2025译林版高中英语必修第二册同步练习题--Unit 4 Exploring literature(含答案与解析)

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2025译林版高中英语必修第二册同步练习题--Unit 4 Exploring literature(含答案与解析)


Unit 4 Exploring literature
全卷满分150分 考试用时120分钟
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1.What is Alice worried about
A.A traditional custom.
B.An upcoming lecture.
C.The students’ behavior.
2.Where are the speakers headed
A.To the beach.
B.To a restaurant.
C.To a swimming pool.
3.Why was the man late for work
A.He was stuck in traffic.
B.He had a traffic accident.
C.His car broke down on the road.
4.What are the speakers doing
A.Buying a map.
B.Playing a game.
C.Having a geography class.
5.How does the man feel now
A.Nervous.   B.Confident.   C.Regretful.
6.What do we know about the man
A.He is good at running.
B.He just ran a marathon.
C.He’s a marathon beginner.
7.What does the man decide to do in the end
A.Go to the gym.   B.Give up his idea.   C.Exercise outdoors.
8.Why does the man invite the woman to his flat
A.To introduce his neighbors to her.
B.To help her improve her English.
C.To show her around his garden.
9.When will the woman see her friend Luke
A.On Friday.   B.On Thursday.   C.On Wednesday.
10.What will the woman prepare for the gathering
A.Some coffee.
B.A traditional snack.
C.A bunch of flowers.
11.What are the speakers doing
A.Judging an artist.
B.Hanging a picture.
C.Visiting a museum.
12.How did the man know the name of the painting
A.By searching on the Internet.
B.By reading the label below it.
C.By checking the brochure in advance.
13.How does the man feel about museums now
A.Instructive.   B.Boring.   C.Fancy.
14.Why does Daniel mention his performance in a play
A.To show his pride.
B.To comfort Nancy.
C.To express his regret.
15.What is Nancy going to do next week
A.Have a check-up.
B.Take a school test.
C.Go in for a competition.
16.What does Daniel offer to do for Nancy
A.Rewrite her lines.
B.Drive her to the theatre.
C.Help her with the practice.
17.What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
B.Coach and player.
C.Teacher and student.
18.What is the speaker talking about
A.Traditional beliefs.   B.Foods of countries.
C.Celebrations of New Year.
19.What do the Danes do to celebrate the New Year
A.Throwing plates.   B.Dancing on chairs.
C.Building campfires.
20.In which country do people eat grapes before the clock strikes midnight
A.Holland.   B.Spain.   C.Denmark.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Here is a list of four upcoming book festivals. Registration is either just opening or hasn’t quite opened up yet and not all of the festivals have finalized their attendee lists, but it’s never too early to plan which ones you’d like to attend!
The Imaginarium Book Festival celebrates all fantasy, science fiction, paranormal (超自然的) and fantastical things. In addition to a lecture where authors will answer your questions, you’ll get to meet and acquire signed books from your favorite authors.
BOOK BONANZA, Grapevine, Texas
Book Bonanza, started by Colleen Hoover and her sisters, is a celebration of books. It attracts a huge list of incredible author attendees. What makes Book Bonanza stand out is its charitable focus. All the income is donated to charitable causes.
The North Texas Teen Book Festival brings authors and readers together to celebrate teen literature and inspire lifelong readers. They have not announced their author attendees yet, since the deadline for submission has not yet arrived.
The Savannah Book Festival hosts national, regional, and local authors for author presentations and book signings at seven places across three historic squares in downtown Savannah. But the author lineup has not been shown yet.
21.What can people do at the Imaginarium Book Festival
A.Buy books signed by hosts.
B.Give a lecture on writing novels.
C.Watch science fiction movies.
D.Ask authors some questions.
22.What is special about Book Bonanza
A.It’s celebrated by many directors.
B.It invites few famous authors.
C.It focuses on charity work.
D.It was founded by two sisters.
23.What do the last two book festivals have in common
A.They haven’t published the list of authors.
B.They haven’t decided on the place yet.
C.They provide the book signing service.
D.They celebrate the youth literature.
