Module 9 Life history 任务型阅读(含解析)外研版七年级下册英语题型专项集训

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Module 9 Life history 任务型阅读(含解析)外研版七年级下册英语题型专项集训


Module 9 Life history 任务型阅读(含解析)外研版七年级下册英语题型专项集训
Lionel Andrés Messi is a great football player in the world. He was born on June 24th,1987 in Argentina(阿根廷). Like other children in his home town of Rosario Messi loved football very much. At the age of 5, little Messi began to play football for a local(当地的) Football Club. His father was his teacher. Many people were surprised at his talent(天赋) in football and liked him very much. And his real football career(生涯) started in 1995 at Newell’s Old Boys. In September, 2000, Messi was only 13 years old and only 140cm tall. But it didn’t stop him from going to Barcelona for trial training(试训). Luckily he joined the Under 14s. When he was only 16, Messi took part in his first game.
In 2005, he became the youngest player that could kick the goal(射门). He was also one of the best players. At 18, he became one of the hottest players in the world.
(4)Now he is very successful and famous around the world.
1.How old did Messi begin to play football
2.When did he go to Barcelona for trial training
Messi’s father taught him to play football at Newell’s Old Boys.( )
4.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.(把划线部分的句子翻译成汉语。)
5.Give a proper title to the passage.(给短文拟一个合适的标题。)
Jack London is a famous American writer. He was born on 12th January, 1876, in San Francisco, California. His family was very poor, and Jack had to leave school to make money. He worked hard in many different jobs. Later, Jack returned to school, but he didn’t stay there. In 1897, he went to Alaska to find gold. He didn’t find any gold. Instead, he found ideas for his books and stories. He returned home and started to write. His writings were succesful, and he became rich and famous in his twenties.
Jack London was not a happy man. In poor health, he took his own life in 1916. He was only 40 years old.
6.Why did Jack London leave school when he was still a boy
7.How old was Jack London when he went to Alaska
8.What did Jack London find in Alaska
9.What was Jack London famous for
10.What does “he took his own life” mean
Once upon a time, there was a farmer called Da Niu. One day he was walking in the forest and found a bird. The bird’s leg was hurt (受伤) and it cried. Da Niu picked it up and took it home. He looked after it carefully every day. The bird got well soon.
One morning Da Niu enjoyed the sunshine (阳光) next to the wall. The bird took his hat (帽子) and flew away. Da Niu was very angry (生气的) and ran after it. He shouted, “What a bad bird you are!”
Suddenly he heard a big noise from his back. The wall he sat next to just now fell down (倒下).
11.What was Da Niu
12.Where did Da Niu find a bird
13.What did Da Niu do after he took the bird home
14.Where did Da Niu enjoy the sunshine one day
15.How did Da Niu feel when the bird took away his hat
Zhou Youguang, who created (创造) Chinese Pinyin, died on January 14th 2017, just one day after his 112nd birthday.
It took Mr. Zhou and his team three years to create Pinyin in the 1950s. It changed the way we learned Chinese. Before Pinyin was created, 85% of Chinese people could not read, but now almost all can. “Pinyin is a bridge between China and the other countries,” said Zhou.
When Zhou was young, he studied in Japan. Later, he worked in a bank in New York. At that time, he made friends with Albert Einstein. He returned to China in 1949 and taught economics (经济学) at a university in Shanghai. A few years later, he helped create Chinese Pinyin. He never stopped writing books, even when he was more than 100 years old. In his life, he published (出版) over 30 books.
16.Zhou Youguang created .
17.It took Mr. Zhou and his team to create Pinyin in the 1950s.
18.Mr. Zhou thought Pinyin was between China and the other countries.
19.When Mr. Zhou worked in a bank in New York, he Albert Einstein.
20.Mr. Zhou never , even when he was more than 100 years old.
