Unit 8 Detective stories单元练习课件(7份打包)

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Unit 8 Detective stories单元练习课件(7份打包)


第1课时 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit
Unit 8 Detective stories
一、 根据句意及所给中文提示、首字母或英文解释,写出句中所缺单
1. I think (侦探) stories are very exciting. I like them best.
2. Have you read the report and notes on all (犯罪嫌疑人)
in today’s newspaper?
3. — Can you how much my coat cost? — Two hundred
yuan, right?
4. Who do you think is (to say sth.that you know is not true)?

二、 根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填
1. The governments have never stopped searching for the
(miss) plane.
2. Your room looks so (tidy). Books and clothes are
3. Tom is a man of medium (high).
4. An eye finds more (true) than two ears.

三、 单项选择。
( C )1. — Why     you     like that? You look really
— Because I want to be different.
A. are; wore B. do; put on
C. are; dressed D. are; dress
( C )2. We should be grateful to those people      helped and
supported us.
A. which B. whom C. who D. whose

( A )3. — What do you think of murder mysteries? — They
are      than romantic stories.
A. much more exciting B. more much exciting
C. much more excited D. more much excited
( C )4. People didn’t know      during the night.
A. what was happened B. what the murder happened
C. what happened D. how had the murder happened

四、 根据短文内容,用括号内所给词的正确时态或形式填空,使短文
Last night, I watched a horror film 1. (name) Friday
the 13th on TV. It was directed by a famous 2. (direct)—
Sean S. Cunningham.
In the film, Clay Miller’s sister travels to Crystal Lake and it is
3. (announce) that she is missing in the woods by the
lake. The police 4. (search) all the woods for the lost girl but
they don’t find any useful clues.

Clay decides to go into the woods by the lake to look for his sister on
5. (he) own. The local people warn Clay not to go there, because anyone who is missing there is found 6. (die) later and he is just
7. (waste) his time. But Clay doesn’t listen to them at all. During the search, he meets a number of college students who
8. (be) at Crystal Lake for a weekend, and one of them
9. (plan) to help Clay with his search. After they enter the
woods, they soon understand why people are so 10. (scare)
of these woods. They meet the psychopathic(精神病态的) killer Jason
Voorhees there ...
have been

五、 (2023·宿迁市泗阳县一模)阅读理解。
belong v. 归属,属于
One day, Frank was walking with
his mother outside. When they came to
a pretty garden, he called to his mother and said, “Mother, I wish I
could open the gate and walk in.”
The gardener, being near, heard what Frank said, and kindly
invited him and his mother to come into the garden.

Frank’s mother thanked the man. Turning to her son, she said,
“Frank, if I take you to walk in this garden, you must take care not to
meddle with(乱动) anything in it.”
Frank walked along the paths and looked at everything, but touched
nothing. He was careful.
The gardener was very pleased with Frank because he was so careful not
to make trouble. He showed him the seeds(种子) and told him what the
flowers and plants were.

While Frank was admiring the beauty of a flower, a boy came to the
gate. Finding it locked, he shook it hard. But it would not open. Then he
said, “Let me in. Let me in. Won’t you let me in this garden?”
“No,” said the gardener. “I will not let you in, for when I let you
in yesterday, you meddled with my flowers, and even picked some fruit. I
do not let boys into my garden who meddle with the plants.”
Ashamed, the boy walked away slowly.
Seeing this, Frank felt how much happier a boy may be by not
meddling with that which does not belong to him.

( D )1. What can we learn from the story?
A. The gardener knew Frank’s mother very well.
B. The gardener was unwilling to let Frank in.
C. Frank had visited the garden the day before.
D. The mother was strict with her son.

( A )2. How did the gardener react(反应) to Frank’s behaviour in
the garden?
A. He was very happy with Frank.
B. He wanted Frank to brush his flowers.
C. He thought Frank was a troublemaker.
D. He asked Frank to be more careful.

( C )3. As the other boy left, he     .
A. hated Frank very much B. got angry with the gardener
C. realized his own problems D. meddled with more plants
( B )4. What lesson might Frank learn from the other boy?
A. Don’t compare yourself to others.
B. Good manners are very important.
C. Never believe in a little boy.
D. Listening to Mum is never wrong.

