2024年高考英语(完形填空)模拟真题 (天津专用)(含答案解析)

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2024年高考英语(完形填空)模拟真题 (天津专用)(含答案解析)


2024年高考英语(完形填空)模拟真题 (天津专用)
(2024·天津·高三天津市咸水沽第一中学校考阶段练习)Over 20 years ago, Hankerson was trying to call her sister who lived in Maryland. She had 1 to share her sad stories in life with her sister. But 2 dialing the area code 410, she 3 401. The mistake ended up 4 her to Mike from Rhode Island.
“ When she realized that she had called a wrong number, she made a sincere 5 . She was well-mannered and very sweet. Then she 6 quickly,”recalled Mike.
After that, Hankerson called again a few more times over the next few weeks.Through their 7 , Mike learned that Hankerson, who lives in Delray, Florida, had been attempting to 8 her sister.
Hankerson said Mike came at a 9 time in her life when she and her husband got divorced (离婚). However, she said Mike always 10 her spirits. And she was so 11 because she could feel the great kindness and encouragement from a(n) 12 stranger. Over the next few years, the two 13 a good relationship by phone, chatting about their 14 — Hankerson is the mother of two, and Mike, a father of three.
On the day before Thanksgiving, the pair finally 15 when Mike was on a trip to Florida with his wife and children.“Oh, it was a truly 16 day. It was really the happiest Thanksgiving for me,” Hankerson said. “It was full of 17 and sunshine. That really made my day.”
After their meeting, Mike 18 the photo of him and Hankerson on Facebook. He also wrote, “ The 19 between people in this world is just a wrong number phone call away. It is really 20 .”
1.A.advised B.intended C.demanded D.pretended
2.A.instead of B.other than C.in spite of D.in case of
3.A.changed B.counted C.pressed D.wrote
4.A.sending B.adding C.referring D.connecting
5.A.apology B.appointment C.statement D.joke
6.A.turned in B.took off C.showed up D.hung up
7.A.adventure B.conversation C.experiment D.argument
8.A.follow B.protect C.reach D.catch
9.A.regular B.proper C.sudden D.rough
10.A.lifted B.fixed C.broke D.forgot
11.A.shy B.confident C.grateful D.proud
12.A.intelligent B.fortunate C.normal D.complete
13.A.missed B.developed C.selected D.valued
14.A.vacation B.reputation C.children D.hobbies
15.A.contacted B.left C.appeared D.met
16.A.memorable B.long C.practical D.busy
17.A.hope B.warmth C.freedom D.courage
18.A.collected B.posted C.applied D.printed
19.A.distance B.boundary C.difference D.balance
20.A.amusing B.embarrassing C.unbelievable D.unreasonable
(2024·天津南开·高三统考二模)Talking about Beijing Opera, we cannot forget to mention one of its greatest performers: Mei Lanfang, a brilliant artist who played an important role in bringing Beijing Opera to the world. Mei Lanfang was born in Beijing in 1894. He started to learn the 21 of Beijing Opera at the age of eight and made his on-stage debut (首次登台) at age eleven. Mei Lanfang worked hard to learn as much as possible from the great artists and 22 of Beijing Opera, and by the age of 20, he had become a(n) 23 actor in Beijing Opera’s dan role (角).
Mei Lanfang quickly became well-known among Chinese audiences 24 his acting skill. Mei Lanfang’s skill opened doors for him to become friends with people from all over the world, as he often 25 guests from other countries who wanted to meet the young actor. As Mei Lanfang 26 to know ambassadors (大使), European royal families, and celebrities from 27 , he 28 bring his beloved Beijing Opera to the rest of the world, so that even more people from other countries might understand and 29 the beauty of Chinese culture and art.
And so, in 1919, Mei Lanfang began to travel abroad, 30 performances in Japan and the Soviet Union (苏联). His 31 were a great success; audiences were fascinated by this 32 opera from the Orient (东方). One of Mei Lanfang’s greatest 33 was to visit the United States, and after cight years of 34 , he and his opera group finally brought Beijing Opera to the USA.
Mei Lanfang 35 his whole life to the art of Beijing Opera. He 36 sought to improve his own artistry, creating many unforgettable and beautiful 37 for the stage. His style became known as the “Mei Lanfang school (梅派)”, a(n) 38 graceful style, and is still one of the most popular styles of Beijing Opera today.
Mei Lanfang died in 1961 of heart disease. During his more than 50 years on the stage, Mei Lanfang took
traditions from the past and 39 the best parts to create new and enrich old forms of Beijing Opera. Although this great opera master has now joined the heroes of history, he 40 a legacy of cultural wealth for his people and for all future generations.
21.A.name B.history C.art D.tradition
22.A.celebrities B.masters C.fans D.audiences
23.A.assistant B.amateur C.supporting D.leading
24.A.for B.as C.with D.by
25.A.entertained B.avoided C.fooled D.gathered
26.A.needed B.wanted C.got D.learned
27.A.heart B.abroad C.world D.community
28.A.came to B.agreed to C.got down to D.longed to
29.A.maintain B.polish C.identify D.appreciate
30.A.showing B.taking C.giving D.playing
31.A.tours B.fames C.reforms D.routines
32.A.valued B.elegant C.opened D.honored
33.A.approaches B.responses C.goals D.shames
34.A.dreams B.controls C.attempts D.trades
35.A.sacrificed B.brought C.risked D.devoted
36.A.ultimately B.mostly C.absolutely D.constantly
37.A.characters B.experiences C.stars D.lives
38.A.merely B.uniquely C.entirely D.barely
39.A.adapted B.deserted C.drew D.declined
40.A.brought out B.left behind C.gave out D.filled up
(2024·天津·高三天津市第四十七中学校考阶段练习)“Oh no! You’re moving ” Such was my neighbor’s 41 when she saw household items appearing on my lawn and 42 my driveway.
“Nope. Just cleaning house!” I called back, smiling.
This yard sale had been the result of six months of 43 . I had searched every 44 and overflowing closet and cupboard—crazy about my seeking to find items to 45 .
I met loads of 46 and friendly people. The Mirror Lady was 47 to buy the antique mirror from my first apartment for her daughter’s first apartment; and the Futon Girl, a college student, said my futon(沙发床)
and framework were 48 for her dorm room.
And how can I 49 the Camera Man Bending absorbedly over the “technology” table, he spotted my husband’s faded 50 bag from the early 80s. Zippered compartments(隔包) 51 a broken camera and a few old lenses. “Wow!” he said, as he picked it up and made me a(n) 52 . I asked what he was going to do with it. “It’s just cool—I have a shelf at home for cool 53 technology.” So apparently he 54 it just so he could look at it. As he walked down the driveway with the dusty bag 55 over his shoulder, for a second, I 56 my journalist husband doing the same, heading out to 57 a story. That made me feel 58 .
All yard sales lasted two days. As hard as it can be to let things 59 , the true value of those things is to 60 you of a place you lived in, a special time in your life, or a loved one in your heart.
41.A.content B.contrast C.explanation D.concern
42.A.going over B.taking over C.thinking over D.getting over
43.A.preparation B.priority C.presentation D.procedure
44.A.tiny B.mental C.messy D.tidy
45.A.select B.sell C.serve D.seek
46.A.interesting B.inner C.internal D.invisible
47.A.tight B.tired C.thrilled D.embarrassed
48.A.well-founded B.well-known C.well-appointed D.well-matched
49.A.fog B.forget C.forgive D.format
50.A.plastic B.hand C.camera D.tool
51.A.exposed B.approached C.allocated D.withdrew
52.A.appointment B.offer C.excuse D.appeal
53.A.fashionable B.portable C.advanced D.old-fashioned
54.A.donated B.improved C.purchased D.twisted
55.A.disappearing B.winding C.printing D.hanging
56.A.stopped B.appreciated C.pictured D.forgave
57.A.review B.repeat C.rhyme D.report
58.A.good B.silly C.lonely D.hopeful
59.A.gather B.go C.control D.survive
60.A.remind B.inform C.remark D.warn
(2024·天津·高三耀华中学校考阶段练习)“And this is me kissing the Blarney Stone”, says Carrie, my seventeen-year-old daughter. She turns the pages of her new photo album, recounting her recent ten-day journey abroad, and my mind 61 back...way back to when she was only five.
“Someday I’m going to Ireland”, she said, holding her Childcraft book in her lap. Her blue eyes 62 as she looked at the beautiful pictures. “Well, maybe you can!” I said. However, it was 63 for our family to pay for the luxury of traveling. I was working as a secretary. My husband Charlie had to close his bakery last year 64 his poor health...
