Unit 5 Wild animals习题课件(共6份)牛津译林版八年级上册

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Unit 5 Wild animals习题课件(共6份)牛津译林版八年级上册


第1课时 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit
Unit 5 Wild animals
一、 根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。
1. There are many animals in the forests and mountains.
2. They helped themselves to a large of salad.
3. The panda is the cutest animal in many foreigners’ eyes.
4. — Animals in the zoo are not as (自由的) as they are in the
— I agree with you.

5. I thought the work would be difficult. In (事实), it’s easy.
二、 单项填空。
( A )1. It’s     pity that many wild animals are now in danger.
Please have     pity on them since they are part of our big family.
A. a; / B. a; a C. /; a D. /; /

( C )2. — Sadly, the 23-year-old girl from Anhui was
found     in a river in Wuxi. Nobody knew when she     .
— What bad news! As teenagers, we need to guard against any possible
danger around us.
A. dead; die B. die; death
C. dead; died D. die; died

( C )3. — Look! There’s a red car down the street. I’m sure that’s
—     Anna’s car is much smaller.
A. Not at all. B. No problem.
C. No way. D. No more.
( D )4. If people know more about pollution,     they will do
something     .
A. may be; helping B. may be; to help
C. maybe; helping D. maybe; to help

( A )5. — Can I sit in your new sofa? It looks so nice.
—     I will get some coffee for you.
A. Make yourself comfortable. B. Take it easy.
C. Not at all. D. It’s a pleasure.

三、 短文填空。
What will our world be like if there are no insects? It might sound nice
in the 1. (begin). There would be no bugs in your room.
But 2. fact, this could lead to really serious problems.
The bad news is that the number of insects keeps 3.
(drop) these years. Scientists say it’s mainly because of the use of
pesticides(杀虫剂). They destroy the places that insects live in.

What would happen 4. all insects died out? It’s almost
5. (possible) to predict(预测), but the results would
be terrible. We need insects to pollinate(授粉) crops. They also break
down dead plants and animals and turn them into new 6. (use)
things. We need them to keep the soil(土壤) 7. (health).
8. insects, many animals would have nothing to eat. They
would go hungry and die.

The first thing we need to do is let more people understand the
9. (important) of the natural world, both for what it
does for us and for 10. (it). The best place to start is with our
children. We should teach them environmental awareness(环保意识) at an
early age.

四、 阅读理解。
In America, when people say “man’s best friend”, they don’t talk
about another person. Instead, they are talking about a lovely animal—a
dog! These words show the friendship between people and animals. Dogs
and other pets can give joy to people’s lives. Some people think that their pets
are their children. Some people even leave all their money to their pets when
they die!
Animals can help people too. Dogs can be the “eyes” for a blind
person or “ears” for a deaf(失聪的) person. Scientists find that pets
help people live longer. They make people happier too.

There is always a “Be Kind to Animals Week” in May in America. Pet
shows take place during the week. Even if you don’t live in America, you
can do this as well. How? First think about how animals make your life
colourful. If you have a pet, spend more time playing with it. Remember to
give it nice food. If you don’t have a pet, be kind to animals around you.
For example, if you see a street dog, just leave it alone, or make friends
with it. If others around you do bad things to animals, try to speak up. We
must protect animals around us.

( D )1. “Some people even leave all their money to their pets when
they die!” shows that     .
A. money can make pets happy
B. it’s the best way to spend money
C. pets can’t use their masters’ money
D. some pets are as important to their masters as their children

( B )2. Which is the correct meaning of the underlined phrase “speak
A. Speak to people and let everyone hear you clearly.
B. Tell others your idea of something bravely.
C. Say something in a kind of language.
D. Tell people some stories.

( C )3. What is the main idea of the article?
A. A lot of people are interested in dogs.
B. Dogs can help people do many things.
C. We need to care about animals and protect them.
D. We can do a lot of things for pets.

第6课时 Task & Self-assessment
Unit 5 Wild animals
一、 根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。
1. Some animals spend the sleeping and come out to hunt at
2. The Geography teacher told us yesterday that the earth (移
动) around the sun.
3. Squirrels live in the trees. They have long (尾巴).
4. The (报告) on the wildlife help us know a lot about the
wild animals.

