
  1. 二一教育资源



(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)
4. 难度系数:0.65。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.When will the school bus arrive
A.7:45. B.7:50. C.7:55.
2.Where does this conversation probably take place
A.In a bookstore. B.In the library. C.In an office.
3.What is the boy going to do first
A.Review his lesson. B.Have supper. C.Watch TV.
4.Where can Mary probably be found
A.In a different school. B.In the same school with the girl. C.In the same dorm.
5.What can we know about the man
A.It is too late for him to learn English now.
B.He used to learn English well.
C.He has realized the importance of English.
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
6.How long has Jessica’s mother been dancing
A.For 20 years. B.For 23 years. C.For 43 years.
7.Jessica’s mother is in good condition, and what makes for this more
A.Taking enough exercise.
B.Fruits and vegetables.
C.Having an optimistic attitude towards life.
8.What is the date of the man’s birthday
A.25th, December. B.24th, December. C.27th, December.
9.How will the man go to his wife’s parents’ home
A.By train. B.By plane. C.By bus.
10.Why was the boy asked to go to the office
A.Because his hair was not clean.
B.Because he was late for class.
C.Because he disturbed his classmates.
11.What was wrong with the alarm clock
A.The alarm clock was ahead of the exact time.
B.The alarm clock was broken.
C.The batteries ran out.
12.What can we know about the boy
A.He was careless. B.He liked telling lies. C.He was lazy.
13.What is the rent price of a room with a city view
A.120. B.130. C.175.
14.What does the man think of the rent price of the hotel
A.Reasonable. B.Ridiculous (荒唐的). C.Just so-so.
15.What can we know according to the dialogue
A.The woman cares about the type of the room.
B.The man likes being in quiet surroundings all night.
C.The woman wants a room on the ground floor.
16.What will the woman probably do in the end
A.Give up the choice of the hotel room.
B.Choose the penthouse (楼顶) room for 400 a night.
C.Go to visit the Great Wall of China.
17.Why do some American churches cancel (取消) Christmas Day services
A.To buy gifts and go to parties.
B.To celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ.
C.To let people gather with their families.
18.What’s “Silent Night”
A.The name of an old man.
B.The name of traditional music.
C.The name of Christmas Day service.
19.Who probably celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday
A.All Americans. B.Non-Christians. C.Christians.
20.When does Santa Claus leave presents under the tree
A.On Christmas Eve. B.On Christmas noon. C.On Christmas Day.
Here are four amazing online photography (摄影) classes to improve your photos.
Mastering Lightroom & Photoshop (By Andrew Kerns)
Every professional photographer uses post-processing (后期处理) skills to make their images stand out. In fact, editing and post-processing your images is a major part of the photography work. Luckily, Andrew Kerns has put together an amazing online class to help you learn the latest professional Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop skills.
Wildlife Photography Workshop (By Charly Savely)
Professional wildlife photographer, Charly Savely, has recently decided to share her secrets with the world through her online Wildlife Photography Workshop recorded in Alaska’s Katmai National Park. Learn how she chooses camera settings using art to influence your style, where to find wildlife and how to photograph animals safely in the wild.
A to Z of Selling Your Photos (By Lola Akinmade)
Lola Akinmade is an excellent travel photographer whose works are regularly published by brands(品牌)like The New York Times and Travel & Leisure. She has also put together an excellent online photography class that goes into detail about how to make your photos be brands, including getting close to brands, how to deal with copyrights, working with editors, getting model shows and much more.
Photographing the World (By Elia Locardi)
Elia Locardi is a very successful landscape photographer who’s been travelling the world for years. His course Photographing the World is full of tips and post-processing skills he uses to create his landscape and travel photography. With 15 lessons and more than 12 hours of video content, his photography class takes you from the on-location capture (外景拍摄) all the way through his post-processing skills in the studio.
21.Who should you turn to if you want to learn to photograph wild animals
A.Andrew Kerns. B.Charly Savely. C.Lola Akinmade. D.Elia Locardi.
22.Which course offers tips on making your photography works a brand
A.Mastering Lightroom Photoshop. B.Wildlife Photography Workshop.
C.A to Z of Selling Your Photos. D.Photographing the World.
23.What do Andrew Kerns’s and Elia Locardi’s courses have in common
A.They include post-processing skills.
B.They focus on photographing wild animals.
C.They provide skills of on-location capture.
D.They teach how to work with big brands.
Danielle Hatherley Carroll is an artist. She shares her talent with others, taking groups on field trips around various locations in New York City, setting up easels (画架) and drawing the beauty of the city.
When Danielle returned home one night from Battery Park in New York City, she didn’t realize that she had lost her wedding ring somewhere along the day’s painting journey until early next morning. Then, at 6:00 in the morning, her husband and she went out to search for it.
The last place she remembered the ring on her finger was in Battery Park. By the time they got there, all the garbage cans had already been emptied. Desperately, Danielle wrote a note and put it on the windshield (挡风玻璃) of a nearby rubbish truck, hoping that someone might be of help. “Help,” the note read. “I believe my wedding ring might be in this truck.”
