
  1. 二一教育资源



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. Where are the speakers
A In a library. B. In a computer lab. C. In an office.
2. Why will the woman go to Edinburgh next week
A. To go on a trip. B. To travel on business. C. To go for an interview.
3. How much will the man pay
A. $5. B. $9. C. $10.
4. What does the woman want to do
A. Take a good rest. B. Go to the cinema. C. Buy a new sofa.
5. What did the woman lose
A. Her notebook. B. Her bag. C. Her pen.
6. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. How to stop eating sweets. B. How to brush teeth. C. How to lose weight.
7. What does the woman highly recommend
A. Keeping a diary. B. Doing exercise. C. Reading books.
8. What is the aim of the magazine according to the woman
A. To help with children’s school careers.
B. To encourage people to save animals.
C. To broaden children’s scientific and natural knowledge.
9. What does the woman say about blue whales
A They’re color-blind.
B. They have a longer history than dinosaurs.
C. They can live for up to 90 years.
10. How does the man sound at the end of the conversation
A. Annoyed. B. Surprised. C. Uninterested.
11. Where does the woman suggest going
A. America. B. Spain. C. Britain.
12. What is the man’s attitude towards the woman’s advice
A. Supportive. B. Unclear. C. Unfavorable.
13. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Colleagues. B. Friends. C. Travel agent and customer.
14. Why does Nancy make the phone call
A. To ask for help.
B. To make an appointment.
C. To get some information.
15. What is the main purpose of the event
A. To improve runners’ health.
B. To collect money for charity.
C. To select out professional athletes.
16. Who will pick up Nancy
A. Adam. B. Randall. C. Joe.
17. When will Nancy set out
A. At 5:00 a. m. B. At 6 :00 a. m. C. At 6:45a. m.
18. When did people first celebrate books
A. In 1922. B. In 1926. C. In 1930.
19. How often is the UNESCO World Book Capital selected
A. Once a month. B. Once a year. C. Once every two years.
20. Which city was chosen to be the second UNESCO World Book Capital
A. Alexandria. B. New Delhi. C. Madrid.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)
Why volunteer with STA Travel
It’s a sad truth that many well-intentioned volunteer projects can be mismanaged for profit rather than helping. We will only work with projects that have a positive impact, satisfying the needs of the host communities while also meeting the desires of travellers to make real contributions, train their mind to think creatively, and gain skills for future study and work.
We support projects in more than 30 countries. Whether you’re looking to teach English, work with communities, animals or clean up our planet, there’s something for everyone.
Our featured voluntourism projects
Teach Children in Nepal
Join the project lasting over three weeks to assist with English lessons and homework and choose to stay at a shared volunteer house. Optional activities include a trip to Pokhara, the second largest city in the country and cooking demonstrations.
Thai Elephant Conservation
Experience one of our best-selling volunteer projects which offer a peaceful home to more than 30 neglected and previously abused elephants — with options ranging from seven days to four weeks. Play an important role by preparing food, feeding them and assisting in maintenance of the park.
Make a Difference in Indonesia
Work alongside local communities to arrange beach clean-ups and monitor and nurse newborn animals in their living areas for four weeks. There are also two-month options including teaching in local schools and community visit opportunities.
Experience Borne o & Conserve Orang-utans
This one-month project is designed for volunteers to experience and help with rehabilitation (复兴) of orang-utans in Sarawak, which are large arboreal animals and the only great apes in Asia. What’s more, take part in a long adventurous walk into the rainforest to meet the Iban and experience a unique stay in traditional longhouses.
1. What is the feature of STA Travel
A. Its services are all over the world. B. It provides free training for volunteers.
C. It focuses on domestic communities. D. Its projects leave a far-reaching influence.
2. Which project is suitable for those who want a short-term trip
A. Teach Children in Nepal. B. Make a Difference in Indonesia.
C. Thai Elephant Conservation. D. Experience Borne o &Conserve Orang-utans.
3. What is a common aim of the projects in Indonesia and Sarawak
A. Taking part in adventurous walks.
B. Bringing harmony between man and nature.
C. Tracking wild animals in their living places.
D. Arranging clean-ups in traditional longhouses.
Working in undergraduate admissions at Dartmouth College has introduced me to many talented young people through their college applications. The problem is that many remarkable students become indistinguishable from one another, at least on paper. It is incredibly difficult to choose whom to admit.
The greatest surprise I’ve ever come across in my admissions career came from a student who went to a large public school in New England. He was clearly bright, as evidenced by his class rank and teachers’ praise. He had a supportive recommendation from his college headmaster and an impressive list of extracurriculars. Even with these qualifications, he might not have stood out. But one letter of recommendation caught my eye. It was from a school doorkeeper.
This letter was different. The doorkeeper wrote that he felt it necessary to support this student because of his thoughtfulness. This young man was the only person in the school who knew the names of every member of the cleaning staff. He turned off lights in empty rooms, consistently thanked the hallway monitor each morning and tidied up after his peers even if nobody was watching. This student, the doorkeeper wrote, had a refreshing respect for every person at the school, regardless of position, popularity or influence.
Over 15 years and 30,000 applications in my admissions career, I had never seen a recommendation from a school doorkeeper. It gave us a new lens into a student’s life in the moments when nothing “counted.” That student was admitted by a shared vote of the admissions committee.
Next year there might be a flood of doorkeeper recommendations thanks to this essay. But if it means students will start paying as much attention to the people who clean their classrooms as they do to their principals and teachers, I’m happy to help start that trend. But the story shouldn’t stop there.
4. What mainly leads to the author’s difficulty in choosing whom to admit
A. The growing number of applicants. B. The limited recruiting guidance.
C. The varied versions of applications. D. The overall excellence of applicants.
5. Why did the recommendation letter stand out
A. It provided a new angle into the candidate’s qualities.
B. It spared the routine elements and worked wonders.
C. It was written by a doorkeeper without telling the student.
D. It catered to the author’s inner criteria for college applicants.
6. Which of the following best describes the student supported by the doorkeeper
A. Modest and admirable. B. Intelligent and adventurous.
C. Kind and thoughtful. D. Open-minded and outgoing.
7. What does the author suggest undergraduates do with the case mentioned in Paragraph 3
A. Recommend it to friends. B. Explore further behind it.
C. Use it as needed. D. Evaluate its effects.
“For thousands of years, humans have raced to be the first to climb a peak, cross a frontier, or document a new species or landscape. Now in some cases, we’re racing to be the last,” said New York Times’ Paige McClanahan.
In recent years, a growing industry has been stimulated by climate change — last-chance tourism. According to Eco Sustainable Solutions, a UK-based organic recycling and waste processing company last-chance tourism is a kind of tourism geared toward seeing the last of something due to climate change. As temperatures and water levels rise, this could mean seizing the last chance to see the Great Barrier Reef, an Arctic glacier and a remote island that is sinking.
As millions of tourists rush to imperiled destinations, some are taking advantage of the increasing demand to spread environmental awareness. One tourist spot, the Sea of Ice in France, opened an exhibit in 2021 to educate visitors on glaciers and climate change. This educational push seems to be having an impact, as a 2023 survey showed that 80% of the visitors would try to learn more about the environment and how to protect it while 77% said that they would reduce their water and energy use.
However, the last-chance tourism industry may become kind of our concern. As more and more people flood into these areas in a panic to see them before they are gone, they in fact contribute to the increased greenhouse gas emissions and over tourism, leading to their destruction. Just as many scholars put it, last-chance tourism is a paradox (悖论).
