
  1. 二一教育资源



My parents worked very hard at ensuring that everything seemed pleasant and peaceful for me. I had a very calm childhood and I mostly ignored the fact that my elder sister was different. The child psychologist had term edit as “Asperger Syndrome”(阿斯伯格综合征). This diagnosis turned my parents’ world upside down, but they never let it affect me.
Only at the age often, I started to notice the differences, and became conscious of my social life and self-image that I had carefully cultivated. My sister, on the other hand, was socially awkward. She could not look at people in the eye. She would mumble(咕哝) to herself and repeat the words she had just said under her breath. She, however, was academically capable and hence we attended the same primary school. Despite this, I never, ever acknowledged in public that she was my sister. It was the incident that changed how I viewed my sister. It was the incident that changed me.
Being in primary six, about to graduate, my sister and her fellows had to put up a performance, whether in a group or individually. Due to her inability to integrate, my sister was the only one left without a group. The school had made it compulsory for everyone to put up an item, so my sister had to perform individually.” I’ll sing,” my sister told my parents, somewhat confidently. Hearing that, I was taken a back and completely shocked. How could my sister, who was socially awkward, sing in front of the school I knew so very well that if I allowed this to happen, she would embarrass me, one way or another. “No!” I protested. My parents shot me a look and then turned to my sister, saying “Good idea!” That was when I knew my sister was going to perform anyway and I was going to be part of the audience watching her.
I sat in the hall, waiting for her performance to start.
Finally, my sister started to sing.
【答案】One possible version:
I sat in the hall, waiting for her performance to start. The lights dimmed and the velvet curtains parted to reveal the only solo—my sister. It took about a whole minute for her to stammer her name and class, and soon murmurs were heard in the audience. “Why is she taking so long ” people around me asked. I shifted nervously in my seat, wishing I were somewhere else. I felt my own heart start to race. “No one knows she is my sister.” I comforted myself.
Finally, my sister started to sing. At first her voice was shaky but gradually she composed herself. Her tone was so pure and beautiful, and the notes were flawless, which quieted the audience. I watched in wonder and listened intently, guilt and shame washing over me. So self-absorbed was I that I had failed to see the beauty in my sister. After her performance, I walked up to her and hugged her tightly. It was my sister who taught me the value of acceptance, compassion, and empathy.
使镇静:compose/calm down
Her tone was so pure and beautiful, and the notes were flawless, which quieted the audience.(运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
It was my sister who taught me the value of acceptance, compassion, and empathy.(运用了强调句)
Ryan lost his parents in an accident when he was only two. Since then, his grandma,Elsa, raised him alone, and tried to provide him with everything he needed.
When Ryan was 15, his grandma retired from her company. She had prepared much of her savings for Ryan’s college education, so she just took on a part-time job to cover the daily bills. However, Ryan disliked his grandma’s part-time job. She worked as a cleaning lady at a nearby park and he was afraid one of his classmates would see his grandma and think lowly of them.
One day,Ryan was chosen to act the lead role in a school play. All others acting in the play invited their families to the big opening night, but Ryan was too ashamed to invite his grandma. Unfortunately for him,EIsa saw the flyer (宣传单) of the play while she was cleaning Ryan’s room. That night, when having the dinner in the living room, she talked to Ryan about the flyer, saying she would love to attend.
“You won’t be attending, grandma,” he shouted. Hearing that, Elsa wanted to know why. Finally, Ryan broke, “It’s because I don’t want my friends to find out you’re a cleaning lady!“ Elsa was shocked. She was hurt, and couldn’t find the words to respond to her grandson. Instead, she silently went to her room and cried all night long.
Little did Ryan know — his grandma kept working because of him. If she had the choice, she would rather stay at home and enjoy her retirement, but she knew she had to make money so that Ryan could continue living comfortably. And although Elsa was sad about Ryan’s behavior, she continued working.
Elsa’s legs and back had been experiencing bad pains for long because of her work. And she just secretly took painkillers (止痛药)without telling Ryan about her illness. However, the terrible thing happened.One Sunday morning at home, she found herself unable to stand up.
Soon, Ryan found it and rushed her to the hospital.
Ryan decided to say sorry to grandma.
【答案】One possible version:
Soon, Ryan found it and rushed her to the hospital. Worried and anxious, Ryan waited restlessly outside the emergency room. After what seemed an endless wait, the door opened. Out came the doctor and EIsa in a wheelchair, Ryan was informed Elsa’s illness was just a result of overwork. Luckily, it wasn’t deadly. Ryan let out a sigh of relief. At that moment, memories came flooding back. He recalled everything Grandma had done for him. Realizing Elsa was hiding her pain, he felt regretful about his previous hurtful words.
