2024年中考英语作文押题专题12 劳动实践(原卷版+解析版)

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2024年中考英语作文押题专题12 劳动实践(原卷版+解析版)


12 劳动实践
2.depend on依靠
3.grow up长大
4.develop a good life habit养成好的生活习惯
5.In my opinion在我看来
6.do some housework做家务
7.learn from向……学习
8.at least至少
9.agree with同意
10.spend time doing sth花费时间做某事
11.be patient with对某事有耐心
12.be willing to乐意做某事
13.clean up the house打扫房间
14.on the way to...在去……的路上
15.look after照顾
16.learn about了解
17.be good at doing sth擅长做某事
18.keep healthy保持健康
19.perpare for为……准备
20.step by step逐步地
21.be important for对……重要
22.wait for等待
23.be busy doing sth忙于做某事
24.speak highly of高度赞扬
25.be willing to do乐意做某事
26.take part in参加
27.share with与……分享
28.tell jokes讲笑话
29.more than超过
30.would like to do想做
31.as for me对我来说
32.invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事
33.as soon as一……就……
34.talk with sb.与某人交谈
35.look forward to盼望
36.make the bed 整理床铺
37.be pleasure to 很高兴做某事
38.grow vegetables 种植蔬菜
39. do housework做家务
40. take care of照顾
①Doing housework is important to teens because it teaches us responsibility and can make us better.(because引导原因状语从句)
②As a family member, I should share some housework when parents are busy. (when引导时间状语从句)
It’s a kind of exercise which can help us relax, too.(which引导的定语从句)
3.Nowadays, students are required to take labor classes at least once a week at school.(一般现在时的被动语态)
4.Doing housework won’t take up too much time, instead it can help us gain many useful skills and relax ourselves. (动名词短语作主语)
5.When I am free, I like walking my dog.(when引导的时间状语从句)
6.It not only helps me learn to look after myself but also develops my life skills.(not only...but also...连接并列结构)
7.In our school, there are many kinds of after-school activities for us to choose.(there be句型)
8.If you want to improve your oral English, you can choose Language Club.(if引导条件状语从句)
9.After my mother tasted it, she smiled at me and said that was the most delicious meal she had eaten.(after引导时间状语从句)
10.From this experience, I realize doing housework is important for us.(动名词作主语,宾语从句)
11.When I saw a girl with two heavy bags, I hurried to help her carry one to the dormitory(when引导的时间状语从句)
12.If I get another chance, I’m still willing to show my kindness to others.(if引导的条件状语从句)
13.I found that this activity was so meaningful.(that引导的宾语从句)
14.If you want to have a try, please take action from now on.(if引导的条件状语从句)
For one thing, it is necessary for us to know some basic life skills, especially sewing clothes. (It is adj. for sb. to do sth. 做某事对某人……)
15.For another, I can also pass on some Chinese traditions like paper-cutting, which develops my art skills as well. (which引导的定语从句)
16.As soon as we reach the old people’s home, we’ll help the old to clean their rooms first.(as soon as引导的时间状语从句,遵循“主将从现”原则)
17.We’ll tell them something interesting so that they can feel happy and comfortable.(so that引导的目的状语从句)
18.Whenever I do labour activities,I feel very happy and relaxed.(whenever引导的时间状语从句)
19.I’m sure the more life skills I have, the more independent I will be.(“the+比较级,the+比较级”句型)
20. When my parents got up, they were surprised and praised me with a big smile.(when引导的时间状语从句)
21. I think it’s our duty to share some housework.(省略that的宾语从句)
22.They can help the old do some cleaning and talk with them so that they won’t feel lonely.(so that引导目的状语从句)
23. They can go to a countryside primary school, where they can play with the students and give them some lessons.(where引导非限制性定语从句)
24. What meaningful activities these are!(what引导的感叹句)
1.(2023·辽宁朝阳·统考中考真题)劳动(Labor)能够使人自信并且可以提升自己。教育部发布了《义务教育劳动课程标准(2022年版)》,从2022年秋季开始劳动课正式成为中小学的一门独立课程。在你的生活中,你可能已经掌握了很多劳动技能,比如洗衣、做饭、种花、植树、喂养动物甚至田间劳作等。请你结合自身实际,以“Labor makes me a better person”为题,根据以下要点和要求,写一篇英语短文。
(1) 你所擅长的一项劳动技能是什么?
(2) 这项劳动技能给你带来什么益处?
(3) 你还打算学习其他什么劳动技能?
