2024年高考英语(阅读理解之记叙文)模拟真题 (浙江专用)(含答案解析)

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2024年高考英语(阅读理解之记叙文)模拟真题 (浙江专用)(含答案解析)


2024年高考英语(阅读理解之记叙文)模拟真题 (浙江专用)
(2024·浙江嘉兴·模拟预测)Sweat slips down my cheek as I glide (滑动) my fingers through the cool water. I’ve reached the turnaround point of the day’s kayaking (皮划艇) trip. I attempt a shoulder stretch and look around. It’s just me, a couple of seabirds, and shining freshwater to the horizon. This, I whisper to myself, is awesome.
Solo (独自的) outings had never crossed my mind before because I always had a friend with me. But three years ago, I moved to Cleveland. Meeting friends in a new city was tough.
In October 2020, I decided to take adventure on a solo hiking trip. I went to Cuyahoga Valley National Park (CVNP) to admire the autumn leaves. Four miles in, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt so alive. I was more aware of my surroundings than I’d ever been while hiking that day. I studied the markings of trees, focused my ears on each forest sound and did something I almost never made time for: I listened to my own thoughts. Every word bubble in my mind pointed to a newfound truth-solo hiking is my happy place.
When spring arrived, I decided to check off another solo sport: kayaking. My chest, initially tightened by nerves, was bursting with happiness when I finally reached the middle of the river that I’d long admired back on shore.
Since that first solo hiking, adventuring alone has become like medicine for me. It has also pushed me to go beyond my comfort zone and to meet new people. Through meetups and social media, my adventure-friend circle has ballooned. But at least once per month, I schedule time to hit nature with my favorite friend: me.
1.What pushed the author to start going on solo outings
A.A longing for a peaceful life.
B.A desire to challenge herself.
C.Living close to a national park.
D.Difficulty in finding companions.
2.What did the author do during her first solo hiking trip in CVNP
A.She explored a new route for hiking.
B.She paid attention to her inner voice.
C.She collected a variety of autumn leaves.
D.She recorded the forest sounds on her phone.
3.How did the author feel after her first kayaking trip
A.Surprised. B.Delighted. C.Nervous. D.Lonely.
4.What does the underlined word “ballooned” in the last paragraph mean
A.restarted B.transformed C.disappeared D.expanded
(23-24高三下·浙江温州·阶段练习)Overlooking the Davis—Gant Varsity Soccer Field, a bed of overturned soil waits for further development. In a few years, this area will become a natural habitat and a playground for animals and residents. This peaceful area didn’t appear naturally, but through planning and action taken by Catlin Gabel’s Tiny Forest project launched by teacher Patrick Walsh.
Forests typically take hundreds of years to mature, with four stages of growth. “Tiny forests flatten out time through the planting of all four layers (层),” Walsh explained. The end result is a fast-growing, native forest in about 20 years. Over 600 plants from 43 species will be planted in the tiny forest, the first one in Oregon.
Walsh was inspired to build a tiny forest after hearing about this idea, which emerged in Japan and has taken hold in North America. He shared his vision with seniors in his class. The seniors researched tiny forests and made a proposal resulting in Clean Water Services donating 60 trees and $5,000 from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Armed with these resources, Walsh and the students started working. “Something I didn’t really expect was the outpouring of students’ enthusiasm. Seeing students from all grades volunteered to contribute to the ‘dirty work’ really blew me away,” Walsh said.
Senior Megan Cover has been at the school since the first grade. “I’ll graduate after working on this project, which is surely sad, but it’s really rewarding and great to be a part of this project and to do my bit. We’re creating this educational space for many young kids,” Cover said.
Walsh summed up his goal of the project, which is to build a place where students can enjoy and learn about nature. “The forest will obviously not solve climate change, but it will deserve the efforts if the kids think about climate change and remember the importance of reforestation and trees when they look outside at the forest.”
5.What is special about tiny forests
A.They originated in North America. B.They are usually planted in schools.
C.They contain various types of trees. D.They become mature in a shorter time.
6.What surprised Walsh in the process of planting the tiny forest
A.The abundance of native tree species. B.Public concern about the environment.
C.The active participation of students. D.Support from local organizations.
7.How does Megan Cover feel about the project
A.Proud. B.Regretful. C.Grateful. D.Disappointed.
8.What does Walsh want the forest to function as for the students
A.A model. B.A reminder. C.A resource. D.A witness.
(23-24高三下·浙江·阶段练习)Losing an eye might be an unthinkable thing, especially for a young woman, but not for Xintong. She chose to become an ocularist (义眼师) who makes prosthetic eyes (义眼) for herself and people in the same situation to help them get back their confidence. Xintong is the name that she gave to herself – which she prefers people to call her instead of her real name – because “xintong” in Chinese sounds like “new pupils”.
Nearly 10 years after losing her right eye in a car accident, 28-year-old Xintong from Beijing transformed the hollow of her eye socket – a “flaw” she used to hide – into a fashion statement. She shared a short video online in which she wears a glowing prosthetic eye. As she waves her hand, the prosthetic eye begins to shine with red light. With another wave, the light changes to green and then purple and white.
The video soon went viral on social media, with many comments praising her for being “creative”, “beautiful” and “optimistic”. But that wasn’t the case 10 years ago.
“The prosthetic eye I wore at that time was torturing me,” Xintong said. “It hurt and gave me a red and swollen eye socket, and it looked so dull and fake. I was young and I wanted to look attractive.”
She took matters into her own hands and began researching prosthetic eyes. Beginning in 2019, she dedicated about two years to mastering the production techniques and skills under the guidance of an ocularist. This journey led her to establish her own prosthetic eye studio, providing personalized services for those requiring them.
She produces prosthetic eyes as if she is creating pieces of artwork. “The position, direction, and even stroke thickness of the blood streaks on the prosthetic eyeballs matter,” the ocularist said. Sometimes she also paints special patterns according to customers’ needs: twinkling stars, cartoon characters like Cardcaptor Sakura and effects like colored contact lenses.
Now when Xintong hears her customers say words such as “Finally, I can accept myself” or “Now I feel free to take selfies”, she feels deeply moved.
9.Why did Xintong give the name “Xintong” to herself
A.To attract more people. B.To forget her real name.
