
  1. 二一教育资源



Louis Cha (Chinese: Cha Leung Yung; 10 March 1924 - 30 October 2018), better known by his pen name Jin Yong, was a great master of Chinese swordsman fictions, 1 co-founded the Hong Kong daily newspaper Ming Bao in 1959 and served as 2 first editor-in-chief. He was Hong Kong’s most famous writer.
His martial arts novels have a widespread following in Chinese communities worldwide. His 15 works 3 (write) between 1955 and 1972 earned him a reputation as one of the greatest and most popular martial arts novelist ever. By the time of his death he was the best-selling Chinese author, and over 100 million 4 (copy) of his works were sold worldwide. According to The Oxford Guide to Contemporary World Literature, Jin Yong’s novels are 5 (high) evaluated and are able to appeal to people from all walks of life. His works have the unusual ability 6 (go) beyond geographical and ideological barriers separating Chinese communities of the world, achieving 7 (great) success than any other contemporary writer.
To date, his works 8 (translate) into many languages, including English, French, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Burmese, Malay and Indonesian. There are many fans outside of Chinese-speaking areas, as a result of the numerous 9 (adapt) of his works into films, television series, comics and video games. It is also widely known that the asteroid (小行星) 10930 Jinyong (1998 CR2) is named 10 him.
Chinese cuisine is widely known and enjoyed all around the world. Who doesn’t long 11 a favorite Chinese dish But there is one interesting concept 12 (concern) Chinese food which is almost unheard of in the West, and which is becoming 13 (increasing) ignored by the youth of the East --- the ancient custom of “tonic (滋补的) food”. 14 is known to us, tonic food is food that is consumed to improve one’s well-being or avoid sickness. For instance, it was once a custom for new mothers 15 (eat) a sesame oil hot pot every day for the first month after giving birth. It was a general 16 (believe) that this dish would benefit the muscles, reduce pain, improve circulation, stimulate sweating, and warm the body. Some foods, such as goat meat, are seen as “hot”, while 17 (other), such as Chinese cabbage, are seen as “cold”. One should be careful not to eat too much of either “hot” or “cold” food. However, how much “hot” or “cold” food one should eat 18 (depend) on the time of the year, how the food is prepared and what it is prepared with, and the individual’s health.
The custom of employing tonic foods for a healthier life also influences the catering industry. Chinese herbal medicines, such as wolfberries(枸杞), can be found on many a restaurant menu, either 19 (add) to fruit tea or as a very 20 ( benefit) addition to a dish. These herbs attract customers, such as overworked office staff, in need of a modest pick-me-up (提神的食品).
In a tea plantation (种植园), Maksim Ruban examined the collected fresh tea leaves carefully as local farmers began their annual tea-picking season.
The 25-year-old Russian runs a tea business in St. Petersburg, Russia. His company, 21 imports tea from China regularly, has an online store sell ng its products across Russia. Ever since he was a little kid, he 22 (become) fascinated with Chinese tea culture.
23 (find) suitable tea flavors, the young man shuttles between Russia and China almost every year. Last month, he visited multiple Chinese cities and Qimen in Huangshan city was 24 must-see spot on his journey. The county is home to the world-famous Keemun black tea, 25 (award) the gold medal at the 1915 Panama World’s Fair. Keemun black tea, Darjeeling black tea from India and Ceylon black tea from Sri Lanka, are known 26 the world’s top three high-fragrance black tea varieties.
In a local Keemun black tea company, Ruban 27 (have) a close look at the local showroom, production workshop, and tea plantation. A tea craftsman also showed the complex manufacturing procedures with strict 28 (standard). Finally, the Russian man signed an 29 (agree) with the company, reaching their initial cooperation intention.
30 (deep) impressed by Qimen’s beautiful ecological environment and high-quality tea leaves, Ruban has decided to introduce Keemun black tea to more Russian customers.
Huang Yongyu, one of the most 31 (produce) and best-known artists in the second half of the 20th century in China, died on Tuesday. He was 99.
Huang was recognized as a legendary figure in Chinese art and design. His skillfulness 32 (acknowledge) in woodcuts, ink painting, composing poems and essays and novels and designing postage stamps over the past decades.
His early artistic endeavors were rooted in traditional Chinese art forms, such as woodcuts and calligraphy. However, as he grew older and gained more experience, he began to expand his skills, 33 (experiment) with different mediums and techniques. It was this willingness to take risks and try new things 34 would ultimately set him apart as an artist.
35 made Huang a household name was his designing of several sought-after stamps, including the “Golden Monkey Stamp”, which was issued in 1980 36 (celebrate) the Year of the Monkey, and the Year of Rabbit stamp set of two - among his last works - one of 37 showed a blue rabbit that drew 38 (divide) opinions.
39 these successes, Huang never forgot his humble beginnings. He remained a passionate and dedicated artist until 40 very end of his life, always willing to push the boundaries of his craft and explore new artistic horizons. His contributions to the world of Chinese art and design will continue to be celebrated and remembered for generations to come.
People have always dreamed of communicating with distant loved ones as if they were in the same room. This idea once 41 (seem) out of reach, but today video chatting technology makes this dream a reality. Services like Skype and Face Time allow us to see and talk with anyone across the globe 42 (instant).
Today broadband service and WiFi networks have made high-quality video calls 43 (access) to most people. Unlike traditional long-distance calling, video chatting is free to use, 44 has transformed both personal and professional communication. It has also allowed distant families and friends to feel more 45 (connect) through face-to-face conversations. Business 46 (professional) regularly use video conferencing platforms to meet with colleagues around the world.
47 technology will never replace in-person interactions, video chatting provides 48 option for the times we can’t be together physically. Overall, this technology enhances our ability to build and maintain relationships 49 distance. Looking ahead, virtual reality may make video chats even more immersive, perhaps one day 50 (give) the experience of being together in person.
(22-23高二下·江苏镇江·期末)阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.
A traditional Chinese dance 51 (perform) underwater recently went viral on social media during the wagon Boat Festival. The show led to renewed 52 (excite) of traditional Chinese art and culture among audience.