Tomorrow, When the War Began by John Marsden is a fantastic novel that is about seven teenagers who go on a hike for a week to a remote wilderness called Hell. When the group return home, they discover that their country has been invaded. Their families have been taken prisoner and their town is in a mess. After a series of terrifying adventures, they move back to Hell for safety reasons. While there, the group work out their choices. They decide that they will make their base in Hell but they will not just hide. They will try to do something for their country and fight against the enemy.
The story is told from Ellie’s point of view, one of the teenagers. She has been chosen by the group as the one who should record what has happened. Ellie’s description of the story shows how seven normal teenagers can change from innocent high school students to courageous heroes fighting for their country. Desperate and extraordinary events are described one minute and normal teenage worries and emotions the next. For example, Ellie is thinking about happy things at the same time as she is concerned about whether her parents are alive and working out ways to survive.
The main characters are Ellie, Lee, Fiona, Corrie, Kevin, Robyn, Homer, and a boy named Chris who they find in hiding later on in their adventures. At the end of the book, great changes occur. The teenage characters have all grown in each other’s eyes and learned a great deal about war, about life and death, and about themselves.
Tomorrow, When the War Began is a realistic story with nervousness, excitement and fear. I find it spellbinding—in fact, I can’t wait to read it in one day. I think it’s worth reading for everyone.
24.What happens during the teenagers’ first stay in Hell
A.Their country is at war.
B.They get separated.
C.They find prisoners there.
D.Their nation gives up their land.
25.What do we know about the novel from the text
A.It is highly praised by critics.
B.It is written in the first person.
C.It features the struggle of teenagers at school.
D.It encourages people to get on with each other.
26.Which aspect of the novel does Paragraph 3 center on
A.The plot.   B.The setting.
C.The ending.   D.The characters.
27.What does the underlined word “spellbinding” in the last paragraph probably mean
A.Realistic.   B.Ridiculous.
C.Interesting.   D.Historical.
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, and this is exactly the case in Türkiye where garbage collectors started collecting abandoned books and ended up opening a library.
It started when garbage man Durson Ipek found a bag of abandoned books when he was working and then it snowballed from there. Ipek and other garbage men started gathering the books they found on the streets that were ready for landfills(垃圾填埋场) and as their collection started to grow, so did word of mouth. Soon, local residents started donating books directly. At first the library was only accessible to the garbage employees and their families but as the collection grew, so did public interest and the library was opened to the public in 2017.
“On the one hand, there were those who were leaving these books on the streets. On the other hand, others were looking for these books,” ankaya mayor Alper Tasdelen told CNN. “We started to discuss the idea of creating a library from these books and with everyone’s support, the project became a reality.”
All the books that are found are carefully sorted and checked for condition. If they’re up to standard, they’ll go on the shelves. Today, the library has over 6,000 books that range from fiction to non-fiction and there’s a very popular children’s section that even has a collection of comic books. Additionally, there is a section specially set aside for book types of scientific research and there are also books available in both English and French. The collection has grown so large that the library loans books to schools and educational programs.
“Village school teachers from all over the country are requesting books,” Tasdelen told CNN. The government has to hire a full-time employee to manage the library.
This library is incredibly popular. It is frequently filled with the children of the city’s workers and students from nearby schools. There is a waiting room set up for readers and chessboards for the people who visit the library. You can even enjoy a cup of tea in the waiting room.
28.How did the library attract public interest and support
A.By offering free tea to visitors.
B.By organizing chess matches.
C.Through word-of-mouth and book donation.
D.By cooperating with nearby schools.
29.What do we know about the library
A.You can’t find novels in the library.
B.There are only books in Chinese and English.
C.All the books that are found will go on the shelves.
D.Schools and educational programs can borrow books from the library.
30.Why does the government hire a full-time employee
A.To raise people’s awareness of recycling.
B.To classify and check the donated books.
C.To expand the social influence of the library.
D.To meet the huge demand from rural teachers.
31.What can be inferred about the library from the last paragraph
A.It’s an excellent place to enjoy tea.
B.It’s crowded with readers every day.
C.It needs to improve its management.
D.It provides very considerate service.
Ada Palmer is a professor of European history at the University of Chicago. Her science-fiction series, Terra Ignota, was inspired by 18th-century philosophers such as Voltaire and Diderot. “I wanted to write a story that Voltaire might have written if Voltaire had been able to read the last 70 years’ worth of science fiction and have all of those tools available(可获得的) for his use,” Palmer says in a radio program called Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy.
