
  1. 二一教育资源



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例: How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. How will the speakers probably go to the bookstore
A. On foot. B. By taxi. C. By bus.
2. When will the man go to the restaurant
A. On Monday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Wednesday.
3. What’s the woman’s brother
A. A teacher. B. A businessman. C. A soldier.
4. Why doesn’t the man want to buy the suit
A. He doesn’t like its color.
B. It doesn’t fit him.
C. It is a little expensive.
5. What does the woman want to do
A. Take a break.
B. Buy a new computer.
C. Continue to deal with the software.
6. What’s the man’s first wish
A. Getting healthier.
B. Making more friends.
C. Learning from the woman.
7. What is the relationship between the speakers
A. A couple. B. Classmates. C. Workmates.
8. Where does the conversation take place
A. At a railway station. B. On a train. C. At a cinema.
9. What is the man searching for in his pocket
A. A wallet. B. A notebook. C. A ticket.
10. What will the man do next
A. He’ll change his plan.
B. He’ll buy a ticket.
C. He’ll call his wife.
听第8段材料,回答第11 至13题。
11. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. Culture. B. Travel. C. Cooking.
12. What caused the man’s problem on the third day
A. Weather. B. Food. C. Traffic.
13. What does the man think of French food
A. Terrible. B. Just so-so. C. Delicious.
14. When does the woman usually arrive at school
A. At 8: 15. B. At 8: 30. C. At 9: 00.
15. How long does it take the woman to get home from school
A.20 minutes. B.30 minutes. C.45 minutes.
16. Which of the following does the woman do with her computer
A. Doing business. B. Playing games. C. Creating programs.
听第10段材料,回答第17 至20题。
17. How much prize money will James Peebles win
A. $459,000. B. $918,000. C. $198,000.
18. Who works at two universities at the same time
A. James Peebles. B. Michael Mayor. C. Didier Queloz.
19. Why has Peebles been awarded the Nobel Prize
A. He discovered a new planet.
B. He developed a theory about the universe.
C. He challenged the Big Bang theory.
20. When did Peebles get the news of his winning the Nobel Prize
A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Jungle Cruise
Jungle Cruise hits Disney’s streaming service alongside its arrival at cinemas. As such, you’ll have to pay $30 on top of your subscription fee to see it—a high price for a solo viewing, but a great deal for a family session. That’s good news, because this really is a winner of a family movie, thanks to the production values you’d come to expect from a Disney blockbuster(大片) and the chemistry between Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt.
Inside Out
Just when we thought Pixar was on the decline, it released Inside Out, one of its most thoughtful and powerful movies. Featuring the voices of Amy Poehler, Bill Hader and Mindy Kaling, Inside Out made over $850 million at the box office upon its 2015 release. It wasn’t just a commercial success, as it scored 98% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Free Solo
Free Solo is one of the best documentaries ever made. Telling the story of Alex Honnold, the first man to “free solo” El Capitan, it’s a character study of a man who makes the impossible look almost ordinary; an Oscar-winning story that culminates (到达极点)—quite literally—in a close-up view of one of humanity’s wildest achievements.
You can agree or you can disagree, but I believe that Aladdin has the best song lineup of any animated movie that Disney has ever produced. A Whole New World, Prince Ali, Friend Like Me, Arabian Nights—banger after banger (一部接一部). That’s reflected in the critical response: Aladdin is one of the best-rated Disney movies ever, with a 92% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
21. What do we know about the movie Jungle Cruise
A. It takes a total of $30 to see it.
B. It doesn’t require a subscription.
C. It is mainly intended for children.
D. It stars Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt.
22. What makes Aladdin stand out among the movies above
A. Its music. B. Its voice actors.
C. Its approval rating. D. Its dialogues.
23. Which movie tells an inspiring real-life story
A. Jungle Cruise. B. Inside Out. C. Free Solo. D. Aladdin.
Melissa Sevigny, a science journalist for Arizona Public Radio, recounts the details of the 1938 river journey of Elzada Clover and Lois Jotter, who, along with their guide, Norm Nevills, and a few other crew members, traveled down the Colorado River with the goal of cataloging (登记) undiscovered plants in the area. The Colorado River was known as the most dangerous river in the world. But for Clover and Jotter, it held-a great appeal: no one had surveyed the Grand Canyon’s plants, and they were determined to be the first.