Battery Park’s employee Gary Gaddist discovered the note when he started his work in the morning. He turned to the management office with the note. Later he gave Danielle a call and explained the whole story, “I had to go to the management office of Battery Park, and when I got there I showed the guys the note. They told me if I wanted to look for a needle (针) in a haystack (干草堆), go ahead.” However, after that, Gary began to do what he thought was worth doing.
In New York City, tons of garbage is moved every day in various directions. Gary was looking for a clear plastic garbage bag among hundreds of piled-up bags, containing an artist’s a day’s waste. He was sure to complete the task.
At 10:00 that morning, Gary called Danielle again with the good news. When asked why he would take the extra time to help out a stranger, Gary simply said, “I could tell you and your husband love each other. That’s what I desire to gain. I’m glad to help you.”
24.What did Danielle notice early next morning
A.Her husband didn’t return. B.Her wedding ring was missing.
C.Her husband had bought a truck. D.Her home was filled with garbage.
25.What did the management officers mean by what they said to Gary
A.It was hopeless to find the ring. B.The ring was thrown into a haystack.
C.They had found the ring in the haystack. D.Gary should find the needle first.
26.What made Gary offer to help Danielle
A.His desire to be famous. B.His plan to get a reward.
C.His interest in finding out the truth. D.His admiration for the couple’s love.
27.Which word can best describe Gary
A.Kind-hearted. B.Curious. C.Creative. D.Courageous.
The beautiful monarch butterfly is facing an unprecedented decline (前所未有的减少) and Utah State University (USU) wants to make sure that doesn’t happen.
To help the struggling butterfly, USU students have been capturing and tagging (给……贴标签) monarch butterflies in the Uintah Basin.
Tagging butterflies will allow researchers to know their migration path and protect their feeding grounds. Every year, monarch butterflies start “3,000-mile migration, traveling south to Mexico each fall and back up Canada in the spring,” according to the National Wildlife Federation (NWF).
Because of habitat loss and increased pesticide (杀虫剂) use, monarch butterflies have experienced a population decline upwards of 90%, according NWF.
“Monarch butterflies are facing a large historical decline over the last 40 years,” says USU senior Carson Liesik, a student on the project. “The population, as of the beginning of 2020, was about 30,000 monarchs in the Western United States, which is about a 99% drop as compared to information from the 1980s. We are hoping to learn how to help the monarch butterfly population recover from its historical decline. This project is an important step.”
When tagging the butterflies, students record information about each one including its wing condition and location of discovery. Then students map migration path as well as habitat use and activity. They tag each butterfly with unique number so that if it is recaptured at a later date, they can know growth stage. With the collected information students get an idea of where these monarch butterflies are and how they are using the resources around them.
Researchers say the public can help protect the monarch butterfly population, too. “The best way is by growing milkweed plants wherever you may have space. Milkweed is the main food source that monarch butterflies depend on. If you plant milkweed in your yard, you might be lucky enough to see monarchs stop and breed (繁殖).” says the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR).
28.Why do the students mark monarch butterflies
A.To study their migration path.
B.To research their social behavior.
C.To find the difference in their feeding habits.
D.To know the number of them in both Mexico and Canada.
29.What does Liesik want to tell us about monarch butterflies in paragraph 5
A.They were first discovered in the 1980s.
B.They are facing serious survival problems.
C.They have been well protected since 2020.
D.They changed the way researchers think about butterflies.
30.What is paragraph 6 mainly about
A.The results of the project. B.The importance of the project.
C.How USU supports the project. D.How the students carry out the project.
31.How can the public best protect monarch butterflies according to DWR
A.By stopping the use of farm chemicals. B.By making their yards clean and open.
C.By planting milkweed in their yards. D.By raising money for NWF.
As AI art generators (生成器) take the world by storm, some people wonder if their works should count as art at all. The technology is still developing and has some wrinkles to iron out, which means there are indeed flaws to consider alongside the incredible artwork a good artificial intelligence can produce.
Art is classed as the product of imagination, skill, experience, and emotion, usually meant to represent something for the public to enjoy. Artists spent time and effort putting their inner worlds onto these works. Machine intelligence also puts a lot of work into sorting through tons of data, linking someone’s prompt to datasets, and trying to represent it as best as possible. The difference is that the AI is driven by commands instead of an emotional desire to express itself.
AI painters can produce over 1,000 original works of art with every tap of the enter key on a keyboard. But a mass-produced print of the Mona Lisa is worth less than the actual Leonardo da Vinci’s painting. Why Scarcity — there’s only one of the original. Should anyone pay for these things And if an artist puts AI masterpieces up for sale, what should the price be
AI art involves a program mimicking (模仿) the work of existing artists to create a new piece according to the request of a human. But who made the artwork, the machine or its user And can the original artists sue for copyright (版权) violation Such questions complicate the merging of artificial intelligence and the art industry, while fueling arguments against recognizing AI-generated art as marketable artistic products.
Once we’ve answered those questions, we can tackle the really big one: When an AI-generated painting wins an award, who gets the prize
32.What does the underlined word “flaws” in paragraph 1 probably mean
A.Benefits. B.Advances. C.Weaknesses. D.Standards.
