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2024 年学业水平考试第二次模拟检测
1.本试题共六个大题,分选择题和非选择题两种类型;选择题计70分,非选择题计80分;试卷总分 150分,考试时间120分钟。
一、听力测试(共25小题, 1-20小题, 每小题1分; 21-25小题, 每小题2分, 总计30分; 每小题约有8秒钟的答题时间)
(一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题 A、B、C 中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。(5分)
1. A. No, I don’t. B. Yes, sure. C. I am cleaning my room.
2. A. It doesn't matter. B. You’d better not. C. It's too bad.
3. A. Oh, they are over there. B. I'm glad you've found it. C. Go straight and turn left.
4. A. Yes, please. B. Good idea. C. Of course, it is.
5. A. For two weeks. B. Two weeks ago. C. In two weeks.
6. 7. 8.
9. Where does the woman come from
A. America. B. England. C. Germany.
10. What was the boy doing
A. He was writing. B. He was reading. C. He was watching TV.
11. How many friends came to Linda's birthday
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.
12. How much is the short shirt
A.$29. B.$28. C.$27.
13. Why didn't the woman catch the train
A. Because she got up too late.
B. Because the traffic was bad on the road.
C. Because the train left earlier than usually.
14. What does the man do
A. A reporter B. A doctor C. A policeman
15. Why does Jessica make schoolbags for the kids
A. Because she wants to be famous to make money.
B. Because the kids like her schoolbags very much.
C. Because the kids don't have enough money to buy.
16. How long has Jessica been using old clothes to make schoolbags
A. For about 1 year. B. For about 2 years. C. For about 3 years.
17. What are Jessica's parents like
A. Friendly. B. kind. C. Honest.
(六)听力填表(共5 小题;录音播放前,你有20秒钟的读题时间)。(10分)
录音中有一篇短文,是 Nancy 关于下列问题的个人观点。听短文两遍后,请你根据表格内容提示,记录相关信息,完成表格(每空一词)。
What would I do if I had ten million yuan
What I would do Why
Give one 21._to Project Hope. I want to help poor children to go to school.
Give two million yuan to my 22. _. I hope they'll live a 23._life.
Travel around the world. I want to see this wonderful world and know more about other24. _.
Buy a house near the sea. Buy my favorite 25._and take it with me everywhere to record the wonderful life. I love the sea very much We should cherish everyday of our lives. It is becoming better and better.
二、阅读理解(共20小题, 每小题2.5分, 计50分)
阅读下列短文,然后从每小题A、B、C、D 中选出能回答所提问题的最佳答案。
http:// www.gogreen.com
Green life, start from us!
Are you a person who cares for the environment Test yourself! Sex: Your age:
1 Do you turn off the water tap ( ) when you brush your teeth Always Often ◆Once in a while Never 2. Do you take a bath ( ) of taking a quick shower Always Often ◆Once in a while Never 3. Do you turn off the light when you are away for a short time Always Often ◆Once in a while Never 4. Do you use the air-conditioner ( ) when it is not very hot Always Often ◆Once in a while Never 5. Do you empty your plate when having dinner Always Often ◆Once in a while Never 6. Do you use one-off chopsticks when eating out Always Often ◆Once in a while Never 7 Do you use public transportation like buses or subways when going out Always Often ◆Once in a while Never 8. Do you use reusable bags when shopping Always Often ◆Once in a while Never Result 1:
Mostly : Congratulations! You’re a person who truly cares for the environment. You know how to protect the environment. Great! Mostly : You are a person who cares for the environment most of the time, but you could be better! Think carefully and improve yourself. Mostly ◆: You know a little about environmental protection Learn more and begin from now. Mostly : Oh, dear! You have no idea of environmental protection. What you need is to learn, or you may get into trouble one day.
1. Where is this survey probably from
A. A website. B. A poster. C. A book.
D. A newspaper.
2. What information does this survey include
A. Age, job and suggestions.
B. Address, questions and answers.
C. Name, questions and suggestions.
D. Questions, answers and suggestions.
3. If Sam chooses ◆ mostly, what do you think of him according to the survey
A. He does well in environmental protection.
B. He doesn’t care about the environment at all.
C. He often does properly and wisely to protect the environment.
D. He needs to learn more and do better in environmental protection.
4. Which of the following things are mentioned (提到) in the survey
①Taking a quick shower. ② Going to school by bike.
③Bringing a bag for shopping. ④Using second-hand things.
⑤Carrying a bottle instead of using a paper cup.
A. ①② B. ①③ C. ②⑤ D. ③④
5. What is the purpose of the survey
A. To tell people how to protect the environment.
B. To share some helpful ways to live a green life.
C. To call on people to protect the environment.
D. To help people know the advantages of a green life.
Jia Ling is now well-known in China. She has won the love and respect of the audience for her movie YOLO in January, 2024.
However, Jia Ling’s success was not all plain sailing, especially in her film career. In order to make movies, Jia Ling once gained weight and then lost weight to a completely different image from the past. This not only shows Jia Ling’s professionalism, but also allows her to receive big praise. But her process of gaining and losing weight is undoubtedly a huge challenge.
For most people, keeping a healthy weight is already difficult enough, not to mention making complete weight changes in a short period of time. However, in order to play the role in the movie, Jia Ling resolutely accepted this challenge. Then she began the difficult process of losing weight. Losing weight is a test for many people, which needs a lot of effort and time. Jia Ling is no exception, but with firm will and scientific weight loss methods, she successfully became a slim girl. Although this process was hard work, Jia Ling enjoyed it because she knew it was for a better image (形象) of the role and to bring better works to the audience.
However, we should also see that the average person may not be able to lose weight as successfully as Jia Ling. Everyone’s physical condition and lifestyle are different, and losing weight needs a scientific and reasonable plan. You should also have a strong will. Behind Jia Ling’s success lies countless hard efforts and challenges.
