2024届江苏省扬州市高三考前调研模拟预测英语试题(PDF版 有答案解析与听力原文 有音频)

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2024届江苏省扬州市高三考前调研模拟预测英语试题(PDF版 有答案解析与听力原文 有音频)


扬州市 2024 届高三考前调研测试
英 语
本试卷满分 150 分,考试用时 120 分钟。
注 意 事 项
第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分 30分)
第一节 (共 5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 7.5分)
听下面 5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中
选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一
1. What does the woman think of the writing job
A. Fascinating. B. Tiring. C. Well-paid.
2. What amazes the man
A. The use of spider webs.
B. The strength of spider webs.
C. A scientific study about spiders.
3. Why does the woman want to grow mushrooms
A. To meet her taste.
B. To develop an interest.
C. To enjoy time with her kids.
4. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a car. B. In a concert hall. C. In a garage.
5. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. How to choose coffee.
B. How to use a coffee machine.
C. How to make good coffee.
第 1 页 共 12 页
第二节 (共 15小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 22.5分)
听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、
小题 5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第 6段材料,回答第 6、7题。
6. Who is good at giving speeches
A. The man. B. Daisy. C. Joe.
7. What will Natalie be in charge of
A. Writing the report.
B. Leading the group.
C. Doing the experiments.
听第 7段材料,回答第 8至 10题。
8. Which play is suitable for kids aged 8
A. The Mystery of Muldoon.
B. Fire and Flood.
C. Silly Sailor.
9. How much will the woman pay
A. $27. B. $48. C. $60.
10. How does the woman feel about the drama festival
A. She’s disappointed.
B. She’s pleased.
C. She’s concerned.
听第 8段材料,回答第 11至 13题。
11. Where does the woman work
A. In a non-profit organization.
B. In a recycling company.
C. In a news agency.
12. What should be sent to the collection center
A. Paper. B. Glass. C. Plastics.
13. How often does the pickup take place
A. Once a day.
B. Once a week.
C. Once every two weeks.
第 2 页 共 12 页
听第 9段材料,回答第 14至 17题。
14. How does the man sound at first
A. Excited. B. Confused. C. Upset.
15. Why does the man want to transfer university
A. To develop better abilities.
B. To meet some new people.
C. To stay in a familiar environment.
16. What problem will the man face if he transfers university
A. He will start all over again as a freshman.
B. He can’t keep the previous credits.
C. He has to change his major.
17. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Family members.
B. Schoolmates.
C. Advisor and student.
听第 10段材料,回答第 18至 20题。
18. What animal did the program introduce two weeks ago
A. The giant panda.
B. The Asian elephant.
C. The South China tiger.
19. What is the weight of the largest tiger
A. About 120 kilos.
B. About 200 kilos.
C. About 320 kilos.
20. What does Louis do
A. Aweatherman.
B. A zookeeper.
C. A scientist.
第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分 50分)
第一节 (共 15小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 37.5分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
第 3 页 共 12 页
Getting to the airport you’re departing from can easily raise the following question:
where can we park our vehicle cheaply and securely at the same time To be true, airport
parking isn’t the best option in this case since most US and Canadian airports offer
travelers extremely high prices. Let’s take Toronto Pearson International Airport for
Parking Type Daily Rate
Express (only Terminal 1) $55.00
Daily (Terminals 1 & 3) $36.00
Preferred Park $38.00
Value Park Garage $29.00
Value Parking Lot $24.00
*The rates are 10% off for more than three days. Please refer to
the official website.
You see that even the cheapest option will cost you at least $24.00 per day. And that’s
a true nightmare, especially if you know there is a great solution to such a problem.
Moreover, don’t hope to find a free parking space quickly—usually, airport parking has
limited availability, which means it’ll turn out to be a real challenge for you.
Going back to a solution—off-site parking lots near the airports should be definitely
your choice! And we’re happy to say that our smart booking platform,
ParkingNearAirports.io, provides our customers with such services:
·Convenient locations
·A free speedy shuttle to and from airport terminals
·Wheelchair and mobility assistance
·Luggage assistance (tips charged accordingly)
Be clever and never spend your entire budget on airport parking—better take a look at
the prices above! So Park with ParkingNearAirports.io & Enjoy Convenience together
with us!
