
  1. 二一教育资源



When you feel disappointed, you should know it is natural and normal, and everyone will experience it in their life. Sometimes life brings us a difficult hand, and events and trials (考验) we can’t control happen to us. Other times it is our own actions themselves that cause our trials. Even so, disappointment is part of life’s journey. Whether we have a better life depends on how we deal with it. Here are some steps to help us to make our journey more enjoyable.
Firstly, redefine (重新定义) our rules. It is considered that everyone has his own “rule” in their mind. If our own rules are too perfect, then they will disappoint us greatly. When we feel disappointed, it is wise to review and redefine our rules. Try an encouraging rule: I am happy and I am successful since I have made my greatest efforts.
Secondly, remind ourselves now and then of the reasons why we are working towards the goal. It is of great help to remember the reasons when we feel down. By revisiting those reasons, we will likely renew our promises and not get hung up on the disappointment of the moment.
Thirdly, think about our larger vision (视野) and recommit (重新提交) to it. It really helps.
Disappointment is a very valuable experience, which serves as a good educator and makes us more able to meet the challenges of the future.
Finally, reset and have a new start. It helps prevent us from getting into self-pity and force us to get up and move forward. Don’t live in the past. Take what the past has taught us and keep moving. Wake up the very next day as if our whole life is ahead of us and we have the chance to restart.
Nothing that happened in the past can stop us from creating the life that we have always desired or from achieving the goals that we are working towards.
Learning to deal with disappointment
Introduction It’s too natural and normal to feel disappointed and learning to deal with it is part of a fulfilling life.
Causes of disappointment Events and trials in life are sometimes out of 1 . Sometimes our trials are caused by our own actions.
2 to dealing with disappointment Redefine our rules 3 disappoint ourselves, try some encouraging ones
Remind our whys Being reminded often of our whys helps us renew our promises and get over the disappointment.
Recommit to our vision 4 makes us to be more able to meet the challenges of the future.
Reset and start a new life Instead of living in the past, we take what we have learned from the past and move forward.
Conclusion Dealing with disappointment properly can improve 5 of our life and make our life journey enjoyable.
Say hello to “Tong Mei’er”, it’s the amazing mascot for the Chengdu International Horticultural Expo 2024, also known as the Chengdu World Garden Expo. It’s inspired by the dove tree, a unique (独一无二的) plant only in China, and the ancient Bronze Bird from the Sanxingdui culture. Tong Mei’er is a symbol of peace, inclusiveness, and the rich cultural heritage (遗产) of the Sichuan.
The design (设计) of Tong Mei’er comes from the following three:
Dove Tree: The mascot’s crown comes from the dove tree, an ancient, endangered and national-level protected plant. It shows not only Chengdu’s ecological (生态的) beauty but also different kinds of animals and plants.
Bronze Bird: The beak, tail, and wing patterns of Tong Mei’er creatively draw from the Bronze Bird, an artifact of Sanxingdui. It reflects the long history and deep culture of Sichuan and the beauty of the ancient Shu culture.
Peace Dove: The design also includes the image of a peace dove. That means the values like peace, friendship, equality, and freedom, as well as the wishes of friendly international relations.
The name “Tong Mei’er” is similar to a local lovely term for a little girl in Chengdu. It’s good for increasing a touch of friendliness and ease for remembrance and spread.
For Tong Mei’er, the pointed beak, uplifted tail, and wing decorations are inspired by the Sun Bird found on the Bronze Tree. The dove tree flower on top is the symbol of ancient Shu civilization and the resolution for ecological and cultural development.
The design of Tong Mei’er not only reflects Chengdu’s natural ecology and cultural essence (精髓) but also shows the city’s scene as a “Park City”. It expresses the hopes and blessings for the successful hosting of the World Garden Expo.
As the official mascot, Tong Mei’er will play an important role in future activities, it’ll serve as a friendly envoy that connect Chengdu with the world.
The “disappearing” breaks between classes have become a widely discussed topic recently in China. A video shows there are hardly any students on the playground even during the 25-minute “big break”.
Many schools have rules including no running in the hallways, or even leaving the school building during breaks for safety consideration. But without these rules, some students still choose to stay indoors because of the distance to the playground. And they sometimes have to rush to the restroom as teachers begin the class early or end class late.
It is similar in England. Many schools have shortened their breaks in recent years. They say that it reduces bad behavior and provides more time for learning. Over half of the middle schools only have a lunch break of 54 minutes or less.
The school time of the two countries may be different, but they both agree on the importance of breaks. School breaks offer a chance to catch up with friends, relax, eat lunch, and get some fresh air. If pupils have more time away from their lessons, then they can rest properly and be ready for the classes ahead. It will also give them a chance to reflect on what they have learned. This could improve students’ mental health as they will not be stressed and worried. If students use time to exercise, it would greatly improve their health levels.
Now people in England are calling for longer breaks and they think it’s students’ right to have 75 minutes of break. The National Health Service suggests exercising for at least an hour a day. To help Chinese students enjoy the lively “10 minutes”, schools are required to provide safe environment to do sports and play together. It’s also their responsibility to encourage students to go out for proper activities and relaxation as well as to teach students the safety knowledge.
Under the influence of the Silk Road, China is often an exporter (输出国). However, throughout the history of these routes, many things were introduced to China through them. Here are three of them.
The Central Asian area introduced many products to China. For example, during the Han and Jin dynasties, nomadic people from the North introduced crops (作物) like carrots to China through the Northern Silk Road. One of the foods made from those crops is Hubing, a type of bread popular in the western areas of China. It was introduced to Chang’an by people from Central Asia during the Tang Dynasty.
