福建省福州第三中学2024届高三下学期第十六次检测(三模)试题 英语(含解析,无听力原文,无音频)

  1. 二一教育资源

福建省福州第三中学2024届高三下学期第十六次检测(三模)试题 英语(含解析,无听力原文,无音频)


试卷满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟
1. When will the speakers probably leave work today
A. At5:00. B. At 6:00. C. At 7:00
2. How did the man go to the mountains
A. By train. B. By car. C. By bus.
3. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A Today’s plan.
B. Tomorrow’s weather.
C. Their favorite movie.
4. Why does the man want to look at the information board
A. To find the wooden house.
B. To know some safety rules.
C. To get the way to the beach.
5. What does the woman think of Mr. Bean Cafe
A It is very cheap.
B. It has good environment.
C. It offers better coffee.
听下面一段较长对话,回答第6、7 小题。
6. What are the kids doing
A. Putting up a poster.
B. Cleaning up the road.
C. Emptying the trash can
7. What is the man like
A. Careless. B. Helpful. C. Confident.
8. What is the possible relationship between the speakers
A. Schoolmates. B. Teacher and student. C. Brother and sister.
9. What subject is Alice weak in
A. English. B. History. C. Math.
10. What is the commercial about
A. A movie. B. Electronic garbage. C. A comedy network
11. What does Sansa think of the commercial
A. Misleading. B. Impractical. C. Reasonable.
12. What is the website used for
A. Finding funny jokes.
B. Offering recycling information.
C. Advertising new electronic products.
13. What does the man do
A. He is a musician. B. He is a student. C. He is an editor.
14 Who can join the orchestra this year
A. Students who major in music.
B. Anyone who takes three music courses.
C. Those who are expert at one instrument.
15. Why does the man talk with the woman
A. To report this week’s concert.
B. To apply to join the orchestra.
C. To get some background knowledge.
16. Whose opinions does the man actually need
A. Some professionals’.
B. A young musician’s.
C. The woman’s.
17. How did the speaker know about the project
A. From his cousins. B. From his neighbors. C. From his friends.
18. What is the speaker’s nationality
A. American. B. Chinese. C. Australian.
19. What did the speaker realize
A. The importance of protecting the environment.
B. The importance of having good family relationship.
C. The importance of making more international friends.
20. Where will the activity take place on January 11th next year
A. By the rivers. B. At the seaside. C. In the woods.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Four of the best off-grid (不入网的) stays in the UK
Shepherds’ Retreat
Granite peaks, vivid green fields and speeding clouds are your only neighbours at this remote cottage in the Sperrins. Glass doors open straight on to this landscape, and though there’s no phone reception or wifi, there’s a TV with DVDs, and plenty of books to enjoy by the fire. There are stone circles and mountain bike trails (小路) nearby.
Laggan Cottage
On the Ardnish peninsula (半岛) and accessible only by boat—or a three-hour hike—this comfortable off-grid pad is seriously isolated (偏僻的). There’s zero mobile signal and no TV. Paraffin lamps, wood-burning stoves for hot water and a Calor gas cooker are the only modern conveniences you get. It is perfect for a week of watching the wildlife, hiking, and swimming.
The Straw Cottage
Candles and lanterns, gas lamps and solar lights create atmosphere at this straw-bale cottage, constructed using centuries-old methods. With no electricity or wifi, this home set on Ty Gwyn Farm offers true escapism. Young explorers can play in the stream, follow a treasure hunt and toast marshmallows by the fire. Dogs are welcome, too.
East Lodge
Other than the lack of wifi, East Lodge is a perfectly contemporary cottage. Arch windows accompany modern conveniences including a TV and DVDs for movie nights, though you may prefer to switch off and focus on outdoor fun, biking on nature trails and watching the wildlife.
1. What might attract travelers to the four holiday destinations
A. Stylish decoration. B. Convenient location.
C. Back-to-nature stays. D. Modern conveniences.
2. What can visitors do in Laggan Cottage and East Lodge
A. Play games. B. Swim in the sea.
C. Read by the fire. D. Watch the wildlife.
3 Which cottage is pet-friendly
A. Shepherds’ Retreat. B. Laggan Cottage.
C. The Straw Cottage. D. East Lodge.
Ken Campbell had last attempted running at high school. When his wife, Susan, injured her foot, she needed support to rejoin her running group, so Campbell went along to keep her company and share in the recovery. “We were just walking at the beginning,” he says. “And I was heavy. I weighed over 90kg.” But as the weeks and months passed, the weight fell away, Susan recovered — and Campbell’s abilities grew. At the age of 63, he ran 50km, and at 70, he ran through the night to complete a 100km ultramarathon.
So how does someone with no sporting precedent (先例) become an ultradistance runner in his 60s and 70s Susan had run marathons before her injury. But for Campbell, the turning point came when Susan’s Fleet Feet running group took to the trails in the Sierra Nevada foothills near their home in Citrus Heights, California.
Campbell went out to visit Susan’s group, and “the trails were a terrible mess. It had been raining. And I was running in my road shoes. Slipping and sliding and falling. And I was struggling. I thought, well, I like this a lot but I could do better.”
What he liked above all was the feeling of “being enveloped by the trail being embraced by the closeness of the vegetation and the nearness of the river. I was walking where Native people had walked for thousands of years and where miners had walked on their way to gold.”
Running the 100km ultramarathon took Campbell 16 hours. When Campbell crossed the finish line at 3am, Susan handed him a 100km sticker to display on the back of his truck. He already had a 50km one on there. “It is a public proclamation (声明) that you are part of this community,” he says. “Wherever we park, I see a line of vehicles with their various stickers and I feel that we area tribe (部落).”
Campbell suffered arthritis before he started running and is “a candidate for knee replacement”. But for now, he is holding off on surgery. It could put an end to the running — but the “sense of wellbeing and accomplishment will carry me on forever”, he says. “If I can’t run, I will walk.”
4. What enabled Campbell to take up running again
A. He lost weight. B. He trained overnight.
C. His wife accompanied him. D. His wife shared her experience.
5. What did Campbell discover while keeping his wife company on a tail run
A. The joy of being out in the wild. B. The hardships of Native people.
C. The pleasure of gold mining. D. The mysteries of nature.
6. What did the stickers on the back of Campbell’s truck bring him
A. A discount on parking. B. A sense of belonging.
C. An enormous income. D. An honour to his wife.
7. What can we learn about Campbell from the text
A. He’s a determined man. B. He’s a people-pleaser.
C. He is easy to content. D. He is hard to cope with.
In her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Marie Kondo makes the case that decluttering (清理杂物) can dramatically transform your life. Ridding your spaces of unused and unwanted stuff can make you happier, more confident and maybe even slimmer.
Judging by the popularity of her message and method, Kondo’s philosophy satisfies many people’s need. Yet the evidence backing the benefits of decluttering is mixed.
