
  1. 二一教育资源



1. 考试时间120分钟
2. 全卷共五道大题,总分120分
3. 使用答题卡的考生,请将答案填写在答题卡的指定位置
第一部分 语言知识运用(共计45分)
I. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)
1. It’s reported that it’ll be rainy today. Remember to take ________ umbrella with you, Cindy.
A. a B. an C. the
2. —Hi, Linda. The bicycle is the newest style. Is it Mary’s
—Yes, it’s ________. She bought it last week.
A. mine B. yours C. hers
考查代词辨析。mine我的;yours你的;hers她的。根据“Yes, it’s ... . She bought it last week.”可知,此处指是玛丽的,故选C。
3. —The movie is popular with students. Do you know the ________
—It tells the real life of the students.
A. result B. reason C. choice
考查名词辨析。result结果;reason原因;choice选择。根据“It tells the real life of the students.”可知,此处介绍电影受学生欢迎的原因,故选B。
4. —It’s time to graduate. We should say “Thanks” to our teachers.
—I think so. We have made great progress ________ the teachers’ help.
A. with B. through C. under
考查介词辨析。with有;through通过;under在下面。with one’s help“在某人的帮助下”,故选A。
5. —How long have you been in Qiqihar
—________ my father came here to work five years ago.
A. When B. While C. Since
考查特殊疑问句及词汇辨析。When当……时;While当……时;Since自从。How long询问一段时间,可用“Since+一段时间+ago”回答。故选C。
6. —Jane, I saw your brother yesterday.
—It ________ be him. My brother is studying in Shenzhen.
A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t
考查动词辨析和can表推测。根据“It ... be him. My brother is studying in Shenzhen.”可知,哥哥在深圳读书,所以不可能看到他,故选A。
7. We should learn to be independent. We’d better not ________ our parents too much.
A. keep on B. get on C. depend on
考查动词短语。keep on继续;get on上车;depend on依赖。根据“We should learn to be independent.”可知,我们应学会独立,不要太依赖父母。故选C。
8. —Tom will have a birthday party next Sunday. Do you want to go
—If you go, ________.
A. so I will B. so will I C. neither will I
考查部分倒装。根据“If you go, ...”可知,此处表示后者情况与前者一致,用“So+助动词/情态动词/be动词+主语”,故选B。
9. —Hi, Tom. I heard that you won the first prize in the talent show yesterday. ________!
—Thank you, Mike.
A. Congratulations B. Good luck C. Come on
考查情景交际。Congratulations恭喜你;Good luck祝你好运;Come on加油。根据“I heard that you won the first prize in the talent show yesterday.”可知,对方得了第一名,要恭喜,故选A。
10. —I wonder ________
—I’m not sure. Let’s ask Miss Li for help.
A. which subject should we choose
B. what we can do with the rest materials
C. that Bob went to the library just now
II. 完形填空(每小题1分,共15分)
In our life, nobody wants to lose, but we must accept that losing is a part of life. ____11____, we can’t win all the time. We can learn ____12____ valuable from every failure. This may help us succeed in the future. So we must know ____13____ to be a good loser.
We must not be afraid of losing. When losing, just accept it with a (an) ____14____ and look at the bright side. Failure can’t be avoided in our life. Edison failed 1,000 times before he ____15____ the light bulb (灯泡). When he was asked how he felt, he said that he didn’t fail ____16____ learned 10,000 things which didn’t work. We must know that history is full of examples of men and women who achieved success although ____17____ failed many times.
Losing is not very disgraceful (丢脸的). We must accept our failure and learn from it. Remember that it can be ____18____. It can help us grow up rapidly. So we’d better take action to walk out of it. When we lose, think about what we did and how we can improve. If someone else can help, we’ll be ____19____ enough.
Many people enjoy helping ____20____ solve problems. This can save us a lot of time so that the same mistake won’t be made ____21____ in the future.
We should face our failure when we lose. There is only one ____22____ in every competition. Some win, while some lose. It’s ____23____ for us to experience failure. The more active we are when facing the failure, the more confident we will be.
____24____, being a good loser will help us to be better in life. It might be painful ____25____ the beginning, but there are many advantages. Good losers set examples to us, and most importantly, they finally win.
