
  1. 二一教育资源



(22-23高二下·江苏宿迁·期末)Gary McKee, a 53-year-old from Cumbria, England, completed a challenge that many might never dare to try: 365 marathons in 365 days.
It’s not the first time McKee has accomplished something 1 .He climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, cycled through Brazil, and also ran 110 marathons in 110 days.
McKee couldn’t have completed those without 2 .In 1997, his father had cancer, which was 3 for his family. “Our world was turned upside down,” McKee told Fox News Digital of the 4 on his family.
After losing his dad in 2003, McKee wanted to do good deeds in 5 of him, so he became a fundraiser for Macmillan Cancer Support and has been 6 the charity.
Then he decided his 7 challenge was going to be 365 marathons on every day of 2022. His 8 was to raise 1 million pounds by the end of that year.
On Jan.1, 2022, the 9 officially began and he ran his course each morning. During his 365 marathons, McKee would 10 people to join him. His community supported him by either joining him or 11 him from the roadsides. Some local schoolchildren would 12 alongside him, which gave him the opportunities to 13 the benefits of exercise and fundraising.
McKee celebrated with his community after he hit his target in 14 one year.
“I can only imagine the self-discipline and determination required to 15 this,” said Claire Rowney, executive director of MCS, “There aren’t enough words to express our heartfelt gratitude.”
1.A.primitive B.remarkable C.dangerous D.professional
2.A.discovery B.creativity C.inspiration D.preference
3.A.disastrous. B.accidental C.meaningless D.unavoidable
4.A.attempt B.focus C.impact D.emphasis
5.A.defence B.place C.control D.memory
6.A.running after B.making for C.working with D.holding on to
7.A.major B.original C.tough D.next
8.A.appeal B.goal C.limit D.advice
9.A.challenge B.interview C.experiment D.investigation
10.A.invite B.permit C.remind D.order
11.A.guiding B.cheering C.following D.declining
12.A.sit B.walk C.slip D.run
13.A.share B.refuse C.argue D.weigh
14.A.nearly B.roughly C.scarcely D.exactly
15.A.perform B.tolerate C.achieve D.clarify
(22-23高二下·江苏徐州·期末)Have you ever heard of and seen Canadian geese Do you know that they 16 fresh grass and seeds
Canadian geese have a good 17 for their politeness. They always bow down to you whenever you walk by. However, I have recently found that they can sometimes be 18 to their peers, especially on occasions when they quarrel for food——yes, these 19 gentlemen do quarrel, just for something to eat
Yesterday I witnessed two Canadian Geese arguing 20 for a clump(草丛) of beautiful fresh grass. The clump was 21 right in the middle of them, while the two were shouting noisily, stretching their necks as long as they could to look aggressively at each other. It’s 22 to witness the “impolite” side of Canadian geese. Hence, I couldn’t help 23 my morning walk, standing still to watch these “gentlemen” quarreling. Interestingly, after a short while, a truck roared past their feast, disturbing their 24 conversation. The two geese were equally 25 by the massive “monster”, thus giving up their conversation.
Would they start quarreling again I stood still, 26 the ridiculous question and waited. Beyond my expectation, right after the truck’s passing by, the two geese immediately lost their 27 for quarreling as if they had forgotten all about what had happened. Even the two turned around and left the 28 in opposite directions as if nothing had happened. They left only me there, imagining what might have happened without the 29 .
They got along harmoniously again. Sometimes it’s not that bad to be 30 .
16.A.draw on B.focus on C.feed on D.try on
17.A.desire B.reputation C.affection D.appetite
18.A.generous B.faithful C.weird D.rude
19.A.well-informed B.well-dressed C.well-behaved D.well-balanced
20.A.fiercely B.blindly C.cautiously D.gently
21.A.deserted B.located C.fixed D.laid
22.A.frequent B.rare C.common D.constant
23.A.restricting B.changing C.pausing D.speeding
24.A.desperate B.simple C.serious D.disharmonious
25.A.frightened B.annoyed C.crashed D.injured
26.A.finding out B.dealing with C.looking into D.wondering about
27.A.passion B.reason C.talent D.anxiety
28.A.scene B.destination C.landscape D.park
29.A.looker-on B.passer-by C.truck D.clump
30.A.upset B.forgetful C.mean D.greedy
(22-23高二下·江苏镇江·期末)Leisa is a Food Nutrition Service Associate at a school. Since she has 31 problems, students used to just point at the 32 they wanted. And no one could offer Leisa a simple 33 like “good morning” in sign language.
Fourth grade teacher Kari noticed pupils 34 to communicate with Leisa, so she decided to do something. Having taken American Sign Language, Sari decided to teach her pupils a few words to make 35 lunch easier, along with making Leisa feel like the well-loved 36 of the community that she is.
Happily, when the principal heard about Kari’s 37 he asked Kari to teach the entire school how to sign!
Every day students eats and staff learn and practice a new 38 . They also learn how to 39 the words for the food options that day. The principal feels that 40 sign language to the school community has been a 41 experience for everyone. Actually, it was so popular that they decided to keep it going year-round.
Being able to speak with Leisa makes students emotional, and they are all 42 about learning sign language. Seeing her idea to teach ASL is 43 for everyone, Kari is thrilled.
Learning someone else’s language is one of the 44 ways to show them you care. Now we’re happy to hear that Leisa is feeling so 45 and included at her work!
31.A.eyesight B.walking C.hearing D.heart
32.A.food B.toy C.pen D.book
33.A.language B.greeting C.introduction D.answer
34.A.refusing B.pretending C.managing D.struggling
35.A.cooking B.serving C.ordering D.eating
36.A.leader B.part C.pupil D.assistant
37.A.adjustment B.method C.success D.plan
38.A.word B.dish C.skill D.culture
39.A.remember B.sign C.say D.translate
40.A.devoting B.owing C.comparing D.adding
41.A.bonding B.merciful C.discouraging D.peaceful
42.A.worried B.sure C.enthusiastic D.particular
43.A.turning up B.fading out C.taking over D.paying off
44.A.fastest B.cheapest C.warmest D.shortest
45.A.stuck B.loved C.lost D.rescued
(22-23高二下·江苏南京·期末)From a young age, I was fascinated by language. I 46 the Welsh words my grandmother taught me and parroted (鹦鹉学舌) my relatives’ local 47 .
I remember a holiday in Spain when two boys asked if I spoke Norwegian. When I couldn’t 48 , they ran off, leaving me sad. Back home, I’d search shops for language books and enjoyed trying all these different words to 49 what was in my head. I thought it was 50 , and still do.
The first language I learned was Spanish. At sixth-form college, I 51 Spanish GCSE, then A-level. After university, I cycled to the Netherlands, 52 Dutch. It turned out that speaking a language abroad with 53 people was an ideal way to learn.
Travelling to learn a language became an 54 —it came with excitement and lonelier moments. I have found that the 55 of learning depends on the language. If it is similar to a language I already speak, I can use it in a 56 way within weeks.
During lockdown, I took short courses in Scots, Korean and Irish. I joined conversation groups and 57 exams in Cornish. In 2022, I founded the annual Polyglot Conference. I also 58 for indigenous and endangered languages.
I’ve studied dozens of languages now. The most important thing about learning languages is the ability to build 59 with other people. They allow you to experience 60 and perceptions you may never have otherwise considered.
46.A.imagined B.explained C.absorbed D.revised
47.A.quotes B.tales C.opinions D.accents
48.A.respond B.wait C.bear D.decline
49.A.express B.influence C.remove D.evaluate
50.A.complex B.temporary C.disturbing D.amazing
51.A.favoured B.completed C.skipped D.promoted
52.A.making up B.picking up C.relying on D.lecturing on
53.A.civilized B.successful C.modest D.local
54.A.addiction B.option C.adventure D.honour
55.A.style B.speed C.method D.criterion
56.A.comprehensible B.fashionable C.responsible D.thoughtful
57.A.prepared B.discuss C.sat D.failed
58.A.celebrate B.train C.resign D.advocate
59.A.bridges B.identities C.confidence D.loyalty
60.A.challenges B.failures C.sufferings D.dimensions
(22-23高二下·江苏扬州·期末)Zibo city has unexpectedly become famous overnight on Chinese social media since late February for its local barbecue. The latest promotion gives visitors 61 admission to 10 tourist attractions in the city with their train ticket as long as their final 62 is Zibo.