Ryan decided to say sorry to grandma. Turning to her, he knelt down, grasping her hand, and apologized sincerely to her, “Sorry, grandma. I shouldn’t have shouted like that.” Elsa just smiled and comforted him. Days after Elsa felt better, Ryan surprised her by taking her to his school. She was seated in the front row of the school hall. “My performance is for my selfless, hardworking and loving grandma!” Ryan said before they started the play. A wave of applause echoed in the hall, and Elsa was proudly in tears.
①意识到:realize/be aware
②道歉:apologize/make an apology
③坐:be seated/sit
②自豪:proudly/with pride
【点睛】[高分句型1] After what seemed an endless wait, the door opened. (运用了连接代词what引导的宾语从句)
[高分句型2] Out came the doctor and EIsa in a wheelchair, Ryan was informed Elsa’s illness was just a result of overwork.(运用了副词out位于句首引起的全部倒装)
[高分句型3] Turning to her, he knelt down, grasping her hand, and apologized sincerely to her, “Sorry, grandma. I shouldn’t have shouted like that.”(运用了现在分词作状语)
On a dark snowy night, Arthur Stick was returning home after a difficult shift. He worked as a truck driver in Texas, taking several shift s a week because he had a sick daughter, Kate, who needed urgent surgery, but he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to raise enough money for it.
Kate was diagnosed with a cyst(囊肿) shortly after birth. The doctors told Arthur and his wife Maria that she needed an operation as soon as possible; otherwise, it could pose a threat to the little girl’s life. The parents decided they would do whatever it took to save their daughter and began saving money right away.
It was too black outside with no visibility. Arthur was driving slowly, thinking of solutions to his problem when he noticed a shadow in the middle of the road. He hit the brakes and came to a complete stop, rubbing his eyes and looking more closely. A human figure—a woman lying unconscious in the middle of the road!
Arthur picked up the woman, carried her to his truck, quickly changed his route and drove straight to the hospital. About 10 minutes later, they finally arrived. “It’s an emergency! Please call the doctor!” he screamed at the top of his lungs.
The woman was admitted right away.
The next day, Arthur went to the hospital to see the woman.
The woman was Alice, who was a rich businesswoman. Alice expressed her gratitude to him and told him the whole story about how she ended up on the road. “Thank you so much, Arthur. You’re a really generous soul. I heard you drove me to the hospital last night and that you come here frequently with your daughter.”
“Is everything alright ” Alice went on to ask.
A week later, good news came that Arthur had received funding for Kate’s surgery.
【答案】 “Is everything alright ”Alice went on to ask. Arthur’s eyes welled up. “Sadly, that’s true. My daughter is ill, and she needs to be operated on. However, I am concerned about what will happen if we’re unable to save enough money for it. I don’t want to lose my daughter.”Alice assured him that everything would be fine. And then, Arthur wiped his tears and quietly left the room, feeling terrible that if God could help him save a stranger, why he was testing him so much when it came to his daughter.
A week later, good news came that Arthur had received funding for Kate’s surgery. He, along with Maria, couldn’t contain their excitement and left for the hospital to confirm all of the details and set a date for the operation. When they arrived, they were surprised to meet Alice. “Alice Is it you that paid for my daughter’s operation ” Arthur’s eyes welled up once more. “That’s the least I can do, Arthur.” Alice said. To their great relief, Kate’s operation was very successful. The dark snowy night marked the end of Arthur’s misery as well as Alice’s.
【导语】本文以时间发展为线索展开。在一个漆黑的雪夜,Arthur Stick正在开车回家。在路上 ,他注意到路中间有一个人。于是他抱起那个女人,把她抬到他的卡车上,迅速改变路线,直奔医院。第二天,Arthur Stick去医院看望了那个叫爱丽丝的女人。爱丽丝是个有钱的女商人。爱丽丝向他表达了她的感激之情,同时提到她听说Arthur Stick经常带着他的女儿来医院看病。
【详解】1. 段落续写
①根据第一段首句““一切都好吗 ”爱丽丝继续问。”可知,接下来的段落可以描述Arthur Stick向爱丽丝讲述自己女儿患病的事情,同时提及自己正在努力给女儿筹钱看病。
②根据第二段首句“一周后,好消息传来,亚瑟收到了凯特手术的资金。”可知,接下来的段落可以描述Arthur Stick对此很激动,同时到医院确保手术的细节。在医院得知是爱丽丝支付了女儿的手术费,Kate的手术很成功。
2. 续写线索
3. 词汇激活
①担心:be concerned about/be worried about
However, I am concerned about what will happen if we’re unable to save enough money for it.(运用了what引导的宾语从句和if引导的条件状语从句)
Alice assured him that everything would be fine. (运用了that引导的宾语从句)
The day I heard that the Rainbow Bookstore was closing after fifty years of business, I was heartbroken. The bookstore was a place where anyone in the neighborhood could drop in and connect through their love of books.