On October 7, 2021, writer Abdulrazak Gurnah got the Nobel Prize in Literature. Abdulrazak Gurnah was born in 1948 and grew up on the island of Zanzibar, Tanzania, in Africa. He arrived in England as a refugee (难民) at the end of the 1960s. He didn’t return to his country until 1984. Before he retired (退休), Gurnah was a teacher at the University of Kent in England. Gurnah wrote 10 novels and a lot of short stories. Most of them are about the refugees’ lives. He began writing at the age of 21. Although Swahili is his first language, he wrote in English. His novel Paradise tells the story of a boy. He grew up in Tanzania in the early 20th century during World War I. His book By the Sea tells a refugee’s life in a British seaside town. And his recent work, Afterlives, tells a story about a boy named Ilyas. Someone took him away from his parents when he was a little boy. He returned to his village after years during his fighting in a war against his own people.
21.Where did Gurnah grow up
22.What did Gurnah do before he retired
23.How many novels did Gurnah write
24.In which language did Gurnah write
25.Who is the hero (主角) of Afterlives
Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)
A new birthday for fairy tales
On April 2, 1805, a loud cry came from a one-bedroom house in Odense, Denmark. There was a new baby in the house. The baby’s father was a shoemaker and his mother was a laundrywoman. No one knew that, years later, this baby would become the father of modern fairy tales. The baby was Hans Christian Andersen.
Andersen’s father died when he was 11. The boy left school and began to work in a factory. When he was 17, he met the director of the Royal Theater in Copenhagen. With the director’s help, Andersen went back to school. He studied in a classroom with children who were six years younger than him. It was there that he began writing.
Andersen’s first book of fairy tales came out in 1835. It was a big success. From then on, he wrote almost a book every year for another 37 years. In his lifetime, he wrote hundreds of fairy tales and his stories have been translated into over 100 languages.
Andersen’s fairy tales always have a strong social message. According to the BBC, he wanted to teach children not to judge people by their appearances and that ordinary people can become heroes. In The Ugly Duckling, the character everyone makes fun of has inner beauty. Other stories show Andersen’s anger against his government. The Emperor’s(国王的) New Clothes is about two tailors(裁缝) who trick a very proud emperor into walking around with no clothes on.
Andersen was also a gifted artist. He made thousands of paper cuttings of swans, clowns and angels. These can be seen in the book The Amazing Paper Cuttings of Hans Christian Andersen.
Andersen’s stories were very important for children and are still important today. In Copenhagen’s harbor, there is a statue(雕像) of the Little Mermaid(美人鱼) from one of Andersen’s stories. Every April 2, people celebrate International Children’s Book Day. That’s because April 2 was Andersen’s birthday.
26.What did Andersen’s father do
27.With the director’s help, Andersen went back to school, didn’t he
, .
28.When did Andersen’s first book of fairy tales come out
29.Which fairy tale shows Andersen’s anger against his government
30.What did Andersen want to teach children
31.Why do people celebrate International Children’s book Day every April 2
There was a cloud that flew high in the sky over a beautiful green field. One day, she saw another cloud that was much bigger. She wanted to grow bigger herself. She decided that she would never rain again.
Soon, the cloud started to grow. But the field below her was becoming dry. First, its rivers dried up. Then its lakes became dry as well. People, plants and animals died. In the end, the field became one big desert(沙漠). But the cloud didn’t care. However, as time went on, there was nowhere for her to get new water. So slowly, she became even smaller than she used to be.
The cloud knew she was wrong. Her selfishness(自私) was the reason why she became smaller. At that moment, a light wind began to blow. The cloud was so small that she flew to a new field that was still green. There, she started to grow again. But this time, she was more generous(大方的) with her rain. Her new field became even greener. At last the cloud realized it was very important to share with others.
32.Why did the cloud never rain again (不超过10个词)
33.What place did the cloud fly to (不超过10个词)
34.What did the cloud realize at last (不超过10个词)
This is a true story about a football coach(教练)and a boy.
The football coach worked in a middle school in a small South Carolina town. He was very famous.
The boy had a nickname, Radio. He could hardly write or speak. So everybody in the town laughed at him. But the coach and Radio became friends. It surprised everybody. At the beginning, people thought that the friendship was not a good idea, but it got deeper day by day.
The coach helped Radio more than the other students. He treated(对待)Radio as his son. He taught Radio to play football, and helped him with his homework. With the love and help of the football coach, Radio worked harder and harder. He began to feel happier about his future.
