
  1. 二一教育资源



英 语
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. Who is on the right of the picture
A. Uncle Sam. B. Aunt Nancy. C. Cousin Chad.
2. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Husband and wife. B. Friends. C. Teacher and student.
3. What will the woman do first
A. Buy some paper. B. Deal with a complaint. C. Visit her son’s school.
4. Where will the speakers go
A. To a cafe. B. To a bakery. C. To a bank.
5. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A gift. B. A sports event. C. Their friend.
第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. Why will the speakers have a meeting
A. To improve the project. B. To check a schedule. C. To confirm an order.
7. What time will the speakers meet
A. At 9:00, Wednesday. B. At 9:00, Thursday C. At 11:00, Thursday.
听下面一段对话,回答第 8至10 题。
8. Why is the man upset
A. He lost a race. B. He failed a test. C. He missed a class.
9. What does the man want to be
A. A professional swimmer. B. An instructor. C. A lifeguard.
10. What is the woman’s advice
A. Trying harder. B. Eating some ice cream. C. Giving up immediately.
听下面一段对话,回答第 11 至 13 题。
11. When will the woman go to the restaurant
A. On Wednesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday.
12. Who will the woman have dinner with
A. Her family. B. Her workmates. C. Her friends.
13. What can we know about the restaurant
A. It closes around 8 p.m.
B. The service is pretty bad.
C. It has an no-smoking section.
听下面一段对话,回答第 14 至 16 题。
14. What does the man think of the coffee shop
A. It’s cheap. B. It’s family-friendly. C. It’s private.
15. What is the event’s purpose
A. To help an animal shelter.
B. To enjoy some live music.
C. To support poor families.
16. What does the man ask the woman to do
A. Contact some bands. B. Donate some money. C. Recommend some shows.
听下面一段对话,回答第 17 至 20 题。
17. How many levels of courses does the English Training Programme offer
A. Twelve. B. Eight. C. Seven.
18. What is the advantage of the programme
A. It can meet personal needs.
B. It is available throughout the year.
C. It provides courses on US culture.
19. What can students get if they perform well in an end-of-session test
A. A course for free.
B. As even-week break.
C. A promotion to a higher level.
20. What does the students centre offer
A. Extra practice hours. B. Trips abroad. C. Social activities.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
A BCBF highlight, the Illustrators Exhibition is a unique international showcase for state-of-the-art illustrations for children and young adults.
Illustrators, both professionals and beginners, can enter unpublished artwork, or artwork published in the previous 2 years.
Art schools can enter the projects by students who have attended their Institute.
Publishers can enter illustrators they work with.
Illustrators must enter their artworks exclusively online by December 31, 2023.
The 5 artworks must be based on the same theme, and must be numbered, as preferred, from 1 to 5 on the digital format file.
The 5 illustrations—5, no more, no less—may be unpublished artwork or artwork published after 1 January 2022. The work can be in black and white or colour and be produced using any technique.
The digital format must be: jpg or png, maximum size 5 MB, resolution 150 DPI.
All works shall be examined by the international Jury comprising five members (from publishing houses, art schools, or illustrators) appointed by BolognaFiere. The Jury's decision shall be final.
Being selected will give illustrators great visibility with the publication of their works in the Illustrators Annual and the 2-year world tour of the exhibition.
Winners under 35 will automatically be shortlisted (入围) for the International Award for Illustration Bologna Children's Book Fair, which consists of a prize of 15,000 Euro and the assignment to illustrate a children's book to be published by Grupo SM, Spain.
Unpublished winners under 30 will also compete for the ARS IN FABULA scholarship, which covers the entire Masters course fee.
If you have problems or need assistance: bf@archimedia. it
21. Who can submit entries to the BCBF Illustrators Exhibition 2024
A. Visitors of the exhibition. B. Editors of publishers.
C. Illustrators of all levels. D. Authors of children's books.
22. Which of the following entries may be accepted
A. Artworks in jpg digital format. B. Five artworks on diverse themes.
C. Physical artworks in black and white. D. Artworks published over 2 years ago.
23. What benefit will all winners of the BCBF Illustrators Exhibition 2024 receive
A. A 2-year global tour. B. A cash prize of 15,000 Euro.
C. A scholarship for further education. D. A chance to get their works published.
Sugar was my first choice when I was sad or happy, and the dependency and health consequences made it my abuser even as early as age five. For over twenty years after seven, every weight loss intervention failed me, leaving me feeling hopeless.
I was fourteen when I went to my first weight-loss camp. I knew that I would regain all the weight I’d lost when I went home. A little voice inside me whispered. “You should help people. You should make a program that really works.” That voice got louder with each failed diet. It sparked a need to help others who were struggling like me.
