上海市青浦高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试 英语试题(含解析,无听力音频和文字材料)

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上海市青浦高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试 英语试题(含解析,无听力音频和文字材料)


考试时间: 90分钟 满分: 100分
I. Listening Comprehension
Section A
Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
1. A. On a train. B. In a bus. C. At a bus stop. D. On a plane.
2. A. Classmates. B. Strangers. C. Friends. D. Coworkers.
3. A. The ATM is nearby. B. The ATM is far away.
C. She doesn’t know where the ATM is. D. The ATM is closed.
4. A. He doesn’t like soup. C. He is not hungry anymore.
B. He wants to try it next time. D. He has already tried it.
5. A. A book. B. A set of toys.
C. A piece of jewelry. D. A stuffed animal.
6. A. Convince the woman to study harder. B. Reassure the woman about her performance.
C. Predict the woman’s exam results. D. Criticize the woman for not studying hard.
7. A. The Great Wall fell short of expectations. B. The scenery was disappointing.
C. Too many visitors packed the place. D. The weather ruined the trip.
8. A. She doesn’t care about the broken vase. B. She is very angry about the broken vase.
C. She thinks the man should replace the vase. D. She is forced to comfort the man.
Section B
Directions: In Section B, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages and conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
Questions 9 through 11 are based on the following passage.
9. A. 99 B. 100 C. 101 D. 102
10. A. Katherine Johnson, a NASA mathematician, has died at the age of 101.
B. Katherine Johnson broke race barriers by working for NASA.
C. A book and movie were made about Katherine Johnson’s life.
D. Katherine Johnson’s contributions to NASA were unrecognized until recently.
11. A. She was the first African American woman to work at NASA.
B. She played a crucial role in confirming computer calculations for orbits.
C. She was widely known to the public before the release of the book and movie.
D. She worked exclusively on the first mission to put an American in space.
Questions 12 through 14 are based on the following passage.
12. A. How to become an armchair detective.
B. The different types of armchairs.
C. The literal and figurative meanings of “armchair”.
D. The comfort of armchairs.
13. A. People who enjoy reading detective novels.
B. People who solve crimes from their armchairs.
C People who seldom watch crime shows in their work.
D. People who are actual detectives working from home.
14. A. Indifferent and unconcerned C. Critical and analytical.
B. Serious and informative. D. Humorous and light-hearted.
Questions 15 through 18 are based on the following conversation.
15. A. Missing the deadline. B. Making a wrong choice.
C. Failure in application. D. Difficult courses and exams.
16. A. It appeals to a great number of students.
B. It hardly meets the requirements of Amy’s parents.
C. It is the best place to learn business administration.
D. It boasts many excellent courses and famous tutors.
17. A. Improve her integral strength. B. Choose German as the major.
C. Apply for scholarship in the university. D. Take German universities into account.
18. A. Favorite majors. B. Career prospects.
C. School ranking. D. School reputation.
II. Grammar and Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D, choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.
1. Professor Joy did not allow__________ without __________.
A. talking, permitting B. to talk, permitted
C. talking, being permitted D. to talk, being permitted
2. __________ 110 when there is an emergency both in public and at home.
A. Dialing B. Dial C. to dial D. Dialed
3. Dr. Manteca has made it clear that much of his collection ______ to the national gallery.
A. has 1eft B. is to leave C. leaves D. is to be left
4. The unique flavor of Maotai__________ centuries of change in China, from the Qing Dynasty to the 21st century.
A. survived B. will survive C. has survived D. is surviving
5. The Song dynasty is considered as the peak of Chinese traditional culture, __________ the makeup and clothing of females are simple and elegant.
A. when B. whose C. which D. what
6. Peter had intended to__________ you yesterday, but someone came to see him just when he was about to leave.
A. call for B. call on C. call out D. call in
7. When reading the touching letter, Cecilia found it difficult to__________ tears.
A. dawn on B. settle down C. hold back D. adjust to
8. Swallow’s research provided__________ evidence that the new drug is effective in treating the disease.
A. inclusive B. conclusive C. passive D. exclusive
9. The lion’s__________ echoed through the woods, sending all the animals hurrying for cover.
A boar B. soar C. hoar D. roar
10. Grace asked the naughty student to__________ the contents of his pockets, which revealed several items not allowed in class.
A. turn over B. turn up C. turn down D. turn out
Section B
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
Signs You Are Eating Pre-Made Food at a Restaurant
Even at fine dining restaurants, serving pre-made food is a common practice most regular customers are not aware of. So how can you know for sure your food was made ____11____ you ever sat down at your table Here’s how to tell if the food you’re eating is fresh.
You may be excited to see your waitress approaching with your food not long after you order it, but the biggest sign ____12____ you’re dinning at a restaurant serving pre-made food is how quickly your food arrives at the table.
A freshly prepared meal that’s made for people ____13____(order) takes time. What doesn’t take much time is reheating pre-made food, ____14____ is often done at fast-food restaurants.
An extensive menu means the chef ____15____ have all those ingredients on-hand, which makes it difficult to guarantee freshness along with timeliness. To solve this problem, chefs often use pre-made food. That can range from already packaged products ____16____ preparing the meals in advance, but either way, they’re getting a head start, and the quality of your meal may suffer from ____17____.
Often enough, the establishment you ____18____(dine) at is the first indicator that your meal is pre-made. Choosing a chain restaurant for your dining destination may seem like a safe choice, for you know what’s on the menu and you know ____19____ it’s going to taste like, no matter what city you’re in.
Say you’re at a restaurant and you order a steak. You wait in anticipation, watering at the thought of ____20____(slice) into a juicy steak. Your order arrives, and it looks just like you imagined it would, except for the taste. That’s probably because your steak hit the microwave before it hit your plate!
Section C
Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. competing B. incredibly C. issued D. influential E. barely F. hosting G. highlight H. stage I. diagnosis J. related K. commitment
Shanghai Is Full Speed Ahead
After decades of experience in the field, Shanghai is strengthening its reputation as a global leader in ____21____ top-level, professional sports events.
Last month’s Shanghai Sailing Open, held from March 26—31 on Dishui Lake, was a typical example of the city’s world-famous excellence, attracting over 300 competitors, including a six—time world champion of Poland, a gold medalist at the Hangzhou Asian Games, and China’s former Olympic champion Xu Lijia; ____22____ in sailboats and yachts, sailors sang praise on the competition environment and overall atmosphere of the event.
Shanghai’s ____23____ to developing its sports scene has been key to this success. In 2015, the Shanghai government ____24____ a plan to speed up the development of its sports industry, including a proposal to develop the city into a world-renowned sports hub within 10 years.