This measure 63 the previous round-trip “barbecue tour” train between Jinan and Zibo. Passengers on the train are 64 by a banner (横幅) reading “Welcome to the Special BBQ Train”. They also 65 items including leaflets about Zibo’s culture, small gifts and snacks. Many also took videos and posted them on social media, drawing more visitors. “The high-speed trains are 66 with passengers,” wrote one netizen.
Barbecue is popular in China, 67 Zibo’s barbecue is unique. It’s made on a stove, and is 68 with flatbread (薄饼) and dressings (蘸料). The skewers (烤肉串) are 70-80 percent cooked before they are brought to the table, where diners can finish cooking them on their own stoves, which lends a sense of 69 .
The barbecue 70 became a hit after a group of college students shot videos of themselves enjoying a meal and 71 them. Since then, many people, mostly the young, have 72 the city to try the dish. On several streets, 73 can be seen outside barbecue restaurants, which stretch for more than 100 meters.
Zibo barbecue is bringing more and more people to the city, and the local government needs to think about how to 74 the city as a whole, and its culture and tourism. The trend will eventually end if the local government doesn’t take 75 follow-up measures.
61.A.formal B.free C.limited D.necessary
62.A.departure B.preparation C.destination D.quarter
63.A.follows B.inspires C.ensures D.affects
64.A.greeted B.blocked C.wrapped D.reminded
65.A.reject B.sell C.share D.receive
66.A.covered B.packed C.equipped D.surrounded
67.A.and B.or C.but D.so
68.A.steamed B.fried C.served D.boiled
69.A.direction B.community C.security D.participation
70.A.suddenly B.obviously C.slightly D.constantly
71.A.downloaded B.posted C.deleted D.hid
72.A.dived into B.knocked into C.poured into D.broken into
73.A.passers-by B.fires C.sights D.lines
74.A.promote B.transform C.beautify D.invest
75.A.temporary B.proper C.fair D.common
(22-23高二下·江苏连云港·期末)On a cold morning in December, Schewel enters a community garden in Bushwick followed by his two small dogs, Sundrop and Moonbeam. The dogs feel excited with 76 but not for a game of fetch. They are here to hunt. Schewel bends down to 77 them, and they rush out, using their small size to their 78 in the search for their target: the New York City rat.
Armed with his two 79 and a smoke machine to chase rats from their holes, Schewel is a rat hunter, a trade 80 more with the 19th century than the 21st. His company provides a(n) 81 service at a time when a “war on rats” has become a top 82 for Mayor Adams. 83 competitors that use poisons, Schewel offers a different approach by reintroducing predators (捕食者) to the urban 84 .
At the garden, the dogs 85 a toolshed (工具房) with an empty space beneath — a likely place for rats to 86 . The space is too small, so Schewel 87 his smoke machine, which has been filled with vegetable oil to create a nonpoisonous vapor (蒸汽). 88 , a rat rushes out, and Sundrop is quickly upon it. With a bite and a few shakes, the rat dies. At Schewel’s 89 , the rat is dropped.
The good news is that there aren’t many rats at all here. Schewel’s strategy proves 90 . But if only the same could happen in the rest of the city!
76.A.recognition B.anticipation C.competition D.satisfaction
77.A.release B.warn C.drag D.raise
78.A.permission B.survival C.shortage D.advantage
79.A.leaders B.companions C.soldiers D.visitors
80.A.compared B.combined C.associated D.accompanied
81.A.reasonable B.valuable C.acceptable D.changeable
82.A.priority B.theme C.grade D.rank
83.A.As B.Unlike C.With D.For
84.A.lifestyle B.development C.ecosystem D.population
85.A.shake B.leave C.surround D.protect
86.A.find B.hide C.escape D.dig
87.A.turns on B.turns off C.turns up D.turns down
88.A.In a way B.In a flash C.In a word D.In a mess
89.A.will B.risk C.command D.heart
90.A.urgent B.common C.dramatic D.effective
(22-23高二下·江苏盐城·期末)For one elderly man, technology presented a problem—but a kind stranger went above and beyond to lend a hand.
A woman named Serena Mansey shared her story about being 91 by an old man struggling with his 92 ,“ Today I was asked for help by an elderly man as he was trying to open a picture 93 his granddaughter had sent him.”
“It was a picture of his newborn great-grandchild, who he hadn’t met yet,” Mansey recalled. “ 94 , since his phone wasn’t a smartphone, he wouldn’t be able to open it.”
“ He was 95 ,” she added.“ So, to help him view the photo, I 96 the message to my smartphone and eventually opened the picture. He was so 97 seeing his angel for the first time.”
Then Mansey decided to take her 98 actions one step further. She wanted him to be able to look back at the photo 99 . But since he didn ‘t have a way to view it digitally, the best 100 was for him to have a physical copy.
“I asked him to wait there and 101 the photo for him,” she said.“ When I returned with the photo, he was so happy and 102 .”
When the old man was struggling, he 103 a stranger. Fortunately, that person 104 him and even took time to make sure he could look at his photo whenever he wants. A small amount of 105 could end up making a huge difference!
91.A.addressed B.accused C.approached D.affected
92.A.phone B.position C.focus D.family
93.A.file B.link C.application D.message
94.A.Therefore B.However C.Instead D.Moreover
95.A.afraid B.thrilled C.guilty D.disappointed
96.A.answered B.adapted C.forwarded D.fixed
97.A.emotional B.embarrassed C.confused D.calm
98.A.clever B.brave C.grand D.kind
99.A.casually B.regularly C.curiously D.randomly
100.A.assumption B.conclusion C.option D.decision
101.A.posted B.printed C.painted D.projected
102.A.regretful B.grateful C.peaceful D.stressful
103.A.reached out to B.called out to C.tried out for D.watched out for
104.A.helped B.taught C.saved D.comforted
105.A.expectation B.explanation C.effort D.effect
(21-22高二下·江苏徐州·期末)Eight years ago, Nixon decided to begin each day from a bench watching the sunrise at the waterfront. “I call it ‘life rising’ because it makes me feel 106 before starting my day,” said Nixon.
Later a woman said something that changed his 107 on his daily routine. “She said, ‘Every morning when I see you sitting here, I know that everything is going to be OK,’” Nixon recalled. “That’s when I knew: I needed to make eye contact and let people walking past know that we are 108 to each other.”
Instead of staring at the sunrise, Nixon started 109 at people and striking up 110 . And soon, more early risers began joining him on the bench, sometimes 111 their troubles, asking him for advice about relationships, careers, and 112 problems.
“I was happy to listen,” Nixon said. “I wanted them to walk away knowing they didn’t have to feel 113 .”
So, every morning, Nixon rises at 4:30. He drives seven miles to the waterfront where he’ll 114 for two hours. His presence and his 115 to listening have led some to nickname him the Sunshine Mayor.
While most people simply wave or 116 briefly to make small talk, others are 117 to spend a few minutes with someone who will 118 .
No matter what problem a person wants to 119 Nixon lends an ear. “You have to have an open heart, because you never know who’s going to walk up and what they might need,” Nixon said. “Every person who stops by the bench 120 my undivided attention.”
106.A.surprised B.centered C.occupied D.amused
107.A.opinion B.influence C.dependence D.emphasis
108.A.important B.familiar C.grateful D.unique
109.A.wondering B.shouting C.pointing D.smiling
110.A.friendships B.conversations C.action D.understanding
111.A.getting over B.going through C.pouring out D.putting aside
112.A.public B.personal C.special D.casual
113.A.embarrassed B.shy C.alone D.sorry
114.A.stand B.exercise C.observe D.stay
115.A.alertness B.openness C.contribution D.attention
116.A.drop back B.drop off C.drop out D.drop by
117.A.proud B.cheerful C.satisfied D.anxious
118.A.listen B.smile C.appear D.understand
119.A.solve B.consult C.declare D.air
120.A.arouses B.enjoys C.focuses D.deserves
(21-22高二下·江苏无锡·期末)Akondi was trapped by the travel ban because of the lock down. She longed to 121 in her own way during a national emergency.
