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第一部分 选择题(50分)
Recently, my daughter reminded me of someone we saw at the train station a few years ago.
That day, my daughter and I were waiting for our train. We went to 1 some drinks, and there we saw an old man. Dressed 2 , he was standing in front of the counter while counting coins slowly to buy just one bottle of water. The businessman 3 him said impatiently, “Hey! We are in line. Can’t you be quick Some of us have a train 4 !” Hearing this, the old man felt very embarrassed(尴尬的), so he walked away quietly 5 .
It was my turn. I bought us two drinks and the old man’s 6 as well. We walked up to him and gave him the water with a smile. After walking away, my daughter said unhappily, “Dad, the old man is so 7 . He didn’t even say ‘thank you’ to us!” I told her that we did this not to get a “thank you” from other people. We just wanted to be nice.
Now, my daughter always reaches out to help people. She always waves her hands, makes a 8 on others and says “hi” to people on the street. She holds doors for people. She usually 9 things that people drop and returns to them.
When I mentioned this recently, she looked surprised. I asked her 10 she was so kind all the time. She said, “Because it is just right to be that way.” Then she added, “And because I see you do that all the time.”
( )1.A.change B.use C.make
( )2.A.poorly B.smartly C.brightly D.darkly
( )3.A.beside B.behind C.between D.beyond
( ) make catch find drive
( ) once times C.on time present
( )6.A.juice B.cola C.water D.milk
( )7.A.impatient B.impossible C.imperfect D.impolite
( )8.A.funny expression B.good speech
C.nice impression D.close contact
( )9.A.picks up B.takes out C.throws away up
( )10.A.when B.why C.what
第一节 阅读下列三篇短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择最佳选项,并在答题卷上将相应的字母涂黑。(共15小题,每小题1.5分)
Positive body language can tell you a lot about how someone is feeling. It shows that they’re interested in you and the conversation.
A relaxed posture shows a sense of comfort and ease. If someone sits comfortably and breathes calmly, he may be free from stress(压力). He will leave you an impression that encourages you to share a lot with him.
Arms relaxed also shows that the person is easy to get along with. For example, when you’re talking to the host at a party, and the host uncrosses his arms and opens his hands, you must feel welcomed.
Proper eye contact is necessary in a pleasant conversation. Looking into the other person’s eyes shows that you’re really interested in what they are saying. However, staring at others too long can be considered impolite. So proper eye contact also means looking away sometimes to avoid staring.
Nodding along is a way of showing that you’re really listening. When you nod while someone else is talking, it lets them know that you agree with what they’re saying and understand their meaning.
Smiling is an effective way to be kind and honest. Everyone loves being around people who always have a smile on their face.
Using positive body language can make communication much smoother and bring great things in return. The proper use of body language in communication with people will lead to some surprising results!
( )11.According to this passage, how many positive body languages are mentioned
A.Three B.Four C.Five D.Six
( )12.When someone is talking with you with a relaxed posture, you will ______.
A.sit in a comfortable sofa B.leave him a good impression
C.have a stressful feeling D.want to talk to him more
( )13.Which of the following body language can show your agreement
A.Smiling happily B.Nodding along C.Eye contact D.Crossing arms
( )14.Which of the following is NOT true about positive body language
A.People like staying with the person who always smiles.
B.Using too much eye contact is very impolite.
C.When you cross your arms, you are welcoming others.
D.Nodding while talking means you understand others.
( )15.Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage
A.①\②③④⑤⑥\⑦ B.①②③④⑤⑥\⑦ C.①②\③④⑤⑥\⑦ D.①\②③④⑤\⑥⑦
Fan Shenghua, 59, is one of the inheritors (继承者)of the Longjing tea roasting technique (炒茶技艺). His hands, thick and rough, are a reminder of more than 40 years of hard work.
“You really have to touch the leaves with your hands to see how much water should be removed(移除),” Fan said. “If too much is removed, the leaves will break into pieces; if not enough is removed, the tea will have a bitter taste.”
This traditional technique dates back to the Ming and Qing dynasties. It not only ensures the quality (质量)of the tea, but is also an important part of Chinese tea culture. “Longjing tea leaves are famous for their color, taste and shape. Only by hand can we make the best of them. It’s like making a work of art,” Fan said.
These days, however, more people are using machines to do the job. “It’s easier, but the quality is not as good,” Fan said. “Machine-made tea floats longer in water and tastes bitter.”
