2024届湖南省邵阳市高三下学期第三次联考英语试题(含答案解析与听力原文 无音频)

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2024届湖南省邵阳市高三下学期第三次联考英语试题(含答案解析与听力原文 无音频)


英 语
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. Where will Mike probably be at 3:00
A. At home. B. In his office. C. At the dentist’s.
2. Why didn’t the man call the woman back
A. He was too busy.
B. He lost his phone.
C. He didn’t receive the message.
3. When is the book to be signed
A. Next Weekend. B. This Weekend. C. The next day.
4. What is the weather like now
A. Clear. B. Cloudy. C. Fresh.
5. What does the man mean
A. The woman can’t find a better price.
B. The woman can’t return the jeans.
C. The woman shouldn’t wear short jeans.
6. What do we know about the man
A. He has planned a beach tour for some time.
B. He doesn’t make the decision to the beach.
C. He went to the beach not long ago.
7. What is the weather like in this season in California
A. It is getting colder. B. It always stays warm. C. It often changes.
8. When will the speakers’ vacation be over
A. In five days. B. In two days. C. In a week.
9. How does the woman want to get to the countryside
A. By bus. B. By car. C. On foot.
10. What day is it today
A. Saturday. B. Wednesday. C. Monday.
11. What can be known about the man
A. He works very hard. B. He doesn’t have a clock. C. He is often late for work.
12. What does the woman ask the man to do
A. Go to bed early. B. Buy a clock. C. Leave his job at once.
13. What is the man doing
A. Making a hotel reservation.
B. Checking into a hotel.
C. Trying to find a place for smoking.
14. How much will the man pay for his stay
A. $1,500. B. $1,200. C. $300.
15. What can be known about the man
A. He doesn’t smoke.
B. He isn’t satisfied with the reservation.
C. He cares about the higher room prices.
16. What’s the woman
A. A lobby manager. B. A receptionist. C. A room keeper.
17. How many hotels did Disney World have when it just opened
A. One. B. Two. C. Three.
18. What is the most popular thing at Disney World
A. Playing golf.
B. Going to the water park.
C. Visiting the Magic Kingdom.
19. When did Disneyland open
A. In 1955. B. In 1971. C. In 1975.
20. What’s the difference between the Disney World and the Disneyland
A. The latter is younger.
B. The former is more popular.
C. The latter is located in Florida.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Are you ready to get down to a thrilling journey through the pages of captivating stories and profound knowledge Join us for an unforgettable reading event that promises to ignite your passion for literature and broaden your horizons!
Celebrating the Richness of American Literature
Immerse yourself in a treasure of literary masterpieces that showcase the cultural richness and diversity of American voices. From timeless classics to contemporary gems, there’s something for everyone to discover and enjoy.
Book Highlights:
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee: Delve into the timeless tale of justice, morality, and compassion set against the backdrop of the American South.
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald: Experience the glitz, glamour, and disillusionment of the Jazz Age through the eyes of the enigmatic Jay Gatsby.
Beloved by Toni Morrison: Journey into the haunting world of slavery’s legacy and the enduring power of love and memory.
Meet the Authors: Signed Copies and Book Giveaways!
Don’t miss the opportunity to meet renowned authors and get your books personally signed! Plus, stand a chance to win exclusive giveaways and limited edition merchandise.
Event Details:
Date: Saturday, March 23rd
Time: 10:00 AM-5:00 PM
Location: Central Public Library, 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA
Who Should Attend
This event is perfect for crazy readers, literature enthusiasts, and anyone eager to explore the diverse landscape of American literature. Whether you’re a high school student preparing for college or a seasoned bookworm, there’s something here for you!
Registration and More Information:
Visit our website at www. to register for this exciting event and learn more about the featured authors and book selections.
Why It Matters:
By celebrating the rich tapestry of American literature, we not only honor the voices of the past but also inspire future generations to embrace diversity, empathy, and the power of storytelling.
21. Which book is NOT mentioned as an emphasis of the event
A. To Kill a Mockingbird. B. The Great Gatsby.
C. Moby-Dick. D. Beloved.
22. What can attendees do at the event
A. Sign their own names on books. B. See and greet famous authors.
C. Participate in a reading competition. D. Watch a movie screening.
23. Where is the text most probably taken from
A. A food magazine. B. An astronaut’s journal.
C. A sci-fi handbook. D. A reading website.
When Lucy was ten, she went to the theatre to see a play The House at Pooh Corner with her parents. Immediately, Lucy fell in love. But although she took part in school and college plays, she never thought it could lead to a career. Instead, she studied business at university, working for the Land Register of Scotland until she retired in 2012. Her newly free time reignited (重新,点燃) a decades-old spark. “I still wanted to do something with my brain so I went back to university to study theatre and performance,” says Lucy.
That year, she took part in a folk drama workshop and discovered mumming, an ancient masked form, in which male actors travel through villages, performing simple plays, often in exchange for food or shelter. “It’s a simpler story than conventional plays. It has one central conflict rather than slow character development. It’s rooted in history and involves more improvisation (即席创作) because the play is always tailored to a local audience,” says Lucy.
Interest grew and Lucy set up her group—the Meadows Mummers—as a charity, to attract wider support and donations. Its first performance was in 2015, at the Meadows festival in Edinburgh. Things snowballed from there. As well as touring central Scotland, the group went to the International Mumming Symposium and Unconvention in Gloucestershire in 2016, and learned more about the history of folk drama.
More recently, life circumstances have made performing difficult. “I’ve had health problems.” She says that, at times, she has considered giving up, but gets too much joy from doing it to stop. “We’ve just done one performance this year but I’m really excited that we’re getting ready for more festivals next year.”
