
  1. 二一教育资源



时间120分钟 满分150分
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What does the woman intend to do on the vacation
A.Go sightseeing. B.Rest at home. C.Visit her family.
2.How will the woman probably go to the library
A.By subway. B.By bus. C.By car.
3.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Brother and sister. B.Cook and customer. C.Father and daughter.
4.What are the speakers mainly discussing
A.Trip plans. B.Ticket prices. C.Holiday celebrations.
5.How many students are there in the woman’s class
A.60. B.40. C.20.
6.How does the woman feel about the gift at the beginning of the conversation
A.Disappointed. B.Happy. C.Concerned.
7.How old is the man
A.36. B.46. C.60.
8.What kind of games is the woman playing
A.Shooting games. B.Music games. C.Puzzles.
9.Who does the woman have an appointment with tomorrow
A.A manager. B.A professor. C.A dentist.
10.What is the woman doing now
A.She is preparing ice cream.
B.She is on a diet.
C.She is planning to have a baby.
11.How does the man like the woman
A.Untruthful. B.Clever. C.Tough-minded.
12.What will the woman eat at last
A.Nothing. B.Ice cream. C.Cake.
13.What makes the man confused
A.Why Roman Holiday was so famous.
B.Why Audrey Hepburn learned ballet.
C.Why so many girls adored Audrey Hepburn.
14.What prevented Audrey Hepburn from sticking to being a dancer
A.Her physical condition.
B.Her interest in acting.
C.Her financial condition.
15.What was Audrey Hepburn like in real life
A.Outgoing. B.Shy and quiet. C.Humorous and lovely.
16.Why did Audrey Hepburn love charity
A.She was influenced by her roles.
B.She thought children were her hope.
C.Her family once got help from a charity.
17.Who is probably the speaker
A.A reporter. B.A teacher. C.A writer.
18.What did the coachman do outside the theater
A.He read a book. B.He looked after the horse. C.He enjoyed the snow.
19.How did the young lady feel about the coachman’s situation
A.Sad. B.Moved. C.Casual.
20.What does the speaker want to tell us
A.Help those around us as much as we can.
B.Read as many books as we can.
C.Be grateful for what we have.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
If you want to understand China but can’t afford an expensive international flight, these four books can give you a complete overview of the country.
River Town
River Town: Two Years on the Yangtze by Peter Hessler-This book is a journal of the author’s two years spent teaching English in a small town called Fuling, situated on the banks of the Yangtze River. Hessler writes about his experiences living in a foreign culture and observing the lives of the town’s residents. The book was published in 2001 and has won several awards, including the Kiriyama Prize.
Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China
It is a book that tells the story of China’s modernization. It was written by Ezra Vogel and published in 2011. The author describes how Deng Xiaoping’s policies led to significant changes in China’s economy and society. The book has received critical honors and won the Lionel Gelber Prize In 2012.
The Search for Modern China by Jonathan Spence
This book is a comprehensive history of China from the Ming dynasty to the present day. The author, a prominent scholar of Chinese history, provides a detailed analysis of the social, cultural, and political changes that have taken place in China over the past 500 years. The book was first put out in 1990 and has since been revised and updated several times. This book was the top bestseller for years.
Factory Girls: From Village to City in a Changing China
Written by Leslie T. Chang, this book, published in 2008, is reportage on the lives of young women who leave their rural homes to work in factories in China’s cities. Chang, a former New York Times correspondent (someone who is employed by a newspaper or a television station etc. to report news from a particular area or on a particular subject), interviewed hundreds of factory girls to provide insight into the social and economic changes in China.
21. What kind of book is River Town
A. Science fiction. B. Nonfiction.
C. A travel guide of Fuling. D. A reference book.
22. What is TRUE about The Search for Modern China by Jonathan Spence
A. It was published 500 years ago. B. It was written by a history teacher.
C. It was very popular. D. It has remained the same since its first publication.
23. Which book is written by a reporter
A. River Town.
B. Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China.