As women scientists, Clover and Jotter faced scrutiny (监督) even before their trip began. They started in Green River, Utah, and then traveled through Cataract Canyon, Glen Canyon, and the Grand Canyon before ending at Lake Mead. For Clover, the trip fit perfectly with her dream of cataloging all the Southwest’s cacti (a kind of plant), but, more than that, it was a chance to make her mark on the field of botany. As they made their way down the river, they continued to face challenges, including navigating intense rapids, losing one of their three boats, and dealing with aggressive reporters and inaccurate and imaginary news reports. When Clover and Jotter finally reached the entrance of the Grand Canyon, they felt apprehensive, but they decided they had no choice now but to brave the wild river.
Drawing information from the crew’s letters and journals, Sevigny brings us directly into the boats and introduces us to many of the plants that Clover and Jotter surveyed and collected. The author also includes a map of the route and photographic images of the crew at different points along the way. Woven (编织) throughout the narrative of Clover and Jotter is the early history of travel on the Colorado River as well as how Indigenous peoples, Europeans, and the Park Service have shaped the eco logy of the river over time.
As the author notes, women in science still face challenges and barriers; Sevigny hopes that recalling the past will lead to a fairer future.
24. What motivated Clover and Jotter to make the journey
A. The native cultures. B. The plants of the Grand Canyon.
C. The scenery along the river. D. The Southwest’s cactus species.
25. What does the underlined word “apprehensive” mean in paragraph 2
A. Relieved. B. Guilty. C. Anxious. D. Pleased.
26. What can we learn about Clover and Jotter’s adventure
A. They were aided by reporters all the way.
B. They ended their journey with losing three boats.
C. They pioneered in surveying the Colorado River.
D. They took many precious photos alongside the trip.
27. What is the text
A. A diary entry. B. A book review.
C. A news report. D. A travel journal.
As a senior resident, I often distributed poems to my team, printing and posting them above the computers in our hospital workrooms. Once, during a rare quiet moment in the ICU, with permission from my colleagues (同事), I read a couple of poems out loud. I remember watching my colleagues’ eyes close and their bodies visibly relax as the words washed over them.
Since then, I have shared poems—my own and others’—in talks at my institution and across the country. I’ve also led other healthcare providers in creative writing exercises during workshops, lectures and classes. Many institutions host book clubs, story slams, film screenings and other opportunities for medical learners to engage with the humanities (人文学科).
While poetry can be frightening to some, many contemporary poems provide approachable emotional experiences. Pieces like Safiya Sinclair’s “Notes on the State of Virginia” fully illustrate how a place that seems innocent or even beautiful to some can be upsetting to others. Monica Sok’s “ABC for Refugees” powerfully paints a portrait of a young child caught between languages and cultures—a reality that many pediatric (儿科的) patients face. “Ode to Small Towns” by Tyree Daye overturn s common assumptions about rural life. In “Medical History”, Nicole Sealey shares a patient’s perspective(视角) on a part of health care that, for many of my students and colleagues, has been reduced to a series of check boxes on a computer screen. These and other poems provide fertile ground for enhanced understanding of the human condition, as well as inspiration for a clinician’s own potentially transformative reflective writing.
The possibilities for cooperation between literature and medicine are wide open. I believe all clinicians have a role in recognizing and dealing with how everyone has been shaped by an unreasonable society. The history, sociopolitical context, imaginative perspective and reflective practices the humanities offer may improve the practice of medicine. Through understanding others’ experiences and reflecting critically on their own, every clinician can move closer to being the kind of healer they intend to be.
