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英 语
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. At the Customs. B. At a theatre. C. At a ticket office.
2. How much will the man get back
A. $4. B. $6. C. $10.
3. How does the woman feel finally
A. Defeated. B. Encouraged. C. Depressed.
4. What does the man want
A. Some chips. B. A small bag. C. A ship model.
5. What made the woman wait so long for her clothes
A. Her order's being shipped late.
B. Her not being informed in time.
C. The wrong delivery of her package.
第二节 (共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. How is the place mentioned in the conversation
A. Crowded. B. Quiet. C. Unpopular.
7. How long will the speakers wait for their table
A. Half an hour. B. Three quarters. C. One hour and a quarter.
8. What is the first step to bake a cake according to the recipe
A. Brushing the pan. B. Heating the oven. C. Mixing the flour.
9. What will the man finally do
A. Cut out a piece of cake.
B. Put some butter on the cake.
C. Write a message on the cake.
10. Why is Mike's brother crying probably
A. Mike doesn't want to play with him.
B. Mike doesn't want to give his things back.
C. Mike doesn't want to let him play with his toys.
11. What does the woman advise Mike to do
A. To be more careful. B. To make an apology. C. To share things.
12. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Father and daughter. B. Mother and son. C. Brother and sister.
13. How long are the astronauts in orbit this time
A. A quarter of a year. B. Half a year. C. Three quarters of a year.
14. What is NOT mentioned about what the astronauts do in the Chinese space station
A. Doing some cooking. B. Giving lessons. C. Conducting experiments.
15. What do taikonauts do to pass the time
A. Play cards. B. Play music instruments. C. Play chess.
16. What does the woman mean in the end
A. Women are as able as men.
B. Women undertake more than men do.
C. Women are less suitable in this mission.
17. Which pet may an outgoing person like best
A. A turtle. B. A cat. C. A dog.
18. What may a cat person tend to be
A. Sociable. B. Careless. C. Clever.
19. How does the speaker wish his speech to be
A. Beneficial to listeners. B. Abstract for pet owners. C. Easy and interesting for listeners.
20. What does the speech mainly talk about
A. Pet persons' health. B. Pet persons' hobbies. C. Pet persons' personalities.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Four Highly-related Books
Anne of Green Gables.
Anne of Green Gables by Canadian author Lucy Mau d Montgomery has been considered as a children's novel since the mid-20th century. It states how Anne makes her way with the Cuthberts at school and within the town. The novel presents the conflicts between Ann's more fantastical daily life and that of Marilla, who would rather operate as social convention dictates (规定). Since publication, the book has sold more than 50 million copies and has been translated into 20 languages.
First published: 1908
Original language: English
Pride and prejudice
Pride and Prejudice is a romantic novel of manners by the British author Jane Austen. The story follows the main character, Elizabeth Bennet, as she deals with issues of manners, upbringing, norality, education and marriage in the society of the landed gentry (地主阶层) of England in the early 19th century.
First published: 1813
Original language: English
Treasure Island
Treasure Island is an adventure novel by Scottish author Robert Louis, telling a tale of“pirates(海盗) and buried gold”. The influence of the book on popular perceptions of pirates is huge, including such elements as treasure maps marked with an“X”, sailing ships, tropical islands and one-legged seamen bearing parrots on their shoulders.
First published: 1883
Original language: English
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a novel written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pen name Lewis Carroll. It tells of a girl named Alice falling through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by unusual and vivid creatures. The tale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as with children. It is considered to be one of the best examples of the literary nonsense type.
First published: 1865
Original language: English
21. What do the four books have in common
A. They are novels written by the authors from the same country.
B. They were first published in the 19th century.
C. They were originally written in English.
D. They are works of children's literature.
22. What can we know about Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
A. Its theme is manners, upbringing and marriage. B. Its main character is an English gentleman.
C. It is suitable for both adults and children. D. It is based on a true and touching story.
23. Which book is involved with sailors who attack other ships and rob them of property
A. Treasure Island. B. Pride and prejudice.
C. Anne of Green Gables. D. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
It seems that some people go out of their way to get into trouble. That's more or less what happened on the night when Nashville Police Officer Floyd Hyde was on duty.