Palmer says that Voltaire could actually be considered the first sci-fi writer, thanks to a short story he wrote in 1752. “Voltaire has a short story called Micromégas, in which an alien from Saturn and an alien from a star near Sirius come to Earth. They are extremely big in size. They explore Earth and have trouble finding life forms because to them a whale is the size of a flea (跳蚤),” she says. They eventually realize that the tiny little spot of wood on the ground is a ship, and it’s full of living things, including humans, and they make contact. So it’s a first-contact story.
Mary Shelley’s 1818 novel Frankenstein is often considered the first sci-fi novel. Voltaire was writing much earlier than Shelley, so should he have the title instead It depends on your definition (定义) of science fiction. “Micromégas doesn’t involve technology,” Palmer says, “so if you define science fiction as depending upon technology—and being about, in the sense of Frankenstein. ‘Is man’s knowledge giving us access to powers beyond what we’ve had before What does that mean ’—it isn’t asking that. But ‘aliens and first contact’ is a very significant science fictional element.”
So there’s no obvious answer to the question of who should be considered the first sci-fi writer. Palmer says it’s more important to ask the question than to arrive at any particular answer. “I don’t want to argue, ‘Yes, definitely, everybody’s history of science fiction should start with Voltaire,’” she says. “But I do want to argue that everybody’s history of science fiction will be richer by discussing whether Voltaire is the beginning of science fiction, or whether it’s earlier or whether it’s later, because that gets at the question of what science fiction is.”
32.What do we know about Micromégas according to the text
A.It is widely accepted as a science-fiction story.
B.It has a big influence on today’s science fiction.
C.Its main characters have trouble finding humans.
D.Its content is about humans’ exploration of space.
33.Why does Ada Palmer regard Voltaire as a sci-fi writer
A.One of his stories focuses on technology.
B.His story involves aliens from other planets.
C.He described human-alien contact in a story.
D.Her science fiction was inspired by his writing.
34.What does Ada Palmer really want to discuss when it comes to science fiction
A.Its true origin.   B.What it can cover.
C.Its colourful expressions.   D.Why it is interesting.
35.What can be a suitable title for the text
A.Ada Palmer and science fiction
B.Was Voltaire the first sci-fi author
C.Technology’s role in science fiction
D.What is science fiction really about
Self-help books(自助书籍) refer to those books that are written to inspire and encourage a person. There are many kinds of self-help books.  36  However, their valuable information and function are truly priceless.
Self-help books can be helpful due to their several advantages. 37  Hope and positive expectations give you the motivation to make an effort to make progress. The books help build these positive expectations by showing how you can succeed in overcoming your problems.
 38  For example, books on changing the personality, overcoming shyness, or other issues are written by sociologists(社会学家) or psychologists. The books dealing with issues about how to be successful in a specific career are usually written by those with rich real-life experience.  39 
Self-help books help you by opening your mind and your world. They can let you see things from a new angle. 40  It can help you re-examine your situation and inspire you to find a new way to deal with problems.
In a word, self-help books can be the start of achieving great changes; they can help you help yourself.
A.Self-help books are written by experts.
B.These books can be priced high.
C.With these new opinions, you can achieve more.
D.First, they build hope and positive expectations.
E.Therefore, self-help books are made more believable.
F.Self-help books also give you solutions to your problems.
G.In this way, you’ll be able to understand things in a new way of thinking.
36.     37.     38.     39.     40.    
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Mrs. June P. Garrett was my seventh-grade English teacher. Back in 1968, she had a major  41  on my life.
When I was in seventh grade, my father  42  me to play sports. Unfortunately, I did not have any of what might be called “ 43  talent”. But I wanted to make my father  44 , if not proud. So, I  45  the junior high school football team.
In the meantime, I  46  a post on the junior high school newspaper. I even created a parody(拙劣的模仿) advice column called “Dear Gertrude”. Mrs. Garrett, also the advisor for the newspaper,  47  my unconventional(非传统的) writing. One day, while grading a homework assignment, she wrote this short but  48  note: “You will make a living as a writer someday.”