Her story tells us that only by daring to challenge ourselves can we change our past image and achieve true transformation (蜕变) . And also, we should have a right view of losing weight and avoid blind following and being too slim. Only in this way can we continue to grow and progress on the road of life.
6. Which movie makes Jia Ling win the love and respect of the audience in 2024
A. YOLO. B. You Are My Eye.
C. The Coming Happiness. D. Hello, Li Huanying.
7. What does the underlined phrase “plain sailing” in Paragraph 2 mean
A. In trouble. B. In good health.
C. Good luck in everything. D. Hard time.
8. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 3
A. Jia Ling spent a long time on losing weight.
B. Losing weight needs a lot of effort and time.
C. Jia Ling disliked losing weight.
D. Jia Ling accepted the challenge and lost weight successfully.
9. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text
A. Everyone’s physical condition and lifestyle are different.
B. For most people, it’s easy to lose weight successfully like Jia Ling.
C. Jia Ling became a different image from the past in YOLO.
D. Jia Ling lost weight in order to bring better works to the audience.
10. What does Jia Ling’s story tell us according to the text
A. Time is money. B. It’s never too late to learn.
C. The early bird catches the worm. D. Where there is a will, there is a way.
Do you like drinking tea In some cultures, tea drinking is a social event with some customs. China and the UK are two countries with well-developed tea cultures.
In China, there are traditional customs for tea drinking, from how to fill the teacup to ways of thanking the server. For example, a tea drinker can thank the server by knocking on the table with the index finger (食指) and middle finger.
▲ Offering tea to the elders, for example, is a way of showing respect. A newly-married couple may serve tea during their wedding ceremony to express thanks to their parents. In other situations, pouring tea for someone can be a way to say sorry.
In the UK, afternoon tea is the most famous tea tradition. It started in the 1840s. It usually happens at around 4 p. m., but it can be a little earlier or later. It is a time for conversation and relaxation, when people take a break from their day. Traditionally, afternoon tea is taken with cakes and sandwiches.
In the UK, high tea is a variation (变化) on afternoon tea. In the past, high tea was for working-class families that could not pay for a proper dinner. It happens a little later than afternoon tea and is served with a hot meal, including meat, home-made bread, vegetables…
Tea customs play an important role in both China and the UK. In China, tea customs are a way to express feelings. In the UK, they let people relax and rest during a busy day.
11. What does the tea drinker mean when he knocks on the table with his index finger and middle finger in China
A. To praise the tea.
B. To thank the server.
C. To ask his cup to be filled.
D. To show his respect for the server.
12. Which of the following is the best for “ ▲ ” in Paragraph 3
A. In China, tea is a sign of trust.
B. In China, tea has a long history.
C. In China, there are different kinds of tea.
D. In China, tea customs can express different feelings.
13. What are the differences between afternoon tea and high tea
①They were introduced by different classes.
②They’re served with different food.
③They happen at different times.
④They happen in different countries.
A. ①② B. ②③ C. ①④ D. ③④
14. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage
A. B. C. D.
15. What is the passage mainly about
A. Tea cultures in two different countries.
B. Different ways of drinking tea.
C. Why tea is so important around the world.
D. How Chinese tea customs influenced the UK.
Have you ever poured water onto your shirt right before an important event Usually, clothes darken in color when they get wet. It will certainly be nice if the water doesn’t change the color of the clothes so much. But sadly, this isn’t how things work. So why do the colors of the clothes often become darker when the clothes get wet
Before understanding this question, we should first take a quick look at how we “see” colors. Take a red shirt as an example. When it is hit by the light from the sun, it takes in different wave lengths (波长) of light, except for the wavelength of red light. The wavelength of red light is reflected (反射) to our eyes. This is why the shirt appears red to us.
Now let’s return to the wet shirt. When the light hits a wet shirt, it has to pass through the water onto the shirt. The light that should be reflected by the shirt is re-absorbed (重新吸收) by the water. This means less light will be sent to our eyes. As a result, the shirt looks “darker”.
But remember, sometimes a wet shirt can be seen brighter from a special angel. The surface of a shirt is usually unsmooth. Adding water to it makes it smoother. A smooth surface reflects light in a way which is different from an unsmooth surface. Thus you may see a small and bright reflection of the light from a certain direction. So basically, a wet shirt will be darker than a dry one, but it can also appear brighter at times.
16. People see color in our life ________.
A. through the light from the sun B. through the wavelength reflected to our eyes.
C. by making objects wet D. by seeing objects with colors
17. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refers to ________.
A. light B. shirt C. water D. color
18. We can learn from the passage that ________.
A. the light makes the clothes look smooth.
B. adding water to unsmooth surface changes anything
C. being wet will certainly make clothes look shiny
D. the more light gets in our eyes, the brighter clothes will be
19. The meaning of “angle” in the last paragraph is ________.
A. weight B. material C. direction D. height
20. The best title of this passage is ________.
A. Changing Colors by Water B. The Reason for Color Change
C. The Secret of the Light Change D. How does water Darken Colors of Clothes
三、短文还原 (共5空,每空2分,计10分)
China has a long history. Many stories are hidden in ancient books. One of these books is Shan Hai Jing. Shan Hai Jing means Classic of Mountains and Seas in English. It is a special book that tells us about the geography and culture of China before a time called the Qin Dynasty. ___21___ There are many Chinese myths (神话) in it.
___22___ And the time when it was written is uncertain. People once thought mythical figures wrote it. For a long time, Figures like Yu the Great or Boyi were thought to be the writer. But today, experts have a different idea. The book wasn’t written all at once by just one person. Many people wrote different parts of the book over a long time. They started writing during a time called the Warring States. ___23___
Shan Hai Jing talks about many things. It mentions more than 550 mountains. It also talks about 300 waterways. There are stories of 400 mythical creatures too. The book has about 31,000 Chinese characters. It is divided into 18 parts. ___24___ One story is about the Great Pangu, who created the world. There are also stories about Nvwa, who fixed the sky. Another story is about Kua Fu. He was a giant who tried to run after the sun.
