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考试时长:120分钟 试卷总分:150分
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第一部分 听力(1-20小题)在笔试结束后进行。
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Ready for a creative journey like never before Welcome back to Axis Bank Splash! We are excited to invite you to dive into a world of imagination, where colors, words, and creativity come to life. But this year promises to be more exciting as entries showing your talents in drawing, craft, and literature are highly anticipated.
Choose the themes suiting yourself.
Group Theme
Kids 7—10 Helping One Another
Kids 11—14 Making The World A Kinder Place
The excitement doesn’t end with just showing your creativity. Winners in each age group have the chance to win fantastic prizes.
Cash Rewards: A generous reward awaits those whose creativity stands out.
Customized Campus Tours: Absorb yourself in the creative environment with a customized tour of noted art and design campuses.
Virtual Workshops from NID: Learn from the best! Winners will have the opportunity to attend virtual workshops conducted by the National Institute of Design (NID), a celebrated institution in design education.
Click on “Register”, add your phone number, and fill in the OTP (One-time Password). Fill in the “Submission Category” and attach your creative file. Need guidance If yes, check out the sample submission here.
Don’t miss the chance to make a hit with your creativity. We are waiting for your masterpieces!
21. What is Axis Bank Splash
A. An organization. B. An art museum. C. A tour. D. A contest.
22. What will the winners get
A. A check reward. B. Admission to NID.
C. A visit to art colleges. D. Access to design studios.
23. What is required for submission
A. Completing the submission category. B. Changing the password first.
C. Submitting the work by email. D. Referring to the given sample.
The turn of the year is the time for reviewing one’s life, and for making some resolutions about what to concentrate on in the coming year; and for many years I have taken advantage of the holiday to review my own ambition.
One thing I decide on this year is to give up writing the Grumpy (暴躁的) Old Bookman column in this magazine. It’s not that I’ve lost interest in the book world. But Leonard Woolf, husband of American writer Virginia Woolf (1882—1941), used to say a man should change his career every seven years. Though I would say that changing your whole career frequently is going a bit far, I do find that it serves as a great refresher if you can occasionally try a new job within the same line of business.
It is over 15 years since our editor wrote to me and asked if I would be interested in writing a regular piece about what was, even then, a rapidly changing publishing scene. He approached me because since 2004 I had been writing a regular blog called Grumpy Old Bookman.
As my monthly survey of developments in both traditional and digital publishing continued, in this magazine, I began to realize that writers in this century, of both fiction and non-fiction, are living in something close to a paradise (天堂). Once, you struggled for years to find a publisher—or an agent if you wanted one—but now you can publish your own stuff, either digitally or in paperback, without it costing you a penny piece.
After about five years of producing such columns, it occurred to me that, rather than let these essays fade away on the seas of time, it might be valuable to publish my thoughts and comments in book form to potential readers. Hence, in 2014, I published the first 69 GOB columns in paperback format, using Amazon’s Create Space facilities. Title: Writers Rejoice! A monthly diary of the dawn of the digital age, which was my first trial. And now I sincerely wish a new 2024.
