2024届高考英语二轮复习 七选五 强化训练(含解析)

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2024届高考英语二轮复习 七选五 强化训练(含解析)


Test 1
For people who are planning a trip,a visit to a museum might not be the first thing they think of.After all,there are plenty of ways to appreciate the world's civilization,gain exciting experiences and spend quality time with family and friends.__1__
Museums are where people learn something new,at every age!Are you interested in something specific?__2__There,you will find yourself drawn in and inspired! Museums are a fantastic place to learn about a region's history,scientific achievements,major cultural events,and of course,dinosaurs.They also design exhibitions related to visual arts,industrial innovations and anything that inspires an individual to learn about the past and create new paths to the future.
__3__They will surely be an exciting part of the educational experience with the main purpose to expose children to knowledge of various fields and expand their horizons.To achieve that,museums are working to create meaningful and engaging activities,interactive and knowledge based.
Museums support tourism.They are tourism promoters in small towns and large cities.Museums aren't a burden on tax revenue (税收)or a separate concern from other city projects.__4__Statistics show that museums support more than 726,000 jobs in America.
Museums shape communities.They have activities and exhibitions through which visitors can learn about local history.Museums are places where a shared heritage is celebrated and a collective identity is formed.They provide an interesting public space where people meet and talk to each other.__5__
A.Museums bring out the best qualities in children.
B.Museums often deliver kids centered exhibitions.
C.Instead,they generate funding and fuel employment.
D.Then,visit a local museum to learn about that subject.
E.Even shopping at the gift shop there is an opportunity for connections.
F.On the contrary,they consume a small percentage of city funds annually.
G.The fact,however,is that museums offer magical benefits in many ways.
Test 2
When your child begins to beg for a pet,you may draw back at the thought of the additional responsibilities.Parents usually think of all the work and responsibility having a pet could bring about.__1__
Teach responsibility.
A family pet can help show children the importance of proper care in keeping their new friend happy and healthy.__2__Give your children a sense of responsibility by having them help meet these needs,whether they feel like it that day or not.
Encourage exercise.
If you've ever been forced to keep up with a young dog or cat,you know how tiring it can be!__3__ By encouraging your child to play with his or her pet;both of them will get the exercise they need to sleep soundly and live healthy and happy lives.
Teaching your child how to“play nicely”with and show affection to another living being is an essential first step toward developing lifelong empathy for others.Learning how to be a good friend of a pet will teach one how to be more open and friendly to other people as well.
Be practical.
While the benefits of pet ownership are clear,pets are definitely not for everybody.Raising pets requires a large amount of work and responsibility.You'd better make sure the whole family is aware of the requirements that come along with the pet.__5__ It's best to introduce the potential pet to your child before bringing him or her home to ensure that there is a healthy connection.
A.Treat others well.
B.Form a close bond with a friend.
C.Pets are great for helping “break the ice”.
D.But you can use the pet's energy to your advantage.
E.Also,some pets can be very aggressive towards children.
F.All pets need to be fed,given fresh water,and exercised regularly.
G.However,allowing kids to keep a pet can teach you both some important lessons.
Test 3
We often idealize the act of cooking.In my mind's eye,I can see myself swanning through the kitchen with smooth hair as I stir a pot of spaghetti in slow motion.__1__ As the appointed chef of my household,making dinners after a long day's work is an annoying chore(杂务).
So,when we knew about a weekly meal delivery service,I jumped at the chance.__2__.Each meal's ingredients came wrapped up in a separate paper bag,each labelled with a recipe card.
The actual cooking was easier,too.I was delighted by pre processed vegetables and properly portioned dressings.Think about the hunt for recipes,the cuts and burns,and the spilled bottle of olive oil.__3__
A few weeks into our subscription,however,I realized that gone with the frustration of cooking was its joy.__4__ You choose ingredients from the supermarket shelves.You wash them,peel them,chop them,season them or combine them.You see them transform from one thing into another over the process.Remove that process and what are you left with
__5__ For busy families who couldn't afford the connection with food,these boxes offer fresh,healthy,waste free meals that require minimal effort and time.But if I have the time and energy to indulge in that luxury,I think it's worth doing.
A.These were all things of the past.