Unit 8 Detective stories
一、 根据句意及所给中文提示、首字母或英文解释,写出句中所缺单
1. Can you (猜测) which team will take the lead in the
2. Please (联系) me if you have any information about this
3. I don’t want to make friends with Tony. He always (撒谎) to

4. Any person who does something (违反) the law will be
5. It’s important for parents to teach their children about fire (安
6. Everyone handed in their work (除了) Li Hua because of
his illness.
7. — I saw you running down the street last night. Where were you going?
— Oh, I was in a to go to my mum’s home. She fell to the floor
by accident.

8. — Bad luck! On my way home, I had my watch .
— I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe you will have no choice but to buy another
9. We should (to give people information about sth. that you
have heard, seen, done, etc.) the thief to the police at once.
10. Do you know that the young man was in (a place where
people who break the law are locked up) for kidnapping last year?

二、 根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填
1. — What are you looking for? — My pen. It has gone
2. Breathing (heavy), I stopped and sat down to have a rest.
3. — Why does your house look so (tidy)?
— Because I had a party with my friends just now.

4. — What does Joe do for a (live)?
— He is a doctor.
5. You had better not go out at night alone. It can be
6. When we got to the scene of the accident, her head
was bleeding 

7. The experts cannot reach agreement on the cause of the
(crime) behaviour.
8. The old man (breath) more and more slowly and died at
9. He was caught for (thief). His parents were sad about this.
10. The woman was calm enough to stop the man
(commit) crimes.

三、 单项选择。
( D )1.     computer engineer was murdered and     old
woman found his body.
A. The; a B. A; a
C. An; the D. A; an

( B )2. — Are you going to have a picnic with me this weekend,
—     not. I may look after my sister.
A. Hardly B. Probably
C. Suddenly D. Simply

( A )3. The policeman is offering a      to anyone who can give
information about the lost boy.
A. reward B. award C. price D. money
( A )4. — Why does Eddie get      like a detective today?
— Because his food has      missing for a long time. He wants to find
out who the thief is.
A. dressed; been B. dressed; go
C. dressing; been D. dressing; gone

( B )5. (2024·宿迁期末)— Do you have your winter plan?
— Yes, I want to go     to relax with my family.
A. interesting somewhere B. somewhere interesting
C. everywhere interesting D. interesting anywhere
( B )6. (2024·宿迁期末)In the popular film, a doctor is
found     in the house, so the film is     horror and mysteries.
A. dying; fill of B. dead; full of
C. dead; full with D. die; filled with

( C )7. — Did the      see the man’s face?
— No. He said the man covered his face with something.
A. murderer B. suspect
C. witness D. murder
( D )8. (2023·宿迁市宿豫区三模)It     that two travellers
had been killed in the car accident.
A. turned down B. turned off
C. turned up D. turned out

( C )9. — Do you like National Treasure, the weekly TV show on
— Sure. It’s a great culture TV show     has been very popular in
A. who B. whom C. which D. what

( D )10. Last night someone      the shop and took away lots of
A. broke out B. broke up
C. broke off D. broke into
( A )11.      the evening of December 25, the poor boy
was     .
A. On; kidnapped B. In; kidnapping
C. At; kidnapped D. In; kidnapped

( A )12. This is the best film     I’ve ever seen. I want to see it
A. that B. which C. who D. whose
( D )13. Anita improved her way of studying.     , she has
made much progress.
A. In all B. As usual
C. In other words D. As a result

( D )14. The man was under arrest      some things     
the supermarket.
A. to steal; on B. for stealing; with
C. with stealing; in D. for stealing; from
( C )15. Let’s     what else we can do to save as many animals
as possible.
A. put out B. stay out
C. find out D. run out

第6课时 Task & Self-assessment
Unit 8 Detective stories
一、 根据句意及所给中文提示,写出句中所缺单词,每空限填一词。
1. The thieves (偷) many things from the supermarket and were
put into prison.
2. The girl looks so beautiful today with a (项链) around her
3. — I haven’t seen our neighbour for a long time.
— It is said that he is in prison because of (偷窃).
4. (珠宝) is about showing off, or it is about nothing.