Then people in the town got another big surprise. But this time it was a wonderful one: Radio changed himself from being laughed at to being loved by everyone in the small town.
The football coach and Radio inspired(激励)the whole town. Their story has inspired people all over the world.
35.Where did the coach work
36.Why did everyone laugh at Radio
37.Why did Radio feel happier about his future
38.Was Radio the boy's family name
39.What can you learn from the story
Oscar Wilde was born on 16th October, 1854. He wrote many plays, poems and short stories. The Selfish Giant(《自私的巨人》)is one of the most famous short stories for children.
There was a giant in the village. (A)He had a garden with a lot of trees, flowers and birds. The children in the village liked playing in the garden. But the giant wanted to keep (B)them out and built a big wall. (C)Spring came, but the garden stayed quiet and cold with the snow. The giant was sad and lonely. Then the children made a hole in the wall. And the sun, flowers and birds came back here where they played. This time the giant asked them to stay in the garden. He was very happy with his little friends.
根据短文内容, 按要求完成下列任务。
What did Oscar Wilde do
A.A doctor. B.A teacher.
C.A writer. D.A farmer.
Is The Selfish Giant a short story
Hi, David,
Guess what I’m writing to you from Beijing!It’s my first summer holiday abroad, and here I am in China!I’m going to learn Chinese fortwo weeks at a summer camp. Then my parents are going to join me here. We’re going on a tour around the country. It’s going to be exciting!We’re going to visit the Great Wall and the Palace Museum inBeijing. Then we’re going to be in Xi’an from July 24th to 27th. My dad says he’s going to take lots of photos of the Terracotta Warriors. After that, we’re going to Jiuzhaigou. It’s famous for its beautiful mountains and clear lakes. Our last stop on the trip is Sanya. My mum’s going to spend a lot of time on the beach, but I’m going to swim in the sea every day.
OK, I have to go. I’m going to meet my Chinese penfriend, Mingming. He’s going to take me to the Bird’s Nest tonight. There’s going to be a rock concert there. I can’t wait!
David Thomson
15 Hill Street
Chicago, Illinois
USA 60601
Tim’s Summer Holiday Tim will 45 for two weeks at a summer camp.
Tim is going to visit the Great Wall with 46 .
They will stay in Xi’an from 47 to 27th.
Jiuzhaigou is famous for 48 .
Tim’s last stop on the trip is 49 .
Mingming will take Tim to the Bird’s Nest tonight.
Many young people in China know about Celine Dion, a famous Canadian pop singer. She sang the song “My heart will go on” for Titanic (《泰坦尼克号》).
Celine Dion’s hometown was in Montreal Quebec, Canada. She was the youngest of the fourteen children in a musical family. Her large family form(组成) a singing group. They traveled and played folk music(民间音乐). They were famous in their hometown. Celine’s mother wrote her first song for her, and she reocorded it with her brother when she was tweleve years old. Then a local rock manager named Rene Angelil was interested in them. (A)He asked Mrs Dion taking her two children to come to his office. Later he gave strong support (支持) for Celine. (B) in 1994, they were married.
As a singing star, Celine Dion won many prizes (奖) and soon became popular all over the world. She sang at the opening of (在……的开幕式上) the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, in the USA.In 1997, she made the whole world hit (使全世界为之一震) with the song “My heart will go on.”
(1)Many people know about Celine Dion.
(2)Celine’s parents and large family formed a .
Celine Dion won many prizes and soon became popular in the world.
(1)How many people were there in Celine’s big family
(2)Who gave Celine Dion strong support
1.At the age of 5. 2.When he was 13 years old. 3.F 4.现在他非常成功,在世界各地都很有名。 5.A great football player—Messi
1.根据“At the age of 5, little Messi began to play football for a local(当地的) Football Club.”可知,在5岁时,梅西开始踢足球。故填At the age of 5.
2.根据“Messi was only13 years old and only 140cm tall. But it didn’t stop him from going to Barcelona for trial training(试训).”可知,当梅西只有13岁时,他去巴塞罗那试训。故填When he was 13 years old.