According to the “2023 Shanghai sports event influence ____25____ report”, Shanghai held 118 major sports events last year, with 36 of those international-level events, including the ATP 1000 Shanghai Masters, the Shanghai Marathon, and the Shanghai Half Marathon, which were rated as the city’s most ____26____ sports events last year.
This year, besides the recent Shanghai Sailing Open and various district-organized half marathon events, the city will continue to ____27____ sports competitions such as the Shanghai Half Marathon, the Formula 1 Chinese Grand Prix, the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship, and the Olympic Qualifier Series.
The success of sports development in Shanghai is closely ____28____ to a policy of top-level construction. In addition to top—level international competitions, top—tier home teams, and professional leagues, brand events are staged year-round to ____29____ the city’s characteristics. Linking sports with culture, commerce, tourism, and exhibitions is another feature of the city’s sports environment, helping to ____30____ maximize the economic benefits. Spectators can expect to be treated to the very best in urban sports and that organizers will strive to provide a warm atmosphere of sports, art, music, and culture.
III. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
I offer to pay you $200 in one year if you give me $190 today. Good deal or bad deal It’s the kind of math problem you might encounter in real life, ____31____, say, whether the cosecant (余割) of a 30-degree angle is 1 or 2. You can imagine students ____32____ their spirits and paying attention when they realize that they need to know algebra (代数) to avoid being cheated on a loan. Math and personal finance make a ____33____ fit. Students grasp concepts in math much better when they see how those subjects ____34____ their daily financial lives.
A survey in 2022 funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation found that 61 percent of parents of students said math education should be “relevant to the real world” ____35____ that only 21 percent said it was. The drive for relevance goes beyond K-12 education. Some of America’s top universities are ____36____ personal finance into their curriculums.
Harvard has a personal finance course in the ____37____ department that’s taught by John Campbell, a past president of the American Finance Association. “____38____, personal finance was regarded as a very sort of hands-on skill that you might teach to people who were going to a technical high school,” he told me. “There is, I would say, a modern movement to ____39____ of personal finance as a subject with actually a lot more intellectual content.”
In most high schools, personal finance classes are light on math, and math classes are _____40_____ in personal finance. The FiCycle curriculum has plenty of each. “The personal finance component is incredibly _____41_____ for our high school students,” Philip Dituri, the director of education at Financial Life Cycle Education, who has a doctorate in math education, told me. He believed that quite a lot of students would be stimulated by the _____42_____.
There is a _____43_____ standard for personal finance education that was put together by the Council for Economic Education and the JumpStart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy. It emphasizes how to _____44_____ one’s finances. FiCycle focuses more on the underlying concepts. It’s about “how and why individuals and households transfer consumption over time,” Financial Life Cycle Education says.
In conclusion the integration of math and personal finance in education is not just an academic pursuit, but a _____45_____ necessity for students to guide their real life. It is time for educational institutions to take note and adapt their curricula to better prepare students for the financial challenges of adulthood.
A. similar to B. as opposed to C. compared with D. coupled with
A. lifting B. lowering C. forgetting D. struggling
A. awful B. forced C. perfect D. temporary
A. apply to B. pass down C. identify with D. kick off
A. for B. but C. and D. so
A. breathing B. rolling C. quoting D. introducing
A. politics B. economics C. mathematics D. physics
A. Traditionally B. Constantly C. Frequently D. Thankfully
A. restore B. recover C. reconsider D. retell
A. lacking B. sufficient C. absent D. present
A. depressing B. amazing C. challenging D. motivating
A. combination B. separation C. application D. publication
A. regional B. local C. national D. individual
A. learn B. increase C. examine D. manage
A. practical B. regrettable C. miserable D. relaxing
Section B
Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
My father asked me to chat with him for a while. Actually, I was unwilling to listen to his talking endlessly as he always did. My father was a lawyer, but I never wanted to go to law school or follow his path through life.
As was expected, he cleared his throat and started to say, ”Er…What…What do you really want to do in the gorgeous future “
I was silent for a moment playing with the cell phone. I kept thinking, ”Should I tell him my true thoughts What if he gets angry What if I let him down ” Later I replied, “Well, I want to be a writer.”
I guessed this may not be the answer he would expect. But surprisingly, “Interesting idea!” he answered. I was shocked, speaking in a low voice with hesitation.
“Are you serious, dad ”
“Well, you need confidence and good preparations, and you still have plenty of time. You need to find out what you really enjoy now. Look, it’s late. Let’s take the boat out tomorrow morning, just you and me. Maybe we can catch some crabs for dinner, and we can talk more.”
Early next morning we packed up the equipment and set off for the coast. We didn’t talk much, but enjoyed the sound of the seabirds and the sight of the coastline.
There were no big waves and blinding sunlight at that time. “Let’s see if we are lucky,” he said, picked up a web basket with a rope tied and threw it into the sea. We waited a while, then my father stood up and said, “Give me a hand with this,” and we pulled up the crab cage onto the deck.
To our joy, the cage was filled with dozens of soft-shell crabs. Squatting(蹲)down, we watched them for a moment. At first, they fought against each other to climb out hard, trying to escape. Many were pulled back into the cage. Later, some gave up, but there were still some crabs trying to escape again and again.
At that moment my father pointed to the cage, ”Look at that crab, there!“ Staring at the crab, I found that every time he wanted to escape, he was pulled back into the cage. However, he didn’t give up his fight. Fortunately, he survived from the struggle eventually. Shocked and amazed, I suddenly understood why my father had suggested catching crabs that morning. I thought the future would be filled with many possibilities. Everyone would need to find out what he enjoyed and held on to it.
46. How did the author initially feel about having a conversation with his father
A. Enthusiastic and eager to share. B. Concerned and reluctant.
C. Neutral with no particular feeling. D. Excited about the upcoming adventure.
47. During the crabbing expedition, what observation did the author make that influenced his perspective on life and the future
A. That crabs worked together to escape.
B. Some crabs gave up trying to escape.
C. One crab persistently tried to escape despite being pulled back.
D. Crabs fought among themselves for dominance.
48. Which statement reflects the author’s new understanding of the future and demonstrates that he comprehended his father’s intention