33.How is AI art different from human art
A.It is the product of experience.
B.It costs less money to produce.
C.It combines different styles of work.
D.It is not a mirror of humans’ emotions.
34.Why does the writer mention Mona Lisa in the third paragraph
A.To prove the popularity of classic artworks.
B.To present the potential trouble with the value of AI art.
C.To show the advantages of AI painters over human artists.
D.To introduce a new way of preserving art masterpieces.
35.What can we infer from paragraph 4
A.AI art promotes the sale of artistic products.
B.AI art makes copyright issues more complicated.
C.Artists can create more works with the help of AI.
D.There will be fierce competition in the art industry.
阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
“Don’t judge a book by its cover”, the popular saying goes. “All that glitters is not gold” is another. 36 is a third. What do they have in common?They remind us that something’s appearance should not be the most important thing when determining its value. The message is that we should value ourselves for who we are—accept our shortcomings and stop judging ourselves against our imperfections.
But it’s easier said than done. Many people still feel insecure about themselves and their appearance because it may not measure up to the standard of perfection. 37
Learn to accept praise. 38 Don’t push it away or play it down. And praise others too. If you think someone looks nice,or someone has a good idea,tell them. It can lift them up.
39 We’re surrounded by these perfect images of what it is to be beautiful. That comparing only creates,a standard we think we need to pursue and leads to feelings of disappointment if we aren't up to the standard.
Appreciate your body for what it can do—walking, yoga, playing sport or otherwise. You can be an incredible human regardless of your shape or size. Attend the gym and realize how strong and capable your body
is, even though it may be fat.
Finally, the only person who can truly affect your body positivity is you. Becoming comfortable with yourself is unlikely to be accomplished overnight, but don't give up. Remember that everyone is insecure sometimes. 40 Love what you look like.
A.“Birds of a feather flock together.”
B.“Fine feathers do not make fine birds”
C.When someone says something nice, embrace it
D.So there are some ways to help you to be more popular
E.Be certain about who you are and what you want as a person.
F.Don’t compare your body to others', particularly celebrities.
G.So what can a person do to improve their own body positivity
第三部分 语言运用(共二节, 满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 共15分)
In a huge building after a long day work, I found myself standing next to a young man with a nice 41 . His smile was so warm that we began a chat. The chat 42 what we had in common: We all came to New York from different countries. I come from Germany while he comes from South America.
We exchanged 43 about the difficulties of starting a new life in a new country. I talked to him, “I’ve been searching for an apartment within walking distance from my 44 . And what I want is to rent one with a 45 view of Central Park! Maybe I’m just 46 . I can’t afford to 47 a room like that myself and I haven’t found a roommate to 48 the expense.” The young man wrote a number down on a piece of 49 . “Her name’s Sally and she is a good girl,” he said. “You’ll like her, and she needs a roommate.”
I called her right away. Later, she 50 my best roommate. Sally told me that she and the young man were not 51 at all and they just met once.
“Maybe he knows of you before because you are 52 in that big company for your hardworking 53 ,” I told Sally. Hearing that, Sally was so happy. Even though you are a small potato in your life, you can still win your 54 by working hard or doing something 55 to others.
41.A.personality B.smile C.attitude D.voice
42.A.proved B.replied C.showed D.defined
43.A.styles B.stories C.lectures D.methods
44.A.job B.school C.building D.home
45.A.narrow B.personal C.good D.powerful
46.A.cheating B.dreaming C.competing D.pretending
47.A.buy B.make C.have D.rent
48.A.increase B.waste C.pair D.share
49.A.cake B.music C.wood D.paper
50.A.found B.told C.became D.asked
51.A.relatives B.friends C.families D.roommates
52.A.well-trained B.well-balanced C.well-known D.well-educated
53.A.spirit B.time C.goal D.design
54.A.future B.heart C.honour D.trust
55.A.effective B.helpful C.skillful D.creative
It’s a race against time, as generations of cultural heritage conservators at the Dunhuang Academy make a great effort to protect the artistic charm of the Mogao Caves, 56 UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The team 57 (devote) to protecting the 45,000 square meters of murals (壁画) and more than 2,400 painted sculptures of the 735 caves of the site, the construction of 58 takes about a thousand years, from the 4th century to the 14th century. The cultural relics are the product of the cultural exchanges that took place over 59 (century) on the ancient Silk Road.
Commonly 60 (see) “diseases” affecting the murals include cracking and flaking, as well as erosion that is caused by changes in temperature and humidity of the caves, and the deposition of salts. To restore a mural requires an all-rounder. Restorers should know painting, master the skills of a mason (石匠) and have some knowledge of chemistry and physics 61 (be) able to recognize the problems ad their corresponding causes and deliver a solution. They must also select proper materials and tools, and conduct experiments, 62 formally carrying out the restoration and evaluating the effect afterward.
The restoration should respect the 63 (origin) work and aim to maintain the status quo of the murals rather than repainting them. When the restorers find some parts of murals missing 64 fading away, they never repaint them to create a “perfect” 65 (appear) in restoration.