The dance 53 (feature) a character from the famous ancient Chinese painting Ode to Goddess Luo, the daughter of Fu Xi in Chinese mythology(神话), 54 drowned and then became a goddess, according to the legend. The moves 55 (capture) underwater at 4.5 meters from the ground. In the video on social media, the underwater actress is seen 56 (dance) in colorful traditional Chinese costume. The short dance, which lasted less than two minutes, was seen as 57 creative combination of contemporary art and traditional Chinese culture.
“The watch made the costume even more beautiful 58 the moves more graceful!” said one observer online. “I’m just so proud of bang a Chinese and our traditional culture. I cried a little bit after watching the show,” said one netizen. The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson also posted the video 59 Sunday, saying that the dance was “ 60 (believe) beautiful” and the actress “danced grace fully like a swan and agilely like a Chinese dragon”
The Yungang Grottoes in Datong, Shanxi Province, 61 UNESCO World Heritage Site, have 45 major caves and more than 59,000 Buddha statues, with a grotto complex about 1 km long from east to west.
62 (current), a giant 3D printing reproduction of Cave No. 3 at the Yungang Grottoes is on display at the Yungang Grottoes Art Museum in Qingdao, east China’s Shandong Province. This is the first time in the world that 3D printing technology 63 (use) to reproduce such a large-scale cultural relic.
The identical reproduction strictly matches the appearance and scale of the original. The copy of the cave 64 (measure) 17.9 meters tall by 13.6 meters wide, while the main Buddha stands at 9.93 meters tall.
During the replication process, 3D technicians first collected some 10,000 images of the cave and the Buddha to build up a digital model, 65 was then divided into 842 parts to be printed with multiple 3D 66 (printer). The final installation(安装) and coloring stages took the team three months 67 (complete).
The reproduction not only allows people to get much 68 (close) to the precious heritage items 69 damaging the original objects, but also helps to enhance the research, documentation, digitalization and preservation of the relics 70 (they).
Like something straight out of a fairytale, the abandoned village of Houtouwan on Shengshan Island 71 the eastern coast of China, has recently become an Internet sensation (网红打卡地) 72 an unusual travel hotspot. Houtouwan 73 (be) once a prosperous fishing village, with more than 3,000 residents. However, because of its remote and hard-to-access location, its residents started to move out in the 1990s. In 2002, the village was 74 (official) depopulated and merged into a nearby village. Deserted for decades, empty houses in the ocean-facing, cliff-side village have been occupied by a blanket of climbing plants.
Houtouwan soared to fame among Chinese netizens in 2015 when 75 series of attractive photographs of the deserted village went viral (走红). Instead of celebrating its new-found 76 (popular), the officials were cautious of the impact 77 (bring) by the sudden boom of tourists. But now, it’s ready for tourists.
After more than two years of planning, Houtouwan—despite still being comparatively off-grid (不入网的) —has implemented a few new 78 (move) to control and take advantage of the boom to develop local economy. Visitors can hike around the 79 (hill) village. Signs are put up outside empty houses 80 (keep) tourists off possible dangers.
A farewell party for 22-year-old Ya Ya at Memphis Zoo took place last Saturday. Ya Ya, a giant panda, was surrounded by bamboo and given a special ice cake made of grapes, sugar cane (甘蔗), and cookies, 81 (take) on a harmonious scene, according to pictures and videos shared online.
In 2006, Ya Ya began to lightly shed fur, 82 skin issue leading to fur loss, which worsened in 2014. Ya Ya’s health 83 (weigh) on a majority of Chinese people. And online, people started pressing for Ya Ya’s return to China.
Since the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens received reports of Ya Ya’s poor health condition, Chinese experts have swung 84 action to assist in the care of Ya Ya to ensure her health and well-being. “Contrary to 85 most netizens might assume, Ya Ya is in a relatively stable (稳定的) health condition other than the fur loss, having a good appetite and stable weight. China will get Ya Ya home 86 (safe) at the fastest speed,” spokesperson of China’s ministry of foreign affairs, Wang Wenbin, said on Tuesday.
On April 27t, Ya Ya returned to Shanghai, safe and sound. One of the local 87 (resident) said, “The number of people waving at Ya Ya’s aircraft before it lands in Shanghai 88 (be) beyond our imagination. Having anticipated Ya Ya’s return for a longtime, we, at this moment, are so 89 (excite)! It is crucial that Ya Ya be exposed to a familiar circumstance 90 is of great benefit to her health recovery.” To our shock, Chinese people’s affection for Ya Ya hasn’t reduced despite the elapse (流逝) of 20 years.
Archaeological (考古的) 91 (discover) of Changsha wares (陶器) have occurred randomly over the decades, and key findings of kiln (窑) ruins 92 (make) particularly since 2010. There were not only Tang Dynasty Changsha wares 93 (unearth), but also some celadons (青瓷) from an even 94 (early) period.
They’re key witnesses 95 the Silk Road on the sea and Sino-foreign exchanges of material culture. Archaeological findings show that Changsha wares were exported to about 30 countries, 96 (range) from East and Southeast Asian neighbors to North Africa. Craftsmen and workshop owners in Changsha participated in a wave of globalization 97 actively explored overseas markets.
98 (consequent), shapes of Changsha wares were also influenced by foreign elements. Seeing the antiques, we can also understand 99 public aesthetics (审美) of their time. They tell 100 was viewed as traditional Chinese beauty.
For those looking to escape the concrete jungle, maybe it’s time to dive into the bamboo forests of southern Sichuan.
A natural forest that people in Sichuan province tend 101 (visit) is the Southern Sichuan Bamboo Sea in Yibin. The 120-square-kilometer Bamboo Sea is the 102 (large) bamboo park in China and its average temperature seldom drops below zero degrees Celsius in winter 103 many parts of the country are covered with snow and ice.
Known as one of the country’s 10 most beautiful forests, it 104 (be) a popular tourist attraction since the Oscar-winning Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 105 (shoot), there in 2001.
Two years later, the bamboo forest received world-wide 106 (recognize) as a bamboo reserve in December 2003, 107 (become) the fourth tourism destination in China to be granted Green Globe 21 certification.
