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专题05 语法填空20篇(最新一二模真题)
Let’s go on a journey to find out where the images on RMB come from.
You may have seen such a photo: with a long white beard and 1 (wear) a bamboo hat, an old fisherman stands on a boat. Huang Quande looked like this when tourists once 2 (take) photos with him on the Lijiang River in Guilin, Guangxi. He became so famous on the Internet 3 many believed the fisherman on the back of the 20-yuan renminbi banknote was based on his image. 4 (sad), Huang passed away at the age of 94 on Feb 18, 2023.
Huang was a positive and kind man. In his 5 (ninety), he could still move his boat with speed. After he gave 6 fishing and became a photo model in 2008, he took photos with tourists warmly.
In fact, each of RMB carries 7 own value. For example, the picture on the back of the 5-yuan means government hoping to have a richer country for 8 (thousand) of years. The West Lake on the back of the 1-yuan is the location that has been 9 attractive place for moon watchers during Mid-Autumn Fesival.
The RMB pictures have helped make the landscape even 10 (popular) among tourists. “I want to finish a ceremonial journey and feel the beauty of our country,” Pan jinyu said.
Isadora Duncan was the creator of modern dance. She was 11 American pioneer of dance. She loved to dance, but she didn’t like 12 (tradition) dances. Isadora listened to the music and moved naturally. She walked, jumped, or just stood still and moved. No one had ever danced like that before.
Isadora was born in 1877 in California, and was 13 (young) of four. Her father was a poet and her mother was a music teacher. 14 , her parents’ marriage ended when she was three. Their mother look after the four 15 (child). The family was very poor.
Her mother 16 (teach) her kids about music, dancing and the theater. Young Isadora believed this was 17 (exact) what she needed. She said that dance is life itself and comes from the heart. She thought dancing should be an art, not just 18 fun. In1900, she danced at London’s Lyceum Theater. People there liked her dance and began to think of her as a great dancer. Unluckily, 19 (she) life ended suddenly in 1927.
Isadora 20 (call) “the mother of modern dance”. She gave birth to a free kind of dance, dancing without shoes and she was the greatest dancer of her time.
The Chinese language has a history of 6,000 years. But Pinyin, which tells 21 (we) how to read Chinese words correctly, is still young.
In 1958, Chinese linguist Zhou Youguang and his team made Pinyin. Before that, Chinese people used many other ways to show how to pronounce Chinese characters, but these ways couldn’t be used as 22 (easy) as Pinyin. Because of Pinyin, more people learn how to read. It is 23 helpful system that improves Chinese language learning for all.
This year, Pinyin turns 66 years old. It 24 (use) everywhere in our daily life. We learn to speak Putonghua with the help of Pinyin. We write Chinese words on 25 (computer) by using Pinyin. It is also becoming a bridge 26 China and the world. Many people around the world start to learn Chinese by learning Pinyi 27 you may say “nihao” to mean “hello” to a foreign friend.
Now, many people in other countries are 28 (interested) in using Pinyin than before. For example, fewer foreigners use “dumplings”. They prefer to say “jiaozi”. The Oxford English Dictionary has 29 (hundred) of Chinese words in Pinyin, such as wanggou for “shopping online”. Maybe one day, Pinyin will play a key role in 30 (spread) the Chinese language.
The frying technique (炒茶工艺) of Duyun Maojian tea (都匀毛尖) was included in the intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) list of the UNESCO. It was put under the Chinese 31 (tradition) tea frying kind.
Duyun lies in south central of Guizhou and south of the Miaoling mountains. It has 32 (great) natural environment in this province. This place has little sunshine, and plenty of cloudy weather, 33 it is believed as an excellent place for tea to grow.
When fried, Duyun Maojian turns to a bright olivine color (橄榄色). It is famous 34 a beautiful smell. In past years, Duyun 35 (pay) much attention to the protection and development of intangible cultural heritage projects about the tea. The government worked hard 36 (train) the tea farmers and tea-fryers. It also encourages them to attend all kinds of national and international competitions to let others know their tea..
Tea has a long history in Chinese 37 (people) daily life. The culture about the tea is not only found across the country, but also influenced 38 rest of the world deeply through the ancient trade ways. Tea 39 (serve) in homes, tea houses and other places. It is used as an important tool for communication in some social and important 40 (situation). People build good relationships within families and among neighborhoods by treating guests with tea drinks.
Long long ago, there was a strong man named Zhou Chu. People in his village were afraid of him 41 he did lots of bad things to them. They called Zhou Chu, the biggest tiger in the mountain, and the evil dragon in the river “Three Pests (三害)”, and Zhou Chu was 42 (bad) of the three.
The villagers asked Zhou Chu to kill the tiger and the dragon. In fact, they wanted him 43 (die). Zhou Chu thought it was a good chance to be 44 hero and he accepted the task happily.
The next day, Zhou Chu went to the mountain alone, and killed the tiger 45 (quick). Then, he jumped into the river to fight the dragon. But he didn’t come back to the village this time. Everyone thought he was dead and 46 (celebrate) his death.
Unexpectedly, three 47 (day) later, Zhou Chu killed the dragon and came back alive. Seeing that everyone was happy about his “death”, Zhou Chu came to realize that he was considered as one of the three pests. He was so sad that he decided to change 48 (he). Then he asked the wise man Lu Yun 49 advice. He told Lu Yun what happened and expressed his wish to make a fresh start. From then on, Zhou Chu was a completely changed man and he 50 (accept) by the villagers.
Qi Qiang is a cook from Ningbo, Zhejiang. He and his team entered the 26th IKA Culinary Olympics in Germany and won a gold medal. This is 51 first time a Chinese team has won a gold medal in this world-class cooking competition.
The road to success wasn’t easy 52 Qi Qiang and his team. After they 53 (arrive) in Stuttgart, Germany, they faced some difficulties. They had to travel about two hundred kilometers for fresh seafood 54 there was little seafood in Stuttgart. Also, they needed to cook twenty-three 55 (dish) during the competition. A lot of food should be processed (加工). They had to stay up late to do it. The 56 (bad) thing was that they couldn’t find a kitchen to use because the local restaurants were closed in the evening. As a result, they processed the food in the hotel room.