二、 单项填空。
( B )1. After hiking for the whole night, John slept     the day
without eating anything.
A. upon B. through C. across D. over
( B )2. — How many coats did you buy online at the Double Eleven
Shopping Festival?
—     I have no interest in online shopping.
A. Nothing. B. None. C. Not. D. No.

( D )3. (2024·无锡期末)When I arrived there, I found the girl
looking at the snake     .
A. in danger B. in trouble
C. in need D. in fear
( B )4. — I’m afraid I can’t take part in the activity because I’m too
—     We won’t have great fun without you.
A. No way. B. It’s a pity.
C. No problem. D. Never mind.

三、 根据汉语提示完成句子。
1. 恐怕现在我们(很)难在野外看到华南虎。
I’m afraid it is South China tigers
2. 许多动物正处于濒临灭绝的危险中,因为人们没有很好地保护它们。
Many animals of dying out because people
don’t .
3. 哦,可怜一下比尔吧。他已经病了一周了。
Oh, Bill. He’s been ill for a week.
hard/difficult for us to see 
in the
are in danger 
protect them well 
take pity on 

4. 由于人类活动,大量的动物正在失去它们的生存之地。
A large number of animals
human activities.
are losing their living areas because of 

四、 阅读理解。
We need animals. Every animal has its place in the balance(平衡) of
nature. We should try to help save animals. Should we have zoos?

Group Yes Group No
  We think zoos are good places.
The zoos give animals comfortable
and safe living places. If animals get
hurt or ill, people will take care of
them. The zoo is a place to know
rules in the wild world. We can be
much closer to nature. We can know
more about animals in zoos by
watching, listening and even
smelling instead of just looking at
pictures in books.   We don’t think animals feel
happy in zoos. Animals like
pandas, wolves and bears usually
live in the wild. They play and find
food on their own. They are strong
and happy in the wild. If they are in
zoos, food is enough and rooms are
comfortable. They do not need to do
their best to find food to eat or places
to live. They just walk around,
sleep day and night, but they are
not free at all.

I think we should build national parks as wildlife nature reserves and
advise farmers to leave reserves. If we do nothing, animals will get fewer
and fewer.

( D )1. “Group No” thinks animals living in the wild can
be     .
A. tired B. safe C. sad D. strong
( D )2. What’s the same opinion of the two groups?
A. People should build more national parks.
B. The zoos are good places to see animals.
C. People like to play with animals in zoos.
D. The zoos can make animals comfortable.

( B )3. What is the material mainly about?
A. Ways of protecting animals.
B. Different opinions on the zoos.
C. How to make animals happy.
D. Where to build national parks.

五、 书面表达。

Dear Lin Tao,
I know you had a trip to Suzhou Shangfangshan Forest Zoo. I am so
interested in your trip. Can you tell me some details about it?
How was the weather on that day? Did you see any beautiful views on the
road? Can you tell me something about your favourite animal in the zoo?
What did you learn from the trip?
I’m looking forward to your reply.
Best wishes,

Dear Tim,
We had a wonderful trip to Suzhou Shangfangshan Forest Zoo. I’m happy to
share my experience with you.

It was sunny with the temperatures
between 15℃ and 20℃. When the autumn breeze blew, the golden
leaves fell from the trees, like flying happily in the sky. We enjoyed the
beautiful views on the way to the zoo, chatting and laughing. 

 We felt excited when we saw different animals in the zoo. Among
them, my favourite one was the king of the animal world—tigers. They
had bright eyes and orange fur with black stripes. Those great hunters
looked so strong and cool that we couldn’t help taking photos. 
 However, I felt sad when I learned that tigers were in danger. They
are losing their living areas and even their lives because of human

Yours sincerely,
Lin Tao
 After the trip, I decide to take action to protect wild animals like
tigers. I think it’s helpful to put up posters to raise people’s awareness of
protecting them. Since animals are part of our lives, we humans are
supposed to live in harmony with them. 