On the evening of May all, she 122 a group of migrants (移民) being stopped by the police. Akondi learnt that they were 123 their way to their distant home. Akondi 124 thought of helping them, 125 there were 10 children and a pregnant lady.
Her first 126 was to help them get movement passes within the state. Then, Akondi arranged for food and 127 the railway authorities to let them stay at the station.
Akondi next turned her attention to the women, 128 for vitamins and medication for them. Alongside the arrangements, she also made frequent posts to the social media, 129 attention and help for the migrants. There was no 130 for days, but she didn't give up.
Her steady efforts finally 131 On May 19, the happy group were waving a 132 goodbye to Akondi. “Some of them still send me 133 of themselves,” she tells us.
Afterwards, Akondi 134 to help other migrants — around 3,000, in fact — reach their homes. 135 the world came to a standstill, this woman became the ant that moved mountains.
121.A.intensify B.challenge C.contribute D.balance
122.A.ran across B.ran after C.looked into D.looked after
123.A.giving B.making C.losing D.feeling
124.A.casually B.cautiously C.frequently D.instantly
125.A.suspecting B.anticipating C.inquiring D.noticing
126.A.task B.choice C.theme D.danger
127.A.allowed B.helped C.expected D.convinced
128.A.asking B.arranging C.waiting D.preparing
129.A.turning B.paying C.seeking D.offering
130.A.advice B.information C.agreement D.response
131.A.took off B.turned off C.paid off D.put off
132.A.tearful B.regretful C.fearful D.hopeful
133.A.presents B.pictures C.vitamins D.parcels
134.A.learnt B.longed C.continued D.remembered
135.A.As if B.Even as C.In case D.Now that
(21-22高二下·江苏连云港·期末)It was June 15, and in two days I would be thirty. I was 136 about entering a new decade of my life and feared that my best years were now behind me.
My daily 137 included going to the gym for a workout. Every morning I would see Nicholas at the gym. He was in terrific 138 , even though he was 79 years old. As I 139 Nicholas on this special day, he noticed I wasn’t full of my 140 vitality (活力) and asked if there was anything wrong. I told him I was 141 thirty. I wondered how I would 142 my life once I reached Nicholas’s age, so I asked him, “What was the 143 time of your life ”
Without 144 , Nicholas replied, “Well, Joe, this is my philosophical answer to your philosophical 145 :
“During my 146 of life, I always had the best time of my life — went to school, got my first job and had responsibilities and got 147 for my efforts, fell in love with my wife, 148 World War II, became a young father, watched my children grow up …”
“And now, Joe, I am seventy-nine years old. I have my 149 , I feel good and I am in love with my wife just as I was when we first 150 . This is the best time of my life. ”
136.A.curious B.excited C.anxious D.certain
137.A.habit B.routine C.schedule D.procedure
138.A.shape B.need C.mind D.faith
139.A.welcomed B.recognized C.consulted D.greeted
140.A.regular B.usual C.ordinary D.normal
141.A.passing B.missing C.growing D.turning
142.A.turn back to B.look back on C.make up for D.cry out for
143.A.best B.worst C.happiest D.saddest
144.A.permission B.hesitation C.comment D.complaint
145.A.knowledge B.question C.theory D.debate
146.A.course B.break C.holiday D.period
147.A.changed B.lost C.started D.paid
148.A.suffered B.escaped C.survived D.won
149.A.health B.patience C.ambition D.courage
150.A.left B.hugged C.met D.married
(21-22高二下·江苏南京·期末)On a warm November day, as a skydiving instructor, I arrived at Perth’s Jandakot Airport at 7.30am. I’d been really busy teaching students to 151 . I hadn’t taken much notice of Christopher Jones, 152 this was my first jump with him.
Christopher was 153 to have the opportunity to do three jumps in one day. Students can get stressed, when there are long 154 between their jumps. I think the more jumps you do in a day, the easier it is.
I have been skydiving for 25 years and I still love it. It’s a very dynamic sport and there are a lot of 155 . I still learn something 156 every day.
Christopher was going to do his third jump. He climbed out of the plane 157 and did a reasonable exit. He started a left-hand turn—but then he 158 stopped. Maybe he’s misunderstood the 159 for doing turns
I didn’t know what he was up to. For the next 30 seconds or so, Christopher was free-falling at speeds up to 200 km an hour. I 160 down but I was moving downwards too last. I was worried about coming in 161 the top of him, as he might have pulled the rip cord (升降绳)and then I would be falling into an open parachute (降落伞). 162 , at 4,500 feet I caught hold of him and pulled on his harness with one hand and rolled him sideways to angle his body so the parachute could 163 properly. The parachute rushed out and swung him round. Now I believed everything would be fine.
A few months later, Christopher 164 the training video taken from my helmet camera to YouTube In December last year, the Royal Life Saving Society awarded me a Gold Cross for my 165 .
151.A.jump B.drive C.swing D.bounce
152.A.since B.when C.though D.unless
153.A.lucky B.unwilling C.discouraged D.innocent
154.A.leaps B.gaps C.distances D.queues
155.A.regulations B.footholds C.drills D.challenges
156.A.alike B.new C.useful D.subjective
157.A.fine B.tired C.nervous D.refreshed
158.A.quietly B.steadily C.gradually D.suddenly
159.A.principle B.objective C.technique D.difficulty
160.A.dived B.lay C.went D.slowed
161.A.under B.over C.behind D.beside
162.A.Fortunately B.Naturally C.Randomly D.Deliberately
163.A.fold B.rise C.fall D.open
164.A.uploaded B.downloaded C.recorded D.edited
165.A.patience B.guidance C.courage D.knowledge
(21-22高二下·江苏南京·期末)My early twenties were rough. I was housebound with a severe panic disorder that left me afraid of 166 home. After four years, I got 167 , but there were still things I was avoiding. One day, I heard about a man who continued 168 himself to get past his anxiety. The man lit a fire under me: “If he can go to Sweden by himself, I can 169 to Florida with my family.”
I was terrified. There was no 170 if I did have a panic attack. But I used positive thinking to get myself 171 . First, I had to 172 with all my worries and then I told myself, “I can and I am. ” Those five words were 173 over and over. No matter what 174 cropped up in my mind, I would answer them with that: my shorthand 175 of “I can do it, and I am doing it.”
During the flight, I did have a panic attack, but I 176 thinking positive: “The hard part will be over soon.” I was right: the hard part ended as soon as we 177 , and I had a great vacation. Taking that trip 178 the door for what was to come next. I took more flights and finally 179 my panic disorder.
Whenever I face a challenge now, I remember the 180 of those five words and how far I’ve come: I can and I am.
166.A.heading B.owning C.improving D.leaving
167.A.better B.faster C.clever D.worried
168.A.doubting B.examining C.challenging D.injuring
169.A.drive B.fly C.move D.return
170.A.excuse B.escape C.question D.plan
171.A.free B.healthy C.ready D.busy
172.A.fight B.compare C.cry D.sleep
173.A.noticed B.translated C.changed D.repeated
174.A.hopes B.fears C.faiths D.instructions
175.A.system B.version C.report D.record
176.A.forgot B.enjoyed C.kept D.avoided
177.A.turned up B.gave up C.calmed down D.touched down
178.A.locked B.opened C.entered D.replaced
179.A.overcame B.analyzed C.understood D.admitted
180.A.meaning B.author C.power D.order
(23-24高二上·江苏南通·期末)“I’ve met an old lady,” I eagerly told my parents on one of our daily phone. I volunteered to start a knitting club at a care home for the 181 in north London. I didn’t realize it would be the start of a close 182 , where our ages 183 sharply.
From the beginning, I never felt that Edith and I lacked 184 . I was amazed that Edith, at 110, could talk with me about anything, and that her 185 stretched back so easily, 186 even small things that took place 100 years ago.
When I first met Edith, I was 187 by her intelligence and vitality. Her doctor’s degree from the University of Vienna told me about this. As a child, she loved to skate on the lake in winters, but in her later years she adored the summer, 188 her physical conditions. Although from her nineties, she was 189 to a wheelchair, she participated in the exercise classes.
