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高 考 针 对 性 训 练 英语试题
2.选择题必须使用2B 铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工
第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C和 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Welcome to the hands-down Big 5 game reserve in South Africa.Volunteering in our camp in the African bush is definitdly a rewarding and convenient way to help you gain a
sense of devotion and satisfection with no extra material rewards.
Why to join
It's a once in-a-lifetime experience,where you get to give back to the natural environment and the local community.It not only is an extremely satisfying feeling when you know that you've helped to protet this incredible part of the world for generations to come,but enables you to gain
invaluable skills and knowledge in conservation.
Priority will be given to those candidates with great patience and devotion.Rich experience for wildlife conservation as well as a cerilicate in wildlife protection is not
necessarily important.Refusal gocs to animal abusers.
高三英语试题 第 1 页 (共10页)
What to cxpect
Working alongside traincd forest protcctors,conservation staff and other volunteers from
Monday to Friday(8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.),you're expected to help with fence guards to keep animals safe from poachers (偷猾省), fced animals,and cven help catch animals for medical
treatment.During term-time,you may also work with the local community,delivering meals with
nutrition to local children.
After work,you'll have plenty of time to relax on the reserve.Be bathed in the sun by the reserve's pool,play a few rounds of tennis or relax in the common room with your new friends.The program contains various overnight short-distance journcys in the surrounding areas such as Port Elizabeth,Jeffrcys Bay and Grahamstown,where you can go hiking,
windsurfing,whale-watching,horsc-riding and much morc.
1.What will participants acquire in the program
A.Survival skills in wilderness.
B.Knowledge oi wildlife protection.
C.Certificates of animal conservation.
D.Experience in community management.
2.What should a volunteer do in the camp
A.Give food to animals.
B.Keep animals in cages.
C.Study diseases of animals.
D.Train animals for research.
3.What is an advantage of volunteering in the camp
A.Material rewards are plentiful.
B.Accommodations are top-class.
C.Flexible working hours are allowed.
D.Recreational activities are provided.
Over 40 students with low vision study at a school in Gandhinagar,Gujarat.It was designed by Anand Sonecha,[ounder of an architecture company.Featuring a bright yellow
entrance door,which stands out against the white walls,the school is decorated with a
varioty of swcet-smelling plants everywhere.Inside the classrooms,the walls feel smooth in
商三英语试题 第 2 页 (共10页)
contrast to the rough outside of the building.These all help students familiarize themselves
with the area straightforwardly,without any trouble.
The school provides an open space serving as a platform for the visually-challenged students to play,perform,or celebrate fcstivals and the students are easy to orient themselves according to the sound,smell,sight and touch."The idea behind the design was to make the school more accessible to the students,”Sonecha says,"They come from remote
villages and towns in Gujarat,and I am eager to help them.”
During the construction,Sonecha used contrasting colors so that students could easily distinguish between the elements.Blue was used for all classroom doors,yellow for the entrance gate,black for switch buttons,and yellow and green for the furniture.All these colors contrasted with the white walls of the school,helping the students locate different elements.Different areas are of different height and width,which makes the sounds and noises change according to the echo (回音) produced in these spaces.Furthermore,he cooperated with fellow landscape architect Lokendra Balasaria to plant more than 1,000 plants of 37 species.These sweet plants have been grown not only to lead the children to
move in the school through smell but also to attract butterflies and birds,and provide shade.
“The structure of the building is designed similarly to any other school building,only with a few clever elements.My intention was to avoid making it look distinct from other schools,”Sonecha explains,“I hope that there are no different schools for such students. Instead,all these elements should be added to public spaces for them.And my follow-up
efforts may be there.”
4.Why did Sonecha design the school in Gandhinagar
A.To explore architecture styles.
B.To raise funds for his company.
C.To offer convenience to the students.
D.To improve students'learning ability.
5.What does the underlined word"orient"in Paragraph 2 mean
A.Relax. B.Waken.