(1) 文中不得出现真实姓名、校名或地名。
(2) 语言通顺、意思连贯、书写工整。
(3) 词数80左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。
Labor makes me a better person
As we all know, labor plays an important role in our lives. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2.(2023·青海西宁·统考中考真题)为提高自理能力,适应未来发展,青少年应学会做日常家务,培养必备生活技能,如烹饪、洗衣、种花、打扫、整理等。请以“Doing Chores Makes Me Better” 为题写一篇80词左右的英语短文,文中不得出现真实校名和姓名。
Doing Chores Makes Me Better
A Culture Corner A Vegetable Garden
●display art works ●share ideas and feelings ●hold activities (fashion shows, …) ●develop a sense of beauty ●… ●work with classmates ●learn farming skills ●harvest vegetables (tomatoes, …) ●form the habit of labour (劳动) ●…
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m happy to hear that there is an empty area in our school for building a Culture Corner or a Vegetable Garden. In my opinion, it’s better to ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
4.(2023·湖南岳阳·统考中考真题)为了培养学生的劳动意识,增强他们的动手能力,学校打破年级限制,成立了多个劳动社团。请根据以下表格提示,以“Our Labor Clubs”(我们的劳动社团)为题,写一篇英语短文,介绍以下的三个劳动社团,并在其中选一个你最喜欢的社团,详细说明喜欢的理由。
1. Paper cutting 2. Cooking 3. Flower growing
Materials and tools *scissors *red paper … *a pot *bowls *a knife *ingredients (调料) … *flower seeds (花种子) *earth (泥土) *flowerpots (花盆) …
Activities *cut... with… *put... on… … *cook delicious dishes for… *make a healthy menu about... … *grow flowers… *do a research about… …
Goals of joining *understand the beauty of… *decorate (装饰)… … *learn cooking skills *become confident … *get close to…. *relax from… …
★★★★★ Your favorite club ________ Reasons ________
Our Labor Clubs
Are you ready for an interesting and colorful labor club Now I’d like to introduce some of our labor clubs.
5.(2023·四川眉山·统考中考真题)劳动创造美好生活,劳动实践从我做起。作为一名中学生,请你根据下表要点,以“Labor is Glorious (劳动光荣)”为题,向校报“英语园地”栏目投稿。
劳动实践 在学校,和同学一起打扫教室和操场; 在家里,做饭、洗衣服、整理房间; 在社区,做志愿者,帮助老人或残疾人。
劳动收获 学到一些基本生活技能,学会照顾自己; 获得满足感,变得更加独立和有责任心。
发出倡议 ……
1. 词数100左右(标题和开头已给出,不计入总词数);
2. 可适当发挥,以使行文连贯;
3. 文中不能出现真实姓名、学校等信息。
Labor is Glorious
It’s well known that labor is glorious.
6.(2022·内蒙古鄂尔多斯·统考中考真题)近日,教育部发布《义务教育劳动课程标准》,今年秋季,劳动课将正式成为中小学的一门独立课程。在生活中,做家务就是最常见的一种劳动。请以Let’s do housework为题写作,倡议更多的青少年加入到做家务的行列中来。
3.词数:不少于 80 词;
Let’s do housework
1.国家提出将 “劳动教育(labor education)”纳入中小学国家课程方案,请结合自身的劳动经历,谈谈你对劳动教育的看法。内容包括:
你对劳动教育的看法 be good for health; relax from the hard study...
你自身的劳动经历及感受 at home: do the dishes... at school: clean the classroom...
你对劳动教育课程的建议 offer different kinds of labor classes; hold competitions about labor skills ...
1. 文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名;
2. 短文必须包含表格内所有信息,可适当发挥;语句通顺,意思连贯,书书工整;
3. 词数:80词左右,文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。
It’s reported that labor education will be included in the education of middle schools and primary schools in China. I think
2.自从学校开设劳动课后,同学们有了很多变化。请你根据下面的结构图和要求,以“Changes after having labor classes”为题,给你校英文校报写一篇短文投稿,谈谈同学们的变化。
Changes after having labor classes
At school At home
参考词汇:help wash dishes, water the flowers, cook meals, ...
Changes after having labor classes
As we know, many changes have taken place since we began to take labor classes.
3.这学期你校在三月、四月、五月组织了一系列不同主题的劳动实践活动(a series of labour activities),请你根据下列提示问题并结合自身经历,写一篇英语短文,向学校的语报投稿。
What have you learned in labour activities in March/April/ May
Did you learn to grow vegetables, repair things or do something else
How do you feel about them
Let’s Enjoy Working
4.热爱劳动,才能热爱生活,才能感受生活的温暖。青少年应该主动参加各类劳动,如社区服务、学校劳动和日常家务等。假如你是李华,你们学校组织“Grow Up in Labor”的征文活动。请写一篇英语短文向学校英语报投稿。
Grow Up in Labor
Labor plays an important role in life.
1. 认真对待劳动课程,熟练掌握劳动技能;
2. 积极参加劳动实践,全程体验劳动快乐,如:植树、种菜等;
3. 主动承担简单家务,培养良好劳动习惯,如:整理房间、洗衣服等;
4. ……(补充一两点个人想法)
1. 围绕以上提示展开作文并适当发挥补充,使文章内容充实,意思连贯,表达流畅;
2. 文中不得透露个人真实姓名和学校名称:
3. 词数 100 词左右。文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
参考词汇:labor courses劳动课;form v. 养成
Good morning, everyone. I’m Xu Fei. It’s my great honor to stand here to give a speech.
In a word, I warmly welcome the labor education and call on us all to value the working spirit.
Kinds of Labor At home do the dishes, clean rooms, ...
At school sweep floors, water plants, ...
At community help old people, visit sick kids, ...
