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I.听力(共两节,满分20分) 略
第一节 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
Nowadays, more and more young people like to take the subway to go to work or go to school. When speaking of taking the subway, the following important signs are of great concern.
* Please offer your seat to those in need. * No eating or drinking. * Don’t play on the train. * No Spitting or Littering. * Please don’t lie on the bench. * No Swinging.
Ways to Use The Emergency(紧急) Door Opener 1. Break the protection cover in emergency only. 2. Rotate(旋转) the handle in the arrow direction. 3. Open the door manually after the train stops. Non-emergency operation will be punished by law
21. What can people do on the subway according to the text
A. They can swing.
B. They can lie on the bench.
C. They can offer the seat to the old.
22. What do we know about the Emergency Door Opener
A. Anyone can break the protection cover if they like.
B. People should rotate the handle in the arrow direction.
C. Non-Emergency operation will not be punished by law.
No model has ever received more attention in China than the Xiaomi SU7, which was launched(上市) on Thursday night in Beijing.
It may sound unbelievable but the launch event attracted more than 40 million views on Xiaomi Auto’s Weibo alone. Even guessing its price level had been a popular topic on China’s social media platforms for weeks.
Xiaomi, one of the world’s leading smartphone companies, began accepting orders in China through an app on Thursday night, after founder Lei Jun finished a more than two-hour presentation(发布会) on the SU7 car by stating the much-awaited price range: 215,900 yuan to 299,900 yuan.
Xiaomi said that it received 50,000 orders for the SU7 in the first 27 minutes after sales opened at 10 p.m. Beijing time. Lei mentioned that Beijing-based Xiaomi aims to become one of the world’s top five car makers in the next 15 to 20 years. “It’s hard to make a car, but it’s cool to succeed,” he said.
Lei said Xiaomi would lose money on the basic model at 215,900 yuan, a price that is lower than the Tesla(特斯拉) Model 3 in China. In his opinion, the SU7 car did better than the Tesla in most areas, but the type of the SU7 is not as good as the Porsche(保时捷) Taycan.
“There is still a long way to go for our cars to become a Porsche,” he said, but if Xiaomi keeps working hard for another five to ten years. “One day we will finally catch up with and even surpass Porsche.”
23. How many views did the launch event attract on Xiaomi Auto’s Weibo
A. Over 40 million. B. More than 215,900. C. Less than 299,900.
24. Which of the following is TRUE
A. Xiaomi is the world’s leading car company.
B. Xiaomi has received 50,000 orders for the SU7 so far.
C. Lei thought the type of the Porsche Taycan was better than the SU7.
25. What does the underlined word “surpass” mean in the last paragraph
A. 赶上 B. 超越 C. 落后
26. What section of a magazine is the text taken from
A. Travel. B. Sports. C. News.
We all enjoy being part of a group — there’s no better work than teamwork, right Actually, I disagree. Teamwork can be hard. In fact, it was so difficult that I left my office job and started working from home on my own. It’s much better fit for me, and it has made me think about why teamwork can make our job harder rather than easier.
Personalities(个性) can make teamwork difficult. There is often someone on the team that puts their needs first. The team often goes along with this person whose ideas might not be the best, just the loudest. Just one difficult personality can make teamwork bine(结合) several challenging personality types and it’s even harder.
Not having enough time together can also make teamwork challenging. For example, I was once on a team where we never had enough time to meet as a group. To successfully work as a team, you need time together — and lots of it.
A final reason teamwork is difficult is because there is often no training on how to work on a team. You can’t just put people in a room and expect them to work well with each other. You need to build trust with your team members. Think of football players: They aren’t just given a ball and told to play. They practice, and they train.
Team can be hard, but working alone has its challenges, too. When my computer doesn’t work, I don’t have an IT person to turn to. When I have a great idea, I don’t have anyone to share it with to see if it really is a great idea. Don’t get me wrong — I still like my team of one and enjoy making all of important decisions myself. But now I realize what was wrong with the teamwork I did in the past and how good teamwork could be if done correctly. And that’s useful information — because one day I might want to turn ME TEAM into a WE TEAM.
27. What makes the writer work on his own
A. Difficult teamwork. B. Important work. C. His family.
28. Which of the following does the writer agree with
A. The loudest idea is the best idea all the time.
B. Lack of time together will not influence teamwork.
C. Trust between teammates make teamwork easier.
29. What would be the best structure(结构) of the passage
A. B. C.
30. What is the main purpose of the text
A. To tell the advantages of teamwork.
B. To show the popularity of teamwork.
C. To explain the difficulties of teamwork.
The Communist Youth League of China(CYLC中国共产主义青年团) was born in May 1922. It is 102 years old this year. Almost every year in May, hundreds of teenagers get together at Tuanyida Square in Guangzhou. 31. __________
In 1932, a special school opened in a small village of Ruijin, Jiangxi. 32. __________ Its first 124 students arrived in December. They were between 14 and 25 in age. They learned about history, politics, geography and other skills. Every night, the students read books and newspapers. 33. __________
At that time, the young people who wanted to join the CYLC made the application form(申请书) by themselves. They needed to write why they wanted to be a CYLC member and how they would do it. 34. __________ The form might be different over time. However, the spirit of the CYLC has never changed.
