
  1. 二一教育资源



上海市江镇中学 2023 学年第二学期第二次阶段测试
1、本场考试时间 90 分钟,满分 100 分。
4、用 2B 铅笔作答选择题,用黑色字迹的钢笔、水笔或圆珠笔作答非选择题。
I. Listening Comprehension (10%+10%)
Section A
Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end
of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the
questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read
the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question
you have heard.
1. A. In a bookstore. B. In a grocery. C. In a stationery shop. D. In a shopping mall.
2. A. 17 dollars. B. 18 dollars. C. 19 dollars. D. 20 dollars.
3. A. Husband and wife. B. Passenger and driver.
C. Teacher and student. D. Salesgirl and customer.
4. A. Because he doesn’t like history.
B. Because he must read a lot of books.
C. Because he can’t get the books on the list.
D. Because he doesn’t have time to take the course.
5. A. She can use his car. B. She can rent a car.
C. She must get her car fixed. D. She can’t get his car fixed.
6. A. By fax and e-mail. B. By fax and home telephone.
C. By office and home telephone. D. By e-mail and home telephone.
7. A. Before they say good-bye to each other. B. When they get to a party.
C. Before they have a meal. D. When they stay there for a long time.
8. A. The books were sent out late.
B. The books were sent to the wrong place.
C. He will help the woman move to a new place.
D. He doesn’t know the woman’s new address.
9. A. The new dress is for warm weather. B. The new dress makes her look cool.
C. She doesn’t like cold weather at all. D. She bought the dress when it was warm.
10. A. She could hardly find the truth. B. She had no travel experience in Russia.
C. She is good at finding a place to stay. D. She doesn’t agree with the man.
Section B
Directions: In Section B, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation. After each
passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages and the conversation
will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the
four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you
have heard.
Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.
11. A. Because it can make her famous. B. Because it is easy and rewarding.
C. Because it is dangerous but exciting. D. Because it has its moving moment.
12. A. Somebody was killed. B. Nobody was injured.
C. Karen was physically hurt. D. Many buildings exploded.
13. A. A fierce war. B. A serious injury. C. A terrible explosion. D. A brave journalist.
Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.
14. A. Because P.E. can help build up our body.
B. Because there was a demand for physically fit soldiers to fight in combat.
C. Because P.E. had become a fashion all over the world after the war.
D. Because P.E. can help reduce childhood obesity rates.
15. A. It keeps kids in good condition.
B. Thin little kids probably get bullied in school.
C. Fat kids may feel ashamed of their weight and hate P.E class.
D. Students were more likely to miss classes and act out.
16. A. Critical. B. Worried. C. Objective. D. Uninterested.
Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.
17. A. Within an hour. B. About an hour and a half.
C. About an hour or two. D. About three or four hours.
18. A. A visit to the Country Farm. B. Have lunch.
C. Feed sheep. D. Go on a cycling trip.
19. A. His daughter is over seven years old.
B. They will take the cruise next week.
C. His wife will go on a cycling trip.
D. His son may be not interested in the farm.
20. A. How old the two kids are. B. Where the man can rent a bike.
C. What should look out for during the journey.
D. How much the man need to pay.
II. Grammar and vocabulary (10%+10%)
Section A
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and
grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of
the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
The History of Snacks
Hamburgers, sandwiches and pizza are some of the worlds’ favourite snacks, but have you
ever wondered ___21___ first ate them Read on to find out more.
The hamburger
The hamburger started life as small pieces of raw beef ___22___(eat) by the Tartars, a tribe
who invaded Europe in the Middle Ages. ___23___ they ate it, they used to put the meat on their
horse under the saddle (马鞍) they were sitting on in order to make it soft. When the Tartar s
arrived in Hamburg, the people mixed the beef with local spices, fried it and called it the Hamburg
Steak. Germans who came to the USA took this recipe with them and it became known ___24___
a hamburger there.
The sandwich
People say that it was John Montague, the Fourth Earl of Sandwich, ___25___invented the
sandwich. Montague enjoyed playing cards in his favourite restaurant, the Beef Steak Club in
London. He could ___26___(find) there most days and some of his games lasted for hours. One
day, instead of stopping ___27___(eat) lunch, Montague asked a servant to bring him some meat
between two slices of bread to prevent the cards from getting dirty. When the other players saw
this, they began to order’ the same as Sandwich’, and so the sandwich got its name.
Pizza Margherita
In 1889, Queen Margherita of Italy invited chef Rafaelle Esposito from his pizzaria to visit
the royal palace and ___28___(bake) a selection of pizzas for her. ___29___(want) to impress the4
queen, Rafaelle made a very special pizza. It was large and topped with tomatoes, mozzarella
cheese and fresh herbs to represent the Italian flag, ____30____ is red, white and green. The
Queen was delighted with this design and the pizza became one of her favourite foods. When
people heard about this, they all wanted to try it and so the pizza Margherita was born.
Section B
Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used
only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
address B. challenges C. imaging D. monitor E. navigate F. operations
G. respond H. setting I. short J. successive K. worth
Satellites Can Help Us Fight Climate Change
At the beginning of 2021, President Joe Biden exclaimed that “science is back” as we
continued our efforts to ___31____ the COVID emergency. That phrase continues to ring true
across the federal government. Science and its applications are being used at every agency to deal
with public health ___32____, build new transportation infrastructure, inform policy decisions and
tackle the climate crisis.
Recently the Interior Department’s U.S. Geological Survey assumed ___33____ of Landsat 9
from NASA, which built and launched it in 2021.This satellite is designed to ___34____ Earth’s
land, water and other natural resources. Landsat missions support environmental sustainability and
climate resilience. The Landsat program, which launched in July 1972, has helped us understand
our planet and the changes that are occurring on it. That partnership has propelled research andobservation forward through the launch of ___35____ Landsat satellites, each replacing its
predecessors and working in tandem with new capabilities and strengths.
I attended the historic launch of Landsat 9 in California. It was nothing ____36____ of
amazing. I toured the mission control center and met a young scientist from the Navajo Nation
living far away from home. She uses Landsat ____37____ to see her home from many miles away,
and with such data, she enables her community to manage water resources in the face of a
changing climate. This is the power and beauty of science at work.
All around the globe, scientists are using Landsat and other imagery to interpret what is
happening on Earth today and to compare it with the 50 years’ ____38____ of data the Landsat
program has collected.