Ten years later, Carrie came home from school one day, hardly able to contain her. 65 , “Mama, you’ll never 66 where the class is going. To Ireland!” She smiled 67 “You’re kidding!” I said. “Ireland! Where you’ve always wanted to go!”
“The trip is 68 for year after next, and the $2,100 can be paid in installments (分期付款).” Then she added, “But that’s too much... isn’t it ” Her voice was 69 yet doubting. “Well,” I said slowly, “Daddy and I can’t help much; 70 , you have two years to earn the money.” “You think so ” Carrie’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Well,” I 71 ,“maybe you could use your father’s bakery and sell baked goods.” Sell baked goods We 72 at each other. Carrie was an excellent 73 ! This would work!
So the plan was 74 . Carrie began working, making a variety of baked goods. She used dried apples, cooked, seasoned and spiced to perfection. Soon, however, fried apple-pies became the customer favorite. All ingredients were 75 -real shortening (起酥油), real butter-and the crust (皮) was handmade and hand-rolled. Finally the pies were fried to a beautiful, golden brown! The finished product was an extremely pleasant treat, winning 76 from even the little old ladies in these hills who have been making dried-apple pies for decades. 77 began rolling in, and the Ireland fund grew, and well 78 the given time the trip abroad was paid in full...
Now I’m looking at her album as she proudly points out the 79 she visited: castles of Ireland, historic bridges and churches,cobblestone (鹅卵石) streets of Dublin... so much like those in her Childcraft book. My daughter will forever remember this dream come true, a dream that began in the heart of a five-year-old girl and was completely made 80 by the delicious apple pie!
61.A.transfers B.wanders C.scans D.skips
62.A.brightened B.darkened C.hardened D.weakened
63.A.wise B.wrong C.difficult D.pleasant
64.A.in spite of B.due to C.according to D.regardless of
65.A.disappointment B.surprise C.sorrow D.excitement
66.A.realize B.understand C.guess D.forget
67.A.shyly B.slightly C.bitterly D.broadly
68.A.delayed B.planned C.continued D.made
69.A.sharp B.hesitant C.hopeful D.firm
70.A.thus B.even C.also D.still
71.A.suggested B.insisted C.wondered D.disagreed
72.A.pointed B.stared C.shouted D.laughed
73.A.secretary B.traveler C.cook D.student
74.A.canceled B.changed C.discussed D.laid
75.A.natural B.delicious C.clean D.soft
76.A.praise B.awards C.trust D.titles
77.A.Menus B.Ideas C.Orders D.Questions
78.A.within B.from C.beyond D.for
79.A.building B.sites C.cities D.countries
80.A.necessary B.important C.popular D.possible
(2024·天津·高三校考一模)The moon had gone behind a cloud and there weren’t many stars in the sky. As I took a glance (一瞥) at my neighbor’s house, I saw a flame (火焰) in his 81 . I thought he was having a midnight fast food so I went back to my 82 .
Soon, there was a 83 smell in the air and I guessed something was wrong. 84 , I jumped out of bed and went downstairs to 85 . I saw fire coming out of my neighbour’s kitchen. Right away, I 86 “Fire! Fire!” But there was no one nearby to 87 my shouts for help.
I 88 into my house, called the Fire Department and went back to my neighbour’s house. I rang the doorbell, hit on the door and 89 my neighbour’s name but there was no 90 . I managed to 91 the house and rescued a cat and a rabbit.
I tried to throw water through the kitchen window 92 it was no use; the fire was too strong. 93 , a fire engine arrived and soon the firemen put out the fire. They arrived just 94 as the fire was going to 95 to the other rooms in the house.
When my neighbor came back, he was 96 because his kitchen was burnt down, but he thanked me for calling the Fire Department and for saving his 97 . He wanted to give me some money in return but I
did not 98 it.
Weeks later, my neighbor repaired and restored his kitchen. He 99 me to see his new kitchen and there he gave me a medal (奖章) that he had 100 ordered from a factory. It made me feel very happy.
81.A.sitting room B.bathroom C.kitchen D.bedroom
82.A.chair B.table C.bed D.sofa
83.A.valuable B.hot C.special D.burning
84.A.After a while B.In a row C.Once in a while D.At once
85.A.examine B.search C.reserve D.smell
86.A.cheated B.shouted C.received D.whispered
87.A.hear B.listen to C.ask D.turn to
88.A.walked B.rushed C.jumped D.stepped
89.A.gave way B.fell behind C.called out D.cheered up
90.A.answer B.light C.sound D.fire
91.A.take out B.take up C.break down D.break into
92.A.and B.but C.because D.therefore
93.A.Luckily B.Gently C.Unfortunately D.Suddenly
94.A.in time B.on time C.at a time D.at times
95.A.run B.spread C.flow D.return
96.A.amazing B.upset C.sick D.angry
97.A.children B.parents C.life D.pets
98.A.expect B.want C.accept D.permit
99.A.persuaded B.begged C.admitted D.invited
100.A.gradually B.steadily C.specially D.regularly
(2024·天津·高三校考阶段练习)I was ten years old, standing on the stage. My hands were 101 and my heart was beating fast, and through the sea of faces in the audience, I was searching for the only one who 102 most to me. She knew that our 103 were today. She’d promised me she would be there.
“The life of an elephant and the life of a human,” I said, 104 audible (听得见的), “are not so different.” My fingers 105 the watercolor painting I’d done of an African elephant; I knew that my face was red and that everyone was 106 me because of it, which only made me blush (脸红) even more. Speaking in public had never been 107 for me, but today, having to present my animal research project
to a 108 gym, was terrifying.
I swallowed hard. “Over the 109 of a lifetime, elephants both 110 and are affected by their environment. Elephants live in female-led groups. The matriarch-the oldest in the family-makes all the 111 .”
I glanced at my teacher, who gave me a smile of 112 , and just then I saw a(n) 113 at the door of the gym. She came in.
“Elephants 114 , not just with gestures but also with sounds too low for us to hear.”
Suddenly, my mind went 115 . I could not remember a single word. My 116 became the heartbeat of the world. I had 117 this presentation in the shower, while brushing my teeth, and while riding on the bus. As it turned out, there was something 118 : forgetting the speech. Then my mother cleared her throat, and our eyes 119 . Gradually, I started to remember everything.
In all the years since then, I have never forgotten a single 120 about elephants.
101.A.free B.sweaty C.tired D.empty
102.A.mattered B.hesitated C.escaped D.appeared
103.A.interviews B.experiments C.presentations D.celebrations
104.A.formerly B.constantly C.barely D.shortly
105.A.created B.gave C.repaired D.grasped
106.A.cheering for B.caring about C.arguing with D.staring at
107.A.fair B.easy C.safe D.boring
108.A.connected B.heated C.crowded D.renewed
109.A.purpose B.course C.discovery D.opportunity
110.A.affect B.admire C.explore D.observe
111.A.enemies B.efforts C.mistakes D.decisions
112.A.sympathy B.welcome C.encouragement D.innocence
113.A.exhibition B.movement C.notice D.painting
114.A.communicate B.compete C.compare D.compromise
115.A.blank B.vacant C.absent D.wrong
116.A.breathing B.writing C.drawing D.reading
117.A.downloaded B.practiced C.attended D.announced
118.A.funnier B.further C.stronger D.worse
119.A.hurt B.opened C.locked D.saw
120.A.speech B.image C.lesson D.fact
(2024·天津南开·高三南开中学校考阶段练习)When Garvison flew from Chicago to Atlanta earlier this week with a baby in her arms, she saw the unhappy looks of her seatmates.
“As soon as we got on the plane at 5:30 am, it was very quiet and it was a full 121 ,” Garvison wrote in a Facebook 122 , “I noticed that the two seats next to me were 123 and this couple looked annoyed and I could tell by their body 124 that they weren’t 125 sitting next to Rylee, my baby.”
Garvison asked if she could change 126 . And her new seatmate 127 all the difference in the day of this young mom, who was on a trip to surprise her military husband.
The next thing I knew was that I was sitting next to this amazing woman! I was not sure if she could tell how 128 I looked or what, but she turned our day 129 around. Rylee wouldn’t stop 130 no matter what I would try and do so she asked whether I would 131 if she could try and of course I let her. As soon as she had her, Rlyee was looking out of the window and stopped crying.When we got in the air, she fell right asleep and slept the whole flight 132 we got to our gate. She kept saying it wasn’t a problem 133 and it was 134 a comforting feeling for her. She 135 carried her off the plane.
