Unit 7 Seasons单元练习课件(6份打包)

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Unit 7 Seasons单元练习课件(6份打包)


第1课时 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit
Unit 7 Seasons
一、 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。
1. Most people don’t like (rain) days because they make people
feel sad.
2. Winter is my favourite season because I like skiing (well).
3. On hot days, we like to go (swim) in the pool.
4. Look! The sky is dark. Today is much (cloudy) than
5. Welcome to my home. (make) yourselves feel at home.

二、 单项选择。
( D )1. You’ll look cool     the police uniform     .
A. with; in B. without; in
C. without; on D. with; on
( A )2. — Jack, which season do you think is the best time     . 
for a picnic? — Of course spring.
A. to go B. going C. to going D. go

( C )3. — William, please remember to     the photo taken in
Canada here when you come to school tomorrow. I’d like to have a look.
— OK. I’ll introduce something about it to you.
A. take B. pass C. bring D. carry
( A )4. — Do you like swimming in winter?
— Of course. The water     a bit cold at first, but then I am warm and
full of energy.
A. feels B. tastes C. smells D. looks

( A )5. — I like the new movie about the life of middle school students.
—     It is wonderful.
A. I bet! B. I hope.
C. I wonder. D. I am afraid.

三、 (2024·宿迁市宿豫区期末)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中
A. Love those clothes.
B. Have a snowball fight.
C. Put a hat on your head.
D. That’s why you need to be careful with your body’s signals.
E. Well, the truth is that it’s good advice for both kinds of weather.
F. But you have to know how to be safe while you’re out having fun.

Winter is a really fun time of the year—it’s great to have snowball fights
and build snowmen. 1. When it’s cold outside and you’re not
prepared, you might feel uncomfortable. Lucky for you, learning how to
stay safe is not difficult.

2. Wearing thick clothes is the best way to stay warm in the cold.
Depending on where you live and how cold it is, some kids may need more
clothes, some less.
Take that hat. You may wear a large overcoat and be ready to go, but
do you forget anything? 3. You’ll stay much warmer with a hat than
without one—tons of body heat escapes right from your head.

Drink water. Sounds like advice for hot weather, not cold weather,
right? 4. When you’re outside in the cold and breathing(呼吸)
hard, your body loses a lot of water through your breath. And the best way
is to drink plenty of water!
Take it easy. Sometimes if you’re out having fun, it’s easy to forget to
pay attention to your body. But if your body temperature drops even 4 or 5
degrees while you’re outside, it can make you feel terrible. 5. And if
you ever feel weak, those are signs that you have to take it easy indoors for
a while.

四、 阅读理解。
When your town has winter, the earth’s axis(轴) is pointing away
from the sun. Your town doesn’t get much light or heat from the sun. The
days are shorter and colder.

Winter and summer happen because the earth tilts(倾斜) as it
revolves around the sun. The northern end of the earth’s axis points towards
Polaris(北极星). You have more hours of light in summer. Your part of the
earth is towards the sun for more hours each day. When the part of the earth
where you live is towards the sun, you have hotter days. In winter, when
your part of the earth points away from the sun, you have colder days.
You have learned about winter and summer. There are two more seasons
in the year. One comes after winter and before summer. The other season
comes after summer and before winter. They are spring and autumn.

You have thought about the four seasons of the year. Each season is
different. The formation(形成) of the seasons is related to the revolution
of the earth and the tilt of the earth’s axis.
Now you know why winter is colder than summer.

( A )1. What does the underlined word “revolves” in Paragraph 2
A. Moves. B. Walks. C. Jumps. D. Sites.
( A )2. What is the passage mainly about?
A. How four seasons happen.
B. How the weather changes.
C. When the earth’s axis points towards Polaris.
D. When the earth’s axis revolves around the sun.

( D )3. Where does the passage probably come from?
A. A film guide. B. A storybook.
C. A book review. D. A science magazine.

