
  1. 二一教育资源



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What will the speakers do together
A. Put the things away. B. Clean the bathroom. C. Sweep the floor.
2. Where will the speakers probably go next
A. Joe and Mary’s. B. A gas station. C. A restaurant.
3. Why can’t the woman attend the dinner party
A She is feeling unwell. B. She has to work overtime. C. She needs to look after Jake.
4. Where are the speakers
A. At a wine shop. B. At a restaurant. C. At home.
5. What does the woman mean
A. She supports the man.
B. The man should find a new job.
C. It would be useless going back to school.
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读
各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白 读两遍。
6. What accessory does the red bike have
A. A drink holder. B. A bell. C. A light.
7.How much will the man pay
A. $300. B. $350. C. $500.
8. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A serious complaint. B. A potential client. C. A former colleague.
9. What makes the situation complicated
A. The client has taken legal action.
B. Tony didn’t hand over his work to others.
C. The company has lost important files.
10.What does the woman ask the man to do at first
A. Find car keys. B. Take a bus. C. Check his schedule.
11. What did the man do last week
A. He crashed his car into a police car.
B. He changed his car insurance.
C. He got two speeding tickets.
12. What do we know about the course
A. It’s expensive. B. It’s 25-hour long. C. It’s an off line course.
13.Why did Danny decide to start his recording studio
A. To work with musicians. B. To make a living. C. To reduce costs.
14.What is involved in Danny’s business now
A. Drawing cartoons.
B. Recording commercial music.
C. Making his own pop albums.
15. What does Danny have to do
A. Advertise his productions.
B. Produce all kinds of music.
C. Deal with well-known musicians.
16.Which of the following is Danny’s strength
A. His skill at music arrangement.
B. His ability to employ new techniques.
C. His capability to meet market needs.
17.Who are the listeners
A. Construction workers. B. College students. C. Architects.
18.What did the speaker expect to do after university
A. Teach engineering courses. B. Design tall buildings. C. Work on a construction site.
19.What did the speaker learn from his experience in construction
A. The chance to work on various projects.
B. The opportunity to design buildings.
C. A deeper understanding of the theories.
20 What is the main topic of the talk
A. Unexpected experiences in life can lead to valuable gains.
B. University education shapes people for the most part.
C. The first job after graduation is very important.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)
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1. What can you get at BooksRun
A. Cost-free e-books. B. Free return shipping.
C. A discount on textbooks. D. Low-priced packaging service.
2. How much do you pay for using express delivery for two items
A. $4. B. $8. C. $15. D. $19.
3. What do we know about BooksRun
A. It mainly deals with used books. B. It has a strict deadline for returning books.
C. It makes a generous donation every year. D. It operates in a sustainable way.
It felt as if we had been climbing for hours. I stopped to catch my breath as a wave of dizziness swept over me in the thin mountain air. I was on an amazing trip with my family to experience the festival of Qoyllur Riti, which takes place at 4,300 meters high in the southern Andes of Peru.
As I looked back down the trail we had climbed, and up towards where we had to go, the colorful sight struck me a lot. Entire families wearing local costumes were travelling to this unique festival from all over Peru. Among them were old men, mothers with small babies and children all following the same route. Many of them had horses and donkeys carry their food, blankets, cooking pots and tents. Others had made their way on foot through the mountains for days to attend this remarkable event.
We continued climbing upward for another hour and a half before reaching the Sinakara Valley. Right across this flat piece of ground people were putting up shelters and tents to protect themselves from the freezing mist and rain. It was clear, however, from the sound of the drums and singing rising from the campsite that the weather was not going to weaken the festival spirit. The air of excitement, even from our place more than a mile away, was palpable.
After dinner, we went to bed fully clothed inside our sleeping bags. We were up early the next morning, the main day of the festival, despite having slept badly on the frozen ground. The ukukus, men wearing black masks and costumes, had left the campsite in the early hours to climb the nearest mountain by the light of the full moon.
From time to time during the procession, they stopped to dance on the glaciers, believing this would bring luck to their villages for the year to come. In the dawn light, we watched them winding their way back down like a large black snake. As they descended, they were joined by groups of dancers in bright traditional costumes. They performed wherever there was space. Although there did not seem to be anyone organizing them or any timetable, the whole festival had become a huge harmonious celebration.
4. What do we know about family’s climb up and down the trail
A. They were too tired to enjoy the sight.
B. They regretted extremely taking the trip.
C. They were fascinated by the scenes there.
D. They were greeted warmly by local people.
5. The underlined word in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. suitable B. endurable C. noticeable D. understandable
6. What can be inferred from the festival participants
A. They were all dressed in plain clothes.
B. They were determined to reach the festival.
C. They only continued their journey during daylight hours.
D. They performed dances to demonstrate their traditional costumes.
7. Where is this text most likely from
A. A health report. B. A sports newspaper.
C A fashion forum. D. A culture magazine.
“Renewable energy development is a critically important component of the transition away from fossil fuels, making our air cleaner. However, bird death has become an unintended consequence of renewable energy development,” said Hannah Vander Zanden, an assistant professor of biology at the University of Florida. Birds can be killed when they hit wind turbines (涡轮机), fly into solar panels they mistake for bodies of water or get burned by the intense heat from concentrating solar power plants. While the death rate of birds due to these energy facilities is far less than deaths due to domestic cats and crashes with buildings, efforts to deal with this new problem are important, scientists say.
Vander Zanden and her colleagues performed geospatial (地理空间的) analyses of stable hydrogen isotope (氢同位素) data obtained from feathers of 871 individual birds found dead at these renewable energy facilities in California, which represented 24 species. Results from the study show that the birds killed at the facilities were from a broad area across the continent. Their geographical origins varied among species and included a mix of local and nonlocal birds. Researchers found most birds killed at solar facilities were nonlocal and peaked during the migratory periods of April and September through October. The percentage of migratory birds found at wind facilities nearly matched that of local birds, at 51%.
“The data can help inform us about the best strategies to use to minimize the deaths,”Vander Zanden said. “For example, facilities management could work with conservationists to improve the local habitat to help protect local birds or improve other parts of the species’ range where the migratory birds originate.” The results also illustrate the power of stable isotope data to assess future population growth or decline patterns for birds due to a variety of reasons.
“Studying the remains of animals like what we did is a noninvasive approach to get information that is otherwise hard to track and apply to conservation,” Vander Zanden said. “It’s a great way to understand the mysteries about animals.”