第2课时 Reading(1)
Unit 5 Wild animals
一、 根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。
1. When (面对) trouble, will you still be brave and calm?
2. Pollution around us is a very (严重的) problem.
3. People in my hometown (主要地) grow rice and wheat on
4. She felt terribly ill. (然而), she still kept on working as
5. , he didn’t come first in the race.
6. Let me announce(宣布) the of the competition.

7. It’s so amazing that baby pandas weigh only about 140 grams
at .
8. Breaking into other people’s houses is against the .
9. In the , I didn’t like English. But now I am good at it.
10. I didn’t know what the competition to you.

二、 单项填空。
( C )1. — I’m hungry. Is there any bread in the fridge?
—     , but we have some cakes. Would you like to have one?
A. Some B. Much C. None D. Nothing
( C )2. — Do you know when a young tiger can go
hunting     the first time?
— Yes.     the age of about one.
A. for; On B. with; At
C. for; At D. with; On

( D )3. The number of tigers in Asia is getting     . So we need
to build     nature reserves.
A. fewer and fewer; more B. smaller and smaller; fewer
C. fewer and fewer; less D. smaller and smaller; more
( B )4. Do you write a report     wild animals     danger
for the newspaper?
A. about; on B. on; in
C. to; from D. in; with

( D )5. The price of the cars is getting     . I can’t afford one.
A. more and more high B. more and more expensive
C. cheaper and cheaper D. higher and higher
( D )6. What action should they     such a thing happening
A. do stopping B. take stopping
C. take stop D. take to stop

三、 从方框中选择适当的单词或短语,在横线上填入其正确形式。每
whale n. 鲸
stomach die end because of over
In general(通常), turtles can live to be 1. 100 years old.
But now, many of them are dying 2. one thing: plastic
because of 

When you throw plastic away, it doesn’t just disappear(消失). Over
90 per cent of the world’s plastic doesn’t get recycled(回收利用). A lot of
plastic 3. up in the ocean.
Lots of turtles do not know the plastic is dangerous. They think it is
food. But plastic is poisonous(有毒的). Around 30 per cent of the turtles
have plastic in their 4. .
Human beings’ plastic use is also killing other sea animals. A few years
ago, a whale 5. after eating 80 plastic bags. I feel so sad about it.

四、 (2024·无锡市锡山区期末)完形填空。
When you look at animals, what do you see? Wang Qing, a student
in the 8th grade, sees animals as good friends. But not  1  thinks this
way. Wang once searched for the meaning of the word “xiong” in The
Contemporary Chinese Dictionary when he was studying  2 . To his
surprise, it said the paw of a bear was a kind of delicious food. He went on
to look up “hu” and “lang” in the dictionary, and the  3  were
almost the same. Wang was  4 . “These are our dear friends,” he said.

“How can we think only of eating them or making medicine from them?”
So Wang wrote to the editors(编辑) of the dictionary and told them they
should make some  5 . “I think it’s better to tell us if an animal is a rare
species and how many of them are  6 ,” he added.

In fact, Wang isn’t the only student who has noticed these  7  ideas.
During a school trip to Beijing Botanical Garden(北京植物园) on
Sunday, students Peng Yiting and Zhao Weike from Beijing No.80 High
School found many signs telling  8  plants can be used. On one of the
signs, visitors can see the introduction like this—“The juice of the plant
can be made into medicine and is good for the skin.”

“The signs should also tell us to  9  to protect wildlife while using
it,” Peng said. Zhao said many people needed to change their ideas about
wildlife. He advised people to think what we could do to protect it, not just
what we could get from it.
Did you see  10  like these in zoos or gardens in your city? Then
please write to the government and ask them to help people change their

( B )1. A. anybody B. everybody C. somebody D. nobody
( D )2. A. seasons B. plants C. disasters D. animals
( D )3. A. records B. reports C. reasons D. results
( C )4. A. unlucky B. unsure C. unhappy D. unhealthy
( A )5. A. changes B. courses C. calls D. causes
( D )6. A. active B. free C. lost D. left
( B )7. A. difficult B. wrong C. perfect D. interesting
( A )8. A. how B. why C. when D. what
( C )9. A. happen B. forget C. remember D. fail
( C )10. A. accidents B. questions C. problems D. reasons

第5课时 Integrated skills & Study skills
Unit 5 Wild animals
一、 根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。
1. Please wait for me for a . I’m coming soon.
2. For everyone, there is no in getting knowledge from
3. He his old car for $5,000 yesterday. He wants to buy a new
4. (2024·无锡期末) (人) can use the languages very
well, but animals can’t.