二、 根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填
1. These days, many (kidnap) cases take place in some
big cities and many children have got lost.
2. All the clues proved that he (be) honest.
3. — Can you tell me if he has a (crime) record? 
— Sorry, I don’t know.

4. Two thieves broke into his house, but luckily nothing was
5. I would like to have a room which (face) south. How much
does it cost?
6. It is of great (valuable) for humans to learn the law of nature.

三、 单项选择。
( C )1. The old man grew vegetables in his fields for a     .
A. live B. alive C. living D. lively
( B )2. — Alice, would you like to go hiking with us?
— What a pity! I am free every day     today.
A. besides B. except C. with D. beside
( A )3. The man was     for reporting secrets to the enemy.
A. under arrest B. in a hurry
C. in order D. under discussion

( B )4. He never talked to     and no one knew     he did
to make money.
A. someone; how B. anyone; what
C. everyone; where D. someone; what
( A )5. My new neighbours are friendly and helpful. I
can     them.
A. get on with B. do well in
C. try out for D. dress up as

( D )6. — Only those who have a lot in common can get along well.
—     Opposites sometimes attract.
A. I hope so. B. I don’t care.
C. I can’t agree more. D. I don’t think so.

四、 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选
A. It will relax you.
B. Flowers like these are all around you.
C. The gardens were built many years ago.
D. Try spending time with nature yourself.
E. The gardens they made were really creative.
F. Once there, I let them try hard to empty their minds.
G. These children were often busy doing their schoolwork.

I once gave a lesson to a group of primary school students for a TV
program. I suggested that we should create small gardens.
First, I asked the students to look for their favourite place in the
school. 1. Then I had each of them describe their experiences of nature
in a small garden.
In a box of about one and a half by two feet, they were free to
organize—soil, stones, leaves and grass. Even as an active garden
designer, I was impressed with their imagination. 2.

One child created “water” that flowed into a “lake”; another child
put grass in a way to represent “wind”; and yet another child tried hard to
create shade ...3. That was why they took great interest when they
created their small gardens. They spent a wonderful time together with nature.
4. If you notice a stone lying on the ground, pick it up and hold
it. When you see beautiful flowers by the side of the road, stop and enjoy
the pleasant smell.
Then, inside your mind, create a small garden of your own. 5.

五、 书面表达。
  请根据所给提示,以“A young businessman was murdered”为题,
  提示:1. 昨晚10:00到凌晨1:00之间发生了一起谋杀案。2. 被害
人是一名年轻的商人,年仅35岁。3. 案发时,有人听到了呼救的声音。
4. 据警方描述,被害人是因为刀伤导致流血过多而死。5. 目前凶手在

A young businessman was murdered

 A murder took place between 10:00 last night and 1:00 this
morning. The victim was a young businessman. He was only 35 years old.
Someone heard a cry for help at the time of the crime, and there was a
witness that knew the murderer. The police said that the victim was
wounded with a knife and bled to death as a result. The murderer hasn’t
been caught so far. The police have offered a reward of 10,000 yuan for
the important clues. Anyone who can provide useful information should
contact the police at once. 

第2课时 Reading(1)
Unit 8 Detective stories
一、 根据句意及所给中文提示或英文解释,写出句中所缺单词,每空
1. The president’s behaviour has made him many (敌人) in
recent years.
2. My finger is (流血). Can you help me deal with it?
3. The new (系统) is now widely used by IT companies all
over the world.
4. A Chinese knot is a knot that is woven(编织) from a (only
one) rope to be different shapes.

二、 根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填
1. (2024·宿迁期末)It rained (heavy) last night. There was
lots of water everywhere.
2. Follow me, guys! Close your eyes, open your arms and
(breath) deeply.
3. The cat was last seen (leave) the kitchen at this time
4. According to the record, the man committed some computer
(crime) in the past.