11. A. After all B. As a result C. At first
12. A. anything B. nothing C. something
13. A. why B. how C. when
14. A. smile B. sadness C. excitement
15. A. discovered B. invented C. found
16. A. but B. and C. or
17. A. we B. you C. they
18. A. thankful B. wonderful C. helpful
19. A. wise B. lucky C. proud
20. A. other B. the other C. others
21. A. ever B. again C. once
22. A. winner B. loser C. player
23. A. strange B. normal C. interesting
24. A. In a word B. In the way C. In that case
25. A. to B. of C. at
【答案】11. A 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. B 16. A 17. C 18. C 19. B 20. C 21. B 22. A 23. B 24. A 25. C
After all毕竟;As a result因此;At first首先。根据“..., we can’t win all the time.”可知,毕竟我们不可能总是赢。故选A。
anything任何事;nothing无事;something某事。根据“We can learn...valuable from every failure.”可知,我们可以从失败中学到有价值的东西,本句是肯定句,故选C。
why为什么;how如何;when何时。根据“So we must know...to be a good loser.”可知,我们必须知道如何成为一个好的失败者,故选B。
smile微笑;sadness悲伤;excitement激动。根据“When losing, just accept it with a (an)...and look at the bright side.”可知,失败的时候要微笑着接受,故选A。
discovered发现;invented发明;found找到。根据“Edison failed 1,000 times before he...the light bulb (灯泡).”可知,爱迪生在发明电灯泡之前失败了1000次。故选B。
we我们;you你,你们;they他们。根据“We must know that history is full of examples of men and women who achieved success although...failed many times.”可知,此处指“men and women”,是他们失败过很多次,故选C。
thankful感谢的;wonderful精彩的;helpful乐于助人的。根据“It can help us grow up rapidly.”可知,它可以帮助我们快速成长,所以是有帮助的,故选C。
wise明智的;lucky幸运的;proud骄傲的。根据“If someone else can help, we’ll be...enough.”可知,如果有人能帮忙就够幸运了。故选B。
other其他的;the other两者中的另一个;others其他人/物。根据“Many people enjoy helping...solve problems.”可知,此处在动词后作宾语,故选C。
ever曾经;again再;once曾经。根据“This can save us a lot of time so that the same mistake won’t be made...in the future.”可知,这样以后就不会再犯同样的错误了。故选B。
winner赢家;loser输家;player玩家。根据“There is only one...in every competition.”可知,比赛只有一个赢家。故选A。
strange奇怪的;normal正常的;interesting有趣的。根据“It’s...for us to experience failure.”可知,经历失败是很正常的。故选B。
In a word总之;In the way妨碍;In that case如果那样。根据“..., being a good loser will help us to be better in life.”可知,总之做一个好的失败者会帮助我们在生活中变得更好。故选A。
to到;of关于;at在。at the beginning“一开始”,固定短语,故选C。
III. 交际运用(共20分)
(A: Li Hua B: Zhang Ming)
(Li Hua and Zhang Ming are waiting at a bus stop. Li Hua is looking through a magazine.)
A: Zhang Ming, check out this article about recent self-driving cars.
B: No, thanks. ____26____ I think they’ll make our streets more dangerous.
A: Actually, the writer says that self-driving cars can reduce accidents by 90 percent.
B: ____27____
A: The new technology helps keep a certain speed when there’s something in the front.
B: ____28____
A: Well, they are also convenient for the disabled.
B: If so, life for them will be better.
A: By the way, there’s going to be a science fair in Wanda Plaza. ____29____
B: I’d like to, but I’m busy with my book report.
A: OK, it doesn’t matter. ____30____
B: Oh, here comes the bus. See you.
A: See you.
A. How can they make it
B. Maybe another time.
C. I can’t agree with you more.
D. Would you like to go with me
E. I don’t really agree to them.
F. What other advantages do they have
【答案】26. E 27. A 28. F 29. D 30. B
根据“Zhang Ming, check out this article about recent self-driving cars.”和“I think they’ll make our streets more dangerous.”可知,不同意对方的观点,选项E“我不太同意他们的观点。”符合语境,故选E。
根据“Actually, the writer says that self-driving cars can reduce accidents by 90 percent.”和“The new technology helps keep a certain speed when there’s something in the front.”可知,介绍新技术帮助做到,选项A“他们是怎么做到的?”符合语境,故选A。
根据“Well, they are also convenient for the disabled.”可知,此处介绍对残疾人方便这一优势,选项F“它们还有什么其他优势?”符合语境,故选F。
根据“I’d like to, but I’m busy with my book report.”可知,此处发出邀请,选项D“你愿意和我一起去吗?”符合语境,故选D。
根据“OK, it doesn’t matter.”可知,这次不能一起去,选项B“也许下次吧。”符合语境,故选B。
(After Li Hua and Zhang Ming visited the science fair. )
A: How do you like the science fair
B: ____31____. There are so many inventions in it.
A: ____32____
B: I think the AI anchor (主播) interests me most It looks and speaks just like a real person.
A: You see. Our country is developing so fast. ____33____
B: I’m going to be a scientist in the future.
A: ____34____
B: I’m going to study science and maths harder.
A: Hope your dream will come true.
B: Thanks so much.
A: ____35____.
【答案】31. Good/Wonderful/Great/Amazing/Fantastic/It is good/wonderful/great/amazing/fantastic/I like/love it a lot/very much
32. Which one interests you (most)/What interests you (most)/Which one are you interested in/What are you interested in
33. What are you going to be/become/do when you grow up/What do you want to be/become/do when you grow up/What are you going to be/become/do in the future/What do you want to be/become/do in the future
34. How are you going to do that/How are you going to be a scientist/What are you going to do to be a scientist
35. You’re welcome/Not at all/That’s all right/It’s my/a pleasure/My pleasure
根据“How do you like the science fair ”和“There are so many inventions in it.”可知,觉得这次科学博览会很好,故填Good/Wonderful/Great/Amazing/Fantastic/It is good/wonderful/great/amazing/fantastic/I like/love it a lot/very much。
根据“I think the AI anchor (主播) interests me most. It looks and speaks just like a real person.”可知,询问对方最感兴趣的是什么,故填Which one interests you (most)/What interests you (most)/Which one are you interested in/What are you interested in。
根据“I’m going to be a scientist in the future.”可知,此处询问对方长大后想成为什么,故填What are you going to be/become/do when you grow up/What do you want to be/become/do when you grow up/What are you going to be/become/do in the future/What do you want to be/become/do in the future。
根据“I’m going to study science and maths harder.”可知,询问对方为了成为科学家打算怎么做,故填How are you going to do that/How are you going to be a scientist/What are you going to do to be a scientist。
根据“Thanks so much.”可知,此处应回答“不客气”,故填You’re welcome/Not at all/That’s all right/It’s my/a pleasure/My pleasure。
第二部分 阅读理解(共计60分)
IV. 阅读理解 (A、B、C、E、F每小题2分,D每小题1分)
What makes you happy Different people have different answers—doing well at school, being picked to play in a sports team or receiving the birthday present you wanted.