3.根据“At the age of 5, little Messi began to play football for a local(当地的) Football Club. His father was his teacher.”可知,他父亲在当地的一家足球俱乐部教他踢球。而不是在纽维尔老男孩足球俱乐部。故填F。
4.Now“现在”;he is very successful“他非常成功”;famous“著名的”;around the world“世界各地”。故填:现在他非常成功,在世界各地都很有名。
5.根据“Lionel Andrés Messi is a great football player in the world.”及全文可知,本文主要介绍了世界上伟大的足球运动员——梅西,因此A great football player—Messi可作为标题。故填A great football player—Messi。
6.Because his family was very poor. 7.Twenty-one years old. 8.He found ideas for his books and stories. 9.His writings. 10.He killed himself.
【导语】本文主要介绍了美国作家Jack London的生平经历。
6.根据“His family was very poor, and Jack had to leave school to make money”可知他的家庭非常贫穷,Jack不得不离开学校去赚钱。故填Because his family was very poor.
7.根据“He was born on 12th January, 1876”以及“In 1897, he went to Alaska to find gold”可知他出生于1876年,他在1897年,即21岁时去了阿拉斯加。故填Twenty-one years old.
8.根据“Instead, he found ideas for his books and stories.”可知他为自己的书和故事找到了灵感。故填He found ideas for his books and stories.
9.根据“His writings were succesful, and he became rich and famous in his twenties.”可知他因他的写作而出名。故填His writings.
10.根据“In poor health, he took his own life in 1916. He was only 40 years old.”可知他去世时只有40岁,且是他杀了自己,故此处划线部分意为“他杀了他自己”。故填He killed himself.
11.A farmer. 12.In the forest. 13.He looked after the bird carefully every day. 14.Next to the wall. 15.He was very angry.
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Da Niu救了一只受伤的鸟,并照顾它直至康复,而康复的小鸟也救了在墙边晒太阳的Da Niu,使他避免被倒下的墙砸到。
11.根据“there was a farmer called Da Niu.”可知,Da Niu是一个农民。故填A farmer。
12.根据“One day he was walking in the forest and found a bird.”可知,Da Niu在森林里发现一只小鸟。故填In the forest。
13.根据“Da Niu picked it up and took it home. He looked after it carefully every day.”可知,Da Niu把它捡起来带回家,他每天都细心地照顾它。故填He looked after the bird carefully every day。
14.根据“Da Niu enjoyed the sunshine (阳光) next to the wall.”可知,Da Niu在墙边享受阳光。故填Next to the wall。
15.根据“The bird took his hat (帽子) and flew away. Da Niu was very angry”可知,当小鸟拿走Da Niu的帽子时,他非常生气。故填He was very angry。
16.Chinese Pinyin 17.three years 18.a bridge 19.made friends with 20.stopped writing books
16.根据“Zhou Youguang, who created (创造) Chinese Pinyin”可知他创造了汉语拼音。故填Chinese Pinyin。
17.根据“It took Mr. Zhou and his team three years to create Pinyin in the 1950s”可知周和他的团队花了三年时间创造了拼音。故填three years。
18.根据“Pinyin is a bridge between China and the other countries”可知拼音是中国和其他国家之间的桥梁。故填a bridge。
19.根据“Later, he worked in a bank in New York. At that time, he made friends with Albert Einstein”可知当他在纽约工作时,他和阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦交上了朋友。故填made friends with。
20.根据“He never stopped writing books, even when he was more than 100 years old.”可知即使在他100多岁的时候,他也从未停止过写书。故填stopped writing books。
21.He/Gurnah grew up on the island of Zanzibar, Tanzania, in Africa. 22.He/Gurnah was a teacher at the University of Kent in England before he retired. 23.He/Gurnah wrote 10 novels./Ten./10. 24.He/Gurnah wrote in English./In English. 25.A boy named Ilyas is the hero of Afterlives./Ilyas.
【导语】本文主要介绍了诺贝尔文学家获得者Abdulrazak Gurnah的经历及其作品。
21.根据“Abdulrazak Gurnah was born in 1948 and grew up on the island of Zanzibar, Tanzania, in Africa.”可知他在非洲坦桑尼亚的桑给巴尔岛上长大。故填He/Gurnah grew up on the island of Zanzibar, Tanzania, in Africa.