C.To look like new pupils. D.To start a brand new life.
10.Why did the video gain much popularity on social media
A.The prosthetic eyes had various colors.
B.She cured her hollow by waving her hand.
C.Many comments praised her for her beauty.
D.She changed a “flaw” into a fashionable state.
11.What can we learn about Xintong from paragraph 5
A.She failed to set up her own prosthetic eye studio.
B.She began researching prosthetic eyes on her own.
C.She was able to offer some specific services on prosthetic eyes.
D.She paid no attention to grasping the production techniques and skills.
12.What can be inferred from the passage
A.Xintong is a woman with determination and creativity.
B.Becoming an ocularist helped Xintong gain much profit.
C.Xintong lost all her hopes in her life after the car accident.
D.Many customers are deeply moved by Xintong’s artworks.
(23-24高三下·浙江·阶段练习)At 67, Joyce Faulkner thought she was looking for a holiday. Her husband, Jim, had recently died and exploring possible house swaps on the Home Exchange website felt less painful. In the end, it was not a vacation Faulkner found but a job. She left her home in Edinburgh to become mother’s help to seven-year-old twins in Varese, Italy.
“It’s halfway crazy,” she says. A house swap she was interested in didn’t work out, but the owner, Rachele, asked: “‘Do you know anyone who might help me with the children ’ I wrote back and said: ‘Tell me what that involves!’ She wrote me a little list, and I said: ‘I could do that!’ We seemed to believe in each other.”
Two months later, when Faulkner reached Varese, “the dad, Andrea, was walking towards me with the children hiding behind his legs, kind of shy, thinking: ‘Who is this woman in a long black coat ’ I don’t think it was quite Mary Poppins, but the atmosphere was immediately warm and friendly.”
Eighteen months on, Faulkner’s job no longer feels like a job. “I just feel like part of the family.” They joke: “You think you’re going back to Scotland No, you’re staying here!” She gives English lessons, helps with the housework, meets the children from school, plays chess or table tennis with them, and takes them to the park. “It never feels like work,” she says. “It has been absolutely the perfect match.” Faulkner’s son, Steven, who lives in London, has visited her and they have cycled around the northern Italian lakes. She feels no more distant than when she lived in Edinburgh.
“You have to take the opportunity when it presents itself,” Jim once said.
“I’ll be 70 in January, but in my head, I’m 30. I still feel the same person, I have the same enthusiasm for life, the same interest in people and things. In that sense, I wish I had another 70,” Faulkner jokes.
13.Why did Joyce Faulkner search the Home Exchange website
A.To hunt for a job. B.To buy a house in Italy.
C.To explore holiday resorts. D.To find a holiday home for exchange.
14.What probably caused Faulkner to be hired by Rachele
A.Good luck. B.Mutal trust.
C.Common interests. D.First impression.
15.What can be inferred from paragraphs 3 and 4
A.Faulkner feels less close to her son
B.Faulkner feels quite at home while babysitting in Italy.
C.Faulkner returned to her old business despite her advanced years.
D.Faulkner was thought of as a typical baby-sitter at the first meeting.
16.Which of the following can best describe Joyce Faulkner
A.Caring and outgoing. B.Strict and responsible.
C.Devoted and passionate. D.Humorous and independent.
(23-24高三下·浙江·阶段练习)In 2018, Jeff Highsmith of Texas started a Facebook page on behalf of his family. The page had one objective: to find Melissa Highsmith, Jeff’s sister. At just 21 months, she had been abducted 51 years earlier and the family was desperate for answers.
In addition to the Facebook page, they made flyers with baby Melissa’s face and age-progression photos that indicated what she might look like now, in her fifties. Remarkably, they were convinced she was still alive all these years later, and determined to be reunited with her.
They knew that more tools were now available to help locate missing persons— such as genealogy kits with DNA tests. And so, the family bought kit s from 23 and Me, and then uploaded the results to a public database called GED match.
It seemed like a shot in the dark, but it worked. In November 2022, the Highsmith family found Melissa through a key DNA match: Melissa’s daughter. By pulling the threads of DNA matches, they zeroed in on the baby snatched so long ago. The family re union was a joyful one. Melissa described being found as “the most wonderful feeling in the world”.
The story of Melissa Highsmith and her family got global news coverage. But it’s only one of many cases of people being connected by DNA analysis. In Canada, siblings separately adopted from Romania when they were babies were reunited in their fifties when both took a DNA test to learn more about their biological health, and it turned out they had spent much of their lives within a 30-minute drive of each other. Another two sisters— one in the UK, the other in the Netherlands— met for the first time in 75 years after learning that they had the same father. There are countless stories about how DNA was being used to reunite children with their parents.
For the Highsmith family, happily reunited in Texas after decades apart, DNA was the link. “Our finding
Melissa was purely because of DNA, not because of any police involvement, podcast involvement, communities, or even our family’s own private investigations or speculations,” notes one Facebook update.
17.How do you find the Highsmith family from the age-progression photos
A.They are kind and intelligent. B.They are diligent and generous.
C.They are determined and innovative. D.They are hardworking and devoted.
18.How can we describe the Highsmith family’s efforts
A.Birds of a feather flock together. B.Everything comes to him who waits.
C.Misfortune may be an actual blessing. D.The good sea man is known in bad weather.
19.What can we learn from the last paragraph
A.The Highsmith family think little of the power of DNA.
B.The Highsmith family owe their reunion to various media.
C.All the communities have spared no efforts to help Highsmith.
D.DNA played a crucial and irreplaceable role in the Highsmith’s case.
20.Which can be the best title of the text
A.An Amazing Technology B.A Reunited Family
C.A Memorable Achievement D.An Unusual Discovery
(23-24高三下·浙江·阶段练习)In February 2022, I began learning Chinese. Almost a year later, I found myself in Beijing, the capital of China. Before coming here, I had attended Chinese classes, and I could sense my progress in the language, albeit modest. As you might expect, studying for just one year wasn’t sufficient to claim fluency, and to be honest, I’m not there yet. But full proficiency in the language is not necessary to immerse yourself in and enjoy many attractions of life in China.