28. Why did the author like to share poems at work
A. To cure his patients. B. To bring in the humanities.
C. To make his colleagues amazed. D. To practice for a competition.
29. Whose poem may change people’s beliefs about the countryside
A. Tyree Daye’s. B. Monica Sok’s.
C. Safiya Sinclair’s. D. Nicole Sealey’s.
30. What does Nicole Sealey’s work seem to imply
A. It’s urgent to upgrade the medical equipment.
B. Doctors should have better medical skills.
C. There’s room for improvement in medical care.
D. A patient can be treated from different perspectives.
31. Which statement does the author probably agree with
A. The humanities help make a better doctor.
B. The clinicians are to shape our future society.
C. Doctors must learn from each other’s experiences.
D. Reflective writing greatly benefits a doctor’s skills.
Until now, dressing robots, designed to help an elderly person or a person with a disability get dressed, have been created in the laboratory as a one-armed machine, but research has shown that this can be uncomfortable for the person in care.
To solve this problem, Dr Jihong Zhu, a robotics researcher at the University of York’s Institute, proposed a two-armed assistive dressing plan, which has been inspired by caregivers who have demonstrated that specific actions are required to reduce discomfort to the individual in their care.
Dr Zhu gathered important information on how care workers moved during a dressing exercise, through allowing a robot to observe and learn from human movements and then, through AI, generate a model that mimics (模仿) how human helpers do their task. This allowed the researchers to gather enough data to illustrate that two hands were needed for dressing and not one, as well as information on the angles that the arms make.
Dr Zhu said, “We know that practical tasks, such as getting dressed, can be done by a robot, freeing up a care worker to concentrate more on providing companionship and observing the general well-being of the individual in their care. It has been tested in the laboratory, but for this to work outside of the lab, we really need to understand how care workers do this task in real life.”
“We’ve adopted a method called learning from demonstration, which means that you don’t need an expert to programme a robot; a human just needs to demonstrate the motion that is required of the robot and the robot learns that action. It is clear that for care workers two arms are needed to properly attend to the needs of individuals,” Dr. Zhu said. “With the current one-armed machine scheme a patient is required to do too much work in order for a robot to assist them, moving their arm up in the air or bending it in ways that they might not be able to do.”
32. What’s the problem with the one-armed dressing robot
A. It causes discomfort. B. It moves too slowly.
C. It has an ugly appearance. D. It lacks flexibility.
33. Dr Zhu got the inspiration for his new plan from ______.
A. some books B. AI models in the market
C. a dressing exercise D. the healthcare providers
34. What’s one purpose of Dr Zhu’s designing a two-armed dressing robot
A. To give better demonstrations.
B. To allow caregivers more time to do other things.
C. To make it a better companion for the needy.
D. To improve the well-being of the care workers.
35. Which can be a suitable title for the text
A. Taking Care with Caregiving Robots
B. Robot Could Help People Get Dressed
C. Caregiving Robots: the Future of Health Care
D. University Scientists Create Two-Armed Caregiving Robot
The environment has never been more in need of a helping hand from us. Schools, in particular, are in a great position to educate future generations and make sure that good environmental habits are learned and adopted from an early age. So, ranging from energy efficiency to recycling, here are our tips to make your school more eco-friendly and sustainable.
☆ 36
Sending waste to landfill to slowly rot away isn’t the best use of the world’s resources. Plus, the space available for landfill is rapidly running out. Instead, boost recycling by providing appropriate and appealing facilities with clear signage (标识). 37 .
☆Turn off the lights and fit energy-efficient light bulbs
Saving energy used for lighting is one of the easiest things that we can do. 38 . Turn off lights when they’re not needed. Signage asking people to turn off the lights can act as a useful reminder.