Unit 7 Seasons
一、 单项选择。
( B )1. — What     heavy rain it is!
— Yes, but I love     air after raining. It smells so fresh.
A. the; a B. a; the C. the; the D. a; a
( A )2. It is difficult     us     on the real snow.
A. for; to ski B. of; to ski
C. for; ski D. of; ski

( D )3. — Is that a wooden house     the trees? 
— Yes. Let’s go to have a rest there.
A. above B. around C. along D. among
( D )4.     was the temperature yesterday?
A. Where B. How much C. How D. What
( D )5. It’s winter now. The weather is getting     .
A. higher and higher B. lower and lower
C. hotter and hotter D. colder and colder

( B )6. It’s dangerous for children to get the medicine, so you’d
better     it     them.
A. to hide; from B. hide; from
C. to hide; for D. hide; in
( D )7. I am     my pen everywhere, but I can’t     it.
A. finding; look for B. finding out; find
C. finding out; look for D. looking for; find

( D )8. Oliver was so busy     a novel that he     to have
A. reading; forgets B. to read; forgets
C. to read; forgot D. reading; forgot
( A )9. A question was     by the reporter, “Mr Present, the
price of rice     greatly recently. How are you going to deal with the
A. raised; has risen B. risen; is raising
C. raised; is raising D. risen; has risen

( D ) 10. (2024·南京市玄武区期末)The order of the poem should be   .
a. But if winter comes, can spring be far behind?
b. The north wind shouts loudly for all to hear.
c.Severe cold makes people out of mind.
d. Winter comes once a year.
A. a-c-d-b B. b-d-c-a C. c-a-b-d D. d-b-c-a

二、 短文填空。
  A strong wind is blowing hard in Alabama. Black 1. are
making the sky very dark. There is no light outside, so it feels like the night.
The news on TV is reporting that a heavy rainstorm is on its 2. . It is
warning everyone to prepare for the rainstorm.
Everyone in the neighbourhood is 3. with something. Ben’s
dad is putting pieces of wood over the windows and his mum is making sure
the radio is working in 4. to listen to the latest report.
Ben is helping make dinner when the rain begins to 5. heavily.
After dinner, they try to play a card game, but it is hard to have fun
because a 6. storm is happening outside.

Ben goes to bed but cannot sleep 7. the wind stops at around 3
a.m. When he wakes up in the morning, the rainstorm is over and the sun is
8. . He goes outside with his family and finds fallen trees,
broken windows and rubbish are 9. . The storm brings a
mess. They join the neighbours in clearing the neighbourhood. The storm
breaks many things apart, but it brings families and neighbours much
10. .

三、 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选
A. It is an important time for the harvest of crops like wheat.
B. They collide each other’s eggs in pairs and the one whose egg is not
broken wins.
C. Food rich in vitamins and cool in nature is highly recommended.
D. The temperature will rise quickly during this period.
E. They put leftover tea into boiled water together with eggs.
F. It was believed that this practice would bring health and good luck to the
people weighed.

The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar
terms(节气). Start of Summer, the 7th solar term of the year, signals
the transition of seasons. 1. But in northern China the weather remains
Here are four things to learn about Start of Summer.

The custom of weighing people at Start of Summer originated in the
Three Kingdoms Period. 2. On the day of Start of Summer, people
get weighed while the person calculating the weight would offer good wishes.
In ancient China, a round egg symbolized a happy life. And people
believed eating eggs on the day of Start of Summer would bring good health.
3. That’s how the original “tea egg” was created. Today the tea egg
has become a traditional snack in China.

On the day of Start of Summer, parents will boil eggs and put them in
a knitted bag before hanging it on their child’s chest. They believe that it will
help the children stay away from diseases. When at school, children gather
together to play egg competitions. 4.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, Start of Summer is a key
time to moisten the heart. 5. Vegetables, such as cucumber,
tomatoes and celery, and fruits like watermelons and pears are top choices.