The drive to keep going is inspired by an experience more than 30 years ago. “I was in a national park in Yugoslavia when I saw a woman staring attentively at this green river,” she says. “She told me she was going blind and wanted the river to be the last beautiful thing she ever saw.” Whenever doubt creeps in (不知不觉产生), Lucy recalls that encounter and feels forced to continue grasping life with both hands. “Just because you’ve reached 60, it doesn’t mean the drawbridge has been pulled up,” says Lucy.
24. Why did Lucy study theatre and performance after retirement
A. To further her study. B. To please her parents.
C. To recollect her interest. D. To find a better job.
25. What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about in terms of mumming
A. Its history. B. Its characteristics. C. Its importance. D. Its prospect.
26. What does the underlined word “snowballed” in paragraph 3 mean
A. Stuck. B. Collapsed. C. Developed. D. Froze.
27. What does Lucy intend to tell us by the encounter
A. We should try to live in the moment. B. Roman was not built in a day.
C. Where there’s a will, there is a way. D. Art is long, life is short.
Amelia, a ninth-grade student at Carson Middle School, wanted to help her grandmother who struggled to open bottle caps. She found a solution in her engineering class, where students were tasked with adapting existing products to make daily life easier for people with difficulties.
Amelia’s creativity kicked in as she researched existing bottle-opening devices. “The shape and size of a cellphone are familiar,” she said. To create a better bottle opener, Amelia used a piece of wood. It was shaped like a cellphone. Next, she put three holes in the wood. The holes were in different sizes so that they could match common bottle cap sizes. Each hole also had a layer of dried hot glue, providing a strong hold for the bottle caps. With a simple twisting motion, her grandmother could open bottles without assistance.
While addressing challenges those with learning disabilities, movement challenges and other issues face, students like Amelia used more than their math, physics, and tool skills. They also learned about empathy (共情). “Empathy is looking at problems from another person’s point of view,” Amelia’s teacher, Mark Bolt, said. “It’s an important part of engineering. Engineers need to put themselves in their product users’ shoes to build effective solutions. “It was empathy, while watching friends and family deal with daily tasks, that pushed other students’ projects.
Student Michael noticed how reading disorder made it difficult for his friends to follow along on pages full of text. Their brains tend to confuse the order of numbers, letters, and other images. So Michael created a small adjustable window-blind-style device. “My friend could separate small sections of text while reading,” he said.
In the process, students tried different versions of their products to make the best one to show the class. Rather than having step-by-step directions for the projects. Bolt preferred to leave students’ creative paths open. “If we want to do better, we have to have a chance to fail,” he said.
28. What might be a solution to Amelia’s engineering class task
A. To invent new products. B. To better a hearing aid.
C. To raise money for the disabled.
D. To teach lower-grade students engineering.
29. Why are the three holes’ sizes different in Amelia’s bottle opener
A. To make the opener easier to hold. B. To make the most of space.
C. To beautify the bottle opener. D. To ensure a wider use.
30. What should engineers do while designing products according to Mark Bolt
A. Ask for the users’ advice. B. Improve their work effectiveness.
C. Be considerate toward their users. D. Focus more on the people around them.
31. How does Michael’s device work
A. By putting small sections together.
B. By adding a dictionary to the text.
C. By putting words in different colors.
D. By focusing users’ attention on specific reading areas.
In the second half of the 18th century, a British doctor named Edward Jenner gave his gardener’s son cowpox (牛痘) and then deliberately infected him with smallpox (天花) to test his assumption that people who were frequently exposed to cowpox, a similar but less severe virus, would avoid catching smallpox. It worked and cowpox as the vaccine (疫苗) was highly effective. “Vaccination”, from the Latin word for cow, soon became commonplace.
Challenge trials are forms of research where, rather than relying on data from natural infections, we intentionally expose someone to a disease in order to test the effectiveness of a vaccine or treatment. Things have changed a lot since Jenner’s time, of course, when it was not uncommon for doctors to conduct this kind of research. Even so, there’s a continuous sense that there’s something immoral about making someone ill on purpose.
But this shouldn’t blind us to the extraordinary power of challenge trials. They could become increasingly important weapons in the medical research, in a situation where vaccine technology is advancing and the threat of diseases jumping from animals into human beings is increasing.
Much has been done to reduce the risks of challenge trials. Like respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), researchers have involved adults who are at a low risk of severe illness. These acts have already cut down a massive range of vaccine candidates. But not all diseases are like these ones. We don’t always know the dangers volunteers might face; we don’t always have treatments ready. What then
We could, of course, just avoid these questions entirely, and rely on other types of research. But that doesn’t always work: sometimes, animal testing is tricky and uninformative, because the disease doesn’t develop in the same way as it would in humans. In contrast, challenge trials can be deeply informative within weeks, with far fewer volunteers. And the benefits can be surprisingly high.
In order to make sure we are as protected as possible from current and future threats, we should try to get rid of the misbelief in challenge trials, making them a more familiar part of our tool kits. Perhaps the greatest reward of all would be to make sure participants’ efforts are worthwhile: by designing trials to be fair and effective and applying them when and where they might make a real difference. In short, by helping them to save thousands, if not millions of lives.