B.In fact,cooking can connect you with your food.
C.In practice,there is rarely anything ideal about cooking.
D.Cooking is messy,tiring,and most of the time,annoying.
E.Soon came our box of ingredients that made everything easier.
F.So clean and ready,the ingredients no longer look or feel like food.
G.Of course,I do realise the practical advantages of meal subscription boxes.
Test 4
Wonderful views from the mountains,breath taking places waiting to explore,fresh air,as well as all the special health benefits,are the main rewards of mountain hiking.__1__
You need to train your lower body muscles,anytime and anywhere.Strong legs and core muscles will improve your balance and help you hike longer.Focus on your lower body strength and on your cardiovascular(心血管的)workout.__2__ You really can train anywhere: use your backyard,living room,or bedroom to keep your body ready for the true conditions in the mountains.
You will need a stronger back.Who's going to carry your backpack?__3__ So we are quite sure what the true answer is.Develop back muscles with exercises like V ups,deadlifts,diver push ups,and exercise named“mountain climbers”:Start in a traditional plank(平板支撑)position and then bring your knee forward under your chest.You will start to feel your abs(腹肌)for sure,too.
__4__ Even Rome wasn't built in a day so give yourself the pleasure to enjoy discovering what your body is capable of!All the perfect benefits will improve your blood pressure and blood sugar levels,helping you strengthen your core,and even help you control your weight as an additional benefit.__5__ Just don't forget to stretch after each training.
Please remember that your training for mountain hiking should be combined with real hiking.And don't miss the other clues on what to do for mountaineering training!
A.Give yourself and your body time to prepare.
B.And don't rely just on gyms or other similar areas.
C.Your balance will also get better and better over time.
D.However,there is always hidden danger in the mountains.
E.Try to combine muscle training with your indoor exercise.
F.However,it is of great significance to get prepared physically.
G.In the mountains,everyone should firstly be responsible for their own essentials.
Test 5
Complaining is often looked at as a negative,but if you perfect it,great things can happen.
__1__ Experts insist that too much complaining will lower your empathy(共鸣)and stop you achieving your dream and living the life you want.They suggest that you cut out negativity from your life,especially people who complain.
__2__ Once we discover how to effectively integrate it,great things can happen.Dr Robin Kowalski found those who complain with the hopes of achieving a certain result tend to be happier.
Complaining also influences how people see us,creates social bonds,encourages empathy and helps create real changes.It plays a very important role in our lives and is a skill that can be extremely effective.__3__
So here are some ways to deal with the art of complaining in a skillful way.
1.Clarify and organize your complaints.It will get your complaints across to others more easily.
2.Work out who can give you a hand.__4__ Pick those who can empathize with you or help with your goal.
3.Make connections with others.It would be possible for people to know what you needed.
Conclude from specific things above,and our complaining is much more likely to be useful and effective:
Use facts and logic.
Identify who has the ability to make it happen.
Whatever your complaining is,it'll make for your improvement when used correctly and effectively.
A.Get rid of your bitter complaints.
B.Don't complain to the same people.
C.Actually,complaining has a bad reputation.
D.Socialize with others to make complaints accessible.
E.However,complaining does serve as a real purpose in our lives.
F.The influences of complaining are not necessarily beneficial to us all.
G.Our goal is not to remove complaining,but make it more useful and effective.
Test 6
There are many ways to be a student leader,whether it's through the student government,academic teams,athletic teams,the arts,or community service.If you want to be a good leader in school,you need to practice good leadership qualities.__1__
Be a good communicator.
__2__You should be able to express yourself in a clear way so that people are more likely to listen to you.Being a good communicator also means listening well.A good leader will be willing to listen to the group,and consider all opinions when making decisions.
Have others help with the work.
You should distribute jobs evenly among group members.Everyone in the group will shoulder part of the work then.If someone isn't shouldering their share of the work load,privately discuss this with them.In the talk you should let them know you're hoping you can count on them to contribute a little more.__3__
Make full use of the available resources.
Difficulties and challenges are everywhere.__4__ If yuo don't know the answer to something,or notice that something needs to be done but you're not sure how to do it yourselves,you're the one to consult your teachers,coaches,etc,who are your available resources.
