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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What will the woman do next
A. Find a new cat owner. B. Visit the baby cats. C. Meet her mother.
2. What does the man say about his new house
A. It is number 4. B. It is on Maple Street. C. It is next to a supermarket.
3. How long has the man had the mark on his arm
A. Since yesterday. B. Since his birth. C. Since last month.
4. What does the woman like best about her watch
A. It reminds her to get more exercise.
B. It helps attract new customers.
C. It acts as a world time watch.
5. Where are the speakers probably
A. At a campsite. B. In a kitchen. C. At a fire station.
听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. What is the weather like now
A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Snowy.
7. How does the woman feel about skating on the lake
A. Worried. B. Excited. C. Bored.
8. What does Claire plan to do during the holiday
A. Take an ocean trip. B. Do research on rocks. C. Go hiking through the Wave.
9. What is special about visiting the Wave
A. The daily number of tourists is limited.
B. Taking pictures is not permitted.
C. Visitors can’t touch the rock.
10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Co-workers. B. Brother and sister. C. Guide and tourist.
11. How will the man probably get some money for his trip
A. By working as a tour guide. B. By working as a driver. C. By working as a waiter.
12. What will the man do in America
A. Go to different shops. B. Go on a road trip. C. Go skiing.
13. In which country will the man spend most of his time
A. France. B. China. C. Australia.
14. How does the man know about the Belt and Road Initiative
A. By doing business with related countries.
B. By attending cultural exchange programs.
C. By writing a school paper on it.
15. What are the speakers mainly discussing about the Belt and Road Initiative
A. Its effects. B. Its future. C. Its history.
16. What is the woman’s concern about the Belt and Road Initiative
A. The transportation problems. B. The environmental issues. C. The building projects.
17. How old is the main hall
A. 100 years old. B. 200 years old. C. 300 years old.
18. What is the main hall used for today
A. Having dinners. B. Holding parties. C. Keeping paintings.
19. Where will the speaker go at last
A The wooded area. B. The playground. C. The restaurant.
20. What can the listeners do upstairs
A. Learn the history of farming. B. See some old items. C. Try to make bread.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Sarah Lawrence College Writers Week
Sarah Lawrence College (SLC) Writers Week is a week-long workshop for high school students to improve their skills in writing. The workshop offers online and in-person programs, so that they can be more inclusive to people who do not have access to travel. The workshop also offers a theater element, so if a student is interested in both writing and theater (or writing for theater), this would be a great opportunity.
In these programs, participants are guided by writers, poets, and performance artists to give a unique perspective (视角). Other instructors include the Sarah Lawrence staff, as well as some of their graduate students.
●Qualification: Students entering 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade (must be over the age of 14)
●Cost: On-campus session: $1, 550, includes lunch (limited scholarships are available to Yonkers Public School students)
●Virtual: $1, 025
●Application deadline: Applications will open in early June of 2024 for the July and August sessions.
●Camp dates:
July Session (Virtual): July 15-July 19, 2024
August Session (On Campus): August 5-August 9, 2024
Location: Bronxville, New York or virtual
1. What do we know about the workshop
A. It provides flexible choices. B. It makes travel more convenient.
C. It offers low-income students scholarships. D. It focuses on improving teaching methods.
2. Who is unfit to instruct students in the workshop
A. A writer. B. A poet.
C. An SLC teacher. D. An SLC undergraduate.
3. When can you apply for the workshop in 2024
A. June 7. B. June 25. C. July 15. D. August 9.
【答案】1. A 2. D 3. A
细节理解题。根据第一段“The workshop offers online and in-person programs, so that they can be more inclusive to people who do not have access to travel. (工作坊提供在线和面对面的项目,以便能够更包容那些无法旅行的人。)”可知,该研讨会提供在线和面对面的课程,以便对无法出行的人更具有包容性,故选A项。
细节理解题。根据第二段“In these programs, participants are guided by writers, poets, and performance artists to give a unique perspective (视角). Other instructors include the Sarah Lawrence staff, as well as some of their graduate students. (在这些项目中,参与者将由作家、诗人和表演艺术家引导,以提供独特的视角。其他讲师包括萨拉·劳伦斯学院的员工以及他们的一些研究生。)”可知,给参与者做指导的既有作家、诗人、艺术家、学校的员工以及大学毕业生,故选D项。
细节理解题。根据“Application deadline: Applications will open in early June of 2024 for the July and August sessions (申请截止日期:2024年6月早些时候将开放7月和8月会议的申请。)”可知,申请时间是6月初,故选A项。
When I was young, my mother was very much concerned for my happiness and was always there to support me. We had healthy boundaries (界限). When my own turn came for being a mother, I was determined to do so.
But as my daughter and I sat down to choose courses for the seventh grade, I felt the boundaries begin to fall. Students were allowed three electives (选修课) each term. Several of these were year-long courses—band, orchestra, yearbook and Spanish, and the rest were random (随机的)—technology education, drama, leadership and PE. I hated PE in my own school days.
We read the elective options carefully and sweet relief flooded through me. “You can sign up for band, yearbook and Spanish, and you won’t have to take PE ever,” I told her. I settled back into my chair, a weight taken off my chest. My daughter, however, frowned. “But I’m not sure I want to take Spanish. And I want to do the leadership class... and try drama!”
I broke in on her words with more practical wisdom. “You can’t pick the electives you want, though. They’re organized randomly. So you might get drama and leadership..., or you might get gym class or technology education. You might get the classes you want, and you might not. Is it worth risking having to take PE ” Finally, she chose to take the chance and signed up for band, yearbook and one period of the unknown elective. I reminded myself she was not me.
Watching your child walk into the trap of middle school is worse than experiencing it yourself. Motherhood, after all, is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. I am not going into the seventh grade again. It is my daughter’s turn. She is her own person, and while she is delicate and easily hurt, she is also stronger and more confident than I was.