21. How much does a traveller pay at least for parking at Terminal 1 for 5 days
A. $275. B. $180. C. $162. D. $120.
22. What service will people enjoy if they park with ParkingNearAirports.io
A. They will get to the airport terminal at a low cost.
B. People with disabilities will receive special care.
C. Someone will help them pick up baggage for free.
D. Their cars will be parked in or close to the airport.
第 4 页 共 12 页
23. What is the function of the text
A. To inform. B. To educate.
C. To entertain. D. To advertise.
Tessa Lidstone remembers the last meals she cooked before she had to close her
restaurant Box-E for the first lockdown. “Everything was slipping away and beyond our
With the restaurant closed, Lidstone got to thinking about how other people might be
coping. “I felt isolated,” she says, “but I was so lucky: I had my husband and kids with me.
I thought about all the people without a support network and how awful it must be to not
have contact with anyone.”
Lidstone saw a callout from a collective of Bristol restaurants called the Bristol Food
Union. They were looking for volunteers to help put together boxes of emergency food for
the elderly living alone. “I’d love doing that to give my life purpose,” says Lidstone.
“It was originally going to be for two weeks. But it just grew from there.” In her first
week, Lidstone put together boxes for 100 people: pasta, bread and milk, but also fruit and
vegetables. By the second week, she was organizing packages for 250 people.
The government provided funding and most suppliers were more than willing to help.
“They were so generous,” she says. “If I ordered milk, bread and butter, they’d donate
fruit and vegetables as well. It meant I could make the money go further.”
Lidstone put her restaurant training to good use, creating a weekly recipe card to go in
each box. She also videoed herself making the meal and posted it online. “It was basic
home cooking,” she says. By week three, Lidstone was thinking bigger: “If there were any
birthdays coming up, I arranged something extra for the persons.”
By then, the scale of Lidstone’s operation had become a bit overwhelming. Staff from
the restaurant and Lidstone’s children helped out. In all, Lidstone and her team delivered
2,500 boxes over 16 weeks. “It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by a situation,” she said, “and
think you can’t do anything alone. But work together and we’ll make a difference.”
24. Why did Lidstone respond to the appeal of the Bristol Food Union
A. To turn her restaurant Box-E from losses to profits.
B. To make herself feel less isolated in the lockdown.
C. To help lonely old people have access to free food.
D. To realize her self-worth and make life meaningful.
第 5 页 共 12 页
25. What can be learned from paragraphs 4 to 6
A. Many suppliers helped offer her financial assistance.
B. Lidstone provided tailored service for special occasions.
C. The process of Lidstone’s work advanced as planned.
D. Lidstone taught cooking from door to door in person.
26. Which word best describes the impact of Lidstone’s deeds
A. Far-reaching. B. Predictable.
C. Short-lived. D. Unidentifiable.
27. What message do Lidstone’s words in the last paragraph suggest
A. Kindness can be passed on. B. Many hands make light work.
C. One good turn deserves another. D. Actions speak louder than words.
In the middle of a conversation, your brain might skip ahead, anticipating the words
that the other person will say. Amazingly, out of all the thousands of possibilities—your
conversational partner will arrive at the same word you have been thinking of.
How does the brain do this Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.)
researchers brought a new approach to the question using a technique called integrative
modeling. They examined models based on 43 artificial neural networks—a
machine-learning algorithm (算法 ) that consists of millions of interconnected nodes,
similar to neurons in the brain. As they claim, this study marks the first time that a
machine-learning algorithm has been matched to brain data to explain the workings of a
high-level cognitive (认知的) task.
The researchers discovered that models that excel at guessing the next word are also
best at anticipating brain activity patterns. This was especially true for processing single
sentences and short paragraphs. The models were significantly worse at predicting words
or human responses when it came to longer blocks of text. None of the other tasks
reflected what was going on in the brain. The researchers argue this is strong evidence that
next-word prediction plays a key role in understanding language.
“I’m super impressed by what the team achieved,” says Noah Goodman, a
psychologist at Stanford. But he adds that he suspects that the data are not sufficient to
explain how people obtain meaning from language. Despite these reservations, Goodman
第 6 页 共 12 页
says the method is “still vastly better than anything we’ve had in the past.”
While neural networks more generally are only rough resemblances to the brain, their
role in helping us understand our own mind may be substantial. The approach used by the
M.I.T. team demonstrates that neural networks might, in fact, be critical tools in providing
insight into the great mystery of how the brain processes information of all kinds.
