2024年中考英语复习专题-短文选词填空(广东专用) (含解析)

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2024年中考英语复习专题-短文选词填空(广东专用) (含解析)


more receive sad nothing well he when headmaster show what time never
My teenage son Karl became unsocial after his father died, always staying alone and being silent all day. As a single parent, I tried to do my 1 to talk to him. But the more I tried, the more he pulled away. 2 his report card arrived, it said that he had been absent 95 3 from classes and had six failing grades for the year. If he kept on like this, he would 4 graduate. I sent him to the school adviser, and I even begged him. But 5 worked.
One night I was at work when I 6 a phone call. A man introduced himself as the headmaster. “I want to talk to you about Karl’s absences.” Before he could say another word, I choked up (哽咽) and said 7 , “I love my son. I’ve tried everything to get Karl back to school…but…it’s out of my hands.” For a moment there was silence on the other end of the line. The 8 seriously said, “Thank you for your time”, and hung up.
Karl’s next report card 9 a marked improvement in his grades. He was even on the list of the most understanding students at school. In his fourth year, I went to a parent-teacher meeting. I noticed that his class teacher was surprised at the way he had turned himself around. On our way home, he said, “Mom, remember that call from the headmaster last year ” I said yes. “That was me. I thought I’d play a joke but when I heard 10 you said, it really hit me how much I was hurting you. That’s when I knew I had to make you proud. ”
she, change, make, volunteer, doctor, in, because, easy, deep, little, more, parents
Over the past 13 years, 31-year-old Li Hongjia has helped nearly 500 deaf-mute (聋哑的) children return to school.
Li was born 11 central China. When she was in college, she began working with deaf-mute children as a 12 in a rehabilitation (康复) center. At first, Li wanted to be a designer after graduation as her parents expected, but the volunteer service experience 13 her mind. She wanted to be a teacher at the center to help these children more. And she made it. However, it wasn’t 14 for Li to work in the center at first. Li couldn’t afford a big room 15 she only got 800 yuan a month. She had to live in a small room of 16 than 10 square meters. Even the bed was 17 with two chairs by herself. The biggest problem came
from Li’s 18 . They couldn’t accept their daughter’s job. Her father even refused to see her. But when he saw the children for the first time, he was touched 19 and got a better understanding of his daughter’s work.
Li tries 20 best to teach the children to speak. “If a job is only for money, I would not choose it,” Li said. “This job gives me a great sense of achievement.”
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What’s your hometown like Over the past thirty years, many big changes have 21 place in our hometown. Many big companies and factories have been opened. Lots 22 tall buildings are standing here and there. In the past, it was only 23 lonely seaside village. Now it has become a modern city.
Look! This is the new train station. In the past, people here never saw trains or buses. Few people had bikes. Most people walked 24 they wanted to leave the city. Now the train station is big and there are more buses to take people to every part of the city and 25 places. There are also parks, museums and places for people to enjoy sports, music and art. The government has built more roads. Some people have stopped 26 bikes. They have bought cars. The traffic has been very 27 today.
Thirty years ago, there 28 only about one thousand people living here. Now the population is much 29 . More and more people are coming here to work or live. It has become a new tourist attraction (旅游景点) as 30 . You can enjoy beautiful beaches, sea food and some places of great interest.
successful, story, manage, by, proud, they, but, so, man, who, make, treat
Everyone has his own hero. My favourite Greek hero is Odysseus 31 is the main character in The Odyssey. It’s a famous story which was written 32 the Greek storteller, Homer.
Odysseus and his friends went from Greece to Troy to fight. After ten years, they won and were very 33 of themselves. Then they set off for home, but on 34 way home, they got lost because of a great storm. While they were travelling, they met many strange people. Most of them wanted to hurt Odysseus and his friends, 35 a few helped them. On an island a very big man with only one eye tried to kill them. During this fight, Odysseus lost many of his friends, but he 36 to get away. After ten more years on the way home,
Odysseus got back to his own country alone 37 . However, he looked 38 different that his wife and son failed to recognize him. They didn’t know who he was until Odysseus saved them from some bad 39 .
I like this 40 because it is very interesting and exciting. I also learn from Odysseus that great men never give up, no matter what they face.
live especially fall change for build hometown he impossible dangerous walk still
In the morning, Wang Xin rides his new bike to school. This year, Wang Xin’s parents bought a bike 41 him.
Wang Xin now 42 in a small village in the mountains. Life used to be very hard for him and 43 family. The main road was steep (陡峭的) and had many “Z” shape turnings. So it was very 44 to drive or ride bikes on this road. All other roads in the village were filled with stones. Many people easily fell down because of these stones and hurt themselves, 45 at night. For little kids like Wang Xin, they had to 46 to school every day for at least two and a half hours. Recently, great 47 have taken place in this village. Thanks to the local government, the new roads were 48 . Since all of the roads now are wide and smooth, Wang Xin and other kids now can ride their bikes to school. It only takes them half an hour to get to school, which is 49 for students in the past.
“Our village is becoming more and more beautiful now. I want to go to college to learn more knowledge and make a contribution (贡献) to my 50 ” Wang Xin said. “We are all really thankful to our great government.”
Sure/ most/ how/ win/ his/ too/ hard/ age/ out/ an/ send/ what
James Parker is a table tennis player. He can’t walk, but he can move very fast in his wheelchair (轮椅).
James had a bad car accident at the 51 of six. Now he can’t use his legs, and he has to use a wheelchair. James “drives” the chair with 52 arms. He plays video games, and he also plays basketball with his brothers.