Meaning of Labor Improve our physical health...
提示:(1)What labor would you like to do
(2)Why do you do it
As we know, labor can create a colorful life and bring happy things.
7.劳动教育是提高中小学生综合素质、成就幸福圆满的人生有效途径。2022 年颁布的《义务教育课程方案》将劳动教育(labor education)正式纳入中小学国家课程,体现了国家对劳动教育的重视。
●What you think of this decision;
●Your experience about taking part in the labor activities;
●What you have learned from the labor activities.
( 1)词数不少于80词;
( 2)文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。
Labor education was officially included in the national course of primary and middle schools.
8.热爱劳动是中华民族的传统美德,也是推动人类进步的源动力。然而劳动教育往往被忽视。请你根据一下提示,以Enjoy Labor, Enjoy Life为题写一篇英语短文,对这一现状进行分析并提出建议。
现状 ◆父母很少给予劳动机会 ◆忙于学业,无暇劳动 ◆懒惰不愿劳动
建议 ◆在家:学做家务,如…… ◆在校:…… ◆在社区:……
你对劳动的看法 ……(至少一点)
1. 包含表格中提示信息,要求语句通顺,意思连贯,适当发挥;
2. 词数90个左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;
3. 文中不得出现真实校名和人名等信息。
参考词汇:劳动 labor
Enjoy Labor, Enjoy Life
Labor is the traditional Chinese virtue of love. However,
9.热爱劳动是我们中华民族的传统美德,劳动技能是孩子们成长过程的必备技能,学校正在举行以“Labor is the most glorious.(劳动最光荣)”为主题的英语演讲比赛。假如你是李华,请根据以下提示完成你的演讲稿。
1. What do you think of labor
2. Why do you think so
3. What kind of labor do you usually do How do you feel when and after you take part in labor
1. 可参考提示问题,亦可适当发挥;
2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;
3. 文章不得出现你的任何真实信息(姓名、校名和地名等)。
4. 词数:不少于70词。(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。)
Hello, everyone!
I’m so glad to stand here to share my opinions about labor. I think
Labor is the most glorious. I hope that more and more students can join and enjoy labor in our daily life.
10.目前中国中小学每周开设一节劳动课。John是一名美国中学生, 他对中国的劳动教育(Labor Education)很感兴趣。假如你是李华,请你给他写一封信,向他介绍中国的劳动教育并谈谈你的看法。
1. 劳动教育的意义(比如:促进智力发展promote intellectual development)(至少两点)。
2. 具体的劳动实践活动(比如:植树)(至少两个)。
1. 要涵盖以上内容要点, 可适当增加调节;
2. 80词左右(开头已给出, 不计入总词数);
3. 文中不得出现真实人名和校名。
Dear John,
I am glad that you show great interest in Labor Education in China. Let me give you a brief introduction about it.
Li Hua
What you did What you have learned
● walked or rode to school ● listened to a speech ● planted some trees ● picked up the rubbish ● save the earth ● …
Dear editor,
Our school had some activities on Earth Day last weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Liu Hua12 劳动实践
2.depend on依靠
3.grow up长大
4.develop a good life habit养成好的生活习惯
5.In my opinion在我看来
6.do some housework做家务
7.learn from向……学习
8.at least至少
9.agree with同意
10.spend time doing sth花费时间做某事
11.be patient with对某事有耐心
12.be willing to乐意做某事
13.clean up the house打扫房间
14.on the way to...在去……的路上
15.look after照顾
16.learn about了解
17.be good at doing sth擅长做某事
18.keep healthy保持健康
19.perpare for为……准备
20.step by step逐步地
21.be important for对……重要
22.wait for等待
23.be busy doing sth忙于做某事
24.speak highly of高度赞扬
25.be willing to do乐意做某事
26.take part in参加
27.share with与……分享
28.tell jokes讲笑话
29.more than超过
30.would like to do想做
31.as for me对我来说
32.invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事
33.as soon as一……就……
34.talk with sb.与某人交谈
35.look forward to盼望
36.make the bed 整理床铺
37.be pleasure to 很高兴做某事
38.grow vegetables 种植蔬菜
39. do housework做家务
40. take care of照顾
①Doing housework is important to teens because it teaches us responsibility and can make us better.(because引导原因状语从句)
②As a family member, I should share some housework when parents are busy. (when引导时间状语从句)
It’s a kind of exercise which can help us relax, too.(which引导的定语从句)
3.Nowadays, students are required to take labor classes at least once a week at school.(一般现在时的被动语态)
4.Doing housework won’t take up too much time, instead it can help us gain many useful skills and relax ourselves. (动名词短语作主语)
5.When I am free, I like walking my dog.(when引导的时间状语从句)
6.It not only helps me learn to look after myself but also develops my life skills.(not only...but also...连接并列结构)
7.In our school, there are many kinds of after-school activities for us to choose.(there be句型)
8.If you want to improve your oral English, you can choose Language Club.(if引导条件状语从句)
9.After my mother tasted it, she smiled at me and said that was the most delicious meal she had eaten.(after引导时间状语从句)
10.From this experience, I realize doing housework is important for us.(动名词作主语,宾语从句)
11.When I saw a girl with two heavy bags, I hurried to help her carry one to the dormitory(when引导的时间状语从句)
12.If I get another chance, I’m still willing to show my kindness to others.(if引导的条件状语从句)
13.I found that this activity was so meaningful.(that引导的宾语从句)
14.If you want to have a try, please take action from now on.(if引导的条件状语从句)