When I hurried to the store, I saw the books were being packed into boxes. Sighing deeply, the store’s elderly owner, Casey, told me how it was becoming difficult to run an independent bookstore. Most young people preferred reading e-books on tablets. Customers were being attracted by chain stores and online discounts. I tried to think of some words of sympathy, but I had to admit that the Rainbow Bookstore couldn’t stay in business much longer.
Childhood memories came flooding back. A bunch of us kids would frequently drop by the store after school, looking at the new books, or just chatting with old Casey. He knew every book in the store and would always pick the perfect one for us. We spent hours reading, seated on the store’s old, but comfortable furniture. Casey encouraged us to share our ideas and comments on the books by writing them on a large board in one corner of the store.
When I left the bookstore, it was becoming cold and dark outside. I turned to wave goodbye to Casey, but both he and his bookstore were already hidden in a thick mist. It made me realize that the bookstore and all that old Casey had given to the community could soon disappear for good.
A few months later, I was back in the neighborhood from my vacation and was surprised to see that the Rainbow Bookstore was still there and open for business. Its old brick outside hadn’t changed, but inside it was like a different world. Clearly, the Rainbow Bookstore was in good and creative hands.
I was told that the community had decided to work together on a campaign to save the Rainbow Bookstore. The campaign had been led by Jennifer Oakley, a saleswoman who had grown up in the neighborhood and who was helping Casey run the bookstore.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150词左右。
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
With Jennifer’s help, the bookstore was being turned into a different place.
I suddenly saw Casey, who was reading readers’ comments on the big screen, and joined him.
With Jennifer’s help, the bookstore was being turned into a different place. In one area, a book reading was being delivered. Nearby, customers were pouring over shelves selling stationery, posters and other best-seller-themed gifts. The large board in the corner had been replaced by a big screen, where customers’ comments on the month’s best-seller were being displayed. It also became a place for literature-loving members to get together to participate in various community events, where people could share an experience that couldn’t be downloaded.
I suddenly saw Casey, who was reading readers’ comments on the big screen, and joined him. “Well, as you can see, business knowledge combined with creativity has brought my humble bookstore into the 21st century! I’m so pleased to see that everything I wanted it to offer to the community is still here.” Casey said with emotion, tears welling up in his eyes. Patting his shoulder, I felt truly lucky for both Casey and myself to still have the bookstore in the neighborhood to provide people with not only knowledge but also precious memories.
【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了当作者听说经营了五十年的彩虹书店要关门的那天,作者的心都碎了,作者回忆起童年时代一群孩子放学后经常去书店,看看新书,或者只是和店主凯西聊天,作者意识到,书店和老凯西给社区带来的一切可能很快就会永远消失,几个月后,作者度假回来,惊讶地发现彩虹书店还在那里,而且还在营业,但里面却像是一个不同的世界,作者被告知,社区决定共同发起一场拯救彩虹书店的运动,这场运动是由Jennifer Oakley领导的,她是一名售货员,在附近长大,正在帮助凯西经营书店。
①代替:replace/take the place of
②参加:participate in/take part in
②激动地:with emotion/with agitation
【点睛】[高分句型1] The large board in the corner had been replaced by a big screen, where customers’ comments on the month’s best-seller were being displayed. (由where引导的非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] It also became a place for literature-loving members to get together to participate in various community events, where people could share an experience that couldn’t be downloaded. (由where引导的非限制性定语从句和that引导的限制性定语从句)
Monday morning at school started off exactly like any other school morning. It wasn’t until they reached the third-grade classroom that Roger Clark and his classmates noticed the difference. Instead of a cozy circle, the desks and chairs had been rearranged in stiff, rigid rows. The point to Roger Clark wasn’t that the desks had been rearranged. The point was, why As if in answer, he heard two hands clap behind him. “What’s this, what’s this ” barked a demanding voice.
She was tall and straight as a ruler, and was wearing an out-of-fashion suit and a skirt that was nearly to the ankles. She bore a plant in one arm and a book in the other. “I am Miss Orville. 0-r-v-i-l-l-e,” she spelled, “I am beyond trickery (诡计), so I advise you to try none. You are to be in my charge until the return of your normal teacher, however long that may be.”
She started to check their weekend homework, and Roger couldn’t escape it. He opened his book bag. It slid and, with a crash, fell to the floor. Books, pencil case spilled out. Baseball cards, water pistol, police whistle, kite string. . . “Ah,” crowed Miss Orville, instantly at his desk. “We have come to play, have we ”
From Monday to Thursday, Miss Orville was fixing her eyes on almost everything: piles of homework, arrangement of chairs and rules of classroom. It annoyed some students a lot, especially Roger.
Then it was Friday. Before lunch, Miss Orville told the class, “I am happy to inform you that your normal teacher will be back on Monday. This afternoon will be my final session with you.”
At lunch in the basement cafeteria, the third grade talked of nothing except how to play a trick on Mill Orville. “That old plant she’s always caring for,” suggested Roger, “We could tear off all the leaves. That’d show her.”
