
  1. 二一教育资源



牛津深圳·广州版 九年级
(2022广东阅读C篇) 配对阅读。左栏是五则短信,右栏是七则回复。请将短信和回复进行匹配,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。
A. What a pity! Shall we meet sometime next week After all, shopping won't be fun without you.
B. We still have some in the kitchen. I bought a bottle of milk the day before yesterday and we haven't opened it yet.
C. Great! I'll collect them on my way to work tomorrow morning. Many thanks.
D. Sure. There is a fruit shop on my way home. What would you like me to buy What about some bananas?
E. Take your time. I will be there in a few minutes. What salad would you like, fruit salad or vegetable salad?
F. You can take No.27 bus to my house. Get off at East Street. There is a shop near the bus stop. I will wait for you there.
G. Thanks. It is getting much better now. My doctor said I could return to the sports field next month. Anyway, I'll be there next week.
( )61. Tara, could you buy some milk at the supermarket when you are back from school this afternoon?
( )62. Alice, I'm afraid I can't join the shopping trip tomorrow. My cousin is coming to visit me.
( )63. Sorry, Tony. I missed the train and I'll be late. If you get to the restaurant on time, could you please order orange juice and salad for me?
( )64. Hi, Peter. Has your leg got any better We will have a match next week. Hope you can come and watch it!
( )65. Tom, the sports shop on West Street phoned. They have repaired your basketball shoes!
A. What a pity! Shall we meet sometime next week After all, shopping won't be fun without you.
B. We still have some in the kitchen. I bought a bottle of milk the day before yesterday and we haven't opened it yet.
C. Great! I'll collect them on my way to work tomorrow morning. Many thanks.
D. Sure. There is a fruit shop on my way home. What would you like me to buy What about some bananas?
E. Take your time. I will be there in a few minutes. What salad would you like, fruit salad or vegetable salad?
F. You can take No.27 bus to my house. Get off at East Street. There is a shop near the bus stop. I will wait for you there.
G. Thanks. It is getting much better now. My doctor said I could return to the sports field next month. Anyway, I'll be there next week.
( )61. Tara, could you buy some milk at the supermarket when you are back from school this afternoon
( )62. Alice, I'm afraid I can't join the shopping trip tomorrow. My cousin is coming to visit me.
( )63. Sorry, Tony. I missed the train and I'll be late. If you get to the restaurant on time, could you please order orange juice and salad for me?
( )64. Hi, Peter. Has your leg got any better We will have a match next week. Hope you can come and watch it!
( )65. Tom, the sports shop on West Street phoned. They have repaired your basketball shoes!
关键词buy some milk直接对应B选项bought a bottle of milk。
关键词the shopping trip直接对应A选项shopping。
关键词got any better, next week直接对应G选项getting much better,next week。
关键词have repaired your basketball shoes对应C选项collect them。
此处的a fruit shop,buy容易与第63题的order orange juice形成干扰。
此处的at East Street, a shop容易与第65题的the sports shop on West Street形成干扰。
A. You can't judge a book by its cover. You don't know what someone or something is like by looking only at that person's or thing's appearance(外貌).
B. Everybody makes mistakes, but the key is to learn from the mistakes. So face it and tell the truth to the teacher. After all, a man is not a sage.
C. Different ways of doing something will lead to the same result. You can choose any method to start with. After all, all roads lead to Rome.
D. The road to success is very hard. No cross no crown. After you have experienced great difficulties, you will have big success.
E. Without a perfect foundation(地基), it is impossible to build a tall building. A good beginning helps do the things better, because well begun is half done.
F. You'd better finish your work on time, or you won't be successful later. Never put off what you have to do today till tomorrow.
G. Life is not perfect. We may meet difficulties and failures sometime in our life. Life is not all roses.
( )1. Tony can make full use of time to study, so he always finishes his schoolwork on time.
( )2. Sara always makes plans before a new term. She wants to have a good start.
( )3. Mr.Brown is always poorly dressed. In fact, he is the richest man in town. He gives away much money to poor families.
( )4. Jack is a runner. He got into many difficulties, but he never gave up. Finally, he won a gold medal.
