and woke 44 the people there. They 45 119, so Peter and his house were saved.
36 .A .friendly B .funny C .dangerous D .terrible
37 .A .time B .money C .life D .face
38 .A .our B .their C .its D .his
39 .A .but B .before C .after D .and
40 .A .smell B .listen C .see D .look
41 .A .went across B .asked for C.jumped on D .ran away
42 .A .fine B .smart C .sick D .clean
43 .A .needn’t B .mustn’t C .didn’t D .couldn’t
44 .A .off B .down C .up D .in
45 .A .asked B .called C .made D .said
四、阅读理解(本大题共 15 小题, 每小题 2 分, 共 30 分)
阅读下面的短文, 从每小题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Do you like travelling If you want to go on a trip, please call us at 800-817-7233.
2-day Huai’an Culture Group Tour(文化之旅) 3-How about going to Huai’an for the weekend You can visit Zhou Enlai Memorial( 纪 念 馆) and eat Huaiyang nice food like crayfish(小龙虾) and smoked chicken.
4-day Qingdao Private Tour(私人游) 5-There is beautiful sunshine, white beaches and clean water in Qingdao. You can walk along the beaches and enjoy the fresh air. Price: 1 person 669
2—5 6—9 persons persons 550/person 530/person
6-day Taiwan Group Tour 7-Taiwan is a nice place. You can climb Ali Mountain and go boating on Sun Moon Lake. Price: 8,500
8-day London Private Tour 9-Come to London for a few days to enjoy the Thames(泰晤士河) and visit Big Ben. Price: 16,800
46 .Where can you go if you want to learn about the history
A .Taiwan. B .Qingdao. C .Huai’an. D .London.
47 .How much is the tour if Mr Wang takes the Qingdao Private Tour with his wife and son
A . 1,338. B . 1,590. C . 1,650. D . 2,007.
48 .How long is the Taiwan Group Tour
A .For two days. B .For five days. C .For four days. D .For eight days.
49 .What can you do during the London Private Tour according to(根据) the text
A .Eat crayfish. B .Enjoy the Thames.
C .Go boating on Sun Moon Lake. D .Walk along the beaches.
50 .Where is the text from
A .A storybook. B .A travel book. C .A movie poster. D .A notice.
When people want to know the weather, they usually go to the radios, TVs, newspapers or the Internet. But how about people in the old days In fact, they can find many weather signs from the nature. Here are some ways. Let’s have a look.
Sky looks different in different weather. So watching sky is a good way to know the weather in the old days. We can watch the clouds first. Usually, when the clouds are white and they look very high, it is good weather. But if the clouds are black and they look low, it may be a rainy day. Second, red sky can also help people to know the weather. There is an old saying, “Red sky a night, sailors (水手) are happy. Red sky in the morning, sailors are afraid.” It says when you see red sky in the evening, you can know tomorrow is a good day. Red sky in the morning shows that the next day is a rainy day.
Animals can know the weather quickly and they are good indicators. So watching animals is also a good way to know the weather in the old days. Usually, when birds fly high in the sky, it’s sunny. Birds fly low and they are very quiet. Tomorrow may be a rainy day.
51 .How is the weather if the clouds are white and high
A .Sunny. B .Rainy. C .Windy. D .Snowy.
52 .What can we know from the old saying in Paragraph 2
A .The sky is usually red in the morning.
B .People can know the weather from red sky.
C .A sailor’s job is not easy.
D .Red sky shows good weather.
53 .Which of the following shows that it can be a good day
A .There’s red sky in the morning. B .The clouds are black.
C .Birds fly high in the sky. D .Birds are very quiet in the sky.
54 .What can be the weather indicators, according to the passage
a. clouds b. red sky c. sailors d. animals e. noise
A .a, b, e. B .a, c, d. C .c, d, e. D .a, b, d.
55 .What does the passage mainly (主要地) tell us
A .Some ways to save animals. B .Some old sayings.