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
After lunch in class, Miss Orville was staring at the plant.
Hearing Miss Orville’s words, Roger was in regret and decided to tell the truth.
【答案】 After lunch in class, Miss Orville was staring at the plant. She looked very serious, even with a hint of sadness when she bent down to pick up the torn leaves. Surprisingly, she calmly said, “I want to tell you a story about this plant.”. Through her story, we knew that Miss Orville’s family was very poor when she was in primary school. Just she was about to give up her school work when her teacher Mr. Green gave her this plant, hoping that she could always maintain a love for life. It was the plant and Mr. Green’s words that made her decide to become a primary school teacher.
Hearing Miss Orville’s words, Roger was in regret and decided to tell the truth.Roger stood up with a blush and whispered, “I’m sorry Miss Orville, I broke that plant.”. Miss Orville didn’t say anything. At that moment, we suddenly realized what she did was just to help us get rid of bad habits. We suddenly felt ashamed, so we all stood up and said, “Dear Miss Orville, thank you for teaching us this week. We love you very much.”. At that moment, we saw Miss Orvills’s pleased smile.
①弯腰:bend down/bend over
②放弃:give up/abandon
【点睛】[高分句型1] Through her story, we knew that Miss Orville’s family was very poor when she was in primary school.(由从属连词that引导的宾语从句作knew的宾语和连词when引导的时间状语从句)
[高分句型2] It was the plant and Mr. Green’s words that made her decide to become a primary school teacher.(由It was+被强调部分+that+其它构成的强调句强调主语the plant and Mr. Green’s words)
Max loved action comics and movies. He worked in the car park of a big supermarket. It didn’t seem to be a good job, but Max didn’t have any qualifications. This was the best job he could find. Max collected the shopping carts (购物车) that shoppers left in the car park. He took the shopping carts back to the entrance of the supermarket. It was sometimes hard work but it was not difficult. So Max had a lot of spare time to dream. He dreamed of being a hero, like Superman or Batman. Of course, his dreams were crazy but as Max told himself, dreams were free of charge.
Today it was very wet and windy. Max was wearing a long blue raincoat that had the name of the supermarket on the back. Max was standing next to a row of carts. He would push them together and then he would take them all back to the supermarket door. He looked around to see if there were any more left in the car park. Though there were designated (指定的) places for shoppers to leave the carts after shopping, some people were still so lazy that they just left them where they thought it was convenient for them. Just then Max saw two young boys in jackets wandering around aimlessly.
“They seem like students. They should be in school,” Max thought, “What are they doing here ” He then saw a small lady pushing a cart towards her car. The cart was full of shopping bags. She looked old and the weather was very bad. “I’ll go and take her cart for her,” Max said to himself.
Max started walking across the car park. The lady put her cart behind her car. She walked to her car door to unlock it when the two boys ran towards the cart. They immediately took the cart and quickly pushed it towards the road. The lady was terribly shocked and began to cry out.
注意: 1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
“Hey, you! What are you doing ” shouted Max.
Max grasped the shopping cart and pushed it back to the car park of the supermarket.
【答案】One possible version:
“Hey, you! What are you doing ” shouted Max. As fast as he could, Max ran towards the boys. Hearing his shouts, the frightened boys ran even faster. “Stop! Stop!” Max shouted as he kept running. The boys ran to the corner. There was a bus coming. They had to stop. They turned around and saw Max, whose long coat was blowing in the wind. He looked more like a Batman, or a Superman. The boys were so scared that they left the cart and quickly disappeared into the crowd.
Max grasped the shopping cart and pushed it back to the car park of the supermarket. The little old lady was still waiting anxiously outside her car. The store manager had come. It was quite clear that the lady had been deeply frightened. The manager was trying to comfort her. Max walked up to her and said regrettably, “I couldn’t catch the bad boys, but here is your shopping.” “Oh, thank you!” the lady said. “You are a hero.” Max’s face turned red. Though he didn’t think of himself as a hero, he really felt proud of himself.
由第一段首句内容““嘿,你们! 你们在做什么”马克斯喊道。”可知,第一段可描写Max追赶男孩,帮助老妇人推回购物车的经过。
①转身:turn around/face about/turn about
②消失:disappear/vanish/die away
③走向:walk up to/move towards/head for/approach
②感谢:thank/showing his appreciation/show his gratitude/be grateful
③自豪:feel proud of/take pride in
【点睛】[高分句型1]. Hearing his shouts, the frightened boys ran even faster. (现在分词作状语)
[高分句型2]. They turned around and saw Max, whose long coat was blowing in the wind.(whose引导非限制性定语从句)
Every year, the whales stopped in our cove during their six-thousand-mile trip south from the Bering Sea. They swam right into the cove next to our town and stayed there for days. You could see them splashing their tails and looking at everyone on the beach.