Eventually, I recognized that my issue was sugar. I broke up with sugar and dieting and found a way to heal my relationship with food. I finally created a program that would help people in the way that I had needed desperately all along.
That program took off. My clients discovered that their relationships with food could be loving and sustainable. As a result, I was often encouraged to take my message to a larger platform. But when l finally was committed to sharing my story with the world, I knew that I had to tell it all leaving no stone unturned.
My friend Rumi said, “The wound is the place where the light enters you.” Finally, I was ready to tell my story, shining a big and bright light on all the wounds. With anxiety screaming in my ear, I made progress and wrote Breaking Up with Sugar. Now, I receive daily e-mails from readers telling me that they finally feel heard and understood. They’re hopeful for the first time in their lives. To me, this is the truest meaning of life — to be truly healthy and loving. The greatest lesson I’ve learned on this journey is that by embracing my truth, loving and sharing it, I am able to become the best version of myself — someone whom I love and cherish.
24. What was the author aware of at her first weight loss camp
A. She had eating problems. B. She would be abused there.
C. She was badly in need of help. D. She would gain weight after that.
25. Why did the author create a program
A. To cope with her dependency on sugar. B. To make weight loss her lifelong career.
C. To strengthen the effect gained at camps. D. To help people having the same problem as her.
26. What might be mentioned in the book Breaking Up with Sugar
A. The author’s dependency on sugar. B. The author’s turning over all stones.
C. The mental harm of being overweight. D. The author’s changing attitude to anxiety.
27. What lesson did the author learn through her writing
A. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. B. Accept imperfection as part of life itself.
C. Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow. D. Failures are the stepping-stones to success.
In the vast desert plains of northwest Namibia, rhino (犀牛) trackers start a journey to monitor the desert-adapted black rhinos. These creatures, known for their poor eyesight, walk freely in this remote region.
Led by Sebulon Hoeb, the principal field office r of Save the Rhino Trust Namibia, the tracker carefully approach a grazing rhino named Matty 2. identified by his partner Ebson Mbunguha. Despite the windy conditions working in their favor, they maintain a safe distance, aware of the potential danger of encountering these massive animals.
Every day and night, devoted trackers and local community rangers patrol (巡逻) the vast expanse of land, totaling 25, 000 square kilometers, where the desert-adapted black rhino thrives. Armed with extensive knowledge of the rhinos’ behaviors and characteristics, they carefully document their observations, contributing to conservation efforts and fighting poaching (偷猎), which remains a constant threat due to the high demand for rhino horns.
Despite challenges, Namibia’s community conservation model has succeeded in protecting the rhino population. By prioritizing the preservation of wildlife and ensuring local communities to benefit from their natural resources, Namibia has become a lighthouse of conservation efforts in Africa. Save the Rhino Trust, established in 1982, has played a vital role in this achievement, witnessing a remarkable recovery in the black rhino population.
The significance of community conservation is stressed by Namibia’s commitment to environmental protection, written in its constitution since gaining independence in 1990. With the establishment of shared conservancies covering over 20% of the country’s territory, Namibia has pioneered a sustainable approach that balances conservation with economic development.
For the rhino rangers who devote their lives to safeguarding these iconic creatures, the job is rewarding. Living under the vast southern sky, they bear weeks of tented living, braving the dangers of tracking rhinos on foot. Despite the challenges, their serious commitment ensures the continued survival of the desert-adapted black rhino, a testament to the power of community-driven conservation efforts in preserving Earth’s oldest mammals.
28. What is the primary role of the rhino trackers
A. To relocate rhinos to other habitats.
B. To record the exact population of rhinos.
C. To offer rhinos food when necessary.
D. To learn about the current situation of rhinos.
29. What can be learned about the rhinos in Namibia
A. They favor windy conditions. B. They will go extinct.
C. They are easy to approach. D. They can be violent.
30. Which best describes the conservation efforts in Namibia
A. Limited. B. Fruitful. C. Inconsistent. D. Unnoticed.
31. What’s the text mainly about
A. The community-driven rhino conservation efforts.
B. The challenges facing rhino trackers in Namibia.
C. The history of rhino poaching in Africa.
D. The dangerous situation of rhinos.
“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade (柠檬水).” It is a good saying, but life throws at us more serious problems than lemons, doesn’t it What do we do when we lose a family member What do we do when we have been through events that leave us feelings Can any failure be turned into success
Most of us realize we can learn one or two things from failure. When we fail, we think, “Well, I won’t try that again! ”or “I won’t trust anyone again! ”But this is not useful learning. It is suggested that we ask challenging questions. For example, “How could I try that again ” There are a lot we can learn and get from failure if we keep asking good questions on how to do better next time.