C.Cheer. D.Direct.
6.How does the school help students perform daily routine
A.By expanding activity areas. B.By stimulating multiple senses.
C.By offering behavioral guidelines. D.By strengthening safety measures.
高三英语试题 第 3 页 (共10页)
7.What will Sonecha probably do in thc future
A.Promote accessibility in the public regions.
B.Modernize architecture with smart devices.
C.Build special schools for disabled students.
D.Decorate schools with traditional elemcnts.
Language gives us the power to describe countless actions,properties and relations that compose our experiences,real or imagined.As for how languages were created,scientists
found iconicity might play a key role.
People can't bridge language gap and understand each other without iconicity.When playing a game of charades(猜字谜),we act out our meaning,using our hands and bodies to describe the sizes and shapes of objects.The key to this process of forming new symbols is the use of iconicity.Not limited to gesturing,iconicity appears in our visual communication too.Traffic signs,food packaging,maps...wherever there are people communicating,you
will find iconicity.
According to our research,iconicity might also exist in our voices.We organized a contest in which we invited contestants to record a set of sounds to express different meanings.The winner of the contest was determined by how well listeners could guess the intended meanings of the sounds based on a set of written options.Critically,the sounds
that contestants submitted couldn't include actual words or onomatopoeias(拟声词).
Listeners were remarkably good at interpreting the meanings of the sounds.Yet,all of the contestants and listeners were speakers of English.Thus,it was possible that listeners' success relied on some cultural knowledge that they shared with the speakers.Did the
listeners also understand the speakers from completely different cultural backgrounds
Later,an Internet survey translated into 25 different languages was carried out. Participants listened to each sound from the English speakers and guessed the meaning by choosing from six written words.Guessing accuracy for the different groups ranged from 74 percent for English speakers to 34 percent for Portuguese speakers.It is far from perfect,
but well above the chance rate of eight percent expected by us.
Taken together,these studies show that our capacity for iconic communication has played a critical role.Without this special talent,language would likely never have gotten off
the ground.
高三英语试题 第4页 (共10页)
8.Which of the following can explain“iconicity”
A.A skill in foreign language learning.
B.The process of acting out our meanings.
C.The connection between form and meaning.
D.A barrier between different language speakers.
9.What can we know about the contest
A.It required sounds containing meanings.
B.Its winners were creative in recordings.
C.It aimed to prove iconicity in words.
D.Its entries were familiar to listeners.
10.What can be inferred from Paragraph 4
A.English pronunciations differ.
B.The research has a limitation.
C.The cultural gap is narrowing.
D.Listening skills vary in cultures.
11.What is the significance of the research
A.Clarifying the influence of sounds.
B.Proving the necessity of exchanges.
C.Uncovering the origin of languages.
D.Identifying the function of gestures.
Many of us remember the feeling of having our braces (牙套) regularly adjusted and retightened at the dentist's. And interventions are based entirely upon the estimate of dentists and involve a great deal of trial and error,which can lead to too many visits to
the dentist's.
Professor Erleben and his team created a computer model that creates accurate 3D
simulations (模拟)of an individual patient's jaw,which dentists can use to predict how sets of braces should be designed to best straighten a petient's teeth and plan the best possible treatment.To create these simulations,the computer model was uscd to map sets of human teeth after getting detailed CT images of teeth and the small,fine structures between the jawbone and the teeth.This type of precise digital simulation is referred to as a digital twin,
a virtual model that lives in the cloud.
高三英语试题 第5页 (共10页)
The virtual model can answer what's happening in the real world,and do so instantly. For example,one can ask what would happen if you pushed on one tooth and get answers with regards to where it would move and how it would affect other teeth.The model also helps to predict the post treatment effect,achieve“visualization”of treatment,and facilitate patients to understand the plan of straightening their teeth.What's more,it has enabled
more flexible and convenient digital medical follow-up services.