三、 单项选择。
( D )1. — It’s necessary for you to     your booking in writing.
— OK. Give me a pen.
A. guess B. wonder C. suspect D. confirm
( C )2. The man was attacked     a knife and the attacker was
guilty     attacking.
A. for; of B. by; for
C. with; of D. with; for

( D )3. People who      information for the police should
contact them      5550 1212.
A. offers; with B. provides; to
C. offer; on D. provide; on
( C )4. Tina comes to China in order to experience Chinese culture
and      which university is the best for her to attend.
A. put out B. stay out
C. find out D. run out

( C )5. We strongly believe that the war never solves anything. It
only      violence(暴力).
A. runs into B. comes from
C. leads to D. begins with

( D )6. (2023·南京市鼓楼区二模)— There was a big fire in the
house last night. That was a terrible accident.
— Luckily, the firemen     the house to save the people trapped
A. put out B. let off
C. open up D. broke into

( B )7. The businessman was charged     a crime. But he said he
did     .
A. for; nothing wrong B. with; nothing wrong
C. for; wrong nothing D. with; wrong nothing
( A )8. — Yesterday afternoon, I left my key      in the shop
before I went back home.
— What a strange thing! I didn’t find it      either.
A. somewhere; anywhere B. somewhere; somewhere
C. anywhere; everywhere D. everywhere; anywhere

四、 根据短文内容,用括号内所给词的正确时态或形式填空,使短文
Mr Dane was a writer. One evening when he 1.
(write) a detective story, he found that he couldn’t finish it with a good
ending. So he went to a cinema. When he came back, he found that
someone 2. (break) into his house. The thief had a cup of tea,
smoked and read his story. Besides, he left Mr Dane a note. It said, “I
3. (read) your story and I don’t think much of it.
was writing 
have read 

Please read my 4. (suggest) at the end of the story and
then you can finish it. By the way, I’m a thief. I’m not going to steal
5. (something) tonight. But if you become a famous writer,
I 6. (come) again.” After reading the 7. (thief)
suggestion, Mr Dane sat down and worked at the end of the story. After a
while, he finished it.
will come 

The next day, a friend of 8. (he) read the story and said,
“Mr Dane, the ending of the story is the 9. (good) of all the
endings of the stories that I’ve ever read, I think.” After that, before Mr
Dane went out in the evening, he always left a story half 10.
(finish) on his desk.

五、 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选
A. They went to sleep early.
B. humans are tiny.
C. At the end of the day, the two friends lay down on the grass for the
D. it will be a sunny day tomorrow.
E. What else does it tell you?
F. It was raining hard when they got to the top of the hill.
G. I can see millions of stars in the sky.

It was a fine day. Sherlock Holmes invited his best friend Doctor Watson
to go camping with him. They found a nice hill and put up their tent. Then
they went fishing and climbed the hill. 1. They began to chat happily.
“Watson, look up into the sky and tell me what you can see,” said
Watson replied, “2. ”
Holmes asked, “What does that tell you?”

Watson thought for a while and said, “It tells me that there are tons of
galaxies(星系) and planets.”
Holmes continued asking, “3. ”
Watson smiled, “It tells me that 4. ”
“Oh, I think so. Is that all?” asked Holmes.
“No, as for the weather, 5. What does it tell you?”
Watson said.
Holmes laughed, “Someone has stolen our tent.”

第5课时 Integrated skills & Study skills
Unit 8 Detective stories
一、 根据句意及所给中文提示或英文解释,写出句中所缺单词,每空
1. (2023·宿迁市宿豫区三模)Everyone should take action to
(守卫) against the spread of the viruses.
2. It’s known to us all that health is more important than (财富).
3. Last week, a policeman was invited to give us some (安全) tips.

4. Make sure you have taken your keys with you before (锁)
the door.
5. It’s cold outside. Would you mind (to make sth.close) the

二、 单项选择。
( D )1. As a result of a fight with other prisoners, Sam must stay
in     prison for a(n)     longer time.
A. the; very B. the; even
C. /; very D. /; even
( C )2. — Why doesn’t he show up at the birthday party?
— He is racing      the clock to finish his report on his project.
A. beyond B. over C. against D. through

( C )3. I’ll call you      between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. tomorrow.
A. some times B. sometimes
C. sometime D. any times
( C )4. — This party is such a great idea!
—     It’s been three years since we last saw our primary school
A. That’s all right. B. I’m sorry.
C. I agree. D. I don’t think so.

