浙江省浙里特色联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题(有答案解析 无听力原文 无音频)

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浙江省浙里特色联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题(有答案解析 无听力原文 无音频)


1. 本卷共10页,满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
2. 答题前,在答题卷指定区域填写班级、姓名、考场号、座位号及准考证号(填涂);
3. 所有答案必须写在答题卷上,写在试卷上无效。
4. 考试结束后,只需上交答题纸。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
听下面 5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What do we know about the man
A. He wants to read more books.
B. He gets high marks at school.
C. He doesn’t agree with the woman.
2. Who is the man
A. The woman’s husband.
B. The woman’s boss.
C. A policeman.
3. Where is the bus station
A. It’s near the post office.
B. It’s two blocks down the street.
C. It’s on the right side of the street.
4. Who is the woman probably speaking to
A. A salesman. B. A manager. C. A repairman.
5. What is the woman’s advantage to do the job
A. She has a lot of kids.
B. She has work experience.
C. She is strong enough for the job.
6. What are the speakers going to decorate
A. A classroom. B. Their home. C. A school hall.
7. Where does the man suggest placing the Christmas tree
A. Far from the entrance.
B. On the left of the entrance.
C. On the right of the entrance.
8. Why does the woman talk to the man
A. To change seats with him.
B. To make friends with him.
C. To ask him to make way for her.
9. What does the man want the woman to do
A. Lend him her CD
B. Lend him a newspaper.
C. Give him a piece of gum.
10. Where does the conversation take place
A. On a plane. B. On a train. C. On a bus.
11. What is wrong with Dick
A. He watches TV while eating.
B He has serious heart disease.
C. He eats too much junk food.
12. What does the man think of advertisements
A. They don’t have any effect on people.
B. They gradually change people’s attitude.
C. They can change people’s attitude overnight.
13. What are the speakers going to do
A. Stop their son watching TV.
B. Tell their son to eat what he watches.
C. Inform their son of his potential health problem.
14. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A big family. B. A long trip. C. A holiday plan.
15. How will the woman travel
A. By plane. B. By train. C. By car.
16. Where does Tom live
A. On the West Coast. B. On the East Coast. C. In Montreal.
17. What can we learn from the conversation
A. The woman likes going home.
B. The man lives far from his parents.
C. The woman failed to get a flight ticket.
18. What can we learn from the speaker
A. Kissing is forbidden in the US schools.
B. Kissing is good manners in the US.
C. There are rules for kissing in the US.
19. What is the relationship between the boy and the girl
A. Classmates. B. Strangers. C. Brother and sister.
20. Why was the boy punished
A. He broke the American law.
B. He broke the school rules.
C. He broke his family rules
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Whether you are planning a trip to London or simply have an interest in museums, these are some must-visit destinations.
The British Museum: Located in London, the British Museum is one of the oldest and most renowned museums in the world. It houses a vast collection of artifacts from different cultures and civilizations, including the Rosetta Stone, the Parthenon Sculptures, and the Portland Vase.
The National Gallery: Also located in London, the National Gallery is home to an impressive collection of Western European paintings, ranging from the 13th to the 19th centuries. Some of the highlights include works by Vincent van Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo.
The Natural History Museum: Another London-based museum, the Natural History Museum is known for its extensive collection of natural history specimens, including dinosaurs, minerals, and rare plants. It is a great place for visitors of all ages to learn about the natural world.
The Victoria and Albert Museum: Also known as the V&A, this museum is located in London and is dedicated to art and design. It houses a vast collection of objects, ranging from ancient Chinese ceramics to contemporary fashion.
The Tate Modern: Located in London as well, the Tate Modern is a modern art museum that houses a diverse collection of contemporary art, including paintings, sculptures, and installations. It is a must-visit destination for fans of modern and contemporary art.
These are just a few of the many museums in London that are worth visiting, each museum offering a unique and enriching experience. Bring your passport and go!
1. Where can visitors find an extensive collection of natural history specimens
A. The British Museum. B. The National Gallery.
C. The Tate Modern. D. The Natural History Museum.
2. Which museum is a must-visit destination for fans of modern and contemporary art
A. The Victoria and Albert Museum. B. The Tate Modern.
C. The Natural History Museum. D. The National Gallery.
3. Who is the article intended for
A. Tourists planning to visit London. B. Students studying art history.
C. Lovers collecting ancient artifacts. D. Citizens interested in museums.
Robert van Gulik was born on August 9, 1910 in the Netherlands. His mother came from a family of musicians and piano makers, a fact that greatly influenced Robert’s life. His father was a physician in army, a position which required frequent foreign postings (派驻). The family lived in various areas of the East Indies for most of Robert’s youth. This experience contributed to his appreciation for cultures and mastery of several languages.
He was an eager academic, collector of art and manuscripts (手稿), and translator of ancient writings. He studied and trained to become a master musician on the Chinese guqin and eventually wrote two books on the instrument. Similarly, his skills as an artist in the traditional Chinese style and knowledge of calligraphy were extraordinary. He wrote and published a number of non-fiction, scholarly articles and books on Chinese music, art, and literature, as well as Chinese culture and traditions.
Although he also wrote essays and short stories, Robert remained best known for his Chinese mysteries. In 1940, Robert came across an 18th-century Chinese novel that would take his career down an unplanned pathway and result in the public fame he never expected. The novel, titled Four GreatStrange Cases of Empress Wu’s Reign, was a fictional account of the deeds of Judge Dee, one of the heroes of traditional Chinese detective fiction, and was set during the 7th-century Tang Dynasty. Interested, Robert not only translated the novel into English, but he explored the history of Chinese Penal Code (刑法) and other legal literature of the period. It was not until 1949 that Robert was able to publish his translation Dee Goong An (狄公案): Three Murder Cases Solved by Judge Dee. Robert’s Chinese mysteries include over 10 novels and short-story volumes, recording the career of Chinese detective called Di Renjie. Interestingly, the tales first found fame in oriental (东方的) editions, before being translated into English in 1957.
4. What helped Robert develop the ability in several languages
A. His eagerness for art and ancient writing.
B. His mother’s good family background.
C. His appreciation for cultures and languages.
D. His living in different parts of the East Indies.
5. What does paragraph 2 tell us about Robert
A. His hobbies. B. His skills. C. His books. D. His achievements.
6. Why does the author mention the 18th-century Chinese novel
A. To recommend a Chinese mystery fiction to us.
B. To show the factor leading to Robert’s great fame.
C. To help us learn about the 7th-century Tang Dynasty.
D. To value the development of Chinese detective fictions.
7. Which proverb can best describe Robert’s translation of Dee Goong An: Three Murder Cases Solved by Judge Dee
A. Better late than never. B. Attitude is everything.
C. Practice makes perfect. D. Rome was not built in a day.
When did the voice inside your head start talking I became aware of mine at about the age of 15. At night, I sometimes found it difficult to get to sleep because there was so much “mind chatter” inside my head.
In fact, mind chatter is quite common for human beings. Usually, whenever our attention isn’t focused, a stream of mental activities flows through our minds--thoughts about the future or the past, daydreams about various realities, or friends or other people. We often call this mental activity “thinking”, but this isn’t really so.
Real thinking suggests something active over which we have conscious (有意识的) control. It happens when we consciously use powers of reason and logic to evaluate different choices, make decisions and plans, organize our lives, solve problems and so on. But mind chatter isn’t like this. It’s purposeless, running through our heads no matter what our desires are and disturbing us.
For example, imagine you’re thinking about what courses to take for the next school year. As you are considering them, thoughts about your favorite subjects flood in, reminding you of a project that you really like. This makes you remember chatting with friends about a fascinating article on climate change. Suddenly, you remember the upcoming science fair and you worry about managing your time. All these thoughts leave you struggling to focus, and you end up seeking advice from classmates.