For one thing, it is necessary for us to know some basic life skills, especially sewing clothes. (It is adj. for sb. to do sth. 做某事对某人……)
15.For another, I can also pass on some Chinese traditions like paper-cutting, which develops my art skills as well. (which引导的定语从句)
16.As soon as we reach the old people’s home, we’ll help the old to clean their rooms first.(as soon as引导的时间状语从句,遵循“主将从现”原则)
17.We’ll tell them something interesting so that they can feel happy and comfortable.(so that引导的目的状语从句)
18.Whenever I do labour activities,I feel very happy and relaxed.(whenever引导的时间状语从句)
19.I’m sure the more life skills I have, the more independent I will be.(“the+比较级,the+比较级”句型)
20. When my parents got up, they were surprised and praised me with a big smile.(when引导的时间状语从句)
21. I think it’s our duty to share some housework.(省略that的宾语从句)
22.They can help the old do some cleaning and talk with them so that they won’t feel lonely.(so that引导目的状语从句)
23. They can go to a countryside primary school, where they can play with the students and give them some lessons.(where引导非限制性定语从句)
24. What meaningful activities these are!(what引导的感叹句)
1.(2023·辽宁朝阳·统考中考真题)劳动(Labor)能够使人自信并且可以提升自己。教育部发布了《义务教育劳动课程标准(2022年版)》,从2022年秋季开始劳动课正式成为中小学的一门独立课程。在你的生活中,你可能已经掌握了很多劳动技能,比如洗衣、做饭、种花、植树、喂养动物甚至田间劳作等。请你结合自身实际,以“Labor makes me a better person”为题,根据以下要点和要求,写一篇英语短文。
(1) 你所擅长的一项劳动技能是什么?
(2) 这项劳动技能给你带来什么益处?
(3) 你还打算学习其他什么劳动技能?
(1) 文中不得出现真实姓名、校名或地名。
(2) 语言通顺、意思连贯、书写工整。
(3) 词数80左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。
Labor makes me a better person
As we all know, labor plays an important role in our lives. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Labor makes me a better person
As we all know, labor plays an important role in our lives. I am very good at cooking. I always cook meals for my parents when I am free on weekends. I think cooking is a very important and necessary life skill because I can develop my independence by cooking. I can learn how to take good care of myself instead of making my parents worry about me. In the future, I would like to learn how to plant trees so that I can plant more trees on the hill and make my hometown more beautiful.
③提示:写作要点已给出,要求以“Labor makes me a better person”为题,根据提示内容进行写作,适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。
①be good at擅长
②on weekends在周末
③take good care of照顾好
④In the future在未来
①I think cooking is a very important and necessary life skill because I can develop my independence by cooking.(because引导的原因状语从句)
②In the future, I would like to learn how to plant trees so that I can plant more trees on the hill and make my hometown more beautiful.(so that引导的目的状语从句)
2.(2023·青海西宁·统考中考真题)为提高自理能力,适应未来发展,青少年应学会做日常家务,培养必备生活技能,如烹饪、洗衣、种花、打扫、整理等。请以“Doing Chores Makes Me Better” 为题写一篇80词左右的英语短文,文中不得出现真实校名和姓名。
Doing Chores Makes Me Better
【答案】A possible version:
Doing Chores Makes Me Better
As teenagers, doing chores is one of the most important life skills in our daily life.
My mum always encourages me and teaches me to do chores. She wants me to learn more life skills and take good care of myself in the future. Thanks to her help, I can make simple food, tidy my room, wash clothes and take the dog for walks. Recently I have also learned to make cookies in my labor class at school. Later, I hope to learn how to cook beef noodles, because my family are fond of them. Flower arranging is another skill that I want to learn because it can keep me calm and improve my life. During learning, I can have a better communication with my parents.
Doing chores makes me more independent, confident and sociable. The more chores I can do, the better life I will have!
①encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事
②take good care of好好照顾
③be fond of喜欢
①As teenagers, doing chores is one of the most important life skills in our daily life.(动名词作主语)
②The more chores I can do, the better life I will have!(the+比较级,the+比较级)
A Culture Corner A Vegetable Garden
●display art works ●share ideas and feelings ●hold activities (fashion shows, …) ●develop a sense of beauty ●… ●work with classmates ●learn farming skills ●harvest vegetables (tomatoes, …) ●form the habit of labour (劳动) ●…
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m happy to hear that there is an empty area in our school for building a Culture Corner or a Vegetable Garden. In my opinion, it’s better to ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m happy to hear that there is an empty area in our school for building a Culture Corner or a Vegetable Garden. In my opinion, it’s better to build a vegetable garden. The reasons are as follows.