Although tourists may acknowledge the broader risks and importance of climate change, it’s even more important to connect the responsibility of the individual tourism to the future of our planet. It’s not just about understanding the need to stop climate change; it’s even more important to avoid making it worse.
8. What does the author intend to do by quoting Paige McClanahan’s words
A. To highlight the value of New York Times.
B. To recall and memorize the good old days.
C. To channel readers’ awareness to climate change.
D. To introduce the subject of last-chance tourism.
9. What may be considered as last-chance tourism
A. Visiting the Confucius Temple in China.
B. Taking an adventurous trip to the depths of the ocean.
C. Climbing the snow-covered mountain of Kilimanjaro.
D. Admiring the unique Spanish architecture at Cusco, Peru.
10. What does the underlined word “imperiled” in Paragraph 3 most likely mean
A. Popular. B. Remote. C. Endangered. D. Preserved.
11. Which of the following statements best describes last-chance tourism
A. It’s a double-edged sword. B. It’s a stone to kill two birds.
C. It’s a life jacket in the stormy sea. D. It’s a dream that will never come true.
The high intelligence levels of orangutans (红毛猩猩) have long been recognised, partly due to their practical skills such as using tools to crack nuts and search for insects. But new research suggests the primate (灵长动物) has another handy skill: applying medicinal herbs intentionally to an open wound.
A male Sumatran orangutan known as Rakus was observed by the research team with a fresh facial wound in June 2022. Three days later, Rakus was witnessed feeding on the stem and leaves of a plant. Thirteen minutes after Rakus had started feeding on it, he began chewing the leaves without swallowing them, then used his fingers to apply the resulting juice directly on to his facial wound. He repeated this behavior for seven minutes and at last fully covered the wound with the chewed leaves. He then continued feeding on the plant for 30 minutes. Over the following days, there were no signs of infection. The wound closed within five days and was healed, with only a faint scar remaining after one month.
It is not the first time wild primate species have been spotted self-medicating: among other examples, Bornean orangutans have been seen rubbing their arms and legs with chewed leaves from a plant used by humans to treat sore muscles, while chimpanzees have been recorded chewing plants known to treat worm infections and applying insects to wounds. However, the new discovery is the first time a wild animal has been observed treating open wounds with a substance known to have medicinal properties. “In the chimpanzee case they used insects and unfortunately it was never found out whether these insects really promote wound healing. Whereas in our case, the orangutan used the plant, and this plant has known medical properties,” said Dr Caroline Schuppli, senior author of the research.
Rakus’s goal-oriented behavior and the medicinal properties of his chosen treatment offer insight into the origins of human wound care-the treatment of which was first mentioned in a medical manuscript dating to 2200BC. “It definitely shows that these basic cognitive capacities that you need to come up with a behaviour like this were present at the time of our last common ancestor most likely,” said Schuppli.
It remains unclear whether Rakus figured the process out for himself or learned it from another orangutan, although it has not been seen in any other individual.
12. How did the team conduct their research
A. By analyzing previous records. B. By tracking the research object.
C. By quoting others’ findings. D. By categorizing qualities of primates.
13. What sets this new case apart from the previous ones
A. The primate’s awareness of herb selection. B. The locations of the wild primates.
C. The sizes of the application range. D. The outcome of the treatment.
14. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about
A. Supporting evidence for the research results.
B. Potential significance of the research findings.
C. A further explanation of the research summary.
D. A reasonable doubt about the research process.
15. What will the follow-up study focus on
A. The origin of Rakus’ intentional self-medication.
B. Different medicinal plants used by wild primates.
C. Active wound treatment s shared by humans and primates
D. The possible influence from Rakus’ family.
第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal of the Day
Breakfast has been made out to be one of the most important meals of the day. It’s considered a serious mistake to skip it. And we’ll even go so far as to shame people for doing so.____16____
There’s news about how breakfast is vital for our health and other news about how it’s not ____17____. What should we do with all this back-and-forth science Knowing about the following tricky science of breakfast will help us see better.
One study group looked at the common claim that skipping breakfast causes weight gain. Their 2013 analysis found past studies used improper language which suggested a causal relationship between skipping breakfast and obesity. The relationship in some cases indeed may be more correlative (相互关联) than cause-and-effect.
Unscientific methods
There’s a whole body of research that connects breakfast with weight loss. But the methods behind a lot of those studies don’t always hold up. ____19____. Moreover, they ignore a major factor: what we eat for breakfast.
Profit-seeking funders
The often quoted reports about the benefits of breakfast are mainly funded by breakfast cereal (早餐麦片) companies, such as Kelloggs or Quaker Oats. For them, it is a marketing strategy.____20____.
It’s hard to say whether or not breakfast has any amazing health benefits. What we do know is that breakfast’s greatest importance is undeserved, given the current scientific literature available. In this case, the simplest advice might be the best. Just listen to your own body and do whatever works best for you.
A. Flooding studies
B. Misleading language
C. But what really happens when we don’t eat breakfast
D. But is breakfast’s top spot among three meals deserved
E. Most of the headlines claim to be based on the results on scientific studies
F. Their businesses depend on people’s believing that breakfast means ready-to-eat cereal
G. They aren’t actually testing what would happen if we were to change our breakfast behavior
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Like many lovers of books, Mary and her husband, Richard Goldman, ____21____ walked past a bookstore without stopping to look inside. They often talked of opening their own store one day.
When Mary was ____22____ with heart trouble in 2009, they decided it was time to get ____23____. Mary needed to ____24____ from her demanding job.
They started by talking to bookstore owners and ____25____ the industry. “We knew it had to be a specialty store because we couldn’t match the big chains ____26____,” says Mary. One ____27____ caught her attention: about 20 percent of books ____28____ were mysteries, and many buyers spent more than $300 a year on books. She and Richard were themselves mystery readers.
On Halloween 2012, they opened the Mystery Lovers Bookshop and Café near their home. With three children ____29____, the couple could not spend all the money to start a shop. To cover the $100,000 cost, they ____30____ some of their savings and borrowed from relatives and a bank.
The store merely ____31____ in its first year, with only $120,000 in sales. But Mary was always ____32____ new ways to attract customers. The shop had a coffee bar and it offered gifts to mystery lovers and served dinners for book clubs that ____33____ in the store. She also invited dozens of writers to discuss their stories.
Today Mystery Lovers makes sales of about $420,000 a year. After paying taxes, business costs and part-time sales ____34____, Richard and Mary earn about $34,000, “The job you love may not go hand in hand with a million-dollar income,” says Richard. “This has always been about a/an ____35____ life for ourselves, not about making a lot of money.”
21. A. almost B. seldom C. simply D. usually
22. A. covered B. filled C. hospitalized D. burdened
23. A. upset B. anxious C. hopeful D. serious
24. A. turn up B. set off C. slow down D. work out
25. A. researching B. assisting C. comparing D. extending
26 A. face to face B. dollar for dollar C. step by step D. door to door
27. A. figure B. event C. occasion D. problem
28. A. checked B. prepared C. sold D. left
29. A. on duty B. in college C. at church D. after school
30. A. drew B. turned C. made D. held
31. A. broke even B. stood still C. lay flat D. went viral
32. A. getting along with B. teaming up with C. going ahead with D. coming up with
33. A. grew B. met C. stuck D. declined
34. A. trainers B. partners C. clerks D. reporters
35. A. thrilling B. challenging C. reliable D. enjoyable
As a world-renowned festival, Luoyang Peony Culture Festival has been held for 41 sessions ____36____ 1983. Through the combination of horticulture and science, the flowering time of each peony variety is ____37____(precise)controlled, so that the general public can enjoy more blooming peony flowers at the same time.