People came from far away to see those huge and amazing creatures. The whales seemed to like the attention. They would dive and spout water almost as if they were performing for us. I couldn’t imagine feeling so comfortable with all those people watching me. Just the idea of performing made me freeze up like a block of ice.
I loved spending time at the cove when no one else was around. I felt too shy to sing in front of people, but the whales were a great audience! They swam and jumped in the cove while I sang. They seemed to like my songs, and I knew they would never let out my secret. I hadn’t told my family or friends about my songs. I wasn’t ready to share my music yet.
While I was walking along the rocks one day, I spotted an unusual shape in the water next to the beach. It was a whale! The whale wasn’t moving at all, and much of it was out of the water. I realized that it must have swum too close to the shore and gotten stuck. I knew I wasn’t big enough to push the whale out to deeper water. Still, I had to do something, so I turned and ran back down the beach for help.
I spotted my sister Rosa coming toward me. “Rosa!” I shouted loudly. “Quick, go home and get help—a whale is stuck!” Rosa hesitated for a second, then turned and ran toward home. I went back to keep watch. Soon, my mom and dad came rushing and I showed them where the whale was. “We need to get this whale back in the sea!” Dad said. “Tomas, you and Rosa keep the whale wet while we run and get help.” Rosa and I waded(涉水)into the water next to the whale and began to water it.
Paragraph 1:
Even though Rosa and I were keeping it wet, the whale was trembling with fear.
Paragraph 2:
I continued singing to keep the whale calm and a while later, the entire town came.
【答案】One possible version:
Even though Rosa and I were keeping it wet, the whale was trembling with fear. Watching its shaking body, I was on the verge of tears. Then, an idea took shape in my head. “I’ll sing to it!” I said to Rosa. “You sing ” Rosa asked, puzzled. Nodding my head, I tried to use my music to comfort the huge creature. “Sing louder, the whale is relaxing!” Rosa exclaimed. So I sang louder. The whale did seem more relaxed. It wasn’t trembling as much anymore.
I continued singing to keep the whale calm and a while later, the entire town came. They immediately joined us in watering the whale, though they seemed to be astonished at my singing aloud. At last, the tide reached its highest point and our whale struggled out into the sea with everyone’s push. Breathing a sigh of relief, everyone began to clap and cheer, not only for the whale’s safety but also for my music. I had thought it would be rather embarrassing to share my song, but now it made me feel good and great.
①安抚:comfort /relieve
③努力:struggle /strive
①困惑的:puzzled /confused
②惊讶的:astonished /surprised
【点睛】[高分句型1] Watching its shaking body, I was on the verge of tears. (运用了现在分词作状语)
[高分句型2] They immediately joined us in watering the whale, though they seemed to be astonished at my singing aloud. (运用了though引导让步状语从句)
“Mumma, I am going to the morning walk”, Rohan screamed while his mother was cooking in the kitchen.
His mother who was engaged in her work replied casually, and he went away. It was bitter cold outside. Though he had his cap and muffler (厚手套) with him, he could still perceive much cold. He followed his daily routine when something different happened to him. There laid a small puppy on the other side of the road, just beside a canal, who seemed shivering and trembling with the cold. He went towards it, looked into its eyes, experienced its pain and couldn’t help but pick it up on his hands. It was voiceless, but expressed everything to the boy, without any language.
There was no other thought which stroked his mind and he decided to take that puppy with him to his home. Then came a thought of his mother, who never liked dogs and restricted whenever possible. But his compassionate feeling overcame all his fears and he went back to his home, holding the puppy in his hands. He headed on towards his home though he wanted not to go and thought if he could delay his arrival at his home, but no way possible …
After five minutes of thoughtful walk, he reached his home, where was his mother, who was surely to be annoyed with a puppy in his hands. He got inside his home and underwent what was expected. His mother asked furiously “What is it ”, and continued a number of questions when Rohan uttered a single sentence “Mumma, he needs us”, which made her mother believe “What Love is”.
And his mother remembered the words of her favourite teacher “Love is the feeling to help someone when he is in need, knowing there would be barriers” .
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
His mother allowed that puppy to stay with them.
Then came the day when Rohan had to leave home to study abroad.
【答案】One possible version 1
His mother allowed that puppy to stay with them. Surprised but overjoyed, Rohan thanked his mother and then found a warm place to settle him. About two hours later, the trembling puppy recovered and became full of life. He looked so cute and adorable that Rohan fell in deep love with him immediately. From then on, apart from feeding and walking him, Rohan played with him and even trained him to behave well every day after school. Gradually, he became attached to Rohan and familiar with the whole family.
Then came the day when Rohan had to leave home to study abroad. Worried about his companion, Rohan hated to part from the family. Sensing Rohan’s unease, his mother went over and told him that she was willing to take care of him during his absence. She also said she knew he needed them and that there should be no barrier to love. Deeply moved and grateful, Rohan hugged his mother. The dog wagged his tail around them, seeming to understand what was happening. With his bags packed, Rohan said good-bye to his family and set out on his journey with great relief.