A. I found that every time he wanted to escape, he was pulled back into the cage.
B. I suddenly understood why my father had suggested catching crabs that morning.
C. I thought the future would be filled with many possibilities.
D. Everyone would need to find out what he enjoyed and held on to it.
49. The best title for this passage is_____________.
A. A Morning Adventure: Crabbing with Dad
B. Lessons from the Sea: A Father-Son Bonding Experience
C. The Art of Crabbing: A Guide for Beginners
D. Father and Son: Deeper Understanding Through a Shared Activity
SECRETS YOUR MENU WON’T TELL Have you ever entered a restaurant wanting a salad, only to end up ordering the steak Chances are, the owners had a hand in that result. Whether it is a high-end restaurant or a fast-food chain, the owners have clever ways to influence your choice. That soft background music A Scottish study found that diners spent 23 percent more when slow music was played. The red walls That color stimulates appetite. And then there’s the menu. We’ve annotated(作注解)a menu you might find at a typical medium-priced restaurant. Which of these tricks have you fallen for
APPETIZER Crispy Fried Mozzarella Sticks 12 THE FINE PRINT For some consumers, the dollar sign apparently screams, “Watch your wallet!” A Cornell University found that guests at one restaurant, given the number-only menu, spent significantly more than those who received a menu with prices showing a dollar sign. Panko—Friend Calamari 9.95 THE FINE PRINT Prices ending with a 9, such as 9.99, “tend to signify value but not quality,” says the New York Times. Most restaurants round up; if not, they’ll go with. 95. Bourbon—Braised Beef Short Ribs 10.95 THE FINE PRINT Names with lots of consonants(辅音)that start with the lips and end in the throat(such as b)tend to copy the mouth movements of eating. These dishes were rated more flavorful than dishes with names featuring consonants that start from the back of the throat.(e.g., the c in corn), says a study from the University of Cologne in Germany. MAIN COURSES Cheeseburger and Fries. 12 THE FINE PRINT “ Italic typeface(字体)conveys a perception of quality, ” reports the BBC. A study conducted by Swiss and German researchers found that a wine labeled with a difficult-to-read script was liked more by drinkers than the same wine carrying a label using a simple typeface. Meat loaf with summer-whipped potatoes drenched in autumn root vegetables, winter squash, and who knows what else because by this point we’re just making things up to pad the dish’s name so you’ll notice it 14.95 THE FINE PRINT If boxes, huge fonts, and italic don’t catch your eye, how about a super-long dish name As the restaurant-software company Toast points out on its blog, anything that is different will draw the eye.
DESSERT Godiva Chocolate Brownie Sundae 6.95 THE FINE PRINT Brand names in menu items show a built-in trust and create a guarantee to diners that they will lover the dish. Sweet Georgia Peach Cobbler 5.95 THE FINE PRINT Restaurants use regional names to attract customers to order a particular dish, says Wansink. Want a good peach tart Well, then, the peaches have to be from Georgia.
50. The restaurant owners influence the customers’ choices through_____________.
A. fast — paced music in the restaurant B. color pictures on the menu
C. bright decorations on the wall D. nice menus for the customers
51. According to the passage, which can best promote the sales of the dish
A. Best Chicken Burger $13.95
B. Bourbon-Barbecued Beef Brisket 14.95
C. Route 66 Banana Split 13.99
D. Dove Chocolate Smoothies $9.99
52. Where can you probably find this article
A. A general-interest magazine. B. A linguistic scholarly journal.
C. A menu from a restaurant. D. A guidebook on cooking.
Recent years have seen a small increase in unemployment rates due to slowing of the economy. The fact that many college graduates are finding it difficult to land a job has sparked online discussions on the cost of education and the returns on it, with many agreeing with the notion that “education is useless”.
Stories like a person with a doctorate’s degree from Zhejiang University is delivering food, and overseas-returned graduates are selling hot-pot ingredients have caused many to question the value of education. Moreover, the fact that about 36,000 fewer candidates have applied to take the postgraduate exam in 2024, the first decline in numbers in years, has also fueled the “education is useless theory.
Is education truly worthless This question has resurfaced due to several factors.
The wide spread of higher education has significantly increased the number of college graduates, reducing the value of college degrees. As the job market becomes over-crowded with graduates, the scarcity of high-level talents has become apparent, particularly in fields such as the humanities. For example, more than 900 institutions in China offer English major, making it the most common degree program, yet there’s a shortage of top talents who are proficient in English and have a good knowledge about the differences in Chinese and foreign approach to fields such as international relations and journalism.
The declining returns on the investment in education have given rise to the “education is useless” theory. Given the challenging job market, many believe college education does not guarantee any sort of employment, let alone a suitable job. And with various economic opportunities available, the notion that one can become financially successful even without formal education is becoming increasingly acceptable.
In light of these developments combined efforts need to be made to change the situation. For instance, universities must take measures to integrate education, research and industry, while enhancing cooperation with enterprises through tailored talent training programs. Additionally, the authorities need to pay greater attention to vocational education, an important part of China’s educational system. Students, parents and society, on their part, should abandon their bias against vocational training, because it integrates education with career prospects throughout the learning process, offering targeted, technical and practical training which allows students to master their skills which can get them well-paying jobs in the future.
Developing a correct view of employment and career choice is key to abandoning the notion of “education being useless”. People, especially students, must understand the current employment landscape, their positioning, and strengths and weaknesses. While realizing that a college degree is no longer a ticket to employment, college students should leverage education resources to enrich their professional knowledge and competitiveness. And youths should approach vocational education with an open mind in order to make the most of what the job market has to offer.
Education is not synonymous with earning money, nor does a college degree guarantee financial success. The value of education is knowledge, which we need to make informed decisions not only in our professional life but also in our social and other fields of life.
53. What are the main reasons for the recent rise in the belief that ”education is useless”
A. Economic slowdown and job scarcity.
B. Sad stories about educated individuals.
C. Decline in postgraduate exam applicants.
D. Emphasis on practical skills over qualifications.
54. How can universities contribute to improving the current situation
A. By focusing solely on academic research.
B. By integrating education, research, and industry.
C. By ignoring cooperation with enterprises.
D By eliminating vocational education courses.
55. The underlined word leverage in paragraph 7 can be best replaced by___________.
A. limit B. abandon C. balance D. maximize
56. What is the author’s attitude towards the development of vocational education
A. Negative and pessimistic B. Positive and supportive
C. Balanced and objective D. Unclear and ambiguous
IV. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
57. 越来越多证据表明 iPhone不再吸引中国消费者了。(appeal) (汉译英)
58. 我相信这两家知名公司的合作会为用户提供更好的服务。(convince) (汉译英)
59. 他对这部新上映的动画片很有共鸣,看完后对活出怎样的人生有了更多思考。(identify) (汉译英)
60. 作为总经理的儿子,他从小就可以自由进入公司的各个部门, 这使得他能够早早地了解并掌握公司的运营模式和业务细节。(access) (汉译英)
考试时间: 90分钟 满分: 100分
I. Listening Comprehension
Section A
Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
1. A. On a train. B. In a bus. C. At a bus stop. D. On a plane.
2. A. Classmates. B. Strangers. C. Friends. D. Coworkers.
3. A. The ATM is nearby. B. The ATM is far away.
C. She doesn’t know where the ATM is. D. The ATM is closed.
4. A. He doesn’t like soup. C. He is not hungry anymore.
B. He wants to try it next time. D. He has already tried it.
5. A. A book. B. A set of toys.
C. A piece of jewelry. D. A stuffed animal.
6. A. Convince the woman to study harder. B. Reassure the woman about her performance.
C. Predict the woman’s exam results. D. Criticize the woman for not studying hard.
7. A. The Great Wall fell short of expectations. B. The scenery was disappointing.
C. Too many visitors packed the place. D. The weather ruined the trip.
8. A. She doesn’t care about the broken vase. B. She is very angry about the broken vase.
C. She thinks the man should replace the vase. D. She is forced to comfort the man.
Section B
Directions: In Section B, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages and conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
Questions 9 through 11 are based on the following passage.
