
  1. 二一教育资源



1.What will the woman probably do next
A.Take a nap. B.Prepare dinner. C.Go to the bathroom.
2.What is the woman dissatisfied with about Linda
A.Her learning attitude.
B.Her exam results.
C.Her communication skills.
3.What did Scott do before
A.A salesman. B.A waiter. C.A translator.
4.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.At a furniture store.
B.At the woman’s home.
C.In a restaurant.
5.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.A trip. B.A university. C.A TV show.
6.What bothers the woman
A.She types too slowly.
B.She forgot to save her report.
C.Her computer is broken again.
7.When is the woman’s report due
A.This Thursday. B.Next Monday. C.Next Tuesday.
8.What is the man reading at first
A.A poem. B.A novel. C.A magazine.
9.How does the woman feel about Mary Vanderbilt’s story
A.Angry. B.Curious. C.Indifferent.
听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。
10.How will Helen get to Chicago
A.By rail. B.By plane. C.By car.
11.Where-did Helen and Lisa first meet
A.At a swimming pool.
B.At Lisa’s house.
C.At a camp.
12.What do Helen and Lisa both like doing
A.Going skiing. B.Collecting stamps. C.Listening to music.
13.Why can the woman speak English fluently
A.She has a gift for languages.
B.She has learned it for long.
C.She signed up for an English course.
14.What does the man want to do next year
A.Study abroad. B.Join a club. C.Tour Britain.
15.Which of the woman’s suggestions does the man take
A.The first one.
B.The second one.
C.The third one.
16.What are the speakers going to do together this evening
A.Do their homework.
B.Clean the house.
C.See a film.
17.How much does it cost to buy an adult ticket
A.About$27. B.About $20. C.About$18.
18.Which room is mentioned
A.The room for taking photos.
B.The room for paintings.
C.The room for playing puzzles.
19.What is the attraction on the 120th floor
A.A small cafe. B.An outdoor balcony. C.A glass floor.
20.What does the speaker say about the restaurant
A.It’s on the 122nd floor. B.Its food is inexpensive. C.It has good natural light.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
The Best Things to Enjoy
Dancing Queens and Kings
Seeing stars outside their comfort zones has always held a certain appeal. A touring version of the TV show “Battle of the Network Stars” stops at the Altria: Theater, bringing recent hockey champions and former NBA player Iman Shumpert as well as the professional dancers. Tickets are $59.50 to $369.
Comic Treat
Fortune Feimster brings fun to the Dominion Energy Center’s Carpenter; Theatre on Jan. 9.You may have seen her Netflix “Sweet & Salty”, where she humorously talks about her entertainment career. The show arrives at 7 pm. Tickets are $31.50 to $81.50.
Spirit of Giving
Experience holiday traditions through the Latin Ballet of Virginia’s production of “The Legend of Poinsettia”. The story is based on a Mexican legend about a good-hearted girl who unearths the true spirit of giving. Celebrate 20 years of the production at the Cultural Arts Center at Glen: Allen at 7:30 pm on Jan. 7.Tickets are $15to $20.
Bring It Home
Take the first steps toward making your home-rebuilding decision a reality at the Richmond Remodeling Expo, on Friday, Jan. 9, at the Greater Richmond Convention Center. Walk the show to gather ideas while discovering the latest in kitchens, room addition s and more. Pick up professional advice and connect with builders and design professionals who can translate your home-improvement dreams into reality. Tickets are $3.
21.How much would you probably pay to enjoy athletes’ performance
A.$3. B.$15. C.$31.5. D.$61.5.
22.Where can you see a humorous actress
A.At the Altria Theater. B.At the Carpenter Theatre.
C.At the Cultural Arts Center. D.At the Greater Richmond Convention Center.
23.What can you enjoy on Jan.9
A.Some hands-on activities. B.A Mexican legend.
C.Skills to improve houses. D.The pleasure of giving.
Eric Ashby’s fascination with nature began at an early age. His first article; Bird Photography. an Ideal Hobby for Boys, was published when he was just 16 and illustrated with photographs that he’d taken.
His interest in photography had been sparked four years earlier in 1930, when the wildlife photographer Cherry Kearton came to Southsea, Ashby’s hometown, to present a show of his work. The 12-year-old Ashby saw the show and immediately started saving; his pocket money to buy a camera for filming wildlife in the nearby New Forest. But Ashby’s films did not reach the public due to the World War II.