___25___ The stories have been passed down from parents to children in China for many many years.
A. It is really like a treasure box.
B. The book is like a bridge from the past to today.
C. Not every one believes the magical stories in the book.
D. No one knows for sure who wrote the wonderful book.
E. There are some oldest stories about how the world began.
F. The whole writing continued until the start of the Han dynasty.
四、综合填空(共20空, 每空 1.5分, 计30分)
deep but although with something full excited experience happy please advice
When Annie was a child, her parents died. She spent her childhood in an orphanage (孤儿院).
Matthew and Marilla, who lived on the Green Gables, had always wanted to adopt a boy, ____26____ they adopted Anne by mistake. The thirteen-year-old Anne was thin, and her face was small and white ____27____ a lot of freckles. Her words will never finish, as if she will never be tired. “Are you Mr Cuthbert of Green Gables ” she asked ____28____ in a high, sweet voice. “I’m happy to come and live with you.”
Her mind is always ____29____ of strange things, and she can start her infinite imagination just because of a very small thing. One day, she bought a bottle of ____30____ special , and tried to change her hair from red to black. To her surprise, her long red hair was now a horrible dark green. So she had to cut it off. “Perhaps this will teach me not to think about being beautiful.” She said sadly.
___31___ she was unhappy as a child, she was still optimistic and confident. She regarded these as her life ____32____. She studied hard at school. She enjoyed learning and she got the Avery prize. Of course, her teacher was ____33____ with her.
Each of us actually has an Anne in our hearts, who has the courage to think and act. The ____34____ our love is, the wider our hearts become. And we need to be grateful in order to find ____35____ on our own.
We should learn from Anne, optimistic and upward (乐观向上), smiling with a positive attitude to face every challenge in life. Believe in life, believe in love, and you will find that happiness is not far from us.
come fill not develop not be compete avoid reach see tell look think
There was a successful old farmer who grew tomatoes for many years. One day, his grandson told him, “Grandfather, I want to achieve great things in life and make all of my dreams ____36____ true. What are the things I should avoid ” The farmer thought for a moment and said, “First of all, you ____37____ afraid to fall. Secondly, don’t ever fool yourself, but the most important of them all, I won’t tell you yet.” The boy asked, “Why, grandfather ” The farmer answered, “I ____38____ you at the proper time.”
One week later, the farmer took his grandson to his field for the first time. He showed him a large place where he grew tomatoes. When the farmer ____39____ how surprised the little boy was, he asked him, “How do you see them ” The boy replied, “They ____40____ very healthy. Their leaves are green and their fruits are smooth and red.” The farmer smiled. Then he took him to another small place and asked, “How about these ones Can you compare them to the others ” The boy shook his head and said, “They don’t look healthy. Their leaves are yellow and they ____41____ any fruit yet. What do you think of the reason ” The farmer said, “That’s because these weeds (杂草) ____42____ with the main plants for nutrients (营养物质) in the soil.”
Then the farmer held his grandson in his arms and said, “Now is the time to answer your question completely. The most important thing you ____43____ to become successful in life are negative (消极的) people. These people are like the weeds. And they would stunt your development and stop you from ____44____ your dreams. They have nothing to offer as they like complaining (抱怨). So you should stay away from such kind of people. Be around people who bring a smile to your face, _____45_____ your heart with joy. Choose your friends wisely and they will never put you down.”
We might often say “I don’t have time”. Every time we say “I don’t have time”, it makes us feel weak and out of control. In fact, how to make use of our time is up to us.
Step 1 Find out what matters to you Ask yourself: What activities really matter to me Cooking, reading, and playing sports are all important things — if they make you happy! No matter how busy you are, there’s still enough time as long as you save a little time every day.
Step 2 Know what stops you Be honest: How long do you spend on the screens every day Are you doing what you don’t really like After knowing what stops you, you can think about useful things that satisfy you.
Step 3 Whatever you want to do, the time is now. The solution is to make your own calendar. Put activities like reading, calling a friend, and even walking your dog on your calendar.
Step 4 Change your language Words have power. Saying “I don’t have time” is an excuse for not wanting to do something. Just change your words. You can say some powerful words like “I’d love to read that book after my homework is finished!”
To make use of your time, dealing with the jobs in order of importance is important. However, clearly planning is more important when you must do each job. This way, you are in control of your hours and your life. Every day, we have little pockets of time that can be used, for example, you can review your notes on the subway. All these things can add up over time more than you believe! Yes, it might feel strange at first. But you’re holding your power. It’s your life and your hours. They’re all you’ve got!
46. How might people feel when they say “I don’t have time”
47. According to Step 2, why do you have to know what stops you first
48. What’s the best subtitle (小标题) of Step 3
49. “I don’t have time to do homework.” is an excuse for not wanting to do homework. How could you change it into powerful words
50. Are you good at making use of your time What will you do to manage your time better
六、书面表达 (共1题,计20分)
51. 初中三年,时光匆匆,有兴奋快乐,亦有失落彷徨,一切过往,皆为序章,我们在成长、在蜕变。毕业之际,学校将举办以“Sharing”为主题的演讲活动。请根据下面的要点提示,写一篇演讲稿,并自主补充你的成长感悟。
2、词数 100词左右,已给出的文字不计入总词数。
Good morning, my dear teachers and friends! It is my great honor to make a speech here. I will graduate from my school soon.