One possible version 2
His mother allowed that puppy to stay with them. Rohan thanked his mother many times, rushed into the bathroom (puppy in hand) and showered the puppy. From then on Rohan and the puppy accompanied each other, played and grew together. At first, the little creature was cautious and shy, but gradually he became familiar with the family and accepted “Puppy” as his name. Every morning Puppy would see Rohan off to school reluctantly. Every evening he would welcome Rohan back home, wagging his tail and licking Rohan passionately. The two were just like peas and carrots.
Then came the day when Rohan had to leave home to study abroad. He repeatedly asked his mother to take good care of Puppy before he tore himself away from home. Mom took over his daily routine. She and Puppy accompanied each other and played with each other. Every morning and evening she would walk Puppy to the park and the two had great fun. One evening, when Rohan video-called his mother, Puppy appeared on the screen, licking his mother’s cheeks now and the screen then. Seeing this, Rohan thanked his mother wholeheartedly. “Son, he needs us.” his mother stroked Puppy on the head, smiling, “and we need him.”
②照顾:take care of /attend to
③出发:set out/start off
①高兴的:overjoyed /happy
②轻松地:with great relief/ with ease
【点睛】[高分句型1] He looked so cute and adorable that Rohan fell in deep love with him immediately. (运用了so...that句型)
[高分句型2] The dog wagged his tail around them, seeming to understand what was happening. (运用了what引导的宾语从句和现在分词作状语)
[高分句型3] Sensing Rohan’s unease, his mother went over and told him that she was willing to take care of him during his absence. (运用了that引导的宾语从句和现在分词作状语)
It was my job to watch my younger brother, Jack, and sister, Kelly, as we walked home from school.
“I’m tired,” Kelly whined “and hungry.” “Me too,” added Jack So we stopped to rest. “What do you think Mama is cooking ” I asked. “Noodles!” Kelly said. “Barbecue!” said Jack “Come on.” I stood up. “We need to keep walking.”
At a busy corner, I noticed a street banner, reading “First Walking Race to Jasan Park! Climb the Mountain to Win a Washing Machine.”
It might be fun to race. But could I walk fast enough to win
At home, Mama was working in the kitchen. We had only a single burner stove, so it often took ages to prepare a meal. Sometimes when father came back from work, Mama was still cooking with the single burner stove.
Afterward, Mama and I washed dishes. When Mama pulled out two metal laundry tubs, her smile disappeared. I knew doing laundry hurt Mama’s back and knees. Mama heated a kettle of water on the single burner stove and filled a tub. She filled the other with cold water. Then kneeling, Mama began scrubbing shirts.
Then we carried the wet laundry to the flat roof, where Mama hung it to dry. On roof tops all over the city, clothes and towels danced in the wind. I loved being on the roof with Mama, but I wished we hadn’t had so much housework. Then I would have had more time to play with friends.
How I wish we would have a washing machine! Both Mama and I would be happy.
I remembered the banner and told Mama about it. Mama sighed, ”Maria, many people will enter that race. You can not expect to win.”
On the race day, I woke up early. I laced up my shoes and put on a head band. Mama kissed the top of my head. “Be careful and be safe. Just keep walking!” Mama said.
At the foot of the mountain, large crowds of people gathered.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Then the race began.
With the big cardboard box aside, I rang the doorbell of our house.
【答案】One possible version
Then the race began. As if a wave of enthusiasm had swept through the crowd, participants surged forward. I raced along, my heart pounding with expectations. With each step, I imagined the convenience a washing machine would bring to our daily lives. The thought of making Mama’s chores easier fueled my determination to persevere. The crowd cheered as I reached the finish line. I had made it! Laughing from ear to ear, I received a big cardboard box.
With the big cardboard box aside, I rang the doorbell of our house. Mama opened the door, her eyes widening in surprise. I couldn’t contain my excitement as I explained the whole story. Mama’s smile returned, and the burdensome routine of scrubbing shirts on her knees would become a distant memory. “Your words of ‘Keep walking’ encouraged me to go on.” I told Mama sincerely. Mama’s eyes were bright with a mix of joy and pride. Father, Jack and Kelly joining us, we shared a moment of triumph that went beyond the race itself. The washing machine, standing quietly in the corner, symbolized not just a prize but also the determination.
①到达:reach/arrive at
②坚持:persevere/stick to
【点睛】[高分句型1] The crowd cheered as I reached the finish line. (运用了as引导时间状语从句)
[高分句型2] The washing machine, standing quietly in the corner, symbolized not just a prize but also the determination. (运用了现在分词作状语)
10.(23-24高二上·江苏连云港·期末)阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
It all started at tea-time. Mrs. Bendall, Dicky’s mother, and Mrs. Spears, who was spending the afternoon with her, were quietly sitting and sewing (做针线活)in the drawing room. The children were eating their bread and butter nicely and quietly, and the servant girl had just poured out the milk and water, when Dicky suddenly took the bread plate, put it upside down on his head, and held the bread knife tightly.