9. A. 99 B. 100 C. 101 D. 102
10. A. Katherine Johnson, a NASA mathematician, has died at the age of 101.
B. Katherine Johnson broke race barriers by working for NASA.
C. A book and movie were made about Katherine Johnson’s life.
D. Katherine Johnson’s contributions to NASA were unrecognized until recently.
11. A. She was the first African American woman to work at NASA.
B. She played a crucial role in confirming computer calculations for orbits.
C. She was widely known to the public before the release of the book and movie.
D. She worked exclusively on the first mission to put an American in space.
Questions 12 through 14 are based on the following passage.
12. A. How to become an armchair detective.
B. The different types of armchairs.
C. The literal and figurative meanings of “armchair”.
D. The comfort of armchairs.
13. A. People who enjoy reading detective novels.
B. People who solve crimes from their armchairs.
C. People who seldom watch crime shows in their work.
D. People who are actual detectives working from home.
14. A. Indifferent and unconcerned C. Critical and analytical.
B. Serious and informative. D. Humorous and light-hearted.
Questions 15 through 18 are based on the following conversation.
15. A. Missing the deadline. B. Making a wrong choice.
C. Failure in application. D. Difficult courses and exams.
16. A. It appeals to a great number of students.
B. It hardly meets the requirements of Amy’s parents.
C It is the best place to learn business administration.
D. It boasts many excellent courses and famous tutors.
17. A. Improve her integral strength. B. Choose German as the major.
C. Apply for scholarship in the university. D. Take German universities into account.
18. A. Favorite majors. B. Career prospects.
C. School ranking. D. School reputation.
II. Grammar and Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D, choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.
1. Professor Joy did not allow__________ without __________.
A. talking, permitting B. to talk, permitted
C. talking, being permitted D. to talk, being permitted
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:乔伊教授不允许在未经允许的情况下说话。第一个空格:allow doing(允许做某事)或allow sb to do(允许某人做某事),则应填talking;第二个空格:表示他人在未经允许的情况下,为被动意义,因此介词with后接动名词的被动语态,即being done,则应填being permitted。故选C。
2. __________ 110 when there is an emergency both in public and at home.
A. Dialing B. Dial C. to dial D. Dialed
3. Dr. Manteca has made it clear that much of his collection ______ to the national gallery.
A. has 1eft B. is to leave C. leaves D. is to be left
【详解】考查时态和语态。句意:曼特卡博士明确表示,他的大部分藏品将留给国家美术馆。be+to do sth.表示按计划或安排要做的事。从句中主语 much of his collection与leave之间为被动关系,所以用被动语态。故选D。
4. The unique flavor of Maotai__________ centuries of change in China, from the Qing Dynasty to the 21st century.
A. survived B. will survive C. has survived D. is surviving
【详解】考查动词时态。句意:从清朝到21世纪,茅台酒的独特风味在中国经历了几个世纪的变迁后依然存在。分析句子可知,空处缺少谓语,结合centuries of change in China, from the Qing Dynasty to the 21st century可知,此处表示过去的事情一直延续到现在,在未来还会继续进行,用现在完成时,主语flavor为单数,助动词用has。故选C。
5. The Song dynasty is considered as the peak of Chinese traditional culture, __________ the makeup and clothing of females are simple and elegant.
A. when B. whose C. which D. what
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:宋代被认为是中国传统文化的顶峰,当时女性的化妆和服装都是简单而优雅的。空格处引导定语从句,先行词是“The Song dynasty”指物,从句中缺少时间状语,因此使用关系副词when引导定语从句。故选A。
6. Peter had intended to__________ you yesterday, but someone came to see him just when he was about to leave.
A. call for B. call on C. call out D. call in
【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:彼得本来打算昨天去拜访你,但就在他正要离开的时候,有人来看他。A. call for需要;B. call on号召,拜访;C. call out大声说出;D. call in顺路拜访,请来。“拜访”符合句意的需要,“call in on sb”和“call on sb”均意为“拜访某人”,因此选择call on,故选B。
7. When reading the touching letter, Cecilia found it difficult to__________ tears.
A. dawn on B. settle down C. hold back D. adjust to
【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:当塞西莉亚读到这封感人的信时,她忍不住流下了眼泪。A. dawn on被领悟;B. settle down安顿下来;C. hold back抑制;D. adjust to适应。根据“When reading the touching letter”可知,塞西莉亚发现很难抑制住眼泪,hold back意思是“抑制,控制”。故选C。
8. Swallow’s research provided__________ evidence that the new drug is effective in treating the disease.
A inclusive B. conclusive C. passive D. exclusive
【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:斯沃洛的研究提供了确凿的证据,证明这种新药对治疗这种疾病有效。A. inclusive包容性的;B. conclusive确凿的;C. passive被动的;D. exclusive排他的。根据句子的意思,空格处需要填入与“the new drug is effective in treating the disease”相关的词语,表明新药有效性的证据,因此conclusive“决定性的,确凿的”是正确的,故选B。
9. The lion’s__________ echoed through the woods, sending all the animals hurrying for cover.
A boar B. soar C. hoar D. roar
【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:狮子的吼声在树林里回荡,所有的动物都急忙寻找掩护。A. boar野猪;B. soar飞翔;C. hoar白霜;D. roar吼叫。根据“echoed through the woods, sending all the animals hurrying for cover”可知,狮子发出了吼叫声,故选D。
10. Grace asked the naughty student to__________ the contents of his pockets, which revealed several items not allowed in class.
A. turn over B. turn up C. turn down D. turn out
【详解】考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:格蕾丝让那个淘气的学生把口袋里的东西翻一翻,里面有几样东西是课堂上不允许带的。A. turn over翻过来;B. turn up出现;C. turn down拒绝;D. turn out证明是。根据“which revealed several items not allowed in class.”可知,格蕾丝要求淘气的学生翻口袋里的东西。故选A。
Section B
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
Signs You Are Eating Pre-Made Food at a Restaurant
Even at fine dining restaurants, serving pre-made food is a common practice most regular customers are not aware of. So how can you know for sure your food was made ____11____ you ever sat down at your table Here’s how to tell if the food you’re eating is fresh.