32. The author tells the story of Edward Jenner with the intention of ________.
A. defining what are challenge trials.
B. showing the origin of the word “vaccination”.
C. emphasizing the importance of his vaccine.
D. introducing the topic of challenge trials.
33. What can be inferred from the passage
A. The issues behind challenge trials are easy to solve.
B. Despite the risks, challenge trials can benefit numerous lives.
C. The dangers of challenge trials outweigh the benefits they bring.
D. Challenge trials can prevent the development of vaccine technologies.
34. What does the author intend to tell us
A. A cautious attitude should be taken towards challenge trials.
B. Challenge trials guarantee participants protection against threats.
C. People should be more open to challenge trials.
D. The accuracy of challenge trials can be improved with more volunteers involved.
35. What can be the best title for the passage
A. Can challenge trials block medical progress
B. Should we use challenge trials to find cures
C. Can challenge trials put an end to infectious diseases
D. Should we replace animal testing with challenge trials
In the journey of life, there’s an often ignored hero—labor. Yes, that’s right, good old-fashioned hard work. Whether it’s mowing lawns, babysitting, or washing dishes, the act of laboring not only fills pockets but also shapes characters and molds futures.
Let’s face it, we live in a world where instant satisfaction is the norm (标准). But what if we told you that delaying that satisfaction and putting in some good, honest sweat can actually be beneficial It’s true! 36
37 Imagine a teenager tasked with mowing lawns for a summer job. Suddenly, they’re responsible for showing up on time, doing a thorough job, and managing their earnings. These are life skills that no classroom lecture can match.
Moreover, labor breeds (培养) perseverance. 38 Instead of throwing in the towel, they persevere, learning from each setback and growing stronger in the process. This perseverance becomes a cornerstone (基石) for success in all aspects of life.
But perhaps the most profound impact of labor is its ability to foster empathy and appreciation. 39 As teenagers serve meals to the less fortunate, they gain a newfound perspective on privilege and gratitude. Suddenly, that new smartphone doesn’t seem as important as lending a helping hand to those in need.
In conclusion, labor isn’t just about earning a paycheck but it’s also about shaping character and building a foundation for success. So, the next time you see a teenager sweating it out on a hot summer day, remember— 40
A. Labour is significantly beneficial to health.B. Take, for instance, volunteering at a local soup kitchen.C. labor isn’t just about earning money and training skills.D. First, labor gradually acquires a sense of responsibility.E. Imagine a young adult facing rejection after rejection while job hunting.F. they’re not just mowing lawns, they’re paving their path to a brighter future.G. The process of laboring teaches invaluable lessons that textbooks simply can’t convey.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
On a sunny afternoon, Anthony Perry stepped off the train at Chicago’s 69th Street station. The 20-year-old, who worked nights in a grocery store, was on his way to see his 41 .
On the platform, something unthinkable happened: a man 42 the edge and onto the electrified train tracks! As Perry and other 43 passengers watched, he shook uncontrollably as the 44 moved through his body.
“Help him!” someone cried. “Please, someone!”
Perry couldn’t just stand there and 45 . He sat at the edge of the platform and eased himself down. 46 all rails between the man and him were electrified, he quickly leaped towards the victim, using a high-knee technique from his high school football days.
Perry soon 47 down and grasped the victim’s wrist. 48 , he felt a powerful electric shock shoot through his body. Perry jumped back. He reached down a second time, and was shocked again. But the third time he seized the man’s wrist and forearm, and managed to move the guy’s body away from the 49 .
“Give him chest compressions!” yelled an old lady on the platform.
Perry was no expert, but for a few moments he worked on the man’s heart until the victim regained 50 . Then, first-aiders arrived. Perry let the professionals 51 . Heart still racing from the electric shocks, he 52 back up onto the platform, grabbed his 53 and continued on to his grandfather’s.
The evening news reported the incident, 54 an unnamed hero with saving the victim’s life. To many, Perry’s 55 deeds demonstrated the power of choosing compassion over personal safety.
41. A. manager B. client C. grandfather D. aunt
42. A. fell over B. fell in C. fell down D. fell behind
43. A. delighted B. excited C. depressed D. horrified
44. A. current B. oxygen C. wave D. blood
45. A. imagine B. watch C. shout D. record
46. A. Hoping B. Assuming C. Complaining D. Recalling
47. A. climbed B. grabbed C. reached D. stretched
48. A. Instantly B. Slightly C. Normally D. Surprisingly
49. A. train B. crowds C. platform D. rails
50. A. strength B. balance C. consciousness D. control
51. A. look ahead B. take over C. get around D. keep away
52. A. climbed B. jumped C. wound D. walked
53. A. clothes B. things C. possessions D. books
54. A. providing B. engaging C. assisting D. crediting
55. A. generous B. grateful C. courageous D. faithful
The abacus (算盘), a manually operated counting aid that originated in China, was known as the 56.__________ (five) great invention in China by Joseph Needham, a well-known British biochemist and historian. Before the advent of Arabic numerals, the abacus was a widely used counting tool globally.
As early as the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC—24 AD), the Chinese used wooden or bone rods for calculations. However, the rods were 57.__________ (gradual) developed into the abacus for the time-consuming calculations.
The early abacus used small round beads instead of long rods, 58.__________ were comparatively clumsy. Over time, the number of beads increased, 59.__________ (lead) to the seven-bead abacus from its five-bead predecessor to adapt to the hexadecimal system.
The existing abacuses have different shapes and are made of different 60.__________ (material). A typical abacus is mostly made of wood and consists of a series of beads 61.__________ (arrange) in a rectangular wooden frame. A crossbeam in the middle divides the beads into two parts. Each bead in the upper half represents five, and each bead in the lower half represents one. Each string of beads represents the values of ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands from right to left.
As it was simple to make, affordable, and easy 62.__________ (use), the abacus was widely used in China, from where it gradually spread to countries and regions such as Korea, the U.S. and Southeast Asia.