Many great cooks entered the competition. It was hard to say 57 would win it. Qi and his team managed to make special Western food in a Chinese way. They worked for 48 hours without stopping and finished the competition 58 (perfect).
Qi has been interested in cooking since he was a child. He learnt cooking from TV programs and cooked on 59 (he) own. After he finished middle school, he went to Gulin Vocational High School in Ningbo and studied hard. He 60 (dream) to be an excellent cook for years. Now his talent and efforts have brought him success.
What kind of life do we want to have How should we face problems Maybe we can find the answers from the movie The Boy and the Heron, which came out on the 61 (three) of April.
The movie is about a boy named Makoto who 62 (want) to know what life is really like. Makoto moves to a new place with his dad after his mom dies. There, he meets a talking heron (苍鹭). The heron takes him to a 63 (wonder) place where he has many adventures. Makoto meets many difficulties, 64 he doesn’t give up. He tries his best to deal 65 them. This helps him understand what courage and duty are. It also helps him learn about himself. 66 (final), he finds what his life is like and what he really wants.
The story of the movie 67 (write) by Havao Miyazaki several years ago. He made 68 movie for his grandson to tell him something: Although the real world can be difficult, it’s full of honesty and 69 (kind).
All in all, this movie is great for everyone. It makes us think and it also makes us ask 70 (we) how we can value the people and things around us. It also brings us joy and helps us understand life better.
Recently researchers have made a new study, and they find 71 (child) benefit from learning to write by hand. Writing by hand can be more useful to our brain than typing (打字).
72 study was done by a team at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. 73 (hundred) of volunteers were asked to either write a word on the touch screen or type it on a keyboard.
When volunteers were writing, many areas of the brains were active. This is because handwriting a word requires seeing letters and 74 (use) more skills to shape their brains. 75 , when they were typing, there were little activities in the same parts of the brain. In other words, when you’re typing different letters, 76 (you) fingers have the same simple movement. But when you 77 (write) by hand, you immediately feel that writing letter A is totally different 78 writing letter B.
The result shows that writing can 79 (real) help kids learn, especially when it comes to reading letters. More studies 80 (need) to know whether writing by hand helps kids remember things more than typing does.
Flying to the moon has been a Chinese dream for thousands of years. Professor Ye Shuhua, one of the key scientists 81 (work) at Shanghai Astronomic Observatory for nearly half a century. To her, China’s lunar (月球) project is exciting news for the country’s space industry. “For our astronomers, the moon is an ideal place 82 (go),” Ye said.
Dreams of flying to the moon has deep roots in Chinese culture. According to 83 ancient story, Chang’e was a fairy who 84 (take) a special drink that gave her the ability to fly to the moon. The dream has already come true for the US astronauts. But it will take China at 85 (little) ten years to land astronauts there.
The project has developed public understanding of the space program and people’s knowledge of the moon— 86 (especial) among the young people. A visitor said, “The moon is a satellite of the earth. There are millions 87 pits (凹陷) on its surface.”Another visitor said, “The moon is beautiful, and it’s the nearest body to the earth. That’s 88 people want to land on it.”
Naturally, the children enjoy learning about science. But for scientists like Ye Shuhua, the lunar project is only the 89 (begin).
“Landing on the moon will be a project for 90 (today) young people, not for me. But I hope that the day our astronauts land on the moon, I can watch your news reports.” Ye said.
It’s natural for people to eat when they’re hungry. But people eat for other 91 (reason), too. Do you ever eat 92 you are under stress Many people do. When people eat to reduce stress, they want specific kinds of food. They want food that 93 (help) them relax. They want comfort food.
What is comfort food For most people, it’s food that is 94 (easy) to prepare than other foods. 95 (eat) it gives people a warm feeling. Sometimes it’s a type of food people 96 (love) when they were young. Maybe it’s the food their mothers used to make.
Researchers at the University of Illinois did a survey 97 comfort food. They wanted to know two things: What comfort food did people want, and when did they want them The results of the survey were rather 98 (surprise). The researchers expected people’s favorite comfort food to be warm and soft. But it wasn’t. Potato chips turned out to be 99 first choice. Another favorite was ice cream, especially among people aged 18 to 34. 100 (lucky), not all comfort foods are snack foods. Nearly half of them were healthy, homemade foods, such as chicken soup and meat pies.
Steven Ho and Frank Wang wanted to be 101 (hero).
“I want people to read about us in the history books,” Steven said, “I want to do something 102 will be remembered forever by people.”
“Me, too,” Frank said. “But what can we do ”
The two men thought about this for many weeks. Then Steven said, “Let’s climb the mountain which is famous for its 103 (high) and steepness (陡峭).”
“That’s a good idea,” Frank said, “but how can we prove that we 104 (climb) it already ”
“We’ll put a flag on the top,” Steven said. “Anyone flying over the mountain in an airplane will see it.”
Frank agreed that this was a good idea and the two men set off. They walked 105 three weeks to reach the bottom of the mountain, and then they began to climb. The mountain was very steep and they could climb only a few hundred feet a day. At night they slept in 106 small tent. It was much 107 (cold) on the mountain. While they were climbing across the snow and ice, they suffered from the extreme (极度的) cold. But at last, after many days of hardship, they reached the top. “We’ve made it,” Frank said happily. “We’ve finally climbed to the top of the highest mountain in the world. We’ll 108 (know) and people will remember us. All we have to do now is 109 (plant) our flag in the ice.”
“That’s right,” Steven said, “and then we can go home.” He waited for Frank to plant the flag. When Frank did nothing, Steven said, “Why don’t you plant the flag ”
“I haven’t got it,” Frank said. “I 110 (think) you had it.”
A model of Legoland Shanghai Resort (上海乐高园度假区模型) made its first appearance in November 2022. Forty designers and model builders spent half a year 111 (work) on it. They 112 (use) about 100,000 Lego blocks. The model marked the start of the next stage of the construction (建设) of Legoland Shanghai Resort.
The resort covers 113 area of more than 318,000 square meters in Jinshan District. 114 will be made up of a theme (主题) park and a themed hotel. In the theme park, visitors will find most of the popular rides (游乐设施) of Legoland parks around the world.
The park will include eight 115 (area). One of 116 (they) is Monkie Kid, which became a new Lego theme in 2020. It’s based on the Monkey King. The one in Shanghai is the first Monkie Kid area in the world. It 117 (design) to connect Chinese children with their traditional culture in 2019. Also, it will be popular 118 the children from other countries.
