2024届 高考英语 二轮复习 七选五 强化训练(含解析)

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2024届 高考英语 二轮复习 七选五 强化训练(含解析)


Test 1
A bunch of pretty flowers will usually make a friend smile.We know flowers cannot last,but surely there are ways to keep some of their beauty.__1__
You can press either whole flowers or single petals(花瓣).This depends on what type of flowers you use.First,divide the flower into petals.Then,line each petal with paper and put petals between the pages of books.The liners between the pages will dry up the petals.The texture(质地)of the paper used for drying will change the look of the petals.For instance,if you use a rough paper towel,its pattern will transfer to the petals.__2__
Keep the books in a warm,dry place.The petals should be dry enough for use after two weeks.They will feel much like paper.You are now ready to make a design.It is best to start by making an outline with a pencil.__3__ Using a nonacid white glue will help the picture last longer.
The rest of the process is up to you.__4__ You can make your design different and special.You can either use whole petals or tear them into various shapes.Some flowers are so fragile that they need careful handling.Choose the colors you like.You can create a picture like an actual flower garden,or whatever you prefer.When the work is done,frame it.These framed pictures make great gifts.But you may want to keep them for yourself.
__5__ Practice the art of fleurage.It is a wonderful way to keep the beauty of flowers.This type of flowers can last forever.And they never need water!
A.Then,glue the petals in the outlined space.
B.It's a good chance for you to personalize your work.
C.Outlining the design is the last step of this art.
D.And“fleurage” ,or the art of pressing flowers,is one of them.
E.A soft facial tissue will create a more natural look.
F.It is a good idea to hang your work away from the sun.
G.The next time you receive a bunch of flowers,don't throw them away.
Test 2
Food waste has become a severe problem across the world due to a lack of understanding of how to effectively use food and conserve it.Roughly one third of the food produced globally is either lost or wasted every year.__1__
Stop Food Waste Day is an international day of action in the fight against food waste.It started in 2017 by Compass Group,one of the world's largest food service companies serving restaurants,cafes,hospitals,schools,and more.__2__ On this day,Compass country teams will work together to raise awareness of the critical food waste problem and inspire change.
Stop Food Waste Day aims to educate people about their food waste.__3__ Stop Food Waste Day hopes to change the way leftovers are used,so people can take the most significant advantage of what food they use.The Compass Group focuses the efforts on its mission by teaching their chefs how to track and reduce waste as much as possible.They also seek to donate more than 250,000 pounds of food each year to local food banks.
__4__ Show your support by looking up simple recipes to best use leftovers and fresh produce.Before shopping for food,plan ahead by making a list and only buying what you know you'll use.__5__
Get into the habit of freezing leftovers,instead of throwing them in the rubbish bin.Besides,help teach people about the benefits of stopping food waste.
A.It brings about 30 countries together.
B.Now it's your turn to take action.
C.Food waste,however,can be stopped.
D.Help schedule cooking demonstrations and share recipes.
E. More importantly,it offers creative and impactful solutions.
F.Compass Group promised to reduce food waste by 30% by 2025.
G.Also avoid wasting food by seeing what needs to be used up before you go shopping.
Test 3
My heart went out to the drama teacher I read about in a recent news item.Each parent from her class insisted that she cast their own child as Snow White.This reminded me of my seventh grade musical—“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.”I desperately wanted to play the role of Becky,the female lead who was Tom's girlfriend.__1__
For starters,Becky had to sing numerous solos,and I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.I also didn't have long blonde curls like pretty Linda Wright who won the part.
I was assigned the non singing role of Miss Watson,the Maid.I had to wear an ugly dress.And I had only one line to learn,“That's what I say.”__2__ Miss Watson was onstage in quite a few scenes,and got to repeat “That's what I say”throughout the play.