4. What is the function of paragraph 1
A. To present a fact. B. To provide an example.
C. To introduce the topic. D. To make a comparison.
5. Why did the author feel relaxed after reading the elective options
A. Drama was her daughter’s favorite. B. Her daughter followed her advice.
C. There were many year-long courses. D. PE was optional for her daughter.
6. What did the author think of her daughter’s option
A. It seemed organized. B. It was uncertain.
C. It was made at random. D. It sounded reasonable.
7. What does the author want to say in the last paragraph
A. Motherhood is rewarding. B. Mothers should learn to let go.
C. Children should ask for help if necessary. D. Children are too young to make a decision.
【答案】4. C 5. D 6. B 7. B
推理判断题。根据第一段“When I was young, my mother was very much concerned for my happiness and was always there to support me. We had healthy boundaries (界限). When my own turn came for being a mother, I was determined to do so.(当我小的时候,我的母亲非常关心我的幸福,总是在那里支持我。我们有健康的界限。当轮到我做母亲的时候,我下定决心要这样做)”可知,作者提到小时妈妈对她的这种关心和支持以及后来作者做妈妈之后的亲子处理方式,引入本文的话题,所以选C。
细节理解题。根据第三段“We read the elective options carefully and sweet relief flooded through me. “You can sign up for band, yearbook and Spanish, and you won’t have to take PE ever,” I told her.(我们仔细阅读选修课,甜蜜的宽慰溢于言表。“你可以报名参加乐队、年鉴和西班牙语课,而且你永远都不用上体育课,”我告诉她)”可知,作者认为是否选择体育课对她女儿来说是自由的,不是必选性,所以选D。
推理判断题。根据第四段“You might get the classes you want, and you might not. Is it worth risking having to take PE (你可能会得到你想要的课程,也可能不会。值得冒险去上体育课吗?)”可知,作者认为女儿的选择是冒险的,具有不确定性,所以选B。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“I am not going into the seventh grade again. It is my daughter’s turn. She is her own person, and while she is delicate and easily hurt, she is also stronger and more confident than I was.(我不会再上七年级了。轮到我女儿了。她是她自己的人,虽然她很脆弱,很容易受伤,但她也比我更坚强,更自信)”可知,作为母亲,我们要学会放手,所以选B。
As the greenery returns, West Lake Longjing tea enters its harvesting period. And in one Hangzhou tea garden, huge mechanical arms have taken over the picking of tea leaf buds (芽). The arms belong to a smart tea-picking robot developed by Zhejiang Sci-Tech University. After five years of research and development, it has made its first appearance this year. The robot’s creation was driven by a labor shortage, with Zhejiang province facing a shortage of about 400,000 pickers.
“The robot contains an intelligent recognition model that was developed through learning from a large database of tea bud images,” said Professor Chen Jianneng. This allows the robot to automatically recognize tea buds with a success rate of more than 90 percent.
With a pull and a suck (吸), the robotic arm separates the buds from the branches and then puts them into a temporary storage box. Once all the buds in the target area have been collected, the picked buds will be passed from the temporary storage box to the machine’s final collection box.
Although it sounds easy, the harvesting process still faces limitations. According to Chen, factors such as a variety of production areas and weather conditions can affect the machine’s recognition abilities. Wet on tea leaves can cause the buds to stick to the walls of the tube when being sucked into the temporary storage box, leading to blockages. Additionally, the robot is currently limited to working on flat ground and slopes (斜坡) under 15 degrees, but many tea plants are grown on high mountains. These are problems that future models of tea-picking robots will have to overcome.
“We believe that harvesting robots will be a major future trend,” said Wu Chuanyu, leader of the research team. He added that in an optimistic scenario, about five years from now, machines will be available on the market to replace manual (人工) labor in the harvesting of West Lake Longjing tea in flat areas.
8. Why is the tea-picking robot developed
A. To address the labor shortage. B. To improve the quality of tea.
C. To reduce the cost of making tea. D. To speed up the growth of tea buds.
9. What is the tea-picking robot able to do
A. Predict weather conditions. B. Process the tea buds fast.
C. Sort out the tea buds by size. D. Identify the tea buds quite exactly.
10. What is paragraph 4 mainly about
A. Benefits brought by the robot. B. Dangers caused by slopes.
C. Problems with tea picking industry. D. Challenges faced by the robot.
11. What is Wu Chuanyu’s attitude towards the future of the robots
A. Doubtful. B. Confident. C. Objective. D. Unclear.
【答案】8. A 9. D 10. D 11. B
细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句话“The robot’s creation was driven by a labor shortage, with Zhejiang province facing a shortage of about 400,000 pickers.(机器人的发明是由劳动力短缺推动的,浙江省面临着大约40万名采摘工人的短缺。)”可知,该机器人的研发主要是由于采摘茶叶的劳动力短缺所致,故选A。
推理判断题。根据文章第二段最后一句话“This allows the robot to automatically recognize tea buds with a success rate of more than 90 percent.(这使得机器人能够自动识别茶芽,成功率超过90%。)”可知,该采茶机器人识别茶芽的成功率能超过90%,由此可推测,这种机器人能够非常精确地识别茶芽,故选D。
主旨大意题。根据文章第四段第一句话“Although it sounds easy, the harvesting process still faces limitations.(尽管这听起来很容易,但收获过程仍然面临局限性。)”和最后一句话“These are problems that future models of tea-picking robots will have to overcome.(这些都是未来采茶机器人模型必须克服的问题。)”可知,目前的采茶机器人还面临许多的限制以及问题,所以本段落主要讲述了采茶机器人现在所面临的挑战,故选D。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段Wu Chuanyu所说的话“We believe that harvesting robots will be a major future trend(我们相信收割机器人将是未来的一大趋势)”以及“He added that in an optimistic scenario, about five years from now, machines will be available on the market to replace manual (人工) labor in the harvesting of West Lake Longjing tea in flat areas.(他补充说,在一个乐观的情况下,大约五年后,市场上将有机器取代人工在平坦地区收割西湖龙井茶。)”可知,他对该种机器人的未来非常乐观,充满自信,故选B。
When we talk about protecting the environment and sustainability, we focus on factories and industries that produce cars, household objects, and materials used in production. However, the carbon footprint of the fast fashion industry is sizeable and should not be overlooked.
Fast fashion has seen quite the rise recently with stores spreading far and wide all over the world. They mass-produce one collection after the other, always on trend, and always encouraging consumers to follow the said trend. However, what about the impact this kind of business model has on the environment
The clothing industry is the second-highest polluter of water. Factories of fast fashion poured poisonous chemicals into clean water supplies because clothing production is a land-and water-intensive industry, responsible for 10% of all carbon release globally. Even after the clothes are produced in factories, they can still affect the environment. For example, polyester (涤纶) can release plastic microfibres into the water system, which contributes to the already existing plastic problem.