5. The cat is too old to (抓住) mice, so its owner wants to let
it go.
6. It’s colder outside today, so you should put on a (厚的)
7. (生活) alone is one of the tigers’ qualities.
8. (2024·广东期末)Mr White (接受) an invitation to go
to his friend’s birthday party.

二、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。
1. The boy was born with a special (ill) and lost his eyesight
when he was young.
2. By the way, if you see Lucy, tell her that I enjoy all her
Chinese (paint).
3. Yesterday our headmaster made a speech on
environmental (protect).
4. Hundreds of people in the village hunt and fish for a (live).

5. My sister advises me (not join) in this activity because
it is too boring.
6. You look so tired. Why don’t you stop (lie) down for an hour
or two?
not to join 
to lie 

三、 信息还原。
A. They also show their feelings with sounds.
B. They are sad and lonely.
C. They talk when they feel happy or sad.
D. Sometimes they save somebody’s life.
E. They make more sounds under water.
F. They are very cute to do many things.
G. Did you see a dolphin before?

Can dolphins talk? Maybe they can’t talk with words, but they can
talk with sounds. 1. They are mammals(哺乳动物). They swim
together in a group.
Dolphins talk to the other dolphins in a group. They give information.
They say “Welcome” when a dolphin comes back to the group. 2.
They talk when they play.
They make a few sounds above water. 3. People cannot hear
these sounds because their pitch(音高) is very high. Scientists make tapes
of the sounds and study them.

Sometimes people catch a dolphin for a large aquarium(水族馆).
People can watch the dolphins there. Dolphins don’t like to be away from
their group in an aquarium. 4.
There are many stories about dolphins. They help people. 5.
People say that dolphins can bring good luck to them. Many people believe

四、 (2023·苏州市高新区一模)完形填空。
Serena looked up from her phone when she heard the loud noise. The car
she was sitting in started shaking, and her dad began to pull over.
“You two stay here while I  1  the car. We’ll get moving along on
our adventure(冒险) in no time!” said Dad.
“Adventure!” Serena laughed to herself. Some adventure this was!
A month-long road ride  2  South Dakota in such an old car!
“What’s so interesting on your phone?” her brother Tony asked.

She held out the phone for him to see. “Ally  3  pictures from her
vacation. She’s on a real adventure in Florida. Look at the seaside!” Serena
said. “And these are pictures from Drew’s vacation. He’s on a trip in
Africa! Look, elephants!”
“That’s amazing!” Tony agreed. “You’ll have to take pictures of
our  4  too.”
Serena rolled her eyes. “You mean pictures of Dad fixing the car in the
middle of  5 .”

“But that’s the great thing!” Tony said. “We have no idea what’s
going to happen, no idea what surprises might be the next moment. We’re
on a  6  adventure.”
Serena put her phone down  7  she listened to Tony go on and on.
She looked out the window, wondering where they would go. But then she
caught Tony by the arm, pointing out the window.
Passing by, just on the other side of the road, were wild horses!
The amazing animals walked through the grass. She’d never seen anything
like them so  8  before!

“Well,” Serena said quietly, “I didn’t expect that!” She took
her phone and took a picture through the window.
“  9 !” Tony agreed. “And all because we got a broken car.”
Serena said nothing. She laughed  10 . Maybe they were going to
have a real adventure after all.