This science-based program and those like it across federal agencies are powerful tools in our
efforts to responsibly manage our resources. Their prioritization helps to demonstrate the
Biden-Harris administration’s commitment to lead with science. So, too, the resources provided
through the president’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act will be key to
the development of longer-term sustainability measures as we ____39____ to climate change,
including building more resilient communities and protecting our natural environment.
Landsat NEXT is the upcoming mission we will develop with NASA to power better science
and decision-making for the next 50 years. Science is indeed ____40____ us on a path to a
brighter future.
The Book of the Millennium(一千年)
When I was a graduate student in Oxford many years ago, I shared a house with a brilliant
German sinologist (汉学家). Many visitors would pop into our house, and one night around the
kitchen table I met a(n)____41____character. His name was David Hawkes. A(n) ____42____
linguist, he directed Japanese codebreakers in his early twenties, during World War II.
Later, as a teacher, he did wonderful translation of Songs of the South (楚辞), part of a poetic
tradition earlier than anything that has ____43____ in the West. Then he became a professor of
Chinese at Oxford, but, as he put it, “I resigned in order to ____44____ my time to translating a
Chinese novel…Well, the Chinese novel.”
The book was Dream of the Red Chamber, written by Cao Xueqin. British ____45____
Anthony West wrote in The New Yorkerin 1958 that the novel is to Chinese literature “very much
what The Brothers Karamazov is to Russian and Remembrance of Things Past is to French
literature” and that “it is ____46____ one of the great novels of all literature.”
Hawkes eventually completed his great endeavor, with the help of his son-in-law John
Minford, who ____47____the last two volumes of the five, which were published by Penguin
between 1973 and 1986. Hawkes’ translation was ____48____ as an introduction to a
Dream of the Red Chamber was written in the 1750s “by a great artist with his very lifeblood,”
said Hawkes. It is full of ____49____ detail of the social, cultural and spiritual life of the time.
Studying it for non-Chinese readers has never perhaps been more useful. At a time when
_____50_____ of Chinese culture and identity is increasingly necessary because of the country’s
new international role, getting insights into the heart of Chinese culture through a novel
_____51_____ recognized as one of the most influential produced in the Chinese language would
seem as uncontroversial statement.
Cao’s work while seen as essentially local and Chinese, is about _____52_____ and the
nature of human experience. That transcends the _____53_____ of a particular language and
context in which the novel is set.
The book as it stands in the Penguin version runs to 2500 pages — twice as long as War and
Peace. _____54_____ at first because of the large number of characters and their difficult names
(to a non-Chinese reader). But once you are into it, it is a book into which the reader can
completely _____55_____ themselves; it is like anything else in all of literature.
41. A. arrogant B. fascinating C. humorous D. responsible
42. A. decisive B. frustrated C. generous D. talented
43. A. copied B. launched C. revised D. survived
44. A. addict B. devote C. expose D. reduce
45. A. critic B. critical C. criticism D. criticize
46. A. beyond question B. in doubt C. in question D. out of the question
47. A. gathered B. bought C. sold D. translated
48. A. approved B. appointed C. elected D. greeted
49. A. boring B. fake C. imaginary D. incredible
50. A. appreciation B. definition C. determination D. opposition
51. A. barely B. critically C. specially D. universally
52. A. humanity B. modernity C. personality D. sincerity
53. A. boundaries B. circles C. perspectives D. spaces
54. A. Never-ending B. Hard-going C. Labor-saving D. Record-breaking
55. A. change B. immerse C. persuade D. reduce
Section B
Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or
unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the
one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
While I was in hospital, a friend recommended a popular online series of daily meditations(n.
冥想,打坐;沉思), a “can’t afford to miss” in his mind. Mostly, the morning ones were
impossible to do as the hospital routine starts at half past five, so I mostly listened the evening
ones, which were very helpful. Once, however, I managed the morning one, which talked about
the importance of doing something or creating something which will survive us.
The works of great poets and writers come to mind, but how many of us will write the next
David Copperfield, or Ode to Autumn Sporting triumphs also occur: the breaking of the fourminute mile for instance. But again, how many of us are great athletes So what can we do
Shakespeare writes, “The evil men do lives after them; the good is oft interred (often buried)
with their bones.” For once, however, I think Shakespeare is wrong. I think the good we do can
live after we have gone. Sir Terry Pratchett writes, “A man is not truly dead while his name is still
spoken,” and I think that is more true. Perhaps we cannot expect our name to be remembered for
hundreds or thousands of years, but to be remembered with kindness and even thankfulness after
we’ve gone is surely something to strive for.
I had two grannies when I was growing up. One was my mother’s mother; the other was our
cousin’s grandmother on their father’s side. Our own grandmother died young, so this lovely lady
adopted us as her honorary grandchildren.
Granny was the most lovely and loving lady you could imagine. There were always cakes in
the tin and a warm welcome whenever we visited, there were small presents at Christmas and on
our birthdays, and we loved her dearly. It was only when I attended her funeral that I realized how
far her love extended: the church was packed, and tale after tale was told of her kindness. Her
name was — and possibly still is — spoken long after her death.
I wish I could say the same of my other grandmother, but I can’t. My mother talks about her,
but I don’t; there is no point in talking about unkindness.
When I announced my retirement, a couple of months ago, I was stunned to receive so many
emails and letters of thanks. My patients really appreciate all that I have done for them. That will
last after I’m gone and spread down through generations.
56. Which of the following statements will the author probably agree with about the online
A. The evening meditation are more important than the morning ones.
B. The online meditation receive more attention in the evening.
C. The morning meditation are difficult to use in daily life.
D. The online meditation are worthy of the name. be worthy of 值得,配得上
57. The author quoted Sir Terry Pratchett’s words in order to __________.
A. support Shakespeare’s statement on the afterlife afterlife n.来世,死后的生活
B. argue that greatness is the only way to be remembered
C. emphasize the importance of kindness to ordinary people
D. criticize the idea that only evil deeds are remembered
58. Which of the following statements it TRUE according to the passage
A. The author’s granny on mother’s side was a kind person.
B. Shakespeare believed the goodness fades far sooner than the evil.
C. A man’s contribution is highly dependent on their achievements.
D. People were happy to know the retirement of the author.
59. We can most probably find this passage in a __________.
A. magazine featuring famous athletes
B. blog post by a doctor who recently retired
C. book about the importance of creating a legend
D. medical journal discussing the benefits of meditation
Each one of us shares this planet with seven billion other individuals. And we all need
transportation. The majority of cars, motorcycles, boats and planes cause pollution. They are also
noisy. This is a serious problem in many cities. So inventors are coming up with innovative ideas
to try to reduce the pollution and noise.