After the war, he and his wife Eileen moved to Badger(獾)Cottage, in the heart of the New Forest. It was here that Ashby perfected the techniques that would make him famous through the new medium of television. His patience and technical knowledge allowed him to film badgers at their holes during daylight —the first time this behavior had ever been captured on camera. In 1961, at the age of 43, Ashby finally got his big break, when the BBC showed his 45-minute film The Unknown Forest. The film had taken four years to make and received a very positive response from viewers. The nature writer Richard Mabey was hugely impressed and remarked that the film “changed the standards for home-grow n wildlife documentaries”.
After the film was shown, he was given the nickname “the silent watcher”. The nickname not only stuck, it became the title of his second film.
In 1963, Ashby made the first British wildlife film in colour, although it took four years before The Major appeared in its full glory, as the BBC did not broadcast in colour until 1967.
He was awarded the Royal Geographical Society’s Cherry Kearton Medal and Award in 1975and in 1992 received an MBE. He died, aged 85, on 6 February 2003, but his legacy lives on.
24.What does the underlined word “sparked” mean in Paragraph 2
A.Revived. B.Inspired. C.Assessed. D.Increased.
25.What might lead to the success of his 1961 film
A.His skills and the new medium TV. B.Animal knowledge and new standards.
C.The positive response from viewers. D.The recommendation from a nature writer.
26.What can be learned from Paragraph5
A.The Major took Ashby 4 years to make.
B.The Major was not broadcast on BBC.
C.The Major was another success for Ashby..
D.The Major was the first color film in the world.
27.What can be a suitable title for the text
A.An Award Winner B.A Silent Watcher
C.The Life of a Badger D.The Story in a Forest
A new study led by researchers at the Yale School of Public Health finds air pollution may negatively impact standardized test scores. Using data from the North Carolina Education Research Data Center, the researchers tracked 2.8 million public school students in North Carolina from 2001 to 2018 and measured their exposure to PM2.5found in polluted air. While previous researches have shown negative effects on academic performance, they have relied on relatively small or less representative samples. “The biggest strength of this study is that we tracked every student in North Carolina in those years, for the whole time period that they were in the public schools,” said Emma Zang, coauthor of the study.
The study also finds that test scores of ethnic minorities and girls are disproportionately(不成比例地)impacted by PM2.5levels. “Females and ethnic minorities face-sexism and racism,” said Zang. “There are a lot of policies that are not friendly towards them. So, when they’re exposed to the same level of air pollution, they don’t have the resouroes to lessen the negative influences.” More privileged populations, however, might have more resources that allow them to live in a better environment, such as in houses with air purifiers.
“The level of PM2.5pollution in the US is relatively low, but students living in areas below the current air quality standard of annual PM2.5concentration are still negatively impacted by air pollution when it comes to their test scores,” said Zang. “We should aim to strengthen the annual PM2.5standard to better protect our children.”
Air pollution is known to contribute to disease and death, and it also negatively affects students’ academic performance even at low levels of pollution. The subsequent studies, the researchers said, would involve looking at whether the findings hold true in different areas, and also the reasons behind the ethnic and sexual differences.
28.What’s the greatest advantage of the study
A.Tracking each student for 18 years.
B.Collecting more comprehensive data.
C.Measuring/students’PM2:5exposure precisely.
D.Building links between air pollution and test scores.
29.According to Zang, ethnic minorities and girls ______.
A.benefit from current policies on PM2.5pollution
B.have the lowest test scores due to their identities
C.lack resources to reduce the impact of air pollution
D.suffer from educational inequalities owing to their background
30.What’s Zang doing in paragraph 3
A.Offering a suggestion. B.Raising a doubt.
C.Making a comparison. D.Giving a prediction.
31.What might be the focus of the follow-up studies
A.Applicability of the findings to other regions.
B.Ways to address racial and sexual differences.
C.Long-term impacts of air pollution on children.
D.Establishment of PM2.5standard fit for children.
Have you ever forgotten items when trying to recall a shopping list Or dialled the wrong phone number when attempting to memorise one The brain mechanisms(机制)that cause us to draw a blank in such situations have now been identified.
Our working memory keeps small pieces of information that are readily accessible for planning, understanding and solving problems. But it will have “swap errors”. For example, if we are shown a red square and a blue circle, and are then asked what colour the circle was, we might say red.
To understand why we make such errors, Jeff Johnston at Columbia University and his colleagues recorded the brain activity of two monkeys because a monkey’s working memory is very similar to humans’.
The monkeys were shown two differently coloured squares, one above the other, for half a second. After a short delay, a black spot appeared in the same location as one of the squares, and then disappeared. The animals were trained to tell the colour of the square they were supposed to be remembering based on the location of the spot. When doing this for about 3 hours over multiple sessions, the monkeys performed the task correctly between 60 and 82 percent of the time, but occasionally made swap errors.