The Bamboo Sea covers Changning and Jiang’an, two counties 108 the authority of Yibin. Amazed at its vast expanse, Huang Tingjian, 109 poet from the Song Dynasty, described it as “bamboo waves”. As Huang was an 110 (influence) man of letters, his description gave rise to the forest’s popular nickname—the Bamboo Sea.
(23-24高二上·江苏·期末)阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
The best way 111 (ensure) your good, usable clothing doesn’t become waste is to increase the chances it ends up with someone 112 wants it.
First, don’t wait too long if you choose to donate clothing to an organization, big or small. 113 sooner people donate their unwanted items, the more demand there is 114 them.
Wherever you donate, ensure clothes are clean and dry. If it 115 (damage) or stained, don’t send it to thrift shops (廉价旧货店). They don’t have the capacity to do 116 (repair). Besides, it not only creates a 117 (finance) burden, but defeats the purpose of the charitable action.
Find an organization that focuses on the products you’re looking to give. I Support The Girls, a non-profit, for example, collects and donates millions of 118 (gentle) used bras. Founder Dana Marlowe says they are among the most in-demand but least 119 (donate) products.
You can also deal directly with people 120 (look) to use your clothes. This could be in a yard sale, your local Buy Nothing Project, or a local online giveaway group. It can take time and there’s a carbon cost: shipping is required to get to the buyer, or to the warehouse then to the buyer.
Here come a crowd of young people dressed in long robes. They wander around pavilions and royal gardens, 121 their flowing sleeves and heavily embroidered (绣花的) skirts gently waving in the breeze. They are not actors nor actresses in a movie set 122 Hanfu enthusiasts in a themed event held in Beijing.
Benefiting from the growing 123 (popular) of social media and a craze for traditional culture, Hanfu, a traditional style of clothing 124 (wear) by the Han people, was brought back to the forefront by a new wave of young Chinese devotees, including Liu.
The 1980s-born rocket scientist Liu is also a co-founder of 125 Hanfu community in Beijing called “Hua Yan Hui.” The community 126 (found) in 2011following a Hanfu revival (复苏) movement that emerged from the desire 127 (express) national identity and growing cultural confidence. Since then, Liu 128 (volunteer) to support the group.
“My passion for Hanfu came from two of my friends 129 are fans of traditional Chinese clothing,” Liu said. Her interest grew 130 she learned more about the culture behind it and acquired her first Hanfu costume.
Archaeologists have made a stunning discovery of more than 80 stone carvings and building units, dating back about 1,300 years, at the Leigutai caves of the Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang, Henan province. The Longmen Grottoes Research Institute, 131 oversees the UNESCO World Heritage Site, made the announcement as the Leigutai caves reopened to the public on Wednesday after renovation.
The relics, unearthed during renovation inside the west wall of the south cave of Leigutai, are believed to have been used as materials 132 (strengthen) the wall during restoration work after an earthquake struck the area in the 16th century.
“This is the first time archaeologists 133 (find) statues inside a wall at the Longmen Grottoes,” Lu Wei, director of the history and humanities research center of the institute, told China Daily. A well-preserved stone Buddha head, 38 centimeters in height and 22 centimeters in 134 (wide), is among the stunning finds. “Judging 135 the overall appearance, it has a distinctive artistic style 136 (associate) with the zenith of the Tang Dynasty,” he said.
Lu said the relics inside the wall 137 (be) probably part of cave debris after the quake. “The discovery has shed light on Buddhist statue art during the Tang Dynasty, the development of the Leigutai area, ancient socioeconomic development 138 religious practices,” he said.
Luoyang was the national capital during Empress Wu’s reign. Many members of the royal family and aristocracy then held the belief 139 building caves would bring them good fortune, thus gradually forming the large-scale Longmen Grottoes. During the Northern Song period (960-1127), Emperor Zhenzong (968-1022) paid a visit to the grottoes and ordered a major renovation at the site, repairing more than 15,000 statues.
In November 2000, the Longmen Grottoes were included on the UNESCO World Heritage list, 140 first such honor for an archaeological site in Henan.
Chinese scientists recreated the face of 6th Century monarch Emperor Wu of Northern Zhou using DNA 141 (remove) from his remains. 142 study suggests his death at the age of 36 might be linked to a stroke. It also casts light 143 the origin and migration patterns of a nomadic empire that once ruled parts of north eastern Asia.
Emperor Wu was a ruler of the Northern Zhou dynasty in ancient China, who was 144 (ethnic) Xianbei, an ancient nomadic group that lived in 145 is Mongolia today and northern and north eastern China.
Archaeologists discovered Emperor Wu’s tomb in north western China in 1996. They found his bones, a nearly complete skull 146 (include). With recent advances in ancient DNA research, study co-author Dr Shaoqing Wen of Fudan University in Shanghai, and his team were able to recover more than one million single-nucleotide polymorphisms (单核苷酸多态性) (SNPs) on his DNA, some of 147 contained information about the colour of Emperor Wu’s skin and hair.
The research team said Emperor Wu died at the age of 36, and his son also died at a young age with no clear reason. Some archaeologists say Emperor Wu died of illness, 148 others argue he was poisoned by his rivals. By analyzing Emperor Wu’s DNA, the research team found that the emperor was at an increased risk for stroke, which might 149 (contribute) to his death.
The finding is in 150 (correspond) with historical records that described the Emperor as having aphasia (失语症), drooping eyelids, , and an abnormal gait (步态) — potential symptoms of a stroke. Next, the research team plans to study the people who lived in ancient Chang’an city in north western China by studying their ancient DNA.
Our communication is dependent not only on the words we use, but also on how we use munication is the process of exchanging information between a sender 151 a receiver. The sender encodes a message and sends it face to face, or through video, telephone, mail or social media. This message is then 152 (receive) and decoded by the receiver. In response, the receiver sends an encoded message back, 153 is referred to as feedback. This feedback is decoded by the original sender and the entire cycle 154 (repeat) itself until they have finished communicating.