第6课时 Task & Self-assessment
Unit 7 Seasons
一、 单项选择。
( B )1. How time flies! When we were young, we played     .
quiet streams or under the shade of the big trees     lazy summer afternoons.
A. near; in B. by; on
C. by; in D. under; on
( B )2. — What if it     tomorrow? — I won’t go there.
A. is raining B. rains C. will rain D. rainy

( B )3. — What do you think of the movie?
— Wonderful. I’ve never seen a movie     than it.
A. more excited B. more exciting
C. most excited D. most exciting
( D )4. It is a world of flowers in spring in Dongying. You can see
flowers     .
A. here B. there
C. somewhere D. everywhere

( D )5. — Jack, the fish smells     . Throw     . —
OK, I will.
A. badly; away it B. bad; away it
C. badly; it away D. bad; it away
( A )6. After it snowed all night, the grass is     snow now.
A. covered with B. cover with
C. fill of D. fill with

( A )7. — Tom likes playing the piano, doesn’t he?
— I think so. I heard him     when I walked past his room just now.
A. playing B. plays C. played D. to play
( B )8. The object of the sentence “Tom kicked the ball with his left
foot.” is “     ”.
A. kicked B. the ball
C. left foot D. with his left foot

( A )9. They stood in the city square for half an hour,     the
stars in the sky.
A. watching B. to watch
C. watch D. watched
( D )10. —     it is! — Yes. It is almost pouring.
A. How heavy rainy B. How a heavy rain
C. What heavy rainy D. What a heavy rain

二、 句子翻译。
1. 孩子们互相扔雪球玩得很开心。

2. 在中国东北,冬天一切覆盖在白雪中。

3. 明天,上海天气晴朗,白天温度为三十多度。

The children had great fun throwing snowballs at each other. 
 In the north-east of China, everything is covered in white snow in
 It will be sunny in Shanghai tomorrow, with temperatures in the
thirties during/in the day. 

4. 我的家乡是南方的一个小镇,终年温度保持在零度以上。

5. 孙阳和张丽观看他们的偶像在舞台上表演,尖叫着、大笑着。

 My hometown is a small town in the south and the temperature stays
above zero all year round. 
 Sun Yang and Zhang Li watched their idol performing on the stage,
screaming and laughing. 

三、 阅读与回答问题。
The clock struck(敲) eight, but I was still on the bed. I could hear it
was blowing strongly. “It must be windy outside,” I thought.
I came to the small town a week ago. I sold some clothes to a shop. New
Year’s Day was coming and I hoped to buy some presents for my family and
friends. So I tried to meet the manager and ask him to pay for the clothes. I
was out of luck. He went to London and I had to wait for him here. There was
no theatre here but a cinema. The films were all too old. I preferred(更喜
欢) staying in the small hotel to sitting in the cold cinema.

Some time later, I felt hungry. I had to get up. It was white everywhere
and some children were skiing down the hill. On my way to the small
restaurant, I saw a boy fall onto a rock. I ran to him quickly and carried him
to a hospital. Soon his parents came here. Then I knew the boy was just the
manager’s son. He thanked me very much and gave me the money after we
had dinner.

1. What was the weather like?

2. Why did the writer come to the town?

3. When did the writer get up?

4. Why did the manager thank the writer?

5. What do you think of the writer?(请自拟一句话作答)

It was windy. 
To sell some clothes to a shop. 
The writer got up when he felt hungry. 
Because he saved the manager’s son. 
He is kind and helpful.(言之有理即可) 

四、 书面表达。
呢?请以“My favourite season—     ”为题,写一篇英语短文。
要点:1. 补全标题,点明你最喜欢的季节;2. 你喜欢该季节的原因
注意:1. 必须包含所有内容要点;2. 词数90左右;3. 意思清楚,表
达通顺,行文连贯,书写规范;4. 请勿在文中使用真实的姓名、校名及

My favourite season—

 Spring is the season which I like best. I think spring is the most
beautiful season of the year. The weather gets warmer and warmer.
Everything begins to grow. Trees turn green. Many kinds of flowers start
to come out. They give the earth a pretty coat. The fields are covered
with fresh green grass. Look! The swallows are coming back again. 
 All these things give me hope and a new start. At this time I
always make plans for the whole year and work hard to achieve them.
That’s why I like spring best. 

第2课时 Reading(1)
Unit 7 Seasons
一、 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。
1. Farmers are busy (harvest) crops now. Shall we help
2. In summer, I can sit under the tree with my friends, (eat)
ice cream to feel cool.
3. Do you know that the (leaf) of this kind of tree stay green all
year round?
4. The kind young man (lead) the blind old man across the road
and then left.