“I was on the way to a personal-injury accident in West Nashville. As I got onto Highway40, blue lights and sirens (警笛) going, I fell in behind a gold Pontiac Firebird that suddenly seemed to take off quickly down the highway. The driver somehow panicked at the sight of me. He was going more than a hundred miles an hour and began passing cars on the shoulder (路肩).”
But Hyde couldn't go after him. Taking care of the injured people is always more important than worrying about speeders, so the officer had to stay on his way to the accident. But he did try to keep the Firebird in sight as he drove, hoping another nearby unit would be able to step in and stop the speeding car. As it turned out, keeping the Firebird in sight was not that difficult. Every turn the Pontiac made was the very turn the officer needed to get to the accident scene.
Hyde followed the Pontiac all the way to his destination. At that point he found another unit had already arrived at the accident scene. His help wasn't needed. Now he was free to try to stop the driver of the Firebird, who by this time had developed something new to panic about.
“Just about that time,” Hyde says, “I saw fire coming out from under that car, with blue smoke and oil going everywhere. He'd blown his engine. Now he had to stop.”
“After I arrested him, I asked him why he was running. He told me he didn't have a driver's license.”
That accident cost the driver of the Firebird plenty—a thousand dollars for the new engine—not to mention the charges for driving without a license, attempting to run away, and dangerous driving.
24. Why did Floyd Hyde drive the car before he got onto Highway 40
A. To arrest a criminal. B. To catch up with a car.
C. To go to the police station. D. To deal with an accident.
25. What was Hyde's expectation when he was following the Firebird
A. Another nearby unit could stop the speeding car.
B. The driver of the Firebird would turn his car around.
C. Another nearby unit could take care of the injured people.
D. The driver of the Firebird would show him his identity card.
26. What happened to the Firebird
A. Something was wrong with the wheel. B. Something was wrong with the engine.
C. The car crashed into another one. D. The car turned upside down.
27. What is the main idea of the last paragraph
A. The driver had to face the music. B. The driver was finally under control.
C. The driver was actually in a dilemma. D. The driver had to turn to others for help.
Chinese scientists have collected seeds of several plants at a height of about 6,200 meters above sea level on the world's highest peak—Mount Qomolangma and will permanently preserve them in a place where seeds can be kept alive for as long as thousands of years.
The seed haven, namely the Germplasm (种质) Bank of Wild Species (GBWS), is located in an ordinary four-story building in a research institute in Kunming, Yunnan Province.
As the genes of most plants are contained in their seeds, germplasm resources have become the carriers of plants' genetic information. A seed bank serves as the most important facility for preserving such resources.
The fast loss of biodiversity and germplasm resources is the main reason for the establishment of seed banks around the world. Construction of the germplasm bank in Kunming started in 2004, and it was put into operation three years later.
“Wildlife germplasm resources have great application potential in the biological industry, attracting global attention, especially for the collection and preservation of wild plants,” said a researcher. Currently, seeds can only be accepted by the GBWS if they tick at least one of the three boxes: endangered, endemic (特有的) or “of economic importance”.
The long-term conservation of a seed is a complex procedure, involving more than 70steps, at the end of which the seed will be stored at -20℃. If properly stored, the seed could theoretically stay alive for decades or even thousands of years.
“When a species is destroyed by natural disasters, we will activate these seeds and bring the species to life,” said Li Dezhu, director of the seed bank.
28. What does the text say about the GBWS in Kunming
A. It has been in use since 2004. B. It lies in a four-story building.
C. It is the largest of its kind in the world. D. It stores the most seeds from Mount Qomolangma.
29. What's the main purpose in establishing the seed bank
A. To develop high-quality seeds. B. To store worldwide seed data.
C. To guide modern agriculture. D. To conserve biodiversity.
30. Which of the following can be accepted by the GBWS
A. Seeds that can grow in extreme weather. B. Seeds that have some medical effect.
C. Seeds with high economic value. D. Seeds widely grown by farmers.
31. Why is the text written
A. Mainly to amuse readers. B. Mainly to solve a problem.
C. Mainly to introduce some plants. D. Mainly to persuade consumers.
Former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger, who passed away on Wednesday at the age of 100, will always be remembered for the key role he played in the normalization of China-US relations.