24. Why does the author want to give up writing the column
A. He is fed up with the career linked to books.
B. He is very keen on trying something new.
C. He follows Leonard Woolf’s suggestion.
D. He’s used to changing his job every seven years.
25. According to the author, what can be inferred from Paragraph 4?
A. It is a golden time for writers in terms of publishing.
B. Publishing industry is a profitable business.
C. It is rather hard to publish books nowadays.
D. Now it is amazing to find a publisher easily.
26. What do you think of the author
A. Emotional and good at controlling himself.
B. Dedicated but easy to doubt himself.
C. Purposeful and good at self-adjustment.
D. Ambitious but unwilling to change himself.
27. What does the author mainly want to tell us
A. Giving up timely is a virtue. B. Often changing jobs means new chances.
C. The beginning of a year is a new start. D. Reflection can drive us to push forward.
Pick up any packaged processed food, and there’s a decent chance that one of its listed ingredients will be “natural flavour”. The ingredient sounds good, particularly in contrast to “artificial flavours” since there is a common belief that ingredients from nature are necessarily safer than something artificially made. But it’s not true. Then what exactly does the natural flavour mean It refers to extracts (提取物) got from natural sources like plants, meat or seafood. When consumers see the “natural flavour” on a label, they are unlikely to assume that someone is squeezing the juice from oranges into their bottles. They know even though natural flavour must come from natural sources, it needn’t all come from the plant or meat. For example, orange flavours might contain not only orange extracts, but also extracts from bark and grass.
So if flavours like orange are needed, why not just use oranges The answer comes down to “availability, cost, and sustainability”, according to flavour chemist Gary Reineccius of the University of Minnesota. “If you’re going to use all your grapes on grape soda,” Reineccius says, “you don’t have any grapes for wine making; the products are going to be exorbitant; besides, what do you do with the by-products you create after you’ve squeezed all the juice out of the grapes ”
Actually, while chemists make natural flavours by extracting chemicals from natural ingredients, artificial flavours are made by creating the same chemicals artificially. The reason why companies bother to use natural flavours rather than artificial flavours is simple: marketing. “Many of these products have health titles,” says Platkin, professor from Hunter College. “Consumers may be talked to believe products with natural flavours are healthier, though they are nutritionally no different from those with artificial flavours. Natural flavours may involve more forest clear-cutting and carbon emissions from transport than flavours created in the lab.”
Platkin suggests getting more transparent (易懂的) labeling on packaging that describes exactly what the natural or artificial flavours are, so consumers are-not misled into buying one product over another because of “natural flavours”. Reineccius also offers simple guidance: “Don’t buy anything because it says ‘natural flavours’. Buy it because you like it.”
28. Which is misunderstanding about the “natural flavour” juice according to Paragraph 1?
A. It comes from 100% original fruit.
B. It is nothing but advertising tricks.
C. It certainly contains extracts made in the lab.
D. It is absolutely safer than juice with artificial flavours.
29. What does the underlined word “exorbitant” in Paragraph 2 probably mean
A. Popular. B. Expensive. C. Favorable. D. Innovative.
30. Why do companies use natural flavours in the products
A. To cut the costs. B. To promote the sales.
C. To advocate a healthy diet. D. To avoid food safety issues.
31. What can we conclude from the text
A. Gary and Platkin hold opposite perspectives.
B. Natural flavours are more environmentally friendly.
C. Customers are misled for ignoring labels on packaging.
D. Natural and artificial flavours are more alike than you think.
Imagine being able to use energy from the sun all the time, even when it’s night. That’s the idea that scientists at California Institute of Technology (Caltech) are exploring. They’re working on collecting sunlight in space and sending its energy to Earth.
Caltech’ scientists have created a special tool for this project. They call it MAPLE. MAPLE and two other devices are part of a project that was sent into space in January, 2023. MAPLE’s job is to test the idea of sending energy wirelessly from space to Earth. We’re used to using wire to move electrical energy from one place to another. But sending energy without wires is a lot trickier.
The method used by Caltech’s scientists depends on the way waves act when they meet. Imagine two waves coming together as they travel in the same direction. If the tops of the waves line up, they combine to make a bigger wave. But if the top of one wave is lined up with the low point of the other, the waves cancel each other out. The Caltech team has found a way to control the timing of lots of microwaves so that they can combine their power, and focus the energy in one direction. It’s a little like using a magnifying glass (放大镜) to focus sunlight on a small, hot point of light.
To prove that the system could work, MAPLE sent energy to two devices just 30 centimeters away in space. This energy was then turned into electricity, which made two small lights light up. Next, MAPLE sent energy all the way down to a lab at Caltech. The scientists were able to detect the energy, proving that it’s possible to send energy to Earth from space.
