
  1. 二一教育资源



1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What does the woman prefer to do
A. Climb the mountain. B. See the sunset. C. Walk around the town.
2. Which city has the woman been to
A. Paris. B. London. C. Amsterdam.
3. How much do two shirts cost today
A. $15. B. $20. C. $30.
4. When will Kate talk to Tony
A. After the meeting. B. During the meeting. C. Before the meeting.
5. Where did the man’s wife grow up
A. In Australia. B. In India. C. In New Zealand.
6. What part of the body has the man broken
A. His head. B. His leg. C. His arm.
7. Why didn’t the man notice the sauce on the floor
A. He wasn’t paying attention.
B. The supermarket was crowded.
C. There weren’t any warning signs.
8. What restaurant will the man go to
A. A Chinese restaurant. B. A Japanese restaurant. C. An Indian restaurant.
9. How are the prices of the food in the restaurant
A Too high. B. Very low. C. Fair.
10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Neighbors. B. Co-workers. C. Gym pals.
11. Why does the man take the subway to work
A. To save money.
B. To get more exercise.
C. To avoid waiting for buses.
12. What are the speakers mainly discussing
A. The station to get off at.
B. The way to an office building.
C. The benefits of taking the subway.
13. What day is it likely to be
A. Monday. B. Thursday. C. Saturday.
14. What does the woman suggest about painting
A. Dropping it.
B. Going on with it.
C. Getting a painter to do it.
15. How does the man feel at present
A. Tired. B. Relaxed. C. Excited.
16. What will the man probably do next
A. Write an email. B. Go shopping. C. Watch TV.
17. How long has Robert danced
A. For 89 years. B. For 75years. C. For 12 months.
18. Where does the “Midsummer Night Swing” dance event take place
A. At Bryant Park.
B. At Lincoln Center.
C. At the New York Public Library.
19. When does the Bryant Park dance series usually take place
A. In February. B. In March. C. In May.
20. What is Robert’s hope now
A. To attend a dance series.
B. To play games with friends.
C. To visit his favorite restaurant.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
The Grammy Awards’ Music Educator Award recognizes those who have made a significant contribution and demonstrated a commitment to music education. This year it went to Annie Ray. who was honored for her efforts to make music accessible to all students particularly those with disabilities.
Ray, who comes from a family of musicians, knows firsthand the impact that a great teacher can make on their students. She was inspired in large part by the diversity of the Annandale community, which represents over 60 countries, including many refugees (难民) and immigrants. “There are a lot of cultures that might typically conflict, and they come together in this very beautiful harmony,” Ray explained.
Ray created the Crescendo Orchestra for students with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Crescendo Orchestra, which was born out of the pandemic (流行病), doesn’t necessarily share the social goals of a program like Best Buddies or the Special Olympics. The focus is on teaching students how to play an instrument, through one-on-one instruction tailored to their needs.
The orchestra is about much more than just making music, however. The program gives students a chance to develop their cooperation skills, make mistakes and learn the art of improving something. “They completely changed my educational philosophy and approach of what it truly means to meet a student where they’re at and apply that elsewhere,” Ray added. “I believe they have a truly powerful message to share with everyone.”
As for the Grammy Award, Ray said that it belongs to her students. She also plans to put some of the money towards an ongoing scholarship for students who want to pursue music when they graduate, in any possible way. “It is a hard profession, but that was really touching,” Ray said. “And there’s nothing else like it.”
1. Why did Annie Ray create the Crescendo Orchestra
A. To settle social conflicts.
B. To help disabled children.
C. To promote social awareness.
D. To support people during the pandemic.
2. What can we learn about Annie Ray from the passage
A. She created music for each performance.
B. She was rewarded for her great music talents.
C. She provided more than music to her students.
D. She donated all her money to her talented students.
3. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage
A. Annie Ray: Bringing Home the Grammy for Musical Commitment
B. Crescendo Orchestra: A Symbolic Image of Great Musical Events
C. From Pandemic to Grammy: The Journey to Success of Annie Ray
D. Grammy Awards: A Recognition for the Best Musicians in the World
Situated along a river that winds through the mountains, surrounded by cedar (雪松) and bamboo forests, Nanmoku is about 70 miles northwest of the capital city. Once known for its silk, wood, and konjac root (魔芋根), Nanmoku is now Japan’s most aged village, with two-thirds of its residents over 65. Many buildings are abandoned and the population has dropped from 11,000 in 1955to about 1,500 today, according to town hall figures. At that rate, the village could be empty just over a decade.
Nanmoku is on the front lines of Japan’s rural depopulation, a trend seen in other Asian and European countries. However, some residents are working to change the trend by attracting young people. One such person is 24-year-old Satomi Oigawa, who moved to Nanmoku after graduating from college in Tokyo. She works for the village government, matching abandoned homes with potential new residents. Oigawa is learning about the village’s history as she integrates into the community. “Everything about this house is part of the village’s history,” she says.
Despite efforts to attract new residents, the village faces challenges. There are few jobs for young people, and the nearest hospital is an hour’s drive away. Some residents argue that instead of spending money to attract newcomers, the money should be spent on those already living in the village.
Mayor Saijo Hasegawa aims to keep the village’s population level in 15to 20 years’ time, hoping to maintain it at around 800 people. However, experts like Peter Matan le of the University of Sheffield say that while some villages may boom, they will still experience pushback against the overpowering trend. “Japan is currently losing 600,000 to 700,000 people annually, and that’s going to increase to more than a million by the 2030s,” Matan le says. “Under that situation, how do settlements maintain their populations, let alone increase them ”
4. Which of the following can best describe current Nanmoku
A. Old and timeless. B. Undamaged and charming.
C. Remote and developing. D. Historic and declining.
5. Why did Satomi Oigawa move to Nanmoku after college
A. To get job opportunities. B. To learn about the history.
C. To refresh the village. D. To experience the rural life.
6. What can be inferred about the efforts to beat Nanmoku’s depopulation
A. They are facing significant challenges.
B. They are likely to succeed at the moment.
C. They are widely supported by all residents.
D. They need more support from the government.
Economic growth is often considered as a sure way of increasing the well-being of people in low-income countries, and global surveys in recent decades have supported this strategy by showing people in high-income countries tend to report higher levels of life satisfaction than those in low-income countries. This strong connection might suggest that only in rich societies can people be happy. However, a recent study conducted by ICTA-UAB and McGill University in Canada suggests that there may be good reasons to question whether this link is universal.
While most global surveys gather thousands of responses from the citizens of industrial and urban societies, they tend to ignore people in simple-and-tiny societies on the fringe, where social group has a limited number of members and where the exchange of money plays a minimal role in everyday life with natives and local communities depending directly on nature.