三、 根据短文内容,用括号内所给词的正确时态或形式填空,使短文
After crossing the river, Dorothy and her friends came to a poppy
flower field, with many other 1. (colour) flowers next to
it. “How beautiful!” Dorothy said.
“When I had brains, I would probably like them 2.
(well),” the Scarecrow said.
“If I had a heart, I would love them,” added the Tin Woodman.

“I always liked flowers,” the Lion said. “But there is
3. (something) in the forest so bright as these.”
Soon they found 4. (them) in the middle of poppies.
It is known that when there are many of these flowers together, their strong
smell will make anyone 5. (breath) it fall asleep, and
even sleep forever. But Dorothy didn’t know this. Soon Dorothy felt she had
to sleep. Dorothy 6. (fall) among the poppies, fast asleep.
“The smell 7. (kill) us all. If we leave her here, she
will die,” said the Lion.
is killing 

“I can 8. (hard) keep my eyes open, and the dog Toto
is asleep already.”
“Run fast and get out of here,” said the Scarecrow to the Lion.
“We can carry the little girl, but you are too heavy.”

The Lion ran as fast as possible but he fell asleep before he got out of the
field. 9. (luck), the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman were
not troubled by the smell. They made a chair with their hands and carried
Dorothy through the flowers to the grass far enough from the poppy field.
The Tin Woodman built a truck and pulled the Lion with the Scarecrow. The
sweet fresh air 10. (wake) Dorothy, Toto and the Lion up.
Soon they continued their journey.

四、 完形填空。
Jake Deham was skiing with his family in the USA when he fell over
and  1  one of his skis. His family didn’t know that he had some problems.
They kept on  2 . When they got to the foot of the mountain, there was
no  3  of Jake.
Jake couldn’t find his ski anywhere. In the end, he decided to  4  .
his other ski and walk down the mountain. But he couldn’t work out the right
way to go.

It was now getting dark and he was a long way  5  any place of
safety. He knew that he might die that night in the cold temperatures. But
Jake kept  6 . At home, Jake watched a lot of programmes about living
in difficult situations. He remembered the  7  from these programmes and
knew that he should build a hole in the snow. He made a  8  and pointed it
up the hill so the wind couldn’t blow into it.  9  his hole, the temperature
fell to -15℃ that night, but inside it Jake was safe from the cold.

But he had to get down the  10 . The TV programmes always said,
“If you are lost, you should find someone else’s tracks(足迹) through
the snow and  11  them.” “I wanted to live my life,” recalled Jake,
“  12  I got up and found some ski tracks and I walked along them.”
Nine hours after he lost his ski, he found a team of workers who came
to  13  him. He was safe!
His mum was very  14  when she heard the news. Luckily, Jake
didn’t even have to go to hospital. He  15  the terrible experience without
any injuries(伤害).
Sometimes TV can save your life!

( D )1. A. caught B. found C. broke D. lost
( A )2. A. skiing B. swimming C. skating D. surfing
( C )3. A. time B. size C. sign D. point
( B )4. A. look after B. take off C. hand in D. pay for
( C )5. A. in B. with C. from D. among
( D )6. A. soft B. busy C. tidy D. calm
( B )7. A. order B. advice C. report D. memory
( C )8. A. hat B. ski C. hole D. tool

( D )9. A. Over B. Under C. Behind D. Outside
( D )10. A. tree B. wall C. tower D. mountain
( B )11. A. protect B. follow C. compare D. complete
( A )12. A. so B. if C. but D. until
( B )13. A. hurt B. save C. train D. raise
( A )14. A. happy B. angry C. awful D. worried
( C )15. A. pointed out B. thought of C. got through D. cleared away

第3课时 Reading(2)
Unit 8 Detective stories
一、 根据句意及所给中文提示、首字母或英文解释,写出句中所缺单
1. So far, the (仅有的) witness is a computer engineer who
worked late that night.
2. I want to (举报) John to the teacher because he often copies
others’ homework.
3. The taxi driver was (猜想) to be in his twenties.
4. The soldier was in the arms but he gets better now.
5. The soldier killed his (people who hate you or speak and act
against you) in the battle.

