Unit 7 Films单元练习课件(7份打包)

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Unit 7 Films单元练习课件(7份打包)


第1课时 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit
Unit 7 Films
一、 根据句意及所给中文提示,写出句中所缺单词,每空限填一词。
1. It is reported that this type of software is widely used in (工
2. In my heart, my mother is one of the best (讲故事的
人) in my town.
3. He is more than a badminton (超级明星). He is a
4. I watched a boring (西部电影) yesterday afternoon.

二、 根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填
1. I think he is (luck) enough to be chosen as our monitor.
2. Many people believe that the girl who played the role of Lin Daiyu will be
a (tomorrow) star.
3. They dislike watching (act) films because there are fights in
these films.
4. Who do you think is the most suitable for (enter) the ABC

三、 单项选择。
( D )1. All of us are surprised that     a little boy can
carry     heavy a desk.
A. so; such B. such; such
C. so; so D. such; so
( A )2. Linda didn’t answer me.     , she asked me some
strange questions.
A. Instead B. As a result
C. Instead of D. As a result of

( A )3. — What would you like     ?
— I’d rather      a director.
A. to be; be B. be; to be
C. being; be D. to be; to be
( C )4. Bob is      polite      all of us like him very much.
A. too; to B. neither; nor
C. so; that D. such; that

( D )5. (2023·沭阳县怀文中学调研)— I wish that some medicine
of magic could help me remember everything in class.
—     Only hard work can bring you what you want.
A. Sounds great. B. Good idea.
C. With pleasure. D. In your dreams.

四、 根据短文内容,用括号内所给词的正确时态或形式填空,使短文
The year 2024 1. (bring) plenty of options. According to
a news website, hundreds of Chinese animated series come out this year on
different video-streaming platforms. Among them 2. (be) new
seasons of older shows. Nearly half of the new 3. (work) are in
guofeng style, or 4. (tradition) Chinese style. The stories
are 5. (most) based on or adapted from Chinese legends or

“As our society gets 6. (wealthy), it’s natural that
Chinese people have greater pride and 7. (confident) in
their own cultural roots,” Mou Aili, an associate professor at Sichuan
Fine Arts Institute, 8. (tell) China Daily. This is why these
guofeng animations 9. (rise) in China.
“Chinese animation is no longer a niche but 10.
(become) the mainstream already,” noted Animation Magazine.
“Chinese companies are committed to supporting the development of more
excellent Chinese original animation works.”
are rising 
has become 

五、 (2023·连云港市海州区一模)阅读理解。
fox n. 狐;狐狸
focus v. 聚焦
A young boy quietly walks on the
snow in search of his home. He meets a
mole(鼹鼠), and they begin travelling
together. Later they meet a fox and then a
horse. Along the way they become good friends, and the animals give the boy some advice on life’s big questions.

This is the plot(情节) of The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the
Horse. It sounds like a very common story for young children. However, it
won the best animated short film at the 95th Academy Awards.
The film is directed by Peter Baynton and Charlie Mackesy. It is based
on Charlie Mackesy’s popular children’s book of the same name. The 2019
book is a bestseller. It has sold more than eight million copies worldwide
since it was first published.

The story takes place in a world of ice and snow, but it brings you
warmth and hope. “When the big things feel out of control, focus on what
you love, right under your nose. This storm will pass,” the horse tells the
boy during the storm.
It’s a wonderful film to watch, especially when you feel a bit down.
The funny and sweet story will make you feel better about the world!

( B )1. What does Paragraph 1 mainly talk about?
A. Where the boy travels. B. What the story tells.
C. How the boy finds friends. D. When the story happens.
( A )2. From Paragraph 3, Mackesy’s children’s book     .
A. sold very well after it came out
B. was based on Peter Baynton’s story
C. won at the 95th Academy Awards
D. was named after a world-famous film

( D )3. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refers to
“     ”.
A. the horse B. the snow
C. the storm D. the story
( A )4. What is the text?
A. A film review. B. A science report.
C. A journey plan. D. A children’s story.