____36____ Every year since 2013, the world has celebrated International Day of Happiness. It falls on 20 March and was created by the United Nations (UN). The UN set up the day to tell people that happiness is important.
____37____ This year, the goal for International Day of Happiness is “keep calm, stay wise and be kind”. Keeping calm reminds people not to let their worries out of control. Staying wise means choosing activities increases your happiness. Be kind to the people around.
____38____ Research has shown that happiness is good for people’s health. The happy people seldom get sick. The happier people will live longer and serve more to the communities where they live.
____39____ Lots of scientific research shows we can improve our happiness if we use the right ways, such as trying a new sport, setting a new goal, telling a friend something you like about them and so on.
____40____ No one feels happy all the time. Everybody may feel angry, nervous or sad from time to time. If you feel upset for a long time, you should talk to an adult you trust or share your feelings with your best friends.
A. How to make yourself happy
B. The meaning of happiness
C. The advantages of happiness
D. How to deal with unhappiness
E. The date of International Day of Happiness
F. The goal for International Day of Happiness
【答案】36. E 37. F 38. C 39. A 40. D
根据“Every year since 2013, the world has celebrated International Day of Happiness.”可知,自2013年以来,全世界每年都庆祝国际幸福日。此处提到国际幸福日,选项E“今天是国际幸福日”符合语境,故选E。
根据“This year, the goal for International Day of Happiness is ‘keep calm, stay wise and be kind’.”可知,今年,国际幸福日的目标是“保持冷静,保持智慧,保持善良”。此处介绍今年国际幸福日的目标,选项F“这是国际幸福日的目标”符合语境,故选F。
根据“Research has shown that happiness is good for people’s health.”可知,研究表明,幸福对人的健康有益。此处介绍幸福的好处,选项C“幸福的好处”符合语境,故选C。
根据“Lots of scientific research shows we can improve our happiness if we use the right ways, such as trying a new sport, setting a new goal, telling a friend something you like about them and so on.”可知,许多科学研究表明,如果我们使用正确的方法,比如尝试一项新的运动,设定一个新的目标,告诉朋友你喜欢他们的一些事情等等,我们可以提高我们的幸福感。此处介绍让自己幸福的方法,选项A“如何让自己幸福”符合语境,故选A。
根据“No one feels happy all the time. Everybody may feel angry, nervous or sad from time to time. If you feel upset for a long time, you should talk to an adult you trust or share your feelings with your best friends.”可知,没有人会一直感到快乐。每个人都会时不时地感到愤怒、紧张或悲伤。如果你长时间感到不安,你应该和你信任的成年人谈谈,或者和你最好的朋友分享你的感受。此处介绍如果不幸福时,应该怎么做。选项D“如何处理不幸福”符合语境,故选D。
It is reported that about 300 million people in China have eyesight trouble. More and more parents hope to save their children’s poor eyesight with medicine or by correcting the ways that kids read and sit. But in fact, you should start with the exercise on your feet. Here are some ways to save eyesight.
Don’t tie your shoes too closely. Try wearing comfortable or soft socks. You can look after your eyesight by walking without socks or shoes at home. While you are traveling, try wearing cloth shoes to improve blood moving.
Walking on tiptoes (脚趾) is good for your eyesight. It can fight against eyesight trouble. Numbers show that most of ballet (芭蕾) dancers’ eyesight is better.
Rope skipping can also be good for your eyesight. While skipping rope, you have to move rapidly. Skipping rope makes not only the brain but also the eyes excited. Maybe it also helps you grow taller. So start skipping rope now.
Above all, you should often let doctor check your eyesight.
根据文章内容,判断句子正 (T)、误 (F)。
41. Nowadays, a lot of people have problems with eyesight.
42. In order to improve blood moving, you should tie your shoes closely.
43. Skipping rope is useless for the brain and the eyes.
44. Walking on tiptoes can improve your eyesight.
45. The passage tells us that exercising on the feet can save eyesight.
【答案】41. T 42. F
43. F 44. T
45. T
细节理解题。根据“It is reported that about 300 million people in China have eyesight trouble.”可知,中国约有3亿人有视力问题,可知现如今很多人有视力问题。故答案为T。
细节理解题。根据“Don’t tie your shoes too closely.”可知,为了使血液流动,不要把鞋带系得太紧。故答案为F。
细节理解题。根据“Rope skipping can also be good for your eyesight. While skipping rope, you have to move rapidly. Skipping rope makes not only the brain but also the eyes excited.”可知,跳绳不仅使大脑兴奋,而且使眼睛兴奋,对视力有好处。故答案为F。
细节理解题。根据“Walking on tiptoes (脚趾) is good for your eyesight…Numbers show that most of ballet (芭蕾) dancers’ eyesight is better.”可知,大多数芭蕾舞演员的视力更好,所以踮起脚尖走路对视力有好处,可以改善视力。故答案为T。
主旨大意题。根据“But in fact, you should start with the exercise on your feet. Here are some ways to save eyesight.”及全文可知,文章主要讲述了锻炼脚部可以拯救我们的视力。故答案为T。
Book Of The Week
The Shark Caller By Zillah Bethell Blue Wing is a girl who has grown up on an island in Papua New Guinea. She is willing to become a shark caller but she’s told to look after a newcomer called Maple. At first, the two girls dislike each other but soon they get to know that they both have far more in common. Before long, they set out together on a journey to the bottom of the ocean in search of treasure. This story would perfectly suit anyone who has enjoyed books by Eva Ibbotson or Kiran Millwood Hargrave.