Failure or pain can be good for developing our character if we choose to face it in a positive way. Our own suffering often makes us understand others better. It can give us wisdom or knowledge to share with others, which can prevent them from similar failure. If we have been hurt by others because of another person’s poor character, it may improve us to be better persons.
Failures can make us experience many things that we didn’t experience before. If you lose your job, it doesn’t mean you lose everything and probably you may get more. As we know, no job often leads to self employment; no job has been the beginning of many highly successful businesses. It is common that we don’t like changing, but change, even unfortunate change, brings new opportunities. Sometimes only failure brings us better opportunities or greater success.
32. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 means that ________.
A. any lemons can be made into lemonade
B. problems always bring us lots of trouble
C. problems can never be avoided in our life
D. failure can also be turned into a success
33. The 2nd paragraph mainly tells us that ________.
A. We should learn more when we fail
B. We must be careful to trust anyone
C. We must ask questions when we fail
D. We should deal with failure positively
34. According to the writer, if you were hurt by another person, you should ________.
A. avoid hurting others in the same way
B. find a better way to hurt him bravely
C. try to prevent him from hurting others
D. thank him for making you more perfect
35. What is the best title of the passage
A. Failure Decides success B. Failure Creates Opportunities
C. Failure Brings Everything D. Failure Makes a Perfect Person
There are times in our lives when care and hesitation serve us well. ____36____ Cultivating (培养) adventure in our children gives them a chance to see what they are really made of while delighting in new places and experiences.
Be Spontaneous (心血来潮的)
Routines are really important for children, but so is a sense of flexibility. Plug Spontaneity can be just simple fun! ____37____ : Stay up late to watch a movie together; cook or bake something no one in the family has ever tried; rearrange the furniture; go out for ice cream BEFORE dinner!
Try Something New Together
____38____ . Take a little time to observe your child or consider their interests. Do they love art Pick up a new medium and explore it together. Is your child musically talented Learn to play an instrument together or look for performances to attend.
Venture (敢于去) into the Woods
It doesn’t actually have to be the woods. ____39____ . Our bodies and our brains desire time in the outdoors. Many cities and towns have trails (小路) marked for public use. Search online or ask some friends for advice if you’re not already aware of your options. You may be surprised to discover how much is available.
Find Ways to Test Physical Boundaries
Children are active creatures. They tend to be especially active around 3:00 pm in the afternoon when we adults are starting to experience an energy collapse. ____40____ . Balancing on fences or jumping from rock to rock builds not only balance, strength, and spatial awareness, but also allows children to build their self-confidence.
Adventure makes life more exciting and rewarding.
A. There are hundreds of ways to go about this one
B. It can be the desert, the coast, or any other natural space
C. If they don’t seem to recognize an achievement, feel free to point it out
D. But seeking adventure stimulates something special in the human spirit
E. Hobbies are important for everyone and creating interests helps build bonds
F. You should recognize your child’s efforts through honest observation
G. It is the perfect time to safely test their physical boundaries
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
On a recent Sunday morning jog through Prospect Park, Martinus Evans was received like a conquering champion. Every few minutes, a passing ____41____ would smile and nod, congratulating him as they ____42____.
Mr Evans is the ____43____ of Slow AF Run Club. At 300 pounds, he is a ____44____ figure among runners who have felt left out of the sport. He’s graced the cover of Runner’s World and ____45____ in the ads of sports brands. And this month, he’s releasing his first book.
The idea for the club was born at about mile 16 of the 2018 New York City Marathon, just after the tiring Queensboro Bridge into Manhattan. Mr Evans was running along when he ____46____ a man gesturing from the sidelines.
“You’re ____47____ , buddy,” the man shouted, adding an impolite word to indicate just how slow. “Go home.” Mr Evans tried to ____48____ him, and turned his attention back to the ____49____ . Six hours behind the winner, he ____50____ finished it in over eight hours. But as the bystander repeated his ____51____ word, Mr Evans got angrier-then ____52____ . The next time he raced, he wore a shirt with that man's phrase, and a cartoon of a smiling turtle. When he ____53____ photos of his new uniform on social media, ____54____ asked for shirts of their own. By early 2019, his running club was born.
He said his driving message is simple: “I want everyone to know that they can run in the ____55____ they have right now.”
