
  1. 二一教育资源



A Person Who Has Influenced My Life
There is always a time in one’s life when a hero comes along. Someone who has inspired you can really help you learn what life is about.
I remember it as if it was yesterday. I was fifteen years old that year. It was around eight o’clock one evening when my mother 1 a phone call from her brother-in-law, who told us my aunt was in hospital and that the doctor 2 them she would need an operation immediately. My family became very 3 about my aunt’s situation.
While my aunt was in the hospital with special 4 , my cousin Mark, who is mentally disabled, spent time with my family. Mark was seventeen at the time, and had been born with 5 mental disorders, which created a wide range of social and physical problems for him throughout everyday life. He never had any true friend because no one could re late to him. I must 6 that at the beginning I was filled with uncertainty as to how much of a burden my cousin would bring on my family. Now looking back it saddens me to see the 7 I once showed.
Over the two weeks when Mark lived with my family, I probably 8 more about life and its meanings. Thinking back, I took 9 in daily life for granted, believing it would always be there. I never even thought about being able to do things like walking, brushing my teeth, or going to the bathroom on my own. Now I see how 10 I am to be able to do these things independently.
Mark was seventeen, but learned on a nine-year-old level. Although his learning ability was slower than most, he could 11 learn. He explored 12 to do most of the things everyone else did. 13 he did pretty well and succeeded in almost everything he tried to do. He 14 his illness and showed an ambition to love life. To him, having a successful life means achieving goals on his own terms and at his own 15 .
Mark is my hero, for his disability has forever formed my viewpoint on life.
1.A.made B.missed C.received D.used
2.A.promised B.informed C.showed D.begged
3.A.worried B.happy C.indifferent D.careless
4.A.care B.action C.purpose D.interest
5.A.mild B.severe C.temporary D.moderate
6.A.believe B.regret C.admit D.decide
7.A.weakness B.ignorance C.relief D.mercy
8.A.forgot B.heard C.ignored D.understood
9.A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything
10.A.painfully B.brave C.lucky D.successful
11.A.seldom B.still C.hardly D.almost
12.A.possibilities B.functions C.achievements D.difficulties
13.A.Naturally B.Actually C.Obviously D.Accidentally
14.A.depended on B.fought against C.suffered from D.focused on
15.A.risk B.cost C.pace D.trial
Immersive Van Gogh
From the creators of the blockbuster show in Paris seen by over two million visitors and still wowing crowds in Toronto, the west coast premiere (首场) of the Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit will bring the art of Vincent to life in Los Angeles.
Immersive art is not just a technical way to represent video and audio in huge spaces. The word immersive indicates a deep commitment of intentions which connect images and sounds in a way that the audience able to experience a different way of the art.
True to its name, this exhibition transforms the iconic(标志性的) paintings of Vincent Van Gogh into moving, wall-filling projections. “Immersive Van Gogh” promises half-a-million cubic feet of projections that pull from some of the post-impressionist’s most recognizable pieces, including The Bedroom, Sunflowers and, yes, The Starry Night.
You will experience art like never before — lose yourself in entrancing, moving images that highlight brushstrokes, detail, and color— truly illuminating (照亮) the mind of the genius.
The Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit is located at a secret place situated in the heart of Los Angeles. To be announced before the exhibit opens, existing ticket holders will receive an email with the place name and location once it is made public.
VIP TICKETS—$99.99 ●Priority access ●Van Gogh carpet (a gift for you) ●Limited edition poster PREMIUM TICKETS—$59.99 ●Van Gogh carpet (rental) ●Limited edition poster
BASIC TICKETS—$54.99 ●Admission only CHILD TICKETS—$29.99 ●Ages 6-16 (children 5 and under do not require a ticket) ●Admission only ●Child tickets are not subject to change of date fees
Tickets are available online at www..
Stop by our Exhibit Gift Shop to take the magic of Van Gogh home with you! From clothing and jewellery to home decor, children’s books, and so much more, you will find unique and thoughtful souvenirs at the Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit. Also be sure to check out at our online store!
Experience the organic landscapes of Van Gogh’s imagination, and journey through his brilliance and madness in a completely new and unforgettable way.
16.According to the passage, the Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit ______.
A.presents Van Gogh’s art in a modern way
B.begins a journey to Van Gogh’s hometown
C.displays Van Gogh’s paintings on moving walls
D.designs projects on Van Gogh’s learning experience
17.From where can people find information about the exact location of the exhibit
A.The gift shop. B.A website. C.The ticket office. D.An email.