Zillah Bethell She is a shark fan. When she was a child, she swam in the sea and played on the beach. She collected wood and caught fish in her spare time. WIN! We’re giving away six copies of The Shark Caller. For a chance to win a copy, just send your name and address to competitions@theweekjunior. co. uk and put SHARK in the subject line. Closing date: midnight on 12 July. See theweekjunior. co. uk/terms for rules
46. Who are the main characters in the book
A. Blue Wing and Eva. B. Maple and Kiran. C. Blue Wing and Maple.
47. What do you know about from the book
A. At first, the two girls get on well with each other.
B. The two girls are quite different from each other.
C. The two girls search for treasure at the bottom of the ocean.
48. What do you think of the writer’s childhood
A. Relaxing. B. Boring. C. Hard.
49. What do you need to do for a free copy
A. To make a telephone call. B. To send an e-mail. C. To write a letter.
50. The passage above may come from _______.
A. a book website B. a story book C. a sports magazine
【答案】46. C 47. C 48. A 49. B 50. A
细节理解题。根据“Blue Wing is a girl who has grown up on an island in Papua New Guinea. She is willing to become a shark caller but she’s told to look after a newcomer called Maple.”可知,Blue Wing是一个在巴布亚新几内亚的一个小岛上长大的女孩。她愿意成为一名鲨鱼呼叫者,但她被告知要照顾一个名叫Maple的新来者。本书中Blue Wing和Maple是主人公,故选C。
细节理解题。根据“Before long, they set out together on a journey to the bottom of the ocean in search of treasure.”可知,不久,她们一起踏上了海底寻宝之旅。故选C。
推理判断题。根据“When she was a child, she swam in the sea and played on the beach. She collected wood and caught fish in her spare time.”可知,当作者还是个孩子的时候,她在海里游泳,在沙滩上玩耍。她在业余时间拾柴捕鱼。由此可知,她的童年生活是很放松有趣的,故选A。
细节理解题。根据“For a chance to win a copy, just send your name and address to competitions@theweekjunior. co. uk”可知,只要将您的姓名和地址发送到competitions@theweekjunior. co. uk,就有机会赢得一本免费的书,故选B。
推理判断题。根据“See theweekjunior. co. uk/terms for rules”可知,本文来自图书网站,故选A。
Electric cars may seem to be a recent invention, but they have been around for years. In the early 1900s, there were more electric cars on the road t____51____ gasoline (汽油) cars. At that time, gasoline was expensive compared with other fuels (燃料), so electric cars were more popular.
When gasoline prices d____52____ and new technologies on gasoline cars were developed, electric cars were out of date. Gasoline cars became more popular i____53____.
During the 20th century, gasoline cars got bigger, ____54____ (heavy) and faster. More and more people had bought gasoline cars. More fuel was needed. So this c____55____ more air pollution. When people began to r____56____ that there were not enough oil on the earth, they required car ____57____ (make) to produce more efficient (高效能的) cars.
One method of ____58____ (solve) the problem was a “hybrid” car, one that ran partly on gasoline and partly on electricity. Hybrid cars became popular in the 2000s because gasoline prices went up while prices of hybrid cars went down.
An all-electric car uses no gasoline. H____59____, the problem is that electric cars are not suitable for long journeys. Many people are not pleased with it. The government and the car factories are working together to develop safe, cheap and ____60____ (use) electric cars. When more and more people have these electric cars in the future, a gasoline station may disappear.
【答案】51. (t)han
52. (d)ropped
53. (i)nstead
54. heavier
55. (c)aused
56. (r)ealize##(r)ealise
57. makers 58. solving
59. (H)owever
60. useful
句意:在20世纪初,路上行驶的电动汽车比汽油车多。根据“there were more electric cars on the road t... gasoline (汽油) cars”可知,路上行驶的电动汽车比汽油车多,than“比”符合语境,故填(t)han。
句意:当汽油价格下降和汽油车的新技术被开发出来时,电动汽车就过时了。根据“When gasoline prices d... and new technologies on gasoline cars were developed, electric cars were out of date.”可知,汽油价格下降且有技术更新,电动汽车会过时,drop“下降”,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填(d)ropped。
句意:汽油车反而变得更受欢迎。根据“electric cars were out of date. Gasoline cars became more popular i...”可知,电动汽车过时了,那么汽油车反而变得更受欢迎,instead“反而”符合语境,故填(i)nstead。
句意:这就造成了更多的空气污染。根据“More and more people had bought gasoline cars, more fuel was needed. So this c... more air pollution.”可知,使用更多的燃料造成了更多的空气污染,cause“造成”,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填(c)aused。
句意:当人们开始意识到地球上没有足够的石油时,他们要求汽车制造商生产更节能的汽车。根据“When people began to r... that there were not enough oil on the earth”可知,人们意识到地球上没有足够的石油,realize/realise“意识到”,began to do sth“开始做某事”,故填(r)ealize/(r)ealise。
句意:当人们开始意识到地球上没有足够的石油时,他们要求汽车制造商生产更节能的汽车。根据“they required car...to produce more efficient (高效能的) cars”可知,要求汽车制造商生产更节能的汽车,maker“制造商”,此处表示复数含义,使用名词复数形式,故填makers。
Every Saturday, Wang Weifang puts on a play with his friends in a small town near Xi’an. The audience (观众) can hear them, but they cannot see them. That is because they are putting on a shadow puppet (皮影) play. Shadow puppets are made of hard leather (皮革). The leather is cut out in the shape of a person, an animal or an object. Each puppet is painted in bright colors and put on a stick. Some puppets have movable arms and legs.