8. What is the new threat to birds according to Vander Zanden
A. The high-rise buildings. B. The loss of natural habitats.
C. The devastating climate change. D. The rise of renewable energy facilities.
9. What did Vander Zanden and her colleagues discover in their study
A. Solar facilities were primarily responsible for bird death.
B. Non-migratory birds faced a greater death risk at wind facilities.
C. Migratory birds were more affected by solar facilities than local ones.
D. The bird death rate was closely associated with migration patterns.
10. What can we infer from Vander Zanden’s words
A. Animals hold many mysteries to humans.
B. The research possesses scientific significance.
C. Keeping track of and analyzing birds is challenging.
D. The remains of dead birds should be well conserved.
11 What does the passage mainly talk about?
A. Renewable energy is a two-edged sword.
B. Solar energy is a major cause of birds’ death.
C. Studying birds promotes energy development.
D. Birds are threatened by renewable energy facilities.
New research suggests tea might help those who drink it live longer than those who do not. Past studies in China and Japan, where green tea is popular, have suggested several health benefits. Now, scientists say black tea may show similar benefits.
Scientists from the United States National Cancer Institute carried out the study. They examined years of data gathered about the tea drinking behavior of almost 500,000 adults in Britain for as many as 14 years. Black tea is the most common kind of tea in Britain.
The study found that high tea intake — two or more cups a day — was linked to a moderate benefit: a 9 to 13 percent lower risk of death from any cause than non-tea drinkers.
The research was published in Annals of Internal Medicine. The scientists say the lowered risk of death held true for study subjects with heart disease. However, researchers said there was no clear finding in connection with deaths from cancer. Researchers were not sure why. “It is possible that there were too few confirmed cancer deaths to measure,” said Maki Inoue-Choi, who led the study.
Tea contains various elements, including polyphenols, which are thought to be responsible for the health benefits that have traditionally been linked to tea, especially green tea. Green tea is reported to improve mental ability, ease digestive problems and head pain, and help people with weight loss. Green tea has also been studied for possible protective effects against heart disease and cancer.
The study of British tea drinkers was based on observing people’s behaviors and health.
This kind of methodology cannot prove cause and effect.
“Observational studies like this always raise the question: Is there something else about tea drinkers that makes them healthier ” said Marion Nestle. She is a professor of food studies at New York University.
“The study does not offer enough evidence to advise people to change their tea behaviors,” said Inoue-Choi.
12. How is the result of the study presented
A. By analyzing cause and effect. B. By giving definitions.
C. By listing numbers. D. By presenting examples.
13. What can be learned from the fourth paragraph
A. Fewer and fewer people are dying of cancer.
B. Drinking tea has no effect on cancer patients.
C. We can’t confirm the leading cause of cancer deaths.
D. Drinking tea can lessen the risk of death from heart disease.
14. What can we learn about the observational studies
A. This method has its limitations. B. This is an easy and effective method.
C. They don’t need to be proved. D. Behaviors and health are closely connected.
15. What is Inoue-Choi’s attitude toward the habit of drinking tea
A. Doubtful. B. Objective. C. Negative. D. Indifferent.
Low-effort things you can do to live sustainably
You might think you need to change a lot of your daily habits to live sustainably but, in fact, becoming more eco-friendly is much easier than it might seem. Below are some easy steps towards becoming more sustainable.
Shop at farmer markets.
Getting your daily fruit and vegetables from a local farmer market is an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint while eating healthily. It cuts out lengthy stays of the products in refrigerated storage and up to thousands of miles of fossil-fueled transportation. ____16____
Practice meatless Mondays.
Global meat production is a big contributor to greenhouse gasses. ____17____ It isn’t necessary either. Many people reducing their meat consumption by a small amount would still have a great impact. According to a study, you could reduce your carbon footprint by as much as 8 pounds each week just by practicing meatless Mondays only.
Dispose of unused medications properly.
Flushing (冲) unused medications down the drain (下水道) can pollute water supplies affecting everything downstream. You shouldn’t throw medications away either as they can be dangerous for others to find. ____18____ Leftover medications can be chemically dealt with and disposed of in a safe and secure way there.
It is easy to understand that buying something used is more environmentally friendly than buying something new and clothes are no exception. ____20____ According to the United Nations the fashion industry is responsible for 2% - 8% of global carbon emissions (排放量). Buying something used keeps things out of landfills and reduces demand for new items.
A. Shop second-hand.
B. Think twice before shopping.
C. A meatless diet can help prevent disease.
D. The best option is to take them to a collection site.
E. It is not practical to expect everyone to go vegetarian,
F. Additionally, less plastic in packaging reduces plastic waste.
G. The fast-fashion industry consumes considerable resources each year.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分15分)
Every weekend my parents give me $100. I bet you think I’m really spoiled (宠坏的). Think again!
It all started when I wanted a really cool ___21___. I asked my parents to buy it for me but they said I would have to buy with my own money. “But it’s only $100!” I ___22___. An hour later, my parents ___23___ there would be a family meeting at dinner.
They ___24___ the meeting with the words, “We’ve been thinking about how to give more ___25___ in our family.” They brought up several “new ways” I could “have more say.”
One way was to allow me to ___26___ for the family. Each Saturday, I was to be given $100 — along with a shopping ___27___. It was up to me to buy everything on it. Whatever money was ___28___, whether two dollars or thirty, was mine and I could ___29___ however I wanted— whether to buy toys, books, jackets, or even a bicycle. My parents’ $100-a-week plan gives me real ___30___ to shop for the best bargains (特价商品). I ___31___ prices on every single item on my list before I ___32___ what to put in my basket.
My parent’s clever plan has turned me into a ___33___ shopper. Now, when I finally save enough money, that cool bicycle doesn’t just ___34___ a mere purchase; it stands as symbol of my ___35___ success.