Unit 7 Films
一、 根据句意及所给中文提示、首字母或英文解释,写出句中所缺单
1. This film is the (空前的) highest-grossing(最高票房收
入的) film in the world.
2. It’s said that Gong Li is one of the greatest (女演员) in
3. This speech may (标志) a change in the government’s policy.

4. (2023·宿迁一模)— Why not (考虑) buying some
flowers for your mother on her birthday?
— Good idea.
5. They have to (取消) the sports meeting because of the awful
6. He is often (误以为) for his twin brother.
7. — I’m sorry we were late because the traffic was heavy in the
— You really need to start earlier next time.

8. Nothing is impossible. It means everything can happen if you
make .
9. Van Gogh’s paintings were not popular during his (all one’s
10. If you are a good (a person who tells or writes
stories), you can write exciting scripts.

二、 根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填
1. We all know that Hepburn is remembered for her
(beautiful) and kindness.
2. Different people take different (act) when they face the
same thing.
3. I will send you an email as soon as the meeting (end).
4. Tom’s grandfather began to learn Chinese in his (seventy)
and he can speak Chinese well now.

5. It’s one of the most (romance) restaurants in our city.
6. — She had a serious traffic accident and died because of the
(lose) of blood.
— I am really sorry to hear that.
7. Mr Smith bought a big house with an (attract) garden in
the countryside.

8. They have changed the whole (appear) of the old
9. With the help of our teachers, we held the charity show
10. At that time people hoped the war would end soon and that they could
live (peaceful) with their family members.

三、 单项选择。
( B )1. — Zhang Guimei is     great teacher who was born
in     1950s. Until now, she has helped send about 2,000 girls to
— She’s a heroine.
A. a; / B. a; the
C. the; the D. the; /

( A )2. (2023·徐州一模)— As a nurse, her work
goes     taking care of her patients.
— Yes, she always thinks of others.
A. beyond B. beside C. behind D. between
( D )3. We are taught     many subjects     good
manners. They’re helpful for us to shape ourselves.
A. either; or B. not; but
C. neither; nor D. not only; but also

( A )4. — I haven’t heard of the ballet dancer’s name.
—     In fact, I’m not interested in dancing.
A. Neither have I. B. So do I.
C. So have I. D. Neither do I.
( B )5. — What will the weather be like tomorrow?
— It     be rainy, cloudy or sunny. Who knows?
A. must B. might C. shall D. should

( D )6.     this important task is difficult, they are encouraged
to experience it.
A. If B. Unless C. Since D. Although
( A )7. Jason is considered      people      a
superstar      his success in films.
A. by; as; for B. by; for; as
C. as; for; by D. for; as; by

( B )8. Although the weather was terrible,      the old man
insisted      there alone.
A. /; going B. yet; on going
C. but; going D. and; on going
( B )9. Our school is planning to      a band to give us a chance
to show our talent.
A. take up B. set up C. pick up D. go up

( C )10. 30,000 dollars      a lot of money, but it’s     
than we need.
A. is; far more B. are; very much
C. is; far less D. are; very little
( B )11. This girl was very beautiful and Tim      in love with
her at first sight.
A. falls B. fell C. falled D. felt

( D )12. (2023·连云港一模)We practise playing volleyball
harder     we can do better in the next match.
A. after all B. in all C. as well D. so that
( A )13.     big success the film     her novel was!
A. What a; based upon B. What; was based on
C. What a; was based upon D. How; based on

( C )14. — Although I’d like to play games the whole day, I still
believe I can come first in the final test.
—     No pain, no gain.
A. Not at all. B. Don’t mention it.
C. In your dreams. D. Exactly.