From that point on, I  49  what I wanted to do with my life. In fact, in eighth grade, when it came time to write that “What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up ” essay, I no longer wanted to be a doctor (which is what my four brothers all became).  50 , I wrote these words: Now my mind wanders to a(n)  51  thought. To be a writer is my search.
I got a B+ on that paper, and my path in life was  52 .
Soon I  53  playing football in eighth grade and focused the rest of my school years on  54 !
We all have talents. Fortunately, I had just the right teacher at just the right time to help me  55  mine.
41.A.reflection   B.judgement
C.influence   D.project
42.A.warned   B.guided
C.expected   D.allowed
43.A.basic   B.beneficial
C.creative   D.athletic
44.A.confused   B.special
C.happy   D.disappointed
45.A.went back to   B.signed up for
C.insisted on   D.prepared for
46.A.exchanged   B.adapted
C.refused   D.landed
47.A.shared   B.encouraged
C.recovered   D.followed
48.A.interesting   B.flexible
C.inspiring   D.responsible
49.A.considered   B.knew
C.wondered   D.doubted
50.A.Instead   B.Besides
C.Therefore   D.Otherwise
51.A.new   B.secret
C.old   D.small
52.A.achieved   B.cut
C.separated   D.set
53.A.enjoyed   B.stopped
C.stressed   D.kept
54.A.writing   B.acting
C.searching   D.exercising
55.A.improve   B.recognize
C.change   D.recommend
It seems that the old tradition of children getting a bedtime story before sleeping is disappearing in Britain. A new study shows that around a third of parents do not read bedtime stories to their children. The study, from British online retailer(零售商) , also found that up  56  50 per cent of children would prefer to watch TV or play computer games rather than be read a story. Researchers further discovered that five per cent of British under-sevens do not even own  57  book. Parents came up with  58 (vary) reasons why they did not read to their little children. The researchers questioned hundreds of parents, thirteen per cent of  59  blamed a lack of time. Besides, some parents said their children were  60 (simple) not interested.
Littlewoods  61 (work) with British pop star Natasha Hamilton to try and change this since last month. They have launched a bedtime story writing  62 (compete) for children under seven. Ms. Hamilton said, “I’m really excited to see all the different story ideas and can’t wait  63 (see) what the kids come up with.  64 (choose) a winner is not going to be easy.” She spoke about her own joy as a mother in reading bedtime stories, saying, “As a mom of three, I know just how enjoyable reading bedtime stories to my kids is.” A spokesman from said, “We appreciate how important  65  is for parents and kids to spend quality time together, and reading bedtime stories is a great way to do this.”
56.     57.     58.     59.     60.    
61.     62.     63.     64.     65.    
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Dear Jack,
Li Hua
Several years ago, I was living in New York and working for an airline, so I never got back home for Christmas. My Christmas seemed happy with some other colleagues around. But in my heart I was sad because I couldn’t stay with my family. Sometimes my colleagues would say our Christmas was filled with tears. But this Christmas was different. I was lucky. I had the whole day off, which meant I could stay with my family on Christmas Eve.
When Christmas morning came, I awoke to a small hand rubbing my face. “Dad, Merry Christmas!” was all my younger son had time to say. He seemed to be racing against time. I knew he was hunting for gifts with his brother eagerly. I got downstairs just to see the two little boys’ faces as they looked at the pocket rockets Santa Claus had left them. I realized that the real Christmas was for the children who had deep belief in the amazing power of Santa Claus. At first, their fingers went almost shyly over their toys. When their inspection(检查) had been completed, the two boys ensured that the gifts were really delivered by Santa Claus and they dragged everything into the center of the living room.
Delight flooded the room. As their mother began giving out gifts, I smiled to myself, wondering how my unexpected gift this year would be received. With so many Christmases spent outside, I had prepared so many gifts for my children and together with my wife I hid them in several secret places. But the children were excellent detectives and they found all of them. They were happily opening packages constantly thanking considerate Santa Claus for his kindness and ability to know their desires. But I had not received a single one. I knew they had forgotten my existence with my absence from their Christmas these years.
I had to admit that my disappointment was growing steadily.                             
Suddenly my wife walked up to me.                