The construction of Legoland Shanghai Resort began in November 2021. Everything is now going 119 (good) with the project. The resort will be open to the public in 2024. There will be a lot of fun for many families with kids 120 it is expected to become a new tourist attraction (旅游景点).
China is a nation of tea. The country’s history of tea is almost as long as the history of China 121 (it). Chinese people started appreciating tea about 5,000 years ago.
Originally, tea 122 (value) for its medicinal qualities. It has long been known that tea aids in digestion, 123 is why many Chinese people commonly enjoy it during or after their meal.
But tea is more than just an addition to a meal. It has become a part of the country’s daily life and even important traditions—and is 124 (true) rooted as an essential aspect of Chinese culture.
125 all the types of tea, green tea produced before Tomb Sweeping Day in early April is especially popular in China. This is believed 126 (be) the best time for green tea, because insects have not yet appeared from the soil. Green tea is not processed 127 it keeps the original color of the tea leaves.
Green tea also has a close 128 (connect) with Tomb Sweeping Day. During Tomb Sweeping Day, many families in the south of China continue the tradition of offering tea to their ancestors, 129 (show) respect and remembrance.
Now as the nation embraces Tomb Sweeping Day, tea gardens in China are also open for those eager 130 (experience) tea-related traditions and culture—like the Dingxin tea garden in Southwest China’s Chongqing.
(2024·湖南邵阳·二模)阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
This picture is drawn by my brother Eric. It is so colorful. It’s a 131 (sun) day. There are some tall buildings which are all different colors and 132 (shape). In the backyard, the grass is bright green and there’s a path going up to the buildings.
There are so many details in Eric’s picture, 133 . On the left, there’s a multi-colored cat with pointy ears. 134 the middle, there’s a small blue cat. Above the cats, there’s a butterfly, flying around in the sunshine. Can you see the colored spots on 135 (it) wings I like the purple cat 136 of all. It looks a bit like a castle!
I love this picture 137 every time I look at it, I see different things. At first, I thought there were only buildings in the background, but then I 138 (notice) the butterfly! Eric has so much imagination. Look at the right of the picture. What do you think the dark red outline shows It isn’t very clear, but sometimes I see a large bird with light blue wings, and other times I think it could be a streetlight. This happens a lot in Eric’s picture. It’s 139 (real) fun! It makes me think of a story I read 140 (one) about a magic town, where everyone has adventures. The picture is bright and cheerful and it makes me feel happy.
Have you read a book called A Christmas Carol Do you know who wrote the book It’s Charles Dickens. As we all know, Charles Dickens is 141 English novelist (小说家), who is considered as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era (维多利亚时代). He’s well-known not only in Britain, but also in many other 142 (country) in the world. He was bon 143 1812 and lived in London. He 144 (create) some best-known characters (人物), and most of 145 (they) are still popular now. Now there 146 (be) films and plays based on (以……为基础) his books and characters. Oliver Twist is a famous musical play and Great Expectations is a 147 (wonder) film.
The early life of Dickens was very hard. Because his family was poor, his mother had to send him out 148 (work) in a factory when he was only 12. Since then, he had studied 149 (complete) by himself. He put his difficult experiences into his novel writing. In 1836, he married Catherine Hogarth and they had ten children during their marriage. He didn’t stop writing 150 he died. At that time, he was writing a story. But we’ll never know how the story ends.
(2024·湖南娄底·二模)阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或填入括号内所给单词的正确形式 (每空最多不超过三个单词)。
Cristina Zenato, a world-famous shark expert and diver (潜水员),was born in Italy and grew up in Africa until the age of 15. In 1994, she went on a vacation to Bahama and 151 (fall) in love with both diving and the island. So, she decided to make Bahama her home 152 make diving her life.
Cristina learned to feed sharks when she was 153 child. In 1996, she became a shark feeder trainer. She created a course that educated divers about the beauty of sharks and the need to protect them and 154 (they) environment. Through the “shark feeder course”, she has created more shark lovers.
Cristina is talented in 155 (communicate) with sharks. With just a touch on a shark’s head and face, she can lead it into a state of sleep for 15 minutes. Cristina’s special talent has been used 156 (study) shark behavior by scientists. It also helps to save sharks. Cristina still remembers 157 (clear) the first time she managed to take out a huge hook (钓钩) from a tiger shark’s mouth. Up to now, she has taken out hundreds 158 hooks and fishing lines from shark mouths and skin without hurting them. Her work has saved many sharks from possible death.
Cristina has received many 159 (prize) and honors for her great work in shark research and protection. She also acted in several films including Saving the Sharks. Until today, she continues to give speeches to let the public know the 160 (important) of shark protection.
The 2024 Spring Festival Gala official mascot (吉祥物), “Loong Chenchen”, was announced by the China Media Group on Wednesday. The name “Loong Chenchen” includes the Chinese character “Loong”, which translates to “dragon” in English. The dragon plays 161 important role in Chinese culture. In ancient times, the emperors of ancient China loved dragons and their clothes 162 (cover) with pictures of dragons. We are proud to call 163 (we) the “descendants (传人) of the dragon”. In Chinese, “excellent” people are often called “dragons”. The mascot “Loong Chenchen” shows great meanings of good luck, health and 164 (happy). It also means that the country is rich and the people are at peace.
The mascot is 165 (careful) designed (设计). It takes two months to finish designing the mascot. The designer draws ideas from China’s deep and rich traditional culture. For example, the design of the dragon claw (爪子) in “Loong Chenchen” gets ideas 166 the pattern of the Nine-Dragon Wall of the Palace Museum in Beijing. The pattern on the dragon stomach is from the cloud and thunder (雷声) shapes in the Western Zhou Dynasty. The dragon fin is based on a Tang Dynasty (618–907) artifact (历史文物) which looks like a moving gold dragon.
The color of “Loong Chenchen” has special Chinese name, “Chengxia”. It means red or rosy clouds in English and 167 (stand) for youth and strength (力量). The color of “Chengxia” is a symbol of spring, hope and growth.