( C )1. A. touch B. pick C. check D. drive
( A )2. A. through B. by C. over D. up
( D )3. A. kept B. received C. painted D. shared
( B )4. A. car B. trip C. animals D. show
( A )5. A. nowhere B. everywhere C. anywhere D. somewhere
( D )6. A. modern B. busy C. tiring D. true
( B )7. A. before B. as C. until D. since
( B )8. A. deep B. close C. high D. wide
( D )9. A. Hopefully B. Honestly C. Seriously D. Exactly
( C )10. A. ever B. yet C. instead D. too

第3课时 Reading(2)
Unit 5 Wild animals
一、 根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。
1. The little boy cried when his best friend moved to another city.
2. Many wild animals are in of dying out now.
3. It’s our turn to take to help the animals.
4. He didn’t feel well this morning. (然而), he went to
school as usual.
5. — Could I have some cakes, please?
— Sorry, there is (没有一个) left in the fridge.

6. “Mind your own business” (意味着) “Pay no attention
to other people’s things”.

二、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。
1. This school is (main) for boys. There are only a few girls in
2. Mike went to the library (borrow) some books
3. I heard Millie (sing) in the next room when I passed by.
4. Hurry up! There are only five minutes (leave).
5. He found it difficult (learn) English well.
6. Do you have time (chat) with me?
to borrow 
to learn 
to chat 

三、 单项填空。
( B )1. We met     elephant in     wild while travelling in
A. an; a B. an; the C. a; a D. a; the
( D )2. Thanks for your help.     , I couldn’t afford the trip
back home.
A. Also B. However
C. Because D. Otherwise

( D )3. He     talk in class     .
A. no; more B. not; more
C. not; any more D. doesn’t; any more
( D )4. This summer, the temperature was extremely high and it
seldom rained.     , many big rivers and lakes dried up.
A. Instead B. However
C. Otherwise D. As a result

四、 根据汉语提示完成句子。
1. 许多野生动物现在处于危险之中,所以我们应该立即采取行动来保护

2. 如果我们不断砍伐森林,野生动物将无处生存。

 Many wild animals are in danger now, so we should take action to
protect them right away. 
 If we keep cutting down forests, wild animals will have no
place/nowhere to live. 

3. 竹林正变得越来越少。

4. 同情那些处于危险之中的动物很重要。

The bamboo forests are becoming smaller and smaller. 
It’s very important to have pity on the animals in danger. 

五、 短文填空。
Do you know that animals have love for their children just like us
1. (human)? Let me tell you some moving(令人感动的)
2. (story) of great animal parents.

Several years ago a heavy rain 3. (hit) a town and made the
river go up. When the rain stopped, people found that a big dog swam to an
island 4. the river twice a day for two weeks. Why did she do so?
Because her four children were there. The mother swam there every day to
feed her babies. This true story in the newspaper 5. (move)
many people.

6. story is about chimpanzees(黑猩猩). A scientist
7. (name) Jane Goodall spent years living with chimpanzees
in Africa. She found that chimpanzees, especially those who had babies,
cared for those that were hurt or got 8. (lose). “Not only humans
have duties, 9. also animals do,” she said.
Two birds in Chengdu also showed their parents’ love. Their baby was
hurt and fell on the street in the centre of the city. Cars were driving
10. (fast) but the brave parents rushed down to the road and took
the little bird away with their claws.

六、 (2023·扬州期末改编)阅读表达。
Clive is a lovely dog. With the help of Clive, Murray, a 14-year-old
boy, his condition gets better.
Murray Whooley is an unlucky boy because he has autism(孤独症).
He was unable to communicate with others, and the outside world seemed a
frightening(可怕的) place for him. He was always alone, and never
talked to others, even his parents.
When Murray was six, Clive came into his family. Since then, he has
changed Murray’s world.

Clive is big and happy. He stays with Murray and plays with him. He is
like Murray’s best friend. Now, Murray has become more open. He is able
to go to the shops and other crowded places with Clive. He isn’t afraid to face
other people any more.
They both like travelling. Clive has a pet passport. Together, he and
Murray have travelled to America and some European countries. They are
planning to visit a new place during the Christmas holiday.
What amazing animal magic!