第6课时 Task & Self-assessment
Unit 7 Films
一、 根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填
1. I can’t stand people with no sense of (humorous).
2. Please tell me some of his (person) details.
3. — How much shall I pay?
— 18 yuan in all, (include) the pen you picked out just
4. — Has Jack finished mending his bike, Tommy?
— I am not sure, but he (fix) his bike the whole
was fixing 

二、 单项选择。
( C )1. Have you heard that the research he devoted himself
to     success?
A. being a B. be C. was a D. was an
( A )2. It’s reported that the country will     a manned space
station to explore more space.
A. set up B. take up C. wake up D. turn up

( B )3. (2024·宿迁期末)— Last month, our city
had     heavy smog     we couldn’t see each other in 5 metres.
— It’s time to protect our environment.
A. enough; to B. such; that
C. too; to D. so; that

( C )4. — Waiter, I’d like a hot wing hamburger and corn salad.
— Sorry, sir. They     only for lunch and dinner. Why not
consider     something else?
A. serve; to order B. served; ordering
C. are served; ordering D. served; to order
( B )5. Travelling by plane is far     than travelling by train.
A. expensive B. more expensive
C. less expensive D. the most expensive

三、 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选
A. Keep a dictionary beside you and make a note of new words.
B. Choose films that you find interesting and enjoyable, with stories that
keep you entertained.
C. But it will be more helpful for you to choose films that are set in the
modern society.
D. If you’ve watched a film once with subtitles, watch it again without
E. It can be a great way for you to remember words.
F. You can try to get down some beautiful sentences from the movie.
G. There are some educational movies.

Watching English films and television programmes is an excellent way
to practise your listening skills and pick up new words. Here are some tips.
Focus on more recent movies. There are many old English films that are
well worth watching. 1. This will give you a good idea of the kind of
language people use today.

Watch them with subtitles(字幕) in the beginning. Watching films
with the English subtitles can make you understand them more easily. Seeing
the words appear on the screen means that you have two different ways to
learn what you’re listening to. 2. And you can also know how the
words are used.
Watch them without subtitles later. Real life doesn’t come with
subtitles, so to get really fluent, you will finally need to be able to
understand what is being said without help! 3. This time, really
focus on your listening skills.

Pick out new words. Unlike conversations in real life, the great thing
about watching a film is that you can stop and replay anything you don’t
understand!4. You can also practise repeating words out loud to
improve your pronunciation.
5. You will find it much easier to pick up new words if you are
really paying attention to the film. Of course, you’ll have to focus, but
don’t force yourself to sit through a film that would make you fall asleep in
your language.

四、 书面表达。
请你根据下面所提供的信息,以“My favourite film star”为题写一
基本情况 Peter出生于1986年9月25日,中等个子,是一个善良的
喜 好 他喜欢表演,全力以赴地投入训练。他也喜爱看运动类

成就与梦想 他是一位有经验的演员,出演了很多角色,两次获得奥
  要求:1. 条理清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯。2. 要点须包括表格中的
所有信息,可适当发挥。3. 词数90左右。

My favourite film star

 Peter was born on September 25, 1986. He is of medium height.
He is a kind man. 
 Peter likes acting. He puts all his efforts into practising. He also
loves watching sports programmes. He listens to the weekly round-up of
what’s happening in sports every Sunday evening. 
 He is an actor with much experience. He has played many roles
and had two Oscar nominations. He hopes that his achievements can go
beyond acting. He wants to devote most of his time to charity. 
 Peter is talented, and I believe his acting skills will become even
better in the future. 

第2课时 Reading(1)
Unit 7 Films
一、 根据句意及所给中文提示或首字母,写出句中所缺单词,每空限
1. He got first place in the (最终的) exam.
2. As one of the (空前的) greatest tennis players, he keeps
working hard.
3. They hoped to see the problem solved (和平地).
4. Although he was not the (主角) in the film, he got lots of
5. Bob is interested in dancing. His dream job is to be a .

二、 根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填
1. Her (beautiful) attracted our attention.
2. That event marked the (begin) of the reform.
3. The girl was refused by the manager and was filled with a sense
of (lose).