First of all, our country advocates labor education. Second, students can work with their classmates in the garden to strengthen their friendship. Third, working in the garden can help students learn farming skills. Fourth, a garden built on the empty land can harvest a lot of vegetables, such as tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and so on, which can save the cost of food for the school. Last but not least, students can form the habit of labor by planting vegetables.
This is not only good for the school, but also good for the growth of students.
Li Hua
① 题材:本文是一篇应用文,为书信作文;
② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”;
③ 提示:写作要点已给出,考生应注意不要遗漏“信息提示”中每一项内容,适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。
①first of all首先
②help sb do sth帮助某人做某事
③last but not least最后也是最重要的
Fourth, a garden built on empty land can harvest a lot of vegetables, such as tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and so on, which can save the cost of food for the school.(which引导的非限制性定语从句)
4.(2023·湖南岳阳·统考中考真题)为了培养学生的劳动意识,增强他们的动手能力,学校打破年级限制,成立了多个劳动社团。请根据以下表格提示,以“Our Labor Clubs”(我们的劳动社团)为题,写一篇英语短文,介绍以下的三个劳动社团,并在其中选一个你最喜欢的社团,详细说明喜欢的理由。
1. Paper cutting 2. Cooking 3. Flower growing
Materials and tools *scissors *red paper … *a pot *bowls *a knife *ingredients (调料) … *flower seeds (花种子) *earth (泥土) *flowerpots (花盆) …
Activities *cut... with… *put... on… … *cook delicious dishes for… *make a healthy menu about... … *grow flowers… *do a research about… …
Goals of joining *understand the beauty of… *decorate (装饰)… … *learn cooking skills *become confident … *get close to…. *relax from… …
★★★★★ Your favorite club ________ Reasons ________
Our Labor Clubs
Are you ready for an interesting and colorful labor club Now I’d like to introduce some of our labor clubs.
Our Labor Clubs
Are you ready for an interesting and colorful labor club Now I’d like to introduce some of our labor clubs.
We have a Paper Cutting Club. We need scissors, red paper and knives. We can cut red paper with scissors and knives into different shapes. We can put our works on the display board. We can understand the beauty of Chinese culture and decorate classrooms with them. We have a Cooking Club. We need a pot, bowls, a knife and some ingredients. We can cook delicious dishes for parents and friends. We can make a healthy menu about a healthy diet. In the Cooking Club, we can learn cooking skills and become confident about ourselves. We also have a Flower Growing Club. We need flower seeds, earth and flowerpots. We can grow flowers and do a research about flowers and plants. We can get close to nature and relax from enjoying the beauty of flowers.
Among them, Cooking Club is my favorite because I like cooking and I want to cook for my parents to make them happy.
③提示:要求以“Our Labor Clubs”为题,结合提示内容进行写作,适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。
①the beauty of……的美丽
②a healthy diet健康饮食
③do a research about做一个关于……的研究
①We can get close to nature and relax from enjoying the beauty of flowers.(and连接并列结构)
②Among them, Cooking Club is my favorite because I like cooking and I want to cook for my parents to make them happy.(because引导的原因状语从句和and连接的并列句)
5.(2023·四川眉山·统考中考真题)劳动创造美好生活,劳动实践从我做起。作为一名中学生,请你根据下表要点,以“Labor is Glorious (劳动光荣)”为题,向校报“英语园地”栏目投稿。
劳动实践 在学校,和同学一起打扫教室和操场; 在家里,做饭、洗衣服、整理房间; 在社区,做志愿者,帮助老人或残疾人。
劳动收获 学到一些基本生活技能,学会照顾自己; 获得满足感,变得更加独立和有责任心。
发出倡议 ……
1. 词数100左右(标题和开头已给出,不计入总词数);
2. 可适当发挥,以使行文连贯;
3. 文中不能出现真实姓名、学校等信息。
Labor is Glorious
It’s well known that labor is glorious.
Labor is Glorious
It’s well known that labor is glorious. As a middle school student, I often do some labor activities in everyday life. For example, I clean the classroom and playground with my classmates at school. I cook dishes, wash clothes and tidy rooms at home. And in the community, I work as a volunteer to help the old or disabled.
By doing these, I’ve learnt some basic life skills to take care of myself. Besides, I have not only got the strong feeling of satisfaction but also become more and more independent and responsible.
All in all, labor creates a better life so let’s take an active part in doing the daily labor.
①work as充当
②all in all总的来说
③take part in参加
①And in the community, I work as a volunteer to help the old or disabled.(动词不定式作目的状语)
②All in all, labor creates a better life so let’s take an active part in doing the daily labor.(so引导的并列句)
6.(2022·内蒙古鄂尔多斯·统考中考真题)近日,教育部发布《义务教育劳动课程标准》,今年秋季,劳动课将正式成为中小学的一门独立课程。在生活中,做家务就是最常见的一种劳动。请以Let’s do housework为题写作,倡议更多的青少年加入到做家务的行列中来。
3.词数:不少于 80 词;
Let’s do housework
Let’s do housework
In our daily life, doing housework is the most common kind of labor. I can do some kinds of housework, such as doing the dishes, sweeping the floor, cooking and making the bed.