☆Go paperless
39 , with paper now being seen as outdated in many cases. This is good news for the environment, but it sometimes needs people to change how they do things. Look into options for creating and using fewer paper-based administration systems at school and think twice before printing or photocopying all those A4 pages, for example.
☆Reject plastic water bottles
Recent television programs and campaigns have raised the issue of waste plastic towards the top of the environmental agenda. In some ways, this isn’t surprising because, again, it is relatively easy for everyone to make a difference to the environment with minimal effort. 40 . Just stop buying brand-new water bottles that are used once and then recycled, and reuse existing bottles and containers instead.
A. Encourage and enable recycling
B. The world is becoming ever more digital
C. All it takes is a little bit of planning ahead
D. Get everyone involved with clean-up days
E. It will also save money on buying traditional materials
F. Try to maximize the use of natural light as much as possible
G. This is the key to preventing pollution of different waste streams
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Oscar Wilde, a famous poet and playwright, is probably known for his conversation as much as for his literary works. There are some stories 41 the fact that the man, as well as being a great wit (说话诙谐的人), was also often rather wise.
When Wilde was studying Classics at Oxford, he took part in a(n) 42 once. As a result, he needed to 43 a chosen passage from the story of a famous person. After several minutes, the examiners were 44 , and signaled him that he could 45 . For most students, they would have 46 finished there, but Wilde ignored them and 47 to translate. Again the examiners attempted to give him a(n) 48 , and this time succeeded, telling him that he did a good job and could leave. “Oh, do let me go on,” said Wilde, “I just want to see how it 49 .”
On another occasion, Wilde 50 that one day he was hard at work 51 his poetry. “I was working on my poems all the morning and 52 a comma (逗号),” he said to his friend. “And in the afternoon ” his friend asked. “Well, I put it back again,” responded Wilde.
But it’s 53 that there is always someone who is much smarter than us. The renowned actress Sarah Bernhardt was once talking to Wilde when he went to 54 . Wilde inquired, “Do you mind if I light up a cigarette ” Bernhardt shot back, “Oscar, I don’t mind if you burn.” Did the witty Wilde meet his 55
41. A. ignoring B. suggesting C. challenging D. contradicting
42. A. training B. experiment C. adventure D. examination
43. A. revise B. assess C. translate D. adapt
44. A. considerate B. impatient C. satisfied D. confused
45. A. stop B. wait C. question D. repeat
46. A. shamefully B. angrily C. gladly D. nervously
47. A. agreed B. continued C. hurried D. promised
48. A. interruption B. explanation C. punishment D. judgment
49. A. arises B. improves C. works D. ends
50. A. assumed B. declared C. expected D. mentioned
51. A. polishing B. selecting C. posting D. memorizing
52. A. came across B. took out C. searched for D. went over
53. A. appropriate B. useful C. true D. rare
54. A. rest B. exercise C. study D. smoke
55. A. match B. partner C. supporter D. witness
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填写在答题卡上。
China recently shared exciting news about its space exploration efforts, and revealed the names of its manned lunar lander and a new crew spaceship. This development marks 56 important step in the nation’s efforts 57 (explore) outer space. The lunar lander is named Lanyue, 58 means “embracing (拥抱)the moon”. This choice reflects the dream and confidence of the Chinese people in their space exploration efforts.
The crew spaceship has been named Mengzhou, or Dream Vessel, 59 (indicate) its role in realizing the dream of landing on the moon and exploring newfrontier s in space. Mengzhou will have two versions: one for exploring the moon and the other for trips between Earth 60 the Tiangong space station, and the latter takes over the duties from the current Shenzhou spaceship.