“Look at me!” he shouted.
His shocked sisters looked, and before the servant girl could get there, the bread plate shook, slid to the floor and broke into small pieces. At this awful point the little girls lifted up their voices and shouted their loudest.
“Mother, come and look what he’s done!”
“Dicky’s broken a great plate!”
“Come and stop him, mother!”
Can you imagine how mother came running But she was too late. Dicky had jumped out of his chair, run through the window on to the veranda(走廊), and, well—there she stood—helpless. What could she do She couldn’t chase after the child. She couldn’t hunt for Dicky through the apple trees. That would be undignified (不 体面的).
“Very well, Dicky, ” she cried, “I shall have to think of some way of punishing you.”
Seeing this, Mrs. Spears said, “Oh, my dear. I’m sure you make a great mistake in trying to bring up children without beating them. Nothing really takes its place.” “Believe me. There is nothing like handing the naughty kid to his father,” she added.
Mrs. Bendall, deep inside, was terribly shocked to hear the advice. But Mrs. Spears seemed to take it as a normal thing, so she did it too.
The children had gone to bed before Dicky’s father Edward came back. Mrs. Bendall rushed to him, “You have to beat Dicky.”
“But why on earth should I start beating him ” responded Edward. “We’ve never done it before.”
After he heard the reason, a burst of anger went through him.
Instead of beating him, Edward decided to talk openly with Dicky.
【答案】After he heard the reason, a burst of anger went through him. Edward couldn’t believe that Dicky had been so uncontrollable. He had always believed in gentle and understanding parenting. Edward sat down with Dicky and asked him to explain his actions. Dicky, feeling regretful, admitted that he had acted foolishly. He explained that he had done it to get attention, as he often felt left out when his mother was busy with guests or his sisters. Edward realized Dicky’s need for more attention and guidance.
Instead of beating him, Edward decided to talk openly with Dicky. He explained how his actions affected the family. He also promised to spend more quality time with him and make him feel valued. This incident became a turning point in their relationship. Dicky learned the importance of expressing his feelings and needs in a more appropriate way while Edward understood the significance of being a patient and attentive father. They both grew closer through communication, proving that violence was not necessary to teach important life lessons.
【点睛】[高分句型1]. He explained that he had done it to get attention, as he often felt left out when his mother was busy with guests or his sisters. (运用了that引导的宾语从句和when引导的时间状语从句)
[高分句型2]. Dicky, feeling regretful, admitted that he had acted foolishly. (运用了that引导的宾语从句)
“Let’s welcome the new arrival!” said Mrs. White. When Kevin went straight to the blackboard, he overheard his new classmates’ comments. “Look at his shabby and wrinkled sneakers!” He felt his face flushed (脸红). “My name is Ke … vin!” The whole class burst out laughing except one boy in red.
At the thought of the sharp remarks, Kevin felt depressed. All the heartbroken memories crowding in, he was about to sob when he felt a gentle pat on his back. “Hey, my name is Mike,” he said and shook hands with Kevin. Kevin’s face lit up immediately. Soon the two boys became good friends. They found they had a lot in common — both of them liked soccer. From then on, they played soccer every afternoon after school. Unable to afford a ball, Mike made a ball out of old socks bound together with plastic tape.
The sun was shining and the ball was spinning across the grass as the two friends laughed and shouted with joy. Suddenly, the ball stopped when a new sneaker pinned it to the ground. It was Steven. “A stupid ball,” Steven said scornfully (轻蔑地).
The next morning, Kevin received an envelope from his uncle, in which there was a 100-dollar bill. He bought a pair of brand-new shoes and a new soccer ball. The next day, Steven invited Kevin to play soccer on the playground. When Kevin saw Mike sitting on the old bench waiting for him, he hugged his new soccer ball to the chest and ignored his friend. Mike sat there silently, tears rolling down his cheeks.
1. 续写的词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡相应位置作答。
One day as Kevin walked past the old bench, he saw the home-made ball under it with a note.
Holding the home-made ball, Kevin sat on the bench and waited.
【答案】Para 1:
One day as Kevin walked past the old bench, he saw the home-made ball under it with a note. He picked up the note and read, “Kevin, remember the fun we had playing with this ball It doesn’t matter what kind of ball we use, as long as we enjoy playing together. Don’t let a new soccer ball or a pair of new shoes change our friendship. Let’s play soccer together again!” Kevin looked at the home-made ball and felt a pang of guilt. He realized that he had been too caught up in his own excitement and had forgotten about the true value of their friendship.
