译林版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Extended reading课件(共39张PPT)

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译林版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Extended reading课件(共39张PPT)


Unit 4
Scientists who changed the world
Extended Reading (2)
The Value of Science
1. ____________ 从事,致力于
2. _________________原子弹
3. ________________ 使……处于危险之中
4. ___________________ 包含在,与...有关
work on
put...at risk
be involved in
atomic bomb
1. it represented the destruction of people and it put our future at risk. (Lines3-5)
risk n.危险,风险; v.使遭受危险;冒......的危险;冒险做
冒生死之险 v. ____________________________
冒险做... v. ____________________________
n. ____________________________
risk one’s life / lives
risk doing
run/take the risk of sth/ doing
处境危险,在危险中 at risk
自担风险,对发生的事情负责 at one’s own risk
冒...的危险 at the risk of
1. They risk _________(lose) everything.
2. We don't want to __________the risk of losing their business.
3. He saved my life ____________ losing his own.
4. Persons swimming beyond this point do so _______________(冒着自身风险).
5. That would mean putting other children _____(处境危险)
run/ take
at the risk of
at their own risk
at risk
(1) involved adj.参与,有关联;耗费很多时间,关注
be/get involved in... 参与……,与……有关;专心于……
(2) involve ①vt. 牵涉,牵连;(使)参加,加入
involve sb./oneself in (doing) sth. 使某人/某人自己参与(做)某事
②vt. 包含,需要
involve doing sth. 包括/需要做某事
(3)involvement n. [U]参与;[U,C]投入
2. I had to ask myself, “Is there some evil involved in science
① The man said he involved himself this affair by accident not on purpose.
② Michelle found a job as a high school teacher which involved ________(spend) quite a lot of time with students.
③ As he was involved in the boring talk,he was a little annoyed.
→ ______________________________,he was a little annoyed.
④ 你本不该把他牵涉进你们的争吵 (Translation)。
You shouldn’t have got him involved in your argument.
Involved in the boring talk
1.________________ 换句话说
2._____________________________ 致力于……
3._____________________ 深思熟虑、再三思考
put another way
devote oneself to (doing)...
think long and hard
put (it) another way “换言之”,同义词组有:
in other words
that is (to say)
Tu Youyou devotes herself to the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine
1. ______________ 具有价值
2. ______________________ 某物被某人所熟悉
3. ____________________归功于……
be of value
sth. be familiar to sb.
lead us to good work
to the credit of...
an enabling power
3. ... it is not only to the credit of science...(Line 12)
credit card
1. They are working hard for the credit of China.
2. You must pass the examination to get credit for the course.
3. We did all the work and she gets all the credit!
4. The bank refused further credit to the company.
5. No credit is given at this shop.
6. Borrowers need to provide the credit history, which the lenders will use as the criteria when evaluating a loan.
credit v.
At the time, we used to credit everything to one person.
I can credit all that you are telling me.
I want to credit this to my account.
credit n.[U]认可,赞扬,称赞; [U,C]贷款,借款; [U]信用,信誉; [U]赊购,赊欠; [C]学分
v. 把(钱)记入总账,把钱存入(账户);相信,信任;认为是……的功劳
①Your honesty does you great credit.
② We bought the dishwasher ________credit .
③______________, Jack never told anyone exactly what had happened.
give sb. credit for... 为……而称赞某人
do sb. credit 使某人值得赞扬
to sb.’s credit 使值得赞扬 (无论sb.是否单数,credit都为单数)
on credit 赊购
To his credit
4. ... but it doesn’t carry instructions on how to apply it.
(Line 14)
vt. 适用;涂,敷;应用 apply sth. to...把某物应用于…;把...涂到...
be applied to... 被应用于……(to为介词)
vi. 申请 apply to sb for sth (向……)申请……
apply to do sth 申请做某事
apply oneself/one's mind to (doing) sth. 某人致力于/专心于(做)某事
application n. [C,U]申请,申请表;应用
applicant n. [C]申请人
applied adj. 应用的,实用的
① Due to the ___________ (apply) of this medical technology, some diseases can be treated at the early stage.