C. The Search for Modern China.
D. Factory Girls: From Village to City in a Changing China.
Four years ago, Rome Leykin was on his way to work when he accidentally fell onto the tracks of Brooklyn's L train as a subway was approaching. The incident resulted in the loss of both of his legs.
But surprisingly, with the loss of his legs, Leykin gained a new passion for racing. Before his accident, he wasn't really that athletic. He would just occasionally play basketball. But that all changed after he was introduced to hand cycling. “When I saw it, I was like, ‘Oh, this is great. You don't even need legs to use it. This is perfect.’” he said. “So, I got on it, I rode and fell in love with it right away.”
Within a few months, he completed the TD Five Boro Bike Tour. a 40-mile ride through New York City. After that, he did his first marathon in 2021. He fished that race in 2 hours and 11 minutes, placing 12th out of 38.
“I'm going to attend this year's marathon and take on challenges. My hands are on the wheel, my eyes are focused, and I think my time is going to speak for itself.” he said. He's made a significant commitment to training. He hand cycles at least 13.1 miles a couple times a week and spends a lot of time in the gym.
And he plans to keep pursuing his athlete goals. He wants to complete the Abbott Six-the world's six largest marathons. One day, he said, he'll maybe even make the Paralympics.
For those who might be following his journey, he hopes they will take some lessons from his story. “There will be ups and downs but the trend is what's important. Focus on the good,” he said. “And also, take your big problems and split them into small solutions. And then all of a sudden, your big problems turn into many small wins.”
24. What can we learn about Rome Leykin from paragraph 2
A. He once was an excellent basketball player.
B. He considered hand cycling difficult in the beginning.
C. He made hand cycling more popular among the disabled.
D. He showed an interest in hand cycling the moment he saw it.
25. How did Rome Leykin feel about the coming marathon
A. Worried. B. Curious. C. Confident. D. Nervous.
26. Which of the following can best describe Rome Leykin
A. Easy-going and reliable. B. Kind-hearted and helpful.
C. Open-minded and creative. D. Strong-willed and ambitious.
27. What message does Rome Leykin convey in the last paragraph
A. Stick to your dreams. B. Break down your goals.
C. Focus on your strengths. D. Achieve success at all costs.
Around the Sahara Desert, daytime temperatures can reach 140 degrees Fahrenheit (60 degrees Centigrade). Not many organisms(生物) can survive in this severe environment. But an insect called the Saharan silver ant thrives. They quickly run onto the sand from their protected nests to gather up the bodies of less fortunate insects that have died from the heat.
“The hotter the day, the more insect bodies they will find and the more food they have.”says Sarah Pfeffer, an animal behaviorist at Ulm University in Germany. She says that to avoid sinking into the Saharan sand, where they could meet the same fate as their lunch, silver ants have to be fast.
To document just how quickly the ants move, Pfeffer and her colleagues set up high-speed cameras above a channel between the entrance to the hungry ants' nest and a food source. The researchers recorded top speeds approaching 35 inches per second.
“But if you really know how big the animals are, and you calculate the body length per second, you come up with a walking speed that is an astonishing 108 body lengths per second.” That figure makes them the fastest known ant on the planet.
The videos revealed how the ants achieve such great speeds. As they accelerate. their leg movements become synchronized (同步的). They increase their step length by bringing all six feet off the sand at once. “Really, all legs are lifted from the ground. They are in air, but it's not jumping. It's a very smooth run that they have” says Pfeffer.
Pfeffer says they're faster than a closely related ant species called Cataglyphis fortis, which has longer legs but a less impressive airborne phase (腾空阶段). That ant only reaches about 24 inches per second, or two thirds of the silver ant's maximum.
The Saharan silver ants' rapid speeds may be impressive, but two insects are even faster: the California coastal mite and the Australian tiger beetle, both of which also thrive at life-threatening temperatures. Seems that to beat the heat, it pays to be fast.
