人教版七年级英语下册 Unit 1—Unit 2基础知识过关 题型演练突破(原卷版+解析版)

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人教版七年级英语下册 Unit 1—Unit 2基础知识过关 题型演练突破(原卷版+解析版)


七年级 Unit 1 —Unit 2 基础知识过关+题型演练突破
主题 内容
高分突破一 词汇突破 (教材词汇+词汇变形)
高分突破二 短语突破 (单元课文短语总结)
高分突破三 句型突破 (单元重点句式归纳)
高分突破四 题型突破 (阅读+完型+语法写作)
1. n..吉他
2. v.参加; 加入
3. v.跳舞; 舞蹈
4. v.游泳
5. v.唱; 唱歌
6. n. 国际象棋
7. v.画画
8. v.说; 说话
9. n.钢琴
10. n.喇叭
11. n.小提琴
12. conj.或者
13. n.音乐家
14. n.演出;表演 v.展示;
15. v.画
16. n.故事; 小说
17. v/n.讲述; 告诉
18. v.写作, 写字
19. v/n.说话; 谈话
20. ad v.也; 而且
21. n..人; 人们
22. n 中心, 中央
23. 家, 活动本部. adv 到家, 在家
24. adv.在今天
25. v.使或为; 制造
26. n.周末
27. v.教, 讲授
28. adv.通常
29. adv 向上
30. adj.穿着衣服
31. num 四十
32. num 五十
33. adv.从来; 决不
34. adv; adj.早的
35. n. 电视台; 车站
36. adj.奇怪的; 滑稽好笑的
37. v/n.锻炼; 练习
38. n.组群
39. n/v.淋浴;淋浴器
40. 淋浴; 洗澡
41. 点钟(只用于正点)
42. n.& v.工作
43. v.刷
44. n.(tooth 的复数形式)牙齿
45. n.工作; 零工; 任务
46. adj.& adv 最好的(地)
47. 一半, 半数
48. 过去, 往事
49. n.一刻钟; 四分之一
50. n.家庭作业
51. v 跑; 奔
52. 行走; 步行
53. v.打扫; adj.干净的
54. adv.很快的
55. adv.或者; 也
56. pron.大量; 许多
57. v.有.. 的味道; 品尝 n..味道
58. n 生活, 生存
1. n.吉他—— n.吉他手
2. vi.&vt.唱—— n.歌手—— n.唱 歌; 鸟鸣—— 唱) 过去式—— (唱) 过去分词
3. n.&vi,&vt.跳舞—— n.舞蹈家
4. v.画;拉( )&n.抽奖—— n.画画; 制图; 图画
5. vi.&vt.讲, 谈—— n.说话者; 演讲者—— n.说话; 讲话; 谈话
6. n.演说,演讲 adj.无言的 v.说(过 去分词) 口头的
7. vt 告诉; 辨别—— n. 出纳员; 叙述者—— adj.有效的; 显著的; 生动的
8. vi.&vt.写; 写信—— n.作家—— v.重写—— v.写(过去分词) &adj.书面的—— v.写
9. vi.&vt.给 …看—— adj.艳丽的; 引人注目的 —— adv 华丽
10. n.鼓—— n.鼓手
11. n.钢琴—— n.钢琴家
12. n.小提琴—— n.小提琴家
13. n.人—— (n. 民族)
14. n.家庭—— adj.无家可归的—— adj. 想家的—— n.思 家病; 乡思—— adj.家常的; 平凡的
15. v.制作—— n.制作者
16. (=centre ) n. 中心—— adj. 中心的
17. n.周末—— (复数)
18. vt.教—— n.老师—— n.教学; 教 义—— adj.可教的
19. n.音乐家—— n.音乐—— n.音乐的
20. n.长裙&v.穿衣—— n.化妆台—— adj 打扮好的—— n 穿衣
21. n.刷子—— adj.如毛刷的; 毛茸茸的 —— adj.无刷的
22. (pl ) n.牙齿—— adj.无齿的
23. adv.通常; 经常—— adj 通常的; 常有的—— adj.不普通的
24. num. 四十—— adj 四十几岁的—— 四十多岁
25. n.工作; 职责—— adj 没有工作的
26. vi.&vt 使工作; 操作—— n.工人—— adj. (涉及) 工作的&v.工作—— adj.处理过的&v.工作 (过去分词)
27. n.晚上—— n.睡衣—— adj.每夜的; 每晚的
28. adj.有趣的—— n.乐趣—— adj. 更有趣的—— adj.最有趣的
29. n.锻炼 (不可数) &练习, 操 (可数)—— n.做运动的人
30. adj 最好的—— adj.好的—— adj.更好的
31. n. 团体&v.使成群—— v.(过去式) 分类
32. n.一半—— n.一半 (复数)—— adv.半途; 在中途
33. n. 四分之一—— adj.季度的&n.季刊; 季考
34. vt.&vi.&n.奔跑—— n.流出; 运转&adj.跑着的; 流 动的&v.跑步 (现在分词)—— n.跑步者; 推销员
35. adj.干净的—— n.清洁, 打扫—— n.清洁剂; 保洁员—— adj.不干净的—— adv.整齐地, 有规则地
36. vt.&vi.走; 步行—— n.步行—— n.散步的人
37. adv 快地—— adj.快的—— vt.&vi.使变 快—— n.急速
38. adv.有时—— adv.某个时候
39. n.味道 v. 品尝—— adj.美味的, 可口的—— adj.无味的—— adj.美 味的; 雅致的—— n.复数
—— n.品尝者
40. n.生活—— adj.无生命的; 死气沉沉的—— v.生活
41. adv 早;在初期&adj 早的;早期的—— adj 早的(比 较级)—— n.& adj.最早; 作为最早期的
1. 弹吉他 14. 和人们做游戏
2. 下棋 15.