Besides, many of these people from western areas opened cake shops in Chang’an. One of the most popular products these shops sold was Biluo, a type of cake that looked like a pillow. People could see the color of the filling inside from the outside because the surface of this dessert was quite thin.
Another food is a large number of spices (香料), such as pepper. They were introduced to China through areas such as the Indian Subcontinent. Pepper was first used for medical purposes, but later, during the Tang Dynasty it was used for cooking. After the Tang Dynasty, China began to grow pepper in its southern areas. However, the production was not enough to meet the needs and pepper continued to be imported (进口) from abroad.
During the Song Dynasty, thanks to the development of sea transportation, pepper was imported in large numbers and it was no longer as valuable as before. But for most people, pepper remained an expensive spice that was only saved for special events, such as when cooking for guests. During the Ming Dynasty, the Sea Silk Road greatly increased the import of pepper to China.
The food introduced to China through the Silk Road not only enriched the diet of the Chinese people, but also encouraged cultural exchanges.
Central Asians encouraged its development. It was introduced to Chang’an during 17 .
It was a 18 cake. Its surface is so thin that people can see the filling inside easily. It was first used as 19 . It began to be planted in the southern areas after the Tang Dynasty. During the Song Dynasty, pepper was still an 20 thing at a high price for most people.
Over the last 20 years, technology has been used more and more in schools. These days, it’s common for students to use computers or tablets. In many places, it’s normal for students to look up information on the Internet rather than using books. As classes moved online during the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of technology in education grew even more quickly. But is technology really useful to students A recent report by UNESCO (联合国教科文组织) warns that using technology in classes may not help as much as many people believe.
UNESCO agrees that technology can help in many ways. It can allow students to learn in ways that are more interesting; it can help teachers explain difficult ideas; it can also help students who have special needs. But UNESCO also says technology can be very distracting (令人分心的). When students use phones in class, it can get in the way of their learning. One study that was carried out in 14 countries shows that even just having a smartphone nearby can be distracting. Even so, UNESCO says that less than 25% of the world’s countries ban (禁止) phones in schools.
The goal of the report is to help improve how technology is used in education. The report says that technology can be helpful, but it shouldn’t be the center of education. Instead, technology should simply be used to properly support learning. “Too much attention on technology in education usually comes at a high cost,” the report says. “We need to teach children to study both with and without technology,” says Manos, the director behind the UNESCO report.
Also, the report suggests that the best way to learn is still to work closely with teachers. Working with other classmates also helps students learn well. UNESCO says that most schools should spend more money on books, classrooms and teachers.
Background: The use of technology in education keeps 21 Electronics are common among students. Students normally turn to the Internet for information. The COVID-19 pandemic sped up the use of technology in education.
22 allowing students to learn in more interesting ways helping with the teaching work meeting students’ special needs Problems: Technology influences students’ 23 on learning. Most countries haven’t realized the problem.
Conclusion (结论): Using technology in education may be 24 than we think.
Goal: to help improve the way technology is used in education Regard technology as a tool instead of the center of education. Don’t 25 technology in education too much. Spend more money on books, classrooms and teachers rather than on technologies.
The “sixth sense” of direction has been a mystery to scientists for more than twenty years. By trying out ideas and solving problems one by one, they are now getting closer to one answer.
One funny idea is that animals might have a built-in compass (指南针). Our earth itself is a big magnet (碰体) and a little magnetic hand that swings freely lines itself with the big earth magnet to point north and south. That’s where the inspiration of compass came.
Actually the idea of the living compass came just from watching animals in nature. Many birds move twice a year between their summer homes and winter homes. Some of them fly for thousands of kilometers and mostly at night. Tests have shown that some birds can tell star patterns. But they can keep on course even under cloudy skies How can they do that
One interesting study was to stick little magnets to the pigeons’(鸽子) beads—just as a loud radio can keep you from hearing a call to dinner. On sunny days, that did not fool them. Clearly, they can use the sun to tell which way they are going. But on cloudy days, the birds with magnets could not find their way. It was as if the magnets had stopped their magnetic sense.
An answer came from a piece of unexpected information. A scientist was studying bacteria (细菌) that live in small pools. He happened to find little rod-like bacteria that all swam together in one direction—north. Further study showed that each little bacterium had a chain of thick things inside, which proved (证实) magnetic. The bacteria had made themselves into little magnets that could line up with the earth’s magnet. The big news was that a living thing even a simple bacterium, can make magnetite. That led to a search to see whether animals might have it. By using a special instrument called magnetometer (磁力计), scientists were able to find magnetite in bees and birds, and even in fish. In each animal, the magnetic stuff was always in or closer to the brain.
Thus, the idea of a built-in animal compass began to seem reasonable.
Have you noticed that many people around you seem to be listening to audiobooks (有声读物) these years It’s actually a trend (趋势) in the whole nation. According to a report on Chinese people’s reading habits, 32.7 percent of Chinese adults had the habit of listening to audiobooks when they were free in 2021. And the percentage is still rising. As a result, more and more publishing houses publish (出版) new books in print together with their audio and digital versions (数字版本) to meet the needs of different readers.
So, what makes audiobooks so popular Well, here are some advantages of listening to audiobooks.
First of all, in the busy life, not everyone is patient enough to sit down and read a book unhurriedly. But with audiobooks, people can listen to them when they are driving, cooking, walking, and so on.
Second, although books can make a room look better, it might not be the case with someone who lives in a small space. Audiobooks are easy to get from a computer or smartphone, and they need no space in the room.
Third, when making audiobooks, people use modern technology which doesn’t require any ink or paper. By doing so, plenty of trees are saved and no pollution will be caused.