“Miller,” she wrote, “you will never understand how happy this act of 136 has made my family. You could have just 137 your eyes and been unhappy like everyone else, but you took her and held her the entire flight and let me get some rest and 138 of mind. It brought tears to my eyes while I sat there and watched you and Rylee sleeping next to 139 . I just couldn’t believe how that ended up 140 and how caring you were to us. Thank you so much!”
121.A.train B.bus C.ship D.flight
122.A.post B.guide C.advertisement D.menu
123.A.taken B.repaired C.offered D.noticed
124.A.weight B.height C.language D.shape
125.A.proud of B.happy about C.angry with D.disappointed with
126.A.tickets B.seats C.plans D.books
127.A.advised B.won C.made D.obeyed
128.A.upset B.calm C.frightened D.annoying
129.A.heavily B.politely C.blindly D.completely
130.A.talking B.sleeping C.crying D.playing
131.A.guess B.forget C.mind D.realize
132.A.because B.until C.though D.if
133.A.at all B.in all C.at least D.in addition
134.A.carefully B.powerfully C.quickly D.actually
135.A.still B.yet C.also D.even
136.A.honesty B.kindness C.trust D.courage
137.A.cleaned B.rolled C.watched D.touched
138.A.truth B.sharpness C.peace D.service
139.A.me B.her C.him D.them
140.A.running out B.giving in C.breaking down D.working out
(2024·天津北辰·高三天津市第四十七中学校考阶段练习)Do you often compare yourself to others In reality, it’s 141 for us to do so — especially given the nature of how most of us were raised and the 142 cultures in which we live. By comparison, some get 143 while some become negative. But both run only a limited time since someone better or worse will show up soon.
The 144 of comparison is like the game of the coin. The head means we “win” and we think we have more 145 and the tail means we “ 146 ” and we think we’re worse. However, no one will win 147 . We will possibly meet someone better than us and end up with some 148 or something alike.
How can we 149 our comparison process and make it an experience of growth, connection, and self-acceptance It’s simply by 150 it directly and going to the source — how we 151 ourselves, namely the relationship between man and self. Here are some things we can do to get away from the comparison mode.
Use comparison as a(n) 152 to accept, appreciate, and love yourself. When comparison shows up, it generally originates from fear or uncertainty in your heart, not the ill intention. 153 criticizing ourselves for what we might do wrong, what if we take this as a cue to take care of and 154 ourselves in a real way
Admit people who are 155 . Another great way to 156 the negative impact of comparing ourselves to others is to reach out to them with some 157 . Faced with other people’s success and talents, the more 158 we praise them, the more likely we are to create positive feelings and outcomes in our own
lives. There is not a finite amount of success and when we 159 people we compare ourselves to, that reminds us that there is more than enough for us to 160 and experience wonderful things in our own life as well.
141.A.significant B.normal C.helpful D.positive
142.A.painful B.familiar C.competitive D.advanced
143.A.satisfaction B.knowledge C.argument D.sympathy
144.A.trap B.content C.reason D.benefit
145.A.alternatives B.excuses C.changes D.strengths
146.A.disappear B.continue C.lose D.break
147.A.casually B.permanently C.aimlessly D.instantly
148.A.rejection B.curiosity C.enthusiasm D.insecurity
149.A.transform B.find C.describe D.accelerate
150.A.avoiding B.sharing C.managing D.creating
151.A.care for B.rely on C.calm down D.relate to
152.A.opportunity B.target C.result D.practice
153.A.Because of B.Instead of C.As for D.But for
154.A.inspire B.honor C.hide D.blame
155.A.braver B.better C.weaker D.luckier
156.A.tell B.analyze C.predict D.remove
157.A.doubt B.carelessness C.kindness D.responsibility
158.A.sincerely B.apparently C.formally D.deliberately
159.A.comfort B.refuse C.acknowledge D.forgive
160.A.indicate B.discover C.memorize D.compare
(2024·天津·高三天津一中校考阶段练习)Not long ago, I was the guide on a wildlife-photography trip to Svalbard near the North Pole. After two days of 161 , we arrived there and 162 several seals resting on the ice. I 163 my camera and a motion sensor near the edge of a hole to get a(n) 164 of a seal.
The next morning, I was woken up because a polar bear was 165 closer. At first the bear walked toward our boat. Then it made a(n) 166 turn and headed directly for my camera. The motion sensor reacted to the bear’s 167 , making the camera start taking pictures. The bear circled the 168 , gently sniffing it. Unexpectedly the camera 169 into the hole and disappeared beneath the deep ice.
That was the 170 moment in my photography career. I was so 171 with myself. A year later I obtained 172 to bring a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to find the camera. There was a lot more ice than the 173 trip. As I knew well, polar bears could be nearby. We decided to 174 it. The ice was so thin, and soon we 175 technical difficulties and had to pull the ROV out of the water twice. 176 on the third try the ROV found the camera. We shouted and 177 around on the ice.
I was overjoyed to see all my 178 . I saw the polar bear breathing and sniffing the camera. 179 that camera is the most satisfying 180 of my career with the lovely animal and its habitat presented.
161.A.research B.training C.inspection D.adventure
162.A.spotted B.avoided C.imagined D.appreciated
163.A.threw B.buried C.placed D.applied
164.A.character B.image C.acceptance D.description
165.A.pulling B.shouting C.drawing D.crying
166.A.terrible B.simple C.abnormal D.sharp
167.A.movement B.situation C.position D.smell
168.A.seal B.ice C.hole D.camera
169.A.dug B.leaked C.slipped D.raced
170.A.luckiest B.worst C.brightest D.wettest
171.A.annoyed B.embarrassed C.bored D.satisfied
172.A.commitment B.recognition C.excuse D.permission
173.A.ordinary B.previous C.precious D.tight
174.A.risk B.consider C.escape D.abandon
175.A.got over B.turned into C.ran into D.turned over
176.A.Obviously B.Amazingly C.Initially D.Gradually
177.A.stepped B.wandered C.floated D.danced
178.A.animals B.facilities C.photos D.friends
179.A.Recovering B.Acquiring C.Repairing D.Exploring
180.A.recommendation B.accomplishment C.discovery D.evolution
(2024·天津·高三校联考一模)Life was easy for my family 15 years ago. My mum, now 51, had 181 her modelling career to start a family while my dad was the only breadwinner. Our family was 182 , with mum, dad, two daughters, and three sons, including me.
Life took a 183 turn one day. My dad had suddenly passed away for some unknown 184 on a business trip to Jakarta. At first we were not 185
for life without him. Our mum, jobless and 186 managed to look after a six-month-old baby and four crying children through 187 and love.
When my father was alive, my mum lived a 188 life: she had two maids looking after her as a stay-at-home mum. After my father’s death, she selflessly accepted a total lifestyle 189 , so our lives would not be different completely. She 190 different jobs, working tirelessly from home, sewing curtains and baking cakes. As we got older, she worked even harder to 191 our education. She began to work in her canteen from 6 am and 192 home to monitor our homework.
We may never understand what 193 our mum has gone through to provide us with the basic necessities. From living a fascinating lifestyle as a fashion model to working as a waitress in a restaurant, it requires humility that could have only been 194 by love.
While providing for us financially was 195 , providing emotionally was even harder. My mum’s mental health was 196 damaged after my father's death. We knew she was struggling, 197 she always managed to put up a strong front. My mom’s 198 has rebuilt this family, kept it together and even put me through school.
Fifteen years on, we still spend weekends as a family and have managed to 199 stereotypes (模式化形象) associated with a single-parent family. 200 her, this family portrait is still picture-perfect.