C .Some ways to know about the weather. D .Some stories about the weather. C
Roland was a worker in Virginia. He and Sheila had three kids—two boys and baby Jessica. The baby had been in and out of the hospital for the last year because of some serious problems. She was very weak and sick. The doctors were not sure if she would live another year.
Taking care of Jessica was expensive. The family needed money very much. Things were bad. Then Roland saw an ad in the newspaper: “Security guards(安全警卫) wanted. $100,000 a year.” He called the number. The line was busy, but he kept calling and finally got through. They said they would give him two weeks of training in Texas. Then they would fly him to Iraq.
Roland told Sheila he had to take this job. He knew it was dangerous; he might get injured or killed, but the money was too good. He wanted the baby to get the care she needed. But Sheila was worried and asked, “What if you get killed What are we going to do without you ”
“You can’t think like that,” he said. “Think about how well off we’ll be in two or three years after I bring back all that money. This is the best thing I could do for this family.”
Sheila hugged him and cried, “I don’t want you to go.” Roland flew to Houston five days later.
56 .How many children did Roland and Sheila have
A .Five. B .Four. C .Three. D .Two.
57 .The doctors were not sure if would live another year.
A .Roland B .Sheila C .Virginia D .Jessica
58 .Roland wanted to .
A .make lots of money B .sell newspapers C .find an easy job D .keep busy
59 .Where would Roland work
A .In Texas. B .In Italy. C .In Iraq. D .In India.
60 .How did Sheila feel when Roland flew to Houston
A .Angry. B .Sad. C .Lucky. D .Happy.
五、补全对话(本大题共 5 小题, 每小题 1 分, 共 5 分)
根据对话内容,从文后选择恰当的选项将对话补充完整(选项中有两项是多余的)。 A: Hi, Lily. 61
B: Yes, I did. I visited a small village. A: Oh great. 62
B: I went there by bus. The village is a little far. A: 63
B: Of course, I went fishing in the river. I also picked some pears. They were delicious. A: Sounds interesting. 64
B: No, it wasn’t hot at all! It was cloudy and cool. Did you go anywhere last month A: Yes. I went to the zoo with my family.
B: Did you see any lions
A: No, I didn’t. 65 They were really cute. B: I think so.
A .What did you do there
B .Did you have a trip last month C .But I saw pandas and monkeys. D .Did you have fun in the village
E .How did you get to the village
F .And I had a great time in the village.
G .How was the weather there Is it very hot
第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共 40 分)
1. 用黑色墨水的钢笔或签字笔将答案写在“答题卡”上。
2. 本卷共四大题, 共 40 分。
六、完成句子(本大题共 5 小题, 每小题 2 分, 共 10 分) 根据所给中文意思完成句子, 每空限填一词。
66 .他们想今天下午复习功课。
They want to lessons this afternoon.
67 .当我远离家乡时,我的父母总是为我担心。
My parents always me when I’m far away from home.
68 .我父母去年夏天去青岛观光了。
My parents in Qingdao last summer.
69 .如果我们努力,我们的梦想就会实现。
If we work hard, our deams will .
70 .亚当把杯子推到地上,杯子成了碎片。
Adam pushed the cup to the ground and it was .
七、任务型阅读(本大题共 5 小题, 每小题 1 分, 共 5 分)
At present, there is much homework for American students. But a home is not a good place for students to do their homework. So there come Homework Clubs. And they are more and more popular in America.
What is the Homework Club
The Homework Club is a good place for students to do their homework. It is very quiet. A teacher will help students prepare for the tests there. The teacher is not to teach students but to give them help when they need.
Where is the Homework Club
The Homework Club is usually in a library or in a classroom. It is a popular activity after school every day. If there is no school that day, Homework Clubs will NOT meet.
What will students do in the Homework Club
In the Homework Club, the students will do their homework for the first hour and then they will draw pictures or play football.
71 .A home is not a good place for students to .