Fourth, for some people, reading can be a tiring chore. This isn’t to say that books are boring but not everyone can enjoy themselves in books for many hours. Audiobooks can include music, voice acting, and emotional intonations that make people feel more excited.
But even with those advantages, people shouldn’t give up on printed books. The smell of print and the physical feel of paper can provide people with a completely different experience.
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Playing computer games is usually seen as a waste of time. However, what if you could learn something from a game Students from Chengdu No. 7 Middle School recently created four games that are both educational and fun.
Four groups of students from the Roblox, a famous game organization, were given the task of creating educational games on any topic. The first group used the knowledge of physics and chemistry to make the game Arrow Round-the-World. In the game, players go on an journey on an island and finish tasks with the knowledge they learned in physics and chemistry. Here’s one task. It is about creating a material to balance (平衡) the two sides of the scale so that the player can cross the river.
Another game called YOUNIVERSE gives players a task-fighting with the devils (魔鬼) inside their minds such as worry, stress and so on. They created six cards. All of the cards are “guns” that players can use to fight against devils, but the failure to use them in a balanced way will result in the risk of becoming devils themselves. The idea is to find a balance between their stress at present and their ambition (雄心) for the future.
The other two groups focus on a bigger picture. Cover the Nest is a story about our future world where the environment is polluted terribly and society is unsafe. The players can feel the harm humans have done to the Earth by traveling through rich and poor neighborhoods in a future world. Another game Back to China takes the players to different places in China, like mountains and deserts. It will soon be included in Roblox so that people from around the world can experience the beauty of China.
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(2024·四川成都·一模)Have you ever heard “You never get a second chance to make a first impression (印象)” It may sound like an unusual piece of advice, but it is true—the first impression someone has of you when meeting you for the first time will probably influence how that person treats you or reacts to you in the future.
What is even more interesting is that the brain takes in all the information to create that first impression in about three seconds. When you meet someone for the first time, by the time you have told your name or shaken hands, the other person has already had an opinion about the kind of person you are.
So how do you make a good first impression All things grown-ups tell you, such as being polite and being well-dressed, are very important.
However, the most important tool for making a good first impression is your face. Smiling, being active, and looking like you are happy will almost always leave a positive (积极的) impression on people, especially those who do not know you. Most people, generally speaking, are ready to smile back when they are smiled at.
What’s more, smiling and being in a positive mood help you to know and get a better understanding of new things. This means that you can possibly be friendlier to people you do not know and be more creative and able to solve problems more quickly.
So, if you ever need a reason to be happy, think about the wonderful people you might meet and impress them with a cheerful smile.
The First Impression does count
The 41 of the first impression ·The 42 you’ve told your name or shaken hands, a first impression is created. ·The first impression someone has of you decides how that person treats or react to you.
The 43 ways of making a good first impression ·Being polite and being well-dressed are from 44 . ·Smiling, being active and being happy leave a positive impression on people. ·Smiling and being in a positive mood help you to 45 and find way out easier.
Smiling is the best way to be both happy and make a good first impression.
To help more disabled people to find jobs in Guangzhou, Starbucks (星巴克) has opened its first “Silent Café” (咖啡馆) in China where almost half the staff have hearing disabilities.
Fourteen out of the thirty staff members have trouble hearing, and so Starbucks has created a café that doesn’t require customers to say anything—nor the staff to hear anything. “This might be the quietest Starbucks among the over 3, 800 shops on the Chinese mainland,” says Leo Tsoi, Chief Operating Officer of Starbucks, China.
The newly opened “Silent Café” has a special ordering system (系统) where all food and drinks are numbered, letting customers easily write down their order and allowing them to place orders without having to say a word.
Chen Siting, a staff member shares her thoughts about the idea. “We cannot hear you but would like to share a tasty coffee with you,” says Siting. “I believe more people like me could find a job they dream about in the future,” she continues.
Like Siting, Zhu Jieying, has been working at Starbucks for about seven years, making him the master of the first Silent Café. He hopes that Starbucks could open more chances for those who are disabled, and encourage them to prove themselves and to discover more possibilities in life.
Starbucks “Silent Café”
Basic information >The first one in China was 46 in Guangzhou. >Almost half its staff have hearing disabilities. >Its customers place their order without having to say anything by writing down certain 47 .
Staff members’ 48 >Chen Siting: More people with hearing disabilities like her could find their 49 jobs in the future. >Zhu Jieying: Starbucks could 50 the disabled with more chances.
(23-24九年级上·四川成都·期末)Every year, 340 million birds are killed on roads in the US. 335,000 European hedgehogs (刺猬) are killed on roads in the UK. When driving down most highways and sometimes also on roadways in cities, animals are hit by cars or other vehicles (车辆) by accident.
A recent study showed, for the first time, the fast-developing road network is badly influencing on animals in cities in China. Li Zhongqiu and his team from Nanjing University looked at the problem and started the research. First, they chose Nanjing as the study subject. A total of nine roads were chosen for the research, including three national highways, with over 224.27 kilometers long. Then the researchers kept an eye on the roads every two weeks over a year. The team recorded a total of 293 road kill cases. Birds made up nearly half the total. Cats, dogs and blackbirds were the three most commonly killed animals. “This may be due to the large number of homeless cats and dogs in cities,” Li said. Also, there are usually a large number of blackbirds in eastern China, and they can be attracted by flies or other insects, leading to further accidents.