5. The sun (shine) now. Let’s go out for a walk.
6. The temperature (drop) a lot last night.
7. Look at the clouds in the sky! I think it (rain)
8. Look! There are so many colourful (butterfly) flying
in front of us.
is shining 
is going to rain 

二、 单项选择。
( D )1. The TV show Letters Alive brings back people’s     of
writing to each other.
A. ideas B. hobbies C. styles D. memories
( C )2. — I am afraid the temperature will drop     zero tonight.
— Yes. There will be ice on the road.
A. above B. over C. below D. under

( A )3. — The flowers died because I forgot     them into the
room yesterday evening.
— What a pity!
A. to bring B. brought
C. bringing D. to bringing
( B )4. Which of the following words rhymes with “snow”?
A. blew B. sparrow C. now D. grew

( C )5. — Look at the bees flying     the flowers. — Oh,
they are busy collecting nectar.
A. of B. across C. among D. between
( C )6. — Why do the birds fly to the south? —     from the
cold winter here.
A. Hide B. Hides C. To hide D. Hiding

( B )7. — Is your hometown     ?
— Yes. It’s about 300 kilometres     Nanjing.
A. far away; far from B. far away; away from
C. away; away from D. away; far away from
( B )8. — Shall we have our picnic here?
— OK.     it is to have a picnic!
A. How a perfect place B. What a perfect place
C. How perfect place D. What perfect place

三、 根据教材P82课文内容完成短文。
There are four seasons in a year. They are winter, spring, summer
and autumn. In winter, white snow 1. the whole earth. It is
often very cold and the temperature can 2. below zero. The birds
fly away to find a warm and 3. day. The 4. is nice
in spring. A windy day is 5. for flying a kite. Bees and butterflies
play 6. flowers. Then they hide when the April showers come.
People often have sweet 7. of summer days. They go
swimming and eat ice cream.

They like to play by8. streams or under the shade of trees. When
autumn comes, the leaves turn 9. and fall into piles upon the
ground. Farmers are busy 10. crops. Very soon it will be a
new year once again.

四、 完形填空。
It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. There wasn’t any  1 . 
for almost a month. If it  2  rain soon, the crops on our farm would die.
One day, when I was cooking lunch in the  3 , I saw my five-
year-old son, Billy,  4  towards the woods. A few minutes  5 , he
ran back  6  then once again walked towards the woods. He went on doing
this for nearly an hour.

Finally, I decided to  7  him. When I came into the woods, I
saw  8  sight. A deer  9  in front of him. The little  10 , lying on
the ground, was lapping(舔着喝) the water in my son’s hands. After
that, Billy ran back to the house. I  11  him running back to a water tap.
Billy turned it  12 , letting the water drop into his hands. When he
turned around, he found I was there in front of him. His eyes were
just  13  tears.
“I’m not wasting water, Mum,” he said. “No, Billy, I
am  14  to see that!” I said.
Luckily, the rain came later that day. It  15  our farm, just as my
little boy saved a dying deer.

( D )1. A. sunshine B. wind C. snow D. rain
( A )2. A. didn’t B. doesn’t C. don’t D. haven’t
( C )3. A. fields B. garden C. kitchen D. living room
( A )4. A. walking B. sleeping C. climbing D. getting
( C )5. A. ago B. before C. later D. early
( D )6. A. so B. or C. for D. and
( B )7. A. catch B. follow C. hit D. kick
( B )8. A. more amazing B. the most amazing
C. the most amazed D. less amazed

( C )9. A. ran B. flew C. appeared D. walked
( D )10. A. stone B. boy C. tree D. deer
( B )11. A. told B. saw C. looked D. heard
( A )12. A. on B. off C. up D. down
( B )13. A. full B. full of C. full with D. filled
( C )14. A. sure B. tired C. glad D. afraid
( A )15. A. saved B. destroyed C. took D. made

第5课时 Integrated skills & Study skills
Unit 7 Seasons
一、 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。
1. Do they know what (cause) the fire?
2. The (suddenly) heavy rain makes me stay at home.
3. The boy became much (sleep) after reading for 3 hours
without stopping.
4. Wendy’s hair clip is beautiful. It looks (shine) in the sun.
5. It is even (fog) than yesterday. I can hardly see my hands.
6. The radio says it will be much (snow) tomorrow than
today. We can make snowmen together.

