
  1. 二一教育资源



(22-23高二下·江苏南京·期末)Everybody seems to have a unique way to learn a language, and yet we all come to the same result of speaking at most two languages fluently. 1 Unbelievable as it may sound,those polyglots (通晓语言者) have a good command of more than two languages, some of whom even can speak eight or more kinds of languages.
You may wonder how talented they are and what their secrets are. 2 The one thing they all have in common is that they just find ways to enjoy the language-learning process.They are talking about language learning as if it is great fun.
You may have seen their happiness and excitement when they are showing their colorful grammar charts and their carefully handmade flash cards, and their statistics about learning vocabulary using apps or even how they love to cook based on recipes in a foreign language. 3 But one thing is certain, they always make sure it’s something that they personally enjoy.
4 They simply found ways how to enjoy the process, how to turn language learning from a boring school subject into a pleasant activity which you don’t mind doing every day.
So if you don’t like writing words down on paper, why not type them in an app If you don’t like listening to boring textbook material, why not find interesting content in podcasts If you’ve also tried to learn a language and you gave up, thinking it’s too difficult or you don’t have the language talent, give it another try. 5 Maybe you’re also just one method away from becoming a polyglot.
A.All of them use different methods.
B.No wonder they can get the hang of so many languages.
C.But the fact is that they simply love learning languages.
D.Maybe you’re just one enjoyable method away from learning that language fluently.
E.Polyglots are no geniuses and they don’t have shortcut to learning languages.
F.But actually there exists another kind of language learners called polyglot.
G.Don’t be afraid that you may fail in the end and just try again.
(22-23高二下·江苏泰州·期末)Self-doubt happens to us during normal days or whenever we start something new. Living with self-doubt can be very challenging. 6 Yet it doesn’t need to be that difficult. Here are some strategies that you can employ to overcome self-doubt and build up confidence.
●Never compare yourself with others.
Comparing yourself with others is a terrible act. 7 Why would you compare yourself with a family member, a friend, or even your colleague when each of your lives is different You should focus on yourself and only your achievements. This will allow you to accomplish your goals without any worries.
●Only you are your biggest critic.
There is no bigger inner critic of ourselves than ourselves, only we should be able to judge our progress in life, and no one else should have that power. 8 If you won’t do anything like that, then why are you stressing yourself out over situations like these
● 9
In life,there will come many events that we are thankful for, especially our awesome achievements.It is better to start keeping track of them. This will be really helpful when you are doubting pare yourself to the time when you felt great,and convince yourself that you can be that person again.
●Seek professional help if necessary.
Sometimes the situation can become too much to handle. 10 Self-doubt can become a permanent hurdle if not taken care of. Talk about your feelings often, let all the negative emotions out, and this will make you feel a lot better.
A.Start keeping a journal of events.
B.Reflect back on your past achievements.
C.Actually, it falls into the category of self-harm.
D.This is the time when we need some specialist advice.
E.Being self-confident is not easy and not everyone can do it.
F.If your sister failed to achieve something, would you let her go
G.This sort of feeling may limit your potential and break your confidence.
(22-23高二下·江苏淮安·期末)Confidence is an important part of self-love and loving yourself. When your confidence is low, it can be hard to move forward and feel good about who you are. 11 .
Identify Your Strengths
When your self-confidence is low, it’s easy for the good things about you to become minimized. You may forget your strengths and focus on your weaknesses. Therefore, it’s essential to reflect on your skills, talents, and achievements. 12 Don’t be shy to praise your accomplishments. Over time, this will inspire you to take on new challenges and boost your self-confidence.
Accept Your Weaknesses
13 Weaknesses cannot be removed. They are part of what makes you unique. Instead of being ashamed of them, embrace them. If you don’t accept your weaknesses, it’s easy to let them take over and affect your confidence. Understanding that nobody can carry the burden of perfect ion will help you become self-accepting, and this will help you love yourself for who you are.
Practice Positive Self-Talk
The way you talk to yourself has a significant impact on your level of self-confidence. Therefore, it’s essential to master the art of positive self-talk. 14 For instance, every morning, as you start your day, you could say something like, “Today, I can handle anything that comes my way because I am capable and deserving.”
These are just a few tips for building self-love and confidence. 15 Whether it’s talking with a trusted friend or family member, having support can make an enormous difference in helping increase your confidence.
A.Balance your strengths and weaknesses.
B.Don’t be afraid to reach out for help if needed.
C.Try to place emphasis on what other people are doing.
D.Write them down and focus on what you are skilled in.
E.Nobody is perfect, and that’s the first thing you should accept.
F.It means replacing negative inner dialogue with active statements.
G.Here are tips to increase your self-respect and love yourself more.
(22-23高二下·江苏苏州·期末)In life, we make many decisions that define who we truly are. It feels really good to live with integrity, once we master this quality, both our career and lives can develop better.
What is the meaning of integrity Integrity means living your life according to your own morals and ethics (道德标准). 16 Alongside that, you must also know what the purpose of your life is, and what you intend to do with your life.
Here are some of the ways to develop and preserve integrity!
Define Your Values Clearly
The first step to developing your integrity is to define your values. Every person has a set of values that they live by. You must acknowledge them as you go further in life. 17
Analyze Each and Every Choice
18 Practicing integrity means making the right decision no matter what. Some seemingly right decisions that we make in life could be disastrous for some. Honesty and integrity aren’t something that you must practice when it is convenient for you. You must always be like that whatever the circumstances are.
Apply Your Ethics In The World
19 We learn so many great things in childhood, some of which are habits that we follow for our whole life. Practicing integrity is just like that, you would just be practicing your everyday life but with more analysis.
Having integrity also means more than being consistent. 20 We must not always do what comes naturally to us because it is our nature to shy away from difficulties. We must find the courage within ourselves to face all the difficulties in life, only then will we become successful.
A.Sometimes we have to face the unavoidable.
B.Always remember that your choices define you ultimately.
C.Sometimes we need to decide what we want to achieve in life.
D.There are circumstances when right and wrong are very apparent.
E.To have integrity, you must clearly know what is right and wrong.
F.Always find ways to apply your ethics and morals in everyday life.
G.No matter what happens, you will never go against your core values.
(22-23高二下·江苏常州·期末)As the world’s wealthiest country, it’s hard to understand that there are 38 million Americans living in poverty. Poverty is defined as a household income below the national poverty line, which is $25, 750 for a family of four. 21 Millions of people are struggling to afford basic necessities like food, shelter, and healthcare.
There are many factors that contribute to poverty in America. 22 In many cities, the cost of rent is astronomical(天文数字), and even those with full-time jobs can’t afford to pay for both rent and other basic expenses. Additionally, low-paying jobs and a lack of access to quality education can also contribute to poverty.
23 People who live in poverty are more likely to suffer from chronic diseases and mental health issues, and they are more likely to die prematurely. Children growing up in poverty are at a disadvantage from the start, as they often don’t have access to quality education or healthcare, and they are more likely to experience food insecurity and homelessness.
Poverty is a complex issue with no easy solutions. 24 These include things like increasing access to affordable housing, creating more job opportunities with livable wages, and improving access to education and healthcare for all Americans.
In conclusion, poverty in America is a harsh reality that affects millions of people every day. 25 Necessary steps should be taken to ensure that all Americans have the opportunity to live a healthy and prosperous life.
A.The effects of poverty can cause a lot of harm.
B.But there are steps that can be taken to solve it.
C.Around 11% of Americans currently live below this line.