21. A. book B. jacket C. bicycle D. toy
22. A. complained B. apologized C. calculated D. lied
23. A. implied B. predicted C. announced D. admitted
24. A. arranged B. concluded C. attended D. started
25. A. freedom B. say C. trust D. support
26. A. cook B. pay C. care D. shop
27. A. list B. basket C. center D. guide
28. A. brought in B. set aside C. left over D. handed over
29. A. exchange B. spend C. donate D. invest
30. A. excuse B. challenge C. motivation D. advantage
31. A. compare B. charge C. cut D. quote
32. A. agree B. decide C. explain D. recognize
33. A. popular B. wise C. dependent D. brave
34. A. represent B. affect C. delay D. replace
35. A. ready-made B. last-minute C. short-term D. hard-earned
Shuang Jiang, or Frost’s Descent, is the last term of autumn, marking the transition from autumn to winter. Literally, Shuang Jiang refers to the time ____36____ frost starts to descend in China due to cold weather. In the north, with large fields ____37____ (do) for the season, farmers can take a break. But in the south, farmers are still busy taking sweet potatoes home before they ____38____ (destroy) by the coming frost. They must also protect the winter wheat and rape (油菜) ____39____ major pests and diseases. It is said that Frost’s Descent is the best time to adjust to a nourishing (滋补的) diet and lifestyle. Besides putting on ____40____ (many) clothes to keep warm, people also eat various fruits to keep healthy. Persimmon (柿子) is the favorite fruit in many areas, which not only wards off the cold,____41____ strengthens the muscles and bones.
____42____(additional), honey, jelly fungus (木耳) and sesame (芝麻) are believed to help provide the necessary nutrition for the human body. For protein, chicken or mutton soup is advised to be included in the diet. With golden maple ____43____ (leaf) turning to red, people often go hiking in nature and enjoy the scenery during this period of time. In the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, people celebrate the Frost’s Descent Festival by ____44____ (offer) fruits and desserts in addition to dancing and singing folk songs on the day of Frost’s Descent in honor of Cen Yuyin, a heroine who _____45_____ (fight) against foreign aggression in the Ming Dynasty.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 五月母亲节要到了,我们要如何表达对妈妈的爱呢?有的同学认为爱的表达应该体现在平日的生活中,有的同学则认为在母亲节表达对妈妈的爱更有意义。请你为校报英语专栏投稿。
内容包括: 1.不同观点; 2.你的观点和做法。 注意:1. 词数应为80个左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
How to Express Love for Moms
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Amy’s youngest child, 2-year-old Jenna, wouldn’t go to sleep until Amy read her a story while rocking her. Rocking and reading became their favorite nighttime routine.
Jenna awoke one night screaming in pain. Hospital tests later revealed that she had cancer, but luckily she had a successful operation.
During Jenna’s first week in the hospital, Amy stayed with her day and night. The nurses put a rocking chair in her room so they could continue their nighttime routine. After Jenna was asleep, Amy got some rest in the hard armchair by Jenna’s bed. Jenna was doing well, and Amy began sparing time to help her husband Joe take care of their little boys. She would go home in the evening, have dinner with the boys, and then return to the hospital until Jenna was asleep. Then Amy would come home for the remainder of the night.
It was pouring rain one evening as Amy hurried home to make dinner. By the time the meal was done, the roads were dangerous. Joe stood nearby as she looked out of the kitchen window. He firmly stopped Amy from going out in such weather.
“Joe,” Amy cried, “I have to read Jenna a story and rock her. She won’t be able to sleep if I don’t.” “Honey,” he said, “be reasonable. What if you have a bad car accident The roads will be better tomorrow. Then, you can go.”
Amy finally nodded and called Sally, a middle-aged nurse who worked a twelve-hour shift from 8 am to 8 pm. In tears she told Sally that it was the first time since Jenna was born that she hadn’t rocked her at bedtime.
Sally comforted Amy in a calm voice. She promised that she would go in to see Jenna before she left and tell her that when she woke up her mommy would be with her. “Thank you, Sally,” Amy said.
When it was time to go to bed, Jenna couldn’t find her mom and got panic.
注意: 1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Just when her tears welled up, Sally came in.
The next morning Amy opened the door, finding Jenna was sleeping peacefully in Sally’s arms.
1-5 ACCBA 6-10 ACABB 11- 15 ACCBC 16-20 ABBCA太原五中2023—2024学年度第二学期校一模
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What will the speakers do together
A. Put the things away. B. Clean the bathroom. C. Sweep the floor.
2. Where will the speakers probably go next
A. Joe and Mary’s. B. A gas station. C. A restaurant.
3. Why can’t the woman attend the dinner party
A. She is feeling unwell. B. She has to work overtime. C. She needs to look after Jake.
4. Where are the speakers
A. At a wine shop. B. At a restaurant. C. At home.
5. What does the woman mean
A. She supports the man.
B. The man should find a new job.
C. It would be useless going back to school.
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读
各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白 读两遍。
6. What accessory does the red bike have
A. A drink holder. B. A bell. C. A light.
7.How much will the man pay
A. $300. B. $350. C. $500.
8. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A serious complaint. B. A potential client. C. A former colleague.
9. What makes the situation complicated
A. The client has taken legal action.
B. Tony didn’t hand over his work to others.
C. The company has lost important files.
10.What does the woman ask the man to do at first
A. Find car keys. B. Take a bus. C. Check his schedule.
11. What did the man do last week
A. He crashed his car into a police car.
B. He changed his car insurance.
C. He got two speeding tickets.
12. What do we know about the course
A. It’s expensive. B. It’s 25-hour long. C. It’s an off line course.
13.Why did Danny decide to start his recording studio
A. To work with musicians. B. To make a living. C. To reduce costs.
14.What is involved in Danny’s business now
A. Drawing cartoons.
B. Recording commercial music.
C. Making his own pop albums.
15. What does Danny have to do
A. Advertise his productions.
B. Produce all kinds of music.
C. Deal with well-known musicians.
16.Which of the following is Danny’s strength
A. His skill at music arrangement.
B. His ability to employ new techniques.
C. His capability to meet market needs.
17.Who are the listeners
A. Construction workers. B. College students. C. Architects.
18.What did the speaker expect to do after university
A. Teach engineering courses. B. Design tall buildings. C. Work on a construction site.
19.What did the speaker learn from his experience in construction
A. The chance to work on various projects.
B. The opportunity to design buildings.
C. A deeper understanding of the theories.
20. What is the main topic of the talk
A. Unexpected experiences in life can lead to valuable gains.
B. University education shapes people for the most part.
C. The first job after graduation is very important.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)
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Our green promise
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1. What can you get at BooksRun