One 2013 study found that orderly spaces promote healthy choices but also conventional thinking, while working in a messy or disorganized space promotes creativity and new ideas. Einstein, famously, had a very untidy desk and has been quoted as saying, “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign ”
Another study linked physical clutter (杂乱) to lower levels of life satisfaction. But one of the authors of that study says that clutter, rather than a problem in and of itself, seems to be a symptom of other problems, especially unchecked consumerism (无节制的消费). “In this society of abundance we live in, I think the idea that we have to have more makes us less satisfied with life,” says Joseph Ferrari, coauthor of the study. “It isn’t abundance that’s the problem as much as attachment to abundance.”
Other psychologists say technology may also be contributing to America’s keenness for organization. The complexity and disorderliness of life online encourages many people to seek order in their physical spaces, Dr. Dodgen Magee says. “But then you find when your room or your inbox is organized, your world hasn’t stopped being complex, ” she says. At this point, many people decide even more organizing is needed, she says. But this can lead to compulsive (难控制的) tidying and, unavoidably, a sense of failure when you just can’t keep things as neat and orderly as you’d like them to be, she explains.
“The more of a mess our internal world becomes, the more likely we are to grab onto something that gives us this sense of peace,” she says. While a little tidying can be a calming distraction, she says, it’s a temporary bandage, not a cure.
8. What do we know about Kondo’s philosophy
A. It’s based on solid evidence. B. It involves spirit-lifting methods.
C. It’s popular with many people. D. It leads people to recycle unused stuff.
9. What does the example of Einstein serve to show
A. An empty desk is a sign of an empty mind.
B. Orderly workspaces can bring health benefits.
C. An untidy desk can damage working efficiency.
D. Messy environments are likely to encourage creativity.
10. What does Joseph Ferrari say about physical clutter
A. It determines people’s life satisfaction.
B. It contributes to unchecked consumerism.
C. It reflects people’s attachment to technology.
D. It arises from the desire for more possessions.
11. What can be inferred about tidying from the last two paragraphs
A. It can lead to a feeling of frustration. B. It makes people’s world more complex.
C. It can provide lasting peace of mind. D. It works better with the help of technology.
More than 360 million years ago, during the Devonian (泥盆纪) period, life was flourishing in spectacular fashion. As fish and invertebrates populated the seas, the first trees emerged on land. But by the end of the Devonian, more than half of all Earth’s species had disappeared in a series of mass extinctions. New research shows how tree evolution could have contributed to these extinction events.
As land plants diversified, “they started to grow more complex root systems that were able to reach farther down to grab water,” says U. S. Naval Academy oceanographer Mathew Smart, lead author of the new study in the Geological Society of American Bulletin. Deep tree roots drew crucial minerals such as phosphorus (磷) out of the bedrock and then eventually decayed, forming mineral-rich soil. Periodically, large quantities of this soil were washed into the seas and lakes-where the sudden phosphorus inflow caused harmful algal blooms (藻华) that pulled oxygen from the waters below. Then came a series of large-scale extinctions.
The researchers tracked this deadly pattern in five prehistoric lake beds in Scotland and Greenland. They measured a gradual phosphorus decrease in sediment layers from the middle to late Devonian, accompanied by sudden increase of the mineral with evidence of corresponding oxygen depletion (耗竭).
“We’ve been working on the Devonian for a long time, and we have been thinking that these cycles have occurred, but we couldn’t really explain it,” says Anne-Christine Da Silva, a sedimentologist at the University of Liège in Belgium. “This paper could bring an explanation.”
University of New Mexico planetary scientist Maya Elrick, who was also not involved in the study, says that while the oxygen depletion incidents coincided with extinctions, it is unclear how much of a role tree roots played. Phosphorus levels did gradually decrease overall as trees evolved, but she says this reduction may have already been occurring: “If it’s a trend that was happening prior, you can’t blame it on the plants.”
Next, Smart’s team plans to test its results using computer models to see whether plants on land could have caused ocean-wide oxygen depletion and corresponding extinction-analysis that could also help predict modern algal blooms’ impact.
12. What’s the main idea of paragraph 2
A. The evolution of land plants. B. The effect of phosphorus inflow.
C. The source of crucial minerals. D. The process of mass extinctions.
13. What’s Anne-Christine Da Silva’s attitude towards the research finding
A. Disapproving. B. Favorable. C. Doubtful. D. Unclear.
14. Which of the following statements does Maya Elrick agree with
A. Oxygen depletion worsened as trees evolved.
B. Tree evolution can’t necessarily reveal extinctions.
C. Plant extinction resulted from the mineral increase.
D. Phosphorus reduction occurred before tree evolution.
15. What is a suitable title for the text
A. The Rise and Fall of the Devonian Period
B. The Role of Phosphorus in Trees’ Evolution
C. Algal Blooms Contribute to Oxygen Depletion
D. Tree Roots May Have Set Off Mass Extinctions
It is no secret that technology is fast taking up education in almost every part of the world. Most educators will agree that learning is taking a considerable turn-around to welcome digital teaching both in and out of the class. ____16____ So there is a need to assess these materials to identify suitable and satisfactory ways. That is why, when adopting digital textbooks as an educator or school, you must consider several factors below.
Content Interaction
Is the content in the digital textbook interactive enough It is a crucial question that needs to get looked into as educators begin fully on digital teaching. As an educational participant, ensure that the 3D images, sounds, videos, and diagrams in the digital content can keep learners engaged for an extended period. ____17____
Reliability of Educational Apps
Importantly, if you are an aggressive educator, you will always want the best for your students. Ensure that you choose reliable educational applications that won’t let you down as a teacher. ____18____ Pedagogue is an application with everything you need to conduct a virtual digital classroom using e-textbooks. It is a fantastic app that would help you master excellent ways to integrate e-textbooks into your classrooms.
Affordability and Accessibility
____19____ Besides, easy access to the Internet in educational institutions is a significant aspect to consider when using digital books in schools. Moreover, education apps with digital textbooks should have updated learning content easily downloadable in students’ tablets and smartphones. This way, teaching will get easier leading to comfortable learning by a variety of students.
Modern educators are tasked with ensuring that content delivery is an excellent and fun activity. ____20____ That is why it is critical to make sure that the digital textbooks we adopt and choose for our students are the best and can motivate critical thinking in our students’ minds.
A. It’s believed that learning is a laboring process.
B. Digital content should become cheaper than print textbooks.
C. E-textbooks should help learners with content understanding.
D. You should have apps on your phones with well-researched content.
E. They ought to ensure education is meaningful and productive for the learners.
F. Hence, this would make their learning not only interactive but also enjoyable.
G. Similarly, students’ preference for digital learning materials continues to expand.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分70分)
About a month ago I noticed something really amazing, which I must call a garden miracle(奇迹). It so happened that when I ___21___ the double doors of a small storage area in the back of my house where I ___22___my garden supplies during the long, severe New England winter, I found, in one of the dirt-filled pots, a living, growing plant, topped with two of the most unlikely pink ___23___you’ve ever seen.