These names, Lanyue and Mengzhou, were selected 61 (careful) from nearly 2,000 suggestions by the public to show the wide 62 (participate) and interest of the Chinese people 63 their country’s space missions. China plans to send its first manned mission to the moon around 2030. The Lanyue lander is designed with a landing and propulsion (推进) section to carry two astronauts to the moon. The Mengzhou spacecraft, designed for space travel, 64 (include) a reentry module for the astronauts and a service module 65 (equip) with power and propulsion systems.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40 分)
第一节(满分15 分)
假定你是李华,你在英语阅读过程中时常对一些习语感到困惑。请给外教 Mr. Smith 写封邮件,内容包括:
注意: 1.写作词数应为80个左右;
Dear Mr. Smith,
Li Hua
Laughter is said to be the best medicine in our life. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Laughter lightens your burdens, inspires hope, connects you to others, and keeps you more focused on the positive. I like to laugh and be happy whenever there is a reason for it. Cracking jokes usually makes us happy and light-hearted after a day of hard work, and so do many funny incidents which we may sometimes experience in our daily life.
However, today, I would like to talk about a funny incident that happened to me a few years ago, when I was still a student at primary school. That very incident took place at a birthday party held at my aunt’s house. In fact, it was a birthday party held for one of my little cousins.
On that special occasion, everybody, including all of my family members, close relatives and some of the little friends of my cousin’s, was invited to the party on a lovely summer evening in order to enjoy the party. By the way, the party was supposed to be concluded as early as possible, because all the little guests, friends of my cousin’s, needed to return to their homes safely before it was getting too late at night. So, after several hours of busy preparations, the party formally started at around 8 pm. The adults and the kids all came up to the table and gently opened up the various colorful gift boxes one by one with a formal ceremony. Once we were done with opening the gift boxes, the time came for us to sing the “Happy Birthday to You” song in chorus, and we all sang the song in order to wish a very happy birthday to my little cousin. Finally came the moment we all had been waiting for eagerly. And we were ready to open the cake box and cut the birthday cake.
注意: 1.续写词数应为150个左右;
To our surprise, the cake had already been cut! __________________________________________________
Hearing what my aunt said, we expressed our willingness to give our share to the homeless. ______________
2023—2024 学年高三考前模拟考试
Text 1
M: Shall I call a taxi
W: The bookstore is only about 10 minutes’ walk.
Text 2
W: Shogun Restaurant.
M: Hi, I would like to make a dinner reservation.
W: Of course, when will you be joining us
M: We will need the reservation for Tuesday night.
Text 3
W: My brother joined the army last year.
M: Oh, what does he look like Is he tall
W: He’s tall and strong.
Text 4
W: Would you like to take this suit, sir
M: Well, I like the color and the material. The size is all right, too.
W: Yes, it fits you perfectly.
M: But I’m afraid the price is a little more than I can afford. Perhaps I can look at something else.
Text 5
W: The new computer software is driving me crazy!
M: I know what you mean, Carol. I’ve had nothing but trouble with it. They said it was supposed to be easy!
W: That’s what I heard. But as far as I’m concerned, only a genius can figure it out. I really need a break! Text 6
W: We will say hello to the New Year in a couple of hours!
M: Yeah. Have you made any good resolutions for the coming year
W: No, I haven’t yet. How about you
M: I want to be healthier, so I think I should exercise more.
W: That will be a lot of work!
M: Yeah. And I will make more friends, as you did last year.
W: Anything else
M: Maybe I should try to study my mathematics harder! Our teacher has talked to me several times.
W: Sounds great! I should make my own resolutions as soon as possible.
Text 7
M: Oh, no. It seems that I’ve lost something important.
W: What’s it
M: The ticket.
W: Are you kidding The train leaves in an hour. Where did you put it
M: It was in my pocket, but now I can’t find it.
W: Is it in the other pocket
M: No, it is not here. I’ll have to buy another ticket. If I don’t make it to Beijing tomorrow morning, my wife would argue with me.
Text 8
W: Hey, Lucas, how was your trip to Paris
M: It was wonderful, but I was so tired.