D.It simply could be because of poverty or weak economies.
E.For example, the lack of affordable housing is a major issue.
F.As a society, we must work to address the root causes of poverty.
G.Research shows there is a connection between education and poverty.
(22-23高二下·江苏南京·期末)Translation is an essential tool for effective communication. A common way of getting any translation done is to turn to human translators. However, machine translators have developed rapidly in recent years. Many people claim that they will replace human translators soon. 26
Machines may fail to understand culture properly. Different cultures have different words that are unique to that specific culture. Machines cannot understand or recognize idioms, slang, and allusions (典故). 27 By contrast, human translators can find the suitable equivalent (对应物) in the target language based on the cultural background.
28 In different languages, there are words with various meanings, which can be a significant problem for machine translators. These words have to be placed in context to determine their true meanings and in many cases only human translators can do this. If you run a document with this kind of words through a machine translator, it may lead to inaccurate translations.
It is difficult to localize machines for different languages. New phrases are being developed in almost all languages. 29 If you feed new words into a machine translator, the machine might go “speechless” , trying to come up with the most appropriate way to translate the strange combination of words. Human translators, on the other hand, can pick up on the development in a language quickly.
It’s difficult for machines to distinguish style and tone. Every written document has a different style and tone. A document can have poetic, funny or persuasive style and tone. Machine translators may lose the intended style and tone existing in the original document. 30 And such a translation can hardly resonate (引起共鸣) with the person who reads it.
A.Machines can’t relate words to the context.
B.Machines can’t remember words of all languages
C.It doesn’t actually hold up for some reasons.
D.Thus the result is a flat and soulless translation.
E.Machine translators are unable to catch these changes in time.
F.This is one challenge they may find very difficult to overcome.
G.Machine translators are becoming more and more popular these days.
(23-24高二上·江苏淮安·期末)For people who are not self-disciplined, their life is full of pain, and all pain comes from their own inability. 31
So how do you achieve self-discipline
Have control over body. Self-disciplined people will not be so bad; those who can lose weight successfully have high requirements for themselves. Health is the most important foundation of your self-discipline. 32 They work for one hour and charge for eight hours, and the efficiency is extremely low. If you don’t have time to exercise, you can only spend time seeing a doctor after the red light of your physical condition.
Have a good sense of time. The more self-disciplined you are, the more time you’ll have to manage. A precise schedule can save you a lot of unnecessary time costs. 33 The beauty of time front allows you to use more free time to read, exercise, master a skill, and severely surpass the person who is still sleeping in bed.
34 Self-disciplined people will not be willing to stay in the comfort zone, but will keep developing their own new field world with the mentality of giving it a try. Choosing ease and obeying instinct(本能)will bring the game of life to a dead end. And self-discipline may not always let you win. 35 If you decide that suffering is what you deserve, then the light will unavoidably come to you the same way.
A.Have a feeling of freshness.
B.But it will never let you lose.
C.Keep breaking personal ceiling.
D.People who do not work out are like a red light.
E.People who do not exercise are like an aging battery.
F.A self-disciplined person lives a particularly advanced and free life.
G.In addition, self-disciplined people will create time for themselves-get up early.
(23-24高二上·江苏徐州·期末)There are a lot of chemicals that can cause indoor air pollution. A recent project conducted has found over 900 different substances in our home are related to it. Many researchers have already examined the causes of indoor air pollution. 36
It has been proved that different kinds of chemicals can be released by building materials and new furniture. Everything from painting and decorating products, bathroom cleaners and beauty products can contain these chemicals. 37 For instance, cooking generates a lot of harmful emissions, like frying meat in oil.
As a research from Denmark has highlighted, cooking, particularly roasting can damage our body. Roast dinners contain many potentially harmful pollutants. 38 When exposed to cooking emissions, people actually had DNA damage. It can be associated with cell repair processes that trigger cancer—causing genetic changes. 39 And what can we do with it
As far as cooking emissions are concerned, no one is suggesting switching to takeaways. 40 For example, cooking meat at high temperatures with lots of fat produces more harmful emissions than boiling pasta. Besides, opening windows and using cooker hoods are preferable so that we can enjoy the roasted meat without those undesirable effects.
A.In the long run, these changes lead to cancer.
B.They might also arise from cooking at home.
C.A wide range of sources are under investigation.
D.Therefore, what results from indoor air pollution
E.However, most of us have ignored their bad effects.
F.So, what are the main contributors to poor air quality
G.But we can change how we cook to deal with the emissions.
(23-24高二上·江苏扬州·期末)We are all failures, sometimes. The emotional attack that follows failure can hang over you, if you think about it for a long time. 41 Here’s how to deal with failure in a more positive way so you can move on to your next challenge with renewed determination.
Listen to your emotions. 42 Focusing on your emotions, rather than making excuses for your failure, might actually help you learn from the experience. In turn, it will contribute to your putting more effort into a second attempt.
43 The opinions of others might only multiply or confuse your feelings surrounding a failure. In fact, in many situations, only you know the full truth. If you can close your ears to others’ misinformed ideas, you’ll come to terms with failure more quickly and peacefully.
Lower the bar and be practical. 44 This feeling can lead to a negative cycle where your confidence and motivation start to decrease. Super-slim stars with smooth, glowing skin that wear fancy dresses only exist in the movies. This is not real life. Consider your own journey and ask yourself: Have I really failed here Of course the answer is NO. What you need to do is change your mindset. 45 You might find these smaller goals bring about more wins to celebrate along the way.
A.Respond to failure in a more positive way.
B.Avoid those who are quick to judge your situations.
C.If you set unrealistic goals, you may often feel disappointed.
D.Your friends can be quick to take sides and offer unhealthy remarks.
E.This means admitting your feelings and sitting with them for a moment.
F.Concentrate on taking small, practical steps to improve an area of your life.
G.On the other hand, forgetting it may lead you to miss out on vital life lessons.
(23-24高二上·江苏无锡·期末)With such a wide range of platforms and devices available to the everyday reader, the physical book, while not yet extinct, may end up going that way. Why 46 .
With a rapid increase in digital reading platforms, reading is no longer a common problem for bookworms. 47 They’re designed to simplify the process of reading on the go. You can select a book, track your progress, and even submit reviews. With no need to carry around physical books, readers are much more likely to pick up where they left off whenever and wherever they may be.
Readers can also carry around their favourite books within an e-mon examples include the Amazon Kindle, Onyx Boox, and PocketBook. These hand-held devices offer fantastic portability, readability and variety. 48 They are much smaller and lighter than physical books, making them an ideal option for those always on the go.
Social media has had a great effect on our reading habits. It governs our daily life. With physical books no longer a key form of entertainment for children, it has been replaced with digital alternatives. Social media and video games have replaced the ways in which we traditionally read and tell stories. 49 .
As is known to us all, technology has changed the ways in which we read at home as well as in the classroom. 50 Exposure to the digital potential of reading is introduced at an early age. Virtual learning platforms have also exploded in popularity in recent years. Technology in the classroom is no longer a luxury but a necessity to keep up with the modern age.
A.There are a number of apps out there.
B.Books and lessons are delivered online.
C.We are still reading but just in a different way.
D.Lots of people find it difficult to fit reading into their daily routine.
E.Some e-readers also allow users to access the Internet for various purposes.
F.There’s nothing worse than realizing you have forgotten your favourite book.
G.Here are some ways technology has transformed our reading habits in recent years.