1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.A
9.B 10.B 11.C 12.B 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.C
17.A 18.C 19.A 20.B 21.D 22.C 23.A 24.A
25.B 26.D 27.C 28.C 29.D 30.D 31.D 32.C
33.C 34.C 35.B 36.B 37.D 38.A 39.E 40.G
41.C 42.C 43.D 44.C 45.B 46.D 47.B 48.C
49.B 50.A 51.A 52.D 53.B 54.A 55.B
56.to 57.a 58.various/varied 59.whom 60.simply 61.has worked 62.competition 63.to see 64.Choosing 65.it
第二部分 阅读
◎语篇解读 本文是一篇应用文。文章向读者介绍了四个即将到来的书展。
21.D 细节理解题。根据IMAGINARIUM BOOK FESTIVAL, Washington, D.C. 部分中的“In addition to a lecture where authors will answer your questions...”可知,在Imaginarium Book Festival这个书展上人们可以问作者一些问题。故选D。
22.C 细节理解题。根据BOOK BONANZA, Grapevine, Texas部分中的“What makes Book Bonanza stand out is its charitable focus. All the income is donated to charitable causes.”可知,Book Bonanza的特别之处在于它重点关注慈善工作。故选C。
23.A 细节理解题。根据NORTH TEXAS TEEN BOOK FESTIVAL, Irving, Texas部分中的“They have not announced their author attendees yet, since the deadline for submission has not yet arrived.”和SAVANNAH BOOK FESTIVAL, Savannah, Georgia部分中的“But the author lineup has not been shown yet.”可知,最后两个书展的共同之处在于它们没有公布作者名单。故选A。
◎语篇解读 本文是一篇书评。文章主要介绍了约翰·马斯登的小说《明日,战争爆发时》。
24.A 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“When the group return home, they discover that their country has been invaded.”可推断,青少年们第一次待在野营地Hell时,他们的国家处于战争状态。故选A。
25.B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The story is told from Ellie’s point of view, one of the teenagers.”可知,这个故事是从其中一名青少年Ellie的视角讲述的,由此可知,小说是用第一人称写的。故选B。
26.D 主旨大意题。第三段介绍了小说的主要人物以及他们身上发生的巨大变化,他们在彼此的眼中都成长了,了解了很多关于战争、生死以及他们自己的事情,由此可知,第三段以小说的人物为中心。故选D。
27.C 词义猜测题。根据画线词后文“...I can’t wait to read it in one day. I think it’s worth reading for everyone.”可知,作者迫不及待地想在一天之内读完它,认为这本书值得大家一读,可见作者认为这本书很吸引人,故画线词的意思是“使人入迷的”,与interesting意思相近。故选C。
◎语篇解读 本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要报道了土耳其的垃圾清洁工收集被丢弃的书籍并开了一家图书馆的故事。
28.C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“Ipek and other garbage men...Soon, local residents started donating books directly.”可知,随着Ipek和其他垃圾工的收集量开始增加,口碑也开始增加。很快,当地居民开始直接捐书。因此,该图书馆通过口碑和图书捐赠吸引公众的兴趣和支持。故选C。
29.D 细节理解题。根据文章第四段最后一句“The collection has grown so large that the library loans books to schools and educational programs.”可知,学校和教育项目可以从图书馆借书。故选D。
30.D 推理判断题。根据第五段中的“Village school teachers from all over the country are requesting books”可推知,乡村学校的教师经常会前往图书馆借书,因此,政府不得不雇用一位全职员工来管理图书馆,以满足乡村教师对书籍的巨大需求。故选D。
31.D 推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句“There is a waiting room set up for readers and chessboards...a cup of tea in the waiting room.”可知,该图书馆设置了一个等候室和棋盘,人们甚至可以在等候室喝杯茶,由此推知,图书馆为读者提供了非常周到的服务。故选D。
◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了芝加哥大学教授Ada Palmer受18世纪哲学家伏尔泰启发写的科幻系列作品,并讨论了关于谁是第一位科幻作家的问题。
32.C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“‘Voltaire has a short story called Micromégas...a flea,’ she says. ...including humans, and they make contact.”可知,两个外星人探索地球,却很难找到生命形式,因为对他们来说,鲸只有跳蚤那么大。他们最终意识到,地面上那一小块木头是一艘船,船上满是生物,包括人类。因此Micromégas的主角很难找到人类。故选C。