4. We are going to Paris next week. It’s a good chance to try
some (France) dishes.
5. — Amy, I’m wondering if you (write) your report
for the project.
— Not yet. What about you?
have written 

三、 单项选择。
( D )1. The concert is to begin. The fans hold their breath for the
singer’s     .
A. influence B. guidance
C. experience D. appearance

( C )2. — The lesson that the novel Ordinary World has taught me is
that even though our life is common, we should still love and enjoy it.
— In fact, sometimes a good book can teach you things     your
A. behind B. against
C. beyond D. including

( C )3. Zhang Yimou’s old film Red Sorghum(《红高粱》)
is      Mo Yan’s novel Red Sorghum Family.
A. depended on B. made up
C. based upon D. covered with
( C )4. It is reported that he won an award      Best
Actor      his role in that film.
A. as; in B. as; for
C. for; for D. for; in

( B )5. The man was very happy because he      act in a
Hollywood film.
A. chose to B. was chosen to
C. was chosen D. has chosen to
( D )6. — Are you sure that you won’t attend our tomorrow’s charity
— All right then,     .
A. never mind B. that’s not the case
C. don’t mention it D. if you insist

四、 根据短文内容,用括号内所给词的正确时态或形式填空,使短文
At one time, making a film was an expensive activity only for a small
group of people and film companies. Not only 1. (be) the tools
and machines expensive, but the cost of film-making was also far
2. (high) than most people could afford. However, modern
technology 3. (change) all that.
has changed 

New technology has really opened up the world of film-making for film
fans. Now a camera 4. (not cost) much and most young
people are 5. (certain) able to pay for one. So all you need is
to get one for yourself. With that, you may then start your own film-
doesn’t cost 

However, film-making is tiring work. You probably need many other
people to help you. For example, the 6. (perform) of
actors and 7. (act) is very important to your film. Of
course, they may be your schoolmates, friends or family members. You
don’t even need to pay them a cent and they are glad to be part of your film.

Besides, you need 8. (make) up a story. Can you write
your own one? If you have good imagination, you can create an
9. (attract) story character. Many world-famous film-
makers and producers are also good story writers. If not, perhaps you need
someone else to write a story for you. An excellent story is the key to
10. (make) a successful film.
to make 

五、 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选
A. Eating zongzi
B. There are many different traditions in different areas.
C. You can eat different kinds of zongzi.
D. Each racing team tries their best to win.
E. Five-colour string has a special meaning in China.
F. Chinese people love to see all kinds of dragon boats.
G. People in the south and north of China celebrate it differently.

The Dragon Boat Festival is on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month.
Chinese people celebrate it in memory of Qu Yuan. 1. Here are some
of them.
Dragon boat racing
As the most popular activity during the festival, dragon boat racing
shows the importance of teamwork and the spirit of competition. 2. It
is said that the winning team will have good luck and a happy life in the
coming year.

A very popular dish during the Dragon Boat Festival is zongzi. The
tradition of making zongzi is meant to feed the fish in Miluo River so that
they would not eat Qu Yuan. It is made of rice dumplings with meat,
peanuts or other delicious food in bamboo leaves. 4. They are very

Tying five-colour string(系五彩绳)
5. On the festival, parents usually put five-colour string around
their children’s necks or some other parts of the body. They believe it can
protect their children. Children shouldn’t speak while their parents tie the
five-colour string for them, nor can they untie(解开) it until a certain

第5课时 Integrated skills & Study skills
Unit 7 Films
一、 根据句意及所给中文提示、首字母或英文解释,写出句中所缺单
1. I hear (恐龙) lived on the earth many years ago.
2. (2023·南通市启东市二模)Sorry, Mr Black. Hamburgers in our shop
have been sold out. Could you (取消) your order?
3. Shall we go shopping? There is a special on Tuesday in the
4. The old man tells children a (a story created using the
imagination) every day.
5. He didn’t want people to think he was (not clever).