Over the years of visiting Edith, I understood how Edith valued the 190 of people above everything else and material possessions, which was a reminder of how we should 191 our lives.
Death at 111 is not unexpected, but I still feel that something is 192 from my life. I feel very fortunate to have formed such a 193 bond with a remarkable lady, from whom I learn to take the words of 194 . I appreciate nothing more than the opportunity to regain new 195 into life.
181.A.lonely B.elderly C.disabled D.deserted
182.A.friendship B.cooperation C.encounter D.competition
183.A.switched B.contracted C.contrasted D.identified
184.A.adaptation B.commitment C.conversation D.attention
185.A.memory B.organ C.anxiety D.manner
186.A.explaining B.recalling C.forgetting D.expecting
187.A.confused B.urged C.denied D.struck
188.A.calling on B.allowing for C.sorting out D.beating down
189.A.devoted B.admitted C.restricted D.addicted
190.A.company B.discipline C.resolution D.departure
191.A.follow B.tackle C.restore D.engage
192.A.arising B.ranging C.missing D.suffering
193.A.racial B.diverse C.visible D.special
194.A.complaint B.praise C.gratitude D.wisdom
195.A.insights B.comparison C.investment D.remarks
(23-24高二上·江苏常州·期末)I stared out the window, 196 the snow. Damn holidays. . . I thought as I saw the people outside caroling(唱颂歌)outside. Can’t I just be left alone!I got up from my bed and, in 197 , made for the kitchen.
I made myself dinner, which wasn’t anything 198 . I wasn’t the best cook so I just made myself a stir fry and 199 it a day... That was until I heard the noise. Did someone throw ice at my window Maybe a thief I 200 the katana(武士刀)and walked down stairs. I searched the entire house until I found a puppy, so cute and 201 . I couldn’t help but 202 at this creature. I decided to keep it and named it Arthur. His eyes were blue like a husky dog. Maybe a mixed breed I thought as I washed Arthur up and dried him with a 203 . Then I spent all night 204 with my new friend. It was the first 205 of joy I felt during the holidays in years. For the next week, Arthur and I spent the holidays watching romance movies on Netflix, sleeping, or 206 our mouths with the food in the house. It was probably the happiest I’ve been in months. Arthur really made an impact on my life that I never thought was 207 .
Arthur stayed by my side a majority of the time. My friend called him ‘mama’s boy’ or something silly like that. I didn’t 208 it, though. Every year on Christmas day, I thanked God for giving me the 209 . And I 210 felt blessed with My Arthur. My little boy.
196.A.enjoying B.cursing C.monitoring D.envying
197.A.depression B.surprise C.alarm D.tiredness
198.A.dramatic B.fancy C.solid D.justified
199.A.called B.made C.put D.took
200.A.handled B.drilled C.fixed D.grabbed
201.A.committed B.outgoing C.innocent D.dangerous
202.A.glare B.laugh C.smile D.shout
203.A.blouse B.fire C.friend D.towel
204.A.fighting B.interfering C.sticking D.combining
205.A.part B.number C.sort D.bit
206.A.engaging B.stuffing C.digesting D.loading
207.A.possible B.accessible C.appropriate D.essential
208.A.forgive B.demand C.mind D.accept
209.A.time B.opportunity C.access D.gift
210.A.sincerely B.elegantly C.practically D.distinctly
(23-24高二上·江苏南京·期末)Isabella’s life was totally in trouble in 2021. Her relationship with her partner ended. Several months later, her father contracted a rare form of cancer, and she was feeling increasingly 211 in her job.
To distract herself from her troubles, Isabella liked to find and take 212 of bugs. Sometimes, if she found a beetle or a bee that she particularly liked, she’d 213 it on Facebook. Those posts attracted the attention of a woman named Madeline, who studies 214 at the local natural history museum. After seeing Isabella’s pictures, Madeline 215 to see if she wanted a tour of the museum’s insectary.
When Isabella arrived at the museum, Madeline 216 her and handed her a lab coat. She then led her through various exhibits.“I remember she opened up this freezer, like, ‘Come check this out,’ and it was full of dead bugs. ... And I just remember how 217 I was about everything.” Isabella said.
For the first time in ages, Isabella felt herself light up. Madeline noticed her 218 and suggested Isabella volunteer at the museum for a few hours every week.
Despite her doubts, Isabella decided to 219 . Every Wednesday, she’d arrive at the museum. And with each volunteer 220 , she felt a little bit better.“It gave me this sense of purpose. It helped me reconnect with my love of 221 and nature that I’d always had,” Isabella said.
Soon, Isabella 222 her job and started working in science media. She now is the creator and host of a podcast called Ologies. Isabella had Madeline on the show as her first 223 .
“Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I didn’t take her up on her 224 . What would my life have been like It’s not a nice thought. Who would I be You know, Madeline, in one instant, 225 my whole life,” said Isabella.
211.A.mighty B.nervous C.dynamic D.unhappy
212.A.samples B.pictures C.notes D.screenshots
213.A.post B.sustain C.deliver D.resolve
214.A.birds B.plants C.insects D.humans
215.A.checked out B.reached out C.allow for D.called off
216.A.greeted B.served C.facilitated D.navigated
217.A.confident B.excited C.astonished D.upset
218.A.anxiety B.patience C.enthusiasm D.disappointment
219.A.sign up B.set out C.settle in D.take over
220.A.report B.evaluation C.shift D.recruitment
221.A.science B.philosophy C.history D.photography
222.A.kept B.lost C.found D.quit
223.A.writer B.director C.guest D.listener
224.A.promise B.offer C.challenge D.decision
225.A.changed B.ruined C.expanded D.defined
(23-24高二上·江苏南通·期末)I was quite young when I married. My wife shared with me my love for animals and she got several 226 pets, including one cat.
The black cat was beautiful. We named him Pluto. I liked him best so that I often fed him alone. Our friendship 227 for several years, during which, however, my wife and my job 228 me. Gradually, 229 became my new friend; I became quick to 230 ; I forgot how to smile and laugh.
One night I came home quite late from the inn. Walking with 231 steps, I made my way with effort into the house. As I entered, I saw Pluto was trying to stay out of my way to 232 me, which made me angry beyond 233 . I lifted my foot and gave him a heavy kick 234 . The cat burst into a tragic scream, like a 235 cutting through the peaceful dark sky.
It seemed a ring 236 me. I followed up the cry, calling “Pluto”. No response. Turn on the light, and I found him, curled up below a chair. I felt regretful and 237 , attempting to comfort it. No response. I knew I had made an 238 mistake.
I made my efforts to 239 him in my manner, feeding him alone and eventually quit drinking. Maybe sometimes some evil things inside ourselves pushed us to do wrong, but we must bear in mind that we ought to treasure what is 240 us accompanying us in our lives.