181.A.quit B.began C.chosen D.saved
182.A.complete B.crowded C.powerful D.orderly
183.A.wrong B.sharp C.hard D.natural
184.A.origin B.need C.example D.reason
185.A.eager B.late C.prepared D.pleased
186.A.sorrowful B.serious C.guilty D.doubtful
187.A.preference B.sense C.determination D.imagination
188.A.lazy B.positive C.convenient D.comfortable
189.A.choice B.change C.break D.mistake
190.A.insisted on B.carried on C.took on D.agreed on
191.A.enter B.afford C.receive D.improve
192.A.rushed B.left C.supported D.moved
193.A.practice B.process C.stage D.experience
194.A.achieved B.overcome C.concerned D.driven
195.A.complex B.tough C.boring D.helpless
196.A.seriously B.hardly C.quietly D.properly
197.A.and B.so C.yet D.for
198.A.situation B.manner C.emotion D.spirit
199.A.respect B.challenge C.suspect D.create
200.A.According to B.But for C.Thanks to D.Apart from
1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.A 11.C 12.D 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.A 17.B 18.B 19.A 20.C
1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她本打算和姐姐分享她生活中的悲伤故事。A. advised建议;B. intended打算;C. demanded要求;D. pretended假装。根据后文“to share her sad stories in life with her sister”可知,打电话的意图本来是和姐姐分享生活中的悲伤故事。故选B。
2.考查介词短语辨析。句意:但是她没有拨区号410,而是按下了401。A. instead of而不是;B. other than除了;C. in spite of尽管;D. in case of如果。根据后文“dialing the area code 410, she”可知,她拨打的是401,而不是410。故选A。
3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是她没有拨区号410,而是按下了401。A. changed改变;B. counted认为;C. pressed按压;D. wrote写。根据后文“401”此处指她拨打的是401的区号,此处指打电话按键应用press。故选C。
4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个错误最后把她和来自罗德岛的迈克联系上了。A. sending发送;B. adding增加;C. referring谈及;D. connecting连接。根据后文“her to Mike from Rhode Island”可知,拨打了错误的区号导致她和来自罗德岛的迈克联系上了。故选D。
5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当她意识到打错电话时,她真诚地道歉了。A. apology道歉;B. appointment任命;C. statement陈述;D. joke玩笑。根据上文“she had called a wrong number”可知,指为打错电话而道歉。故选A。
6.考查动词短语辨析。句意:“然后她很快挂断了电话,”迈克回忆道。A. turned in上交;B. took off起飞;C. showed up出现;D. hung up挂断电话。根据后文“After that, Hankerson called again a few more times over the next few weeks.(在那之后的几个星期里,汉克森又打了几次电话)”可知,打错电话后道了歉就很快挂断了,故选D。
7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:通过他们的谈话,迈克了解到住在佛罗里达州德尔雷的汉克森一直在试图联系她的姐姐。A. adventure冒险;B. conversation对话;C. experiment实验;D. argument争论。根据后文“Mike learned that Hankerson, who lives in Delray, Florida”可知,二人进行了对话,所
8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:通过他们的谈话,迈克了解到住在佛罗里达州德尔雷的汉克森一直在试图联系她的姐姐。A. follow跟随;B. protect保护;C. reach到达;D. catch抓住。根据第一句“Over 20 years ago, Hankerson was trying to call her sister who lived in Maryland.(20多年前,汉克森试图给住在马里兰州的姐姐打电话)”可知,汉克森一直在试图联系她的姐姐。故选C。
9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:汉克森说,迈克出现的时候她和丈夫离婚了,这是她人生中最艰难的时刻。A. regular定期的;B. proper合适的;C. sudden突然的;D. rough艰难的,粗糙的。根据后文“when she and her husband got divorced”可知,指汉克森离婚,当时处境艰难,故选D。
10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,她说迈克总是让她振作起来。A. lifted举起;B. fixed修理;C. broke打破;D. forgot忘记。根据上文“However, she said Mike always”中however表示转折,说明迈克振奋了她的精神,lift符合语境。后文“because she could feel the great kindness and encouragement”也是提示。故选A。
11.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她很感激,因为她能从一个完全陌生的人那里感受到巨大的善意和鼓励。A. shy害羞的;B. confident自信的;C. grateful感谢的;D. proud骄傲的。根据后文“because she could feel the great kindness and encouragement”可知,她因为迈克的善良和鼓励而感激对方。故选C。
12.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她很感激,因为她能从一个完全陌生的人那里感受到巨大的善意和鼓励。A. intelligent聪明的;B. fortunate幸运的;C. normal正常的;D. complete完全的。根据后文“stranger”可知,迈克和汉克森从未见过,是完全的陌生人。故选D。
13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在接下来的几年里,两人通过电话建立了良好的关系,聊着他们的孩子——Hankerson是两个孩子的母亲,Mike是三个孩子的父亲。A. missed错过;B. developed发展;C. selected选择;D. valued重视。根据后文“a good relationship by phone”指两人通过电话发展了良好关系。故选B。
14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在接下来的几年里,两人通过电话建立了良好的关系,聊着他们的孩子——Hankerson是两个孩子的母亲,Mike是三个孩子的父亲。A. vacation假期;B. reputation名誉;C. children孩子;D. hobbies爱好。根据后文“Hankerson is the mother of two, and Mike, a father of three.”可知是聊起了孩子。故选C。
15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在感恩节的前一天,当迈克带着妻子和孩子去佛罗里达旅行时,两人终于见面了。A. contacted联系;B. left离开;C. appeared出现;D. met遇见。根据后文“when Mike was on a trip to Florida”可知,迈克去了佛罗里达旅行,两人终于见面。故选D。
16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那真是难忘的一天。A. memorable难忘的;B. long长的;C. practical实际的;D. busy忙碌的。根据后文“It was really the happiest Thanksgiving for me(对我来说,这真是最快乐的感恩节)”可知,汉克森认为那是难忘的一天,终于和自己的朋友见面了。故选A。
17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:那天充满了温暖和阳光。A. hope希望;B. warmth温暖;C. freedom自由;D. courage勇气。根据后文“and sunshine”可知,迈克的拜访让汉克森感到温暖。故选B。
18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:会面之后,迈克把他和汉克森的照片发到了Facebook上。A. collected收集;B. posted张贴,发布;C. applied应用;D. printed印刷。根据后文“the photo of him and Hankerson on Facebook.”指在网上发布照片,应用post。故选B。
19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在这个世界上,人与人之间的距离只是一个打错电话的距离。A. distance距离;B. boundary边界;C. difference差异;D. balance平衡。根据后文“between people in this world is just a wrong number phone call away”以及迈克和汉克森通过一个错误的电话而相识,可知迈克想表达人与人之间的距离只是一个打错电话的距离。故选A。
20.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:真是难以置信。A. amusing有趣的;B. embarrassing令人尴尬的;C. unbelievable难以置信的;D. unreasonable不合理的。根据文章内容可知,迈克和汉克森通过一个错误的电话而相识,从而成为了朋友,迈克觉得难以置信。故选C。
21.C 22.B 23.D 24.A 25.A 26.C 27.B 28.D 29.D 30.C 31.A 32.B 33.C 34.C 35.D 36.D 37.A 38.B 39.A 40.B
21.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他8岁开始学习京剧艺术,11岁首次登台演出。A. name名字;B. history历史;C. art艺术;D. tradition传统。根据下文“Beijing Opera”可知,京剧是一门艺术,倒数第二段“the art of Beijing Opera”也是提示。故选C。