( )5. Victor broke the blackboard of the classroom yesterday. He was afraid to tell the truth to the teacher.
A. Movie Appreciation
This course hopes to develop the students' interest in the English language and Western culture through movies.
B. Movie Making
The course teaches film making skills to anyone interested in creating short films, from planning to photography. You will discover how to get your movie running.
C. History of Movies
The course gives us an introduction to the development of the film industry.
D. Works of Famous Directors
The course tells the students about some famous Hollywood directors, their works and comments(评论) on their works.
E. Movie Comments
The course is a study of how to write movie comments through some nice examples in a proper way. The students can enjoy many films as well.
F. Characters and Performing Art
The course analyzes(分析) excellent performances of some actors and actresses in some movies. It helps you become an excellent performer.
G. Photography of Movies
The course analyzes the photography of some successful movies. It is to help people become good film photographers.
( )1. Paul wants to know more about world famous directors and their directing styles. And he wants to learn something from them.
( )2. Helen has played some characters in a few movies. She wants to be more successful and perform well.
( )3. Bill finds it boring to learn English. He hopes to improve his English language skills in an interesting way.
( )4. Jack has many thoughts after watching movies. He wants a course which helps him express his ideas properly.
( )5. Sally wants to become a good film photographer(摄影师) in the future. She hopes to take a course on photography skills of movies.
China has built the world's longest high speed rail network. Named as a “name card” for China, HSR runs at a speed of 250-350 km/h. And it can be taken in bad weather.
With around 731 million Internet users, China has many e commerce(电子商务) markets like JD, Alibaba's Tmall and Taobao. You can buy many things without going out by using them.
Alibaba Group is a huge company in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Thousands of members are working there. Now its users have reached more than 100 million.
There are a lot of bike sharing companies in China. They have millions of bicycles for shared use to people.
E. As people's living standards(水平) improve, mobile phones have become popular with customers. Now almost everyone in the world has a mobile phone.
Alipay allows users to go shopping on international websites and apps. People don't need to pay cash for things.
The food delivery(配送) saves more time for people by ordering food online. It has made many customers interested in it.
( )1. Tom studies in a middle school in Guangzhou. He needs to ride bikes to the subway station after school every day.
( )2. Johnson is hungry but he doesn't want to go outside. He wants to eat at home in a short time.
( )3. Jack needs to go to Shanghai from Guangzhou, but the flight is canceled because of bad weather.
( )4. Mary thinks the clothes of the TV stars are beautiful. But she doesn't want to go to the stores because she is busy.
( )5. Jones doesn't like to go shopping with cash because he thinks it is not safe and the cash might be stolen by others.
Wash your hands with soap carefully each time after playing. After that, put your hands under running water for a while, and make sure the soap has all gone.
Make your bed every morning after you get up. This can make your bed look tidier.
Make the white shirt wet in cold water until the coffee stain(污渍) has gone. Put it in clean water and make sure the stain is gone before drying.
Organize your room. You can use boxes or baskets to store your things. You should also tidy up your drawers and clean out your closet.
Brush your teeth twice a day, before and after bedtime. Stay away from sweet snacks, because too many sweets can make your teeth ache.
To make your white shoes clean, you can use some white vinegar (醋). Use a toothbrush to clean the dirt. Cover a piece of wet paper on the shoes when air drying.
Besides washing your hands, you'd better clean your keyboard. There may be a lot of dirt and germs in it and they bring diseases.
( )1. Mingming likes to eat candies. He brushes his teeth once a day. However, his teeth began to ache yesterday.
( )2. Lisa can't find her invitation card to a party. Her things are everywhere in her room.
( )3. Jack likes to wear white shoes. Every time he exercises, his white shoes get dirty. He wants his white shoes back.
( )4. Teresa works with her computer every day. Every day she washes her hands after using the computer. These days, she feels sick.
( )5. Little Tony is curious about everything around him. He washes his hands quickly after playing. Now he has a stomachache.
Hungary is one of the 49 island countries in the world. It doesn't have ocean coasts, but it has many natural hot springs.
Israel is in the desert. It worried about water in the past. In recent years, it has developed technology to turn seawater and waste water into usable water.
For most Chinese people, Saudi Arabia is far from them. However, relations between the two countries could date back to ancient times.