18.How much should a couple with a 5-year-old child who would like to own a Van Gogh carpet at least pay for the visit
A.$109.98. B.$154.98. C.$184.97. D.$114.98.
19.What is the main purpose of the passage
A.To attract audiences to visit the Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit.
B.To introduce the historical significance of Vincent Van Gogh’s art.
C.To promote the sale of unique and thoughtful souvenirs to visit.
D.To provide a platform for artists to experiment with new technologies.
Since 1963, many female space explorers have followed Russian astronaut Valentina Tereshkova. Let’s look at the missions(任务) of four important female astronauts to find out what astronauts do in space.
In 1983, Sally Ride became the first American woman in space. Her team carried out scientific experiments in space and put two communications satellites in space. Satellites make it possible for us to communicate instantly with each other across the world through TV, radio and telephones.
In 1984, Kathryn Sullivan became the first American woman to walk in space. During her mission, she discovered important information about the sun’s energy and how it affects the climate in very hot and very cold places on Earth. She also took photographs of Earth and measured air pollution.
In 1992, Mae Jemison became the first African-American woman in space. During her mission, she did scientific experiments using the weightless atmosphere. In space, there is no gravity, so everything floats! Dr. Jemison’s experiments gave important information about the human body to produce better medicines and healthcare.
In 2012, Liu Yang became the first Chinese woman in space. She did experiments in space medicine, which look at how astronauts can survive and stay healthy in space. The conditions in space are very hard on the body and space medicine helps astronauts work safely.
20.Who collected important information about air pollution
A.Valentina Tereshkova. B.Sally Ride.
C.Kathryn Sullivan. D.Mae Jemison.
21.What did Dr. Jemison’s experiments focus on
A.Human body. B.Space satellites.
C.Climate on Earth. D.Energy from the sun.
22.Liu Yang’s mission aimed at ______.
A.providing information about environment B.protecting astronauts’ health in space
C.improving communication on Earth D.testing the weightless atmosphere
23.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage
A.Great Walking in Space B.Conditions in Space
C.Healthcare in Space D.Women in Space
Music is a powerful thing. It awakens feelings and has the power to bring people together. But today, artists are not known for their music, but for how flashy their clothing is and how many times their wealthy relatives can get them out of jail(监狱). And thus, their music is lost.
Pop and rap music has developed into a shallow, image-addicted industry that lines up with what the public wants to hear and see, removing the focus on the actual music. Mainstream music is no longer composed of emotion, but instead, themes of money and fame. Photos and rumors fly while the music is ignored.
Not all musical groups or individual artists begin like this. Many of these artists are original and talented, but turn to the money side. Often their songs are written by experts who know what is appealing to a certain age group, and the musicians’ faces can be seen on countless magazine covers. Soon their supposedly new and improved songs can be heard blasting out of car windows. But these songs are totally empty, lacking creativity and the original thirst of the artist to make an impact or convey (传递) a message.
MTV is not helping. It plays only what the public wants to hear. And unfortunately, the majority seems interested in either sickly sweet, generic pop or stereotypical (刻板的), bleeped-out rap. Kids and teens everywhere are swimming in these songs, which are often degrading to women and minorities, and inappropriate.
Almost all the girls in my dorm are addicted to the same songs. This was the case the previous year, and the year before that. Whenever I try to play music I enjoy, or introduce them to some decent songs, they say that everyone except me likes their music.
Why do most teenagers only listen to pop and rap music when so many other types exist Maybe it’s because everywhere we look, we are bombarded with(被……轰炸) the same music: on the radio, on TV, on the computer. At school, pop and rap are discussed all the time. Perhaps they have never listened to anything else. Or maybe peer pressure is part of it.
There is no solution to the “pop problem”. It’s called popular for a reason—many people enjoy it. There’s no easy way to change their views. My suggestion is not to buy music like this when you can explore something new. Expand your horizons. Dig up your parents’ old records and CDs. You never know what you might find.
24.The author probably prefers ______.
A.new pop songs meant for girls
B.original songs with deep meaning
C.catchy songs produced by popular singers
D.never-heard-before songs just recently discovered
25.What can we learn from the passage
A.Many artists trade creativity for wealth and fame.
B.The public is responsible for the existence of music.
C.MTV promotes the songs favored by women and minorities.
D.Musicians singing about money is an ineffective way to attract fans.
26.What is most probably the author’s suggestion for young people
A.Try to respect your peers’ music tastes. B.Deal with the “pop problem” patiently.
C.Expose yourself to various music styles. D.Treasure the music from previous generations.