Sometimes the way things have been done is outdated or they could be done in a better way.You will be the one to decide if a certain rule or policy needs to be changed.Remember to handle it with an open attitude.If you're able to adapt and do your best to work it out,then you have part of what it takes to be a great leader!
A.Look before you leap.
B.Here are some suggestions for you.
C.Don't forget to be open minded and flexible.
D.Learn public speaking skills and writing skills.
E.By doing so you can bring the team together to participate.
F.That is how you gain knowledge about being a good leader.
G.A good leader knows whom to turn to when he's in a difficult situation.
Test 7
You should know that English Literature is one of the few courses in the world that can help you better understand the world around you and far from you.The benefits of studying English Literature are as follows.
Developing the ability of critical analysis
Being a master of English Literature allows you to be critical when analyzing a text.Even after learning,you will notice that you critically analyse every text you read,even when it does not demand it.__1__.It helps you think deeply about different situations and decisions before making them.
Creating broader opportunities
Understanding English Literature suggests that your knowledge of the English language is at full capacity creating a wider range of opportunities for the learner.
__2__.For example,there are over sixty seven different countries with English as their lingua franca(通用语),which means that there are opportunities open in these countries for people with knowledge of English Literature.
The English language is more than just the way we speak and a manner of communicating.There are in depth meanings as to how the structuring and pronunciations in the English language work.In studying literary English,you are sure to see these deeper technicalities surrounding the English language,helping you understand better the use of the language.
Improving the ability of brief writing
__4__.In learning,reading,and analyzing,one is bound to take notes to keep up with their analysis of a text.This act subconsciously(下意识地)helps to make any learner of literary English a better writer than before they started learning.
Getting to know historical and cultural knowledge
Reading classic English Literature is the shortest and easiest way to learn both history and culture of people and places.You are always surprised when you find the connection between the real facts and the story of the classic literature you read.__5__
A.Existing everywhere for a long time
B.Having a good command of English
C.You can use this skill in other areas of life
D.You are not limited in the choices you make
E.Among other things,it makes you a better writer
F.Like every other skill,critical thinking takes practice
G.It ends up being a sort of achievement in your learning
Test 8
Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit:We cannot flower and grow without it.And yet,while most of us are only too ready to apply the cold wind of criticism to others,we are somehow reluctant to give our fellows the warm sunshine of praise.
__1__Perhaps it's because few of us know how to accept compliments gracefully.Instead,we are embarrassed and shrug off the words we are really so glad to hear.Because of this defensive reaction,direct compliments are surprisingly difficult to give.That is why some of the most valued pats on the back are those which come to us indirectly.
It's especially rewarding to give praise in areas in which effort generally goes unnoticed or unmentioned.__2__A cook is praised for a perfect meal.But do you ever tell your laundry manager how pleased you are when the shirts are done just right?Do you ever praise your paperboy for getting the paper to you on time 365 days a year
Praise is particularly appreciated by those doing routine jobs:gas station attendants,waitresses—even housewives.__3__Since so often praise is the only wage a housewife receives,surely she should get her measure.
__4__It only takes a moment's thought and a moment's effort perhaps a quick phone call to pass on a compliment,or five minutes to write an appreciative letter.It is such a small investment and yet consider the results it may produce.__5__
So,let's be alert to the small excellence around us and comment on them.We will not only bring joy into other people's lives,but also,very often,add happiness into our own.
A.We are accustomed to accepting praise.
B.A student is ignored despite his good work.
C.To give praise costs the giver almost nothing.
D.It's strange how cautious we are about praising.
E.Shakespeare said,“Our praise is our wage.”
F.An artist gets compliments for a glorious picture.