The secret trip he made to Beijing in July 1971, at the height of the Cold War, paved the way for the historic visit by then US president Richard Nixon to the Chinese capital in February 1972.“The week that changed the world” helped end more than 20 years of estrangement(疏远) between China and the United States, and led to the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1979.The following more than four decades of mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries, although not always smooth sailing, have reshaped the global geopolitical landscape, contributing to peace, stability and the development of the world.
As an diplomat with scholarly understanding of Chinese history and culture, in China Kissinger is heralded for his visionary (有远见的) and insightful thinking on China-US ties. The role he played in bridging the differences between the two countries—as highlighted by the more than 100 trips he paid to China—made him a trusted messenger for successive leaders of both countries.
He was worried by the many US politicians trying to play the Taiwan card to contain China's rise, a situation which, in his view, is against the long-term interests of both China and the US. “Keep in mind that if China and America are in conflict, then the whole world will be divided,”he said. To minimize the chance of the two countries sliding into a serious conflict, Kissinger advised the US“to keep from being adversarial (对抗的) and pursue dialogue instead”. He urged China and the US to cooperate, because“working together, we can achieve great things, not just for our countries, but also for humanity”.
The death of Kissinger is a great loss. But his legacy (遗产) will last forever. What he said and did to help develop a sound and healthy US-China relationship should inspire all those who are working for a better relationship between the two countries. His call for dialogue and cooperation, rather than confrontation and zero-sum competition, should shed light on the course for healthy interactions between the two sides.
32. Why did Kissinger arrive in Beijing in 1972
A. To represent the US to talk about some trade deals.
B. To have a tour around the city and know more about it.
C. To deal with some important personal affairs in the city.
D. To get ready for Richard Nixon's paying a visit to Beijing.
33. What is the possible meaning of the underlined phrase “heralded for” in Paragraph 3
A. Adapted to. B. Praised for. C. Prepared for. D. Attached to.
34. What did Kissinger advocate according to the news report
A. That the US and China should make compromises.
B. That the US and China should go their separate ways.
C. That the US and China should lead the world together.
D. That the US and China should communicate and work together.
35. Which can serve as the best title for the news report
A. Kissinger's legacy needs to be passed on
B. Kissinger warns America not to contain China's rise
C. Kissinger worries about conflict between America and China
D. Kissinger—an diplomat with scholarly understanding of Chinese history and culture
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Why You Should Schedule Some “Me Time” Every Day
Most people in our culture feel the need to be going all the time. 36 if we are not working and putting our energy into something. We feel taking time for ourselves is a waste. And to some extent, it's true—pushing yourself nonstop may bring some measure of success. However, going for long periods without time for yourself may cost you a lot in the end. Stress and the inability to enjoy a little time out have very real health and psychological effects, such as headaches, heart attacks, depression and poor concentration.
So, the biggest reason to take a little time out for yourself is to avoid these negative consequences of not doing so. More than that, “me” time can make you a better person both inside and out. Specifically, taking some “me” time can help you avoid bad mood and enable you to control your emotions. If you live with someone, like a spouse(配偶), children, or even a pet, they may not understand your need to take“me”time but they certainly will appreciate the way your mood has improved. Contrary to this, the lack of time to yourself can cause you to build up anger. 37 .
It might seem easy to schedule a little “me” time, but often it isn't. So you must give yourself permission to take at least a half hour per day, even if it's divided, just for yourself. If you have to, set the alarm, schedule it on the calendar, or put it on your “to-do” list for the day. 38 . It can be as simple as sitting on the deck, reading a book, and watching the sun come up with a hot cup of coffee. In addition to that, setting boundaries is important. Realize that there are limits to what you can do, and build your life around that. Also acknowledge that you need to limit the demands that other people can make on your time.
Taking a little time for yourself refreshes and re-energizes you. 39 . You come to realize that you are important and deserve to have a little time to yourself. If you engage in something you enjoy during your time out, you also have the satisfaction of reading that book, or writing that poem about that. 40 and don't push yourself to complete anything. Simply enjoy the time out.