28. The underlined word "thrives" in the first paragraph probably means “________”.
A. becomes extinct B. moves away C. gets weaker D. lives successfully
29. What can we learn about Saharan silver ants from the passage
A. They sometimes die from the heat.
B. They are the fastest known animals on the planet.
C. Their leg movements become synchronized when they speed up.
D. They move faster than the California coastal mite and the Australian tiger beetle.
30. What does the author want to explain by writing the example of the California coastal mite
A. It's important to be fast in an extreme condition.
B. Not many organisms can survive in a severe environment.
C. The animal has a less impressive speed than the Saharan silver ant.
D. Saharan silver ants gather up the bodies of the California coastal mites.
31. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage
A. Animals Survive in Extreme Hot B. The Fastest Known Beetle on the Planet
C. Fleet Ant Beats Saharan Heat D. Ants Increase Step Length by Jumping
The sales pitches tempt: Blue-light-blocking glasses are supposed to protect eyes from the effects of short-wavelength light emitting from our smartphones, computer screens and LED lights. Given how much time we spend on our devices, this sounds like a smart investment, right After all, eye strain is a real issue and can lead to poor sleep and even eye diseases. The glasses can cost $15 all the way up to several hundred dollars. But do they work
Elizabeth Esparaz, an ophthalmologist (眼科专家) based in Cleveland, Ohio, says the science that manufacturers share as they promote these glasses can be confusing. For starters, blue light is not just about tech devices, and it’s not always bad. “The sun emits a much higher intensity of blue light than human-made devices, of course, and it’s actually beneficial,” says Dr. Esparaz. It helps our mood, alertness and sleep-wake cycle.
The problem is blue light at night: It contains the release of melatonin. “Melatonin helps regulate our circadian rhythms (生理节奏) and makes us sleepy,” says Dr. Esparaz.
So, in theory, wearing blue-light-blocking glasses should help people who watch movies in bed or read from a tablet at night avoid sleeplessness. A 2021 review study from the University of Oklahoma that looked at 24 previous studies found that people affected by sleep disorders, jet lag and shift work fell asleep faster after using these glasses.
As for eye strain, a 2021 Australian study showed that those wearing the glasses did not experience less eye strain than those using clear glasses. And a 2018 review study, also by Australian researchers, found insufficient evidence that they prevent certain eye diseases.
“These glasses aren’t going to be harmful,” says Dr. Esparaz, But, she adds, a lack of standardization in the industry means there’s no way to know if one pair is better than another. A more reliable solution: Turn on the blue-light-filtering function on your devices and limit screen time before bed. To help with eye strain, Dr. Esparaz suggests taking breaks and using lubricating eye drops.
32. What is Dr. Esparaz’s attitude toward business publicity
A. Unclear. B. Dismissive. C. Approving. D. Doubtful.
33. What can we learn about blue light from the first two paragraphs
A. It can be beneficial. B. It may facilitate sleep.
C. It actually causes health issues. D. It merely comes from digital devices.
34. Australian studies found that wearing blue-light-blocking glasses_________.
A. helps prevent eye disease B. are not harmful to eyesight
C. contributes to no less eye strain D. benefits those with sleep disorders
35. What might be the best title of this passage
A. Blue-light-blocking Glasses: Your Best Choice
B. Blue-light-blocking Glasses: Good or Bad
C. Blue-light-blocking Glasses: A Good Business
D. Blue-light-blocking Glasses: Smart and Cool
第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Shyness is normal and it is not considered as a mental problem. All people have been shy at one time or another. Even the most confident people experienced being shy._______36_______.
You probably are wondering why you are shy. It may be because of the environment you were used to or the way you were brought up. Certain events or incidents in the past may also lead to the reason why you are shy now._______37_______Most shy people have shy parents and relatives and it is not surprising to find out that they too have become shy persons.
One of the negative sides of being shy is having the tendency to be passive. Most of the time shy people can’t stand up for themselves and what they believe is right. ______38______This apparently influences their social life as well as work, family and other aspects of their life.