G.“I can live for two months on a good compliment,”
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了博物馆的多项社会性功能。
2.解析:分析语境寻线索:空前一句提出了问题“你对什么特定的事物感兴趣吗?”,因此,空处应该会回答问题,提供解决方案→对比选项定答案:D项“那么,你可以参观当地的博物馆来了解那个事物”符合语境,且句中的“that subject”呼应上一句中的“something specific”。
3.解析:本空为段落主旨句。根据文章结构和其他段段首句可以看出,正确选项应为A或者B。根据本段中的“with the main purpose to expose children to knowledge of various fields and expand their horizons”可知,本段讲到的应该是博物馆会举办以儿童为中心的活动,而不是激发出孩子的良好素质,故B项适合作本段的主旨句。
4.解析:根据空前的“Museums aren't a burden on tax revenue(税收)”可知,博物馆不是税收的负担,空处应该会具体讲到博物馆对于当地经济的正面效果,C项“相反,它们可以创造收入并促进就业”符合语境,且能引出下文中的“support more than 726,000 jobs”。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了养宠物给孩子们带来的益处。
1.解析:分析语境寻线索:该空位于第一段段尾,该空前面提到家长对孩子养宠物可能不支持,后文的“Teach responsibility”以及“Encourage exercise”等说明让孩子养宠物是有好处的,由此可知该空起到承上启下的作用→对比选项定答案:综合各选项可知,G项“然而,允许孩子养宠物可以教给你们双方一些重要的经验”符合语境。
2.解析:空前一句提到养宠物可以帮助孩子们了解适当照顾对让他们的新朋友快乐和健康的重要性,该句话中的proper care是解题的关键,与选项F中的“be fed,given fresh water,and exercised regularly”构成意义上的衔接。
4.解析:根据该空所处位置可知,空处为本段主旨句。根据上文的“Teach responsibility”“Encourage exercise”和下文的“Be practical”可知,该空也应用祈使句,故答案应在A项和B项中间选择。根据该段内容可知,此段主要讲善待他人。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了做饭并非是理想化的事情,需要解决和避免诸多的麻烦。由此作者得知预定食材时则以此来解决做饭过程中所遇到的问题。但经过多次预定后,作者发现虽然预定食材带来了便利,但是失去了人与食物之间的关系,导致失去了做饭的快乐。
1.解析:根据前文“We often idealize the act of cooking.In my mind's eye,I can see myself swarnning through the kitchen with smooth hair as I stir a pot of spaghetti in slow motion.(我们常常把烹饪的行为理想化。在我的脑海里,我可以看到自己梳着光滑的头发在厨房里游弋,用慢镜头搅拌一锅意大利面。)”可知,此处强调的是每个人都经常把做饭理想化,即自己梳着光滑的头发在厨房里游弋,用慢镜头搅拌一锅意大利面。后文应该强调事实并非如此。C选项“In practice,there is rarely anything ideal about cooking.(实际上,关于烹饪,很少有什么是理想的。)”承接前文。
2.解析:根据后文“Each meal's ingredients came wrapped up in a separate paper bag,each labelled with a recipe card.(每顿饭的食材都包装在一个单独的纸袋里,每一种都贴上了食谱卡。)”可知,此处强调的是送餐服务提供的包装食材给作者带来的便利,设空处应该描述送餐服务送出的食材盒。E选项“Soon came our box of ingredients that made everything easier.(很快,我们的食材盒来了,一切都变得简单了。)”引起下文,与后文呼应。
3.解析:根据前文“Think about the hunt for recipes,the cuts and burns,and the spilled bottle of olive oil.(实际的烹饪也更容易。我喜欢预先加工的蔬菜和适当分配的调味汁。想想寻找食谱的过程,伤口和烫伤,还有打翻的一瓶橄榄油。)”可知,此处强调的是在送餐服务提供包装食材之前,作者做饭的各种艰难情况。后文应该强调在拥有送餐服务提供包装食材之后,之前的种种困难将完全消失。A选项“These were all things of the past.(这些都是过去的事了。)”符合语境。
4.解析:根据前文“A few weeks into our subscription,however,I realised that gone with the frustration of cooking was its joy.(然而,订阅了几周后,我意识到烹饪的乐趣伴随着沮丧而去。)”可知,此处强调订阅食材虽然给作者带来了方便,但是让作者失去了做饭的乐趣。后文应该强调揭示失去乐趣的原因。B选项“In fact,cooking can connect you with your food.(事实上,烹饪可以把你和你的食物联系起来。)”承接前文。