② We should apply theory ________ practice; otherwise, it is no use.
③The person who wants to apply ________ the position will be expected to have a good command of English.
④After knocking politely at the door, the ________ (apply) entered the office of the general manager.
⑤ The new technology________________________ farming, which helps increase agricultural production.
⑥ Before you travel to a foreign country, you should _________________a passport.
⑦ Over the next months, he____________________ ____________________________.
has been applied to
apply for
applied himself to
improving the technique
1. ___________________________ 知识上的享受 (L17)
2. ______________________ 给……提供……(L17)
3. ______________________________激励人们深入看问题(L20)
6. ________________促使,促成(L22)
7. ________________被引领做某事(L23)
intellectual enjoyment
inspire one to look deeper
let sb down
turn over each new stone
lead on to
be led to do
1. _____________________________________________ 无知,怀疑和不确定 (L26)
2. ____________________________ 重要(L26)
3. _____________关于(L28)
be in doubt
as to
ignorance and doubt and uncertainty
be of great importance
When he has an idea as to what the result is, he is uncertain. (P54)
as to 至于,关于
as to+WH... 至于……
as to+n./pron./doing 至于/关于……
They have not decided yet as to who will be in charge of the project.
He asked for my advice as to what to do next.
We had a delightful weekend in the country. As for/to the traffic, we had no difficulty.
(1)as to后面可接从句或“特殊疑问词/whether+不定式”结构。但as for不可以。
(2)as to可用于引出一个与前文有所不同的话题。此时as to可与as for互换。
Let's make it next Saturday. ______________________________, it's up to you.
There is some doubt _______________________ sign this contract.
_________________, my mother is the person I respect most.
As for/to the place for our picnic
as to whether he will
As for/to me
1. ______________________ 想当然地认为,认为……是理所当然的(L30)
2. ___________________ 因为……而成立(产生)(L31)
3. ___________________给……留空间(L35)
take it for granted
be born out of...
leave room for...
Now,we scientists take it for granted that it is perfectly possible to live and not know.
在“take it for granted+that从句”中,it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的that从句。与此类似的用法有rely on/depend on/see to it+that从句;appreciate it+if从句;like/hate it+when从句。
(1)A teacher shouldn’t take for granted that every student has understood what he said in class.
(2)You can rely on my helping you when you are in trouble.
→ I will help you when you are in trouble.(含有it作形式宾语的复合句)
I would appreciate it if you could take my invitation into consideration / account.
You can rely on it that
Permit us to question―to doubt ―to not be sure.(L35)
permit vt. 允许,准允;vi.& vt.允许,使有可能;n.[C]许可证
permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事
sb be permitted to do sth. 某人被允许做某事
permit (one's) doing sth. 准许(某人)做某事
weather/time permitting 天气/时间允许的话
permission n. [U]许可,允许
ask permission 请求许可
without /with sb.'s permission 未经/经某人许可
①Many shop owners don't permit ________ (park) cars in front of their shops.
②It is requested that we should not be permitted _________(take) goods out of the container unless informed.
③In the lab, the students can’t touch electrical devices without the teacher’s (permit).
④Even though his father didn't _______________________________ (允许他加入) the school football team, he did it finally.
to take
permit him to join/permit his joining
① ,a winter hike will be launched to get us close to nature and raise us students’ health awareness. (独立主格结构)
② ,a winter hike will be launched to get us close to nature and raise us students’ health awareness. (条件状语从句)
Weather permitting
If weather permits
1. ______________________ ……的成果,成效,结果
2. ___________________ 不是……而是……(L38)
the fruit/fruits of...
It is our responsibility as scientists, knowing the great progress that is the fruit of freedom of thought, to declare the value of this freedom...(P54)
declare vt. 宣布,公布;宣称,表明
declare...to be/as...宣布……为……
declare war on/against...向……宣战
declare for/against表示赞成/反对
It is declared that...据宣布……
It is declared that the new traffic law will come into effect next month.