22.根据“Before he retired, Gurnah was a teacher at the University of Kent in England.”可知退休之前是一名大学教师。故填He/Gurnah was a teacher (at the University of Kent in England before he retired.
23.根据“Gurnah wrote 10 novels and a lot of short stories.”可知写了十篇小说。故填He/Gurnah wrote 10 novels./Ten./10.
24.根据“Although Swahili is his first language, he wrote in English.”可知用英语写作。故填He/Gurnah wrote in English./In English.
25.根据“And his recent work, Afterlives, tells a story about a boy named Ilyas.”可知主角的名字是一个叫Ilyas的男孩。故填A boy named Ilyas is the hero of Afterlives./Ilyas.
26.He was a shoemaker. 27. Yes he did 28.In 1835. 29.The Emperor’s New Clothes does. 30.He wanted to teach children not to judge people by their appearances and that ordinary people can become heroes. 31.Because April 2 was Andersen’s birthday.
26.根据“The baby’s father was a shoemaker”可知,安徒生的父亲是个鞋匠,故填He was a shoemaker.
27.根据“With the director’s help, Andersen went back to school.”可知,在导演的帮助下,安徒生回到了学校。故填Yes;he did。
28.根据“Andersen’s first book of fairy tales came out in 1835.”可知,安徒生的第一本童话书出版于1835年。故填In 1835.
29.根据“Other stories show Andersen’s anger against his government. The Emperor’s(国王的) New Clothes is about two tailors(裁缝) who trick a very proud emperor into walking around with no clothes on.”可知,《皇帝的新衣》表现了安徒生对政府的愤怒。故填The Emperor’s New Clothes does.
30.根据“According to the BBC, he wanted to teach children not to judge people by their appearances and that ordinary people can become heroes.”可知,据英国广播公司报道,他想教孩子们不要以貌取人,普通人也可以成为英雄。故填He wanted to teach children not to judge people by their appearances and that ordinary people can become heroes.
31.根据“Every April 2, people celebrate International Children’s Book Day. That’s because April 2 was Andersen’s birthday.”可知,每年4月2日,人们都会庆祝国际儿童读书日,那是因为4月2日是安徒生的生日。故填Because April 2 was Andersen’s birthday.
32.Because she wanted to grow bigger herself. 33.To a new field that was still green. 34.It was very important to share with others
32.根据第一段“She wanted to grow bigger herself. She decided that she would never rain again.”可知她想要长得更大一些,她就决定不再下雨。故答案为Because she wanted to grow bigger herself.
33.根据最后一段“The cloud was so small that she flew to a new field that was still green.”可知,这片云飞去了一片新的绿油油的田野。故答案为To a new field that was still green.
34.根据最后一段最后一句话“At last the cloud realized it was very important to share with others.”可知这片云意识到分享是最重要的。故答案为It was very important to share with others.
35.He worked in a middle school in a small South Carolina town. 36.Because he could hardly write or speak. 37.Because the coach helped him again and again或Because of the love and help of the football coach。. 38.No, it wasn't. 39.Love can change everybody.
35.题意:教练在哪里工作?考查细节理解。根据第2段第1句The football coach worked in a middle school in a small South Carolina town.(足球教练在南卡罗来纳州一个小镇的一所中学工作。)可知答案是He worked in a middle school in a small South Carolina town.。
36.题意:为什么每个人都嘲笑Radio?考查细节理解。根据第3段第2和3句He could hardly write or speak. So everybody in the town laughed at him.(他几乎不会写字或说话。所以镇上的每个人都嘲笑他。)可知答案是Because he could hardly write or speak.。
37.题意:为什么Radio对他的未来感到高兴?考查细节理解。根据第4段“教练比其他学生更能帮助广播。他把Radio当作儿子对待。他教Radio踢足球,还帮他做家庭作业。在教练的爱和帮助下,Radio工作越来越努力。他开始对自己的未来感到高兴。”可知“Radio对他的未来感到高兴是由于教练的爱和帮助(或因为教练一次又一次地帮助他。)”;故答案是Because the coach helped him again and again.或Because of the love and help of the football coach。
38.题意:Radio是男孩的姓吗?考查细节理解。根据第3段第1句The boy had a nickname, Radio.(男孩有一个绰号,收音机。)可知Radio不是男孩的姓;故答案是No, it wasn't.。
39.题意:你能从这个故事中学到什么?考查主旨理解。本文讲述了一个绰号叫“收音机”小男孩,他几乎不会写字或说话。镇上的每个人都嘲笑他。在足球教练的爱和帮助下,“收音机”学习越来越努力。他开始对自己的未来感到高兴。收音机也从被嘲笑变成了小镇上被每个人爱。足球教练和收音机激励了整个城镇。他们的故事激励了全世界的人们。我们可知“爱可以改变每个人。”故答案是Love can change everybody.。
40.There were a lot of /lots of /many trees,flowers and birds in his garden. 41.The children (in the village). 42.春天来了,但是花园里既安静又寒冷,而且还有积雪。 43.C 44.Yes. /Yes,it is.