The fashion industry is indeed causing great harm to the environment; moreover, the clothes being made are not meant to last. In most cases, the quality is not there, and the clothes are only used a few times before being discarded. Before the rise of fast fashion, clothes were made to last and were not meant to have the high turnover that clothes have.
There are many designers who are committed to mass-producing their clothes in sustainable ways. Some big brands are also trying to make improvements in the materials they use and the mass-producing process, but big efforts are needed if we are going to see a change. What we as consumers can do is shop consciously and consider how the clothes have been made and whether we truly need that piece or not.
12. What can be inferred about fast fashion from the first two paragraphs
A. It stresses offline sales. B. It affects the environment seriously.
C. It is a sustainable industry worldwide. D. It is popular among young consumers.
13. What is the impact of polyester mentioned in paragraph 3
A. It makes clothing last long. B. It reduces carbon footprint.
C. It results in water pollution. D. It lowers the production cost.
14. What does the underlined word “discarded” in paragraph 4 probably mean
A. Thrown away. B. Picked up. C. Passed down. D. Turned in.
15. What should consumers do to protect the environment according to the text
A. Support big fashion brands. B. Stop buying long-lasting clothes.
C. Think twice before shopping for clothes. D. Change dressing styles frequently.
【答案】12. B 13. C 14. A 15. C
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“However, the carbon footprint of the fast fashion industry is sizeable and should not be overlooked. (然而,快时尚产业的碳足迹相当大,不容忽视。)”以及第二段“They mass-produce one collection after the other, always on trend, and always encouraging consumers to follow the said trend. However, what about the impact this kind of business model has on the environment (他们批量生产一个又一个系列,始终紧跟潮流,并始终鼓励消费者追随上述潮流。然而,这种商业模式对环境的影响又如何呢?)”可知,快时尚批量生产一个又一个系列,碳足迹相当大,对环境产生了严重的影响,故选B。
推理判断题。根据文章第三段“For example, polyester can release plastic microfibres into the water system, which contributes to the already existing plastic problem. (例如,涤纶可以将塑料微纤维释放到水系统中,这加剧了已经存在的塑料问题。)”可知,涤纶会将塑料微纤维释放到水系统中,这会加剧现存的塑料污染问题,由此推断涤纶会造成水污染,故选C。
词句猜测题。根据文章第四段“In most cases, the quality is not there, and the clothes are only used a few times before being discarded. (在大多数情况下,衣服的质量并不好,它们只被穿了几次就discarded。)”可知,有些衣服只穿过几次,这就意味着他们被丢弃了,discard和throw away意思接近,故选A。
细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“What we as consumers can do is shop consciously and consider how the clothes have been made and whether we truly need that piece or not. (作为消费者,我们可以做的是有意识地购物,并考虑衣服是如何制作的,以及我们是否真的需要那件衣服。)”可知,作为消费者,我们可以做的是有意识地购物,购买衣服时要考虑衣服是如何制作的,以及我们是否真的需要这件衣服,即买衣服之前要三思,故选C。
For most of us, a large part of our work requires us to look at the screen for a long time. ____16____ Sadly, too much screen time can cause eye damage and affect our mood. While it is impossible to escape the screen completely, there are ways to reduce the time you place your eyes and brain under the screen strain.
____17____ But constant chatting means our eyes are down on our phones and other devices for long. If possible, try and schedule phone calls with distant loved ones and make face-to-face catch-up with closer relatives. “In-person meetings provide a sense of connection and empathy that is difficult to replace via video,” Paul Axtell, corporate trainer and author of the book Meetings Matter, told The Washington Post.
Keeping up to date on your social media channels is fun and socially very important for many users. But these channels can also be a big time waster for many people. ____18____ The next step is to gradually reduce this, particularly on days when screen usage is high for other reasons.
If you live with someone else, you can try to take on your screen time together. Establish certain areas in your home, or time periods in the day, where you both agree to stay off of your phone. ____19____ Consider doing some hobbies together, like cooking dinner or playing a board game.
One of the biggest tech no-no’s that people commonly commit is bringing phones, computers, and more into bed with them. Don’t charge your phone next to your bed, as it will cause you to check for messages or even the time if you wake up during the night. ____20____