During a shadow puppet play, Wang stands behind a white screen with lights behind it. The audience sit in front of the screen. Wang and his friends hold the puppets very close to the screen so that the audience can see the puppets’ shadows clearly. Then they move the puppets around and do the voices of the different characters.
Shadow puppet play is a kind of ancient Chinese art. Now with TV and films, shadow puppet plays are not as popular as before. Wang and his friends often work very hard for little money, but they do not mind. They want to keep this traditional art form alive.
61. What are the shadow puppets made of
62. Is each puppet painted in bright colors
63. Where does Wang stand during a shadow puppet play
64. Why do Wang and his friends still work hard on shallow puppet plays without much money
65. What’s the best title of the passage
【答案】61. They’re made of hard leather./Hard leather.
62. Yes./Yes, it is.
63. He stands behind a white screen./Behind a white screen.
64. Because they want to keep this traditional art form alive./To keep this traditional art form alive.
65. Wang Weifang and the shadow puppet plays/Shadow puppet plays/A shadow puppet play/A kind of ancient Chinese art, shadow puppet play
根据“Shadow puppets are made of hard leather (皮革).”可知,皮影是用硬皮做的,故填They’re made of hard leather./Hard leather.
根据“Each puppet is painted in bright colors and put on a stick.”可知,每个木偶都涂上鲜艳的颜色,故填Yes./Yes, it is.
根据“During a shadow puppet play, Wang stands behind a white screen with lights behind it.”可知,在一场皮影戏中,王站在一个白色的屏幕后面,故填He stands behind a white screen./Behind a white screen.
根据“Wang and his friends often work very hard for little money, but they do not mind. They want to keep this traditional art form alive.”可知,王和他的朋友们经常为了很少的钱而努力工作,但他们并不介意。他们想要保持这种传统艺术形式的活力。故填Because they want to keep this traditional art form alive./To keep this traditional art form alive.
本文主要介绍了中国的一种古老的艺术形式——皮影戏,以及讲述了王伟方和他的朋友们为保护皮影戏所做出的努力,故填Wang Weifang and the shadow puppet plays/Shadow puppet plays/A shadow puppet play/A kind of ancient Chinese art, shadow puppet play。
It’s unbelievable to save this black bear from falling off a 30-meter-high bridge.
The bear was (A) ________ her way home after a long day in a California’s mountain. She was walking across the bridge when, suddenly, two cars entered from both sides. There was nowhere to run, so the frightened bear jumped onto the rail (护栏) and began to fall down.
Luckily the bear pulled herself onto an arch under the bridge, but she couldn’t get out. A driver saw the surprising scene and called for help. Robert Brooks, an animal control officer from a nearby arch n. 桥town, was sent to find out the truth. “I thought it was a joke.” he said. But it wasn’t a joke, so he called Dave Baker of the BEAR League, a group that helps bears in (B) ________.
(C) Unfortunately, the sky was getting dark, so the workers who saved the bear had to wait. Early the next morning, Brooks and Baker returned to the bridge with more volunteers. To their surprise, the bear was still there. Then Baker had an idea. ①They should hang a net under the bear, push her into (D) it and then lower her to the ground.
Police officers closed the road. ②When the bear was sleepy, a volunteer rock climber used his feet to push the bear off the arch, right into the middle of the net.
③When the bear was gently lowered to the ground, everyone cheered. The police officers then cleared all the people from the area and left the bear alone when she slept. Since then, no one has seen the bear. “I don’t think she’s going near the bridge any more.” Brooks said.
66. 在文中 (A) 处和 (B) 处各填入一个适当的词,使文章意思完整。
(A) __________ (B) __________
67. 根据上下文,请选出与 (C) 处划线词Unfortunately 意思相近的词:__________
A. Unusually B. Unexpectedly C. Unluckily
68. 用英文写出文中 (D) 处划线词it所指代的内容:
69. 在文中①②③处,选出能够填入“Then Brooks shot a sleeping drug (药) into the bear’s shoulder.”的最佳位置:__________
70. Do you think the bear is worth saving Why or why not
【答案】66. ①. on ②. trouble##need##danger
67. C 68. the net
69. ② 70. Yes, I do. Because animals are our friends, we should protect them./No, I don’t./I don’t think so. Because saving the bear is too dangerous.
根据“The bear was (A)...her way home after a long day in a California’s mountain.”可知,(A)处是on her way“在她去……的路上”;根据“But it wasn’t a joke, so he called Dave Baker of the BEAR League, a group that helps bears in (B)...”可知,熊联盟是一个帮助陷入困境/危险/有需要的熊的组织,in trouble/need/danger符合语境,故填on;trouble/need/danger。
根据“Unfortunately, the sky was getting dark, so the workers who saved the bear had to wait.”可知,天色渐渐暗了下来,所以救熊的工人们不得不等待,这是不幸运的事,故填C。
根据“They should hang a net under the bear, push her into (D) it and then lower her to the ground.”可知,他们应该在熊下面挂一个网,把她推进去,然后把她放到地上。此处it指的是“网”,故填the net。
“Then Brooks shot a sleeping drug (药) into the bear’s shoulder.”表示“然后,布鲁克斯向熊的肩膀注射了一剂安眠药。”,注射安眠药后,熊应该是睡着了,②后“When the bear was sleepy, a volunteer rock climber used his feet to push the bear off the arch, right into the middle of the net.当熊昏昏欲睡时,一名攀岩志愿者用脚把熊从拱门上推下来,正好推到网的中央。”符合语境,故填②。
本题属于开放性试题,言之有理即可。参考答案:Yes, I do. Because animals are our friends, we should protect them.或No, I don’t./I don’t think so. Because saving the bear is too dangerous.