A. Cost-free e-books. B. Free return shipping.
C. A discount on textbooks. D. Low-priced packaging service.
2. How much do you pay for using express delivery for two items
A. $4. B. $8. C. $15. D. $19.
3. What do we know about BooksRun
A. It mainly deals with used books. B. It has a strict deadline for returning books.
C. It makes a generous donation every year. D. It operates in a sustainable way.
【答案】1. B 2. B 3. D
【导语】这是一篇应用文。介绍了在线租书网站Books Run的相关情况。
细节理解题。根据Why rent books online with BooksRun部分中“Free delivery and returns(免费送货及退货)”可知,Books Run所有订单均免标准运费,也不收取寄回的运费。故选B。
细节理解题。根据How to rent books部分中“If you want express delivery, expedited (加急的) shipping is only $4 per item!(如果您想要快件,加急运输每件只需$4 !)”可知,两件商品费用为4+4=8美元。故选B。
细节理解题。根据Our green promise部分中“● All our packaging is made out of recycled or fully recyclable materials. ● For every book you rent, we give you points you can donate toward planting trees. (●我们所有的包装都是由可回收或完全可回收的材料制成的。●每租一本书,我们就会给你积分,你可以用来植树)”可知,Books Run采取了可持续经营的模式。故选D。
It felt as if we had been climbing for hours. I stopped to catch my breath as a wave of dizziness swept over me in the thin mountain air. I was on an amazing trip with my family to experience the festival of Qoyllur Riti, which takes place at 4,300 meters high in the southern Andes of Peru.
As I looked back down the trail we had climbed, and up towards where we had to go, the colorful sight struck me a lot. Entire families wearing local costumes were travelling to this unique festival from all over Peru. Among them were old men, mothers with small babies and children all following the same route. Many of them had horses and donkeys carry their food, blankets, cooking pots and tents. Others had made their way on foot through the mountains for days to attend this remarkable event.
We continued climbing upward for another hour and a half before reaching the Sinakara Valley. Right across this flat piece of ground people were putting up shelters and tents to protect themselves from the freezing mist and rain. It was clear, however, from the sound of the drums and singing rising from the campsite that the weather was not going to weaken the festival spirit. The air of excitement, even from our place more than a mile away, was palpable.
After dinner, we went to bed fully clothed inside our sleeping bags. We were up early the next morning, the main day of the festival, despite having slept badly on the frozen ground. The ukukus, men wearing black masks and costumes, had left the campsite in the early hours to climb the nearest mountain by the light of the full moon.
From time to time during the procession, they stopped to dance on the glaciers, believing this would bring luck to their villages for the year to come. In the dawn light, we watched them winding their way back down like a large black snake. As they descended, they were joined by groups of dancers in bright traditional costumes. They performed wherever there was space. Although there did not seem to be anyone organizing them or any timetable, the whole festival had become a huge harmonious celebration.
4. What do we know about family’s climb up and down the trail
A. They were too tired to enjoy the sight.
B. They regretted extremely taking the trip.
C. They were fascinated by the scenes there.
D. They were greeted warmly by local people.
5. The underlined word in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. suitable B. endurable C. noticeable D. understandable
6. What can be inferred from the festival participants
A. They were all dressed in plain clothes.
B. They were determined to reach the festival.
C. They only continued their journey during daylight hours.
D. They performed dances to demonstrate their traditional costumes.
7. Where is this text most likely from
A. A health report. B. A sports newspaper.
C. A fashion forum. D. A culture magazine.
【答案】4. C 5. C 6. B 7. D
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍世界上最高的节日,Qoyllur Rit’i这个节日在海拔4300米秘鲁安第斯山脉举行庆祝活动。
细节理解题。第二段提到“As I looked back down the trail we had climbed, and up towards where we had to go, the colorful sight struck me a lot.”(我回头看了看我们爬过的小路,抬头看了看我们要去的地方,五彩缤纷的景色深深地打动了我。)由此判断,作者一家在爬山的过程中被路上美丽的景色打动了。故选C。
词义猜测题。划线词前文提到“It was clear, however, from the sound of the drums and singing rising from the campsite that the weather was not going to weaken the festival spirit.”(然而,从营地传来的鼓声和歌声中可以清楚地看出,天气不会削弱节日的气氛。)作者在很远的地方都能够听到从营地传出来的鼓声和歌声,说明营地里节日气氛非常明显的可以感受到,在很远的地方都很清晰。A. suitable适合的;B. endurable可忍受的;C. noticeable显而易见的;D. understandable可理解的。C项符合文意,故选C。
推理判断题。第二段提到“Many of them had horses and donkeys carry their food, blankets, cooking pots and tents. Others had made their way on foot through the mountains for days to attend this remarkable event.”(其中有老人、带着小孩的母亲和孩子,他们都走着同样的路线。他们中的许多人用马和驴驮着食物、毯子、炊具和帐篷。还有一些人花了好几天的时间徒步穿过大山,来参加这个非凡的活动。)很多人为了参加这个活动甚至走了很长时间的路,说明他们是下定决心要来参加这个活动。故选B。
推理判断题。第一段提到“I was on an amazing trip with my family to experience the festival of Qoyllur Riti, which takes place at 4,300 meters high in the southern Andes of Peru.”(我和我的家人在一次奇妙的旅行中体验了在秘鲁安第斯山脉南部4300米高的地方举行的Qoyllur Riti节。)并且根据后文中,作者对于该节日的描写,判断本文讲述的是世界上不同的文化特色,由此判断,本文可能出自于文化杂志。故选D。
“Renewable energy development is a critically important component of the transition away from fossil fuels, making our air cleaner. However, bird death has become an unintended consequence of renewable energy development,” said Hannah Vander Zanden, an assistant professor of biology at the University of Florida. Birds can be killed when they hit wind turbines (涡轮机), fly into solar panels they mistake for bodies of water or get burned by the intense heat from concentrating solar power plants. While the death rate of birds due to these energy facilities is far less than deaths due to domestic cats and crashes with buildings, efforts to deal with this new problem are important, scientists say.
Vander Zanden and her colleagues performed geospatial (地理空间的) analyses of stable hydrogen isotope (氢同位素) data obtained from feathers of 871 individual birds found dead at these renewable energy facilities in California, which represented 24 species. Results from the study show that the birds killed at the facilities were from a broad area across the continent. Their geographical origins varied among species and included a mix of local and nonlocal birds. Researchers found most birds killed at solar facilities were nonlocal and peaked during the migratory periods of April and September through October. The percentage of migratory birds found at wind facilities nearly matched that of local birds, at 51%.
“The data can help inform us about the best strategies to use to minimize the deaths,”Vander Zanden said. “For example, facilities management could work with conservationists to improve the local habitat to help protect local birds or improve other parts of the species’ range where the migratory birds originate.” The results also illustrate the power of stable isotope data to assess future population growth or decline patterns for birds due to a variety of reasons.