But his favorite place is at the table tennis table. James practices table tennis every day for 53 hour after school. “I want to 54 a gold medal in the Olympic Games,” he said. “I’m 55 that I can do
it. And I want kids like me to think that they can win, 56 .”
James can go in and 57 of the house easily because there is a special ramp (斜坡). At Adams High School,James is one of the 58 popular students. All the teachers and students like him. He works 59 , although he has to sit at the back of the classroom because of his chair. He doesn’t mind that at all. “I like it back there,” he said. 60 a strong boy he is!
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I paid 61 visit to Tunisia (突尼斯) last spring, so I have some suggestions for you. It is really a beautiful country and well 62 visiting. There are so many interesting things to see and to do in the country. Of the four 63 , I think spring is the best time to visit the country. I’d like to make a suggestion that you should go there 64 in April or in May. People in Tunisia are kind and friendly. When they meet foreign people 65 the first time, they usually shake hands to greet each other. When acquaintances (熟人) meet each other, they not only shake hands 66 also hug each other.
In Tunisia, you can visit many interesting places and taste different kinds of delicious food. However, while 67 are enjoying yourself, you are supposed to behave properly. You need to respect (尊重) the local customs. For 68 , you aren’t supposed to eat pork (猪肉).
Finally, don’t forget to 69 your passport ready before you leave for Tunisia. I hope that you will 70 a good time there!
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As a book lover, I’ve tired both paper books and e-books. While both give you the 71 of reading, the experience can be quite different.
Many people 72 reading paper books because they are easy to buy from bookshops and comfortable to read. Paper books also allow readers to make notes 73 . However, some books, such as dictionaries, can be 74 and are not easy to carry around.
75 with paper books, e-books has its advantages. E-books can be 76 in a reader, which is much lighter. Many e-book readers also have a dictionary for you to check new words quickly! However, you can
only get e-books 77 . Unlike paper books, you must read e-books on an e-book reader, a computer, or a smartphone. This adds extra (额外的) cost. Moreover, it’s not good for our 78 to read e-books on the screen for a long time.
Today, 79 more people will try e-books, I believe paper books will not disappear. 80 my opinion, it doesn’t matter which you use as long as it allows you to enjoy reading.
first, have, him, join, student, so, with, to, invite, but, full, last
A big company wanted to find someone to work for them. Lots of young college 81 came to ask for the job, but only a small number of them were left. And this time, the company didn’t plan to choose the right persons as usual.
When they took the final interview, a big box 82 of papers was placed on the way to the interview room, and a few papers were lying around the box.
The 83 student came. He hurried along the way to take the interview. “Who put this box in the middle of the road ” the student said to 84 , but he did not try to move the box away. The second student came along and did the same thing. Then another came. All of them complained about the box, 85 none of them tried to move it. What’s worse, someone even stepped (踩) on the papers and left without 86 a look at the things on the ground.
Then a thin young man 87 glasses came. When he saw the box and the papers around it, he stopped and began to pick up the papers and put them into the box. He managed to move the box 88 the side. To his great surprise, he found an 89 under the box. On it were the following words: “Congratulations, young man! You are the right person we are looking for! Would you like to 90 us ”
Sometimes helping others is helping yourself.
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The Kong Ming Lantern is a traditional Chinese lantern. It is usually made of bamboo and 91 with paper. Inside the lantern, there’s a small 92 at the bottom. The heat from the candle makes the lantern rise into the sky. But do you know 93 it is called the Kong Ming Lantern
It is said that the Kong Ming Lantern was 94 used by Zhuge Kongming. During the time of the Three Kingdoms, once Zhuge Kongming 95 into trouble. At first, he didn’t know how to tell others about 96 situation. However, he was so 97 that he came up with an idea soon. He made the Kongming Lantern to give signals (信号) in the war. In this way, he was out of 98 .
Today, the Kong Ming Lantern is much loved all over Asia. People use it 99 important days and during festivals. They always write something good on the lantern and then fly it away. 100 it slowly rises into the air, it seems their wishes will come true.
The Kong Ming Lantern is not only a cultural tradition but also a symbol of hope.
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Class One was having a meeting. The students were having a discussion in the classroom. What were they talking about The topic was the best 101 in our normal life. Tom thought the clock was the most useful 102 it could tell the time exactly. Without the clock, we didn’t know 103 to leave for school. Maria showed us a crayon on the desk. 104 could be used to draw beautiful pictures. So it was helpful. Peter 105 computers. He said that the world was connected together by computers. We could get the information far away in a minute. There were also tiny computers 106 the patients’ bodies. These computers were used for treating illnesses. Lily 107 certain that the robots were important. The robots which worked in the factories helped people perform different 108 . It’s no doubt that all of the above changed our habits. They make us work and live more 109 . Perhaps in the future we can invent something for ourselves. I’m sure we have the 110 to be a real inventor.
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Sometimes we get a gift that we either don’t like or don’t need. It’s impolite to 111 it or say that you don’t like it. Then you may give it to someone else. That’s called re-gifing.
Some people say re-gifting makes good use of an unwanted gift. 112 , others worry that re-gifting might hurt the giver’s feeling. In my opinion, re-gifting is a(n) 113 idea. It has many advantages. It’s a fantastic way to 114 with things you don’t need. It’s also a simple way of recycling. It gives a new life to
unwanted gifts and stops them 115 being left in rubbish bins. It’s also good for the environment.