However, it’s unrealistic to expect to silence our mind chatter altogether. It’s such a natural part of our minds that it’s unlikely to disappear. We should accept it and treat it as a kind of physiological (生理的) process that takes place inside us but is not part of our identity. We should treat it in the same way that we treat the process like eating and the flow of our blood. We don’t get our sense of identity from them, so why should we identify with the voice inside our head
8. How is real thinking different from mind chatter
A. It is illogical. B. It is related to active reasoning.
C. It lacks a clear purpose. D. It is driven by desires.
9. What does the example about mind chatter in paragraph 4 highlight
A. Its inability to give advice. B. Its connection to our memories.
C. Its impact on our concentration. D. Its common presence in our mind.
10. What does the author think of mind chatter
A. It’s normal. B. It’s unusual. C. It’s beneficial. D. It’s harmful.
11. Why does the author mention physiological processes in the last paragraph
A. To stress the importance of mind chatter.
B. To show mind chatter cannot define who we are.
C. To explain the link between mental and physical health.
D. To prove the human body’s physiological effect.
There is a growing hope in the field of earthquake prediction (预测) due to artificial intelligence (AI), which is challenging the widely accepted belief that earthquake prediction is impossible. Through a test carried out in China, a team of researchers from the University of Texas, Austin have developed an AI algorithm (算法) that can predict 70% of earthquakes up to seven days in advance.
The research team believes that their method worked well because they used a simple machine learning method. Based on the team’s understanding of earthquake physics, the AI was provided with a set of data on earthquake, and then taught itself by using a five-year earthquake record database. After the learning process, the AI was able to predict earthquakes by listening and analyzing signs of incoming earthquakes within the background rumblings (隆隆声) in the Earth.
This achievement undoubtedly marks a milestone (里程碑) in the field of AI-powered earthquake prediction research. “Earthquakes arrive without warning,” explains Alexandros Savvaidis, a lead researcher at the Texas Seismological Network Program (TexNet). “It’s a matter of milliseconds, and the only thing you can control is how well you are prepared. Even with the 70% accuracy, this is a huge achievement which could help reduce economic and human losses and contribute to earthquake preparation worldwide.”
Although it remains to be seen whether this method will be as effective in other areas, the researchers believe that if used in areas with more earthquake tracking networks, their Al algorithms deliver even more accurate predictions. The next step is to test AI in Texas, since UT’s Bureau TexNethas 300 earthquake stations and a continuous recording history of over 6 years, making it an excellent testing ground for these purposes.
In the long run, the authors hope to combine the AI system with physics-based models. This combined strategy could be particularly important in situations where data is poor or lacking. “There’s still a long way to go, but many advances like this, taken together, are what drive science forward,” said Scott Tinker, the bureau’s director.
12. How does the AI algorithm predict earthquakes
A. By using algorithms to collect data.
B. By identifying data from the satellites.
C. By analyzing background sounds in the Earth.
D. By understanding earthquake physics.
13. What does Alexandros Savvaidis intend to show
A. The ways to reduce losses in earthquake.
B. The significance of developing the AI prediction.
C. The importance of earthquake preparation.
D. The limitations of current earthquake prediction methods.
14. What does the follow-up research focus on
A. Combining the system with physics-based models.
B. Applying the AI approach to other fields.
C. Improving earthquake tracking networks in Texas.
D. Conducting tests of AI in Texas.
15. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage
A. AI: Reducing Earthquake Losses
B. AI: Stopping Earthquake from Happening
C. AI: Rewriting the Earthquake Preparation Rules
D. AI: Predicting 70% Earthquakes
The Dark Side of Digital Age: Cyberbullying
What is cyberbully Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices. It can include sharing personal and private information about someone else. ___16___. Some cyberbullying even crosses the line into unlawful or criminal (犯罪) behavion.
___17___. Text messaging and messaging apps on mobile or tablet devices are also common grounds for cyberbullying. Instant messaging, online chatting, forums, and online gaming are common for cyberbullying. Additionally, Email exchanges also contribute to the widespread of this digital harassment (骚扰).
With the popularity of social media, comments, photos, posts, and content shared by individuals can often be viewed by strangers. What you post online stays public and can be seen by anyone. This forms an online reputation (名声) that can be checked by schools, employers, and others researching you. ___18___.
Cyberbullying can be a big problem because it doesn’t stop easily and stays online forever. Detecting cyberbullying is also a big problem as it often happens out of sight from teachers and parents, making it harder to identify. ___19___. Also, what’s shared online tends to stay public unless taken down, which could harm their future opportunities like getting into college or finding a job.
Every state has rules for schools to handle bullying. Nowadays, with cyberbullying on the rise, many states have updated these rules to include cyberbullying. ___20___. Some states also address bullying that impacts students’ academic success. Please check each state’s laws and policies, especially those regarding cyberbullying.
A. Schools require support from families and society.
B. It requires joint efforts to create a safer online environment.
C. Schools must follow these rules or their own policies to deal with bullying.
D. Children find it hard to escape cyberbullying due to never-ending internet access.
E. It also includes sharing negative, harmful, false or mean comments on others.
F. Additionally, cyberbullying can damage reputations of all involved, not just the bullied person.
G. Cyberbullying often happens on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Early in life, my lack of maths skill made me strongly dislike the subject. As a freshman in high school I was far from a math teacher’s dream student.
When I walked into Mr. Ash’s classroom, my focus was on ___21___ a good seat, surrounded by my friends and with easy ___22___ to the door. From day one, I made everyone know I hated math. It was not ___23___ for me to give up midway through an assignment, or became absent-minded during a lesson because I didn’t understand it. I didn’t think I ___24___ doing well. “I can’t,” I often said to myself.
However, I soon learned that “I can’t” was not a(n) ___25___ in Mr. Ash’s class. On the first day of class, Mr. Ash ___26___ us with his arms extended, “Welcome! Smile! It’s a great day to be alive!” These words, which I would often hear in the next four years, became a source of ___27___ and familiarity. Mr. Ash had a true passion for both math and teaching. His ___28___ and inspiring attitude never disappeared. And he encouraged each student.
I found myself looking forward to math class, ___29___ the fact that I still disliked the subject. Seeing Mr. Ash made me feel good ___30___ I had the potential (潜力) to succeed. However, my story is not one of overnight success. In fact, it was in Mr. Ash’s class that I received my first failing test grade.
But I didn’t give up or use the score as ___31___ that I was not meant to do well in math. ___32___, Mr. Ash didn’t give up on me. He became more determined to help me. My determination to succeed ___33___. I spent an increasing amount of time on my homework. Finally, my hard work began to ___34___.
Even today, when I feel my mind beginning to think “I can’t,” I hear a deep voice in the back of my mind ___35___ me to take a deep breath and remember: it’s a great day to be alive.
21. A. picking B. reserving C. winning D. sharing
22. A. entrance B. direction C. access D. key
23. A. usual B. willing C. easy D. uncommon
24. A. was absorbed in B. was capable of C. was tired of D. was addicted to
25. A. target B. activity C. process D. excuse
26. A. inspired B. provided C. greeted D. cheated
27. A. peace B. comfort C. belonging D. curiosity
28. A. puzzling B. humorous C. generous D. positive
29. A. despite B. beyond C. including D. without
30. A. even if B. as if C. in case D. as long as
31. A. defense B. joke C. relief D. evidence
32 A. Instead B. Gradually C. Similarly D. Strangely
33. A. suffered B. grew C. hurt D. limited
34 A. turn back B. pay off C. take off D. build up
35. A. reminding B. suggesting C. warning D. intending
Zong Qinghou, ___36___ founder and chairman of Hangzhou Wahaha Group, China’s leading beverage manufacturer (饮料制造商), passed away on Sunday at the age of 79. As one of the most respected ___37___ (representative) of China’s first generation of entrepreneurs (企业家), Zong, with his modest style and innovative spirit, greatly impressed the public ___38___ a famous figure among China’s early entrepreneurs following the country’s reforms (改革) in 1978.