二、 单项选择。
( D )1. — Hello! May I speak to Helen, please? —    
A. I don’t think so. B. I am Helen.
C. Hurry up, please. D. This is Helen speaking.
( B )2. — What do you think of his speech?
— Oh, wonderful. But if he speaks a little     , it will be better.
A. aloud B. louder C. friendly D. quiet

( D )3. The boy felt     thirsty and stopped to drink     .
A. a bit; a bit B. a bit of; a bit of
C. a bit of; a bit D. a bit; a bit of
( D )4. When I woke up, I heard the wind     outside.
A. following strong B. ringing strongly
C. falling strong D. blowing strongly

( A )5. — I’ll drink half of the milk. The rest     for you, Jane.
— Only for us two?     the rest going to be unhappy?
A. is; Are B. are; Is
C. is; Is D. are; Are

( A )6.     , he liked living in Kunming because the
temperatures were often     .
A. In his twenties; in the twenties
B. At his twenties; at the twenties
C. In his twenties; in the twenty
D. At the twenty; at the twenties

三、 短文填空。
Every year, on January 5th, the city of Harbin in northeast China
changes into a winter wonderland. 1. from all around the world
come to 2. this wonderful ice and snow festival.
The festival started in 1985 and 3. as a winter party. The
festival often lasts for one month. 4. , if the weather
5. cold and dry, it will go on for a few 6. days.

Ice sculptors(雕刻家) use different 7. to carve the hard ice.
These sculptors display(展示) their 8. in two main areas. At
night, sculptures of buildings are 9. up with brightly-coloured
Visitors can do a lot of other 10. , such as skiing and ice

四、 完形填空。
There was a man who had four sons. He hoped that his sons could learn
not to judge things too  1 . So he gave each of his four sons a  2 ,
asking them to go and look at a pear tree during different  3 .
The first son set out in winter, the second in spring, the third in
summer and the youngest son in autumn.
When all of them  4  home, he called them together to  5  what
they saw.
The first son said the tree was ugly and that there was  6  there.
judge v. 判断

The second son said the tree was covered with  7  buds and full of
The third son didn’t have the  8  idea as his two brothers, saying
that it was full of  9 . He said they smelled sweet  10  looked beautiful.
The last son  11  with all of them, saying that there were lots of
fruit  12  the tree, and that the tree was full of life.
The man told his sons that they were all right,  13  each of them
only saw the tree during one season. He told his sons that they couldn’t judge
a tree only  14  one season.
If you give up during the coldness of winter, you’ll miss the  15  of
spring, the beauty of summer, and the harvest of autumn in your life.

( C )1. A. clearly B. slowly C. quickly D. carefully
( A )2. A. question B. reply C. leaf D. gift
( B )3. A. years B. seasons C. months D. weeks
( C )4. A. liked B. missed C. returned D. left
( A )5. A. describe B. draw C. develop D. decide
( D )6. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing
( A )7. A. green B. black C. purple D. blue
( B )8. A. different B. same C. interesting D. amazing
( C )9. A. leaves B. pears C. flowers D. birds

( D )10. A. or B. so C. but D. and
( B )11. A. agreed B. disagreed C. helped D. shared
( D )12. A. with B. to C. at D. on
( D )13. A. if B. while C. when D. because
( C )14. A. under B. against C. by D. for
( A )15. A. hope B. life C. beauty D. future

第3课时 Reading(2)
Unit 7 Seasons
一、 单项选择。
( D )1. — How crowded Meili Town is!
— Yes. The number of the tourists has kept     greatly these years.
A. raising B. reducing C. jumping D. rising
( B )2. Her face always     red when she speaks in public.
A. uses B. turns C. grows D. takes

( A )3. It says that it will be     next week and that there will
also be a lot of     .
A. windy; rain B. wind; rainy
C. windy; rainy D. wind; rain
( D )4. These mountains     trees in a few years.
A. be covered B. are covered with
C. will cover D. will be covered with