In today’s era of computers and other electronic devices, although few people use abacuses, it has become a symbol of counting in China. In recent years, it 63.__________ (appear) frequently on postage stamps and postcards. It is also part of some special occasions. For instance, “Zhuazhou” is a 64.__________ (tradition) Chinese celebration of a 65.__________ (child) first birthday when several objects are placed before the child to choose. The chosen object is supposed to indicate the child’s future career. The abacus is among these objects, representing business or wealth.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
假定你是李华,你校英文报专栏节目Voices of Youth就是否在校内成立心理健康俱乐部(Mental Health Club)征询学生的意见。请你给该栏目编辑写一封邮件。
内容包括:1. 你的观点;
2. 你的理由(至少两条)。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear editor,
I’m Li Hua, a student of Class 1. ________________________________________________________________
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
I was working as a supervisor in a small, rural hospital on a bitter cold Midwestern winter in 1992. I wasn’t even supposed to be working the evening shift, but had agreed to swap with a colleague who needed the night off. Among my many duties was to assist in the emergency room (ER) if our ER nurse needed help. Suddenly, my pager (寻呼机) echoed down the hallway that quiet evening.
“I need your help now,” a nurse in ER said urgently. “We have an ambulance out on a little boy. Not many details, but it doesn’t sound good. He was found outside in a snow bank, and the first responders have started CPR. “My heart sank. It was thirty degrees below zero with windchill. The child didn’t have a chance.
I entered the emergency room. The ambulance was just pulling up, and when the gurney (轮床) rolled into the ER it was met with dead silence. CPR was in progress. The blond boy lay lifeless and pale with little hands frozen so solid. Because of the circumstances, we were obligated to continue CPR until his core body temperature was raised. No one in the room seemed to hold any hope of bringing back this little boy.
The next hour passed quickly as many ways were conducted to warm him up. I stood silently over him, tears running down my cheeks, as I prayed silently for him and his family. I couldn’t even help understanding the pain his parents were experiencing.
He was the same age as my little boy, with the same beautiful blue eyes and blond hair. I thought of how much I loved my son and tried to remember the last time I told him I loved him so. What if he died tonight Would he die knowing how much I loved him I realized, watching a group of doctors and nurses desperately trying to do the impossible, that I hadn’t even hugged him before leaving for work. And I deeply regretted that now.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按照如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Then a miracle occurred. ______________________________________________________________________
Watching the scene, I made a promise to myself that night. ___________________________________________
英 语
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1—5 CAABB 6—10 BCABC 11—15 CBAAA 16—20 BBCAB
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
A篇:21—23 CBD
21. C 细节理解题。根据第三段Book Highlights可知:文章提到了To Kill a Mockingbird (《杀死一只知更鸟》)、The Great Gatsby (《了不起的盖茨比》)和Beloved (《宠儿》)被强调显示,Moby-Dick (《白鲸》)没有被提及。故选C。
22. B 细节理解题。根据第三段“Meet the Authors: Signed Copies and Book Giveaways! Don’t miss the opportunity to meet renowned authors and get your books personally signed! Plus, stand a chance to win exclusive giveaways and limited edition merchandise. (不要错过见到著名作家的机会,并请他们亲自给你的书签名!另外,我们也有机会赢得独家赠品和限量版商品。)”可知,参加者可以见到著名作家的机会,并请作家给你的书签名。故选B。
23. D 推理判断题。根据“Registration and More Information: Visit our website at www. to register for this exciting event and learn more about the featured authors and book selections. (注册及更多信息:访问我们的网站www.来报名参加这个令人兴奋的事件,并了解更多关于特色作者和书籍的选择。)”可知,该文章很可能选自网站。故选D。
24. C 细节理解题。根据第一段“Her newly free time reignited (重新点燃) a decades-old spark. “I still wanted to do something with my brain so I went back to university to study theatre and performance,” says Lucy.(她最近的空闲时间重新点燃了几十年前的火花。“我仍然想用我的大脑做点什么,所以我回到大学学习戏剧和表演,”Lucy说)”可知,Lucy退休后学习戏剧和表演是为了重拾兴趣。故选C。