W: Did you go to the top of the Eiffel Tower
M: Yes, that was the first thing we did. We went all the way to the top. There were visitors from all over the world taking photos there.
W: What else did you see
M: Art galleries, churches, statues, palaces, there’s really too much to say.
W: You must have had a great time.
M: Yes, in the beginning we were all excited and had lots of fun. However, on the third day of traveling in the city, I felt sick. I thought I had eaten something bad but it passed by the evening.
W: Yes. You need to be careful with what you eat when you’re abroad. Sometimes new food might disagree with you.
M: On the fourth day, we went to taste the French food. That was really fantastic! And no stomach problems.
W: That is great. Everyone says French food is wonderful.
Text 9
M: How many hours a week do you work, Sue
W: We have to start at nine o’clock in the morning, but I’m always at school by a quarter past eight, in fact. Er, we finish at four o’clock 4 days a week, and I usually go home at four o’clock, and I’m usually home by half past four. Wednesday afternoon is free, so we finish at twelve o’clock on Wednesday.
M: How long have you been interested in computers, Sue
W: I suppose I got interested when I worked for my master’s degree.
M: What sort of thing do you do with your computer
W: Well, I use my computer, personally, as a word processor, quite a lot, but I also use it for creating programs.
Text 10
W: Three scientists have won the Nobel Prize in Physics for their work in helping to understand the evolution of the universe. Half of the $918,000 in prize money will go to Canadian-born James Peebles, a retired professor at Princeton University in the United States. The other half of the award will go to Michael Mayor and Didier Queloz, both of whom work in the University of Geneva in Switzerland. In 1995, the two men announced the first discovery of a planet outside our solar system. Didier Queloz also works at the University of Cambridge in England.
Scientists have praised Peebles as one of the most influential scientists of his time. They say he recognized the importance of a huge explosion billions of years ago. Scientists call the explosion “the Big Bang”. The Nobel committee said Peebles’ theory about the universe led to the foundation of our modern understanding of the universe’s history, from the Big Bang to the present day.
Peebles laughed repeatedly when he spoke by telephone with The Associated Press. He talked about hearing the news on the phone before sun rise and thinking that “it’s either something very wonderful or it’s something horrible”.
1—5 ABCCA 6—10 ABACB 11—15 BBCAB 16—20 CACBA
21—25 DACBC 26—30 DBBAC 31—35 AADBD 36—40 AGFBC
41—45 BDCCA 46—50 CBADD 51—55 ABCDA
56. an 57. to explore 58. which 59. indicating 60. and
61. carefully 62. participation 63. in 64. includes 65. equipped
写作 第一节(满分 15 分)
One possible version:
Dear Mr. Smith,
I’m Li Hua from Class 5, Grade 3 of our school. I’m writing to seek your help regarding idioms. I find it quite challenging to grasp the meanings of some idioms while reading English texts. They often confuse me, and I’m not sure how to interpret them correctly. I know that idioms are a crucial part of English language learning, and I am eager to improve my understanding of them.
I would really appreciate it if you could share some strategies or tips on how to better understand and remember idioms. Your guidance would be invaluable to me. Thank you very much for your time and support.
Li Hua
写作 第二节(满分25 分)
One possible version:
To our surprise, the cake had already been cut! What’s worse, almost half of the cake was missing! Without a clue as to what exactly had really happened, we all started to look at each other’s face in great shock. Then we suddenly noticed my aunt smiling in a corner of the room. Once approached by us, she spared no time in letting out her secret about giving her “fair share” of the cake to a homeless man in the street just now!
Hearing what my aunt said, we expressed our willingness to give our share to the homeless. We all felt a sense of warmth and kindness spreading among us. We decided to join my aunt and cut more cake to give to those in need. As we handed out the pieces of cake, smiles filled the faces of the recipients and us. It was a beautiful moment, showing that even a small act of kindness can make a big difference. We realized that this unexpected turn of events had turned into a memorable and meaningful celebration.