The research, published in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), consisted of a survey of 2,966 people from local communities in 19 globally distributed sites. Only 64% of surveyed households had any cash income. The results show that “surprisingly, many populations with very low incomes report very high average levels of life satisfaction, with scores similar to those in wealthy countries,” says Eric Galbraith, researcher at ICTA-UAB and McGill University and lead author of the study.
The average life satisfaction score across the studied simple-and-tiny societies was 6.8 on a range of 0-10. Although not all societies reported high satisfaction levels, four of the sites reported average scores higher than 8, despite many of these societies having suffered histories of neglect and control. The results are consistent with the opinion that human societies can support very satisfactory lives for their members without necessarily requiring high degrees of material wealth.
“While the reasons behind these findings remain unclear, the study provides valuable insights into how diverse communities achieve satisfying lives. It offers hope that understanding these factors can help others improve their well-being while addressing sustainability concerns.” Galbraith concludes.
7. What does the research focus on according to the passage
A. The impact of cash income on locals’ well-being.
B. Income-satisfaction connection in industrial societies.
C. Economic growth’s concerns in low-income countries.
D. Relation between wealth and happiness across societies.
8 What does the underlined word “fringe” mean in paragraph 2
A. Edge. B. Surface. C. Horizon. D. Scene.
9. What’s the purpose of the numbers listed in paragraph 3 and paragraph 4
A. To indicate the research’s limitations.
B. To prove the reliability of the findings.
C. To emphasize high satisfaction scores.
D. To show the number of people surveyed.
10. What is Galbraith’s attitude toward the research
A. Unconcerned. B. Unclear. C. Promising. D. Critical.
第二节(共5小题;每小题3分,满分 15分)
How to Make Exercise a Habit
The new year is a time when it seems like everyone makes goals to work out and get fit. But by the third week of January, that all seems to go out the window. I’ve seen this happen almost every year: my workout classes are packed with fresh faces. ____11____ So I will share some tips on how to make exercise a habit, helping you stay healthier in the long run.
Focus on the routine and not the results
These days it feels like everyone is looking for a quick fix or fast results, particularly when it comes to health and fitness. ____12____ Focus on creating and enjoying the habit. Try scheduling your works alongside one of the other routines you already have in place.
Everyone seems to want to set big goals of working out 4 times a week with 60-minute sessions. But realistically, if you’re not used to this, it will just be overwhelming and lead you to quit. Given this, doing workouts even as small as5-10 minutes is a good place to start.
Forget the “all or nothing” view
When it comes to exercise, the all or nothing approach does not serve you. Say you plan a workout for today, but say things get crazy at work and you miss your scheduled time. Well that doesn’t mean you’ve failed. ____14____ Even if you miss your workout, that doesn’t mean you’ve given up. Just remember your results are from your every effort, not matter how small.
Find joy in your workouts
____15____ Don’t let yourself be boxed into a certain type of workout just because it’s trendy or everyone is doing them. A workout that suits you will promote your drive and enjoyment.
A. Life happens sometimes.
B. Start with mini workouts
C. Build yourself workout time-zone
D. But in reality, it takes time for results to show.
E. Explore until you find a workout that feels like fun.
F. There is something magical that makes your plan work.
G. But after just a few weeks, they return to the regular number of people.
第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分 15分)
Bobby and I had been friends right when we were five. I had a natural talent and ____16____ for painting, but Bobby’s life was marked by sorrow. While he had lost his parents, we ____17____ through our youth together, playing, chatting, loving and studying, until we graduated from college.
I was fortunate enough to find a job that allowed me to ____18____ my passion for painting. Bobby, on the other hand, seemed to wander ____19____ in his search for employment. Having heard his situation ____20____ when he fell ill, I decided to put my career on hold to look after him. When I stepped into his house, ____21____, a single room that he lived in, I saw it was covered with a layer of dust. Bobby’s only ____22____ during his days at home was a tree outside his window, holding desperately on to a single leaf.
Bobby would often pour out to me, “If that last leaf falls, I probably won’t ____23____ either.” Determined to lift his spirits, one early morning, I drew a leaf and tied it to one of the branches. It was so ____24____ that it appeared as if it belonged to the tree. This leaf never fell; it became Bobby’s symbol of hope.
As time passed, under the silent encouragement of the leaf, Bobby’s health began to _____25_____. Eventually, he was hired as a clerk in a bank close to his home and _____26_____ his enthusiasm for life. It turned out that the leaf I had drawn was more than just an artistic creation — it was an unbreakable _____27_____ of our friendship.
Our experience taught us that sometimes, a simple _____28_____ can have far-reaching effects. Friendship proves to be the most _____29_____ power along our path, even when faced with all challenges. This is the very _____30_____ of life.
16. A. passion B. treasure C. courage D. shortage
17. A. spent B. struggled C. searched D. sailed
18. A. increase B. appreciate C. pursue D. abandon
19. A. aimlessly B. cheerfully C. carelessly D. energetically
20. A. lessened B. worsened C. strengthened D. appeared
21. A. other than B. or rather C. rather than D. let alone
22. A. despair B. entertainment C. company D. choice
23. A. make it B. get it C. have it D. lose it
24. A. beautiful B. green C. interesting D. real
25. A. delay B. improve C. fail D. ignore
26. A. recalled B. replaced C. regained D. released
27. A. connection B. barrier C. duty D. witness
28. A. word B. look C. life D. gesture
29. A. demanding B. inviting C. comforting D. amusing
30. A. pain B. core C. hardship D. fun
When it comes to using winter tourism to boost its economy, Harbin seems to have already taken the first step. No one had expected such ____31____ (crazy) to occur in this far northern city. During the three-day New Year’s holiday, more than three million tourists crowded into the city. And the snowball effect of social media has suddenly turned the “ice city” ____32____ a hot spot.
The Zhongyang Street is an old street ____33____ (locate) in the center of Harbin. These Russian-style architectures reflect the diverse history of the city. The most famous snack here is ice cream, ____34____ during the holiday of the New Year’s Eve, 100,000 pieces ____35____ (sell). Obviously, no freezer is needed.
The winter wonderland is a symbolic tourist attraction of Harbin. Here, excitement is the ____36____ (easy) thing to find. This year’s seasonal theme park covers an area of over800, 000 square meters. ____37____ (stand) at the top of the Ice and Snow World, I realized that the reason Harbin could have such a success story was just that it is Harbin. It is the Harbin ____38____ local residents will give free rides to tourists, where the ____39____ (authority) would prepare public warming shelters and where you can ____40____ (total) enjoy yourself with no worries at all.
第四部分 语言知识(共两节,满分20分)
assigned cruel emerge blanketed policy decent complicated envy restoring precisely respectively subsequent
41. It’s difficult to know ______ how much impact the changes will have on us.
42. The talented young artist is starting to ______ as a promising figure in the art world.
43. With a 3D printer, a cook can print ______ chocolate sculptures and beautiful pieces for decoration on a wedding cake.