If you are thinking about re-gifting, you must follow some 116 . To be a wise re-gifer, first, don’t re-gift anything to 117 close friends or family. If the gift giver finds out you have re-gifted his or her gift, he or she will cetainly get 118 . The second rule is to make sure there are no names or personal messages on it. You need to check the gift 119 . Finally, if nobody likes the gift, you can also 120 it to the poor.
Remember: the most important thing is to show love by re-gifing.
proud however page meaningless draw without take sad large garden also why
At midnight, an artist woke up. He reached for his pencil and started to 121 . He started with a single dot (小圆点). It 122 the artist hours to finish his picture. He was quite satisfied with his work and went to sleep again. 123 , the dot was not happy. It looked around the page and saw colorful lines all around. “I am not so colorful as the lines. I am just a small and 124 dot,” it thought. “This picture does not need me. I wonder 125 the artist drew me.” So the dot jumped off the page.
The next morning, the artist got up and looked at his picture. “Where has my seed (种子) gone This is a picture of a small seed in the soil before it grows into a large tree, but 126 the seed, it is useless. And I cannot draw another so perfect as I did the first time,” said the artist 127 .
The dot began to realize that it was not only a dot, but 128 a seed. A seed may start off small, but there’s no telling how 129 it will become, how many leaves it will grow, and how many people will find shelter under it.
The dot jumped back onto the 130 . It jumped onto the exact spot it had left because it knew that, although it was just a small dot, it meant much more in the big picture.
succeed and fill they proud hard seriously regret without but an by
I love eating persimmons (柿子) . But I can’t get 131 until autumn.
In Grade 9, in order to get into 132 excellent high school, my parents pushed me to study hard but I didn’t really understand why they were so anxious.
Summer came and I studied much 133 than before. When I wanted to stop working, Mom would remind me. “Hey. Son! Think about your future. You will 134 it unless you work hard!” I had to return to my textbooks that were 135 with words. But all I thought about was playing with my friends and eating persimmons.
My mom would say to me, with a 136 look on her face, “If a persimmon tree doesn’t grow in summer, it can’t bear hundreds of fruit in autumn!”
Although I didn’t understand it at that time, I gradually came to see the truth of her words. A few months later, I 137 in getting into the key high school. It was autumn. I knew I wouldn’t make it 138 working hard. My mom was right, only by hard work can we get the good results of our work. I take 139 in myself. I had worked hard all summer 140 it was time for me to enjoy the fruits of my hard work!
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Zhou Enlai was the first Premier of the People’s Republic of China, serving from October, 1949 until his death in January, 1976. He was 141 on March 5th, 1898 in Jiangsu Province. He was regarded 142 the smartest diplomat (外交官) around the world.
Once an American reporter wanted to make Zhou embarrassed (尴尬的) in a news conference (发布会). When he saw Zhou writing down things on a paper with a pen 143 was made in America, he was quite happy and asked why Zhou still used the pen made by the USA.Mr. Zhou answered with a 144 , “That was a long story. This pen was 145 to me by a special friend from North Korea. I refused at 146 , but he said it was a gift for me to remember the victory against the USA.I thought it was something 147 and meaningful to me, so I accepted it and used it till today. ” The reporter got embarrassed himself and then he had 148 idea. He continued, “Why did Chinese people like to walk with their heads down while our Americans walk with our heads 149 ” Mr. Zhou said to him without a second thought, “Our Chinese are going up higher and higher 150 we are making progress, but you are going down since you are going back little by little.” And thousands of people in the conference clapped their hands.
way every drink small some that so taste why attention become in
Drinking Kungfu Tea is one of the most famous customs in Chaoshan area. In Chaoshan, 151 family has tea sets. Tea must be 152 several times a day. Chaoshan people can not hardly live without tea for a day, 153 the first thing Chaoshan people usually treat guests is to make tea.
Kungfu Tea is not a kind tea. It’s a 154 to make tea. The reason 155 it is called Kungfu Tea is because it is made in a very particular way. The word “Kungfu” in Chaoshan dialect (方言) means to pay 156 to the way of doing things. Here it refers to the way of cooking and 157 tea. Chaoshan Kungfu Tea has 158 an important part of the study of Chaoshan culture. Drinking Kungfu Tea is a kind of social activity 159 people’s daily life, which leads to many customs.
It seems that there are so many cultures and emotions in a 160 cup of kungfu Tea. Chaoshan people enjoy as low pace of life. It’s really wonderful for them to make a cup of tea after a day’s work and taste it slowly.