22.考查名词词义辨析。句意:梅兰芳努力学习,尽可能多地向伟大的京剧艺术家和大师学习,到20岁时,他已经成为了京剧中担子的主角。A. celebrities名人;B. masters大师;C. fans粉丝,狂热爱好者;D. audiences观众。根据上文“learn as much as possible from the great artists and”可知,他肯定是向伟大的京剧艺术家和大师学习,空格处意为“大师”。故选B。
23.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:梅兰芳努力学习,尽可能多地向伟大的京剧艺术家和大师学习,到20岁时,他已经成为了京剧中担子的主角。A. assistant助理的;B. amateur业余的;C. supporting
支持的;D. leading主要的。根据下文“actor in Beijing Opera’s dan role”和客观事实可知,到20岁时,他已经成为了京剧中担子的主角,空格处意为“主要的”。故选D。
24.考查介词词义辨析。句意:梅兰芳因其演技迅速在中国观众中成名。A. for因为;B. as作为;C. with和;D. by被。根据上文“became well-known”和下文“his acting skill”可知,梅兰芳因其演技迅速在中国观众中成名,be well-known for意为“因……而闻名”,因此空格处是介词for,故选A。
25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:梅兰芳的技巧为他打开了与世界各地的人成为朋友的大门,因为他经常招待来自其他国家的客人,他们想见见这位年轻的演员。A. entertained招待;B. avoided避免;C. fooled愚弄;D. gathered集中。根据上文“become friends with people from all over the world”可知,他与世界各地的人成为朋友,因此是招待来自其他国家的客人。故选A。
26.考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着梅兰芳认识了各国大使、欧洲皇室和国外名人,他渴望把他心爱的京剧带到世界各地,让更多的国家的人了解和欣赏中国文化和艺术之美。A. needed需要;B. wanted想要;C. got得到;D. learned学习。根据下文“bring his beloved Beijing Opera to the rest of the world”可知,随着梅兰芳认识了各国大使、欧洲皇室和国外名人,他渴望把他心爱的京剧带到世界各地,get to know意为“逐渐认识”。故选C。
27.考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着梅兰芳认识了各国大使、欧洲皇室和国外名人,他渴望把他心爱的京剧带到世界各地,让更多的国家的人了解和欣赏中国文化和艺术之美。A. heart心;B. abroad外国;C. world世界;D. community社区。根据上文“ambassadors (大使), European royal families, and celebrities”和下文“bring his beloved Beijing Opera to the rest of the world”可知,他渴望把他心爱的京剧带到世界各地,让更多的国家的人了解和欣赏中国文化和艺术之美。故选B。
28.考查动词短语辨析。句意:随着梅兰芳认识了各国大使、欧洲皇室和国外名人,他渴望把他心爱的京剧带到世界各地,让更多的国家的人了解和欣赏中国文化和艺术之美。A. came to来到;B. agreed to同意;C. got down to开始认真对待;D. longed to渴望。根据下文“bring his beloved Beijing Opera to the rest of the world”可知,把他心爱的京剧带到世界各地,这是他渴望做的。故选D。
29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着梅兰芳认识了各国大使、欧洲皇室和国外名人,他渴望把他心爱的京剧带到世界各地,让更多的国家的人了解和欣赏中国文化和艺术之美。A. maintain保持;B. polish擦亮;C. identify鉴别;D. appreciate欣赏。根据下文“the beauty of Chinese culture and art”可知,此处表示欣赏中国文化和艺术之美。故选D。
30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此,1919年,梅兰芳开始出国旅行,在日本和苏联演出。A. showing展示;B. taking拿走;C. giving给;D. playing弹奏。根据下文“performances in Japan and the Soviet Union”和客观事实可知,梅兰芳在日本和苏联演出,give performances意为“表演”。故选C。
31.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的旅行非常成功。A. tours旅行;B. fames名声;C. reforms改革;D. routines常规,惯例。根据上文“travel abroad”可知,他出国旅游,他的旅行是非常成功的。故选A。
32.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:观众被这部来自东方的高雅歌剧迷住了。A. valued重要的;B. elegant高雅的;C. opened开的;D. honored光荣的。根据下文“opera from the Orient”可知,此处表示来自东方的高雅歌剧。故选B。
33.考查名词词义辨析。句意:梅兰芳最大的目标之一就是去美国,经过八年的努力,他和他的剧团终于把京剧带到了美国。A. approaches方法;B. responses回答;C. goals目标;D. shames羞耻。根据下文“visit the United States”可知,去美国是他的目标。故选C。
34.考查名词词义辨析。句意:梅兰芳最大的目标之一就是去美国,经过八年的努力,他和他的剧团终于把京剧带到了美国。A. dreams梦想;B. controls控制;C. attempts努力;D. trades贸易。根据上文“after cight years of”和下文“he and his opera group finally brought Beijing Opera to the USA”可知,在努力了八年后他和他的剧团终于把京剧带到了美国。故选C。
35.考查动词词义辨析。句意:梅兰芳把他的一生献给了京剧艺术。A. sacrificed牺牲;B. brought带来;C. risked冒险;D. devoted奉献。根据下文“his whole life to the art of Beijing Opera”可知,梅兰芳把他的一生献给了京剧艺术。故选D。
36.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他不断试图提高自己的艺术水平,为舞台创造了许多令人难忘和美丽的人物。A. ultimately最终;B. mostly多半,主要地;C. absolutely绝对地,完全地;D. constantly不断地。根据下文“improve his own artistry”可知,他不断努力提高自己的艺术水平。故选D。
37.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他不断试图提高自己的艺术水平,为舞台创造了许多令人难忘和美丽的人物。A. characters人物角色;B. experiences经历;C. stars星星;D. lives生命。根据上文“creating many unforgettable and beautiful”和下文“for the stage”可知,他创造了舞台上许多令人难忘和美丽的人物。故选A。
38.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他的风格被称为“梅兰芳派”,一种独特的优雅风格,至今仍是最受欢迎的京剧风格之一。A. merely仅仅;B. uniquely独特地;C. entirely完全;D. barely几乎不。根据上文“graceful style”可知,“梅兰芳派”是一种独特的优雅风格,空格处意为“独特地”。故选B。
39.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在他50多年的舞台生涯中,梅兰芳继承了过去的传统,并改编了最好的部分,创造了新的部分,丰富了旧的京剧形式。A. adapted改编;B. deserted抛弃;C. drew拉;D. declined拒绝。根据上文“to create new and enrich old forms of Beijing Opera”可知,他改编了最好的部分,创造了新的部分,丰富了旧的京剧形式。故选A。
40.考查动词短语辨析。句意:尽管这位伟大的歌剧大师如今已跻身历史英雄之列,但他为他的人民和子孙后代留下了一笔文化财富。A. brought out使显现;B. left behind留下;C. gave out分发;D. filled up加满。根据下文“a legacy of cultural wealth for his people and for all future generations”可知,他为后代留下了一笔文化财富。故选B。
41.D 42.B 43.A 44.C 45.B 46.A 47.C 48.D 49.B 50.C 51.A 52.B 53.D 54.C 55.D 56.C 57.D 58.A 59.B 60.A
41.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我的邻居看到家里的东西出现在我的草坪上并占据了我的车道时,她非常担心。A. content内容;B. contrast明显的差异,对比;C. explanation解释;D. concern担心,关心。根据前文“Oh no! You’re moving (哦,不!你要搬家了?)”可知,看到作者把家里的物品挪到外面,邻居以为作者要搬家了,所以很担心。故选D。
42.考查动词短语辨析。句意参考上题。A. going over仔细检查;B. taking over占领,接管;C. thinking over仔细考虑;D. getting over战胜,克服。根据前面的“household items appearing on my lawn”和空后的“my driveway”可知,作者把家里的许多东西都搬到了草坪上,甚至占据了车道的位置。故选B。
43.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这次庭院旧货售卖会就是六个月准备的结果。A. preparation准备;B. priority优先事项;C. presentation陈述;D. procedure程序,步骤。根据下文中的“I had searched every   4  and overflowing closet and cupboard—crazy about my seeking to find items to   5  .(我找遍了每一个……和装满了的壁橱和橱柜——疯狂地想找到……的物品。)”可知,作者搜了每一个壁橱和橱柜去找要卖的旧货,所以她提前花了6个月来收拾准备这场庭院旧货售卖会。故选A。
44.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我找遍了每一个凌乱且装满的壁橱和橱柜——我疯狂地寻找要卖掉的东西。A. tiny极小的;B. mental心理的;C. messy凌乱的;D. tidy整洁的。根据空后的“overflowing”和上文中的“Just cleaning house!(只是打扫房子!)”可知,作者要打扫房子,所以把凌乱且装满东西的壁橱和橱柜清理一下。故选C。
45.考查动词词义辨析。句意参考上题。A. select挑选;B. sell售卖;C. serve服务;D. seek寻找。根据上文中的“This yard sale had been the result of six months of   3  .(这次庭院旧货售卖会就是六个月准备的结果。)”可知,作者组织了庭院旧货售卖会,所以找出不用的旧物品去卖。故选B。
46.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我遇到了很多有趣而友好的人。A. interesting有趣的;B. inner内
心的;C. internal内部的;D. invisible看不见的。根据and后的“friendly”可知,这里表示有趣且友好的人。故选A。