This communication process can be challenging but, with practice and patience, you can become a highly competent communicator. 155 (accomplish) this, you need to know with whom you are communicating. Depending on whether you are communicating with a stranger, friend, family member 156 co-worker, you will need to decide which communication channel best suits the situation. Furthermore, you will need to determine the appropriate style to use and 157 complex your choice of words should be. For example, if you are a business person 158 (negotiate) with a large enterprise about a deal, you should do it face to face, using formal language in a straightforward manner. Meanwhile, your body language is 159 (equal) important and the value of empathy should not be understated.
Effective communication will enable you to settle differences and disagreements appropriately and improve your 160 (interaction) with others. Good communication skills will also help you build trust and gain respect, allowing relationships to become more positive and productive.
Born in 1946 in New York, Claudia Goldin, professor at Harvard University, 161 (award) the Nobel Prize in economics for her work on women in the labor market in October, 2023. She found that women generally receive a 162 (low) pay than men. She looked at over 200 years of US data, 163 showed that much of the gender pay gap could 164 (historic) be explained by differences in education and jobs.
Female participation in the labor market follows 165 U-shaped form over the whole period, and the participation of 166 (marry) women decreased when society changed from farming to industry in the early 19th century, but then started to increase with the 167 (grow) of the service industry in the early 20th century, her research has shown.
“It is obvious that understanding women’s role in the labor market is important for society. Thanks to Goldin’s research, we are now equipped 168 a deeper understanding of the factors contributing to the gender pay gap 169 which challenges may need 170 (address) in the future,” Jakob Svensson, chair of the Committee for the Prize in Economic Sciences, said in a statement.
Chinese comedienne and actress Jia Ling recently revealed that she was losing weight for 171 upcoming role during her gap time.
Jia Ling has lost 50 kilograms for her new movie YOLO. From the exposed photos, Jia Ling looks like a 172 (whole) different person. In the early teasers for YOLO, audience caught glimpses of Jia Ling’s dedication 173 her role as a boxer. However, it wasn’t until the movie’s release 174 viewers truly got to witness the extent of her transformation. Her 175 (define) abdominal (腹部的) muscles are clear and beautiful, making it hard to imagine that this is the same Jia Ling we once 176 (know).
177 (slim) down from 100 kg to 50 kg can’t be achieved overnight. She thought if you can’t bear the pain of discipline, you will have to accept the mediocrity (平庸) of yourself. She is unwilling to settle for mediocrity and has chosen to challenge herself, determined 178 (exchange) sweat and effort for her glamorous transformation today. Her path to success has been filled with hardships and challenges, 179 she has never given up on her 180 (pursue)and dream for herself.
She shows us through her actions that regardless of the circumstances, as long as you have determination and perseverance, you can definitely achieve success. She not only brings us laughter and touches our hearts but also conveys a positive and uplifting energy.
A skywell, or “tian jing” in Mandarin, is a typical feature of a traditional home in southern and eastern China. Less 181 (expose) to the outdoor environment makes a skywell different from a northern Chinese courtyard. Skywells are 182 common residents in large areas of southern and eastern China had in the past.
In today’s rapidly urbanising China, fewer and fewer people live in skywell dwellings, 183 a revival(重新流行) of interest in traditional Chinese architecture is leading some of historic buildings with skywells 184 (restore) for modern times. Meanwhile, some architects are drawing inspiration from skywells to help keep new buildings cooler, which is a method 185 (combine) design and technology to cool a building without the use of power.
However, there are some challenges for bringing skywells into modern designs. The effect that the mechanisms(结构) of courtyards have 186 natural lighting, ventilation(通风) and rain collection is well known , but applying these principles 187 (need) to be site-specific. Because traditional skywells had different shapes, sizes and features, 188 were highly dependent on their natural surroundings. Adding skywells into modern buildings requires designers to be 189 (sense) to their project’s context and situation, making it difficult to apply them as 190 universal solution.
The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Winter Solstice (冬至), the 22nd solar term of the year, 191 (fall) between the periods of December 21 to December 23 every year. It marks the arrival of the 192 (cold) season in the year.
As early as the Zhou Dynasty, people worshipped (敬奉) the gods on the first day of the Winter Solstice, 193 also was the first day of the new year. The Winter Solstice became a winter festival during the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD). The celebratory activities were 194 (official) organized. On this day, both official sand common people would have a rest.
When midwinter arrives, vital movement begins to decline and calm down. In this period, eating 195 appropriate amount of nut, such as peanuts, is good for one’s body. Traditional Chinese medical science teaches that most nuts can nourish the kidneys (肾) and 196 (strength) the brain and heart.
People in Suzhou, Jiangsu province, are accustomed to 197 (eat) wontons in midwinter. According to legend, during the midwinter feast 2, 500 years ago, the King of Wu 198 (feed) up with all kinds of costly foods and wanted to eat something different. Then, the beauty Xishi came into the kitchen to make “wontons” 199 (honor) the king’s wish. He ate a lot and liked the food very much. 200 memory of Xishi, the people of Suzhou made wontons the official food to celebrate the festival.