41. A. driver B. runner C. volunteer D. cleaner
42. A. cheered up B. showed up C. sped by D. stood by
43. A. founder B. coach C. member D. counselor
44. A. clever B. dishonest C. terrible D. beloved
45. A. registered B. competed C. appeared D. believed
46. A. missed B. hit C. defeated D. noticed
47. A. clumsy B. injured C. slow D. ambitious
48. A. ignore B. persuade C. overtake D. defend
49. A. man B. bridge C. course D. river
50. A. barely B. literally C. unwillingly D. eventually
51. A. humorous B. rude C. confusing D. frank
52. A. inspired B. shocked C. depressed D. disappointed
53. A. promoted B. identified C. took D. shared
54. A. operators B. sponsors C. followers D. assistants
55. A. company B. status C. issue D. body
John Keats was a ____56____ (gift) English poet. He was ____57____ (common) ranked as one of the most important poets in English literature. Though Keats was the ____58____ (young) of these poets, he died before the others. He suffered from tuberculosis (结核病) and died in Rome at the age of 25.
Keats’s father was Thomas Keats, ____59____ died in 1804. His mother died of tuberculosis in 1809. Young Keats began studying ____60____ (be) a doctor, though his interest in literature grew stronger ____61____ his interest in medicine. He became a friend and follower of the poet James Henry Leigh Hunt, and ____62____ (make) his first attempt to write his own poetry.
His long poems, Endymion and Hyperion, tell stories from ancient Greek mythology(神话). Many of his shorter poems are among the best known in English literature, ____63____ (include) the ballad La Belle Dame sans Merci.
Keats was ____64____ active letter writer throughout his life, like many people of his time. ____65____ (hundred) of his letters to friends and relatives have survived, and Keats is called one of the greatest writers in England.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
假定你是校学生会主席李华,请你以“My low-carbon life”为题写一篇保护环境的演讲稿。内容包括:
Tom was a fishing amateur. He once came to a wet place in the roadless forest to fish with his friends William and Tony. They put up their tent upon the top of a pine-clothed mountain and then began fishing. However, none of them was successful fisherman. They were either made lazy by the sun or wet by the rain. After two days of fishing, they got nothing. Finally they ate the last bit of bacon and smoked and burned the last fearful corncake. If they didn’t get anything to eat, they would have to starve.
Immediately Tom volunteered to stay and hold the camp while the remaining two should go miles away to a farmhouse for supplies. Hearing Tom’s suggestion, the two friends gazed at him jokingly. “ There is only one of you-be careful, for bears may appear and keep you company!” Tom didn’t take what they said seriously. Then the two men disappeared down the hill in the known direction of a distant wooden house.
Night came, but the two men did not return. Tom sat close to his companion, the campfire. He lit a cigarette and felt a thousand shadows were about to come towards him. Suddenly he heard the approach of something unknown, rackling the small branches and rustling (使沙沙作响) the dead leaves. Feeling a bit scared, Tom rose slowly to his feet. His cigarette dropped from his mouth and his knees shook with fear. “Hah!” he shouted in a loud voice in the hope of scaring his opponent away. A roar (咆哮) replied and a bear paced into the light of the fire.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Tom supported himself upon a tree and observed his unexpected visitor.