Para 2:
Holding the home-made ball, Kevin sat on the bench and waited. Soon, Mike appeared with a smile on his face. “Kevin, I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable yesterday,” Mike said. Kevin looked at him and smiled. “It’s me who should apologize. I forgot about the true meaning of our friendship.” The two boys hugged each other and began to play with the home-made ball. Kevin realized that it didn’t matter what they had or didn’t have; it was the shared experiences and the bond of friendship that truly mattered.
【详解】1. 段落续写:
2. 续写线索:看到纸条——阅读纸条——感到内疚——道歉和好——明白友谊的真谛
3. 词汇激活
①记住:remember /keep...in mind
③意识到:realize/be aware of
【点睛】【高分句型1】It doesn’t matter what kind of ball we use, as long as we enjoy playing together. (运用了as long as引导条件状语从句)
【高分句型2】Kevin realized that it didn’t matter what they had or didn’t have; it was the shared experiences and the bond of friendship that truly mattered. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
Counting the votes took about five minutes, but it seemed like hours. At last, after three long years, the “PCHS” letters on my uniform would soon be edged with gold cording (金线), identifying me as the important Captain of Polk County High School cheerleaders (啦啦队员), which was quite an accomplishment before I ended my school days in a blaze of glory. As Coach Maguire prepared to announce, I inched to the edge of my seat, ready to spring to my feet as soon as she said my name.
“Girls,” she began, “it is my pleasure to announce that Terry Shaw has been elected Captain of Polk County High School cheerleading team.” A resounding cheer was heard throughout the gym. How could this be I hadn’t missed a practice or a game in three years. Terry couldn’t claim this flawless record.
Everyone gathered around Terry with congratulations, but I was glued to my seat. It felt like she had stolen my moment and dream. After a few minutes, I walked over to Terry on shaky legs and managed a “Good luck, Terry,” in a whisper that barely masked my urge to cry. Terry hugged me close and said, “I wasn’t expecting this, Annie. What a shock!” I didn’t reply with mean words but deep inside I wanted to do just that.
All the way home, I sobbed. There was no way I was going to stay on a team so blind that they couldn’t see the one most deserving of being named captain. I slammed the front door, stomped up the steps and threw myself onto my bed in a dramatic display of sobs and sighs that eventually gave way to sleep.
The next morning I marched over to my closet and took out my uniform. Once it was in my hands and I held it close to me, I knew I couldn’t quit. Heartbroken as I was, my true love was cheering with my teammates.
How hard it was to go to that first practice after Terry had been named captain. The moment I arrived, Coach Maguire asked me to take three of the new girls and work with them on our basic practice. Terry was assigned three as well.
Just then Terry asked me if we could gather all the girls and work with them together.
At the end of the year, the Annual Sports Award Ceremony was held to honor the valuable players and cheerleaders.
Just then Terry asked me if we could gather all the girls and work with them together. We Was she kidding I just wanted to hate her and she kept making it harder and harder for me to do that. It wasn’t just that she showed interest in me—her interest was warm and genuine. Terry always made sure to include me when discussing changes in our routine and eventually I overcame myself and we grew to be very close friends.
At the end of the year, the Annual Sports Award Ceremony was held to honor the valuable players and cheerleaders. We decorated the hall, talking about all the good times we had shared during our last year together. Later in the evening we arrived and listened as the various trophies were awarded to the most valuable player of each sports team. Just as Terry walked off the stage, Coach Maguire stepped up to the microphone again and announced that there was one final trophy to be awarded. The cheerleading “Spirit Award” would now be presented to the girl who showed the most dedicated effort. When I heard my name announced I imagined I was as shocked Terry was coming toward me. We hugged each other, and Terry whispered, “Nobody deserves this more than you.”
确保:make sure /ensure
走下:walk off/ step off
投入:dedicated /committed
真诚:genuine /sincere
【点睛】[高分句型1] Terry always made sure to include me when discussing changes in our routine and eventually I overcame myself and we grew to be very close friends. (运用了省略句)
[高分句型2] Just as Terry walked off the stage, Coach Maguire stepped up to the microphone again and announced that there was one final trophy to be awarded. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
There lived two brothers, John McNeil and James, in a village in Kentucky in the north of America, who had lost their parents in a terrible earthquake ten years before. Worse still, ten-year-old John McNeil suffered from serious autism. He often stayed at a corner without saying anything with others and frequently ran everywhere, so his brother James was concerned about his safety.
On a windy, cold day, John McNeil forgot to put on his shoes and ran out the door. He headed straight for the 125-foot electrical tower behind the McNeiI home and didn’t realize the dangers of the structure. That day his thoughts were set on climbing to the top of that tower, touching the sky. Maybe he thought he could meet his parents in the sky. What a poor boy!
His seventeen-year-old brother, James, was always close by. James always made sure that no danger came to his little brother. But today was different. Today, John ran out the door unnoticed. He was making his way to the sky step by step by the time James saw him. John, like most autistic children, had no idea about fear or danger. James, on the other hand, realized that he had to f