How was this ___24___ The unheated space had been closed all winter, and it was still cold outside. Once I caught my breath, I ___25___and discovered something approaching a reasonable explanation-there was a small glass window at the top of the double doors, and it was possible that a ray of sun fell directly on that pot, giving the plant just enough light and warmth to___26___ it to grow in its own personal greenhouse.
I can’t help feeling___27___ at the lessons this wonderful plant has to teach.
For one thing, I am moved by the happenstance(巧合) of the whole thing. If I had ___28___my pot six inches to the left or right of that spot, the plant might not have gotten that___29___ray of light. If I had ____30____ the roots of the plant in late fall, there would have been nothing but dirt in that pot.
But there’s something else that____31____me about this-just how little light and____32____it took for this plant to grow and flower. I’m not____33____ we should be mean with love and kindness and all the other warming things we_____34_____for others and for ourselves. But isn’t it comforting to think that just a drop of____35____can brighten a day, a place, a life
When it comes to positivity, a little goes a long way. Just ask my little miracle plant.
21. A. approached B. shut C. opened D. knocked
22. A. need B. provide C. receive D. keep
23. A. sticks B. branches C. roots D. flowers
24. A. essential B. possible C. significant D. different
25. A. stepped aside B. stepped away C. looked down D. looked around
26. A. request B. enable C. instruct D. intend
27. A. excited B. puzzled C. amazed D. amused
28. A. put B. found C. measured D. missed
29. A. broad B. soft C. strong D. narrow
30. A. pulled out B. cared for C. thought about D. brought in
31. A. requires B. cheers C. inspires D. changes
32. A. attention B. warmth C. time D. effort
33. A. expecting B. imagining C. doubting D. saying
34. A. experience B. do C. accept D. remember
35. A. water B. encouragement C. sunshine D. support
Born in Suzhou, Kunqu Opera distinguished ___36___(it)by its rhythmic patterns. It became ___37___(wide)popular during the Ming Dynasty. During the Mid-Autumn Festival in Ming and Qing dynasties, opera players often ___38___(gather)in Suzhou, staging dramatic works in ancient bining tunes performed in the Suzhou dialect, graceful body movements, martial arts and dance, Kunqu Opera uses a variety of movements to express specific ___39___(emotion). It also pays attention to each difference. Graceful movements animate(使具有活力)the fingertips and unique tunes make ___40___ rich and poetic world.
Kunqu Opera had an important influence on many forms of operas in China, ___41___(include)Peking Opera, which is about200 years old. It is therefore known as the mother of all Chinese operas. As a ___42___ (tradition)representation of Chinese culture, stories ___43___(perform)in Kunqu Opera have gone beyond time and space. The Peony Pavilion, written by playwright Tang Xianzu, who ___44___(compare)to Shakespeare, is still loved by fans from around the world.
A living heritage is an endless dialogue between the present ____45____ the past, and Kunqu Opera is a carrier to pass that legacy on.
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
46. 假定你是李华,上周你从某网站买了一些书籍,到货发现所购书中有破损、缺页现象,且一些书籍价格比实体书店还要贵。你准备向该网站负责人写一封投诉信。
1. 写作目的;
2. 陈述问题;
3. 提出诉求。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯
Dear Sir or Madam,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Mary tried to hold her breath. She moved away slightly, but Amy only moved closer and continued talking.
Mary thought to herself, “Why does she always have to sit next to me ” Amy didn’t seem to notice that Mary was trying to move away, and she leaned in closer. Mary wanted badly to tell Amy that she didn’t smell very good, but how could she without hurting her feelings
When Mary got home from school, she complained to her mother. “There’s a girl named Amy who likes to sit next to me in school, but she smells bad. Nobody else likes to sit next to her, either.”
“Well, try to be nice to her,” said her mother. “Maybe she’s having a hard time at home. You never know what a person’s home life is like.”
For the rest of the week, Mary tried to be a good friend to Amy. There were times when they had fun talking and playing together, especially on the days when Amy bathed. But on the days when she smelled bad, Mary still found it very hard to be her friend.
One morning, while getting her hair combed for school, Mary brought the subject up again with her mother.
“I don’t want to be friends with Amy anymore,” she told her mother.
Her mother’s hands froze in midair. Mary turned to see what the matter was. Her mother looked upset. Mary wondered what she had said made her mother react this way.
“I don’t think you understand Amy’s situation, so let me ask you this…” Her mother’s tone was serious. “Who makes sure that your hair is combed every morning so you’ll look nice when you go to school Who makes sure you’re bathed and cleaned every day And your clothes are washed and neatly ironed ”
“You and Daddy,” answered Mary.
“Do you live in a happy family Do you have a good Dad and Mum ” Then her mother encouraged her to learn more about Amy before she decided whether or not to be friends with Amy.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
The next day after school, Mary had a talk with Amy.
Sadness or Amy filled her heart and Mary decided to make friends with Amy.
试卷满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟
1. When will the speakers probably leave work today
A. At5:00. B. At 6:00. C. At 7:00
2. How did the man go to the mountains
A. By train. B. By car. C. By bus.
3. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. Today’s plan.
B. Tomorrow’s weather.
C. Their favorite movie.
4. Why does the man want to look at the information board
A. To find the wooden house.
B. To know some safety rules.
C. To get the way to the beach.
5. What does the woman think of Mr. Bean Cafe
A. It is very cheap.
B. It has good environment.
C. It offers better coffee.
听下面一段较长对话,回答第6、7 小题。
6. What are the kids doing
A. Putting up a poster.
B. Cleaning up the road.
C. Emptying the trash can
7. What is the man like
A. Careless. B. Helpful. C. Confident.
8. What is the possible relationship between the speakers
A. Schoolmates. B. Teacher and student. C. Brother and sister.
9. What subject is Alice weak in
A. English. B. History. C. Math.
10. What is the commercial about
A. A movie. B. Electronic garbage. C. A comedy network
11. What does Sansa think of the commercial
A. Misleading. B. Impractical. C. Reasonable.
12. What is the website used for
A. Finding funny jokes.
B. Offering recycling information.
C. Advertising new electronic products.
13. What does the man do
A. He is a musician. B. He is a student. C. He is an editor.
14 Who can join the orchestra this year
A. Students who major in music.
B. Anyone who takes three music courses.
C. Those who are expert at one instrument.
15. Why does the man talk with the woman
A. To report this week’s concert.
B. To apply to join the orchestra.
C. To get some background knowledge.
16. Whose opinions does the man actually need
A. Some professionals’.
B. A young musician’s.
C. The woman’s.
17. How did the speaker know about the project
A. From his cousins. B. From his neighbors. C. From his friends.
18 What is the speaker’s nationality
A. American. B. Chinese. C. Australian.
19. What did the speaker realize
A. The importance of protecting the environment.
B. The importance of having good family relationship.
C. The importance of making more international friends.
20. Where will the activity take place on January 11th next year
A. By the rivers. B. At the seaside. C. In the woods.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Four of the best off-grid (不入网的) stays in the UK
Shepherds’ Retreat
Granite peaks, vivid green fields and speeding clouds are your only neighbours at this remote cottage in the Sperrins. Glass doors open straight on to this landscape, and though there’s no phone reception or wifi, there’s a TV with DVDs, and plenty of books to enjoy by the fire. There are stone circles and mountain bike trails (小路) nearby.