The research suggests that the brain responses linked to swap errors emerged before the animals decided which colour to report. They appeared to arise during “selection” when certain item s stored in working memory are enhanced at the expense of others, rather than occurring as a result of forgetting.
“Everyone assumed there were simpler explanations like failure to encode or forgetting, but this very cool study shows that working memory errors come from a previously unknown source,” says Earl Miller at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The team is planning further experiments to gain a better understanding of mechanisms behind swap errors.
32.What is the function of working memory
A.To identify the errors in understanding. B.To reduce the occurrence of mind blanking.
C.To develop the way of distinguishing colours. D.To store information ready for mental use.
33.What were the monkeys tasked with in the research
A.Correcting their errors over multiple sessions.
B.Telling the difference of the two squares.
C.Reporting the colour of a specific square.
D.Figuring out the exact position of the black spot.
34.What does the research suggest about swap errors
A.They are unusual brain responses. B.They show a tendency for forgetfulness.
C.They are stored in working memory. D.They are the outcome of memory selection..
35.What is Earl Miller’s attitude towards the research findings
A.Unclear. B.Appreciative. C.Objective. D.Negative.
It has been shown that watching English movie trailers(预告片)can improve your English. vocabulary and thinking skills. 36
The first step is to find them. Go to YouTube and do a search for something like “official trailer”. Several film trailers will appear. 37 Animated films can be an especially good choice for English practice no matter how old you are. These films are usually humorous and relatable. To find animated films, try doing a search for something like “animated official trailer”.
Make sure the video you choose offers closed captions(字幕), which you will use later. You can find the closed caption mark at the bottom of the video. It may be listed as “CC” or something else. Keep in mind that trailers more than five or seven years old may not offer closed captions on YouTube. 38
Next, watch the video at a normal speed without closed captions. Try to understand what the story is about overall. Then watch it again to seek more details. 39 It will give you an idea of whether the dialogue is too fast or difficult for your skill level.
40 Find the “CC” setting at the bottom of the video and click the captions. This can help you in several ways. You can confirm, whether you understand the dialogue in your first viewing, make clearer any dialogue you do not understand, and connect the sound of words with their spellings. You can also write down a few of the new words in a notebook or on your mobile phone.
A.So choose newer videos.
B.You can choose some that look interesting.
C.They may sound a little strange at a slower speed.
D.With this method, you are testing your English skills.
E.Then watch the video again this time with closed captions.
F.Besides, try using your notebook as you learn English in your everyday life.
G.Now let’s talk about steps you can take to get the most out of watching them.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Ronald Handel lived on a farm in California. He owned two Great Pyrenees mountain dogs who 41 his eight goats. It was their 42 to protect the goats from wolves in the California mountains. In 2017, when the wildfires in the distance were 43 , Handel hurried to get his 44 and the dogs into the. car so they could evacuate(撤离).
One of the dogs, Odin, 45 to ignore his doggy duty. He 46 down with the goats, and stared at Handel, as if to say, “I’m not 47 .” Handel waited as long as he could for Odin to come around, but they had to go, because they 48 that parked cars a few yards behind them were filling with flames, and heard explosions from oil tanks.
After the flames were put out, Handel and his young daughter did not 49 to find anything when they returned to their 50 . But to their surprise, Odin was 51 there. He and the goats were slightly 52 . Odin managed to bring them all to 53 , despite the fact that everything else around them was completely destroyed by the fire. Odin was limping(一瘸一拐), and very 54 , so Handel knew that Odin had been on an adventure of his own to save his 55 . If only dogs could talk.
41.A.caught sight of B.took care of C.got along with D.kept away from
42.A.demand B.right C.job. D.nature
43.A.approaching B.jumping C.withdrawing D.shrinking
44.A.goats B.devices C.wife D.daughter
45.A.refused B.offered C.continued D.chose
46.A.broke B.fell C.lay D.came
47.A.frightened B.leaving C.acting D.alone
48.A.argued B.explained C.understood D.spotted
49.A.hesitate B.forget C.agree D.expect
50.A.car B.company C.farm D.village
51.A.still B.even C.already D.instead
52.A.burned B.disappointed C.grabbed. D.criticised
53.A.happiness B.safety C.land D.life
54.A.nervous B.tired C.curious D.energetic
55.A.homes B.owners C.workmates D.friends
Trends popular among the youth such as “China chic” and the growing influence of young consumers have driven the development of hanfu industry in recent years. Among the various56.______(style), the horse face skirt has emerged as the most popular item.