The one thing that truly makes me feel comfortable and alleviates loneliness is making friends and engaging in conversation. At Tsinghua University, where I pursued my studies in China, I made friends with many Chinese young people and relished spending time with them, be it for meals or leisure activities. I’ve been delighted to sing Chinese songs, for example, those by the famous Chinese singer Jay Chou, with my friends. I would also sing well-known Japanese songs, such as Lemon, which, as it turns out, is very popular in China. I felt that connecting with my Chinese peers through a shared passion, such as singing, was incredibly enjoyable and beautiful. It transcended language barriers and fostered a sense of unity and joy that was truly special.
During breaks from study, I frequently embarked on solo journeys across China. Although I have experienced traveling on overnight trains for over 12 hours several times and explored unfamiliar cities, I never felt fearful or unwelcome as a foreigner. Chinese people are consistently warm and welcome to foreigners, and
eager to engage in conversation.
I once participated in community activities in Northwest China’s Gansu province to gain a deeper understanding of China’s rural areas and contribute to the development of local communities and education. As a volunteer teacher at a local school, I shared contemporary and traditional Japanese culture such as anime, architecture, pop music and languages with the students. Since Japanese kanji originated in China, there are many similarities between the Japanese and Chinese languages.
21.What is necessary for the author to enjoy attractions of life in China
A.Having proficiency in Chinese. B.Befriending with foreign tourists.
C.Setting out on solo journeys alone. D.Communicating with Chinese locals.
22.What does the underlined word “relished” in Paragraph 2 mean
A.Advocated. B.Enjoyed. C.Postponed. D.Avoided.
23.How did the author develop the text
A.By listing numbers. B.By giving examples.
C.By making comparison. D.By setting questions.
24.What is the author’s impression of Chinese people
A.Hospitable. B.Cautious. C.Punctual. D.Smart.
(23-24高三下·浙江·阶段练习)It was the winter when I taught in a small country school on the west coast of Vancouver Island. I had three grades of little people in my class, all beaming with the desire to learn all they could. One little boy named David from my grade one class wanted to learn more than all the others. His round swollen face would smile up at me, reminding me over and over of his disease—leukemia. More often than not, he would be missing from our classroom for rounds of treatments.
All of us were so pleased, then, to have that happy little boy with us for Christmas. We decorated our classroom, practised for the concert, and prepared Christmas stories to share.
Two days before school let out for the three-week Christmas holiday, I read a story to the class. It was the story of “The Littlest Angel”. This little angel had an awful time in heaven. He could not adjust to the routine. He was always in trouble, bumping into other angels, tripping over clouds or dropping his halo. Nothing seemed to make his time easier until one celestial day an archangel suggested that the little angel take some items with him. Just a few things to remind him of his good old days, which might be of some help.
As I read the story, a complete silence fell over the class as each child became more involved in the plight of the angel. Everyone was sympathetic for his misfortune, including David.
The following day during our regular show-and-tell time, holding a small wooden box, David began his
sharing, “This is my first tooth,” he explained. “This is a ribbon from my sister’s hair, and this is my puppy’s collar. My dad gave me this old key. My mom says this big coin is for good luck.” Even before he told us the purpose of the box, we all seemed to know. Shiny tears went dot-to-dot down the faces of the other children. The rest of the day witnessed all of us carefully preparing items to fill David’s wooden box.
When the holidays came to a close, we all returned to our class—all except David. He had got a good chance and left for a big city to get better treatment, clutching the wooden box that held his hope and memories, and ours.
25.What can we learn about David from the first paragraph
A.His attractive smile impressed his teacher a lot.
B.Though seriously ill, he was passionate to learn.
C.His disease prevented him from going to school.
D.Though looking normal,he suffered from a fatal disease.
26.What does the underlined part “the plight” refer to
A.The past time. B.The promising future.
C.The awful situation. D.The daily routine.
27.Why did David prepare a wooden box
A.To share his items. B.To help the little angel.
C.To treat his disease. D.To hold the good memories.
28.Which of the following best describes David
A.Intelligent and diligent. B.Sociable and adventurous.
C.Strong-willed and ambitious. D.Optimistic and courageous.
(2024·浙江温州·一模)Five-year-old Mustafa is smiling for the first time in ages. She did not receive a new toy or her favorite candy; rather, she got a wig (假发).
Mustafa had to go through painful procedures after being diagnosed with cancer at an early age. Her father expressed her sadness when she lost her hair after months of chemotherapy (化疗). “She saw children of her age jumping in playgrounds and spending hours styling their hair, while she couldn’t. Losing her hair made her hopeless, negatively impacting her response to treatment,” the girl’s father said.
Coming from a less fortunate family, Mustafa now sits in a humble hairdresser’s in Cairo, sliding her fingers through her new long hair as she looks in the mirror with fresh enthusiasm. Behind that smile and renewed confidence is Salam, from Egypt, who has been personally funding and designing free wigs for children with cancer to give them power to defeat their illness.
Salam took up his mission when he saw a viral video on social media of a young cancer patient who was
excited at receiving a new wig. It was the moment when he decided to provide free wigs to children with cancer to lift up their spirits. “Many families can barely afford expensive cancer treatment costs, let alone costly cosmetic services that can play a huge role in restoring children’s confidence and giving them strength to continue their treatment,” said Salam.
As part of the self-funded initiative, Salam purchases the necessary requirements to make a wig, while his father helps design hairstyles to serve different children. So far, Salam has helped over 15 children walk out of his shop empowered with big smiles.
Despite the several challenges, Salam said making wigs gives him as much happiness as it does for his young customers. “Children need the emotional and moral support to go through this tough illness.” He added, “Losing their hair drives them to withdraw into themselves out of fear and embarrassment. I cannot help in their treatment, but I can help them get through it.”
29.Why are a toy and candy mentioned in paragraph 1
A.To indicate the girl’s age. B.To imply a serious illness.
C.To show the shortage of toys and candies. D.To highlight the value of the wig.
30.What can be learned from the father’s words
A.Hairstyle matters much. B.Sports benefit Mustafa.
C.Hair loss depressed Mustafa. D.Mustafa’s treatment failed.
31.What led to Salam’s decision on the mission
A.His sympathy. B.Family support.
C.Government fund. D.Mustafa’s enthusiasm.