Peony, ____38____(feature)bright colours and graceful shapes, symbolizes peace and prosperity and thus has gained wide ____39____(recognize)as “kings of flowers”. For thousands of years, ____40____ huge mass of poems and paintings have been produced to praise the flower. In the Tang Dynasty, peonies were planted so widely in the royal gardens as “the national flower” ____41____ they enjoyed great popularity across the country. In the 10th century, the ancient city of Luoyang became a centre of peony planting ____42____ has remained as such since then. Nowadays, hundreds of thousands of domestic tourists pour in Luoyang for the annual peony festival, ___43___ they can both appreciate the unique beauty of the flowers and explore the history of the city which is known as the capital of six dynasties.
This year’s opening ceremony with the theme of “A Journey of Peony Petals” fell on April 1 and the festival lasted until May 5. Various performances ____44____(stage), including songs and dances, acrobatic shows, and traditional Chinese music performances, among others, empowered by special effects production, _____45_____(present)an audiovisual feast with distinctive Chinese cultural characteristics.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 今年是光明中学(Guangming High School)建校100周年。值此校庆之际,作为一名即将毕业的学生,请你给学校英语报投稿,内容包括:
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Math had never been something I was good at since middle school. Classes became harder in high school, and I was even further from a math teacher’s dream student. So at the start of my freshman year, I had a dislike to math. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to do well, but simply that I didn’t think I was able to do well. “I can’t” became my state of mind in all things related to math.
However, I was soon to learn that “I can’t” was not a choice in Mr. A’s class.
Mr. A always greeted us with open arms as he said, “Welcome! Smile! It’s a great day to be alive!” It was clear that Mr. A had a true passion not only for math but for teaching. If Mr. A ever experienced bad days in life, he never showed it. Mr. A greeted us with that same smile every day. He encouraged each student, from the top achiever to the “I can’t” student.
I found myself looking forward to math class. Being in Mr. A’s presence made me feel good, as if I had the chance to succeed, although I still hated the subject itself. From then on, I had spent countless hours studying, but with so many difficulties to cover, I was overwhelmed. The pressure of the subject was weighing heavily on my shoulders. I had always been a hardworking and dedicated student, but the stress seemed unbearable. No matter how much effort I put into math, I couldn’t seem to keep up. As the mid-term exams approached, I felt a sense of dread. The fear of failure consumed me, and I began to doubt myself again.
One day after school, I found myself walking alongside Mr. A on the empty playground. He could tell that something was bothering me, and he asked if everything was alright. I hesitated for a moment, unsure of whether to share my struggles.
Paragraph 1: But there was something in his kind eyes that made me open up.
Paragraph 2: Something different seemed to have shifted in my study and life.
1-5ACBAC 6-10ABCCB 11-15ACBAB 16-20CABBA湖北省黄冈中学5月第二次模拟考试
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. Where are the speakers
A. In a library. B. In a computer lab. C. In an office.
2. Why will the woman go to Edinburgh next week
A. To go on a trip. B. To travel on business. C. To go for an interview.
3. How much will the man pay
A. $5. B. $9. C. $10.
4. What does the woman want to do
A. Take a good rest. B. Go to the cinema. C. Buy a new sofa.
5. What did the woman lose
A. Her notebook. B. Her bag. C. Her pen.
6. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. How to stop eating sweets. B. How to brush teeth. C. How to lose weight.
7. What does the woman highly recommend
A. Keeping a diary. B. Doing exercise. C. Reading books.
8. What is the aim of the magazine according to the woman
A. To help with children’s school careers.
B. To encourage people to save animals.
C. To broaden children’s scientific and natural knowledge.
9. What does the woman say about blue whales
A. They’re color-blind.
B. They have a longer history than dinosaurs.
C. They can live for up to 90 years.
10. How does the man sound at the end of the conversation
A. Annoyed. B. Surprised. C. Uninterested.
11. Where does the woman suggest going
A. America. B. Spain. C. Britain.
12. What is the man’s attitude towards the woman’s advice
A. Supportive. B. Unclear. C. Unfavorable.
13. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Colleagues. B. Friends. C. Travel agent and customer.
14 Why does Nancy make the phone call
A. To ask for help.
B. To make an appointment.
C. To get some information.
15. What is the main purpose of the event
A. To improve runners’ health.
B. To collect money for charity.
C. To select out professional athletes.
16. Who will pick up Nancy
A. Adam. B. Randall. C. Joe.
17. When will Nancy set out
A. At 5:00 a. m. B. At 6 :00 a. m. C. At 6:45a. m.
18. When did people first celebrate books
A. In 1922. B. In 1926. C. In 1930.
19. How often is the UNESCO World Book Capital selected
A. Once a month. B. Once a year. C. Once every two years.
20. Which city was chosen to be the second UNESCO World Book Capital
A. Alexandria. B. New Delhi. C. Madrid.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)
Why volunteer with STA Travel
It’s a sad truth that many well-intentioned volunteer projects can be mismanaged for profit rather than helping. We will only work with projects that have a positive impact, satisfying the needs of the host communities while also meeting the desires of travellers to make real contributions, train their mind to think creatively, and gain skills for future study and work.
We support projects in more than 30 countries. Whether you’re looking to teach English, work with communities, animals or clean up our planet, there’s something for everyone.
Our featured voluntourism projects
Teach Children in Nepal
Join the project lasting over three weeks to assist with English lessons and homework and choose to stay at a shared volunteer house. Optional activities include a trip to Pokhara, the second largest city in the country and cooking demonstrations.
Thai Elephant Conservation
Experience one of our best-selling volunteer projects which offer a peaceful home to more than 30 neglected and previously abused elephants — with options ranging from seven days to four weeks. Play an important role by preparing food, feeding them and assisting in maintenance of the park.
Make a Difference in Indonesia
Work alongside local communities to arrange beach clean-ups and monitor and nurse newborn animals in their living areas for four weeks. There are also two-month options including teaching in local schools and community visit opportunities.
Experience Borne o & Conserve Orang-utans
This one-month project is designed for volunteers to experience and help with rehabilitation (复兴) of orang-utans in Sarawak, which are large arboreal animals and the only great apes in Asia. What’s more, take part in a long adventurous walk into the rainforest to meet the Iban and experience a unique stay in traditional longhouses.