The area of research that uses digital twins is relatively new."However,we need to set
up a sufficiently big database if digital twins are to really take root and benefit the healthcare industry,”Erleben said,“In the future,the virtual model can be used to plan,design and improve,and can therefore be used to operate companies,robots,factories and used much
more in the energy,healthcare and other fields.”
12.What is Paragraph 1 mainly about
A.The professional integrity of dentists.
B.The current state of dental treatment.
C.The procedure of retightening braces.
D.The intervention of modern technology.
13.Which was the first step in creating 3D simulations
A.Predicting treatment effect.
B.Designing a computer model.
C.Drawing the shape of a mouth.
D.Obtaining the details of teeth.
14.What is Professor Erleben's attitude towards digital twins
A.Doubtful. B.Curious.
C.Favorable. D.Dismissive.
15.What can be a suitable title for the text
A.Why digital twins make a hit
B.Where virtual treatment goes
C.What trouble dentists encounter
D.How a virtual model aids dentists
高三英语试题 第 6 页 (共10页)
Yoga has been around for roughly 5,000 years but it is more popular today than ever. An estimated 300 million people play yoga worldwide.Experts say its accessibility and the
fact that you can practice it anywhere are big reasons why. 16
Yoga can improve your posture and balance,strengthen bones and muscles and keep your back and joints healthy. 17 Downward-facing dog can help relieve back pain while plank (平板)pose is good for building a strong core and upper body.Typically the final position of a yoga class is ideally done for at least five minutes. 18 After that,you and
your classmates usually acknowledge each other with a greeting:Namaste.
Many people adopt yoga as a form of exercise. 19 As recorded in the Yoga Sutras,a classic yoga text,the philosophy of yoga is based on the idea that the mind,body and spirit are one.The practice of yoga consists of not only physical postures but also moral guidelines,breathing techniques,and self-awareness,helping reduce anxiety and improve focus.It is an approach to health and well-being that aims to bring balance and harmony to
all aspects of life.
20 However,a l3-year U.S.study found that between 2001 and 2014,almost 30,000 individuals went to the emergency room with a yoga-related injury.Overstretching tends to be the most common issue,but serious injuries—although rare—can happen even to
advanced coaches.
A.Different poses offer different benefits.
B.The detailed advantages are as follows.
C.Actually,yoge is a way of life at its roots.
D.This exercise is said to strengthen your body.
E.Yoga seems unlikely to send you to the hospital.
F.A lot of studies heve been carried out about yoga.
G.The aim of this pose is to settle your mind and body.
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Orange chicken,salt and pepper chips,fried rice...Max Burns lists several typical
Western-style Chinese dishes that 21 him.For Burns who spent his childhood in China,
高三英语试题 第 7 页 (共10页)
those cuisines are far from 22.They are invented to satisfy Western preferences.
Actually,many Westerners regard that particular type of 23 as the whole of Chinese cuisine.The average Westerners are not as 24 and educated as they could be. That is why he tries to show Chinese food by vlogging (视频博客) about 25 Chinese
dishes at home.
The food adventure has helped Burns grow into an 26 with over three million subscribers worldwide today and helped 27 some people's ideas about Chinese food.His friends told him they were shocked by the 28 of Chinese cuisine and it took them a long
time to figure out categories of Chinese cuisine.
29 ,when Burns first started vlogging in 2016 after returning to England,cooking Chinese food at home was a then“ 30 idea”,because he was never into cooking.At the time,the 31 centered more on explaining aspects of Chinese culture.However,during COVID-19 when Burns couldn't 32 outside,he had to learn to cook.“Then I instantly fell in love,”he 33 .“The more I learned about Chinese cooking,the more I got
into it,
The cooking journey also serves to maintain his 34 with China,even though he has left China for years.Burns 35 the experiences of living in China,enabling him to teach
about Chinese cuisine and build a cross-cultural bridge between the East and the West.