32.What kind of person is Salam according to the passage
A.Cautious and innovative. B.Inspiring and talented.
C.Sensitive and empathetic. D.Ambitious and sensible.
(23-24高三下·浙江·一模)“I was in the ICU. I’d been told I’d be released the next day. The worst, it seemed, was behind me.” Jake Ryan didn’t know it at the time, but the worst was not totally behind him. After his open heart surgery, he was about to enter a different and difficult journey on the road to physical and emotional recovery.
Upon discharge (出院), the hospital gave Jake a “care package.” “I miss my 3-year-old twins. I remember thinking how much I wished there was a book in the package that would offer guidance for how to be a dad following surgery. There wasn’t, but it was out of that thought that this book was born.”
Dear Diary Franklin is a novel written in the voice of 11-year-old Hannah Brody, whose father had suddenly
collapsed on a gym floor and was in need of serious medical attention. The book is written in diary format, which gets readers deep inside the head and heart of its young heroine.
Through her diary, readers hear about Hannah’s feelings and frustrations as she copes with the anger, fear and confusion of the impact of her father’s surgery. What are they keeping from me And why She repeatedly hears the catchall cliché (陈词滥调) “everything is going to be fine” so many times that she can only think anything but. Her own translation: “Normal was over.” While her dad does his best to keep things as normal as possible, his recovery, as you’d imagine, is slow and his routine changes. Meanwhile, there’s the matter of school and Hannah’s place within what for some is a terrifying social universe—she has few friends.
While Ryan said his motivation was to help men (or parents in general) deal with the aftereffects of major surgery in their families and themselves, he has delivered a valuable story for children and grownups alike in how to tackle a difficult life event that nobody can truly prepare you for.
33.What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph l refer to
A.That he was sent to the ICU.
B.That he had got past the worst things.
C.That he would go through a tough recovery.
D.That he would be discharged from the hospital.
34.Why did Jake Ryan write Dear Diary Franklin
A.To share a personal journey of recovery.
B.To provide support for parents after surgery.
C.To explore the challenges of post-surgery life.
D.To offer guidance for children with sick parents.
35.What can we learn about Hannah Brody from the text
A.She terrifies her friends away. B.She buys what is told to her.
C.She changes her father’s routine. D.She suffers lots of hardships.
36.What is the text
A.A news report. B.A child’s diary.
C.An advertisement. D.A book review.
(23-24高三下·浙江·一模)Anna Steed doesn’t look much older than her students, but she is a practitioner of behavioral and motivational science, a shoulder to cry on, and the high school debate coach. Her class, which began as an elective class to give students exposure to skills that prepare them for college, has become the class on campus that creates winners.
Debate tests the teenage character perhaps more than any other activity. The shy and the unsure often have no desire to look up from their screens and engage in the oldest human interaction: persuasive oral arguments. It’s dreadful territory for the average teenager. Research, writing, delivering a speech in front of your peers, it all sounds like the kind of class students would be most likely to skip. But Anna draws them in.
Classroom 161 is always full. Anna’s debate teams have a case full of medals; most importantly, they have gone on to become leaders of their communities and examples to their families.
“This activity has changed my life. Just building connections with people I never, ever imagined building connections with,” relates Alexander Hernandez Gonzalez. Alexander suffered from social anxiety throughout his childhood. Then he discovered debate as a freshman, and it changed his life.
What drives young people to stand up and passionately deliver a speech in front of a crowd full of strangers, a panel of judges and opposing teams from more privileged high schools The person who will always have their back: Anna Steed.
“I want them to just have the memory of making it through, succeeding in a place like that and expressing a story that leaves that place better,” Anna says.
That better place begins in room 161 when unsure and nervous students enter for the first time. After setbacks and adjustments, a lot of hugs, encouragement, and hours of late-night study and practice, they roll out a few years later with their shoulders back and a full tank of confidence, ready to take on the next stage of life.
37.What is paragraph 2 of the text mainly about
A.The challenging nature of debate. B.The value of being a debate teacher.
C.The influence of debate on teenagers. D.The difficulties of winning awards in debate.
38.What did debate offer Alexander that changed his life
A.A stage to showcase his talent. B.A drive for academic excellence.
C.A platform to establish social bonds. D.A chance to connect with Anna Steed.
39.What do the underlined words “that place” in paragraph 6 refer to
A.Anna’s class. B.Classroom 161.
C.Unfamiliar territory. D.The next stage of life.
40.Which of the following can best describe Anna Steed
A.Devoted and tolerant. B.Inspirational and honest.
C.Courageous and reliable. D.Impactful and supportive.