28. What is special about the M.I.T. study
A. They examined many different neural networks.
B. They designed a new machine-learning algorithm.
C. They used neural networks to predict the next word.
D. They compared neural networks with brain data.
29. When can neural networks best predict how the brain works
A. Predicting the next word. B. Responding to new words.
C. Analyzing one sentence. D. Processing a long passage.
30. What is Goodman’s attitude towards the M.I.T. research
A. Doubtful. B. Favorable. C. Tolerant. D. Unclear.
31. What is talked about concerning neural networks in the last paragraph
A. Their potential. B. Their limitation.
C. Their features. D. Their principles.
Scarcity is a common condition of human existence. Everyday circumstances of
limited resources can make individuals experience a sense of scarcity. Scarcity functions
like an obstacle to goal pursuit, which intensify the value of goal.
Scarcity prioritizes our choices and it can make us more effective. The time pressure
of a deadline focuses our attention on using what we have most effectively. When we have
little time left, we try to get more out of every moment. For example, we are more frugal
with the toothpaste as the tube starts to run empty, and college seniors tend to get the most
out of their time before graduation.
Many stores strategically create perception of scarcity to motivate consumer behavior.
For example, the pricing practice of limiting number of items per person can lead to
increased sales. The sign implies that the items are in short supply and the fear of missing
第 7 页 共 12 页
out can have a powerful effect on shoppers.
For an item that is attractive to begin with, its attractiveness will intensify when it is
scarce. For instance, warning labels on violent television programs, designed to decrease
interest, often backfire and increase in watching the programs.
The scarcity effect explains why shyness often is considered an attractive attribute
Experts say that “playing hard to get” is a most effective strategy for attracting a partner,
especially in the context of long-term love. A “hard to get” player likes to appear busy,
create interest and keep the suitors guessing. However, playing hard to get is less effective
in men, as they are the ones who are socially expected to initiate the relationship.
Scarcity also contributes to an interesting and a meaningful life. Scarcity shows that
reminding individuals of the reality of death increases the value of life. Midlife often
heightens the feeling that there is not enough time left in life to waste. We overcome the
illusion (幻觉 ) that we can be anything, do anything, and experience everything. We
restructure our lives around the needs that are essential.
32. What does the underlined word “frugal” in paragraph 2 probably mean
A. Economical. B. Flexible. C. Anxious. D. Sensible.
33. Why do warning labels fail to stop people watching violent programs
A. Because the programs have appealing openings.
B. Because there are few violent programs available.
C. Because the message on warning labels isn’t clear.
D. Because people want things that they cannot get.
34. Which of the following shows the effectiveness of the scarcity strategy
A. A car company constantly launches new model cars.
B. A restaurant puts up a “two cans per person” poster.
C. Aman pretends to be busy in front of his girlfriend.
D. A 50-year-old tries things he has never done before.
35. What is the purpose of the author in writing this passage
A. To prove a theory. B. To offer a solution.
C. To illustrate a phenomenon. D. To challenge a concept.
第二节 (共 5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 12.5分)
第 8 页 共 12 页
Body shaming involves humiliating (羞辱 ) someone making negative comments
about their body size or shape. 36 You may feel unhappy with how your body
looks and judge yourself unkindly. However, there are ways to overcome the problem and
build body positivity.
37 Taking care of yourself is not a selfish act; it’s necessary for your personal
well-being. Exercise, eat healthy food, enjoy the company of people who care about you,
and spend some time outdoors to refresh your body and your mind.
Replacing negative self-talk with positive thoughts can be useful for making you feel
better about yourself and your body. 38 For example, if you have beautiful hair or
eyes, this is just as important as the features you dislike or that others try to ridicule.
Social media often emphasizes physical appearance and makes it easy to post hurtful
comments about others. Cutting down or stepping away from social media can give you an
opportunity to connect in-person and participate in other activities that lift your mood.
Communicating face-to-face is nature’s cure of stress. 39
Reach out to others for guidance and support and let them know what you have been
experiencing. 40 Having a safe outlet to express your emotions can help you cope
with the distress and humiliation of being body shamed.
A. Treat yourself with kindness and love.
B. Don’t hide or isolate yourself from others.
C. This type of criticism can be made to others or yourself.
D. Shift your focus to the things that you like about yourself.
E. Being physically active is also important for your overall health and
F. It’s crucial to find someone you trust and feel comfortable sharing your
feelings with.
G. While nobody is immune to social pressures to look good, any comments
about your body are unnecessary.