Tom breathed a sigh of relief.
【答案】1-5. CACBA 6-10. ABBCB 11-15. CACBA 16-20. ABACC
【答案】21. C 22. A 23. D
21. 细节理解题。根据WHO CAN ENTER部分中的“Illustrators, both professionals and beginners, can enter unpublished artwork, or artwork published in the previous 2 years.(插图画家,无论是专业人士还是初学者,都可以参加未发表的作品,或在过去2年内发表的作品。)”可知,无论专业人士何时初学者都可以参加未发表的作品,由此可知,所有级别的插画师都可以提交作品。故选C项。
22. 细节理解题。根据“FEATURES OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS部分中的“The 5 artworks must be based on the same theme, and must be numbered, as preferred, from 1 to 5 on the digital format file.(这5件作品必须基于相同的主题,并且必须在数字格式文件上按优先顺序编号,从1到5。)”以及“The digital format must be: jpg or png, maximum size 5 MB, resolution 150 DPI.(数字格式:jpg或png,最大大小5mb,分辨率150dpi。)”可知,5件作品必须主题相同,在数字格式的文件上按优先顺序编号,数字格式为jpg或png,由此可知,jpg数字格式艺术品可以被接受。故选A项。
23. 细节理解题。根据WINNERS部分中的“Being selected will give illustrators great visibility with the publication of their works in the Illustrators Annual and the 2-year world tour of the exhibition.(入选将使插画家的作品在《插画家年鉴》和为期两年的世界巡回展览中获得极大的知名度。)”可知,获奖插画师的作品可以在《插画家年鉴》上面出版,由此可知,获奖作品有机会被出版。故选D项。
【答案】24. D 25. D 26. A 27. B
24. 细节理解题。根据第二段“I was fourteen when I went to my first weight-loss camp. I knew that I would regain all the weight I’d lost when I went home.(我第一次参加减肥营是在14岁。我知道我回家后减掉的体重会全部反弹回来)”可知,作者在自己十四岁第一次参加减肥夏令营时就知道,她回到家里就会恢复体重。故选D项。
25. 细节理解题。根据第二段“It sparked a need to help others who were struggling like me.(这激发了我去帮助其他像我一样挣扎的人的需求)”以及第三段“Eventually, I recognized that my issue was sugar. I broke up with sugar and dieting and found a way to heal my relationship with food. I finally created a program that would help people in the way that I had needed desperately all along.(最终,我意识到我的问题是糖。我不再吃糖,不再节食,找到了一种方法来治愈我与食物的关系。我最终创建了一个项目,以我一直迫切需要的方式帮助人们)”可知,作者创办活动是为了帮助和自己存在同样问题的人。故选D项。
26. 推理判断题。根据最后一段“Finally, I was ready to tell my story, shining a big and bright light on all the wounds.(最后,我准备好讲述我的故事,让所有的伤口都焕发出明亮的光芒)”可知,作者决定在书中揭开自己的伤口。由此可推知,作者在书中可能会提到自己曾经对甜食的依赖。故选A项。
27. 推理判断题。根据最后一段“The greatest lesson I’ve learned on this journey is that. by embracing my truth, loving and sharing it, I am able to become the best version of myself—someone whom I love and cherish.(我在这段旅程中学到的最重要的一课是。通过拥抱我的真实,爱它并分享它,我能够成为最好的自己——一个我爱和珍惜的人)”可知,作者意识到自己肥胖的原因是爱吃甜食,因此改掉了这个毛病,也不再节食,并写书鼓励有同样困扰的读者;作者由此领悟到人生的真谛:将不完美视为生活的部分,接纳自己,做最好的自己。故选B项。
【答案】28. D 29. D 30. B 31. A
28. 细节理解题。根据第一段中“In the vast desert plains of northwest Namibia, rhino (犀牛) trackers start a journey to monitor the desert-adapted black rhinos.(在纳米比亚西北部广阔的沙漠平原上,犀牛追踪者开始了监测适应沙漠的黑犀牛的旅程)”和第三段中“Every day and night, devoted trackers and local community ranger s patrol (巡逻) the vast expanse of land, totaling 25, 000 square kilometers, where the desert-adapted black rhino thrives. Armed with extensive knowledge of the rhinos’ behaviors and characteristics, they carefully document their observations(每天晚上,忠诚的追踪者和当地社区护林员都在这片面积达2.5万平方公里的广袤土地上巡逻,适应沙漠的黑犀牛在这里茁壮成长。凭借对犀牛行为和特征的广泛了解,他们仔细记录了他们的观察结果)”可知,犀牛追踪者的主要角色是了解纳米比亚西北部广阔的沙漠平原上犀牛的现状。故选D项。
29. 细节理解题。根据第二段中“Despite the windy conditions working in their favor, they maintain a safe distance, aware of the potential danger of encountering these massive animals.(尽管风对它们有利,但它们仍然保持着安全距离,因为他们知道到遇到这些大型动物的潜在危险)”可知,纳米比亚的犀牛有潜在危险,可能很暴力,需要与其保持安全距离。故选D项。
30. 推理判断题。根据第四段中“Despite challenges, Namibia’s community conservation model has succeeded in protecting the rhino population. By prioritizing the preservation of wildlife and ensuring local communities to benefit from their natural resources, Namibia has become a lighthouse of conservation efforts in Africa. Save the Rhino Trust, established in 1982, has played a vital role in this achievement, witnessing a remarkable recovery in the black rhino population.(尽管面临挑战,纳米比亚的社区保护模式还是成功地保护了犀牛种群。通过优先保护野生动物和确保当地社区从其自然资源中受益,纳米比亚已成为非洲保护工作的灯塔)”可推知,纳米比亚的保护工作保护了犀牛种群,是富有成效的(fruitful)。故选B项。