3. 说英语 在学校音乐俱乐部
4. 加入音乐俱乐部 16. 对老人的帮助
5. 与 … … 匹配 17. 和某人相处得
6. 游泳俱乐部 好, 善于和..打交道
7. 一个体育俱乐部 18. 空闲的/忙的
8. 擅长讲故事 19. 在六月份
9. 讲故事俱乐部 20. 和某人交朋友
10. 听起来不错 21. 给某人打电话
11. 学校表演招聘学生 22. 在周末 23. 说英语的学生
12. 放学后 24. 弹钢琴
13. 表演功夫; 练功夫 25. 拉小提琴
26. 学生运动中心 45. 在周末 46. 在上学日
27. 参加我们学校的音乐节 47. 六点半 48. 三点过一刻
28. 去上学 49. 十点差一刻
29. 起床 50. 做家庭作业
30. 穿衣服 51. 散步
31. 刷牙 52. 睡觉
32. 吃早饭 53. 吃得快
33. 洗澡 54. 有许多时间
34. 什么时间 55. 半个小时
35. 在六点四十 56. 到达家
36. 一个有趣的工作 57. 或者 …或者....
37. 在广播电视台 58. 好好吃顿早餐
38. 你的广播节目 59. 许多
39. 从 … .到 … .. 60. 对 … … .有益
40. 在夜晚 61. 尝起来好
41. 一个有趣的时间 62. 做她的家庭作业
42. 锻炼 63. 有健康的生活方式
43. 因 … 迟到 64. 吃晚饭
44. 在大约十点二十
1. 你会弹吉它吗?
2. 你会唱歌或跳舞吗?
3. 你非常擅长讲故事 。
4. 来加入我们吧!
5. 我喜欢和人们一块谈话和玩游戏 。
6. 放学后你忙吗?
7. 请拨 293-7742 找布朗先生 。
8. 周末你有时间吗?
9. 你善于与老人相处吗?
10. 现在几点了?
11. 现在 06: 05 。
12. 我没有太多时间吃早饭 。
13. 我有时打半个小时篮球 。
14. 午饭我通常吃汉堡 。
15. 当我到家, 我总是先做我的作业 。
16. 晚上我要么看电视要么玩电脑游戏 。
17. 她知道它对她没好处, 但是它尝起来很好 。
18. 我有一个非常健康的生活 。
题型突破一: 阅读理解
Passage A
When talking about festivals in St. Petersburg( 圣 彼 得 堡 ) , Russia, we have to mention Scarlet Sails(红帆节).
Generally, Scarlet Sails is celebrated in late June to congratulate high school graduates on the beginning of their new life journey as adults. Starting in 1968. the idea of the festival came from Alexander Grin's Scarlet Sails—a novel about love, dreams and hope. The first Scarlet Sails was attended by around 25,000 school graduates and became a hit. Since then.it has become more and more popular. It attracts visitors from all over the world every year.
The celebrations of the festival start in the evening and mainly include two parts.
The big concert in Dvortsovaya Square is only for school graduates with an invitation. However, considering its popularity, there is usually another stage on Vasiliev sky Island where everyone can enjoy the concert.
When the concert is over, people go to the Neva River for a light and water show. They can watch it along the banks or on the bridges. Fireworks, beautiful music and water shows last for about 30minutes.
The festival reaches its highest point as a big ship with scarlet sails appears and makes its way across the river. It synchronizes its movements with the music and the other parts of the show. That means the crew(船员)must make sure the ship reaches every place on the exact second as it is planned. Visitors are often advised to come early to find a good position to enjoy the amazing beauty of everything!
1.Scarlet Sails is mainly held for .
A. all adults B. famous writers
C. high school graduates D. new high school students
2.What can we learn about the festival
A. It takes place in summer. B. It has a history of 68 years.
C. It gets its name from a concert. D. It is celebrated all over the world.
3.What is the right order ofthe following events
① An amazing show starts on the Neva River.
② A big ship with scarlet sails crosses the Neva River.
③ People enjoy the concert on Vasiliev sky Island.
A.①②③ B. ②①③ C.③①② D. ③②①
4.The underlined word “synchronizes” means“ ”in Chinese.
A.使取消 B. 使同步 C.使成长 D.使竞争
5.What is the passage mainly about
A. Popular festivals in St. Petersburg.
B. Suggestions about traveling in Russia. C. Why Scarlet Sails is so popular.
D. How people celebrate Scarlet Sails.
Passage B
Liam Garner was just 17 years old when he started out on his big adventure—a 20,000 mile bike trip from Alaska to Argentina. In early January, he finally finished his trip. 17 months after he started.
After graduating from high school, Liam was looking for a "crazy adventure". He had some biking experience. His longest trip was biking from Los Angeles to San Francisco. One day, he read a book by someone who biked from Oregon to Argentina. So Liam wondered what it would be like to bike from the point farthest north in the United States to the most southern point in South America.
After preparing for the trip for about a month, Liam set out on August 1, 2021. He had a tent, a sleeping bag, a phone, a first-aid box, and some spare parts for his bike. Other than some food and water, he didn't have much else.
At first Liam's parents weren't too happy about him taking such a long bike trip by himself. But as he carried on, his parents became his strongest supporters. Liam wasn't too worried about the path that he took." As long as I was going south every day, I knew I was going in the right direction," he said.
In all, he was robbed( 抢 劫 ) five times on the trip. He got very sick more than once. In Colombia, he had a bike accident that left him injured and required an operation. However, he kept going. Through rain, sun, heat, cold, deserts and mountains.
Liam finally arrived in Ushuaia, Argentina on January10.2023—527 days after he started. He traveled through 14countries along the way. He hopes his experience will encourage others to take up biking or start an adventure of their own.“ Everyone is able to do amazing things," he says. “The hardest part is believing in yourself.”
1. What gave Liam the idea oftraveling from Alaska to Argentina
A. An earlier bike trip. B. A book by a bike rider.
C. His graduation. D. Some advice from others.
2.What might Liam's parents think of his trip at first
A. It was worrying. B. It was meaningful.
C. It was amazing. D. It was helpful.
3.What happened during Liam's trip
A. He gave a hand in an accident. B. He took a wrong path once.
C. He lost his bike five times. D. He had an operation. 4.In Liam's opinion, what is the most difficult thing about doing great things
A. Improving one's ability. B. Developing self-confidence.
C. Getting similar experience. D. Finding strong supporters.
5.What's the best title for this passage
A. A brave boy who had an adventure on bike B. Some cities in Los Angeles
C. More and more people like to travel D. Riding is good for people' health
Passage C
While waves of COVID-19 are leaving, another seems to be having its moment: norovirus(诺如病毒).The number of cases at the end of January has gone beyond the largest number seen last year in the US. If you or a family member has had norovirus, it isn't pretty. 1 Here are a few tips to prevent the spread of norovirus in your home.