5.解析:根据后文的“For busy families who couldn't afford the connection with food,these boxes offer fresh,healthy,waste free meals that require minimal effort and time.(对于那些负担不起与食物联系的忙碌家庭来说,这些盒子提供新鲜、健康、无浪费的食物,只需要最少的努力和时间。)”可知,此处强调的是定制食材的好处。G选项“Of course,I do realise the practical advantages of meal subscription boxes.(当然,我确实意识到订餐盒的实际优势。)”引起下文,指出定制食材的优势。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇应用文。山地徒步有许多益处,但是进行山地徒步之前让身体做好准备非常重要,文章详细阐述了一些如何进行针对性锻炼、提高身体素质为山地徒步做好准备的一些策略。
1.解析:上文“Wonderful views from the mountains,breath taking places waiting to explore,fresh air,as well as all the special health benefits,are the main rewards of mountain hiking.(山上的美景,令人叹为观止的地方等待探索,新鲜空气以及所有特殊的健康益处,是山地徒步旅行的主要奖励。)”阐述了山地徒步的益处;根据下文第二段第一、二句“You need to train your lower body muscles,anytime and anywhere.Strong legs and core muscles will improve your balance and help you hike longer.(你需要随时随地锻炼你的下半身肌肉。强壮的腿部和核心肌肉会改善你的平衡,帮助你走得更远。)”、第三段第一句“You will need a stronger back.(你需要一个更强壮的背部。)”以及最后一段“Please remember that your training for mountain hiking should be combined with real hiking.And don't miss the other clues on what to do for mountaineering training!(请记住,你的登山训练应该与真正的徒步旅行结合起来。不要错过其他关于登山训练的线索!)”可知本文主要阐述如何进行针对性身体训练,更好地为徒步做好准备;F选项“However,it is of great significance to get prepared physically.(然而,做好身体准备是很重要的。)”承接上文,说明尽管山地徒步有诸多益处,但是徒步之前身体做好准备非常重要,符合文章主旨;由此可知,F选项符合语境。
2.解析:由本段主旨句,即段首句“You need to train your lower body muscles,anytime and anywhere.(你需要随时随地锻炼你的下半身肌肉。)”可知,本段阐述的是需要随时随地锻炼下半身肌肉,为山地徒步做准备;B选项“And don't rely just on gyms or other similar areas.(不要只依赖健身房或其他类似的地方。)”说明不要只是在健身房和类似的地方训练;下文“You really can train anywhere: use your backyard,living room,or bedroom to keep your body ready for the true conditions in the mountains. (你真的可以在任何地方训练:在你的后院、客厅或卧室,让你的身体为山区的真实条件做好准备。)”承接B选项,进一步具体阐述可以在任何地方进行锻炼;由此可知,B选项符合语境。
3.解析:由本段主旨句“You will need a stronger back.(你需要一个更强壮的背部。)可知本段主要阐述的是应该锻炼背部;上文“Who's going to carry your backpack?(谁来帮你背背包?)”问徒步时谁来背背包;G选项“In the mountains,everyone should firstly be responsible for their own essentials.(在山里,每个人首先要对自己的必需品负责。)”回答上文所提出的谁来背背包的问题,也解释了为什么需要锻炼背部;由此可知,G选项符合语境。
4.解析:设空处位于句首,为本段主旨句;由下文“Even Rome wasn't built in a day so give yourself the pleasure to enjoy discovering what your body is capable of!(即使罗马也不是一天建成的,所以让你自己去享受发现你身体的能力吧!)”可知本段阐述的是为山地徒步做好身体准备是需要时间的,不是一蹴而就的;A选项“Give yourself and your body time to prepare.(给你自己和你的身体时间准备。)”符合本段主旨。
5.解析:上文“Even Rome wasn't built in a day so give yourself the pleasure to enjoy discovering what your body is capable of!All the perfect benefits will improve your blood pressure and blood sugar levels,helping you strengthen your core,and even help you control your weight as an additional benefit.(即使罗马也不是一天建成的,所以让你自己去享受发现你身体能力的乐趣吧!所有这些完美的好处都将改善你的血压和血糖水平,帮助你加强你的核心力量,甚至帮助你控制体重,这是一个额外的好处。)”说明提高身体素质为山地徒步做好准备是需要时间的,同时也详细列举了此准备过程对身体带来的好的变化;C选项“Your balance will also get better and better over time.(随着时间的推移,你的平衡也会越来越好。)”承接上文,进一步阐述训练给身体带来的益处与变化,符合语境。