二、 单项选择。
( C )1. — Do you know what is     at Sunshine Cinema this
— Hi, Mum. It is suitable      all ages.
A. show; for B. in; to
C. on; for D. of; on

( D )2. — Who’s your favourite teacher?
— Mr Zhang. He makes us     English in an interesting way.
A. believe in B. take part in
C. come up with D. fall in love with

( C )3. —     , Chinese mobile phones have improved greatly.
— Exactly. That’s why products made in China are more and more popular
A. In time B. In the hope
C. In fact D. In the end
( B )4. (2023·南京市鼓楼区一模)— Have you watched China in
the Classics on CCTV-1 recently?
— Yes. It brings Chinese ancient books     on screen.
A. live B. alive C. living D. lively

( B )5. (2023·扬州市仪征市二模)— I think the plan is just a waste
of time.
— Well, if you don’t support it,     .
A. so will they B. neither will they
C. so do they D. neither do they

三、 根据短文内容,用括号内所给词的正确时态或形式填空,使短文
Once upon a time, there was a shepherd. He 1. (keep)
many sheep. In the daytime, he herded(牧放) them outside. At night,
he 2. (drive) them into the sheepfold(羊圈) which was
enclosed by dry grass and pegs.

One morning, the shepherd went to herd the sheep and found one
sheep lost. He then found that the sheepfold had been 3.
(break) and that there was a big hole. “The wolf must have stolen the
sheep through the hole,” he 4. (think). “You’d better
5. (repair) the sheepfold and mend the hole as soon as
possible,” the neighbour advised him. But he didn’t take the neighbour’s
kind 6. (advise).

The next morning, he went to herd the sheep and found another sheep
7. (lose). The shepherd was very angry. But this time, he
mended the hole soon, and made the whole sheepfold 8.
(strong) than before. From then on, his sheep didn’t get stolen
9. (some) more.
What would you do if you made a mistake or did something wrong?
Do something to make it up. Just as the saying 10. (go),
“Better late than never!”

四、 完形填空。
My mum sometimes told some interesting stories about me that
happened in my childhood. She once told me that after I learned to say
“Mama” and “Dada”, my third  1  was “no”.
I used that word too often as a boy. I always did what I wanted  2 . I
didn’t want to eat any vegetables. I didn’t want to go to bed on time  3  I
was tired of playing. I didn’t want to work in the  4 . Because I felt too
tired to raise flowers. I would rather  5  books than help my mum and
grandma with the housework. In other words, I was a bit of a brat(顽童).
I have two elder brothers. Being the  6  son, I probably said “no” a lot
more than I should have.

As I  7 , I began to say “yes” a lot more. I can remember
sweeping the floor and  8  the window. I felt really  9  to help my
mother and father. I can remember studying hard  10  get good grades in
school. I can remember the pride in my parents’ eyes when I got into college.
I can remember learning  11  saying “yes” could bring more joy into
my life than saying “no” ever did.

Even now, I am still  12  how to say “yes”. My only advice
to  13  is not to wait as long as I did. Say “yes” to life. Remember to
say “yes” to love. Say “yes” to help others and  14  this world a
better place. “Yes” may only be a word,  15  it can change your life.
From now on, try to say “yes”!

( A )1. A. word B. sound C. sentence D. name
( B )2. A. do B. to do C. did D. doing
( B )3. A. after B. until C. when D. as
( A )4. A. garden B. school C. farm D. field
( C )5. A. buy B. publish C. read D. review
( D )6. A. tallest B. cleverest C. strongest D. youngest
( A )7. A. grew up B. showed up C. set up D. sent up
( B )8. A. clean B. cleaning C. to clean D. cleaned

( D )9. A. bored B. tired C. lucky D. happy
( A )10. A. to B. at C. for D. from
( A )11. A. that B. whether C. how D. what
( B )12. A. spelling B. learning C. seeming D. waiting
( C )13. A. us B. me C. you D. them
( A )14. A. make B. give C. become D. change
( D )15. A. and B. or C. so D. but

第3课时 Reading(2)
Unit 7 Films
一、 根据句意及所给中文提示或首字母,写出句中所缺单词,每空限
1. Changes of price in the 1990s (标志) the beginning of the
fast development.
2. She is one of the best (女演员) in China at present.
3. Peter played the (角色) really well in that film.
4. Edison had many inventions during his .