By Land
In many cities around the world, motorcycles are becoming increasingly popular. Currently,
Vietnam has around 33 million motorcycles. China has almost 120 million. The convenience of
these motorcycles comes at a cost. Air pollution is a growing problem. In large cities, people often
complain it is difficult to breathe. They also complain about the noise.
To solve these problems, a U.S. company designed an environmentally friendly motorcycle.
11It uses electricity as fuel. You can drive it for 40 miles (64 kilometers) before recharging the
It is also quiet and fast-60 miles (96 kilometers) per hour. This makes it a good choice for
getting around a city.
By Water
The Italian city of Venice is a city with only a few roads. There are no cars in the city center.
Instead of cars, water taxis and buses carry people along the city’s canals. The engines of these
boats are simple and cheap. However, they cause pollution, particularly to the water. This causes
damage to the city’s buildings.
English mechanics Dick Strawbridge and Jem Stans designed a solar-powered water taxi. The
solar panels charge three electric batteries. These, in turn, provide power to the engine. The water
taxi can carry six passengers. It can run for a day. In the future, solar taxis could be an alternative
to Venice’s current taxis.
By Air
Designing an environmentally friendly airplane is a real challenge. Planes use an enormous
amount of jet fuel. This means they cause significant air pollution, and they are very noisy. Some
major airplane manufacturers have started to address the problems. They are using cleaner fuels,
for example. However, Swiss engineers have gone one step further. They developed a solar
airplane — the Solar Impulse. Solar panels cover its wings. These panels provide power to four
electric motors and batteries. The batteries allow the plane to fly at night. This plane holds the
world record for the longest solar-powered flight — 985 miles (1541 kilometers) from Arizona to
Texas in the United States.
60. What do the three innovative ideas proposed have in common
A. They aim to solve traffic problems in big cities.
B. They use cleaner energy and cause less pollution.
C. They aim to change traditional way of transporting goods.
D. They are good will of developed countries to help developing countries.
61. Which of the following statements is TRUE
A. China owns the largest number of motorcycles.
B. There are no cars in the center of Venice city.
C. Solar-powered water taxi can run for a day with one battery at work.
D. The newly designed motorcycle can drive 60 miles after being charged.
62. According to the passage, the distinguished merit of Solar Impulse is ________.
A. lighter wings
B. less noise
C. powerful batteries
D. longest solar panels
Section C
Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box.
Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
Conflict in Literature
A. So how do you best create conflict
B. From there, we can break down(分解) conflict into seven different examples.
C. By understanding what stands between characters and their goals, what can we do next
D. An internal conflict tends to be one in which the main character struggles with himself, such as
a decision he needs to make or a weakness he has to overcome.
E. When a conflict is resolved and the reader discovers which force or character succeeds, it
creates a sense of closure.
F. It is a necessary element of any story, driving the story forward and forcing the reader to stay up
all night reading in hopes of some sort of closure.
What makes a book or movie exciting What makes you want to keep reading to find out
what happens or stay until the end of the movie Conflict. Yes, conflict. ____63____ Most stories
are written to have characters, a setting and a plot, but what sets apart a truly great story from the
one that might not finish reading is conflict.
Basically, we can define conflict as a struggle between opposing forces — two characters, a
character and nature, or even an internal struggle — conflict provides a level of worry into a story
that engages the reader and makes him or her invested in finding out what happens. ____64____
First, you need to understand the different types of conflict, which can essentially be broken
down into two categories: internal and external conflict. ____65____ An external conflict is one in
which the character faces a challenge with an external force, like another character, an act of
nature, or even society.
____66____ Most stories focus on one particular conflict, but it’s also possible that a story
can contain more than one.
IV. Translation (3%+3%+4%)
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
67. 大多数学生都认为必须禁止在课堂上使用手机。(majority)
68. 这些插图精美的书籍非常吸引家里有小孩子的母亲。(appeal)
69. 外来务工人员,不仅能够快速适应城市的快节奏生活,而且能为城市的繁荣兴旺做出巨
V. Guided Writing (13%)
Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given
below in Chinese.
56. Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions
given below in Chinese.
章。文中提出与 20 年前的青少年相比,如今的青少年更加不快乐。你对此话题很感兴趣,
1. 导致该现象的原因
2. 相应的建议
_______________________________________________________________________________上海市江镇中学 2023 学年第二学期第二次阶段测试
1、本场考试时间 90 分钟,满分 100 分。
4、用 2B 铅笔作答选择题,用黑色字迹的钢笔、水笔或圆珠笔作答非选择题。
I. Listening Comprehension (10%+10%)
Section A
Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end
of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the
questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read
the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question
you have heard.
1. A. In a bookstore. B. In a grocery. C. In a stationery shop. D. In a shopping mall.
2. A. 17 dollars. B. 18 dollars. C. 19 dollars. D. 20 dollars.
3. A. Husband and wife. B. Passenger and driver.
C. Teacher and student. D. Salesgirl and customer.
4. A. Because he doesn’t like history.
B. Because he must read a lot of books.
C. Because he can’t get the books on the list.
D. Because he doesn’t have time to take the course.
5. A. She can use his car. B. She can rent a car.
C. She must get her car fixed. D. She can’t get his car fixed.
6. A. By fax and e-mail. B. By fax and home telephone.
C. By office and home telephone. D. By e-mail and home telephone.
7. A. Before they say good-bye to each other. B. When they get to a party.
C. Before they have a meal. D. When they stay there for a long time.
8. A. The books were sent out late.
B. The books were sent to the wrong place.
C. He will help the woman move to a new place.
D. He doesn’t know the woman’s new address.
9. A. The new dress is for warm weather. B. The new dress makes her look cool.
C. She doesn’t like cold weather at all. D. She bought the dress when it was warm.
10. A. She could hardly find the truth. B. She had no travel experience in Russia.
C. She is good at finding a place to stay. D. She doesn’t agree with the man.
Section B
Directions: In Section B, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation. After each
passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages and the conversation
will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the
four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you
have heard.
Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.