Labor education has been included in the education of middle schools and primary schools in China. I think it’s necessary because it is good for our health. We can relax from the hard study by doing labor.
It’s also our duty to share some housework. Besides, doing some hard housework is a kind of physical exercise. As teenagers, we should take action to do what we can to help our family!
③提示:要求以Let’s do housework为题,结合提示要点进行写作,适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。
①such as例如
②be good for对……有好处
③a kind of一种
④take action采取行动
①I think it’s necessary because it is good for our health.(省略that的宾语从句和because引导的原因状语从句)
②As teenagers, we should take action to do what we can to help our family!(what引导的宾语从句)
1.国家提出将 “劳动教育(labor education)”纳入中小学国家课程方案,请结合自身的劳动经历,谈谈你对劳动教育的看法。内容包括:
你对劳动教育的看法 be good for health; relax from the hard study...
你自身的劳动经历及感受 at home: do the dishes... at school: clean the classroom...
你对劳动教育课程的建议 offer different kinds of labor classes; hold competitions about labor skills ...
1. 文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名;
2. 短文必须包含表格内所有信息,可适当发挥;语句通顺,意思连贯,书书工整;
3. 词数:80词左右,文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。
It’s reported that labor education will be included in the education of middle schools and primary schools in China. I think
It’s reported that labor education will be included in the education of middle schools and primary schools in China. I think it is good for our health. We can relax from the hard study by doing labor.
I often do labor at home. For example, I do the dishes, sweep the floor and take out the rubbish. At school I often clean the classroom and water flowers. I really feel happy.
I have some ideas about the course. The school can offer different kinds of labor classes. It can also hold competitions about labor skills. They will make our school life more colorful.
①be good for对……有好处
②do the dishes洗碗
③different kinds of各种各样的
We can relax from the hard study by doing labor.(动名词作宾语)
2.自从学校开设劳动课后,同学们有了很多变化。请你根据下面的结构图和要求,以“Changes after having labor classes”为题,给你校英文校报写一篇短文投稿,谈谈同学们的变化。
Changes after having labor classes
At school At home
参考词汇:help wash dishes, water the flowers, cook meals, ...
Changes after having labor classes
As we know, many changes have taken place since we began to take labor classes.
Changes after having labor classes
As we know, many changes have taken place since we began to take labor classes.
First, we do many meaningful things around our school every day. For example, students take turns to help wash dishes in the school dining hall, which makes us understand our duty. Then, some students often plant trees and water the flowers to make our school more beautiful. And it’s easy for us now because we have learned how to plant trees in labor classes.
At home, we always do some difficult housework by ourselves. The boys begin to do his own laundry, and the girls like to cook for the family. Thanks to the labor class, we have learned a lot of life skills.
①take turns to do sth.轮流做某事
②by onself靠自己
③thanks to由于
①For example, students take turns to help wash dishes in the school dining hall, which makes us understand our duty.(which引导的定语从句)
②And it’s easy for us now because we have learned how to plant trees in labor classes.(because引导的的原因状语从句)
3.这学期你校在三月、四月、五月组织了一系列不同主题的劳动实践活动(a series of labour activities),请你根据下列提示问题并结合自身经历,写一篇英语短文,向学校的语报投稿。
What have you learned in labour activities in March/April/ May
Did you learn to grow vegetables, repair things or do something else
How do you feel about them
Let’s Enjoy Working
Let’s Enjoy Working
This term, I took part in a series of labor activities in our school. I was happy that I learnt a lot.
In March, I learned to grow vegetables and plant trees on the farm near our school. In April, I learned to repair things like electric fans and bicycles with the help of our teachers. In May, I learned to do much housework, such as cooking dinner, making the bed, sweeping the floor and folding clothes.
I think the labor activities are not only educational but also useful. I’m sure the more life skills I have, the more independent I will be.
①learn to do学习做某事
②such as例如
③with the help of在……的帮助下
④not only...but also不但……而且
①In March, I learned to grow vegetables and plant trees on the farm near our school.(动词不定式作宾语)
②I’m sure the more life skills I have, the more independent I will be.(the+比较级,the+比较级)
4.热爱劳动,才能热爱生活,才能感受生活的温暖。青少年应该主动参加各类劳动,如社区服务、学校劳动和日常家务等。假如你是李华,你们学校组织“Grow Up in Labor”的征文活动。请写一篇英语短文向学校英语报投稿。
Grow Up in Labor
Labor plays an important role in life.
Grow Up in Labor
Labor plays an important role in life. It helps us learn how to take care of ourselves and live independently.
As for me, I often do the cleaning at school and help with the housework at home. Through doing the cleaning with my classmates at school, I have realized that teamwork can help finish the task more quickly and better. And I have learned to plan my time well when helping with housework at home.
Since labor is good for our development, let’s take an active part in labor. But remember to follow the rules and keep safe to avoid accidents while working.