1.who 2.its/the 3.written 4.copies 5.highly 6.to go 7.greater 8.have been translated 9.adaptations 10.after
1.考查定语从句。句意:路易斯﹒查(中文名查良镛;1924.3.10-2018.10.30),我们更熟悉他的笔名金庸,中国武侠小说大师,1959年与人共同创办香港日报《明报》,并担任首任总编辑。这里为非限制性定语从句的关系词,先行词为Louis Cha,指人,关系词在从句中作主语,应用关系代词who。故填who。
2.考查代词或冠词。句意:路易斯﹒查(中文名查良镛;1924.3.10-2018.10.30),我们更熟悉他的笔名金庸,中国武侠小说大师,1959年与人共同创办香港日报《明报》,并担任首任总编辑。分析句子成分可知,空处可表示“Ming Bao的总编辑”,用形容词性物主代词its;名词editor-in-chief前有序数词修饰,此处也可用定冠词the。故填its/the。
3.考查非谓语动词。句意:他在1955年至1972年间创作的15部作品为他赢得了有史以来最伟大、最受欢迎的武侠小说家之一的声誉。动词write和15 works之间为被动关系,用过去分词形式作后置定语。故填written。
4.考查名词复数。句意:到他去世时,他是中国最畅销的作家,他的作品在全球销量超过1亿册。copy是可数名词,根据空前的100 million可知,空处应用复数形式。故填copies。
6.考查非谓语动词。句意:他的作品有一种不同寻常的能力,超越了分隔世界华人社区的地理和意识形态障碍,取得了比其他当代作家更大的成功。这里为非谓语动词担当名词ability的后置定语,用动词不定式形式。故填to go。
8.考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:迄今为止,他的作品已被翻译成多种语言,包括英语、法语、韩语、日语、越南语、泰语、缅甸语、马来语和印度尼西亚语。这里为本句谓语动词,根据时间状语“To date”可知,本句时态为现在完成时;主语为“his works”,复数,和动词translate之间为被动关系,所以用被动语态。故填have been translated。
10.考查固定搭配。句意:众所周知,小行星10930金庸(1998 CR2)就是以他的名字命名的。固定搭配:be named after,意为“以……来命名”。故填after。
11.for 12.concerning 13.increasingly 14.As 15.to eat 16.belief 17.others 18.depends 19.added 20.beneficial
11.考查介词。句意:谁不渴望吃到最喜欢的中国菜呢?分析句子可知,空处应为介词,后接名词短语a favorite Chinese dish作宾语;动词短语long for sth表示“渴望某物”,符合句意。故填for。
12.考查介词。句意:但是关于中国食物有一个有趣的概念,这在西方几乎是闻所未闻的,而且正越来越被东方的年轻人所忽视——那就是“食补”的古老习俗。分析句子可知,空处应为介词,后接名词短语Chinese food作宾语;concerning介词,表示“关于”,符合句意。故填concerning。
14.考查定语从句关系词。句意:正如我们所知,滋补食物是为了改善一个人的健康或避免疾病而食用的食物。分析句子可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,修饰主句“tonic food is food that is consumed to improve one’s well-being or avoid sickness. ”,在从句中作主语,且从句在主句前面,故应用关系代词as;句首字母大写。故填As。
15.考查非谓语动词。句意:例如,新妈妈在生完孩子后的第一个月里,每天都要吃麻油火锅,这曾经是一种习俗。根据句中谓语动词“was”可知,空处应为非谓语动词;固定句式it be+a(n)名词单数 for sb to do sth,表示“对某人来说,做某事是一种……”,it作形式主语,动词不定式to do sth为真正的主语,故空处应用动词不定式。故填to eat。
16.考查名词。句意:人们普遍认为,这道菜对肌肉有益,减轻疼痛,改善血液循环,促进排汗,温暖身体。根据“a general”可知,空处应为可数名词单数,作表语;belief名词,表示“信念”,为可数名词,符合句意。故填belief。
17.考查代词。句意:有些食物,如羊肉,被认为是“热性的”,而其他食物,如白菜,被认为是“凉性的”。分析句子及提示词可知,空处应为代词,作主语;根据谓语动词“are seen”可知,应用复数形式others,指代“其他食物”。故填others。
18.考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:然而,人们应该吃多少“热性”或“凉性”食物取决于一年中的时间,食物是如何准备的,用什么来准备的,以及个人的健康状况。分析句子可知,空处应为谓语动词;根据“is prepared”及句意可知,本句应为一般现在时,表示客观事实;主语是从句“how much “hot” or “cold” food one should eat”,故谓语动词应用单数形式。故填depends。
19.考查非谓语动词。句意:枸杞等中草药可以在许多餐馆的菜单上找到,它们要么被添加到果茶中,要么被作为非常有益的添加材料添加到菜肴中。根据句中谓语“can be found”可知,空处应为非谓语动词形式,作状语,与“Chinese herbal medicines”形成被动关系,故应用过去分词形式,表示“被添加到……”。故填added。
21.which 22.has become 23.To find 24.a 25.awarded 26.as 27.had 28.standards 29.agreement 30.Deeply
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了25岁的俄罗斯人马克西姆·鲁班(Maksim Ruban)从中国黄山进口祁门红茶在俄罗斯开网店卖茶叶的故事。
21.考查定语从句。句意:他的公司定期从中国进口茶叶,并在俄罗斯各地开设了网店。空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词His company,指物,在定语从句中作主语,需用关系代词which引导。故填which。
22.考查动词时态。句意:他从小就对中国茶文化着迷。根据时间状语“Ever since he was a little kid”可知,此处使用现在完成时,主语为he,助动词用has。故填has become。
23.考查非谓语动词。句意:为了找到适合自己口味的茶,这个年轻人几乎每年都往返于俄罗斯和中国之间。空处作目的状语,需用动词不定式,位于句首,首字母需大写。故填To find。
25.考查非谓语动词。句意:这里盛产举世闻名的祁门红茶,曾在1915年巴拿马世界博览会上获得金奖。空处需填非谓语动词作后置定语,Keemun black tea和award为逻辑动宾关系,需填过去分词形式。故填awarded。
26.考查介词。句意:祁门红茶与印度的大吉岭红茶、斯里兰卡的锡兰红茶并称为世界三大高香红茶品种。be known as为固定短语,表示“被称作,被认为是”。故填as。