1.best 2.When 3.times 4.never 5.nothing 6.received 7.sadly 8.headmaster 9.showed 10.what
1.句意:作为一名单亲家长,我试图尽我最大的努力和他谈话。try one’s best to do sth“尽某人最大的努力做某事”,用备选词汇well的最高级best。故填best。
2.句意:当收到他的报告单时,上面写着他今年缺了95节课,有6次不及格。根据“his report card arrived”可知此处用备选词汇when引导时间状语从句。故填When。
4.句意:如果他再继续这样下去,他可能毕不了业。根据上文“it said that he had been absent 95…from classes and had six failing grades for the year”可知,他的在校的不良表现会让他无法毕业,用备选词汇never表示否定。故填never。
5.句意:但什么都不管用。根据上文“I sent him to the school adviser, and I even begged him.”和“But”可知此处指做什么都起不了作用,用备选词汇nothing表示“没有什么”。故填nothing。
6.句意:一天晚上,我上班时接到了一个电话。根据“a phone call”可知此处用备选词汇receive表示“接听”电话,句子用一般过去时叙事,谓语用过去式。故填received。
7.句意:不等他再说一句话,我就哽咽起来,悲伤地说:“我爱我的儿子。我已经尽了一切努力让卡尔回到学校……但是……这不是我能控制的。”根据“I choked up (哽咽)”可知,哭着说,说明很伤心,用备选词汇sad的副词sadly修饰动词said。故填sadly。
8.句意:校长认真地说:“谢谢您的宝贵时间”,然后挂断了电话。根据上文“A man introduced himself as the headmaster.”可知此处用headmaster指“校长”。故填headmaster。
9.句意:卡尔的下一份报告单显示他的成绩有了显著提高。根据“a marked improvement in his grades”可知,成绩的显著提高是报告单上显示出来的,备选词汇show“显示”符合语境,句子用一般过去时叙事,谓语用过去式。故填showed。
大。根据“you said”可知heard后接的宾语从句缺少宾语,用what来引导宾语从句。故填what。
11.in 12.volunteer 13.changed 14.easy 15.because 16.less 17.made 18.parents 19.deeply 20.her
11.句意:李出生在中国中部。be born in“出生在某地”,China表示大地点,前面用介词in。故填in。
12.句意:大学时,她开始在一家康复中心做志愿者,帮助聋哑儿童。根据“the volunteer service experience”可知,她在这里做志愿者,a后加可数名词单数volunteer“志愿者”。故填volunteer。
13.句意:起初,李想像父母期望的那样,毕业后成为一名设计师,但志愿服务的经历改变了她的想法。根据“Li wanted to be a designer after graduation as her parents expected”可知,前后想法发生了变化,change“改变”,句子用一般过去时。故填changed。
14.句意:然而,李一开始在中心的工作并不容易。根据“Li couldn’t afford a big room...”以及下文的描述可知一开始的工作不容易,easy“容易的”。故填easy。
16.句意:她不得不住在一个不到10平方米的小房间里。根据“live in a small room of...than 10 square meters”可知,因为没有钱,所以住的是不到10平米的小房间,less than“少于”。故填less。
17. 句意:连床都是她一个人用两把椅子做的。根据“by herself ”可知,床是她自己用两把椅子制作的,make“制作”,此处用过去分词和be动词构成被动语态。故填made。
18. 句意:最大的问题来自李的父母。根据“They couldn’t accept their daughter’s job”可知,问题来自她的父母,parents“父母”。故填parents。
19.句意:但当他第一次见到孩子们时,他被深深地感动了,对女儿的工作有了更好的了解。根据“he was touched”可知,他被深深地感动,此处用副词deeply“深深地”。故填deeply。
20.句意:李尽最大的努力教孩子们说话。try one’s best to do sth.“尽某人最大的努力做某事”,此处用形容词性物主代词her。故填her。
21.taken 22.of 23.a 24.when 25.other 26.riding 27.heavy 28.were 29.larger 30.well
21.句意:在过去的三十年里,我们的家乡发生了许多巨大的变化。take place“发生”,空前是have,因此是现在完成时结构,其后应是take的过去分词形式。故填taken。
22.句意:许多高楼矗立在各处。lots of“许多”,故填of。
24.句意:大多数人在想离开这座城市的时候都是步行的。根据“Most people walked…they wanted to leave the city.”可知是指大多数人在想离开这座城市的时候都是步行的,when“当”,故填when。
25.句意:现在火车站很大,有更多的公交车把人们送到城市的每一个地方和其他地方。根据“Now the train station is big and there are more buses to take people to every part of the city and…places.”以及结合备选词汇,可知是指送到城市的每一个地方和其他地方。other“其它的”,故填other。
26.句意:一些人已经不再骑自行车了。根据“bikes”以及结合备选词汇,可知是指骑自行车,ride“骑”,stop doing sth.“停止做某事”,故填riding。
27.句意:今天的交通一直很拥挤。根据“They have bought cars”可知交通变得拥挤,heavy“过量的”,故填heavy。
28.句意:30年前,这里只有1000人居住左右。there be“有”,描述过去的事,用一般过去时;结合空后是people,可知be动词用were。故填were。
29.句意:现在的人口更多。根据“More and more people are coming here to work or live.”可知人口更多了,large“大的”符合,而此处是比过去人口多,因此需用比较级。故填larger。
30.句意:它也成为了一个新的旅游景点。as well“也”,故填well。
31.who 32.by 33.proud 34.their 35.but 36.managed 37.successfully 38.so 39.men 40.story
32.句意:这是一个著名的故事,是由希腊讲故事的人荷马写的。根据“was written…the Greek storteller, Homer.”可知,书是由荷马写的,be written by sb“由某人写的”,备选词by符合题意。故填by。
33.句意:十年后,他们赢了,并为自己感到非常自豪。根据“they won and were very”可知应该是自豪的,备选词proud“自豪的”符合语境,作表语。故填proud。