1.D 2.B 3.B 4.D
1.细节理解题。由第二段“Solo (独自的) outings had never crossed my mind before because I always had a friend with me. But three years ago, I moved to Cleveland. Meeting friends in a new city was tough. (我以前从来没有想过独自出游,因为我总是有一个朋友和我在一起。但三年前,我搬到了克利夫兰。在一个新城市与朋友见面很艰难)”可知,作者以前从未尝试过独自出游,因为总有人陪伴她,搬家后,因为难以找到(一起出游的)同伴,作者决定独自出游。故选D项。
2.细节理解题。由第三段中“I studied the markings of trees, focused my ears on each forest sound and did something I almost never made time for: I listened to my own thoughts. (我研究了树木的标记,把耳朵集中在每一个森林的声音上,做了一件我几乎从来没有抽出时间的事情:我倾听自己的想法)”可知,作者在CVNP的第一次独自徒步旅行中,注意(或倾听)了自己内心的声音。故选B项。
3.细节理解题。由第四段中“My chest, initially tightened by nerves, was bursting with happiness when I finally reached the middle of the river that I’d long admired back on shore. (当我终于到达河中央时,最初因紧张而绷紧的胸部此刻充满了幸福,我在岸边欣赏了很久)”可知,作者在第一次皮划艇旅行后感觉幸福、高兴。故选B项。
4.词句猜测题。由上文讲“因为难以找到(一起出游的)同伴,作者决定独自出游”和最后一段中“It has also pushed me to go beyond my comfort zone and to meet new people. Through meetups and social media, my adventure-friend circle has ballooned. (它也促使我走出舒适区,结识新朋友。通过聚会和社交媒体,我的冒险朋友圈ballooned)”可知,独自出游使作者结识新朋友,因此通过聚会和社交媒体,作者的朋友多了,其冒险朋友圈扩大了,画线词意为“扩大(expanded)”。故选D项。
5.D 6.C 7.A 8.B
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了在老师Patrick Walsh的带领下,学校的学生合力种
5.细节理解题。根据文章第二段中“Forests typically take hundreds of years to mature, with four stages of growth. “Tiny forests flatten out time through the planting of all four layers (层),” Walsh explained. The end result is a fast-growing, native forest in about 20 years.(森林通常需要数百年才能成熟,有四个生长阶段。Walsh解释说:“小森林通过种植所有四层植物将时间变快。”最终的结果是在大约20年的时间里,一个快速生长的原生森林形成。)”可知森林通常需要数百年才能成熟,但是小森林的生长时间大大缩短了,即他们在较短的时间内变得成熟。故选D项。
6.细节理解题。根据文章第三段中““Something I didn’t really expect was the outpouring of students’ enthusiasm. Seeing students from all grades volunteered to contribute to the ‘dirty work’ really blew me away,” Walsh said.(“我没有预料到的是学生们的热情会如此高涨。看到来自各个年级的学生自愿参与’脏活’,我真的惊呆了。”Walsh说。)”可知Walsh 没有预料到学生们的热情会如此高,各个年级的学生都积极参与进来,这让他震惊。故选C项。
7.推理判断题。根据文章第四段“Senior Megan Cover has been at the school since the first grade. “I’ll graduate after working on this project, which is surely sad, but it’s really rewarding and great to be a part of this project and to do my bit. We’re creating this educational space for many young kids,” Cover said.(高三学生Megan从一年级开始就在学校了。“我将在完成这个项目之后毕业,这当然令人难过,但是能够参与这个项目并尽自己的一份力量,真的是一件非常有意义和伟大的事情。我们正在为许多年轻孩子创造这样的教育空间。”)”可知Megan认为这是一件非常有意义和伟大的事情,由此可推断,她为自己能够参与到小森林项目中为孩子们创造一片具有教育意义的空间感到自豪。故选A项。
8.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中“The forest will obviously not solve climate change, but it will deserve the efforts if the kids think about climate change and remember the importance of reforestation and trees when they look outside at the forest.(森林显然不能解决气候变化问题,但是如果孩子们能够考虑到气候变化问题,并且在看到森林的时候记住重新造林和树木的重要性,那么这些努力都是值得的)”可知,Walsh认为如果孩子们看到小森林时能想到气候变化问题以及重新造林和树木的重要性,那他们付出的努力就值得。由此可推断,Walsh希望小森林能够对学生们起到提醒作用,故选B项。
9.D 10.D 11.C 12.A
9.细节理解题。由文章第一段中“Xintong is the name that she gave to herself – which she prefers people to call her instead of her real name – because “xintong” in Chinese sounds like “new pupils”. (昕瞳是她给自己取的名字,她更喜欢别人叫她昕瞳,而不是她的真名,因为“昕瞳”在中文里听起来像“新学生”。)”可知,她给自己取这个名字是因为她希望开始全新的生活。故选D。
10.推理判断题。由文章第三段中“The video soon went viral on social media, with many comments praising her for being “creative”, “beautiful” and “optimistic”. (这段视频很快在社交媒体上疯传,许多评论称赞她“有创意”、“美丽”、“乐观”。)”可知,这段视频在社交媒体上大受欢迎,是因为她把一个“缺点”变成了时髦的状态。故选D。
11.细节理解题。由文章第五段中“She took matters into her own hands and began researching prosthetic eyes. Beginning in 2019, she dedicated about two years to mastering the production techniques and skills under the guidance of an ocularist. This journey led her to establish her own prosthetic eye studio, providing personalized services for those requiring them. (她自己动手,开始研究假眼。从2019年开始,她花了大约两年的时间在眼科医生的指导下掌握制作技术和技能。这段旅程让她建立了自己的假眼工作室,为有需要的人提供个性化的服务。)”可知,她能够提供一些关于假眼的特殊服务。故选C。
12.推理判断题。由文章第一段中“Losing an eye might be an unthinkable thing, especially for a young woman, but not for Xintong. She chose to become an ocularist (义眼师) who makes prosthetic eyes (义眼) for herself and people in the same situation to help them get back their confidence. (失去一只眼睛可能是一件难以想象的事情,尤其是对一个年轻女子来说,但对欣彤来说却不是。她选择成为一名眼科医生,为自己和有同样情况的人制作假眼,帮助他们重拾信心。)”和倒数第二段中“She produces prosthetic eyes as if she is creating pieces of artwork. “The position, direction, and even stroke thickness of the blood streaks on the prosthetic eyeballs matter,” the ocularist said. Sometimes she also paints special patterns according to customers’ needs: twinkling stars, cartoon characters like Cardcaptor Sakura and effects like colored contact lenses. (她制作假眼就像在创作艺术品一样。眼科医生说:“假眼球上血痕的位置、方向,甚至笔画的厚度都很重要。”有时,她还会根据顾客的需求画一些特殊的图案:闪烁的星星、卡通人物,如Cardcaptor Sakura,以及彩色隐形眼镜等效果。)”可知,昕瞳是一个有决心和创造力的女人。故选A。