31. 概括大意题。通读全文,结合第四段中“Despite challenges, Namibia’s community conservation model has succeeded in protecting the rhino population. By prioritizing the preservation of wildlife and ensuring local communities to benefit from their natural resources, Namibia has become a lighthouse of conservation efforts in Africa.(尽管面临挑战,纳米比亚的社区保护模式还是成功地保护了犀牛种群。通过优先保护野生动物和确保当地社区从其自然资源中受益,纳米比亚已成为非洲保护工作的灯塔)”和最后一段中“Despite the challenges, their serious commitment ensures the continued survival of the desert-adapted black rhino, a testament to the power of community-driven conservation efforts in preserving Earth’s oldest mammals.(尽管面临挑战,但他们的认真承诺确保了适应沙漠的黑犀牛的继续生存,这证明了社区推动的保护努力在保护地球上最古老的哺乳动物方面的力量)”可知,文章主要介绍了纳米比亚社区推动的犀牛保护工作,并取得巨大成效的事情。故选A项。
【答案】32. D 33. D 34. A 35. B
1. 词义猜测题。根据划线句子后的“It is a good saying, but life throws at us more serious problems than lemons, doesn’t it What do we do when we lose a family member What do we do when we have been through events that leave us feelings Can any failure be turned into success (这句话很好,但生活给我们带来的问题比柠檬更严重,不是吗?失去亲人时我们该怎么办?当我们经历了让我们有感觉的事情时,我们会怎么做?任何失败都能转化为成功吗?)”可知,作者以谚语引出本文讲述的话题,同时,利用一系列的问题对此进行解释,生活给我们的问题比柠檬严重,任何失败都会转化为成功吗?作者对此产生疑问,进而展开本文的论述。由此可猜测,划线句子应是一个观点“失败能转化为成功”。故选D项。
2. 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Most of us realize we can learn one or two things from failure.(我们大多数人都意识到我们可以从失败中学到一两件事)”可知,人们都意识到我们可以从失败中学到一两件事,结合尾句“There are a lot we can learn and get from failure if we keep asking good questions on how to do better next time.(我们可以从失败中学到很多东西,如果我们不断问一些好问题,下次如何做得更好)”可知,我们要失败后不断地问自己一些好的问题。由此可知,本段讲述的是我们失败的时候,要积极处理自己的失败。故选D项。
3. 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Our own suffering often makes us understand others better. (我们自己的苦难常常使我们更好地理解别人)”可知,作者认为,如果我们自己遭遇了不行会让我们更好的理解别人,结合下文中的“If we have been hurt by others because of another person’s poor character, it may improve us to be better persons.(如果我们曾经因为别人的品行不好而受到别人的伤害,这也许会使我们变得更好)”可推断,如果我们受到了别人的伤害,我们会更好的理解其他人,我们从别人对我们的伤害中学到伤害别人不是好的行为,所以我们就不会再去伤害别人。故选A项。
4. 标题归纳题。根据首段中的“Can any failure be turned into success (任何失败都能转化为成功吗?)”可知,作者用提问的方式展开本文的论述,结合下文中作者论述的如何面对失败以及失败给我们带来的好处以及尾段中的“Sometimes only failure brings us better opportunities or greater success.(有时候,只有失败才能给我们带来更好的机会或更大的成功)”可知,有时候,只有失败会带给我们更好的机会或更大的成功,所以本文主要论述的是失败可以创造更多的机会。由此可知,“失败创造更多机会”适合作本文最佳标题。故选B项。
【答案】36. D 37. A 38. E 39. B 40. G
36. 下文“Cultivating adventure in our children gives them a chance to see what they are really made of while delighting in new places and experiences.(在我们的孩子身上培养冒险精神,让他们有机会看到自己真正的特点,同时享受新的地方和经历)”说明在孩子身上培养冒险精神,会让孩子看到自己的特点并享受新的地方和经历,D项中adventure是关键词,D项“但寻求冒险会激发人类精神中的一些特殊之处”介绍寻求冒险的益处,引出下文,符合题意。故选D。
37. 下文“Stay up late to watch a movie together; cook or bake something no one in the family has ever tried; rearrange the furniture; go out for ice cream BEFORE dinner!(一起熬夜看电影;做或烤一些家里人从没试过的东西;重新布置家具;晚饭前出去吃冰淇淋!)”举例介绍了一些具体的方法,A项“有数百种方法可以解决这一问题”引出下文具体方法的介绍,符合题意。故选A。
38. 上文“Try Something New Together (一起尝试新事物)”以及下文“Take a little time to observe your child or consider their interests.(花点时间观察孩子或考虑他们的兴趣)”说明要和孩子一起尝试新事物,观察并考虑孩子的兴趣,E项中interests是关键词,E项“爱好对每个人都很重要,创造兴趣有助于建立联系”介绍创造兴趣的益处,承上启下,符合题意。故选E。
39. 上文“Venture into the Woods (敢于进入森林)”以及“It doesn’t actually have to be the woods.(实际上不一定是树林)”介绍要敢于冒险,进入森林或者森林之外的其他地方,B项“它可以是沙漠、海岸或任何其他自然空间”进一步介绍敢于冒险进入的其他地点,承接上文,符合题意。故选B。