___39___ (bear) in 1945 in Suqian, Jiangsu province, Zong took over a small grocery store at a school in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, in 1987. Originally distributing soft drinks and ice treats for kids, he later established Hangzhou Wahaha Nutritional Food Factory in 1989, ___40___ developed into Hangzhou Wahaha Group after rescuing a ___41___ (struggle) local food factory. Zong’s introduction of the popular Wahaha AD calcium milk in 1996 became a hit with Chinese consumers.
Zong, ranked as the richest person in China by Forbes in 2010, 2012, and 2013, ___42___(lead) a simple life and it was common ___43___ (see) him dressed in a white shirt and black cloth shoes. He once said, “I am an ordinary person, ___44___ luckily I was born in such an era.” He mentioned that Chinese business entrepreneurs need to do _____45_____ (they) part in society by helping people become richer. He also suggested they make more jobs, get involved in charity work, and help the country grow economically and socially.
46. C____________ www. to check your personal information. (根据首字母单词拼写)
47. The Palace Museum, a popular tourist attraction, d ____________ back to the Ming Dynasty. (根据首字母单词拼写)
48. Teachers and students can visit the gardens free of c____________. (根据首字母单词拼写)
49. Cindy p____________ a dance for her class and won everyone’s praise. (根据首字母单词拼写)
50. He always have v____________ reasons for his being late. (根据首字母单词拼写)
51. After a good night’s sleep, I am full of e ____________. (根据首字母单词拼写)
52 In some European countries it is r____________ to arrive late for dinner. (根据首字母单词拼写)
53. To our j____________, we found him alive. (根据首字母单词拼写)
e and see me whenever it is c________ for you. (根据首字母单词拼写)
55. We all miss you and are very g____________ for what you have done for us. (根据首字母单词拼写)
第二节 应用文写作(满分15分)
56. 假定你是某国际学校学生李华。你校上周邀请专家Mr. Smith给学生做了一个有关网络安全的讲座。请你为校英文报写一则报道,内容包括:
1. 讲座时间和地点;
2. 讲座内容;
3. 活动反响。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右。
2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
A Lecture on “Online Safety”
第三节 读后续写(满分15分)
57. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
He met her at a party. She was outstanding;many guys were after her, but nobody paid any attention to him. After the party, he invited her for coffee. She was surprised, so as not to appear rude, she went along.
As they sat in a nice coffee shop, he was too nervous to say anything and she felt uncomfortable. Suddenly, he asked the waiter, “Could you please give me some salt I’d like to put it in my coffee.”
They stared at him. He turned red, but when the salt came, he put it in his coffee and drank. Curious, she asked, “Why salt with coffee ” He explained, “When I was a little boy, I lived near the sea. I liked playing on the sea. I could feel it salty, like salty coffee. Now every time I drink it, I think of my childhood and my hometown. I miss it and my parents, who are still there.”
She was deeply moved. A man who can admit that he’s homesick must love his home and care about his family. He must be responsible. She talked too, about her faraway hometown, her childhood, her family. That was the start to their love story.
They continued to date. She found that he met all her requirements. He was tolerant, kind, warm and careful. And to think she would have missed the catch if not for the salty coffee! So they married and lived happily together. And every time she made coffee for him, she put in some salt, the way he liked it.
1. 续写词数应为100左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
After 40 years he passed away and left her a letter which said:
听力1-5. BCACB 6-10. CBCBA 11-15. CBCCA 16-20. BACAB2023学年第二学期浙里特色联盟期中联考
1. 本卷共10页,满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
2. 答题前,在答题卷指定区域填写班级、姓名、考场号、座位号及准考证号(填涂);
3. 所有答案必须写在答题卷上,写在试卷上无效。
4. 考试结束后,只需上交答题纸。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
听下面 5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What do we know about the man
A. He wants to read more books.
B. He gets high marks at school.
C. He doesn’t agree with the woman.
2. Who is the man
A. The woman’s husband.
B. The woman’s boss.
C. A policeman.
3. Where is the bus station
A. It’s near the post office.
B. It’s two blocks down the street.
C. It’s on the right side of the street.
4. Who is the woman probably speaking to
A. A salesman. B. A manager. C. A repairman.
5. What is the woman’s advantage to do the job
A. She has a lot of kids.
B. She has work experience.
C. She is strong enough for the job.
6. What are the speakers going to decorate
A. A classroom. B. Their home. C. A school hall.
7. Where does the man suggest placing the Christmas tree
A. Far from the entrance.
B. On the left of the entrance.
C. On the right of the entrance.
8. Why does the woman talk to the man
A. To change seats with him.
B. To make friends with him.
C. To ask him to make way for her.
9. What does the man want the woman to do
A. Lend him her CD
B. Lend him a newspaper.
C. Give him a piece of gum.
10. Where does the conversation take place
A. On a plane. B. On a train. C. On a bus.
11. What is wrong with Dick
A. He watches TV while eating.
B. He has serious heart disease.
C He eats too much junk food.
12. What does the man think of advertisements
A. They don’t have any effect on people.
B. They gradually change people’s attitude.
C. They can change people’s attitude overnight.
13. What are the speakers going to do
A. Stop their son watching TV.
B. Tell their son to eat what he watches.
C. Inform their son of his potential health problem.
14. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A big family. B. A long trip. C. A holiday plan.
15. How will the woman travel
A. By plane. B. By train. C. By car.
16. Where does Tom live
A. On the West Coast. B. On the East Coast. C. In Montreal.
17. What can we learn from the conversation
A. The woman likes going home.
B. The man lives far from his parents.
C. The woman failed to get a flight ticket.
18. What can we learn from the speaker
A. Kissing is forbidden in the US schools.
B. Kissing is good manners in the US.
C. There are rules for kissing in the US.
19. What is the relationship between the boy and the girl
A. Classmates. B. Strangers. C. Brother and sister.
20. Why was the boy punished
A. He broke the American law.
B. He broke the school rules.
C. He broke his family rules
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Whether you are planning a trip to London or simply have an interest in museums, these are some must-visit destinations.
The British Museum: Located in London, the British Museum is one of the oldest and most renowned museums in the world. It houses a vast collection of artifacts from different cultures and civilizations, including the Rosetta Stone, the Parthenon Sculptures, and the Portland Vase.
The National Gallery: Also located in London, the National Gallery is home to an impressive collection of Western European paintings, ranging from the 13th to the 19th centuries. Some of the highlights include works by Vincent van Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo.
The Natural History Museum: Another London-based museum, the Natural History Museum is known for its extensive collection of natural history specimens, including dinosaurs, minerals, and rare plants. It is a great place for visitors of all ages to learn about the natural world.
The Victoria and Albert Museum: Also known as the V&A, this museum is located in London and is dedicated to art and design. It houses a vast collection of objects, ranging from ancient Chinese ceramics to contemporary fashion.
The Tate Modern: Located in London as well, the Tate Modern is a modern art museum that houses a diverse collection of contemporary art, including paintings, sculptures, and installations. It is a must-visit destination for fans of modern and contemporary art.
These are just a few of the many museums in London that are worth visiting, each museum offering a unique and enriching experience. Bring your passport and go!