1. When did Clive come into Murray’s family?

2. How does Clive help Murray?

3. Do you want a dog like Clive? Give your reason.

When Murray was six. 
By staying with Murray and playing with him. 
 Yes. Because he can bring me happiness.(答案不唯一,言之有

第4课时 Grammar
Unit 5 Wild animals
一、 根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。
1. (2023·扬州一模改编)In spring, and butterflies play among
the flowers.
2. (2024·无锡市惠山区期末改编)Unluckily, the police failed to find
the girl.
3. We all think that (节省) water is of great importance.
4. (2024·南阳期末)It’s a little cold today. Would you mind keeping the
window (关闭)?

二、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。
1. Henry’s uncle is planning (take) a trip to Dunhuang now.
2. (2024·济宁期末改编)I am going to work hard in the future and I
hope (have) my own house.
3. — She may (join) the Camping Club.
— I don’t think so.
to take 
to have 

4. I met a friend of mine on my way home yesterday, so I stopped
(talk) with her.
5. We knew it could get worse and took steps (prevent) it
from happening.
6. Could you please show me how (do) it?
7. (2024·无锡期末改编)I decided (not buy) the
painting because the more I looked at it, the less I liked it.
8. — Where is Millie now?
— She may (read) books in the library.
to prevent 
to do 
not to buy 
be reading 

三、 单项填空。
( C )1. — Someone is knocking at the door. Is that Jim?
— No, it     be him. He is now in another city.
A. must B. can C. can’t D. mustn’t
( D )2. — Don’t forget     off the lights when you leave the
classroom. — OK.
A. turn B. turns C. turning D. to turn

( D )3. She did what she could     us, though 3,000 dollars
was a lot of money for her.
A. help B. helped C. helping D. to help
( B )4. The baby panda     half a year old. But I am not sure.
A. maybe B. may be C. must be D. may
( C )5. — Mr Ling, I have some difficulty     the article.
— Remember     it three or four times at least.
A. to understand; reading B. understanding; reading
C. understanding; to read D. to understand; to read

( B )6. The girl students are discussing     the walls in the
A. what to paint colour B. which colour to paint
C. to paint what colour D. to paint which colour
( C )7. —     I have a word with you, Mr Green? It won’t
take long. — Okay.
A. Should B. Must C. May D. Need

( A )8. (2024·无锡期末)— It snowed heavily yesterday. My
father’s car broke down on our way home.
—     I hope the weather will get better soon.
A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. What a pity!
C. Sure, I’d love to. D. Never mind.

四、 从方框中选择适当的单词或短语,在横线上填入其正确形式。每
grow protect fall however be home to
Elephants are the largest of all land animals. 1. , there
are not many of them left in the world. Today, the earth 2.
three species of elephants: the African bush elephant, the African forest
elephant and the Asian elephant. World Elephant Day 3. on Aug. 12
every year. It calls on people to care more about the animal.
is home to 

In China, the Asian elephant is a first-class 4. wild
animal. The animal mainly lives in Yunnan. Because of China’s hard work,
the number of elephants in China rose to about 300 by the end of 2021. In the
past 10 years, the number has risen by about 100, China Daily reported.
And the number keeps 5. . China has made a great home for

五、 (2023·邢台改编)信息还原。
A. It was the first time that pandas had been to the Middle East.
B. It is the new home of two Chinese giant pandas.
C. The fans can also say hello to giant pandas from China.
D. The pandas may not like the food there.
E. The two Arab names mean stars in the sky.
F. They can travel around China too.
G. The pandas enjoy their life in Doha.

Chinese pandas meet the public(公众) in the World Cup host
Now soccer fans from all over the world can enjoy the World Cup games
in Doha(多哈), the capital of Qatar(卡塔尔). 1.
On November 17, Doha’s first-ever panda house was open to the
public. 2. They are the 3-year-old female(雌性的) Si Hai and the
4-year-old male Jing Jing. They also have Arab names—Suhail for Jing Jing
and Soraya for Si Hai. 3.

4. Their house was built with air-conditioning(空调). They
have bamboo from China and can also eat carrots, apples and traditional
Chinese pancakes.
The pandas arrived in Doha on October 19. 5. According to the
agreement between China and Qatar, they will stay in Qatar for 15 years.