1. What is the feature of STA Travel
A. Its services are all over the world. B. It provides free training for volunteers.
C. It focuses on domestic communities. D. Its projects leave a far-reaching influence.
2. Which project is suitable for those who want a short-term trip
A. Teach Children in Nepal. B. Make a Difference in Indonesia.
C. Thai Elephant Conservation. D. Experience Borne o &Conserve Orang-utans.
3. What is a common aim of the projects in Indonesia and Sarawak
A. Taking part in adventurous walks.
B. Bringing harmony between man and nature.
C. Tracking wild animals in their living places.
D. Arranging clean-ups in traditional longhouses.
【答案】1. D 2. C 3. B
【导语】本文是一篇应用文。主要介绍了STA Travel的四个国际公益旅行项目。
细节理解题。根据Why volunteer with STA Travel 部分的“We will only work with projects that have a positive impact, satisfying the needs of the host communities while also meeting the desires of travellers to make real contributions, train their mind to think creatively, and gain skills for future study and work. (我们只会与具有积极影响的项目合作,满足东道主社区的需求,同时满足旅行者做出真正贡献的愿望,训练他们的思维进行创造性思考,并获得未来学习和工作的技能。)”可知,STA Travel会给志愿者带来长久的影响。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据Teach Children in Nepal部分的“Join the project lasting over three weeks to assist with English lessons and homework and choose to stay at a shared volunteer house. (加入为期三周以上的项目,协助英语课程和家庭作业,并选择住在共享的志愿者之家。)”及Thai Elephant Conservation部分的“Experience one of our best-selling volunteer projects which offer a peaceful home to more than 30 neglected and previously abused elephants—with options ranging from seven days to four weeks. (体验我们最畅销的志愿者项目之一,该项目为30多头被忽视和以前被虐待的大象提供了一个宁静的家——选择范围从7天到4周不等。)”及Make a Difference in Indonesia部分的“Work alongside local communities to arrange beach clean-ups and monitor and nurse newborn animals in their living areas for four weeks. (与当地社区合作,安排海滩清理工作,并在其生活区监测和护理新生动物四个星期。)”及Experience Borne o & Conserve Orang-utans部分的“This one-month project is designed for volunteers to experience and help with rehabilitation (复兴) of orang-utans in Sarawak, which are large arboreal animals and the only great apes in Asia. (这个为期一个月的项目旨在让志愿者体验和帮助砂拉越猩猩的康复,猩猩是大型树栖动物,也是亚洲唯一的类人猿。)”可知,Thai Elephant Conservation的时间最短是七天,适合想要短期旅行的人,故选C项。
推理判断题。根据Make a Difference in Indonesia部分的“Work alongside local communities to arrange beach clean-ups and monitor and nurse newborn animals in their living areas for four weeks. (与当地社区合作,安排海滩清理工作,并在其生活区监测和护理新生动物四个星期。)”及Experience Borne o & Conserve Orang-utans部分的“This one-month project is designed for volunteers to experience and help with rehabilitation (复兴) of orang-utans in Sarawak, which are large arboreal animals and the only great apes in Asia. (这个为期一个月的项目旨在让志愿者体验和帮助砂拉越猩猩的康复,猩猩是大型树栖动物,也是亚洲唯一的类人猿。)”可知,Indonesia和Sarawak的共同目标是促进人与自然的和谐,故选B项。
Working in undergraduate admissions at Dartmouth College has introduced me to many talented young people through their college applications. The problem is that many remarkable students become indistinguishable from one another, at least on paper. It is incredibly difficult to choose whom to admit.
The greatest surprise I’ve ever come across in my admissions career came from a student who went to a large public school in New England. He was clearly bright, as evidenced by his class rank and teachers’ praise. He had a supportive recommendation from his college headmaster and an impressive list of extracurriculars. Even with these qualifications, he might not have stood out. But one letter of recommendation caught my eye. It was from a school doorkeeper.
This letter was different. The doorkeeper wrote that he felt it necessary to support this student because of his thoughtfulness. This young man was the only person in the school who knew the names of every member of the cleaning staff. He turned off lights in empty rooms, consistently thanked the hallway monitor each morning and tidied up after his peers even if nobody was watching. This student, the doorkeeper wrote, had a refreshing respect for every person at the school, regardless of position, popularity or influence.
Over 15 years and 30,000 applications in my admissions career, I had never seen a recommendation from a school doorkeeper. It gave us a new lens into a student’s life in the moments when nothing “counted.” That student was admitted by a shared vote of the admissions committee.
Next year there might be a flood of doorkeeper recommendations thanks to this essay. But if it means students will start paying as much attention to the people who clean their classrooms as they do to their principals and teachers, I’m happy to help start that trend. But the story shouldn’t stop there.
4. What mainly leads to the author’s difficulty in choosing whom to admit
A. The growing number of applicants. B. The limited recruiting guidance.
C. The varied versions of applications. D. The overall excellence of applicants.
5. Why did the recommendation letter stand out
A. It provided a new angle into the candidate’s qualities.
B. It spared the routine elements and worked wonders.
C. It was written by a doorkeeper without telling the student.
D. It catered to the author’s inner criteria for college applicants.
6. Which of the following best describes the student supported by the doorkeeper
A. Modest and admirable. B. Intelligent and adventurous.
C. Kind and thoughtful. D. Open-minded and outgoing.
7. What does the author suggest undergraduates do with the case mentioned in Paragraph 3
A. Recommend it to friends. B. Explore further behind it.
C. Use it as needed. D. Evaluate its effects.
【答案】4. D 5. A 6. C 7. B
细节理解题。根据第一段的“The problem is that many remarkable students become indistinguishable from one another, at least on paper.(问题是,许多杰出的学生彼此难以区分,至少在试卷上是如此。)”可知,作者不知道录取谁是因为申请人的整体都很优秀。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第二段的“Even with these qualifications, he might not have stood out. But one letter of recommendation caught my eye. It was from a school doorkeeper.(即使有了这些资格,他也可能不会脱颖而出。但有一封推荐信引起了我的注意。是一个学校的看门人寄来的。)”可知,推荐信为了解候选人的素质提供了一个新的角度,让这位学生脱颖而出。故选A。
推理判断题。根据第三段的“The doorkeeper wrote that he felt it necessary to support this student because of his thoughtfulness. This young man was the only person in the school who knew the names of every member of the cleaning staff. He turned off lights in empty rooms, consistently thanked the hallway monitor each morning and tidied up after his peers even if nobody was watching. This student, the doorkeeper wrote, had a refreshing respect for every person at the school, regardless of position, popularity or influence.(看门人写道,他觉得有必要支持这个学生,因为他很有思想。这个年轻人是学校里唯一一个知道所有清洁工名字的人。他会关掉空房间的灯,每天早上都会感谢走廊的监视器,即使没有人在看,他也会在同龄人之后去收拾。看门人写道,这个学生对学校里的每一个人都有一种令人耳目一新的尊重,不管他们的职位、受欢迎程度或影响力如何。)”可知,看门人支持这个学生,认为他善良体贴。故选C。
推理判断题。根据倒数第一段的“Next year there might be a flood of doorkeeper recommendations thanks to this essay. But if it means students will start paying as much attention to the people who clean their classrooms as they do to their principals and teachers, I’m happy to help start that trend. But the story shouldn’t stop there.( 由于这篇文章,明年可能会有大量的看门人推荐。但如果这意味着学生们开始像关注校长和老师一样关注打扫教室的人,我很乐意帮助开启这一趋势。但故事不应该止步于此。)”可推断,作者认为对于这种情况,应该深入探索,故选B。
“For thousands of years, humans have raced to be the first to climb a peak, cross a frontier, or document a new species or landscape. Now in some cases, we’re racing to be the last,” said New York Times’ Paige McClanahan.
In recent years, a growing industry has been stimulated by climate change — last-chance tourism. According to Eco Sustainable Solutions, a UK-based organic recycling and waste processing company last-chance tourism is a kind of tourism geared toward seeing the last of something due to climate change. As temperatures and water levels rise, this could mean seizing the last chance to see the Great Barrier Reef, an Arctic glacier and a remote island that is sinking.