34.句意:然后他们出发回家,但在回家的路上,他们迷路了,因为一场大风暴。根据“Then they set off for home, but on…way home”可知,在他们回家的路上,备选词they的形容词性物主代词their“他们的”符合题意,on their way home“在他们回家的路上”。故填their。
35.句意:他们中的大多数人想伤害奥德修斯和他的朋友,但也有少数人帮助了他们。根据“Most of them wanted to hurt Odysseus and his friends,”以及“a few helped them.”可知,设空处前后存在转折关系,备选词but“但是”符合语境。故填but。
36.句意:在这场战斗中,奥德修斯失去了许多朋友,但他设法逃脱了。根据“Odysseus lost many of his friends”以及后文“but he”可知,应是他设法逃脱了,备选词manage“设法做到”符合语境,该句描述过去发生的事情,动词使用过去式。故填managed。
37.句意:在回家的路上又走了十年,奥德修斯独自成功地回到了自己的国家。根据“Odysseus got back to his own country alone”可知,是成功地回到了自己的国家,备选词successful的副词形式successfully“成功地”,修饰“got back”。故填successfully。
38.句意:然而,他看起来太不一样了,他的妻子和儿子没能认出他来。根据“different that his wife and son failed to recognize him.”可知,考查so…that“如此……以至于”,备选词so符合题意。故填so。
39.句意:他们不知道他是谁,直到奥德修斯把他们从坏人手中救了出来。根据“They didn’t know who he was until Odysseus saved them from some bad”可知,把他们从一些坏人手里救出来,some后用备选词man的复数形式men。故填men。
40.句意:我喜欢这个故事,因为它非常有趣和令人兴奋。根据“It’s a famous story which was written”可知是故事,备选词story“故事”符合语境,设空处前有“this”,填名词单数。故填story。
41.for 42.lives 43.his 44.dangerous 45.especially 46.walk
47.changes 48.built 49.impossible 50.hometown
41.句意:今年,王欣的父母给他买了一辆自行车。根据“bought a bike”可知,buy sth for sb“为某人买某物”。故填for。
42.句意:王欣现在住在山里的一个小村庄里。根据“Wang Xin now...in a small village in the mountains.”可知,此处说的是王欣的居住地;本句时态为一般现在时,主语为第三人称单数,动词live“居住”要用单三形式。故填lives。
43.句意:对他和他的家人来说,过去的生活非常艰难。根据“him and...family”可知,此处指“他和他的家人”,应用he的形容词性物主代词形式his修饰名词。故填his。
44.句意:所以在这条路上开车或骑自行车是非常危险的。根据“The main road was steep and had many ‘Z’ shape turnings.”可知,在陡峭的路上骑车很危险,dangerous“危险的”,符合语境。故填dangerous。
45.句意:许多人很容易因为这些石头摔倒而受伤,尤其是在晚上。根据“Many people easily fell down because of these stones and hurt themselves”可知,夜晚出行尤其危险,especially“特别,尤其”,符合语境。故填especially。
46.句意:对于像王欣这样的孩子来说,他们每天至少要走两个半小时的路去上学。根据“drive or ride bikes on this road”可知,他们不能骑车或开车上学,因此只能步行;walk“步行”,符合语境。故填walk。
47.句意:最近,这个村子发生了很大的变化。根据“have taken place in this village”可知,此处说的是村子的变化,应用可数名词change“变化”的复数形式。故填changes。
48.句意:多亏了当地政府,新的道路得以修建。根据“the new roads were”可知,此处指“修路”,主语new roads是动作的承受者,应用一般过去时的被动语态:was/were done;build“修建”的过去分词为built。故填built。
49.句意:到学校只需要半个小时,这对过去的学生来说是不可能的。根据“for at least two and a half hours”可知,半个小时就能到学校,这在以前是不可能的,impossible“不可能的”,符合语境。故填impossible。
50.句意:我想上大学,学习更多的知识,为家乡做贡献。根据“Our village is becoming more and more beautiful now. I want to go to college to learn more knowledge and make a contribution to...”可知,此处指“为家乡做贡献”,hometown“家乡”,符合语境。故填hometown。
51.age 52.his 53.an 54.win 55.sure 56.too 57.out 58.most 59.hard 60.What
51.句意:詹姆斯六岁时遭遇了一场严重的车祸。at the age of“在……岁时”,固定短语,故填age。
54.句意:希望在奥运会上获得金牌。根据a gold medal可知,是指希望在奥运会上“赢得”金牌,空前有不定式符号to。故填win。
55.句意:我确信能获得金牌。be sure that固定用法,意为“确信”。故填sure。
57.句意:詹姆斯可以很容易地进出房子,因为这里有一个专门的坡道。由“go in and...”可知,此处应与in并列,所以要用out来填空。故填out。
59.句意:管他不得不因为轮椅坐在教室的后排,但他仍然努力学习。work hard,固定短语,意为“努力学习”。故填hard。
60.句意:多么坚强的一个男孩啊!空格后面的词语是a strong boy,所以要用What来填空,构成感叹句,句首单词首字母大写。故填What。
61.a 62.worth 63.seasons 64.either 65.for 66.but 67.you
68.example 69.get 70.have
61.句意:我去年春天访问了突尼斯,所以我有一些建议给你。pay a visit to“访问”,是固定短语。故填a。
62.句意:它真的是一个美丽的国家,值得去参观。be well worth doing sth“值得做某事”,为固定短语,故填worth。
63.句意:在四个季节中,我认为春天是去这个国家旅行的最佳时间。根据“I think spring is the best time”可知,是指四个季节。season“季节”,应用复数名词,故填seasons。
65.句意:当他们第一次见面时,他们通常会握手问候对方。for the first time“第一次”,为固定短语。故填for。