25. B 主旨大意题。根据第二段“That year, she took part in a folk drama workshop and discovered mumming, an ancient masked form, in which male actors travel through villages, performing simple plays, often in exchange for food or shelter. “It’s a simpler story than conventional plays. It has one central conflict rather than slow character development. It’s rooted in history and involves more improvisation (即席创作) because the play is always tailored to a local audience,” says Lucy. [那一年,她参加了一个民间戏剧研讨会,并发现了一种古老的蒙面表演一戴面具化装表演(mumming),男演员穿梭于村庄,表演简单的戏剧,通常以换取食物或住所。“这是一个比传统戏剧更简单的故事。它有一个中心冲突,而不是缓慢的角色发展。它根植于历史,包含更多的即兴创作,因为戏剧总是为当地观众量身定制的,”Lucy说]”可知,第二段主要讲了戴面具化装表演(mumming)的特点。故选B。
26. C 词句猜测题。根据划线词后文“As well as touring central Scotland, the group went to the International Mumming Symposium and Unconvention in Gloucestershire in 2016, and learned more about the history of folk drama. (除了在苏格兰中部巡回演出外,该团队还参加了2016年在格洛斯特郡举行的国际戴面具化装表演研讨会和非正式大会,并了解了更多关于民间戏剧的历史)”可知,这个团队得到了很大发展,去了很多地方演出。故划线词意思是“发展”,故选C。
27. A 推理判断题。根据最后一段“The drive to keep going is inspired by an experience more than 30 years ago. “I was in a national park in Yugoslavia when I saw a woman staring attentively at this green river,” she says. “She told me she was going blind and wanted the river to be the last beautiful thing she ever saw.” (30多年前的一次经历激发了我们继续前进的动力。她说:“我在南斯拉夫的一个国家公园里,看到一个女人聚精会神地盯着这条绿色的河流。”“她告诉我她快要失明了,希望这条河成为她见过的最后的美丽的事物”)”以及“Whenever doubt creeps in (不知不觉产生),Lucy recalls that encounter and feels forced to continue grasping life with both hands (每当疑虑袭来时,Lucy就会回忆起那次偶遇,她觉得不得不继续用双手抓住生活)”可推知,Lucy想通过这次偶遇告诉我们:我们应该努力活在当下。故选A。
【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了在Carson Middle School九年级的机械工程课上,学生们不仅学会了通过对现有设备的改造使周国人的生活更加便利,而且还学会了站在他人角度去思考,关心他们的需求。
28. B 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“She found a solution in her engineering class, where students were tasked with adapting existing products to make daily life easier for people with difficulties. (她在工程课上找到了一个解决方案,让学生们改造现有产品,让有困难的人的日常生活更轻松。)”可知,在工程课上,学生们改造现有产品,让有身体困难的人的日常生活更轻松。所以,Amelia的工程课任务可能是改进助听器。故选B。
29. D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The holes were in different sizes so that they could match common bottle cap sizes. (这些孔有不同的尺寸,这样它们就可以与常见的瓶盖尺寸相匹配。)”可知,Amelia的开瓶器上有三个大小不同的孔是为了与常见的瓶盖尺寸相匹配,即确保开瓶器的更广泛的使用。故选D。
30. C 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“It’s an important part of engineering. Engineers need to put themselves in their product users’ shoes to build effective solutions. (这是工程的重要组成部分。工程师需要设身处地为产品用户着想,以制定有效的解决方案。)”可知,Mark Bolt认为,在设计产品时,工程师应该为用户着想。故选C。
31. D 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“So Michael created a small adjustable window-blind-style device. “My friend could separate small sections of text while reading,” he said. (于是,Michael发明了一种小型可调节百叶窗式装置。他说:“我的朋友在阅读时可以把文本的小部分分开。”)”可知,Michael的设备是可调节的,在阅读时读者可以把文本的小部分分开。也就是说该装置通过将用户的注意力集中在特定的阅读领域。故选D。
32. D 推理判断题。根据第一段“In the second half of the 18th century, a British doctor named Edward Jenner gave his gardener’s son cowpox (牛痘) and then deliberately infected him with smallpox (天花) to test his assumption that people who were frequently exposed to cowpox, a similar but less severe virus, would avoid catching smallpox. (18世纪后半叶,一位名叫爱德华·詹纳(Edward Jenner)的英国医生让他的园丁的儿子染上牛痘,然后故意让他感染天花)”以检验他的假设,即经常接触牛痘(一种类似但不那么严重的病毒)的人会避免感染天花)”以及第二段“Challenge trials are forms of research where, rather than relying on data from natural infections, we intentionally expose someone to a disease in order to test the effectiveness of a vaccine or treatment. (挑战试验是一种研究形式,我们不是依靠自然感染的数据,而是故意让某人接触某种疾病,以测试疫苗或治疗的有效性)”可知,作者讲述爱德华·詹纳的故事是为了介绍挑战试验的话题。故选D项。
33. B 推理判断题。根据第二段“Even so, there’s a continuous sense that there’s something immoral about making someone ill on purpose. (即便如此,人们仍然认为故意让别人生病是不道德的)”以及第三段“But this shouldn’t blind us to the extraordinary power of challenge trials. They could become increasingly important weapons in the medical research, in a situation where vaccine technology is advancing and the threat of diseases jumping from animals into human beings is increasing. (但这不应该让我们忽视挑战试验的非凡力量。在疫苗技术不断进步、疾病从动物传染给人类的威胁日益增加的情况下,它们可能成为医学研究中越来越重要的武器)”可知,尽管有风险,但挑战试验可以使许多生命受益。故选B项。