二、 单项选择。
( B )1. Skiing is     attractive outdoor sport in winter that many
teenagers are crazy about it.
A. such a B. such an C. so a D. so the
( C )2. Davis is well known     an actor and     his acting
A. for; for B. as; as
C. as; for D. for; as

( B )3. The Chinese women’s football team members
worked     and won the Asian Cup.
A. hardly B. closely C. simply D. widely
( B )4. It was her     performance. Her successful
career     about 40 years.
A. last; last B. last; lasted for
C. lasted; lasted D. lasted; last

( A )5. — Do you know that Mr Zhang passed     last week?
— Yes. He died     illness.
A. away; of B. on; from
C. by; with D. off; as

三、 根据短文内容,用括号内所给词的正确时态或形式填空,使短文
Have you heard of Emma Stone? She is one of the world’s all-time
greatest 1. (actress).
Stone was born in the USA on November 6, 1988. When she was
young, she liked dancing and dreamed of becoming a 2.
(dance). Later, she became interested in acting. Several years later, she
grew into an 3. (attract) and excellent girl and left her
hometown for Los Angeles. She decided 4. (be) an actress.
to be 

However, she didn’t get any chances to play a major role until 2010 when
she 5. (choose) to play the role of a high school student in
the film Easy A(《绯闻计划》). That event 6. (mark) the
beginning of her successful career. Because of her 7. (effort), her acting became better and better. Six years later, Stone played the lead role in Damien Chazelle’s 8. (romance) musical comedy La La Land. Her beauty and charm 9. (catch) people’s attention. In February, 2017, she won the Oscar for 10. (good) Actress for her role in the film.
was chosen 

四、 完形填空。
Hollywood is considered to be the
capital of the film industry by most
people. However, maybe they should also  1  about Mumbai in India.
The film industry in Mumbai is called “Bollywood”. According to the
statistics, Bollywood makes nearly twice as  2  films as Hollywood each
year. Popular films that have sprung up in recent years, such as Bajrangi
Bhaijaan, Dangal and Secret Superstar, are all made in Bollywood.
shoot v. 拍摄

The films from Bollywood are very different from those made  3  .
Hollywood studios. For one thing, Bollywood films are much  4  than
Hollywood films. Most of them  5  for more than 3 hours, including
singing, dancing, action, romance, mysteries and so on.  6  .
Bollywood films contain(包含) so many things with strong Indian
colour, they have been called “masala” films. Masala is an Indian  7  .
for a mixture of spices(香料).

Another big  8  is the way the films are made. It takes much longer to
make a film in Hollywood than in Bollywood. In fact, in Bollywood,
filming may begin  9  a script is completely finished. The writers may still
be  10  the story while the film is being made. Sometimes, they may
even write the script by hand  11  spending time typing it on the computer.

Bollywood actors and actresses are very popular and some of them
are  12  highly of so much that they work on several different films at the
same time. They may even shoot scenes for several films in one single day,
wearing the  13  costumes. Since most Bollywood films tell the same kind
of stories, shooting scenes for different films in one day is not a big  14 .
This makes the  15  of Bollywood films a lot lower than that of
Hollywood films.

( B )1. A. praise B. learn C. look D. report
( B )2. A. few B. many C. large D. nice
( D )3. A. of B. with C. for D. in
( A )4. A. longer B. cheaper C. shorter D. better
( B )5. A. cancel B. last C. mark D. spend
( C )6. A. Though B. Unless C. Since D. Whether
( B )7. A. art B. word C. test D. form
( C )8. A. problem B. object C. difference D. value

( D )9. A. after B. until C. when D. before
( A )10. A. making up B. taking up C. getting up D. picking up
( D )11. A. according to B. because of C. more than D. instead of
( A )12. A. thought B. watched C. viewed D. seen
( D )13. A. untidy B. difficult C. stupid D. same
( A )14. A. challenge B. decision C. achievement D. success
( B )15. A. height B. cost C. quality D. charm

第4课时 Grammar
Unit 7 Films
一、 根据句意及所给中文提示或首字母,写出句中所缺单词,每空限
1. I was (大为惊奇) by her charm when I first met her.
2. (2024·宿迁期末)I look like his brother, so he often
(误以为) me for his brother.
3. I prefer to sit in the first because I can’t see the blackboard
4. You are not allowed to your car here unless you work in this