44. In their final exams, Alice scored 92%, Bob scored 85% and Claire scored 78% ______.
45. The whole village was ______ with heavy snow.
46. According to the school’s ______, all students should wear uniforms during school hours.
47. Mr. Smith stayed in his room alone, ______ those ancient paintings.
48. The rate of population growth reached its highest point in 1999 and declined in ______ years.
49. His many talents were the ______ of all his classmates.
50 Leaving pets in a locked car during hot weather is ______ and dangerous.
51. 人体由各种器官、系统和组织构成。
The human body is made up ______ various organs, systems, and tissues.
52. 他请她去澳大利亚旅行,但她拒绝了。
He offered her a trip to Australia, but she turned him ______.
53. 经过一段时间的考虑,我最终决定辞职创业。
After thinking it over for a while I’ve finally made ______ my mind to quit my job and start my own business.
54. 为响应救济地震灾民的呼吁,数百万人慷慨解囊。
Millions of people gave freely ______ response to the appeal for the victims of the earthquake.
55. 你无法想象他的脚受了那么重的伤还是完成了接力赛。
You have no idea how he finished the relay race ______ his foot wounded so much.
56. 我谨代表全体同学向你表示真挚的感谢。
______ behalf of all the students, I’d like to express my genuine thanks to you.
57. 毫无疑问,为了更好的背诵唐诗,你应该提前了解唐朝的历史。
There is little doubt ______ you are supposed to know about the history of the Tang Dynasty in advance so as to recite Tang poems better.
58. 虽然回家后感到很疲惫,我还是觉得这次活动意义重大且收获颇丰。
Although worn ______ back home, I thought the event significant and rewarding.
59. 我与其他选手不同之处在于我对此话题有着独特的见解。
What set me ______ from other candidates was my unique ideas about the issue.
60. 土地散发着新鲜泥土的芳香。
The land gave ______ the fragrance of fresh earth.
第五部分 书写(5分)
Our school’s annual Campus Cultural Festival is around the corner, which aims to enrich our cultural lives, showcase diverse talents, and foster a sense of community. We welcome ideas for what can highlight our school spirit and creativity. Please submit your proposal with a brief explanation of why it would be a great addition to the festival. Let’s make this year’s event the most memorable one!
第六部分 写作(满分25分)
61. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
As I opened the door, my two little girls squeezed past me, and hit the fridge for their after-school snack. A bag full of research papers begging to be graded fell down heavily from my shoulder onto the table. After a tiring day’s work, I still had to face the mess that was bothering me, including my husband’s doing-nothing and my daughters’ constant talking noisily. While scolding them, I reached for a cup of leftover morning coffee. As I turned towards the coffeepot, I noticed that the morning dishes weren’t in the sink and the counter was clear except for an envelope with my name on it. My heart pounded, as my husband hadn’t written me a love letter since we were engaged. Then I replayed the casual comment I had made that morning “Since you’re working evenings this week, it would be nice if you’d do something to help out around the house while you’re home.”
I picked up the letter, expecting an apology. But when I read the first line, my heart sank. “I’m tired of being accused of not helping around the house. I am tired of you scolding children every day. Yesterday, I washed the windows. Did you notice I also picked up your car from school and took it for an oil change. I bet you didn’t notice that either, did you Of course nor did you notice our daughters prepared coffees well every morning.”
The letter continued in the same tone—a little anger, a lot of hurt—and I deserved every word. The truth was when he worked evening shift, I envied the solitude (独处) he enjoyed by day. He spent hours alone in a quiet house while I took on the parenting role for both of us at night—dinner, homework, baths, bedtime. Then I graded papers or made lesson plans while losing my temper occasionally before I collapsed into bed. But who had time for clothes washing For dirty floors Not me, because my husband did.
1. 写作词数应为150左右;
2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。
I folded the letter and slid it inside the envelope to hide his words and my shame.
Hardly had I finished writing the letter when our younger daughter skipped in.
1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What does the woman prefer to do
A. Climb the mountain. B. See the sunset. C. Walk around the town.
2. Which city has the woman been to
A. Paris. B. London. C. Amsterdam.
3. How much do two shirts cost today
A. $15. B. $20. C. $30.
4. When will Kate talk to Tony
A. After the meeting. B. During the meeting. C. Before the meeting.
5. Where did the man’s wife grow up
A. In Australia. B. In India. C. In New Zealand.
6. What part of the body has the man broken
A. His head. B. His leg. C. His arm.
7. Why didn’t the man notice the sauce on the floor
A. He wasn’t paying attention.
B. The supermarket was crowded.
C. There weren’t any warning signs.
8. What restaurant will the man go to
A. A Chinese restaurant. B. A Japanese restaurant. C. An Indian restaurant.
9. How are the prices of the food in the restaurant
A. Too high. B. Very low. C. Fair.
10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Neighbors. B. Co-workers. C. Gym pals.
11. Why does the man take the subway to work
A. To save money.
B. To get more exercise.
C. To avoid waiting for buses.
12. What are the speakers mainly discussing
A. The station to get off at.
B. The way to an office building.
C. The benefits of taking the subway.
13. What day is it likely to be
A. Monday. B. Thursday. C. Saturday.
14. What does the woman suggest about painting
A. Dropping it.
B. Going on with it.
C Getting a painter to do it.
15. How does the man feel at present
A. Tired. B. Relaxed. C. Excited.
16. What will the man probably do next
A. Write an email. B. Go shopping. C. Watch TV.
17. How long has Robert danced
A. For 89 years. B. For 75years. C. For 12 months.
18. Where does the “Midsummer Night Swing” dance event take place
A. At Bryant Park.
B. At Lincoln Center.
C. At the New York Public Library.
19. When does the Bryant Park dance series usually take place
A. In February. B. In March. C. In May.
20. What is Robert’s hope now
A. To attend a dance series.
B. To play games with friends.
C. To visit his favorite restaurant.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
The Grammy Awards’ Music Educator Award recognizes those who have made a significant contribution and demonstrated a commitment to music education. This year it went to Annie Ray. who was honored for her efforts to make music accessible to all students, particularly those with disabilities.
Ray, who comes from a family of musicians, knows firsthand the impact that a great teacher can make on their students. She was inspired in large part by the diversity of the Annandale community, which represents over 60 countries, including many refugees (难民) and immigrants. “There are a lot of cultures that might typically conflict, and they come together in this very beautiful harmony,” Ray explained.
Ray created the Crescendo Orchestra for students with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Crescendo Orchestra, which was born out of the pandemic (流行病), doesn’t necessarily share the social goals of a program like Best Buddies or the Special Olympics. The focus is on teaching students how to play an instrument, through one-on-one instruction tailored to their needs.