That’s all for my speech. Thank you for listening!2024 年学业水平考试第二次模拟检测
1.本试题共六个大题,分选择题和非选择题两种类型;选择题计70分,非选择题计80分;试卷总分 150分,考试时间120分钟。
一、听力测试(共25小题, 1-20小题, 每小题1分; 21-25小题, 每小题2分, 总计30分; 每小题约有8秒钟的答题时间)
(一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题 A、B、C 中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。(5分)
1. A. No, I don’t. B. Yes, sure. C. I am cleaning my room.
2. A. It doesn't matter. B. You’d better not. C. It's too bad.
3. A. Oh, they are over there. B. I'm glad you've found it. C. Go straight and turn left.
4. A. Yes, please. B. Good idea. C. Of course, it is.
5. A. For two weeks. B. Two weeks ago. C. In two weeks.
6. 7. 8.
9. Where does the woman come from
A. America. B. England. C. Germany.
10. What was the boy doing
A. He was writing. B. He was reading. C. He was watching TV.
11. How many friends came to Linda's birthday
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.
12. How much is the short shirt
A.$29. B.$28. C.$27.
13. Why didn't the woman catch the train
A. Because she got up too late.
B. Because the traffic was bad on the road.
C. Because the train left earlier than usually.
14. What does the man do
A. A reporter B. A doctor C. A policeman
15. Why does Jessica make schoolbags for the kids
A. Because she wants to be famous to make money.
B. Because the kids like her schoolbags very much.
C. Because the kids don't have enough money to buy.
16. How long has Jessica been using old clothes to make schoolbags
A. For about 1 year. B. For about 2 years. C. For about 3 years.
17. What are Jessica's parents like
A. Friendly. B. kind. C. Honest.
(六)听力填表(共5 小题;录音播放前,你有20秒钟的读题时间)。(10分)
录音中有一篇短文,是 Nancy 关于下列问题的个人观点。听短文两遍后,请你根据表格内容提示,记录相关信息,完成表格(每空一词)。
What would I do if I had ten million yuan
What I would do Why
Give one 21._to Project Hope. I want to help poor children to go to school.
Give two million yuan to my 22. _. I hope they'll live a 23._life.
Travel around the world. I want to see this wonderful world and know more about other24. _.
Buy a house near the sea. Buy my favorite 25._and take it with me everywhere to record the wonderful life. I love the sea very much. We should cherish everyday of our lives. It is becoming better and better.
二、阅读理解(共20小题, 每小题2.5分, 计50分)
阅读下列短文,然后从每小题A、B、C、D 中选出能回答所提问题的最佳答案。
http:// www.gogreen.com
Green life, start from us!
Are you a person who cares for the environment Test yourself! Sex: Your age:
1. Do you turn off the water tap ( ) when you brush your teeth Always Often ◆Once in a while Never 2. Do you take a bath ( ) of taking a quick shower Always Often ◆Once in a while Never 3. Do you turn off the light when you are away for a short time Always Often ◆Once in a while Never 4. Do you use the air-conditioner ( ) when it is not very hot Always Often ◆Once in a while Never 5. Do you empty your plate when having dinner Always Often ◆Once in a while Never 6. Do you use one-off chopsticks when eating out Always Often ◆Once in a while Never 7. Do you use public transportation like buses or subways when going out Always Often ◆Once in a while Never 8. Do you use reusable bags when shopping Always Often ◆Once in a while Never Result 1:
Mostly : Congratulations! You’re a person who truly cares for the environment. You know how to protect the environment. Great! Mostly : You are a person who cares for the environment most of the time, but you could be better! Think carefully and improve yourself. Mostly ◆: You know a little about environmental protection Learn more and begin from now. Mostly : Oh, dear! You have no idea of environmental protection. What you need is to learn, or you may get into trouble one day.
1. Where is this survey probably from
A. A website. B. A poster. C. A book.
D. A newspaper.
2. What information does this survey include
A. Age, job and suggestions.
B. Address, questions and answers.
C. Name, questions and suggestions.
D. Questions, answers and suggestions.
3. If Sam chooses ◆ mostly, what do you think of him according to the survey
A. He does well in environmental protection.
B. He doesn’t care about the environment at all.
C. He often does properly and wisely to protect the environment.
D. He needs to learn more and do better in environmental protection.
4. Which of the following things are mentioned (提到) in the survey
①Taking a quick shower. ② Going to school by bike.
③Bringing a bag for shopping. ④Using second-hand things.
⑤Carrying a bottle instead of using a paper cup.
A. ①② B. ①③ C. ②⑤ D. ③④
5. What is the purpose of the survey
A. To tell people how to protect the environment.
B. To share some helpful ways to live a green life.
C. To call on people to protect the environment.
D. To help people know the advantages of a green life.
【答案】1. A 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. C
细节理解题。根据“http:// www.gogreen.com”可知本文选自一个网站。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“ Mostly ◆: You know a little about environmental protection. Learn more and begin from now.”可知多数选择◆的萨姆对环境保护了解不多,需要多学习,在环境保护方面做得更好。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“Do you take a bath ( ) of taking a quick shower ”和“Do you use reusable bags when shopping ”可知调查中提到了快速洗淋浴和带一个购物袋。故选B。
推理判断题。根据“Green life, start from us! Are you a person who cares for the environment ”及调查结果中给出的建议可推出这个调查的目的是呼吁人们保护环境。故选C。
Jia Ling is now well-known in China. She has won the love and respect of the audience for her movie YOLO in January, 2024.
However, Jia Ling’s success was not all plain sailing, especially in her film career. In order to make movies, Jia Ling once gained weight and then lost weight to a completely different image from the past. This not only shows Jia Ling’s professionalism, but also allows her to receive big praise. But her process of gaining and losing weight is undoubtedly a huge challenge.