226.A.adoptive B.adorable C.ambitious D.adaptable
227.A.started B.appeared C.lasted D.passed
228.A.left B.claimed C.beat D.defeated
229.A.regret B.silence C.music D.wine
230.A.adjust B.anger C.arrange D.abandon
231.A.smooth B.flexible C.stable D.uncertain
232.A.avoid B.stop C.bend D.accuse
233.A.actions B.words C.reason D.reach
234.A.constantly B.purposely C.intently D.appropriately
235.A.storm B.thunder C.rainbow D.lightning
236.A.awakening B.striking C.knocking D.uplifting
237.A.stressed B.frightened C.guilty D.delicate
238.A.unforgettable B.unforgivable C.unaffordable D.unforeseen
239.A.do away with B.get away with C.make up with D.catch up with
240.A.observing B.assisting C.impressing D.surrounding
1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.D 15.C
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了英国人Gary McKee在365天内完成了365次马拉松挑战的故事。
1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这并不是McKee第一次完成一些了不起的事情,他曾攀登乞力马扎罗山,骑自行车穿越巴西,还在110天内跑了110场马拉松。A. primitive原始的;B. remarkable引人注目的;C. dangerous危险的;D. professional专业的。根据“He climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, cycled through Brazil, and also ran 110 marathons in 110 days.”可知,这并不是McKee第一次完成引人注目的事情。故选B。
2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果没有鼓舞,McKee不可能完成这些。A. discovery发现;B. creativity创造力;C. inspiration灵感,鼓舞人心的人(或事);D. preference偏爱。根据“In 1997, his father had cancer”和下文“After losing his dad in 2003, McKee wanted to do good deeds in  5  of him, so he became a fundraiser for Macmillan Cancer Support”可知,McKee收到了家庭变故的鼓舞,才能完成这些挑战。故选C。
3.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:1997年,他的父亲患了癌症,这对他的家庭来说是灾难性的。A. disastrous灾难性的,极糟糕的;B. accidental偶然的;C. meaningless没有意义的;D. unavoidable不可避免的。根据“In 1997, his father had cancer”可知,父亲患上癌症对于他的家庭来说是灾难性的打击。故选A。
4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:”我们的世界被颠倒了,” McKee在接受福克斯新闻数字频道采访时谈到了对他家庭的影响。A. attempt尝试,试图;B. focus集中;C. impact影响;D. emphasis强调,重视。根据““Our world was turned upside down,””可知,父亲生病对家庭产生了重大的影响。故选C。
5.考查介词短语辨析。句意:在2003年失去父亲后,McKee想做些好事来纪念他,所以他成为了麦克米伦癌症支持组织的筹款人,并一直与该慈善机构合作。A. in defence of为……辩护;B. in place of代替;C. in control of由……控制;D. in memory of为了纪念。根据“After losing his dad in 2003”可知,父亲去世后,McKee想做些好事来纪念他。故选D。
6.考查动词短语辨析。句意同上。A. running after追求,追逐;B. making for有利于;C. working with与……共事,和……一起工作;D. holding on to坚持。根据“he became a fundraiser for Macmillan Cancer Support”可知,他一直和麦克米伦癌症支持组织这个慈善机构合作。故选C。
7.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然后他决定下一个挑战是在2022年的每一天跑365场马拉松。A. major主要的;B. original原始的;C. tough艰难的,艰苦的;D. next接下来的,下一个的。根据“He climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, cycled through Brazil, and also ran 110 marathons in 110 days.”可知,此处表示他的下一个挑战。故选D。
8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的目标是在那年年底前筹集100万英镑。A. appeal上诉,吸引力;B. goal目标;C. limit限制;D. advice建议。根据下文“McKee celebrated with his community after he hit his target”可知,他设定了目标,target是提示词。故选B。
9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:2022年1月1日,挑战正式开始,他每天早上都要跑完全程。A. challenge挑战;B. interview面试,访谈;C. experiment实验;D. investigation调查。根据下文“Then he decided his  7  challenge was going to be 365 marathons on every day of 2022.”可知,此处是信息词challenge的词汇复现。故选A。
10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在他的365场马拉松比赛中,McKee会邀请人们和他一起参加。A. invite邀请;B. permit允许;C. remind提醒;D. order命令。根据“His community supported him by either joining him”可知,McKee会邀请人们和他一起参加马拉松。故选A。
11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的社区支持他,要么加入他,要么在路边为他欢呼。A. guiding指导,指引;B. cheering欢呼,加油;C. following跟着;D. declining下降。根据“His community supported him”可知,社区的人们通过在路边为他欢呼来支持他。故选B。
12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一些当地的小学生会和他一起跑步,这让他有机会分享锻炼和筹款的好处。A. sit坐下;B. walk散步;C. slip滑落;D. run跑。根据“alongside him”可知,一些小学生和他一起跑步。故选D。
13.考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. share分享;B. refuse拒绝;C. argue争论;D. weigh称重量,权衡。根据“Some local schoolchildren would  12  alongside him”可知,小学生跟他一起跑步,给了他分享锻炼和筹款的好处的机会。故选A。
14.考查副词词义辨析。句意:McKee在整整一年的时间里实现了自己的目标后和他的社区一起庆祝。A. nearly几乎;B. roughly大致,大约;C. scarcely几乎不;D. exactly确切地。根据“Gary McKee, a 53-year-old from Cumbria, England, completed a challenge that many might never dare to try: 365 marathons in 365 days.”可知,McKee正好用一年时间实现了目标。故选D。
15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:MCS的执行董事Claire Rowney说:“我只能想象实现这一目标所需要的自律和决心。没有足够的语言来表达我们衷心的感谢。”A. perform表演,表现;B. tolerate忍受;C. achieve完成,实现;D. clarify澄清。this指代上文中出现的“target”,根据“after he hit his target”可知,此处表示“实现目标”。故选C。
16.C 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.A 21.B 22.B 23.C 24.D 25.A 26.D 27.A 28.A 29.C 30.B
16.考查动词短语辨析。句意:你听说过或见过加拿大鹅吗?你知道它们以新鲜的草和种子为食吗?A. draw on利用; B. focus on 专注;C. feed on以……为食;D. try on试穿。根据后文的“fresh grass and seeds”可知,本句想表达它们以新鲜的草和种子为食。故选C项。
17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:加拿大鹅以其彬彬有礼而闻名。A. desire欲望;B. reputation声誉;C. affection感情;D. appetite食欲。根据后文的“They always bow down to you whenever you walk by.”可知,每当你走过的时候,它们总是向你鞠躬,故它们有良好的声誉。故选B项。
18.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,我最近发现,它们有时会对同伴是粗鲁的,尤其是在他们为食物争吵的时候——是的,这些举止得体的绅士确实会争吵,只是为了吃点东西。A. generous慷慨的;B. faithful忠诚的;C. weird奇怪的;D. rude粗鲁的。根据后文的“especially on occasions when they quarrel for food”可知,加拿大鹅有时为食物争吵,故它们有时是粗鲁无礼的。故选D项。
19.考查形容词词词义辨析。句意:然而,我最近发现,它们有时会对同伴是粗鲁的,尤其是在它们为食物争吵的时候——是的,这些举止得体的绅士确实会争吵,只是为了吃点东西。A. well-informed见多识广;B. well-dressed穿着考究的;C. well-behaved举止得体的;D. well-balanced平衡良好。根据前文的“They always bow down to you whenever you walk by. ”可知,加拿大鹅举止得体。故选C项。
20.考查副词词义辨析。句意:昨天,我看到两只加拿大鹅为了一丛美丽的新鲜草而激烈地争吵。A. fiercely激烈的;B. blindly盲目的;C. cautiously谨慎的; D. gently温和的。根据后文的“the two were shouting noisily, stretching their necks as long as they could to look aggressively at each other.”可知,两只加拿大鹅激烈地争吵。故选A项。