Wash your hands.
Handwashing is the best step you can take to stay healthy, and it's the number one way to protect against norovirus. Just make sure to wash the right way. 2 Then, use a soap, and clean your hands for at least 20 seconds. At last, wash hands well under running water and dry them on a clean towel.
Prepare food safely.
You know that thing about hand washing It's really important in the kitchen, especially when preparing food. Properly clean the surfaces you're working on before you begin. 3 If you're feeling sick or experiencing symptoms( 症 状 ), stay out of the kitchen to keep from spreading the virus to others.
Someone with norovirus may not show symptoms for several days. so it's nearly impossible to keep viruses out of your house. But you can deal with them once they've arrived. Take special care to disinfect( 给 … …消 毒) surfaces that are touched often, such as doors. Wear gloves for cleaning and use water mixed with household bleach(家用漂白剂). 5
A. Clean the right way. B. Avoid living with patients. C. First, wet hands with clean, warm water. D. It's in your house before you know it. E. It can be easily spread to other people by touching.
F. And be sure to clean the area well once you're done. G. Wash dirty clothes immediately and completely, using hot water.
题型突破二: 完形填空
In Japan, anyone who loves mapo tofu, a dish from China's Sichua Province, knows Chen
Jianyi. He spent his life cooking and improving this dish for Japanese 1 . A Japanese artist 2 created Cooking Master Boy according to Chen's life and work. This manga (漫画 ) became a (n) 3 childhood memory among Japanese born in the 1980sand 1990s.
Sadly, Chen passed away recently, and the news of his death was 4 . Etsushi Ogawa, the writer of the book, also wrote an article to 5 Chen. This shows how much the Japanese 6 the dishes he cooked, and how food culture has played an important role 7 cultural exchanges.
Chen was famous in Japan. His father Chen Jianmin was born in 1919 in Sichuan. When he was 10, he began to learn 8 to cook from his grandfather at a restaurant. He later worked in many cities, gradually building up his 9 with his excellent cooking skills. In 1952, Chen Jianmin went to Japan. After six years, he 10 to open the first Sichuan restaurant in Tokyo. In 1987, he became the first Chinese-Japanese to 11 the title of" modern master craftsman” .
Chen Jianyi was born in 1956 and grew up with the 12 as his playground. After his father passed away in1990, Chen 13 the restaurant. In a cooking competition in 1993, he broke a record and was awarded the title of “First Chef of Chinese Food" in Japan.
Chen Jianyi's son was 14 by his spirit, and he chose to take his cooking path.
Chinese food culture is an important part of Chinese culture. The Sichuan dishes Chen's family cooked has served as a 15 ,connecting the people of China and Japan.
1.A. customers B. writers C. hosts D. passengers
2. A. just B. never C. even D. still
3.A. strange B. unsure C. painful D. common
4.A. shocking B. boring C. puzzling D. disappointing
5. A. comfort B. support C. save D. remember
6.A. prepare B. love C. order D. help
7.A. for B. with C. in D. at
8. A. why B. what C. when D. how
9.A. wealth B. strength C. fame D. courage
10. A. realized B. managed C. imagined D. allowed
11.A. beat B. lose C. win D. meet
12. A. street B. backyard C. market D. kitchen
13.A. took over B. gave up C. showed off D. returned to
14.A. amused B. moved C. blinded D. warned
15.A. symbol B. window C. guide D. bridge
题型突破三: 语法写作
Passage A
test, know, probable, world, include, however, scare. lead, compare, of
Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago, so we don't really know what they sounded like. Of course, there are many movies with dinosaurs making all kinds of sounds. 1 ,these noises are just guesses that movie directors make about how dinosaurs sounded. A new study has allowed scientists 2 more about the kinds of sounds dinosaurs made. The scientists studied a fossil(化石 ) which was from an ankylosaur(甲龙 ).It is around 78 million years old. The fossil 3 the ankylosaur's voice box(喉).That is the 4 oldest fossil of a voice box. The scientists believe the shape of the animal's voice box 5 means it made the bird-like sound.
The research was 6 by professor Junki Yoshida, a dinosaur researcher in Japan. Dr Yoshida did many 7 on the shape of the fossilized voice box. He 8 it with the voice box of dozens of birds and animals living on land. They now have an idea 9 what the muscles(肌肉) around the voice box looked like. The muscles controlled the windpipe(气 管)and sounds of the voice box, making dinosaurs sound like birds. This research may mean that movies like Jurassic Park was wrong. Hollywood may have to change its 10 voice of dinosaurs in future dinosaur films to a bird-like sound.