(23-24高二上·江苏南通·期末)The bonds of female friendship run deep and strong, so are they the new encouraging relationship, or idealized 51
In many ways, my close friendships with women are what you’d expect from TV shows like The Golden Girls: emotionally close and involved, fierce and rude. What these shows get right about girl friendship is that our bonds run deep and strong. 52 In those shows, we can see friends whose lives are so deeply mixed that they appear at each other’s doors whenever needed; a ride-or-die girl group who are at your side for life.
53 This phenomenon is called friendship jealousy, and it’s pretty common. “We feel friendship envy because so much of our confidence is gained from us knowing who we ‘belong’ to,” psychologist Lilly Sabir said. If we don’t have access to the sisterhood we think we’re supposed to as women, we can feel rejected and lonely. 54
There’s no fixed way for these relationships. You might have a group of girls who meet for lunch once a week, or you might have a few friends who aren’t part of the same group. 55 Maybe you don’t see yourself in either of those situations, but love your friends all the same. All of this is fine—it’s the quality of your connections that counts.
Healthy friendships are about trust and being able to be vulnerable with each other, not to prove you’re living life the right way. There’s nothing quite like having friends who really understand you, so let’s enjoy our mates without overthinking it, shall we
A.Are we supposed to give way to each other
B.But they also tend to idealize these relationships.
C.So how should we enjoy our female friendships
D.The ways we show up for each other can truly be beautiful.
E.Tolerating friends’ characters is a good way to maintain the friendship.
F.Whatever they are, enjoying friendships and not overthinking them is key.
G.Ever seen a group of girl-friends smiling over lunch and had a feeling of envy
(23-24高二上·江苏常州·期末)Dive into icy depths may not sound appealing. 56 though, especially for those who are enthusiastic about cold-water therapy. Participants claim jumping into or swimming in water no warmer than 15 degrees Celsius leaves them energetic and clear-headed, and even relieves pain.
Cold-water therapy has become more mainstream in recent years, in part due to the influence of Wim Hof, a famous Dutch extreme athlete who developed his own method of cold therapy coupled with conscious-breathing techniques. 57 . 2,000 years ago, ancient Greeks used water therapy to relieve fatigue and treat fever.
In Scandinavian countries, a traditional sauna (桑拿) session is sometimes followed by a cold swimming. 58 . High-performance athletes also use ice baths or cold showers to help reduce the delayed-onset muscle pains that follows intense exercise. And recent research suggests impressive benefits for mental health and stress management.
“ 59 ,” says Harper Phillie, one of a study’s authors. Swimming is also good exercise and often a social activity, which helps to get rid of anxiety and allows the body to feel both pleasure and motivation. Harper has been cold-water swimming for nearly two decades and compares the stress of cold-water therapy to that of intense exercise. “Done safely, it’s a pretty effective way to train the body,” he says. “But if you’ve got a heart condition, you have to be careful.”
If open water isn’t your thing, consider cold showers. For those wanting to try cold-water swimming in a lake or ocean, ease into it with short exposure times—just long enough for your body to get past the shock. 60 and always swim with a friend. Gradually increase the time you spend in cold water to three or four minutes, at least once a week. “That’s all you need to get the benefits,” says Harper.
A.Cold exposure increases “feel-good” hormones
B.The cold shock may hurt you
C.It made him popular among the cold-water enthusiasts
D.Never start by submerging your entire body in at once
E.Changing between hot and cold temperatures enables blood to move quicker in the skin
F.But it’s not a new trend
G.The benefits greatly outweigh any short-term discomfort
(23-24高二上·江苏淮安·期末)How to Practice Gratitude (感激) in Your Daily Life
Gratitude is a positive emotion. Learning how to practice it is an effort to remind yourself of the good in life and to show an internal appreciation for yourself and others. 61 . Whichever exercise you do, it’s vital to remember the elements of gratitude: the awareness of the good things, expressing gratitude to yourself and giving thanks to people you’re grateful for.
Create a gratitude list. The intense stress of life can get you so caught up that we may fail to recognize the positive events or interactions we encounter on a daily basis. 62 . It can also help you picture the biggest and smallest moments that make your day.
63 . Expressing your gratitude to those you’re grateful for strengthens your relationship with them. Plus, bonding with family and friends is a simple act that can help you feel gratitude for these relationships. Sharing kindness will make you feel happier and healthier. In turn, those benefits get passed along to those you most care about.
Make a gratitude jar (罐). Make the jar fun and personable by decorating it and placing it where you can always see it. Every day, write down what you’re grateful for on a slip of paper and put it in the jar. 64 . Whenever there’s a moment of doubt or sadness, return to the jar and read a few notes to remind yourself of who and what is good in your life.
In conclusion, engaging in daily gratitude exercises can make a great difference. Showing gratitude helps you connect with positive emotions, focus on acknowledging the good, and shift your focus to positive aspects of life. 65 .
A.Share your gratitude with others
B.Seek out opportunities to help others
C.There are several gratitude activities and exercises
D.As you fill it, it serves as a good reminder of good times
E.It is better to keep track of whatever happens in your life
F.You’ll also harvest the greatest rewards when it becomes a habit
G.Writing down the positive moments helps put life into a better perspective
(22-23高二上·江苏盐城·期末)My future happiness
When I imagine my future, I see myself as an adult who is confident in my abilities, doing a job I love and living my life responsibly. When I grow up, I will be enjoying more convenience brought by the advances in technology, with more time to pursue hobbies and enjoy the company of family and friends. 66
I will feel the happiest in the future because I will learn more about life and develop into the best person I can be. 67 I will also handle more responsibilities and solve problems in a more thoughtful and level-headed manner.
Thanks to new technology, my future life is sure to improve in various ways. Homes will become smarter to the extent that they might be programmed to learn about our needs and monitor our health and activity. I can imagine hearing an AI voice remind me to buy groceries or do more exercise! There will also be enormous advancements in transport options. I will be riding in a self-driving car, and other new means of transport may be developed in the future. 68 These advances in technology are certain to make my future life more comfortable and convenient.
My development into a mature adult and access to advanced technology will provide me with more free-time opportunities. 69 Working less time means I can do what I most enjoy, such as spending time with family and friends, engaging in fun activities and learning new skills.
70 Thinking this way gives me the motivation to work hard now so that I can have a successful, fulfilling and enjoyable future life.
A.I might be able to ride a flying bike to quickly meet up with my friends.
B.I will become more knowledgeable about the world and myself.
C.When I think about the future, I realize my happiest days are still ahead of me.
D.For these reasons, I look forward to the future as the happiest moment in my life.
E.With less work-related stress, I will also have more time and energy to do volunteer projects.
F.The working day will be only four hours long thanks to robots.
G.Technological advances will guarantee that I will be in good health and find true happiness.
(21-22高二下·江苏南通·期末)Anyone who deals with teens knows how difficult the adolescent years can be. Teens are always known to do wild and dangerous things. 71 But now scientists have studied the physical development of the brain in more detail, leading to a new theory of why teens act the way they do.
Scientists discovered that though our brains are almost at their full size by the age of six, they are not fully developed. Now, scientists have found our brains continue to change till age 25. 72 .
The studies confirm teens are more likely to take risks and behave in extreme ways. One way the brain does this is by changing the way teens think of danger and reward (回报). When teenagers think about rewards, their brains produce more chemicals that create pleasure than adult brains would. 73 . It also makes teens feel more excited about new experiences than adults do.
Besides, researchers found it makes social connections especially rewarding. Generally, teenagers have an intense need to meet new people and think the youth may one day control the world they live in. As it’s still developing, a teenage brain can change to deal with new situations. 74 . In this way, the brain encourages teens to have various friends.