二、 单项选择。
( B )1. Give me the name of one of your relatives who can
be     if you want to join us.
A. confirmed B. contacted
C. communicated D. completed
( A )2. — Who do you think is the murderer in the film?
— I     it could be the man in black. But you won’t find out the truth
until the end.
A. suppose B. plan C. confirm D. decide

( B )3. — You haven’t said a     word since last Friday. What’s
— Nothing. Just leave me alone.
A. simple B. single C. similar D. silent
( B )4. The suspect who was caught this morning is      murder
and he has also been guilty of several      crimes before.
A. charged with; the other B. charged with; other
C. curious about; other D. known for; another

三、 根据短文内容,用括号内所给词的正确时态或形式填空,使短文
A few years ago, as I saw a young man 1. (steal)
something in the street, I told him that there was so much he could do in his
life and that he should have a goal about whom he wanted to become when he
grew up. I told him that it was not too 2. (late) to do it.

At that moment he shouted back to me, 3. (tell) me to
shut up. “Miss,” he said. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. In
fact, there’s no way out for me.” He told me that his mum was never able
to 4. (real) care about him and that he had to do whatever he
could just to eat. I was quiet as I listened to his 5. (word). But
then I had an idea. “We all had a dream of what we wanted to become in
life. What is your dream? What goals do you want to achieve? Most
importantly, what steps will you take to move 6. (close) to
your dream?” I said.

“I want you to write your dream down on paper today. Think about your
plan and where you expect to see 7. (you) in five or ten years.
Then share what you’ve 8. (write) with me because this is the
9. (one) step to get your dream started.”
That day he set a goal. He 10. (promise) he would
become a doctor, and work hard through the long, difficult journey to
realize that dream.
Finally he is not only my friend now, but also a famous doctor.

四、 完形填空。
I used to feel hopeless and upset. Last year, my mother became  1  .
ill and had an operation on her brain. I felt that my whole world turned upside
down. And I had no  2  what I could do to help her reduce her pain. My
eyes were filled with tears  3  I was alone.

Last month, I  4  a watch, which was a gift for my 18th birthday
from my father. I could not fall asleep for a couple of nights because I
felt  5  about the loss. There have been many bad things like these in my
life. I could never know how to deal with such terrible things  6  I read If
You Have a Lemon, Make Lemonade. “When the wise man is handed a
lemon, he says, ‘What  7  can I get from this? How can I improve
my situation? How can I turn this lemon into lemonade?’” the author

I suddenly  8  that life is full of ups and downs, so I need to stay
positive all the time. Now when I think of my past, I wish I could have dealt
with things  9 . When my mother was fighting against her illness, I
should have held her hands in mine, telling her things would get
better  10  hiding and crying.
Several weeks ago, I took part in a school singing competition. I
didn’t  11  a prize. If I had not read the book, I would certainly have
felt  12  again. But instead, I smiled after the competition. I was happy
that  13  I had got some stage experience.
Life is not just a bed of rose. There are thorns(刺)  14 . But these
thorns help us become brave and strong. When life  15  us a lemon, let’s
try to make lemonade.

( B )1. A. quietly B. badly C. hardly D. possibly
( C )2. A. hope B. wonder C. idea D. doubt
( C )3. A. whatever B. however C. whenever D. whoever
( A )4. A. lost B. got C. sold D. fixed
( C )5. A. bored B. excited C. upset D. happy
( B )6. A. when B. until C. whether D. since
( C )7. A. gift B. prize C. lesson D. decision
( A )8. A. realized B. thought C. dreamed D. hoped

( D )9. A. silently B. easily C. suddenly D. differently
( C )10. A. because of B. away from C. instead of D. except for
( D )11. A. expect B. miss C. refuse D. win
( B )12. A. interested B. disappointed C. excited D. surprised
( D )13. A. at once B. at times C. at first D. at least
( A )14. A. too B. either C. also D. though
( B )15. A. borrows B. gives C. makes D. wastes

第4课时 Grammar
Unit 8 Detective stories
一、 根据句意及所给中文提示、首字母或英文解释,写出句中所缺单
1. (2024·宿迁期末)— Where are the (老板) from?
— They are from different countries.
2. The elderly (夫妇) usually go for a walk after dinner.
3. The police checked these for (指纹) and found out the

4. All the (女性的) workers in this factory got a present on
March 8th.
5. — Why are you in such a ?
— Because I’m late for the meeting!
6. The two cases are most (used to say that sth. is likely to
happen) connected.