The Spring Festival Gala or “Chunwan” is such a popular TV show that it has become a must-watch program of the Lunar New Year celebrations, which is loved by the Chinese people. During the Spring Festival, no matter 168 far families around China are from their homes, they will come together. There are more than one billion people 169 (watch) the Chinese Lunar New Year’s Eve, the Gala on that day. It symbolizes a time for family get together and the 170 (meaning) beginning of the new year.
When you think about best-selling books, The Secret Garden or the Harry Potter series may come to your mind. 171 Guinness World Records regarded the Xinhua Dictionary as the world’s most popular dictionary and a best-selling book.
In 1950, Chinese language experts and scholars Wei Jiangong and Ye Shengtao 172 (start) to edit (编辑) the Xinhua Dictionary. There was a lot of discussion, research and paper work. Many 173 (people) hard work and interesting stories went into making the dictionary. In 1953, 174 first Xinhua Dictionary was published.
Today, over 600 million 175 (copy) of the dictionary have been sold worldwide. However, revisions (修订) to the dictionary continue to be made by editors. If the example sentences are out of date, editors need 176 (make) new examples. So far, the Xinhua Dictionary has been revised 12 times. To keep up with the times, some popular and 177 (wide) used Internet words were added to the dictionary. 178 example, for the 12th edition, the phrases “act cute” and “car sharing” were included.
It is known to all that the Xinhua Dictionary 179 (be) a useful tool now for Chinese people. It is also a good tool for foreigners who are learning about the 180 (China) language and culture.
Scripted murder games, known as jubensha in Chinese, are gaining great 181 (popular) among the young people. Li Yihan, also known by 182 (she) pen name Tang Yuan, is one of the authors of Love Actually Ⅰ and Love Actually Ⅱ. “In the past couple of years, the period of scripted murder games 183 (increase) greatly, from 4-6 hours to possibly over 10 hours. I believe many people are tired of long, boring tasks,”she says. “That’s 184 we created Love Actually I, a 4-5-hour ‘dessert’, so that players can enjoy this light-hearted (轻松的) story even 185 a weekday evening after work.”
Shen Hang is a fan of scripted murder games. She says such games provide her with the chance 186 (experience) different lives, playing roles with different backgrounds in the past or from the future. “In Love Actually I, I 187 (play) a very unique role. Throughout the 7-hour gameplay, I went through a journey of questioning my existence (存在) and the world around me, finally leading to self-acceptance. It was a 188 (meaning) and touching experience,” Shen says.
Yu Tao, a scripted murder Dungeon Master(剧本杀主持人), sees each scripted murder game as a stage for performance. “Like actors, 189 excellent DM must have a unique style or skill set,” he says. However, when it comes to providing a great scripted murder experience for players, Yu believes it 190 (main) depends on the quality (质量) of the script, followed by the players, and finally the DM.
Do you like dancing Kemusan is 191 energetic dance popular around the world. “Kemusan” or ”Subject Three” dance 192 (come) from a lively wedding celebration (婚礼) in Gunagxi province, soon, it became well-known 193 (quick) on the Internet. Many people doing different jobs from different 194 (country) all like to swing with the special music. Haidilao, the 195 (large) hot pot chain ( 连锁店) in China, gave a wonderful “Kemusan” dance performance as part of normal service. “The dance is such a hit in these days that we use it 196 (atract) customers.” said the manager of the restaurant.