Some people think that this hunt for greater rewards can sometimes lead teenagers to go to extremes. 75 It means that teens are more likely, and less afraid, to try new things or to be independent. The scientists’ findings suggest that in the long run, the impulses (冲动) of the teen brain are what help teens leave their parents’ care and live their own lives successfully.
A.It is hard for the teens to adapt to new situations.
B.The result is the changeable actions seen in teens.
C.Therefore, it connects social rewards with more pleasure.
D.This makes the rewards seem more important than the risks.
E.However, it is of great benefit for teenagers to go for rewards.
F.The teen brain inspires teenagers to help prepare for the school life.
G.These things were thought to be down to the foolishness of the young.
1.F 2.C 3.A 4.E 5.D
1.前文“Everybody seems to have a unique way to learn a language, and yet we all come to the same result of speaking at most two languages fluently.(每个人似乎都有自己独特的学习语言的方法,然而我们最终是相同的结果:最多能流利地说两种语言)”介绍大多数人最多说两种语言。结合选项,F项“But actually there exists another kind of language learners called polyglot.(但实际上还有另一种叫做通晓多语言者的语言学习者)”与前文之间为转折关系,介绍还有一种人,他们是通晓多语言者。故选F。
2.前文“You may wonder how talented they are and what their secrets are.( 你可能想知道他们有多有才华,他们的秘密是什么)”说明此处讲述多语言学习者的秘密,后文“The one thing they all have in common is that they just find ways to enjoy the language-learning process. They are talking about language learning as if it is great fun.(他们都有一个共同点,那就是他们都能找到享受语言学习过程的方法。他们在谈论语言学习,好像它很有趣似的)”介绍通晓多语言者的共同点:找到享受语言学习的乐趣。因此推断多语言者并非多有才华而是喜欢学习语言,C项“But the fact is that they simply love learning languages.(但事实是,他们只是喜欢学习语言)”符合语境,与上文是转折关系,下文是对他们喜欢学习语言的具体解释。故选C。
3.前文“You may have seen their faces when they are showing their colorful grammar charts and their carefully handmade flash cards, and their statistics about learning vocabulary using apps or even how they love to cook based on recipes in a foreign language. (当他们展示丰富多彩的语法图表和精心制作的卡片时,你可能已经看到了他们的表情,以及他们使用应用程序学习词汇的统计数据,甚至他们如何喜欢根据外语食谱做饭)”介绍通晓多语言者的多种语言学习方法。结合选项,A项“All of them use different methods.(他们都使用不同的方法)”承接上文,符合。故选A。
4.下文“They simply found ways how to enjoy the process, how to turn language learning from a boring school subject into a pleasant activity which you don’t mind doing every day. (他们只是找到了如何享受这个过程的方法,如何把语言学习从枯燥的学校课程变成一种你不介意每天都做的愉快的活动)”介绍通晓多语言者把枯燥的学习课程变成愉快的活动。结合选项,E项“Polyglots is no geniuses and they don’t have shortcut to learning languages.(多语言学习者都没有天赋,他们学习语言也没有捷径)”介绍学习语言没有捷径,说明通晓多语言者也是如此,只是他们找到了乐趣。前后为递进关系。故选E。
5.下文“Maybe you’re also just one method away from becoming a polyglot.(也许你只差一种方法就能成为通晓多种语言的人)”建议找到学习语言的方法。结合选项,D项“Maybe you’re just one enjoyable method away from learning that language fluently.(也许你距离流利地学习那门语言只差一种愉快的方法)”同为建议找到学习语言的方法。前后语意有“also”递进,且“Maybe”为同词复现。故选D。
6.E 7.C 8.F 9.A 10.D
6.根据下文“Yet it doesn’t need to be that difficult.(然而,这并不需要那么困难)”可知,空处与下文是转折关系,故空处是说明自信不容易,E项“自信并不容易,不是每个人都能做到的”符合语境,故选E。
7.上文“Comparing yourself with others is a terrible act.(拿自己和别人比较是一种可怕的行为)”提到,拿自己和别人比较是一种可怕的行为,C项“实际上,这属于自残的范畴”对上文的行为进一步说明,符合语境,故选C。
8.结合下文“If you won’t do anything like that, then why are you stressing yourself out over situations like these (如果你不会做那样的事情,那你为什么要在这种情况下给自己施加压力呢)”可知,空处应是提及一种行为,指出下文“that”的指代内容,F项“如果你的妹妹没有取得什么成就,你会放弃她吗?”符合语境,下文“that”指代F项中“let her go”,故选F。
9.根据本段中“In life, there will come many events that we are thankful for, especially our awesome achievements. It is better to start keeping track of them.(在生活中,我们会遇到许多值得感激的事情,尤其是我们取得的成就。最好开始记录它们)”可知,本段主要是关于记录生活中事情,A项“开始记录事情”符合语境,故选A。
10.根据本段小标题“Seek professional help if necessary.(必要时寻求专业帮助)”以及空前一句“Sometimes the situation can become too much to handle.(有时情况会变得难以处理)”可知,情况变得难以处理,空处应是说寻求别人的帮助,D项“这是我们需要专家建议的时候”符合语境,故选D。
11.G 12.D 13.E 14.F 15.B
11.根据前文“Confidence is an important part of self-love and loving yourself. When your confidence is low, it can be hard to move forward and feel good about who you are.(自信是自爱和爱自己的重要组成部分。当你的信心低落时,你很难前进,也很难对自己感觉良好。)”和小标题“Identify Your Strengths(确定你的优势)”可知,此处是讲增强自信的的方法,所以选项G“这里有一些小贴士可以增强你的自尊,更爱自己。”切合文意。故选G。
12.根据前文“Therefore, it’s essential to reflect on your skills, talents, and achievements.(因此,反思自己的技能、才能和成就是很有必要的。)”可知,选项D中的them是指前文中的“your skills, talents, and achievements”,根据后文“Don’t be shy to praise your accomplishments.(不要羞于赞美自己的成就。)”可知,此处是讲要关注自己的特长,所以选项D“把它们写下来,专注于你所擅长的。”切合文意。故选D。
13.根据小标题“Accept Your Weaknesses(接受你的缺点)”和后文“Weaknesses cannot be removed. They are part of what makes you unique. Instead of being ashamed of them, embrace them.(弱点是无法消除的。它们是让你与众不同的一部分。与其为它们感到羞耻,不如拥抱它们。)”可知,此处是讲要接受自己的不完美,所以选项E“人无完人,这是你应该接受的第一件事。”切合文意。故选E。
14.根据前文“Therefore, it’s essential to master the art of positive self-talk.(因此,掌握积极的自我对话的艺术是至关重要的。)”可知,此处是讲进行积极的自我对话,所以选项F“它意味着用积极的陈述取代消极的内心对话。”切合文意。故选F。
15.根据后文“Whether it’s talking with a trusted friend or family member, having support can make an enormous difference in helping increase your confidence.(无论是与值得信赖的朋友或家人交谈,获得支持都能极大地提高你的信心。)”可知,此处是讲要积极地寻求帮助,所以选项B“如果需要的话,不要害怕寻求帮助。”切合文意。故选B。