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分 30分)
第一节 (共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的
第 9 页 共 12 页
“Found something!” Susan Baur, a swimmer, ducks into the water. She 41 ,
holding a pair of swimming goggles (护目镜). These are passed to a kayaker (皮划艇桨
手), who waves them 42 , like a prize, before throwing them in a basket. When the
team returns to 43 , the women are smiling and cracking jokes about the 44 and
their pull.
Since 2017, Old Ladies Against Underwater Garbage (OLAUG), which accepts 45
older women as members, has made it its mission to 46 trash from ponds across
Cape Cod.
Many outsiders have expressed their 47 to OLAUG for cleaning up the ponds; a
number, however, have 48 why they refer to themselves as “old ladies”. “You
should call yourselves the Mermaids (美人鱼) Against Glitter Litter.” Others have said she
should open the group to all 49 , and even to men.
50 they admit that it wasn’t 51 a conscious choice, they now believe that
the “old lady” 52 is a crucial part of what the group is about. “Women over 65 tend
to feel the restriction of aging,” Baur says. “Part of the goal of OLAUG is to 53 that
older women can do a lot more than people might think.”
Criticism 54 , the most common response is “I want to join you”. And after that
first dive, the new application excitement is 55 with a lot on the waiting list to be
one of them.
41. A. surfaces B. surfs C. flows D. bathes
42. A. forward B. back C. overhead D. downward
43. A. border B. home C. pond D. shore
44. A. match B. dive C. voyage D. drag
45. A. precisely B. absolutely C. mainly D. merely
46. A. recover B. reuse C. remove D. release
47. A. gratitude B. concern C. sympathy D. curiosity
48. A. commented B. questioned C. proposed D. suspected
49. A. ages B. ranks C. sections D. genders
50. A. As B. Although C. Since D. Unless
51. A. occasionally B. eventually C. initially D. frequently
52. A. profile B. distinction C. personality D. identity
53. A. demonstrate B. imply C. warn D. declare
54. A. altogether B. beyond C. aside D. besides
55. A. substantial B. infectious C. fierce D. thrilling
第二节 (共 10小题; 每小题 1.5分,满分 15分)
第 10 页 共 12 页
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Dunhuang is famous for its ancient Mogao Caves, 56 treasure house of
Buddhist art and texts. Over the past 30 years, the concept of Digital Dunhuang 57
Digital Dunhuang involves the use of modern technology such as 3D scanning and
virtual reality (VR) to create digital copies of the caves and their 58 (price)
contents. By doing so, it breaks 59 geographical barriers and allows people from
anywhere to experience the beauty of these artworks without physically being there.
One notable project within Digital Dunhuang is the creation of a virtual library where
60 (scan) Buddhist texts are stored and can be accessed online. This not only aids in
the 61 (preserve) of the delicate documents but also facilitates research and
education globally.
Furthermore, the VR headset offers such an authentic scene of the cave 62
users can have a close-up view of the wall paintings and sculptures. This technology even
permits a behind-the-scenes look at restoration efforts,
63 (develop) an understanding of the challenges faced in protecting these ancient
In essence, Digital Dunhuang is a proof of 64 cutting-edge technology can
serve as a powerful tool for cultural conservation. It provides a bridge between ancient
history and the modern world, ensuring that the legacy of Dunhuang remains alive and
accessible for generations 65 (come).
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分 40分)
第一节 (满分 15分)
请向英文校报 Student Forum 栏目投稿,内容包括:
1. 上课感受;
2. 课程介绍;
3. 改进建议。
1. 写作词数应为 80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Exploring Traditional Chinese Cuisine in the School Kitchen
第二节 (满分 25分)
第 11 页 共 12 页
Sarah had unspeakable pain because she had to raise her children alone. But over time,
she changed too much, looking skinny in the mirror, with dark bags under her eyes. She
knew she had to stop burning herself out before it was too late. So she emailed her
manager that she was taking an urgent day off.
It had to be the best day ever. Sarah hated instant coffee but didn’t have time for
anything else. But not now. Sarah placed her favorite coffee maker on the stove and
walked to the kitchen windowsill, enjoying her company when her phone rang loudly
from her bedroom. “Yes ” “Hello, Sarah! How are you doing ” “Natalie Oh, my
goodness! Is this really you ” ... Natalie was Sarah’s friend, but they’d lost touch after
Natalie and her husband moved to Europe. Unfortunately, Sarah got so carried away by
the conversation that she completely forgot about her coffee on the stove. The weather
turned harsh, and strong winds blew the window curtain toward the stove, causing it to
catch fire. Sarah put the phone down immediately when she smelled something burning
and the smoke caused her to cough.