In March this year, when President Xi Jinping visited Hangzhou, he watched Fan roast tea leaves. Fan changed the strength and movement of his hands as he felt the tea leaves roast. Xi later said, “The things made by two hands cannot be replaced by modern technology.”
Fan is now taking apprentices (学徒). His son, a 27-year-old college graduate, is one of them. “It’s a tradition. We need to pass it down,” said the father.
( )16.What does this traditional technique in Paragraph 3 refer to
A.Picking tea leaves. B.Drinking tea in a traditional way.
C.Roasting tea leaves by hand. D.Using machines to heat tea leaves.
( )17.According to Fan, what will happen to tea leaves if they have too much water
A.They will go bad quickly. B.They will easily break into pieces.
C.They will float longer in water. D.They will make the tea taste bitter.
( )18.What does Fan think of roasting tea leaves with machines
A.It can’t ensure the quality of the tea. B.It might make tea leaves heavier.
C.It does not save the energy at all. D.It costs more money than before.
( )19.What do we know from the last paragraph
A.Fan will open his own school to teach this technique.
B.Fan’s son is studying tea culture in college now.
C.Fan’s son is learning how to roast tea leaves by hand.
D.Fan is making this technique popular worldwide.
( )20.What is the best title for the passage
A.Machine makes better tea. B.West Lake Longjing Tea.
C.Tea leaves must be roasted by hand. D.Tradition passed down by hand.
You never know where life will lead you. When I was a young boy, my elder sister Becky always seemed to over-shadow me.
When your sister is both a great athlete(运动员)and a great student, it’s just natural that people will easily notice her accomplishments, and not notice what her little brother has done. Sometimes, it’s just hard to be the little brother of someone who does everything well.
Becky was the best swimmer in our province, but I never liked swimming. One time, as a kid, I got water up my nose and never wanted to get in the water again. And since Becky was such a great swimmer, I was just in her shadow again.
Swimming was not for me.
One day, I fell off my skateboard and broke my leg so badly that the doctors said I could never really skateboard again. They said there was only one exercise that would be good for me—swimming!
Well, I gave it a try. Every week, I got a little better and hated swimming a little less. I worked at it so much that one day my high school swimming coach asked me to join the school team. You can imagine how that made me feel, considering my sister Becky had always been the swimming star in our family.
Much to everyone’s surprise, I ended up winning a silver medal in the city finals.
Becky She doesn’t swim much anymore. But me I do. It’s a big part of my life now.
You never know which road life will take you down. Look at me—a swimmer!
For this reason, I say: never limit your choices. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. And remember, life is a swimming pool. Just jump in and start swimming! You might be surprised where you end up.
( )21.What does “accomplishments” mean in the second paragraph
A.descriptions B.achievements C.decisions D.characters
( )22.Which of the following can be inferred (推断)according to the first three paragraphs
A.The writer was proud of his sister’s excellence.
B.The writer felt lonely when his sister didn’t notice him at all.
C.The writer respected his sister because of her hard work.
D.The writer felt uncomfortable when compared with his sister.
( )23.Why did the writer dislike swimming at first
A.He found swimming to be boring and tiring.
B.He had a fear of water and didn’t want to swim.
C.He was more interested in other sports than swimming.
D.He broke his leg so badly that he couldn’t swim.
( )24.How did the writer’s attitude (态度)towards swimming change over time
A.He continued to dislike swimming in the school team.
B.He fell in love with swimming very soon.
C.He started to enjoy swimming after regular practice.
D.He refused to try swimming because of an accident.
( )25.What advice does the writer give at the end of the story
A.Keep an open mind and consider all possibilities.
B.Enjoy swimming in the swimming pool.
C.Stay away from risks when meeting difficulties.
D.Family support plays an important role in achieving success.
第二节 请阅读全文,并从下列方框里的六个句子选择五个句子还原到原文里,使原文的意思完整、连贯。(共5小题,每小题2分)
A.People watched short videos of apes making a gesture.B.They wanted to see if humans could understand the gestures of apes.C.Humans and other apes all developed from an earlier kind of ape that lived long ago.D.They’re also curious about how humans understand other animals, like dogs.E.That’s twice as much as people would be expected to do.F.The final result is surprising, since most people haven’t spent much time at all with apes.