Many students like “Kemusan” 197 many reasons. “I like it not only because it looks so cool 198 it can make me relax and happy under too much pressure.” said a middle school student. A group of men teachers from Shandong province brought a wonderful dance of Subject Three to the students at the New Year’s Eve party, after 199 (watch) the performance, the students were cheering.“Such a serious teacher danced Subject Three dance on the stage, which shortened the distance between 200 (we) and the teachers” said the students from Bingzbou Middle school.
1.wearing 2.took 3.that 4.Sadly 5.nineties 6.up 7.its 8.thousands 9.an 10.more popular
1.句意:你或许看到过这样一张照片:一位老渔夫留着长白胡子,带着竹帽站在船上。此句逻辑主语是“an old man”,跟wear是主动关系,此处填现在分词作伴随状语,wearing符合语境。故填wearing。
5.句意:在他九十多岁时,他仍然可以快速地搬他的船。“in one’s+基数词的复数”表达“在某人多少岁时”,此处应填ninety的复数形式nineties。故填nineties。
6.句意:在他放弃捕鱼之后,在2008年他成为了一名照片模特,他很热情地和游客拍照。根据“became a photo model in 2008”可知,他不再捕鱼了,“give up doing sth.”意为“ 放弃做某事”,故填up。
7.句意:事实上,每张人民币上都有自己的价值。此处应填形容词性物主代词修饰名词,根据“each of RMB”,its“它的”符合语境。故填its。
8.句意:例如,5元人民币的背后的图片意味着政府数千年来希望有一个更加富有的国家。“thousands of”意为“成千上万”,故填thousands。
10.句意:人民币上的图片让这些风景在游客中更受欢迎。根据“even”可知,此处应填形容词的比较级,popular的比较级为more popular。故填more popular。
11.an 12.traditional 13.the youngest 14.However 15.children 16.taught 17.exactly 18.for 19.her 20.is called
【导语】本文主要介绍了现代舞的创造者Isadora Duncan的经历。
13.句意:Isadora1877年出生于加利福尼亚州,是四个孩子中最小的一个。根据“of four”可知她是最小的,用最高级youngest,最高级前加定冠词the。故填the youngest。
18.句意:她认为跳舞应该是一门艺术,而不仅仅是为了好玩。根据“dancing should be an art, not just...fun”可知跳舞不仅仅是为了好玩,for“为了”。故填for。
20.句意:Isadora被称为“现代舞之母”。主语Isadora和谓语之间是被动关系,此处描述客观事实,用一般现在时的被动语态,be动词用is。故填is called。
21.us 22.easily 23.a 24.is used 25.computers 26.between 27.so 28.more interested 29.hundreds 30.spreading
22.句意:但是这些方法并不能像拼音一样用起来很简单。“as…as…”中间用形容词或副词的原级,表示“和……一样”,此空修饰动词“be used”,因此应用“easy”的副词形式“easily”。故填easily。
24.句意:它在我们日常生活中被处处使用。此处的主语“It”和“use”是被动关系,应用被动语态“be done”,根据语境可知时态为一般现在时,主语是单数,因此be动词用“is”,动词变为过去分词“used”。故填is used。
26.句意:它也变成了中国和世界之间的桥梁。根据“a bridge…China and the world”可知此处应用“between”,“between…and…”表示“在……和……之间”。故填between。
27.句意:全世界很多人通过学习拼音来学中文,所以你可以和一个外国朋友说“nihao”来打招呼。此处需用连词连接两个句子,“you may say ‘nihao’ to mean ‘hello’ to a foreign friend”是前句“Many people around the world start to learn Chinese by learning Pinyi”的结果,因此用“so”。故填so。
28.句意:现在很多其他国家的人也比以前对使用拼音更感兴趣了。根据“than”可知此处应用“interested”的比较级“more interested”。故填more interested。
29.句意:牛津字典中有成百上千个用拼音写的汉语,比如“wanggou”表示“网购”。根据“…of”可知此处应用“hundreds”,hundreds of“成百上千的”。故填hundreds。
31.traditional 32.greatly 33.but 34.for 35.paid 36.to train 37.people’s 38.the 39.is served 40.situations
31.句意:它被归入中国传统炒茶类。根据“Chinese…tea frying kind”可知,此处指“中国传统的炒茶类”,traditional意为“传统的”,形容词修饰名词。故填traditional。
33.句意:这个地方几乎没有阳光,多云天气很多,但它被认为是茶叶生长的绝佳场所。根据“it is believed as an excellent place for tea to grow.”可知,此处表示转折,因此此处用but。故填but。
34.句意:它以美丽的气味而闻名。 be famous for意为“以……而闻名”,固定词组。故填for。
35.句意:多年来,都匀市十分重视茶叶非物质文化遗产项目的保护和开发。根据“In past years”可知,句子的时态是一般过去时,因此此处用动词过去式。故填paid。
36.句意:政府努力培训茶农和炒茶工。根据“The government worked hard…”可知,此处用动词不定式表示目的。故填to train。
37.句意:茶在中国人的日常生活中有着悠久的历史。根据“Tea has a long history in Chinese…daily life.”可知,此处指的是“中国人的日常生活”,此处用名词所有格“people’s”,意为“人们的”。故填people’s。
38.句意:关于茶的文化不仅遍布全国,而且通过古老的贸易方式深深地影响了世界其他地方。the rest of意为“其余的”,固定词组。故填the。
39.句意:家庭、茶馆和其他地方都供应茶。根据“Tea …in homes, tea houses and other places.”可知,逻辑主语和谓语动词之间是被动语态,主语是Tea,be动词用is,serve的过去分词形式为served。故填is served。
40.句意:在一些社交和重要场合,它被用作重要的交流工具。根据“some social and important…”可知,此处指的是“一些重要的场合”,因此此处用名词复数形式。故填situations。
41.because 42.the worst 43.to die 44.a 45.quickly 46.celebrated 47.days 48.himself 49.for 50.was accepted
41.句意:村子里的人都很怕他,因为他对他们做了很多坏事。根据“People in his village were afraid of him... he did lots of bad things to them.”可知,村里的人害怕周处是因为周处做了很多坏事,此处表示因果关系,前果后因,because“因为”,引导原因状语从句。故填because。
42.句意:他们把周处、山上最大的老虎与河里的恶龙称为 “三害”,而周处是三者中最坏的那个。根据“Zhou Chu was...of the three.” 可知,三者进行比较用形容词最高级,最高级前面加the。故填the worst。
43.句意:事实上,他们想让他死。根据“they wanted him...”可知,want sb. to do sth. 表示 “想要某人做某事”。故填to die。
44.句意:周处认为这是一个当英雄的好机会,他高兴地接受了任务。根据“it was a good chance to be... hero”可知,此处是泛指一个英雄,hero以辅音音素开头,不定冠词用a。故填a。
46.句意:大家都以为他死了,庆祝他的死。根据“Everyone thought he was dead and...his death.”可知,语境时态是一般过去时,动词填过去式。故填celebrated。
48.句意:他很伤心,决定改变自己。根据“he decided to change...”可知,此处指改变自己,主语是“he”,反身代词用himself “他自己”。故填himself。