16.E 17.G 18.B 19.F 20.A
16.根据后文“Alongside that, you must also know what the purpose of your life is, and what you intend to do with your life.(除此之外,你还必须知道你生活的目的是什么,你打算怎么处理生活。)”可知,此处强调,除了要知道什么是对,什么是错,还必须要知道生活的目的,即对设空处的补充。E选项“To have integrity, you must clearly know what is right and wrong.(要有诚信,你必须清楚地知道什么是对,什么是错。)”指出要有诚信,你必须清楚地知道什么是对,什么是错。后文中that指代“你必须清楚地知道什么是对,什么是错”的事实。故E选项中引起下文,符合语境。故选E。
17.根据本段段旨“Define Your Values Clearly(明确你的价值观)”以及前文“ You must acknowledge them as you go further in life. (当你在生活中走得更远时,你必须承认它们。)”可知,此处强调的是发展和保持诚信的重要方法是要明确自己的价值观。G选项“No matter what happens, you will never go against your core values.(无论发生什么,你都不会违背你的核心价值观。)”中的core values与前文呼应。故选G。
18.根据本段段旨“Analyze Each and Every Choice(分析每一个选择)”以及后文“Practicing integrity means making the right decision no matter what. Some seemingly right decisions that we make in life could be disastrous for some.(正直意味着无论如何都要做出正确的决定。我们在生活中做出的一些看似正确的决定对某些人来说可能是灾难性的。)”可知此处强调在某种情况下人们不一定能保持正义,但作者认为仍然要坚持自己的选择。B选项“Always remember that your choices define you ultimately.(永远记住,你的选择最终定义了你。)”引起下文,强调坚持自己的选择,同时也与段旨呼应。故选B。
19.根据本段段旨“Apply Your Ethics In The World(把你的道德观运用到世界上)”可知,本段主要讲述的是在生活中运用自己的道德观。F选项“Always find ways to apply your ethics and morals in everyday life.(总是想办法在日常生活中运用你的伦理道德。)”与段旨呼应。故选F。
20.根据前文“Having integrity also means more than being consistent.(正直也不仅仅意味着始终如一。)”以及后文“We must not always do what comes naturally to us because it is our nature to shy away from difficulties. (我们不能总是随遇而安,因为逃避困难是我们的天性。)”可知,我们不必永远随遇而安,因为畏难是人类的天性,故而可推测空中句应为我们需要敢于面对困难。A选项“Sometimes we have to face the unavoidable.(有时候我们不得不面对不可避免的事情。)”符合语境。故选A。
21.C 22.E 23.A 24.B 25.F
21.上文“Poverty is defined as a household income below the national poverty line, which is $25, 750 for a family of four.(贫困被定义为低于国家贫困线的家庭收入,四口之家的贫困线为25750美元)”中的the national poverty line和C项“目前约有11%的美国人生活在这条线以下”中的this line指代一致,构成内容上的顺承关系。故选C项。
22.上文“There are many factors that contribute to poverty in America.(造成美国贫困的因素有很多)”可知,造成美国贫困的因素有很多,E项“例如,缺乏负担得起的住房是一个主要问题”是对上文提到造成美国贫困因素的举例说明,故选E项。
23.下文“People who live in poverty are more likely to suffer from chronic diseases and mental health issues, and they are more likely to die prematurely. Children growing up in poverty are at a disadvantage from the start, as they often don’t have access to quality education or healthcare, and they are more likely to experience food insecurity and homelessness.(生活在贫困中的人更有可能患上慢性病和心理健康问题,他们更有可能过早死亡。在贫困中长大的儿童从一开始就处于不利地位,因为他们往往无法获得高质量的教育或医疗保健,而且他们更有可能经历粮食不安全和无家可归的情况)”可知,是对贫困带来的危害的具体介绍,A项“贫困的影响会造成很多伤害”是对下文内容的概括总结,也是本段的主题句。故选A项。
24.上文“Poverty is a complex issue with no easy solutions.(贫困是一个复杂的问题,没有简单的解决办法)”说明贫困的解决办法不简单,空格处承上启下,下文“These include things like increasing access to affordable housing, creating more job opportunities with livable wages, and improving access to education and healthcare for all Americans.(这些措施包括增加获得经济适用房的机会,以适宜的工资创造更多的就业机会,以及改善所有美国人获得教育和医疗保健的机会)”可知有一些措施可以帮助解决贫困的问题,B项“但是,可以采取一些步骤来解决这个问题”既和上文构成转折关系,又引出了下文对于贫困的解决策略。故选B项。
25.上文“In conclusion, poverty in America is a harsh reality that affects millions of people every day. (总之,美国的贫困是一个严酷的现实,每天影响着数百万人)”和F项“作为一个社会,我们必须努力解决贫困的根源”构成内容上的顺承(因果关系),说明由于美国的贫困每天影响着数百万人,所以我们必须努力解决贫困的根源。故选F项。
26.C 27.F 28.A 29.E 30.D
26.根据上文“Translation is an essential tool for effective communication. A common way of getting any translation done is to turn to human translators. However, machine translators have developed rapidly in recent years. Many people claim that they will replace human translators soon.(翻译是有效沟通的重要工具。完成任何翻译的一种常见方法是求助于人工翻译。然而,机器翻译近年来发展迅速。许多人声称他们很快就会取代人工翻译)”以及后文“Machines may fail to understand culture properly.(机器可能无法正确理解文化)”等列举了机器无法取代人工翻译的理由,可知,本句是在说明这种说法并不成立。故C选项“由于某些原因,这实际上并不成立”符合语境,故选C。
27.根据上文“Different cultures have different words that are unique to that specific culture. Machines cannot understand or recognize idioms, slang, and allusions (典故).(不同的文化有不同的词汇,这些词汇对特定的文化来说是独一无二的。机器不能理解或识别习语、俚语和典故)”以及后文“By contrast, human translators can find the suitable equivalent (对应物) in the target language based on the cultural background.(相比之下,人工译者可以根据文化背景在译语中找到合适的对等词)”可知,上文提到了“机器不能理解或识别习语、俚语和典故”,即是机器翻译存在的问题,故F选项“这是一个他们可能很难克服的挑战”符合语境,故选F。
28.根据后文“In different languages, there are words with various meanings, which can be a significant problem for machine translators. These words have to be placed in context to determine their true meanings and in many cases only human translators can do this. If you run a document with this kind of words through a machine translator, it may lead to inaccurate translations.(在不同的语言中,有不同含义的单词,这对于机器翻译来说可能是一个重大问题。这些词必须放在上下文中才能确定它们的真正含义,在许多情况下只有人工翻译才能做到这一点。如果你通过机器翻译运行带有这类单词的文档,可能会导致翻译不准确)”可知,本段的主旨是机器无法联系上下文,A选项中context对应后文context。故A选项“机器不能把单词和上下文联系起来”符合语境,故选A。