The orchestra is about much more than just making music, however. The program gives students a chance to develop their cooperation skills, make mistakes and learn the art of improving something. “They completely changed my educational philosophy and approach of what it truly means to meet a student where they’re at and apply that elsewhere,” Ray added. “I believe they have a truly powerful message to share with everyone.”
As for the Grammy Award, Ray said that it belongs to her students. She also plans to put some of the money towards an ongoing scholarship for students who want to pursue music when they graduate, in any possible way. “It is a hard profession, but that was really touching,” Ray said. “And there’s nothing else like it.”
1. Why did Annie Ray create the Crescendo Orchestra
A. To settle social conflicts.
B. To help disabled children.
C. To promote social awareness.
D. To support people during the pandemic.
2. What can we learn about Annie Ray from the passage
A. She created music for each performance.
B. She was rewarded for her great music talents.
C. She provided more than music to her students.
D. She donated all her money to her talented students.
3. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage
A. Annie Ray: Bringing Home the Grammy for Musical Commitment
B. Crescendo Orchestra: A Symbolic Image of Great Musical Events
C. From Pandemic to Grammy: The Journey to Success of Annie Ray
D. Grammy Awards: A Recognition for the Best Musicians in the World
【答案】1. B 2. C 3. A
细节理解题。根据第三段中“Ray created the Crescendo Orchestra for students with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities.(雷为有严重智力和发育障碍的学生创建了渐强乐团)”可知,安妮·雷创建渐强乐团是为了帮助残疾儿童。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据第四段中“The orchestra is about much more than just making music, however. The program gives students a chance to develop their cooperation skills, make mistakes and learn the art of improving something.(然而,乐团不仅仅是演奏音乐。这个项目让学生有机会发展他们的合作技能,犯错误并学习改进事物的艺术)”可知,安妮·雷给学生提供的不仅仅是音乐。她创立“渐强乐团”,通过音乐教会合作、让学生从错误中学习和成长。由此推知,安妮·雷给学生提供的不仅仅是音乐。故选C项。
主旨大意题。通读全文,结合第一段中“The Grammy Awards’ Music Educator Award recognizes those who have made a significant contribution and demonstrated a commitment to music education. This year it went to Annie Ray. who was honored for her efforts to make music accessible to all students, particularly those with disabilities.(格莱美音乐教育家奖旨在表彰那些对音乐教育做出重大贡献并表现出承诺的人。今年的获奖者是安妮·雷。她因努力让所有学生,特别是残疾学生都能接触到音乐而受到表彰)”可知,文章报道了安妮·雷获得格莱美音乐教育奖的事迹。标题“Annie Ray: Bringing Home the Grammy for Musical Commitment(安妮·雷:把格莱美奖带回家)”抓住了文章的精髓,重点关注安妮·雷,突出了文章的主题,是最佳标题。故选A项。
Situated along a river that winds through the mountains, surrounded by cedar (雪松) and bamboo forests, Nanmoku is about 70 miles northwest of the capital city. Once known for its silk, wood, and konjac root (魔芋根), Nanmoku is now Japan’s most aged village, with two-thirds of its residents over 65. Many buildings are abandoned and the population has dropped from 11,000 in 1955to about 1,500 today, according to town hall figures. At that rate, the village could be empty just over a decade.
Nanmoku is on the front lines of Japan’s rural depopulation, a trend seen in other Asian and European countries. However, some residents are working to change the trend by attracting young people. One such person is 24-year-old Satomi Oigawa, who moved to Nanmoku after graduating from college in Tokyo. She works for the village government, matching abandoned homes with potential new residents. Oigawa is learning about the village’s history as she integrates into the community. “Everything about this house is part of the village’s history,” she says.
Despite efforts to attract new residents, the village faces challenges. There are few jobs for young people, and the nearest hospital is an hour’s drive away. Some residents argue that instead of spending money to attract newcomers, the money should be spent on those already living in the village.
Mayor Saijo Hasegawa aims to keep the village’s population level in 15to 20 years’ time, hoping to maintain it at around 800 people. However, experts like Peter Matan le of the University of Sheffield say that while some villages may boom, they will still experience pushback against the overpowering trend. “Japan is currently losing 600,000 to 700,000 people annually, and that’s going to increase to more than a million by the 2030s,” Matan le says. “Under that situation, how do settlements maintain their populations, let alone increase them ”
4. Which of the following can best describe current Nanmoku
A. Old and timeless. B. Undamaged and charming.
C. Remote and developing. D. Historic and declining.
5. Why did Satomi Oigawa move to Nanmoku after college
A. To get job opportunities. B. To learn about the history.
C. To refresh the village. D. To experience the rural life.
6. What can be inferred about the efforts to beat Nanmoku’s depopulation
A. They are facing significant challenges.
B. They are likely to succeed at the moment.
C. They are widely supported by all residents.
D. They need more support from the government.
【答案】4. D 5. C 6. A
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Once known for its silk, wood, and konjac root (魔芋根), Nanmoku is now Japan’s most aged village, with two-thirds of its residents over 65. Many buildings are abandoned and the population has dropped from 11,000 in 1955to about 1,500 today, according to town hall figures. At that rate, the village could be empty just over a decade.( Nanmoku曾经以丝绸、木材和魔芋根而闻名,现在是日本最古老的村庄,三分之二的居民超过65岁。根据市政厅的数据,许多建筑物被废弃,人口从1955年的1.1万人减少到今天的约1500人。按照这个速度,这个村庄可能在十年内就会空无一人。)”可推知,目前的Nanmoku是历史悠久的和衰落的。故选D。
推理判断题。根据文章第二段“However, some residents are working to change the trend by attracting young people. One such person is 24-year-old Satomi Oigawa, who moved to Nanmoku after graduating from college in Tokyo. She works for the village government, matching abandoned homes with potential new residents. Oigawa is learning about the village’s history as she integrates into the community.(然而,一些居民正在努力通过吸引年轻人来改变这一趋势。24岁的小川聪美(Satomi Oigawa)就是这样一个人,她从东京大学毕业后搬到了Nanmoku。她在村政府工作,为废弃房屋和潜在的新居民牵线搭桥。小川聪美在融入社区的过程中正在学习这个村庄的历史。)”可推知,小川聪美大学毕业后搬到Nanmoku是为了使村庄焕然一新。故选C。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“However, experts like Peter Matan le of the University of Sheffield say that while some villages may boom, they will still experience pushback against the overpowering trend.(然而,谢菲尔德大学的彼得·马坦勒等专家表示,尽管一些村庄可能会繁荣起来,但它们仍将面临抵制这股势不可挡的趋势。)”可推知,关于阻止Nanmoku人口减少的努力,我们可以推断出他们正面临重大挑战。故选A。
Economic growth is often considered as a sure way of increasing the well-being of people in low-income countries, and global surveys in recent decades have supported this strategy by showing people in high-income countries tend to report higher levels of life satisfaction than those in low-income countries. This strong connection might suggest that only in rich societies can people be happy. However, a recent study conducted by ICTA-UAB and McGill University in Canada suggests that there may be good reasons to question whether this link is universal.