【语篇解读】 只要我们对被看作消极的抱怨进行完善的话就会有美好的事情发生。
1.解析:分析语境寻线索:根据上文“Complaining is often looked at as a negative,but if you perfect it,great things can happen”可知,虽然抱怨被认为是不好的,但是如果你对其进行完善的话,其实抱怨也会让好事发生;根据空后的“Experts insist...living the life you want”可知,专家们认为抱怨是不好的→对比选项定答案:C项指出实际上抱怨的名声很差,能够概括本段的主要内容且承上启下。
2.解析:根据空后的“Once we discover how to effectively integrate it...achieving a certain result tend to be happier”可知,一旦我们发现如何有效地整合它,美好的事情就会发生。Robin Kowalski博士发现,那些希望取得某种结果而抱怨的人往往更快乐。由此可推断出,抱怨在我们的日常生活中确实有一些作用,E项指出抱怨在生活中确实能发挥真正的作用,符合语境。
3.解析:根据空前的“It plays a very important role in our lives and is a skill that can be extremely effective”可知,抱怨在生活中确实很重要;根据下文中的“So here are some ways to deal with the art of complaining in a skillful way”可知,空后给出了一些巧妙处理抱怨的方法,空处承上启下,所以空处应该讲的是我们要学会正确对待抱怨。G项指出我们的目的不是消除抱怨,而是让它更有用、更有效,符合语境。
4.解析:分析语境寻线索:根据空前的“Work out who can give you a hand”可知,我们要找到能帮助自己的人;根据空后的“Pick those who can empathize with you or help with your goal”可知,我们要选择能够和自己有同感或帮助自己实现目标的人进行抱怨,空处承上启下,应该讲的是不要一直对相同的人进行抱怨→对比选项定答案:B项指出不要一直对相同的人抱怨,承接上文,引出下文。
5.解析:根据“Conclude from specific things above...useful and effective”可知,此处是对上文所列的三条巧妙处理抱怨的方法进行一对一总结;根据上文列出的第3条方法“Make connections with others...what you needed”可知空处所填的内容应该与社交有关,D项表示要和别人交往,从而让抱怨被人理解,符合语境。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了一些成为优秀领导者的方法。
1.解析:根据上文的“There are many...leadership qualities”可知,有很多方法可以成为学生领袖,无论是通过学生自治会、学术团队、运动队、艺术还是社区服务。如果你想在学校成为一名优秀的领导者,你需要锻炼良好的领导素质,再结合下文提出的建议可知,空处承上启下,B选项“这是给你的一些建议”符合语境。
2.解析:根据下文的“You should be able...listen to you”可知,你应该能够以一种清晰的方式表达自己,这样人们才更有可能听你的。据此可知,下文提到了清晰表达自己,可见本句内容与讲话和写作技巧有关。故D选项“学习公共演讲技巧和写作技巧”符合语境。
4.解析:根据下文的“If you don't know...who are your available resources”可知,如果你不知道某件事的答案,或者注意到某件事需要做,但你不知道自己该怎么做,你可以请教你的老师、教练等人,他们是你可用的资源。据此可知,下文提到了向老师、教练请教,即遇到困难知道找谁求助。故G选项”一个好的领导在遇到困难的时候知道该向谁求助”符合语境。
5.解析:空处为本段小标题。根据该段最后两句“Remember to handle it with an open attitude...then you have part of what it takes to be a great leader!”可知,下文提到了“open attitude”和“able to adapt”,C项中的“open minded”和“flexible”与其相对应。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了学习英语文学带来的五个好处:发展批判思维、创造更多机会、掌握好英语、提高英语写作能力、获得文史知识。
1.解析:空出为段中句。根据空格前两句内容“Being a master of English Literature allows you to be critical when analyzing a text.Even after learning,you will notice that you critically analyse every text you read,even when it does not demand it.(作为一名英国文学硕士,你可以在分析一篇文章时持批判态度。即使在学习之后,你也会注意到你批判性地分析了你读过的每一篇文章,即使它不需要你这样做)”得知精通English Literature可以让人具备批判性思维,空格后一句“It helps you think deeply about different situations and decisions before making them.(它可以帮助你在做出决定之前深入思考不同的情况和决定)”提到different situations and decisions,这与C选项中的in other areas of life相匹配。因此推断C项“你可以在生活的其他领域使用这个技能”符合语境。