40. 上文“Find Ways to Test Physical Boundaries (找到测试物理边界的方法)”以及“They tend to be especially active around 3:00 pm in the afternoon when we adults are starting to experience an energy collapse.(当我们成年人开始经历能量崩溃时,他们往往在下午3点左右特别活跃)”可知,要找到为孩子们测试物理边界的方法,孩子们往往在下午3点左右最活跃,可推知这是孩子们最适合被测试物理边界的时机,G项“这是安全测试他们物理边界的最佳时机”承接上文,符合题意。故选G。
【答案】41. B 42. C 43. A 44. D 45. C 46. D 47. C 48. A 49. C 50. D 51. B 52. A 53. D 54. C 55. D
解析:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Martinus Evans创办了Slow AF Run Club,并以自己的行动激励了更多想跑步的人。
41. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:每隔几分钟,就会有一个路过的跑步者微笑着点头,在他们飞驰而过时向他表示祝贺。A. driver司机;B. runner跑步者;C. volunteer志愿者;D. cleaner保洁员。根据第二段中“At 300 pounds, he is a ____44____ figure among runners who have felt left out of the sport.”可知,路过的跑步者微笑着向Martinus Evans点头。故选B项。
42. 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:同上。A. cheered up欢呼;B. showed up出现;C. sped by飞驰而过;D. stood by袖手旁观。根据前文“a passing ____41____ would smile and nod, congratulating him”可知,每一位跑步者从Martinus Evans身边飞驰而过。故选C项。
43. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:Evans是Slow AF Run Club的创始人。A. founder创始人;B. coach教练;C. member成员;D. counselor顾问。根据第三段中“The idea for the club was born at about mile 16 of the 2018 New York City Marathon, just after the tiring Queensboro Bridge into Manhattan.”可知,Evans是Slow AF Run Club的创始人。故选A项。
44. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:体重300磅的他是那些感觉自己被遗忘在这项运动之外的跑步者们喜爱的人。A. clever聪明的;B. dishonest不诚实的;C. terrible糟糕的;D. beloved深受喜爱的。根据前文“Mr Evans is the ____43____ of Slow AF Run Club.”和后文“He’s graced the cover of Runner’s World and ____45____ in the ads of sports brands. And this month, he’s releasing his first book.”可知,Evans深受跑步者的喜爱。故选D项。
45. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他曾登上Runner’s World的封面,还曾出现在Adidas的广告中。A. registered登记;B. competed竞争;C. appeared出现;D. believed相信。根据前文“He's graced the cover of Runner's World”和后文“in the ads of sports brands”可知,Evans出现在Adidas的广告中。故选C项。
46. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Evans先生正慢悠悠地走着,这时他注意到一个人在一旁打手势。A. missed失去;B. hit击打;C. defeated打败;D. noticed注意到。根据前文“Mr Evans was running along when he”和“a man gesturing from the sidelines”可知,Evans正走着,这时他注意到一个人在打手势。故选D项。
47. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“你太慢了,伙计,”那人喊道,并加了一句不礼貌的话来表示有多慢。A. clumsy笨拙的;B. injured受伤的;C. slow慢的;D. ambitious雄心壮志的。根据后文“indicate just how slow”可知,那人说Evans太慢了。故选C项。
48. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Evans试图不理睬他,把注意力转回赛道。A. ignore忽视,不理睬;B. persuade劝说;C. overtake超过;D. defend防御。根据后文“turned his attention back to the ____49____ ”可知,Evans不理睬那个男人,把注意力转回赛道。故选A项。
49. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. man男人;B. bridge桥;C. course赛道;D. river河。根据语境前文“Mr Evans tried to ____48____ him, and turned his attention back to”可知,Evans不理睬那个男人,把注意力转回赛道。故选C项。
50. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:最终他只用了8个多小时就跑完了全程,比冠军晚了6个小时。A. barely仅仅;B. literally按字面意思地;C. unwillingly不情愿地;D. eventually最后。根据后文“finished it in over eight hours”可知,最终Evans跑完了全程,故选D项。
51. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但当旁观者重复他无理的话语时,Evans先生变得更加生气——然后又受到启发。A. humorous幽默的;B. rude粗鲁的,无理的;C. confusing令人困惑的;D. frank坦率的。根据前文“‘You’re ____47____ , buddy,’ the man shouted, adding an impolite word to indicate just how slow.”可知,旁观者重复粗鲁无理的话。故选B项。
52. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. inspired受到鼓舞的,受到启发的;B. shocked震惊的;C. depressed沮丧的;D. disappointed失望的。根据后文“The next time he raced, he wore a shirt with that man’s phrase, and a cartoon of a smiling turtle.”可知,Evans受到启发。故选A项。
53. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当他在Instagram上分享他的新赛马服照片时,粉丝们要让自己拥有这种衬衫。A. promoted提升;B. identified确认;C. took拿走;D. shared分享。根据后文“photos of his new uniform on social media”可知,Evans在Instagram上分享他的新赛马服照片。故选D项。
54. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. operators操作员;B. sponsors赞助商;C. followers追随者;D. assistants助理。根据第二段中“At 300 pounds, he is a ____44____ figure among runners who have felt left out of the sport.”和后文“asked for shirts of their own”可知,Evans的追随者想要相同的衬衫。故选C项。
55. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他说他的驱动力很简单:“我想让每个人都知道,他们现在的身体可以跑步。”A. company公司;B. status状态;C. issue问题;D. body身体。根据常识和第二段中“At 300 pounds, he is a ____44____ figure among runners who have felt left out of the sport.”和全文可知,Evans想让每个人都知道,他们现在的身体可以跑步。故选D项。
【答案】56. gifted monly 58. youngest 59. who 60. to be 61. than 62. made 63. including 64. an 65. Hundreds
56. 考查形容词。句意:约翰·济慈是一位有天赋的英国诗人。由空后English poet为名词可知,此处为形容词形式修饰该名词。故填gifted。
57. 考查副词。句意:他通常被认为是英国文学中最重要的诗人之一。由副词修饰动词可知,此处为副词commonly修饰动词was ranked。故填commonly。
58. 考查形容词最高级。句意:济慈虽然是这些诗人中最年轻的,但他比其他人先去世。由前面的the及空后的“of these poets”并结合句意可知,此处应填形容词的最高级形式。故填youngest。
59. 考查定语从句。句意:济慈的父亲是托马斯·济慈,他于1804年去世。分析句子可知,此处为非限制性定语从句,先行词Thomas Keats指人在从句中作主语成分,应用关系代词who引导。故填who。
60. 考查非谓语动词。句意:年轻的济慈开始学习成为一名医生,尽管他对文学的兴趣超过了对医学的兴趣。根据语境以及分析句子结构可知,此处应用不定式作目的状语,表示“为了成为一名医生”。故填to be。
61. 考查介词。句意:年轻的济慈开始学习成为一名医生,尽管他对文学的兴趣超过了对医学的兴趣。由语境以及空前的 stronger形容词比较级可知,此处表示比较,所以此处为介词than的填入。故填than。
62. 考查动词时态。句意:他成为诗人詹姆斯·亨利·利·亨特的朋友和追随者,并首次尝试自己写诗。分析句子结构可知,空处与前面的became之间为并列关系,表示对过去事情的描述,应用一般过去时。故填made。
63. 考查介词。句意:他的许多短诗都是英国文学中最著名的,包括民谣《the ballad La Belle Dame sans Merci》。由语境以及空后的the ballad La Belle Dame sans Merci名词可知,此处表示“包括……在内”,故应填介词including。故填including。
64. 考查冠词。句意:济慈一生都是一个积极的写信者,就像他那个时代的许多人一样。根据语境和句意可知,此处表示泛指,且active的发音以元音音素开头,所以为不定冠词an的填入。故填an。
65. 考查固定短语。句意:济慈给朋友和亲戚的数百封信流传至今,他被称为英国最伟大的作家之一。根据句意可知,此处为固定短语hundreds of“成百上千的”,满足句意要求。故填Hundreds。
My low-carbon life
It’s our duty to protect the environment. Low-carbon life is good for everyone. To help with the environment, I always walk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a car. Besides, I will try to use things that can be recycled and I never forget to turn off the lights when I leave the classroom. I think it’s my duty to live a low-carbon life. And even the simplest activities can make a real difference to the environment. So I suggest we should reuse books as long as possible. And we’d better not spend much money on expensive clothes.
If everyone does something for the environment, I believe the earth will be a better place.
Lower-carbon life, happier life.
Tom supported himself upon a tree and observed his unexpected visitor. The bear was obviously a fighter, for the black of his coat had become brown with age. There was confidence in his small, twinkling eyes. Terrified as Tom was, he must save himself. He started running around the campfire, bear chasing after him. He was close to desperation when the tent fell down onto the burning fire, with the bear trapped inside. He then witnessed the burning tent racing in the direction of the lake, disappearing.
Tom breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe it was luck that saved him. Anyway, he was safe now. He rested for a while, rebuilt the fire and waited patiently for his friends. When they came back and saw the tent gone, they asked eagerly what had happened. Tom explained calmly everything as if it had not happened to him. “There is only one of me — and the bear keeps me company!” he said, lighting a cigarette again.