Thailand is known as the “Land of Smiles”. People there are friendly. Its natural beauty, delicious food and fruit make it popular among tourists.
It's surprising that such a small place could be one of the world’s “happiest” countries. But Bhutan truly is. It encourages people to focus on what they have.
Egypt is a place full of ancient things. Actually, many things we use today were invented in ancient Egypt.
Russia is the largest country in the world. It also has the world's largest total area of forest. It has over 40 national parks.
( )1. Jack likes to visit a country which has beautiful views and friendly people. And he can try lots of delicious food and fruit there.
( )2. Sam is interested in history and loves to visit a country. He wants to learn a lot about its ancient culture and rich history.
( )3. Mike lives in the north of China. He would like to go to a country where he can relax himself in a hotel with hot springs(温泉).
( )4. Sue loves to go to a special country. It's small, but people there live a happier life than those from other countries.
( )5. Lucy loves science. She wants to visit a country which pays attention to ocean research and public health.
(2022深圳)下面的材料A~F 是六门校本课程的介绍。请根Kevin, Mandy, Brian, Ivy, Simon 五位同学的需求,为他们推荐合适的课程。
A.Block Building
Prepare to build your favorite”adventures” . Projects of Star Wars and Jurassic Park will be offered and knowledge will be explained. You can take home your own works.
B.Robotic Science
Have fun building and creating robots! You will learn engineering in an interesting way and many robot projects will be included. You can also join in an exciting competition.
C. Chemical Magic
Get ready for a”magical”lab experience in Harry Potter style! It is an introduction to chemistry and physics. Enjoy making coloured fire, hot ice, purple smoke and more.
D.Photography Fun
Expect to take a wonderful photo or shoot a video on your own Come and find out the science behind movies. You will also learn the skills of photography using different cameras.
E. First Aid Training
What do you know about the things in the survival kit Attend this course to learn how to use them in the right manner.Step-by-step treatment for medical emergencies will be shown.
F. Arts and 3-D Printing
Want to be an artist Come and create your artworks! Projects, including sand art, painting and an introduction to CAD drawing and 3-D printing, will be carried out.
__31____. Kevin wishes to develop a home-care robot which can look after his grandpa.
__32____. Mandy wants to take beautiful pictures and record her family trips on holiday.
__33____. Brian wonders how he can create coloured smoke for his play in English Week.
__34____. Ivy is crazy about Leonardo da Vinci’s works. She dreams of becoming a painter.
__35____. Simon has built several block models, He’s thirsty for model-building knowledge.
A.Block Building
Prepare to build your favorite “adventures” . Projects of Star Wars and Jurassic Park will be offered and knowledge will be explained. You can take home your own works.
B.Robotic Science
Have fun building and creating robots! You will learn engineering in an interesting way and many robot projects will be included. You can also join in an exciting competition.
C. Chemical Magic
Get ready for a”magical”lab experience in Harry Potter style! It is an introduction to chemistry and physics. Enjoy making coloured fire, hot ice, purple smoke and more.
D.Photography Fun
Expect to take a wonderful photo or shoot a video on your own Come and find out the science behind movies. You will also learn the skills of photography using different cameras.
E. First Aid Training
What do you know about the things in the survival kit Attend this course to learn how to use them in the right manner. Step-by-step treatment for medical emergencies will be shown.
F. Arts and 3-D Printing
Want to be an artist Come and create your artworks! Projects, including sand art, painting and an introduction to CAD drawing and 3-D printing, will be carried out.
__31____. Kevin wishes to develop a home-care robot which can look after his grandpa.
__32____. Mandy wants to take beautiful pictures and record her family trips on holiday.
__33____. Brian wonders how he can create coloured smoke for his play in English Week.
__34____. Ivy is crazy about Leonardo da Vinci’s works. She dreams of becoming a painter.
__35____. Simon has built several block models, He’s thirsty for model-building knowledge.
关键词a home-care robot直接对应B选项robots。
关键词take beautiful pictures直接对应D选项take a wonderful photo。
关键词create coloured smoke直接对应C选项make colour fire。
关键词Leonardo da Vinci’s works, become a painter直接对应F选项artist, artworks。
关键词build several block models对应A选项Block building。
此处的First Aid Training 是急救训练,与五位同学的需求没有匹配 。
下面的材料 A~F分别介绍了六本不同的书籍。请根据Emma, Liam, Jenny, Aiden and Sofia的需求选择最适合他们阅读的书籍。
A.Walk with Gandhi
This book shows Gandhi’s life and peaceful fight for India’s independence in easy stories and pictures, inspiring (启发) deep thoughts about his “great mind”.