Roadkill happens more often in November and January, the team found. This may be due to the fact that some warm-blooded animals have to go out and search for food during these times when food is harder to find. The researchers call on policymakers to develop some traffic and animal protection rules, such as speed limits and traffic controls. And they think to build special roads for animals is a good way. These are four “life passages” for animals used in some countries.

Tunnel Bridge Viaduct (高架桥) Canopy (树冠的) crossing
A new study has found that 176 kinds of birds around the world are building their nests with rubbish from humans, such as cigarette butts (烟头) and plastic bags. Aren’t birds supposed to use grass, leaves and other parts of trees to build their homes Yes, they used to.
But now things are different. A group of European scientists looked into about 35, 000 studies on bird nests. It was found that birds have used man-made things in nests almost everywhere on Earth.
Scientists found that some rubbish seems to be helpful. This is why birds “like” putting it in their nests. For example, cigarette butts have some chemicals, so they can keep insects away and protect the baby birds. Plastic bags are useful in keeping the animals warm, and other hard things, such as paper cards, can make nests stronger.
However, in the end, human rubbish may only bring more problems to birds. The unhealthy chemicals in cigarettes hurt the baby birds. They may get sick or have shorter lives. If the baby birds eat other kinds of rubbish by accident, they will also get hurt.
To make matters worse, if the cigarette fire is not off when the bird brings it back to its home, it may set the nest on fire. Seabirds were found to add fishing nets to build up their nests, which may also cause them in danger, and it’s impossible for them to get out by themselves. Our friends in the air are living a hard life because of some human activities.
To improve the situation, people shouldn’t be allowed to smoke or leave rubbish behind when there are many trees around. And to make the idea work, people will have to pay certain money or help clean the area for some time if they don’t follow the rule. This protects the environment as well as the animals living nearby. We can also play our part by building artificial (人工的) nests that are warm and safe for birds to use instead of forcing them to build their own.
In cold weather, we often miss the warmth of summer. It would be great if we could store (储存) the summer heat for the cold winter months. Believe it or not, a new technology has made this idea possible-by using a lot of sand. Have you ever been to a beach on a hot day If so, then you can feel that the sand is burning your feet. In fact, sand can be heated to very high temperatures. It is also very good at storing that heat. For this reason, some Finnish engineers have created a seven-meter-tall sand battery. This large battery tower is filled with about 100 tons of sand. The engineers used some solar panels (太阳能电池板) to produce electricity. The sand can be heated by the electricity to about 500 degrees Celsius (摄氏度) and stay hot for several months. Therefore, the energy stored in summer can be used in winter. The heat can be used to warm homes, offices and even local swimming pools.
This green energy technology is still being tested in Finland. The engineers want to spread it to the world as soon as possible. They hope this technology can help reduce the use of fossil fuels (化石燃料).
(23-24九年级上·四川成都·期末)完成图表 根据短文内容,完成图表中所缺信息。
A 2023 survey reported only about 55% parents let their children (aged 7-12) decide what to wear. Parents often want to be part of how their children dress so that it is acceptable and correct for their age, weather and the activity.
Parents have more experience. It is part of their job like making sure their children eat healthily. If parents did not help children choose clothes, they might wear things that don’t make sense, like flip-flops in the rain. What’s more, in a special situation, it can be necessary to dress in a certain way to show respect. Choosing clothes can be a joint (共同的) effort: children say what they prefer but parents have the final say.
As children get older, they develop stronger opinions of how they want to dress. That’s why the survey also showed most children start saying “No” to parents’ clothing choices at about the age of seven. Some young people don’t care how they dress; some want to express their styles or dress like people they admire. Parents don’t always understand what children like or know what popular styles are.
Choosing their own clothes can be fun and creative, and allows them to express themselves and develop a personal style. It is an important step to become independent and can build self-confidence. For some children, clothing is a way of showing belonging to a certain group. Besides, if children choose their own clothes, they’re more likely to wear them, which means fewer arguments and less wasted money. And it is better for the parents and environment, too.
A survey: Should parents decide their children’s clothes Facts and 66 from the survey: *About 55% children (aged 7-12) can decide what to wear. *Children (at 7) start saying “No” to parents’ clothing choices.
Pros: Parents have more experience to decide Reasons: *It’s their duty. *Without parents’ help, children might wear things that don’t make sense. * 67 , children can dress in a certain way to show respect. Advantages: Be acceptable for their age, weather and the activity. Cons: Children develop stronger opinions of how to dress Reasons: *Don’t care how to dress and want to express their styles. *Parents misunderstand children’s 68 and what popular styles are. Advantages: *Be fun, creative and independent. *Build self-confidence and show belonging. *Mean better 69 between parents and children, less wasted money and less 70 .
Each year, the US Social Security Administration (美国社会保障局) announces a list of the most popular baby names of the year. Nearly every US citizen is registered (注册) with the organization, making it easy to create an exact list.
According to the list, we can see the changes in society and culture over the years. For example, names such as Dorothy and Margaret (for girls) and Harold and Walter (for boys) were popular in the 1910s. But these days, some names are considered that they can’t keep up with the times. Other examples of these names include Gladys and Ethel (for girls) and Howard and Clarence (for boys).
The list also shows which names are most common during a certain period—and which ones are more rare (稀有的). For example, in the 1980s—when I was born—the most common name was Michael. It happens to be my name.
But some more unusual names have become widely liked and chosen in recent years. From 2016 to 2017, the names “Wells” and “Kairo” (for boys) and “Ensley” and “Oaklynn” (for girls) all became more popular. But these names are still quite rare compared to more ordinary names.
Even pop culture plays a role in how popular names become. For example, the name “Isabella” saw a huge jump and became one of the most popular names in 2009. This was because of the success of the Twilight film series, in which one of the main characters is named Isabella.