While shyness has negative aspects, it has positive sides. Shy people are usually good observers and do not get themselves into too much trouble because they try to observe their environment or any situation before they act. _______39_______They can also make great friends. Since they have difficulties in social scenes, making friends seems to be a must. Therefore, they value their friends wholeheartedly and have proven to be loyal and thoughtful friends.
_______40_______ Some of them born with shy parents have successfully battled against being shy. This contributes to their constant self-improvement, developing self-esteem and trying to be exposed to new environments.
A.But in most cases, shyness proves to be genetic.
B.They are sensitive and accustomed to getting suspicious.
C.Because some people are born to be shy, they let it go hang.
D.So if you’re feeling shy, don’t worry because you are not alone.
E.They are not hot-headed and think twice before making any decisions.
F.Although shyness is something from birth, it can be improved over time.
G.They avoid crowds by nature and stay away from groups and social interactions.
第三部分语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
I always knew that I depended too much on my phone. But I didn't know how much, so I decided to do this 41 to find out.
Every morning since I got a smartphone, I've used The Weather Forecast App to find out what to 42 . On the first morning I had to dress without guidance, but 43 I was able to guess that the day would be cold and foggy by looking out of my window.
I couldn't know what time it was. I haven't worn a 44 for more than a year, because my phone told the time. So I was late for 45 friends who had been on the bus for two hours from Santa Monica to Palos Verdes. I was also 46 for my part-time job. And even worse, I couldn't call people to tell them that I was running late.
Getting places was harder, too. I got 47 because I couldn't use the GPS on my phone. My driving, though, got a lot 48 because I no longer had my phone in one hand checking directions while 49 with the other.
But the number one trouble was not having my contact list. I forgot to write down my friends' and family members' phone numbers before I 50 the challenge. It was sad to realise that I couldn't remember my brother's and my mum's cellphone numbers. Oh, how I 51 to turn on the phone for just a second to look up phone numbers!
Even with all the problems, however, I found 52 not worrying about missing a text message or an email.
This challenge was a(n) 53 learning experience. It surprised me how I'd taken no notice of even the 54 things like remembering phone numbers. We all should 55 some time to think about how we can depend less on our cellphones.
41.A. task B. duty C. challenge D. job
42.A. carry B. wear C. take D. see
43.A. carefully B. strangely C. thankfully D. surprisingly
44.A. watch B. hat C. suit D. ring
45.A. making out B. bringing up C. calling out D. picking up
46.A. delayed B. attached C. relieved D. replaced
47.A. caught B. changed C. lost D. hurt
48.A. easier B. safer C. slower D. quieter
49.A. driving B. chatting C. writing D. moving
50.A. supported B. forgot C. started D. reported
51.A. felt B. wished C. liked D. hated
52.A. peace B. silence C. patience D. confidence
53.A. curious B. unbelievable C. comfortable D. common
54.A. happiest B. nicest C. simplest D. clearest
55.A. spend B. spare C. enjoy D. waste
第二节 单句语法填空 (共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
56. As ____________ (schedule), the meeting will begin at 7am. .
57.Sichuan hot pot is believed ____________ (start) off in the late Qing Dynasty as a way for boatmen to keep warm during the cold and wet winters.
58. ____________ (work) hard , you will succeed.
59. My cousins and I finally climbed a hill , ____________.(breath)
60. There is a growing ____________(tend) for people to return to the hometown to start their business.
61. On her day of discharge, we shared in her delight at her ____________ (recover).
62. He had worked ____________(energetic) all day on his new book.
63. I t should be easily ____________ (access).
64. You owe ____________ to your staff to be honest with them.
65. It offers companionship, improves self-worth and ____________ (promote) good health.
66.Every spring, Shunan travels to china, ____________ tea has been grown for thousands of years.
67. The driver’s carelessness resulted ____________the accident.
68.Of equal importance ____________(be) good habits, useful skills and a positive attitude.