B.The Secret Life of Things—Artistic Haiku
Gabriel Rosenstoc is a famous Irish writer, poet, and Haiku expert, who has published a book that includes 16 beautiful poems, translated into Irish, Scottish and Japanese.
C. Voices of Children—Child helpline stories and help
It has over thirty stories of teens contacting a helpline for problems from homework stress to friendship difficulties, showing that help is at hand and you’re not alone.
D. Discover Your Changing World With NOAA Activity Book
This book explains how the sun drives the Earth’s climate system and how the ocean, ice, clouds, and living things all play a part in this.
E. The Secrets of Chocolate
The history of chocolate, how chocolate is farmed, and how chocolate is made, along with fun facts—this is all what you’ll learn about chocolate in this exciting book.
F. Be Wise With Money
This is a kid-friendly guide to money basics, covering needs and wants, budgeting (预算), spending, payment methods, and a simple business plan example.
__1____. Emma is stressed by school work and needs support and advice.
__2____. Liam is interested in great minds and how they shape the world.
__3____. Jenny is excited to learn how to manage her income from lemonade stands.
__4____. Aiden, a biology student, loves the outdoors and wants to protect the nature.
__5____. Sofia has a sweet tooth and is curious about the making of her favorite treats.
__1_____ Simon is looking for a chance to improve his oral English.
__2_____ Kevin often helps people in need. He feels very happy doing it.
__3_____ Mandy sits all day at school. She would like to enjoy nature on weekends.
__4_____ Brian is crazy about history. He wants to know more about the Tang Dynasty.
__5_____ Ivy wishes to spend weekends with her parents so that they know each other better.
A.Bird Watching
Take a walk around the neighborhood or go into the wild for bird watching! Watching those beautiful and lovely birds quietly is helpful to shake off your worries and stress.
B.English Corner
Do you want to improve your English English corner offers you a good chance to practice your oral English. And you can probably make good friends there.
C.Family Picnic
Spring comes! There will be colorful flowers and green trees in parks. Have a picnic with your families there. Quality time will bring you closer to each other.
“The roses in her hand, the flavor (味道) in mine.” How happy it is to see the smiles on people who get help from you! This sense of satisfaction can never be bought.
E.Hiking Fun
Hiking is for everyone, especially those who sit all day. Get out into nature, walk freely, breathe in fresh air and enjoy the beautiful scenery (风景) along the way. It helps to reduce the risk of heart disease.
F.Museum Tour
Are you a fan of art and history Visit museums often and you will certainly gain something from the ancient and modern artworks, such as knowledge, ideas, skills, etc. There will be more for you to discover.
下面的材料A-F分别是六个兴趣班的招募广告。请根据五位居住在中国的外国朋友Bobby, Anna, Sam, Alex, Claire的个人需求为他们匹配合适的兴趣班。
A.Yong Chun Boxing Club Here, you can join in Yong Chun martial art exercises to build up your body. Our coach will also tell you the past and present of this legendary Chinese art. Can’t wait to learn Sign up right now!
B.Computer Art Club Join us! We can take you to explore the mysterious ocean of computer art. We have professional teachers and you will be able to learn some online drawing tools with their help.
C. Chinese Knot Cub It is a unique folk art. Chinese people do well in expressing their best wishes with just one single red rope. A beautiful knot can be made just with some simple steps. It’s super fun, so come and join us!
D.Paper Art Club Chinese paper-cutting is a traditional folk art We will use scissors to cut and draw patterns on paper to decorate life. Here, we will teach you to design patterns. There are experts to teach us paper cutting skills as well!
E. Tai Chi Club Do you feel a lot of pressure Join our club quickly! As a traditional martial art, Tai Chi is slow and relaxing. Our teacher will guide you to breathe smoothly and make standard movements.