Sarah’s house was reduced to a pile of charred wreckage (残骸 ). Her neighbors
looked at her pityingly and offered to shelter her until she could find a place to live. But
Sarah couldn’t take their favor. She knew no one wanted to see a swarm of children at
home, especially in the current economy. Sarah and her children had been dragged to a
shelter in the street.
A few months later, it was Sarah’s birthday. She decided to take her children out for a
good lunch and then get back to her work. But they didn’t want to and had a strange
request. They blindfolded (蒙住眼睛) her, guiding her out of the house. Sarah had no clue
what her children had planned for her. She knew they were heading somewhere far from
the homeless shelter since they were on a bus at some point.
1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
As Sarah did remove the blindfold, her hands went to her mouth in shock.
Her neighbors had actually built her a new home.
第 12 页 共 12 页
扬州市 2024 届高三考前调研测试
英 语 答 案
第一部分 听力
1-5 ABCAB 6 -10 ABACB 11-15 ABCBC 16-20 ACBCA
第二部分 阅读
A篇 21-23 CBD B篇 24-27 DBAB
C篇 28-31 DCBA D篇 32-35 ADBC
36-40 CADEF
第三部分 语言运用
41-45 ACDBD 46-50 CABAB 51-55 CDACB
56. a 57. has emerged 58. priceless 59. down/through 60. scanned
61. preservation 62. that 63. developing 64. how 65. to come
第四部分 写作
Exploring Traditional Chinese Cuisine in the School Kitchen
Last semester, I had the precious opportunity to attend our school’s cooking course, where I acquired some
cooking skills and fostered a deeper appreciation for traditional Chinese cuisine and culture.
The course covered a wide range of topics, from basic knife skills to the preparations of classic dishes like
dumplings and Kung Pao chicken. Classes were conducted in a hands-on manner, with the instructor guiding us
step by step while encouraging us to experiment and innovate.
To enhance the course, we are expecting more regional dishes on the menu. A digital platform is also desired
for sharing post-class recipes, photos and experiences.
As Sarah did remove the blindfold, her hands went to her mouth in shock. She couldn’t believe her children
had brought her to the same place where her house had been engulfed in flames months ago. But now, a new,
beautiful home stood before them. For a moment, Sarah felt like her mind was playing tricks on her. She even
pinched herself to check if it was all real, and IT WAS! Right then, Sarah saw her neighbors pouring out of their
houses, rushing toward her and her children, all singing “Happy Birthday” to her. Sarah burst into tears as she
understood everything.
Her neighbors had actually built her a new home. They took Sarah’s old house’s design as a basis and rebuilt
it with safety installations done. When the house was finally complete, they couldn’t contact her because she
wouldn’t answer their calls. So they decided to surprise her by roping her children into their birthday party plan!
“Oh god…” Sarah sobbed. “How…How am I supposed to thank you all I will pay you back. I assure you!” A
couple of days later, Sarah moved into the house with her kids and the entire neighborhood became like a big,
loving family who shared their joys and sorrows.
1.本题总分为 15 分,按 5 个档次给分。
(1)上课感受—— 4 分
(2)课程介绍—— 4 分
(4)文章结构合理,卷面清晰,书写工整 ——3分
4.词数少于 60 和多于 110 的,从总分中减去 2 分。
第五档( 13—15 分):能写明全部要点;语言基本无误;行文连贯,表达清楚;
第四档( 10—12 分):能写明全部或绝大部分要点;语言有少量错误;行文不够连贯,表达基本清楚;
第三档( 7—9分):能写明基本要点;语言虽有较多错误,但能基本达意;
第二档( 4—6分):能写出部分要点;语言错误多,影响意思表达;
第一档( 0—3 分):空白试卷,有倾向错误,乱抄试卷文章,用不正确的笔书写,或者只能写出一两个要
这是一个多年抚养孩子的单身母亲 Sarha的故事,身心的疲惫让她决定请假休息一天,享受属于自己人
联系第一句的 in shock和第二句的 built her a new home,整个故事续写的情节发展一目了然。第一段以
解惑为主:Sarha的惊讶——Sarha的感动——解惑; 第二段以倒叙和主题升华为主:邻居们帮忙重建——
第五档(21~25 分)
第四档(16~20 分)
第三档(11~15 分)
第二档(6~10 分)
第一档(1~5 分)
零分(0 分)
Text 1 工作与职业
M: How long have you worked from home
W:About eight years now. I began to work from home when my son was born.