33.C 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“But ‘aliens and first contact’ is a very significant science fictional element.”可知,Ada Palmer认为“外星人和首次接触”是一个非常重要的科幻元素,所以认为Micromégas是科幻小说,从而认为伏尔泰是一位科幻作家。故选C。
34.C 推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知,谈到科幻小说,Ada Palmer认为提出问题比得到特定的答案更重要,通过讨论问题,每个人的科幻历史都会更丰富,说明她更希望讨论多元化的表达,而不是为科幻小说或者第一个科幻小说家下定义。故选C。
35.B 主旨大意题。文章第一段介绍了Ada Palmer的科幻系列小说Terra Ignota受到了伏尔泰的启发。在第二段中,Ada Palmer认为伏尔泰实际上可以被视为第一位科幻作家,并介绍了他的一篇短篇小说Micromégas。在第三段中,Ada Palmer提出问题——考虑到伏尔泰的写作时间早于Shelley,是否应该给他第一位科幻作家的头衔 在第四段中,Ada Palmer认为提出谁是第一位科幻小说家的问题比得到任何特定的答案更为重要。综上所述,本文主要讨论了伏尔泰是不是第一个科幻作家,以及通过讨论这个问题,能给读者带来的好处,所以B项“伏尔泰是第一个科幻作家吗 ”适合作为本文标题。故选B。
◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了自助书籍的作用。
36.B 细节句。根据空后的However可知,设空处与空后一句是转折关系,空后一句提到自助书籍的信息和功能是无价的,B项“这些书可能定价很高”符合语境,故选B项。
37.D  过渡句。空前一句提到自助书籍很有帮助是因为它们有几个优点,后文提到希望和积极的期望的意义,所以设空处应该承上启下,指出给予希望和积极的期望是自助书籍的一个优点,D项“首先,它们建立希望和积极的期望”符合语境,其中hope和positive expectations为原词复现。故选D项。
38.A  主旨句。根据For example可知,后文举例说明设空处的内容,设空处应是本段的主旨句。后文提到关于改变性格、克服害羞或其他问题的书籍是由社会学家或心理学家撰写的,关于如何在特定职业中取得成功的书籍通常是由那些有丰富现实生活经验的人写的,由此可知,自助书籍的作者都是专业人士,A项“自助书籍是由专家撰写的”符合语境。故选A项。
39.E 细节句。根据空前两句可知,自助书籍的作者都是专业人士,设空处位于段尾,应是对前文进行总结,E项“因此,(这)使自助书籍更加可信”与前文衔接紧密,符合语境。故选E项。
40.G 细节句。上文提到自助书籍帮助你打开思想和世界,让你从一个新的角度看事情,下文提到它可以帮助你重新审视自己的处境,激励你找到解决问题的新方法,由此可知,本段介绍自助书籍对思维的帮助,G项“这样,你就能用一种新的思维方式来理解事情”也是在说自助书籍对思维的作用,符合语境。故选G项。
第三部分 语言运用
◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者的老师帮助他发现了自己在写作方面的天赋,从而找到他人生努力的方向的故事。
41.C 考查名词词义辨析。根据下文作者对他如何放弃足球,投入写作的具体描述可知,老师对他的影响很大。故选C。
42.C 考查动词词义辨析。根据下文“But I wanted to make my father  44 , if not proud. So, I  45  the junior high school football team.”可知,作者的父亲希望他做运动员,遗憾的是,他没有什么运动天赋。故选C。
43.D 考查形容词词义辨析。解析见上题。
44.C 考查形容词词义辨析。根据下文“if not proud”并结合选项可知,作者想让他的父亲高兴。故选C。
45.B 考查动词短语辨析。根据下文“Soon I  53  playing football in eighth grade and focused the rest of my school years on  54 !”可知,作者为了让父亲高兴,加入了校足球队。故选B。
46.D 考查动词词义辨析。根据下文“I even created a parody advice column called ‘Dear Gertrude’.”可知,作者除了加入足球队还在校报谋得了一个职位。故选D。
47.B 考查动词词义辨析。根据下文“You will make a living as a writer someday.”可知,老师鼓励他进行非传统的写作。故选B。
48.C 考查形容词词义辨析。根据下文“You will make a living as a writer someday.”可知,对于作者有些不寻常的写作,Mrs. Garrett是持鼓励态度的,因此在评阅作者的作业时,写下了鼓励他的话。故选C。
49.B 考查动词词义辨析。根据下文“In fact, in eighth grade, when it came time to write that ‘What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up ’ essay, I no longer wanted to be a doctor (which is what my four brothers all became).”可知,老师的一句评语让作者突然意识到自己想在以后的人生中做什么。故选B。
50.A 考查副词词义辨析。根据下文“Now my mind wanders to a(n)  51  thought. To be a writer is my search.”可知,上下文之间是转折关系,故用Instead。故选A。
51.A 考查形容词词义辨析。根据上文“I no longer wanted to be a doctor”可知,作者不再想要成为一名医生,而是写下了“我现在有一个新的想法,成为一名作家是我的追求”这样的话。故选A。
52.D 考查动词词义辨析。根据上文“To be a writer is my search.”可知,从此,作者人生之路的方向确定了下来。故选D。