For most people, keeping a healthy weight is already difficult enough, not to mention making complete weight changes in a short period of time. However, in order to play the role in the movie, Jia Ling resolutely accepted this challenge. Then she began the difficult process of losing weight. Losing weight is a test for many people, which needs a lot of effort and time. Jia Ling is no exception, but with firm will and scientific weight loss methods, she successfully became a slim girl. Although this process was hard work, Jia Ling enjoyed it because she knew it was for a better image (形象) of the role and to bring better works to the audience.
However, we should also see that the average person may not be able to lose weight as successfully as Jia Ling. Everyone’s physical condition and lifestyle are different, and losing weight needs a scientific and reasonable plan. You should also have a strong will. Behind Jia Ling’s success lies countless hard efforts and challenges.
Her story tells us that only by daring to challenge ourselves can we change our past image and achieve true transformation (蜕变) . And also, we should have a right view of losing weight and avoid blind following and being too slim. Only in this way can we continue to grow and progress on the road of life.
6. Which movie makes Jia Ling win the love and respect of the audience in 2024
A. YOLO. B. You Are My Eye.
C. The Coming Happiness. D. Hello, Li Huanying.
7. What does the underlined phrase “plain sailing” in Paragraph 2 mean
A. In trouble. B. In good health.
C. Good luck in everything. D. Hard time.
8. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 3
A. Jia Ling spent a long time on losing weight.
B. Losing weight needs a lot of effort and time.
C. Jia Ling disliked losing weight.
D. Jia Ling accepted the challenge and lost weight successfully.
9. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text
A. Everyone’s physical condition and lifestyle are different.
B. For most people, it’s easy to lose weight successfully like Jia Ling.
C. Jia Ling became a different image from the past in YOLO.
D. Jia Ling lost weight in order to bring better works to the audience.
10. What does Jia Ling’s story tell us according to the text
A. Time is money. B. It’s never too late to learn.
C. The early bird catches the worm. D. Where there is a will, there is a way.
【答案】6. A 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. D
细节理解题。根据第一段“She has won the love and respect of the audience for her movie YOLO in January, 2024.”可知,贾玲是靠《热辣滚烫》这部电影赢得了大家的喜爱和尊重。故选A。
词句猜测题。根据第二段“But her process of gaining and losing weight is undoubtedly a huge challenge.”可知,在增肥和减肥的过程,对于贾玲来说,毫无疑问是一个巨大的挑战。因此,她的成功并不是一帆风顺,更不是全靠运气的。故选C。
段落大意题。根据第三段“Jia Ling resolutely accepted this challenge...she successfully became a slim girl.”可知,贾玲接受了挑战,通过坚定的意志和科学的方法,成功的变成了一位苗条的女士。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第四段“However, we should also see that the average person may not be able to lose weight as successfully as Jia Ling.”可知,普通人可能无法像贾玲一样减肥成功。B选项“easy”正好与文章意思相反。故选B。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“Her story tells us that only by daring to challenge ourselves can we change our past image and achieve true transformation”可知,贾玲的故事告诉我们只有敢于挑战自己,我们才能改变过去的形象,实现改变。D选项“有志者事竟成。”符合贾玲故事给我们传达的道理。故选D。
Do you like drinking tea In some cultures, tea drinking is a social event with some customs. China and the UK are two countries with well-developed tea cultures.
In China, there are traditional customs for tea drinking, from how to fill the teacup to ways of thanking the server. For example, a tea drinker can thank the server by knocking on the table with the index finger (食指) and middle finger.
▲ Offering tea to the elders, for example, is a way of showing respect. A newly-married couple may serve tea during their wedding ceremony to express thanks to their parents. In other situations, pouring tea for someone can be a way to say sorry.
In the UK, afternoon tea is the most famous tea tradition. It started in the 1840s. It usually happens at around 4 p. m., but it can be a little earlier or later. It is a time for conversation and relaxation, when people take a break from their day. Traditionally, afternoon tea is taken with cakes and sandwiches.
In the UK, high tea is a variation (变化) on afternoon tea. In the past, high tea was for working-class families that could not pay for a proper dinner. It happens a little later than afternoon tea and is served with a hot meal, including meat, home-made bread, vegetables…
Tea customs play an important role in both China and the UK. In China, tea customs are a way to express feelings. In the UK, they let people relax and rest during a busy day.
11. What does the tea drinker mean when he knocks on the table with his index finger and middle finger in China
A. To praise the tea.
B. To thank the server.
C. To ask his cup to be filled.
D. To show his respect for the server.
12. Which of the following is the best for “ ▲ ” in Paragraph 3
A. In China, tea is a sign of trust.
B. In China, tea has a long history.
C. In China, there are different kinds of tea.
D. In China, tea customs can express different feelings.
13. What are the differences between afternoon tea and high tea
①They were introduced by different classes.
②They’re served with different food.
③They happen at different times.
④They happen in different countries.
A. ①② B. ②③ C. ①④ D. ③④
14. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage
A. B. C. D.
15. What is the passage mainly about
A. Tea cultures in two different countries.
B. Different ways of drinking tea.
C. Why tea is so important around the world.
D. How Chinese tea customs influenced the UK.
【答案】11. B 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. A
细节理解题。根据第二段“For example, a tea drinker can thank the server by knocking on the table with the index finger and middle finger.”可知,饮茶者可以通过用食指和中指敲击桌子来表达对供茶人的感谢。故选B。
主旨大意题。根据第三段“Offering tea to the elders, for example, is a way of showing respect.”和“In other situations, pouring tea for someone can be a way to say sorry.”可知,给长辈敬茶表达尊敬;而在其他场合,为别人倒茶也可表示道歉;据此可知,本段讲述的茶习俗能表达不同的感情和含义。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第四段“Traditionally, afternoon tea is taken with cakes and sandwiches.”和第五段“It happens a little later than afternoon tea and is served with a hot meal, including meat, home-made bread, vegetables…”可知,下午茶和傍晚茶的区别是它们饮用的时间不一样,搭配的食物也不一样。故选B。
Have you ever poured water onto your shirt right before an important event Usually, clothes darken in color when they get wet. It will certainly be nice if the water doesn’t change the color of the clothes so much. But sadly, this isn’t how things work. So why do the colors of the clothes often become darker when the clothes get wet
Before understanding this question, we should first take a quick look at how we “see” colors. Take a red shirt as an example. When it is hit by the light from the sun, it takes in different wave lengths (波长) of light, except for the wavelength of red light. The wavelength of red light is reflected (反射) to our eyes. This is why the shirt appears red to us.