( D )5. —     does the weather change when summer comes?
— It gets warmer and it rains more often.
A. Why B. What C. When D. How

( B ) 6. (2024·南京市建邺区期末)Which word can we put in the blank to make the poem rhyme?
Abed, I see a silver light,
I wonder if it’s frost aground.
Looking up, I find the moon     ;
Bowing, in homesickness I’m drowned.
A. high B. bright C. round D. gone

二、 句子翻译。
1. 秋天到来时,树叶变黄,落地成堆。 

2. 看!很多农民正在田里忙着收割庄稼。

3. 春天来临时,风和日丽,万物复苏。

 When autumn comes, leaves turn yellow and fall into piles upon the
Look! Many farmers are busy harvesting crops in the fields. 
 When spring comes, it is windy and bright, and everything starts to

4. 大雪覆盖了大地,树木忘记了生长。 

5. 很多人跑进商店里躲避阵雨。 

6. 我将永远不会忘记夏日那些甜美的回忆。 

The earth is covered with snow and trees forget to grow. 
Many people ran into the shops to hide from the shower. 
I will never forget those sweet memories of summer days. 

三、 词汇运用。
There are four seasons in a year. It is difficult for me 1.
(choose) my favourite season because they are all special to me.
Spring is a good season because it is not too cold 2. too hot. If
you take a walk in a park, you’ll see plants beginning to flourish. Birds start
to sing early in the morning. People often say, “A year’s plan
3. (start) with spring.” In such a lovely season, every day is
hopeful for 4. (I).
to choose 

Summer is great because children can have 5. long time to relax.
The summer holiday is in this season. Children can do many 6. . (interest) outdoor activities. Relaxing in the pool and enjoying ice cream
7. (be) my favourite activities.
Autumn is also a wonderful season because of colourful leaves.
8. you have a walk with your friends in a park, you can see
many beautiful leaves falling from trees.

Winter is a nice season because everything is covered with snow and
looks so beautiful. You can have fun making 9. (snowman)
in winter.
Now you know why I can’t choose just one of the 10.
(season) as my favourite. Each of them is special in one way or another. I
love them all. I’m just glad I get to enjoy every single one of them.

四、 阅读理解。
At present, scientists use modern ways to get information to tell us
what the weather will be like. They make predictions(预测) about the
weather for today, tomorrow and even for the whole season.
But what did people do before having modern technology? Well, not
so long ago, people lived much closer to nature. People made predictions
about the weather by watching what was happening in the insect world.
Sometimes their predictions were correct, and sometimes they weren’t.

My grandfather spent his whole life as a farmer in Canada. He is long
gone now. But I still remember his stories about how to predict the weather.
For example, in summer, he would often stop to watch the anthills—those
piles of earth formed by ants over their nests.
“Look closely at the anthills in July,” Grandpa said. “If the anthills
are high in July, a snowy winter may arrive.” Of course, as a kid, I
believed my grandfather. But you know what? The anthills are often correct.
Not always, but often enough to make me a believer.

In September, Grandpa would often point at a caterpillar on a sunny
day and say, “Watch the orange circle around its belly(腹部). If it’s
wide and full, we’re sure to have a warm and easy winter. If it’s thin, be
careful! The winter will be severe.”
I am older now. I get information about the weather mostly from the
television or radio. But I still stop to watch the anthills in July and the
caterpillars in September. Older people can teach us many things. My
grandfather was not a scientist, but he knew a lot about insects and the

( B )1. According to Grandpa, if the anthills are high in July, the
winter will be     .
A. rainy B. snowy
C. long and cold D. warm and easy
( D )2. The underlined word “severe” means “     ”.
A. good B. warm C. cool D. bad

( B )3. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A. Grandpa’s love for keeping insects.
B. Weather predictions by watching insects.
C. The weather report in modern times.
D. The importance of watching animals.