Most popular names in the U.S.
Fact The list of the most popular names is the 71 of changes in society and culture.
72 Some names like Margaret and Walter are not popular because they are considered to be 73 . The most common names and rare names during a certain period are also listed. Some unusual names have won 74 in recent years. Some names like Isabella are chosen under 75 pop culture.
Conclusion Although more and more names are becoming popular, ordinary names will remain popular all the time.
1.our control 2.Solutions 3.In order not to 4.Experiencing disappointment 5.the quality
1.根据“Sometimes life brings us a difficult hand, and events and trials (考验) we can’t control happen to us.”可知,生活中的事件和考验有时是我们无法控制的。out of one’s control“失去控制”,故填our control。
2.根据“Redefine our rules”;“Remind our whys”;“Recommit to our vision”以及“Reset and start a new life”可知,这里都是解决方案。solutions“解决方法”符合题意,填复数名词。故填Solutions。
3.根据“If our own rules are too perfect, then they will disappoint us greatly. When we feel disappointed, it is wise to review and redefine our rules.Try an encouraging rule: I am happy and I am successful since I have made my greatest efforts.”可知,为了不让自己失望,尝试一些鼓励自己的方法。in order not to do“为了不……”,解释目的。故填In order not to。
4.根据“Disappointment is a very valuable experience, which serves as a good educator and makes us more able to meet the challenges of the future.”可知,经历失望让我们更有能力迎接未来的挑战,设空处作主语,用动名词,disappointment“失望”为不可数名词。故填Experiencing disappointment。
5.根据“Even so, disappointment is part of life’s journey. Whether we have a better life depends on how we deal with it. Here are some steps to help us to make our journey more enjoyable.”可知,妥善处理失望可以提高我们的生活质量,使我们的生活旅程愉快。quality“质量”,此处特指生活质量,故填the quality。
6.Inspiration 7.more friendly and easier 8.appearance 9.Meaning/Significance 10.Wishes, successfully
6.根据“It’s inspired by the dove tree, a unique (独一无二的) plant only in China,”可知它的灵感来自鸽子树,design inspiration“设计灵感”,此处首字母大写。故填Inspiration。
7.根据“It’s good for increasing a touch of friendliness and ease for remembrance and spread.”可知它有助于增加一丝友好,便于记忆和传播,即更友好、更容易地记忆和传播,此处用形容词的比较级more friendly and easier。故填more friendly and easier。
8.根据“the pointed beak, uplifted tail, and wing decorations are inspired by the Sun Bird ”可知尖嘴、翘尾和翅膀装饰的灵感来源于青铜树上的太阳鸟,即它是根据太阳鸟的外表设计的,appearance“外表”。故填appearance。
9.根据“The design of Tong Mei’er not only reflects Chengdu’s natural ecology and cultural essence (精髓) but also shows the city's scene as a ‘Park City’.”可知这是它的文化意义,meaning/significance“意义”,此处首字母大写。故填Meaning/Significance。
10.根据“It expresses the hopes and blessings for the successful hosting of the World Garden Expo.”可知它表达了对世博会成功举办的希望和祝福,即wishes“希望”,首字母大写;此处修饰动词用副词successfully“成功地”。故填Wishes;successfully。
11.little 12.shorter 13.Exercise/Do exercise 14.study/learning; (mental and physical) health 15.properly and safely
11.根据第二段中的“But without these rules, some students still choose to stay indoors because of the distance to the playground.”可知,学生几乎没有时间去操场,此处表示否定含义,空后的“time”为不可数名词。故填little。
12.根据第三段中的“It is similar in England. Many schools have shortened their breaks in recent years.”可知,英国很多学校的课间休息时间变短了,此处含有比较的含义,应用比较级形式。故填shorter。
13.根据倒数第二段中的“If students use time to exercise, it would greatly improve their health levels.”可知,此处指做运动。故填Exercise/Do exercise。
14.根据倒数第二段中的“It will also give them a chance to reflect on what they have learned. This could improve students’ mental health as they will not be stressed and worried. If students use time to exercise, it would greatly improve their health levels.”可知,课间休息对学习和身心健康有益。故填study/learning; (mental and physical) health。
15.根据最后一段中的“It’s also their responsibility to encourage students to go out for proper activities and relaxation as well as to teach students the safety knowledge.”可知,学生需要学会正确、安全地玩耍和放松,此处应用副词形式,作状语。故填properly and safely。
16.Three Examples/Examples/Three Kinds 17.the Tang Dynasty 18.pillow-shaped 19.medicine 20.uncommon/rare
16.根据“However, throughout the history of these routes, many things were introduced to China through them. Here are three of them.”和表格中图片可知,图片中显示胡饼,毕罗和胡椒三种食物,文中表示然而,纵观这些路线的历史,许多东西都是通过它们传入中国的,这里是它们种的三个,表格内为三种食物的介绍,即此处为标题,“三个例子”,“例子”或“三个种类”均符合语境,名词需用复数形式,examples“例子”,kinds“种类”,首字母t,e,k需大写。故填Three Examples/Examples/Three Kinds。
17.根据“The Central Asian area introduced many products to China...One of the foods made from those crops is Hubing, a type of bread popular in the western areas of China. It was introduced to Chang’an by people from Central Asia during the Tang Dynasty.”和表格中图片可知,此处与图片中的胡饼相对,文中表示中亚地区向中国引进了许多产品,其中一种由这些作物制成的食物是胡饼,一种在中国西部地区流行的面包,唐朝时,中亚人把它引进长安,即唐时它被传入长安。故填the Tang Dynasty。