注意:1.词数80 左右 (开头结尾已给出,不算入词数);
参考词汇:2024巴黎奥运会 the Paris 2024 Olympic Games
Dear Olympic Organizing Committee,
Li Hua
“This Saturday, we’ll be visiting cats at the animal shelter. If you’d like to join us, here’s an application form”, said Ms. Delgado, the school librarian who had held the reading engagement event for students.
Ben loved cats and he had always wanted one, so he hurried to take an application form. Then Ms. Delgado added, “We’ll be reading to the cats and award readers who make most progress.” Ben stopped. Reading al oud can be a challenging task. Ben might feel his heart racing, his palms sweating, and his voice shaking as he read. He might stumble over words or lose his place in the text. He might feel like everyone was watching him and judging him. Still, he really wanted to visit the cats, so he took an application form anyway.
On Saturday, Ben arrived at the shelter with some of his classmates. “This is Max,” the shelter worker told Ben as she handed him a gray cat. Ben carried Max to a beanbag chair and sat down. Max settled onto his lap. He took a book he’d been working on and started reading. Max, very different from other cats walking around the room while the kids read, purred (发出呼噜声) on his lap as if he had understood what Ben read.
“I’m glad Max is staying and listening to my reading and he is the best cat ever,” Ben told Dad excitedly. “I’m glad you two are friends,” Dad said. All week, Ben’s heart was filled with anxiety as he waited for Saturday to arrive. He was eager to read to Max and the anticipation of spending time with his feline (猫咪的) friend made him restless and nervous. When it arrived, Ben got to read to Max again.
“What if someone adopts Max ” Ben asked Dad later. “I guess you’d read to a different cat,” Dad said. “But I don’t want a different cat. I wish we could adopt Max,” Ben said to Dad. He knew they couldn’t because Mom had allergies (过敏). Ben loved the cat so much that he even told his next-door neighbor, Mrs. Patel, about Max. “Max sounds like a special cat,” said Mrs. Patel.
1.续写词数应为 150左右;
Week by week, Ben realized that reading seemed easier with Max’s company.
But on Saturday, Ben couldn’t find Max at the shelter.
【原文】W: Oh, no, it’s a quarter to eight now. The school bus is coming in five minutes. Hurry up or we’ll miss it.
M: Come on. Relax. You forget The time has been adjusted. We have double five minutes left.
【原文】M: Excuse me; may I have a look at that book
W: Sure, but if you want to take it, you have to pay in cash.
【原文】M: Mom, “the voice of China” is on this evening.
W: But you have to review your lesson for the coming exam.
M: You promised to help me.
W: Sure. But supper is ready now.
【原文】W: Dad, Christmas is coming. Could you give me some money I want to buy a card for my friend Mary. It has been two months since she was in my school.
M: Oh dear, how thoughtful you are!
【详解】M: I wish I had learned English well when I was in high school.
W: You always said you didn’t think English was of great importance.
M: I realize I was wrong and it’s too late.
W: It’s never too late to learn.
6.B 7.C
【原文】W: Hi, Jack, have you thought about your ideal job in the future Do you want to be an excellent math teacher like your father
M: For Gosh’s sake! I hate being a teacher. I still have a clear memory of the terrible days when my father helped me with all my subjects. But it is strange that I made great progress in my English learning. How about you, Jessica
W: Well, I dream of being a brilliant dancer like my mother. You know, she is 43 now, and she
has been dancing since she was 20 years old.
M: I can’t believe it! She looks quite young and has a great figure.
W: Yes. She has formed a good habit of having enough fruits and vegetables every day. And more importantly, she keeps an optimistic attitude towards life which benefits her physical condition.
M: Oh, I see. How I wish I had taken enough exercise.
W: Come on. Don’t lose heart! If you think you can, you can. Let’s get rid of our bad habits and learn from our great parents.
M: Why not do it right now Shall we swim this afternoon
W: With pleasure!
8.C 9.B
【原文】W: Hey, Mike. Where have you been I didn’t see you around these days.
M: I was hiding in my office. My boss gave me loads of work to do, and I tried to finish it before my birthday. Anyway, I am done now. Thank goodness! How is everything going with you
W: I’m quite well. You know, tomorrow is Christmas Day. Do you have any plans
M: Well, to tell you the truth, I am more than excited about my birthday, which will come in two days. And I am going to visit my parents-in-law with my wife.
W: Wow sounds great.
M: Definitely! This is my first time to spend my birthday with them.
W: Do they live far away from here
M: A little bit. We planned to take the train, but considering the travel peak, my wife strongly suggested that we go to the airport right after we finish our work this afternoon. How about you What’s your plan for the holiday
W: Well, our situations are just the opposite. My parents-in-law will come to my house and they wish to stay at home and have a quiet Christmas Day. So I have to call my friends to cancel our party which will be held in my house.
M: You’ll experience a quite different and lovely holiday. Enjoy your Christmas!
W: Thanks, the same to you!
10.B 11.C 12.A
【原文】W: Come to my office, Billy. Look at your messy hair. This is the third time you have been late for class within this week. And every time you went in, you disturbed the teacher’s class.