① 题材:本文是一篇材料作文;
② 时态:时态为一般现在时;
③ 提示:写作要点已给出,考生应注意不要遗漏“提示信息”中“劳动的意义;你经常参加的两项劳动及从中的得到的收获;至少两项劳动时的注意事项”,适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。
① take care of照料
② be good for有利于
①And I have learned to plan my time well when helping with housework at home.(when引导的时间状语从句)
② Since labor is good for our development, let’s take an active part in labor.(since引导的原因状语从句)
1. 认真对待劳动课程,熟练掌握劳动技能;
2. 积极参加劳动实践,全程体验劳动快乐,如:植树、种菜等;
3. 主动承担简单家务,培养良好劳动习惯,如:整理房间、洗衣服等;
4. ……(补充一两点个人想法)
1. 围绕以上提示展开作文并适当发挥补充,使文章内容充实,意思连贯,表达流畅;
2. 文中不得透露个人真实姓名和学校名称:
3. 词数 100 词左右。文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
参考词汇:labor courses劳动课;form v. 养成
Good morning, everyone. I’m Xu Fei. It’s my great honor to stand here to give a speech.
In a word, I warmly welcome the labor education and call on us all to value the working spirit.
Good morning, everyone. I’m Xu Fei. It’s my great honor to stand here to give a speech. Nowadays, labor education plays an important role in our life. As a middle school student, it is necessary for us to have labor classes and join in different labor activities.
Firstly, we should take the labor classes seriously, which will help us learn some basic life skills. Secondly, we need take part in labor activities such as planting trees or growing vegetables to experience the joy that labor brings to us. What’s more, we had better do some chores at home, like tidying rooms or washing clothes. Above all, we can form good working habits and value the importance of hard working through our experience.
In a word, I warmly welcome the labor education and call on us all to value the working spirit.
① play an important role 扮演重要的角色
② take part in 参加
③ do some chores 做家务
① As a middle school student, it is necessary for us to have labor classes and join in different labor activities.(it固定句型)
② Firstly, we should take the labor classes seriously, which will help us learn some basic life skills.(which引导的非限定性定语从句)
Kinds of Labor At home do the dishes, clean rooms, ...
At school sweep floors, water plants, ...
At community help old people, visit sick kids, ...
Meaning of Labor Improve our physical health...
提示:(1)What labor would you like to do
(2)Why do you do it
As we know, labor can create a colorful life and bring happy things.
As we know, labor can create a colorful life and bring happy things. It helps us master basic life skills and develop the right view of life. As a middle school student, I can do the dishes, sweep the floor and fold clothes at home. I can water plants and sweep floors at school. Of course, I can also go to community to do volunteer activities. I can help old people, visit sick kids. Through these activities, I can improve my physical health. Let’s act! Let’s take part in such labor more.
Why not join me and improve yourself through labor education
①basic life skills 基本生活技能
②sweep the floor扫地
③go to community去社区
④take part in参加
①Let’s take part in such labor more.(祈使句)
②Why not join me and improve yourself through labor education (Why not句型)
7.劳动教育是提高中小学生综合素质、成就幸福圆满的人生有效途径。2022 年颁布的《义务教育课程方案》将劳动教育(labor education)正式纳入中小学国家课程,体现了国家对劳动教育的重视。
●What you think of this decision;
●Your experience about taking part in the labor activities;
●What you have learned from the labor activities.
( 1)词数不少于80词;
( 2)文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。
Labor education was officially included in the national course of primary and middle schools.
Labor education was officially included in the national course of primary and middle schools. I like doing housework and enjoy doing volunteer work, because in my opinion, through these I can develop basic life skills as well as helping others.
Last week, our head teacher took us to a nearby farm to plant trees. As soon as we arrived there, we quickly began our work. Some tried hard to dig holes, and some put the young trees into the holes carefully. And the others were busy watering the trees. We worked so hard that we finished our work in advance. Looking at the lines of the young trees, we felt happy, forgetting our tiredness.
I think it is necessary for schools to set up labor education courses, because they can improve our independence. Labor makes us healthy and confident, so let’s take an active part in labor work.
①in my opinion以我来看
②be busy doing sth.忙于做某事
③in advance提前
④set up建立
①I like doing housework and enjoy doing volunteer work, because in my opinion, through these I can develop basic life skills as well as helping others.(because引导的原因状语从句)
②As soon as we arrived there, we quickly began our work.(as soon as引导的时间状语从句)
③We worked so hard that we finished our work in advance.(so...that引导的结果状语从句)
8.热爱劳动是中华民族的传统美德,也是推动人类进步的源动力。然而劳动教育往往被忽视。请你根据一下提示,以Enjoy Labor, Enjoy Life为题写一篇英语短文,对这一现状进行分析并提出建议。
现状 ◆父母很少给予劳动机会 ◆忙于学业,无暇劳动 ◆懒惰不愿劳动
建议 ◆在家:学做家务,如…… ◆在校:…… ◆在社区:……
你对劳动的看法 ……(至少一点)
1. 包含表格中提示信息,要求语句通顺,意思连贯,适当发挥;
2. 词数90个左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;
3. 文中不得出现真实校名和人名等信息。
参考词汇:劳动 labor
Enjoy Labor, Enjoy Life
Labor is the traditional Chinese virtue of love. However,
Enjoy Labor, Enjoy Life
Labor is the traditional Chinese virtue of love. However, some students are rarely given the opportunity to enjoy labor, while others are too busy with their studies to labor. There are also some students who are unwilling to labor because they are lazy.