You may be excited to see your waitress approaching with your food not long after you order it, but the biggest sign ____12____ you’re dinning at a restaurant serving pre-made food is how quickly your food arrives at the table.
A freshly prepared meal that’s made for people ____13____(order) takes time. What doesn’t take much time is reheating pre-made food, ____14____ is often done at fast-food restaurants.
An extensive menu means the chef ____15____ have all those ingredients on-hand, which makes it difficult to guarantee freshness along with timeliness. To solve this problem, chefs often use pre-made food. That can range from already packaged products ____16____ preparing the meals in advance, but either way, they’re getting a head start, and the quality of your meal may suffer from ____17____.
Often enough, the establishment you ____18____(dine) at is the first indicator that your meal is pre-made. Choosing a chain restaurant for your dining destination may seem like a safe choice, for you know what’s on the menu and you know ____19____ it’s going to taste like, no matter what city you’re in.
Say you’re at a restaurant and you order a steak. You wait in anticipation, watering at the thought of ____20____(slice) into a juicy steak. Your order arrives, and it looks just like you imagined it would, except for the taste. That’s probably because your steak hit the microwave before it hit your plate!
【答案】11. before
12. that 13. to order
14. as##like
15. must 16. to
17. it 18. are dining
19. what 20. slicing
考查时间状语从句。句意:所以你怎么能确定你的食物是在你坐在餐桌前做的呢?根据上文“Even at fine dining restaurants, serving pre-made food is a common practice most regular customers are not aware of.(即使在高级餐厅,供应预制食品也是大多数常客都不知道的一种常见做法)”可知,供应预制食品是很多餐厅的常见做法,故此处是问如何确定自己的食物是预制食品,即食物在你坐下来之前就已经做好了,用before引导时间状语从句,故填before。
考查非谓语动词。句意:一顿给人新鲜烹制的点餐需要时间。结合句意可知,此处表示目的,应用动词不定式作目的状语,故填to order。
考查定语从句和连词。句意:不需要花太多时间的是加热预先做好的食物,就像快餐店经常做的那样。分析句子可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是reheating pre-made food,关系词替代先行词在从句中作主语,有“正如,如同”之意,用关系代词as引导;此处也可使用连词like,表示“像……一样,如同”,故填as/like。
考查介词。句意:这可以是已经包装好的产品,也可以是提前准备好的饭菜,但无论哪种方式,他们都有了一个领先优势,你的食物质量可能会受到它的影响。range from…to…“从……到……变化”,固定搭配,故填to。
考查代词。句意同上。结合句意可知,此处指代前文“a head start”,表示单数意义,使用代词it指代,故填it。
考查现在进行时。句意:通常情况下,你就餐的场所是你的饭菜是预先做好的第一个标志。此处是省略关系代词的定语从句,表示“你正在用餐的场所”,从句使用现在进行时,主语是you,故填are dining。
Section C
Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. competing B. incredibly C. issued D. influential E. barely F. hosting G. highlight H. stage I. diagnosis J. related K. commitment
Shanghai Is Full Speed Ahead
After decades of experience in the field, Shanghai is strengthening its reputation as a global leader in ____21____ top-level, professional sports events.
Last month’s Shanghai Sailing Open, held from March 26—31 on Dishui Lake, was a typical example of the city’s world-famous excellence, attracting over 300 competitors, including a six—time world champion of Poland, a gold medalist at the Hangzhou Asian Games, and China’s former Olympic champion Xu Lijia; ____22____ in sailboats and yachts, sailors sang praise on the competition environment and overall atmosphere of the event.
Shanghai’s ____23____ to developing its sports scene has been key to this success. In 2015, the Shanghai government ____24____ a plan to speed up the development of its sports industry, including a proposal to develop the city into a world-renowned sports hub within 10 years.
According to the “2023 Shanghai sports event influence ____25____ report”, Shanghai held 118 major sports events last year, with 36 of those international-level events, including the ATP 1000 Shanghai Masters, the Shanghai Marathon, and the Shanghai Half Marathon, which were rated as the city’s most ____26____ sports events last year.
This year, besides the recent Shanghai Sailing Open and various district-organized half marathon events, the city will continue to ____27____ sports competitions such as the Shanghai Half Marathon, the Formula 1 Chinese Grand Prix, the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship, and the Olympic Qualifier Series.
The success of sports development in Shanghai is closely ____28____ to a policy of top-level construction. In addition to top—level international competitions, top—tier home teams, and professional leagues, brand events are staged year-round to ____29____ the city’s characteristics. Linking sports with culture, commerce, tourism, and exhibitions is another feature of the city’s sports environment, helping to ____30____ maximize the economic benefits. Spectators can expect to be treated to the very best in urban sports and that organizers will strive to provide a warm atmosphere of sports, art, music, and culture.