66.句意:当熟人见面时,他们不仅握手,而且互相拥抱。not only...but also...“不但……而且……”,为固定短语。故填but。
68.句意:例如,你不应该吃猪肉。for example“例如”,为固定短语,符合语境,故填example。
69.句意:最后,在前往突尼斯之前,别忘了准备好护照。根据“don’t forget to...your passport ready before you leave for Tunisia.”结合选词可知,是指不要忘记准备护照。get“得到”符合,不定式符号to后跟动词原形。故填get。
70.句意:我希望你在那里玩得愉快!have a good time“玩得愉快”,为固定短语,will后跟动词原形。故填have。
71.pleasure 72.prefer 73.easily 74.heavy 75.Compared 76.stored 77.online 78.eyes 79.although 80.In
71.句意:虽然两者都可以给你阅读的乐趣,但体验却大不相同。根据“...the experience can
be quite different”可知此处指阅读的乐趣。pleasure“乐趣”,名词。故填pleasure。
72.句意:很多人更喜欢纸质书,因为它们容易从书店购买,并且阅读起来很舒适。prefer doing“更喜欢做某事”,根据全文时态一致原则可知此处用一般现在时。故填prefer。
74.句意:然而,一些书籍,比如词典,可能很重且不易携带。根据“...are not easy to carry around”可知此处指字典重,heavy“重的”,在句中作表语。故填heavy。
75.句意:相比之下,电子书有它的优势。根据“...e-books has its advantages.”可知,has是谓语动词,此处要用非谓语动词。逻辑主语e-books和compare是动宾关系。故填Compared。
76.句意:电子书可以存储在阅读器中,重量更轻。根据“...can be...”可知此处用过去分词,构成被动语态。故填stored。
77.句意:然而,你只能在线获取电子书。根据“you can only get e-books”和备选词可知,此处指在网络上获得电子书。故填online。
80.句意:在我看来,只要能让你享受阅读,使用哪种都无所谓。in one’s opinion“在某人看来“,句首首字母大写。故填In。
81.students 82.full 83.first 84.himself 85.but 86.having 87.with 88.to 89.invitation 90.join
81.句意:许多年轻的大学生来应聘这份工作,但只有少数人留下来了。根据“Lots of young college...came to ask for the job, but only a small number of them were left”和备选词可知,
college students“大学生”。故填students。
82.句意:当他们进行最后的面试时,在去面试室的路上放了一个装文件的大盒子,盒子周围放着几份文件。根据“a big box...of papers was placed on the way to the interview room”和备选词可知,full of“充满”。故填full。
83.句意:第一个学生来了。根据“The second student came along”和备选词可知,此处指第一位学生来了,first“第一”符合语境。故填first。
84.句意:“谁把这个箱子放在路中间的?”这个学生自言自语道,但他并没有尝试把箱子移开。根据“the student said to”和备选词him“他”可知,是这个学生是对自己说,即自言自语,“他自己”himself。故填himself。
85.句意:所有的人都在抱怨这个箱子,但没有一个人试图移动它。根据“All of them complained about the box...none of them tried to move it.”可知,空格前后句为转折关系,故备选词but“但是”符合语境。故填but。
86.句意:更糟糕的是,甚至有人踩到文件,不看一下地上的东西就走了。根据“a look at the things on the ground”和备选词可知,have a look“看一看”。根据“without”可知,空格处应用动名词作宾语。故填having。
87.句意:这时,一个戴着眼镜的瘦瘦的年轻人走了过来。根据“Then a thin young man...glasses came”可知,此处表示“戴着眼镜的年轻人”,结合备选词,with“有”符合语境。故填with。
88.句意:他设法把箱子搬到一边。根据“He managed to move the box...the side”和备选词可知,move...to...“把……移到……”。to“到,朝着”符合语境。故填to。
89.句意:使他大为惊讶的是,他在盒子下面发现了一张邀请函。根据“he found an...under the box. On it were the following words: “Congratulations, young man! You are the right person we are looking for...”和备选词可知,是发现了一张邀请函,invite“邀请”符合语境,由an可知,空格处应用名词单数形式。故填invitation。
90.句意:你愿意加入我们吗?根据“Congratulations, young man! You are the right person we are looking for! Would you like to...us”和备选词可知,此处是在邀请对方加入,join“加入”符合语境,would like to do“愿意做某事,想要做某事”,故空格处应用动词原形。故填join。
91.covered 92.candle 93.why 94.first 95.got 96.his 97.smart 98.danger 99.on 100.When
91.句意:它通常是用竹子做的,上面覆盖着纸。根据“with paper”可知孔明灯上面覆盖着纸,be covered with“覆盖有”。故填covered。
92.句意:在灯笼里面,底部有一支小蜡烛。根据“a small...at the bottom”可知底部有一支小蜡烛,candle“蜡烛”,a后加可数名词单数。故填candle。
93.句意:但是你知道它为什么叫孔明灯吗?根据“it is called the Kong Ming Lantern”可知是它为什么叫孔明灯,why“为什么”符合。故填why。
94.句意:相传孔明灯最早是诸葛孔明使用的。根据“used by Zhuge Kongming.”可知他是第一个使用孔明灯的人,用序数词first。故填first。
95.句意:三国时期,有一次诸葛孔明陷入麻烦。get into trouble“陷入麻烦”,句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填got。
96.句意:起初,他不知道如何告诉别人他的情况。根据“he didn’t know how to tell others about...situation”可知是告诉别人他的情况,修饰名词用形容词性物主代词his。故填his。
97.句意:然而,他很聪明,很快就想出了一个主意。根据“he came up with an idea soon.”可知他想出了一个主意,可见他很聪明,smart“聪明的”。故填smart。