Passage B
每个人都有不同的生活习惯,养成良好的生活习惯能帮助我们拥有健康的体魄和美好的 生活。临近毕业,校团委正在向九年级学生征文,请结合自身实际,以 How to Develop Good Living Habits 为题, 从日常起居, 卫生习惯,健康饮食, 体育锻炼, 交通安全等方面进行阐 述, 写一篇英语短文投稿。
1. 意思连贯, 表达准确, 书写规范, 适当发挥;
2. 文中不能出现任何真实的人名 、校名及所在地等信息;
3. 词数 80 左右。
How to Develop Good Living Habits七年级 Unit 1 —Unit 2 基础知识过关+题型演练突破
主题 内容
高分突破一 词汇突破 (教材词汇+词汇变形)
高分突破二 短语突破 (单元课文短语总结)
高分突破三 句型突破 (单元重点句式归纳)
高分突破四 题型突破 (阅读+完型+语法写作)
1. guitar [g 'tɑ ] n..吉他
2. join [d n] v.参加; 加入
3. dance [dɑ ns] v.跳舞; 舞蹈
4. swim [sw m] v.游泳
5. sing [s ] v.唱; 唱歌
6. chess [t es] n. 国际象棋
7. paint [pe nt] v.画画
8. speak [spi k] v.说; 说话
9. piano [p ' n ] n.钢琴
10. drum [dr m] n.喇叭
11. violin [va 'l n] n.小提琴
12. or [ ] conj.或者
13. musician [mju 'z ( )n] n.音乐家
14. show [ ] n.演出;表演 v.展示;
15. draw [dr ] v.画
16. story ['st r ] n.故事; 小说
17. tell [tel] vn.讲述; 告诉
18. write [ra t] v.写作, 写字
19. talk [t k] vn.说话; 谈话
20. also [' ls ] ad v.也; 而且
21. people ['pi p( )l] n..人; 人们
22. center['sent ] n(=centre) 中心, 中央
23. home [h m] n.家, 活动本部.adv 到 家, 在家
24. today [t 'de ] ad v.在今天
25. make [me k] v.使或为; 制造
26. weekend [wi k'end] n.周末
27. teach [ti t ] v.教, 讲授
28. usually ['ju u li] adv.通常
29. up [ p] adv 向上
30. dressed ['dres d] adj.穿着衣服
31. forty ['f t ] n.um 四十
32. fifty ['f ft ] n.um 五十
33. never ['nev ] adv.从来; 决不
34. early [' l ] advadj.早的
35. station ['ste ( )n] n. 电视台; 车站
36. funny ['f n ] adj.奇怪的; 滑稽好笑的
37. exercise ['eks sa z] v.n.锻炼; 练习
38. group [gru p] n.组群
39. shower [' a ] nv.淋浴;淋浴器
40. take a shower 淋浴; 洗澡
41. o'clock adv 点钟(只用于正点)
42. work [w k] n.& v.工作
43. brush [br ] v.刷
44. teeth [ti θ] n.(tooth 的复数形式)牙齿
45. job [d b] n.工作; 零工; 任务; 职位
46. best [best] adj.& adv 最好的(地)
47. half [hɑ f] 一半, 半数
48. past [pɑ st] 过去, 往事
49. quarter ['kw t ] n.一刻钟; 四分之一
50. homework ['h mw k] n.家庭作业
51. run [r n] v 跑; 奔
52. walk [w k] 行走; 步行
53. clean[kli n] v.打扫; adj.干净的
54. quickly ['kw kl ] ad.v.很快的
55. either ['a ] adv.或者; 也
56. lot [l t] pron.大量; 许多
57. taste [te st] v.有.. 的味道; 品尝 n.. 味道
58. life [la f] n 生活, 生存
1. guitar n.吉他——guitarist n.吉他手
2. sing vi.&vt.唱——singer n.歌手——singing n.唱歌; 鸟鸣——sang(唱) 过去式 ——sung(唱) 过去分词
3. dance n.&vi,&vt.跳舞——dancer n.舞蹈家
4. draw v.画;拉( drawer) &n.抽奖——drawing n.画画; 制图; 图画
5. speak vi.&vt.讲, 谈——speaker n.说话者; 演讲者——speaking n.说话; 讲话; 谈话
6. speech n.演说, 演讲 speechless adj.无言的 spoken v.说(过去分词) 口头的
7. tell vt 告诉; 辨别——teller n. 出纳员; 叙述者——telling adj.有效的; 显著的; 生动的
8. write vi.&vt.写; 写信——writer n.作家——rewrite v.重写——written v.写(过去分词) &adj.书面的——writing v.写(现在分词)
9. show vi.&vt.给 …看——showy adj.艳丽的; 引人注目的——showily adv 华丽
10. drum n.鼓——drummer n.鼓手
11. piano n.钢琴——pianist n.钢琴家
12. violin n.小提琴——violinist n.小提琴家
13. people n.人——peoples(n. 民族)
14. home n.家庭——homeless adj.无家可归的——homesick adj.想家的——homesickness n. 思 家病; 乡思——homely adj.家常的; 平凡的
15. make v.制作——maker n.制作者
16. center (=centre ) n. 中心——central adj. 中心的
17. weekend n.周末——weekends(复数)
18. teach vt.教——teacher n.老师——teaching n.教学; 教义——teachable adj.可教的
19. musician n.音乐家——music n.音乐——musical n.音乐的
20. dress n.长裙&v.穿衣——dresser n.化妆台——dressed adj 打扮好的——dressing n 穿衣
21. brush n.刷子——brushy adj.如毛刷的; 毛茸茸的——brushless adj.无刷的
22. tooth(plteeth) n.牙齿——toothless adj.无齿的
23. usually adv.通常; 经常——usual adj 通常的; 常有的——unusual adj.不普通的
24. forty num. 四十——fortyish adj 四十几岁的—— in one's forties 四十多岁
25. job n.工作; 职责——jobless adj 没有工作的
26. work vi.&vt 使工作;操作——worker n.工人——working adj.(涉及)工作的&v.工作(现 在分词)——worked adj.处理过的&v.工作 (过去分词)
27. night n.晚上——nighty n.睡衣——nightly adj.每夜的; 每晚的
28. funny adj.有趣的——fun n.乐趣——funnier adj.更有趣的——funniest adj.最有趣的
29. exercise n.锻炼 (不可数) &练习, 操 (可数)——exerciser n.做运动的人
30. best adj 最好的—— good/well adj.好的——better adj.更好的
31. group n. 团体&v.使成群——grouped v.(过去式) 分类
32. half n.一半——halves n.一半 (复数)——halfway adv.半途; 在中途
33. quarter n. 四分之一——quarterly adj.季度的&n.季刊; 季考
34. run vt.&vi.&n.奔跑——running n.流出; 运转&adj.跑着的; 流动的&v.跑步 (现在分词) ——runner n.跑步者; 推销员
35. clean adj.干净的——cleaning n.清洁,打扫——cleaner n.清洁剂;保洁员——unclean adj. 不干净的——cleanly adv.整齐地, 有规则地
36. walk vt.&vi.走; 步行——walking n.步行——walker n.散步的人
37. quickly adv 快地——quick adj.快的——quicken vt.&vi.使变快——quickness n.急速
38. sometimes adv.有时——sometime adv.某个时候
39. taste n.味道 v.品尝——tasty adj.美味的, 可口的——tasteless adj.无味的——tasteful adj. 美 味的; 雅致的——tastes n.复数——taster n. 品尝者
40. life n.生活——lifeless adj.无生命的; 死气沉沉的——live v.生活
41. early adv 早;在初期&adj 早的;早期的——earlier adj 早的(比较级)——earliest n.& adj. 最早; 作为最早期的
1. play the guitar 弹吉他
2. play chess 下棋
3. speak English 说英语
4. join the music club 加入音乐俱乐部
5. match … ..with 与 … … 匹配
6. the swimming club 游泳俱乐部
7. a sports club 一个体育俱乐部
8. be good at telling stories 擅长讲故事
9. the story telling club 讲故事俱乐部
10. sound good 听起来不错
11. students wanted for School Show 学校表演招聘学生
12. after school 放学后
13. do kung fu 表演功夫; 练功夫
14. play games with people 和人们做游戏
15. be in the school music club 在学校音乐俱乐部
16. help for old people 对老人的帮助
17. be good with … 和某人相处得好, 善于 和..打交道
18. be free / be busy 空闲的/忙的
19. in July 在六月份
20. make friends with … 和某人交朋友
21. call sb at … … 给某人打电话 … …
22. on the weekend 在周末
23. English-speaking student 说英语的学生
24. play the piano 弹钢琴
25. play the violin 拉小提琴
26. the Students ’ Sports Center 学生运动中心
27. be in our school music festival 参加我们学校的音乐节
28. go to school 去上学
29. get up 起床
30. get dressed 穿衣服
31. brush teeth 刷牙
32. eat breakfast 吃早饭
33. take a shower 洗澡
34. what time 什么时间
35. at six forty 在六点四十
36. an interesting job 一个有趣的工作
37. at the radio station 在广播电视台
38. your radio show 你的广播节目
39. from … ..to 从 … .到 … ..