31.productive 32.has been acknowledged 33.experimenting 34.that 35.What 36.to celebrate 37.which 38.divided 39.Despite 40.the
32.考查时态。句意:在过去的几十年里,他在木刻、水墨、诗歌、散文和小说创作以及邮票设计方面的技能得到了认可。根据时间状语over the past decades可知,此处要使用现在完成时,主语His skillfulness为第三人称单数形式,与acknowledge之间为被动关系,使用现在完成时的被动语态,谓语动词使用相应的第三人称单数形式,故填has been acknowledged。
34.考查强调结构。句意:正是这种冒险和尝试新事物的意愿最终使他成为一名艺术家。分析句子结构可知,此处使用了强调句型it was+强调部分+that/who+剩余部分,强调了句中的主语this willingness to take risks and try new things“这种冒险和尝试新事物的意愿”指物,只能用that,故填that。
36.考查非谓语动词。句意:黄之所以家喻户晓,是因为他设计了几枚备受追捧的邮票,包括1980年为庆祝猴年而发行的“金丝猴邮票”,以及他最后的作品中的两套兔年邮票,其中一套展示了一只引起不同意见的蓝兔。分析句子结构可知,句中已含有一个谓语动词,且没有连接词,此处使用非谓语动词,结合句意可知,此处使用不定式作目的状语符合句意,故填to celebrate。
37.考查定语从句。句意:黄之所以家喻户晓,是因为他设计了几枚备受追捧的邮票,包括1980年为庆祝猴年而发行的“金丝猴邮票”,以及他最后的作品中的两套兔年邮票,其中一套展示了一只引起不同意见的蓝兔。分析句子结构可知,此处使用了非限制定语从句,先行词为the Year of Rabbit stamp set of two,指物在从句中作主语,且位于介词后,使用关系代词which,故填which。
40.考查冠词。句意:他一直是一位充满激情和奉献精神的艺术家,直到生命的尽头,他总是愿意突破自己艺术的界限,探索新的艺术视野。短语the end of“……的最后”,故填the。
41.seemed 42.instantly 43.accessible 44.which 45.connected 46.professionals 47.While/Though/Although 48.an 49.over 50.giving
42.考查副词。句意:Skype和Face Time等服务使我们能够即时看到全球各地的任何人并与之交谈。此处修饰并列的动词“see and talk”,应用副词形式,作状语,故填instantly。
44.考查定语从句。句意:与传统的长途电话不同,视频聊天是免费的,它改变了个人和职业交流。分析句子可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是video chatting,关系词在从句中作主语,应用关系代词which引导,故填which。
51.performed 52.excitement 53.featured 54.who 55.were captured 56.dancing 57.a 58.and 59.on 60.unbelievably
52.考查名词。句意:这场演出使观众再次对中国传统艺术和文化感到兴奋。由分析句子成分可知,此处应用名词excitement(不可数)作led to的宾语。故填excitement。
54.考查定语从句。句意:这支舞蹈以一个人物为特色,这个人物来自中国著名的古代绘画《洛神赋》,罗女神是中国神话中伏羲的女儿,据传说,她淹死后成为了女神。空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是the daughter,指代人,用关系代词who引导从句,作主语。故填who。
55.考查动词时态语态和主谓一致。句意:这些动作是在距离地面4.5米的水下拍摄的。分析句子结构可知,空处应为句子的谓语,根据句意可知,此处陈述过去发生的事情,用一般过去时,动词capture与主语之间是被动关系,用被动语态。主谓一致,故填were captured。
56.考查现在分词。句意:在社交媒体上的视频中,可以看到这位水下女演员穿着五颜六色的中国传统服装跳舞。see sb doing sth是固定句式,句中为其被动结构 be seen doing sth“某人被看见正在做某事”,现在分词作主语补足语,和主语之间是主动进行的关系。故填dancing。
57.考查冠词。句意:这支不到两分钟的短舞,被视为当代艺术与中国传统文化的创造性结合。此处a combination of ...“……的结合”为固定搭配,空处应用不定冠词。所连接的单词creative 的发音以辅音开头,故填a。
58.考查并列连词。句意:手表使服装更漂亮,动作更优雅!分析句子并结合句意可知,空处应用并列连词,连接the costume与the moves两个宾语。故填and。
61.a 62.Currently 63.has been used 64.measures 65.which 66.printers 67.to complete 68.closer 69.without 70.themselves
63.考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:这是世界上第一次使用3D打印技术复制如此大规模的文物。This is the first time that...为固定句型,意为“这是第一次……”,从句应用现在完成时。根据句意,从句的主语为3D printing technology,且和动词use之间是动宾关系,所以应用现在完成时的被动语态,且谓语应用单数形式。故填has been used。
64.考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:该石窟的复制品高17.9米,宽13.6米,而主佛像高9.93米。空处作前一分句的谓语。主语为The copy of the cave,表示单数,且和measure“(指尺寸、长短、数量等)量度为”之间是主谓关系,所以应用主动语态,且谓语应用单数形式。根据句中的stands并结合句意,这里陈述的是客观情况,应用一般现在时。故填measures。
65.考查定语从句。句意:在复制过程中,3D技术人员首先收集了大约10000张石窟和佛像的图像,从而建立一个数字模型,然后将其分为842个部分,用多台3D打印机打印。分析句子结构,空处引导一个非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词a digital model,指物,且在从句中作主语,所以应用which引导。故填which。
67.考查不定式。句意:团队花了三个月的时间完成了最后的安装和着色阶段。sth. takes/took sb. some time to do为固定句型,意为“做某事花费某人多长时间”。逻辑主语the team和complete之间是主谓关系,所以应用不定式的一般式。故填to complete。
69.考查介词。句意参考上题。根据空后的“damaging the original objects”,这里是说在不损坏原始文物的情况下更接近珍贵的文物,应用介词without“无,不,没有”。故填without。
70.考查代词。句意参考第8题。根据空前的“the relics”,这里是说遗物本身,应用they的反身代词themselves表示强调,意为“本身”。故填themselves。