A. One of the useful strategies is setting clear boundaries.
B. Try to limit how much time per day you will spend on social media.
C. You need regain control over the time spent on these digital devices.
D. Many of our online time-killing activities also add to the screen time.
E. Looking at the phone’s screen just before bed can affect your sleep too.
F. During that time, you can enjoy some face-to-face communication instead.
G. The Internet gives us various ways to stay in touch with friends and family.
【答案】16. D 17. G 18. B 19. F 20. E
上文“For most of us, a large part of our work requires us to look at the screen for a long time.”(对于我们大多数人来说,我们的大部分工作都需要我们长时间盯着屏幕。)提到大部分工作都需要我们长时间盯着屏幕,以及下文“Sadly, too much screen time can cause eye damage and affect our mood.”(可悲的是,长时间看屏幕会损害眼睛,影响我们的情绪。)说明长时间看屏幕的消极影响。D项Many of our online time-killing activities also add to the screen time.(许多消磨时间的在线活动也增加了我们看屏幕的时间。)承接上文,说明娱乐活动也会增加屏幕时间,并引出下文,说明长时间看屏幕的消极影响,上下文语意连贯。故选D项。
下文“But constant chatting means our eyes are down on our phones and other devices for long.”(但是持续的聊天意味着我们的眼睛长时间盯着手机和其他设备。)转折提到互联网聊天的消极影响,可推知,空格处内容应说明互联网聊天积极的一面。G项The Internet gives us various ways to stay in touch with friends and family.(互联网为我们提供了各种与朋友和家人保持联系的方式。)符合此推断,上下文紧密连接,符合语境。故选G项。
上文“But these channels can also be a big time waster for many people.”(但对许多人来说,这些频道也会浪费大量时间。)提到社交媒体渠道会浪费大量时间。以及下文“The next step is to gradually reduce this, particularly on days when screen usage is high for other reasons.”(下一步是逐渐减少这种情况,特别是在由于其他原因屏幕使用率很高的日子里。)提到下一步是逐渐减少这种情况,B项Try to limit how much time per day you will spend on social media.(尽量限制你每天花在社交媒体上的时间。)说明应限制看屏幕的时间,上下文语意连贯,下文是对空格处的语意递进。故选B项。
上文“Establish certain areas in your home, or time periods in the day, where you both agree to stay off of your phone.”(在家里的特定区域,或者一天中的特定时间段,你们都同意远离手机。)提到在特定区域或者特定时间段远离手机。以及下文“Consider doing some hobbies together, like cooking dinner or playing a board game.”(考虑一起做一些爱好,比如做饭或玩棋盘游戏。)提到具体的一些做法,例如一些爱好,F项During that time, you can enjoy some face-to-face communication instead.(在这段时间里,你可以享受面对面的交流。)承接上文,给出方法,并引出下文的具体做法,上下文语意连贯。故选F项。
根据上文“Don’t charge your phone next to your bed, as it will cause you to check for messages or even the time if you wake up during the night.”(不要在床边给手机充电,因为这会让你查看信息,甚至是你晚上醒来的时间。)可知,提到在床边给手机充电的负面影响。结合选项E项Looking at the phone’s screen just before bed can affect your sleep too.(睡前看手机屏幕也会影响你的睡眠。)介绍另一个把手机带到床上的负面影响,承接上文,符合语境。故选E项。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Skateboarder Robert Glover’s skills are seriously impressive, but his style isn’t what you’d expect. Born with sacral agenesis (骶骨发育不全), ____21____ the growth of his legs, Mr. Glover uses his upper body strength to operate his skateboard. Instead of ____22____ legs, as most skateboarders do, he uses his arms and chest to ____23____ the board.
The Namibian-born skateboarder, sailor and boxer speaks ____24____ about the power of not viewing obstacles (障碍) as limits and is ____25____ about sharing this message far and wide via social media.
“I don’t think obstacles are here to ____26____ us,” Mr. Glover said. “In my opinion, obstacles have been some of the biggest growing ____27____ both mentally and physically in my life.”
“Since I was young, I’ve ____28____ the idea of being in a wheelchair. Someone gave me their board and I just used it as ____29____. One day someone was like, ‘Hey, let’s check out the skate park’.
I saw the _____30_____. I just fell in love with it. Adaptive skating is for disabled skaters who use any way, shape or form to _____31_____ on a board.”
He added “I’m disabled. It’s an unpleasant feeling and hard to _____32_____ it. Skating is and always will be a source of _____33_____. And the feeling of _____34_____ something is just so good. Life is full of _____35_____. Just go out there and try things your way.”
21. A. monitoring B. promoting C. maintaining D. limiting
22. A. depending on B. rolling over C. lifting up D. spreading out
23. A. touch B. control C. reset D. measure
24. A. regularly B. secretly C. rudely D. softly
25. A. curious B. concerned C. enthusiastic D. hesitant
26. A. urge B. block C. remind D. pity
27. A. goals B. intentions C. opportunities D. expects
28. A. hated B. expressed C. developed D. considered
29. A. comfort B. transport C. pleasure D. guidance
30. A. sites B. targets C. arrangements D. facilities
31. A. dance B. row C. ride D. slide
32. A. trust B. avoid C. experience D. explain
33. A. relief B. pressure C. wisdom D. risk
34. A. flying B. dreaming C. exercising D. landing
35. A. competitions B. lessons C. possibilities D. regrets
【答案】21. D 22. A 23. B 24. A 25. C 26. B 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. D 31. C 32. B 33. A 34. D 35. C
【导语】这是一篇记叙文,文章讲述了残疾滑板运动员Robert Glover的故事。他虽然患有骶骨发育不全,但通过使用上半身的力量来控制滑板,展现了他卓越的滑板技巧和积极的生活态度。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:天生患有骶骨发育不全,限制了他的腿部发育,Glover先生利用他的上半身力量来操作滑板。A. monitoring监控;B. promoting促进;C. maintaining维持;D. limiting限制。根据上文“sacral agenesis”可知,他患有先天疾病,这对他的腿部发育有限制影响,故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:与大多数滑板运动员依赖腿部不同,他使用他的手臂和胸部来控制滑板。A. depending on依赖;B. rolling over翻滚;C. lifting up举起;D. spreading out展开。根据下文“as most skateboarders do”可知,他和其他大多数的滑板运动员不一样,他不依赖腿部,因为他腿部有疾病,故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他使用他的手臂和胸部来控制滑板。A. touch触摸;B. control控制;C. reset重置;D. measure测量。根据下文“the board”可知,对于滑板,他发出的动作应该是用手和胸部去控制它,故选B项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:这位纳米比亚出生的滑板运动员、水手和拳击手经常谈到不把障碍视为限制的力量,并热衷于通过社交媒体广泛分享这一信息。A. regularly定期地;B. secretly秘密地;C. rudely粗鲁地;D. softly柔和地。根据第5小题“is enthusiastic about sharing”可知,他热衷于通过社交媒体分享信息,说明他经常谈论这个话题,故选A项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. curious好奇;B. concerned关心的;C. enthusiastic热情的;D. hesitant犹豫的。根据下文“sharing this message far and wide via social media”可知,他经常通过社交媒体分享信息,这说明他对此事持积极态度,故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我不认为障碍物是来阻碍我们的。”