Dr. Hajimiri, one of the project’s leaders, thinks that one day, the system could be extremely useful, bringing energy to places that need it, all over the world. He believes that in the future, we’ll be able to send energy to remote regions and areas destroyed by war or natural disasters.
32. What is the focus of Caltech’s project with MAPLE
A. Solar energy detection. B. Wireless energy delivery.
C. Sending devices into space. D. Using wires to conduct electricity.
33. How does the Caltech team concentrate solar power
A. By changing the way microwaves act. B. By magnifying waves coming together.
C. By controlling the timing of microwaves. D. By lining up the waves in opposite directions.
34. What potential benefit could the system bring in the future according to Dr. Hajimiri
A. Warning people of natural disasters. B. Turning solar energy into electricity.
C. Providing a solution to energy shortages. D. Sending energy to regions in urgent need.
35. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. The Use of Solar Energy in Space Exploration
B. The Challenges of Generating Energy without Wires
C. The Development of a New Tool for Collecting Electricity
D. The Possibility of Sending Energy Wirelessly from Space to Earth
If you’ve ever tried something big, then you’ve probably had to deal with doubt at a certain point. No matter how often you face it, doubt can be depressing. 36 In situations where doubt arises, consider these methods below, and you can silence doubt and put your best efforts toward your goals.
· 37 Doing this stimulates the reward center, tricking your mind into focusing on completing the task to experience the achievement. And imagining desired outcomes can have potential benefits including improved motivation and confidence.
·Look back on past wins. Reflecting is a powerful way to tell yourself that you’re capable of doing much more. Get rid of doubt by entering reflection mode and reminding yourself that you are capable of getting things done. 38
·Meditate (冥想) regularly. 39 But by meditating regularly, you can keep your energy levels high in the face of challenges and pressure and stay above doubt. It is a powerful tool to keep your mind clear about your goals and get your desired mission accomplished.
·Take action on your plans. A sure sign that self-doubt has you in its grasp is that you are beginning to buy into the excuses you make. 40 Taking action is the most effective method to silence doubt when sensing it. Don’t let the doubt hold you back; use it to motivate yourself. Then you’ll be fueled to move toward your mission.
A. Visualize success.
B. Build a reward system.
C. It is a big challenge to strengthen your motivation.
D. Stress and anxiety allow room for weakness and doubt.
E. It can also weaken your determination to get things done.
F. This will ultimately prevent you from being able to accomplish your goals.
G. After all, the reminder that you have overcome doubt is a big confidence boost.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
When Shelby Lattimore, a math and science teacher, saw her third graders weren’t attending class, she found a fun way to change that. The 25-year-old teacher started her class 41 to encourage them not only to 42 but to get excited about learning.
In the class, students can choose from a variety of “ 43 ”, from being a door holder to being a cleanup crew. They get “paid” every two weeks and the 44 they get depends on which job they take on. The money is not real but play money spent on a homework pass, a seat change, and so on.
Each month, Lattimore’s students also have to pay “rent” for their class desk and chair. To keep things interesting, Lattimore also introduced a new 45 to her current class. At the beginning of the school year, she 46 students $5 and then once the new year hit, the 47 increased to $7. “So that was kind of an 48 that they had to make,” she said.
Students can buy rewards once a month. The reward 49 low, medium and high price ranges, with $2 candy being the cheapest option to a more 50 $5 “lunch with Ms. L” reward. Students can also 51 until they have enough money for the most expensive reward, for example, being the teacher for $ 30.
Today, Lattimore has seen how much they’ve learned about various 52 from budgeting and saving to reading a receipt and 53 change. She has also heard from students’ families, who are 54 of this idea because their kids are learning something they never learned at this age. “That’s really the goal here, to not just 55 them this year, but to keep it going,” she added.