Laggan Cottage
On the Ardnish peninsula (半岛) and accessible only by boat—or a three-hour hike—this comfortable off-grid pad is seriously isolated (偏僻的). There’s zero mobile signal and no TV. Paraffin lamps, wood-burning stoves for hot water and a Calor gas cooker are the only modern conveniences you get. It is perfect for a week of watching the wildlife, hiking, and swimming.
The Straw Cottage
Candles and lanterns, gas lamps and solar lights create atmosphere at this straw-bale cottage, constructed using centuries-old methods. With no electricity or wifi, this home set on Ty Gwyn Farm offers true escapism. Young explorers can play in the stream, follow a treasure hunt and toast marshmallows by the fire. Dogs are welcome, too.
East Lodge
Other than the lack of wifi, East Lodge is a perfectly contemporary cottage. Arch windows accompany modern conveniences including a TV and DVDs for movie nights, though you may prefer to switch off and focus on outdoor fun, biking on nature trails and watching the wildlife.
1. What might attract travelers to the four holiday destinations
A. Stylish decoration. B. Convenient location.
C. Back-to-nature stays. D. Modern conveniences.
2. What can visitors do in Laggan Cottage and East Lodge
A. Play games. B. Swim in the sea.
C. Read by the fire. D. Watch the wildlife.
3. Which cottage is pet-friendly
A. Shepherds’ Retreat. B. Laggan Cottage.
C. The Straw Cottage. D. East Lodge.
【答案】1. C 2. D 3. C
推理判断题。根据文章题目“Four of the best off-grid (不入网的) stays in the UK”(英国最好的四个不入网的度假胜地)可知,本文介绍的这四个度假目的地是没有网络的,是回归自然的度假胜地,由此可知,“回归自然的度假胜地”这一点吸引游客前往这四个度假目的地。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据“Laggan Cottage”部分关键句“It is perfect for a week of watching the wildlife, hiking, and swimming.”(这里非常适合一周的野生动物观赏、徒步旅行和游泳。)可知,在Laggan Cottage可以观赏野生动物;根据“East Lodge”部分关键句“Arch windows accompany modern conveniences including a TV and DVDs for movie nights, though you may prefer to switch off and focus on outdoor fun, biking on nature trails and watching the wildlife.”(拱形窗户配有现代化的便利设施,包括电视和电影之夜的DVD,尽管你可能更喜欢关掉它,专注于户外娱乐,在自然的小径上骑自行车和观看野生动物。)可知,在East Lodge也可以观赏野生动物,综上所述,游客可以在Laggan Cottage和East Lodge观赏野生动物。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据“The Straw Cottage”部分关键句“Dogs are welcome, too.”(狗也是受欢迎的。)可知,在The Straw Cottage狗也是受欢迎的,由此可知,The Straw Cottage对宠物友好。故选C项。
Ken Campbell had last attempted running at high school. When his wife, Susan, injured her foot, she needed support to rejoin her running group, so Campbell went along to keep her company and share in the recovery. “We were just walking at the beginning,” he says. “And I was heavy. I weighed over 90kg.” But as the weeks and months passed, the weight fell away, Susan recovered — and Campbell’s abilities grew. At the age of 63, he ran 50km, and at 70, he ran through the night to complete a 100km ultramarathon.
So how does someone with no sporting precedent (先例) become an ultradistance runner in his 60s and 70s Susan had run marathons before her injury. But for Campbell, the turning point came when Susan’s Fleet Feet running group took to the trails in the Sierra Nevada foothills near their home in Citrus Heights, California.
Campbell went out to visit Susan’s group, and “the trails were a terrible mess. It had been raining. And I was running in my road shoes. Slipping and sliding and falling. And I was struggling. I thought, well, I like this a lot but I could do better.”
What he liked above all was the feeling of “being enveloped by the trail, being embraced by the closeness of the vegetation and the nearness of the river. I was walking where Native people had walked for thousands of years and where miners had walked on their way to gold.”
Running the 100km ultramarathon took Campbell 16 hours. When Campbell crossed the finish line at 3am, Susan handed him a 100km sticker to display on the back of his truck. He already had a 50km one on there. “It is a public proclamation (声明) that you are part of this community,” he says. “Wherever we park, I see a line of vehicles with their various stickers and I feel that we area tribe (部落).”
Campbell suffered arthritis before he started running, and is “a candidate for knee replacement”. But for now, he is holding off on surgery. It could put an end to the running — but the “sense of wellbeing and accomplishment will carry me on forever”, he says. “If I can’t run, I will walk.”