29.根据上文“It is difficult to localize machines for different languages. New phrases are being developed in almost all languages.(为不同的语言本地化机器是很困难的。几乎所有的语言都在发展新的短语)”以及后文“If you feed new words into a machine translator, the machine might go “speechless” , trying to come up with the most appropriate way to translate the strange combination of words. Human translators, on the other hand, can pick up on the development in a language quickly.(如果你把新单词输入机器翻译,机器可能会“无语”,试图想出最合适的方法来翻译这些奇怪的单词组合。另一方面,人工翻译可以迅速了解语言的发展)”可知,后文的例子表明语言发展迅速,机器无法适应新的短语,导致翻译失败。故E选项“机器翻译无法及时捕捉到这些变化”符合语境,故选E。
30.根据上文“It’s difficult for machines to distinguish style and tone. Every written document has a different style and tone. A document can have poetic, funny or persuasive style and tone. Machine translators may lose the intended style and tone existing in the original document.(机器很难区分风格和语气。每一份书面文件都有不同的风格和语气。一份文件可以有诗意的、有趣的或有说服力的风格和语气。机器翻译可能会失去原文档中存在的预期风格和语气)”可知,本句与上文构成因果关系,指出机器翻译失去原文档中存在的预期风格和语气,结果导致文章平淡无味,故D选项“因此,翻译的结果是平淡无味的”符合语境,故选D。
31.F 32.E 33.G 34.C 35.B
31.根据上文“For people who are not self-disciplined, their life is full of pain, and all pain comes from their own inability. (对于不自律的人来说,他们的生活充满了痛苦,所有的痛苦都来自于自己的无能。)”和下文“So how do you achieve self-discipline (那么你如何做到自律呢?)”可知,文章接下来要阐述自律的方法,所以要有过渡句,引入自律的话题。选项F“一个自律的人过着特别高级和自由的生活。”和上下文意思一致。故选F。
32.根据下文“They work for one hour and charge for eight hours, and the efficiency is extremely low. If you don’t have time to exercise, you can only spend time seeing a doctor after the red light of your physical condition. (他们工作一小时,充电八小时,效率极低。如果你没有时间锻炼,你只能在身体状况出现红灯后花时间去看医生。)”可知,这里提到不锻炼的情况。选项E“不锻炼的人就像老化的电池。”和下文意思一致。故选E。
33.根据上文“Have a good sense of time. The more self-disciplined you are, the more time you’ll have to manage. A precise schedule can save you a lot of unnecessary time costs. (有很好的时间感。你越自律,你需要管理的时间就越多。精确的时间表可以为您节省大量不必要的时间成本。)”可知,这一段主要阐述时间管理。选项G“此外,自律的人会为自己创造早起的时间。”和上文意思一致。故选G。
34.根据下文“Self-disciplined people will not be willing to stay in the comfort zone, but will keep developing their own new field world with the mentality of giving it a try. (自律的人不会愿意待在舒适区,而是抱着试一试的心态,不断开发自己的新领域。)”可知,这一段介绍自律就需要不断挑战自己。选项C“不断打破个人最高限度。”和下文意思一致。故选C。
35.根据上文“And self-discipline may not always let you win. (自律未必总能让你获胜。)”和下文“If you decide that suffering is what you deserve, then the light will unavoidably come to you the same way. (如果你决定苦难是你应得的,那么光明将不可避免地以同样的方式来到你身边。)”可知,这里讲述虽然自律不会让你一直赢,但最终还是会你赢。选项B“但它决不会让你输。”和上下文意思一致。故选B。
36.F 37.B 38.E 39.A 40.G
36.根据上文“Many researchers have already examined the causes of indoor air pollution.(许多研究人员已经研究了室内空气污染的原因)”可知,上文提到许多研究人员已经研究了室内空气污染的原因,故本句主要引出后文空气质量差的原因。故F选项“那么,空气质量差的主要原因是什么?”符合语境,故选F。
37.根据后文“For instance, cooking generates a lot of harmful emissions, like frying meat in oil.(例如,烹饪会产生很多有害排放物,比如在油中煎肉)”可知,烹饪也会导致室内空气质量差。故B选项“也可能是由于在家做饭引起的”符合语境,故选B。
38.根据上文“As a research from Denmark has highlighted, cooking, particularly roasting can damage our body. Roast dinners contain many potentially harmful pollutants.(丹麦的一项研究强调,烹饪,尤其是烘焙会损害我们的身体。烧烤晚餐含有许多潜在的有害污染物)”以及后文“When exposed to cooking emissions, people actually had DNA damage. It can be associated with cell repair processes that trigger cancer—causing genetic changes.(当暴露在烹饪排放物中时,人们实际上有DNA损伤。它可能与触发致癌基因变化的细胞修复过程有关)”可知,上文提到了烧烤晚餐含有许多潜在的有害污染物,可推测本句是在说明人们对这一问题的态度。故E选项“然而,我们大多数人都忽视了它们的不良影响”符合语境,故选E。
39.根据上文“When exposed to cooking emissions, people actually had DNA damage. It can be associated with cell repair processes that trigger cancer—causing genetic changes.(当暴露在烹饪排放物中时,人们实际上有DNA损伤。它可能与触发致癌基因变化的细胞修复过程有关)”可知,本句总结上文,指出长期接触烹饪排放物可能会致癌。故A选项“从长远来看,这些变化会导致癌症。”符合语境,故选A。
40.根据后文“For example, cooking meat at high temperatures with lots of fat produces more harmful emissions than boiling pasta.(例如,在含有大量脂肪的高温下烹饪肉类比煮意大利面产生更多的有害排放物)”可知,后文的例子表明,改变烹饪方式可以减少有害排放物的产生。故G选项“但是我们可以改变烹饪方式来解决排放问题”符合语境,故选G。
41.G 42.E 43.B 44.C 45.F
41.根据上文“We are all failures, sometimes. The emotional attack that follows failure can hang over you, if you think about it for a long time.(有时候,我们都是失败者。如果你长时间思考,失败之后的情绪攻击会一直笼罩着你)”以及后文“Here’s how to deal with failure in a more positive way so you can move on to your next challenge with renewed determination.(以下是如何以更积极的方式处理失败的方法,这样你就可以以新的决心继续迎接下一个挑战)”可知,本句承接上文,继续说明失败之后的情绪会带来的负面影响。故G选项“另一方面,忘记它可能会让你错过重要的人生课程”符合语境,故选G。
42.根据上文“Listen to your emotions.(倾听你的情绪)”以及后文“Focusing on your emotions, rather than making excuses for your failure, might actually help you learn from the experience. In turn, it will contribute to your putting more effort into a second attempt.(关注你的情绪,而不是为你的失败找借口,这可能会帮助你从这次经历中吸取教训。反过来,这将有助于你在第二次尝试中投入更多的努力)”可知,本段的主旨是倾听自己的情绪,可知本句承接上文,说明“倾听你的情绪”具体的含义是什么。故E选项“这意味着承认你的感受,和它们坐在一起一会儿”符合语境,故选E。
43.根据本段内容“The opinions of others might only multiply or confuse your feelings surrounding a failure. In fact, in many situations, only you know the full truth. If you can close your ears to others’ misinformed ideas, you’ll come to terms with failure more quickly and peacefully.(别人的意见可能只会增加或混淆你对失败的感觉。事实上,在很多情况下,只有你自己知道全部的真相。如果你能对别人错误的想法充耳不闻,你就能更快、更平和地接受失败)”可知,本段的建议是回避掉那些对你情况做出错误判断的人。故B选项“避免那些对你的情况迅速做出判断的人”符合语境,故选B。