41. A. report B. economy C. interaction D. survey
42. A. get through B. take over C. set out D. show up
43. A. tools B. areas C. jobs D. parts
44. A. amount B. outcome C. position D. honour
45. A. term B. test C. choice D. idea
46. A. awarded B. charged C. returned D. refused
47. A. bonus B. fine C. rent D. income
48. A. appearance B. exception C. adjustment D. impression
49. A. covers B. reveals C. follows D. combines
50. A. general B. expensive C. suitable D. tasty
51. A. save up B. settle down C. go around D. move on
52. A. opinions B. roles C. comments D. skills
53. A. sharing B. donating C. carrying D. counting
54. A. careful B. supportive C. tolerant D. aware
55. A. accept B. praise C. impact D. bless
When it comes to ancient Chinese detectives, the name Di Renjie, a famous judge and administrator of the Tang Dynasty, often 56 (spring) to mind. For centuries, Di has been portrayed as a heroic investigator in popular stories throughout ancient China, who was. 57 (high) logical and dialectical (辩证的). Today, this tradition lives on in Chinese entertainment, with numerous TV and film adaptations of Di’s detective stories.
The new TV series “Judge Dee’s Mystery” records the life of Judge Di. While solving various criminal cases in different places 58 he serves during the early stages of his career, Di also uncovers the mystery 59 (surround) his own birth.
60 traditional Chinese detective fiction, which often combines supernatural elements, the new series emphasizes logic, reason, and realism. Facing complex cases, Judge Di and his assistants employ reasoning skills to crack mysteries. “ 61 (compare) to other adaptations of Di Renjie’s stories, our drama stands out for its 62 (diverse) and inclusiveness,” said Li Yunliang, the director of the series.
However, the series never intends 63 (pursue) a faithful recreation of the. Tang Dynasty 64 offers a modern interpretation of the classical stories that still strike a chord with contemporary audiences. Li believes that every audience can gain 65 unique insight into Judge Dee’s character and the cultural roots of Chinese civilization. “Judge Di shows traditional Chinese virtues that deserve to be admired by the Chinese people.” he adds.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
1. 表达感谢;
2. 提出个人建议;
3. 说明理由。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear James,
I hope this email finds you well. ______________________________________________________________
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Rich Danieu, a man awaiting a heart transplant (移植), had to stay in Strong Hospital in Rochester, New York, since January. His days were filled with uncertainty, medical procedures, and a longing to be with his family. The slim hope of getting cured had almost driven Danieu’s mood down to the ground. He was close to giving up. What’s worse, he was frustrated at the thought of missing a crucial event: his 5-year-old daughter Mara’s school’s father-daughter dance.
Shortly after Danieu’s arrival at the hospital, Mara had excitedly shared the news of her school’s upcoming father-daughter dance. She had been eagerly looking forward to her father’s participation. But Danieu’s illness had kept him away from his daughter’s joyous event. As the day of the dance drew near, Mara’s excitement began to be replaced by a deep sadness. “My daughter was a little upset, for I couldn’t go with her,” Danieu said to a nurse with a heavy heart.
Mara’s grandfather stepped in to take her to the dance, hoping to make the evening special for her. They both got dressed up, arrived at the school hall, and even had a beautiful photo taken. However, for Mara, something was wrong, because she noticed everybody else was with their dads. Excitement gave way to disappointment. On their way home, Mara was walking silently, without saying a word, when her grandfather received a call from the hospital.
The nurses at Strong Hospital had been closely following the family’s story. Having witnessed what Danieu was experiencing due to missing such a crucial moment in his daughter’s life, they decided to do something. They knew they couldn’t make a big change, but they could certainly create a moment of magic. On the night of the dance, with delicate care, they transformed an empty hospital room into a magical dance floor, complete with twinkling lights and soft music playing in the background.
At the same time, Danieu lay in his hospital bed, a sense of disappointment at his heart. When he was gazing out the window, a nurse came in with a warm smile.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Led to the room, Danieu didn’t know what awaited him. ___________________________________________
That special dance brought great strength and hope to Danieu. ______________________________________
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. What will Andrew have for breakfast today
A. Eggs. B. Fish. C. Vegetables.
2. How did Jenny come to school this morning
A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus.