Now let’s return to the wet shirt. When the light hits a wet shirt, it has to pass through the water onto the shirt. The light that should be reflected by the shirt is re-absorbed (重新吸收) by the water. This means less light will be sent to our eyes. As a result, the shirt looks “darker”.
But remember, sometimes a wet shirt can be seen brighter from a special angel. The surface of a shirt is usually unsmooth. Adding water to it makes it smoother. A smooth surface reflects light in a way which is different from an unsmooth surface. Thus you may see a small and bright reflection of the light from a certain direction. So basically, a wet shirt will be darker than a dry one, but it can also appear brighter at times.
16. People see color in our life ________.
A. through the light from the sun B. through the wavelength reflected to our eyes.
C. by making objects wet D. by seeing objects with colors
17. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refers to ________.
A. light B. shirt C. water D. color
18. We can learn from the passage that ________.
A. the light makes the clothes look smooth.
B. adding water to unsmooth surface changes anything
C being wet will certainly make clothes look shiny
D. the more light gets in our eyes, the brighter clothes will be
19. The meaning of “angle” in the last paragraph is ________.
A. weight B. material C. direction D. height
20. The best title of this passage is ________.
A. Changing Colors by Water B. The Reason for Color Change
C. The Secret of the Light Change D. How does water Darken Colors of Clothes
【答案】16. B 17. A 18. D 19. C 20. D
细节理解题。根据“The wavelength of red light is reflected (反射) to our eyes”可知,通过反射到我们眼睛的波长来看到颜色,故选B。
词义猜测题。根据“When the light hits a wet shirt, it has to pass through the water onto the shirt.”可知,光通过水到衬衫上,所以it指代light,故选A。
推理判断题。根据“The light that should be reflected by the shirt is re-absorbed (重新吸收) by the water. This means less light will be sent to our eyes. As a result, the shirt looks “darker”.”可知,被衬衫反射的光被水重新吸收了,进入我们眼睛的光线变少了。因此,这件衬衫看起来“颜色更深”,也就是说“进入我们眼睛的光线越多,衣服就会越亮”,故选D。
词义猜测题。根据“But remember, sometimes a wet shirt can be seen brighter from a special angel.”以及“A smooth surface reflects light in a way which is different from an unsmooth surface. Thus you may see a small and bright reflection of the light from a certain direction”可知,从一个特殊的角度看湿衬衫会更亮,所以angle与direction同义,故选C。
三、短文还原 (共5空,每空2分,计10分)
China has a long history. Many stories are hidden in ancient books. One of these books is Shan Hai Jing. Shan Hai Jing means Classic of Mountains and Seas in English. It is a special book that tells us about the geography and culture of China before a time called the Qin Dynasty. ___21___ There are many Chinese myths (神话) in it.
___22___ And the time when it was written is uncertain. People once thought mythical figures wrote it. For a long time, Figures like Yu the Great or Boyi were thought to be the writer. But today, experts have a different idea. The book wasn’t written all at once by just one person. Many people wrote different parts of the book over a long time. They started writing during a time called the Warring States. ___23___
Shan Hai Jing talks about many things. It mentions more than 550 mountains. It also talks about 300 waterways. There are stories of 400 mythical creatures too. The book has about 31,000 Chinese characters. It is divided into 18 parts. ___24___ One story is about the Great Pangu, who created the world. There are also stories about Nvwa, who fixed the sky. Another story is about Kua Fu. He was a giant who tried to run after the sun.
___25___ The stories have been passed down from parents to children in China for many, many years.
A. It is really like a treasure box.
B. The book is like a bridge from the past to today.
C. Not every one believes the magical stories in the book.
D. No one knows for sure who wrote the wonderful book.
E. There are some oldest stories about how the world began.
F. The whole writing continued until the start of the Han dynasty.
【答案】21. A 22. D 23. F 24. E 25. B
根据下文“There are many Chinese myths (神话) in it.”可知,《山海经》一书中有许多中国神话,可见该书就像是一个聚宝盆。选项A“它真像一个聚宝盆。”符合语境。故选A。
根据下文“And the time when it was written is uncertain. People once thought mythical figures wrote it.”可知,此处谈论的是这本书是何人何时撰写的。选项D“没有人确切知道是谁写了这本精彩的书。”符合语境。故选D。
根据上文“Many people wrote different parts of the book over a long time. They started writing during a time called the Warring States.”可知此处谈到这本书的编写时长。选项F“整个编写过程一直延续到汉代初。”符合语境。故选F。
根据下文“One story is about the Great Pangu, who created the world. There are also stories about Nvwa, who fixed the sky.”可知,其中一个故事是关于盘古开天辟地的故事,说明该书中有关于世界起源的古老故事。选项E“有一些关于世界如何开始的最古老的故事。”符合语境。故选E。
根据下文“The stories have been passed down from parents to children in China for many, many years.”可知,这些故事在中国已经从父母传给孩子很多很多年了。由此可知此处谈到该书的作用。选项B“这本书就像一座从过去到今天的桥梁。”符合语境。故选B。
四、综合填空(共20空, 每空 1.5分, 计30分)
deep but although with something full excited experience happy please advice
When Annie was a child, her parents died. She spent her childhood in an orphanage (孤儿院).