2.解析:根据空格前一段“Understanding English Literature suggests that your knowledge of the English language is at full capacity creating a wider range of opportunities for the learner.(理解英国文学表明你的英语语言知识是充分发挥的,为学习者创造了更广泛的机会)”中的“a wider range of opportunities”以及后一句“For example,there are over sixty seven different countries with English as their lingua franca(通用语),which means that there are opportunities open in these countries for people with knowledge of English Literature.(例如,有超过67个不同的国家将英语作为他们的通用语,这意味着在这些国家有机会为具有英国文学知识的人开放)”可知,面对67个英语国家的众多机会,你所做的选择并不受限制,因此推断D项“你所做的选择不受限制”符合句意。
3.解析:根据本段内容“The English language is more than just the way we speak and a manner of communicating.There are in depth meanings as to how the structuring and pronunciations in the English language work.In studying literary English,you are sure to see these deeper technicalities surrounding the English language,helping you understand better the use of the language.(英语不仅仅是我们说话和交流的方式。英语语言的结构和发音是如何起作用的,有着深刻的意义。在学习文学英语的过程中,你肯定会看到这些围绕英语语言的更深层次的专业术语,帮助你更好地理解语言的使用)”可以推断出该段主要讲述学习English Literature可以帮助人们更好地理解英语这门语言,更好地掌握英语。因此推断B项“精通英语”为最近标题。
4.解析:根据本段的标题“Improving the ability of brief writing(提高短文写作能力)”并结合后文的“This act subconsciously(下意识地)helps to make any learner of literary English a better writer than before they started learning.(这种下意识的行为有助于使任何文学英语学习者成为比他们开始学习之前更好的作家)”可知,学习英语文学有助于我们成为更好的writer,因此E项“除此之外,它会让你成为一个更好的作家”,符合语境,故选E。
5.解析:结合本段标题“Getting to know historical and cultural knowledge(了解历史文化知识)”和段中内容“Reading classic English Literature is the shortest and easiest way to learn both history and culture of people and places.You are always surprised when you find the connection between the real facts and the story of the classic literature you read.(阅读经典的英国文学是学习人和地方的历史和文化的最短和最简单的方法。当你发现真实的事实和你所读的经典文学故事之间的联系时,你总是会感到惊讶)”可知,读文学经典作品可以了解文史知识,进而发现真实的事实和你所读的经典文学故事之间的联系,这些都可以看作是“achievement”,因此,G选项“它最终会成为你学习中的一种成就”符合上下句的逻辑关系。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。生活中没有赞美,就如同人的精神世界没有了阳光。我们应该学会接受赞美,更要学会赞美别人,赞美厨师做出的可口饭菜,赞美报童准时将报纸送到,赞美家庭主妇……赞美给别人和自己都能带来欢乐。
1.解析:根据下文的“Perhaps it's because...accept compliments gracefully”可知,可能是我们不知道如何接受赞美。据此可知,空处说明对别人的表扬,我们常谨慎以待。
2.解析:根据下文的“A cook is praised for a perfect meal”可知,厨师会因为做了一手好饭菜而受到表扬;据此可知,空处与此对应,讲述受到表扬的具体例子,F项“一个艺术家因画出一幅绚丽多彩的画而受到赞美”符合语境。
4.解析:空处位于该段句首,是该段主题句。根据下文的“It only takes...an appreciative letter”可知,赞美很容易,只需要片刻的思考和片刻的努力,或许一个快速的电话就可以将赞美传递,或者也可以花五分钟写一封感激信。据此可知,该段主要说明赞美几乎不需要付出代价。
5.解析:根据上文的“It is such a...it may produce”可知,对于赞美,只需微小的投资,就可以获得很大的收益。据此可知,空处承接上文,说明赞美的好处。故G项“马克·吐温说:‘只凭一句赞美的话,我就能活上两个月。’”符合语境。