27.What would be the best title for the article
A.The Influence of Pop and Rap Music on Teenagers
B.The Decline of Musical Diversity in Youth Culture
C.The Impact of Mainstream Music Trends on Society
D.The Importance of Exploring Diverse Music Genres
The body gives off many gases. Although some smells may signal a need to bathe or that you ate a certain meal, other gases might point to serious disease. Now, researchers have come up with a system that uses earmuffs to catch the disease-signaling gases. Doctors could get the information as patients wear a set of earmuffs. Results could be ready within minutes.
“The ear is a good place to monitor,” explains Johnson, a biomedical engineer. The ear’s skin is fairly thin, he notes. So gases don’t have to travel far to get out of the blood and escape through skin pores (毛孔) .
To collect the gases, Johnson and his team selected earmuffs that make a tight seal (密封) with the head. These are the type people often wear to protect the ears from loud noise. His team made two holes in the muff covering one ear. A tube slowly pumped air in one hole. Another tube pulled air out of the second hole and sent it to a sensor.
In their tests, the team found that they could measure changes in the amount of alcohol coming from the skin of the ear. It could work much like a Breathalyzer that police use to test people for driving drunk. The team invited three men. Each had to avoid drinking alcohol for at least three days before taking part. Once in the lab, these men wore the earmuffs and sat for 10 minutes as the system recorded normal gas levels leaving their ears. Afterward, the men drank a big amount of alcohol. About 7 minutes later, the earmuff system tested out a rise in alcohol leaving the skin. After 50 minutes, alcohol levels reached the peak and continued falling until the test was over.
The team then measured other gases by changing out the sensor. With the right sensor, their earmuff system could test out disease. Later, they replaced the earmuffs with a one-eared version to make it a bit more comfortable.
Johnson imagines another possible benefit. The earmuff system could help doctors tell whether a child’s ear infections (感染) have been caused by bacteria or a virus. How Each type of infection exudes different gases. That, in turn, could guide how doctors cure the disease.
28.What makes the ear a good place to monitor
A.Its small size. B.Its thin skin. C.Its clean surface. D.Its blood flow.
29.What did Johnson and his team find in their tests
A.Sensors should be examined in time. B.Drunk-driving tests were ineffective.
C.Serious diseases were difficult to identify. D.Their system could be used to tell diseases.
30.What does the underlined word “exudes” in Paragraph 6 most probably mean
A.Collects. B.Gives off. C.Cuts off. D.Uses.
31.In which section of a magazine is this passage most likely to appear
A.Politics. B.Business. C.Science. D.Entertainment.
第二卷 (共53分)
Most people assume that the human brain is set on “automatic” —that means it learns all by itself. But this isn’t always true. We need to train ourselves to be better learners—to actively take part in the learning process and to reflect on what we have learnt. These kinds of learning behaviours are called “active learning”. I suggest doing five things to take an active role in your learning.
1.Listen to the outer voice
There are two kinds of voices: the inner voice and the outer voice. Your inner voice expresses your personal opinions, while the outer voice tells you about opinions from what you hear or read. Although your inner voice can be useful, it can also get in the way of learning. If you keep paying too much attention to it, you risk missing important information. Instead, active learners are open-minded and focus on what the speaker/ writer is saying, not on what their brain is saying in the background. In this way, they are in a better position to make decisions.
2.Argue with your inner voice
If you find your inner voice difficult to control, you can argue with it as most active learners do. When your inner voice tells you a speaker / writer is wrong, think about why the speaker / writer may be right. Be flexible in your opinions and you might end up agreeing with the speaker / writer after all. If not, at least you have “listened to” another point of view.
3.Ask questions
Asking questions is the easiest way to promote active learning. When you get information from someone, from books or the Internet, ask two, three, even five questions about the topic. The answers will lead you to further learning, and the very act of working out questions will help you to achieve a higher level of understanding about the topic. In short: Do not stop being curious
4.Get to the truth
Active learners do not accept everything they learn. They attempt to find the truth at the heart of each idea. Even when an idea sounds entirely unlikely, there may be an aspect of it that is based on truth. So if someone says that dinosaurs still exist today, think about why they believe this. Where does the idea come from Do they have enough data to support their views If you try to find out the source of an idea, no matter how crazy it seems, you will increase your chance of learning something.
5.Focus on the message
Many people miss out on learning opportunities because they let their feelings get in the way. They refuse to learn or ignore what is said because of who the speaker / writer is. It is true that we cannot help disliking some people—this is human nature, after all. But do not forget you can still learn from them. Active learners do not judge people based on first impressions or personal feeling. Instead, they separate the message from the messenger. This goes the other way as well—do not just assume that some people are always right because of who they are or just because they are your friends.