As millions of tourists rush to imperiled destinations, some are taking advantage of the increasing demand to spread environmental awareness. One tourist spot, the Sea of Ice in France, opened an exhibit in 2021 to educate visitors on glaciers and climate change. This educational push seems to be having an impact, as a 2023 survey showed that 80% of the visitors would try to learn more about the environment and how to protect it while 77% said that they would reduce their water and energy use.
However, the last-chance tourism industry may become kind of our concern. As more and more people flood into these areas in a panic to see them before they are gone, they in fact contribute to the increased greenhouse gas emissions and over tourism, leading to their destruction. Just as many scholars put it, last-chance tourism is a paradox (悖论).
Although tourists may acknowledge the broader risks and importance of climate change it’s even more important to connect the responsibility of the individual tourism to the future of our planet. It’s not just about understanding the need to stop climate change; it’s even more important to avoid making it worse.
8. What does the author intend to do by quoting Paige McClanahan’s words
A. To highlight the value of New York Times.
B. To recall and memorize the good old days.
C. To channel readers’ awareness to climate change.
D. To introduce the subject of last-chance tourism.
9. What may be considered as last-chance tourism
A. Visiting the Confucius Temple in China.
B. Taking an adventurous trip to the depths of the ocean.
C. Climbing the snow-covered mountain of Kilimanjaro.
D. Admiring the unique Spanish architecture at Cusco, Peru.
10. What does the underlined word “imperiled” in Paragraph 3 most likely mean
A. Popular. B. Remote. C. Endangered. D. Preserved.
11. Which of the following statements best describes last-chance tourism
A. It’s a double-edged sword. B. It’s a stone to kill two birds.
C. It’s a life jacket in the stormy sea. D. It’s a dream that will never come true.
【答案】8. D 9. C 10. C 11. A
推理判断题。根据文章第一段““For thousands of years, humans have raced to be the first to climb a peak, cross a frontier, or document a new species or landscape. Now in some cases, we’re racing to be the last,” said New York Times’ Paige McClanahan. (“几千年来,人类一直在争先恐后地攀登高峰、跨越边境或记录新物种或景观。现在,在某些情况下,我们正在争先恐后地成为最后一个,“纽约时报的佩奇麦克拉纳汉说。)”及第二段中“In recent years, a growing industry has been stimulated by climate change—last-chance tourism. (近年来,气候变化刺激了一个不断发展的行业——最后机会的旅游业。)”可知,通过引用Paige McClanahan的话,作者引出了主题,即由于气候变化而催生的“最后机会旅游”。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据第二段中“As temperatures and water levels rise, this could mean seizing the last chance to see the Great Barrier Reef, an Arctic glacier and a remote island that is sinking. (随着气温和水位的上升,这可能意味着抓住最后的机会去看大堡礁,北极冰川和一个正在下沉的偏远岛屿。)”可知,乞力马扎罗山由于全球变暖,冰雪覆盖正在消退,这符合“最后机会旅游”的定义。故选C项。
词句猜测题。根据第三段中“As millions of tourists rush to imperiled destinations, some are taking advantage of the increasing demand to spread environmental awareness. (随着数以百万计的游客涌向……的目的地,一些人正在利用日益增长的需求来传播环保意识。)”可知,游客正在涌向那些些由于气候变化而面临威胁的景点,可推知imperiled意为“濒危的”故选C项。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“As more and more people flood into these areas in a panic to see them before they are gone, they in fact contribute to the increased greenhouse gas emissions and over tourism, leading to their destruction. Just as many scholars put it, last-chance tourism is a paradox (悖论).(随着越来越多的人惊慌失措地涌入这些地区,希望在它们消失之前看到它们,它们实际上导致了温室气体排放和过度旅游的增加,导致它们的破坏。正如许多学者所说,最后机会旅游是一个悖论。)”可知last-chance tourism虽然能提高环境保护意识,但大量游客的涌入也加剧了温室气体排放和过度旅游,反而可能导致这些景点的进一步破坏。这是一把双刃剑,既有正面影响,也有负面影响。故选A项。
The high intelligence levels of orangutans (红毛猩猩) have long been recognised partly due to their practical skills such as using tools to crack nuts and search for insects. But new research suggests the primate (灵长动物) has another handy skill: applying medicinal herbs intentionally to an open wound.
A male Sumatran orangutan known as Rakus was observed by the research team with a fresh facial wound in June 2022. Three days later, Rakus was witnessed feeding on the stem and leaves of a plant. Thirteen minutes after Rakus had started feeding on it, he began chewing the leaves without swallowing them, then used his fingers to apply the resulting juice directly on to his facial wound. He repeated this behavior for seven minutes and at last fully covered the wound with the chewed leaves. He then continued feeding on the plant for 30 minutes. Over the following days, there were no signs of infection. The wound closed within five days and was healed, with only a faint scar remaining after one month.
It is not the first time wild primate species have been spotted self-medicating: among other examples, Bornean orangutans have been seen rubbing their arms and legs with chewed leaves from a plant used by humans to treat sore muscles, while chimpanzees have been recorded chewing plants known to treat worm infections and applying insects to wounds. However, the new discovery is the first time a wild animal has been observed treating open wounds with a substance known to have medicinal properties. “In the chimpanzee case they used insects and unfortunately it was never found out whether these insects really promote wound healing. Whereas in our case, the orangutan used the plant, and this plant has known medical properties,” said Dr Caroline Schuppli, senior author of the research.
Rakus’s goal-oriented behavior and the medicinal properties of his chosen treatment offer insight into the origins of human wound care-the treatment of which was first mentioned in a medical manuscript dating to 2200BC. “It definitely shows that these basic cognitive capacities that you need to come up with a behaviour like this were present at the time of our last common ancestor most likely,” said Schuppli.
It remains unclear whether Rakus figured the process out for himself or learned it from another orangutan, although it has not been seen in any other individual.