34. C 推理判断题。根据最后一段“In order to make sure we are as protected as possible from current and future threats, we should try to get rid of the misbelief in challenge trials, making them a more familiar part of our tool kits. Perhaps the greatest reward of all would be to make sure participants’ efforts are worthwhile: by designing trials to be fair and effective and applying them when and where they might make a real difference. In short, by helping them to save thousands, if not millions of lives. (为了确保我们尽可能免受当前和未来的威胁,我们应该努力消除对挑战试验的误解,使其成为我们工具箱中更为常见的一部分。也许最大的回报将是确保参与者的努力是值得的:通过设计合理、有效的试验,并在可能产生真正差异的时间和地点应用这些试验。简而言之,通过帮助他们即使不能拯救数百万人的生命,也能拯救成千上万人)”可知,本文作者想告诉我们对挑战试验应采取更开放的态度。故选C项。
35. B 主旨大意题。根据第二段“Challenge trials are forms of research where, rather than relying on data from natural infections, we intentionally expose someone to a disease in order to test the effectiveness of a vaccine or treatment. (挑战试验是一种研究形式,我们不是依靠自然感染的数据,而是故意让某人接触某种疾病,以测试疫苗或治疗的有效性)”以及最后一句“In short, by helping them to save thousands, if not millions of lives. (简而言之,通过帮助他们即使不能拯救数百万人的生命,也能拯救成千上万人)”可知,B项“Should we use challenge trials to find cures ”是本文最好的标题。故选B项。
第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12. 5分)
36—40 GDEBF
36. G 上文“But what if we told you that delaying that satisfaction and putting in some good, honest sweat can actually be beneficial It’s true!”(“但如果我们告诉你,推迟这种满足,投入一些好的、诚实的劳动实际上是有益呢?这是真的!”)这是肯定劳动是有好处的,那么下文将说明劳动有哪些好处。The process of laboring teaches invaluable lessons that textbooks simply can’t convey. (劳动的过程教会了教科书无法传达的宝贵教训。)符合语境。故选G。
37. D 这是段首句,是标题句。下文“Suddenly, they’re responsible for showing up on time, doing a thorough job, and managing their earnings. These are life skills that no classroom lecture can match. (突然之间,他们很负责,会按时到场,从头到尾多做工作,并管理自己的收人。这些都是任何课堂讲座都无法匹配的生活技能。)”这是说明劳动会培养责任感。“First, labor gradually acquires a sense of responsibility (首先,劳动逐渐获得了一种责任感。)”,同时,First与下文的Moreover,呼应。故选D。
38. E 上文“Moreover, labor breeds perseverance. (此外,劳动还能培养出毅力。)”。下文“Instead of throwing in the towel, they persevere, learning from each setback and growing stronger in the process. This perseverance becomes a cornerstone for success in all aspects of life. (他们没有认输,而是坚持不懈,从每一次挫折中学习,并在这个过程中变得更强大。这种毅力成为了在生活的各个方面取得成功的基石。)”,“Imagine a young adult facing rejection after rejection while job hunting. (想象一下,一个年轻人在求职时面临被一而再的拒绝。)”符合此语境。故选E。
39. B 上文“But perhaps the most profound impact of labor is its ability to foster empathy and appreciation. (但也许劳动最深刻的影响是它培养共情心和欣赏的能力。)”,下文“As teenagers serve meals to the less fortunate, they gain a newfound perspective on privilege and gratitude. (当青少年为不幸的人提供食物时,他们对特权和感激有了一种新的看法。)”,“Take, for instance, volunteering at a local soup kitchen. (以在当地的施粥所做志愿者为例。)”符合此语境。故选B。
40. F 上文“In conclusion, labor isn’t just about earning a paycheck but it’s also about shaping character and building a foundation for success. (总之,劳动不仅仅在于挣钱,还在于塑造性格和为成功奠定基础。)”,此句“So, the next time you see a teenager sweating it out on a hot summer day, remember—they’re not just mowing lawns, they’re paving their path to a brighter future (所以,下次当你看到一个青少年在炎热的夏天大汗淋漓的时候,请记住——他们不只是在修剪草坪,他们还在为通往更光明的未来铺平道路。)”符合语境。故选F。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分50分)
完形填空:41—45 CADAB 46—50 BCADC 51—55 BABDC
【语篇导读】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Anthony Perry在火车站不顾个人的安危,勇敢地拯救了跌落在铁轨上的受害者的英勇故事。
41. C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:20岁的佩里在一家杂货店上夜班,当时佩里正准备去看他的祖父。A. manager经理;B. client客户;C. grandfather祖父;D. aunt姑妈,伯母。根据后文"Heart still racing from the electric shocks, he climbed back up onto the platform, grabbed his things and continued on to his grandfather’s. (电击后心脏还在加速跳动,他爬上平台,抓起东西,继续向祖父的家走去。)”可知,佩里正准备去看他的祖父。故选C。
42. A 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:在站台上,不可思议的事情发生了:一个人从站台边缘掉到电轨上了!A. fell over 从……跌落;B. fell in排队,到期,服从;C. fell down倒下,跪拜;D. fell behind落后。根据后文“and onto the electrified train tracks! (到电轨上了!)”可知,一个人从站台边缘掉下去了。故选A。
43. D 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当佩里和其他惊恐的乘客看到时,电流流过他的身体,他无法控制地颤抖着。A. delighted高兴的;乐意的;B. excited激动的;C. depressed情绪低落的;D. horrified惊恐的。根据前文“a man fell over the edge and onto the electrified train tracks! (一个人从站台边缘掉到电轨上了!)”可知,乘客看到这一幕时是惊恐的。故选D。
44. A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:见43题。A. current气流;电流;B. oxygen氧气;C. wave海浪;大海;D. blood血。根据上句“On the platform, something unthinkable happened: a man fell over the edge and onto the electrified train tracks! (在站台上,不可思议的事情发生了:一个人从站台边缘掉到电轨上了!)”可知,掉到电轨上,电流会流过他的身体。故选A。
45. B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:佩里不只是站在那里看着。A. imagine想象;B. watch看;C. shout呼喊;D. record记录。根据后句“He sat at the edge of the platform and eased himself down. (他坐在月台边上,慢慢地放松下来)”可知,他准备营救这个人,并不是站在那里看着。故选B。