21.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那块草丛就在它们中间,两只鹅大声喊叫,尽可能地伸长脖子,挑衅地看着对方。A. deserted被抛弃的;B. located位于;C. fixed固定的;D. laid松弛的,从容不迫的。根据后文的“right in the middle of them”可知,草丛位于它们中间。故选B项。
22.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:很少看到加拿大鹅“不礼貌”的一面。A. frequent经常的; B. rare稀有的; C. common普通的; D. constant恒定的。根据前文的“Canadian geese have a good 2 for their politeness. They always bow down to you whenever you walk by. ”可知,加拿大鹅举止得体,加拿大鹅“不礼貌”的一面是稀有的。故选B项。
23.考查动词词义辨析。句意:于是,我忍不住停下了早晨的散步,站着不动,看着这些“绅士”们争吵。A. restricting限制; B. changing改变; C. pausing暂停; D. speeding超速。根据前文的“It’s 7 to witness the “impolite” side of Canadian geese.”可知,因为很少看到加拿大鹅“不礼貌”的一面,作者忍不住停下了早晨的散步。故选C项。
24.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有趣的是,过了一会儿,一辆卡车呼啸而过,扰乱了它们不和谐的谈话。A. desperate绝望的; B. simple简单的; C. serious严重的; D. disharmonious不和谐的。根据前文的“The clump was 6 right in the middle of them, while the two were shouting noisily, stretching their necks as long as they could to look aggressively at each other. ”可知,它们俩大声喊叫着,尽量伸长脖子,恶狠狠地瞪着对方,它们的谈话不和谐。故选D项。
25.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:两只鹅同样被这个巨大的“怪物”吓坏了,于是放弃了它们的谈话。A. frightened害怕的; B. annoyed生气; C. crashed碰撞; D. injured伤害。根据前文的“a truck roared past their feast”以及后文的“by the massive “monster””可知,在两只鹅的眼中这辆卡车像个巨大的怪物,故它们很害怕。故选A项。
26.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我站着不动,想着这个可笑的问题,等待着。A. finding out发现; B. dealing with处理;C. looking into调查; D. wondering about想知道。根据前文的“Would they start quarreling again ”可知,作者正在想它们会不会再吵架这个问题。故选D项。
27.考查名词词义辨析。句意:出乎我意料的是,卡车刚过,两只鹅就失去了争吵的激情,好像他们已经忘记了发生的一切。A. passion激情; B. reason原因;C. talent天赋;D. anxiety焦虑。根据后文的“Even the two turned around and left the  13  in opposite directions as if nothing had happened.”可知,两只鹅不再吵架,失去了争吵的激情。故选A项。
28.考查名词词义辨析。句意:就连两只鹅也转过身来,若无其事地离开了现场。A. scene场景; B. destination目的地; C. landscape景观; D. park公园。根据后文的“They left only me there, imagining what might have happened without the  14 .”可知,它们只留下我一个人在那里,两只鹅离开了现场。故选A项。
29.考查名词词义辨析。句意:它们只留下我一个人在那里,想象着没有卡车会发生什么。A. looker-on旁观者; B. passer-by路人; C. truck卡车; D. clump丛,簇,束。根据前文的“Beyond my expectation, right after the truck’s passing by, the two geese immediately lost their  12 for quarreling as if they had forgotten all about what had happened. ”可知,卡车扰乱了它们的谈话,故作者想象着没有卡车会发生什么。故选C项。
30.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有时候健忘也没那么糟。A. upset心烦意乱的; B. forgetful健忘的; C. mean吝啬的; D. greedy贪婪的。根据前文的“as if they had forgotten all about what had happened. ”可知,两只鹅忘记了先前的争吵,故有时候健忘也没那么糟。故选B项。
31.C 32.A 33.B 34.D 35.C 36.B 37.D 38.A 39.B 40.D 41.A 42.C 43.D 44.C 45.B
31.考查名词词义辨析。句意:由于她有听力问题,学生们过去常常指向他们想吃的食物。A. eyesight视力;B. walking走路;C. hearing听力;D. heart心脏。根据后文“And no one could offer Leisa a simple   3   like “good morning” in sign language.”可知,Leisa有听力问题。故选C项。
32.考查名词词义辨析。句意:由于她有听力问题,学生们过去常常指向他们想吃的食物。A. food食物;B. toy玩具;C. pen钢笔;D. book书。根据前文“Leisa is a Food Nutrition Service Associate at a school.”可知,学生们指向他们想吃的食物。故选A项。
33.考查名词词义辨析。句意:没有人能用手语问候Leisa,比如“早上好”。A. language语言;B. greeting问候;C. introduction介绍;D. answer答案。根据后文“good morning”可知,没有人能用手语问候Leisa。故选B项。
34.考查动词词义辨析。句意:四年级老师Kari注意到学生们很难与Leisa交流,所以她决定做点什么。A. refusing拒绝;B. pretending假装;C. managing管理;D. struggling挣扎。根据前文“Since she has   1   problems”可知,学生们很难与Leisa交流。故选D项。
35.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在学习了美国手语之后,Leisa决定教她的学生们几句话,让他们更容易点午餐,同时也让Leisa觉得自己是社区中备受喜爱的一员。A. cooking做饭;B. serving服务;C. ordering点餐;D. eating吃。根据前文“Since she has   1   problems, students used to just pint at the   2   they wanted.”可知,Leisa决定教学生们几句话,让他们更容易点午餐。故选C项。
36.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在学习了美国手语之后,Leisa决定教她的学生们几句话,让他们更容易点午餐,同时也让Leisa觉得自己是社区中备受喜爱的一员。A. leader领导;B. part成员;C. pupil学生;D. assistant助手。根据上文分析可知,孩子们用手语跟Leisa打招呼,让她觉得自己是社区中备受喜爱的一员。故选B项。
37.考查名词词义辨析。句意:令人高兴的是,当校长听说Kari的计划时,他让Kari教全校学生手语!A. adjustment调整;B. method方法;C. success成功;D. plan计划。根据前文“Having taken American Sign Language, Sari decided to teach her pupils a few words”可知,这是Kari的计划。故选D项。
38.考查名词词义辨析。句意:每天,全校师生都要学习和练习一个新词。A. word词;B. dish碟;C. skill技能;D. culture文化。根据后文“They also learn how to   9   the words for the food options that day.”可知,他们都要学习和练习一个新词。故选A项。
39.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们还学习如何用手语选择当天的食物。A. remember记住;B. sign打手势;C. say说;D. translate翻译。根据前文“he asked Kari to teach the entire school how to sign”可知,他们还学习如何使用手语。故选B项。
40.考查动词词义辨析。句意:校长认为,在学校社区中加入手语对每个人来说都是一种亲密的体验。A. devoting奉献;B. owing欠;C. comparing比较;D. adding增加。根据前文“Happily, when the principal heard about Kari’s   7   he asked Kari to teach the entire school how to sign!”可知,在学校社区中加入了手语。故选D项。
41.考查形容词词义辨析。句意校长认为,在学校社区中加入手语对每个人来说都是一种亲密的体验。A. bonding互信的;B. merciful仁慈的;C. discouraging令人沮丧的;D. peaceful和平的。根据上文分析可知,在学校社区中加入手语对每个人来说都是一种亲密的(互信的)体验。故选A项。
42.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:能够和Leisa说话让学生们很激动,他们都对学习手语充满了热情。A. worried担心;B. sure确信;C. enthusiastic热情的;D. particular特定的。根据前文“Being able to speak with Leisa makes students emotional”可知,学生们都对学习手语充满了热情。故选C项。
43.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:看到她教手语的想法对每个人都是奏效的,Kari很激动。A. turning up出现;B. fading out逐渐淡出;C. taking over接管;D. paying off奏效,取得成功,得到回报。根据前文“Being able to speak with Leisa makes students emotional, and they are all   12   about learning sign language.”可知,她的想法对每个人都奏效。故选D项。
44.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:学习别人的语言是表达你关心他们的最温暖的方式之一。A. fastest最快的;B. cheapest最便宜的;C. warmest最温暖的;D. shortest最短的。根据上文Kari看到学生们和听力有问题的Leisa交流起来有困难时采取的举动,并联系下文对Leisa的感受的描述可知,学习别人的语言是表达你关心他们的最温暖的方式之一。故选C项。