57.______(combine)classical elegance with modern simplicity, the horse face skirt is said to perfectly suit the contemporary culture and lifestyle of young people, making it58.______ icon (标志)of fashion. This trend has gained popularity in Luoyang city, Central China’s Henan province, with many visitors59.______(dress)in the elegant horse face skirts. Meanwhile, numerous performers recently showcased these beautiful skirts in 60.______ were eye-catching and gave people a brand-new feeling. In Caoxian county of Shandong province, one of the country’s hanfu production and sales centers, the sales 61.______ the horse face skirts during last Spring Festival holiday 62.______(increase)dozens of times compared to usual volumes。Actually, the skirt has become a very popular 63.______(choose)for gifts.
The current popularity of hanfu in the country is believed 64.______(indicate) more than a fashion trend; it represents a 65.______(deep)and closer connect ion to Chinese tradition and cultural identity.
假设你是某校学生会主席李华,你发现你校学生平时缺乏体育锻炼。请你代表学生会,围绕“Sweat your way to good health”这一主题,在校英文报上发出倡议。内容如下:
Dear friends,
Student Union
Kevin woke to the blaring beep of his alarm clock. “Can’t wait for that camping trip,” Kevin thought, filled with excitement. As he was leaving home, his dad grabbed him by the hand and said, “Before you go, just tell me the directions on where you and your friends are going to stay.”
“But dad!” Kevin complained.
“No buts!” Kevin’s dad added.
“Fine.” Kevin told him the directions and left.
The three friends, Kevin, Jay and Nathan, had been planning this adventure for weeks, packing their stuff--tents, snacks, and a map—preparing for a 2-day outdoor exploration. Excitement ran through Kevin as they departed for their campsite.“This trip is going to be awesome,” Nathan excitedly yelled as they set off. But little did they know that nature had a surprise in. store for them.
The first day at the campsite was going great, setting up tents, collecting firewood, and sharing stories. “Man, we nailed these tents,” Kevin said. “I know it was easy really,” Nathan replied. The friends were happy.
Yet towards night, as the dark clouds gathered overhead, the atmosphere shifted, and a sudden storm erupted with unforgiving anger. Rain poured down from the heavens like a relentless waterfall, transforming the peaceful campsite into a muddy battleground. Suddenly, a huge tree was uprooted and crashed down with a deafening crack on their only means of escape—their car. Kevin’s eyes widened in horror as he saw the damaged wreckage beneath the fallen giant. “Our car!” he screamed over the howling wind, his voice a mix of disbelief and despair. “We’re stuck here,” he declared, his words barely audible(听得见的)against the backdrop of thunder and raindrops. They realized that their plans had been violently spoiled by forces beyond their control. The once quiet campsite now stood as a deserted battlefield, the fallen tree serving as a painful reminder of the unpredictable nature of the world around them.
Paragraph 1: Worse still, they found themselves facing the immediate problem of finding water.
Paragraph 2:On the second night, a distant engine sound broke the terrible stillness.
1-5CABAB 6-10CBACA 11-15CCBAB 16-20CBABC
21-23DBC 24-27BACB 28-31BCAA32-35DCDB36-40GBADE
41-45BCADA 46-50CBDDC51-55AABBD
56.styles57.Combining58.an59.dressed 60.which 61.of 62.increased 63.
choice 64.to indicate 65.deeper.
One possible version:
Dear friends,
Nowadays, many students pay little attention to physical exercise, which does harm to their health. Doing sports on a regular basis has positive impact on maintaining students’ physical fitness and improving our mental well-being.
I strongly recommend everyone to get involved in physical activities. Firstly, we can make good. use of the sports facilities at our school to take an active part in various sports, ranging from playing basketball to swimming. Besides, it will be better if we incorporate physical activity into our daily routines such as going to and from school by bike or on foot.
Even small efforts can make a great difference in improving our overall fitness. Let’s sweat our way to good health and a more vibrant campus community.
Student Union
One possible version:
Paragraph 1:
Worse still, they found themselves facing the immediate problem of findings water. The search for water soon drained their energy. They were about to give up when they heard a small sound, a splash of some sort. They ran as fast as they could and found a small stream—a lifeline in all the challenges. However, with time passing by, more challenges emerged—limited food, frightful night filled with wilderness sounds, and the uncertainty of survival in the wild. Their nerves were near the edge of breaking down after long hours of uncertainty in the wilderness.