Scientists have studied how apes(猿) use gestures. But until recently, no research had been carried out on humans’ ability to understand ape’s gestures. Researchers Kirsty and Catherine at the University of St. Andrews decided to work on it. 26
They created a game for people to play online. The game was simple. 27 Then they had to choose the correct meaning of the gesture out of four possible answers. For the videos, the researchers chose 10 of the most common gestures used by apes.
Thousands of people played the game. The researchers were surprised to find that people were able to choose the correct meaning of the gestures over 50% of the time. 28 For some of the gestures, people were able to choose the correct meaning about 80% of the time. One example of this was the gesture of wiping the mouth, which people correctly guessed “give me that food”.
The scientists believe that humans may have a natural ability to understand the gestures of apes. But it’s not clear why.
29 So one possibility is that the body language of these gestures has been passed down from this shared ancestor (祖先).
The researchers say that they need to study how humans are able to understand the gestures of apes. 30
第三节 信息匹配(共5小题,每小题1.5分)
下面的材料A~F分别介绍了六项志愿项目的内容。请根据Lily, James, Oliver, Sophie, Isabella五个人的需求,帮助他们选出最适合他们的活动。
A.Youth Mentors Club
We want to help children understand why we should help our community. Volunteers can teach, guide, and show young people how to be good people.
B.Sunny Field Team
Our event is all about football fun. We need volunteers to help with games, talk with fans, and make the day great. It is a big party of sport and community.
C.Physical Fitness Facilitators
Our event is all about getting people moving around and exercising. Volunteers can help set up games, teach players, and make sure everyone has a good time.
D.Enhancing Well-being Helpers
We work with hospitals to make patients’ days brighter. Volunteers can help by reading to patients, or just having a talk. You can bring happiness to someone’s day.
E.Loving Sanctuary Stewards
Our place is a safe home for animals. Volunteers help by feeding, cleaning and spending time with the animals. We want to make a friendly place for both animals and people.
F.Eco-conscious Volunteers
We work to make people care more about the environment. Volunteers can join us in planting trees, talking about green living, and teaching people how to look after our planct.
( )31.Lily loves football and wants to join a project with other football lovers.
( )32.James will volunteer to show kids the importance of helping the community.
( )33.Oliver loves animals and wishes to spend his free time caring for them at a place.
( )34.Sophie loves nature and wants to help with a project that protects the environment.
( )35.Isabella admires doctors and nurses and wants to volunteer to make patients happier.
第二部分 非选择题(25分)
Chinese-style movies are becoming popular among viewers. The movie “Chang An” has 36 (succeed)attracted both children and parents. Set in the Tang Dynasty, 1,300 years ago, the film begins with 37 elderly poet named Gao Shi looking back on the past. It describes the ups and downs of the 38 (life)of Gao Shi and Li Bai, as well as their lifelong friendship. It also tells the stories of other great poets 39 the Tang Dynasty.
Li Bai is one of China’s most outstanding poets. Throughout his life, he experiences a sense of heroic freedom and natural joy. However, as people can see, a deep feeling of sadness 40 (express)in Invitation to Wine as well.
The poem, which many Chinese people know by heart, starts with this:
“Can you see the Yellow River flowing down from the sky and rushing towards the sea never to return ”
Film Commentator(评论员)Li said, “On one hand, it allows everyone 41 (enter)the world of movies and experience the stories of poets. Children appear 42 (joy)to read some of the poems in the movies. I believe this is just the beginning. It actually provides a powerful and positive stimulation(刺激)to 43 (we)traditional culture.”
44 (Retell)traditional Chinese stories in a modern way can help bring people closer to Chinese culture. 45 the movie describes ancient stories from Chinese history, the essence(本质)of human nature can still be understood by people today around the world.
参考词汇:Chinese knot 中国结 Cantonese Opera 粤剧
Dear Jack,
I hope this letter finds you well. Last week, _____________________________________________________
Looking forward to hearing about your recent adventures.
Best regards,
Li Hua
Ⅰ.完形填空(10 分)
1~5 DABBA 6~10 CDCAB
11~15 CDBCA 16~20 CDACD 21~25 BDBCA
26~30 BAECD 31~35 BAEFD
36.successfully;; 38.lives; 39.during; 40.was expressed enter; 42.joyful; 43.our; 44.Retelling; 45.Although