45.考查动词词义辨析。句意:现在我们很高兴听到Leisa在工作中感受到爱戴和包容!A. stuck卡住;B. loved爱;C. lost丢失;D. rescued获救。根据前文“along with making Leisa feel like the well-loved   6   of the community that she is”可知,Leisa在工作中感受到自己是受到爱戴的。故选B项。
46.C 47.A 48.A 49.A 50.D 51.B 52.B 53.D 54.C 55.B 56.A 57.A 58.D 59.A 60.D
46.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我学会了祖母教我的威尔士语,并鹦鹉学舌地模仿亲戚们在当地说的话。A. imagined想象;B. explained解释;C. absorbed理解;掌握;D. revised复习。根据下文“the Welsh words my grandmother taught me”可知,此处指我把祖母教给我的威尔士语学会了。故选C。
47.考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. quotes原话;引文;B. tales故事;C. opinions观点;D. accents口音。根据上文“I was fascinated by language.”及“parroted (鹦鹉学舌) my relatives’ local ”可知,此处指我学亲戚们说话。故选A。
48.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我无法回答时,他们跑掉了,留下我一个人伤心。A. respond回答;B. wait等待;C. bear忍受;D. decline下降。根据上文“two boys asked if I spoke Norwegian”可知,此处指两个挪威男孩要求我说挪威语时,我不会说,即我不能回答。故选A。
49.考查动词词义辨析。句意:回到家后,我会在商店里寻找语言书籍,喜欢尝试各种不同的词汇来表达我脑海中的想法。A. express表达;B. influence影响;C. remove移除;D. evaluate评估。根据前文“search shops for language books and enjoyed trying all these different words ”及下文“what was in my head.”可知,此处指我尝试用不同的语言来表达我脑海中的想法。故选A。
50.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我觉得很棒,现在依然如此。A. complex复杂的;B. temporary暂时的;C. disturbing令人不安的;D. amazing令人惊讶的。根据下文“and still do”可知,我对自己用不同的词汇来表达我脑海中的想法的做法是赞同的,即我认为这样做很好。故选D。
51.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在预科学校时候,我完成了西班牙语普通中等教育证书,然后是A-level。A. favoured支持;赞成;B. completed完成;C. skipped略过;跳过;D. promoted促进,提升。根据下文“Spanish GCSE, then A-level”可知,此处指我完成了西班牙语普通中等教育证书,然后是A-level。故选B。
52.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:大学毕业后,我骑车去了荷兰,学会了荷兰语。A. making up编造; B. picking up获得,学会; C. relying on依赖; D. lecturing on有关……的演讲。根据下文“speaking a language abroad with   people was an ideal way to learn”可知,此处指我在荷兰学会了荷兰语。故选B。
53.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:事实证明,在国外和当地人说一门语言是一种理想的学习方式。A. civilized文明的;B. successful成功的;C. modest谦虚的;D. local当地的。根据上文“I cycled to the Netherlands”可知,此处指我骑行到荷兰,与荷兰的当地人说话。故选D。
54.考查名词词义辨析。句意:旅行学习一门语言变成了一种冒险——伴随着兴奋和孤独的时刻。A. addiction上瘾;B. option选择;C. adventure冒险;D. honour荣誉。根据下文“it came with excitement and lonelier moments”可知,用旅游的方式学习一门语言,既有兴奋也有孤独的时刻,所以这是一种冒险。故选C。
55.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我发现学习的速度取决于语言(本身的难度)。A. style方式;B. speed速度;C. method方法;D. criterion标准。根据下文“within weeks”可知,这里指学习运用语言的速度。故选B。
56.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果它和我已经说过的一门语言很相似,我可以在几周内用一种可以理解的方式使用它。A. comprehensible可理解的;能懂得;B. fashionable时尚的;C. responsible有责任心的;D. thoughtful体贴的。根据上文“I can use it ”可知,我能使用新学的语言,说明这种语言是别人能理解的,能懂得。故选A。
57.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在封锁期间,我参加了苏格兰语、韩语和爱尔兰语的短期课程。我参加了对话小组,用康沃尔语准备考试。A. prepared准备;B. discuss讨论;C. sat坐;D. failed失败。根据上文“I took short courses in Scots, Korean and Irish. I joined conversation groups ”可知,此处指我用康沃尔语准备考试。故选A。
58.考查动词词义辨析。句意:2022年,我创办了一年一度的多语会议。我也提倡保护土著语言和濒危语言。A. celebrate庆祝;B. train培训;C. resign辞职;D. advocate支持;提倡。根据上文“I was fascinated by language”可知,这里指我对保护土著语言和濒危语言也是提倡的。故选D。
59.考查名词词义辨析。句意:学习语言最重要的是建立与他人沟通的桥梁。A. bridges桥梁;B. identities身份;C. confidence信心;D. loyalty忠诚。根据上文“learning languages is the ability to build ”可知,学习语言是连接人与人的桥梁。故选A。
60.考查名词词义辨析。句意:它们让你体验你可能从未考虑过的方面和感知。A. challenges挑战;B. failures失败; C. sufferings苦难; D. dimensions方面。根据上文第四段中“it came with excitement and lonelier moments”可知,此处指语言可以让你体验从未考虑过的方面和感知。故选D。
61.B 62.C 63.A 64.A 65.D 66.B 67.C 68.C 69.D 70.A 71.B 72.C 73.D 74.A 75.B
61.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:最新的促销活动是,只要游客的最终目的地是淄博,就可以凭火车票免费进入该市的10个旅游景点。A. formal正式的;B. free免费的;C. limited有限的;D. necessary必要的。根据“admission to 10 tourist attractions”可知,此处表示“凭火车票免费进入该市的10个旅游景点”。故选B。
62.考查名词词义辨析。句意:最新的促销活动是,只要游客的最终目的地是淄博,就可以凭火车票免费进入该市的10个旅游景点。A. departure离开;B. preparation准备;C. destination目的地;D. quarter四分之一。根据下文“Zibo”可知,此处表示“最终目的地是淄博”。故选C。
63.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在此之前,济南和淄博之间已经开通了“烧烤游”往返列车(该举措沿袭了之前济南和淄博之间的往返列车)。A. follows跟随、沿袭;B. inspires激励;C. ensures确保;D. affects影响。根据下文“the previous round-trip “barbecue tour” train between Jinan and Zibo”可知,济南和淄博之间已经开通了“烧烤游”往返列车,也就是该举措沿袭了之前济南和淄博之间的往返列车。故选A。
64.考查动词词义辨析。句意:列车上的乘客会看到一条横幅,上面写着“欢迎乘坐烧烤专列”。A. greeted欢迎,迎接;B. blocked堵塞;C. wrapped打包;D. reminded提醒。根据下文“by a banner (横幅) reading “Welcome to the Special BBQ Train””可知,句子表示“列车上的乘客会看到一条横幅,上面写着“欢迎乘坐烧烤专列””,空格处意为“欢迎,迎接”。故选A。
65.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们还会收到关于淄博文化的传单、小礼物和零食。A. reject拒绝;B. sell卖;C. share分享;D. receive收到。根据下文“items including leaflets about Zibo’s culture, small gifts and snacks”可知,句子表示“他们还会收到关于淄博文化的传单、小礼物和零食”。故选D。
66.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一位网友写道:“高铁上挤满了乘客。”A. covered覆盖;B. packed挤进,塞满;C. equipped装备;D. surrounded包围。根据下文“with passengers”可知,此处表示“高铁上挤满了乘客”。故选B。
67.考查连词词义辨析。句意:烧烤在中国很受欢迎,但淄博的烧烤是独一无二的。A. and和;B. or或者;C. but但是;D. so因此。根据上文“Barbecue is popular in China”和下文“Zibo’s barbecue is unique”可知,前后是转折关系,空格处用but。故选C。
68.考查动词词义辨析。句意:它是在炉子上做的,配上面饼和调料。A. steamed散发蒸汽;B. fried油煎,油炸;C. served端上(食物);D. boiled煮沸。根据下文“with flatbread (薄饼) and dressings (蘸料)”可知,句子表示“它是在炉子上做的,配上面饼和调料”,空格处意为“端上(食物)”。故选C。
69.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些串在上桌之前要七八分熟,食客可以在自己的炉子上完成,这给人一种参与感。A. direction方向;B. community社区;C. security安全;D. participation参加。根据上文“The skewers (烤肉串) are 70-80 percent cooked before they are brought to the table, where diners can finish cooking them on their own stoves”可知,这些串在上桌之前要七八分熟,食客可以在自己的炉子上完成,这给人一种参与感,空格处意为“参加”。故选D。
70.考查副词词义辨析。句意:在一群大学生拍下自己享受美食的视频并上传后,这种烧烤突然走红。A. suddenly突然;B. obviously明显地;C. slightly稍微;D. constantly不断地。根据下文“became a hit after a group of college students shot videos of themselves enjoying a meal and ___11___ them”可知,在一群大学生拍下自己享受美食的视频并上传后,这种烧烤突然走红。故选A。