49.句意:于是他向智者陆云寻求建议。根据“he asked the wise man Lu Yun...advice”可知,ask sb. for advice“向某人寻求建议”。故填for。
50.句意:从那时起,周处完全变了一个人,他被村民们所接受。根据“he... by the villagers.”可知,指的是周处被村民接受,主语“he”为单数,且和动词“accept”是动宾关系,时态是一般过去时,故用一般过去时的被动语态。故填was accepted。
51.the 52.for 53.arrived 54.because 55.dishes 56.worst 57.who 58.perfectly 59.his 60.has dreamt/has dreamed
51.句意:这是中国队第一次在这个世界级的烹饪比赛中获得金牌。根据“first time”可知,这里指的是第一次,需填定冠词the。故填the。
52.句意:对于齐强和他的团队来说,通往成功的道路并不容易。根据“Qi Qiang and his team.”可知,是对于齐强和他的团队来说,介词for符合语境。故填for。
53.句意:到达德国斯图加特后,他们遇到了一些困难。根据“they faced some difficulties.”可知,该句是一般过去时,该句是一般过去时,因此填所给词的过去式arrived“到达”。故填arrived。
54.句意:因为斯图加特几乎没有海鲜,所以他们必须走200公里的路才能买到新鲜的海鲜。根据“there was little seafood in Stuttgart.”可知,后文解释了原因,because“因为”符合语境。故填because。
56.句意:最糟糕的是,他们找不到厨房,因为当地的餐馆晚上都关门了。根据“thing was that they couldn’t find a kitchen to use because the local restaurants were closed in the evening.”可知,后文描述了最糟糕的情况,填所给词的最高级worst“最差的”。故填worst。
57.句意:很难说谁会赢得这场比赛。根据“would win it”可知,设空处指的很难说“谁”将赢得比赛,who“谁”符合语境。故填who。
59.句意:他从电视节目中学习烹饪,并自己做饭。根据“on…own.”可知,考查on one’s own“独自地”,因此填所给词的形容词性物主代词his。故填his。
60.句意:多年来他一直梦想成为一名优秀的厨师。dream to be“梦想成为”,根据“for years.”并结合语境,该句是现在完成时,主语是“He”,助动词用has,故填has dreamt/has dreamed。
61.third 62.wants 63.wonderful 64.but 65.with 66.Finally 67.was written 68.the 69.kindness 70.ourselves
61.句意:也许我们可以从4月3日上映的电影《你想活出怎样的人生》中找到答案。根据空前定冠词the可知,此处应用基数词three的序数词形式third“第三”,the third of April意为“4月3号”。故填third。
63.句意:苍鹭把他带到一个奇妙的地方,在那里他经历了许多冒险。根据“a … place”可知,此处应用名词wonder的形容词形式wonderful“绝妙的”作定语,修饰名词place。故填wonderful。
65.句意:他尽力去对付它们。根据空前deal可知,此处考查deal with“处理,应付”,动词短语。故填with。
67.句意:这部电影的故事是宫崎骏几年前写的。句子主语“The story of the movie”与动词write是被动关系,且时态为一般过去时,所以这里应用一般过去时的被动语态,其结构为was/were done;主语为第三人称单数,be动词用was,write的过去分词为written。故填was written。
70.句意:它让我们思考,也让我们问自己,我们该如何珍惜身边的人和事。根据“it also makes us ask”可知,此处是指它也让我们问我们自己;应用人称代词we的反身代词ourselves“我们自己”作动词ask的宾语。故填ourselves。
71.children 72.The 73.Hundreds 74.using 75.However 76.your 77.are writing 78.from 79.really 80.are needed/will be needed
72.句意:这项研究是由挪威科技大学的一个团队完成的。根据上文“Recently researchers have made a new study”可知,此处表示特指,应用定冠词。故填The。
73.句意:数百名志愿者被要求要么在触摸屏上写一个单词,要么在键盘上打字。根据空后的“of”可知,此处是Hundreds of“几百的”。故填Hundreds。
74.句意:这是因为书写一个单词需要看到字母,并使用更多的技能来塑造他们的大脑。根据空前的“seeing letters and”可知and前后的动词形式一致,此处应用v-ing形式。故填using。
77.句意:但是当你用手写的时候,你会立刻感觉到写字母A和写字母B是完全不同的。根据“you immediately feel…”可知是当你在手写的时候,空处所在句的时态为现在进行时,主语为“you”,此处应填are writing。故填are writing。
78.句意:但是当你用手写的时候,你会立刻感觉到写字母A和写字母B是完全不同的。different from…“不同于”,固定词组。故填from。
80.句意:(还)需要更多的研究来了解手写是否比打字更能帮助孩子记住东西。分析句子结构可知,句子主语与谓语之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,应用被动语态;根据句意可知,此处可指现在或将来的情况,用一般现在时的被动语态,主语是名词复数,be动词用are,也可用一般将来时的被动语态will be done。故填are needed/will be needed。
81.has worked 82.to go 83.an 84.took 85.least 86.especially 87.of 88.why 89.beginning 90.today’s
81.句意:Ye Shuhua教授是上海天文台的核心科学家之一,他在上海天文台工作了近半个世纪。根据“for nearly half a century”可知,for+一段时间是现在完成时的提示词,主语是第三人称单数形式,助动词用has,故填has worked。
82.句意:对于我们的天文学家来说,月球是一个理想的去处。此空修饰名词place,应填动词不定式作后置定语,故填to go。
85.句意:但中国至少需要十年时间才能将宇航员送到那里。at least“至少”,固定搭配,故填least。
86.句意:该项目提高了公众对太空计划的认识,提高了人们对月球的认识,尤其是年轻人。此空修饰“among the young people”,应填副词especially表示“尤其”,故填especially。
87.句意:它的表面有数百万个凹坑。表示概数用数词的复数形式+of,millions of“数以百万的”,故填of。
88.句意:这就是为什么人们想要降落在它上面。that’s why表示“这就是为什么”,故填why。
89.句意:但对于Ye Shuhua这样的科学家来说,登月计划仅仅是个开始。the后接名词beginning“开始”,故填beginning。
90.句意:登陆月球将是当今年轻人的一项计划,而不是对我。此空修饰“young people”,应填名词所有格,故填today’s。
91.reasons 92.because/when 93.helps 94.easier 95.Eating 96.loved 97.on/about/of 98.surprising 99.the 100.Luckily
92.句意:你有没有因为压力大而吃东西?根据“Do you ever eat…you are under stress ”可知是指因为压力大而吃东西,because“因为”;也可表示“当你压力大时,吃过东西吗”,因此when“当”也符合。故填because/when。
96.句意:有时,它是人们小时候喜欢的一种食物。根据“when they were young”可知时态为一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填loved。
97.句意:伊利诺伊大学的研究人员做了一项关于安慰食品的调查。根据“a survey…comfort food”可知是指做了一项关于舒适食品的调查。do a survey on/about/of“做……的调查”,故填on/about/of。
100.句意:幸运的是,并不是所有的安慰食品都是零食。根据“not all comfort foods are snack foods”可知是指幸运的是,并不是所有的安慰食品都是零食。此处需用副词作状语,故填Luckily。