40. at night 在夜晚
41. a funny time 一个有趣的时间
42. take exercise 锻炼
43. be late for … . 因 … 迟到
44. at about ten twenty 在大约十点二十
45. on weekends 在周末
46. on schooldays 在上学日
47. halfpast six 六点半
48. a quarter past three 三点过一刻
49. a quarter to ten 十点差一刻
50. do homework 做家庭作业
51. take a walk 散步
52. go to bed 睡觉
53. eat quickly 吃得快
54. have much time 有许多时间
55. half an hour 半个小时
56. get home 到达家
57. either … ..or 或者 … … .或者......
58. eat a good breakfast 好好吃顿早餐
59. lots of= a lot of 许多
60. be good for … .对 … … .有益
61. taste good 尝起来好
62. do her homework 做她的家庭作业
63. have healthy lives 有健康的生活方式
64. have dinner 吃晚饭
1. 你会弹吉它吗? Can you play the guitar
2. 你会唱歌或跳舞吗? Can you sing or dance
3. 你非常擅长讲故事 。 You are very good at telling stories .
4. 来加入我们吧! Come and join us!
5. 我喜欢和人们一块谈话和玩游戏 。 I like to talk and play games with people .
6. 放学后你忙吗? Are you busy after school
7. 请拨 293-7742 找布朗先生 。 Please call Mr Brown at 293-7742.
8. 周末你有时间吗? Are you free on the weekend
9. 你善于与老人相处吗? Are you good with old people
10. 现在几点了? What time is it / What ’s the time
1 1. 现在 06: 05 。 It ’s six o five now . / It ’s five past six .
12. 我没有太多时间吃早饭 。 I don’t have much time for breakfast.
13. 我有时打半个小时篮球 。 I sometimes play basketball for half an hour .
14. 午饭我通常吃汉堡 。 I usually eat hamburgers for lunch.
15. 当我到家, 我总是先做我的作业 。
When I get home, I always do my homework first.
16. 晚上我要么看电视要么玩电脑游戏 。
In the evening, I either watch TV or play computer games .
17. 她知道它对她没好处, 但是它尝起来很好 。
She knows it ’s not good for her, but it tastes good!
18. 我有一个非常健康的生活 。 I have a very healthy life .
题型突破一: 阅读理解
Passage A
When talking about festivals in St. Petersburg( 圣 彼 得 堡 ) , Russia, we have to mention Scarlet Sails(红帆节).
Generally, Scarlet Sails is celebrated in late June to congratulate high school graduates on the beginning of their new life journey as adults. Starting in 1968. the idea of the festival came from Alexander Grin's Scarlet Sails—a novel about love, dreams and hope. The first Scarlet Sails was attended by around 25,000 school graduates and became a hit. Since then.it has become more and more popular. It attracts visitors from all over the world every year.
The celebrations of the festival start in the evening and mainly include two parts.
The big concert in Dvortsovaya Square is only for school graduates with an invitation. However, considering its popularity, there is usually another stage on Vasiliev sky Island where everyone can enjoy the concert.
When the concert is over, people go to the Neva River for a light and water show. They can watch it along the banks or on the bridges. Fireworks, beautiful music and water shows last for about 30minutes.
The festival reaches its highest point as a big ship with scarlet sails appears and makes its way across the river. It synchronizes its movements with the music and the other parts of the show. That means the crew(船员)must make sure the ship reaches every place on the exact second as it is planned. Visitors are often advised to come early to find a good position to enjoy the amazing beauty of everything!
1.Scarlet Sails is mainly held for .
A. all adults B. famous writers
C. high school graduates D. new high school students
2.What can we learn about the festival
A. It takes place in summer. B. It has a history of 68 years.
C. It gets its name from a concert. D. It is celebrated all over the world.
3.What is the right order ofthe following events
① An amazing show starts on the Neva River.
② A big ship with scarlet sails crosses the Neva River.
③ People enjoy the concert on Vasiliev sky Island.
A.①②③ B. ②①③ C.③①② D. ③②①
4.The underlined word “synchronizes” means“ ”in Chinese.