12. How did the team conduct their research
A. By analyzing previous records. B. By tracking the research object.
C. By quoting others’ findings. D. By categorizing qualities of primates.
13. What sets this new case apart from the previous ones
A. The primate’s awareness of herb selection. B. The locations of the wild primates.
C. The sizes of the application range. D. The outcome of the treatment.
14. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about
A. Supporting evidence for the research results.
B. Potential significance of the research findings.
C. A further explanation of the research summary.
D. A reasonable doubt about the research process.
15. What will the follow-up study focus on
A. The origin of Rakus’ intentional self-medication.
B. Different medicinal plants used by wild primates.
C. Active wound treatment s shared by humans and primates
D. The possible influence from Rakus’ family.
【答案】12. B 13. A 14. B 15. A
推理判断题。根据文章第二段“A male Sumatran orangutan known as Rakus was observed by the research team with a fresh facial wound in June 2022. Three days later, Rakus was witnessed feeding on the stem and leaves of a plant. Thirteen minutes after Rakus had started feeding on it, he began chewing the leaves without swallowing them, then used his fingers to apply the resulting juice directly on to his facial wound. He repeated this behavior for seven minutes and at last fully covered the wound with the chewed leaves. He then continued feeding on the plant for 30 minutes. Over the following days, there were no signs of infection. The wound closed within five days and was healed, with only a faint scar remaining after one month.(2022年6月,研究团队观察到一只名为Rakus雄性红毛猩猩脸上有一个新的伤口。三天后,人们发现Rakus正在吃一种植物的茎和叶。Rakus开始吃这种植物13分钟后,他开始咀嚼叶子但不咽下,然后用手指将产生的汁液直接涂在脸上的伤口上。他重复这种行为达七分钟,最后用嚼碎的叶子完全覆盖了伤口。随后,他继续吃了这种植物30分钟。在接下来的几天里,没有出现感染的迹象,伤口在五天内闭合并愈合,一个月后仅留下一个淡淡的疤痕。)”可推知,这个团队是通过跟踪研究对象的方式进行研究的。故选B。
细节理解题。根据文章第三段“However, the new discovery is the first time a wild animal has been observed treating open wounds with a substance known to have medicinal properties. “In the chimpanzee case they used insects and unfortunately it was never found out whether these insects really promote wound healing. Whereas in our case, the orangutan used the plant, and this plant has known medical properties,” said Dr Caroline Schuppli, senior author of the research.(然而,这一新发现是首次观察到野生动物使用已知具有药用性质的物质来治疗开放伤口。“在黑猩猩的例子中,它们使用了昆虫,但不幸的是,从未发现这些昆虫是否真的促进伤口愈合。而在我们的例子中,红毛猩猩使用了这种植物,而这种植物具有已知的医疗属性,”这项研究的主要作者Caroline Schuppli博士说道。)”可知,灵长类动物对草药选择的意识使这次的例子与以往有所不同。故选A。
主旨大意题。根据文章第四段“Rakus’s goal-oriented behavior and the medicinal properties of his chosen treatment offer insight into the origins of human wound care-the treatment of which was first mentioned in a medical manuscript dating to 2200BC. “It definitely shows that these basic cognitive capacities that you need to come up with a behaviour like this were present at the time of our last common ancestor most likely,” said Schuppli.(Rakus这种目标导向的行为以及他所选疗法的药用属性,为人类伤口护理的起源提供了见解——这种治疗方法最早在公元前2200年的一部医学手稿中被提及。“这确实表明,这些基本认知能力——即你需要具备这种行为的认知能力——很可能在我们最近的共同祖先的时代就已经存在了,”Schuppli说道。)”可知,第四段主要讲述了研究结果的潜在意义。故选B。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“It remains unclear whether Rakus figured the process out for himself or learned it from another orangutan, although it has not been seen in any other individual.(虽然Rakus的行为尚未在其他个体中被观察到,但尚不清楚Rakus是自己想出这个过程的,还是从另一只红毛猩猩那里学到的。)”可推知,后续研究的重点是Rakus有意自我治疗的起源。故选A。
第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal of the Day
Breakfast has been made out to be one of the most important meals of the day. It’s considered a serious mistake to skip it. And we’ll even go so far as to shame people for doing so.____16____
There’s news about how breakfast is vital for our health and other news about how it’s not. ____17____. What should we do with all this back-and-forth science Knowing about the following tricky science of breakfast will help us see better.
One study group looked at the common claim that skipping breakfast causes weight gain. Their 2013 analysis found past studies used improper language which suggested a causal relationship between skipping breakfast and obesity. The relationship in some cases indeed may be more correlative (相互关联的) than cause-and-effect.
Unscientific methods
There’s a whole body of research that connects breakfast with weight loss. But the methods behind a lot of those studies don’t always hold up. ____19____. Moreover, they ignore a major factor: what we eat for breakfast.
Profit-seeking funders
The often quoted reports about the benefits of breakfast are mainly funded by breakfast cereal (早餐麦片) companies, such as Kelloggs or Quaker Oats. For them, it is a marketing strategy.____20____.
It’s hard to say whether or not breakfast has any amazing health benefits. What we do know is that breakfast’s greatest importance is undeserved, given the current scientific literature available. In this case, the simplest advice might be the best. Just listen to your own body and do whatever works best for you.
A. Flooding studies
B. Misleading language
C. But what really happens when we don’t eat breakfast
D. But is breakfast’s top spot among three meals deserved
E. Most of the headlines claim to be based on the results on scientific studies
F. Their businesses depend on people’s believing that breakfast means ready-to-eat cereal
G. They aren’t actually testing what would happen if we were to change our breakfast behavior
【答案】16. D 17. E 18. B 19. G 20. F
根据上文“Breakfast has been made out to be one of the most important meals of the day. It’s considered a serious mistake to skip it. And we’ll even go so far as to shame people for doing so. (早餐被认为是一天中最重要的一餐。跳过它被认为是一个严重的错误。我们甚至会让这样做的人感到羞耻)”以及下一段中“There’s news about how breakfast is vital for our health and other news about how it’s not. (有新闻说早餐对我们的健康至关重要,也有新闻说它不是)”可知,上文提到了人们认为吃早餐很重要,后文则提到关于早餐是否真的是至关重要的怀疑,可见本句与上文构成转折,说明人们有时会怀疑早餐是否真的那么重要。故D选项“But is breakfast’s top spot among three meals deserved (但是早餐在三顿饭中排名第一是实至名归的吗)”能承上启下,符合语境。故选D。
根据上文“There’s news about how breakfast is vital for our health and other news about how it’s not. (有新闻说早餐对我们的健康至关重要,也有新闻说它不是)”可知,上文提到了一些关于吃早餐的新闻,故本句承接上文继续说明这些新闻的情况,故E选项“Most of the headlines claim to be based on the results on scientific studies (大多数头条新闻都声称是基于科学研究的结果)”能承接上文,符合语境。E选项中headlines可与上文news相呼应。故选E。
根据下文“One study group looked at the common claim that skipping breakfast causes weight gain. Their 2013 analysis found past studies used improper language which suggested a causal relationship between skipping breakfast and obesity. The relationship in some cases indeed may be more correlative (相互关联的) than cause-and-effect. (一个研究小组研究了不吃早餐会导致体重增加的普遍说法。他们2013年的分析发现,过去的研究使用了不恰当的语言,暗示不吃早餐和肥胖之间存在因果关系。在某些情况下,这种关系确实可能比因果关系更相关)”可知,过去研究中使用的不当语言暗示了不吃早餐和肥胖之间存在因果关系,实际上可能更多是相关关系而非因果关系,故B选项“Misleading language (误导性语言)”恰当地概括了这一段的内容,符合语境。故选B。
根据上文“There’s a whole body of research that connects breakfast with weight loss. But the methods behind a lot of those studies don’t always hold up. (有大量的研究将早餐与减肥联系起来。但许多研究背后的方法并不总是站得住脚)”可知,这一句紧跟在指出许多关于早餐与减肥关系的研究方法并不总是站得住脚之后,强调这些研究并没有真正探究改变早餐习惯会对结果产生什么影响,故G选项“They aren’t actually testing what would happen if we were to change our breakfast behavior (他们实际上并没有测试如果我们改变早餐行为会发生什么)”能承接上文,符合语境。故选G。
根据上文“The often quoted reports about the benefits of breakfast are mainly funded by breakfast cereal (早餐麦片) companies, such as Kelloggs or Quaker Oats. For them, it is a marketing strategy. (经常被引用的关于早餐益处的报告主要是由早餐麦片公司资助的,比如Kelloggs或Quaker Oats。对他们来说,这是一种营销策略)”可知,上文提到一些公司通过报道吃早餐的益处来进行营销,即让人们相信吃早餐有好处,从而促进他们的生意。故F选项“Their businesses depend on people’s believing that breakfast means ready-to-eat cereal (他们的生意依赖于人们认为早餐意味着即食麦片)”能承接上文,符合语境。故选F。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Like many lovers of books, Mary and her husband, Richard Goldman, ____21____ walked past a bookstore without stopping to look inside. They often talked of opening their own store one day.