72 .The teacher only in Homework Clubs
73 .The Homework Club is usually in a classroom or .
74 .The students do homework in Homework Clubs for .
75 .After homework the students draw pictures or .
八、 综合填空(本大题共 10 小题, 每小题 1 分, 共 10 分)
A report shows buyers’ spending and online paying caused (引起,导致) an excitement on the Internet. So, many people shared how much m 76 they had spent shopping online, mostly on Taobao, and how they f 77 after discovering they had spent so much online.
Last year, Chen spent about 10,000 yuan on Taobao—about half of her living c 78 . Chen, who didn’t buy any e 79 things online, had no idea where her money went. She b 80 lots of things on discount (折扣) days such as November 11 and December 12.
While many like Chen feel sorry for their spending too much, some are trying to spend as l 81 as possible. Zhu Shiwei, 26, a teacher from Jinhua, spent a total of 489 yuan last year. So many people asked her how to s 82 money. Zhu said, “I’m always busy working and I spend most of my money on my p 83 interests, such as reading books and listening to CDs.”
The r 84 shows a person’s shopping habits and lifestyle. But it’s also a warning that we should be c
85 about our shopping, especially when it comes to online shopping where money is just a number.
九、书面表达(本大题共 15 分)
86 .假如你是 Jim 或 Mary 上周末你和朋友去天津某个公园玩,现在你打算将游玩的情况介绍给你的 英国笔友 Mike。同时邀请他以后有机会来玩。下面是几点提示:
(4)下午 6 点回家,有点累但玩得很开心;
字数:60-80 字(开头和结尾已给出,不包括在总字数内) Dear Mike,
I am very happy to hear from you.
Yours, Jim/Mary
1 .A
【原文】略 2 .C
【原文】略 3 .B
【原文】略 4 .A
【原文】略 5 .A
【原文】略 6 .C
【原文】略 7 .B
【原文】略 8 .C
【原文】略 9 .B
【原文】略 10 .C
【原文】略 11 .B
【原文】略 12 .B
【原文】略 13 .A
【原文】略 14 .C
15 .C 16 .B 17 .C
18 .C 19 .A 20 .B
21 .D
考查冠词的用法。不定冠词 a 意为“一”,表示泛指,用于以辅音音素开头的词前。定冠词 the 意为“这
(些)、那(些) , 表示特指。/表示不填,即零冠词。“next to Daming”作后置定语修饰限定 girl,表明前 面的空格是特指,所以用 the。再由“play+the+乐器”可知,第二空也填 the。故选 D。
22 .A
考查代词辨析。mine 我的;hers 她的;his 他的;yours 你的。四个选项均为名词性物主代词,故仅仅判断 人称即可。结合问题“Is this your eraser ”,可知应用第一人称回答,故选 A。
23 .C
考查介词辨析。in 在……里;by 通过,乘坐;with 和,有;over 超过。结合语境,此处表示“有三百人的 小村庄”,故选 C。
24 .C
考查名词辨析。monitor 班长;musician 音乐家;museum 博物馆;machine 机器;根据“Is there...”和答语“Go along the street, and it’s on your left”可知此处填地点名词。故选 C。
25 .D
考查介词辨析。along 沿着;through 穿过;across 从……表面上穿过;opposite 在……对面,根据空前的 “Lily’s house is”和空后的“the restaurant”可知,莉莉家在餐馆对面,故选 D。
26 .A