101.heroes 102.that 103.height 104.have climbed 105.for 106.a 107.colder 108.be known 109.to plant 110.thought
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Steven Ho和Frank Wang两位梦想成为历史英雄的人,决定攀登一座以高度和陡峭著称的山峰,并在山顶插上旗帜以证明他们的壮举,但最终忘记带旗帜的故事。
101.句意:Steven Ho和Frank Wang想成为英雄。hero“英雄”,可数名词单数,主语是Steven Ho和Frank Wang两个人, 此处应填名词复数形式。故填heroes。
104.句意:但我们怎么能证明我们已经爬过了呢?根据“already”可知,此句为现在完成时,主语“we”为复数,结构用have done。故填have climbed。
105.句意:他们走了三个星期才到达山脚下,然后开始爬山。根据“They walked...three weeks”可知,此处应用介词for+一段时间,表示走路这个动作持续的时间。故填for。
108.句意:我们会出名,人们会记住我们。know“知道”,动词;be known“出名”,will后用动词原形be。故填be known。
109.句意:我们现在要做的就是把我们的旗插在冰上。plant“竖立”,动词;根据“is”可知,此处用不定式作表语,表示主语的内容。故填to plant。
111.working 112.used 113.an 114.It 115.areas 116.them 117.was designed 118.with/among 119.well 120.because
111.句意:四十名设计师和模型制作者花了半年时间来完成它。spend time doing sth.“花费时间做某事”。故填working。
113.句意:度假村位于金山区,占地面积31.8万多平方米。cover an area of“占地”。故填an。
117.句意:它在2019年被设计出来,旨在让中国儿童与他们的传统文化建立联系。主语it和谓语design之间是被动关系,根据“in 2019”可知此处用一般过去时的被动语态,be动词用was。故填was designed。
118.句意:此外,它也会受到来自其他国家孩子们的欢迎。be popular with/among“受……欢迎”。故填with/among。
121.itself 122.was valued 123.which 124.truly
125.Of 126.to be 127.so 128.connection 129.showing 130.to experience
121.句意:这个国家饮茶的历史几乎和中国的历史一样长。括号中的it指代的是China,根据“The country’s history of tea is almost as long as the history of China”可知,这里指的是“中国本身的历史”,所以要用反身代词,it的反身代词是itself,故填itself。
122.句意:最初,茶因其药用价值而受到重视。value是动词“重视”;主语“tea”和动词“value”之间是被动关系,所以要用被动语态,结构为“be+过去分词”,主语tea是不可数名词,所以be动词用单数is;根据“originally”可知,这里要用一般过去时,所以be动词用was,value的过去分词是valued,故填was valued。
125.句意:在所有的茶中,清明节前生产的绿茶在中国特别受欢迎。根据“all the types of tea, green tea”可知,绿茶属于茶,所以填of,句首首字母大写,故填Of。
126.句意:这被认为是绿茶的最佳时间,因为昆虫还没有从土壤中出现。be believed to be意为“被认为是”,故填to be。
127.句意:绿茶没有被加工,所以保留了茶叶的原始颜色。根据“Green tea is not processed...it keeps the original color of the tea leaves.”可知,前后两句是因果关系,所以要用so连接,故填so。
128.句意:绿茶与清明节也有着密切的联系。根据“Green tea also has a close”可知,形容词修饰名词,所以该空要填一个名词,connect是动词“连接”, 其名词是connection“联系”,该空前有a修饰,所以用单数,故填connection。
129.句意:在清明节期间,中国南方的许多家庭延续了向祖先供茶的传统,以表示尊重和纪念。根据“During Tomb Sweeping Day, many families in the south of China continue the tradition of offering tea to their ancestors, ...respect and remembrance.”可知,该句已经有谓语动词“continue”,所以show只能用非谓语形式,主语“many families”和动词show之间是主动关系,所以要用现在分词showing,故填showing。
130.句意:现在,随着国家拥抱清明节,中国的茶园也为那些渴望体验与茶有关的传统和文化的人开放——比如中国西南部重庆的丁欣茶园。be eager to do sth.意为“渴望做某事”,experience是动词“体验”,故填to experience。
131.sunny 132.shapes 133.too 134.In 135.its 136.best 137.because 138.noticed 139.really 140.once
134.句意:在中间有一只蓝色的小猫。根据“...the middle”可知此处表示在画的中间,in the middle“在中间”,固定短语,且句首首字母大写。故填In。
136.句意:我最喜欢紫色的猫。根据“I like the purple cat ...of all.”可知,作者最喜欢那只紫色的猫。best“最……”符合语境,故填best。
138.句意:一开始,我以为背景里只有建筑,但是之后我注意到了蝴蝶。分析句子结构可知本句缺少谓语动词,且根据“ thought”可知本句时态为一般过去时,故填noticed。
141.an 142.countries 143.in 144.created 145.them 146.are 147.wonderful 148.to work 149.completely 150.until
142.句意:他不仅在英国很有名,在世界上许多其他国家也很有名。country是可数名词,“many other”后跟名词复数,表示“许多其他的国家”,故填countries。
145.句意:他塑造了一些最著名的角色,其中大多数现在仍然很受欢迎。介词of后跟人称代词宾格them,most of them意为“他们中大多数”,故填them。
146.句意:现在有以他的书和人物为原型的电影和戏剧。该句为There be句型,根据Now可知,该句为一般现在时,主语为“films and plays”,所以be动词用are,故填are。
148.句意:由于家境贫寒,他12岁时,母亲不得不把他送到一家工厂工作。send sb. to do意为“送某人去做某事”,故填to work。
151.fell 152.and 153.a 154.their 155.communicating 156.to study 157.clearly 158.of 159.prizes 160.importance
151.句意:1994年,她去巴哈马度假,并爱上了潜水和这座岛屿。根据“In 1994, she went on a vacation to Bahama and…in love with both diving and the island.”,结合所给词可知,fall in love with“爱上”,动词短语,此处时态为一般过去时,fall的过去式是fell。故填fell。
152.句意:所以,她决定以巴哈马为家,以潜水为生活。根据分析句子“So, she decided to make Bahama her home…make diving her life.”可知,此处应该用并列连词and连接两个谓语动词。故填and。
153.句意:克里斯蒂娜小时候学会了喂鲨鱼。根据“Cristina learned to feed sharks when she was…child.”可知,此处应该表达克里斯蒂娜是一个小孩的时候,child是以辅音音素开头的名词,所以此处应该填入不定冠词a,意为“一个”符合语境。故填a。
155.句意:克里斯蒂娜在与鲨鱼交流方面很有天赋。根据“Cristina is talented in…”,结合所给词可知,be talented in…“在……方面有天赋”,in是介词,所以此处动词要用动名词形式communicating。故填communicating。