18.根据“One of the most popular products these shops sold was Biluo, a type of cake that looked like a pillow. People could see the color of the filling inside from the outside because the surface of this dessert was quite thin.”和表格中图片可知,此处与图片中的毕罗相对,文中表示这些商店出售的最受欢迎的产品之一是毕罗,一种看起来像枕头的蛋糕,人们可以从外面看到里面馅料的颜色,因为这种甜点的表面很薄,即这是一种枕头形状的蛋糕,空处需填形容词,修饰cake,pillow-shaped“枕头状的”。故填pillow-shaped。
19.根据“Pepper was first used for medical purposes, but later, during the Tang Dynasty it was used for cooking. After the Tang Dynasty, China began to grow pepper in its southern areas.”和表格中图片可知,此处与图片中的胡椒相对,文中表示胡椒最初用于医疗目的,唐朝以后,中国开始在南方地区种植胡椒,即胡椒最初被用作药物,空处需填名词,medicine“药”。故填medicine。
20.根据“After the Tang Dynasty, China began to grow pepper in its southern areas...During the Song Dynasty,...But for most people, pepper remained an expensive spice that was only saved for special events, such as when cooking for guests.”和表格中图片可知,此处与图片中的胡椒相对,唐朝以后,中国开始在南方地区种植胡椒,宋代,对大多数人来说,胡椒仍然是一种昂贵的仅为特殊事情被保存的香料,比如当为客人做饭时,即在宋代,胡椒对大多数人来说仍然是一种不常见的东西,空处需填形容词,修饰thing,uncommon“罕见的”和rare“稀有的”均符合语境。故填uncommon/rare。
21.growing 22.advantages 23.attention 24.less helpful 25.focus on
21.根据第一段中的“Over the last 20 years, technology has been used more and more in schools.”可知,技术在学校中的应用越来越多,keep growing“持续增长”,固定词组。故填growing。
22.根据第二段中的“UNESCO agrees that technology can help in many ways. It can allow students to learn in ways that are more interesting; it can help teachers explain difficult ideas; it can also help students who have special needs.”可知,此处指技术在教育中应用的利的一面,advantage“优点”,此处应用复数形式。故填advantages。
23.根据第二段中的“But UNESCO also says technology can be very distracting (令人分心的). When students use phones in class, it can get in the way of their learning. One study that was carried out in 14 countries shows that even just having a smartphone nearby can be distracting.”可知,技术影响学生对学习的注意力,attention“注意力”符合。故填attention。
24.根据第一段中的“A recent report by UNESCO (联合国教科文组织) warns that using technology in classes may not help as much as many people believe.”可知,在课堂上使用技术可能没有许多人认为的那么有帮助。故填less helpful。
25.根据倒数第二段中的“Too much attention on technology in education usually comes at a high cost”可知,此处指不要过于关注教育中的技术,focus on“关注”,固定词组;根据空前的“Don’t”可知,此处应用动词原形。故填focus on。
26.possibility 27.According to 28.stop their magnetic sense/prevent their magnetic sense 29.accidentally/by accident 30.Writing purpose
26.根据“One funny idea is that animals might have a built-in compass”可知一个有趣的想法是,动物可能有一个内置的指南针,即动物有内置指南针的可能性,possibility“可能性”。故填possibility。
27.根据“...That’s where the inspiration of compass came.”可知这就是指南针的灵感来源,即根据以上的想法,发明了指南针,according to“根据”。故填According to。
28.根据“One interesting study was to stick little magnets to the pigeons’(鸽子) beads...It was as if the magnets had stopped their magnetic sense.”可知一项有趣的研究是在鸽子的珠子上贴上小磁铁,阻止它们的磁感应,stop/prevent their magnetic sense“阻止它们的磁感应”,动词不定式符号to后加动词原形。故填stop/prevent their magnetic sense。
29.根据“He happened to find little rod-like bacteria that all swam together in one direction—north”可知他偶然发现了一些杆状的小细菌,它们一起向一个方向游动——向北,修饰动词found用副词accidentally“偶然地”,accidentally=by accident。故填accidentally/by accident。
30.本文主要介绍了磁感应——活的指南针,故这是文章的写作目的,即writing purpose。故填Writing purpose。
31.listening to 32.third 33.environmentally friendly 34.more exciting 35.replaced
31.根据“Have you noticed that many people around you seem to be listening to audiobooks (有声读物) these years It’s actually a trend (趋势) in the whole nation”可知新趋势是听有声读物,listen to“听”,此处用动名词。故填listening to。
32.根据“32.7 percent of Chinese adults had the habit of listening to audiobooks when they were free in 2021.”可知2021年,32.7%的中国成年人有空时听有声读物,即三分之一的成年人,one third“三分之一”。故填third。
33.根据“when making audiobooks, people use modern technology which doesn’t require any ink or paper. By doing so, plenty of trees are saved and no pollution will be caused.”可知在制作有声读物时,人们使用不需要任何墨水或纸张的现代技术,通过这样做,大量的树木被拯救,并且不会造成污染,所以是对环境友好的,environmentally friendly“对环境友好的”。故填environmentally friendly。
34.根据“Audiobooks can include music, voice acting, and emotional intonations that make people feel more excited.”可知有声读物可以包括音乐、配音和让人感到更兴奋的情感语调,令人兴奋的:exciting,根据“than”可知此处用比较级。故填more exciting。
35.根据“people shouldn’t give up on printed books.”可知纸质书不能完全被有声读物取代,replace“取代”,此处用过去分词和be动词构成被动语态。故填replaced。
36.learning/study 37.the same weight 38.unless 39.environmental protection 40.geography
36.根据“what if you could learn something from a game”可知是把学习变成游戏,learning/study“学习”。故填learning/study。