71.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在一群大学生拍下自己享受美食的视频并上传后,这种烧烤突然走红。A. downloaded下载;B. posted发帖子;C. deleted删除;D. hid躲藏。根据上文“a group of college students shot videos of themselves enjoying a meal”可知,句子表示“在一群大学生拍下自己享受美食的视频并上传后,这种烧烤突然走红”。故选B。
72.考查动词短语辨析。句意:从那以后,许多人,主要是年轻人,涌入这座城市品尝这道美食。A. dived into深入研究;B. knocked into撞上;C. poured into涌入;D. broken into闯进。根据下文“On several streets, ___13___ can be seen outside barbecue restaurants, which stretch for more than 100 meters”可知,句子表示“许多人,主要是年轻人,涌入这座城市品尝这道美食”。故选C。
73.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在一些街道上,可以看到烧烤店外的长队,绵延100多米。A. passers-by过路人;B. fires火;C. sights视野;D. lines队,队伍。根据下文“which stretch for more than 100 meters”可知,在一些街道上,可以看到烧烤店外的长队,绵延100多米。故选D。
74.考查动词词义辨析。句意:淄博烧烤给这个城市带来了越来越多的人,当地政府需要考虑如何对这个城市进行整体推广,包括它的文化和旅游。A. promote推广;B. transform转换;C. beautify美化;D. invest投资。根据上文“Zibo barbecue is bringing more and more people to the city”可知,淄博烧烤给这个城市带来了越来越多的人,当地政府需要考虑如何对这个城市进行整体推广,包括它的文化和旅游。故选A。
75.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果当地政府不采取适当的后续措施,这种趋势最终会结束。A. temporary暂时的;B. proper恰当的;C. fair公平的;D. common常见的。根据上文“The trend will eventually end if the local government doesn’t take”可知,句子表示“如果当地政府不采取适当的后续措施,这种趋势最终会结束”。故选B。
76.B 77.A 78.D 79.B 80.C 81.B 82.A 83.B 84.C 85.C 86.B 87.A 88.B 89.C 90.D
76.考查名词词义辨析。句意:狗因为期待而兴奋,但不是为了玩接球游戏。A. recognition认可;B. anticipation期待;C. competition竞争;D. satisfaction满意。根据下文和“They are here to hunt.”可知,Schewel带了Sundrop和Moonbeam这两只狗来捕猎,因此它们是因为期待而兴奋。故选B。
77.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Schewel弯下腰放了它们,它们冲了出去,利用它们小的体型来寻找它们的目标:纽约市的老鼠。A. release放开;B. warn警告;C. drag拖,拽;D. raise举。根据上文“bends down to”和下文“they rush out”可推知,Schewel是弯下腰把两只狗放了,让它们冲出去捕猎。故选A。
78.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Schewel弯下腰放了它们,它们冲了出去,利用它们小的体型来寻找它们的目标:纽约市的老鼠。A. permission许可;B. survival生存;C. shortage短缺;D. advantage优势。根据上文“using their small size to their”可推知,advantage“优势”符合语境,use sth. to one’s advantage是固定短语,意为“利用某事物,将某事物转化为有利条件”,此处表示两只狗利用它们小的体型来寻找它们的目标。故选D。
79.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Schewel是一名捕鼠人,他带着两个同伴和一台烟雾机,把老鼠从洞里赶出来,这是一种与19世纪更相关的职业,而不是21世纪。A. leaders领导者;B. companions同伴;C. soldiers士兵;D. visitors游客。根据上文“followed by his two small dogs, Sundrop and Moonbeam”可知,捕鼠人Schewel会和两只小狗Sundrop和Moonbeam搭档去捕鼠,这两只小狗是他的同伴。故选B。
80.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Schewel是一名捕鼠人,他带着两个同伴和一台烟雾机,把老鼠从洞里赶出来,这是一种与19世纪更相关的职业,而不是21世纪。A. compared比较;B. combined组合;C. associated相关;D. accompanied陪同。根据下文“more with the 19th century than the 21st”和常识可推知,associated“相关”符合语境,表示捕鼠这种职业与19世纪更相关,而非21世纪。故选C。
81.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当“向老鼠宣战”成为亚当斯市长的当务之急时,他的公司提供着有价值的服务。A. reasonable合理的;B. valuable有价值的;C. acceptable可以接受的;D. changeable多变的。根据下文“a “war on rats””可知,城市里发起了“向老鼠宣战”的行动,因此Schewel公司的捕鼠服务是有价值的。故选B。
82.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当“向老鼠宣战”成为亚当斯市长的当务之急时,他的公司提供着有价值的服务。A. priority最重要的事;B. theme主题;C. grade等级;D. rank排名。根据上文“a “war on rats” has become a top”可推知,priority“最重要的事”符合语境,a top priority是固定短语,意为“当务之急,头等大事”,此处表示“向老鼠宣战”成为纽约市的亚当斯市长的当务之急。故选A。
83.考查介词词义辨析。句意:与使用毒药的竞争对手不同,Schewel提供了一种不同的方法,将捕食者重新引入城市生态系统。A. As作为;B. Unlike和……不同;C. With与……一起;D. For为了。根据下文“Schewel offers a different approach by reintroducing predators (捕食者) to the urban ____9____”可知,Schewel的捕鼠方法是重新引入捕食者,因此是与使用毒药的竞争对手不同。故选B。
84.考查名词词义辨析。句意:与使用毒药的竞争对手不同,Schewel提供了一种不同的方法,将捕食者重新引入城市生态系统。A. lifestyle生活方式;B. development发展;C. ecosystem生态系统;D. population人口。根据上文“followed by his two small dogs, Sundrop and Moonbeam”可知,Schewel会利用两只小狗来捕鼠,因此是将老鼠的捕食者重新引入城市的生态系统。故选C。
85.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在花园里,狗围着一个工具房,下面有一块空地——这可能是老鼠藏身的地方。A. shake摇晃;B. leave离开;C. surround包围;D. protect保护。根据下文“a rat rushes out, and Sundrop is quickly upon it”可推知,狗现在围着工具房,等到后面老鼠出来的时候去捕猎。故选C。
86.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在花园里,狗围着一个工具房,下面有一块空地——这可能是老鼠藏身的地方。A. find查找;B. hide隐藏;C. escape逃脱;D. dig挖。根据下文“a rat rushes out”可推知,老鼠藏身在这个地方。故选B。
87.考查动词短语辨析。句意:空间太小了,所以Schewel打开了他的烟雾机,里面装满了植物油,产生了无毒的蒸汽。A. turns on打开;B. turns off关闭;C. turns up出现;D. turns down拒绝。根据上文“The space is too small”可知,空间太小了,因此狗虽然体型很小也无法直接捕鼠,所以Schewel需要打开烟雾机,把老鼠从藏身的地方赶出来。故选A。
88.考查介词短语辨析。句意:一瞬间,一只老鼠冲了出来,Sundrop很快就追上了它。A. In a way在某种程度上;B. In a flash一瞬间;C. In a word简言之;D. In a mess一团糟。根据下文“a rat rushes out, and Sundrop is quickly upon it”可推知,In a flash“一瞬间”符合语境,此处表示Schewel打开烟雾机后,老鼠立即从藏身之处冲出来。故选B。
89.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在Schewel的命令下,老鼠被放下。A. will意志;B. risk风险;C. command命令;D. heart心。根据下文“the rat is dropped”可推知,command“命令”符合语境,at one’s command是固定短语,意为“在……的命令下”,此处表示在Schewel的命令下,小狗把捕到的、已经死了的老鼠放下。故选C。
90.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Schewel的策略被证明是有效的。A. urgent紧急的;B. common普通的;C. dramatic戏剧性的;D. effective有效的。根据上文“The good news is that there aren’t many rats at all here.”可推知,effective“有效的”符合语境,此处表示Schewel的捕鼠策略被证明是有效的。故选D。
91.C 92.A 93.D 94.B 95.D 96.C 97.A 98.D 99.B 100.C 101.B 102.B 103.A 104.A 105.C
91.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一位名叫瑟琳娜·曼西的女士分享了她的故事,她遇到了一位正为手机发愁的老人,“今天,一位老人找我帮忙,因为他想打开孙女发给他的图片信息。”A. addressed解决,致词;B. accused控告;C. approached接近;D. affected影响。根据语境可知,意为老人因为无法点开图片信息而上前(approached),向曼西求助。故选C项。
92.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一位名叫瑟琳娜·曼西的女士分享了她的故事,她遇到了一位正为手机发愁的老人,“今天,一位老人找我帮忙,因为他想打开孙女发给他的图片信息。”A. phone电话;B. position位置;C. focus焦点;D. family家庭。根据下文“‘It was a picture of his newborn great-grandchild, who he hadn’t met yet,’ Mansey recalled. ‘ ____4____ , since his phone wasn’t a smartphone, he wouldn’t be able to open it.’ (‘那是他刚出生的曾孙的照片,他还没见过他,’曼西回忆说,‘然而,由于他的手机不是智能