While most global surveys gather thousands of responses from the citizens of industrial and urban societies, they tend to ignore people in simple-and-tiny societies on the fringe, where social group has a limited number of members and where the exchange of money plays a minimal role in everyday life with natives and local communities depending directly on nature.
The research, published in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), consisted of a survey of 2,966 people from local communities in 19 globally distributed sites. Only 64% of surveyed households had any cash income. The results show that “surprisingly, many populations with very low incomes report very high average levels of life satisfaction, with scores similar to those in wealthy countries,” says Eric Galbraith, researcher at ICTA-UAB and McGill University and lead author of the study.
The average life satisfaction score across the studied simple-and-tiny societies was 6.8 on a range of 0-10. Although not all societies reported high satisfaction levels, four of the sites reported average scores higher than 8, despite many of these societies having suffered histories of neglect and control. The results are consistent with the opinion that human societies can support very satisfactory lives for their members without necessarily requiring high degrees of material wealth.
“While the reasons behind these findings remain unclear, the study provides valuable insights into how diverse communities achieve satisfying lives. It offers hope that understanding these factors can help others improve their well-being while addressing sustainability concerns.” Galbraith concludes.
7. What does the research focus on according to the passage
A. The impact of cash income on locals’ well-being.
B. Income-satisfaction connection in industrial societies.
C. Economic growth’s concerns in low-income countries.
D. Relation between wealth and happiness across societies.
8. What does the underlined word “fringe” mean in paragraph 2
A. Edge. B. Surface. C. Horizon. D. Scene.
9. What’s the purpose of the numbers listed in paragraph 3 and paragraph 4
A. To indicate the research’s limitations.
B. To prove the reliability of the findings.
C. To emphasize high satisfaction scores.
D. To show the number of people surveyed.
10. What is Galbraith’s attitude toward the research
A. Unconcerned. B. Unclear. C. Promising. D. Critical.
【答案】7. D 8. A 9. B 10. C
推理判断题。根据第一段的“However, a recent study conducted by ICTA-UAB and McGill University in Canada suggests that there may be good reasons to question whether this link is universal.(然而,ICTA-UAB和加拿大麦吉尔大学最近进行的一项研究表明,可能有充分的理由质疑这种联系是否普遍)”以及第三段的“The results show that “surprisingly, many populations with very low incomes report very high average levels of life satisfaction, with scores similar to those in wealthy countries,” says Eric Galbraith, researcher at ICTA-UAB and McGill University and lead author of the study.(ICTA-UAB和麦吉尔大学的研究员、该研究的主要作者Eric Galbraith表示,研究结果显示,“令人惊讶的是,许多收入非常低的人群的平均生活满意度非常高,得分与富裕国家相似”)”可知,以前的研究显示经济增长与幸福感的关系,ICTA-UAB和加拿大麦吉尔大学最近进行的一项研究质疑这一普遍联系。由此可推知,研究重点在于考察社会财富与幸福感之间的关系。故选D。
词句猜测题。根据划线单词所在句子“While most global surveys gather thousands of responses from the citizens of industrial and urban societies, they tend to ignore people in simple-and-tiny societies(虽然大多数全球调查都收集了来自工业和城市社会公民的数千份回复,但它们往往忽视了简单和微小社会中的人们)”以及“where social group has a limited number of members and where the exchange of money plays a minimal role in everyday life with natives and local communities depending directly on nature(社会团体的成员数量有限,与当地人和直接依赖自然的当地社区的日常生活中,金钱交换的作用微乎其微)”可知,大多数的研究调查都收集了来自工业和城市社会公民的数千份回复,但是忽视了简单和微小社会中的人们,在这些社会中,成员数量有限并且金钱交换的作用微乎其微。所以这样的社会经常出现在远离中心、边缘的地区。所以划线单词的意思为“边缘”。故选A。
推理判断题。根据第三段的“The research, published in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), consisted of a survey of 2,966 people from local communities in 19 globally distributed sites. Only 64% of surveyed households had any cash income.(这项研究发表在科学期刊《美国国家科学院院刊》(PNAS)上,对19个全球分布地点的2966名当地社区人员进行了调查。只有64%的受访家庭有现金收入)”以及第四段的“The average life satisfaction score across the studied simple-and-tiny societies was 6.8 on a range of 0-10. Although not all societies reported high satisfaction levels, four of the sites reported average scores higher than 8, despite many of these societies having suffered histories of neglect and control.(在所研究的简单和微小社会中,平均生活满意度在范围为0-10中得分为6.8。尽管并非所有社会都报告了高满意度,但其中四个地方的平均得分高于8分,尽管其中许多社会都有被忽视和控制的历史)”可推知,第三段和第四段列出的具体数字,如2,966人参与调查、64%的家庭有现金收入、平均生活满意度得分6.8等,都是为了提供具体数据支持研究结果,增强发现的可靠性。故选B。
推理判断题。根据最后一段Galbraith的话“While the reasons behind these findings remain unclear, the study provides valuable insights into how diverse communities achieve satisfying lives. It offers hope that understanding these factors can help others improve their well-being while addressing sustainability concerns.(虽然这些发现背后的原因尚不清楚,但这项研究为不同社区如何实现令人满意的生活提供了宝贵的见解。它提供了希望,即了解这些因素可以帮助其他人在解决可持续性问题的同时改善他们的福祉)”可推知,他认为这项研究提供了关于不同社区如何实现满意生活的宝贵见解,并表达了对这些因素能帮助他人在解决可持续性问题的同时提升幸福感的希望,因此他对研究的结果是抱有希望的。故选C。
第二节(共5小题;每小题3分,满分 15分)
How to Make Exercise a Habit
The new year is a time when it seems like everyone makes goals to work out and get fit. But by the third week of January, that all seems to go out the window. I’ve seen this happen almost every year: my workout classes are packed with fresh faces. ____11____ So I will share some tips on how to make exercise a habit, helping you stay healthier in the long run.
Focus on the routine and not the results
These days it feels like everyone is looking for a quick fix or fast results, particularly when it comes to health and fitness. ____12____ Focus on creating and enjoying the habit. Try scheduling your works alongside one of the other routines you already have in place.
Everyone seems to want to set big goals of working out 4 times a week with 60-minute sessions. But realistically, if you’re not used to this, it will just be overwhelming and lead you to quit. Given this, doing workouts even as small as5-10 minutes is a good place to start.