二、 单项选择。
( B )1. He has     few friends at school that he
feels     lonely.
A. such; such B. so; so
C. so; such D. such; so
( A )2. (2023·南京市鼓楼区二模)      studying is
important, doing the physical activity is necessary for teenagers.
A. Although B. Unless
C. Because D. Whether

( C )3. I read more books     I can catch up with my classmates.
A. in order to B. as soon as
C. so that D. such that
( B )4. Jenny is often     her twin sister Penny. Sometimes it’s
even hard for their parents to tell them.
A. mistook for B. mistaken for
C. mistaken by D. mistook as

( D )5. — Jim has made     great progress in the Physics exam
that his teacher feels surprised.
— It’s hard for him to get high marks     he works hard enough.
A. so a; until B. such a; before
C. so; while D. such; unless
( D )6. Trips to the old towns are     valuable experiences that
we can not only enjoy the beautiful sights but also learn more about the
A. too B. so C. quite D. such

( B )7.     our teacher is ill,     he still comes to our
class to teach us.
A. Though; but B. Though; /
C. Although; but D. But; though
( B )8. They spoke     quietly     I could hardly hear
A. such; that B. so; that
C. neither; nor D. both; and

三、 根据短文内容,用括号内所给词的正确时态或形式填空,使短文
At the mention of Charlie Chaplin, you might think of his bowler
hat, baggy trousers and silly moustache(上唇的胡子). Behind his funny
looks, however, Chaplin was a 1. (seriously) film-maker.
Chaplin 2. (pass) away in 1977. His mother worked as a
singer and an 3. (act) but later lost her voice. Chaplin and his
brother had to make money in any way they could.

“I was a newsvendor, printer, toymaker ...but I never gave up my
final dream of becoming an 4. (act) like my mother,” he
said. After years of trying to find acting work, he 5.
(take) notice of by Keystone Studios. This changed his life forever.
was taken 

His most 6. (success) film The Tramp(《流浪
汉》) was made in 1915. Chaplin made his role much 7.
(funny) by giving him a mismatched look. “I wanted everything to be a
contradiction(对立),” he said. Chaplin mixed baggy trousers with a
tight coat, big shoes and a little hat. The film viewers loved The Tramp as
soon as it came out. Chaplin’s special body language was perfect for
8. (silence) films.

Besides acting, Chaplin wrote 9. (script) and even
made music for many of his films. He was also a violinist, cellist and
pianist. He loved every aspect(方面) of film-making.
The devotion to his art 10. (be) the key to Chaplin’s success.
He was the first-ever superstar in the field, and perhaps the only one that
most people remember from that era(时代).

四、 阅读理解。
Audrey Hepburn
  Audrey Hepburn was a British actress and she was quite popular during
the 1950s and 1960s. She was voted as one of the most beautiful women of
the twentieth century. In 1988, she began a new career and worked for
UNICEF to help children in need.

J. K. Rowling
  J. K. Rowling is a well-known British novelist who is best known for
the Harry Potter series. It’s believed that her books have made reading
become much more popular among British children. She wrote the first
Harry Potter book as a single mother, trying to make some money to
support her life. Finally, her writing led to her great success.

Tegla Loroupe
  As a sportswoman, Loroupe from Kenya held the women’s marathon
world record and won many marathons. Since she stopped running,
Loroupe has worked to promote(促进) peace, education and women’s
rights. In Kenya, Loroupe is widely praised for her efforts to end the tribal

( A )1. Audrey Hepburn worked to     from 1988.
A. help kids in need
B. become a great actress
C. improve health care for women
D. create UNICEF with her friends

( D )2. Tegla Loroupe wins praise in Kenya because she     .
A. has paid for many girls’ education
B. wins first place at her first marathon
C. holds the women’s marathon world record
D. has made an effort to end the tribal conflict

( C )3. According to the reading, which of the following is true?
A. All these women are from Britain.
B. Hepburn was popular because she was the most beautiful actress.
C. British children like reading more because of Rowling’s books.
D. Loroupe continued her education after she stopped running.