【解析】40.表示某地有某物时,可以用There be句型来表达,时态要一致。故答案为There were a lot of /lots of /many trees, flowers and birds in his garden.
41.根据前面The children in the village liked playing in the garden.可知them指的是The children (in the village).
42.春天来了,但是花园里既安静又寒冷,而且还有积雪。stay quiet and cold 既安静又寒冷。
43.根据He wrote many plays, poems and short stories.可知,Oscar Wilde是一名作家,故答案选C。
44.根据The Selfish Giant《自私的巨人》 is one of the most famous short stories for children.可知,《自私的巨人》是短篇小说,故答案为Yes./Yes, it is.
45.learn Chinese 46.his parents 47.July 24th 48.its beautiful mountains and clear lakes 49.Sanya
45.考查细节理解题。根据I’m going to learn Chinese fortwo weeks at a summer camp.,可知要在一个夏令营学习汉语两周,故填learn Chinese。
46.考查细节理解题。根据Then my parents are going to join me here. We’re going on a tour around the country.,可知他将和父母一起游览中国,故填his parents。
47.考查细节理解题。根据Then we’re going to be in Xi’an from July 24th to 27th.,可知填July 24th。
48.考查细节理解题。根据After that, we’re going to Jiuzhaigou. It’s famous for its beautiful mountains and clear lakes.,可知填its beautiful mountains and clear lakes。
49.考查细节理解题。根据Our last stop on the trip is Sanya.,可知填Sanya。
50. Chinese singing group 51.T 52.taking 改为to take 53.他们于1994年结婚了。 54. 16./Sixteen. Rene Angelil(did).
【分析】本文介绍了Celine Dion成长经历。她唱的《我心永恒》很受中国人的欢迎。她的一家人组成的一个演唱队。他们到处旅行,演奏民间音乐。Rene Angelil给Celine很大的支持,后来他们结婚了。Celine Dion获得很多奖,很快在世界上受欢迎。
50.根据Many young people in China know about Celine Dion, a famous Canadian pop singer. 可知许多中国人知道Celine Dion 。故第一空修饰名词people,故用形容词Chinese。根据Her large family form(组成) a singing group. 她的一家人组成的一个演唱队,故此处为(1). Chinese (2). singing group。
51.根据As a singing star, Celine Dion won many prizes (奖) and soon became popular all over the world.可知Celine Dion赢得了许多奖,世界出名,故此处与原文一致,故为T。
52.根据ask sb to do sth“要求某人做某事”,故此处用动词不定式to take。故把taking 改为to take。 married结婚,故此处为:他们于1994年结婚了。
54.根据She was the youngest of the fourteen children in a musical family. 可知Celine Dion 家里有14个孩子,加上她的父母,因此她家一共有16个人。故为 (1). 16./Sixteen. 根据 Then a local rock manager named Rene Angelil was interested in them. (A)He asked Mrs Dion Taking her two children to come to his office. Later he gave strong support (支持) for Celine. 可知Rene Angelil给Celine很大的支持,故此处为 (2). Rene Angelil(did).
点睛:认真阅读问题,根据问题要求,在文中寻找答案所在的语句或段落,进行分析,比较,概括和总结,写出正确的答案。例如小题3,根据ask sb to do sth“要求某人做某事”,故此处用动词不定式to take。故把taking 改为to take。


