2024年人教新目标(Go for it)版七年级英语下册暑假作业(一)(含答案)

  1. 二一教育资源

2024年人教新目标(Go for it)版七年级英语下册暑假作业(一)(含答案)


一 语法选择(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
The Smiths are on their way home for the coming new year. But now there ____1____ too many cars on the road and they are moving slowly. After three hours’ sitting in the car, their ____2____ daughter feels bored and tired.
“Dad, will we get home soon ” asks the little girl.
“Sorry, dear. We may get home at 8 o’clock ___3____ the evening,” says Mr Smith.
“Oh, no. Can our car ____4___ in the sky like a bird I want to get home now,” says the little girl.
“I’m afraid not. Our car doesn’t have wings (翅膀). ____5___ in the future we can take a flying taxi,” answers Mrs Smith.
“A flying taxi ” says the girl.
“Yes. Scientists ____6____ this kind of taxi now. It can go 321 km every hour.”
“Cool! ____7___ does it take to get home then Can all of us get on the taxi Who can drive the taxi ” The girl is very ___8___ in this flying taxi.
“It doesn’t need any drivers. It only takes about ____9____ hour. There are five seats in the taxi,” says the mother.
“That sounds great! We can ask grandpa and grandma ____19____ for a trip together. They must be excited.” The little girl starts to plan their future trip.
1. A. be B. is C. are
2 A. four years old B. four-year-old C. four year old
3. A. at B. in C. on
4 A. fly B. flies C. flying
5. A. But B. So C. And
6. A. make B. will make C. are making
7. A. How far B. How often C. How long
8. A. interest B. interested C. interesting
9. A. a B. an C. the
10. A. go B. going C. to go
Ms. White wanted to take the class to the park, but it was rainy outside. So they came to the aquarium (水族馆).
“This cute fish 11 a star,” Alisa said.
A man heard that and said, “It's a starfish (海星), but the starfish isn't a kind of fish. It has 12 gills, scales, fins or backbone (鳃、鳞、鳍和脊柱) like fish.”
“Thanks for 13 me,” Alisa said.
“You're welcome. It's my job,” the man said.
“Are you a(n) 14 here ” Roy asked.
“Yes, I'm Stan. I like showing visitors around the aquarium. Also, 15 you have any questions, just ask me,” Stan said.
Ben saw a fish and asked, “Stan, why does this fish look 16 ”
Stan answered, “That's a robot fish, so it's different from other fish. It can swim and turn like a(n) 17 fish. We use it to check water quality (检查水质).”
“Cool!” Ben said.
After two hours, Ms. White said, “Class, it's late and time to go.”
But the students didn't want to 18 .
Ms. White had to say, “If the 19 is good next time, we can go to the park. And if it isn't ...”
“We can come to the aquarium 20 !” all the students said.
“See you next time!” Stan said.
11. A. listens to B. talks about C. looks like D. works with
12. A. no B. some C. a little D. little
13. A. asking B. telling C. remembering D. following
14. A. artist B. actor C. singer D. guide
15. A. if B. before C. because D. but
16. A. fresh B. delicious C. special D. healthy
17. A. small B. fat C. old D. real
18. A. speak B. leave C. dance D. help
19. A. food B. game C. weather D. music
20. A. again B. either C. sometimes D. now
三 阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)
Lisa went to visit her aunt in London last week. She stayed there for three days. She had a great time with her aunt and her cousin.
Friday, June 3rd Cloudy ·10 a.m., met Aunt Sofia at the train station ·lunch at Aunt Sofia's home ·went for a walk in St James Park ·4 p.m., went to visit Buckingham Palace
Saturday, June 4th Sunny ·9 a.m., saw an interesting movie (2 hours) ·12 p.m., fish and hamburgers for lunch ·2 p.m., visited London on the River Thames by boat ·8 p.m., had dinner and walked in Chinatown
Sunday, June 5th Rainy, Windy ·9 a.m., visited Museum of London ·lunch at the Hard Rock Café (the music there is beautiful) ·went shopping in Harrods at 3 p.m. ·5 p.m., took a bus to go home
21. What was the weather like last Friday in London
A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny. D. Windy.
22. Lisa went to see a movie at _______.
A. 10 a.m. on June 3rd
B. 4 p.m. on June 3rd
C. 9 a.m. on June 4th
D. 8 p.m. on June 4th
23. How did Lisa visit London on Saturday afternoon
A. By boat. B. On foot. C. By bus. D. By bike.
24. Harrods may be the name of a _______.
A. cinema B. restaurant C. museum D. store
25. From the passage, we can know Lisa _______.
A. took a train back home
B. stayed in London for 5 days
C. went to Chinatown on June 4th
D. went to London with her cousin
Look! Here comes a cute bus. It looks like a panda with black ears and big eyes. It can take 22 people and is about 12 meters long. A group of Chinese people made it. People call it Smart Panda Bus.
The Smart Panda Bus can do many things. It uses AI technology (科技). The bus can drive by itself. Don’t worry! It’s very safe (安全的). When you get on the bus, you can swipe (刷) your face. The bus will read your face and know who you are. There are also robots on the bus. You can talk to them and ask them for help. If there is a thief (小偷) on the bus, the bus will call the police.
On the bus, there is a vending machine. You can buy food and drinks here. This can save you much time.
People in some cities, such as Changzhou in Jiangsu, Wuhan in Hubei and Deyang in Sichuan, can take the bus. Do you want to take the bus More cities in China will put the bus into use. I think soon you can take the bus in your city.
26. The Smart Panda Bus comes from ________.
A. India B. China C. Africa D. America
27. The Smart Panda Bus can make our life ________.
A. safe B. cheap C. quiet D. expensive
28. The “vending machine” can ________ on the bus.
A. sell food B. tell stories
C. make a wish D. take a message
29. Paragraph 2 tells us ________.
A. who made the bus B. what the bus can do
C. how the bus drives D. what the robots can’t do
30. What can we know from the text