4. What enabled Campbell to take up running again
A. He lost weight. B. He trained overnight.
C. His wife accompanied him. D. His wife shared her experience.
5. What did Campbell discover while keeping his wife company on a tail run
A. The joy of being out in the wild. B. The hardships of Native people.
C. The pleasure of gold mining. D. The mysteries of nature.
6. What did the stickers on the back of Campbell’s truck bring him
A. A discount on parking. B. A sense of belonging.
C. An enormous income. D. An honour to his wife.
7. What can we learn about Campbell from the text
A. He’s a determined man. B. He’s a people-pleaser.
C. He is easy to content. D. He is hard to cope with.
【答案】4. A 5. A 6. B 7. A
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述的是Ken Campbell在妻子受伤恢复期间帮助其能重新加入跑步小组时,提高了跑步的能力并开始跑马拉松的故事。
细节理解题。根据第一段中的““And I was heavy. I weighed over 90kg.” But as the weeks and months passed, the weight fell away, Susan recovered — and Campbell’s abilities grew.(“我很重。我体重超过90公斤。”但几周、几个月过去了,体重减轻了,苏珊恢复了健康,坎贝尔的能力也增强了)”可知,在陪妻子受伤恢复期间,Campbell减了肥,增加了跑步的能力。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Campbell went out to visit Susan’s group, and “the trails were a terrible mess. It had been raining. And I was running in my road shoes. Slipping and sliding and falling. And I was struggling. I thought, well, I like this a lot but I could do better.”(坎贝尔去拜访苏珊的旅行团,“小径上一片狼藉。天一直在下雨。我穿着我的路鞋跑步。滑,滑,掉。我很挣扎。我想,嗯,我很喜欢这个,但我可以做得更好。”)”以及第四段中的“What he liked above all was the feeling of “being enveloped by the trail, being embraced by the closeness of the vegetation and the nearness of the river.(他最喜欢的是那种“被小径包围,被茂密的植被和河流所拥抱”的感觉)”可知,在陪伴她妻子在小路上跑步时,他很喜欢小路上的那种感觉。由此推知,Campbell找到了在野外的那种快乐。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的““It is a public proclamation (声明) that you are part of this community,” he says. “Wherever we park, I see a line of vehicles with their various stickers and I feel that we area tribe (部落).”(“这是一个公开的宣言,表明你是这个社区的一部分,”他说。“无论我们在哪里停车,我都会看到一排贴着各种贴纸的车辆,我觉得我们是部落。”)”可知,无论Campbell走到哪里,看到这些带有贴纸的车辆,就会感觉到他们的部落。由此可知,见到这些贴纸,Campbell有一种归属感。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据尾段“Campbell suffered arthritis before he started running, and is “a candidate for knee replacement”. But for now, he is holding off on surgery. It could put an end to the running ― but the “sense of wellbeing and accomplishment will carry me on forever”, he says. “If I can’t run, I will walk.”(坎贝尔在开始跑步之前患有关节炎,是“膝关节置换术的候选人”。但现在,他推迟了手术。他说,这可能会结束跑步,但“幸福感和成就感将永远支撑着我”。“如果我不能跑,我就走。”)”可知,Campbell在开始跑步前患有关节炎,但是他为了跑步推迟手术,这样他觉得是“幸福感和成就感”在支撑着他,由此推知,Campbell是个意志坚定的人。故选A项。
In her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Marie Kondo makes the case that decluttering (清理杂物) can dramatically transform your life. Ridding your spaces of unused and unwanted stuff can make you happier, more confident and maybe even slimmer.
Judging by the popularity of her message and method, Kondo’s philosophy satisfies many people’s need. Yet the evidence backing the benefits of decluttering is mixed.
One 2013 study found that orderly spaces promote healthy choices but also conventional thinking, while working in a messy or disorganized space promotes creativity and new ideas. Einstein, famously, had a very untidy desk and has been quoted as saying, “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign ”
Another study linked physical clutter (杂乱) to lower levels of life satisfaction. But one of the authors of that study says that clutter, rather than a problem in and of itself, seems to be a symptom of other problems, especially unchecked consumerism (无节制的消费). “In this society of abundance we live in, I think the idea that we have to have more makes us less satisfied with life,” says Joseph Ferrari, coauthor of the study. “It isn’t abundance that’s the problem as much as attachment to abundance.”
Other psychologists say technology may also be contributing to America’s keenness for organization. The complexity and disorderliness of life online encourages many people to seek order in their physical spaces, Dr. Dodgen Magee says. “But then you find when your room or your inbox is organized, your world hasn’t stopped being complex, ” she says. At this point, many people decide even more organizing is needed, she says. But this can lead to compulsive (难控制的) tidying and, unavoidably, a sense of failure when you just can’t keep things as neat and orderly as you’d like them to be, she explains.
“The more of a mess our internal world becomes, the more likely we are to grab onto something that gives us this sense of peace,” she says. While a little tidying can be a calming distraction, she says, it’s a temporary bandage, not a cure.
8. What do we know about Kondo’s philosophy
A. It’s based on solid evidence. B. It involves spirit-lifting methods.
C. It’s popular with many people. D. It leads people to recycle unused stuff.
9. What does the example of Einstein serve to show
A. An empty desk is a sign of an empty mind.
B. Orderly workspaces can bring health benefits.
C. An untidy desk can damage working efficiency.
D. Messy environments are likely to encourage creativity.
10. What does Joseph Ferrari say about physical clutter
A. It determines people’s life satisfaction.
B. It contributes to unchecked consumerism.
C. It reflects people’s attachment to technology.
D. It arises from the desire for more possessions.
11. What can be inferred about tidying from the last two paragraphs
A. It can lead to a feeling of frustration. B. It makes people’s world more complex.
C. It can provide lasting peace of mind. D. It works better with the help of technology.
【答案】8. C 9. D 10. D 11. A
细节理解题。根据第二段中“Judging by the popularity of her message and method, Kondo’s philosophy satisfies many people’s need.(从她的想法和方法的受欢迎程度来看,Kondo的哲学满足了许多人的需求。)”可知,Kondo的哲学受到很多人的欢迎。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据第三段“One 2013 study found that orderly spaces promote healthy choices but also conventional thinking, while working in a messy or disorganized space promotes creativity and new ideas. Einstein, famously, had a very untidy desk and has been quoted as saying, “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign ”(2013年的一项研究发现,有序的空间会促进健康的选择,但也会促进传统思维,而在凌乱或杂乱无章的空间中工作,则会促进创造力和新想法。众所周知,爱因斯坦有一张非常凌乱的桌子,有人引用他的话说:“如果凌乱的桌子是凌乱的大脑的标志,那么空桌子是什么标志呢 ”)”可推知,这里用桌子凌乱但拥有巨大创造力的爱因斯坦的例子是为了佐证前面的观点:凌乱的环境有可能促进创造力。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据第四段中““In this society of abundance we live in, I think the idea that we have to have more makes us less satisfied with life,” says Joseph Ferrari, coauthor of the study. “It isn’t abundance that’s the problem as much as attachment to abundance.”(该研究的共同作者Joseph Ferrari说:“在我们生活的这个富足的社会里,我认为我们必须拥有更多的想法会让我们对生活不满意。问题不在于富足,而在于对富足的依恋。”)”可知,Joseph Ferrari认为物理上的杂乱源于人们内心对于富足的依恋,人们渴望拥有更多东西。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据最后两段,尤其是倒数第二段中“But this can lead to compulsive (难控制的) tidying and, unavoidably, a sense of failure when you just can’t keep things as neat and orderly as you’d like them to be, she explains.(但这可能会导致强迫性的整理,当你不能像你希望的那样保持东西整洁有序时,不可避免地会有一种失败感,她解释说。)”可知,科技给世界增加的复杂和无序会引起人们渴望整理,让自己的世界不再复杂,但是这种渴望太过强烈的时候反而容易引起失落,因为有时候事与愿违。由此可知,整理可能会导致挫败感。故选A项。
More than 360 million years ago, during the Devonian (泥盆纪) period, life was flourishing in spectacular fashion. As fish and invertebrates populated the seas, the first trees emerged on land. But by the end of the Devonian, more than half of all Earth’s species had disappeared in a series of mass extinctions. New research shows how tree evolution could have contributed to these extinction events.
As land plants diversified, “they started to grow more complex root systems that were able to reach farther down to grab water,” says U. S. Naval Academy oceanographer Mathew Smart, lead author of the new study in the Geological Society of American Bulletin. Deep tree roots drew crucial minerals such as phosphorus (磷) out of the bedrock and then eventually decayed, forming mineral-rich soil. Periodically, large quantities of this soil were washed into the seas and lakes-where the sudden phosphorus inflow caused harmful algal blooms (藻华) that pulled oxygen from the waters below. Then came a series of large-scale extinctions.