考查情态动词辨析。can 能,可以;must 必须;may 可能;need 需要;根据“Can I...”可知,回答应用 can。 故选 A。
27 .C
【详解】句意:——你什么时候去的?——3 天前。
考查一般过去时。根据答语“Three days ago.”可知,时态是一般过去时,故选 C。
28 .D
考查形容词辨析。silly 愚蠢的; ready 准备好的; noisy 喧闹的;exact 确切的;根据 but 表句意转折可知
此处指“但不知道确切的日期”。故选 D。
29 .A
考查一般过去时。根据“last weekend”可知,时态是一般过去时,故选 A。
30 .A
考查动词词组辨析。be careful with 小心;point at 指向……;wait for 等待;get on 上车。根据前文“There are lots of people in the street.”可知,街上有很多人,因此你要“小心”你的东西。故选 A。
31 .C
【详解】句意:玛丽想买那件丝绸连衣裙。下周她将穿着它参加我的生日聚会。 考查动词时态。根据“next week”可知,时态是一般将来时,故选 C。
32 .C
考查动词辨析。notice 注意;return 返回;wave 挥手;jump 跳。根据“we often...to say goodbye.”可知是挥 手告别,故选 C。
33 .B
【详解】句意:——对不起!你能告诉我怎么去国家体育场吗?——当然。你可以坐 1 路公共汽车。
考查宾语从句连接词。what 什么;how 怎么样;where 在哪里;why 为什么。根据“You can take the No.1 bus.”可知此处是在询问怎么到达国家体育场,故选 B。
34 .C
考查非谓语动词。根据“the best way”可知,the best way to do sth.“做某事的最好方法”,此时动词不定式作 定语。故选 C。
35 .A
东西的。A. Have fun 祝你玩的开心。B. Cheer up 振作起来;C. Best wishes 祝你好运 ;D. Never mind 不要 介意。上句提到学校的郊游活动,下句是送上祝福的话,结合语境,答案为 A。
36 .A 37 .C 38 .B 39 .D 40 .C 41 .C 42 .A 43 .D 44 .C 45 .B
【导语】本文主要写了狗是受欢迎的宠物, 它们聪明且忠诚。有些人认为狗不仅仅是朋友, 它们可以拯救 你的生命。举例来说, 丽莎和她妈妈在花园里时,乔发现了一条蛇并保护了丽莎。另外, 彼得的家着火时, 他的狗苏茜帮助他逃离火灾并引起了附近居民的注意,最终救了彼得和他的家。
36 .句意:他们既聪明又友好。
friendly 友好的;funny 有趣的;dangerous 危险的;terrible 糟糕的,可怕的。根据“Dogs are popular pets. They are smart and...”可知,狗是友好的,故选 A。
37 .句意:狗可以救你的命。
time 时间;money 金钱;life 生命;face 脸。根据“save your...”及后文的介绍可知,狗能挽救生命,故选 C。
38 .句意:上个月,七个月大的丽莎·格林和她的妈妈在他们的花园里。
our 我们的;their 他们的;its 它的;his 他的。根据“seven-month-old Lisa Green and her mother”可知,此处 指的是“他们的花园”,故选 B。
39 .句意:格林太太听到电话铃响了,就回到房子里。
but 但是;before 在……之前;after 在……之后;and 和。根据“heard the telephone ring”及空后“went back to the house”可知,前后表示顺承,应用and 连接,故选 D。
40 .句意:她没有看到一条蛇正靠近丽莎,但家里的狗乔看到了。
smell 闻起来;listen 听起来;see 看见;look 看。根据“She didn’t...a snake moving near Lisa, but the family’s dog, Joe did.”可知,一条蛇在丽莎附近移动,格林夫人没看见,若用 look,应该是 look at 短语,故选 C。
41 .句意:当蛇向丽莎靠近时,乔跳上了蛇。
went across 穿过;asked for 请求,要求;jumped on 跳上;ran away 逃跑。根据“The snake didn’t bite Lisa but it bit Joe.”可知,乔跳到蛇身上,故选 C。
42 .句意:兽医给了他一些药,今天乔很好。
fine 好的,健康的;smart 聪明的;sick 生病的;clean 干净的。根据“The vet gave him some medicine (药) and
today Joe is...Thanks to Joe, Lisa is fine too.”可知,此处表示乔健康状况良好,故选 A。
43 .句意:彼得出不了门。
needn’t 不需要;mustn’t 禁止;didn’t 不,一般过去时的助动词;couldn’t 不能。根据“Peter has a similar
(类似的) story. One night there was a fire in his home. Peter...get out of the house”可知,彼得因为火而不能 出去,故选 D。