F. Robot Club If you want to see a group of cute robots dancing, just join us without any hesitation! Our teacher will guide you to make robots. We will also organize many interesting robot competitions!
__1____ Bobby’s idol usually posts many cartoon characters online. He learns that those colorful roles are drawn by computer, and he wants to learn the drawing methods on a computer.
__2____ Anna is a big fan of Chinese culture. She is deeply attracted by Ye Wen, a famous Kungfu star in China history. She desires to learn some of his Yong Chun moves.
__3____ Sam’s Chinese aunt, Liu, is good at tying a red rope into different shapes. On Sam’s birthday, Liu sent a knot to him as a gift. Sam is so curious about how this is made.
__4____ Alex feels stressed about his work. A friendly Chinese practices a kind of Kungfu in the park every morning. He tells Alex these slow moves can make him feel better.
__5____ Claire loves folk art. Her Chinese friend bought some red paper and cut it into beautiful flowers. She saw the process and felt so amazed about those works of art.
下面的材料A~F是六个春季旅行线路的介绍。请根据Alex, Mike, Jane, Kevin, Nancy五个人的需求,为他们推荐合适的线路。
A.Zhangjiajie National Forest Park
This wonderful tour will take you to the amazing mountains in the movie Avatar. Zhangjiajie also offers the world’s longest and highest glass bridge for sightseeing. Walk it if you dare!
B.Guizhou: Huangguoshu Waterfall
Discover this mountainous province hidden in Southwest China. China’s largest and most beautiful waterfall lies there. Take time to taste the delicious local food that you’ll never forget.
C. An Adventure of Lifetime in Tibet
April is one of the best months to visit Everest Base Camp. The weather is at its best for viewing and photographing the Roof of the World. The Potala Palace in Lhasa is also a must-see.
D.The Best of Japan
This trip, scheduled from late March to early May, takes you to the most famous places of interest in Japan when the landscape is covered with pink cherry blossoms (花簇) .
E. Lively and Energetic Italy
Italy in the spring is a wonderland of rebirth and warmth without the crowds. Snow melts and beautiful flowers are everywhere. Go and explore the art works in the ancient cities!
F. Maldives: Beaches &Sunshine
From March through April, the final months of the Maldives’ dry season, visitors will find great diving conditions, the start of surf season and clear skies ideal for walking.
__1_____ Alex is tired of heavy snowfall. He wants to have great fun in the sea.
__2_____ Mike is a camping fan. He wants to take pictures of towering mountains.
__3_____ Jane likes cartoons a lot. She wants to see the national flowers of Japan herself.
__4_____ Kevin is learning filming in the USA.He is very interested in where Avatar was shot.
__5_____ Nancy enjoys taking photos of waterfalls. She wants to try snacks in Southwest China.
The old emperor liked group music. A man knew this and joined the musical team. But the new emperor enjoyed the music played by every single musician. The man without any music ability was afraid and ran away.
Several men were drawing snakes on the floor. One man was the first to finish a snake but he didn’t win because he added feet to his snake.
One day, a rabbit knocked itself into a tree and fell dead. A farmer nearby enjoyed the rabbit for dinner and waited for more at the same place every day. However, no rabbits came and his fields went worse.
A man wanted to steal a big bell next door. However, he had to make a lot of noise so he covered his ears with pieces of clothes, thinking if he couldn’t hear the noise, neither could others.
A sheep keeper found a sheep was gone and he discovered there was a hole in the sheep hold(羊圈). So he fixed it right away. As a result, the rest of the sheep were safe.
A hard-working young man was so poor that he had to make a small hole in the wall to get light from next door at night. He read a lot of books and became an important officer for the emperor.
__1_____“Because” and “so” shouldn’t be put together. But some students often add “so” to the sentence with “because”.
__2_____Some students may be lucky to get the right answers. But if they depend only on luck failure may come.
__3_____Some students pretend that they know the grammar rules but in fact, they don’t.
__4_____Students need to learn a lesson from mistakes so that they won’t make them next time.
__5_____Some students seem to be able to recite(背诵) the English texts in groups. But if they asked to do it alone, they can’t.