M: What did you do before
W: I was teaching in a high school, but it was really tiring. The writing job isn’t well-paid, but it seems interesting.
Text 2 强韧的蜘蛛网
M: Oops, I almost ran into a spider web!
W: The web is sticky and strong, which might be five times stronger than steel.
M: Wow, that’s amazing! All I know is that spiders use it for catching flies, beetles, and other animals.
W: A scientific study shows it is possible that they will help build houses in the future.
Text 3 自己种蘑菇
M: What are these in your hand
W: They are growing kits, designed for beginners to try growing mushrooms.
M: Do you want to grow mushroom in your garden
W: Yes. My kids all like the taste, and it will be great to do something with them.
Text 4 堵车
W: There’s another traffic jam on the highway. We’re going to be stuck in this for a while. I wonder if there’s an
M: No. There are simply too many cars. Well, let’s put on some music.
Text 5 如何使用咖啡机
W: Do you know how to use this
M: Yeah, I’ll show you. First, you have to put the correct amount of coffee in here. Next, you put this here and turn
it until it’s quite tight. After that, you just press this button.
W: OK, that seems clear. I will try.
Text 6 分工完成小组任务
M: How should we approach this group project, Daisy
W: I think it would be smarter to divide the work up according to our strengths. For example, I’m a good writer, so
I could write the report. And you’re a confident speaker, so perhaps you could give the presentation.
M: Sure, that’s fine with me.
W: Joe is happy to do the experiments. And lastly, I think Natalie will be a great group leader.
M: Great idea! She’s the perfect person to make sure everyone does what they’re supposed to do. So, we can finish
the project on time.
W: Exactly!
Text 7 买戏剧票
W: Could you tell me if there are any tickets available for the Stretton Drama Festival on Saturday
M: There are, but only $15 seats are available now. The $12 seats have all sold out.
W: OK. I’d like to know which plays are suitable for my children, and which ones my husband and I might go to
M: What about The Mystery of Muldoon That’s aimed at children from 5 to 12 years old. If you’d like something
for yourself and your husband, you can see Fire and Flood, but children might find it rather frightening.
W: Oh, thanks for reminding me. And finally, what about Silly Sailor
M: That’s a comedy, and it is for the young and old.
W: OK. Give me four tickets for it, please. I’m really looking forward to the drama festival!
Text 8 垃圾分类
W: Hello, how may I help you
M: Hello, I’ve been noticing these yellow boxes in front of a lot of houses in my neighborhood. I just wondered
what they were for. I noticed your phone number on all of them, so I called. Could you tell me about your business
W: We do recycling, but we’re a non-profit group. We encourage recycling as a way of protecting the environment.
The yellow boxes you saw are for recycled newspapers.
M: Do you recycle anything besides newspapers
W: Oh yes, we recycle most everything. Glass, plastics, paper… You have to bring glass to our collection center,
M: It is a good idea. In my neighborhood, there’s too much rubbish lying around everywhere. I’d like to help out, I
guess, but I’m afraid I haven’t got much time every day.
W: In fact, we only do pickups every other week. If you want to volunteer, I need to get your contact information.
Text 9 转学咨询
M: Ms. Miller, I’m thinking about transferring, but I’m not sure… I am hoping you can help me make a decision.
W: I’ll try. Do you have any university in your mind And why do you want to leave this university
M: Central University is a good choice, because it’s in my hometown. I’ve been kind of homesick this year, and I
haven’t made many friends… I just feel so lonely. So, I thought it’d be better to be closer to my parents and old
W: I see. And would you keep the same major if you transferred Business administration, right
M: Yeah, I would. Will the credits I’ve earned here transfer to Central
W: Yes, they will. The thing is, you’re going to be a sophomore. At Central, you’ll be starting from scratch,
freshman year again.
M: I know that. Freshman year is usually the hardest. I remember how homesick I was in my first month. I’ll tell
you, I was ready to pack it in after the first two weeks.
W: I understand. I’ll find out the exact transfer requirements. If you feel like you wanna talk more, don’t hesitate to
come back and see me.