Forget the “all or nothing” view
When it comes to exercise, the all or nothing approach does not serve you. Say you plan a workout for today, but say things get crazy at work and you miss your scheduled time. Well that doesn’t mean you’ve failed. ____14____ Even if you miss your workout, that doesn’t mean you’ve given up. Just remember your results are from your every effort, not matter how small.
Find joy in your workouts
____15____ Don’t let yourself be boxed into a certain type of workout just because it’s trendy or everyone is doing them. A workout that suits you will promote your drive and enjoyment.
A. Life happens sometimes.
B. Start with mini workouts
C. Build yourself workout time-zone
D. But in reality, it takes time for results to show.
E. Explore until you find a workout that feels like fun.
F. There is something magical that makes your plan work.
G. But after just a few weeks, they return to the regular number of people.
【答案】11. G 12. D 13. B 14. A 15. E
前文“The new year is a time when it seems like everyone makes goals to work out and get fit. But by the third week of January, that all seems to go out the window. (在新的一年里,似乎每个人都制定了锻炼和健身的目标。但到了1月的第三周,这一切似乎都烟消云散了。)”提出人们很快就会忘记自己的锻炼和健身目标这一社会现象,作者在上文“I’ve seen this happen almost every year: my workout classes are packed with fresh faces. (我几乎每年都看到这种情况发生:我的健身课上挤满了新面孔……)”中用自己的亲眼目睹的情况来印证这一事实,G项“But after just a few weeks, they return to the regular number of people. (但仅仅几周后,人数就会恢复到正常水平。)”承接上文,说明新年开始确实会有很多新人参加锻炼,但他们很快又会消失,与前文语意一致。故选G项。
上文“These days it feels like everyone is looking for a quick fix or fast results, particularly when it comes to health and fitness. (如今,感觉每个人都在寻找快速解决或快速的结果,特别是在健康和健身方面。)”提出人们都想找到捷径,对于健康和健身也是如此,D项“But in reality, it takes time for results to show. (但在现实中,结果需要时间才能显现。)”与上文构成转折关系,指出这一想法的不切实际,因为结果需要时间,照应小标题“关注过程,而不是结果”。故选D项。
设空句是段首小标题。根据下文“Everyone seems to want to set big goals of working out 4 times a week with 60-minute sessions. But realistically, if you’re not used to this, it will just be overwhelming and lead you to quit. Given this, doing workouts even as small as5-10 minutes is a good place to start. (每个人似乎都想设定一个大目标,每周锻炼4次,每次60分钟。但实际上,如果你不习惯这样做,它只会让你难以承受,最终导致你放弃。考虑到这一点,即使是5-10分钟的小锻炼也是一个很好的开始。)”可知,本段建议从小锻炼开始,B项“Start with mini workouts (从小型锻炼开始)”是本段内容的最佳概括。故选B项。
上文“Say you plan a workout for today, but say things get crazy at work and you miss your scheduled time. Well that doesn’t mean you’ve failed. (比如说你计划今天锻炼,但是工作上的事情变得很疯狂,你错过了预定的时间。这并不意味着你失败了。)”讲我们可能因为工作而错过锻炼,但这并不意味着失败。A项“Life happens sometimes. (生活中总会发生意外。)”和下文“Even if you miss your workout, that doesn’t mean you’ve given up. (即使你错过了锻炼,也不意味着你已经放弃了。)”重复了上文文意,强调不要放弃,上下文语意一致。故选A项。
根据下文“Don’t let yourself be boxed into a certain type of workout just because it’s trendy or everyone is doing them. A workout that suits you will promote your drive and enjoyment. (不要仅仅因为流行或者人人都在做某一种运动,就把自己限定在这种运动中。适合你的锻炼会提升你的动力和乐趣。)”可知,选择锻炼形式不能跟风,要寻找适合自己并能带来乐趣的锻炼方式,这是对E项“Explore until you find a workout that feels like fun. (不断探索,直到找到一种你觉得有趣的锻炼方式。)”观点的诠释,上下文语意连贯。故选E项。
第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分 15分)
Bobby and I had been friends right when we were five. I had a natural talent and ____16____ for painting, but Bobby’s life was marked by sorrow. While he had lost his parents, we ____17____ through our youth together, playing, chatting, loving and studying, until we graduated from college.
I was fortunate enough to find a job that allowed me to ____18____ my passion for painting. Bobby, on the other hand, seemed to wander ____19____ in his search for employment. Having heard his situation ____20____ when he fell ill, I decided to put my career on hold to look after him. When I stepped into his house, ____21____, a single room that he lived in, I saw it was covered with a layer of dust. Bobby’s only ____22____ during his days at home was a tree outside his window, holding desperately on to a single leaf.
Bobby would often pour out to me, “If that last leaf falls, I probably won’t ____23____ either.” Determined to lift his spirits, one early morning, I drew a leaf and tied it to one of the branches. It was so ____24____ that it appeared as if it belonged to the tree. This leaf never fell; it became Bobby’s symbol of hope.
As time passed, under the silent encouragement of the leaf, Bobby’s health began to _____25_____. Eventually, he was hired as a clerk in a bank close to his home and _____26_____ his enthusiasm for life. It turned out that the leaf I had drawn was more than just an artistic creation — it was an unbreakable _____27_____ of our friendship.
Our experience taught us that sometimes, a simple _____28_____ can have far-reaching effects. Friendship proves to be the most _____29_____ power along our path, even when faced with all challenges. This is the very _____30_____ of life.