69. Believe it or not, the first time I happened to read the newspaper Youth a couple of months ago, I felt ____________ urge to finish reading it in one breath.
70. Now she____________ (occupy) with her homework.
第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作 (满分15分)
注意: 1.词数不少于80; 2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Ms. Jenkins,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
第二节 读后续写 (满分25分)
Sally had longed to become a dancer since three. However, a terrible car accident made that ambition nearly come to an end overnight in 2011. Sally, then a 15-year-old high school student in California was injured severely in the accident that left her paralyzed(瘫痪的) from the waist down. For most people, that would have dashed any hope of a dancing career. But for Sally, it was just the beginning of new life. Instead of being a barrier, her wheelchair made her more courageous. “I wanted to prove to my community and to myself that I was still ‘normal’,”she said with a determined look, “Whatever normal meant.”
In her eyes, Normal meant dancing, so Sally did it in her wheelchair right alongside her nondisabled high school dance team. “Half of my body was taken away from me, and I have to move it with my hands,” Sally said. “It definitely took a lot of learning and patience.”
After graduation, Sally expanded her dance network to include women who had the same situation as her. She met people online who had suffered various spinal cord injuries (脊髓损伤), and invited them to dance with her by sharing her determination. “It was such an amazing experience.” Hoping to reach more people in a larger city, Sally moved to Los Angeles in 2016 and formed a team of dancers with disabilities called DREAM. “I want to show that dance is dance, whether you’re walking or you’re rolling.”
In Sally’s dancing team, there was a girl Ella aged 12, who had been feeling depressed since the terrible accident. Having known about the girl’s situation, Sally made efforts to seek every chance to help the little girl find back the confidence to live. Thanks to Sally’s continuous efforts, the little girl recovered physically and mentally day by day. The other day, an invitation to a national dancing competition arrived. After a heated discussion, they reached an agreement that they would recommend Ella to the competition on behalf of the team.
注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式作答。
Para 1:On hearing the decision, Ella felt more than worried.
Para 2:The audience stood up and clapped for Ella’s excellent performance.
第一部分 听力(满分30分 每小题1.5分)
1-5 ABAAA 6-10 ABCAB 11-15 CACAB 16-20 CBBCA
第二部分 阅读(满分50分 每小题2.5分)
21-25BCDDC 26-30 DBDCA 31-35CDACB 36-40DAGEF
第三部分 完形填空(满分15分 每小题1分)
41-5 CBCAD 46-510 ACBAC 51-55 BABCB
单句语法填空 (满分15分 每小题1分)
56. scheduled 57. to have started 58. Working 59. breathless 60. tendency
61. recovery 62. energetically 63. accessible 64. it 65. promotes
66. where 67. in 68. are 69. the 70. is occupied
I am Li Hua, Worried about how to be a host, I am writing to ask for your help.
An English corner will be held in our school next week. I will be the honest but I am not sure how to do it well because it will be the first time that I have done the job. Could you please tell me what I should pay attention to Are there any special ways of saying things on this occasion Besides . I have prepared a speech .But I am afraid that there are some grammar mistakes. So I hope you can give me some advice . .
I would be grateful/thankful if you could give me some advice/help.
On hearing the decision, Ella felt more than worried. She knew that it was their trust on her that made her get the chance to dance on that large stage(强调句). So she began to practice hard every day. Whenever she met with problems, she would turn to Sally for help. The competition day came finally, and it was Ella’s turn to show herself. Ella controlled her worry and excitement(心理描写), and danced with gentle elegance and strength.
The audience stood up and clapped for Ella’s excellent performance. Ella looked around and noticed that Sally and all her teammates were sitting under the stage, with their eyes filled with tears and smiles on their faces(情绪+动作描写). At that moment, Ella knew that she was successful. She was very grateful to Sally and all her teammates. Thanks to their support and belief, she could gain confidence and succeed in dancing at last. She had made up her mind to go on this way forever.