A.使取消 B. 使同步 C.使成长 D.使竞争
5.What is the passage mainly about
A. Popular festivals in St. Petersburg.
B. Suggestions about traveling in Russia. C. Why Scarlet Sails is so popular.
D. How people celebrate Scarlet Sails.
1.C 细节理解题 。 根据第二段中的 “ Generally, Scarlet Sails is celebrated in late June to congratulate high school graduates on the beginning of their new life journey as adults. ”可知,红 帆节主要是为高中毕业生举办的。
2.A 细节理解题 。根据第二段中的“Generally. Scarlet Sails is celebrated in late June ”可 知, 红帆节举行的时间是在六月下旬, 即在夏天。
3.C 细节理解题 。 根据第四段中的“there is usually another stage on Vasiliev sky Island where everyone can enjoy the concert ”可知, 人们在瓦西里耶夫斯基岛上欣赏音乐会 。根据 第五段中的“When the concert is over,people go to the Neva River for a light and water show. ” 可知,音乐会结束后,人们会去涅瓦河观看灯光和水上表演。根据最后一段中的“The festival reaches its highest point as a big ship with scarlet sails appears and makes its way across the river. ” 可知,当一艘挂着红帆的大船穿过涅瓦河时,节日达到高潮。综上所述,红帆节的庆祝活动 顺序是③①②。
4.B 词义猜测题 。根据画线词所在句的下一句可知,这意味着船员必须确保船只按计划 在精确的一秒钟内到达每个地方; 再根据画线词后的“its movements with the music and the
other parts of the show ”可知, 船只是伴随着音乐和表演的其他部分移动的 。 由此可推知, 船只是伴随着音乐精准地到达每个地方,故此处指船只的移动与音乐和表演的其他部分同步 进行。
5.D 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了俄罗斯圣彼得堡的红帆节的庆祝活动。 因此, D 项“人们如何庆祝红帆节 ”符合文章的主旨。
Passage B
Liam Garner was just 17 years old when he started out on his big adventure—a 20,000 mile bike trip from Alaska to Argentina. In early January, he finally finished his trip. 17 months after he started.
After graduating from high school, Liam was looking for a "crazy adventure". He had some biking experience. His longest trip was biking from Los Angeles to San Francisco. One day, he read a book by someone who biked from Oregon to Argentina. So Liam wondered what it would be like to bike from the point farthest north in the United States to the most southern point in South America.
After preparing for the trip for about a month, Liam set out on August 1, 2021. He had a tent, a sleeping bag, a phone, a first-aid box, and some spare parts for his bike. Other than some food and water, he didn't have much else.
At first Liam's parents weren't too happy about him taking such a long bike trip by himself. But as he carried on, his parents became his strongest supporters. Liam wasn't too worried about the path that he took." As long as I was going south every day, I knew I was going in the right direction," he said.
In all, he was robbed( 抢 劫 ) five times on the trip. He got very sick more than once. In Colombia, he had a bike accident that left him injured and required an operation. However, he kept going. Through rain, sun, heat, cold, deserts and mountains.
Liam finally arrived in Ushuaia, Argentina on January10.2023—527 days after he started. He traveled through 14countries along the way. He hopes his experience will encourage others to take up biking or start an adventure of their own.“ Everyone is able to do amazing things," he says. “The hardest part is believing in yourself.”
1. What gave Liam the idea oftraveling from Alaska to Argentina
A. An earlier bike trip. B. A book by a bike rider.
C. His graduation. D. Some advice from others.
2.What might Liam's parents think of his trip at first
A. It was worrying. B. It was meaningful.
C. It was amazing. D. It was helpful.
3.What happened during Liam's trip
A. He gave a hand in an accident. B. He took a wrong path once.
C. He lost his bike five times. D. He had an operation. 4.In Liam's opinion, what is the most difficult thing about doing great things
A. Improving one's ability. B. Developing self-confidence.
C. Getting similar experience. D. Finding strong supporters.
5.What's the best title for this passage
A. A brave boy who had an adventure on bike B. Some cities in Los Angeles
C. More and more people like to travel D. Riding is good for people' health
受一本书的启发.Liam Garner 从美国最北端的阿拉斯加州骑行到了阿根廷最南端的乌斯 怀亚市 。他于 2021 年 8 月 1 日启程, 耗时 527 天, 最终于 2023 年 1 月 10 日抵达目的地 。 他一路饱览了 14 个国家的风光, 但也遭遇了数次危险。
1.B 细节理解题 。根据第二段最后两句可知,在读了一本从俄勒冈州骑自行车到阿根廷 的人写的书后, Liam 想知道从美国最北端骑自行车到南美洲最南端会是什么样子 。再结合 第三段的内容可知, 之后他便开始为这次旅行作准备, 并于 2021 年 8 月 1 日启程 。 由此可 知, 是这本书让他有了这次旅行的想法。
2.A 推理判断题 。根据第四段第一句“At first Liam's parents weren't too happy about him taking such a long bike trip by himself. ”可知,起初,Liam 的父母对他独自进行这么长的自行 车旅行不太高兴 。 由此可推知, 他的父母最初对这次出行有所担忧。
3.D 细节理解题 。根据倒数第二段中的“In Colombia, he had a bike accident that left him injured and required an operation. ”可知, 在哥伦比亚, 他骑自行车时出了车祸, 受了伤, 需 要做手术, 故他在旅行过程中做过手术。
4.B 细节理解题 。 根据最后一段中的“‘Everyone is able to do amazing things, ’he says. ‘The hardest part is believing in yourself. ’”可知, 他认为每个人都能做了不起的事, 最难的
部分是相信自己, 即培养自信心。
5.A 主旨大意题 。通读全文可知, 17 岁时 Liam 就开启了一场大冒险, 独自一人骑行了 17 个月, 途中他遇到了很多危险, 经历了各种天气 。 由此可知, A 项“一个骑自行车的冒 险勇敢男孩 ”最适合作本文的标题。
Passage C
While waves of COVID-19 are leaving, another seems to be having its moment: norovirus( 诺如病毒).The number of cases at the end of January has gone beyond the largest number seen last year in the US. If you or a family member has had norovirus, it isn't pretty. 1 Here are a few tips to prevent the spread of norovirus in your home.
Wash your hands.
Handwashing is the best step you can take to stay healthy, and it's the number one way to protect against norovirus. Just make sure to wash the right way. 2 Then, use a soap, and clean your hands for at least 20 seconds. At last, wash hands well under running water and dry them on a clean towel.
Prepare food safely.
You know that thing about hand washing It's really important in the kitchen, especially when preparing food. Properly clean the surfaces you're working on before you begin. 3 If you're feeling sick or experiencing symptoms( 症 状 ), stay out of the kitchen to keep from spreading the virus to others.