47.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:镜子女士很兴奋地给她女儿的第一套房子买下了我第一套公寓里的这面古董镜子;大学生沙发床女孩说,我的沙发床和框架很适合她的宿舍。A. tight紧的;B. tired疲倦的;C. thrilled非常兴奋;D. embarrassed尴尬的。根据空后的“to buy the antique mirror from my first apartment for her daughter’s first apartment”可知,镜子女士买到了一面古董镜子来装饰女儿的第一个公寓,所以她很激动。故选C。
48.考查形容词词义辨析。句意参考上题。A. well-founded有根据的;B. well-known著名的;C. well-appointed陈设齐全的;D. well-matched匹配的。根据空后的“for her dorm room”可知,这里指沙发床和框架很适合她的宿舍。故选D。
49.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我怎么能忘记照相机男士呢?A. fog使迷惘;B. forget忘记;C. forgive原谅;D. format格式化。根据下文对照相机男士的描述可知,作者对他留下了深刻的印象,所以不会忘记。故选B。
50.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他全神贯注地俯身在“科技”桌上,发现了我丈夫80年代初买的褪色相机包。A. plastic塑料;B. hand手;C. camera照相机;D. tool工具。根据上文中的“the Camera Man”可知,这位男士购买了照相机。故选C。
51.考查动词词义辨析。句意:拉起来的隔包露出了一台坏掉的相机和一些旧镜头。A. exposed显露,露出;B. approached靠近;C. allocated分配;D. withdrew(使)撤回。根据空前的“Zippered compartments(隔包)”和空后的“a broken camera and a few old lenses”可知,这里表示从被拉链拉上的隔包里露出了一台坏掉的相机和一些旧镜头。故选A。
52.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“哇!”他一边说,一边拿起它,向我提出了报价。A. appointment约会;B. offer出价;C. excuse借口;D. appeal吸引力。根据上文中的“This yard sale”并结合常识可知,照相机男士是在庭院旧货售卖会发现这个照相机包的,所以他会出价购买。故选B。
53.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它太酷了——我家里有一个架子,放着很酷的老式技术。A. fashionable时髦的;B. portable便携式的;C. advanced先进的;D. old-fashioned陈旧的。根据上文中的“bag from the early 80s”可知,他家的架子上放着很酷的陈旧设备。故选D。
54.考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以很明显,他买它只是为了看一看。A. donated捐献;B. improved提高;C. purchased购买;D. twisted使扭曲。根据上文中的“buy”可知,这里是buy的近义词复现,表示他购买这个相机。故选C。
想象着我的记者丈夫也在做同样的事情,出去报道一个故事。A. disappearing消失;B. winding蜿蜒;C. printing打印;D. hanging悬挂。根据空后的“over his shoulder”可知,这里表示把照相机包挂在肩膀上。故选D。
56.考查动词词义辨析。句意参考上题。A. stopped停止;B. appreciated欣赏;C. pictured想象,忆起;D. forgave原谅。根据空后的“my journalist husband doing the same, heading out to   17  a story”可知,看着这位男士的动作,作者想到了丈夫也会这么做。故选C。
57.考查动词词义辨析。句意参考第15题。A. review回顾;B. repeat重复;C. rhyme押韵;D. report报道。根据句中的“my journalist husband”和空后的“a story”可知,丈夫是一名记者,他会报道新闻。故选D。
58.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这让我感觉很好。A. good好的;B. silly傻的;C. lonely孤独的;D. hopeful抱有希望的。根据上文“As he walked down the driveway with the dusty bag   15  over his shoulder, for a second, I   16  my journalist husband doing the same, heading out to   17  a story.(当他肩上挂着一个满是灰尘的袋子沿着车道走去时,有一秒钟,我想象着我的记者丈夫也在做同样的事情,出去报道一个故事。)”可知,当作者看到这位男士和丈夫一样的举动时,她回忆起了过去美好的时光,所以感觉很好。故选A。
59.考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管放手很难,但这些东西的真正价值在于让你想起你生活过的地方、你生命中的一段特殊时光或者你心中的爱人。A. gather聚集;B. go走;C. control控制;D. survive幸存。根据上文中的“All yard sales lasted two days.(所有庭院销售持续了两天。)”并结合上文可知,作者组织了一次庭院旧货售卖会,她把旧的物品卖给有需要的人,所以这里是说放手不需要的东西。let sth. go意为“放开,放弃”。故选B。
60.考查动词词义辨析。句意参考上题。A. remind提醒;B. inform通知;C. remark谈论;D. warn警告。根据空后的“you of a place you lived in, a special time in your life, or a loved one in your heart”可知,这些旧的东西提醒你想起曾经的美好回忆。故选A。
61.B 62.A 63.C 64.B 65.D 66.C 67.D 68.B 69.C 70.D 71.A 72.B 73.C 74.D 75.A 76.A 77.C 78.A 79.B 80.D
61.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她翻开新相册的几页,讲述她最近十天的出国旅行,我的思绪又回到了……回到她只有五岁的时候。A. transfers转移;B. wanders漫游;闲逛;C. scans扫描;D. skips跳。根据空后“when she was only five”可知,我的思绪漫游到了她五岁的时候。故选B。
62.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当她看着那些美丽的图画时,她的蓝眼睛发亮。A. brightened使闪亮;B. darkened使变黑;C. hardened变硬;D. weakened变弱。根据后文“as she looked at the beautiful pictures”可知,因为想去爱尔兰,所以看到了美丽的爱尔兰图画,她的眼睛发亮。故选A。
63.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,我们一家很难支付旅行的奢侈费用。A. wise明智的;B. wrong错误的;C. difficult困难的;D. pleasant令人愉快的。根据后文“I was working as a secretary. My husband Charlie had to close his bakery last year ____4____ his poor health...”可知,因为家境不好,所以很难支付旅行费用。故选C。
64.考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:我丈夫查理去年因为身体不好不得不关闭他的面包店……。A. in spite of不管;B.due to由于;C. according to根据;D. regardless of尽管,不管。根据句中“had to close his bakery”和“his poor health”可知,正是因为身体不好,他才不得不关闭面包店。故选B。
65.考查名词词义辨析。句意:十年后的一天,Carrie从学校回到家里,无法抑制住自己的激动之情。A. disappointment失望;B. surprise惊奇;C. sorrow悲伤;D. excitement兴奋。根据下文“Mama, you’ll never ___6___ where the class is going. To Ireland!” 可知,因为一直渴望去爱尔兰,现在可以去了,所以Carrie不能抑制住自己的兴奋。故选D。
66.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“你永远猜不出我们去哪里?去爱尔兰。”她笑容满面地说。A. realize意识到;B. understand明白,理解;C. guess猜测;D. forget忘记。前文“However, it was ____4____ for our family to pay for the luxury of traveling.”提到作者家境不好,所以能去爱尔兰,是作者猜不出的。故选C。
67.考查副词词义辨析。句意:“你永远猜不出我们去哪里?去爱尔兰。”她笑容满面地说。A. shyly害羞地;B. slightly稍微地;C. bitterly悲痛地;D. broadly明显地,宽广地。后文“ “Ireland! Where you’ve always wanted to go!””可知因为能去爱尔兰,所以笑容满面;smile broadly“开怀大笑”。故选D。
68.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这次旅行计划在明年之后进行,2100美元可以分期支付。A. delayed延迟;B. planned计划;C. continued继续;D. made制造。根据空后“for year after next”和“So the plan was ___14____.”可知,这次旅行计划在明年之后。故选B。
69.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她的声音充满希望,但仍有怀疑。A. sharp敏捷的,强烈的;B. hesitant迟疑的;C. hopeful有希望的;D. firm坚定的。根据后文““Daddy and I can’t help much; ____12____ ,
you have two years to earn the money.” ”可知因为有机会去爱尔兰,所以说话时的声音里充满了希望。故选C。
70.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我和爸爸帮不了什么忙;不过,你还有两年的时间来挣钱。A. thus因此;B. even甚至;C. also也;D. still不过。根据后文“you have two years to earn the money.”可知,此处表示转折关系,需用副词still。故选D。
71.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我建议说:“也许你可以用你父亲的面包店卖烘焙食品。”A. suggested建议;B. insisted坚持;C. wondered想知道;D. disagreed不同意。根据下文“maybe you could use your father’s bakery and sell baked goods.”可知,她去父亲的面包店卖烘焙食品是我给她的一个建议。故选A。
72.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们互相凝视对方。A. pointed指出;B. stared盯着;C. shouted大喊;D. laughed大笑。根据上文“Sell baked goods ”可知,我们互相凝视。故选B。
73.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Carrie是一名优秀的厨师。A. secretary秘书;B. traveler旅行者;C. cook厨师;D. student学生。根据后文“This would work!”可知,因为这个建议可行,由此可知,Carrie是一名优秀的厨师。故选C。