第三部分 书面表达(共计15分)
V. 书面表达(本题共15分,其中A题5分,B题10分)
71. (注意:文中不能出现考生真实姓名、教师真实姓名和校名,否则不给分)
1. 字迹工整,表达清楚,语法正确;
2. 词数:30—50词。
My hometown is Qiqihar. It lies in the west of Heilongjiang Province. The weather in my hometown is enjoyable. There are many places to visit, such as Heping Square, Zhalong Nature Reserve, Mingyue Island and so on. The most famous food is BBQ. The people here are friendly. Welcome to our hometown!
①lie in位于
②such as例如
There are many places to visit, such as Heping Square, Zhalong Nature Reserve, Mingyue Island and so on.(there be句型)
72. 时光飞逝,难忘初中生活即将结束,你们将迎来一个轻松、愉快的假期。如何能让你的假期更加丰富多彩?请根据下面的思维导图,以“How to spend a meaningful summer vacation”为题目写一篇短文,合理规划一下你的假期生活。
How to spend a meaningful summer vacation
Relax yourself Improve yourself Plan your new term
Travel Exercise … Read Learn … …
1. 字迹工整,段落清晰,表达清楚,语法正确,行文连贯;
2. 要点必须包含所有相关信息,并适当发挥;
3. 首段已给出,不计入总词数;
4. 词数:80—100词。
How to spend a meaningful summer vacation
I will graduate from junior high school. During the vacation, I’ll do something meaningful and prepare well for the future.
How to spend a meaningful summer vacation
I will graduate from junior high school. During the vacation, I’ll do something meaningful and prepare well for the future.
I want to travel around so that I know more about the culture in our country. To keep healthy, I’ll exercise for at least one hour a day. Exercise makes me full of energy. I’ll listen to music to relax myself. Also, in order to improve myself, I’ll read some books I like. I’ll learn to cook for my parents. Besides, I’ll help out around the community. For the coming new term, I’ll make a perfect plan to live a happy life.
I hope everyone will spend a wonderful vacation.
①prepare for准备
②at least至少
③in order to为了
④help out帮助
①I want to travel around so that I know more about the culture in our country.(so that引导目的状语从句)
②To keep healthy, I’ll exercise for at least one hour a day.(动词不定式作目的状语)
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
1. 考试时间120分钟
2. 全卷共五道大题,总分120分
3. 使用答题卡的考生,请将答案填写在答题卡的指定位置
第一部分 语言知识运用(共计45分)
I. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)
1. It’s reported that it’ll be rainy today. Remember to take ________ umbrella with you, Cindy.
A. a B. an C. the
2. —Hi, Linda. The bicycle is the newest style. Is it Mary’s
—Yes, it’s ________. She bought it last week.
A. mine B. yours C. hers
3. —The movie is popular with students. Do you know the ________
—It tells the real life of the students.
A. result B. reason C. choice
4. —It’s time to graduate. We should say “Thanks” to our teachers.
—I think so. We have made great progress ________ the teachers’ help.
A. with B. through C. under
5. —How long have you been in Qiqihar
—________ my father came here to work five years ago.
A. When B. While C. Since
6. —Jane, I saw your brother yesterday.
—It ________ be him. My brother is studying in Shenzhen.
A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t
7. We should learn to be independent. We’d better not ________ our parents too much.
A. keep on B. get on C. depend on
8. —Tom will have a birthday party next Sunday. Do you want to go
—If you go, ________.
A. so I will B. so will I C. neither will I
9. —Hi, Tom. I heard that you won the first prize in the talent show yesterday. ________!
—Thank you, Mike.
A. Congratulations B. Good luck C. Come on
10. —I wonder ________
—I’m not sure. Let’s ask Miss Li for help.
A. which subject should we choose
B. what we can do with the rest materials
C. that Bob went to the library just now
II. 完形填空(每小题1分,共15分)
In our life, nobody wants to lose, but we must accept that losing is a part of life. ____11____, we can’t win all the time. We can learn ____12____ valuable from every failure. This may help us succeed in the future. So we must know ____13____ to be a good loser.
We must not be afraid of losing. When losing, just accept it with a (an) ____14____ and look at the bright side. Failure can’t be avoided in our life. Edison failed 1,000 times before he ____15____ the light bulb (灯泡). When he was asked how he felt, he said that he didn’t fail ____16____ learned 10,000 things which didn’t work. We must know that history is full of examples of men and women who achieved success although ____17____ failed many times.
Losing is not very disgraceful (丢脸的). We must accept our failure and learn from it. Remember that it can be ____18____. It can help us grow up rapidly. So we’d better take action to walk out of it. When we lose, think about what we did and how we can improve. If someone else can help, we’ll be ____19____ enough.
Many people enjoy helping ____20____ solve problems. This can save us a lot of time so that the same mistake won’t be made ____21____ in the future.
We should face our failure when we lose. There is only one ____22____ in every competition. Some win, while some lose. It’s ____23____ for us to experience failure. The more active we are when facing the failure, the more confident we will be.