37.根据“It is about creating a material to balance (平衡) the two sides of the scale so that the player can cross the river.”可知要平衡天平两侧,所以两侧的重量相同,the same weight“相同的重量”。故填the same weight。
38.根据“but the failure to use them in a balanced way will result in the risk of becoming devils themselves.”可知如果不能以平衡的方式使用它们,就会导致自身成为魔鬼的风险,即除非以平衡的方式使用它们,否则他们有成为魔鬼的风险,unless“除非”。故填unless。
39.根据“ a story about our future world where the environment is polluted terribly and society is unsafe. The players can feel the harm humans have done to the Earth by traveling through rich and poor neighborhoods in a future world”可知玩家可以通过穿越未来世界的富人和穷人社区来感受人类对地球造成的伤害,了解环境保护的重要性。故填environmental protection。
40.根据“Back to China takes the players to different places in China, like mountains and deserts”可知这个游戏将玩家带到中国的不同地方,主题是地理。故填geography。
41.facts 42.minute/moment 43.two 44.grown-ups/adults 45.be more creative
41.根据“but it is true—the first impression someone has of you when meeting you for the first time will probably influence how that person treats you or reacts to you in the future.”可知这是关于第一印象的事实,fact“事实”,此处用名词复数。故填facts。
42.根据“When you meet someone for the first time, by the time you have told your name or shaken hands, the other person has already had an opinion about the kind of person you are.”可知你一说出自己的名字或握手,对方已经对你是什么样的人有了看法,the minute/moment表示。故填minute/moment。
43.根据“All things grown-ups tell you, such as being polite and being well-dressed, are very important.”以及“However, the most important tool for making a good first impression is your face”可知一共提到了两个方法,故填two。
44.根据“All things grown-ups tell you, such as being polite and being well-dressed, are very important.”可知成年人告诉你的所有事情,比如礼貌和穿着得体,都是非常重要的,成年人:grown-ups/adults。故填grown-ups/adults。
45.根据“smiling and being in a positive mood help you to know and get a better understanding of new things. This means that you can possibly be friendlier to people you do not know and be more creative and able to solve problems more quickly.”可知微笑和积极的心情有助于你更有创造力,能够更快地解决问题。故填be more creative。
46.established 47.numbers 48.thoughts 49.dream 50.provide
46.根据“To help more disabled people to find jobs in Guangzhou, Starbucks (星巴克) has opened its first ‘Silent Café’ (咖啡馆) in China where almost half the staff have hearing disabilities.”可知,中国第一家星巴克“无声咖啡馆”设立于广州,establish“建立,设立”,此处是被动语态,空处用过去分词与was一起构成被动结构。故填established。
47.根据“The newly opened ‘Silent Café’ has a special ordering system (系统) where all food and drinks are numbered, letting customers easily write down their order and allowing them to place orders without having to say a word.”可知,顾客只需写下特定的数字,就可以不用说一句话下单,number“数字”,此处应用可数名词的复数形式。故填numbers。
48.根据“Chen Siting, a staff member shares her thoughts about the idea.”可知,这里指的是员工的想法。故填thoughts。
49.根据“I believe more people like me could find a job they dream about in the future,”可知,将来会有更多像陈思婷这样的听障人士找到自己理想的职业。dream“理想的”,形容词修饰后面的名词。故填dream。
50.根据“He hopes that Starbucks could open more chances for those who are disabled, and encourage them to prove themselves and to discover more possibilities in life.”可知,他希望星巴克为残疾人提供更多的机会,provide sb. with sth.“为某人提供某物”,情态动词could后跟动词原形。故填provide。
51.accident 52.length 53.possibilities/chances 54.solutions 55.go through
51.根据第一段“When driving down most highways and sometimes also on roadways in cities, animals are hit by cars or other vehicles by accident.”可知,路杀是发生在动物身上的一种事故;accident“事故”,名词,空前有“a kind of”,此处用其单数形式。故填accident。
52.根据第二段“A total of nine roads were chosen for the research, including three national highways, with over 224.27 kilometers long.”可知,研究共选择了9条道路,其中包括3条国道,长度超过224.27公里;length“长度”,名词,a length of“一段”,空前有不定冠词a,此处用单数形式。故填length。
53.根据第三段“Roadkill happens more often in November and January, the team found. This may be due to the fact that some warm-blooded animals have to go out and search for food during these times when food is harder to find.”可知,在11月和1月更有可能发生道路死亡,因为许多动物必须出去觅食;chance“机会”,名词,possibility“可能性”,名词,根据“There are more…”可知,此处应用复数形式作主语。故填chances/possibilities。
54.根据第三段“The researchers call on policymakers to develop some traffic and animal protection rules, such as speed limits and traffic controls.”可知,这是研究团队对“路杀”这一问题提供的解决办法;solution“解决办法”,可数名词,由语境可知,此处用复数形式表示泛指。故填solutions。
55.根据第三段“And they think to build special roads for animals is a good way. These are four ‘life passages’ for animals used in some countries.”可知,为动物建造一些“生命通道”,而隧道是道路下面供动物通行的通道;go through“通过”,动词短语,其中through“穿过”,介词,指从隧道里面通过,此处是不定式作定语修饰名词way。故填go through。
56.materials 57.natural 58.protection(s) 59.health 60.be/get punished