At last,our production was put onstage.Imagine my surprise when Miss Watson made the audience laugh out loud each time I piped in with “That's what I say.”I hadn't known that she—or I—could be funny,or that her character was important in moving the plot along.__3__
That night,I began to understand that being the star may not be any more fun than being a stand out in a supporting role.Each person,onstage and backstage,is essential in theater.Without everyone doing their part,the play would be dull as dirt.__4__ If everyone is a star then nothing gets done.It's all noise and chaos.
And so I believe all children should get the opportunity to play Miss Watson,to become someone they didn't know they wanted to be.__5__
A.So it is in life.
B.It was not to be.
C.It was anything but a great part.
D.My Miss Watson turned out to be a hit.
E.It took the entire cast to make a good show.
F.There was an advantage,in my opinion,though.
G.I would hope all children could be a hit in life.
Test 4
Have you noticed how evenings cool off more in rural areas than they do in cities?Urban areas also tend to get hotter during the day than any nearby areas with lots of greenery.__1__
It's mainly caused by the difference in materials that cover the ground in urban areas and the countryside.In the country,evaporation(蒸发)of water from soil and the leaves of plants helps to cool the air.__2__ Having fewer plants,cities have less evaporation and are unable to cool down the temperature.
Dark colours are another problem.Dark objects absorb all wavelengths of light,making the temperature increase more noticeably.In contrast,white objects reflect all wavelengths of light energy.__3__ Sadly,most parts of cities are covered by asphalt(沥青),steel,roofs and bricks which are often dark in colour.
__4__ As people drive cars,heat buildings,and run air conditioners,cities are generating waste heat and puring it into the atmosphere directly.The waste heat adds to the solar energy trapped by the tall buildings.
But cities don't have to be so hot.Some cities have lightened their streets.This is done by covering black asphalt streets,parking lots,and dark roofs with a more reflective gray coating.__5__
Having more green spaces also helps.Plants serve as a natural air conditioner.They catch heat,release vapour(蒸汽)into the air,and take away heat,contributing to cooler,fresher cities.
A.Cities also produce more heat than suburban areas.
B.The higher the temperature,the shorter the wavelength.
C.This phenomenon is known as the urban heat island effect.
D.So it will not be transformed into heat which makes the air hot.
E.Changes in building materials have a minimal effect on city temperatures.
F.Much of the soil in cities,by contrast,has been covered with roads and buildings.
G.These changes can decrease air temperatures dramatically,especially in summer.
Test 5
With New Year approaching,year end reviews dominate the airwaves.__1__.Lose ten pounds?Read a book a month?However,I've never given much thought to New Year's resolutions.I make intentions instead.It means setting one's purpose toward a path instead of action toward specific behavior.And more than that,I'm setting them in a framework(体系)that will give them wings.
Set time,not goals
A wise friend once told me“Do not set a result as the goal.Set the time in which you do the things you want to do.”For example,I usually tell myself I should write more.__2__.Then,I realize it would be better to set my intention to write and the time to write,for example,from 8:30 a.m.to 11:30 a.m.
Take advantage of the Premack principle
The Premack principle is a behavioral strategy that states that the presence of high probability behavior can make low probability behavior more likely.__3__.So,now that I've set my intention to write and the time to write,I can link it to high probability behavior,such as dropping my kids off at school in the morning.The point is that it gets the action rolling without much thought or self motivation talk.__4__.
Let's face it,no matter how much you set an intention,if there's no enjoyment once you start,it will likely fall by the wayside.So,finding a path that you enjoy will bring the same results.In truth,I hate exercising,but,luckily,I walk my dog.A lovely way to exercise,go out in nature,enjoy companionship,and meet people!
A.Face your intention directly
B.One intention,multiple paths
C.Over time,it becomes routine as well
D.But the result proves far from satisfactory
E.Perhaps most are also making New Year's resolutions
F.Resolutions seem to hold people prisoners rather than free them
G.In other words,to enact new behavior,attach it to well established behavior
Test 6
How to Take Effective Notes During Lectures
Effective note taking is an active part of the learning process that requires you to get the main idea and write down its key words in your own way.__1__
Prepare for the lecture in advance.