11. A. Because it can make her famous. B. Because it is easy and rewarding.
C. Because it is dangerous but exciting. D. Because it has its moving moment.
12. A. Somebody was killed. B. Nobody was injured.
C. Karen was physically hurt. D. Many buildings exploded.
13. A. A fierce war. B. A serious injury. C. A terrible explosion. D. A brave journalist.
Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.
14. A. Because P.E. can help build up our body.
B. Because there was a demand for physically fit soldiers to fight in combat.
C. Because P.E. had become a fashion all over the world after the war.
D. Because P.E. can help reduce childhood obesity rates.
15. A. It keeps kids in good condition.
B. Thin little kids probably get bullied in school.
C. Fat kids may feel ashamed of their weight and hate P.E class.
D. Students were more likely to miss classes and act out.
16. A. Critical. B. Worried. C. Objective. D. Uninterested.
Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.
17. A. Within an hour. B. About an hour and a half.
C. About an hour or two. D. About three or four hours.
18. A. A visit to the Country Farm. B. Have lunch.
C. Feed sheep. D. Go on a cycling trip.
19. A. His daughter is over seven years old.
B. They will take the cruise next week.
C. His wife will go on a cycling trip.
D. His son may be not interested in the farm.
20. A. How old the two kids are. B. Where the man can rent a bike.
C. What should look out for during the journey.
D. How much the man need to pay.
I. Listening Comprehension(共 20 分。每题 1 分)keys:
6—10 AABAD
11—15 CCDBD
16—20 CCBAD
II. Grammar and vocabulary (10%+10%)
Section A
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and
grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of
the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
The History of Snacks
Hamburgers, sandwiches and pizza are some of the worlds’ favourite snacks, but have you
ever wondered ___21___ first ate them Read on to find out more.
【1 题详解】
首先吃了它们?引导宾语从句,根据句意可知表示“谁”,在从句中作主语,所以用 who
引导,故填 who。
The hamburger
The hamburger started life as small pieces of raw beef ___22___(eat) by the Tartars, a tribe
who invaded Europe in the Middle Ages. ___23___ they ate it, they used to put the meat on their
horse under the saddle (马鞍) they were sitting on in order to make it soft. When the Tartar s
arrived in Hamburg, the people mixed the beef with local spices, fried it and called it the Hamburg
Steak. Germans who came to the USA took this recipe with them and it became known ___24___
a hamburger there.
【2 题详解】
eat 作定语修饰 beef,eat 和它所修饰的词 small pieces of raw beef 之间是被动关系,所以用过
去分词作后置定语,故填 eaten。
【3 题详解】
根据句意可知此处引导让步状语从句表示“无论何时”,所以用 whenever 引导,句首单词
首字母大写,故填 Whenever。
【4 题详解】
动词短语 be known as“被称为”,as 为介词,故填 as。
The sandwich
People say that it was John Montague, the Fourth Earl of Sandwich, ___25___invented the
sandwich. Montague enjoyed playing cards in his favourite restaurant, the Beef Steak Club in
London. He could ___26___(find) there most days and some of his games lasted for hours. One
day, instead of stopping ___27___(eat) lunch, Montague asked a servant to bring him some meat
between two slices of bread to prevent the cards from getting dirty. When the other players saw
this, they began to order’ the same as Sandwich’, and so the sandwich got its name.
【5 题详解】
强调句型为“it was +被强调部分+that+其他”,被强调部分为人时,
that 也可以用 who 代替,
此处强调了主语 John Montaque,为人,故填 that/who。
【6 题详解】
he 和 find 之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态,前面有情态动词,
be 动词为原形,故填 be found。
【7 题详解】
肉,以防牌弄脏。此处表示“停下来去做”,所以用动词短语“stop to do”,动词不定式作
目的状语,故填 to eat。
Pizza Margherita
In 1889, Queen Margherita of Italy invited chef Rafaelle Esposito from his pizzaria to visit
the royal palace and ___28___(bake) a selection of pizzas for her. ___29___(want) to impress the4
queen, Rafaelle made a very special pizza. It was large and topped with tomatoes, mozzarella
cheese and fresh herbs to represent the Italian flag, ____30____ is red, white and green. The
Queen was delighted with this design and the pizza became one of her favourite foods. When
people heard about this, they all wanted to try it and so the pizza Margherita was born.
【8 题详解】
考查动词不定式。句意:1889 年,意大利玛格丽塔王后邀请披萨店的厨师拉裴尔·埃斯波
西托访问皇宫,并为她烤了一些披萨。和前面的 to visit 并列作宾补,承前省略了不定式符
号 to,故填 bake。
【9 题详解】
考查现在分词。句意:想要给女王留下好印象,拉斐尔做了一个非常特别的披萨。want 和
主语 Rafaelle 之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词作状语,故填 Wanting。
【10 题详解】
着红、白、绿三色的意人利国旗。先行词为 the Italian flag,指物,关系词在非限制性定语
从句中作主语,所以用 which 引导,故填 which。
Section B
Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used
only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
address B. challenges C. imaging D. monitor E. navigate F. operations
G. respond H. setting I. short J. successive K. worth
Satellites Can Help Us Fight Climate Change
At the beginning of 2021, President Joe Biden exclaimed that “science is back” as we
continued our efforts to ___31____ the COVID emergency. That phrase continues to ring true
across the federal government. Science and its applications are being used at every agency to deal
with public health ___32____, build new transportation infrastructure, inform policy decisions and
tackle the climate crisis.
【31 题详解】
考查动词词义辨析。句意:2021 年初,乔·拜登总统在我们继续努力应对新冠疫情紧急情况
时感叹“科学回来了”。分析句子结构可知,不定式符号 to 后填动词原形,结合句意可知填
动词 address,address 意为“设法解决,处理,应对”。故选 A 项。
【32 题详解】
设施、为政策决策提供信息和应对气候危机。结合句意可知填 challenges(挑战),public health
challenges 作 deal with 的宾语。故选 B 项。
Recently the Interior Department’s U.S. Geological Survey assumed ___33____ of Landsat 9
from NASA, which built and launched it in 2021.This satellite is designed to ___34____ Earth’s
land, water and other natural resources. Landsat missions support environmental sustainability and
climate resilience. The Landsat program, which launched in July 1972, has helped us understand
our planet and the changes that are occurring on it. That partnership has propelled research andobservation forward through the launch of ___35____ Landsat satellites, each replacing its
predecessors and working in tandem with new capabilities and strengths.