【答案】21. F 22. A
23. K 24. C
25. I 26. D
27. H 28. J
29. G 30. B
考查动词。句意:经过几十年的经验积累,上海正在加强其作为举办顶级专业体育赛事的全球领导者的声誉。根据“top-level, professional sports events”以及句意“举办”可知应填动词host,作介词的宾语应用动名词形式。故选F。
考查动词。句意:上月于3月26日至31日在滴水湖举行的上海帆船公开赛,是这座城市举世闻名的卓越表现的一个典型例子,吸引了300多名参赛者,其中包括六届世界冠军波兰选手,杭州亚运会金牌得主,以及中国前奥运会冠军徐丽佳;在帆船和游艇比赛中,选手们对比赛环境和比赛的整体氛围赞不绝口。根据“in sailboats and yachts”以及句意“比赛”可知应填动词compete,且与sailors构成主动关系,故用现在分词作状语。故选A。
考查名词。句意:上海致力于发展其体育事业是取得成功的关键。根据“to developing its sports scene”以及句意“致力于”可知应填名词commitment,作主语,不可数。故选K。
考查动词。句意:2015年,上海市政府发布了一项加快体育产业发展的计划,其中包括在10年内将上海发展成为世界知名的体育中心的建议。根据“a plan to speed up the development of its sports industry”以及句意“发布”可知应填动词issue,根据“In 2015”可知为一般过去时。故选C。
考查名词。句意:《2023年上海体育赛事影响力诊断报告》显示,去年上海举办了118场大型体育赛事,其中36场是国际级赛事,ATP 1000上海大师赛、上海马拉松、上海半程马拉松被评为去年全市最具影响力的体育赛事。根据“2023 Shanghai sports event influence”以及句意“诊断”可知应填名词diagnosis,作定语。故选I。
考查形容词。句意:《2023年上海体育赛事影响力诊断报告》显示,去年上海举办了118场大型体育赛事,其中36场是国际级赛事,ATP 1000上海大师赛、上海马拉松、上海半程马拉松被评为去年全市最具影响力的体育赛事。根据“the Shanghai Marathon, and the Shanghai Half Marathon, which were rated as the city’s most”以及句意“具影响力的”可知应填形容词influential,作定语修饰名词events。故选D。
考查动词。句意:今年,除了近期举办的上海帆船公开赛和各区举办的半程马拉松赛事外,上海还将继续举办上海半程马拉松、F1中国大奖赛、ABB国际汽联电动方程式世界锦标赛、奥运会资格赛等体育赛事。根据“sports competitions such as the Shanghai Half Marathon, the Formula 1 Chinese Grand Prix, the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship, and the Olympic Qualifier Series”以及句意“举办”可知应填动词stage,此处为不定式作宾语。故选H。
考查形容词。句意:上海体育发展的成功与顶层建设政策密切相关。根据“to a policy of top-level construction”以及句意“相关”可知应填形容词related,作表语。故选J。
考查动词。句意:除了顶级国际赛事、顶级主场球队和职业联赛外,品牌活动全年上演,凸显城市特色。根据“the city’s characteristics”以及句意“凸显”可知应填动词highlight,此处为不定式作目的状语。故选G。
考查副词。句意:将体育与文化、商业、旅游和展览相结合是城市体育环境的另一个特点,有助于实现令人难以置信的经济效益最大化。根据“maximize the economic benefits.”以及句意“令人难以置信”可知应填副词incredibly,修饰动词maximize。故选B。
III. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
I offer to pay you $200 in one year if you give me $190 today. Good deal or bad deal It’s the kind of math problem you might encounter in real life, ____31____, say, whether the cosecant (余割) of a 30-degree angle is 1 or 2. You can imagine students ____32____ their spirits and paying attention when they realize that they need to know algebra (代数) to avoid being cheated on a loan. Math and personal finance make a ____33____ fit. Students grasp concepts in math much better when they see how those subjects ____34____ their daily financial lives.
A survey in 2022 funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation found that 61 percent of parents of students said math education should be “relevant to the real world” ____35____ that only 21 percent said it was. The drive for relevance goes beyond K-12 education. Some of America’s top universities are ____36____ personal finance into their curriculums.
Harvard has a personal finance course in the ____37____ department that’s taught by John Campbell, a past president of the American Finance Association. “____38____, personal finance was regarded as a very sort of hands-on skill that you might teach to people who were going to a technical high school,” he told me. “There is, I would say, a modern movement to ____39____ of personal finance as a subject with actually a lot more intellectual content.”
In most high schools, personal finance classes are light on math, and math classes are _____40_____ in personal finance. The FiCycle curriculum has plenty of each. “The personal finance component is incredibly _____41_____ for our high school students,” Philip Dituri, the director of education at Financial Life Cycle Education, who has a doctorate in math education, told me. He believed that quite a lot of students would be stimulated by the _____42_____.
There is a _____43_____ standard for personal finance education that was put together by the Council for Economic Education and the JumpStart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy. It emphasizes how to _____44_____ one’s finances. FiCycle focuses more on the underlying concepts. It’s about “how and why individuals and households transfer consumption over time,” Financial Life Cycle Education says.
In conclusion, the integration of math and personal finance in education is not just an academic pursuit, but a _____45_____ necessity for students to guide their real life. It is time for educational institutions to take note and adapt their curricula to better prepare students for the financial challenges of adulthood.
A. similar to B. as opposed to C. compared with D. coupled with
A. lifting B. lowering C. forgetting D. struggling
A. awful B. forced C. perfect D. temporary
A. apply to B. pass down C. identify with D. kick off
A. for B. but C. and D. so
A. breathing B. rolling C. quoting D. introducing
A. politics B. economics C. mathematics D. physics
A. Traditionally B. Constantly C. Frequently D. Thankfully
A. restore B. recover C. reconsider D. retell
A. lacking B. sufficient C. absent D. present
A. depressing B. amazing C. challenging D. motivating
A. combination B. separation C. application D. publication
A. regional B. local C. national D. individual
A. learn B. increase C. examine D. manage
A. practical B. regrettable C. miserable D. relaxing
【答案】31. B 32. A 33. C 34. A 35. B 36. D 37. B 38. A 39. C 40. A 41. D 42. A 43. C 44. D 45. A
考查短语词义辨析。句意:这是你在现实生活中可能遇到的数学问题,而不是诸如30度角的余割是1还是2这样的问题。A. similar to与……相似;B. as opposed to而不是、与……相对;C. compared with和……相比;D. coupled with与……联合。空前“It’s the kind of math problem you might encounter in real life”和空后“whether the cosecant(余割)of a 30-degree angle is 1 or 2.”之间是转折关系,意为“而不是……”。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:你可以想象,当学生意识到他们需要学习代数以避免贷款被骗时,他们会振作起来,集中注意力。A. lifting举起、提升;B. lowering降低;C. forgetting忘记;D. struggling挣扎。根据空后的“paying attention”可知,空处指的是学生会振作精神,集中注意力。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:数学和个人理财是天作之合。A. awful糟糕的、可怕的;B. forced强迫的、被迫的;C. perfect完美的;D. temporary暂时的。根据上文“You can imagine students ____2____ their spirits and paying attention when they realize that they need to know algebra(代数)to avoid being cheated on a loan.”以及下文“Students grasp concepts in math much better when they see how those subjects ____4____ their daily financial lives.”可知,作者认为数学和个人理财是完美的结合,天作之合。故选C。
考查短语词义辨析。句意:当学生看到数学概念如何应用于他们的日常财务生活时,他们会更好地掌握这些概念。A. apply to应用于;B. pass down传递;C. identify with认同;D. kick off开始、踢掉、离开。根据上文“You can imagine students ____2____ their spirits and paying attention when they realize that they need to know algebra(代数)to avoid being cheated on a loan.”可知,数学可应用于日常财务生活。故选A。