1. Where can visitors find an extensive collection of natural history specimens
A. The British Museum. B. The National Gallery.
C. The Tate Modern. D. The Natural History Museum.
2. Which museum is a must-visit destination for fans of modern and contemporary art
A. The Victoria and Albert Museum. B. The Tate Modern.
C. The Natural History Museum. D. The National Gallery.
3. Who is the article intended for
A. Tourists planning to visit London. B. Students studying art history.
C. Lovers collecting ancient artifacts. D. Citizens interested in museums.
【答案】1. D 2. B 3. A
细节理解题。根据The Natural History Museum部分中的“Another London-based museum, the Natural History Museum is known for its extensive collection of natural history specimens, including dinosaurs, minerals, and rare plants. (另一个位于伦敦的博物馆,自然历史博物馆以其广泛的自然历史标本收藏而闻名,包括恐龙、矿物和稀有植物。)”可知,自然历史博物馆以其广泛的自然历史标本收藏而闻名,由此可知,游客可以在自然历史博物馆找到大量的自然历史标本。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据The Tate Modern部分中的“Located in London as well, the Tate Modern is a modern art museum that houses a diverse collection of contemporary art, including paintings, sculptures, and installations. (泰特现代美术馆也位于伦敦,是一座现代艺术博物馆,收藏了各种各样的当代艺术,包括绘画、雕塑和装置。)”可知,泰特现代美术馆是一座现代艺术博物馆,收藏了各种各样的当代艺术,由此可知,现当代艺术爱好者必去的地方应该是泰特现代美术馆。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据首段中的“Whether you are planning a trip to London or simply have an interest in museums, these are some must-visit destinations. (无论你是计划去伦敦旅行,还是只是对博物馆感兴趣,这些都是必去的目的地。)”可知,本文主要介绍的是去伦敦旅行或者是对博物馆感兴趣的游客必须去的几个目的地,由此可推断,本文应该是写给计划游览伦敦的游客。故选A 项。
Robert van Gulik was born on August 9, 1910 in the Netherlands. His mother came from a family of musicians and piano makers, a fact that greatly influenced Robert’s life. His father was a physician in army, a position which required frequent foreign postings (派驻). The family lived in various areas of the East Indies for most of Robert’s youth. This experience contributed to his appreciation for cultures and mastery of several languages.
He was an eager academic, collector of art and manuscripts (手稿), and translator of ancient writings. He studied and trained to become a master musician on the Chinese guqin and eventually wrote two books on the instrument. Similarly, his skills as an artist in the traditional Chinese style and knowledge of calligraphy were extraordinary. He wrote and published a number of non-fiction, scholarly articles and books on Chinese music, art, and literature, as well as Chinese culture and traditions.
Although he also wrote essays and short stories, Robert remained best known for his Chinese mysteries. In 1940, Robert came across an 18th-century Chinese novel that would take his career down an unplanned pathway and result in the public fame he never expected. The novel, titled Four GreatStrange Cases of Empress Wu’s Reign, was a fictional account of the deeds of Judge Dee, one of the heroes of traditional Chinese detective fiction, and was set during the 7th-century Tang Dynasty. Interested, Robert not only translated the novel into English, but he explored the history of Chinese Penal Code (刑法) and other legal literature of the period. It was not until 1949 that Robert was able to publish his translation Dee Goong An (狄公案): Three Murder Cases Solved by Judge Dee. Robert’s Chinese mysteries include over 10 novels and short-story volumes, recording the career of Chinese detective called Di Renjie. Interestingly, the tales first found fame in oriental (东方的) editions, before being translated into English in 1957.
4. What helped Robert develop the ability in several languages
A. His eagerness for art and ancient writing.
B. His mother’s good family background.
C. His appreciation for cultures and languages.
D. His living in different parts of the East Indies.
5. What does paragraph 2 tell us about Robert
A. His hobbies. B. His skills. C. His books. D. His achievements.
6. Why does the author mention the 18th-century Chinese novel
A. To recommend a Chinese mystery fiction to us.
B. To show the factor leading to Robert’s great fame.
C. To help us learn about the 7th-century Tang Dynasty.
D. To value the development of Chinese detective fictions.
7. Which proverb can best describe Robert’s translation of Dee Goong An: Three Murder Cases Solved by Judge Dee
A. Better late than never. B. Attitude is everything.
C. Practice makes perfect. D. Rome was not built in a day.
【答案】4. D 5. D 6. B 7. D
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。主要介绍了出生在荷兰的Robert van Gulik成长背景及其所取得的成就。
细节理解题。根据首段中的“The family lived in various areas of the East Indies for most of Robert’s youth. This experience contributed to his appreciation for cultures and mastery of several languages. (Robert年轻时,这家人住在东印度群岛的各个地区。这段经历使他对文化有了鉴赏力,并掌握了几种语言。)”可知,Robert年轻时一家人生活在东印度群岛的各个地区,这使得他掌握了几门语言。故选D项。
主旨大意题。根据第二段“He was an eager academic, collector of art and manuscripts (手稿), and translator of ancient writings. He studied and trained to become a master musician on the Chinese guqin and eventually wrote two books on the instrument. Similarly, his skills as an artist in the traditional Chinese style and knowledge of calligraphy were extraordinary. He wrote and published a number of non-fiction, scholarly articles and books on Chinese music, art, and literature, as well as Chinese culture and traditions. (他是一个热心的学者,艺术和手稿的收藏家,并翻译古代著作。他学习和训练成为中国古琴的大师,并最终写了两本关于乐器的书。同样,他在中国传统风格的艺术技巧和书法知识是非凡的。他撰写并出版了许多关于中国音乐、艺术、文学以及中国文化和传统的纪实、学术文章和书籍。)”可知,Robert是一个学着,艺术和手稿收藏家,翻译古代作品,他是中国古琴大师,写过两本乐器的书籍,他的中国传统风格的艺术几千和书法知识非凡,还撰写很多中国音乐、艺术、文学以及中国文化和传统的纪实、学术文章和书籍,由此可知,本段主要讲述的是Robert的所取得的成就。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据第三段中的“In 1940, Robert came across an 18th-century Chinese novel that would take his career down an unplanned pathway and result in the public fame he never expected. (1940年,罗伯特偶然读到一本18世纪的中国小说,这本小说使他的事业走上了一条意想不到的道路,并使他获得了意想不到的公众声誉。)”可知,18世纪的中国小说使得Robert走上一条意想不到的道路,也使他获得了意想不到的公众声誉,结合下文介绍的Robert读到的这本18世纪的中国小说的介绍,以及Robert在1949出版了他的译本《狄公安》和他在中国推理小说上所取得的成就可知,之所以提到这部18世纪的中国小说是为了说明是这本小说导致罗伯特名声大噪。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据尾段中的“Interested, Robert not only translated the novel into English, but he explored the history of Chinese Penal Code (刑法) and other legal literature of the period. It was not until 1949 that Robert was able to publish his translation Dee Goong An (狄公案): Three Murder Cases Solved by Judge Dee. (出于兴趣,Robert不仅把这部小说翻译成了英文,而且还研究了中国刑法典的历史和那个时期的其他法律文献。直到1949年,罗伯特才出版了他的译本《狄公安》:狄公安法官侦破的三起谋杀案。)”可知,Robert把这部小说翻译成英文,还研究了中国刑法典的历史和那个时期的其他法律文献,到了1949年他才出版了《狄公安》的译本,由此可推断,此处表明了Robert的成就是靠一点点的努力取得的,所以谚语“罗马不是一日建成的”表达的意义相近。故选D项。
When did the voice inside your head start talking I became aware of mine at about the age of 15. At night, I sometimes found it difficult to get to sleep because there was so much “mind chatter” inside my head.