M: Thank you for all your help.
Text 10 动物节目
W: Welcome to Our Animals, where we look at animals that live in China. We looked at the giant panda last week,
and the Asian elephant the week before that. Today we are focusing on the South China tiger.
Although it is the second smallest of all existing tigers, many people believe that all other tigers come from the
South China tiger. The South China tiger weighs up to about 120 kilos. It is almost 200 kilos lighter than the largest
tiger, but it is strong and fast. The tiger eats forest animals like deer and antelope. It hides behind plants, or in the
water, before jumping out.
Sadly, no one has seen a South China tiger in the wild since the 1990s. Many people believe there aren’t any left.
This is mainly because, over many years, the tigers were killed by people. Much of their forest home has been cut
down as well.
After Louis forecasts the weather, we will speak to Han Li, a scientist who has studied tigers all his life. So don’t go
第二部分 阅读
本文是一篇应用文。向人们推荐 ParkingNearAirports.io平台提供的各类服务。
21. C细节理解题。由原文表格得知一个旅行者如果在 1号航站楼停车,每天的费用是$36,再
结合表格里 The rates are 10% off for more than three days 可知最终的费用应该是(36×5)
×90%=162,故 C项准确。
22. B细节理解题。由 ParkingNearAirports.io处提供的服务可知来回航站楼的班车是免费的,
故 A错误,行李服务小费视情况而定,故 C错误,汽车是停在机场外部位置便捷之处,故 D
错误,提供轮椅和行动帮助可知该平台给残障人士提供特殊服务,故 B项准确。
23. D推理判断题。本文通篇介绍 ParkingNearAirports.io提供的优质服务,并结合文末 So Park
with ParkingNearAirports.io & Enjoy Convenience together with us!一句可知本文作用在于向人们
推广该平台,故 D项正确。
本文是一篇记叙文。介绍了 Tessa Lidstone参加志愿者活动,帮助需要帮助的人们。
24. D细节理解题。根据文章第三段 I’d love doing that to give my life purpose可知,Lidstone响
应号召是为了使其生活有意义,故 D项正确。
25. B细节理解题。从第 6段 If there were any birthdays coming up, I arranged something extra for
the persons得知 Lidstone会在特殊时刻如生日时给人们准备额外的东西,故 B项准确。
26. A推理判断题。通读全文可知 Lidstone的行为是影响深远的,故 A项准确。
27. B推理判断题。文章最后一段中 Lidstone的话“and think you can’t do anything alone. But work
together and we’ll make a difference.”说明众人拾柴火焰高,故 B项正确。A项意思是善意可以
28. D 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句 this study marks the first time that a machine-learning
algorithm has been matched to brain data to explain the workings of a high-level cognitive task(这项
29. C细节理解题。根据第三段内容:神经网络模型在处理单个句子或短段落时,预测大脑活
30. B推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句,Goodman 说尽管有其局限性,这种(M.I.T.)方法
还是比以往的任何方法都好。可知 Goodman 总体上是支持M.I.T.的研究的。
31. A推理判断题。文章最后一句说M.I.T.的方法可能理解人脑怎样处理各种信息的重要工具,
32. A词义猜测题。根据后面的大学生的例子中 make the most out of提示,牙膏快用完了,所
33. D 推理判断题。第四段首句说稀缺性会增加物件的吸引力。暴力节目的开头的警告(稀缺