Therefore, I advise you to participate in labor activities both at school and at home. At school, you can clean the classroom with your classmates every week. At home, you can help your parents do housework. Besides, you can also visit the nursing homes and help take care of the elderly.
In conclusion, I believe that labor education is important for our development and I encourage all my fellow classmates to actively engage in labor activities.
①be unwilling to do sth.不愿意做某事
②encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事
③take care of照顾
①There are also some students who are unwilling to labor because they are lazy.(who引导的定语从句)
②In conclusion, I believe that labor education is important for our development and I encourage all my fellow classmates to actively engage in labor activities.(宾语从句)
9.热爱劳动是我们中华民族的传统美德,劳动技能是孩子们成长过程的必备技能,学校正在举行以“Labor is the most glorious.(劳动最光荣)”为主题的英语演讲比赛。假如你是李华,请根据以下提示完成你的演讲稿。
1. What do you think of labor
2. Why do you think so
3. What kind of labor do you usually do How do you feel when and after you take part in labor
1. 可参考提示问题,亦可适当发挥;
2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;
3. 文章不得出现你的任何真实信息(姓名、校名和地名等)。
4. 词数:不少于70词。(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。)
Hello, everyone!
I’m so glad to stand here to share my opinions about labor. I think
Labor is the most glorious. I hope that more and more students can join and enjoy labor in our daily life.
Hello, everyone!
I’m so glad to stand here to share my opinions about labor. I think it is important for us to pay attention to labor. We can learn some life skills and form good habits. It also develops our ability to be independent. Both will help us a lot in the future. At home, I always help my parents clean the house. Besides, I cook for my parents at weekends. I enjoy cooking because it teaches me how to look after myself. At school, I help clean the blackboard every day. On weekends, I often volunteer to clean the park. I’m proud of everything I’ve done.
Labor is the most glorious. I hope that more and more students can join and enjoy labor in our daily life.
①pay attention to关注,注意
②form good habits养成好习惯
③in the future在未来
④look after照顾
⑤be proud of为……而感到自豪
①I think it is important for us to pay attention to labor.(省略that的宾语从句)
②I enjoy cooking because it teaches me how to look after myself.(because引导原因状语从句)
10.目前中国中小学每周开设一节劳动课。John是一名美国中学生, 他对中国的劳动教育(Labor Education)很感兴趣。假如你是李华,请你给他写一封信,向他介绍中国的劳动教育并谈谈你的看法。
1. 劳动教育的意义(比如:促进智力发展promote intellectual development)(至少两点)。
2. 具体的劳动实践活动(比如:植树)(至少两个)。
1. 要涵盖以上内容要点, 可适当增加调节;
2. 80词左右(开头已给出, 不计入总词数);
3. 文中不得出现真实人名和校名。
Dear John,
I am glad that you show great interest in Labor Education in China. Let me give you a brief introduction about it.
Li Hua
Dear John,
I am glad that you show great interest in Labor Education in China. Let me give you a brief introduction about it. Labor Education is important and meaningful. We can learn some life skills and form good habits, which will help us a lot in the future. Also, it can promote the intellectual development of the students.
Do you know how to run the course in our school Let me tell you. The school offers classes to teach us how to do the cleaning and grow vegetables. What’s more, the school has set up some clubs, such as cooking club and paper-cutting club. Everyone can join the clubs they like. Our school also hold competitions to see who is the best in making cakes. Such activities will make our school life more colorful and meaningful.
All in all, I love these useful activities.
Li Hua
show great interest in对……表现出极大的兴趣
learn some life skills and form good habits学习一些生活技能并养成良好习惯
What’s more此外
make our school life more colorful and meaningful让我们的学校生活更加丰富多彩和有意义
We can learn some life skills and form good habits, which will help us a lot in the future.(非限制性定语从句)
he school offers classes to teach us how to do the cleaning and grow vegetables.(动词不定式作宾语)
Everyone can join the clubs they like.(限制定语从句)
Our school also hold competitions to see who is the best in making cakes.(宾语从句)
What you did What you have learned
● walked or rode to school ● listened to a speech ● planted some trees ● picked up the rubbish ● save the earth ● …
Dear editor,
Our school had some activities on Earth Day last weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Liu Hua
Dear sir,
Our school had some activities on Earth Day last weekend. On the morning of that day, most of students walked or rode bikes to school. Then we listened to a speech about Earth Day so that we knew better about the earth and Earth Day. Also, we planted some trees in our school to make it greener. At last, we picked up the rubbish around our school, like plastic bags, empty bottles and so on.
I think it was a meaningful day. The earth is our home and everyone is supposed to save it. If everyone plays a part in protecting the earth, the earth will be more beautiful.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
①pick up the rubbish捡垃圾
②be supposed to do sth应该做某事
①Then we listened to a speech about Earth Day so that we knew better about the earth and Earth Day.(so that引导的结果状语从句)
②If everyone plays a part in protecting the earth, the earth will be more beautiful.(if引导的条件状语从句)