“Studying the remains of animals like what we did is a noninvasive approach to get information that is otherwise hard to track and apply to conservation,” Vander Zanden said. “It’s a great way to understand the mysteries about animals.”
8. What is the new threat to birds according to Vander Zanden
A. The high-rise buildings. B. The loss of natural habitats.
C. The devastating climate change. D. The rise of renewable energy facilities.
9. What did Vander Zanden and her colleagues discover in their study
A. Solar facilities were primarily responsible for bird death.
B. Non-migratory birds faced a greater death risk at wind facilities.
C. Migratory birds were more affected by solar facilities than local ones.
D. The bird death rate was closely associated with migration patterns.
10. What can we infer from Vander Zanden’s words
A. Animals hold many mysteries to humans.
B. The research possesses scientific significance.
C. Keeping track of and analyzing birds is challenging.
D. The remains of dead birds should be well conserved.
11. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A. Renewable energy is a two-edged sword.
B. Solar energy is a major cause of birds’ death.
C. Studying birds promotes energy development.
D. Birds are threatened by renewable energy facilities.
【答案】8. D 9. C 10. B 11. D
细节理解题。根据第一段中“However, bird death has become an unintended consequence of renewable energy development,(然而,鸟类死亡已成为可再生能源发展的意外后果)”及“Birds can be killed when they hit wind turbines (涡轮机), fly into solar panels they mistake for bodies of water or get burned by the intense heat from concentrating solar power plants.(鸟类可能因撞击风力涡轮机,误将太阳能板当作水面而飞入,或被集中式太阳能发电厂的强烈热能烧伤而死亡)” 可知,鸟类面临的新威胁是可再生能源设施的增加。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第二段中“Researchers found most birds killed at solar facilities were nonlocal and peaked during the migratory periods of April and September through October. (研究人员发现,在太阳能设施中丧生的大部分鸟类是非本地的,并在4月及9月至10月的迁徙期间达到高峰)”可知,研究发现迁徙中的鸟类比本地鸟类受太阳能设施的影响更大。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第三段中““The data can help inform us about the best strategies to use to minimize the deaths,”Vander Zanden said. “For example, facilities management could work with conservationists to improve the local habitat to help protect local birds or improve other parts of the species’ range where the migratory birds originate.”(范德赞登说:“这些数据可以帮助我们了解如何制定最佳策略以最大限度地减少死亡。例如,设施管理人员可以与环保主义者合作,改善当地栖息地以保护本地鸟类,或改善迁徙鸟类起源的该物种其他分布区域”)”可知,这项研究具有科学意义,可以帮助制定策略来保护鸟类。故选B。
主旨大意题。根据全文内容及第一段中“However, bird death has become an unintended consequence of renewable energy development,(然而,鸟类死亡已成为可再生能源发展的意外后果)”可知文章主要谈论了鸟类受到可再生能源设施的威胁这一问题。故选D。
New research suggests tea might help those who drink it live longer than those who do not. Past studies in China and Japan, where green tea is popular, have suggested several health benefits. Now, scientists say black tea may show similar benefits.
Scientists from the United States National Cancer Institute carried out the study. They examined years of data gathered about the tea drinking behavior of almost 500,000 adults in Britain for as many as 14 years. Black tea is the most common kind of tea in Britain.
The study found that high tea intake — two or more cups a day — was linked to a moderate benefit: a 9 to 13 percent lower risk of death from any cause than non-tea drinkers.
The research was published in Annals of Internal Medicine. The scientists say the lowered risk of death held true for study subjects with heart disease. However, researchers said there was no clear finding in connection with deaths from cancer. Researchers were not sure why. “It is possible that there were too few confirmed cancer deaths to measure,” said Maki Inoue-Choi, who led the study.
Tea contains various elements, including polyphenols, which are thought to be responsible for the health benefits that have traditionally been linked to tea, especially green tea. Green tea is reported to improve mental ability, ease digestive problems and head pain, and help people with weight loss. Green tea has also been studied for possible protective effects against heart disease and cancer.
The study of British tea drinkers was based on observing people’s behaviors and health.
This kind of methodology cannot prove cause and effect.
“Observational studies like this always raise the question: Is there something else about tea drinkers that makes them healthier ” said Marion Nestle. She is a professor of food studies at New York University.
“The study does not offer enough evidence to advise people to change their tea behaviors,” said Inoue-Choi.
12. How is the result of the study presented
A By analyzing cause and effect. B. By giving definitions.
C. By listing numbers. D. By presenting examples.
13. What can be learned from the fourth paragraph
A. Fewer and fewer people are dying of cancer.
B. Drinking tea has no effect on cancer patients.
C. We can’t confirm the leading cause of cancer deaths.
D. Drinking tea can lessen the risk of death from heart disease.
14. What can we learn about the observational studies
A. This method has its limitations. B. This is an easy and effective method.
C. They don’t need to be proved. D. Behaviors and health are closely connected.
15. What is Inoue-Choi’s attitude toward the habit of drinking tea
A. Doubtful. B. Objective. C. Negative. D. Indifferent.
【答案】12. C 13. D 14. A 15. B
推理判断题。根据文章第三段“The study found that high tea intake — two or more cups a day — was linked to a moderate benefit: a 9 to 13 percent lower risk of death from any cause than non-tea drinkers.(该研究发现,大量饮茶——即每天两杯或以上——与适度的健康益处相关:相比非饮茶者,死于任何原因的风险降低了9%至13%)”可知,研究结果通过列举数字来呈现。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据文章第四段“The scientists say the lowered risk of death held true for study subjects with heart disease.(科学家表示,降低的死亡风险对于患有心脏病的研究对象也是成立的)”可知,饮茶可以降低死于心脏病的风险。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据文章第七段“This kind of methodology cannot prove cause and effect.(这种研究方法不能证明因果关系)”及第八段“Observational studies like this always raise the question: Is there something else about tea drinkers that makes them healthier (像这样的观察性研究总是提出一个问题:喝茶的人还有其他东西能让他们更健康吗?)”可知,此类研究并不能直接证明因果关系,受限于其他变量,故这种方法有其局限性。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段““The study does not offer enough evidence to advise people to change their tea behaviors,” said Inoue-Choi.(Inoue Choi说:“这项研究没有提供足够的证据来建议人们改变他们的茶饮行为”)”可知,Inoue-Choi对于饮茶习惯的态度是客观的。故选B项。
Low-effort things you can do to live sustainably
You might think you need to change a lot of your daily habits to live sustainably but, in fact, becoming more eco-friendly is much easier than it might seem. Below are some easy steps towards becoming more sustainable.