Teachers hand out outlines of their lectures before they begin.__2__It can help you focus on the difficulties you have in understanding and you will be able to ask better questions in class.
Find your style of taking notes.
__3__ For example,some visual learners could draw certain shapes to represent important concepts.Some people prefer writing words,and some may find it most helpful to record a lecture and listen to it while studying.You have to find the style works best for you.
Rather than writing complete sentences or even complete words,create a form of fast and brief writing with some signs or phrases to make note taking easier.This will help you take notes quickly and keep up with the lecture.
Take down key points.
It is important to write down key points from the lecture.__5__ Things like key ideas,definitions,and descriptive phrases can help you remember the subject.For example,if the lecture is based on a specific battle in history,try to write down the date,the major characters involved and the overall outcome of the struggle.
A.Develop your shorthand.
B.Write questions as you are listening.
C.Skimming them will warm up your brain.
D.Everything you learn may be helpful in the future.
E.Different people may have different ways of note taking.
F.It means you need to focus on the most meaningful information.
G.With the following tips,you can become a better lecture note taker.
Test 7
We clearly live in an era with little patience.Entire TV series are available at once on streaming services,and burning questions are solved in seconds via a search engine.This instant satisfaction,undoubtedly,is killing our ability to wait.__1__.Here are some strategies to pick up that magic mix if you weren't born with it.
Visualize success
There's no need to set a real situation where you wait in a super long grocery checkout line to test yourself.Simply visualizing it helps a lot.See yourself smiling and breathing as you wait for the line to move.__2__.For example,you could say,“it's not bad to enjoy this magazine while waiting”.Your mind will start to process the picture as a real experience and help to set you up for future successes.
Slow down
Racing around is not necessarily the only way to get what you want.__3__.Most adults do not feel happy when they're rushing,and children are even less capable of doing it with a good attitude.Instead of sweating through your routine,turn on some background music you like and move at a normal pace.
The ability to let your mind wander,whether daydreaming or actively applying your imagination,is a skill that improves patience.__5__.Take a break and do something that could free your brain from the work that takes tons of energy.This helps you build up your staying power,so next time you might be more patient and more likely to focus on your task.
A.Learn to distract yourself
B.Add some positive words if possible
C.Therefore,we are getting more and more impatient
D.You don't have to get the whole paper done in one go
E.We get so caught up in hurrying that we get stuck in that mode
F.But sometimes,a fast pace does improve our working efficiency
G.Thus,the loss of this mixed quality of tolerance and calmness is unavoidable
Test 8
It's always exciting to begin a new job.But among the frenzy(极度激动) of meeting new colleagues,starting new projects,and building new skills,there can be a stressful pressure to succeed.A big part of your success is determined by how quickly you are able to digest lots of information,which can be very hard.__1__
*Manage yourself
When you notice information overload,don't ignore it and don't panic.Say to yourself,“I'm in a new job and there is plenty to learn here.It's okay to feel this way.”__2__ Remember that emotions can help you better understand yourself and your values.
*Sort your information
__3__.It keeps what it needs more immediately in our short term memory,and it mixes together information we may need to use in the future to store in our long term memory.For the information that's not needed,our brain acts like a garbage management,recycling and deleting it.
Organizations often have digital knowledge management systems to store and take important information.You can do the same to reduce brain burden.I recommend creating a Word document in which you write down information that your brain doesn't need to remember or store.
*Reduce task switching
Multitasking isn't good for you physically or mentally and is worse for your productivity and cognition (认知).__5__.You can go for longer than that,but be sure to take a break.Focused activity is less taxing than multitasking,but you can't keep working endlessly.