Matthew and Marilla, who lived on the Green Gables, had always wanted to adopt a boy, ____26____ they adopted Anne by mistake. The thirteen-year-old Anne was thin, and her face was small and white ____27____ a lot of freckles. Her words will never finish, as if she will never be tired. “Are you Mr Cuthbert of Green Gables ” she asked ____28____ in a high, sweet voice. “I’m happy to come and live with you.”
Her mind is always ____29____ of strange things, and she can start her infinite imagination just because of a very small thing. One day, she bought a bottle of ____30____ special , and tried to change her hair from red to black. To her surprise, her long red hair was now a horrible dark green. So she had to cut it off. “Perhaps this will teach me not to think about being beautiful.” She said sadly.
___31___ she was unhappy as a child, she was still optimistic and confident. She regarded these as her life ____32____. She studied hard at school. She enjoyed learning and she got the Avery prize. Of course, her teacher was ____33____ with her.
Each of us actually has an Anne in our hearts, who has the courage to think and act. The ____34____ our love is, the wider our hearts become. And we need to be grateful in order to find ____35____ on our own.
We should learn from Anne, optimistic and upward (乐观向上), smiling with a positive attitude to face every challenge in life. Believe in life, believe in love, and you will find that happiness is not far from us.
【答案】26. but
27. with 28. excitedly
29. full 30. something
31. Although
32. experiences
33. pleased
34. deeper 35. happiness
句意:她用又高又甜声音兴奋地问道:“你是绿山墙的卡博斯特先生吗?”根据后文“in a high, sweet voice”可知,安妮很兴奋,此处用副词修饰动词asked,excited兴奋的,其副词形式为excitedly。故填excitedly。
句意:她的脑子里总是充满奇怪的东西,她可以仅从很小的事情,开始无限的想象力。be full of充满,固定搭配。故填full。
句意:一天,她买了一瓶特别的东西,尝试将她的头发从红色染成黑色。根据“a bottle of”可知,是一瓶东西。故填something。
句意:当然,她的老师对她很满意。根据前文“She enjoyed learning and she got the Avery prize.”可知,老师对她很满意。be pleased with对……满意。故填pleased 。
句意:我们的爱越深,我们的心就会变得越宽。根据“the wider”可知,是指爱得越深,“the+比较级, the+比较级”表示“越……越……”,deep的比较级是deeper。故填deeper。
句意:我们需要懂得感恩为了发现我们自己的幸福。根据后文“you will find that happiness is not far from us”可知,此处说的是幸福,find后接名词作宾语。故填happiness。
come fill not develop not be compete avoid reach see tell look think
There was a successful old farmer who grew tomatoes for many years. One day, his grandson told him, “Grandfather, I want to achieve great things in life and make all of my dreams ____36____ true. What are the things I should avoid ” The farmer thought for a moment and said, “First of all, you ____37____ afraid to fall. Secondly, don’t ever fool yourself, but the most important of them all, I won’t tell you yet.” The boy asked, “Why, grandfather ” The farmer answered, “I ____38____ you at the proper time.”
One week later, the farmer took his grandson to his field for the first time. He showed him a large place where he grew tomatoes. When the farmer ____39____ how surprised the little boy was, he asked him, “How do you see them ” The boy replied, “They ____40____ very healthy. Their leaves are green and their fruits are smooth and red.” The farmer smiled. Then he took him to another small place and asked, “How about these ones Can you compare them to the others ” The boy shook his head and said, “They don’t look healthy. Their leaves are yellow and they ____41____ any fruit yet. What do you think of the reason ” The farmer said, “That’s because these weeds (杂草) ____42____ with the main plants for nutrients (营养物质) in the soil.”
Then the farmer held his grandson in his arms and said, “Now is the time to answer your question completely. The most important thing you ____43____ to become successful in life are negative (消极的) people. These people are like the weeds. And they would stunt your development and stop you from ____44____ your dreams. They have nothing to offer as they like complaining (抱怨). So you should stay away from such kind of people. Be around people who bring a smile to your face, _____45_____ your heart with joy. Choose your friends wisely and they will never put you down.”
37. shouldn’t be
38. will tell
39 saw 40. look
41. haven’t developed
42. are competing
43. should avoid
44. reaching
45. fill
句意:爷爷,我想在生活中取得伟大的成就,让我所有的梦想成真。根据“my dreams...true.”和备选词汇可知,此处指梦想成真,应用短语come true“实现,成真”;make sth. do sth.“让某物做某事”。故填come。
句意:首先,你不应该害怕跌倒。根据上文“I want to achieve great things in life”和“...afraid to fall.”可知,要想取得成就就不应该害怕跌倒,情态动词should“应该”后接动词原形,系动词not be后接形容词afraid作表语,should not be缩写为shouldn’t be。故填shouldn’t be。
句意:我会在适当的时候告诉你。根据上文“I won’t tell you yet.”可知,现在不告诉孙子,等以后再告诉他,应用一般将来时will do结构,动词tell“告诉”符合语境。故填will tell。
句意:当农夫看到小男孩如此惊讶时,他问他:“你怎么看待它们?”根据“the farmer...how surprised the little boy was”和备选词汇可知,此处指农夫看到小男孩很惊讶,动词see“看见”符合语境;此句为一般过去时,谓语动词see用过去式。故填saw。
句意:它们看起来很健康。根据“They...very healthy.”和备选词汇可知,此处指这些西红柿看起来很健康,用感官动词look后接形容词“healthy”作表语;此句为一般现在时,主语“They”为复数,谓语动词用原形。故填look。
句意:它们的叶子是黄色的,还没有结出任何果实。根据“any fruit”和备选词汇可知,此处指没有结出果实,not develop“发展,成长”符合语境;根据“yet”可知用现在完成时,主语“they”为复数,否定结构用haven’t done。故填haven’t developed。
句意:那是因为这些杂草在和主要植物争夺土壤中的养分。根据上文“Their leaves are yellow and they haven’t developed any fruit yet.”可知,这些西红柿营养不良是因为杂草正在和它们争抢营养,动词compete“竞争”符合语境;此句为现在进行时,主语“weeds”为复数,结构用are doing。故填are competing。
句意:要想在生活中取得成功,你最应该避免的是那些消极的人。根据上文“What are the things I should avoid ”可知,此处回答应该避免的是那些消极的人,情态动词should“应该”后接动词原形,动词avoid“避免”符合语境。故填should avoid。
句意:他们会阻碍你的发展,阻止你实现你的梦想。and表并列,与“stunt your development”并列的是“阻止你实现你的梦想”,动词reach“实现”符合语境;stop sb. from doing sth.“阻止某人做某事”。故填reaching。
句意:和能让你面带微笑、让你的内心充满喜悦的人在一起。根据“...your heart with joy”和备选词汇可知,此处用短语fill...with...“把……装满……”,表达让你的内心充满喜悦;此空与“bring”并列,也用动词原形。故填fill。
We might often say “I don’t have time”. Every time we say “I don’t have time”, it makes us feel weak and out of control. In fact, how to make use of our time is up to us.