【33 题详解】
考查名词。句意:最近,美国内政部地质调查局从 2021 年建造并发射的美国国家航空航天
局获得了陆地卫星 9 号的价值。分析句子结构可知,谓语 assumed(取得)后缺少宾语,故填
不可数名词 worth(价值),符合句意。故选 K 项。
【34 题详解】
不定式符号 to 后填动词原形,结合句意可知填动词 monitor,monitor 意为“监测”。故选 D
【35 题详解】
Landsat satellites 前应用形容词修饰。结合“each replacing its predecessors(每一个都取代其前
任)”,可知发射的卫星不止一个,故填 successive(连续的,相继的),作定语。故选 J 项。
I attended the historic launch of Landsat 9 in California. It was nothing ____36____ of
amazing. I toured the mission control center and met a young scientist from the Navajo Nation
living far away from home. She uses Landsat ____37____ to see her home from many miles away,
and with such data, she enables her community to manage water resources in the face of a
changing climate. This is the power and beauty of science at work.
【36 题详解】
考查形容词。句意:这简直令人惊异。nothing short of(简直,无异于)为固定短语。此处表达
这种吃惊的心情,故本空选 I。
【37 题详解】
她的家,故本空填 imaging(成像),Landsat imaging 作 uses 的宾语。故选 C 项。
All around the globe, scientists are using Landsat and other imagery to interpret what is
happening on Earth today and to compare it with the 50 years’ ____38____ of data the Landsat
program has collected.
【28 题详解】
释今天地球上正在发生的事情,并将其与地球资源卫星项目 50 年来收集的数据操作进行比
较。由 50year's 判断本空为名词,故填 operations(操作,运行)符合句意。故选 F。
This science-based program and those like it across federal agencies are powerful tools in our
efforts to responsibly manage our resources. Their prioritization helps to demonstrate the
Biden-Harris administration’s commitment to lead with science. So, too, the resources provided
through the president’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act will be key to
the development of longer-term sustainability measures as we ____39____ to climate change,
including building more resilient communities and protecting our natural environment.
【39 题详解】
们的自然环境。分析句子结构可知,空前的 as 为时间状语从句的引导词,本空为句子谓语。
respond to(对……作出反应)为固定短语,结合空后的 to 和句意可知,本空填 respond。故选
G 项。
Landsat NEXT is the upcoming mission we will develop with NASA to power better science
and decision-making for the next 50 years. Science is indeed ____40____ us on a path to a
brighter future.
【40 题详解】
考查动词。句意:科学确实使我们走上了一条通往更光明未来的道路。set sb. on path to(使
某人走上……的道路)为固定短语,结合空后的 a path to 和句意可知,本空填 setting,和空
前的 is 构成现在进行时。故选 H 项。
The Book of the Millennium(一千年)
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了 David Hawkes 和其女婿共同翻译了中国古典
When I was a graduate student in Oxford many years ago, I shared a house with a brilliant
German sinologist (汉学家). Many visitors would pop into our house, and one night around the
kitchen table I met a(n)____41____character. His name was David Hawkes. A(n) ____42____
linguist, he directed Japanese codebreakers in his early twenties, during World War II.
【41 题详解】
我遇到了一个迷人的人物。A. arrogant 傲慢的;B. fascinating 迷人的;C. humorous 幽默的;
D. responsible 负责任的。根据下文描述可知,这位客人才华横溢,非常有吸引力。故选 B。
【42 题详解】
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:作为一名极有天赋的语言学家,他在二战期间 20 岁出头的时
候指导了日本密码的破译工作。A. decisive 决定性的;B. frustrated 沮丧的;C. generous 慷慨
的;D. talented 有天赋的。根据下文“he directed Japanese codebreakers in his early twenties,
during World War II.”可知,David Hawkes 帮助破译密码,由此可知,David Hawkes 是个很
有天赋的语言学家。故选 D。
Later, as a teacher, he did wonderful translation of Songs of the South (楚辞), part of a poetic
tradition earlier than anything that has ____43____ in the West. Then he became a professor of
Chinese at Oxford, but, as he put it, “I resigned in order to ____44____ my time to translating a
Chinese novel…Well, the Chinese novel.”
【43 题详解】
一部分,比任何幸存下来的东西都要早。A. copied 复制;B. launched 发射;C. revised 校订;
D. survived 幸存。根据空前的“earlier”可知,这里指的是比西方传统的诗歌都要早,而这
些诗歌则是从过去幸存下来的。故选 D。
【44 题详解】
6为了把时间花在翻译一部中国小说上……嗯,是中国小说。”A. addict 使……上瘾;B. devote
致力;C. expose 揭露;D. reduce 减少。根据句意可知,本句指的是 David Hawkes 辞职的目
的是为了翻译一部中国小说。短语:devote…to doing sth.,意为“投入……做某事”。故选
The book was Dream of the Red Chamber, written by Cao Xueqin. British ____45____
Anthony West wrote in The New Yorkerin 1958 that the novel is to Chinese literature “very much
what The Brothers Karamazov is to Russian and Remembrance of Things Past is to French
literature” and that “it is ____46____ one of the great novels of all literature.”
【45 题详解】
考查词性辨析辨析。句意:英国评论家 Anthony West 于 1958 年在《纽约时报》上写道,这
法国文学”,“毫无疑问,它是所有文学作品中最伟大的小说之一”。A. critic 评论家;B.
critical 批评的;C. criticism 批评;D. criticize 批评。根据下文“Anthony West”可知,这里
指的是一个评论家。故选 A。
【46 题详解】
考查短语词义辨析。句意:英国评论家 Anthony West 于 1958 年在《纽约时报》上写道,这
法国文学”,“毫无疑问,它是所有文学作品中最伟大的小说之一”。A. beyond question
毫无疑问;B. in doubt 怀疑;C. in question 正在考虑中;D. out of the question 不可能。根据
上文“the novel is to Chinese literature “very much what The Brothers Karamazov is to Russian
and Remembrance of Things Past is to French literature”可知,他认为这部小说是非常伟大的
小说。故选 A。
Hawkes eventually completed his great endeavor, with the help of his son-in-law John
Minford, who ____47____the last two volumes of the five, which were published by Penguin
between 1973 and 1986. Hawkes’ translation was ____48____ as an introduction to a
【47 题详解】
考查动词词义辨析。句意:最终在他的女婿 John Minford 的帮助下,Hawkes 完成了他的伟
大努力,并于 1973 年至 1986 年由企鹅出版社出版,他的女婿翻译了五卷中的最后两卷。A.
gathered 聚集;B. bought 买;C. sold 卖;D. translated 翻译。根据上文可知,Hawkes 辞职是
为了完成《红楼梦》的翻译。由此判断,他的女婿翻译了最后两卷。故选 D。
【48 题详解】
考查动词词义辨析。句意:Hawkes 的翻译被视为一部“杰作”的开端。A. approved 同意;
B. appointed 委派;C. elected 选举;D. greeted 问候。根据上文可知,Hawkes 认为《红楼梦》
greeted as,意为“被视作……”。故选 D。
Dream of the Red Chamber was written in the 1750s “by a great artist with his very lifeblood,”
said Hawkes. It is full of ____49____ detail of the social, cultural and spiritual life of the time.