16. A. passion B. treasure C. courage D. shortage
17. A. spent B. struggled C. searched D. sailed
18. A. increase B. appreciate C. pursue D. abandon
19. A. aimlessly B. cheerfully C. carelessly D. energetically
20. A. lessened B. worsened C. strengthened D. appeared
21. A. other than B. or rather C. rather than D. let alone
22. A. despair B. entertainment C. company D. choice
23. A. make it B. get it C. have it D. lose it
24. A. beautiful B. green C. interesting D. real
25. A. delay B. improve C. fail D. ignore
26. A. recalled B. replaced C. regained D. released
27. A. connection B. barrier C. duty D. witness
28. A. word B. look C. life D. gesture
29. A. demanding B. inviting C. comforting D. amusing
30. A. pain B. core C. hardship D. fun
【答案】16. A 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. B 21. B 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. B 26. C 27. D 28. D 29. C 30. B
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我有绘画的天赋和热情,但鲍比的一生却充满了悲伤。A. passion热情;B. treasure宝藏;C. courage勇气;D. shortage短缺。根据下文“allowed me to 3 my passion for painting”可知,作者有绘画天赋和并对绘画充满热情;passion是原词复现。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当他失去父母时,我们一起挣扎着度过了我们的青春,我们一起玩耍,聊天,相爱,学习,直到我们大学毕业。A. spent花费;B. struggled在困境中挣扎;C. searched搜索;D. sailed航行。根据上文“he had lost his parents”和下文“through our youth”可推知,鲍比失去了父母,所以作者陪着他一起挣扎着度过了青春时期。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我很幸运地找到了一份工作,可以让我追求我对绘画的热情。A. increase增加;B. appreciate欣赏;C. pursue追求,努力实现;D. abandon放弃。根据上文“I was fortunate enough to find a job”和下文“my passion for painting”可知,作者找到了工作,可以继续追求自己对绘画的热情。故选C项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:另一方面,鲍比似乎在找工作时漫无目的地徘徊。A. aimlessly漫无目的地;B. cheerfully欢快地;C. carelessly粗心地;D. energetically精力充沛地。根据上文“wander”可推知,在找工作方面,鲍比仍然在徘徊,漫无目的。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:听说他生病后情况更糟了,我决定暂时搁置我的事业来照顾他。A. lessened减少;B. worsened更糟;C. strengthened加强;D. appeared出现。根据下文“he fell ill”可知,鲍比的情况雪上加霜,变得更糟了。故选B项。
考查固定短语辨析。句意:当我走进他的房子,或者更确切地说,他住的那个单人房间时,我看到它被一层灰尘覆盖着。A. other than除了;B. or rather更确切地说;C. rather than而不是;D. let alone更不用说。根据下文“a single room”可知,鲍比住的地方不能称为房子,更准确地说,其实是一个单人房间。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:鲍比在家的日子里唯一的陪伴就是窗外的一棵树,它拼命地抓着一片叶子。A. despair绝望;B. entertainment娱乐;C. company陪伴;D. choice选择。根据下文“a tree outside his window”和“Bobby would often pour out to me, “If that last leaf falls, I probably won’t 8 either.””可知,鲍比把这窗外树上的叶子视着自己活下去的理由,这棵树是它唯一的陪伴。故选C项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:如果最后一片叶子掉了,我可能也撑不下去了。A. make it好转,挺过去;B. get it明白;C. have it有它;D. lose it失去它。根据上文“If that last leaf falls...”和下文“Determined to lift his spirits, one early morning, I drew a leaf and tied it to one of the branches.”可知,鲍比把树上的最后那片树叶看着自己坚持下去的理由,如果树叶掉落,自己也撑不下去了。故选A项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它是如此真实,就好像它是属于那棵树的。A. beautiful美丽的;B. green绿色的;C. interesting有趣的;D. real真实的。根据下文“it appeared as if it belonged to the tree”可知,作者画的树叶很真实。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着时间的流逝,在树叶的默默鼓励下,鲍比的健康开始好转。A. delay延迟;B. improve康复,健康好转;C. fail失败;D. ignore忽略。根据上文“the silent encouragement of the leaf”和下文“Eventually, he was hired as a clerk in a bank”可知,鲍比的健康状况好转了。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:最终,他被离家不远的一家银行聘为职员,重新获得了对生活的热情。A. recalled回忆;B. replaced取代;C. regained重新获得;D. released释放。根据上文“he was hired as a clerk in a bank close to his home”可推知,鲍比健康状况好转并找到了工作,所以他重新获得了对生活的热情。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:事实证明,我画的这片叶子不仅仅是一个艺术创作——它是我们友谊的牢不可破的见证。A. connection联系;B. barrier障碍;C. duty责任;D. witness见证。根据上文“Determined to lift his spirits, one early morning, I drew a leaf and tied it to one of the branches.”可知,为了让鲍比坚持下去,作者画了一片叶子挂在树上,这给予鲍比无限的力量,让他撑了下来,所以这片叶子是作者与鲍比友谊的见证。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们的经验告诉我们,有时候,一个简单的举动可以产生深远的影响。A. word话语;B. look眼神;C. life生活;D. gesture表示,举动。上文中作者画了一片叶子,让朋友鲍比撑了下来,对鲍比的人生产生深远影响,所以作者感悟“一个简单的举动可以产生深远的影响”。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:事实证明,在我们的人生道路上,友谊是最令人安慰的力量,即使在面对所有挑战时也是如此。A. demanding要求高的;B. inviting吸引人的;C. comforting安慰的;D. amusing有趣的。根据上文可知,作者在鲍比人生低谷时一直陪伴左右,给他鼓励,所以友谊是人生道路上最令人安慰的力量。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是人生的核心。A. pain痛苦;B. core核心;C. hardship困难;D. fun乐趣。上文作者感悟友谊是人生道路上最令人安慰的力量,是人生中重要的部分,是人生的核心所在。故选B项。
When it comes to using winter tourism to boost its economy, Harbin seems to have already taken the first step. No one had expected such ____31____ (crazy) to occur in this far northern city. During the three-day New Year’s holiday, more than three million tourists crowded into the city. And the snowball effect of social media has suddenly turned the “ice city” ____32____ a hot spot.
The Zhongyang Street is an old street ____33____ (locate) in the center of Harbin. These Russian-style architectures reflect the diverse history of the city. The most famous snack here is ice cream, ____34____ during the holiday of the New Year’s Eve, 100,000 pieces ____35____ (sell). Obviously, no freezer is needed.
The winter wonderland is a symbolic tourist attraction of Harbin. Here, excitement is the ____36____ (easy) thing to find. This year’s seasonal theme park covers an area of over800, 000 square meters. ____37____ (stand) at the top of the Ice and Snow World, I realized that the reason Harbin could have such a success story was just that it is Harbin. It is the Harbin ____38____ local residents will give free rides to tourists, where the ____39____ (authority) would prepare public warming shelters and where you can ____40____ (total) enjoy yourself with no worries at all.
【答案】31. craziness
32. into 33. located
34 and 35. were sold
36. easiest
37. Standing
38. where 39. authorities
40. totally
考查非谓语动词。句意:中央大街是哈尔滨市中心的一条老街。be located in“坐落于”,此处应用过去分词作后置定语,故填located。
考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:同上。主语pieces和动词sell之间是被动关系,结合时间状语“during the holiday of the New Year’s Eve”可知是描述过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语表示复数意义,故填were sold。
第四部分 语言知识(共两节,满分20分)
assigned cruel emerge blanketed policy decent complicated envy restoring precisely respectively subsequent
41. It’s difficult to know ______ how much impact the changes will have on us.
42. The talented young artist is starting to ______ as a promising figure in the art world.
43. With a 3D printer, a cook can print ______ chocolate sculptures and beautiful pieces for decoration on a wedding cake.