A. urge催促;B. block阻挡;C. remind提醒;D. pity同情。根据上文“not viewing obstacles as limits”可知,他从来不把障碍看作是限制,说明他认为障碍不是来阻碍人们的,故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:“在我看来,障碍物是我生活中精神和身体成长的最大机会之一。”A. goals目标;B. intentions意图;C. opportunities机会;D. expects期望。根据上文“obstacles have been some of the biggest growing”可知,障碍物为他提供了成长的机会,让他突破自己,其他选项不符合语境,故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:“自从我年轻的时候,我就讨厌坐轮椅的想法。”A. hated讨厌;B. expressed表达;C. developed发展;D. considered考虑。根据下文“being in a wheelchair”可知,他从小就需要坐轮椅,对于任何人来说这都是令人不悦的,故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:“有人给了我他们的滑板,我只是把它当作交通工具。”A. comfort舒适;B. transport运输;C. pleasure乐趣;D. guidance指导。根据上文“I just used it”可知,滑板在这里是作为移动的手段,他也没有想过能拿着滑板做别的事情,故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我看到了滑板公园。”A. sites地点;B. targets目标;C. arrangements安排;D. facilities设施。根据下文“Adaptive skating is for disabled skaters”可知,滑板公园里有很多设施,其中还有专门为残疾人士设计的设施,这让Robert非常喜欢,故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:“适应性滑板是为残疾滑板者设计的,他们用任何方式在滑板上移动。”A. dance跳舞;B. row划船;C. ride骑;D. slide滑动。根据下文“on a board”可知,残疾滑板人士在滑板上移动,也就是骑在滑板上,其它选项不符合语境,故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我是一个残疾人。这是一个不愉快的感觉,很难避免它。”A. trust信任;B. avoid避免;C. experience经历;D. explain解释。根据上文“It’s an unpleasant feeling and hard to”可知,残疾这个事实对于任何人都是难以接受的,他不能忽略自己是残疾人这个事实,故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:“滑板是,也将永远是我的一种解脱。”A. relief解脱;B. pressure压力;C. wisdom智慧;D. risk风险。根据下文“just so good”可知,滑板让他感觉非常好,这给了他一种释放的感觉,故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:“完成某事的感觉非常好。”A. flying飞;B. dreaming做梦;C. exercising锻炼;D. landing着陆;获得。根据下文“something is just so good”可知,滑板让他感觉很好,这是因为滑板运动让他获得了很多,land可以作动词,意思是“达成;获得”,其它选项不符合语境,故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:“人生充满了可能性。”A. competitions比赛;B. lessons教训;C. possibilities可能性;D. regrets遗憾。根据下文“Just go out there and try things your way”可知,他建议人们去尝试人生中的各种可能,说明他认为人生充满各种可能性,故选C项。
36. The movie explores the theme of ______ (responsible) in an intelligent and humorous way. (所给词的适当形式填空)
37. ______ (fortunate), not everyone who watched the film Jaws became afraid of sharks. (所给词的适当形式填空)
38. Hannah is a model and performance artist____________ (devote) to ocean conservation. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:汉娜是一名致力于海洋保护的模特和行为艺术家。分析句子结构可知,此处是固定搭配:be devoted to意为“致力于”,又本句已有谓语动,故用过去分词作后置定语。故填devoted。
39. When Riley moved to a new city, she had a hard time ______ (adjust) to her new surroundings. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【详解】考查固定短语和非谓语动词。句意:当莱利搬到一个新城市时,她很难适应新环境。分析句子可知,句中涉及固定短语“have a hard time (in) doing sth.”,意为“做某事很难”,空格处应用动名词作宾语,“adjust”意为“适应”,动词词性,动名词形式为“adjusting”。故填adjusting。
40. ______ hesitation, the soldier dived into the river to save the drowning girl. (用适当的词填空)
【详解】考查介词。句意:士兵毫不犹豫地跳进河里去救溺水的女孩。根据空后的hesitation可知,空处应用介词,构成介宾结构,作状语。根据the soldier dived into the river to save the drowning girl可知,这位士兵毫不犹豫地跳入河中救人,应用介词without(无,没有)。without hesitation意为“毫不犹豫”。首字母大写。故填Without。
41. There is still some doubt ______ the spring sports meeting will be held in our school. (用适当的词填空)
42. ______ (see) quite a few productions of Hamlet, I was full of confidence—until the Peking Opera came to town. (所给词适当形式填空)
【答案】Having seen
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:看过不少哈姆雷特的作品后,我充满了信心——直到京剧来到城里。本句的谓语是was,所以空处应用非谓语动词。see和逻辑主语I之间是主动关系,且表示的动作发生在was之前,所以应用现在分词的完成式,作状语。故填Having seen。
43. The work of the charity ______ (fund) by voluntary donations. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【答案】is funded##was funded
【详解】考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:慈善机构的工作是由自愿捐款资助的。空处在句中充当谓语。主语为The work of the charity,和fund之间是动宾关系,应用被动语态。这里既可表示过去,也可表示现实情况,所以可用一般过去时或一般现在时,且be动词应用was或is。故填is funded或was funded。
44. And now we find ______ (we) in the great new age of technology. (所给词的适当形式填空)
45. Pages should not be copied without the ______ (permit) of the publisher. (所给词的适当形式填空)
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,校学生会将组织一次爱心捐赠活动(a charity donation activity)。请你用英语为本次活动写一则书面通知。内容包括:
1. 活动时间和地点;
2. 活动内容;
3. 号召参加。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
In order to advocate helping people in need, a charity donation activity, organized by the Students’ Union, will be launched in our school.
The event will take place in the playground at 3 p. m. this Saturday and will last for two hours. There will be 20 stands set up to collect different types of items. A variety of items, including books, pens, basketballs and clothes, can all be donated. This event holds great significance as a small kind act can make a difference to others.
We hope everyone will actively participate in this event!
Students’ Union
为了:in order to→so as to
建立:set up→build
各种各样的:a variety of→various
参加:participate in→take part in
原句:There will be 20 stands set up to collect different types of items.
拓展句:There will be 20 stands set up, whose aim is to collect different types of items.
【点睛】[高分句型1] In order to advocate helping people in need, a charity donation activity, organized by the Students’ Union, will be launched in our school. (运用了不定式作目的状语和过去分词作定语)
[高分句型2] We hope everyone will actively participate in this event! (运用了省略that的宾语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
The real pain for Emma always started when all the students were gathered on the track, ready to run. It wasn’t the fatigue (疲惫) that she minded but the looks others gave her. Emma was bigger for her age. On the outside, she looked big, but on the inside, she felt as small as a pea. And PE class was when she felt at her smallest.
Not all her classmates made her feel uncomfortable, though. It was mainly a group of girls and boys, bursting out in laughter every now and then, commenting on how Emma jogged.
Just one more year, Emma kept telling herself, “One more year and I’ll have graduated and won’t have to take this stupid PE class anymore.” She just wanted to survive it.