A.Respond positively
B.Use technology to help
C.That problem is much easier to understand and solve
D.Here are some methods to deal with the informationoverload
E.For greater results,focus on one task for around 25 minutes
F.Our brain is like a clever piece of equipment that “takes in information”
G.This self talk helps normalize the situation and makes the emotions easier to handle
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了如何通过干花艺术来保存花束。
2.解析:此题与上题一样,均可用词汇意义上的衔接法做题。空前一句说如果你使用粗糙的纸巾,它的图案会转移到花瓣上。E项中的“A soft facial tissue”与空前的“a rough paper”构成词汇意义上的对比。
3.解析:此段讲述压花的过程,首先把书放在温暖干燥的地方,两周后花瓣应该足够干燥可以使用;然后开始设计,最好先用铅笔画一个轮廓。A项中的“the outlined space”与空前的“an outline”构成词汇意义的衔接。句意:最好先用铅笔画一个轮廓,然后把花瓣粘在勾勒的空间里。
4.解析:空前一句说其余的过程取决于你,空后一句说你可以让你的设计与众不同,由此可知,B项“这是让你的作品个性化的好机会”符合语境,该选项中的“personalize your work”与空后的“make your design different and special”意义一致。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。本文主要介绍了“Stop Food Waste Day”的创立和其宗旨,并提出了一些阻止食物浪费的方法。
1.解析:空前一句讲到食物浪费现象严重,下文则讲到Stop Food Waste Day的创立及一些阻止食物浪费的方法,由此可见,食物浪费是可以阻止的,故C项“然而,食物浪费是可以阻止的”符合语境。
2.解析:分析语境寻线索:空前一句讲到Stop Food Waste Day是由Compass Group创立的,空后则讲到“Compass country teams will work together”,因此,空处承上启下,应该会讲到其最初创立时候的一些情况→对比选项定答案:A项“它把大约30个国家团结在了一起”符合语境。
3.解析:空前一句讲到“Stop Food Waste Day旨在教育人们了解食物浪费”,E项“更重要的是,它提供了富有创意的和有影响力的解决方案”承接上文,并且能引出下文中讲到的“改变人们利用剩饭的方式”,故E项符合语境。
4.解析:本空考查段落主旨句。根据本段中的“Show your support...plan ahead”可知,本段主要讲到了为阻止食物浪费,人们可以利用的方法,故B项“现在该你采取行动了”适合作本段的主旨句。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇叙议结合的文章。作者通过小时候一次戏剧表演中成功扮演了一个小角色的经历告诉我们生活中每个孩子都有机会取得成功。
1.解析:根据空格前的句子“I desperately wanted to play the role of Becky,the female lead who was Tom's girlfriend.(我非常想扮演贝基这个角色,她是汤姆的女朋友)”可知,作者非常想扮演贝基这个角色,但是根据空格后的句子“For starters,Becky had to sing numerous solos,and I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.I also didn't have long blonde curls like pretty Linda Wright who won the part.(首先,贝基要唱很多次独唱,而我却不会唱歌。我也没有像赢得这个角色的漂亮的琳达·赖特那样有长长的金色卷发)”可知,因为作者自身的条件,她演贝基这个角色是不可能的。由空格前后的内容可知,空格处的句子是一个承上启下的句子,所以B项“It was not to be.(这是不可能的)”符合题意。
2.解析:根据空格前的句子“I had on line to learn.(我需要记住一下)”和下文“Miss Watson was onstage in quite a few scenes,and got to repeat‘That's what I say’throughout the play. (沃森小姐在舞台上有好几场戏,在整个剧中都要重复‘我就是这么说的’)”可知,作者虽然扮演的是小角色,但是,作者认为对她来说是好事,因为她只需要说一句台词“那就是我说的”。所以F项“There was an advantage,in my opinion,though.(不过,在我看来,这还是有好处的)”符合题意。