34. B推理判断题。A选项“汽车公司不断推出新车型”,不是稀缺性;B选项“饭店推出每
难找到”方法作用不大,因为社会认为男性应该是主动的一方;D 选项“50岁的人尝试以前
35. C写作目的题。综述全文内容,作者通过举例说明了稀缺性对人类做决定的影响。
36. C 空格前一句交代了“身体羞耻”的定义,C选项介绍了“身体羞耻”的涉及对象,空格
后一句提到了“身体羞耻”的影响,都属于基本信息,一脉相承。选项中的 “this” 指代上文
提及的 “body shaming”, 指向明确。
37. A 段落主旨句。第二段列举了各种形式活动:锻炼身体、健康饮食、朋友相伴、户外活动
都能帮助人愉悦身心。选项 A“以善与爱对待自己”能概括全段内容。
38. D 空格前一句提及要用积极的心态代替消极的心态,这样对自己的身心更好,空格后一句
的方面”承上启下,尤其 “shift”与上文的 “replace”意义关联密切。
39. E 本段第一句提出过度沉浸于社交媒体容易加剧“身体羞耻”,第二句提出两个建议:增
加面对面交流,参加积极的活动,第三句和第四句分别对应这两个建议,因此 E选项“参加
活动对于身心健康也很重要”符合题意,选项中的 “also”也暗示了和前一句的并列关系。
40. F 本段提出积极寻找引导和支持对于应对“身体羞耻”有帮助,空格后一句提到“寻找安全
的情感出口”,因此选项 F符合要求,“要选择一个你信任并感觉舒适的人交流情感”,选项 B
可能存在一定干扰,但 F中的 “trust”, “comfortable”,与上下文的 “guidance”, “support”,
第三部分 语言运用
本文讲述了一群 65岁以上的女性结伴清理池塘垃圾,既保护了环境又实现了人生价值的故事。
41. A 这一段描写了以 Susan Baur 为首的一群女性清理垃圾的一系列动作。前一句提及她潜
(duck)入水中,按常理下一步就会浮出水面,故 A项 surfaces符合语境。surfs表示“冲浪”,
42. C根据下一句“仿佛奖品一般”,可知她应该是举过头顶挥舞,所以选 C项 overhead。forward
“向前”,back “向后”,downward “向下”,均不合实际。
43. D 清理完垃圾就可以上岸了,故选择 D项 shore“河岸”。border“边界”,home “家”,
44. B 根据前文描述,她们曾经潜水和最后一段的提示,所以选择 B项 dive,与下文动作 pull
并列,都属于清理垃圾的步骤。match为“比赛”,voyage 为“航行”,drag为“拖曳”。
45. D 根据下文,这个组织的成员均为 65以上的女性,故选择 D项 merely。precisely为“精
确地”, absolutely为“绝对地”,mainly为“主要地”,均不合题意。
46. C 根据上下文得知,她们是在清理垃圾,故选择 C项 remove,recover指“恢复”,reuse
47. A 根据下文得知,有人对她们的组织名称有质疑,且句中有一个 however,因此本空应该
填一个褒义词,故选择 A项,大多数人对她们清理垃圾表示 gratitude“感激”,而非 concern“担
48. B 根据下文,有人认为她们的组织可以叫做“小美人鱼”,空格后还有一个 why,因此该
空应该选择 B项 questioned“质疑”,而非 commented“评论”,proposed“提议”,suspected
49. A 根据上下文,这个组织只包含 65 岁以上女性,而下文又提到有人提出要对男性开放,
因此该空应该填向所有年龄开放,故选择 A项 ages。ranks为“级别”,sections为“部门”,
genders为“性别”, D选项与下文 men概念上有重复。
50. B 根据上下文得知,这里应该是转折关系,故选择 B项,Although。
51. C 下一句中有“they now believe”, 暗示她们的想法有所转变,所以选 C项,initially 表示“起
初”, “old lady”并不是她们一开始有意识选择的名称,但后来她们觉得这个名称特别能够代
52. D 见上题。profile为“轮廓,简介”,distinction为“区别,特点”,personality为“性格”,
53. A 该组织的目标之一是向世人展示,老年女性所能做的事情比人们想象的要多,故选择 A
项, demonstrate。imply为“暗示”,warn为“警告”,declare为“正式公布”,均不合题意。
54. C 这里是一个不太明显的转折关系,虽然这个组织面临一些争议,但是想报名加入的人很
多,因此选择 C项,将批评放在一边。
55. B 根据“I want to join you”得知,报名人数很多,因此选择 B项,infectious, “有感染力的”,
substantial为“重大的”, fierce为“凶猛的”, thrilling为“令人兴奋的”,均不合语境。
56. a 考查同位语中不定冠词的使用。
57. has emerged 根据时间状语 over the past 30 years这里使用现在完成时态。
58. priceless考查词形变化,表示“无价的,珍贵的”。
59. down/through 考查词块“消除/突破障碍”。
60. scanned 考查过去分词作前置定语,意思是“被扫描的佛经”。
61. preservation 考查词形变化。
62. that 考查结果状语从句,如此...以至于。如果填 where 是限制性定语从句,则意为提供了
63. developing 考查现在分词作结果状语。
64. how 本质上来说,数字敦煌是尖端科技如何作为文化保护的强大武器起作用的证明。
65. to come 考查不定式作后置定语表示未来的几代人。