Shop at farmer markets.
Getting your daily fruit and vegetables from a local farmer market is an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint while eating healthily. It cuts out lengthy stays of the products in refrigerated storage and up to thousands of miles of fossil-fueled transportation. ____16____
Practice meatless Mondays.
Global meat production is a big contributor to greenhouse gasses. ____17____ It isn’t necessary either. Many people reducing their meat consumption by a small amount would still have a great impact. According to a study, you could reduce your carbon footprint by as much as 8 pounds each week just by practicing meatless Mondays only.
Dispose of unused medications properly.
Flushing (冲) unused medications down the drain (下水道) can pollute water supplies affecting everything downstream. You shouldn’t throw medications away either as they can be dangerous for others to find. ____18____ Leftover medications can be chemically dealt with and disposed of in a safe and secure way there.
It is easy to understand that buying something used is more environmentally friendly than buying something new and clothes are no exception. ____20____ According to the United Nations, the fashion industry is responsible for 2% - 8% of global carbon emissions (排放量). Buying something used keeps things out of landfills and reduces demand for new items.
A. Shop second-hand.
B. Think twice before shopping.
C. A meatless diet can help prevent disease.
D. The best option is to take them to a collection site.
E. It is not practical to expect everyone to go vegetarian,
F. Additionally, less plastic in packaging reduces plastic waste.
G. The fast-fashion industry consumes considerable resources each year.
【答案】16. F 17. E 18. D 19. A 20. G
上文“Getting your daily fruit and vegetables from a local farmer market is an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint while eating healthily. It cuts out lengthy stays of the products in refrigerated storage and up to thousands of miles of fossil-fueled transportation.(从当地农贸市场购买日常水果和蔬菜是一种既能减少碳足迹又能吃得健康的简单方法。它减少了产品在冷藏库中的长时间停留,以及长达数千英里的化石燃料运输。)”说明了从当地农贸市场买水果蔬菜的好处,空格处应该继续说这么做的好处,F选项“Additionally, less plastic in packaging reduces plastic waste.(此外,包装中更少的塑料减少了塑料废物。)”说明包装中塑料的减少也减少了塑料废物,根据客观常识,当地农贸市场的蔬菜水果是没有多少塑料包装的,因此F选项承接上文,符合语境,故选F。
空前“Global meat production is a big contributor to greenhouse gasses.(全球肉类生产是温室气体的一大排放源。)”说明了生产肉会产生温室气体,空后“Many people reducing their meat consumption by a small amount would still have a great impact.(许多人减少少量的肉类消费仍然会产生很大的影响。)”说明很多人减少少量的肉类消费仍然会产生很大的影响,由此可见,不一定需要所有人都不吃肉,E选项“It is not practical to expect everyone to go vegetarian,(期望每个人都吃素是不现实的,)”说明指望每个人都不吃肉是不现实的,和后文的“It isn’t necessary either.(这也没有必要。)”相呼应,因此E选项承上启下,符合语境,故选E。
空前“Flushing (冲) unused medications down the drain (下水道) can pollute water supplies affecting everything downstream. You shouldn’t throw medications away either as they can be dangerous for others to find.(将未使用的药物冲入下水道会污染供水,影响下游的一切。你也不应该把药物扔掉,因为别人发现它们可能很危险。)”说明不应该把未使用的药扔掉,空后“Leftover medications can be chemically dealt with and disposed of in a safe and secure way there.(剩下的药物可以在那里以安全可靠的方式进行化学处理和处置。)”提到了一个地方,空格处应该说要在某个地方放这些未使用的药,D选项“The best option is to take them to a collection site.(最好的选择是把它们带到一个收集点。)”说明要把未使用的药放在一个收集点,因此D选项承上启下,符合语境,故选D。
空格处是本段小标题,由空后的“It is easy to understand that buying something used is more environmentally friendly than buying something new and clothes are no exception.(很容易理解,买旧的东西比买新的东西更环保,衣服也不例外。)”说明要买二手的旧的东西,A选项“Shop second-hand.(买二手的东西。)”说明了要买二手的东西,概括了本段内容,可作为小标题,故选A。
空前“It is easy to understand that buying something used is more environmentally friendly than buying something new and clothes are no exception.(很容易理解,买旧的东西比买新的东西更环保,衣服也不例外。)”说明买二手衣服是更环保的,空后“According to the United Nations, the fashion industry is responsible for 2% - 8% of global carbon emissions (排放量).(据联合国统计,时尚产业的碳排放量占全球的2% - 8%。)”说明了时尚产业的碳排放量占全球的2% - 8%,空格处应该说时尚产业相关的内容,G选项“The fast-fashion industry consumes considerable resources each year.(快时尚产业每年消耗相当多的资源。)”说明了快时尚产业每年要消耗相当多的资源,是有关时尚产业的,因此G选项承上启下,符合语境,故选G。
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分15分)
Every weekend my parents give me $100. I bet you think I’m really spoiled (宠坏的). Think again!
It all started when I wanted a really cool ___21___. I asked my parents to buy it for me but they said I would have to buy with my own money. “But it’s only $100!” I ___22___. An hour later, my parents ___23___ there would be a family meeting at dinner.
They ___24___ the meeting with the words, “We’ve been thinking about how to give more ___25___ in our family.” They brought up several “new ways” I could “have more say.”
One way was to allow me to ___26___ for the family. Each Saturday, I was to be given $100 — along with a shopping ___27___. It was up to me to buy everything on it. Whatever money was ___28___, whether two dollars or thirty, was mine and I could ___29___ however I wanted— whether to buy toys, books, jackets, or even a bicycle. My parents’ $100-a-week plan gives me real ___30___ to shop for the best bargains (特价商品). I ___31___ prices on every single item on my list before I ___32___ what to put in my basket.
My parent’s clever plan has turned me into a ___33___ shopper. Now, when I finally save enough money, that cool bicycle doesn’t just ___34___ a mere purchase; it stands as symbol of my ___35___ success.