In fact, mind chatter is quite common for human beings. Usually, whenever our attention isn’t focused, a stream of mental activities flows through our minds--thoughts about the future or the past, daydreams about various realities, or friends or other people. We often call this mental activity “thinking”, but this isn’t really so.
Real thinking suggests something active over which we have conscious (有意识的) control. It happens when we consciously use powers of reason and logic to evaluate different choices, make decisions and plans, organize our lives, solve problems and so on. But mind chatter isn’t like this. It’s purposeless, running through our heads no matter what our desires are and disturbing us.
For example, imagine you’re thinking about what courses to take for the next school year. As you are considering them, thoughts about your favorite subjects flood in, reminding you of a project that you really like. This makes you remember chatting with friends about a fascinating article on climate change. Suddenly, you remember the upcoming science fair and you worry about managing your time. All these thoughts leave you struggling to focus, and you end up seeking advice from classmates.
However, it’s unrealistic to expect to silence our mind chatter altogether. It’s such a natural part of our minds that it’s unlikely to disappear. We should accept it and treat it as a kind of physiological (生理的) process that takes place inside us but is not part of our identity. We should treat it in the same way that we treat the process like eating and the flow of our blood. We don’t get our sense of identity from them, so why should we identify with the voice inside our head
8. How is real thinking different from mind chatter
A. It is illogical. B. It is related to active reasoning.
C. It lacks a clear purpose. D. It is driven by desires.
9. What does the example about mind chatter in paragraph 4 highlight
A. Its inability to give advice. B. Its connection to our memories.
C. Its impact on our concentration. D. Its common presence in our mind.
10. What does the author think of mind chatter
A. It’s normal. B. It’s unusual. C. It’s beneficial. D. It’s harmful.
11. Why does the author mention physiological processes in the last paragraph
A. To stress the importance of mind chatter.
B. To show mind chatter cannot define who we are.
C. To explain the link between mental and physical health.
D. To prove the human body’s physiological effect.
【答案】8. B 9. C 10. A 11. B
细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Real thinking suggests something active over which we have conscious (有意识的) control. It happens when we consciously use powers of reason and logic to evaluate different choices, make decisions and plans, organize our lives, solve problems and so on. But mind chatter isn’t like this. It’s purposeless, running through our heads no matter what our desires are and disturbing us. (真正的思考是指我们有意识地控制的活动。当我们有意识地运用理性和逻辑的力量来评估不同的选择,做出决定和计划,组织我们的生活,解决问题等等时,就会发生这种情况。但心灵的喋喋不休不是这样的。它毫无目的,不管我们的欲望是什么,它都在我们的脑海里萦绕,困扰着我们。)”可知,真正的思考和脑子里的碎碎念的不同之处在于它与主动推理有关。故选B。
推理判断题。根据文章第四段“For example, imagine you’re thinking about what courses to take for the next school year. As you are considering them, thoughts about your favorite subjects flood in, reminding you of a project that you really like. This makes you remember chatting with friends about a fascinating article on climate change. Suddenly, you remember the upcoming science fair and you worry about managing your time. All these thoughts leave you struggling to focus, and you end up seeking advice from classmates. (例如,假设你正在考虑下一学年要修什么课程。当你考虑它们的时候,关于你最喜欢的科目的想法就会涌进来,提醒你一个你真正喜欢的项目。这会让你想起和朋友聊到一篇关于气候变化的有趣文章。突然,你想起了即将到来的科学博览会,你开始担心如何管理你的时间。所有这些想法都让你难以集中注意力,最终你会向同学寻求建议。)”可知,本段所举的例子主要是为了说明当头脑里涌入大量不相关的杂乱想法时,就会导致难以集中注意力去考虑该要考虑的事情。故选C。
推理判断题。根据文章第二段“In fact, mind chatter is quite common for human beings. (事实上,头脑中的碎碎念对人类来说是很常见的。)”可知,作者认为头脑中的碎碎念是正常的。故选A。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“However, it’s unrealistic to expect to silence our mind chatter altogether. It’s such a natural part of our minds that it’s unlikely to disappear. We should accept it and treat it as a kind of physiological (生理的) process that takes place inside us but is not part of our identity. We should treat it in the same way that we treat the process like eating and the flow of our blood. We don’t get our sense of identity from them (然而,期望让我们的大脑完全停止碎碎念是不现实的。它是我们思维中如此自然的一部分,不太可能消失。我们应该接受它,把它当作发生在我们体内的一种生理过程,而不是我们身份的一部分。我们应该像对待进食和血液流动的过程一样对待它。我们无法从他们那里获得身份认同感)”可知,作者在最后一段提到消化和血液循环这些生理过程,是通过类比来说明脑中的碎碎念和它们一样,是一个生理过程,并不能定义我们的身份。故选B。
There is a growing hope in the field of earthquake prediction (预测) due to artificial intelligence (AI), which is challenging the widely accepted belief that earthquake prediction is impossible. Through a test carried out in China, a team of researchers from the University of Texas, Austin have developed an AI algorithm (算法) that can predict 70% of earthquakes up to seven days in advance.
The research team believes that their method worked well because they used a simple machine learning method. Based on the team’s understanding of earthquake physics, the AI was provided with a set of data on earthquake, and then taught itself by using a five-year earthquake record database. After the learning process, the AI was able to predict earthquakes by listening and analyzing signs of incoming earthquakes within the background rumblings (隆隆声) in the Earth.
This achievement undoubtedly marks a milestone (里程碑) in the field of AI-powered earthquake prediction research. “Earthquakes arrive without warning,” explains Alexandros Savvaidis, a lead researcher at the Texas Seismological Network Program (TexNet). “It’s a matter of milliseconds, and the only thing you can control is how well you are prepared. Even with the 70% accuracy, this is a huge achievement which could help reduce economic and human losses and contribute to earthquake preparation worldwide.”
Although it remains to be seen whether this method will be as effective in other areas, the researchers believe that if used in areas with more earthquake tracking networks, their Al algorithms deliver even more accurate predictions. The next step is to test AI in Texas, since UT’s Bureau TexNethas 300 earthquake stations and a continuous recording history of over 6 years, making it an excellent testing ground for these purposes.
In the long run, the authors hope to combine the AI system with physics-based models. This combined strategy could be particularly important in situations where data is poor or lacking. “There’s still a long way to go, but many advances like this, taken together, are what drive science forward,” said Scott Tinker, the bureau’s director.
12. How does the AI algorithm predict earthquakes
A. By using algorithms to collect data.
B. By identifying data from the satellites.
C. By analyzing background sounds in the Earth.
D. By understanding earthquake physics.
13. What does Alexandros Savvaidis intend to show
A. The ways to reduce losses in earthquake.
B The significance of developing the AI prediction.