Someone with norovirus may not show symptoms for several days. so it's nearly impossible to keep viruses out of your house. But you can deal with them once they've arrived. Take special care to disinfect( 给 … …消 毒) surfaces that are touched often, such as doors. Wear gloves for cleaning and use water mixed with household bleach(家用漂白剂). 5
A. Clean the right way. B. Avoid living with patients. C. First, wet hands with clean, warm water. D. It's in your house before you know it. E. It can be easily spread to other people by touching. F. And be sure to clean the area well once you're done.
G. Wash dirty clothes immediately and completely, using hot water.
新冠势头逐渐褪去,诺如病毒又来了。美国 1 月份报告的诺如病毒感染病例超过了去年 的最高值 。那么日常该如何进行防护呢? 文章对此给出了建议。
1.E 上一句指出如果家中有人感染诺如病毒,这可不是好消息;下一句提到以下是一些 预防诺如病毒在家中传播的建议 。故 E 项“它可以通过触摸容易地传播给其他人 ”可承上 启下,符合语境 。下一句中的“prevent the spread of norovirus ”与 E 项中的“It can be easily spread ”相呼应。
2.C 根据上一句“Just make sure to wash the right way. ”可知,你要确保用正确的方式洗 手, 再结合空后提到的洗手步骤和提示词 Then 、At last 等内容可知, 空处内容介绍了洗手 的第一步, 故 C 项“首先, 用干净的温水打湿双手 ”可承上启下, 符合语境。
3.F 根据本段小标题“Prepare food safely. ”可知, 本段的主旨是安全地准备食物 。空前 提到在开始做饭之前, 你要把所用物品的表面清洁干净 。结合备选项可知,F 项“结束之后 你也要确保将使用过的区域打扫干净 ”可承接上文, 符合语境。
4.A 根据设空处所在的位置可判断此处为段落小标题,起概括作用 。本段提到感染者可 能几天内没有症状, 所以把病毒拒之门外是几乎不可能的 。但是病毒到来时可以采取措施, 如格外注意常触碰的物体表面、打扫卫生时戴手套、使用家用漂白剂等 。由此可概括出本段 主题——要用正确的方式打扫卫生, 故 A 项符合语境。
5.G 空前两句列举了正确的清洁方式,G 项“立即用热水彻底清洗脏衣服 ”可承接上文, 符合语境。
题型突破二: 完形填空
In Japan, anyone who loves mapo tofu, a dish from China's Sichua Province, knows Chen
Jianyi. He spent his life cooking and improving this dish for Japanese 1 . A Japanese artist 2 created Cooking Master Boy according to Chen's life and work. This manga (漫画 ) became a (n) 3 childhood memory among Japanese born in the 1980sand 1990s.
Sadly, Chen passed away recently, and the news of his death was 4 . Etsushi Ogawa, the writer of the book, also wrote an article to 5 Chen. This shows how much the Japanese 6 the dishes he cooked, and how food culture has played an important
role 7 cultural exchanges.
Chen was famous in Japan. His father Chen Jianmin was born in 1919 in Sichuan. When he was 10, he began to learn 8 to cook from his grandfather at a restaurant. He later worked in many cities, gradually building up his 9 with his excellent cooking skills. In 1952, Chen Jianmin went to Japan. After six years, he 10 to open the first Sichuan restaurant in Tokyo. In 1987, he became the first Chinese-Japanese to 11 the title of" modern master craftsman” .
Chen Jianyi was born in 1956 and grew up with the 12 as his playground. After his father passed away in1990, Chen 13 the restaurant. In a cooking competition in 1993, he broke a record and was awarded the title of “First Chef of Chinese Food" in Japan.
Chen Jianyi's son was 14 by his spirit, and he chose to take his cooking path.
Chinese food culture is an important part of Chinese culture. The Sichuan dishes Chen's family cooked has served as a 15 ,connecting the people of China and Japan.
1.A. customers B. writers C. hosts D. passengers
2. A. just B. never C. even D. still
3.A. strange B. unsure C. painful D. common
4.A. shocking B. boring C. puzzling D. disappointing
5. A. comfort B. support C. save D. remember
6.A. prepare B. love C. order D. help
7.A. for B. with C. in D. at
8. A. why B. what C. when D. how
9.A. wealth B. strength C. fame D. courage
10. A. realized B. managed C. imagined D. allowed
11.A. beat B. lose C. win D. meet
12. A. street B. backyard C. market D. kitchen
13.A. took over B. gave up C. showed off D. returned to
14.A. amused B. moved C. blinded D. warned
15.A. symbol B. window C. guide D. bridge
憾的是, 他于近期去世了。
1.A 根据空前的“He spent his life cooking and improving this dish ”可知, 陈建一是一位 厨师。再根据文章内容可知,他是在日本开川菜馆的。所以此处指他一生都在为日本顾客烹 饪和改良这道菜。
2.C 根据文章第一句可知,在日本,喜欢麻婆豆腐的人都知道陈建一,所以陈建一非常 有名 。 由此推断, 此处指一位日本艺术家甚至根据他的生活和工作创作了《中华小当家》。
3.D 根据上文可知,陈建一在日本非常有名,甚至有人根据他的生活和工作创作了《中 华小当家》。再根据备选项和常识可知, 此处指这本漫画是日本“80 后 ”和“90 后 ”共同的 儿时记忆 。common“共同的; 普遍的 ”符合语境。
4.A 根据上文可知 陈建一在日本民众中享有名望, 很受欢迎, 所以他去世的消息让人 震惊。
5.D 根据上文可知 陈建一夫世了, 故此处指《中华小当家》 的作者在他去世之后撰写 了一篇文章来纪念这位厨师。
6.B 根据上文内容可知, 陈建一在日本家喻户晓,他去世的消息让人震惊,还有作家撰 写文章来纪念他 。 由此可以看出, 日本人很喜欢他做的菜。
7.C 根据空前的“has played an important role"和空后的 cultural exchanges 可知, 此处指 饮食文化如何在文化交流中发挥重要作用。playan important role in“在...... 中发挥重要作用 ”, 为固定搭配。