A. There is a panda on the bus.
B. The bus can’t call the police.
C. The bus can read your hand.
D. We can take the bus in some cities now.
配对阅读 左栏是五名学生的兴趣爱好,右栏是“双减政策”后学校社团的介绍。请为每位学生选择合适的信息,并把它的字母编号写在左边的括号内。
____31____ Kate wants to play music more. She can play the guitar and the drums. She plays the guitar very well. She hopes she can enjoy the music or practice the guitar after class on weekdays. ____32____ David wants to join the dance club. He likes street dance. Dancing can help him to show himself. And he feels relaxed when dancing. ____33____ Jack likes sports very much. He likes playing ping-pong. But running is his favorite and he runs back home from school every day. This term, he wants to learn kung fu. ____34____ Sarah began to enjoy reading when she was very young. Now she wants to know more about Chinese history. She hopes she can read more history books. ____35____ Cindy likes to play chess. She thinks playing chess with others can make her smarter and help her make more friends. She wants to join a chess club. A. In our club, you can play chess against club members. You can talk about the famous Chinese chess players and their important matches. The club is always full of fun. B. Welcome to the Ping-pong Club. Playing ping pong can help you to relax after a busy day studying. You can get some good training in the club, so you will become strong and healthy. C. In the club, the teacher teaches you the history of kung fu and how to do kung fu. Kung fu is a fun exercise. It can make you have a healthy body. D. If you like playing the guitar, you can join the Guitar Club. We have activities in the afternoon. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays we will listen to CDs. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, club members will play the guitar together. E. Street Dance Club is popular with students. When you dance, you are showing your nature. It can make you relax after a busy day. Let’s dance together! F. Do you like reading books Do you like history We are all fans of Chinese history. We read books together and share books e to join us! G. Can you play the guitar Do you have time on the weekend Music Club is waiting for you. The music club will give the chance to show yourself in front of other students.
always, because, but, child, drive, early, much, music, never, supermarket, take, they
Mr. Smith lives in New York. He has two __36___, Jane and Bob. They get up early every day. At seven in the morning, Mr. Smith ___37___ them to school. Mr. Smith works in a zoo. He is busy every day ___38___ he needs to look after(照顾) many animals.
This morning, Mr. Smith has to drive to work ___39__. He has to ask Jane and Bob ___40___ the bus to school. They study in the same school. Bob likes math but Jane likes English. They ___41___ help each other. They like music, too. They often play the guitar. They can play it very well and they want to be ___42___.
Mrs. Smith doesn’t go to work, but she needs to do ___43___ things at home. She makes food for her family every day. In the afternoon, she often buys things in the ___44___.
At about 5:30 in the afternoon, Jane and Bob get home. After that, they do ___45__ homework. They usually go to bed at 9:30 p.m.
After the “double reduction” (双减) , what is students’ school life like now Let’s have a look. The “double reduction” really helps me. We don’t have so much homework. And I’m happy to find that there are fewer exams.
——Shen Yu, Beijing
I have more time to do after school activities. That’s the best thing for me. I like dancing, volleyball and music. I also joined a cooking class. I can learn all kinds of useful cooking skill there. Teachers also give us more time to learn from real life.
——Zhang Hanhan, Tianjin
With the “double reduction”, I don’t have much homework to do. But Monday is along day for me. Because I need to take an online class (网课) for two hours on that evening. I can have happy weekends. Now I have more free time to enjoy what I like to do!
——Yu Zhiyue, Jiangsu
I have got more time to read books and play sports. The art subjects are very important I love learning music very much. Now I feel more interested to do so.
——Ma Li, Liaoning
46 How many students are there in the passage
47. Where is Shen Yu from
48. What is the best thing for Zhang Hanhan
49. Why is Monday a long day for Yu Zhiyue
50. Who has more time to read books
51. 书面表达
假如你是李华,上周末你参加了学校组织的研学活动。请根据下面表格提示,写一篇关于研学的英语短文投稿到你校的School Time栏目。
A School Trip
Time last weekend
Place Red Army Base(红军基地)
Transportation by bus
Activities visit the museum wear the Red Army(红军)clothes and make Red Army bags climb mountains have a party in the evening ...
Feelings(感受) meaningful有意义的……
A School Trip
Last weekend, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1---5C B BA A 6----10 CCBBC
11--15 CABDA 16 --20 CDBCA
21-25 BCADC
26. B 27. A 28 A 29. B 30. D
31. D 32. E 33. C 34. F 35. A
36. children 37. drives 38. because 39. earlier 40. to take 41. always 42. musicians 43. many 44. supermarket 45. their
46. Four.
47. Beijing.
48. He has more time to do after school activities.
49. Because she needs to take an online class for two hours on that evening.
50. Ma Li.
A School Trip
Last weekend, I took part in a school activity with my schoolmates at Red Army Base. We went there by bus in the early morning. When we got there, we visited the museum first. We saw many pictures and things about the history of Red Army. Then we wore the Red Army clothes and also learned to make Red Army bags. It was kind of difficult but interesting for us. After lunch, we climbed mountains. The weather was quite hot but we all felt very excited. In the evening, we had a party and enjoyed ourselves.
I think the school trip is really meaningful for us. We can not only relax ourselves but also learn a lot from it.