M: Sorry, Miss. I didn’t mean to do that, but it was my alarm clock that didn’t wake me up.
W: That is not a proper excuse. You could set it ahead of the exact time so that you could have got up earlier and not have been late.
M: I did that, but it seemed useless when I found the batteries had run out after I woke up this morning. I rushed to school and luckily, my neighbour Mr. Green gave me a hand and took me to school with his car.
W: So you could have made it. But you were still late for class.
M: The thing is, when I got off, I found I had left my bag in his car. And it was too late to get it back when I realized that. I went straight to the nearest shop and gave him a call. I waited for five minutes before Mr. Green drove back.
W: Finally, he gave you your bag and you came to the classroom and you were already 15minutes late for class at that time. Is that all
M: Miss, you seem to know the entire story. May I go back to class now Otherwise I will be late for the following class.
13.C 14.B 15.B 16.A
【原文】W: Help me decide on which type of hotel room to book.
M: I want the one with a bed.
W: Very funny. We have a choice of different views, and each one is a different price. For instance, a room with a city view is 175 a night.
M: 175 a night ! That’s highway robbery!
W: If you think that’s too steep, there are a few other options. We can get a courtyard room with no view for 120 a night or a room with an obstructed or peek-a-boo ocean views for 130 a night.
M: I don’t really care which type of room we get as long as we don’t end up with a room on the ground floor. I don’t like having people walking back and forth outside my window all night.
W: Okay, I can request a room on an upper floor. You really don’t have a preference
M: No, not really.
W: There is a penthouse room for 400 a night.
M: What ! For that price, I’d better get a view of the Eiffel Tower, the Parthenon, and the Great Wall of China!
17.C 18.B 19.C 20.A
W: For millions of Americans, the most wonderful day of the year is December 25 Christmas.
For one thing, it marks the end of the busy time of year. Many people need a rest after weeks of buying gifts, going to parties, organizing travel and getting their homes ready for the holiday. With all this, it is often said that Christmas has lost its meaning as the birthday of Jesus Christ. Some churches in the United States have called off Christmas Day services, so people can spend the day with their families. Another important part of the Christmas season is music. Among traditional carols, one of the most popular is “Silent Night”. But not all Americans celebrate Christmas. And even those who do might not celebrate it as a religious holiday. This is true of Christians as well as non-Christians. Still, they treat it as a special day.
And it is hard to think of anyone that Christmas is more special for than children. Of course, this has a lot to do with the tradition of a kindly old man with a big belly and a bright red suit. Children know Santa Claus as the one who leaves gifts under the tree on Christmas Eve.
21.B 22.C 23.A
21.细节理解题。根据Wildlife Photography Workshop (By Charly Savely)部分“Professional wildlife photographer, Charly Savely, has recently decided to share her secrets with the world through her online Wildlife Photography Workshop recorded in Alaska’s Katmai National Park.(专业野生动物摄影师查理·萨夫利最近决定通过她在阿拉斯加卡特迈国家公园录制的在线野生动物摄影工作室与世界分享她的秘密)”可知,如果想学习拍摄野生动物你应该向Charly Savely学习。故选B项。
22.细节理解题。根据A to Z of Selling Your Photos (By Lola Akinmade)部分“She has also put together an excellent online photography class that goes into detail about how to make your photos be brands, ... (她还组织了一个优秀的在线摄影课程,详细介绍了如何让你的照片成为品牌)”
可知,A to Z of Selling Your Photos 课程提供了如何将你的摄影作品变成为一个品牌的建议。故选C项。
23.细节理解题。根据Mastering Lightroom & Photoshop (By Andrew Kerns)部分“Every professional photographer uses post-processing (后期处理) skills to make their images standout. (每个专业摄影师都会使用后期处理技巧来让他们的照片脱颖而出)”和Photographing the World (By Elia Locardi)部分“...his photography class takes you from the on-location capture (外景拍摄) all the way through his post-processing skills in the studio. (他的摄影课将带您从现场捕捉一直到他在工作室的后期处理技能)”可知,Andrew Kerns和Elia Locardi的课程的共同之处是都包括后期处理技能。故选A项。