____24____, being a good loser will help us to be better in life. It might be painful ____25____ the beginning, but there are many advantages. Good losers set examples to us, and most importantly, they finally win.
11. A. After all B. As a result C. At first
12. A. anything B. nothing C. something
13. A. why B. how C. when
14. A. smile B. sadness C. excitement
15. A. discovered B. invented C. found
16. A. but B. and C. or
17. A. we B. you C. they
18. A. thankful B. wonderful C. helpful
19. A. wise B. lucky C. proud
20. A. other B. the other C. others
21. A. ever B. again C. once
22. A. winner B. loser C. player
23. A. strange B. normal C. interesting
24. A. In a word B. In the way C. In that case
25. A. to B. of C. at
III. 交际运用(共20分)
(A: Li Hua B: Zhang Ming)
(Li Hua and Zhang Ming are waiting at a bus stop. Li Hua is looking through a magazine.)
A: Zhang Ming, check out this article about recent self-driving cars.
B: No, thanks. ____26____ I think they’ll make our streets more dangerous.
A: Actually, the writer says that self-driving cars can reduce accidents by 90 percent.
B: ____27____
A: The new technology helps keep a certain speed when there’s something in the front.
B: ____28____
A: Well, they are also convenient for the disabled.
B: If so, life for them will be better.
A: By the way, there’s going to be a science fair in Wanda Plaza. ____29____
B: I’d like to, but I’m busy with my book report.
A: OK, it doesn’t matter. ____30____
B: Oh, here comes the bus. See you.
A: See you.
A. How can they make it
B. Maybe another time.
C. I can’t agree with you more.
D Would you like to go with me
E. I don’t really agree to them.
F. What other advantages do they have
(After Li Hua and Zhang Ming visited the science fair. )
A: How do you like the science fair
B: ____31____. There are so many inventions in it.
A: ____32____
B: I think the AI anchor (主播) interests me most. It looks and speaks just like a real person.
A: You see. Our country is developing so fast. ____33____
B: I’m going to be a scientist in the future.
A: ____34____
B: I’m going to study science and maths harder.
A: Hope your dream will come true.
B: Thanks so much.
A: ____35____.
第二部分 阅读理解(共计60分)
IV. 阅读理解 (A、B、C、E、F每小题2分,D每小题1分)
What makes you happy Different people have different answers—doing well at school, being picked to play in a sports team or receiving the birthday present you wanted.
____36____ Every year since 2013, the world has celebrated International Day of Happiness. It falls on 20 March and was created by the United Nations (UN). The UN set up the day to tell people that happiness is important.
____37____ This year, the goal for International Day of Happiness is “keep calm, stay wise and be kind”. Keeping calm reminds people not to let their worries out of control. Staying wise means choosing activities increases your happiness. Be kind to the people around.
____38____ Research has shown that happiness is good for people’s health. The happy people seldom get sick. The happier people will live longer and serve more to the communities where they live.
____39____ Lots of scientific research shows we can improve our happiness if we use the right ways, such as trying a new sport, setting a new goal, telling a friend something you like about them and so on.
____40____ No one feels happy all the time. Everybody may feel angry, nervous or sad from time to time. If you feel upset for a long time, you should talk to an adult you trust or share your feelings with your best friends.
A. How to make yourself happy
B. The meaning of happiness
C. The advantages of happiness
D. How to deal with unhappiness
E. The date of International Day of Happiness
F. The goal for International Day of Happiness
It is reported that about 300 million people in China have eyesight trouble. More and more parents hope to save their children’s poor eyesight with medicine or by correcting the ways that kids read and sit. But in fact you should start with the exercise on your feet. Here are some ways to save eyesight.
Don’t tie your shoes too closely. Try wearing comfortable or soft socks. You can look after your eyesight by walking without socks or shoes at home. While you are traveling, try wearing cloth shoes to improve blood moving.
Walking on tiptoes (脚趾) is good for your eyesight It can fight against eyesight trouble. Numbers show that most of ballet (芭蕾) dancers’ eyesight is better.
Rope skipping can also be good for your eyesight. While skipping rope, you have to move rapidly. Skipping rope makes not only the brain but also the eyes excited. Maybe it also helps you grow taller. So start skipping rope now.
Above all, you should often let doctor check your eyesight.
根据文章内容,判断句子正 (T)、误 (F)。
41. Nowadays, a lot of people have problems with eyesight.
42. In order to improve blood moving, you should tie your shoes closely.
43. Skipping rope is useless for the brain and the eyes.
44. Walking on tiptoes can improve your eyesight.
45. The passage tells us that exercising on the feet can save eyesight.
Book Of The Week
The Shark Caller By Zillah Bethell Blue Wing is a girl who has grown up on an island in Papua New Guinea. She is willing to become a shark caller but she’s told to look after a newcomer called Maple. At first, the two girls dislike each other but soon they get to know that they both have far more in common. Before long, they set out together on a journey to the bottom of the ocean in search of treasure. This story would perfectly suit anyone who has enjoyed books by Eva Ibbotson or Kiran Millwood Hargrave.
Zillah Bethell She is a shark fan. When she was a child, she swam in the sea and played on the beach. She collected wood and caught fish in her spare time. WIN! We’re giving away six copies of The Shark Caller. For a chance to win a copy, just send your name and address to competitions@theweekjunior. co. uk and put SHARK in the subject line. Closing date: midnight on 12 July. See theweekjunior. co. uk/terms for rules
46. Who are the main characters in the book
A Blue Wing and Eva. B. Maple and Kiran. C. Blue Wing and Maple.