46. B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他以为他和那人之间的铁轨都通电了,于是迅速向受害者跳去。A. Hoping希望;B. Assuming假设,认为:C. Complaining抱怨;D. Recalling回忆。根据本句“he quickly leaped towards the victim (他迅速向受害者跳去)”可知,他认为自己和受害者之间的铁轨都通电了,所以他迅速向受害者跳去。故选B。
47. C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:佩里快速朝下伸手,抓住了受害者的手腕。A. climbed爬;B. grabbed攫取;抓;C. reached伸出手臂;到达;D. stretched伸展,拉紧。根据本句“and grasped the victim’s wrist. (抓住了受害者的手腕。)”以及后文“He reached down a second time (他再一次朝下伸手)”可知,佩里快速朝下伸手去拉。故选C。
48. A 考查副词词义辨析。句意:他立刻感到一阵强烈的电击穿过他的身体。A. Instantly立刻地;B. Slightly轻微地;C. Normally通常,平常;D. Surprisingly惊人地,出乎意料地。根据“ 46 all rails between the man and him were electrified, he quickly leaped towards the victim (他以为他和那人之间的铁轨都通电了,于是迅速向受害者扑去)”可知,他立刻感到一阵强烈的电流穿过他的身体。故选A。
49. D 考查名词词义辨析。句意:但第三次,他抓住了那个人的手腕和前臂,并设法将他的身体从铁轨上移开。A. train火车;B. crowds人群;C. platform平台;D. rails铁路。根据上文“On the platform, something unthinkable happened: a man fell over the edge and onto the electrified train tracks! (在站台上,不可思议的事情发生了:一个人从站台边缘掉到电轨上了!)”可知,受害者掉到了铁轨上,他将受害者的身体从铁轨上移开。故选D。
50. C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:但他在那个人的心脏上按压了一会儿,直到受害者恢复了意识。A. strength体力;B. balance平衡;C. consciousness意识;D. control控制,掌管。根据本句“he worked on the man’s heart (他对受害者进行胸部按压)”可知,受害者失去了意识,所以进行胸部按压。故选C。
51. B 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:佩里让专业人士接手。A. look ahead向前看;B. take over接管;C. get around规避,逃避;D. keep away远离,避开。根据上句“Then, first-aiders arrived (随后,急救人员赶到了)”可知,急救人员赶到后,佩里让他们接手。故选B。
52. A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的心脏还因电击跳得很快,他往上爬回到站台,抓起他的东西,继续往爷爷家里赶。A. climbed攀登;爬;B. jumped跳;C. wound使气急,蜿蜒;上发条;D. walked陪伴……走;散步。根据后文“back up onto the platform, grabbed his things and continued on to his grandfather’s.”(回到站台,抓起他的东西,继续往爷爷家里赶。)”可知,佩里爬回到站台,抓起自己的东西。故选A。
53. B 考查名词词义辨析。句意:见52题。A. clothes衣服;B. things (个人的)物品;物;C. possessions个人财产;占有;D. books书。根据后文“and continued on to his grandfather’s. (继续往爷爷家里赶。)”可知,佩里拿起他的东西。故选B。
54. D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:晚间新闻报道了这一事件,并称赞一位无名英雄挽救了受害者的生命。A. providing提供;B. engaging参加;C. assisting帮助;D. crediting赞扬。根据本句“an unnamed hero with saving the victim’s life (一位无名英雄挽救了受害者的生命)”可知,英勇救人的事迹是值得赞扬的。故选D。
55. C 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对许多人来说,佩里的勇敢事迹表明了选择同情别人而非考虑个人安全的力量。A. generous慷慨的;B. grateful感谢的,感激的;C. courageous勇敢的;D. faithful忠实的,忠诚的。根据上文“But the third time he seized the man’s wrist and forearm, and managed to move the guy’s body away from the 49. (但第三次,他抓住了那个人的手腕和前臂,并设法将他的身体从铁轨上移开。)”可知,佩里在火车站不顾个人的安危,勇敢地拯救了跌落在铁轨上的受害者。故选C。
56. fifth 57. gradually 58. which 59. leading 60. materials
61. arranged 62. to use 63. has appeared 64. traditional 65. child’s
56. fifth 考查序数词。句意:算盘是一种起源于中国的手动计数辅助工具,被英国著名的生物化学家和历史学家Joseph Needham称为中国第五大发明。分析句子结构可知,设空处应用序数词作定语。故填fifth。
57. gradually 考查副词。句意:早在西汉(公元前206年至公元24年),中国人就使用木棒或骨棒进行计算。然而,由于计算时间长,这些棒子逐渐发展成为算盘。分析句子结构可知,设空处应用副词作状语。故填gradually。
58. which 考查关系代词。句意:早期的算盘使用小圆珠而不是长杆,这是相对笨拙的。分析句子结构可知,设空处需用关系词引导非限制性定语从句,关系词在从句中作主语。故填which。
59. leading 考查非谓语动词。句意:随着时间的推移,珠子的数量增加,导致七珠算盘从原来的五珠算盘适应了十六进制。分析句子结构可知,设空处应用现在分词作状语,故填leading。
60. materials 考查名词。句意:现存的算盘形状各异,材料也不尽相同。设空处需用名词复数形式。故填materials。
61. arranged 考查非谓语动词。句意:一个典型的算盘大多是木制的,由一系列排列在长方形木制框架中的珠子组成。分析句子结构可知,设空处应用过去分词作定语。故填arranged。
62. to use 考查非谓语动词。句意:算盘制作简单、价格实惠、使用方便,在中国得到了广泛应用,并从那里逐渐传播到韩国、美国和东南亚等国家和地区。分析句子结构可知,设空处应用不定式作状语。故填to use。
63. has appeared 考查谓语动词时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:在今天的计算机和其他电子设备时代,虽然很少有人使用算盘,但它已经成为中国计数的象征。近年来,它频繁出现在邮票和明信片上。由时间状语In recent years可知,设空处要用现在完成时态。故填has appeared。
64. traditional 考查形容词。句意:例如“抓周”是中国传统的庆祝孩子一岁生日的活动,在孩子面前摆放几件物品供孩子选择。分析句子结构可知,设空处应用形容词作定语。故填traditional。
65. child’s 考查名词所有格。句意:见64题。分析句子结构可知,设空处应用名词所有格作定语。故填child’s。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Dear editor,
I’m Li Hua, a student of Class 1. In today’s competitive world, it’s not unusual for young people to suffer from mental problems. So I am fully in favor of establishing a Mental Health Club in our school.
For one thing, it provides a safe and supportive environment for us students to pour out our hearts freely. For another, in the club, we can gain professional guidance on how to cope with stress, emotions and relationships with others, which will in turn improve our well-being. Furthermore, a Mental Health Club will help foster a culture of understanding and break down the invisible prejudice against mental problems.