13.D 14.B 15.B 16.C
本文是一篇记叙文。英国67岁的Joyce Faulkner在她丈夫死后在网上搜寻换房式的度假旅游, 结果却找到了一份在意大利照看小孩的工作。尽管年事已高, 但她对生活依然充满激情, 生活又有了新的开始。
13.细节理解题。根据第一段中“At 67, Joyce Faulkner thought she was looking for a holiday. Her husband, Jim, had recently died and exploring possible house swaps on the Home Exchange website felt less painful.”(67 岁的乔伊斯福克纳以为自己在寻找一个假期。她的丈夫吉姆最近去世了,在房屋交换网站上寻找房屋交换感觉不那么痛苦。)可知,乔伊斯福克纳搜索房屋交换网站是为了寻找可供交换的度假屋。故选D项。
14.细节理解题。根据第二段中“We seemed to believe in each other.”(我们似乎都相信对方)可知,让福克纳被拉切尔聘用的原因是因为相互信任。故选B项。
15.推理判断题。根据第三段中“the atmosphere was immediately warm and friendly.”(气氛立刻变得温暖而友好。)以及第四段中“I just feel like part of the family.”(我感觉像是这个家的一员)可推断出,福克纳在意大利当保姆时,感觉就像在家里一样。故选B项。
16.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“She gives English lessons, helps with the housework, meets the children from school, plays chess or table tennis with them, and takes them to the park. ‘It never feels like work,’ she says. It has been absolutely the perfect match.”(她给孩子们上英语课,帮忙做家务,接孩子们放学,陪他们下棋或打乒乓球,带他们去公园玩。她说:“我从来不觉得这是工作。这绝对是天作之合。”)可知福克纳是敬业的;根据最后一段“I’ll be 70 in January, but in my head, I’m 30. I still feel the same person, I have the same enthusiasm for life, the same interest in people and things”(今年1月我就70岁了,但在我的脑海中,我还是30岁。我还是那个我,对生活充满热情,对人对事充满兴趣。) 可知尽管年事已高,但她对生活依然充满激情。故选C项。
17.C 18.B 19.D 20.A
17.推理判断题。根据第二段中“Remarkably, they were convinced she was still alive all these years later, and determined to be reunited with her.”(值得注意的是,他们确信这么多年后她还活着,并决心与她团聚。)以及第三段“They knew that more tools were now available to help locate missing persons— such as genealogy kits with DNA tests. And so, the family bought kit s from 23 and Me, and then uploaded the results to a public database called GED match.”(他们知道,现在有更多的工具可以帮助找到失踪人员,例如带有DNA测试的家谱试剂盒。于是,这家人从23和我那里购买了检测试剂盒,然后将检测结果上传到一个名为GED match的公共数据库。)可推知,他们的决心是他们相信姐姐还活着,并且他们采用了一种创新的方式来使用基因检测工具来寻找失踪的梅丽莎·海史密斯。故选C项。
18.推理判断题。根据最后一段“For the Highsmith family, happily reunited in Texas after decades apart, DNA was the link. “Our finding Melissa was purely because of DNA, not because of any police involvement, podcast involvement, communities, or even our family’s own private investigations or speculations,” notes one Facebook update.”(对海史密斯一家来说,在分开几十年后,他们在德克萨斯州快乐地团聚,DNA是联系的纽带。“我们找到梅丽莎纯粹是因为DNA,而不是因为任何警方的参与、播客的参与、社区的参与,甚至不是我们家庭自己的私人调查或猜测,”Facebook上的一条更新写道。)可知,尽管他们经历了多年的分离,但最终他们通过DNA测试找到了他们失散多年的家人梅丽莎·海史密斯。由此可推知,一切都属于有等待的人,这句话可以很好的描述海史密斯一家的努力。故选B项。
19.推理判断题。根据最后一段“For the Highsmith family, happily reunited in Texas after decades apart, DNA was the link. “Our finding Melissa was purely because of DNA, not because of any police involvement, podcast involvement, communities, or even our family’s own private investigations or speculations,” notes one Facebook update.”(对海史密斯一家来说,在分开几十年后,他们在德克萨斯州快乐地团聚,DNA是联系的纽带。“我们找到梅丽莎纯粹是因为DNA,而不是因为任何警方的参与、播客的参与、社区的参与,甚至不是我们家庭自己的私人调查或猜测,”Facebook上的一条更新写道。)可推知,DNA在海史密斯的案件中发挥了至关重要的不可替代的作用。故选D项。
20.主旨大意题。根据文章大意以及第三段“They knew that more tools were now available to help locate missing persons— such as genealogy kits with DNA tests. And so, the family bought kit s from 23 and Me, and then uploaded the results to a public database called GED match.”(他们知道,现在有更多的工具可以帮助找到失踪人员,例如带有DNA测试的家谱试剂盒。于
是,这家人从23和我那里购买了检测试剂盒,然后将检测结果上传到一个名为GED match的公共数据库。)和最后一段中“For the Highsmith family, happily reunited in Texas after decades apart, DNA was the link.”(对海史密斯一家来说,在分开几十年后,他们在德克萨斯州快乐地团聚,DNA是联系的纽带。)可知,文章主要讲的是21个月大的梅丽莎·海史密斯失踪后,海史密斯一家通过关键的DNA匹配找到了梅丽莎,通过提取DNA匹配线索,他们锁定了很久以前被抓的婴儿。最终,这家人团聚到了一起。故文章最好的标题是“一项惊人的技术”。故选A项。
21.D 22.B 23.B 24.A
21.细节理解题。根据第二段“The one thing that truly makes me feel comfortable and alleviates loneliness is making friends and engaging in conversation.(真正让我感到舒适和减轻孤独的一件事是交朋友和参与交谈)”可知,与中国当地人交流是作者享受中国生活的必要条件。故选D。
22.词句猜测题。根据划线词上文“I made friends with many Chinese young people and”以及后文“spending time with them, be it for meals or leisure activities.”可知,作者结交了许多中国年轻人的朋友,并享受与他们一起吃饭或休闲活动的时间。故划线词意思是“享受”。故选B。
23.推理判断题。根据第二段“I’ve been delighted to sing Chinese songs, for example, those by the famous Chinese singer Jay Chou, with my friends. I would also sing well-known Japanese songs, such as Lemon, which, as it turns out, is very popular in China. (我很高兴和我的朋友们一起唱中国歌曲,例如,中国著名歌手周杰伦的歌曲。我也会唱一些著名的日本歌曲,比如柠檬,这首歌在中国很受欢迎)”以及最后一段“As a volunteer teacher at a local school, I shared contemporary and traditional Japanese culture such as anime, architecture, pop music and languages with the students.(作为当地一所学校的志愿者教师,我与学生们分享了日本的当代和传统文化,如动漫、建筑、流行音乐和语言)”可推知,作者通过举例展开这篇文章。故选B。