44. In their final exams, Alice scored 92%, Bob scored 85% and Claire scored 78% ______.
45. The whole village was ______ with heavy snow.
46. According to the school’s ______, all students should wear uniforms during school hours.
47. Mr. Smith stayed in his room alone, ______ those ancient paintings.
48. The rate of population growth reached its highest point in 1999 and declined in ______ years.
49. His many talents were the ______ of all his classmates.
50. Leaving pets in a locked car during hot weather is ______ and dangerous.
【答案】41. precisely
42. emerge 43. decent
44. respectively
45. blanketed
46. policy 47. restoring
48. subsequent
49. envy 50. cruel
考查形容词。句意:有了3D打印机,厨师可以打印出像样的巧克力雕塑和漂亮的装饰在婚礼蛋糕上。根据句意及所给句子可知,此处使用形容词decent“像样的,得体的”,作定语,修饰名词短语chocolate sculptures。故填decent。
考查名词。句意:根据学校的规定,所有学生在上课时间都应该穿校服。根据句意及所给句子可知,此处使用名词policy“政策,原则”,作介词According to的宾语。故填policy。
考查现在分词。句意:史密斯先生独自呆在房间里修复那些古画。根据句意及所给句子可知,此处使用动词restore“修复”的现在分词restoring,作伴随状语,和主语Mr. Smith之间是主动关系。故填restoring。
考查名词。句意:他的许多才能是他所有同学羡慕的。根据句意及所给句子和系动词were可知,此处使用名词envy“羡慕,嫉妒”,作表语,envy of sb是固定搭配。故填envy。
51. 人体由各种器官、系统和组织构成。
The human body is made up ______ various organs, systems, and tissues.
【详解】考查介词。根据句意“由……组成”可知短语为be made up of,故填of。
52. 他请她去澳大利亚旅行,但她拒绝了。
He offered her a trip to Australia, but she turned him ______.
【详解】考查动词短语和副词。“拒绝”用动词短语turn down表示,副词down作状语。故填down。
53. 经过一段时间的考虑,我最终决定辞职创业。
After thinking it over for a while, I’ve finally made ______ my mind to quit my job and start my own business.
【详解】考查固定短语。“决定”用动词短语make up one’s mind表示,句中用up构成短语made up my mind“下定决心,决定”。故填up。
54. 为响应救济地震灾民的呼吁,数百万人慷慨解囊。
Millions of people gave freely ______ response to the appeal for the victims of the earthquake.
【详解】考查介词。“为响应”用介词短语in response to,构成目的状语。故填in。
55. 你无法想象他的脚受了那么重的伤还是完成了接力赛。
You have no idea how he finished the relay race ______ his foot wounded so much.
56. 我谨代表全体同学向你表示真挚的感谢。
______ behalf of all the students, I’d like to express my genuine thanks to you.
【详解】考查介词。短语on behalf of表示“代表”,首字母大写。故填On。
57. 毫无疑问,为了更好的背诵唐诗,你应该提前了解唐朝的历史。
There is little doubt ______ you are supposed to know about the history of the Tang Dynasty in advance so as to recite Tang poems better.
【详解】考查固定句型。表示“毫无疑问”句型为There is little doubt that...,故填that。
58. 虽然回家后感到很疲惫,我还是觉得这次活动意义重大且收获颇丰。
Although worn ______ back home, I thought the event significant and rewarding.
【详解】考查固定短语。分析句意再根据空格前的worn可知,此处用固定或短语worn out表示“很疲惫”。故填out。
59. 我与其他选手不同之处在于我对此话题有着独特的见解。
What set me ______ from other candidates was my unique ideas about the issue.
【详解】考查副词。set sb./sth. apart是固定短语,意为“把某人/某事区分开”,其中副词apart意为“区分开地”。故填apart。
60. 土地散发着新鲜泥土的芳香。
The land gave ______ the fragrance of fresh earth.
【详解】考查固定短语。表示“散发”短语为give off,故填off。
第五部分 书写(5分)
Our school’s annual Campus Cultural Festival is around the corner, which aims to enrich our cultural lives, showcase diverse talents, and foster a sense of community. We welcome ideas for what can highlight our school spirit and creativity. Please submit your proposal with a brief explanation of why it would be a great addition to the festival. Let’s make this year’s event the most memorable one!
第六部分 写作(满分25分)
61. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
As I opened the door, my two little girls squeezed past me, and hit the fridge for their after-school snack. A bag full of research papers begging to be graded fell down heavily from my shoulder onto the table. After a tiring day’s work, I still had to face the mess that was bothering me, including my husband’s doing-nothing and my daughters’ constant talking noisily. While scolding them, I reached for a cup of leftover morning coffee. As I turned towards the coffeepot, I noticed that the morning dishes weren’t in the sink and the counter was clear except for an envelope with my name on it. My heart pounded, as my husband hadn’t written me a love letter since we were engaged. Then I replayed the casual comment I had made that morning “Since you’re working evenings this week, it would be nice if you’d do something to help out around the house while you’re home.”
I picked up the letter, expecting an apology. But when I read the first line, my heart sank. “I’m tired of being accused of not helping around the house. I am tired of you scolding children every day. Yesterday, I washed the windows. Did you notice I also picked up your car from school and took it for an oil change. I bet you didn’t notice that either, did you Of course nor did you notice our daughters prepared coffees well every morning.”
The letter continued in the same tone—a little anger, a lot of hurt—and I deserved every word. The truth was when he worked evening shift, I envied the solitude (独处) he enjoyed by day. He spent hours alone in a quiet house while I took on the parenting role for both of us at night—dinner, homework, baths, bedtime. Then I graded papers or made lesson plans while losing my temper occasionally before I collapsed into bed. But who had time for clothes washing For dirty floors Not me, because my husband did.
1. 写作词数应为150左右;
2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。
I folded the letter and slid it inside the envelope to hide his words and my shame.
Hardly had I finished writing the letter when our younger daughter skipped in.
I folded the letter and slid it inside the envelope to hide his words and my shame. My heart felt heavy as I realized how unfair I had been to my husband. He had been working hard, both at his job and at home, while I had been taking it all for granted. I sat down at the table, determined to write him a sincere apology. I expressed my gratitude for his hard work and admitted my own shortcomings. I promised to be more understanding and appreciative of his efforts. I knew it would take time to heal the wounds in our relationship, but I was ready to start the process.
Hardly had I finished writing the letter when our younger daughter skipped in. She saw the envelope in my hand and her eyes widened curiously. “Mommy, what are you writing ” she asked. I smiled and held up the letter. “This is a letter to Daddy,” I said. “I’m sorry for being so mean to him sometimes. I want to tell him how much I appreciate all the things he does for us.” My daughter nodded solemnly and then hugged me tightly. “I’m sure Daddy will be very happy to read your letter, Mommy,” she said. Her words warmed my heart and gave me courage to take the next step in repairing our relationship.
①承诺:promise/make a commitment
【点睛】[高分句型1] My heart felt heavy as I realized how unfair I had been to my husband. (运用了as引导时间状语从句)
[高分句型2] I’m sorry for being so mean to him sometimes. (运用了动名词作宾语)