74.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个计划定了下来。A. canceled取消;B. changed改变;C. discussed讨论;D. laid筹划,设置。根据下句“Carrie began working, making a variety of baked goods.”可知,这个计划定了下来。故选D。
75.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:所有的原料都是天然的——真正的起酥油,真正的黄油——面包皮是手工制作的。A. natural自然的;B. delicious美味的;C. clean干净的;D. soft软的。根据下文“real shortening (起酥油), real butter”可知,这些材料是自然的。故选A。
76.考查名词词义辨析。句意:最终的成品是一种非常令人愉快的享受,甚至赢得了这些山上做了几十年干苹果派的小老太太们的称赞。A. praise赞扬;B. awards奖项;C. trust信任;D. titles标题。根据上半句“The finished product was an extremely pleasant treat(由她制成的食品是一种令人愉悦的享受)”可知,因为成品很棒,所以她应该获得表扬。故选A。
77.考查名词词义辨析。句意:订单开始滚滚而来,爱尔兰“基金”也在增长,在规定的时间内,出国旅行就可以全额支付了。A. Menus菜单;B. Ideas主意,想法;C. Orders订单;D. Questions问题。根据后文“and the Ireland fund grew”可知,订单开始滚滚而来,去爱尔兰旅行的基金也在增长。故选 C。
78.考查介词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. within在……之内;B. from来自;C. beyond超过;D. for为了。根据前文描述“The trip is ____8____ for year after next, and the $2,100 can be paid in installments
79.考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在我看着她的相册,她自豪地指出她去过的地方:爱尔兰的城堡,历史悠久的桥梁和教堂,都柏林的鹅卵石街道……这些都很像她在《儿童工艺品》这本书里写的东西。A. buildings建筑物;B. sites网站,地点;C. cities城市;D. countries国家。根据后文“castles of Ireland, historic bridges and churches, cobblestone (鹅卵石) streets of Dublin… ”可知,此处指去过的地方。故选B。
80.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我的女儿将永远记得,这个梦想成真了,一个始于5岁女孩心中的梦想,完全因为美味的苹果派而成为可能! A. necessary必要的;B. important重要的;C. popular受欢迎的;D. possible可能的。根据倒数第二段“and well ____18_____ the given time the trip abroad was paid in full...”描述可知,作者的女儿通过自己卖苹果派使自己的爱尔兰之旅成为了可能。故选D。
81.C 82.C 83.D 84.D 85.A 86.B 87.A 88.B 89.C 90.A 91.D 92.B 93.A 94.A 95.B 96.B 97.D 98.C 99.D 100.C
81.考查名词和短语辨析。句意:当我瞥了一眼邻居的房子时,我看到他的厨房里着火了。A. sitting room客厅;B. bathroom浴室;C. kitchen厨房;D. bedroom卧室。根据后文“I saw fire coming out of my neighbour’s kitchen.(我看见火从我邻居的厨房里冒出来)”可知是厨房着火了。故选C。
82.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我以为他在吃宵夜,所以我回到了我的床上。A. chair椅子;B. table桌子;C. bed床;D. sofa沙发。根据上文“he was having a midnight fast food so I went back to my”可知,当时是午夜,作者以为邻居在吃宵夜,所以就回到床上。后文“I jumped out of bed”也是提示。故选C。
83.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:很快,空气中有一股烧焦的味道,我猜出了什么事。A. valuable宝贵的;B. hot热的;C. special特别的;D. burning燃烧的。根据后文“I saw fire coming out of my neighbour’s kitchen.(我看见火从我邻居的厨房里冒出来)”可知是闻到了烧焦的味道。故选D。
84.考查介词短语辨析。句意:我立刻跳下床,下楼去去查看。A. After a while过了一会儿;B. In a row连续;C. Once in a while偶尔;D. At once立刻。根据上文“I guessed something was wrong.”可
85.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我立刻跳下床,下楼去查看。A. examine检查;B. search搜索;C. reserve预定;D. smell闻到。根据上文“I jumped out of bed and went downstairs to”指作者下楼查看邻居家出了什么事。故选A。
86.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我立刻喊道:“着火了!着火了!”A. cheated欺骗;B. shouted叫喊;C. received收到;D. whispered低语。根据后文“Fire! Fire!”可知,作者大喊着火了。故选B。
87.考查动词和动词短语辨析。句意:但是附近没有人听到我的呼救声。A. hear听见;B. listen to听;C. ask询问;D. turn to求助于。根据后文“my shouts for help”指没人听到作者的呼救声。故选A。
88.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我冲进我的房子,打电话给消防队,然后回到我邻居的房子。A. walked走路;B. rushed急忙;C. jumped跳跃;D. stepped踏步。根据后文“into my house, called the Fire Department”指作者急忙回屋里给消防打电话求救。故选B。
89.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我按了门铃,敲了敲门,然后喊了我邻居的名字,但是没有人回答。A. gave way让步;B. fell behind落后;C. called out呼叫;D. cheered up使振作起来。根据后文“my neighbour’s name”可知,作者喊邻居的名字,故选C。
90.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我按了门铃,敲了敲门,然后喊了我邻居的名字,但是没有人回答。A. answer回答;B. light灯光;C. sound声音;D. fire火。根据上文“my neighbour’s name but there was no”中but表示转折,说明喊了邻居但没人回答。故选A。
91.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我设法破门而入,救出了一只猫和一只兔子。A. take out取出;B. take up开始从事;C. break down出故障;D. break into闯入。根据宾语the house以及上文提到邻居家没人答应,所以作者只能闯入,故选D。
92.考查连词词义辨析。句意:我试着从厨房的窗户往里泼水,但没有用;火太大了。A. and并且;B. but但是;C. because因为;D. therefore因此。结合前后文语境可知为转折关系,应用连词but。故选B。
93.考查副词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,一辆消防车来了,消防员很快就把火扑灭了。A. Luckily幸运地;B. Gently温柔地;C. Unfortunately不幸地;D. Suddenly突然。根据后文“a fire engine arrived and soon the firemen put out the fire”可知,幸运的是,一辆消防车来了,消防员很快就把火扑灭了。故选A。
94.考查介词短语辨析。句意:他们到达的正是时候,因为火就要蔓延到房子里的其他房间了。A. in time及时;B. on time准时;C. at a time一次;D. at times偶尔。根据后文提到火就要蔓延到房子里
95.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们到达的正是时候,因为火就要蔓延到房子里的其他房间了。A. run奔跑;B. spread传播;C. flow流动;D. return返回。根据后文“to the other rooms in the house”指火势蔓延应用spread。故选B。
96.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我的邻居回来时,他很沮丧,因为他的厨房被烧毁了,但他感谢我打电话给消防队和救了他的宠物。A. amazing惊人的;B. upset沮丧的;C. sick生病的;D. angry生气的。根据后文“because his kitchen was burnt down”可知厨房被毁邻居沮丧。故选B。
97.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我的邻居回来时,他很沮丧,因为他的厨房被烧毁了,但他感谢我打电话给消防队和救了他的宠物。A. children孩子;B. parents父母;C. life生活;D. pets宠物。根据上文“rescued a cat and a rabbit”可知,作者救了邻居的宠物。故选D。
98.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他想给我一些钱作为回报,但我没有接受。A. expect期待;B. want想要;C. accept接受;D. permit允许。根据上文“He wanted to give me some money in return”指作者没有接受邻居的钱。故选C。
99.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他邀请我去看他的新厨房,在那里他给了我一枚奖章,那是他特别从一家工厂订购的。A. persuaded说服;B. begged恳求;C. admitted承认;D. invited邀请。根据后文“me to see his new kitchen”可知,邻居邀请作者去看自己的新厨房。故选D。
100.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他邀请我去看他的新厨房,在那里他给了我一枚奖章,那是他特别从一家工厂订购的。A. gradually逐渐地;B. steadily稳定地;C. specially特别地;D. regularly定期地。根据上文“he gave me a medal that he had”可知,这枚奖章是特别订制的。故选C。
101.B 102.A 103.C 104.C 105.D 106.D 107.B 108.C 109.B 110.A 111.D 112.C 113.B 114.A 115.A 116.A 117.B 118.D 119.C 120.D
101.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我双手冒汗,心跳加速,在观众的人海中,我在寻找唯一对我最重要的人。A. free自由的;B. sweaty出汗的;C. tired疲惫的;D. empty空的。根据下文中的“and my heart was beating fast”可知,作者此时很紧张,所以此处指的是双手“出汗”。故选B项。