Personally, I think mental health is of equal importance to academic record. Hope that the Mental Health Club will be set up as early as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
【语篇导读】本篇书面表达属于应用文。假定你是李华,你校英文报专栏节目Voices of Youth就是否在校内成立心理健康俱乐部(Mental Health Club)征询学生的意见。请给该栏目编辑写一封邮件。
[高分句型] 1. In today’s competitive world, it’s not unusual for young people to suffer from mental problems. (运用了it作形式主语)
[高分句型] 2. For another, in the club, we can gain professional guidance on how to cope with stress, emotions and relationships with others, which will in turn improve our well-being. (运用了“疑问词+不定式”固定结构作宾语,which引导非限制性定语从句)
Then a miracle occurred. The little boy’s heart began to beat. Slowly at first and then more steadily. In ten minutes, his color turned a beautiful shade of pink and his pupils became reactive. All doctors and nurses present were wild with delight. And relief swept over my body and tears streamed down my face. I was in awe knowing I had received a very special invitation to witness a miracle. When I told the good news to his parents, they were choked with tears and couldn’t wait to see their son.
Watching the scene, I made a promise to myself that night. A promise to never again let a day go by when I didn’t hug my son and tell him that I loved him. He would never leave this Earth without knowing how much I loved him. It no longer mattered if he returned my love or if he pushed me away. I just wanted him to be healthy and grow up in an environment surrounded by love. In the months and years that followed, I kept my promise. He has done very well and is today a very happy, loving little boy.
1. 段落续写:
2. 续写线索:奇迹发生——男孩幸存——告知父母作者承诺——作者感悟
[高分句型1] When I told the good news to his parents, they were choked with tears and couldn’t wait to see their son. (运用了when引导时间状语从句)
[高分句型2] In the months and years that followed, I kept my promise. (运用that引导定语从句)
Text 1
W: Jason, I’m going to work late tonight, or I would never finish the report. Don’t forget Mike has an appointment with the dentist at 3:00.
M: Don’t worry. I will take him there on time.
Text 2
W: Hi, did you receive my message
M: Yes, I did. I’m sorry I haven’t had a chance to call you back.
Text 3
M: Have you heard about the book to be signed
W: No. When
M: Next Saturday. It’s said that the author Leonard Adams is coming.
Text 4
W: It seems that it’s going to rain soon. I really love the fresh air after rain.
M: Me, too. But I more like the clear night sky after it rains because I can see the stars perfectly.
Text 5
W: I’d like to return these jeans. I bought them for my son, but they’re too short.
M: I’m sorry. These jeans were on sale. Things on sale can’t be returned.
Text 6
W: I’d like to go to the beach sometime this week.
M: What’s the weather going to be like I want to go too if the weather is fine.
W: It is supposed to be warm.
M: Will it be proper to go to the beach
W: I think it will be. I want this trip to be perfect. I hope it stays warm.
M: The California weather in this season is uncertain. It’s impossible to know exactly what’ll happen.
W: I see. It seems to change every day.
Text 7
M: We have five days of vacation left. What should we do for the rest of the time
W: We’ve already been to the museums and lots of good restaurants. How about leaving the big city and traveling to the countryside for a couple of days
M: I think that’s a good idea. Should we go by bus, or should we rent a car
W: I’d rather drive. In this way, we can go to some places that the bus wouldn’t take us to.
M: I agree. We shouldn’t go to any large hotels. I think we should stay at smaller places, like the ones where young people often stay.
W: We might have to share a room with other people.
M: That’s good. I think we’ll meet some interesting people.
W: Thinking of that, it’s not bad to share a room with others.
Text 8
M: I’m sorry, Mrs. White. I overslept.
W: Jack, you know this is the first workday of the new week. Didn’t you get enough sleep on the weekend You were late twice last week. And your reasons for those were the traffic. What’s your reason this time
M: It was my alarm clock this time.
W: Really
M: Yes, even though I set the alarm last night.
W: Your clock never works. Perhaps you should buy a new one.
M: Well, if it doesn’t work again tomorrow, I’ll surely buy a new one.
W: Maybe by then it’ll be too late.
M: What do you mean
W: I mean by that time, you’ll be fired. Go and buy a new clock, or you’ll have to get a new job.
Text 9
M: Can I reserve a hotel room
W: That’s not a problem, Sir. What is your full name, please
M: My name’s John Smith.
W: Oh, Mr. Smith. It’s a pleasure to help you. Tell me when you need the room, please.
M: If my plans don’t change, I’ll be there from the 16th to the 20th of April. That is, I will leave on the morning of the twenty-first of April.
W: That’s all right. But Mr. Smith, I would like to remind you that our room prices are slightly higher than you may have thought.
M: How much is it
W: $300 per night.
M: Oh, that’s a reasonable price.
W: I’m glad you think so. Do you prefer a smoking room or a non-smoking room
M: Non-smoking, please.
W: All right, Sir. Your room is reserved.
Text 10
W: The Walt Disney Company has created several well-known parks and vacation spots. Disney World, located in Florida, is the most famous of all these places and opened in 1971. At first, it had only one theme park and two hotels. Since then, it has grown quite a lot. Now, it includes many hotels, theme parks, water parks, concert halls, movie theaters, and places to play golf. Travelers can do the activities that they enjoy the most. But almost everyone who comes to Disney World spends at least one day at the Magic Kingdom, the first theme park built on the land. Disneyland, which is located in Southern California, opened in 1955, and is also quite famous. Many people call Disneyland “the happiest place on earth”. But these days, Disney World must be an even happier place, because much more visitors go there each year.