But everything changed when a new girl called Kit joined the class. You couldn’t mistake Kit. She had short, jet-black hair, bright eyes, and a long scar (伤疤) across the left side of her face. Her entrance into the classroom that day was met by dozens of curious eyes.
Although their teacher, Ms. Hardy, didn’t ask Kit for a personal introduction, upon putting her bag down on her desk, Kit rose, saying, “Hi, everyone, nice to meet you, I’m Kit. I love boxing, cartooning and fashion. You might be wondering about the scar on my face. I got it when I was young when I fell off my bike. Luckily, I didn’t get hurt more seriously. It’s now like a cool trademark of all the adventures I had as a kid.”
After Kit’s introduction, Emma simply sat there, her heart pounding and mouth wide open. How could someone who looked so different from the others be so confident Even the popular kids were sitting there in shock.
1. 续写词数应为120左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
At lunchtime, Emma sat at her usual table when Kit walked over to her.
On Friday, Emma’s feared PE class came.
At lunchtime, Emma sat at her usual table when Kit walked over to her. “Mind if I join ” Kit asked politely, her bright smile lighting up the room. Emma was surprised, hardly believing such a confident girl would sit with her. As their conversation progressed, Emma was starting to share what was bothering her — her struggles with her lack of self-confidence. Kit listened attentively, saying words of encouragement now and then. Kit brought sunshine into her life.
On Friday, Emma’s feared PE class came. But this time, Kit was jogging with her. Emma wasn’t surprised to see the popular kids laughing at her as usual. “Take it easy. Just be yourself.” Kit said. Again, a wave of warmth washed over Emma. Relaxed and comfortable, she jogged together with Kit. This time Emma looked big not only on the outside, but also on the inside.
【详解】1. 续写线索:
2. 段落续写:Kit主动坐到Emma身边——Emma分享自己的苦恼——Kit认真聆听并鼓励Emma——体育课上Kit和Emma一起慢跑——在Kit的鼓励下Emma增加了自信
3. 词汇激活:
③嘲笑:laugh at/mock at/make fun of
【点睛】【高分句型1】Emma was surprised, hardly believing such a confident girl would sit with her. (使用了现在分词作状语、省略that的宾语从句)
【高分句型2】As their conversation progressed, Emma was starting to share what was bothering her — her struggles with her lack of self-confidence. (使用了As引导时间状语从句、what引导宾语从句)
听力答案:1—5BABCA 6—10 BACAA 11—15 CBCCA 16—20 BBCCB参照秘密级管理★启用前
1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的条形码粘贴在答题卡相应的位置。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
3. 考试结束后,将答题卡交回。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What will the woman do next
A. Find a new cat owner. B. Visit the baby cats. C. Meet her mother.
2. What does the man say about his new house
A. It is number 4. B. It is on Maple Street. C. It is next to a supermarket.
3. How long has the man had the mark on his arm
A. Since yesterday. B. Since his birth. C. Since last month.
4. What does the woman like best about her watch
A. It reminds her to get more exercise.
B. It helps attract new customers.
C. It acts as a world time watch.
5. Where are the speakers probably
A. At a campsite. B. In a kitchen. C. At a fire station.
听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. What is the weather like now
A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Snowy.
7. How does the woman feel about skating on the lake
A. Worried. B. Excited. C. Bored.
8. What does Claire plan to do during the holiday
A. Take an ocean trip. B. Do research on rocks. C. Go hiking through the Wave.
9. What is special about visiting the Wave
A. The daily number of tourists is limited.
B. Taking pictures is not permitted.
C. Visitors can’t touch the rock.
10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Co-workers. B. Brother and sister. C. Guide and tourist.
11. How will the man probably get some money for his trip
A By working as a tour guide. B. By working as a driver. C. By working as a waiter.
12. What will the man do in America
A. Go to different shops. B. Go on a road trip. C. Go skiing.
13. In which country will the man spend most of his time
A. France. B. China. C. Australia.
14. How does the man know about the Belt and Road Initiative
A. By doing business with related countries.
B. By attending cultural exchange programs.
C. By writing a school paper on it.
15. What are the speakers mainly discussing about the Belt and Road Initiative
A. Its effects. B. Its future. C. Its history.
16. What is the woman’s concern about the Belt and Road Initiative
A. The transportation problems. B. The environmental issues. C. The building projects.
17. How old is the main hall
A. 100 years old. B. 200 years old. C. 300 years old.
18. What is the main hall used for today
A. Having dinners. B. Holding parties. C. Keeping paintings.
19. Where will the speaker go at last
A. The wooded area. B. The playground. C. The restaurant.
20. What can the listeners do upstairs
A. Learn the history of farming. B. See some old items. C. Try to make bread.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Sarah Lawrence College Writers Week
Sarah Lawrence College (SLC) Writers Week is a week-long workshop for high school students to improve their skills in writing. The workshop offers online and in-person programs, so that they can be more inclusive to people who do not have access to travel. The workshop also offers a theater element, so if a student is interested in both writing and theater (or writing for theater), this would be a great opportunity.
In these programs, participants are guided by writers, poets, and performance artists to give a unique perspective (视角). Other instructors include the Sarah Lawrence staff, as well as some of their graduate students.
●Qualification: Students entering 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade (must be over the age of 14)
●Cost: On-campus session: $1, 550, includes lunch (limited scholarships are available to Yonkers Public School students)
●Virtual: $1, 025
●Application deadline: Applications will open in early June of 2024 for the July and August sessions.
●Camp dates:
July Session (Virtual): July 15-July 19, 2024
August Session (On Campus): August 5-August 9, 2024
Location: Bronxville, New York or virtual
1 What do we know about the workshop
A. It provides flexible choices. B. It makes travel more convenient.
C. It offers low-income students scholarships. D. It focuses on improving teaching methods.
2. Who is unfit to instruct students in the workshop
A. A writer. B. A poet.
C. An SLC teacher. D. An SLC undergraduate.
3. When can you apply for the workshop in 2024
A June 7. B. June 25. C. July 15. D. August 9.
When I was young, my mother was very much concerned for my happiness and was always there to support me. We had healthy boundaries (界限). When my own turn came for being a mother, I was determined to do so.