3.解析:根据空格前的句子“Imagine my surprise when Miss Watson made the audience laugh out loud each time I piped in with “That's what I say.”I hadn't known that she—or I—could be funny,or that her character was important in moving the plot along.(想象一下,每当我插嘴说‘我就是这么说的’时,沃森小姐都能让观众哄堂大笑,我有多惊讶。我不知道她——或者我——可以很有趣,也不知道她的这个角色在推进剧情中很重要)”可知,作者扮演的沃森小姐很受欢迎、很成功。所以D项“My Miss Watson turned out to be a hit.(我的沃森小姐很受欢迎)”符合题意。
4.解析:由空格前的句子“Each person,onstage and backstage,is essential in theater.Without everyone doing their part,the play would be dull as dirt.(在戏剧中,台上和后台的每个人都是必不可少的。如果没有每个人都各司其职,这出戏就会枯燥乏味)”可知,作者认为在戏剧中,台上和后台的每个人都是必不可少的。而根据空格后的句子“If everyone is a star then nothing gets done.It's all noise and chaos.(如果每个人都是明星,那么什么都做不了。到处都是噪音和混乱)”可知,作者把演戏和生活联系在一起,生活中也不可能人人都是明星。所以,空格处的句子应该是一个承上启下的句子,A项“So it is in life.(在生活中也是如此)”符合题意。
5.解析:由第四段的句子“Imagine my surprise when Miss Watson made the audience laugh out loud each time I piped in with‘That's what I say.’I hadn't known that she—or I—could be funny,or that her character was important in moving the plot along.(想象一下,每当我插嘴说‘我就是这么说的’时,沃森小姐都能让观众哄堂大笑,我有多惊讶。我不知道她——或者我——可以很有趣,也不知道她的这个角色在推进剧情中很重要)”可知,作者扮演的沃森小姐很受欢迎、很成功。再由空格前的句子“And so I believe all children should get the opportunity to play Miss Watson,to become someone they didn't know they wanted to be.(所以我认为所有的孩子都应该有机会扮演沃森小姐,成为一个他们不知道自己想成为的人)”可知,作者认为所有的孩子都应该有机会扮演沃森小姐,也就是说所有的孩子都有机会成功。所以G项“I would hope all children could be a hit in life.(我希望所有的孩子都能在生活中成功)”符合题意。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇科普说明文。文章介绍了热岛效应。
1.解析:段末句,考查段落结论句。根据上文“Have you noticed how evenings cool off more in rural areas than they do in cities?Urban areas also tend to get hotter during the day than any nearby areas with lots of greenery.(你有没有注意到,农村的夜晚比城市凉爽得多?城市地区在白天也往往比附近有很多绿色植物的地区更热。)”可知,本文是一篇介绍热岛效应的科普文。首段的行文逻辑为从现象到结论,从而引出热岛效应这一地理名词。所以,C项“This phenomenon is known as the urban heat island effect.(这种现象被称为城市热岛效应。)”符合题意。
2.解析:段中句,考查转折性过渡句。F选项“Much of the soil in cities,by contrast,has been covered with roads and buildings.(相比之下,城市的大部分土壤已经被道路和建筑物覆盖。)”中的“城市的土地被道路和建筑覆盖”与前一句“evaporation of water from soil and the leaves of plants helps to cool the air.(土壤和植物叶子中的水分蒸发有助于冷却到空气中)”形成转折关系。这两句回应第二段主题句“It's mainly caused by the difference in materials that cover the ground in urban areas and the countryside.(这主要是由于城市和农村覆盖地面的材料不同造成的。)”
3.解析:段中句,考查结论性过渡句。空前句子“In contrast,white objects reflect all wavelengths of light energy”(相反,白色物体反射所有波长的光能)和D选项“So it will not be transformed into heat which makes the air hot.(所以它不会转化为使空气变热的热量。)”形成因果关系。即,白色物品会反射所有波长的光,因此能量不会被转换成热量,从而让空气变热。