Do you know the song of the CYLC In 1987, Hu Hongwei wrote the lyrics. 35. ____________ Later, Lei Yusheng composed(作曲) the song. It became the song of the CYLC in 2003.
A. It’s the first school of the CYLC. B. It is the place which the CYLC was born in. C. Now the application form is printed in a standard form. D. He sees young people as a sea of flowers in May and the rising sun. E. They not only learned knowledge, but put what they learned into practice.
第一节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
“To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, to draw closer, to find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of life.” These words come from my favorite movie, Daydreamer. They are always kept in my mind. The movie, directed by Brahman Turner, taught me to live my own life and to do something 36 . Inspired by the movie, I started to learn skateboarding last summer vacation.
The first 37 are always the hardest. I still remember the first day. The 38 was not great. I fell over again and again. I found skateboarding was a(n) 39 sport for beginners because you may fall over many times like I did. But falling cannot be 40 for anyone. I wore a helmet and protective gear(装备) to help keep safe. I practiced all day until sunset that day. For the next few days, I practiced hard every day. I knew that practice makes perfect. And 41 , I could skateboard. I was so proud of that.
However, as I 42 with my hobby, I met quite a few challenges. I still practiced hard for the rest of that 43 , though made little progress. Unluckily, I hurt my knee. When the summer vacation was over, I had to return to school. But I knew I would 44 skateboarding again later because it is fun and brings me joy.
It is important that we do what we love and keep doing it throughout our life. As a song goes, “One day you’ll leave this world behind, so live a life you will not 45 .”
36. A. painful B. pitiful C. meaningful
37. A. requirements B. steps C. decisions
38. A. experience B. instruction C. direction
39. A. convenient B. dangerous C. unfair
40. A. avoided B. allowed C. doubted
41. A. exactly B. gradually C. normally
42. A. started B. divided C. continued
43. A. school B. life C. vacation
44. A. give up B. look up C. take up
45. A. remember B. regret C. believe
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Ye Shengtao was a famous Chinese writer. He created the first collection of fairy tales(童话集) named The Scarecrow(《稻草人》) for Chinese children between 1921 and 1922.
Ye was born in 1894 in Jiangsu. He once worked 46. _______ a teacher in a primary school He often told his students stories from Chinese and foreign classics. His students were all happy 47. _______ (listen) to those stories.
In 1921, Ye 48. _______ (begin) to write fairy tales for a magazine. He finished his first fairy tale Little White Boat in November of 49. _______ same year. In the following seven months, Ye wrote 22 50. _______ (many) fairy tales than before. And they made up The Scarecrow we see today.
There are two kinds of stories in the collection. The 51. _______ (one) story is about children’s innocent smiles and beautiful feelings like Little White Boat. People’s hard life like The Scarecrow 52. _______ (describe) in the second story. In the story, the scarecrow often sees poor people’s difficulties in life, 53. _______ he isn’t able to stop them from happening or give people a helping hand. He feels very helpless and falls down in the field at last. Ye wanted children to care about what happened around 54. _______ (they). And he hoped children could understand adult’s 55. _______ (sad) after reading the collection.
Good works always stand the test of time. Nowadays, Ye’s fairy tales are still popular with children.
第一节 简答(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
A short video series called Escape from the British Museum(《逃出大英博物馆》) was quite a hit(成功). It tells a story of how a Chinese cultural relic(文物) ran away from the British Museum and found its way back to China.
In the short video series, a girl played the role of an ancient Chinese jade teapot(玉壶). She escaped from the British Museum and ended up in the street in London. She came across a young man there. He was a Chinese news reporter. She thought that the young man was her family, so she asked him to take her back to China.
Why did the two main characters decide to make the short video series They saw someone’s comment(评论) online and drew their inspiration(获得灵感) from the comment. Then, they went to the UK and spent months researching and preparing. It took them around three months to finish the video series. Although the video series is less than 30 minutes, it touched millions of Chinese people’s hearts.
The short video series is not only fun but also educational. It tells us Chinese that it’s time to bring the long-lost Chinese cultural relics home. China lost a lot of cultural relics overseas. There are more than 23,000 pieces of Chinese cultural relics in the British Museum. There is a long way to go to bring them home.
56. What is the name of the short video series
57. Why did the girl ask the young man to take her back to China
58. Where did the characters draw their inspiration
59. How long did it take them to finish the short video series
60. What can we learn from the short video series
第二节 书面表达(满分15分)
61. 假如你是李华,你校校刊以 “How often do you help do chores at home ” 为主题对学生在
1. 文章需包含以上所有要点,可适当发挥;
2. 80词左右 (开头已给出,不计入总词数);
3. 文中不得出现真实人名和校名。
Doing chores is important for students and we learn a lot from it. According to a survey from our school,
英语 参考答案
Ⅰ.听力技能 略
21—22:CB 23—26:ACBC 27—30:ACBC 31—35:BAECD
Ⅲ. 语言运用
36—40:CBABA 41—45:BCCCB
46. as 47. to listen 48. began 49. the
50. more 51. first 52. is described 53. but
54. them 55. sadness
Ⅳ. 读写综合
56. Escape from the British Museum.
57. Because she thought that the young man was her family.
58. From someone’s comment online.
59. Around three months.
60. It’s time to bring the long-lost Chinese cultural relics home.