A. We believe we are wasting time
B. You may need time to make preparations
C. That can harm both you and your relationships
D. Whatever you have to do, make it happen every day
E. But you should try to do something meaningful and valuable
F. It allows you to think more clearly and make better decisions
G. But be careful that you use your “me” time for leisurely activities
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
What do ballet dancers and short people have in common They both spend more time on their tip toes than others. I don't remember when I went from being a 41 person like the other kids to being a short kid. I know that by the time I was about 12, you would have difficulty making a joke about a short person I hadn't 42 .
One of the greatest lessons my dad taught me was to do something before somebody else could. If I am going to be a punchline (笑点), I'd rather be the 43 of the joke. My 50th birthday is just a couple of years away, and the jokes keep 44 . I can laugh now, most of the time.
There was a lot of name-calling (辱骂). Some was cruel 45 some not. I have 46 much of the cruel, for it may make me feel upset. In junior high, a well-meaning schoolmate called me Stretch. In university, I was Shortly. When a friend said, “I will see you shortly,” to which I replied, “Sounds good, but don't call 47 Shortly.”
Jokes and nicknames 48 , there were some real challenges as a short person. Studies have shown short men tend to make less money on average. This is why I 49 in-person job interviews. I always feared my 50 would cost me an opportunity. I always felt 51 , real or not.
As I get older, and 52 wiser, it doesn't annoy me as much. There are some 53 of being short. I find airplane seats 54 . I am incredible at hide and seek. I rarely bump my 55 . Would I still want to be taller Of course. But I wouldn't be me. I am me because I am short. And I like who I am.
41. A. humorous B. small C. handsome D. strong
42. A. preferred B. copied C. reviewed D. heard
43. A. author B. suspect C. criminal D. coach
44. A. breaking down B. falling behind C. rolling in D. running out
45. A. while B. until C. since D. after
46. A. taken to B. blocked out C. stuck to D. figured out
47. A. him B. you C.me D. it
48. A. aboard B. ahead C. above D. aside
49. A. hated B. organized C. recommended D. researched
50. A. character B. weight C. height D. emotion
51. A. shocked B. puzzled C. judged D. inspired
52. A. constantly B. apparently C. bitterly D. intentionally
53. A. explanations B. principles C. misunderstandings D. benefits
54. A. spacious B. solid C. occupied D. steady
55. A. stomach B. shoulder C. back D. head
第二节 (共 10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
The long-awaited TV series 56 title is Blossoms Shanghai was released in two versions—Mandarin (普通话) and the Shanghai dialect—on Dec 27, quickly soaring as one of the most popular dramas during the New Year's period.
57 (adapt) from writer Jin Yucheng's award-winning novel, Fan Hua (Blossoms),the series takes audience back to Shanghai in the early 1990s, following the rise of A Bao, a young man who is 58 (ambition) and seizes the opportunities of the early stock market and transforms into a self-made millionaire, 59 (expand) his business to foreign trade.
Amid his journey 60 success, the protagonist (主人公) has received help from multiple friends, including a former experienced businessman, a capable employee from a foreign trade company, and a restaurant operator. However, his relationship with these friends endures ah unexpected test due to a mysterious woman, and his own business also faces a crisis due to a powerful rival from Shenzhen.
Iconic Hong Kong director Wong Kar-wai 61 (purchase) the adaptation copyright of the novel around a decade ago, and had spent three years in shooting the TV series, also Wong's first directorial television project, making it one of the most anticipated works for his fans.
In the midst of a rapidly developing era defined by economic growth, the protagonist A Bao, portrayed by actor Hu Ge, becomes a 62 (represent) of those constantly pursuing success and material wealth.