24.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Chinese people are consistently warm and welcome to foreigners, and eager to engage in conversation.(中国人一贯热情欢迎外国人,并渴望与他们交谈)”可知,作者对中国人的印象是好客。故选A。
25.B 26.C 27.D 28.D
25.细节理解题。根据第一段中的“One little boy named David from my grade one class wanted to learn more than all the others. His round swollen face would smile up at me, reminding me over and over of his disease—leukemia.(我一年级班上一个叫大卫的小男孩比其他所有的人都想学得更多。他那肿胀的圆脸会朝我微笑,一遍又一遍地提醒我他的病——白血病。)”可知,David比所有的人都想学的更多,但是他患上白血病,由此可知,David虽然病得很重,但他对学习充满热情。故选B项。
26.词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“This little angel had an awful time in heaven. He could not adjust to the routine. He was always in trouble, bumping into other angels, tripping over clouds or dropping his halo.(这个小天使在天堂过得很糟糕。他不能适应这种例行公事。他总是遇到麻烦,撞到其他天使,被云绊倒,或者掉下他的光环。)”可知,小天使在天堂上遇到很多的麻烦,境遇很糟糕,结合划线单词前的“As I read the story, a complete silence fell over the class as each child became more involved in…(当我读到这个故事的时候,全班鸦雀无声,每个孩子都更加关注着……。)”可知,作者读完小天使的故事,孩子们都关注着的应是小天使的“困境”,由此可知,划线单词的意思应与“困境”意义相近。故选C项。
27.推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Nothing seemed to make his time easier until one celestial day an archangel suggested that the little angel take some items with him. Just a few things to remind him of his good old days, which might be of some help.(似乎没有什么能让他的日子好过些,直到有一天,一位大天使建议小天使带走一些东西。只是一些能让他想起过去美好时光的东西,也许会有所帮助。)”可知,作者讲述的小天使的故事中,大天使建议小天使带走一些让他想起过去美好时光的东西,结合倒数第二段中的“The following day during our regular show-and-tell time, holding a small wooden box, David began his sharing, “This is my first tooth,” he explained. “This is a ribbon from my sister’s hair, and this is my puppy’s collar. My dad gave me this old key. My mom says this big coin is for good luck.”(第二天,在我们的常规展示时间,大卫拿着一个小木盒开始分享,“这是我的第一颗牙齿,”他解释道。“这是我妹妹头发上的丝带,这是我小狗的项圈。我爸爸给了我一把旧钥匙。我妈妈说这个大硬币代表好运。”)”可知,David带来的盒子里都是一些让他能想起的过去美好时光的东西,由此可知,David准备一个木盒子是为了留住美好的回忆。故选D项。
28.推理判断题。根据首段中的“His round swollen face would smile up at me, reminding me over and over of his disease—leukemia.(他那肿胀的圆脸会朝我微笑,一遍又一遍地提醒我他的病——白血病。)”可知,David患上白血病仍然对着作者微笑,说明David是一个乐观的孩子,结合倒数第二段中的“The following day during our regular show-and-tell time, holding a small wooden box, David began his sharing, “This is my first tooth,” he explained. “This is a ribbon from my sister’s hair, and this is my puppy’s collar. My dad gave me this old key. My mom says this big coin is for good luck. 第二天,在我们的常规展示时间,大卫拿着一个小木盒开始分享,“这是我的第一颗牙齿,”他解释道。“这是我妹妹头发上的丝带,这是我小狗的项圈。我爸爸给了我一把旧钥匙。我妈妈说这个大硬币代表好运。”)”可知,作者讲述完“小天使”的故事后,第二天David准备了一个小木盒与大家分享他的美好回忆,由此可知,在David知道自己患有重病,也许会离开大家,他仍能够勇敢面对,综上信息可知,David是一个乐观而又有勇气的孩子。故选D项。
29.D 30.C 31.A 32.C
29.细节理解题。根据第一段中“Five-year-old Mustafa is smiling for the first time in ages. She did not receive a new toy or her favorite candy; rather, she got a wig (假发).(五岁的穆斯塔法这么多年来第一次露出了笑容。她没有收到新玩具或她最喜欢的糖果;相反,她得到了一顶假发。)”以及第二段中“Mustafa had to go through painful procedures after being diagnosed with cancer at an early age. Her father expressed her sadness when she lost her hair after months of chemotherapy (化疗). (穆斯塔法在很小的时候就被诊断出患有癌症,不得不经历痛苦的手术。数月化疗后,她的头发掉光了,她父亲表达了她的悲伤。)”可知,穆斯塔法因为被诊断患有癌症,经过数月的化疗后头发掉光了,因此相比于收到新玩具或者最喜欢的糖果,收到一顶假发对她来说是更有意义的。故第一段提到了玩具和糖果是为了突出假发的价值。故选D。
30.推理判断题。根据第二段中““She saw children of her age jumping in playgrounds and spending hours styling their hair, while she couldn’t. Losing her hair made her hopeless, negatively impacting her response to treatment,” the girl’s father said.(她看到和她同龄的孩子在
31.细节理解题。根据第四段中“Salam took up his mission when he saw a viral video on social media of a young cancer patient who was excited at receiving a new wig. It was the moment when he decided to provide free wigs to children with cancer to lift up their spirits.(萨拉姆在社交媒体上看到了一段走红的视频,视频中一位年轻的癌症患者因获得新假发而兴奋不已,于是他开始了自己的使命。就在那一刻,他决定为患癌症的孩子们提供免费的假发,让他们振作起来。)”可知,萨拉姆在社交媒体上看到了一段视频:一位年轻的癌症患者因获得新假发而兴奋不已,就是在这一刻他决定为患癌症的孩子们提供免费的假发即他对那些因为癌症进行化疗而失去头发的孩子们的同情和理解,才让他开始为那些孩子们制作假发的使命。故选A。