重要的人。A. mattered要紧;B. hesitated犹豫;C. escaped逃避;D. appeared出现。根据下文中的“Then my mother cleared her throat, and our eyes ____19____. Gradually, I started to remember everything.”可知,在作者突然大脑空白的时候,母亲的出现,让作者想起演讲的内容,由此可知,母亲是作者人生中“重要”的人物,作者演讲前在找寻母亲。故选A项。
103.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她知道我们今天要做演讲。A. interviews采访,面试;B. experiments实验;C. presentations演讲;D. celebrations庆祝。根据下文中的“I had ____17____ this presentation in the shower, while brushing my teeth, and while riding on the bus.”可知,作者在洗澡时,刷牙时都在准备这次演讲的内容,由此可知,此处指的是作者的“演讲,演讲”符合语境。故选C项。
104.考查副词词义辨析。句意:“大象的生活和人类的生活,”我说,声音几乎听不见,“并没有那么大的不同。”。A. formerly以前;B. constantly连续地;C. barely几乎不;D. shortly不久。根据上文中的“My hands were ____1____ and my heart was beating fast”可知,作者在演讲时很紧张,所以此处表示作者说话声音很小。故选C项。
105.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的手指拿着一幅我画的非洲象水彩画;我知道我的脸红了,所有人都因此盯着我看,这只会让我脸红得更厉害。A. created创造;B. gave给予;C. repaired修复;D. grasped抓住。根据下文中的“the watercolor painting”可知,此处指的是作者紧紧“抓着”手里画的大象的画,仍旧表现出紧张的状态。故选D项。
106.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我的手指拿着一幅我画的非洲象水彩画;我知道我的脸红了,所有人都因此盯着我看,这只会让我脸红得更厉害。A. cheering for为……欢呼;B. caring about在意;C. arguing with和……争辩;D. staring at凝视。根据下文中的“which only made me blush(脸红) even more.”以及语境可知,此处指的是所有的人都“盯着”作者,让他的脸更红。故选D项。
107.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在公共场合演讲对我来说从来都不容易,但今天,不得不在拥挤的体育馆展示我的动物研究项目,真是太可怕了。A. fair公平的;B. easy容易的;C. safe安全的;D. boring无聊的。根据下文中的“but today, having to present my animal research project to a ____8____ gym, was terrifying.”可知,作者觉得这次演讲“真的很可怕”,由此推断,作者觉得作演讲对她来说不“容易”,故选B项。
108.考查形容词词词义辨析。句意:在公共场合演讲对我来说从来都不容易,但今天,不得不在拥挤的体育馆展示我的动物研究项目,真是太可怕了。A. connected有关联的;B. heated加热的;C. crowded拥挤的;D. renewed更新的。根据前文可知是公开演讲和下文中的“gym, was terrifying.”可知拥挤的体育馆更符合语境。故选C项。
109.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在大象的一生中,它们既影响环境,也被环境影响。A. purpose目
的;B. course过程;C. discovery发现;D. opportunity机会。根据下文中的“a lifetime”以及语境可知,此处指的是在大象的一生中,此处course意为“进程”,over the course of 意为“在……过程中”符合语境。故选B项。
110.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在大象的一生中,它们既影响环境,也被环境影响。A. affect影响;B. admire羡慕;C. explore探索;D. observe观察。根据下文中的“and are affected by their environment.”可知,此处指的是“影响和被影响”。故选A项。
111.考查名词词义辨析。句意:所有的决定都由家族中最年长的母亲做出。A. enemies敌人;B. efforts努力;C. mistakes错误;D. decisions决定。根据上文中的“Elephants live in female-led groups.”可知,大象是雌性带领的动物群体,所以“决定”是由最年长的母性做出。故选D项。
112.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我瞥了一眼老师,她朝我微笑着鼓励我,就在这时,我看到体育馆门口有动静。A. sympathy同情;B. welcome欢迎;C. encouragement鼓励;D. innocence无辜。根据上文中的“I glanced at my teacher, who gave me a smile”可知,作者老师微笑着,应该是给作者“鼓励”。故选C项。
113.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我瞥了一眼老师,她朝我微笑着鼓励我,就在这时,我看到体育馆门口有动静。A. exhibition展览;B. movement移动;C. notice通知;D. painting绘画。根据下文中的“at the door of the gym. She came in.”可知,作者母亲来了,门口应该是有“移动”符合语境。故选B项。
114.考查动词词义辨析。句意:大象不仅用手势交流,还用我们听不到的低沉声音交流。A. communicate交流;B. compete竞争;C. compare比较;D. compromise妥协。根据语境以及下文中的“but also with sounds too low for us to hear.”可知,此处指的是大象“交流”的方式。故选A项。
115.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我的大脑突然一片空白。A. blank空白的;B. vacant空着的;C. absent缺席的;D. wrong错误的。根据后文“I could not remember a single word.(我一个字也想不起来)”可知,作者大脑一片空白了。故选A项。
116.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的呼吸成了世界的心跳。A. breathing呼吸;B. writing写作;C. drawing绘画;D. reading阅读。根据下文中的“the heartbeat of the world.”可知,作者此时非常的紧张,都难以“呼吸”。故选A项。
117.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我在洗澡的时候、刷牙的时候、坐公共汽车的时候都练习过这个演讲。A. downloaded下载;B. practiced练习;C. attended参加;D. announced宣布。根据下文中的“while brushing my teeth, and while riding on the bus.”可知,作者为这次演讲精心准备,所以此处指的是作者在各种情况下进行“练习”这次演讲。故选B项。
118.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:事实证明,还有更糟糕的事情:忘记演讲。A. funnier更有趣的;B. further更进一步;C. stronger更强大的;D. worse更糟糕的。根据下文中的“forgetting the speech.”可知,在作演讲时,忘记了自己做什么,这是很“糟糕的”事情。故选D项。
119.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后我母亲清了清嗓子,我们的目光相遇了。A. hurt伤害;B. opened打开;C. locked锁上;D. saw看见。根据上文中的“Then my mother cleared her throat”可知,母亲到了后,清了一下嗓子,是提醒作者继续,此处指的是作者与母亲的目光相遇,eyes locked意为“对视,注视”符合语境。故选C项。
120.考查名词词义辨析。句意:从那以后的这些年里,我从来没有忘记过关于大象的任何一件事。A. speech语言;B. image形象;C. lesson教训;D. fact事实。根据下文中的“about elephants”以及上文中作者的经历可知,此处指的是作者不会忘记关于大象的任何“事实”,这次经历是作者终生难忘的事。故选D项。
121.D 122.A 123.A 124.C 125.B 126.B 127.C 128.A 129.D 130.C 131.C 132.B 133.A 134.D 135.D 136.B 137.B 138.C 139.A 140.D
121.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Garvison在Facebook上发帖说:“早上5点30分,我们一上飞机,就非常安静,整个航班都坐满了人。我注意到我旁边的两个座位都有人了,这对夫妇看起来很生气,我可以从他们的肢体语言看出,他们不喜欢坐在我的孩子Rylee旁边。”A. train火车;B. bus公共汽车;C. ship轮船;D. flight航班。根据上文“When Garvison flew from Chicago to Atlanta earlier this week with a baby in her arms, she saw the unhappy looks of her seatmates.”以及“As soon as we got on the plane at 5:30 am”可知,她们是上了飞机,所以是满的航班。故选D。
122.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Garvison在Facebook上发帖说:“早上5点30分,我们一上飞机,就非常安静,整个航班都坐满了人。我注意到我旁边的两个座位都有人了,这对夫妇看起来很生气,我可以从他们的肢体语言看出,他们不喜欢坐在我的孩子Rylee旁边。”A. post邮件、帖子;B. guide指南;C. advertisement广告;D. menu菜单。根据空前的“Garvison wrote in a Facebook”可知,她是在Facebook上发帖。故选A。
就非常安静,整个航班都坐满了人。我注意到我旁边的两个座位都有人了,这对夫妇看起来很生气,我可以从他们的肢体语言看出,他们不喜欢坐在我的孩子Rylee旁边。”A. taken带走、占用;B. repaired修复;C. offered提供;D. noticed注意到。根据下文“this couple looked annoyed”可知,坐在 Garvison 旁边的是一对夫妇,所以是两个位子都被占用了。故选A。
124.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Garvison在Facebook上发帖说:“早上5点30分,我们一上飞机,就非常安静,整个航班都坐满了人。我注意到我旁边的两个座位都有人了,这对夫妇看起来很生气,我可以从他们的肢体语言看出,他们不喜欢坐在我的孩子Rylee旁边。”A. weight重量;B. height高度;C. language语言;D. shape形状。根据上文“When Garvison flew from Chicago to Atlanta earlier this week with a baby in her arms, she saw the unhappy looks of her seatmates.”可知,Garvis