考查连词词义辨析。句意:2022年由比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会资助的一项调查发现,61%的学生家长认为数学教育应该“与现实生活相关”,但只有21%的家长认为目前的教育是这样。A. for因为;B. but但是;C. and和;D. so因此。空前“61 percent of parents of students said math education should be “relevant to the real world””和空后“that only 21 percent said it was.”之间为转折关系。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:美国的一些顶尖大学正在将个人理财引入他们的课程。A. breathing呼吸;B. rolling滚;C. quoting引述;D. introducing介绍、引入。根据下文“Harvard has a personal finance course in the ____7____ department that’s taught by John Campbell, a past president of the American Finance Association.”可知,美国一些顶尖大学正在引入个人理财课程。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:哈佛大学经济系开设了一门个人理财课程,由美国金融协会前主席约翰·坎贝尔授课。A. politics政治;B. economics经济学;C. mathematics数学;D. physics物理。根据空前的“Harvard has a personal finance course”可推测,个人理财课程应该是属于经济系。故选B。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:他告诉我:“传统上,个人理财被认为是一种非常实用技能,你可能会教给那些要上技术高中的人。我想说,现在有一种现代运动,重新考虑个人理财作为一个具有更多智力内容的学科。”A. Traditionally传统上;B. Constantly不断地;C. Frequently频繁地;D. Thankfully谢天谢地。根据下文“There is, I would say, a modern movement to ____9____ of personal finance as a subject with actually a lot more intellectual content.”可推测,下文指的是现代运动,由此可知,空处指的是传统意义上,个人理财被教给上技术高中的人。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他告诉我:“传统上,个人理财被认为是一种非常实用的技能,你可能会教给那些要上技术高中的人。我想说,现在有一种现代运动,重新考虑个人理财作为一个具有更多智力内容的学科。”A. restore归还;B. recover恢复;C. reconsider重新考虑;D. retell重述。根据上文内容“personal finance was regarded as a very sort of hands-on skill that you might teach to people who were going to a technical high school”可知,个人理财以前是教给那些要上技术高中的人,而现在,人们认为数学和理财应该相结合,由此可知,有一种现代运动现在开始重新考虑将个人理财作为一个具有更多智力内容的学科。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在大多数高中,个人理财课程对数学的要求不高,而数学课程又缺乏个人理财的内容。A. lacking缺少的;B. sufficient足够的;C. absent缺席的;D. present在场的、目前的。根据上文内容可知,传统意义上而言,高中并不会教授个人理财,由此可知,数学课程缺乏个人理财的内容。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:财务生命周期教育的教育主管Philip Dituri拥有数学教育博士学位,他对我说:“个人理财课程对我们的高中生有着难以置信的激励作用。” A. depressing令人沮丧的;B. amazing令人惊叹的;C. challenging具有挑战的;D. motivating激发。根据下文“He believed that quite a lot of students would be stimulated by the ____12____.”可知,Philip Dituri认为个人理财课程会激励高中生。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他相信,很多学生会被这种结合所激励。A. combination结合;B. separation分离;C. application应用、运用;D. publication出版、发行。根据上文第一段“Math and personal finance make a ____3____ fit.”以及上文内容可知,空处指的是数学和个人理财的结合。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有一个由经济教育委员会和个人财务素养跳跃启动联盟共同制定的个人理财教育国家标准。A. regional地区的;B. local本地的;C. national民族的、国家的;D. individual单独的。根据下文“that was put together by the Council for Economic Education and the JumpStart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy.”可知,这项标准是由经济教育委员会和个人财务素养跳跃启动联盟共同制定的,由此可推测,这是国家标准。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:它强调如何管理个人财务。A. learn学习;B. increase增加;C. examine检查;D. manage管理。根据下文“FiCycle focuses more on the underlying concepts. It’s about “how and why individuals and households transfer consumption over time,” Financial Life Cycle Education says.”可知,它强调的事如何管理个人财务。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:综上所述,将数学和个人理财融入教育是学生的学术追求,也是指导他们现实生活的实际需要。A. practical实用的;B. regrettable可惜的;C. miserable悲惨的;D. relaxing轻松的。根据文章第一段“It’s the kind of math problem you might encounter in real life”以及第二段“A survey in 2022 funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation found that 61 percent of parents of students said math education should be “relevant to the real world” ____5____ that only 21 percent said it was.”可知,作者认为数学与个人理财相结合,更好的满足现实生活中的实际需求。故选A。
Section B
Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
My father asked me to chat with him for a while. Actually, I was unwilling to listen to his talking endlessly as he always did. My father was a lawyer, but I never wanted to go to law school or follow his path through life.
As was expected, he cleared his throat and started to say, ”Er…What…What do you really want to do in the gorgeous future “
I was silent for a moment playing with the cell phone. I kept thinking, ”Should I tell him my true thoughts What if he gets angry What if I let him down ” Later I replied, “Well, I want to be a writer.”
I guessed this may not be the answer he would expect. But surprisingly, “Interesting idea!” he answered. I was shocked, speaking in a low voice with hesitation.
“Are you serious, dad ”
“Well, you need confidence and good preparations, and you still have plenty of time. You need to find out what you really enjoy now. Look, it’s late. Let’s take the boat out tomorrow morning, just you and me. Maybe we can catch some crabs for dinner, and we can talk more.”
Early next morning we packed up the equipment and set off for the coast. We didn’t talk much, but enjoyed the sound of the seabirds and the sight of the coastline.
There were no big waves and blinding sunlight at that time. “Let’s see if we are lucky,” he said, picked up a web basket with a rope tied and threw it into the sea. We waited a while, then my father stood up and said, “Give me a hand with this,” and we pulled up the crab cage onto the deck.
To our joy, the cage was filled with dozens of soft-shell crabs. Squatting(蹲)down, we watched them for a moment. At first, they fought against each other to climb out hard, trying to escape. Many were pulled back into the cage. Later, some gave up, but there were still some crabs trying to escape again and again.
At that moment my father pointed to the cage, ”Look at that crab, there!“ Staring at the crab, I found that every time he wanted to escape, he was pulled back into the cage. However, he didn’t give up his fight. Fortunately, he survived from the struggle eventually. Shocked and amazed, I suddenly understood why my father had suggested catching crabs that morning. I thought the future would be filled with many possibilities. Everyone would need to find out what he enjoyed and held on to it.
46. How did the author initially feel about having a conversation with his father
A. Enthusiastic and eager to share. B. Concerned and reluctant.
C. Neutral with no particular feeling. D. Excited about the upcoming adventure.
47. During the crabbing expedition, what observation did the author make that influenced his perspective on life and the future
A. That crabs worked together to escape.
B. Some crabs gave up trying to escape.
C. One crab persistently tried to escape despite being pulled back.
D Crabs fought among themselves for dominance.