44 .句意:她大声吠叫,把那里的人都吵醒了。
off 从……离开;down 向下,朝下;up 向上;in 在……里面。根据“She barked loudly and woke...the people there”可知,此处是短语 wake up“醒来”,故选 C。
45 .句意:他们拨打了 119,于是彼得和他的房子得救了。
asked 问;called 打电话;made 制造;said 说。根据“119”可知,此处指的是“拨打 119”,故选 B。
46 .C 47 .C 48 .B 49 .B 50 .B
46 .细节理解题。根据“2-day Huai’an Culture Group Tour(文化之旅)”可知如果你想了解历史,你可以去淮 安。故选 C。
47 .细节理解题。根据“2—5 persons 550/person”可知 2 到 5 人每个人 550 元,三个人需要 1650 元。故选 C。
48 .细节理解题。根据“5-day Taiwan Group Tour”可知台湾团体游一共 5 天。故选 B。
49.细节理解题。根据“Come to London for a few days to enjoy the Thames(泰晤士河) and visit Big Ben.”可知 可以欣赏泰晤士河,参观大本钟。故选 B。
50 .推理判断题。根据“Do you like travelling If you want to go on a trip, please call us at 800-817-7233.”和文 章可知,短文介绍了一些关于旅游的广告,故选 B。
51 .A 52 .B 53 .C 54 .D 55 .C
51 .细节理解题。根据“Usually, when the clouds are white and they look very high, it is good weather. ”可知, 当云是白色的看起来很高,表明是好天气,故选 A。
52.推理判断题。根据“It says when you see red sky in the evening, you can know tomorrow is a good day”可知, 第二段中提到的谚语是为了告诉我们:人们可以从红色的天空知道天气,故选 B。
53 .细节理解题。根据“Usually, when birds fly high in the sky, it’s sunny.”可知,鸟儿飞在高空,就是晴天, 故选 C。
54.细节理解题。根据“We can watch the clouds first”“It says when you see red sky in the evening, you can know tomorrow is a good day.”及“Animals can know the weather quickly and they are good indicators”可知,可以根据 云朵,红色的天空以及动物来判断天气的情况,故选 D。
55.主旨大意题。根据“In fact, they can find many weather signs from the nature. Here are some ways. Let’s have a look.”可知,本文主要介绍了在过去没有天气预报的情况下,人们是如何预测和判断天气的,故选 C。
56 .C 57 .D 58 .A 59 .C 60 .B
【导语】本文作者主要向我们描述了 Roland 为了重病的孩子去参加美国在伊拉克做安全警卫的故事。
56.细节理解题。根据“He and Sheila had three kids—two boys and baby Jessica.”可知他们有三个孩子,故选 C。
57.细节理解题。根据“He and Sheila had three kids—two boys and baby Jessica. The baby had been in and out of
the hospital for the last year because of some serious problems…The doctors were not sure if she would live another year.”可知医生不确定 Jessica 是否还能再活一年,故选 D。
58.细节理解题。根据“Taking care of Jessica was expensive. The family needed money very much.”以及“He knew it was dangerous; he might get injured or killed, but the money was too good. He wanted the baby to get the care she needed.”可知他想要挣许多钱,故选 A。
59 .细节理解题。根据“They said they would give him two weeks of training in Texas. Then they would fly him to Iraq.”可知工作地点在伊拉克,故选 C。