24.B 25.A 26.D 27.A
24.细节理解题。根据第二段中“she didn’t realize that she had lost her wedding ring somewhere along the day’s painting journey until early next morning.(直到第二天清晨,她才意识到自己在绘画的路上把结婚戒指丢在了什么地方)”可知,丹妮尔第二天清晨发现她的结婚戒指不见了。故选B项。
25.推理判断题。第四段中加里转述公园管理人员的话“They told me if I wanted to look for a needle (针) in a haystack (干草堆), go ahead.(他们告诉我,如果我想大海捞针,那就去找吧)”可推知,公园管理人员的意思是:要找到戒指相当于大海捞针,毫无希望。故选A项。
26.推理判断题。根据最后一段中“When asked why he would take the extra time to help out a stranger, Gary simply said, ‘I could tell you and your husband love each other. Tha’s what I desire to gain. I’m glad to help you.’(当被问及为什么他会花额外的时间帮助一个陌生人时,加里只是说:“我可以告诉你,你和你的丈夫彼此相爱。这就是我想要得到的。我很高兴帮助你。”)”可推知,加里羡慕这对夫妇的爱情,所以决定帮助丹妮尔。故选D项。
27.推理判断题。通读全文,结合第四段中“However, after that, Gary began to do what he thought was worth doing.(然而,在那之后,加里开始做他认为值得做的事情)”和第五段中“In New York City, tons of garbage is moved every day in various directions. Gary was looking for a clear plastic garbage bag among hundreds of piled-up bags, containing an artist’s a day’s waste.(在纽约市,每天都有成吨的垃圾被运往各个方向。加里在数百个堆积起来的袋子中寻找一个透明的
28.A 29.B 30.D 31.C
【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲的是在过去的40年里,黑脉金斑蝶面临着巨大的历史下降,所以为了帮助处于困境中的蝴蝶,Utah State University的学生们一直在Uintah盆地捕捉和标记帝王蝶。
28.细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Tagging butterflies will allow researchers to know their migration path and protect their feeding grounds.(给蝴蝶标记可以让研究人员了解它们的迁徙路线,保护它们的觅食地)”可知学生给蝴蝶作标记是为了研究他们的迁徙路线。故选A项。
29.推理判断题。根据文章第五段““Monarch butterflies are facing a large historical decline over the last 40 years,” says USU senior Carson Liesik, a student on the project. “The population, as of the beginning of 2020, was about 30,000 monarchs in the Western United States, which is about a 99% drop as compared to information from the 1980s.(“在过去的40年里,黑脉金斑蝶面临着巨大的历史下降,”USU大四学生、该项目的学生Carson Liesik说。“截至2020年初,美国西部的黑脉金斑蝶数量约为3万只,与20世纪80年代的数量相比,下降了约99%。)”可知在过去的40年里黑脉金斑蝶数量严重下降,所以Carson Liesik想要告诉我们的是黑脉金斑蝶正面临着严重的生存问题。故选B项。
30.主旨大意题。根据文章第六段“When tagging the butterflies, students record information about each one including its wing condition and location of discovery. Then students map migration path as well as habitat use and activity. They tag each butterfly with unique number so that if it is recaptured at a later date, they can know growth stage. With the collected information students get an idea of where these monarch butterflies are and how they are using the resources around them.(在标记蝴蝶时,学生们记录下每只蝴蝶的信息,包括翅膀的状况和发现的位置。然后学生绘制迁徙路径以及栖息地使用和活动。他们给每只蝴蝶都标上了唯一的编号,这样如果以后再次捕获蝴蝶,他们就可以知道蝴蝶的生长阶段。通过收集到的信息,学生们可以了解这些黑脉金斑蝶的位置以及它们如何使用周围的资源。)”可知第六段主要讲的是学生们是如何实施该项目的。故选D项。
31.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段““The best way is by growing milkweed plants wherever you may have space. Milkweed is the main food source that monarch butterflies depend on. If you
plant milkweed in your yard, you might be lucky enough to see monarchs stop and breed (繁殖).” says the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR)(“最好的方法是在任何有空间的地方种植马利筋。马利筋是黑脉金斑蝶的主要食物来源。如果你在院子里种马利筋,你可能会很幸运地看到帝王蝶停下来繁殖。”犹他州野生动物资源部门(DWR)说。)”可知因为马利筋是黑脉金斑蝶的主要食物来源,所以在DWR看来公众可以通过种植马利筋来保护帝王蝶。故选C项。
32.C 33.D 34.B 35.B
32.词句猜测题。根据第一段第二句中的“The technology is still developing and has some wrinkles to iron out(这项技术仍在发展中,还有一些问题需要解决)”可知,此处是指这项技术有一些缺陷,所以flaws意为“缺陷”。故选C。
33.细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“The difference is that the AI is driven by commands instead of an emotional desire to express itself.(不同之处在于,AI是由命令驱动的,而不是由表达自己的情感欲望驱动的。)”可知,人工智能艺术与人类艺术的不同之处是人工智能艺术不是人类情绪的反映。故选D。
34.推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“AI painters can produce over 1,000 original works of art with every tap of the enter key on a keyboard.(只要敲击键盘上的回车键,人工智能画家就能创作出1000多幅原创艺术作品。)”和最后四句“Why Scarcity — there’s only one of the original. Should anyone pay for these things And if an artist puts AI masterpieces up for sale, what should the price be (为什么?稀缺性——只有一个原物。有人应该为这些东西买单吗?如果一位艺术家要出售人工智能杰作,价格应该是多少?)”可知,作者在第三段提到了蒙娜丽莎是为了呈现AI艺术价值的潜在问题。故选B。