71.off 72.and 73.was 74.officially 75.a 76.popularity 77.brought 78.moves 79.hilly 80.to keep
71.考查介词。句意:就像童话故事里的场景一样,位于中国东部沿海嵊山岛上的废弃村庄后头湾最近成为了网络红人和一个不同寻常的旅游热点。分析句子结构可知,此处考查固定搭配off the coast意为“沿海”。故填off。
72.考查连词。句意:就像童话故事里的场景一样,位于中国东部沿海嵊山岛上的废弃村庄后头湾最近成为了网络红人和一个不同寻常的旅游热点。分析句子结构可知,此处an Internet sensation和an unusual travel hotspot两者是并列关系,应该用and连接。故填and。
75.考查冠词。句意:2015年,当一系列关于这个废弃村庄的迷人照片在网上疯传时,后头湾在中国网民中蹿红。分析句子结构可知,此处考查固定搭配:a series of意为“一系列”。故填a。
78.考查名词。句意:经过两年多的规划,后湾——尽管仍然处于相对离网状态——已经实施了一些新的措施来控制和利用这股热潮来发展当地经济。分析句子结构可知,空前是形容词,所以空处应填名词,move意为“行动”,为可数名词,根据空前的a few可知,用复数形式。故填moves。
80.考查非谓语动词。句意:人们在空房子外面张贴指示牌,让游客远离可能的危险。分析句子结构可知,本句已有谓语动词are,所以keep应该用非谓语形式,根据句意,此处表目的,应该用不定式。故填to keep。
81.taking 82.a 83.weighed 84.into 85.what 86.safely 87.residents 88.is 89.excited 90.that/which
【导语】本文改编自China Daily新闻报道。文章讲述了熊猫丫丫受到普遍关注后,最终顺利回国的经历。
81.考查非谓语动词。句意:根据网上分享的图片和视频,大熊猫丫丫被竹子包围,并被给予了一个由葡萄、甘蔗和饼干制成的特殊冰蛋糕,呈现出一个和谐的场景。句中已有谓语动词,所以用非谓语动词。take与pictures and videos shared online是逻辑主谓关系,应用现在分词,表示主动,作结果状语。故填taking。
82.考查冠词。句意:2006年,丫丫开始轻微脱毛,这是一个导致毛皮流失的皮肤问题,2014年情况恶化。a skin issue和前面的shed fur是同位语的关系,这是一种皮肤问题,skin是以辅音音素开头的词,应用不定冠词a。故填a。
83.考查动词的时态和语态。句意:丫丫的健康状况让大多数中国人感到不安。weigh on意为“使……焦虑不安”,根据下文并列句子的时态可知,应用一般过去式。故填weighed。
84.考查介词。句意:自从中国动物园协会收到丫丫健康状况不佳的报告以来,中国专家已经采取行动协助照顾雅雅,以确保她的健康和幸福。固定搭配swing into action意为“立即开始行动”。故填into。
87.考查名词复数。句意:一位当地居民表示:“在丫丫的飞机降落在上海之前,向它招手的人数超出了我们的想象。期待雅雅回归已久的我们,此刻无比激动!至关重要的是,丫丫应该接触到一个熟悉的环境,这对她的健康恢复有很大的好处。”one of后面接复数名词,表示“……之一”的意思。故填residents。
88.考查时态和主谓一致。句意:一位当地居民表示:“在丫丫的飞机降落在上海之前,向它招手的人数超出了我们的想象。期待雅雅回归已久的我们,此刻无比激动!至关重要的是,丫丫应该接触到一个熟悉的环境,这对她的健康恢复有很大的好处。”以the number of“……的数量”做主语时谓语动词用单数;直接引语的谓语动词用一般现在时阐述事实。故填is。
91.discoveries 92.have been made 93.unearthed 94.earlier 95.to 96.ranging 97.and 98.Consequently 99.the 100.what
91.考查名词的数。句意:几十年来,长沙陶器的考古发现是随机发生的,特别是2010年以来,有了窑遗址的重大发现。分析句子可知,空处被形容词Archaeological修饰,作句子的主语,discover的名词形式discovery符合题意,意为“发现”,可数,结合谓语动词have occurred可知,discovery应用复数形式discoveries。故填discoveries。
92.考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:几十年来,长沙陶器的考古发现是随机发生的,特别是2010年以来,有了窑遗址的重大发现。分析句子可知,空处作句子的谓语,时间状语为since 2010,时态应用现在完成时,谓语动词make和主语key findings之间是被动关系,应用现在完成时的被动语态,且主语是复数,助动词用have。故填have been made。
95.考查介词。句意:它们是海上丝绸之路和中外物质文化交流的重要见证。根据“witnesses”可推知,此处用固定短语witness to,意为“……的见证者”,空处应用介词to构成该短语。故填to。
96.考查非谓语动词。句意:考古发现表明,长沙陶器出口到大约30个国家,从东亚和东南亚邻国到北非。分析句子可知,空处作30 countries的后置定语,是非谓语动词,range和30 countries逻辑上是主动关系,应用range的现在分词形式ranging。故填ranging。
101.to visit 102.largest 103.when 104.has been 105.was shot 106.recognition 107.becoming 108.under 109.a 110.influential
101.考查非谓语。句意:宜宾的川南竹海是四川人常去的天然森林。tend to do sth.意为“倾向于做某事”,故填to visit。
104.考查时态。句意:作为全国十大最美丽的森林之一,自2001年奥斯卡获奖影片《卧虎藏龙》在这里拍摄以来,这里一直是一个受欢迎的旅游景点。根据句中的“since”可知,该句时态为现在完成时,故填has been。
105.考查动词时态和语态。句意同上。根据时间状语in 2001可知,此处应用一般过去时,分析句子结构可知,主语Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon与shoot之间是被动关系,故填was shot。
107.考查非谓语。句意:两年后,2003年12月,竹林作为竹林保护区获得遍及全世界范的认可,成为中国第四个获得绿色全球21认证的旅游目的地。分析句子结构可知,此处应填非谓语动词,且the bamboo forest与become之间是主动关系,故填becoming。
108.考查介词。句意:竹海覆盖了宜宾管辖的长宁和江安两个县。under the authority of意为“在……管辖下”,故填under。
109.考查冠词。句意:宋朝诗人黄庭坚惊叹于它的浩瀚,将其形容为“竹波”。根据句意可知,此处作前文Huang Tingjian的同位语,补充说明黄庭坚是一位宋朝诗人,poet首字母的发音为辅音音素开头,故填不定冠词a。
111.to ensure 112.that/who 113.The 114.for 115.is damaged 116.repairs 117.financial 118.gently 119.donated 120.looking
111.考查非谓语动词。句意:确保你的好衣服不被浪费的最好方法是增加它最终被想要的人拥有的机会。the best way to do sth.固定搭配,意为“做某事的最好的方法”,故填to ensure。