60 .推理判断题。根据“Sheila hugged him and cried, ‘I don’t want you to go.’”和前文内容可知,去伊拉克做 安全警卫很危险,Sheila 不想让 Roland 去,所以 Roland 出发 Sheila 会很伤心。故选 B。
61 .B 62 .E 63 .D 64 .G 65 .C
61.根据“Yes, I did. I visited a small village.”可知,此处是一般疑问句,询问是否去旅行了,B 项“你上个月 旅行了吗?”符合语境,故选 B。
62 .根据“I went there by bus.”可知,此处询问去那里的交通方式,E 项“你是怎么到村子的?”符合语境, 故选 E。
63 .根据“Of course, I went fishing in the river. I also picked some pears. They were delicious.”可知,此处是一 般疑问句,询问在那个村里是否玩得高兴,D 项“你在村里玩得开心吗?”符合语境,故选 D。
64 .根据“No, it wasn’t hot at all!”可知,此处询问那里的天气情况,G 项“那里的天气怎么样?天气很热 吗?”符合语境,故选 G。
65 .根据“Did you see any lions ”和“No, I didn’t.”和“They were really cute.”可知,他们没有看见狮子,因此 看到了其他的动物,C 项“但是我看到了熊猫和猴子。”符合语境,故选 C。
66 . go over
【详解】根据中英文对照可知, 空处应填“复习”,固定短语 go over“复习”,空前有不定式符号,动词用原 形,故填 go;over。
67 . worry about
【详解】由题干和英语翻译可知,“担心”译成:worry about; 由 always 可知,这里的时态为一般现在时, 主语 My parents 是复数,因此谓语用动词原形。故填worry;about。
68 . went sightseeing
【详解】由题干和英语翻译可知,“观光”译成:go sightseeing;由 last summer 可知,这里用一般过去时。 故填 went ;sightseeing。
69 . come true
【详解】由题干和英语翻译可知,“实现”译成:come true ;will 后跟动词原形。故填 come ;true。
70 . in pieces
【详解】根据中英文对照可知,空处应填“碎片”。固定短语 in pieces“碎片”,故填 in;pieces。
71 .do their homework 72 .gives students help 73 .in a library 74 .an hour 75.play football
【分析】这篇短文主要讲述了美国学生有很多作业, 因此家庭作业俱乐部在美国越来越受欢迎,那里非常 安静,老师会帮助学生,在那里学生们会做一个小时的作业,然后画画或踢足球。
71 .根据文中“But a home is not a good place for students to do their homework. ”可知,但家不是学生做作业 的好地方。do their homework 做作业。根据题意,故答案为 do their homework。
72 .根据文中“The teacher is not to teach students but to give them help when they need.” 老师不是教学生,而 是在他们需要帮助的时候给他们帮助。老师只在家庭作业俱乐部帮助学生。give students help 给学生们帮 助,主语是 The teacher,这里是一般现在时态,谓语动词变第三人称单数。根据题意,故答案为 gives students help。
73 .根据文中“The Homework Club is usually in a library or in a classroom.” 家庭作业俱乐部通常在图书馆或 教室里。in a library 在一个图书管里。故答案为 in a library。
74 .根据文中“In the Homework Club, the students will do their homework for the first hour and then they will draw pictures or play football.” 在家庭作业俱乐部里,学生们在第一个小时做家庭作业,然后画画或踢足球。 an hour 一个小时。根据题意,故答案为 an hour。
75 .根据文中“In the Homework Club, the students will do their homework for the first hour and then they will draw pictures or play football.” 在家庭作业俱乐部里,学生们在第一个小时做家庭作业,然后画画或踢足球。 这里是说画画或踢足球。play football 踢足球。故答案为play football。
76.(m)oney 77.(f)elt 78.(c)ost 79.(e)xpensive 80.(b)ought 81.(l)ittle 82.(s)ave
83 .(p)ersonal 84 .(r)eport 85 .(c)areful
【导语】本文主要介绍了一份报告显示人们关于网购的兴奋与热情,在这背后也反映出人们的购物方式和 生活习惯,最后提醒大家网购要谨慎。