4.解析:段首句,考查段落主题句。A选项“Cities also produce more heat than suburban areas.(城市也比郊区产生更多的热量。)”中的“produce more heat(产生更多的热量)”与空处下一句“As people drive cars,heat buildings,and run air conditioners,cities are generating waste heat and puring it into the atmosphere directly.(随着人们开车、给建筑物供暖和使用空调,城市正在产生废热,并将其直接排放到大气中。)”中的“generate waste heat(产生废热)”形成对应关系。开车,供暖或是开空调都是产生热量的行为。
5.解析:段末句,考查递进逻辑关系。本段的讨论内容为解决热岛效应的方法。G选项中的“these changes(这些变化)”对应了选项前面一句的方法,即“covering black asphalt streets,parking lots,and dark roofs with a more reflective gray coating.”(覆盖黑色沥青街道、停车场和深色屋顶的反光性更强的灰色涂层)。同时,G选项“ These changes can decrease air temperatures dramatically,especially in summer.(这些变化会使气温急剧下降,尤其是在夏天。)”进一步解释了这些举措所能带来的好处,与前文形成递进关系。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了如何使自己的新年计划付诸行动。
1.解析:分析语境寻线索:根据空后的“Lose ten pounds?...New Year's resolutions”可知,此处在讲新年计划→对比选项定答案:由此可推知,空处应填与计划相关的内容,E项“也许大多数人也在制定新年计划”符合语境。
2.解析:分析语境寻线索:空前的“I usually tell myself I should write more”指的是作者通常告诉自己应该多写点;空后的“Then,I realize it would be better to set my intention to write and the time to write”指的是作者意识到最好是把写作的目的和时间定下来→对比选项定答案:再结合常识可推知,空处应为过渡句,正是由于对空前结果的不满,才做出了改变,故D项“但结果远非令人满意”符合语境。
3.解析:由空前内容可知,Premack定律是一种行为策略,它指出高概率行为的存在会使低概率行为更有可能发生,即对Premack定律的解释;空后的“So,now that I've set my intention...dropping my kids off at school in the morning”以自己为例,说明具体的做法。由此推知,空处应是对Premack定律的进一步说明,故选G。
【语篇解读】 这是一篇说明文。文章告诉我们有效的笔记是学习过程中的一个积极部分,并讲述了如何成为一名更好的课堂笔记记录者。
1.解析:上文“Effective note taking is an active part of the learning process that requires you to get the main idea and write down its key words in your own way.(有效的记笔记是学习过程中的一个积极部分,它要求你掌握主要思想,并用自己的方式写下其中的关键词。)”说明有效笔记的重要性,下文“Prepare for the lecture in advance.(提前准备讲座。)”及“Find your style of taking notes.(找到你的笔记风格。)”及“Take down key points.(记下关键点。)”说明如何成为一名更好的课堂笔记记录者的方法,空格处承上启下,告诉我们通过下面的提示,可以成为一名更好的课堂笔记记录者。因此推断G项“有了以下技巧,你就可以成为一个更好的课堂笔记记录者。”符合语境。
2.解析:上文“Teachers hand out outlines of their lectures before they begin.(老师们在上课前分发讲稿提纲。)”及下文“It can help you focus on the difficulties you have in understanding and you will be able to ask better questions in class.(它可以帮助你专注于理解中遇到的困难,你将能够在课堂上提出更好的问题。)”空格处承上启下,C项的“them”与上文“lectures”一致,讲的是同一话题,说明老师发完演讲稿后应该浏览它们,这样可以提前了解课堂内容。因此推断C项“浏览它们会使你的大脑变得活跃起来。”符合语境,下文解释了这样做的好处。
3.解析:上边小标题“Find your style of taking notes.(找到你的笔记风格。)”及下文“For example,some visual learners could draw certain shapes to represent important concepts.Some people prefer writing words,and some may find it most helpful to record a lecture and listen to it while studying.(例如,一些视觉学习者可以绘制某些形状来表示重要概念。有些人喜欢写单词,有些人可能会发现在学习的时候录制一节课并听它最有帮助。)”空格处位于段首句承接下文,说明不同的人可能有不同的记笔记方式,下文具体解释了这种说法。