When Mary was ____22____ with heart trouble in 2009, they decided it was time to get ____23____. Mary needed to ____24____ from her demanding job.
They started by talking to bookstore owners and ____25____ the industry. “We knew it had to be a specialty store because we couldn’t match the big chains ____26____,” says Mary. One ____27____ caught her attention: about 20 percent of books ____28____ were mysteries, and many buyers spent more than $300 a year on books. She and Richard were themselves mystery readers.
On Halloween 2012, they opened the Mystery Lovers Bookshop and Café near their home. With three children ____29____, the couple could not spend all the money to start a shop. To cover the $100,000 cost, they ____30____ some of their savings and borrowed from relatives and a bank.
The store merely ____31____ in its first year, with only $120,000 in sales. But Mary was always ____32____ new ways to attract customers. The shop had a coffee bar and it offered gifts to mystery lovers and served dinners for book clubs that ____33____ in the store. She also invited dozens of writers to discuss their stories.
Today Mystery Lovers makes sales of about $420,000 a year. After paying taxes, business costs and part-time sales ____34____, Richard and Mary earn about $34,000, “The job you love may not go hand in hand with a million-dollar income,” says Richard. “This has always been about a/an ____35____ life for ourselves, not about making a lot of money.”
21. A. almost B. seldom C. simply D. usually
22. A. covered B. filled C. hospitalized D. burdened
23. A. upset B. anxious C. hopeful D. serious
24. A. turn up B. set off C. slow down D. work out
25. A. researching B. assisting C. comparing D. extending
26. A. face to face B. dollar for dollar C. step by step D. door to door
27. A. figure B. event C. occasion D. problem
28. A. checked B. prepared C. sold D. left
29. A. on duty B. in college C. at church D. after school
30. A. drew B. turned C. made D. held
31. A. broke even B. stood still C. lay flat D. went viral
32. A. getting along with B. teaming up with C. going ahead with D. coming up with
33. A. grew B. met C. stuck D. declined
34. A. trainers B. partners C. clerks D. reporters
35. A. thrilling B. challenging C. reliable D. enjoyable
【答案】21. B 22. C 23. D 24. C 25. A 26. B 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. A 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. C 35. D
考查副词词义辨析。句意:像许多爱书的人一样,玛丽和她的丈夫理查德·戈德曼走过书店时,很少不停下来看看里面的东西。A. almost几乎;B. seldom几乎不;C. simply仅仅;D. usually通常。根据上文“Like many lovers of books”可知,此处为双重否定表示肯定,指他们都是爱书的人,很少不停下来看看里面的书籍。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当玛丽在2009年因心脏病住院时,他们决定是时候认真对待这件事了。A. covered覆盖;B. filled装满;C. hospitalized住院;D. burdened把重担加于。根据后文“with heart trouble”此处玛丽在2009年因心脏病住院。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当玛丽在2009年因心脏病住院时,他们决定是时候认真对待这件事了。A. upset沮丧的;B. anxious焦虑的;C. hopeful有希望的;D. serious严肃的。根据后文“They started by talking to bookstore owners”此处指认真对待开书店的事情。故选D。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:玛丽需要从繁重的工作中缓下来。A. turn up找到;B. set off出发;C. slow down减速;D. work out解决。根据后文“from her demanding job”以及上文提到玛丽有心脏病,所以需要从繁重的工作中缓下来。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们首先与书店老板交谈,并对这个行业进行了研究。A. researching研究;B. assisting帮助;C. comparing比较;D. extending扩大。根据后文“the industry”可知,要开书店必须研究行业。故选A。
考查固定短语辨析。句意:玛丽说:“我们知道它必须是一家专卖店,因为我们无法与大型连锁店一比一竞争。”A. face to face面对面;B. dollar for dollar一对一;C. step by step一步步;D. door to door挨家挨户。根据上文“We knew it had to be a specialty store because we couldn’t match the big chains”可知,他们的书店必须是一家专卖店,因为他们无法与大型连锁店一对一竞争。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个数字引起了她的注意:售出的书中约有20%是推理书,许多买家每年花在书上的钱超过300美元。A. figure数字;B. event事件;C. occasion场合;D. problem问题。根据后文“about 20 percent of books”指数字引起了她注意。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个数字引起了她的注意:售出的书中约有20%是推理书,许多买家每年花在书上的钱超过300美元。A. checked检查;B. prepared准备;C. sold出售;D. left离开。根据上文“about 20 percent of books”此处指售出的书中约有20%是推理书。故选C。
考查介词短语辨析。句意:由于三个孩子都在上大学,这对夫妇不可能把所有的钱都花在开店上。A. on duty值班;B. in college在大学;C. at church在教堂;D. after school放学后。根据上文“With three children”以及后文这对夫妇不可能把所有的钱都花在开店上,可推测三个孩子在上大学,其他选项不符合语境。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了支付10万美元的费用,他们拿出了一些积蓄,向亲戚和银行借了钱。A. drew绘画,提取;B. turned转弯;C. made制作;D. held举行。根据后文“some of their savings”指拿出积蓄支付费用。故选A。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:这家店第一年的销售额只有12万美元,勉强收支平衡。A. broke even收支平衡,打平;B. stood still静止;C. lay flat平铺;D. went viral走红。根据上文“The store merely”以及后文“with only $120,000 in sales”可知,第一年销售额只有12万美元,勉强收支平衡。故选A。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:但玛丽总能想出新办法来吸引顾客。A. getting along with和睦相处;B. teaming up with与……合作;C. going ahead with继续进行;D. coming up with想出。根据后文“new ways to attract customers”指玛丽总能想出吸引顾客的方法,故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:这家店有一个咖啡吧,它为神秘爱好者提供礼物,并为在店里见面的读书俱乐部提供晚餐。A. grew生长;B. met遇见;C. stuck卡住;D. declined下降。根据上文“served dinners for book clubs that”可知,书店为在店里见面的读书俱乐部提供晚餐。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在扣除税金、商业成本和兼职销售员的费用后,理查德和玛丽的收入约为3.4万美元。A. trainers教练;B. partners伙伴;C. clerks员工;D. reporters记者。上文“After paying taxes, business costs and part-time sales”主要是他们的店铺支出,即税金、商业成本和兼职销售员。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“这一直是为了让我们自己过得愉快,而不是为了赚很多钱。”A. thrilling令人激动的;B. challenging挑战性的;C. reliable可靠的;D. enjoyable令人愉快的。根据后文“not about making a lot of money”可知,他们开店的目的不是为了赚钱,是为了让自己过得愉快。故选D。
As a world-renowned festival, Luoyang Peony Culture Festival has been held for 41 sessions ____36____ 1983. Through the combination of horticulture and science, the flowering time of each peony variety is ____37____(precise)controlled, so that the general public can enjoy more blooming peony flowers at the same time.
Peony, ____38____(feature)bright colours and graceful shapes, symbolizes peace and prosperity and thus has gained wide ____39____(recognize)as “kings of flowers”. For thousands of years, ____40____ huge mass of poems and paintings have been produced to praise the flower. In the Tang Dynasty, peonies were planted so widely in the royal gardens as “the national flower” ____41____ they enjoyed great popularity across the country. In the 10th century, the ancient city of Luoyang became a centre of peony planting ____42____ has remained as such since then. Nowadays, hundreds of thousands of domestic tourists pour in Luoyang for the annual peony festival, ___43___ they can both appreciate the unique beauty of the flowers and explore the history of the city which is known as the capital of six dynasties.