Wong said he was born in Shanghai but later moved with his parents to Hong Kong. “Over the past few decades, I have constantly been coming and going to Shanghai. My elder brother and elder sister have always been in Shanghai, and I have more than 20 cousins who are 63 (basic) from the same generation as the characters in Blossoms Shanghai. I am very curious about 64 they have experienced, so I have decided to adapt this novel,” he added. Speaking that the original novel consisting of 65 total of 3] chapters, Wong said it lacks a coherent(连贯的) storyline.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
注意:1.写作词数应为80 左右,文章题目已经写好;
The Chinese idiom I like best
第二节 (满分25分)
Alice sat in the car while palm trees seemed to speed by the car window. Eight-year-old Alice began to get nervous, the way she always did in new surroundings. She felt a thin shine of sweat above her lip in spite of the car's cool air. “The aquarium (水族馆) won't be crowded, I bet, and people are going to notice me. I hate wearing this prosthesis leg (假肢).” She felt tears coming from behind her eyes.“Not being normal is the worst,”she thought to herself.
Entering the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, around a corner of a tank, she noticed an animal that looked unusual. “Is that a dolphin with a a prosthetic tail instead of a real tail ” she asked an aquarium staff member. He nodded and replied, “Yes, that's Betty. She's a very special dolphin.” “What happened to her ” “This girl dolphin was found off the coast of Florida, caught in a crab trap. The ropes from the trap cut off the blood circulation to her tail. So she lost her tail,” Alice caught her breath. “She’s just like me.” “But she struggled to survive. Now she wears a prosthetic tail to help her swim like a dolphin's supposed to swim,” the staff member continued. “Every day, Betty shows us anything is possible if we believe.”
Alice felt her heart was touched. She waved at Betty. Looking at Alice, Betty raised her flippers(鳍), came to her and lifted her head. “She's swimming right into my arms,” Alice said tearfully. They made eye contact. She seemed to be speaking to Alice: We're the same.
Back home, all Alice talked about was Betty. For two weeks, she cried and begged her mother to take her back to Clearwater.
Unfortunately, another blow hit Alice. She fell on the hardwood floor at home and broke her other leg. Alice suffered the pain in her leg. After a through examination, the doctor explained bad news to them that she would need some surgery on her leg. Years of a living hell (地狱) came back to her.
She started fearing surgery again and refused to go to hospital for treatment.
“How can I persuade Alice to undergo the surgery ” Alice's mom said to herself. __________________
Encouraged by Betty, Alice changed her mind and did what her mother and doctor had told her to. _________
(Text 1)
M: Welcome. Passport and form, please!
W: Sure. Here you go.
M: Thank you. What's the purpose of your visit
W: I'm here for work. I'm on a business trip.
(Text 2)
W: Hi, are you ready to pay
M: Yes, could I get these two shirts
W: Sure. The total is six dollars.
M: OK. I've got ten.
(Text 3)
M: How was your exam
W: I really messed up, Uncle. I couldn't answer a lot of the questions. I already know that I failed.
M: Everybody makes mistakes. Auntie and I will always support you!
W: Thank you, Uncle. I will try again.
(Text 4)
M: Hey, mom, are you at the supermarket now
W: Hello Sweetie, the sound isn't very clear.
M: Don't forget to bring me some chips, and I don't want a small bag. I want a big one.
W: A pig ship What is it A model I can't hear you clearly. You can text me.
(Text 5)
W: Hi, Ben. I will go to the front desk to fetch my package. My new clothes finally came!
M: Did it take a long time
W: Yeah. They made a mistake and sent it to the wrong address.
M: I want to send a package, too. So I'll go with you.
(Text 6)
M: Wow, look! So many people are waiting in line. This place is always packed on Fridays.
W: I don't want to stand here for an hour. Let's go somewhere else.
M: It's Friday night. Everywhere has a line. Let's just eat here. We can use a waitlist app.
W: A waitlist app How does that work
M: You just choose the restaurant, and the app will put you on the waitlist and give you a number.
W: That's easy. Does it say how many groups are ahead of us
M: Yeah, 10 groups. So, it's a 45-minute wait for our table, but we don't have to stick around here.
W: Great. What are we waiting for Let's do some shopping to kill time.
(Text 7)
M: Hey, Jen, thank you for helping me bake a cake for my daughter.
W: No problem. It's so sweet of you to make her a cake.
M: Yeah, but I've never made a cake before. So, hopefully, it'll be OK!
W: I'm sure it will. What's first on the recipe
M: Well, it says to heat the oven first to 180 degrees.