44.根据上文“Lower the bar and be practical.(降低门槛,务实一点)”以及后文“This feeling can lead to a negative cycle where your confidence and motivation start to decrease.(这种感觉会导致一个消极的循环,你的信心和动力开始下降)”可知,上文提到了要务实,后文则提到感受带来消极循环,可知本句是在说明因为务实导致的感受,故C选项“如果你设定不现实的目标,你可能会经常感到失望”符合语境,故选C。
45.根据后文“You might find these smaller goals bring about more wins to celebrate along the way.(你可能会发现这些小目标会带来更多值得庆祝的胜利)”可知,后文提到了小目标,说明要采取小的步骤。故F选项“专注于采取小而实际的步骤来改善你生活的某个方面”符合语境,故选F。
46.G 47.A 48.E 49.C 50.B
47.根据下文“They’re designed to simplify the process of reading on the go. You can select a book, track your progress, and even submit reviews.(它们的设计是为了简化在旅途中阅读的过程。你可以选择一本书,跟踪你的进度,甚至提交评论)”可知,空处在说有很多阅读的App可选择。故A选项“市面上有很多应用程序”切题。故选A项。
48.根据上文“These hand-held devices offer fantastic portability, readability and variety.(这些手持设备提供了出色的便携性、可读性和多样性)”可知,选项承接上文说明手持设备的功能。故E选项“有些电子阅读器还允许用户上网作各种用途”切题。故选E项。
49.根据上文“Social media and video games have replaced the ways in which we traditionally read and tell stories.(社交媒体和电子游戏已经取代了我们传统的阅读和讲故事的方式)”可知,选项总结上文说明我们的阅读形式发生了变化,但还是在阅读。故C选项“我们仍然在阅读,只是以一种不同的方式”切题。故选C项。
50.根据下文“Exposure to the digital potential of reading is introduced at an early age. Virtual learning platforms have also exploded in popularity in recent years. Technology in the classroom is no longer a luxury but a necessity to keep up with the modern age.(在很小的时候就开始接触阅读的数字潜力。近年来,虚拟学习平台也迅速流行起来。课堂上的科技不再是奢侈品,而是跟上时代步伐的必需品)”可知,空处在说明科技改变了传统的教育形式。故B选项“书籍和课程都在网上发布”切题。故选B项。
51.C 52.D 53.G 54.E 55.F
51.根据前文“The bonds of female friendship run deep and strong, so are they the new encouraging relationship, or idealized (女性之间的友谊纽带深厚而牢固,那么她们是一种新的鼓舞人心的关系,还是一种理想化的关系呢 )”可知前文提出了女性之间的友谊关系,空处位于段首未尾,应起到引出话题的作用,结合下文内容可知C项“那么我们应该如何享受我们的女性友谊呢 ”符合语境。故选C。
52.根据后文“In those shows, we can see friends whose lives are so deeply mixed that they appear at each other’s doors whenever needed: a ride-or-die girl group who are at your side for life.(在这些节目中,我们可以看到朋友们的生活如此复杂,只要有需要,她们就会出现在彼此的门口;一个生死攸关的女子组合,一生都在你身边)”可知后文是具体举例说明了友谊的美好体现,因此空处应是对友谊的阐述和赞美,D项“我们为彼此现身的方式可能真的很美好”符合语境,后文的appear与选项的show up呼应。故选D。
53.根据后文“This phenomenon is called friendship jealousy, and it’s pretty common.(这种现象被称为友谊族妒,而且很常见)”可知下文提到了“friendship jealousy”这个概念,说明此处应该与嫉妒有关。G项“你有没有见过一群女朋友在午餐时面带微笑,并有一种嫉妒的感觉?”符合语境。故选G。
54.根据上文“This phenomenon is called friendship jealousy, and it’s pretty common.(这种现象被称为友谊嫉妒,而且很常见)”可知本段介绍了友谊存在嫉妒,空处位于段末,应介绍如何面对这种现象,E项“宽容朋友的性格是保持友谊的好方法”符合语境,要宽容而非嫉妒。故选E。
55.根据前文“There’s no fixed way for these relationships. You might have a group of girls who meet for lunch once a week, or you might have a few friends who aren’t part of the same group.(这些关系没有固定的方式。你可能有一群女孩每周聚在一起吃一次午餐,或者你可能有几个朋友不在同一个圈子里)”可知,上文提到女性之间的友谊形式多种多样,但无论形式如何,重要的是享受友谊,不要过度思考。F项“无论他们是谁,享受友谊,不要想得太多是关键。“符合语境。故选F。
56.G 57.F 58.E 59.A 60.D
56.根据上文“Dive into icy depths may not sound appealing. (潜入冰冷的深处听起来可能并不吸引人。)”以及后文“Participants claim jumping into or swimming in water no warmer than 15 degrees Celsius leaves them energetic and clear-headed, and even relieves pain. (参与者称,跳入或在温度不超过15摄氏度的水中游泳能让他们精力充沛、头脑清醒,甚至还能缓解疼痛。)”可知,本句与上文构成转折,指出潜入冰水中存在好处。故G选项“益处远远超过任何短期的不适”符合语境,故选G。
57.根据后文“2,000 years ago, ancient Greeks used water therapy to relieve fatigue and treat fever. (2000年前,古希腊人用水疗法来缓解疲劳和治疗发烧。)”可知,后文表明这一做法是有历史渊源的,不是刚出现的。故F选项“但这不是一个新趋势。”符合语境,故选F。
58.根据上文“In Scandinavian countries, a traditional sauna (桑拿) session is sometimes followed by a cold swimming. (在斯堪的纳维亚国家,传统的桑拿浴后有时会进行冷水泳。)”以及后文“High-performance athletes also use ice baths or cold showers to help reduce the delayed-onset muscle pains that follows intense exercise. (高水平的运动员也使用冰浴或冷水澡来帮助减少高强度运动后延迟发作的肌肉疼痛。)”可知,本句承接上文说明传统的桑拿浴后有时会进行冷水泳这一做法的原因。故E选项“在冷热温度之间的变化使血液在皮肤中流动得更快。”符合语境,故选E。
59.根据后文“says Harper Phillie, one of a study’s authors. Swimming is also good exercise and often a social activity, which helps to get rid of anxiety and allows the body to feel both pleasure and motivation. (该研究的作者之一哈珀·菲利说。游泳也是一种很好的运动,经常是一种社交活动,它有助于摆脱焦虑,让身体感受到快乐和动力。)”可知,本句主要是研究作者哈珀·菲利的言论,且后文提到了游泳的好处,可知本句是在说明某种好处。故A选项“暴露在寒冷中会增加‘感觉良好’的荷尔蒙”符合语境,故选A。
60.根据上文“If open water isn’t your thing, consider cold showers. For those wanting to try cold-water swimming in a lake or ocean, ease into it with short exposure times—just long enough for your body to get past the shock. (如果你不喜欢露天水域,可以考虑冷水澡。对于那些想尝试在湖泊或海洋中冷水游泳的人来说,尽量缩短暴露时间——只要足够你的身体度过休克就可以了。)”以及后文“and always swim with a friend (和朋友一起游泳。)”可知,本句主要是在说明进行冷水浴的注意事项。故D选项“不要一开始就把整个身体浸入水中”符合语境,故选D。
61.C 62.G 63.A 64.D 65.F
61.由上文“Gratitude is a positive emotion. Learning how to practice it is an effort to remind yourself of the good in life and to show an internal appreciation for yourself and others. (感恩是一种积极的情感。学习如何实施感恩是提醒自己生活中的美好,并对自己和他人表现出内在的感激之情的一种努力)”可知作者认为感恩是一种积极的情感,有其好处,我们需要学会如何实施感恩,再结合标题“How to Practice Gratitude (感激) in Your Daily Life (如何在日常生活中实施感恩)”和下文“Whichever exercise you do, it’s vital to remember the elements of gratitude: the awareness of the good things, expressing gratitude to yourself and giving thanks to people you’re grateful for. (无论你做什么练习,都必须记住感恩的要素:对美好事物的意识,对自己表达感激之情,以及对你感激的人表示感谢)”及下文讲实施感恩的策略可知,作者应该在该空讲有方法能帮助人实施感恩,C选项“有一些感恩活动和练习”切合语境。故选C项。