C. The importance of earthquake preparation.
D. The limitations of current earthquake prediction methods.
14. What does the follow-up research focus on
A. Combining the system with physics-based models.
B. Applying the AI approach to other fields.
C. Improving earthquake tracking networks in Texas.
D. Conducting tests of AI in Texas.
15. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage
A. AI: Reducing Earthquake Losses
B. AI: Stopping Earthquake from Happening
C. AI: Rewriting the Earthquake Preparation Rules
D. AI: Predicting 70% Earthquakes
【答案】12. C 13. B 14. D 15. D
细节理解题。根据第二段中“After the learning process, the AI was able to predict earthquakes by listening and analyzing signs of incoming earthquakes within the background rumblings (隆隆声) in the Earth. (在学习过程中,人工智能在地球的背景隆隆声中,通过倾听和分析即将发生地震的征兆,预测出了地震。)”可知,人工智能通过分析地球的背景声音预测地震。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据第三段中Alexandros Savvaidis所说的“It’s a matter of milliseconds, and the only thing you can control is how well you are prepared. Even with the 70% accuracy, this is a huge achievement which could help reduce economic and human losses and contribute to earthquake preparation worldwide. (这只是几毫秒的问题,你唯一能控制的就是你准备得有多好。甚至准确率达到70%,这也是一项巨大的成就,可以帮助减少经济和人员损失,并为全球的地震准备做出贡献。)”可知,Alexandros Savvaidis认为预测地震的准确率达到70%的人工智能可以帮助减少损失,为防震做出贡献;再结合本段的主题句“This achievement undoubtedly marks a milestone (里程碑) in the field of AI-powered earthquake prediction research. (这一成就无疑是人工智能地震预测研究领域的一个里程碑。)”可知,该项成就是人工智能地震预测研究的里程碑,所以Alexandros Savvaidis想表明的是开发人工智能预测的意义。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据第四段中的“The next step is to test AI in Texas, since UT’s Bureau TexNethas 300 earthquake stations and a continuous recording history of over 6 years, making it an excellent testing ground for these purposes. (下一步是在德克萨斯州测试人工智能,因为德州调查局有300个地震台站,连续记录历史超过6年,使其成为这些目的的绝佳试验场。)”可知,下一步研究将在德克萨斯州测试人工智能。故选D项。
主旨大意题。根据首段中的“Through a test carried out in China, a team of researchers from the University of Texas, Austin have developed an AI algorithm (算法) that can predict 70% of earthquakes up to seven days in advance. (德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的研究小组通过在中国进行的一项测试,开发出了一种人工智能算法,可以提前7天预测70%的地震。)”以及下文中对该项研究的介绍可知,本文主要介绍的是德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的研究小组通过在中国进行的一项测试,开发了一种可以提前7天预测70%的地震的人工智能算法,所以标题“AI:预测70%的地震”概括了本文主题,适合为最佳标题。故选D项。
The Dark Side of Digital Age: Cyberbullying
What is cyberbully Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices. It can include sharing personal and private information about someone else. ___16___. Some cyberbullying even crosses the line into unlawful or criminal (犯罪) behavion.
___17___. Text messaging and messaging apps on mobile or tablet devices are also common grounds for cyberbullying. Instant messaging, online chatting, forums, and online gaming are common for cyberbullying. Additionally, Email exchanges also contribute to the widespread of this digital harassment (骚扰).
With the popularity of social media, comments, photos, posts, and content shared by individuals can often be viewed by strangers. What you post online stays public and can be seen by anyone. This forms an online reputation (名声) that can be checked by schools, employers, and others researching you. ___18___.
Cyberbullying can be a big problem because it doesn’t stop easily and stays online forever. Detecting cyberbullying is also a big problem as it often happens out of sight from teachers and parents, making it harder to identify. ___19___. Also, what’s shared online tends to stay public unless taken down, which could harm their future opportunities like getting into college or finding a job.
Every state has rules for schools to handle bullying. Nowadays, with cyberbullying on the rise, many states have updated these rules to include cyberbullying. ___20___. Some states also address bullying that impacts students’ academic success. Please check each state’s laws and policies, especially those regarding cyberbullying.
A. Schools require support from families and society.
B. It requires joint efforts to create a safer online environment.
C. Schools must follow these rules or their own policies to deal with bullying.
D. Children find it hard to escape cyberbullying due to never-ending internet access.
E. It also includes sharing negative, harmful, false or mean comments on others.
F. Additionally, cyberbullying can damage reputations of all involved, not just the bullied person.
G. Cyberbullying often happens on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.
【答案】16. E 17. G 18. F 19. D 20. C
根据上文“Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices. It can include sharing personal and private information about someone else.( 网络欺凌是通过数字设备发生的欺凌行为。它可以包括分享他人的个人和私人信息。)”和下文“Some cyberbullying even crosses the line into unlawful or criminal (犯罪) behavion.(一些网络欺凌甚至越过了非法或犯罪行为的界限。)”可知,上文提到网络欺凌是发生在数字设备上的欺凌行为,包括分享他人私人信息。后文提到有些网络欺凌甚至超越了法律或犯罪行为的界限。因此,这里需要描述网络欺凌的另一种形式,即分享负面、有害、虚假的信息或言论。选项E中的“sharing negative, harmful, false”与上文的“sharing personal and private information”相呼应,符合语境。E项:It also includes sharing negative, harmful, false or mean comments on others.(它还包括分享对他人的负面、有害、虚假或刻薄的评论。)符合语境。故选E。
根据下文“Text messaging and messaging apps on mobile or tablet devices are also common grounds for cyberbullying. Instant messaging, online chatting, forums, and online gaming are common for cyberbullying.(手机或平板电脑上的短信和即时通讯应用程序也是网络欺凌的常见基础。即时通讯、在线聊天、论坛和在线游戏是网络欺凌的常见形式。)”可知,本段主要介绍网络欺凌经常发生的平台。G项:Cyberbullying often happens on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.(网络欺凌经常发生在Facebook、Instagram、TikTok等社交媒体平台上。)符合语境。故选G。
根据上文“What you post online stays public and can be seen by anyone. This forms an online reputation (名声) that can be checked by schools, employers, and others researching you.(你在网上发布的内容是公开的,任何人都可以看到。这就形成了你在网上的声誉,学校、雇主和其他研究你的人可以检查你的声誉。)”可知,上文提到了个人信息在网上发布对个人声誉的影响,空处承接上文,继续指明对声誉的影响。F项:Additionally, cyberbullying can damage reputations of all involved, not just the bullied person.(此外,网络欺凌会损害所有参与者的声誉,而不仅仅是被欺负的人。)符合语境。故选F。
根据上文“Cyberbullying can be a big problem because it doesn’t stop easily and stays online forever. Detecting cyberbullying is also a big problem as it often happens out of sight from teachers and parents, making it harder to identify.( 网络欺凌可能是一个大问题,因为它不会轻易停止,并且永远在线。检测网络欺凌也是一个大问题,因为它经常发生在老师和家长的视线之外,这使得它更难识别。)”可知,上文提到网络欺凌不会轻易停止,并且会一直留在网络上。此外,网络欺凌往往发生在老师和家长的视线之外,更难被识别。因此,这里需要解释为什么网络欺凌对孩子来说是一个大问题。D项:Children find it hard to escape cyberbullying due to never-ending internet access.(由于永无止境的上网,孩子们很难摆脱网络欺凌。)符合语境。故选D。
根据上文“Every state has rules for schools to handle bullying. Nowadays, with cyberbullying on the rise, many states have updated these rules to include cyberbullying.( 每个州都有学校处理欺凌行为的规定。如今,随着网络欺凌的上升,许多州已经更新了这些规则,将网络欺凌纳入其中。)”可知,本段内容与处理网络欺凌行为的规则和法律相关。C项:Schools must follow these rules or their own policies to deal with bullying.(学校必须遵循这些规则或他们自己的政策来处理欺凌行为。)符合语境。故选C。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Early in life, my lack of maths skill made me strongly dislike the subject. As a freshman in high school I was far from a math teacher’s dream student.
When I walked into Mr. Ash’s classroom, my focus was on ___21___ a good seat, surrounded by my friends and with easy ___22___ to the door. From day one, I made everyone know I hated math. It was not ___23___ for me to give up midway through an assignment, or became absent-minded during a lesson because I didn’t understand it. I didn’t think I ___24___ doing well. “I can’t,” I often said to myself.