Step 1 Find out what matters to you Ask yourself: What activities really matter to me Cooking reading, and playing sports are all important things — if they make you happy! No matter how busy you are, there’s still enough time as long as you save a little time every day.
Step 2 Know what stops you Be honest: How long do you spend on the screens every day Are you doing what you don’t really like After knowing what stops you, you can think about useful things that satisfy you.
Step 3 Whatever you want to do, the time is now. The solution is to make your own calendar. Put activities like reading, calling a friend, and even walking your dog on your calendar.
Step 4 Change your language Words have power. Saying “I don’t have time” is an excuse for not wanting to do something. Just change your words. You can say some powerful words like “I’d love to read that book after my homework is finished!”
To make use of your time, dealing with the jobs in order of importance is important. However, clearly planning is more important when you must do each job. This way, you are in control of your hours and your life. Every day, we have little pockets of time that can be used, for example, you can review your notes on the subway. All these things can add up over time more than you believe! Yes, it might feel strange at first. But you’re holding your power. It’s your life and your hours. They’re all you’ve got!
46. How might people feel when they say “I don’t have time”
47. According to Step 2, why do you have to know what stops you first
48. What’s the best subtitle (小标题) of Step 3
49. “I don’t have time to do homework.” is an excuse for not wanting to do homework. How could you change it into powerful words
50. Are you good at making use of your time What will you do to manage your time better
【答案】46. They might feel weak and out of control.
47. Because after knowing what stops you, you can think about useful things that satisfy you.
48. Make your own calendar.
49. By saying “I’d love to do my homework after dinner”.
50. Yes, I am. I will make a weekly plan to manage the time.
根据文中的句句子“Every time we say “I don’t have time”, it makes us feel weak and out of control.”可知,当人们说“我没有时间”时,他们可能会感到自己很弱和失控。故填They might feel weak and out of control。
根据文中的句子“After knowing what stops you, you can think about useful things that satisfy you.”可知,因为在你知道了什么阻碍你之后,你就可以考虑那些让你满意有用的事情了。故填Because after knowing what stops you, you can think about useful things that satisfy you。
根据文中的句子“The solution is to make your own calendar.”可知,步骤3是要制定自己的日程表。故填Make your own calendar。
根据文中的句子“You can say some powerful words like “I’d love to read that book after my homework is finished!””可知,可以说“我想在我的作业完成后读那本书”。故填By saying “I’d love to do my homework after dinner”。
开放性试题,言之有理即可。参考答案为:Yes, I am. I will make a weekly plan to manage the time。
六、书面表达 (共1题,计20分)
51. 初中三年,时光匆匆,有兴奋快乐,亦有失落彷徨,一切过往,皆为序章,我们在成长、在蜕变。毕业之际,学校将举办以“Sharing”为主题的演讲活动。请根据下面的要点提示,写一篇演讲稿,并自主补充你的成长感悟。
2、词数 100词左右,已给出的文字不计入总词数。
Good morning, my dear teachers and friends! It is my great honor to make a speech here. I will graduate from my school soon.
That’s all for my speech. Thank you for listening!
Good morning, my dear teachers and friends! It is my great honor to make a speech here. I will graduate from my school soon. It’s hard to say farewell to all of you. Now I feel both so excited and so sad. I will miss you all after graduation and I will also remember the valuable life of these three years forever.
During the past three years, I have learned a lot and have realized that we should take study seriously. For myself, I always work hard in class. I listen to teachers carefully and take notes. I finish homework on time. My classmates and teachers often help me with my schoolwork. With their help, I overcome lots of difficulties and make much progress. I want to say thank you to all the people who have helped me.
During this summer holiday, I plan to visit my grandparents in another city. And in the future I want to be an engineer so I’ll keep on studying hard and stick to my dream. I hope one day I will become your pride. I will never give up on my new journey.
My dear classmates, we need to learn how to overcome difficulties by ourselves with confidence. Remember the harder we work, the luckier we are.
That’s all for my speech. Thank you for listening!
①graduate from从……毕业
③on time准时
④help sb. with sth.在某事上帮助某人
⑤lots of许多
⑥make progress取得进步
⑦want to do sth.想要做某事
⑧keep on doing sth.继续做某事
①It’s hard to say farewell to all of you. (动词不定式作主语)
②I want to say thank you to all the people who have helped me. (who引导定语从句)
③Remember the harder we work, the luckier we are. (祈使句)