21. A. book B. jacket C. bicycle D. toy
22. A. complained B. apologized C. calculated D. lied
23. A. implied B. predicted C. announced D. admitted
24. A. arranged B. concluded C. attended D. started
25. A. freedom B. say C. trust D. support
26. A. cook B. pay C. care D. shop
27. A. list B. basket C. center D. guide
28. A. brought in B. set aside C. left over D. handed over
29. A. exchange B. spend C. donate D. invest
30. A. excuse B. challenge C. motivation D. advantage
31. A. compare B. charge C. cut D. quote
32. A. agree B. decide C. explain D. recognize
33. A. popular B. wise C. dependent D. brave
34. A. represent B. affect C. delay D. replace
35. A. ready-made B. last-minute C. short-term D. hard-earned
【答案】21. C 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. B 26. D 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. C 31. A 32. B 33. B 34. A 35. D
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这一切都始于我想要一辆很酷的自行车。A. book书籍;B. jacket夹克道;C. bicycle自行车;D. toy玩具。根据下文“Now, when I finally save enough money, that cool bicycle doesn’t just”可知,作者要买一辆自行车。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:“但只要100美元!”我抱怨道。A. complained抱怨;B. apologized道歉;C. calculated计算;D. lied撒谎。根据上文“I asked my parents to buy it for me but they said I would have to buy with my own money. But it’s only $100!”可知,只需要100美元,而父母让作者用自己的钱去买,由此可知,作者在抱怨。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个小时后,我父母宣布晚餐时要开家庭会议。A. implied暗示;B. predicted预测;C. announced宣布;D. admitted承认。根据下文“there would be a family meeting at dinner.”可知,父母宣布晚餐时要开家庭会议。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们以这样的话开场:“我们一直在考虑如何让你在我们家里有更多的发言权。”A. arranged安排;B. concluded得出结论;C. attended 参加;D. started开始。根据下文“We’ve been thinking about how to give you more ____5____ in our family.”可知,家庭会议上父母以这样的话开场。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们以这样的话开场:“我们一直在考虑如何让你在我们家里有更多的发言权”。A. freedom自由;B. say发言权;C. trust相信; D. support支持。根据下文“They brought up several “new ways” I could “have more say.”(他们提出了一些我可以“有更多发言权”的“新方法”)”可知,父母想让作者有更多的发言权。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:一种方法是允许我为家人购物。A. cook烹饪;B. pay支付;C. care关心;D. shop购物。根据下文“Each Saturday, I was to be given $100 — along with a shopping ____7____. It was up to me to buy everything on it. ”可知,一种方法是让我为家人购物。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:每个星期六,他们会给我100美元和一份购物清单。A. list列表;B. basket篮子;C. center中心;D. guide导游。根据下文“It was up to me to buy everything on it.”和“I ____11____ prices on every single item on my list before I ____12____ what to put in my basket.”可知,给作者100美元为家人购物的同时还给了作者一份购物清单。故选A项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:我得买上面所有的东西。剩下的钱,不管是两美元还是三十美元,都是我的,我想怎么花就怎么花——买玩具、书、夹克,甚至是一辆自行车。A. brought in引入;B. set aside留出;C. left over留下,剩下;D. handed over交出。根据上文“It was up to me to buy everything on it.”以及下文“whether two dollars or thirty, was mine”可知,此处指买完东西后剩下的钱。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我得买上面所有的东西。剩下的钱,不管是两美元还是三十美元,都是我的,我想怎么花就怎么花——买玩具、书、夹克,甚至是一辆自行车。A. exchange交流;B. spend花费;C. donate 捐赠;D. invest投资。根据下文“I wanted — whether to buy toys, books, jackets, or even a bicycle.”可知,作者可以按照自己想要的方式去花剩下的钱,可以把钱花在玩具、书、夹克,甚至是一辆自行车上。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:父母每周100美元的计划给了我真正的动力去买最便宜的东西。A. excuse借口;B. challenge挑战;C. motivation 动力;D. advantage优势。根据上文“whether two dollars or thirty, was mine and I could ____9____ however I wanted — whether to buy toys, books, jackets, or even a bicycle.”可知,剩下的钱可以按照自己的意愿去花,这给了作者买特价商品的动力。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在决定要买什么之前,我会比较清单上每一件商品的价格。A. compare对比;B. charge收费;C. cut切割;D. quote引用。根据上文“whether two dollars or thirty, was mine and I could ____9____ however I wanted — whether to buy toys, books, jackets, or even a bicycle.”以及下文“what to put in my basket”可知,因为剩下的钱给作者,所以作者要货比三家,比较完价格再决定买。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:在决定要买什么之前,我会比较清单上每一件商品的价格。A. agree同意;B. decide决定;C. explain解释; D. recognize认出。根据下文“what to put in my basket.”可知,在决定要买什么之前,会比较价格。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我父母的聪明计划使我成为一个精明的购物者。A. popular受欢迎的;B. wise聪明的,精明的;C. dependent依赖的;D. brave勇敢的。根据空前“My parent’s clever plan”以及上文所讲的作者买特价商品以及购物比较价格可知,父母的这一聪明计划使作者成为一个精明的购物者。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:现在,当我终于攒够了钱,那辆酷炫的自行车就不仅仅是一件单纯的购买了;它象征着我来之不易的成功。A. represent代表,象征;B. affect影响;C. delay推迟;D. replace取代。根据上文“Now, when I finally save enough money”以及下文“it stands as symbol of可知,那辆酷炫的自行车就不仅仅是一件单纯的购买了,它象征着作者来之不易的成功。故选A项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:现在,当我终于攒够了钱,那辆酷炫的自行车就不仅仅是一件单纯的购买了;它象征着我来之不易的成功。A. ready-made现成的;B. last-minute最后一分钟才完成的;C. short-term短期的;D. hard-earned来之不易的。根据上文“that cool bicycle doesn’t just ____14____ a mere purchase; it stands as a symbol”作者通过自己的努力攒够了买自行车的钱,所以作者觉得是来之不易的成功。故选D项。
Shuang Jiang, or Frost’s Descent, is the last term of autumn, marking the transition from autumn to winter. Literally, Shuang Jiang refers to the time ____36____ frost starts to descend in China due to cold weather. In the north, with large fields ____37____ (do) for the season, farmers can take a break. But in the south, farmers are still busy taking sweet potatoes home before they ____38____ (destroy) by the coming frost. They must also protect the winter wheat and rape (油菜) ____39____ major pests and diseases. It is said that Frost’s Descent is the best time to adjust to a nourishing (滋补的) diet and lifestyle. Besides putting on ____40____ (many) clothes to keep warm, people also eat various fruits to keep healthy. Persimmon (柿子) is the favorite fruit in many areas, which not only wards off the cold,____41____ strengthens the muscles and bones.