However, I soon learned that “I can’t” was not a(n) ___25___ in Mr. Ash’s class. On the first day of class, Mr. Ash ___26___ us with his arms extended, “Welcome! Smile! It’s a great day to be alive!” These words, which I would often hear in the next four years, became a source of ___27___ and familiarity. Mr. Ash had a true passion for both math and teaching. His ___28___ and inspiring attitude never disappeared. And he encouraged each student.
I found myself looking forward to math class, ___29___ the fact that I still disliked the subject. Seeing Mr. Ash made me feel good ___30___ I had the potential (潜力) to succeed. However, my story is not one of overnight success. In fact, it was in Mr. Ash’s class that I received my first failing test grade.
But I didn’t give up or use the score as ___31___ that I was not meant to do well in math. ___32___, Mr. Ash didn’t give up on me. He became more determined to help me. My determination to succeed ___33___. I spent an increasing amount of time on my homework. Finally, my hard work began to ___34___.
Even today, when I feel my mind beginning to think “I can’t,” I hear a deep voice in the back of my mind ___35___ me to take a deep breath and remember: it’s a great day to be alive.
21. A. picking B. reserving C. winning D. sharing
22. A. entrance B. direction C. access D. key
23. A. usual B. willing C. easy D. uncommon
24. A. was absorbed in B. was capable of C. was tired of D. was addicted to
25. A. target B. activity C. process D. excuse
26. A. inspired B. provided C. greeted D. cheated
27. A. peace B. comfort C. belonging D. curiosity
28. A. puzzling B. humorous C. generous D. positive
29. A. despite B. beyond C. including D. without
30. A. even if B. as if C. in case D. as long as
31. A. defense B. joke C. relief D. evidence
32. A. Instead B. Gradually C. Similarly D. Strangely
33. A. suffered B. grew C. hurt D. limited
34. A. turn back B. pay off C. take off D. build up
35. A. reminding B. suggesting C. warning D. intending
【答案】21. A 22. C 23. D 24. B 25. D 26. C 27. B 28. D 29. A 30. B 31. D 32. C 33. B 34. B 35. A
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我走进艾什老师的教室时,我专注于挑选一个好座位,周围是我的朋友,并且靠近门易于出入。A. picking挑选;B. reserving保留;C. winning赢得;D. sharing分享。根据下文“a good seat, surrounded by my friends and with easy ____2____ to the door.”可知,此处指我专注于挑选一个好的座位。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我走进艾什老师的教室时,我专注于挑选一个好座位,周围是我的朋友,并且靠近门易于出入。A. entrance入口;B. direction方向;C. access接近,进入;D. key钥匙。根据上文“a good seat”及下文“From day one, I made everyone know I hated math. It was not ___3____ for me to give up midway through an assignment”可知,此处指容易进出的座位对于我是个好位置。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对我来说,在作业做到一半就放弃或者因为不理解而在课堂上走神是很常见的事情。A. usual通常的;B. willing愿意的;C. easy容易的;D. uncommon不常见的。根据上文“From day one, I made everyone know I hated math.”可知,我讨厌数学,中途放弃作业或上课走神是常见的事。故选D。
考查形容词短语辨析。句意:我认为自己没有能力做好。A. was absorbed in全神贯注于;B. was capable of能够;C. was tired of厌倦;D. was addicted to沉迷于。根据下文““I can’t,” I often said to myself.”可知,我认为我没有能力做好。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,我很快了解到“我做不到”在艾什老师的课堂上并不是一个借口。A. target目标;B. activity活动;C. process过程;D. excuse借口。根据上文“However”可知,句子前后为转折关系,故在Mr. Ash的课堂上,“我做不到”不是一个不学习的借口。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:上课的第一天,艾什老师张开双臂迎接我们,说:“欢迎!微笑!活着真是太好了!”A. inspired启发;B. provided提供;C. greeted迎接;D. cheated欺骗。根据下文“Welcome!”可知,Mr. Ash伸开双臂迎接我们。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些我在接下来的四年里经常听到的话成为了安慰和熟悉感的来源。A. peace和平;B. comfort舒适,安慰;C. belonging归属感;D. curiosity好奇心。根据上文“Welcome! Smile! It’s a great day to be alive!”可知,这些话成了安慰的源泉。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他积极且鼓舞人心的态度从未消退。A. puzzling令人困惑的;B. humorous幽默的;C. generous慷慨的;D. positive积极的。根据下文“inspiring attitude never disappeared.”可知,空处形容词应和inspiring并列,应是他积极和鼓舞人心的态度从未消失。故选D。
考查介词词义辨析。句意:尽管我仍然不喜欢这门学科,但我发现自己开始期待数学课。A. despite尽管;B. beyond超越;C. including包括;D. without没有。根据上文“I found myself looking forward to math class”及下文“the fact that I still disliked the subject.”可知,尽管我还是不喜欢数学这门课,但我发现自己开始期待数学课。故选A。
考查连词词义辨析。句意:看到艾什老师让我感觉很好,好像我有成功的潜力。A. even if即使;B. as if好像;C. in case万一;D. as long as只要。根据上文“Seeing Mr. Ash made me feel good”可知,看到Mr. Ash让我感觉好像我有成功的潜力。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:但我没有放弃,也没有把分数作为我学不好数学的证据。A. defense防御;B. joke笑话;C. relief宽慰;D. evidence证据。根据下文“that I was not meant to do well in math. ”可知,我没有用分数作为我在数学上做不好的证据。故选D。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:相似地,艾什老师没有放弃我。A. Instead相反;B. Gradually逐渐地;C. Similarly相似地;D. Strangely奇怪地。根据上文“I didn’t give up”可知,相似的是,艾什老师也没有放弃我。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我成功的决心增强了。A. suffered遭受;B. grew增长;C. hurt伤害;D. limited限制。根据上文“He became more determined to help me.”可知,我成功的决心增强了。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:最后,我努力开始得到回报。A. turn back回头;B. pay off取得成功,得到回报;C. take off起飞;D. build up建立。根据上文“I spent an increasing amount of time on my homework. Finally, my hard work began to”可知,我的努力开始得到回报。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:即使今天,当我感到自己开始认为“我做不到”时,我脑海中会响起一个深沉的声音,提醒我深呼吸并记住:活着真是太好了。A. reminding提醒;B. suggesting建议;C. warning警告;D. intending打算。根据下文“remember: it’s a great day to be alive.”可知,我内心深处的声音提醒我记住:活着是多么美好的一天。故选A。
Zong Qinghou, ___36___ founder and chairman of Hangzhou Wahaha Group, China’s leading beverage manufacturer (饮料制造商), passed away on Sunday at the age of 79. As one of the most respected ___37___ (representative) of China’s first generation of entrepreneurs (企业家), Zong, with his modest style and innovative spirit, greatly impressed the public ___38___ a famous figure among China’s early entrepreneurs following the country’s reforms (改革) in 1978.
___39___ (bear) in 1945 in Suqian, Jiangsu province, Zong took over a small grocery store at a school in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, in 1987. Originally distributing soft drinks and ice treats for kids, he later established Hangzhou Wahaha Nutritional Food Factory in 1989, ___40___ developed into Hangzhou Wahaha Group after rescuing a ___41___ (struggle) local food factory. Zong’s introduction of the popular Wahaha AD calcium milk in 1996 became a hit with Chinese consumers.
Zong, ranked as the richest person in China by Forbes in 2010, 2012, and 2013, ___42___(lead) a simple life and it was common ___43___ (see) him dressed in a white shirt and black cloth shoes. He once said, “I am an ordinary person, ___44___ luckily I was born in such an era.” He mentioned that Chinese business entrepreneurs need to do _____45_____ (they) part in society by helping people become richer. He also suggested they make more jobs, get involved in charity work, and help the country grow economically and socially.