8.D 根据空前的 began to learn 和空后的“to cook from his grandfather at a restaurant"可知, 此处指当陈建民 10 岁时, 他开始在一家餐馆向他的祖父学习如何烹饪。
9.C 根据空前的“He later worked in many cities ”可知, 后来他在很多城市工作过; 再 结合空后的“with his excellent cooking skills ”可推断,此处指依靠自己高超的厨艺, 陈建民 逐渐建立了良好的声誉 。fame“声誉; 名声 ”符合语境。
10.B 根据上文可知,陈建民依靠自己的厨艺建立了良好的声誉,并于 1952 年去了日本。 故推知,此处指六年后,他设法在东京开了第一家川菜馆。manage to do sth.意为“设法做成 某事 ”。
11.C 根据 9 空后的“with his excellent cooking skills ”可知, 陈建民厨艺高超 。结合该 空前两句可知, 陈建民来到了日本并设法在东京开了川菜馆。故推知,此处指他赢得了“现 代名匠 ”这一头衔 。win“赢得 ”符合语境。
12.D 根据上文可知, 陈建一的父亲是著名的川菜厨师, 而陈建一后来也成为大家熟知
的明星厨师, 由此推知, 他从小就在厨房长大。
13. A 根据空前的“After his father passed away in 1990 ”可知, 陈建一的父亲去世了 。 故推知, 陈建一接管了父亲的川菜馆。take over“接管 ”;give up“放弃 ”;show off“炫耀 ”; return to“ 回到 ”。
14.B 根据空后的“and he chose to take his cooking path ”可知, 陈建一的儿子选择走父 亲的厨师之路 。 由此推知, 他被父亲的精神所感动了。
15.D 根据空后的“connecting the people of China and Japan ”可知, 陈氏家族烹饪的川 菜连接了中日两国的人民 。 由此可推知, 此处指陈氏家族烹饪的川菜起到了桥梁作用。
题型突破三: 语法写作
Passage A
test, know, probable, world, include, however, scare. lead, compare, of
Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago, so we don't really know what they sounded like. Of course, there are many movies with dinosaurs making all kinds of sounds. 1 ,these noises are just guesses that movie directors make about how dinosaurs sounded. A new study has allowed scientists 2 more about the kinds of sounds dinosaurs made. The scientists studied a fossil(化石 ) which was from an ankylosaur(甲龙 ).It is around 78 million years old. The fossil 3 the ankylosaur's voice box(喉).That is the 4 oldest fossil of a voice box. The scientists believe the shape of the animal's voice box 5 means it made the bird-like sound.
The research was 6 by professor Junki Yoshida, a dinosaur researcher in Japan. Dr Yoshida did many 7 on the shape of the fossilized voice box. He 8 it with the voice box of dozens of birds and animals living on land. They now have an idea 9 what the muscles(肌肉) around the voice box looked like. The muscles controlled the windpipe(气 管)and sounds of the voice box, making dinosaurs sound like birds. This research may mean that movies like Jurassic Park was wrong. Hollywood may have to change its 10 voice of dinosaurs in future dinosaur films to a bird-like sound.
恐龙早在 6500 万年前就已经灭绝, 所以一直以来我们并不知道恐龙真正的声音是怎样 的 。一项新的研究发现, 恐龙的声音可能和鸟的声音相像。
1.However 空前一句提到在许多电影中,恐龙会发出各种声音;空后提到这些声音只是 电影导演对恐龙声音的猜测 。空前后内容为转折关系, 故填 However 。注意首字母大写。
2. to know 一项新的研究让科学家们对恐龙发出的各种声音有了更多的了解 。allow sb. to do sth.“使某人做某事成为可能; 允许某人做某事 ”,为固定搭配, 故填 to know。
3.includes 这个化石包含着甲龙的喉部 。此处描述一般情况, 句子的时态应用一般现在 时, 且主语为第三人称单数, 故填 includes。
4.world's 那是世界上最古老的喉部化石 。所填词修饰空后的名词短语,此处应用名词所 有格形式, 故填 world's。
5.probably 科学家们认为该动物的喉部形状可能意味着它发出像鸟一样的声音。空处应 用副词修饰谓语 means, 故填 probably。
6.led 该研究是由 Junki Yoshida 教授领导的。主语 The research 与 lead 之间为被动关系, 且空前已有 was, 故填 lead 的过去分词 led。
7.tests Yoshida 博士对该喉部化石的形状做了很多测试 。 空前有 many 修饰, 故填 test 的复数形式 tests。
8.compared 他将其与生活在陆地上的数十种鸟类和动物的喉部进行了比较 。 此处描述 过去发生的事情, 句子的时态应用一般过去时, 故填 compare 的过去式 compared。
9.of 他们现在对喉部周围的肌肉有了了解 。have an idea of 表示“对......有了了解; 有 了...... 的想法 ”,故填 of。
10.scary 好莱坞可能不得不在未来的恐龙电影中把可怕的恐龙声音换成鸟的声音。空后 为名词短语, 且该名词短语指的是物, 故填 scare 的形容词形式 scary, 表示“可怕的 ”。
Passage B
每个人都有不同的生活习惯,养成良好的生活习惯能帮助我们拥有健康的体魄和美好的 生活。临近毕业,校团委正在向九年级学生征文,请结合自身实际,以 How to Develop Good Living Habits 为题, 从日常起居, 卫生习惯,健康饮食, 体育锻炼, 交通安全等方面进行阐 述, 写一篇英语短文投稿。
1. 意思连贯, 表达准确, 书写规范, 适当发挥;
2. 文中不能出现任何真实的人名 、校名及所在地等信息;
3. 词数 80 左右。
How to Develop Good Living Habits
How to Develop Good Living Habits
Graduation is just around the corner, and it's high time we reflected on the importance of developing good living habits. Starting with daily routines, waking up and going to bed on time ensures we have enough rest. Maintaining hygiene is also crucial, from brushing our teeth regularly to keeping our surroundings clean.
Healthy eating habits are another vital aspect. Eating balanced meals and avoiding junk food contributes to our overall well-being. Regular physical exercise is equally important, whether it's a morning jog or a daily gym session.
Lastly, we should always prioritize our safety, especially when it comes to traffic. Obeying traffic rules and being cautious on the road can prevent avoidable accidents.
In conclusion, good living habits are the foundation of a healthy and fulfilling life. Let's embrace them now and carry them forward into our future.