32.What is “active learning” (不多于16个单词)
33.What does “outer voice” do (不多于13个单词)
34.What is the easiest way to promote active learning (不多于3个单词)
35.Why do many people miss out on learning opportunities (不多于9个单词)
第二节:用方框中所给单词完成短文 (共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
conducted, test, despite, chosen, discovered, gained, influential, promising, used, experiments
Tu Youyou is the first Chinese female scientist who was awarded a Nobel Prize. She studied medicine and 36 a deep knowledge about traditional practices, which enabled her to be 37 to establish a team to find a cure for malaria in 1969. With the idea that Chinese herbs might hold the secret, Tu Youyou and her team studied some related literature and 38 a lot of researches with limited resources. They 39 modern research methods to study these Chinese herbs one by one. After hundreds of failed 40 , they eventually came across a 41 chemical. Tu Youyou bravely volunteered to be the first human subject in the 42 on humans. The chemical they 43 , artemisinin, has now become the world’s most effective drug for fighting malaria. As one of the most 44 figures of science in the 20th Century, she is not interested in fame and she continues to do research today 45 her age. What she did not only saved millions of lives, but also bridged the Eastern and Western worlds.
阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 一个恰当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。请在答题卡指定区域作答。
Wu Yuren is a retired physics 46 (teach) from Tongji University in Shanghai. Since 2020, she has been creating short videos of physics experiments. With over 4.5 million followers on Douyin, she has earned the nickname(绰号) “Science Grandma”. 47 makes her so popular is her simple and interesting way of teaching. Wu told People’s Daily, “Many students regard physics 48 a highly difficult subject. By my experiments, I want to show that physics knowledge can be found everywhere in 49 (we) daily lives and that everybody can understand it!”
Jeremy Hampden prepared the speech carefully and went to the wedding with his daughter, Jenny. He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech and, of course, it was a great success. As soon as he 50 (finish), Jenny told him she wanted to go home. On the way home, he asked Jenny 51 she had enjoyed the speech. To his surprise, she said she hadn’t because she did not like to see so many people 52 (laugh) at him!
Most gardeners will probably say gardening is good for you. According to a study, people who garden have a 53 (healthy) diet, get more exercise, and feel less stress. Researchers studied the benefits of gardening in shared community gardens 54 people work together. They suggest gardening may reduce stress because it 55 (expose) people to nature, while community gardens also provide chances for social interaction. Therefore, they hope the results will encourage doctors and government leaders to regard community gardens as a vital part of the public health system.
● invite Beijing Opera actors to give live performances
● give chances to have face-to-face talks with the actors
● arrange for lectures on the history of Beijing Opera
● …
Dear Jack,
So glad to learn that you are interested in Beijing Opera. And I’d like to introduce our school’s Beijing Opera Club to you.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Best regards,
Li Hua
1—5CBAAB 6—10CBDDC 11—15 BABBC
16—19ADBA 20—23CABD 24—27BACB 28—31BDBC
阅读与表达 (每题2分)
32.To actively take part in the learning process and to reflect on what we have learnt.
(2分,答案要有关键短语actively take part in, reflect on,如果有1个可以给1分;如回答These kinds of learning behaviours are called “active learning”不给分)
33.The outer voice tells you about opinions from what you hear or read.
It tells you about opinions from what you hear or read.(2分,两种主语表达均可)
34.Asking questions/ To ask questions. (2分,两种表达均可)
35.Because they let their feelings get in the way.(2分,有无Because均可)
36.gained 37.chosen 38.conducted 39.used 40.experiements
41.promising 42.test 43.discovered 44.influential 45.despite
评分标准:所填内容使句子达意,且拼写正确计 1分;拼写不正确或形式错误不得分。
阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 一个恰当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。请在答题卡指定区域作答。
46.teacher 47.What 48.as 49.our 50.had finished 51.if/whether
52.laughing 53.healthier 54.where 55.exposes
Dear Jack,
So glad to learn that you are interested in Beijing Opera. And I’d like to introduce our school’s Beijing Opera Club to you.
This club offers colourful activities, such as invite Beijing Opera actors to give live performances. More exactingly, it gives you chances to have face-to-face talks with the actors, helping you to have closer look at this treasure of Chinese arts. Besides, it arranges for lectures on the history of Beijing Opera, which is a good way to understand Chinese culture.
So why not come and enjoy us here I’m sure you will have great pleasure here. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me.
Best regards.