98.句意:就这样,他脱离了危险。根据“He made the Kongming Lantern to give signals (信号) in the war. In this way, he was out of”可知他使用孔明灯发信号,通过这种方式脱离了危险,out of danger“脱离危险”。故填danger。
99.句意:人们在重要的日子和节日使用它。根据“important days”可知是在重要的节日,用介词on。故填on。
100.句意:当它慢慢上升到空中时,他们的愿望似乎会实现。根据“it slowly rises into the air”可知是当孔明灯慢慢上升到空中时,用when引导时间状语从句。故填When。
101.invention 102.because 103.when 104.It 105.preferred 106.inside 107.was 108.tasks 109.comfortably 110.ability
101.句意:这个话题是我们日常生活中最好的发明。根据下文介绍的时钟,蜡笔,电脑,机器人等,可知这些都是发明,应用名词invention,结合the best可知,名词用单数,故填invention。
103.句意:没有钟,我们不知道什么时候去上学。根据“Without the clock, we didn’t know...to leave for school”可知,没有钟,我们不知道什么时候去上学。when“什么时候”符合语境,故填when。
104.句意:它可以用来画漂亮的画。空处指代a crayon,应用it,故填It。
106.句意:病人体内也有微型电脑。根据“tiny computers...the patients’ bodies”可知,微型电脑在病人体内,应用inside。故填inside。
108.句意:在工厂工作的机器人帮助人们完成不同的任务。根据“The robots which worked in the factories helped people perform different”可知,空处应填复数名词,机器人可以帮助人类完成不同的任务,应用复数名词tasks。故填tasks。
109.句意:它们使我们的工作和生活更舒适。根据“They make us work and live more...”可知,空处应填副词修饰动词,结合选词可知,comfortably“舒适地”符合语境,故填comfortably。
110.句意:我相信我们有能力成为真正的发明家。根据“I’m sure we have the...to be a real inventor.”可知,空处应填名词,结合选词可知,是指能力,应用ability,故填ability。
111.refuse 112.However 113.good 114.deal 115.from 116.rules 117.your 118.angry 119.carefully 120.give
111.句意:拒绝它或说你不喜欢它是不礼貌的。根据“Sometimes we get a gift that we either don’t like or don’t need.”及备选词可知,这里指拒绝它是不礼貌的,refuse意为“拒绝”,不定式符号to后跟动词原形,故填refuse。
112.句意:然而,也有人担心礼物转送可能会伤害送礼者的感情。根据“Some people say re-gifting makes good use of an unwanted gift. ”和“others worry that re-gifting might hurt the giver’s feeling”可知,此处表示转折,however意为“然而”,句首首字母大写,故填
113.句意:在我看来,礼物转送是个好主意。根据“It has many advantages.”及备选词可知,这里指礼物转送是个好主意,good意为“好的”,形容词作定语,故填good。
114.句意:这是一种处理你不需要的东西的绝妙方法。根据“...with things you don’t need”及备选词可知,这里指处理你不需要的东西,deal with意为“处理”,不定式符号to后跟动词原形,故填deal。
115.句意:它给不需要的礼物赋予了新的生命,并阻止它们被扔进垃圾桶。stop sb. from doing sth.意为“阻止某人做某事”,故填from。
116.句意:如果你正在考虑礼物转送,你必须遵守一些规则。根据“follow some...”及备选词可知,这里指遵守一些规则,rule意为“规则”,some后跟可数名词复数,故填rules。
117.句意:要想成为一个明智的送礼者,首先,不要转送任何东西给你亲密的朋友或家人。根据“...close friends or family”及备选词可知,这里指给你亲密的朋友或家人,you意为“你”,修饰名词应用其形容词性物主代词your,故填your。
118.句意:如果送礼者发现你转送了他或她的礼物,他或她肯定会生气的。根据“If the gift giver finds out you have re-gifted his or her gift”及备选词可知,这里指会生气的,angry意为“生气的”,形容词作表语,故填angry。
119.句意:你需要仔细检查礼物。根据“make sure there are no names or personal messages on it”及备选词可知,这里指需要仔细检查礼物,careful意为“仔细的”,此处修饰动词应用副词carefully,故填carefully。
120.句意:最后,如果没有人喜欢这份礼物,你也可以把它送给穷人。根据“you can also...it to the poor”及备选词可知,这里指把它送给穷人,give意为“给”,情态动词后跟动词原形,故填give。
121.draw 122.took 123.However 124.meaningless 125.why 126.without 127.sadly 128.also 129.large 130.page
121.句意:他伸手拿起铅笔,开始画画。根据“the artist hours to finish his picture”可知,此
处指开始画画,draw“画画”,start to do sth“开始做某事”,此空应填动词原形,故填draw。
122.句意:画家花了几个小时才完成这幅画。根据“It … the artist hours to finish his picture.”可知,此处是It takes/took sb+一段时间+to do sth表示“某人花费时间做某事”,整篇文章用的是一般过去时,此空应填过去式,故填took。
123.句意:然而,圆点不开心。“the dot was not happy”与前文是转折关系,结合备选词汇,however“然而”符合语境。故填However。
124.句意:我只是一个没有意义的小点。根据“I am not so colorful as the lines. I am just a small and…dot”可知,此处应是圆点对自己不好的评价,备选词meaningless“没有意义的”符合,故填meaningless。
126.句意:但是没有种子,它是没有用的。根据“the seed, it is useless”可知,没有了种子是没有用的,without“没有”,介词,故填without。