____42____(additional), honey, jelly fungus (木耳) and sesame (芝麻) are believed to help provide the necessary nutrition for the human body. For protein, chicken or mutton soup is advised to be included in the diet. With golden maple ____43____ (leaf) turning to red, people often go hiking in nature and enjoy the scenery during this period of time. In the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, people celebrate the Frost’s Descent Festival by ____44____ (offer) fruits and desserts in addition to dancing and singing folk songs on the day of Frost’s Descent in honor of Cen Yuyin, a heroine who _____45_____ (fight) against foreign aggression in the Ming Dynasty.
【答案】36. when
37. done 38. are destroyed
39. from##against
40. more 41. but
42. Additionally
43. leaves 44. offering
45. fought
考查时态语态。句意:但在南方,农民们仍然忙着把红薯带回家,以免它们被即将到来的霜冻毁掉。主语与谓语构成被动关系,根据上文are可知为一般现在时的被动语态,主语为they,谓语用复数。故填are destroyed。
考查固定句型。句意:柿子是许多地区最受欢迎的水果,它不仅能御寒,还能增强肌肉和骨骼。表示“不仅……而且……”句型为not only…but (also)…。故填but。
考查时态。句意:在广西壮族自治区,人们在霜降这一天除了跳舞和唱民歌外,还会献上水果和甜点来庆祝霜降节,以纪念明朝抗击外国侵略的女英雄陈玉滢。空格处在who引导的定语从句中作谓语,根据后文in the Ming Dynasty可知定语从句时态为一般过去时。故填fought。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 五月母亲节要到了,我们要如何表达对妈妈的爱呢?有的同学认为爱的表达应该体现在平日的生活中,有的同学则认为在母亲节表达对妈妈的爱更有意义。请你为校报英语专栏投稿。
内容包括: 1.不同观点; 2.你的观点和做法。 注意:1. 词数应为80个左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
How to Express Love for Moms
【答案】How to Express Love for Mom
With Mother’s Day approaching, my classmates are discussing how to express their love for their mothers. Many choose to express their gratitude on Mothers’ Day, while some think it more important to show love for their dear moms on a daily basis.
I stand firm that showing love for our mom should not simply be fixed on Mother’s Day; it should be an everyday affair. So I make it a point to express my gratitude regularly by helping with household chores and spending quality time with mom. I believe these simple acts surely weave the fabric of our strong, loving relationship throughout the year.
In conclusion, saying “I love you” on Mother’s Day is vital, but daily expressions make more sense to our relationship with mom.
来临:approach→ draw near
表达:express → show
感激:gratitude →appreciation
重要的:important →significant
原句:With Mother’s Day approaching, my classmates are discussing how to express their love for their mothers.
拓展句:As Mother’s Day approaches, my classmates are discussing how to express their love for their mothers.
【点睛】【高分句型1】With Mother’s Day approaching, my classmates are discussing how to express their love for their mothers. (使用了with复合结构充当时间状语)
【高分句型2】So I make it a point to express my gratitude regularly by helping with household chores and spending quality time with mom. (使用了it作形式宾语,不定式作真正宾语以及动名词作介词by的宾语)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Amy’s youngest child 2-year-old Jenna, wouldn’t go to sleep until Amy read her a story while rocking her. Rocking and reading became their favorite nighttime routine.
Jenna awoke one night screaming in pain. Hospital tests later revealed that she had cancer, but luckily she had a successful operation.
During Jenna’s first week in the hospital, Amy stayed with her day and night. The nurses put a rocking chair in her room so they could continue their nighttime routine. After Jenna was asleep, Amy got some rest in the hard armchair by Jenna’s bed. Jenna was doing well, and Amy began sparing time to help her husband Joe take care of their little boys. She would go home in the evening, have dinner with the boys, and then return to the hospital until Jenna was asleep. Then Amy would come home for the remainder of the night.
It was pouring rain one evening as Amy hurried home to make dinner. By the time the meal was done, the roads were dangerous. Joe stood nearby as she looked out of the kitchen window. He firmly stopped Amy from going out in such weather.
“Joe,” Amy cried, “I have to read Jenna a story and rock her. She won’t be able to sleep if I don’t.” “Honey,” he said, “be reasonable. What if you have a bad car accident The roads will be better tomorrow. Then, you can go.”
Amy finally nodded and called Sally, a middle-aged nurse who worked a twelve-hour shift from 8 am to 8 pm. In tears she told Sally that it was the first time since Jenna was born that she hadn’t rocked her at bedtime.
Sally comforted Amy in a calm voice. She promised that she would go in to see Jenna before she left and tell her that when she woke up her mommy would be with her. “Thank you, Sally,” Amy said.
When it was time to go to bed, Jenna couldn’t find her mom and got panic.
注意: 1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Just when her tears welled up, Sally came in.
The next morning Amy opened the door, finding Jenna was sleeping peacefully in Sally’s arms.
Just when her tears welled up, Sally came in. Knowing Jenna was waiting for Mom anxiously, she carried the girl in the arms and gently told her that her mum would come a bit late due to the heavy rain outside. However, on hearing that, Jenna burst out crying. Just at this moment the nighttime routine Amy mentioned came to Sally’s mind. She took out a book and read it to Jenna while rocking her. It really worked! Jenna fell asleep soon! But Sally didn’t leave her alone, for fear that she would wake up during the night.
The next morning Amy opened the door, finding Jenna was sleeping peacefully in Sally’s arms. Immediately, scalding tears streamed out and her hanging heart eventually settled down. The noise of the door awoke the nurse, who carefully got out of the bed. Amy came up and took her hand tightly, saying, “Thank you. You didn’t know how worried I was last night.” Sally smiled and said, “It’s nothing. But I’ve learned to comfort babies from you — the nighttime routine.” With the words, a knowing smile appeared on the faces of two women.
【详解】1. 段落续写:
2. 续写线索:莎莉安慰珍娜——给珍娜讲故事——珍娜入睡——艾米感谢护士——两人会心微笑
3. 词汇激活
②抓住,握住某人的手:take one’s hand/hold one’s hand
③吵醒:awake/wake... up
①突然大哭:burst out crying/burst into tears
【点睛】【高分句型1】Knowing Jenna was waiting for Mom anxiously, she carried the girl in the arms and gently told her that her mum would come a bit late due to the heavy rain outside. (运用了现在分词作状语以及that引导宾语从句)
【高分句型2】The noise of the door awoke the nurse, who carefully got out of the bed. (运用了who引导非限制性定语从句)
1-5 ACCBA 6-10 ACABB 11- 15 ACCBC 16-20 ABBCA