76 .句意:因此,许多人分享了他们在网上花了多少钱,主要是在淘宝上,以及他们发现自己在网上花了 这么多钱后的感受。根据“how much”和“they had spent shopping online”并结合首字母可知,此处表示他们 在网购上花了多少钱,“钱”money,不可数名词。故填(m)oney。
77 .句意:因此,许多人分享了他们在网上花了多少钱,主要是在淘宝上,以及他们发现自己在网上花了 这么多钱后的感受。根据“how they”和“after discovering they had spent so much online”并结合所给首字母可 知,此处为他们发现自己在网上花了这么多钱后的感受,“感觉,感受”feel,分析句子成分可知,空格处应 用谓语动词,根据“shared”可知,句子为一般过去时。故填(f)elt。
78 .句意:去年,陈在淘宝上花了大约 1 万元——大约是她生活费用的一半。结合语境和“living”及首字母 可知,living cost“生活费用”。故填(c)ost。
79 .句意:陈没有在网上买任何昂贵的东西,她不知道自己的钱去了哪里。根据“Chen, who didn’t buy any” 和“had no idea where her money went”并结合首字母可知,陈没有买任何昂贵的东西,“昂贵的”expensive 。 故填(e)xpensive。
80 .句意:她在打折日买了很多东西,比如 11 月 11 日和 12 月 12 日。根据“lots of things on discount (折扣) days such as November 11 and December 12”和所给首字母可知,是在双十一、双十二这种打折日买东西,
“买”buy,结合语境可知,句子为一般过去时,故空格处应填 buy 的过去式 bought。故填(b)ought。
81.句意:虽然许多像陈一样的人对自己的支出过多感到抱歉,但一些人正试图尽可能少地支出。根据“While many like Chen feel sorry for their spending too much”可知,空格处句子应与本句为转折关系,结合所给首字 母可知,空格处表示尽可能少地支出,“少”little,根据“as...as”可知,中间应用形容词或副词原级。故填
82 .句意:很多人问她如何省钱。根据“Zhu Shiwei, 26, a teacher from Jinhua, spent a total of 489 yuan last
year”可知,她花钱少,故可推测出,很多人问她如何省钱,结合所给首字母可知,“节省”save,根据“how to”可知,空格处应用动词原形。故填(s)ave。
83 .句意:我总是忙于工作,我把大部分钱花在我的个人兴趣上,比如读书和听 CD。根据“such as reading books and listening to CDs”并结合所给首字母可知,此处读书和听 CD 都是个人兴趣,“个人的”personal。
84 .句意:这份报告显示了一个人的购物习惯和生活方式。根据“A report shows buyers’ spending and online
paying caused (引起,导致) an excitement on the Internet”和“shows a person’s shopping habits and lifestyle”可 知,此处指报告,结合首字母可知,“报告”report,根据“shows”可知,空格处应用其单数形式。故填
85 .句意:但这也是一个警告,我们应该小心购物,尤其是在网上购物时,金钱只是一个数字。结合语境 和“we should be...about our shopping”可知,我们要小心购物,“小心,当心”be careful about。故填(c)areful。
86 .例文
Dear Mike,
I am very happy to hear from you. Last weekend, I visited the Water Park with my friends. We met at the school gate at 8:00. We went there by subway. It was sunny and warm. After we arrived, we played in the park, took pictures and did sports. At 6:00, we went back home. We were tired but very happy.
Can you come over to China and go there with us I am sure you will have a good time.
Yours, Jim/Mary
【详解】1.题干解读:该题目属于记叙文写作,但写作时要按邮件格式写。在写作时应承接短文开头;内 容是根据所给的材料,将你游玩的情况介绍给你的英国笔友 Mike,同时邀请他以后有机会来玩。
2.写作指导:本文应该用第一人称来叙述作文内容;时态采用一般过去时为主;首先介绍集合的时间和地 点及乘坐的交通工具;其次介绍天气情况;第三具体介绍活动场景;最后介绍回家的时间和感受及邀请朋 友来玩。注意用词准确,行文连贯。