62.由小标题“Create a gratitude list. (创建一个感恩清单)”可知作者建议通过写感恩清单来实施感恩,下文“It can also help you picture the biggest and smallest moments that make your day. (它还可以帮助你描绘一天中最重要和最微小的时刻)”讲写感恩清单的另一好处,结合下文中“also”可知该空应该讲写感恩清单的第一个好处,G选项“写下积极的时刻有助于更好地看待生活”切合语境,选项中“the positive moments”呼应上文“The intense stress of life can get you so caught up that we may fail to recognize the positive events or interactions we encounter on a daily basis. (生活中的巨大压力会让你陷入困境,以至于我们可能无法识别我们每天遇到的积极事件或互动)”中的“the positive events or interactions”。故选G项。
63.该空选取小标题,需总结下文,由下文“Expressing your gratitude to those you’re grateful for strengthens your relationship with them. Plus, bonding with family and friends is a simple act that can help you feel gratitude for these relationships. Sharing kindness will make you feel happier and healthier. (向那些你感激的人表达你的感激之情可以加强你与他们的关系。此外,与家人和朋友建立联系是一种简单的行为,可以帮助你对这些关系感到感激。分享善意会让你感到更快乐、更健康)”可知,作者建议通过向他人表达你的感激之情来实施感激,A选项“与他人分享你的感激之情”切合语境。故选A项。
64.由上文“Make a gratitude jar (罐). Make the jar fun and personable by decorating it and placing it where you can always see it. Every day, write down what you’re grateful for on a slip of paper and put it in the jar. (做一个感恩的罐子。把罐子装饰好,放在你能看到的地方,让它变得有趣和有风度。每天,把你感激的东西写在一张纸上,然后放进罐子里)”可知,作者建议通过制作一个放感激字条的感恩罐子来实施感激,该空应该讲这样做的好处(才能说服读者认同这个方法的作用),D选项“当你填满它时,它能很好地提醒你美好的时光”切合语境,选项中“it”指代上文中的“a gratitude jar”。故选D项。
65.由上文“In conclusion, engaging in daily gratitude exercises can make a great difference. Showing gratitude helps you connect with positive emotions, focus on acknowledging the good, and shift your focus to positive aspects of life. (总之,每天进行感恩练习会有很大的不同。表达感激之情有助于你与积极的情绪建立联系,专注于承认美好,并将注意力转移到生活的积极方面)”可知,本段是总结段落,作者再次强调了实施感恩练习的诸多好处,该空是全文尾句,应起到总结全文的作用,再结合全文讲日常生活中有关练习感恩的策略可知,作者应在该空呼吁读者要在生活中一直实施感恩,使其成为习惯,F选项“当它成为一种习惯时,你也会收获最大的回报”切合语境。故选F项。
66.D 67.B 68.A 69.F 70.C
66.上文“When I grow up, I will be enjoying more convenience brought by the advances in technology, with more time to pursue hobbies and enjoy the company of family and friends.(当我长大后,我将享受科技进步带来的更多便利,有更多的时间去追求爱好,享受家人和朋友的陪伴)”想象了未来的幸福生活,所以作者应是对未来的生活充满期待,分析选项,D项“由于这些原因,我期待未来是我生命中最幸福的时刻”符合语境,故选D。
67.结合上文“I will feel the happiest in the future because I will learn more about life and develop into the best person I can be.(未来我会感到最幸福,因为我将学到更多关于生活的知识,并变成能够成为的最好的人)”及下文“I will also handle more responsibilities and solve problems in a more thoughtful and level-headed manner.(我也会承担更多的责任,以更周到、更冷静的方式解决问题)”可知,空处应是和上下文句式一致,描述未来自己的样子,B项“我会对世界和自己更加了解”符合语境,故选B。
68.根据上文“I will be riding in a self-driving car, and other new means of transport may be developed in the future.(我将乘坐一辆自动驾驶汽车,未来可能会开发出其他新的交通工具)”可知,空处应是承接上文,描述未来开发出的其他交通工具,A项“我可能会骑着会飞的自行车去和我的朋友们见面”符合语境,故选A。
69.根据上文“My development into a mature adult and access to advanced technology will provide me with more free-time opportunities.(我成长为一个成熟的成年人,并能接触到先进的技术,这将为我提供更多的自由时间)”以及下文“Working less time means I can do what I most enjoy(工作更少的时间意味着我可以做我最喜欢的事情)”可知,此处是描述未来科技的进步对工作时间的影响,人们可以减少工作时间,F项“由于有了机器人,每天的工作时间将只有4个小时”符合语境,故选F。
70.空处位于末段,结合下文“Thinking this way gives me the motivation to work hard now so that I can have a successful, fulfilling and enjoyable future life.(这样的想法给了我现在努力工作的动力,这样我就能有一个成功的、充实的和愉快的未来生活)”可知,空处应是总结作者对未来的想法,并指明下文“this way”的内容,C项“当我想到未来的时候,我意识到我最幸福的日子还在前面”符合语境,故选C。
71.G 72.B 73.D 74.C 75.E
71.空前“Teens are always known to do wild and dangerous things. ”描述青少年在青春期会做狂野和危险的事情,空后“But now scientists have studied the physical development of the brain in more detail, leading to a new theory of why teens act the way they do.(但现在,科学家们对大脑的生理发育进行了更详细的研究,并提出了一种关于青少年行为方式的新理论)”表示科学发现解释青少年行为的理论;G选项“这些事情被认为是年轻人的愚蠢行为”描述人们对于青少年行为的普遍观点,且These things与前文中的wild and dangerous things对应。故选G项。
72.空前“Scientists discovered that though our brains are almost at their full size by the age of six, they are not fully developed. Now, scientists have found our brains continue to change till age 25.(科学家们发现,虽然我们的大脑在6岁时几乎达到完整大小,但它们还没有完全发育。现在,科学家发现我们的大脑在25岁之前会继续变化)”表示大脑一直要发育到25岁,结合上一段描述青少年行为的科学原因可知,B选项“其结果就是青少年不可预测的行为”表示生理变化导致行为上的结果,符合语境。故选B项。
73.空前“When teenagers think about rewards, their brains produce more chemicals that create pleasure than adult brains would.(当青少年想到回报时,他们的大脑会比成年人产生更多的化学物质来创造快乐)”描述对于青少年来说,回报会带来快乐,D选项“这使得回报似乎比风险更重要”描述青少年对于回报和风险的看法,且本句中This指代前文一句内容。故选D项。
74.空前“As it's still developing, a teenage brain can change to deal with new situations.(青少年的大脑还在发育中,它可以改变来应对新情况)”描述青少年的大脑在发育,会改变来应对新情况,空后“In this way, the brain encourages teens to have a wide circle of friends.(通过这种方式,大脑鼓励青少年拥有广泛的朋友圈)”描述青少年在社交上的行为;C选项“因此,它将社会奖励与更多的快乐联系在一起”描述青少年如何应对社会关系,承上启下。故选C项。
75.空前“Some people think that this hunt for greater rewards can sometimes lead teenagers to go to extremes.(有些人认为这种追求更大回报的行为有时会导致青少年走向极端)”讲述过分追求回报对于青少年的弊端,空后“It means that teens are more likely, and less afraid, to try new things or to be independent.(这意味着青少年更有可能,更少害怕,去尝试新事物或独立)”描述对于青少年的好处;E选项“然而,对青少年来说,争取回报是有很大好处的”进行转折,描述追求回报的好处,符合语境。故选E项。