On the second night, a distant engine sound broke the terrible stillness. Relief washed over the weary faces as they witnessed the approach of a familiar vehicle. Kevin’s dad stepped out to meet the group. All emotions swelled inside the kids—disbelief, gratitude, and overwhelming joy. As they hugged together, all the worries and misery were gone. Back home, Kevin’s dad said, “Good thing you told me those directions.” He taught them the importance of informing someone about plans. The experience turned into tales of courage and resilience; embedded in their memories as lessons for a lifetime.
Text 1
W: I just wanted to take a nap, but it was dark when I woke up. It’s surprising!
M: Yeah. Well, I’ll prepare dinner. Do you want to help me
W: Sure. But I need to wash my face to clear my head first.
Text 2
M: Are you angry about Linda’s-exam results
W: No. It’s just that she doesn’t study at all. She doesn’t take her studies seriously.
M: I’ll try communicating with her.
Text 3
M: Has Scott quit his job as a waiter
W: Yes. Now he sells books in a bookstore during the day and studies French at night.
M: He has been interested in French since he was at school.
Text 4
M: The sofa looks so good. It will look great in your house.
W: Indeed. But its price tag says5,000 yuan. How expensive it is! Well, forget it. I’m hungry. Let’s find a restaurant for lunch.
W: My dream is to go to Harvard University for postgraduate study.
M: My sister is in that university. I went there on my trip to the United States last year.
W: Really I’ve only seen it on TV.
Text 6
M: Jane, you look upset. What’s up
W: My computer is in the repair shop again.
M: What’s the problem this time
W: I don’t know exactly. There seems to be something wrong with the system. It restarted several times within an hour, and I was only halfway through my report. Luckily, I saved what I typed.
M: Your report isn’t due until next Tuesday. It’s Thursday today. You can make it.
W: It is due one day ahead of schedule.
M: That’s too bad.
Text 7
W: What are you reading, Nick
M: The latest volume of poetry by my favorite poet.
W: You really like poetry. I know you also like reading novels. I only like to read fashion magazines.
M: Because some poets are interesting. Well, have you heard of the story about the disabled poet named
Mary Vanderbilt Some people feel angry with her. Some feel sympathetic towards her.
W: Hmm... I don’t care about her private life. Actually, I don’t know who she is.
W: I’m really excited. I’m going to Chicago this Saturday.
M: What a coincidence! My roommate is also going there on that day. Are you flying there, Helen You two can go there together. I’d be happy to drive you to the airport.
W: Thanks, but I’ve bought my train ticket.
M: OK. Why are you going to Chicago
W: Remember I went to a music camp in Michigan I made a friend called Lisa there. She’s just moved to Chicago recently, so I will meet her at her new place first.
M: Great! Well, what is Lisa like
W: She’s very outgoing. She has lots of hobbies, including skiing, swimming, collecting stamps and...
M: And listening to music, right You two both went to the music camp.
W: You’re right. We’re planning to do something with music, such as going to the concert.
Text 9
M: It’s a little hard for me to learn English. I don’t think I have a gift for languages. Why can you speak English so well Did you sign up for an English course
W: No. But I have learned it for many years and I really work hard at it.
M: Well, I always handed in my homework on time and joined an English club, but I just made little progress. I’d like to attend university in Britain next year. What do you think would help with my English
W: Firstly, you can try reading some English newspapers. Secondly, try to talk to foreigners as much as possible, though sometimes it’s hard. Lastly, if I were you, I’d like to talk to the English teacher who might have some good ideas.
M: To tell the truth, I often read English newspapers and have also asked my teacher for help. You’re right. I do need to communicate more with native English speakers. Thank you very much.
W: Not at all. Well, don’t forget to come to my house tonight and watch an English movie together.
M: OK.
Text 10
W: The air y 123F Lounge sits on the top floor of the Lotte World Tower in Seoul, 555meters above ground. The tower is the tallest building in the country and the fifth tallest building in the world, according to its official site.
After buying an entry ticket—KRW27,000(roughly $20)for adults, and KRW24,000(roughly $18)for children, visitors enter a waiting hall, full of blue light as whales swim across a giant screen on the ceiling.
Several different rooms follow—some with opportunities for professional photos, others displaying the building materials that make up the tower before a puzzling series of whale-themed spaces.
Each floor offers different attractions, such as small cafes on the 119th and 122nd floors. There’s the Sky Deck on the 118th floor, with a glass floor that lets you see all 478 meters between your shoes and the street far below. There’s the Sky Terrace on the 120th floor, an outdoor balcony with a perfect view of the winding Han River.
Finally, visitors reach the restaurant on the 123rd floor. The restaurant is both large and pleasant, with lamps on each table and comfortable chairs. Windows make up an entire wall, stretching up to the high ceiling to flood the space with warm light during sunset. However, the menu is on the expensive side.