32.推理判断题。根据第四段中“Salam took up his mission when he saw a viral video on social media of a young cancer patient who was excited at receiving a new wig. It was the moment when he decided to provide free wigs to children with cancer to lift up their spirits.(萨拉姆在社交媒体上看到了一段走红的视频,视频中一位年轻的癌症患者因获得新假发而兴奋不已,于是他开始了自己的使命。就在那一刻,他决定为患癌症的孩子们提供免费的假发,让他们振作起来。)”可知,萨拉姆在社交媒体上看到了年轻的癌症患者因获得新假发而兴奋不已,就是在这一刻他决定为患癌症的孩子们提供免费的假发,他对那些因为癌症进行化疗而失去头发的孩子们是同情和理解,由此表明他是一个情感上敏感的人;同时根据最后一段中““Children need the emotional and moral support to go through this tough illness.” He added, “Losing their hair drives them to withdraw into themselves out of fear and embarrassment. I cannot help in their treatment, but I can help them get through it.”(“孩子们需要情感和精神上的支持来度过这场艰难的疾病。”他补充说:“脱发会让她们出于恐惧和尴尬而封闭自己。我不能帮助他们治疗,但我可以帮助他们度过难关。”)”可知,萨拉姆克服困难,在情感上和精神上去帮助和支持那些因为癌症化疗而掉发的孩子们,体现出他是善良并善解人意的。故选C。
33.C 34.B 35.D 36.D
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。通过讲述Jake Ryan自己的经历来讲述Dear Diary Franklin这本书诞生的原因以及具体内容以及意义。
33.词句猜测题。根据后文“After his open heart surgery, he was about to enter a different and difficult journey on the road to physical and emotional recovery.(在他的心脏直视手术后,他即将进入一段不同的、艰难的身体和情感恢复之路)”可知,it代指后文提到的他会经历一段艰难的康复期。故选C项。
34.细节理解题。根据第二段“I remember thinking how much I wished there was a book in the package that would offer guidance for how to be a dad following surgery. There wasn’t, but it was out of that thought that this book was born.(我记得我当时在想,我多么希望包裹里有一本书能指导我如何在手术后成为一名父亲。没有,但正是出于这个想法,这本书诞生了)”可知,Ryan写这本是为了为术后父母提供支持。故选B项。
35.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“Through her diary, readers hear about Hannah’s feelings and frustrations as she copes with the anger, fear and confusion of the impact of her father’s surgery. What are they keeping from me And why She repeatedly hears the catchall cliché (陈词滥调) “everything is going to be fine” so many times that she can only think anything but. Her own translation: “Normal was over.” While her dad does his best to keep things as normal as possible, his recovery, as you’d imagine, is slow and his routine changes. Meanwhile, there’s the matter of school and Hannah’s place within what for some is a terrifying social universe—she has few friends.(通过她的日记,读者可以听到汉娜在应对父亲手术带来的愤怒、恐惧和困惑时的感受和挫折。他们对我隐瞒了什么 为什么 她反复听到“一切都会好起来的”这句老生常谈,以至于她什么都不想。她自己的翻译是:“正常结束了。”虽然她的父亲尽他最大的努力让一切尽可能正常,但你可以想象,他的恢复是缓慢的,他的日常生活也发生了变化。与此同时,学校的问题和汉娜的位置对一些人来说是一个可怕的社会宇宙——她几乎没有朋友)”可知,汉娜在应对父亲手术时,有愤怒、恐惧和困惑时的感受和挫折,以及在学校时她几乎没有朋友,所以她受了很多苦。故选D项。
36.推理判断题。根据第二段“I remember thinking how much I wished there was a book in the package that would offer guidance for how to be a dad following surgery. There wasn’t, but it was out of that thought that this book was born.(我记得我当时在想,我多么希望包裹里有一本书能指导我如何在手术后成为一名父亲。没有,但正是出于这个想法,这本书诞生了)”以及第三段“Dear Diary Franklin is a novel written in the voice of 11-year-old Hannah Brody, whose father had suddenly collapsed on a gym floor and was in need of serious medical attention. The book is written in diary format, which gets readers deep inside the head and heart of its young
heroine.(Dear Diary Franklin是一部以11岁的汉娜·布罗迪(Hannah Brody)的声音写成的小说,她的父亲突然瘫倒在健身房的地板上,需要紧急治疗。这本书以日记的形式写成,让读者深入到年轻女主角的头脑和内心)”可知,本段主要介绍了Dear Diary Franklin这本书,所以推知应是一篇书评。故选D项。
37.A 38.C 39.A 40.D
37.主旨大意题。根据第二段前四句“Debate tests the teenage character perhaps more than any other activity. The shy and the unsure often have no desire to look up from their screens and engage in the oldest human interaction: persuasive oral arguments. It’s dreadful territory for the average teenager. Research, writing, delivering a speech in front of your peers, it all sounds like the kind of class students would be most likely to skip.(辩论也许比任何其他活动都更能考验青少年的性格。害羞和不确定的人通常不想从他们的屏幕上抬起头来参与最古老的人类互动:有说服力的口头辩论。对于普通青少年来说,这是一个可怕的领域。研究、写作、在同龄人面前发表演讲,这些听起来都是学生最有可能跳过的课程。)”可知,第二段主要是讲辩论对青少年的挑战性。故选A。
38.细节理解题。根据第四段第一句中的“This activity has changed my life. Just building connections with people I never, ever imagined building connections with(这项活动改变了我的生活。就是和那些我从未想过要和他们建立联系的人建立联系)”可知,辩论给亚历山大带来的改变是给了他一个建立社交联系的平台。故选C。
39.词句猜测题。根据第一段最后一句“Her class, which began as an elective class to give students exposure to skills that prepare them for college, has become the class on campus that creates winners.(她的课程最初是一门选修课,旨在让学生接触到为上大学做准备的技能,现在已经成为校园里培养赢家的课程。)”可知,that place是指安娜的课堂。故选A。
40.推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“Her class, which began as an elective class to give students exposure to skills that prepare them for college, has become the class on campus that creates winners.(她的课程最初是一门选修课,旨在让学生接触到为上大学做准备的技能,现在已经成为校园里培养赢家的课程。)”可知,安娜很有影响力。根据最后一段第二句“After setbacks
and adjustments, a lot of hugs, encouragement, and hours of late-night study and practice, they roll out a few years later with their shoulders back and a full tank of confidence, ready to take on the next stage of life.(在经历了挫折和调整,无数的拥抱和鼓励,以及数小时的深夜学习和练习之后,几年后,他们带着满满一箱的信心,挺直了肩膀,准备迎接人生的下一个阶段。)”可知,安娜很支持学生。故选D。