【答案】36. the
37. representatives
38. as 39. Born
40. which 41. struggling
42. led 43. to see
44. but 45. their
考查冠词。句意:中国领先的饮料制造商杭州娃哈哈集团创始人兼董事长宗庆后于周日去世,享年79岁。founder and chairman为可数名词单数,其前无限定词,所以使用冠词,结合句意可知,此处指的是“中国领先的饮料制造商杭州娃哈哈集团”的创始人兼董事长,由此可知,此处应为特指。故填the。
考查名词。句意:作为中国第一代企业家中最受尊敬的代表人物之一,宗庆后以其谦逊的作风和创新精神,在1978年改革开放后的中国早期企业家中给公众留下了深刻的印象。根据“one of+名词复数”意为“……之一”可知,此处应为名词复数形式。故填representatives。
考查定语从句。句意:他最初是为孩子们销售软饮料和冰食,后来在1989年成立了杭州娃哈哈营养食品厂,在拯救了一家陷入困境的当地食品厂后,该工厂发展成为杭州娃哈哈集团。此处为关系词引导的非限制性定语从句,从句中缺少主语,所以使用关系代词,先行词Hangzhou Wahaha Nutritional Food Factory指的是事物,所以使用关系代词which。故填which。
考查现在分词。句意:他最初是为孩子们销售软饮料和冰食,后来在1989年成立了杭州娃哈哈营养食品厂,在拯救了一家陷入困境的当地食品厂后,该工厂发展成为杭州娃哈哈集团。此处为非谓语动词作定语,struggle与所修饰词local food factory之间为主动关系,所以此处使用现在分词形式。故填struggling。
考查动词不定式。句意:宗庆后在2010年、2012年和2013年被福布斯评为中国首富,他过着简朴的生活,经常看到他穿着白衬衫和黑色布鞋。此处为“it作形式主语,不定式形式作真正主语”结构,所以此处应使用动词不定式形式to see。故填to see。
46. C____________ www. to check your personal information. (根据首字母单词拼写)
47. The Palace Museum, a popular tourist attraction, d ____________ back to the Ming Dynasty. (根据首字母单词拼写)
【详解】考查动词。句意:故宫,一个受欢迎的旅游景点,其历史可以追溯到明朝。根据句意及首字母提示可知,空处应填动词date“确定年代”,date back to“追溯到”,描述事物的一般状态,句子应用一般现在时,单数名词The Palace Museum作主语,谓语用第三人称单数形式。故填dates。
48. Teachers and students can visit the gardens free of c____________. (根据首字母单词拼写)
【详解】考查名词。句意:教师和学生可以免费参观花园。根据“free of”和首字母提示可知,此处为名词charge,意为“费用,金钱”,作宾语,free of charge为固定搭配,意为“免费”。故填charge。
49. Cindy p____________ a dance for her class and won everyone’s praise. (根据首字母单词拼写)
【详解】考查动词。句意:辛迪为她的班级表演了一个舞蹈,赢得了大家的赞扬。根据“a dance for her class”和首字母提示可知,此处为动词perform,意为“表演”,结合“won”可知,使用一般过去时。故填performed。
50. He always have v____________ reasons for his being late. (根据首字母单词拼写)
51. After a good night’s sleep, I am full of e ____________. (根据首字母单词拼写)
52. In some European countries it is r____________ to arrive late for dinner. (根据首字母单词拼写)
53. To our j____________, we found him alive. (根据首字母单词拼写)
【详解】考查名词。句意:令我们高兴的是,我们发现他还活着。根据单词首字母以及句意可知应用名词joy,作宾语,构成to one’s joy表示“令某人高兴的是”。故填joy。
e and see me whenever it is c________ for you. (根据首字母单词拼写)
55. We all miss you and are very g____________ for what you have done for us. (根据首字母单词拼写)
【详解】考查形容词。句意:我们都很想念您,非常感谢您为我们所做的一切。根据“for what you have done for us”和首字母提示可知,此处为形容词grateful,意为“感激的”,作表语。故填grateful。
第二节 应用文写作(满分15分)
56. 假定你是某国际学校学生李华。你校上周邀请专家Mr. Smith给学生做了一个有关网络安全的讲座。请你为校英文报写一则报道,内容包括:
1. 讲座时间和地点;
2. 讲座内容;
3. 活动反响。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右。
2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
A Lecture on “Online Safety”
【答案】A Lecture on “Online safety”
Last Friday witnessed a fascinating lecture with the theme of “Online safety”.
The lecture, given by Mr. Smith, started at 9:00 a. m. in the Lecture Hall. Through presenting specific facts and stories, Mr. Smith introduced the potential dangers we may face while enjoying the Internet. He also highlighted the importance of online safety and proposed effective measures that young people can take to safeguard themselves.
The lecture received a positive response from the students, which not only helped us be aware of the significance of staying safe online but also offered some practical ways to achieve it.
【导语】本篇书面表达是一篇应用文。要求考生就专家Mr. Smith给学生做的一个有关网络安全的讲座写一篇报道。
强调:highlight→lay stress on
提出:propose→put forward
原句:Last Friday witnessed a fascinating lecture with the theme of “Online safety”.
拓展句:Last Friday witnessed a fascinating lecture whose theme is “Online safety”.
He also highlighted the importance of online safety and proposed effective measures that young people can take to safeguard themselves.(运用了that引导限制性定语从句)
The lecture received a positive response from the students, which not only helped us be aware of the significance of staying safe online but also offered some practical ways to achieve it.(运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
第三节 读后续写(满分15分)
57. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
He met her at a party. She was outstanding;many guys were after her, but nobody paid any attention to him. After the party, he invited her for coffee. She was surprised, so as not to appear rude, she went along.
As they sat in a nice coffee shop, he was too nervous to say anything and she felt uncomfortable. Suddenly, he asked the waiter, “Could you please give me some salt I’d like to put it in my coffee.”
They stared at him. He turned red, but when the salt came, he put it in his coffee and drank. Curious, she asked, “Why salt with coffee ” He explained, “When I was a little boy, I lived near the sea. I liked playing on the sea. I could feel it salty, like salty coffee. Now every time I drink it, I think of my childhood and my hometown. I miss it and my parents, who are still there.”
She was deeply moved. A man who can admit that he’s homesick must love his home and care about his family. He must be responsible. She talked too, about her faraway hometown, her childhood, her family. That was the start to their love story.
They continued to date. She found that he met all her requirements. He was tolerant, kind, warm and careful. And to think she would have missed the catch if not for the salty coffee! So they married and lived happily together. And every time she made coffee for him, she put in some salt, the way he liked it.
1. 续写词数应为100左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
After 40 years, he passed away and left her a letter which said:
【答案】After 40 years, he passed away and left her a letter which said: My dearest, please forgive my life-long lie. Remember the first time we dated I was so nervous that I asked for salt instead of sugar. It was hard for me to ask for a change, so I just went ahead. I never thought that we would hit it off. Many times, I tried to tell you the truth, but I was afraid that it would ruin everything. Sweetheart, I don’t exactly like salty coffee. But as it mattered so much to you, I’ve learnt to enjoy it. Having you with me was my greatest happiness. If I could live a second time, I hope we can be together again, even if it means that I have to drink salty coffee for the rest of my life.
②.喜欢:like/fall in love with
【点睛】[高分句型1]I was so nervous that I asked for salt instead of sugar. (由so…that引导的结果状语从句)
[高分句型2] I never thought that we would hit it off. (由that引导的宾语从句)
听力1-5. BCACB 6-10. CBCBA 11-15. CBCCA 16-20. BACAB