35.推理判断题。根据第四段前两句“AI art involves a program mimicking (模仿) the work of existing artists to create a new piece according to the request of a human. But who made the artwork, the machine or its user (人工智能艺术是模仿现有艺术家的作品,根据人类的要求创作新作品的程序。但是是谁创造了艺术品,机器还是它的使用者?)”和最后一句“Such questions complicate the merging of artificial intelligence and the art industry, while fueling arguments against recognizing AI-generated art as marketable artistic products.(这些问题使人工
36.B 37.G 38.C 39.F 40.E
36.根据前文““Don’t judge a book by its cover”, the popular saying goes. “All that glitters is not gold” is another.(俗话说:“不要以貌取人”。“闪光的未必都是金子”是另一句。)”以及后文“They remind us that something’s appearance should not be the most important thing when determining its value.(它们提醒我们,在决定某物的价值时,外观不应该是最重要的因素。)”可知,划线句仍是关于不能凭外观决定价值的谚语。B选项““Fine feathers do not make fine birds””(“人不可貌相。”)符合题意,故选B项。
37.根据结合下文提到的几种提高的方法可知,划线句目的是引出下文提高身体积极性的方法。G选项“So what can a person do to improve their own body positivity ”(那么一个人可以做些什么来提高自己身体的积极性呢 )符合题意,可以引出下文。故选G项。
38.根据前文“Learn to accept praise.(学会接受表扬。)”可知,本段讲述的是要接受别人的夸赞。C选项“When someone says something nice, embrace it”(当有人说好话的时候,拥抱它)符合题意,故选C项。
39.根据下文“That comparing only creates,a standard we think we need to pursue and leads to feelings of disappointment if we aren't up to the standard.(这种比较只会创造一个我们认为需要追求的标准,如果我们达不到标准,就会感到失望。)”可知,本段是讲我们不能和完美身材的人作比较。F选项“Don’t compare your body to others', particularly celebrities.”(不要拿自己的身材和别人比较,尤其是名人。)符合题意,故选F项。
40.根据前文“Finally, the only person who can truly affect your body positivity is you.(最后,唯一能真正影响你身体积极性的人是你自己。)”以及下文“Love what you look like.(爱你自己的样子)”可知,我们要了解自己,并就自己想成为什么样的人做出决定。E选项“e certain about who you are and what you want as a person.”(确定你是谁,你想要什么样的人。)符合题意,故选E项。
41.B 42.C 43.B 44.A 45.C 46.B 47.D 48.D 49.D 50.C 51.B 52.C 53.A 54.C 55.B
41.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在一天漫长的工作后,在一座巨大的大楼里,我发现自己站在一个微笑着的年轻人旁边。A. personality个性;B. smile微笑;C. attitude态度;D. voice嗓音。根据“His smile was so warm”可知,此处是信息词smile的词汇复现。故选B。
42.考查动词词义辨析。句意:聊天显示了我们的共同点:我们都是从不同的国家来到纽约的。A. proved证明;B. replied回复;C. showed展示;D. defined下定义。根据“We all came to New York from different countries.”可知,聊天显示了作者和那个年轻人的共同点是从不同的国家来到纽约。故选C。
43.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们交换了在一个新国家开始新生活的困难的故事。A. styles风格;B. stories故事;C. lectures演讲;D. methods方法。根据“about the difficulties of starting a new life in a new country.”可知,作者和那位年轻人交换自己的故事。故选B。
44.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我对他说:“我一直在找一个离我工作地点步行就能到的公寓。”A. job工作;B. school学校;C. building建筑;D. home家。根据“within walking distance”可知,作者想要找一个离自己工作地点步行就能到的公寓。故选A。
45.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我想租一间能看到中央公园的房子!A. narrow狭窄的;B. personal个人的;C. good好的;D. powerful有影响力的。根据“Central Park”可知,作者想租一间能有好的视野看到中央公园的房子。故选C。
46.考查动词词义辨析。句意:也许我只是在做梦。A. cheating欺骗;B. dreaming梦想;C. competing竞争;D. pretending假装。根据“I can’t afford to   7   a room like that myself and I haven’t found a roommate to   8   the expense.”可知,作者自己一个人租不起像那样的房间,也没有找到人合租,因此作者认为自己是在做梦。故选B。
47.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我自己租不起那样的房间,而且我还没有找到室友来分担费用。A. buy买;B. make制作;C. have有;D. rent出租。根据下文“I haven’t found a roommate to   8   the expense”可知,作者自己租不起那样的房间。故选D。
48.考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. increase增加;B. waste浪费;C. pair配对;D. share分享。根据下文““Her name’s Sally and she is a good girl,” he said. “You’ll like her, and she needs a roommate.””可知,作者没有找到分担房租的人。故选D。
49.考查名词词义辨析。句意:年轻人在一张纸上写下了一个号码。A. cake蛋糕;B. music音乐;C. wood木材;D. paper纸。根据“The young man wrote a number down”可知,在纸上写下一个号码。故选D。
50.考查动词词义辨析。句意:后来,她成了我最好的室友。A. found找到,发现;B. told告诉;C. became成为;D. asked问。根据“my best roommate”可知,Sally成为作者最好的室友。故选C。
51.考查名词词义辨析。句意:萨莉告诉我,她和那个年轻人根本不是朋友,他们只见过一面。A. relatives亲戚;B. friends朋友;C. families家庭;D. roommates室友。根据“they just met once”可知,Sally告诉作者自己和那个年轻人不是朋友。故选B。
52.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“也许他以前就知道你,因为你在那家大公司里工作勤奋的精神是出了名的,”我告诉莎莉。A. well-trained训练有素的;B. well-balanced均衡的;C. well-known著名的;D. well-educated有教养的。根据“Maybe he knows of you before”可知,作者认为Sally因为在大公司勤奋工作而出名。故选C。