114.考查介词。句意:人们越早捐赠不需要的物品,他人对它们的需求就越大。the demand for固定搭配,意为“对……的需求”,故填for。
115.考查时态和语态。句意:如果损坏或弄脏,请勿将其送到旧货店。此处在if引导的状语从句中作谓语,句子面一般性事实,且主语it和动词damage是被动关系,应用一般现在时的被动语态,故填is damaged。
116.考查名词的数。句意:他们没有能力进行维修。do repairs固定搭配,意为“进行维修”,repair此处是名词作宾语,故填repairs。
119.考查非谓语动词。句意:创始人达纳·马洛 (Dana Marlowe) 表示,它们是需求量最大但捐赠最少的产品之一。此处是非谓语动词作定语,修饰名词products,动词donate和products是被动关系,应用过去分词作定语,故填donated。
121.with 122.but 123.popularity 124.worn 125.a 126.was founded 127.to express 128.has been volunteering/has volunteered 129.who/that 130.as
126.考查时态语态。句意:这个社区是在2011年汉服复兴运动之后成立的,该运动源于表达民族认同和日益增长的文化自信的愿望。主语community与谓语构成被动关系,根据后文in 2011可知为一般过去时的被动语态,谓语用单数。故填was founded。
127.考查非谓语动词。句意:这个社区是在2011年汉服复兴运动之后成立的,该运动源于表达民族认同和日益增长的文化自信的愿望。短语desire to do sth.表示“做某事的愿望”。故填to express。
128.考查时态。句意:从那时起,刘就一直志愿支持这个团体。根据上文Since then可知此处可用现在完成时或现在完成进行时,主语为Liu,助动词用has。故填has been volunteering/has volunteered。
131.which 132.to strengthen 133.have found 134.width 135.from/by 136.associated 137.were 138.and 139.that 140.the
131.考查定语从句。句意:负责监督联合国教科文组织世界遗产的龙门石窟研究所宣布了这一消息,因为擂鼓台洞窟在翻新后于周三重新向公众开放。分析可知,本句为非限制性定语从句,先行词为The Longmen Grottoes Research Institute,空处作主语,故填which。
132.考查不定式。句意:这些文物是在擂鼓台南洞西墙翻修期间出土的,据信在16世纪该地区发生地震后的修复工作中被用作加固墙壁的材料。空处应为不定式作目的状语,表示“为了加固墙壁”,故填to strengthen。
133.考查现在完成时。句意:“这是考古学家第一次在龙门石窟的墙内发现雕像,”该研究所历史与人文研究中心主任卢伟告诉《中国日报》。根据空前This is the first time可知空处应为现在完成时,表示“第一次做某事”,故填have found。
134.考查名词。句意:一个保存完好的石佛头,高38厘米,宽22厘米,是令人惊叹的发现之一。根据空前并列成分38 centimeters in height可知空处也为名词,表示“宽度”,in width宽度为……,故填width。
135.考查介词。句意:“从整体外观来看,它具有与盛唐时期相关的鲜明艺术风格,”他说。judging from/by为固定短语,表示“根据……来判断”,空处应为介词,故填from/by。
136.考查固定短语。句意:“从整体外观来看,它具有与盛唐时期相关的鲜明艺术风格,”他说。associated with为固定短语,表示“与……有关”,故填associated。
137.考查系动词。句意:卢说,墙内的遗迹可能是地震后洞穴碎片的一部分。主语the relics inside the wall为复数,句中陈述为过去的事情,空处缺少系动词,故填were。
138.考查连词。句意:“这一发现揭示了唐代的佛教雕像艺术、擂鼓台地区的发展、古代社会经济发展和宗教习俗,”他说。分析可知,the development of the Leigutai area, ancient socioeconomic development与religious practices为并列成分,空处应为连词and,故填and。
139.考查同位语从句。句意:当时,许多皇室成员和贵族都认为建造洞穴会给他们带来好运,因此逐渐形成了大型的龙门石窟。building caves would bring them good fortune具体解释了the belief,为同位语从句,空处在从句中无意义,只起连接作用,故填that。
141.removed 142.The 143.on 144.ethnically 145.what 146.included 147.which 148.while 149.have contributed 150.correspondence
143.考查固定短语。句意:同时,这项研究还揭示了曾经统治东北亚部分地区的游牧帝国的起源和迁徙模式。固定短语:cast light on,意为“揭示了……”,符合句意。故填on。
146.考查非谓语动词。句意:他们发现了他的遗骨,包括一个近乎完整的头骨。这里为非谓语动词引导的独立主格形式;逻辑主语“a nearly complete skull”和动词“include”之间为被动关系,用过去分词形式。故填included。
147.考查定语从句。句意:随着古代DNA研究的最新进展,该研究的合著者、上海复旦大学的文少卿博士和他的团队能够在他的DNA上恢复100多万个单核苷酸多态性,其中一些包含了有关北周武帝皮肤和头发颜色的信息。这里为定语从句的关系词,先行词为“single-nucleotide polymorphisms”,在定语从句中担当介词后的宾语,用关系代词which引导。故填which。
149.考查时态。句意:通过分析武帝的DNA,研究团队发现这位皇帝中风的风险增加,这可能是他去世的原因之一。这里为从句的谓语动词,情态动词之后用动词原形;主语为“which”,即“the emperor was at an increased risk for stroke”,和短语“contribute to”之间为主动关系,且强调过去事情对现在的影响,用现在完成时。故填have contributed。
150.考查固定短语。句意:这一发现与历史记录相符,这些历史记录描述了这位皇帝患有失语症、眼睑下垂和步态异常——可能是中风的症状。考查固定短语:in correspondence with,意为“与……一致或相符”,符合句意。故填correspondence。
151.and 152.received 153.which 154.repeats 155.To accomplish 156.or 157.how 158.negotiating 159.equally 160.interactions
151.考查连词。句意:通信是发送者和接收者之间交换信息的过程。分析句子可知, a sender和a receiver为并列关系,所以这里应用并列连词and。故填and。
152.考查时态语态。句意:该消息随后被接收者接收并解码。分析句子可知,这里考查谓语动词, This message与receive为被动关系,此空应填过去分词形式,与前面is构成一般现在时的被动语态。故填received。