3. Why is the man going to China
A. To travel. B. To study. C. To work.
4. Where is the man’s watch
A. In his schoolbag. B. On his desk. C. Around his wrist.
5. Where will the speakers have supper
A. In their home. B. In a restaurant. C. At Smith’s.
6. When is the chemistry test
A. This Thursday. B. Next Monday. C. Next Friday.
7. What will Isaac probably do next Thursday
A. Study for biology. B. Attend a music class. C. Finish physics project.
8. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A birthday present. B. Colors of coats. C. The anniversary of a store.
9. What size will the woman take finally
A. Size 24. B. Size 25. C. Size 26.
10. How much will the woman pay next Monday
A. $20. B. $24. C. $30.
11. When did Mary move out
A. A week ago. B. A month ago. C. A year ago.
12. What does the man think of Mary
A. Noisy. B. Generous. C. Kind.
13. Who is the woman
A. Mary’s neighbor. B. Mary’s landlord. C. Mary’s sister.
14. How does Tyler feel about the garden
A. Strange. B. Uninterested. C. Relaxed.
15. What are the speakers going to pick
A. Apples. B. Vegetables. C. Grapes.
16. What are most of the local houses made of
A. Stones. B. Wood. C. Bricks.
17. What does the speaker mainly talk about
A. Culture. B. Language. C. Transport.
18. What can we know about Isabella’s experiences in the US
A. She bought a car.
B. She tends to carry no cash.
C. She pays less for her phone bill.
19. What does Isabella tend to talk about with her friends in the US
A. Mobile payment. B. Anything she wanted. C. Public transportation.
20. How many experiences does Isabella share
A. 2. B. 3. C. 4.高三第六次模拟考试参考答案
听力:1-5 CABCA6-10 BAACB
11-15 BCACA
16-20 BABBC
32-35 BCDD
36—40 EAGDF
完型填空:4145 BDCAD
46-50 BCCAB
51-55 ADDBC
63.to pursue
Dear James,
I hope this email finds you well.We are grateful for your enthusiasm in celebrating our
class winning the first prize at the English Drama Festival.Your support means a lot to us!
Based on the survey I conducted,88%of us are enthusiastic about a weekend outing,
while 59%favour an English movie night,followed by 32%who prefer a food party.My
preference is in line with the majority,so I suggest a hiking trip along the nearby greenway,
which has lively plants and stunning views.Such an outing is perfect for us to take a break
from study routines,strengthen friendship and make our success more memorable.
Thanks again for your thoughtful gesture.Looking forward to our exciting celebration!
Yours sincerely,
Led to the room,Danieu didn't know what awaited him.As soon as he cntered the room,
all of a sudden,a nice music rang out and the colorful lights started to twinkle.Many nurses
flew into the magical room,dancing to the music.Half moved,half puzzled,Danieu's heavy
heart melt a little.Suddenly,a light-footed figure rushed in front of him,and danced around
his wheelchair delightedly."Oh,my sweetheart,your dance is perfect."said Danieu,
astonished yet happily.Mara threw herself into his arms.'Dad,it's a dance for you."
whispered the little girl affectionately."Thank YOU,honey."said the moved Dad,tears
swimming in his eyes.A wave of warm claps filled the whole room.
That special dance brought great strength and hope to Danieu.Mara promised to her
Dad that she would come to share her interesting school days with him.With the
encouragement and support of his family and the nurses,Danieu gradually became positive to
prepare for the heart transplant.He enjoyed his meals and managed to sleep sound.The big
day came at last.With a ton of confidence,Danieu was sent into the operation room.After
what seemed to be many years,the operation was completed,which was quite successful.
After his recovery,Danieu was ready to practice next father-daughter dance with his daughter.
Text 1