This year’s opening ceremony with the theme of “A Journey of Peony Petals” fell on April 1 and the festival lasted until May 5. Various performances ____44____(stage), including songs and dances, acrobatic shows, and traditional Chinese music performances, among others, empowered by special effects production, _____45_____(present)an audiovisual feast with distinctive Chinese cultural characteristics.
【答案】36. since
37. precisely
38. featuring
39. recognition
40. a 41. that
42. and 43. when##where
44. were staged
45. presenting
考查介词。句意:洛阳牡丹文化节作为世界知名的节日,自1983年以来已举办41届。根据has been held及1983可知空处应为现在完成时的标志词,且表示“自从”之意,为时间介词since,故填since。
考查名词。句意:牡丹以其鲜艳的颜色和优雅的形态为特点,象征着和平与繁荣,因此被誉为“花中之王”,获得了广泛的认可。分析可知,空处应为名词作宾语,gain wide recognition表示“获得了广泛的认可”,故填recognition。
考查冠词。句意:几千年来,人们创作了大量的诗歌和绘画来赞美这种花。a huge mass of是固定搭配,意为“大量的”,用于修饰可数名词的复数或不可数名词,这里修饰poems and paintings,故填a。
考查定语从句。句意:如今,成千上万的国内游客涌入洛阳参加一年一度的牡丹节,既可以欣赏到花卉的独特美景,又可以探索这座被称为六朝都的城市的历史。分析可知,本句为非限制性定语从句,先行词为the annual peony festival,空处在从句中作状语,festival既可以看成抽象地点,又可以看成活动举办的时间,用关系副词where/when,故填when/where。
考查时态和语态。句意:在特效制作的赋能下,歌舞、杂技、中国传统音乐表演等丰富多彩的表演上演,呈现了一场鲜明中华文化特色的视听盛宴。主语various performances为复数,与stage之间为被动关系,应使用被动语态,且描述过去的事情,故用一般过去时的被动语态。故填were staged。
考查现在分词。句意:在特效制作的赋能下,歌舞、杂技、中国传统音乐表演等丰富多彩的表演上演,呈现了一场鲜明中华文化特色的视听盛宴。分析可知,逻辑主语Various performances与present之间为主动关系,句中已有谓语动词,空处为现在分词作状语,故填presenting。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 今年是光明中学(Guangming High School)建校100周年。值此校庆之际,作为一名即将毕业的学生,请你给学校英语报投稿,内容包括:
【答案】 The 100th anniversary ceremony of Guangming High School has been held in the school lecture hall, which has left a deep impression on us seniors. How time files! We’ll say goodbye to our mother school in a couple of weeks. Now it’s really hard for me to put my feelings into words.
A wonderful 3-year journey has witnessed our laughter and tears. It’s our devoted teachers that have contributed their time, energy, love and the whole heart to making our journey safe and fruitful. Here, we are extremely grateful for all that our dear teachers have done for us. Meanwhile, I’d like to express my sincere gratitude for what our mother school have provided for us. Without your help and support, I would not be what I am today.
Finally, let me extend our sincere wishes to our mother school and respectable teachers. It’ll soon be the time for us to depart, though unwillingly. But it is not the end. It just means that we’re going to begin a new journey.
同时:meanwhile→at the same time
最终:finally→in the end
原句:Here, we are extremely grateful for all that our dear teachers have done for us.
拓展句:Here, we are extremely grateful for what our dear teachers have done for us.
【点睛】【高分句型1】The 100th anniversary ceremony of Guangming High School has been held in the school lecture hall, which has left a deep impression on us seniors.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】Meanwhile, I’d like to express my sincere gratitude for what our mother school have provided for us.(运用了what引导的宾语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Math had never been something I was good at since middle school. Classes became harder in high school, and I was even further from a math teacher’s dream student. So at the start of my freshman year, I had a dislike to math. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to do well, but simply that I didn’t think I was able to do well. “I can’t” became my state of mind in all things related to math.
However, I was soon to learn that “I can’t” was not a choice in Mr. A’s class.
Mr. A always greeted us with open arms as he said, “Welcome! Smile! It’s a great day to be alive!” It was clear that Mr. A had a true passion not only for math but for teaching. If Mr. A ever experienced bad days in life, he never showed it. Mr. A greeted us with that same smile every day. He encouraged each student, from the top achiever to the “I can’t” student.
I found myself looking forward to math class. Being in Mr. A’s presence made me feel good, as if I had the chance to succeed, although I still hated the subject itself. From then on, I had spent countless hours studying, but with so many difficulties to cover, I was overwhelmed. The pressure of the subject was weighing heavily on my shoulders. I had always been a hardworking and dedicated student, but the stress seemed unbearable. No matter how much effort I put into math, I couldn’t seem to keep up. As the mid-term exams approached, I felt a sense of dread. The fear of failure consumed me, and I began to doubt myself again.
One day after school, I found myself walking alongside Mr. A on the empty playground. He could tell that something was bothering me, and he asked if everything was alright. I hesitated for a moment, unsure of whether to share my struggles.
Paragraph 1: But there was something in his kind eyes that made me open up.
Paragraph 2: Something different seemed to have shifted in my study and life.
【答案】But there was something in his kind eyes that made me open up. I poured out my frustrations, explaining how hard I had been working and how little progress I was making. Tears welled up in my eyes as I admitted that I was afraid of failing the exams. To my surprise, Mr. A didn’t offer words of sympathy or pity. Instead, he shared his own experiences as a high school student and the challenges he faced during his final year. He told me about the countless nights he had spent studying, the moments of self-doubt, and the overwhelming pressure.
Paragraph 2:
Something different seemed to have shifted in my study and life. Instead of letting the stress consume me, I started looking for ways to manage the study pressure more effectively. The day of the exam came. I answered the questions as best as I could. Finally, the exam ended, and I walked out of the classroom, with a sense of relief. Next week, I anxiously scanned the paper for my score. My eyes widened in disbelief, I had received an A! I could hardly contain my excitement so I happily ran to Mr. A’s office to tell him the good news. I saw Mr. Johnson wearing a smile with thumbs up. The golden sunlight poured into the office, like Mr. A lighting up my life as well as the path to pursue my dream.
【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了作者在初中时对数学的厌恶,但在高中遇到了一位名叫Mr. A的数学老师。Mr. A的热情教学态度和积极鼓励让作者开始期待数学课,尽管对数学本身仍然有抵触。然而,面对数学的难度和压力,作者感到力不从心,尤其在期中考试前感到恐惧和自我怀疑。一天放学后,Mr. A注意到作者的困扰,他的关心让作者有了分享自己问题的勇气。这个故事主要展现了师生之间的情感互动和如何克服自我怀疑的过程。
①由第一段首句内容“但是在他善良的眼睛里,有一些东西让我敞开心扉。”可知,第一段可描写作者倾诉了自己的困扰,以及数学老师Mr. A对作者的鼓励和帮助。
①诉说:poured out/expressed/confided/shared
③取得进展:making progress/advancing/progressing/achieving
【点睛】[高分句型1]. Tears welled up in my eyes as I admitted that I was afraid of failing the exams. (运用了as引导的时间状语从句和that引导的宾语从句)
[高分句型2]. Instead, he shared his own experiences as a high school student and the challenges he faced during his final year.(运用了省略了关系词that/which的定语从句)
1-5ACBAC 6-10ABCCB 11-15ACBAB 16-20CABBA