The researchers tracked this deadly pattern in five prehistoric lake beds in Scotland and Greenland. They measured a gradual phosphorus decrease in sediment layers from the middle to late Devonian, accompanied by sudden increase of the mineral with evidence of corresponding oxygen depletion (耗竭).
“We’ve been working on the Devonian for a long time, and we have been thinking that these cycles have occurred, but we couldn’t really explain it,” says Anne-Christine Da Silva, a sedimentologist at the University of Liège in Belgium. “This paper could bring an explanation.”
University of New Mexico planetary scientist Maya Elrick, who was also not involved in the study, says that while the oxygen depletion incidents coincided with extinctions, it is unclear how much of a role tree roots played. Phosphorus levels did gradually decrease overall as trees evolved, but she says this reduction may have already been occurring: “If it’s a trend that was happening prior, you can’t blame it on the plants.”
Next, Smart’s team plans to test its results using computer models to see whether plants on land could have caused ocean-wide oxygen depletion and corresponding extinction-analysis that could also help predict modern algal blooms’ impact.
12 What’s the main idea of paragraph 2
A. The evolution of land plants. B. The effect of phosphorus inflow.
C. The source of crucial minerals. D. The process of mass extinctions.
13. What’s Anne-Christine Da Silva’s attitude towards the research finding
A. Disapproving. B. Favorable. C. Doubtful. D. Unclear.
14. Which of the following statements does Maya Elrick agree with
A. Oxygen depletion worsened as trees evolved.
B. Tree evolution can’t necessarily reveal extinctions.
C. Plant extinction resulted from the mineral increase.
D. Phosphorus reduction occurred before tree evolution.
15. What is a suitable title for the text
A. The Rise and Fall of the Devonian Period
B. The Role of Phosphorus in Trees’ Evolution
C. Algal Blooms Contribute to Oxygen Depletion
D. Tree Roots May Have Set Off Mass Extinctions
【答案】12 D 13. B 14. B 15. D
主旨大意题。根据第二段“As land plants diversified, “they started to grow more complex root systems that were able to reach farther down to grab water,”says U. S. Naval Academy oceanographer Mathew Smart, lead author of the new study in the Geological Society of American Bulletin. Deep tree roots drew crucial minerals such as phosphorus (磷) out of the bedrock and then eventually decayed, forming mineral-rich soil. Periodically, large quantities of this soil were washed into the seas and lakes-where the sudden phosphorus inflow caused harmful algal blooms (藻华) that pulled oxygen from the waters below. Then came a series of large-scale extinctions. (美国海军学院海洋学家Mathew Smart是《美国地质学会公报》上这项新研究的主要作者,他说,随着陆地植物的多样化,“它们开始生长更复杂的根系,能够延伸到更远的地方取水”。深深的树根吸收了磷等重要矿物质然后最终腐烂,形成富含矿物质的土壤。周期性地,大量的这种土壤被冲入海洋和湖泊,在那里,磷的突然流入导致了有害的藻华从下面的水中抽取氧气。随后发生了一系列大规模的物种灭绝)”可知,本段主要介绍了一系列大规模的物种灭绝的过程。故选D。
推理判断题。根据倒数第三段““We’ve been working on the Devonian for a long time, and we have been thinking that these cycles have occurred, but we couldn’t really explain it,” says Anne-Christine Da Silva, a sedimentologist at the University of Liège in Belgium. “This paper could bring an explanation.” (“我们研究泥盆纪已经很长时间了,我们一直认为这些循环已经发生,但我们无法真正解释它,”比利时列日大学的沉积学家Anne Christine Da Silva说。“这篇论文可能会给出一个解释。”)”推知,Anne-Christine Da Silva对研究发现持支持态度。故选B。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“University of New Mexico planetary scientist Maya Elrick, who was also not involved in the study, says that while the oxygen depletion incidents coincided with extinctions, it is unclear how much of a role tree roots played. Phosphorus levels did gradually decrease overall as trees evolved, but she says this reduction may have already been occurring: “If it’s a trend that was happening prior, you can’t blame it on the plants.” (新墨西哥大学行星科学家Maya Elrick也没有参与这项研究,她说,虽然氧气耗尽事件与物种灭绝同时发生,但目前尚不清楚树根在多大程度上发挥了作用。随着树木的进化,磷水平确实总体上逐渐下降,但她说这种下降可能已经发生了:“如果这是以前发生的趋势,你不能把它归咎于植物。”)”可知,Maya Elrick认为树木进化不一定能揭示物种灭绝,因为磷的下降可能之前就已经存在了,不能完全归结于植物。故选B。
主旨大意题。通读全文,并结合第一段的“New research shows how tree evolution could have contributed to these extinction events. (新的研究表明,树木的进化可能导致了这些灭绝事件)”和第二段“As land plants diversified, “they started to grow more complex root systems that were able to reach farther down to grab water,”says U. S. Naval Academy oceanographer Mathew Smart, lead author of the new study in the Geological Society of American Bulletin. Deep tree roots drew crucial minerals such as phosphorus (磷) out of the bedrock and then eventually decayed, forming mineral-rich soil. Periodically, large quantities of this soil were washed into the seas and lakes-where the sudden phosphorus inflow caused harmful algal blooms (藻华) that pulled oxygen from the waters below. Then came a series of large-scale extinctions. (美国海军学院海洋学家Mathew Smart是《美国地质学会公报》上这项新研究的主要作者,他说,随着陆地植物的多样化,“它们开始生长更复杂的根系,能够延伸到更远的地方取水”。深深的树根吸收了磷等重要矿物质然后最终腐烂,形成富含矿物质的土壤。周期性地,大量的这种土壤被冲入海洋和湖泊,在那里,磷的突然流入导致了有害的藻华从下面的水中抽取氧气。随后发生了一系列大规模的物种灭绝)”可知,本文介绍树木的进化导致它们的根可以伸到很远地方取水,树根腐烂后形成富含磷的土壤,这些土壤被冲进海洋和湖泊后导致有害的藻华的大量繁殖,进而大量消耗氧气,最终导致海洋中大量物种灭绝。故D项“树根可能引发大规模灭绝”可以作为本文的最佳标题。故选D。
It is no secret that technology is fast taking up education in almost every part of the world. Most educators will agree that learning is taking a considerable turn-around to welcome digital teaching both in and out of the class. ____16____ So there is a need to assess these materials to identify suitable and satisfactory ways. That is why, when adopting digital textbooks as an educator or school, you must consider several factors below.
Content Interaction
Is the content in the digital textbook interactive enough It is a crucial question that needs to get looked into as educators begin fully on digital teaching. As an educational participant, ensure that the 3D images, sounds, videos, and diagrams in the digital content can keep learners engaged for an extended period. ____17____
Reliability of Educational Apps
Importantly, if you are an aggressive educator, you will always want the best for your students. Ensure that you choose reliable educational applications that won’t let you down as a teacher. ____18____ Pedagogue is an application with everything you need to conduct a virtual digital classroom using e-textbooks. It is a fantastic app that would help you master excellent ways to integrate e-textbooks into your classrooms.