But as my daughter and I sat down to choose courses for the seventh grade, I felt the boundaries begin to fall. Students were allowed three electives (选修课) each term. Several of these were year-long courses—band, orchestra, yearbook and Spanish, and the rest were random (随机的)—technology education, drama, leadership and PE. I hated PE in my own school days.
We read the elective options carefully and sweet relief flooded through me. “You can sign up for band, yearbook and Spanish, and you won’t have to take PE ever,” I told her. I settled back into my chair, a weight taken off my chest. My daughter, however, frowned. “But I’m not sure I want to take Spanish. And I want to do the leadership class... and try drama!”
I broke in on her words with more practical wisdom. “You can’t pick the electives you want, though. They’re organized randomly. So you might get drama and leadership..., or you might get gym class or technology education. You might get the classes you want, and you might not. Is it worth risking having to take PE ” Finally, she chose to take the chance and signed up for band, yearbook and one period of the unknown elective. I reminded myself she was not me.
Watching your child walk into the trap of middle school is worse than experiencing it yourself. Motherhood, after all, is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. I am not going into the seventh grade again. It is my daughter’s turn. She is her own person, and while she is delicate and easily hurt, she is also stronger and more confident than I was.
4. What is the function of paragraph 1
A. To present a fact. B. To provide an example.
C To introduce the topic. D. To make a comparison.
5. Why did the author feel relaxed after reading the elective options
A. Drama was her daughter’s favorite. B. Her daughter followed her advice.
C. There were many year-long courses. D. PE was optional for her daughter.
6. What did the author think of her daughter’s option
A. It seemed organized. B. It was uncertain.
C. It was made at random. D. It sounded reasonable.
7. What does the author want to say in the last paragraph
A. Motherhood is rewarding. B. Mothers should learn to let go.
C. Children should ask for help if necessary. D. Children are too young to make a decision.
As the greenery returns, West Lake Longjing tea enters its harvesting period. And in one Hangzhou tea garden, huge mechanical arms have taken over the picking of tea leaf buds (芽). The arms belong to a smart tea-picking robot developed by Zhejiang Sci-Tech University. After five years of research and development, it has made its first appearance this year. The robot’s creation was driven by a labor shortage, with Zhejiang province facing a shortage of about 400,000 pickers.
“The robot contains an intelligent recognition model that was developed through learning from a large database of tea bud images,” said Professor Chen Jianneng. This allows the robot to automatically recognize tea buds with a success rate of more than 90 percent.
With a pull and a suck (吸), the robotic arm separates the buds from the branches and then puts them into a temporary storage box. Once all the buds in the target area have been collected, the picked buds will be passed from the temporary storage box to the machine’s final collection box.
Although it sounds easy, the harvesting process still faces limitations. According to Chen, factors such as a variety of production areas and weather conditions can affect the machine’s recognition abilities. Wet on tea leaves can cause the buds to stick to the walls of the tube when being sucked into the temporary storage box, leading to blockages. Additionally, the robot is currently limited to working on flat ground and slopes (斜坡) under 15 degrees, but many tea plants are grown on high mountains. These are problems that future models of tea-picking robots will have to overcome.
“We believe that harvesting robots will be a major future trend,” said Wu Chuanyu, leader of the research team. He added that in an optimistic scenario, about five years from now, machines will be available on the market to replace manual (人工) labor in the harvesting of West Lake Longjing tea in flat areas.
8. Why is the tea-picking robot developed
A. To address the labor shortage. B. To improve the quality of tea.
C. To reduce the cost of making tea. D. To speed up the growth of tea buds.
9. What is the tea-picking robot able to do
A Predict weather conditions. B. Process the tea buds fast.
C. Sort out the tea buds by size. D. Identify the tea buds quite exactly.
10. What is paragraph 4 mainly about
A. Benefits brought by the robot. B. Dangers caused by slopes.
C. Problems with tea picking industry. D. Challenges faced by the robot.
11. What is Wu Chuanyu’s attitude towards the future of the robots
A. Doubtful. B. Confident. C. Objective. D. Unclear.
When we talk about protecting the environment and sustainability, we focus on factories and industries that produce cars, household objects, and materials used in production. However, the carbon footprint of the fast fashion industry is sizeable and should not be overlooked.
Fast fashion has seen quite the rise recently, with stores spreading far and wide all over the world. They mass-produce one collection after the other, always on trend, and always encouraging consumers to follow the said trend. However, what about the impact this kind of business model has on the environment
The clothing industry is the second-highest polluter of water. Factories of fast fashion poured poisonous chemicals into clean water supplies because clothing production is a land-and water-intensive industry, responsible for 10% of all carbon release globally. Even after the clothes are produced in factories, they can still affect the environment. For example, polyester (涤纶) can release plastic microfibres into the water system, which contributes to the already existing plastic problem.
The fashion industry is indeed causing great harm to the environment; moreover, the clothes being made are not meant to last. In most cases, the quality is not there, and the clothes are only used a few times before being discarded. Before the rise of fast fashion, clothes were made to last and were not meant to have the high turnover that clothes have.
There are many designers who are committed to mass-producing their clothes in sustainable ways. Some big brands are also trying to make improvements in the materials they use and the mass-producing process, but big efforts are needed if we are going to see a change. What we as consumers can do is shop consciously and consider how the clothes have been made and whether we truly need that piece or not.
12. What can be inferred about fast fashion from the first two paragraphs
A. It stresses offline sales. B. It affects the environment seriously.
C. It is a sustainable industry worldwide. D. It is popular among young consumers.
13. What is the impact of polyester mentioned in paragraph 3
A. It makes clothing last long. B. It reduces carbon footprint.
C. It results in water pollution. D. It lowers the production cost.
14. What does the underlined word “discarded” in paragraph 4 probably mean
A. Thrown away. B. Picked up. C. Passed down. D. Turned in.
15. What should consumers do to protect the environment according to the text
A. Support big fashion brands. B. Stop buying long-lasting clothes.
C. Think twice before shopping for clothes. D. Change dressing styles frequently.
For most of us, a large part of our work requires us to look at the screen for a long time. ____16____ Sadly, too much screen time can cause eye damage and affect our mood. While it is impossible to escape the screen completely, there are ways to reduce the time you place your eyes and brain under the screen strain.
