Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake Section A (1a-1c)教学设计(表格式)

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Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake Section A (1a-1c)教学设计(表格式)


课 题 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake Section A (1a-1c)
课时安排 1课时 课前准备 1).Real objects: orange,banana, milk, blender, knife, ice-cream,flowers 2).PPT, blackboard design 3).Books
教材内容 分 析 Analysis of the Text: It is the eighth unit of Go For It, book 3 . It’s the first lesson of this unit: listening &speaking. Its main teaching goal is to describe a process and Follow instructions.So in this unit, students will learn how to describe the process of making banana milk shake. And the topic is related to our daily life closely.
设计理念 建议从技术融合创新的思路上表达,描述整节课中期望利用何种技术,在教学教研、课堂应用、学生评价、有效反馈等哪个方面进行创新突破。 Teaching methods: 1).Students-centered and teacher-guided learning strategies 2). Task based teaching approach. 3). Learning methods: 1). Teamwork, exploration participation to reach the goal. petition 3).Discussing method. 4).Look, listen, and say to gain language competence
学情分析 Analysis of the students: The students are at the age of 13 to 15 ,so they have a basis of listening and speaking, they are smart and outgoing and they are really interested in making a banana milk shake. So it is very interesting to have such lessons. The students will be able to make a banana milk shake for their family and friends after this unit.
教学目标 1.Knowledge goal: To learn the step words and action words. To make the students know how to learn to describe the process of making banana milk shake and follow instructions. 2. Ability Goal: To develop the students’ ability of listening ,speaking. To train the students’ communication and manipulative ability. 3. Emotion goal: To learn to share foods with others. To make the students love life and their parents
教学重难点 Key points: To master the basic words: turn on, cut up, drink, peel, pour, put To describe a process Difficult points: Use the language to describe the process of making banana milk shake and follow instructions. Eg: How do you make a banana milk shake First,...Next,...Then,...Finally
教学环节(一) 师生活动 Teacher’s activities 1.Free talk Ask the students : Are you a foodie Do you know what this is (show them an orange) Yes, it’s an orange.It’s a kind of fruit. Do you like fruits 2. Ask the students : What’s your favorite fruit Students’ activities Answer the questions. Yes. It’s an orange. Yes. 2. Think for a while and answer the question about favorite fruit.
设计意图 设计在该环节里的技术应用的教研与技术融合的目的是否达到。如:“采用展示 石拱桥的图片导课”,让学生从实际生活中的几何图形中观察几何。 To review the fruit and then lead to bananas.
教学环节(二) 师生活动 Teacher’s activities provide a real situation: 1. I like bananas. But today I don’t want to just peel the bananas and eat them. I want to change a way to eat banana. Can you help me 2. I like banana milk shake. Do you like banana milk shake Do you know how to make a banana milk shake Students’ activities 1. Think about how many ways teacher can eat banana. 2. Think about how to make a banana milk shake. (Yes or no)
设计意图 设计在该环节的技术应用是否合理。同样需要考虑到技术应用是否能满足教学、是否能创新教学环节、是否符合学生学情等一些列问题。 1. To lead to a kind of fruit.(banana) 2. Ask a question to lead to a kind of drink. (banana milk shake.) 3. This leads to the next topic of making banana milk shake.
教学环节 (三) 师生活动 Teacher’s activities 1. Lead students to learn some action words. 2. Lead students to get everything ready. And show them real things. 3.Play a game about classification:Let students put the things into the right basket. Students’ activities 1. Learn some action words and do the action. and to understand the meanings of the action words. 2. Get everything ready together. 3.Put the things into the right basket.
设计意图 如上思考,建议要充分考虑到“恰当的时机使用恰当的技术”的问题。 1. it can draw the students ‘attention
and arouse their interests
in learning English.
the action provide a real situation to understand the
meanings of the action words , not by presenting the new words one by one and telling them the Chinese meanings. 2. Encourage the students to think: If we want to make a banana milk shake, what do we need
教学环节 (四) 师生活动 Teacher’s activities 1. Let the students play a game and match the words with the actions in 1a. Then check it. 2. Lead the students to guess the correct order about making a banana milk shake. Ask the students can pour the milk first 3. Let the students listen to find answer. 4. Let students listen again and fill in the blanks. 5. Ask two students to make a banana milk shake. Students’ activities 1. Play a game and match the words with the actions in 1a. 2. Guess the correct order about making a banana milk shake. 3. Listen the tape to find answer. 4. Listen again and fill in the blanks. 5. To make a banana milk shake.
设计意图 1. To review the action words and match the words with the actions. 2. Guess is a good way for students to know how to make a banana milk shake. They are supposed to guess the correct order in order to get ready for the following steps. 3.
it helps get the students’ attention and arouse their interests in learning English.
I think doing it is the best way to consolidate action words efficiently.
Make banana milk shake together can better understand of steps, to
raise interest.
教学环节 (五) 师生活动 Teacher’s activities 1.Let students discuss and let them write the the instructions down first and then make a conversation about how to make fruit milk shake. 2. Ask students to summarize what they have learned in this lesson. 3.Let students remember: too much of anything is unhealthy. To learn to share foods with others. To make the students love life and their parent. Students’ activities 1.Have a discussion and write the the instructions down first and share. 2.Summarize what they have learned in this lesson. 3.To remember: too much of anything is unhealthy. to share foods with others.
设计意图 1.This part aims to cultivate the students’ the abilities of speaking. It will take about 5 minutes. 2.Summary is an important step for students to revise what they have learned in time 3. Let students remember: too much of anything is unhealthy. To learn to share foods with others. To make the students love life and their parent
板书设计 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake Section A(1a-1c)
教学反思 反思请多反思教学重难点用技术环境展示是否得到了优化、教学过程中的技术应用是否符合预期、学生互动是否满足效果、技术应用是否得到创新等问题。 整堂课对学生的语言水平都有所照顾,在展示阶段,先让语言能力相对较;强的学生来完成,然后练习巩固阶段,可以多与中下水平的学生交流。在两人,小组练习中做到以强带弱。 在教学中适当运用游戏教学可使学生在玩中学,变无意注意为有意注意, 使学生在游戏之中实实在在地进行语言的运用和交流,避免了枯燥无味的死记硬背,这样的教学能激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生学习英语的信心和决心得到增强。 所以我设置了challenge your memory,计时抢答,比眼力这样的游戏来吸引学生的眼球。