Affordability and Accessibility
____19____ Besides, easy access to the Internet in educational institutions is a significant aspect to consider when using digital books in schools. Moreover, education apps with digital textbooks should have updated learning content easily downloadable in students’ tablets and smartphones. This way, teaching will get easier leading to comfortable learning by a variety of students.
Modern educators are tasked with ensuring that content delivery is an excellent and fun activity. ____20____ That is why it is critical to make sure that the digital textbooks we adopt and choose for our students are the best and can motivate critical thinking in our students’ minds.
A It’s believed that learning is a laboring process.
B. Digital content should become cheaper than print textbooks.
C. E-textbooks should help learners with content understanding.
D. You should have apps on your phones with well-researched content.
E. They ought to ensure education is meaningful and productive for the learners.
F. Hence, this would make their learning not only interactive but also enjoyable.
G. Similarly, students’ preference for digital learning materials continues to expand.
【答案】16. G 17. F 18. D 19. B 20. E
上文“Most educators will agree that learning is taking a considerable turn-around to welcome digital teaching both in and out of the class. (大多数教育工作者都同意,学习正在发生重大转变,无论是在课堂内外,都欢迎数字教学。)”在讲述数字教学受欢迎;下文“So there is a need to assess these materials to identify suitable and satisfactory ways. (因此,有必要对这些材料进行评估,以确定合适和令人满意的方法。)”在讲述因某种原因而需要对一些材料进行评估,以找出好的方法;选项G“Similarly, students’ preference for digital learning materials continues to expand. (同样,学生对数字学习材料的偏好也在不断扩大。)”也是在讲述关于数字学习的内容,承接了上文,同时与下文构成因果关系,引出下文对于因数字学习材料偏好的扩大而需要对一些材料进行评估的表述,故选项G符合语境;故选G项。
上文“As an educational participant, ensure that the 3D images, sounds, videos, and diagrams in the digital content can keep learners engaged for an extended period. (作为教育参与者,要确保数字内容中的3D图像、声音、视频和图表能够让学习者长时间参与其中。)”在讲述要确保学习者参与其中的这样一个做法;选项F“Hence, this would make their learning not only interactive but also enjoyable. (因此,这将使他们的学习不仅是互动的,而且是愉快的。)”在讲述某种学习方式的好处,与上文内容构成关联,表明了上文的做法会带来互动且愉快的好处,且选项F呼应小标题“Content Interaction(内容交互)”;故选F项。
上文“Ensure that you choose reliable educational applications that won’t let you down as a teacher. (确保您选择可靠的不会让您作为一名教师失望的教育应用程序)”在讲述要选择一个好的应用程序;选项D“You should have apps on your phones with well-researched content. (你应该在手机上安装经过充分研究的应用程序。)”在讲述应该安装经过充分研究的程序,承接了上文内容,进一步说明应选择的应用程序的情况,即应该安装经过充分研究的应用程序;故选项D符合语境;故选D项。
小标题“Affordability and Accessibility (可负担性和可获得性)”在讲述可负担性和可获得性;选项B“Digital content should become cheaper than print textbooks. (数字内容应该变得比印刷教科书更便宜。)”在讲述数字内容应该更便宜,这是对标题中的“Affordability”进行解释说明,故选项B符合语境;故选B项。
上文“Modern educators are tasked with ensuring that content delivery is an excellent and fun activity. (现代教育工作者的任务是确保内容的传授是一项出色而有趣的活动)”在讲述要确保传授的内容是出色而有趣的活动;下文“That is why it is critical to make sure that the digital textbooks we adopt and choose for our students are the best and can motivate critical thinking in our students’ minds. (这就是为什么必须确保我们为学生采用和选择的数字教材是最好的,并且能够激发学生的批判性思维)”在表述必须确保我们为学生采用和选择的数字教材是最好的这样一个结论;选项E“They ought to ensure education is meaningful and productive for the learners. (他们应该确保教育对学习者来说是有意义和有成效的。)”是对上文内容的解释说明,也是下文所述内容的原因,故选项E承上启下,符合语境;故选E项。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分70分)
About a month ago I noticed something really amazing, which I must call a garden miracle(奇迹). It so happened that when I ___21___ the double doors of a small storage area in the back of my house where I ___22___my garden supplies during the long, severe New England winter, I found, in one of the dirt-filled pots, a living, growing plant, topped with two of the most unlikely pink ___23___you’ve ever seen.
How was this ___24___ The unheated space had been closed all winter, and it was still cold outside. Once I caught my breath, I ___25___and discovered something approaching a reasonable explanation-there was a small glass window at the top of the double doors, and it was possible that a ray of sun fell directly on that pot, giving the plant just enough light and warmth to___26___ it to grow in its own personal greenhouse.
I can’t help feeling___27___ at the lessons this wonderful plant has to teach.
For one thing, I am moved by the happenstance(巧合) of the whole thing. If I had ___28___my pot six inches to the left or right of that spot, the plant might not have gotten that___29___ray of light. If I had ____30____ the roots of the plant in late fall, there would have been nothing but dirt in that pot.
But there’s something else that____31____me about this-just how little light and____32____it took for this plant to grow and flower. I’m not____33____ we should be mean with love and kindness and all the other warming things we_____34_____for others and for ourselves. But isn’t it comforting to think that just a drop of____35____can brighten a day, a place, a life
When it comes to positivity, a little goes a long way. Just ask my little miracle plant.