48. Which statement reflects the author’s new understanding of the future and demonstrates that he comprehended his father’s intention
A. I found that every time he wanted to escape, he was pulled back into the cage.
B. I suddenly understood why my father had suggested catching crabs that morning.
C. I thought the future would be filled with many possibilities.
D. Everyone would need to find out what he enjoyed and held on to it.
49. The best title for this passage is_____________.
A. A Morning Adventure: Crabbing with Dad
B. Lessons from the Sea: A Father-Son Bonding Experience
C. The Art of Crabbing: A Guide for Beginners
D. Father and Son: Deeper Understanding Through a Shared Activity
【答案】46. B 47. C 48. C 49. A
细节理解题。根据第一段的“My father asked me to chat with him for a while. Actually, I was unwilling to listen to his talking endlessly as he always did.(我父亲让我和他聊一会儿。事实上,我不愿意听他像往常一样没完没了地说话。)”可知,作者最初对与父亲谈话感到担心和不情愿。故选B。
细节理解题。根据最后一段的“At that moment my father pointed to the cage, ”Look at that crab, there!“ Staring at the crab, I found that every time he wanted to escape, he was pulled back into the cage. However, he didn’t give up his fight. Fortunately, he survived from the struggle eventually. Shocked and amazed, I suddenly understood why my father had suggested catching crabs that morning. I thought the future would be filled with many possibilities. Everyone would need to find out what he enjoyed and held on to it.(就在这时,父亲指着笼子说:“看那只螃蟹,在那儿!“我盯着螃蟹看,发现每次他想逃跑的时候,都被拉回笼子里。然而,他并没有放弃战斗。幸运的是,他最终从斗争中活了下来。我又震惊又惊讶,突然明白了那天早上父亲为什么要建议我抓螃蟹。我以为未来会充满许多可能性。每个人都需要找出他喜欢什么,并抓住它。) ”可知,在捕蟹探险中, 作者看到一只螃蟹尽管被拉了回来,却坚持要逃出去,突然理解了父亲当初建议去捕蟹的用意,这影响了他对生活和未来的看法,即“未来充满着各种可能性,每个人都需要找到自己喜欢的事情并坚持下去”。故选C。
推理判断题。根据最后一段的“Shocked and amazed, I suddenly understood why my father had suggested catching crabs that morning. I thought the future would be filled with many possibilities. Everyone would need to find out what he enjoyed and held on to it.(我又震惊又惊讶,突然明白了那天早上父亲为什么要建议我抓螃蟹。我认为未来会充满许多可能性。每个人都需要找出他喜欢什么,并抓住它。)”可知,作者通过观察螃蟹的行为,突然理解了父亲当初建议去捕蟹的用意,因此C项(我认为未来会充满许多可能性。)反映了作者对未来的新认识,表明他理解了父亲的意图。故选C。
主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章的主要内容是关于作者与父亲之间的一次亲子互动经历。起初,作者对与父亲的对话感到担忧和不情愿,但最终选择坦诚地告诉父亲自己想成为一名作家。父亲对此表示了支持和鼓励,并提出了一起去捕蟹的建议。在捕蟹的过程中,作者观察到一个螃蟹不断努力尝试逃跑的行为,尽管被拽回来,这让他对生活和未来有了新的理解。通过与父亲的互动和对螃蟹行为的观察,作者意识到了每个人都需要找到自己喜欢的事情,并坚持不懈地追求。整个经历带给了作者对未来的积极的、充满希望的看法,因此文章最适合的标题是 A项(早晨的一次冒险经历:和爸爸一起捉螃蟹),因为它描述了作者与父亲一起捕蟹的经历。故选A。
SECRETS YOUR MENU WON’T TELL Have you ever entered a restaurant wanting a salad, only to end up ordering the steak Chances are, the owners had a hand in that result. Whether it is a high-end restaurant or a fast-food chain, the owners have clever ways to influence your choice. That soft background music A Scottish study found that diners spent 23 percent more when slow music was played. The red walls That color stimulates appetite. And then there’s the menu. We’ve annotated(作注解)a menu you might find at a typical medium-priced restaurant. Which of these tricks have you fallen for
APPETIZER Crispy Fried Mozzarella Sticks 12 THE FINE PRINT For some consumers, the dollar sign apparently screams, “Watch your wallet!” A Cornell University found that guests at one restaurant, given the number-only menu, spent significantly more than those who received a menu with prices showing a dollar sign. Panko—Friend Calamari 9.95 THE FINE PRINT Prices ending with a 9, such as 9.99, “tend to signify value but not quality,” says the New York Times. Most restaurants round up; if not, they’ll go with. 95. Bourbon—Braised Beef Short Ribs 10.95 THE FINE PRINT Names with lots of consonants(辅音)that start with the lips and end in the throat(such as b)tend to copy the mouth movements of eating. These dishes were rated more flavorful than dishes with names featuring consonants that start from the back of the throat.(e.g., the c in corn), says a study from the University of Cologne in Germany. MAIN COURSES Cheeseburger and Fries. 12 THE FINE PRINT “ Italic typeface(字体)conveys a perception of quality, ” reports the BBC. A study conducted by Swiss and German researchers found that a wine labeled with a difficult-to-read script was liked more by drinkers than the same wine carrying a label using a simple typeface. Meat loaf with summer-whipped potatoes drenched in autumn root vegetables, winter squash, and who knows what else because by this point we’re just making things up to pad the dish’s name so you’ll notice it 14.95 THE FINE PRINT If boxes, huge fonts, and italic don’t catch your eye, how about a super-long dish name As the restaurant-software company Toast points out on its blog, anything that is different will draw the eye.
DESSERT Godiva Chocolate Brownie Sundae 6.95 THE FINE PRINT Brand names in menu items show a built-in trust and create a guarantee to diners that they will lover the dish. Sweet Georgia Peach Cobbler 5.95 THE FINE PRINT Restaurants use regional names to attract customers to order a particular dish, says Wansink. Want a good peach tart Well, then, the peaches have to be from Georgia.
50. The restaurant owners influence the customers’ choices through_____________.
A. fast — paced music in the restaurant B. color pictures on the menu
C. bright decorations on the wall D. nice menus for the customers
51. According to the passage, which can best promote the sales of the dish
A. Best Chicken Burger $13.95
B. Bourbon-Barbecued Beef Brisket 14.95
C. Route 66 Banana Split 13.99
D. Dove Chocolate Smoothies $9.99
52. Where can you probably find this article
A. A general-interest magazine. B. A linguistic scholarly journal.
C. A menu from a restaurant. D. A guidebook on cooking.
【答案】50. D 51. B 52. A
细节理解题。根据“SECRETSYOURMENUWON’T TELL”中“And then there’s the menu. We’ve annotated(作注解)a menu you might find at a typical medium-priced restaurant.”(然后是菜单。我们注释了一个菜单,你可能会在一个典型的中等价位的餐馆找到)和在“MAIN COURSES”、“APPETIZER”及“DESSERT”中对于菜单对菜销售的影响可知,餐厅老板通过为顾客精心设计的、好的菜单来影响顾客的选择。故选D。
推理判断题。根据“APPETIZER”中“A Cornell University found that guests at one restaurant, given the number-only menu, spent significan