Studying it for non-Chinese readers has never perhaps been more useful. At a time when
_____50_____ of Chinese culture and identity is increasingly necessary because of the country’s
new international role, getting insights into the heart of Chinese culture through a novel
_____51_____ recognized as one of the most influential produced in the Chinese language would
seem as uncontroversial statement.
【49 题详解】
A. boring 无聊的;B. fake 假的;C. imaginary 想象中的;D. incredible 难以置信的。根据上
文“Dream of the Red Chamber was written in the 1750s “by a great artist with his very lifeblood,”
said Hawkes.”可知,Hawkes 认为作者曹雪芹是一位伟大的艺术家,这部小说倾注了作者毕
生的心血,由此判断,书中的细节都真实地令人难以置信。故选 D。
【50 题详解】
可争议的声明。A. appreciation 了解;B. definition 下定义;C. determination 决心;D. opposition
反对。根据下文“because of the country’s new international role”可推断,中国在国际上的地
位正在上升,所以对中国文化和身份的了解非常有必要。故选 A。
【51 题详解】
一个无可争议的声明。A. barely 几乎不;B. critically 批评性地;C. specially 尤其;D. universally
普遍地。根据常理推测,《红楼梦》被人们普遍认为是最具影响力的中文小说。故选 D。
Cao’s work while seen as essentially local and Chinese, is about _____52_____ and the
nature of human experience. That transcends the _____53_____ of a particular language and
context in which the novel is set.
【52 题详解】
人性和人类经验的本质。A. humanity 人性;B. modernity 现代化;C. personality 个性;D.
sincerity 真诚。根据空后“the nature of human experience”可知,空处内容与之相似,指的
是关于人类经验的本质,根据《红楼梦》的内容可知,该小说还讲述了人性。故选 A。
【53 题详解】
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这超越了小说所处的特定语言和语境的界限。A. boundaries 边界;
B. circles 圆圈;C. perspectives 看法;D. spaces 空间。根据空前的“transcend”以及空后“a
particular language and context in which the novel is set.”可知,本句指的是超越了小说所处的
语言和语境的界限。故选 A。
The book as it stands in the Penguin version runs to 2500 pages — twice as long as War and
Peace. _____54_____ at first because of the large number of characters and their difficult names
(to a non-Chinese reader). But once you are into it, it is a book into which the reader can
completely _____55_____ themselves; it is like anything else in all of literature.
【54 题详解】
者) 。A. Never-ending 不 停的 ; B. Hard-going 难 以进 行;C. Labor-saving 省 工的 ; D.
Record-breaking 破纪录的。根据空后“because of the large number of characters and their
difficult names (to a non-Chinese reader).”可知,由于《红楼梦》中大量人物和其名字,所以
非中文读者一开始阅读的时候会有点困难。故选 B。
【55 题详解】
它就像所有文学作品中的其他作品一样。A. change 改变;B. immerse 使沉浸(于);C. persuade
劝服;D. reduce 减少。根据上文“once you are into it”可知,此处指的是读者沉浸在书本之
中。故选 B。
41. A. arrogant B. fascinating C. humorous D. responsible
42. A. decisive B. frustrated C. generous D. talented
43. A. copied B. launched C. revised D. survived
44. A. addict B. devote C. expose D. reduce
45. A. critic B. critical C. criticism D. criticize
46. A. beyond question B. in doubt C. in question D. out of the question
47. A. gathered B. bought C. sold D. translated
48. A. approved B. appointed C. elected D. greeted
49. A. boring B. fake C. imaginary D. incredible
50. A. appreciation B. definition C. determination D. opposition
51. A. barely B. critically C. specially D. universally
52. A. humanity B. modernity C. personality D. sincerity
53. A. boundaries B. circles C. perspectives D. spaces
54. A. Never-ending B. Hard-going C. Labor-saving D. Record-breaking
55. A. change B. immerse C. persuade D. reduce
Section B
Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or
unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the
one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
While I was in hospital, a friend recommended a popular online series of daily meditations(n.
冥想,打坐;沉思), a “can’t afford to miss” in his mind. Mostly, the morning ones were
impossible to do as the hospital routine starts at half past five, so I mostly listened the evening
ones, which were very helpful. Once, however, I managed the morning one, which talked about
the importance of doing something or creating something which will survive us.
The works of great poets and writers come to mind, but how many of us will write the next
David Copperfield, or Ode to Autumn Sporting triumphs also occur: the breaking of the fourminute mile for instance. But again, how many of us are great athletes So what can we do
Shakespeare writes, “The evil men do lives after them; the good is oft interred (often buried)
with their bones.” For once, however, I think Shakespeare is wrong. I think the good we do can
live after we have gone. Sir Terry Pratchett writes, “A man is not truly dead while his name is still
spoken,” and I think that is more true. Perhaps we cannot expect our name to be remembered for
hundreds or thousands of years, but to be remembered with kindness and even thankfulness after
we’ve gone is surely something to strive for.
I had two grannies when I was growing up. One was my mother’s mother; the other was our
cousin’s grandmother on their father’s side. Our own grandmother died young, so this lovely lady
adopted us as her honorary grandchildren.
Granny was the most lovely and loving lady you could imagine. There were always cakes in
the tin and a warm welcome whenever we visited, there were small presents at Christmas and on
our birthdays, and we loved her dearly. It was only when I attended her funeral that I realized how
far her love extended: the church was packed, and tale after tale was told of her kindness. Her
name was — and possibly still is — spoken long after her death.