W: I'll do that while you start mixing the flour.
M: OK, I also need eggs, butter, and 2 cups of sugar Is that too much
W: Nope! 2 cups is perfect. Now we just put the mixture in the pan and bake it for 30 minutes.
M: That's it Well, that was a piece of cake!
W: Do you want to write a special message on it
M: Yes. It's “Happy every day!”
(Text 8)
W: Mike, do you know why your brother is crying
M: I don't know. Maybe because I wouldn't let him play with my toys.
W: That's not very kind. What do we say in our family
M: Sharing is caring.
W: That's right. Sharing is caring. That means you two need to take turns with your toys.
M: But he always plays with them alone! He never gives them back.
W: You're his big brother. You need to set an example for him.
M: But sometimes he even breaks them!
W: I'll ask him to be more careful. And you can ask him nicely to give them back next time.
M: But...
W: No buts, Mister! If you don't listen to my words, I'll tell your father.
(Text 9)
W: Hey, are you watching a video of the Chinese space station Shenzhou-12, right
M: Close. Shenzhou-13.
W: It's hard to keep up with China speed! So how long are they in orbit this time
M: Six months, the longest stay of any single manned flight mission in China's history.
W: So, do you watch them conduct experiments or spacewalks or what
M: Pretty much. They even give lessons in the space station!
W: I wonder what the taikonauts do to pass the time up there
M: They go for jogs, play musical instruments, and even play ping-pong.
W: Zero-gravity ping-pong! I've got to try that! Who's that lady floating by
M: That's Wang Yaping. She's become somewhat of a celebrity down here on earth.
W: Well, women hold up half the sky, so it's only fitting that they should work in it, too.
(Text 10)
M: Are you a dog person or a cat person What psychological factors make a person choose one type of pet over the other
An outgoing person prefers dogs. This should really come as no surprise. Owning a dog is a social experience, because you always have to walk them and interact with other dog owners. If you really like talking to other people, a dog might be for you. Cats on the other hand tend to stay at home, which means that taking care of a cat requires much less social interaction.
Cat people are smarter. While studies show that dog lovers are more outgoing and lively, cat lovers score higher on intelligence tests, and are said to be more open-minded. They are also more curious about the world, even though they might not leave the house to see it as much!
Do you love a dog or a cat Are you a different kind of pet person like a turtle person or a bird person Does your personality match with some features we talked about earlier I hope my speech will be helpful to you. Thank you for listening!
1~5 AABAC 6~10 ABBCC 11~15 CBBAB 16~20 ACCAC
21. C 细节理解题。根据四本小说最下面的介绍“Original language: English”可得答案。
22. C 细节理解题。根据第四本小说介绍中的“The tale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as with children”可得答案。
23. A 推理判断题。根据第三本小说介绍中的“Treasure Island is an adventure novel by Scottish author Robert Louis, telling a tale of“pirates(海盗) and buried gold”. The influence of the book on popular perceptions of pirates is huge”可得答案。
24. D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“I was on the way to a personal-injury accident in West Nashville. As I got onto Highway 40, blue lights and sirens(警笛) going, I fell in behind a gold Pontiac Firebird...”可得答案。
25. A 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“But he did try to keep the Firebird in sight as he drove, hoping another nearby unit would be able to step in and stop the speeding car”可知答案。
26. B 推理判断题。根据第五段中的“I saw fire coming out from under that car, with blue smoke and oil going everywhere. He'd blown his engine”可知答案。
27. A 段落大意题。根据最后一段中的“That accident cost the driver of the Firebird plenty”和后面的叙述可知答案。
28. B 细节理解题。根据第二段“The seed haven, namely the Germplasm(种质) Bank of Wild Species(GBWS), is located in an ordinary four-story building in a research institute in Kunming, Yunnan Province”可知答案。