4.解析:下文“Rather than writing complete sentences or even complete words,create a form of fast and brief writing with some signs or phrases to make note taking easier.This will help you take notes quickly and keep up with the lecture(不要写完整的句子,甚至是完整的单词,而是用一些符号或短语创造一种快速、简短的写作形式,以便于记笔记。这将帮助你快速记笔记并跟上讲座。)”说明如何速记,所以空处作为这一小段的标题,应该概括主旨,A项“发展你的速记”正好符合文章。
5.解析:上文“It is important to write down key points from the lecture.(写下讲座的要点很重要。)”及下文“Things like key ideas,definitions,and descriptive phrases can help you remember the subject.(关键想法、定义和描述性短语可以帮助你记住主题。)”空格处承上启下,F项的“It”与上文一致,讲的是同一话题,说明写下要点很重要,下文紧接着说明了什么是重要信息。所以F“这意味看你需要专注于最有意义的信息”符合题意。
【语篇解读】 这是一篇说明文。我们生活在一个没有耐心的时代,即时的满足感正在扼杀我们等待的能力。本文介绍了几种重新找回等待能力的方法。
1.解析:根据上文“This instant satisfaction,undoubtedly,is killing our ability to wait.(这种即时的满足感正在扼杀我们等待的能力)”可知,即时的满足感正在扼杀我们等待的能力,导致我们等待能力的丧失不可避免,与G项“Thus,the loss of this mixed quality of tolerance and calmness is unavoidable(因此,这种宽容和冷静的复杂的品质的丧失是不可避免的)”表达的含义一致。
2.解析:根据下文“For example,you could say,‘it's not bad to enjoy this magazine while waiting’.(例如,你可以说,‘在等待的时候欣赏这本杂志还不错’)”可推理出上文讲的是要说一些积极的话语,与B项“Add some positive words if possible(如果可能的话,添加一些积极的词语)”表达的含义一致。
3.解析:根据上文“Racing around is not necessarily the only way to get what you want.(四处奔波不一定是得到你想要的东西的唯一途径)”可知,上文提到了四处奔波的模式,因此E项“We get so caught up in hurrying that we get stuck in that mode(我们太匆忙了,以至于陷入了那种模式)”符合题意,选项中的that mode指代上文提到的“四处奔波”。
4.解析:根据下文“Take a break and do something that could free your brain from the work that takes tons of energy.(休息一下,做一些可以让你的大脑从消耗大量能量的工作中解放出来的事情)”可知本段建议的方法是要学会分散注意力,与A项“Learn to distract yourself(学会分散自己的注意力)”表达的含义一致。
5.解析:根据上文“The ability to let your mind wander,whether daydreaming or actively applying your imagination,is a skill that improves patience.(无论是做白日梦还是积极发挥想象力,这些让你的思维开小差的能力都是一种提高耐心的技能)”可知,此处上下文说的是要学会让大脑适时放松,以利于提高自己的耐心,分析待选项,D项“You don't have to get the whole paper done in one go(你不必一次搞定整个论文)”符合语境,一次性搞定整个论文不利于提高自己的耐心,所以D项是上文的支持性信息。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。主要对职场新人应对信息过载的情况给出了四条建议。
2.解析:分析语境寻线索:空后一句讲到了“Remember that emotions can...”,因此,空处承上启下,应该也会讲到情绪→对比选项定答案:G项中This self talk呼应上一句中的Say to yourself及其内容,而“makes the emotions easier to handle”引出下文,符合语境。
3.解析:根据空后的“It keeps what it needs more immediately in our short term memory”可知,It指代某种存储信息的东西,结合常识可知,存储信息的东西指的是大脑,故F项符合语境。
4.解析:本空考查主旨句,根据本段中讲到的“digital knowledge management systems...a Word document”可知,本段主要讲到了可以使用电子设备来帮助处理信息,故B项“用技术帮忙”适合作本段的主旨句。
5.解析:根据空后的“You can go for longer than that,but be sure to take a break”可知,空处讲到的应该是和时间相关的内容,故E项“为了更好的结果,专注于一项任务的时间大约在25分钟”符合语境。