53.B 考查动词词义辨析。根据上文“To be a writer is my search.”和下文“focused the rest of my school years on”可知,作者在八年级的时候退出了足球队,从此将自己的时间集中在写作上。故选B。
54.A 考查动词词义辨析。解析见上题。
55.B 考查动词词义辨析。根据上文老师对作者的影响可知,作者认为自己很幸运,能有合适的老师在合适的时间帮助他意识到自己的天赋所在。故选B。
◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了为了让更多的家长为孩子读睡前故事,英国一家网站与流行歌手Natasha Hamilton联手举办了睡前故事写作比赛。
56.to 考查介词。固定搭配up to意为“到达(某数量、程度等),至多有”,故填to。
57.a 考查冠词。根据句意可知,设空处泛指“一本书”,且book的发音以辅音音素开头,应用不定冠词a,故填a。
58.various/varied 考查形容词。设空处修饰名词reasons,应用形容词various或varied作定语,意为“各种各样的”,故填various或varied。
59.whom 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,设空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是parents,指人,关系词替代先行词在从句中作主语,且位于介词of之后,应用关系代词whom引导,故填whom。
60.simply 考查副词。设空处修饰形容词interested,应用副词simply“的确”作状语,故填simply。
61.has worked 考查动词时态和主谓一致。根据时间状语since last month可知,此处应用现在完成时,主语是第三人称单数,助动词使用has,故填has worked。
62.competition 考查名词。设空处作宾语,应用名词competition“比赛”,由空前的不定冠词a可知,此处应用可数名词的单数形式,故填competition。
63.to see 考查非谓语动词。can’t wait to do sth.意为“迫不及待地做某事”,是固定搭配,故填to see。
64.Choosing 考查非谓语动词。设空处作主语且表示抽象动作,应用动名词,位于句首,首字母大写,故填Choosing。
65.it 考查it作形式主语。it is+adj.+for sb. to do sth.意为“对某人来说做某事是……的”,是固定句型,it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式短语,故填it。
第四部分 写作
One possible version:
Dear Jack,
I’m glad to hear that you’ve made great progress in learning Chinese. At your request, I’d like to recommend the book A Dream of Red Mansions to you, which is a well-known masterpiece in the world of literature.
Written about 250 years ago by Cao Xueqin, the novel has attracted countless readers. It mainly describes the daily life and declining fortunes of a large family. At the heart of the novel is the story between Jia Baoyu, Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai. Cao devoted all his feelings to the characters in the book, giving them special looks, voices and emotions.
The novel is really worth reading and I believe you will enjoy it.
Li Hua
One possible version:
I had to admit that my disappointment was growing steadily. I was wondering whether I could get a gift when my younger son ran to me, who was really kind enough to save my face. He asked me to admire his gift which he deeply believed was carefully chosen by Santa Claus. He said happily that he would share some of his gifts and allow me to choose one from them. I thanked him from the bottom of my heart, still feeling disappointed.
Suddenly my wife walked up to me. It seemed that she had guessed how I felt. She asked me to look at the Christmas tree which was decorated with so many boxes. I thought she was showing off her efforts on the decorations but she took down a small box and passed it to me, smiling and saying it was for me. I opened it and saw a card which read “We will never forget you. Merry Christmas!” Under the card was a watch which was clicking with delight. I was moved to tears.
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)