47. What do you know about from the book
A. At first, the two girls get on well with each other.
B. The two girls are quite different from each other.
C. The two girls search for treasure at the bottom of the ocean.
48. What do you think of the writer’s childhood
A. Relaxing. B. Boring. C. Hard.
49. What do you need to do for a free copy
A. To make a telephone call. B. To send an e-mail. C. To write a letter.
50. The passage above may come from _______.
A. a book website B. a story book C. a sports magazine
Electric cars may seem to be a recent invention, but they have been around for years. In the early 1900s, there were more electric cars on the road t____51____ gasoline (汽油) cars. At that time, gasoline was expensive compared with other fuels (燃料), so electric cars were more popular.
When gasoline prices d____52____ and new technologies on gasoline cars were developed, electric cars were out of date. Gasoline cars became more popular i____53____.
During the 20th century, gasoline cars got bigger, ____54____ (heavy) and faster. More and more people had bought gasoline cars. More fuel was needed. So this c____55____ more air pollution. When people began to r____56____ that there were not enough oil on the earth, they required car ____57____ (make) to produce more efficient (高效能的) cars.
One method of ____58____ (solve) the problem was a “hybrid” car, one that ran partly on gasoline and partly on electricity. Hybrid cars became popular in the 2000s because gasoline prices went up while prices of hybrid cars went down.
An all-electric car uses no gasoline. H____59____, the problem is that electric cars are not suitable for long journeys. Many people are not pleased with it. The government and the car factories are working together to develop safe, cheap and ____60____ (use) electric cars. When more and more people have these electric cars in the future, a gasoline station may disappear.
Every Saturday, Wang Weifang puts on a play with his friends in a small town near Xi’an. The audience (观众) can hear them, but they cannot see them. That is because they are putting on a shadow puppet (皮影) play. Shadow puppets are made of hard leather (皮革). The leather is cut out in the shape of a person, an animal or an object. Each puppet is painted in bright colors and put on a stick. Some puppets have movable arms and legs.
During a shadow puppet play, Wang stands behind a white screen with lights behind it. The audience sit in front of the screen. Wang and his friends hold the puppets very close to the screen so that the audience can see the puppets’ shadows clearly. Then they move the puppets around and do the voices of the different characters.
Shadow puppet play is a kind of ancient Chinese art. Now with TV and films, shadow puppet plays are not as popular as before. Wang and his friends often work very hard for little money, but they do not mind. They want to keep this traditional art form alive.
61 What are the shadow puppets made of
62. Is each puppet painted in bright colors
63. Where does Wang stand during a shadow puppet play
64. Why do Wang and his friends still work hard on shallow puppet plays without much money
65. What’s the best title of the passage
It’s unbelievable to save this black bear from falling off a 30-meter-high bridge.
The bear was (A) ________ her way home after a long day in a California’s mountain. She was walking across the bridge when, suddenly, two cars entered from both sides. There was nowhere to run, so the frightened bear jumped onto the rail (护栏) and began to fall down.
Luckily, the bear pulled herself onto an arch under the bridge, but she couldn’t get out. A driver saw the surprising scene and called for help. Robert Brooks, an animal control officer from a nearby arch n. 桥town, was sent to find out the truth. “I thought it was a joke.” he said. But it wasn’t a joke, so he called Dave Baker of the BEAR League, a group that helps bears in (B) ________.
(C) Unfortunately, the sky was getting dark, so the workers who saved the bear had to wait. Early the next morning, Brooks and Baker returned to the bridge with more volunteers. To their surprise, the bear was still there. Then Baker had an idea. ①They should hang a net under the bear, push her into (D) it and then lower her to the ground.
Police officers closed the road. ②When the bear was sleepy, a volunteer rock climber used his feet to push the bear off the arch, right into the middle of the net.
③When the bear was gently lowered to the ground, everyone cheered. The police officers then cleared all the people from the area and left the bear alone when she slept. Since then, no one has seen the bear. “I don’t think she’s going near the bridge any more.” Brooks said.
66. 在文中 (A) 处和 (B) 处各填入一个适当的词,使文章意思完整。
(A) __________ (B) __________
67. 根据上下文,请选出与 (C) 处划线词Unfortunately 意思相近的词:__________
A. Unusually B. Unexpectedly C. Unluckily
68. 用英文写出文中 (D) 处划线词it所指代的内容:
69. 在文中①②③处,选出能够填入“Then Brooks shot a sleeping drug (药) into the bear’s shoulder.”的最佳位置:__________
70. Do you think the bear is worth saving Why or why not
第三部分 书面表达(共计15分)
V. 书面表达(本题共15分,其中A题5分,B题10分)
71. (注意:文中不能出现考生真实姓名、教师真实姓名和校名,否则不给分)
1. 字迹工整,表达清楚,语法正确;
2. 词数:30—50词。
72. 时光飞逝,难忘的初中生活即将结束,你们将迎来一个轻松、愉快的假期。如何能让你的假期更加丰富多彩?请根据下面的思维导图,以“How to spend a meaningful summer vacation”为题目写一篇短文,合理规划一下你的假期生活。
How to spend a meaningful summer vacation
Relax yourself Improve yourself Plan your new term
Travel Exercise … Read Learn … …
1. 字迹工整,段落清晰,表达清楚,语法正确,行文连贯;
2. 要点必须包含所有相关信息,并适当发挥;
3. 首段已给出,不计入总词数;
4. 词数:80—100词。
How to spend a meaningful summer vacation
I will graduate from junior high school. During the vacation, I’ll do something meaningful and prepare well for the future.
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)