I wish I could say the same of my other grandmother, but I can’t. My mother talks about her,
but I don’t; there is no point in talking about unkindness.
When I announced my retirement, a couple of months ago, I was stunned to receive so many
emails and letters of thanks. My patients really appreciate all that I have done for them. That will
last after I’m gone and spread down through generations.
56. Which of the following statements will the author probably agree with about the online
A. The evening meditation are more important than the morning ones.
B. The online meditation receive more attention in the evening.
C. The morning meditation are difficult to use in daily life.
D. The online meditation are worthy of the name. be worthy of 值得,配得上
【56 题详解】
细节理解题。根据第一段“While I was in hospital, a friend recommended a popular online series
of daily meditations, a “can’t afford to miss” in his mind. Mostly, the morning ones were
impossible to do as the hospital routine starts at half past five, so I mostly listened the evening
ones, which were very helpful.(在我住院期间,一位朋友向我推荐了一个网上流行的每日冥想
想是名副其实的。故选 D 项。
57. The author quoted Sir Terry Pratchett’s words in order to __________.
A. support Shakespeare’s statement on the afterlife afterlife n.来世,死后的生活
B. argue that greatness is the only way to be remembered
C. emphasize the importance of kindness to ordinary people
D. criticize the idea that only evil deeds are remembered
【57 题详解】
推理判断题。根据第三段“Shakespeare writes, “The evil men do lives after them; the good is oft
interred (often buried) with their bones.” For once, however, I think Shakespeare is wrong. I think
the good we do can live after we have gone. Sir Terry Pratchett writes, “A man is not truly dead
10while his name is still spoken,” and I think that is more true.(莎士比亚写道:“恶人死后永生; 好
是为了批评那种认为只有邪恶的行为才会被记住的观点。故选 D 项。
58. Which of the following statements it TRUE according to the passage
A. The author’s granny on mother’s side was a kind person.
B. Shakespeare believed the goodness fades far sooner than the evil.
C. A man’s contribution is highly dependent on their achievements.
D. People were happy to know the retirement of the author.
【58 题详解】
细节理解题。根据第三段“Shakespeare writes, “The evil men do lives after them; the good is oft
interred (often buried) with their bones.”(莎士比亚写道:“恶人死后永生; 好人往往和他们的
尸骨一起被埋葬。”)”可知,莎士比亚相信善比恶消逝得更快。故选 B 项。
59. We can most probably find this passage in a __________.
A. magazine featuring famous athletes
B. blog post by a doctor who recently retired
C. book about the importance of creating a legend
D. medical journal discussing the benefits of meditation
【59 题详解】
推理判断题。根据第一段“Once, however, I managed the morning one, which talked about the
importance of doing something or creating something which will survive us.(然而,有一次,我读
去)”最后一段“When I announced my retirement, a couple of months ago, I was stunned to
receive so many emails and letters of thanks. My patients really appreciate all that I have done for
所以可能是一个最近退休的医生写的博客。故选 B 项。
Each one of us shares this planet with seven billion other individuals. And we all need
transportation. The majority of cars, motorcycles, boats and planes cause pollution. They are also
noisy. This is a serious problem in many cities. So inventors are coming up with innovative ideas
to try to reduce the pollution and noise.
By Land
In many cities around the world, motorcycles are becoming increasingly popular. Currently,
Vietnam has around 33 million motorcycles. China has almost 120 million. The convenience of
these motorcycles comes at a cost. Air pollution is a growing problem. In large cities, people often
complain it is difficult to breathe. They also complain about the noise.
To solve these problems, a U.S. company designed an environmentally friendly motorcycle.
11It uses electricity as fuel. You can drive it for 40 miles (64 kilometers) before recharging the
It is also quiet and fast-60 miles (96 kilometers) per hour. This makes it a good choice for
getting around a city.
By Water
The Italian city of Venice is a city with only a few roads. There are no cars in the city center.
Instead of cars, water taxis and buses carry people along the city’s canals. The engines of these
boats are simple and cheap. However, they cause pollution, particularly to the water. This causes
damage to the city’s buildings.
English mechanics Dick Strawbridge and Jem Stans designed a solar-powered water taxi. The
solar panels charge three electric batteries. These, in turn, provide power to the engine. The water
taxi can carry six passengers. It can run for a day. In the future, solar taxis could be an alternative
to Venice’s current taxis.
By Air
Designing an environmentally friendly airplane is a real challenge. Planes use an enormous
amount of jet fuel. This means they cause significant air pollution, and they are very noisy. Some
major airplane manufacturers have started to address the problems. They are using cleaner fuels,
for example. However, Swiss engineers have gone one step further. They developed a solar
airplane — the Solar Impulse. Solar panels cover its wings. These panels provide power to four
electric motors and batteries. The batteries allow the plane to fly at night. This plane holds the
world record for the longest solar-powered flight — 985 miles (1541 kilometers) from Arizona to
Texas in the United States.
60. What do the three innovative ideas proposed have in common
A. They aim to solve traffic problems in big cities.
B. They use cleaner energy and cause less pollution.
C. They aim to change traditional way of transporting goods.
D. They are good will of developed countries to help developing countries.
【60 题详解】
细节理解题。根据第一段“And we all need transportation. The majority of cars, motorcycles,
boats and planes cause pollution. They are also noisy. This is a serious problem in many cities. So
inventors are coming up with innovative ideas to try to reduce the pollution and noise.(我们都需
个严重的问题。因此,发明家们想出了创新的想法,试图减少污染和噪音)”,By Land 下第
二段的“It uses electricity as fuel. (它使用电力作为燃料)”,By Water 下第二段的“The solar
panels charge three electric batteries. These, in turn, provide power to the engine.(太阳能电池板
为三个电池充电。这些反过来又为发动机提供动力)”和 By Air 下的“Some major airplane
manufacturers have started to address the problems. They are using cleaner fuels, for example. (一
知,提出的三个创新想法,它们使用更清洁的能源,造成更少的污染。故选 B 项。
61. Which of the following statements is TRUE
A. China owns the largest number of motorcycles.
B. There are no cars in the center of Venice city.
C. Solar-powered water taxi can run for a day with one battery at work.
D. The newly designed motorcycle can drive 60 miles after being charged.
【61 题详解】
细节理解题。根据小标题 By Water 下第一段的“The Italian city of Venice is a city with only a
few roads. There are no cars in the city center.(意大利城市威尼斯是一个只有几条道路的城市。
市中心没有汽车)”可知,威尼斯市中心没有汽车,B 项正确。故选 B 项。
62. According to the passage, the distinguished merit of Solar Impulse is ________.
A. lighter wings
B. less noise
C. powerful batteries
D. longest solar panels
【62 题详解】
推理判断题。根据最后一段“They developed a solar airplane — the Solar Impulse. Solar panels
cover its wings. These panels provide power to four electric motors and batteries. The batteries
allow the plane to fly at night. This plane holds the world record for the longest solar-powered
flight—985 miles (1541 kilometers) from Arizona to Texas in the United States.(他们开发了一架
从美国亚利桑那州到德克萨斯州,飞行了 985 英里(1541 公里))”可推知,阳光动力号的电
池使飞机能在夜间飞行一整夜,所以它有强大的电池。故选 C 项。
Section C
Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box.
Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
Conflict in Literature
A. So how do you best create conflict
B. From there, we can break down(分解) conflict into seven different examples.
C. By understanding what stands between characters and their goals, what can we do next
D. An internal conflict tends to be one in which the main character struggles with himself, such as
a decision he needs to make or a weakness he has to overcome.
E. When a conflict is resolved and the reader discovers which force or character succeeds, it
creates a sense of closure.
F. It is a necessary element of any story, driving the story forward and forcing the reader to stay up
all night reading in hopes of some sort of closure.
What makes a book or movie exciting What makes you want to keep reading to find out
what happens or stay until the end of the movie Conflict. Yes, conflict. ____63____ Most stories
are written to have characters, a setting and a plot, but what sets apart a truly great story from the
one that might not finish reading is conflict.
【63 题详解】
根据上文“What makes a book or movie exciting What makes you want to keep reading to find
out what happens or stay until the end of the movie Conflict. Yes, conflict.(是什么让一本书或一
束?冲突。是的,冲突)”以及后文“Most stories are written to have characters, a setting and aplot, but what sets apart a truly great story from the one that might not finish reading is
推动故事向前发展,迫使读者熬夜阅读,希望能有个了结。故 F 选项“它是任何故事的必
要元素,推动故事向前发展,迫使读者熬夜阅读,希望能有个了结”符合语境,故选 F。
Basically, we can define conflict as a struggle between opposing forces — two characters, a
character and nature, or even an internal struggle — conflict provides a level of worry into a story
that engages the reader and makes him or her invested in finding out what happens. ____64____
【64 题详解】
根据上文“Basically, we can define conflict as a struggle between opposing forces — two
characters, a character and nature, or even an internal struggle — conflict provides a level of
worry into a story that engages the reader and makes him or her invested in finding out what
到找出发生了什么)”以及后文“First, you need to understand the different types of conflict,
which can essentially be broken down into two categories: internal and external conflict.(首先,你
冲突的作用,后文则在说明冲突的类型,即如何更好地制造冲突。故 A 选项“那么如何才
能最好地制造冲突呢?”符合语境,故选 A。
First, you need to understand the different types of conflict, which can essentially be broken
down into two categories: internal and external conflict. ____65____ An external conflict is one in
which the character faces a challenge with an external force, like another character, an act of
nature, or even society.
【65 题详解】
根据后文“An external conflict is one in which the character faces a challenge with an external
force, like another character, an act of nature, or even society.(外部冲突指的是角色面临来自外
突的概念,可知本句是在说明内部冲突。故 D 选项“内部冲突往往是主角与自己的斗争,
比如他需要做出的决定或他必须克服的弱点”符合语境,故选 D。
____66____ Most stories focus on one particular conflict, but it’s also possible that a story
can contain more than one.
【66 题详解】
根据后文“Most stories focus on one particular conflict, but it’s also possible that a story can
contain more than one.(大多数故事都专注于一个特定的冲突,但也有可能一个故事包含多个
少个例子。故 B 选项“由此,我们可以将冲突分解为七个不同的例子”符合语境,故选 B。
IV. Translation (3%+3%+4%)
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
67. 大多数学生都认为必须禁止在课堂上使用手机。(majority)
The majority of students find it necessary to ban mobile phones in class.
1468. 这些插图精美的书籍非常吸引家里有小孩子的母亲。(appeal)
The beautifully illustrated books are very appealing to mothers with small children. /The
beautifully illustrated books appeal to mothers with small children very much.
69. 外来务工人员,不仅能够快速适应城市的快节奏生活,而且能为城市的繁荣兴旺做出巨
Migrant workers can not only quickly adapt (themselves) to the fast pace of the city, but also make
great contributions to the prosperity of the city.
V. Guided Writing (13%)
Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given
below in Chinese.
56. Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions
given below in Chinese.
章。文中提出与 20 年前的青少年相比,如今的青少年更加不快乐。你对此话题很感兴趣,
1. 导致该现象的原因
2. 相应的建议
Dear Editor,
I am Li Ming, a student in Ming qi Middle School. Recently, I read an article about the
mental state of teenagers which mentioned that compared to the teenagers 20 years ago, today’s
teenagers are unhappier. I am writing to express my opinion about this phenomenon.
Many people think today’s teenagers should be happier than before. However, that’s not the
case. First of all, today’s teenagers have more difficulty in getting along with others. It makes
them feel lonely. Secondly, nowadays, teenagers suffer from too much pressure of study, which
makes them easier to be depressed.
Therefore, action must be taken to improve it. To begin with, teenagers should be encouraged
to take many activities to form harmonious interpersonal relationship. Besides, parents also need
to pay more attention to their children’s mental health. As we all know, good listening can always
show respect, promote understanding and make things better. I am convinced that with our joint
efforts, the situation will be gradually improved.
Yours sincerely ,
Li Ming
此外:besides → what’s more
采取措施:take action→ take measures
关注:pay attention to →focus on
原句:First of all, today’s teenagers have more difficulty in getting along with others. It makes
them feel lonely.
拓展句:First of all, today’s teenagers have more difficulty in getting along with others, which
makes them feel lonely.
【点睛】【高分句型 1】Recently, I read an article about the mental state of teenagers which
mentioned that compared to the teenagers 20 years ago, today’s teenagers are unhappier.(运用了
which 引导的定语从句和非谓语动词作状语)
【高分句型 2】
am convinced that with our joint efforts, the situation will be gradually improved.
(运用了 that 引导宾语从句)