21.A.attract B.disappoint C.puzzle D.scare
22.A.nutritious B.simple C.genuine D.organic
23.A.material B.dessert C.restaurant D.fare
24.A.motivated B.treated C.informed D.recognized
25.A.making B,ordering C.serving D.ranking
26.A.influencer B.amateur C.employer D.organizer
27.A.consider B.assess C.overlook D.shift
28.A.diversity B.significance C.popularity D.impact
29.A.Consequently B.Interestingly C 、Ultimately D.Obviously
30.A.negative B.practical C.stupid D.brilliant
31.A.courses B.surveys C 、tests D.videos
32.A.dine B,film C.exercise D.work
33.A.defends B.recalls C,comments D.responds
34.A.business B.argument C.difference D、connection
35.A.imagines B 、evaluates C 、appreciates D 、describes
高三英语试题 第 8 页 (共10页)
When we think of the Silk Road,the first thing that appcars in peoplc's minds is trade.
However,trade isn't just limited to goods 36 includes culturc.
Since ancicnt timcs,strong connections between the Chinese and the Turkish people 37 (build)by cultural exchange along the Silk Road.Some historians belicve Karagoz, Turkish traditional shadow puppetry(皮形),drew 38 (inspire)from Chinese shadow puppctry art.Karagoz originally 39 (find)its place in Bursa,a city in northwestern
Turkcy,and it first rose to popularity in the 16th century.
Karagoz is a dramatic form of storytelling 40 shadows arc projected onto a white screen,with a multitasking performer 41 (sing)the tuncs and words of the story and the lead puppeteer controlling the movement of the puppcts.The performances 42
(main)center around social events and public criticism,whose primary objective is _ 43
(educate)people via entertainment.
Thc tradition's popularity in Turkey is credited 44 people's sense of nostalgia(怀
旧).Historically,Karagoz perlormances served as 45 educational tool for people of all
classes.As sociciy progresses,there is often a tendency to reconnect with the past.
第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
1. 表示欢迎;
2. 活动介绍。
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dcar teachers and fellow students,
高三英语试题 第 9 页 (共10页)
Near daybrcak the previous day,my friend Jess and I set out on a journcy southwest from our snow-covered home in Ottawa,bound for Arizona,a warm place to escape the frcczing wintcr.After loading our cquipment and my dog Bailey into my old car,we drove along the freeway with the radio playing lively tuncs.Bailey,comfortably sitting on the back
scat,added to the joy of the moment.Life couldn't have felt more perfect.
As the miles accumulated bchind us,by noon the following day,we pulled off at a rest arca with spring-like temperatures.It was an ideal setting for a picnicstyle break outside the car.After a refreshing walk,we ate salads and cheesc with the sun shining brightly on us.
However,the road called us,so unwillingly we headed for the car.
Oncc the food was storcd in the trunk,I opencd the back door,throwing my keys onto the front seat,and scttled Bailcy on the back scat before shutting the door with forcc.
However,as I reached for the driver's door handle,a sudden rcalization struck me.
“Oh,Jess,the door is locked.”
“What do you mcan‘locked’ How did that happen ”Jess questioned with concern.
A wave of fcar washed over me as I picced together the situation.The remote likely triggered (触发) the lock when I threw it onto the driver's seat.Inside the car were our purses,keys,and most importantly,Bailey.The rising temperatures now posed a serious
thrcat to her—being trapped inside a hot box without water.
Assessing the problem with a clearcr mind,I instantly reached out to a local auto repair scrvice for assistance.Unfortunately,they couldn't guarantec their arrival time duc to staffing shortages,lcaving me anxious about Bailcy's well-being.The danger of heatstroke
(中咎)weighed heavily on my mind,fueling my urgency to find a solution.Breaking the
window,which had becn my last choicc,seemed to be the only one.
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Just then a large truck approached. Finally Bailey was saved and my car remained wholc.
高三英语试题 第10页 (共10页).