56.根据第一段“A new study has found that 176 kinds of birds around the world are building their nests with rubbish from humans, such as cigarette butts and plastic bags. Aren’t birds supposed to use grass, leaves and other parts of trees to build their homes Yes, they used to.”可知,许多鸟类过去使用草、树叶或树木其他部分来建造家园,而现在他们使人类的垃圾,如烟头和塑料袋子等新材料来建造它们的巢穴,material“材料,原料”,可数名词,此处应用复数形式表示泛指。故填materials。
57.根据第二段“But now things are different. A group of European scientists looked into about 35, 000 studies on bird nests. It was found that birds have used man-made things in nests almost everywhere on Earth.”可知,鸟类在地球上几乎任何地方都用不同于自然的、人造的东西来筑巢,natural“自然的”,形容词,在句中作定语修饰名词things。故填natural。
58.根据第三段“For example, cigarette butts have some chemicals, so they can keep insects away and protect the baby birds. Plastic bags are useful in keeping the animals warm, and other hard things, such as paper cards, can make nests stronger.”可知,人造的垃圾可以保护雏鸟,帮助动物保暖,还可以使巢穴更紧固,从而为雏鸟提供更好的保护,protection“保护,防卫;保护物,护身符”,作“保护”讲时,不可数名词,作“保护物”讲时,可数名词。故填protection(s)。
59.根据第四段“The unhealthy chemicals in cigarettes hurt the baby birds. They may get sick or have shorter lives.”可知,人造垃圾含有不健康的化学物质,它们会对雏鸟造成健康问题或伤害它们;health“健康”,名词,health problems“健康问题”,名词短语。故填health。
60.根据第六段“And to make the idea work, people will have to pay certain money or help clean the area for some time if they don’t follow the rule.”可知,如果人们不遵守规定,他们将得到不同方式的惩罚;punish“惩罚”,动词,主语Those与punish之间逻辑上是动宾关系,应用被动语态,空前有情态动词can,此处是情态动词的被动语态,其结构是can be done,punish的过去分词为punished;另外,get punished“得到惩罚”,动词短语,空前有情态动词can,此处用原形。故填be/get punished。
61.the sand battery/The Sand Battery 62.Creator(s)/Inventor(s) 63.pollution 64. Not only but (also) 65.provide warmth/energy
61.根据“Believe it or not, a new technology has made this idea possible-by using a lot of sand.…For this reason, some Finnish engineers have created a seven-meter-tall sand battery.”可知,本文讲的是用沙子电池储存夏季热量。故填the sand battery/The Sand Battery。
62.根据“For this reason, some Finnish engineers have created a seven-meter-tall sand battery.”可知,芬兰工程师是沙子电池的发明者/制造者。故填Creator(s)/Inventor(s)。
63.根据“They hope this technology can help reduce the use of fossil fuels (化石燃料).”可知,他们希望这项技术能够帮助减少环境污染。故填pollution。
64.根据“In fact, sand can be heated to very high temperatures. It is also very good at storing that heat.”可知,沙子不仅可以被加热到非常高的温度而且也非常善于储存热量,not only…but also…“不仅……而且……”。故填Not only;but (also)。
65.根据“The heat can be used to warm homes, offices and even local swimming pools.”可知,储存的热量可以为家庭、办公室、甚至当地泳池提供热量,provide sth for …“为……提供某物”,动词不定式后用动词原形。故填provide warmth/energy。
66.figures 67.With parents’ help 68.likes 69.relationships 70.environmental pollution
67.根据“If parents did not help children choose clothes, they might wear things that don’t make sense, like flip-flops in the rain. What’s more, in a special situation, it can be necessary to dress in a certain way to show respect.”可知,在父母的帮助下,孩子们可以穿着某种方式来表示尊重。故填With parents’ help。
68.根据“Parents don’t always understand what children like or know what popular styles are.”可知,父母并不总是了解孩子喜欢什么,也不知道什么是流行的风格。故填likes。
69.根据“Besides, if children choose their own clothes, they’re more likely to wear them, which means fewer arguments and less wasted money.”可知,此外,如果孩子们选择自己的衣服,他们更有可能穿它们,这意味着更少的争论和浪费的钱。更少的争论意味着更好的亲子关系,故填relationships。
70.根据“And it is better for the parents and environment, too.”可知,这对父母和环境也更好,也就是说有更少的环境污染。故填environmental pollution。
71.reflection 72.Examples 73.out of date/outdated/old-fashioned 74.popularity 75.the influence of
71.根据“According to the list, we can see the changes in society and culture over the years.”可知,根据这份名单反应了这些年来社会和文化的变化。故填reflection。
72.根据“For example, names such as Dorothy and Margaret (for girls) and Harold and Walter (for boys) were popular in the 1910s. But these days, some names are considered that they can’t keep up with the times. Other examples of these names include Gladys and Ethel (for girls) and Howard and Clarence (for boys).”可知,下文中举出了社会和文化的例子。example“例子”,应用复数,故填Examples。
73.根据“But these days, some names are considered that they can’t keep up with the times.”可知,有些名字被认为跟不上时代了。out of date/outdated/old-fashioned都可以表示“过时”。故填out of date/outdated/old-fashioned。
74.根据“From 2016 to 2017, the names “Wells” and “Kairo” (for boys) and “Ensley” and “Oaklynn” (for girls) all became more popular. But these names are still quite rare compared to more ordinary names.”可知,近些年,一些不常见的名字变得受欢迎了,应用名词popularity作宾语。故填popularity。
75.根据“Even pop culture plays a role in how popular names become. For example, the name “Isabella” saw a huge jump and became one of the most popular names in 2009.”可知,有些名字,如伊莎贝拉,是在流行文化的影响下选择的。the influence of“……的影响”符合语境,故填the influence of。