127.句意:画家难过地说。根据“And I cannot draw another so perfect as I did the first time”可知,不能再画一幅像第一次那样完美的画了,画家此时很难过,修饰动词said,应填副词sadly,故填sadly。
128.句意:圆点开始意识到,它不仅是一个圆点,还是一颗种子。not only…but also“不但……而且……”,并列连词,故填also。
129.句意:一粒种子开始时可能很小,但谁也说不准它会变成多大。根据前一句“A seed may start off small”可知,种子一开始很小,但是没有人知道后来会长得多大。结合备选词汇,large“大的”符合语境,故填large。
130.句意:圆点又跳回到了画上。根据“So the dot jumped off the page”以及“The dot jumped back onto the”可知,又回到了画上,故填page。
131.them 132.an 133.harder 134.regret 135.filled 136.serious 137.succeeded 138.without 139.pride 140.and
134.句意:除非你努力学习,否则你会后悔的!根据“unless you work hard”可知,如果不努力学习会后悔的,应用regret“后悔”,will后跟动词原形。故填regret。
135.句意:我不得不回到满是文字的课本上。根据“were...with”可知,是考查be filled with“充满”。故填filled。
137.句意:几个月后,我成功进入了重点高中。根据“in getting into the key high school.”可知是考查succeeded in doing sth “成功做某事”。根据语境可知是发生在过去,时态应为一般过去时。故填succeeded。
138.句意:没有努力工作,我不会成功的。根据“I wouldn’t make it...working hard.”知此处表示没有努力,不会成功,应用介词without“没有”。故填without。
139.句意:我为自己感到骄傲。take pride in“为……感到骄傲”,为固定短语。故填pride。
141.born 142.as 143.which 144.smile 145.given 146.first 147.special 148.another 149.up 150.because
141.句意:他1898年3月5日出生于江苏省。根据“on March 5th, 1898 in Jiangsu Province”可知是出生年月日,固定短语 be born in/on“出生”,故填born。
142.句意:他被认为是世界上最聪明的外交官。根据“He was regarded...the smartest diplomat around the world.”推出是短语 be regarded as“被看作……”,故填as。
国造的笔。观察句子,这是一个定语从句,先行词是a pen,引导词在从句中作主语,结合选项用which连接,故填which。
144.句意:周先生笑着回答。根据“Mr. Zhou answered with a...”及下文讲的故事,可推出周恩来微笑着说,故填smile。
145.句意:这支笔是一位来自朝鲜的特别朋友送给我的。根据“by a special friend from North Korea.”可知应该是被给予,sth be given to sb“某物被给予某人”,故填given。
146.句意:一开始我拒绝了,但他说这是给我的礼物,用来纪念对美国的胜利。根据介词at,推出是短语 at first“开始”,故填first。
147.句意:我觉得它对我来说很特别,很有意义,所以我接受了它,一直使用到今天。根据“and meaningful to me, so I accepted it and used it till today.”可知这支笔是很特别的,special“特别的”故填special。
148.句意:这个记者自己感到很尴尬,但他又有了一个主意。根据“He continued”可推出他又想出了另一个主意,故填another。
149.句意:中国人喜欢低头走路而我们美国人喜欢抬头走路吗?根据“Did Chinese people like to walk with their heads down while our Americans walk with our heads...”可知这里在与中国人喜欢低头走路作对比,应该是抬头走路,故填up。
150.句意:因为我们中国人喜欢走上坡路,而你们美国人喜欢走下坡路。根据“we are making progress”可知,这是对前文解释的原因,故填because。
151.every 152.drunk 153.so 154.way 155.why 156.attention 157.tasting 158.become 159.in 160.small
151.句意:在潮汕,家家都有茶具。根据前句“Drinking Kungfu Tea is one of the most famous customs in Chaoshan area.”和单数名词family可知,空处应是every“每一个”。故填every。
152.句意:一天必须喝几次茶。根据主语“Tea”可推知,句中动词应是drink,喝;主语和动词之间是动宾关系,此句应用情态动词的被动语态,构成形式为:must be done;drink的过去分词是drunk。故填drunk。
153.句意:潮汕人一天都离不开茶,所以潮汕人请客的第一件事就是泡茶。根据“the first thing Chaoshan people usually treat guests is to make tea.”可知,这里是由so引导的句子。故填so。
154.句意:它是泡茶的一种方法。根据前句“Kungfu Tea is not a kind of tea.”可推知,应是泡茶的一种方法,way意为“方法”,由a可知,这里是单数。故填way。
155.句意:它之所以被称为功夫茶,是因为它是以一种非常特殊的方式制成的。根据“it is called Kungfu Tea is because it is made in a very particular way.”可知,这里指它被称为功夫茶的原因,why意为“……的原因”。故填why。
156.句意:潮汕方言中的“功夫”一词,意思是注意做事的方式。pay attention to“注意”,固定短语。故填attention。
157.句意:这里指的是烹饪和品茶的方式。根据“it refers to the way of cooking”可知,这里是品茶的方式,taste意为“品尝”,这里用动名词tasting与cooking并列。故填tasting。
158.句意:潮汕功夫茶已成为潮汕文化研究的重要组成部分。根据“an important part of the study of Chaoshan culture.”可知,潮汕功夫茶已成为潮汕文化研究的重要组成部分,become意为“变成”,这里是现在完成时,需用过去分词become。故填become。
159.句意:喝功夫茶是人们日常生活中的一种社会活动,它产生了许多习俗。根据“people’s daily life,”可知,这里是在人们日常生活中,in意为“在……中”。故填in。
160.句意:一小杯功夫茶里似乎有那么多的文化和情感。根据“cup of kungfu Tea.”可知,是一小杯功夫茶里蕴含那么多的文化和情感,small意为“小的”。故填small。