53.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. spirit精神;B. time时间;C. goal目标;D. design设计。根据“your hardworking”可知,此处指勤奋工作的精神。故选A。
54.考查名词词义辨析。句意:即使你是你生活中的一个小土豆,你仍然可以通过努力工作或做一些对别人有帮助的事情来赢得你的荣誉。A. future未来;B. heart心;C. honour荣誉;D. trust信任。根据“Even though you are a small potato in your life”和“by working hard”可知,即使自己很渺小,仍然可以通过努力工作赢得荣誉。故选C。
55.考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. effective有效的;B. helpful乐于助人的;C. skillful灵巧的,熟练的;D. creative有创造力的。结合作者自己得到帮助的经历可知,作者认为通过帮助别人也能赢得荣誉。故选B。
56.a 57.is devoted 58.which 59.centuries 60.seen 61.to be 62.before 63.original 64.or 65.appearance
56.考查冠词。句意:这是一场与时间的赛跑,因为敦煌研究院的几代文化遗产保护人员努力保护莫高窟的艺术魅力,莫高窟被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。后文UNESCO World Heritage Site为单数可数名词,泛指概念,应用不定冠词限定,作同位语。UNESCO以辅音音素开头,应用不定冠词a,故填a。
57.考查时态和语态。句意:该团队致力于保护该遗址735个洞穴的45,000平方米壁画和2,400多个彩绘雕塑,这些洞穴的建造从4世纪到14世纪大约花费了1000年。动词“献身于”和主语之间是被动关系,此处描述现实状况,用一般现在时的被动语态,be devoted to (doing) sth“致力于(做)某事”是固定句型。主谓一致,故填is devoted。
58.考查定语从句。句意:同上。此处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为the site,指代事物,关系词替代先行词作介词宾语,应用关系代词which引导,故填which。
61.考查非谓语动词。句意:修复人员应该懂得绘画,掌握泥瓦匠的技能,并具备一定的化学和物理知识,以便能够识别问题及其相应的原因,并提供解决方案。根据句意可知,此处应用动词不定式,作目的状语。故填to be。
64.考查连词。句意:当修复者发现壁画的某些部分丢失或褪色时,他们从不重新粉刷,以创造一个“完美”的修复外观。后文fading away和前文missing之间是选择关系,应用连词or连接,故填or。
Dear Olympic Organizing Committee,
I am interested in some voluntary work for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. So I am writing to apply to be a volunteer.
As a sports fan, I am keen on sports and I have always been expecting the Games to be held here. Besides, I have a good command of English, which can be convenient for me to communicate with others. Also, I am an outgoing, reliable and helpful person. I’m sure I will offer the best service to whoever participates in the Games.
I would appreciate it if you could give me a chance and I do hope I can be accepted as a member of volunteers. Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
原句:As a sports fan, I am keen on sports and I have always been expecting the Games to be held here.
拓展句:As a sports fan, I am keen on sports and I have always been expecting the Games that is to be held here.
【点睛】[高分句型1] Besides, I have a good command of English, which can be convenient for me to communicate with others. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2] I would appreciate it if you could give me a chance and I do hope I can be accepted as a member of volunteers. (运用了if引导的条件状语从句和that引导的宾语从句,省略了that)
Week by week, Ben realized that reading seemed easier with Max’s company. The
presence of the gray cat made him feel more relaxed and comfortable. He noticed that Max’s purring had a calming effect on him, allowing him to focus better on the words in front of him. Ben was amazed by how much he enjoyed reading aloud to Max. Still, he was surprised when Ms. Delgado gave him the Most Improved Reader award. Ben felt a sense of pride and accomplishment as he held the certificate in his hands. He couldn’t wait to show it to Max.
But on Saturday, Ben couldn’t find Max at the shelter. He looked around the room, hoping to catch a glimpse of his feline friend. However, Max was nowhere to be found. Ben’s heart sank as he realized that someone might have adopted Max. Just then, Mrs. Patel walked into the visitors’ room, carrying Max. “I’m adopting him,” Mrs. Patel said. “You can come over every day to read to him.” Hearing what Mrs. Patel said, Ben jumped with excitement and threw his arms around Mrs. Patel. Of course, he didn’t forget to hug Max tightly who gave a contented purr.
【详解】1. 段落续写:
2. 续写线索:老师安排去给猫读书——遇到Max——想收养Max但是不行——发现自己在Max陪伴下朗读能力提高——获得进步奖——想告诉Max——Max不见了——得知Max被Patel收养——高兴。
3. 词汇激活
②集中注意力:focus on/concentrate on/throw oneself into
③走近:walk into/ step into
【点睛】[高分句型1]He noticed that Max’s purring had a calming effect on him, allowing him to focus better on the words in front of him. (that引导宾语从句)
[高分句型2]Of course, he didn’t forget to hug Max tightly who gave a contented purr. (who引导的定语从句)