第4课时 Grammar
Unit 7 Seasons
一、 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。
1. My grandfather always (cough) at midnight. He should go
to see the doctor.
2. Look! The boys (kick) a ball around in the
3. It’s cloudy today. There are a lot of (cloud) high up in the
4. My mother (catch) a bad cold and she felt bad last week.
are kicking 

二、 单项选择。
( C )1.     awful weather! We have to stay in the classroom
during the break.
A. How B. How an C. What D. What an
( B )2. — Where is Mike? — I saw him     with Mr Smith in
the hallway just now.
A. to talk B. talking C. talked D. talks

( B )3. The structure of “Parents give children too much pocket
money.” is “     ”.
A. S + V + O B. S + V + IO + DO
C. S + V + P D. S + V + DO + OC
( C )4. (2023·南通市启东市期末)The structure of “He painted
the wall white.” is “     ”.
A. S + V + O B. S + V + IO + DO
C. S + V + DO + OC D. S + V + P

( D )5. In the sentence “The bus trip made us feel sick.”, the
underlined part is “     ”.
A. P B. IO C. DO D. OC
( C )6. (2024·南京市玄武区期末)Which of the following has the
same sentence structure as “Ice cream tastes nice.”?
A. Wolves can see and smell things far away.
B. The bell sounded for lunch at the end of the class.
C. Apples quickly turn brown after being left in the air for a while.
D. The mother looked angrily at her daughter’s paper full of mistakes.

三、 (2024·常州市溧阳市期末)词汇运用。
What is the best season to visit the Amazon Rainforest? This is a
common question we get from people visiting the rainforest for the
1. (one) time. The answer is any time. There is a wet season and
a dry season in the rainforest. There is no time that is 2. (good)
than the other. Both offer beautiful sights and amazing chances to see
different plants and animals. People can experience hot weather and
3. (rain) days.

The wet season is from mid-December 4. mid-May. During this
time, the rainforest gets 60% of the total rainfall, so it is cool and wet.
Also, because of the rain, the water in the river 5. (rise) and
there is a flood in the forest. That means you can take a boat and travel
through the forest. Since you are closer to the top of the trees, you will see
beautiful birds, 6. (monkey) and many other animals.

The dry season is between June and November. This is the warm
season, 7. a temperature of about 35℃. However, it still gets
the heavy rain. A key difference is that the land comes out, so people can go
to the forest 8. foot. During these months, it is much easier to find
snakes and 9. (fish) is much easier too. You may not be able
10. (see) the birds in the trees, but you will see them flying in
the sky.
to see 

四、 (2024·无锡市锡山区期末)阅读理解。
Major Snow, the 21st solar term of the year, begins this year on
December 6. It means the beginning of midwinter. During Major Snow, the
temperature drops greatly.
The arrival of snow adds a delightful touch to the cold days. The snow in
North China may last a whole day, breaking tree branches and blocking
the road. The natural scenery is “ice blockading for hundreds miles and
snow flying through thousands miles”. However, snow doesn’t happen a
lot in the south.

There’s a Chinese saying: “A fall of snow gives the promise of a
fruitful year.” Most farmers welcome snow because snow can protect crops
and keep the fields warm. Even if it melts(融化), it also can provide
enough water for the crops in the spring.

The snow season is also good for skiing and skating. In northern
China, there are many places for natural snow and ice. For example,
Heilongjiang and Jilin often have big snow in November. People can also go
to the frozen lakes to play ice sports. But people in the south will stay indoors
to enjoy the winter activities. People in Chongqing like to have stewed lamb
soup with their families and friends. People in Nanjing like to stew the lamb
with yams or wolfberries to make it more delicious.

( D )1. How does the writer describe the beauty of snow?
A. By giving examples. B. By introducing activities.
C. By showing pictures. D. By using a poem.
( A )2. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 mean?
A. A fall of snow can lead to a fruitful year.
B. A fall of snow can be dangerous to a fruitful year.
C. A fall of snow can help farmers harvest much fruit.
D. A fall of snow can prevent farmers from having a good harvest.

( A )3. What can we know about Major Snow from the passage?
A. During Major Snow, the temperature falls greatly.
B. Major Snow is the most beautiful among all the solar terms.
C. People in the north like to stay indoors to enjoy the winter activities.
D. All the farmers like snow just because it can offer enough water to the