①The birth rate was expected to increase rapidly after the __________ (declare) of three-child policy, but it didn't change significantly.
②In 1939,Britain declared war _______________ Germany after Germany invaded Poland.
③The politician declared strongly the policy put forward at the conference,which made the others present unhappy.
④Because of the solid evidence,the judge finally declared the man charged with murder (be) innocent.
on/ against
to be
/ dekl re ( )n/
He put forward the theory of evolution by natural selection and published On the Origin of Species in 1859. (P55)
put forward 提出(计划,建议);推荐,举荐;拨快(时针指针);将……提前
put away 将……收起,把……放回原处
put aside 储存
put down 放下;写下,记下
put off 推迟,延迟
put out 熄灭,扑灭;公布
put on 穿上,戴上;上演;增加体重;抹,搽,擦
put up with 容忍,忍受
put up 提升;张贴;搭建
(1)A week before Earth Day,posters were ________ around our school,calling upon us to join in the actions for a greener earth.
(2)We will the picnic until next week,when the weather may be better.
(3)I can’t make sense of the theory by a famous scholar. Do me a favour to explain it,please.
put up
put off
put forward
(4)As long as we our cellphones and get down to spending time with our family,we will never let our family down.
(5)Friends have to learn to_________________ annoying habits and to tolerate differences of opinions.
put aside
put up with
The first way in which science is of value is familiar to everyone. 科学的第一个价值是大家都熟知的。
[句式分析] 此句中“of value”为“of +名词结构”
“of +名词”结构可在句中作表语、后置定语和宾语补足语。该结构可分为两类:
(1)可以转化为同根形容词的:此时,“of+名词”结构用来说明句子主语所具有的作用、重要性或意义等。这类名词有value, use, importance, help, significance, benefit, beauty等。名词前可用no, some, any, little, much, great等词修饰,用来表示程度。
Dictionaries are (=very helpful) to English learners. 词典对英语学习者来说是很有帮助的。
of great help
(2)不可以转化为形容词的:此时,“of+名词”结构用来说明句子主语在重量、大小、颜色、类别等方面的特征。这类名词有color, size, age, height, weight, shape, type, kind, price, quality等,名词前可用different, the same, a(n)等来修饰。
These pens are of many different colors.这些钢笔有许多不同的颜色。
The two rooms are of a size/of the same size. 这两个房间大小一样。
Tom and I are of the same age. 我和汤姆一样大。
of significance=significant有重大意义的
of use=useful有用的
of importance=important重要的
of value=valuable宝贵的,很有用的
of help=helpful有帮助的
of benefit=beneficial有裨益的
①You'll find this map is ___________________ to you when you are traveling around Shanghai.(value)
②The discovery of the new drug is ___________________________ to people who suffer from heart trouble. (importance)
Please donate these things to charities. They are ___________to me.(use)
Their products are ____________ and are sold all over the country.(quality)
of great/much value
of great/much importance
of no use
of high quality
The twins are ________________________________, but different in weight.(height)
of the same height/of a height
1.我的奶奶通过不断摸索才学会使用电脑。(through trial and error)
2 老师做的实验使我们对科学产生了浓厚的兴趣。(conduct)
My grandmother has learnt to use the computer through trial and error.
The experiments conducted by the teacher made us deeply interested in science.
3 我的手机可以在这里充电吗?(charge)
4 我打算在山里过夜,所以随身带了帐篷和睡袋。(intend)
May/Can I charge my mobile phone here /Can my mobile phone be charged here
I intended to spend the night in the mountains, so I took my tent and sleeping bag with me.
5 至于我们未来的规划,我认为我们应该努力提高产品的市场份额。(as to)
6 他又让我失望了。我以后再也不会信任他了。(let sb down)
As to our future plans, I think we should try to increase the market share of our product.
He let me down again. I will not trust him any more.
8.从外语学校毕业后,西蒙成为了一名画家,这纯属偶然。(by accident)
The job involves a lot of effort, but it is worth it.
After graduating from a foreign language school, Simon became a painter quite by accident.