____17____ But constant chatting means our eyes are down on our phones and other devices for long. If possible, try and schedule phone calls with distant loved ones and make face-to-face catch-up with closer relatives. “In-person meetings provide a sense of connection and empathy that is difficult to replace via video,” Paul Axtell, corporate trainer and author of the book Meetings Matter, told The Washington Post.
Keeping up to date on your social media channels is fun and socially very important for many users. But these channels can also be a big time waster for many people. ____18____ The next step is to gradually reduce this, particularly on days when screen usage is high for other reasons.
If you live with someone else, you can try to take on your screen time together. Establish certain areas in your home, or time periods in the day, where you both agree to stay off of your phone. ____19____ Consider doing some hobbies together, like cooking dinner or playing a board game.
One of the biggest tech no-no’s that people commonly commit is bringing phones, computers, and more into bed with them. Don’t charge your phone next to your bed, as it will cause you to check for messages or even the time if you wake up during the night. ____20____
A. One of the useful strategies is setting clear boundaries.
B. Try to limit how much time per day you will spend on social media.
C. You need regain control over the time spent on these digital devices.
D. Many of our online time-killing activities also add to the screen time.
E. Looking at the phone’s screen just before bed can affect your sleep too.
F. During that time, you can enjoy some face-to-face communication instead.
G. The Internet gives us various ways to stay in touch with friends and family.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Skateboarder Robert Glover’s skills are seriously impressive, but his style isn’t what you’d expect. Born with sacral agenesis (骶骨发育不全), ____21____ the growth of his legs, Mr. Glover uses his upper body strength to operate his skateboard. Instead of ____22____ legs, as most skateboarders do, he uses his arms and chest to ____23____ the board.
The Namibian-born skateboarder, sailor and boxer speaks ____24____ about the power of not viewing obstacles (障碍) as limits and is ____25____ about sharing this message far and wide via social media.
“I don’t think obstacles are here to ____26____ us,” Mr. Glover said. “In my opinion, obstacles have been some of the biggest growing ____27____ both mentally and physically in my life.”
“Since I was young, I’ve ____28____ the idea of being in a wheelchair. Someone gave me their board and I just used it as ____29____. One day someone was like, ‘Hey, let’s check out the skate park’.
I saw the _____30_____. I just fell in love with it. Adaptive skating is for disabled skaters who use any way, shape or form to _____31_____ on a board.”
He added, “I’m disabled. It’s an unpleasant feeling and hard to _____32_____ it. Skating is and always will be a source of _____33_____. And the feeling of _____34_____ something is just so good. Life is full of _____35_____. Just go out there and try things your way.”
21. A. monitoring B. promoting C. maintaining D. limiting
22. A. depending on B. rolling over C. lifting up D. spreading out
23. A. touch B. control C. reset D. measure
24. A. regularly B. secretly C. rudely D. softly
25. A. curious B. concerned C. enthusiastic D. hesitant
26. A. urge B. block C. remind D. pity
27. A. goals B. intentions C. opportunities D. expects
28. A. hated B. expressed C. developed D. considered
29. A. comfort B. transport C. pleasure D. guidance
30. A. sites B. targets C. arrangements D. facilities
31. A. dance B. row C. ride D. slide
32. A. trust B. avoid C. experience D. explain
33. A. relief B. pressure C. wisdom D. risk
34. A. flying B. dreaming C. exercising D. landing
35. A. competitions B. lessons C. possibilities D. regrets
36. The movie explores the theme of ______ (responsible) in an intelligent and humorous way. (所给词的适当形式填空)
37. ______ (fortunate), not everyone who watched the film Jaws became afraid of sharks. (所给词的适当形式填空)
38. Hannah is a model and performance artist____________ (devote) to ocean conservation. (所给词的适当形式填空)
39. When Riley moved to a new city, she had a hard time ______ (adjust) to her new surroundings. (所给词的适当形式填空)
40. ______ hesitation, the soldier dived into the river to save the drowning girl. (用适当的词填空)
41. There is still some doubt ______ the spring sports meeting will be held in our school. (用适当的词填空)
42. ______ (see) quite a few productions of Hamlet, I was full of confidence—until the Peking Opera came to town. (所给词的适当形式填空)
43. The work of the charity ______ (fund) by voluntary donations. (所给词的适当形式填空)
44. And now we find ______ (we) in the great new age of technology. (所给词的适当形式填空)
45. Pages should not be copied without the ______ (permit) of the publisher. (所给词的适当形式填空)
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,校学生会将组织一次爱心捐赠活动(a charity donation activity)。请你用英语为本次活动写一则书面通知。内容包括:
1. 活动时间和地点;
2. 活动内容;
3. 号召参加。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
The real pain for Emma always started when all the students were gathered on the track, ready to run. It wasn’t the fatigue (疲惫) that she minded but the looks others gave her. Emma was bigger for her age. On the outside, she looked big, but on the inside, she felt as small as a pea. And PE class was when she felt at her smallest.
Not all her classmates made her feel uncomfortable, though. It was mainly a group of girls and boys, bursting out in laughter every now and then, commenting on how Emma jogged.
Just one more year, Emma kept telling herself, “One more year and I’ll have graduated and won’t have to take this stupid PE class anymore.” She just wanted to survive it.
But everything changed when a new girl called Kit joined the class. You couldn’t mistake Kit. She had short, jet-black hair, bright eyes, and a long scar (伤疤) across the left side of her face. Her entrance into the classroom that day was met by dozens of curious eyes.
Although their teacher, Ms. Hardy, didn’t ask Kit for a personal introduction, upon putting her bag down on her desk, Kit rose, saying, “Hi, everyone, nice to meet you, I’m Kit. I love boxing, cartooning and fashion. You might be wondering about the scar on my face. I got it when I was young when I fell off my bike. Luckily, I didn’t get hurt more seriously. It’s now like a cool trademark of all the adventures I had as a kid.”
After Kit’s introduction, Emma simply sat there, her heart pounding and mouth wide open. How could someone who looked so different from the others be so confident Even the popular kids were sitting there in shock.
1. 续写词数应为120左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
At lunchtime, Emma sat at her usual table when Kit walked over to her.
On Friday, Emma’s feared PE class came.
听力答案:1—5BABCA 6—10 BACAA 11—15 CBCCA 16—20 BBCCB