21. A. approached B. shut C. opened D. knocked
22. A. need B. provide C. receive D. keep
23. A. sticks B. branches C. roots D. flowers
24. A. essential B. possible C. significant D. different
25. A. stepped aside B. stepped away C. looked down D. looked around
26. A. request B. enable C. instruct D. intend
27. A. excited B. puzzled C. amazed D. amused
28. A. put B. found C. measured D. missed
29 A. broad B. soft C. strong D. narrow
30. A. pulled out B. cared for C. thought about D. brought in
31. A. requires B. cheers C. inspires D. changes
32. A. attention B. warmth C. time D. effort
33. A. expecting B. imagining C. doubting D. saying
34. A. experience B. do C. accept D. remember
35. A. water B. encouragement C. sunshine D. support
【答案】21. C 22. D 23. D 24. B 25. D 26. B 27. C 28. A 29. D 30. A 31. C 32. B 33. D 34. B 35. C
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我打开屋后一个小储藏区的两扇门时,我发现在一个满是泥土的花盆里,有一株正在生长的植物,上面有两朵你从未见过的最不可思议的粉红色花朵。在新英格兰漫长而严酷的冬天,我把我的园艺用品放在那里。A. approached靠近;B. shut关闭;C. opened打开;D. knocked撞。根据“the double doors of a small storage area in the back of my house”可知,作者是打开储物间的双扇门后发现了正在生长的植物。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我打开屋后一个小储藏区的两扇门时,我发现在一个满是泥土的花盆里,有一株正在生长的植物,上面有两朵你从未见过的最不可思议的粉红色花朵。在新英格兰漫长而严酷的冬天,我把我的园艺用品放在那里。A. need需要;B. provide提供;C. receive收到;D. keep保存。根据“my garden supplies during the long, severe New England winter”可知,小储藏区是作者用来存放园艺用品的。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我打开屋后一个小储藏区的两扇门时,我发现在一个满是泥土的花盆里,有一株正在生长的植物,上面有两朵你从未见过的最不可思议的粉红色花朵。在新英格兰漫长而严酷的冬天,我把我的园艺用品放在那里。A. sticks枝条;B. branches树枝;C. roots树根;D. flowers花。根据“But there’s something else that___11___me about this-just how little light and___12___it took for this plant to grow and flower.”可知,植物开放出粉红色花朵。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这怎么可能呢 A. essential重要的;B. possible可能的;C. significant有意义的;D. different不同的。根据“The unheated space had been closed all winter, and it was still cold outside.”可知,作者认为这种植物在寒冷的冬天生长并开花是不可能的。故选B。
考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:等我喘过气来,我环顾四周,发现了一些接近合理的解释——在双层门的顶部有一扇小玻璃窗,有可能是一缕阳光直射在花盆上,给了植物足够的光和温暖,使它能够在自己的温室里生长。A. stepped aside让开一点;B. stepped away走开;C. looked down俯视;D. looked around向四周看。根据“and discovered something approaching a reasonable explanation-there was a small glass window at the top of the double doors,”可知,作者环顾四周,发现了门顶有个小玻璃窗。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:等我喘过气来,我环顾四周,发现了一些接近合理的解释——在双层门的顶部有一扇小玻璃窗,有可能是一缕阳光直射在花盆上,给了植物足够的光和温暖,使它能够在自己的温室里生长。A. request请求;B. enable使能够;C. instruct指导;D. intend 打算。根据“it to grow in its own personal greenhouse.”可知,足够的光和温暖,使植物能够在自己的温室里生长。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我不禁对这种奇妙的植物所传授的知识感到惊讶。A. excited激动的;B. puzzled困惑的;C. amazed惊讶的;D. amused愉快的。根据“the lessons this wonderful plant has to teach.”可知,作者不禁对这种奇妙的植物所传授的知识感到惊讶。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果我把花盆放在那个地方的左边或右边6英寸的地方,植物可能就得不到那微弱的光线了。A. put放置;B. found发现;C. measured衡量;D. missed错过。根据“my pot six inches to the left or right of that spot,”可知,这里指作者把花盆放置的位置。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果我把花盆放在那个地方的左边或右边6英寸的地方,植物可能就得不到那微弱的光线了。A. broad宽的;B. soft柔软的;C. strong强壮的;D. narrow狭窄的。 narrow ray of light微弱的光线。根据上文“and it was possible that a ray of sun fell directly on that pot,”和“If I had ___8___my pot six inches to the left or right of that spot,”可知,微弱的光线照射到植物上。故选D。
考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:如果我在深秋拔掉了植物的根,花盆里就只剩下泥土了。A. pulled out拔出;B. cared for照顾;C. thought about考虑;D. brought in引进。根据“there would have been nothing but dirt in that pot.”可知,如果拔出植物的根,花盆里就只剩下泥土了。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:但还有其他一些东西激发了我的灵感——这种植物生长和开花所需要的光线和温暖是多么少。A. requires要求;B. cheers欢呼;C. inspires启发;D. changes改变。根据“just how little light and___12___it took for this plant to grow and flower.”可知,这里指这启发了作者的思考。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:但还有其他一些东西激发了我的灵感——这种植物生长和开花所需要的光线和温暖是多么少。A. attention关注;B. warmth温暖;C. time时间;D. effort努力。warmth在此处指阳光的温暖。根据上文“and it was possible that a ray of sun fell directly on that pot, giving the plant just enough light and warmth”可知,作者在思考这株植物生长需要的温暖很少。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我并不是说我们应该吝啬我们为他人和自己所做的爱、善良和所有其他温暖的事情。A. expecting期望;B. imagining想象;C. doubting怀疑;D. saying说。根据“we should be mean with love and kindness and all the other warming things we____14____for others and for ourselves.”可知,动词say后接宾语从句时可以用来表达观点和见解。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我并不是说我们应该吝啬我们为他人和自己所做的爱、善良和所有其他温暖的事情。A. experience经历;B. do做;C. accept接受;D. remember记得。根据“for others and for ourselves.”可知,此处表示“我们”为别人和自己所做的其他所有暖心的事情。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是,只要想到一缕阳光就能照亮一天,照亮一个地方,照亮一个生命,难道不是一件令人欣慰的事吗 A. water水;B. encouragement鼓励;C. sunshine阳光;D. support支持。根据“just how little light and___12___it took for this plant to grow and flower.”可知,一缕阳光,就可以让人一天心花怒放,就可以维持生命的存在。故选C。
Born in Suzhou, Kunqu Opera distinguished ___36___(it)by its rhythmic patterns. It became ___37___(wide)popular during the Ming Dynasty. During the Mid-Autumn Festival in Ming and Qing dynasties, opera players often ___38___(gather)in Suzhou, staging dramatic works in ancient bining tunes performed in the Suzhou dialect, graceful body movements, martial arts and dance, Kunqu Opera uses a variety of movements to express specific ___39___(emotion). It also pays attention to each difference. Graceful movements animate(使具有活力)the fingertips and unique tunes make ___40___ rich and poetic world.
Kunqu Opera had an important influence on many forms of operas in China, ___41___(include)Peking Opera, which is about200 years old. It is therefore known as the mother of all Chinese operas. As a ___42___ (tradition)representation of Chinese culture, stories ___43___(perform)in Kunqu Opera have gone beyond time and space. The Peony Pavilion, written by playwright Tang Xianzu, who ___44___(compare)to Shakespeare, is still loved by fans from around the world.
A living heritage is an endless dialogue between the present ____45____ the past, and Kunqu Opera is a carrier to pass that legacy on.
【答案】36. itself
37. widely 38. gathered
39. emotions
40. a 41. including
42. traditional
43. performed
44. is compared
45. and
考查反身代词。句意:昆曲起源于苏州,以其节奏模式而闻名。设空处的代词指的就是本句主语Kunqu Opera,主语与宾语指代相同,用其相应的反身代词作宾语,故填itself。
考查一般过去时。句意:明清时期的中秋节,戏曲演员经常聚集在苏州,上演中国古代的戏剧作品。根据时间状语“During the Mid-Autumn Festival in Ming and Qing dynasties(在明清时期的中秋节)”可知,句子描述过去发生的事情过去,用一般过去时。故填gathered。