二、 单项选择。
( C )1. (2023·江苏省致远中学一模改编)— The two athletes
really have a gift for skiing!
— Exactly. But if you learn more about them, you can find that
they     to be hard-working people.
A. run out B. put out
C. turn out D. stay out

( B )2. (2023·宿迁市泗洪县二模)Becky found the information
about the famous scientists     you can use for the speech.
A. who B. which C. whom D. what
( C )3. (2023·江苏省致远中学一模)— Have you heard about the
famous singer’s new song     many teenagers are talking about these
— Sure. It encourages me every time I hear it.
A. who B. whose C. that D. what

( C )4. — I was told that Tom was charged with     the
jewellery from the shop.
— It is just a misunderstanding. In fact, he has nothing to do     this
A. steal; with B. stealing; about
C. stealing; with D. steal; about

三、 根据短文内容,用括号内所给词的正确时态或形式填空,使短文
Jim is the son of a farm owner. One New Year’s Day, when he
1. (be) 15 years old, his father asked 2. (he) to
work on the farm for one year in his free time. Jim was 3.
(happy) with his father’s idea. “That isn’t my job. I have my own
schoolwork 4. (do).” Hearing this, his father said, “I
5. (promise) to give you the best present if you finish
one 6. (year) work.” Jim thought for a while and agreed.
to do 
will promise 

Starting from one Saturday, the boy got up early and worked until
evening, just like any other farmer. As time went by, Jim’s crops grew
very 7. (good). On the last day of the year, the father said to his
son, “I’m happy to see that you have worked very hard the whole year.
Now, tell me what you want.”
The boy smiled and showed his father a big piece of bread 8.
(make) from his wheat. “I’ve already 9. (get) the present. ‘No
pain, no gain.’ I think this is what you want me to know.”
His father was very 10. (please) to hear that.

四、 阅读理解。
There was a robbery at City Central
Bank yesterday afternoon. Two men
entered the bank at about 4 p.m.and told the bank teller on duty to give them
$1,000,000. The robbers were carrying guns and wearing black masks to
cover their faces. The robbers told all the customers in the bank to lie down
on the floor. Witnesses said that everyone in the bank was very frightened and
did what the robbers told them. The teller agreed to give them the money but
told them that they’d have to wait a few minutes. She said the bank manager
would have to get the money out of the safe. As the robbers were waiting for the money, the teller tried to press an alarm button(按钮) that was hidden under the counter. It was a silent alarm, so the robbers didn’t realize it had been set off.
alarm n. 警报;警报器

Just as the manager arrived with the money, ten police officers entered
the bank. The robbers were very surprised that the officers caught them
easily. The robbers are now in custody(拘留), and will appear in court
next week.
The police congratulated Miss Alston, the bank teller, on the brave
act. The bank manager said that he would give Miss Alston a week’s vacation
to thank her.

( A )1. Everyone in the bank did what the robbers told them
because     .
A. they were frightened
B. the robbers were very polite
C. they weren’t afraid of the robbers
D. they knew the police were coming
( D )2. The bank teller said the money was     .
A. under the counter B. on the floor
C. in a small room D. in the safe

( D )3. What did the bank teller do?
A. She telephoned the police.
B. She had a fight against the two men.
C. She got the money out of the safe.
D. She pressed an alarm button.

( C )4. The police caught the robbers so easily because the robbers
didn’t     .
A. know who the police officers wer
B. get the money
C. expect the police arrived so quickly
D. expect the money to be in the safe

( D )5. According to the passage, what should we do when we face
dangerous conditions?
A. Run away as far as possible.
B. Call the police at once.
C. Protect ourselves.
D. Keep calm and use our head.