29. D 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“The fast loss of biodiversity and gemplasm resources is the main reason for the establishment of seed banks around the world”可得答案。
30. C 细节理解题。根据第五段中的“Currently, seeds can only be accepted by the GBWS if they tick at least one of the three boxes: endangered, endemic(特有的) or‘of economic importance’”可得答案。
31. B 推理判断题。根据全文,如第三段“As the genes of most plants are contained in their seeds, germplasm resources have become the carriers of plants' genetic information. A seed bank serves as the most important facility for preserving such resources.”和最后一段中的“When a species is destroyed by natural disasters, we will activate these seeds and bring the species to life”可得答案。
32. D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The secret trip he made to Beijing in July 1971, at the height of the Cold War, paved the way for the historic visit by then US president Richard Nixon to the Chinese capital in February 1972”可知答案。
33. B 词义猜测题。根据第三段该句子前的“As an diplomat with scholarly understanding of Chinese history and culture”以及该词组后面的宾语,可知该词组是“热烈欢迎;称赞”的意思。
34. D 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“He urged China and the US to cooperate, because‘working together, we can achieve great things, not just for our countries, but also for humanity’”可得答案。
35. A 标题判断题。根据全文,尤其是第一段和最后一段中的“The death of Kissinger is a great loss. But his legacy(遗产) will last forever. What he said and did to help develop a sound and healthy US-China relationship should inspire all those who are working for a better relationship between the two countries”可知答案。
36~40 ACDFG
41.B 我不记得我是什么时候从一个像其他孩子一样的小(small)个子变成一个矮个子。
42.D 我知道,到我12岁左右的时候,你会很难开一个我从未听过(heard)的有关矮个子的玩笑。
43. A 如果我要成为笑料,我宁愿成为笑料的作者(author)。
44. C 再过几年就是我的50岁生日了,笑料还在源源不断地涌来(rolling in)。
45. A 有很多辱骂。有些是残忍的,而(while)有些则不是。
46. B 我已经(排除)忽略了(blocked out)很多残忍的谩骂,因为它也许会让我生气。
47. C 听起来不错,但是别叫我(me) Shortly。
48.D 除了(aside)成为笑料和被起绰号,作为一个矮个子也有一些真正的挑战。
49. A 这就是我讨厌(hated)当面面试的原因。
50. C 我一直担心我的身高(height)会让我失去机会。
51. C 不管真实与否,我总觉得自己被人评头论足(judged)。
52. B 随着年龄的增长,我显然(apparently)变得更聪明了,这就不那么让我烦恼了。
53. D 矮小也有一些好处(benefits)。
54. A 我发现飞机座位很宽敞(spacious)。
55. D 我很少撞到头(head)。
56. whose 57. Adapted 58. ambitious 59. expanding 60. to 61. purchased 62. representative
63. basically 64. what 65. a
One possible version:
The Chinese idiom I like best
My favorite Chinese idiom is shu neng sheng qiao, which means if you want to master a skill, you need to train and practise a lot to reach your goal. It equals the English proverb: Practice makes perfect.
The idiom is of great significance to me as it has been inspiring me to achieve great success. I used to get poor marks in math exams. It was my math teacher who told me “Practice makes perfect!” So I did a lot of maths exercises and I am making more and more progress in maths. I always keep the proverb in mind and often put it to use.
Such is my favorite Chinese idiom, a simple but powerful one.
One possible version:
“How can I persuade Alice to undergo the surgery ” Alice’s mom said to herself. Then she had an idea and she decided to take Alice back to Clearwater. On arriving at Clearwater, Alice couldn't wait to see Betty, the lovely dolphin that comforted her and boosted her mood. As Alice's mother pushed the wheelchair to Betty, she raised her flippers, came to her and lifted her head. Alice couldn't hold back her excitement. Looking at the girl, Betty seemed to say, “Go and have the operation.” Alice absolutely knew what that caring eyes were conveying, so she decided to keep a more optimistic state of mind.
Encouraged by Betty, Alice changed her mind and did what her mother and doctor had told her to. Finally came the day when Alice was in the hospital again. Though feeling nervous and afraid of the pain the surgery might bring, Alice faced it bravely. The operation was a success. Her mother took her to Clearwater the day when she was discharged from hospital. Inspired by Betty's swimming like a normal dolphin, Alice practiced hard to walk. Her confidence has been improved as she gradually recoveres. Alice has no idea what the future holds for her but she will do anything to have a better look at this wonderful world.