156.句意:克里斯蒂娜的特殊才能已经被科学家用来研究鲨鱼的行为。根据“Cristina’s special talent has been used…shark behavior by scientists.”,结合所给词可知,study“学习”,动词,be used to do sth.“被用来做某事”,固定用法。故填to study。
157.句意:克里斯蒂娜仍然清楚地记得她第一次设法从虎鲨口中取出一个巨大的鱼钩。根据“Cristina still remembers…”,结合所给词可知,clear“清楚的”,形容词,此处应该填入clearly,副词,修饰动词remembers,意为“清楚地”符合语境。故填clearly。
158.句意:到目前为止,她已经在不伤害鲨鱼的情况下从鲨鱼嘴里和皮肤上取出了数百个鱼钩和钓鱼线。根据“Up to now, she has taken out hundreds…hooks”可知,此处应该表达数百个鱼钩,hundreds of…“数百个……”,概数词的用法。故填of。
160.句意:直到今天,她继续发表演讲,让公众了解保护鲨鱼的重要性。根据分析句子“Until today, she continues to give speeches to let the public know the…of shark protection.”,结合所给词可知,此处考查of名词所有格,important“重要的”,形容词,此处应该填入importance,名词,意为“重要性”符合语境。故填importance。
161.an 162.were covered 163.ourselves 164.happiness 165.carefully 166.from 167.stands 168.how 169.watching 170.meaningful
161.句意:龙在中国文化中扮演着重要的角色。根据“The dragon plays…important role in Chinese culture”可知,play an important role意为“扮演重要的角色”。故填an。
162.句意:在古代,中国古代的皇帝都喜爱龙,他们的衣服上都贴有龙的图案。根据“their clothes…(cover) with pictures of dragons.”可知,衣服上覆盖着龙的图案。clothes与cover之间存在被动关系,应用被动语态,结构为be done;由“loved”判断,此处应是一般过去时,主语clothes是复数,be动词用were。故填were covered。
163.句意:我们自豪地称自己为“龙的传人”。根据“ We are proud to call…(we) the ‘descendants (传人) of the dragon’.”可知,我们称自己为“龙的传人”。此处应填反身代词ourselves,表示“我们自己”。故填ourselves。
164.句意:吉祥物“龙辰辰”寓意吉祥、健康、幸福。根据“good luck, health and…(happy).”可知,and前后应保持并列关系,此处应填happy的名词形式happiness,意为“幸福”。故填happiness。
165.句意:吉祥物经过精心设计。根据“It takes two months to finish designing the mascot. The designer draws ideas from China’s deep and rich traditional culture.”可知,吉祥物是由设计者们精心设计的。此处应填复词形式修饰动词design。故填carefully。
166.句意:例如,“龙辰辰”中龙爪的设计就借鉴了北京故宫博物院九龙墙的图案。根据“ideas…the pattern of the Nine-Dragon Wall of the Palace Museum in Beijing.”可知,龙爪的设计想法是来自北京故宫博物院九龙墙的图案。from意为“来自”。故填from。
167.句意:它在英语中的意思是红色或玫瑰色的云彩,代表着青春和力量。根据“and…(stand) for youth and strength”可知,代表着青春和力量,由“means”判断,此句为一般现在时。主语It为单数,谓语动词用三单形式。故填stands。
168.句意:春节期间,中国各地的家人无论离家多远,都会团聚在一起。根据“no matter…far families around China are from their homes”可知,无论离家多远。how far意为“多远”。故填how。
169.句意:有超过十亿人观看中国农历除夕夜的晚会。根据“There are more than one billion people…(watch) the Chinese Lunar New Year’s Eve, the Gala on that day.”可知,people和watch之间是主动关系,此句不缺少谓语,应用动名词作定语,修饰people。故填watching。
171.But 172.started 173.people’s 174.the 175.copies 176.to make 177.widely 178.For 179.is 180.Chinese
172.句意:1950年,汉语专家学者魏建功、叶圣陶开始主编《新华字典》。根据“In 1950”可知句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式started“开始”。故填started。
175.句意:如今,这本词典已在全球售出6亿多册。空前有“over 600 million”修饰,名词应用复数形式,故填copies。
176.句意:如果例句已经过时,编辑们就需要制作新的例句。need to do sth.“需要做某事”。故填to make。
178.句意:例如,在第12版中,短语“卖萌”和“拼车”被包括在内。根据“example”可知,此处是短语for example“例如”,故填For。
179.句意:众所周知,《新华字典》现在对中国人来说是一个有用的工具。根据“now”可知句子用一般现在时,主语是the Xinhua Dictionary,be动词用is。故填is。
181.popularity 182.her 183.has increased 184.why 185.on 186.to experience 187.played 188.meaningful 189.an 190.mainly
182.句意:李仪涵,笔名唐媛,是《真爱至上一》和《真爱至上二》的作者之一。空处修饰其后的名词“pen name”,应用形容词性物主代词,故填her。
183.句意:在过去的几年里,剧本杀游戏的周期大大增加,从4—6小时增加到可能超过10小时。根据“In the past couple of years”可知,句子应用现在完成时,主语是“period”,助动词用has,后接过去分词,故填has increased。
184.句意:这就是为什么我们创造了《真爱至上》。根据“That’s...we created Love Actually I”可知,此处应用why引导表语从句,故填why。
185.句意:这样玩家即使在工作日晚上下班后也可以享受这个轻松的故事。根据“a weekday evening”可知,此处指的是“在一个工作日的晚上”,此处应用介词on,故填on。
186.句意:她说,这样的游戏为她提供了体验不同生活的机会,扮演过去或将来不同背景的角色。空处作定语,应用不定式形式,故填to experience。
189.句意:像演员一样,一个优秀的DM必须有独特的风格或技能。空处修饰“excellent DM”,指的是“一个优秀的DM”,表示泛指用不定冠词,excellent是元音音素开头的单词,应用an修饰,故填an。
191.an 192.came 193.quickly 194.countries 195.largest 196.to attract 197.for 198.but 199.watching 200.us
191.句意:“科目三”是一种流行于世界各地的活泼舞蹈。根据“energetic dance”可知,此处泛指一种活泼的舞蹈, energetic以元音音素开头,应用不定冠词an。故填an。
193.句意:很快它就在互联网上出名了。根据“Soon it became well-known ... on the Internet.”可知,此处应用副词quickly“快速地”,修饰动词。故填quickly。
196.句意:“这种舞蹈最近很火,我们用它来吸引顾客。”餐馆经理说。结合句意可知,“use...to...用……做……”为固定搭配。故填to attract。
197.句意:学生们喜欢“科目三”有很多原因。for many reasons“因为许多原因”,为固定用法。故填for。
198. 句意:我喜欢它不仅因为它看起来很酷,而且它可以让我在太多的压力下放松和快乐。not only...but (also)…“不仅……而且……”,是固定搭配。故填but。
199. 句意:看完表演后,学生们欢呼起来。after是介词,后加动词的ing形式,结合备选词汇和“the performance”可知,应是指观看表演,应用动词watch“观看”的动名词形式。故填watching。


